How to open an air ticket office? Business plan for an air ticket office: necessary documents and equipment. Business idea: sale of railway and air tickets

Despite the development of technologies for selling tickets through the websites of airlines and their counterparties, most people still continue to buy tickets at regular ticket offices.

The availability of the location of air ticket offices and the demand for their services involuntarily suggests the idea that the business idea of ​​​​opening an air ticket office is very promising, especially during the season of mass transportation.

At first glance, opening an air ticket office seems to be a simple and not too expensive business, since all the equipment of an air ticket office consists of an operator's workplace with a computer, printer, safe and other office equipment, and communications equipment.

However, in fact, becoming a member of the airline ticketing network is not so easy. First of all, you need to take into account that airlines do not enter into agreements for the sale of tickets with small private companies. After all, the airline contractor must commit to buying a certain number of tickets every month, regardless of the demand for tickets. Only a large network company can afford such conditions.

Therefore, a private entrepreneur will need to conclude an agreement with one of the airline's contractors and become a member of the general network on the terms of the counterparty. In particular, it is necessary to undertake the obligation to timely and promptly transfer funds for tickets sold, you should keep a minimum balance Money on the counterparty's account. It is also necessary to organize a strict accounting of air ticket forms, as well as train staff and connect to the program of online access to the ticket sales system. By the way, the right to access the program is paid and entails certain monthly costs.

Much attention should be paid to the level of qualification of the staff, as the system of ticket sales is constantly changing, various promotions are being held that affect the cost of tickets; there is a cancellation, consolidation of flights, introduction of new routes. There are also many nuances regarding fares and conditions for returning and exchanging tickets.

All this makes the business of selling air tickets quite complicated, having a large number of risks that require careful and responsible attitude to business.

extremely important, when opening an air ticket office, are the right choice of its location, as well as holding advertising campaigns, informing about the appearance of a new point of sale. It is often advantageous to open an air ticket office near travel agency or within it. This allows you to get a constant influx of customers and combine efforts to advertise your services.

Very profitable is also the opening of an air ticket office at transport interchanges, in the offices of large enterprises, on the territory of bus stations, and so on.

For right choice location of the ticket office, it is necessary to conduct market research to assess the level of demand and competition.

Initial Costs for the opening of an air ticket office include the cost of equipping the premises and purchasing necessary equipment And software. They can be valued at several hundred thousand rubles. It should be noted that it is necessary to take a responsible approach to ensuring the security of the air ticket office, its fortification, the availability burglar alarm and video surveillance. The main part of the initial costs will be the costs associated with the conclusion of the contract and the fulfillment of the requirements of the counterparty.

As far as income is concerned, ticket office income is about 7-8% of the cost of air tickets and allows you to ensure the profitability of the air ticket office, in case of a sufficient influx of customers and the correct conduct of business.

On our website you can order the opening of an air ticket office, which contains everything and recommendations for creating your own business in this line of business.

Transport is one of the most sustainable sectors of the economy. The demand for passenger transportation is stable throughout the year, and with the onset of a certain season, the flow of passengers increases several times. Therefore, the sale of railway and air tickets as a business turns out to be very attractive for entrepreneurs.

But this activity is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Only a thorough study of the topic will allow you to create a successful business in the field of ticket sales.

Sale of air tickets - how to organize

You can now meet the ticket sales office for flights everywhere: in shopping and office centers, in travel and insurance companies. Such an abundance of points of sale creates interest among novice entrepreneurs. On the surface, it seems that in order to organize an air ticket office, it is enough to remove small room and establish trade relations with carriers. However, securing access to tickets is not easy.

How to open an air ticket office from scratch? Today it is possible to work in two directions: as an agent or subagent. Both options allow you to sell tickets, but the requirements for the distributor in each type of cooperation are significantly different.

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Opening an air ticket office under an agency agreement

To conclude an agency agreement, you must:

  • be accredited in International Association carriers - IATA or the Transport Clearing Company;
  • conduct vocational training employees in accordance with the requirements of airlines and accrediting companies (there are also requirements for personnel regarding work experience in the field of transportation);
  • prepare the office in accordance with the regulatory requirements for the premises of ticket offices;
  • get access to ticket booking systems - Gabriel, Amadeus, Galileo, Sirena, Start.

In addition, each airline has its own additional requirements for possible agents. For example, an agency agreement may provide for conditions for the agent to open a certain number of points of sale, or for the mandatory redemption of a certain number of tickets, including a breakdown by flight.

Important! Agents are subject to serious requirements in terms of sales volumes in the form of monthly plans, as well as the presence of an active client base.

An air carrier can advise a businessman on how to open an air ticket office with direct contact, but it rarely comes to the conclusion of an agency agreement, since airlines need large operators who are able to organize large-scale sales and have serious financial resources.

Opening a point of sale of air tickets under a subagency agreement

A more acceptable option for many entrepreneurs to organize the sale of air tickets is to become a subagent. Almost all airlines allow their agents to have subagents. They also have certain requirements, but not as strict as in the first case.

To conclude a sub-agency agreement, you must contact the agent and fulfill all the conditions that his partner airline imposes, as well as the agent himself. Most often, these conditions provide for such obligations of the subagent, to equip the point of sale with office equipment, to train staff on working with special programs, and to provide advertising support.

All this should reflect the ticket offices that some airlines require from their potential partners. Sub-agents are rarely subject to sales volume requirements, and there is no mandatory ticket redemption quota. Work under a subagency agreement is the most attractive option for creating own business for the sale of air tickets, which does not require serious investments.

For more information about what kind of air ticket offices are, and how such enterprises earn, it is said in next video:

How to organize the sale of railway tickets

An equally interesting direction of the "ticket business" is the implementation railway tickets. Here the situation is somewhat different from the sphere of air transportation. Russian Railways is a monopolist, therefore it dictates very strict conditions for organizing ticket sales.

Today, RZD has several dozen direct agents, as the company conducts a serious selection of partners. To cooperate with a company on the terms of an agent, you must go through three levels of accreditation:

  • accreditation of the right to conclude a contract;
  • confirmation of compliance of each point of sale with the established requirements;
  • accreditation of each employee selling tickets.

In addition, Russian Railways reserves the right to control the activities of the agent, including conducting periodic certification of sales offices and partner personnel.

The requirements for subagents are also quite high, but they are more feasible for specialists who know the specifics of the work of Russian Railways.

When opening a railway ticket office, it is important to know how to make money on the sale of railway tickets, since neither the carrier nor the agents pay a commission on the sale. In this case, the profit is generated from the service fee for issuing a ticket, the amount of which is set by the subagent independently, or in agreement with the agent. Ancillary services, such as ticket delivery, hotel reservations, etc., can bring additional income.

Selling tickets online is a real business

Having an idea of ​​​​how to open a railway and air ticket office, you can plan to create your own business in this direction. One of the interesting options is the sale of tickets on the Internet. In this case, it is not required to organize an office, hire staff, all costs are minimal.

For such work, you need to conclude a subagency agreement and set up sales channels. It can be a specialized site, bulletin boards, social media.

IN Lately specialized services and affiliate programs have appeared in the network that allow you to sell tickets without leaving your home. The organizers of such resources regularly hold training webinars on the topic: how to make money selling railway and air tickets on the Internet, which allows you to start a business in this area even for a person who is not familiar with the peculiarities of transportation.

Buying and booking tickets online is gaining popularity with consumers. Potential entrepreneurs who are thinking about it should take a closer look at this area. This is one of the few working business ideas with minimum investment and great prospects.

All greater distribution receives such a type of business as the sale of air tickets through the box office. The reason for this is that today the services of airlines are in great demand all over the world, and buying tickets directly at the airport, as a rule, is accompanied by a lot of trouble. In order to avoid unnecessary problems, it is enough to buy a ticket at a separate box office. This situation gives quite serious reasons to assume that the opening of a private ticket office should bring tangible profits, especially considering that the air ticket sales are growing every year, and not until recently, all tickets were sold only at the airport.

Underwater rocks

At first glance, opening your own ticket office is a fairly simple project. However, its organization entails several specific problems that novice businessmen are unlikely to be able to solve. First, many aspiring entrepreneurs get the wrong impression about the low entry threshold into the airline ticketing business. To organize a ticket office, initially a large amount of investment is required, in addition, the first months of an air ticket office, as a rule, work at a loss, since points of sale do not have a strong promotion. Secondly, due to the fact that air tickets do not belong to the category of essential goods, a large target audience is necessary to maintain the required sales volume. To organize an air ticket office, a businessman must have significant connections in agencies major airlines necessary for the conclusion of more profitable contracts. An interesting option would be to conclude contracts with companies whose seconded workers are forced to purchase air tickets, thereby creating a permanent customer base. The ability to maintain competitive prices can be safely called another important factor, without which it is impossible to make a decision to open an air ticket office.

Conclusion of contracts

Currently, the organization of the work of the ticket office can be carried out in two ways, implying:

  • Conclusion of a direct agreement with a company providing air transportation services;
  • Conclusion of a sub-agency agreement with an airline agent.

Only successful businessmen who decide to invest in a new direction can go by concluding a direct agency agreement, as large air carriers always put forward two strict conditions. The first is to comply with strict rules for equipping and organizing points of sale, which are problematic to comply with throughout the entire cooperation. Failure to comply with this requirement, as a rule, leads to various penalties, however, the terms of the agreement may even provide for the termination of the contract. The second prerequisite is the constant redemption of the agreed volume of tickets. Naturally, start-up businessmen do not have the opportunity to sell all the purchased tickets due to the lack of a customer base. Such requirements lead to the fact that most entrepreneurs initially have to conclude sub-agency agreements. The requirements of airline agents, although not as strict, are nevertheless mandatory. In order to identify possible violations, agents conduct periodic checks. Also, in case of damage to ticket forms, ticket office owners are subject to penalties, the amount of which is indicated in the contract. To conclude an agreement with an airline agent, you must provide the following documentation:

  • constituent documents, if such an organizational and legal form as an LLC was chosen for the implementation of activities;
  • certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  • certificate of state registration;
  • documents confirming the right of the company to use the premises where it is planned to place cash desks;
  • documents confirming the compliance of points of sale with the requirements specified in the contract, as well as equipping them with the necessary equipment;
  • a list of personnel with documents confirming the qualifications of employees.

The provision of documents on the qualifications of personnel is necessary for the obligatory accreditation of the air ticket office. Given that not everyone has the skills to use software products, as well as direct experience in selling tickets, many agents and airlines conduct advanced training courses.

Questions about the organization of the premises of the air ticket office

Before acquiring the necessary equipment, it is necessary to carry out work on the arrangement of the premises itself, where it is planned to sell air tickets. It can be recommended to adhere to ensuring the comfort of visitors with the provision of full information access, for which you will need:

  • a pair of monitors broadcasting aircraft schedules;
  • armchairs for waiting visitors;
  • equipping with an air conditioning system;
  • interior decoration of the room in light colors;
  • a stand with the schedule of the ticket office and the main rules of air transportation, as well as other necessary information.

Among other things, agreements with agents, as a rule, contain requirements for the mandatory presence of a fire-fighting system and an alarm system with a panic button at the ticket offices. To directly organize the operation of the point, it is necessary to purchase the following equipment:

  • a floor safe for storing money and ticket forms in it;
  • a personal computer with the help of which reports should be kept;
  • standard printer for printing documentation;
  • a printer that supports printing on ticket forms;
  • telephone.

Summing up

Renting a room for an air ticket office will cost about 30 thousand rubles. To purchase the equipment listed above, you need to allocate about 60 thousand rubles, for wages ticket office personnel - 50-60 thousand rubles. You will have to spend up to 200 thousand rubles to conclude a subagency agreement. You can not discount the cost of promotion, amounting to 20-50 thousand rubles. To organize the work of the cash desk, you must purchase access to systems that allow you to book seats. All known systems, in particular, Galileo, Amadeus and Sirena, have a monthly paid access of about 3-6 thousand rubles. Thus, the initial investment will be about 400 thousand rubles. up to six months they can work at a loss or on the verge of self-sufficiency, which automatically leads to an increase in the amount of initial investments.

You will need

  • - room;
  • - trained personnel;
  • - safe equipment;
  • - access to online booking systems


In order to be able to sell tickets, you must be a sub-agent or agent of the airline whose tickets you want to sell. All companies have different requirements. To become an agent of a foreign company, you must register as an accredited agent of the International Transport Association (IATA). This association puts forward rather strict requirements.

Get the most reliable safe equipment, because all airlines put forward security requirements that relate to the storage of special forms of the air carrier (stocks). The owners of these forms check the level of reliability of the safe equipment of the future client and all the conditions for storing and filling out the forms.

Hire qualified personnel or organize appropriate training followed by certification. The presence of good employees who have a lot of knowledge regarding air transportation is also one of the mandatory requirements.

For admission to IATA, a deposit of $20,000 is required. However, this is often not enough to become an agent of any particular airline, and you have to fulfill various additional conditions that the air carrier may put forward.

Get access to reservation systems (for example, Amadeus or Gabriel), which costs about $40-70 per month, plus $40-120 for a one-time connection (depending on the operator).

You can become an airline agent only when you have experience in organizing transfers and a client base, otherwise you simply will not arouse interest from.

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Helpful advice

To organize a cash register on the Internet, it is necessary to develop special program, which will be able to process a large volume of applications and be able to book in real time. There are a large number of such Internet agencies and you need to offer the consumer something really worthwhile, otherwise the project will not justify the effort expended on it.


  • airline ticket business

Although lately everything more people prefers to book tickets to theaters and concerts via the Internet, the need for theater box office does not fall. It is profitable to open them in large shopping centers and "busy" places, and all that is needed is contacts with theaters and concert halls, a tent and a ticket seller.


Register as individual entrepreneur because by law the business must be registered. This is done in the tax office at the place of residence. You need to pay a state fee (800 rubles) and fill out an application for registration, as well as provide your passport. Registration is carried out within five working days.

Remember that companies selling theater tickets in major cities(for example, in Moscow) a lot. As a rule, many of them work in an automated system that allows you to sell tickets simply by printing them out on a printer. Information about the availability of tickets enters the system from the theaters themselves, and the box office takes a commission. But there are firms operating in a certain niche, opening up for the sale of some specific tickets or offering additional services. Therefore, first of all, you should decide whether you want to occupy a niche or connect to common system.

Find a place where it is profitable to install a theater checkout. They are not enough in sleeping areas, although, as a rule, to install checkout it just doesn't make sense. Better do it in mall located in such an area. A "brisk" place near the metro will also be a good choice - anywhere in the city, as well as not far from the theaters and concert halls themselves. After all, it may turn out that he himself will already sell tickets, and they will still be at the box office, which will be useful for spectators who do not like to come for tickets in advance.

Set up a tent in the chosen place through which trade will be carried out. The next step is to hire a salesperson. It is best that the seller can advise the client on certain activities, since often clients cannot immediately decide what they want to go for. Thus, the choice of a seller should be approached seriously.

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Owning a railway ticket office is an interesting and quite profitable business. To open it, you will need good organizational skills, sufficient capital, as well as a little patience needed to fill out all the documents.

You will need

  • - Registration with Russian Railways;
  • - initial capital;
  • - working point;
  • - staff.
Attention! Only for sale to Agencies and offices "offline" (not connected in any way with the affiliate program on the Internet!)

Project idea - opening a point of sale of railway tickets and creating its financial concept.

Purpose of the idea: The point of sale of railway tickets carries out the action on the sale of railway tickets for all flights and directions of railway trains, sales can be carried out both online and offline (by phone or via the Internet).

The point of sale operates on the principle of resale - buying services from the carrier, adding a service fee for clearance and consultation services.

Business project plan:

Project description:
- Establishment of a turnkey railway sales point;
- The structure of the office - from 3 people;
- Profit of the project: ____ thousand rubles;

The business plan contains 25 tables, 18 diagrams and 2 diagrams and 5 graphs.




  • Description of the project and services
  • - goals and objectives for the nearest period and for the future;
    - advantages of the company;
    - implemented services;
    - calculation and justification of the price.

    Price policy;

  • Features of the organization of the point of sale
  • - choice of implementation method;
    - factors affecting sales and orders;
  • Description of the service delivery process

  • organizational plan
  • - Type of ownership.
    - List of main owners.
    - Information about partners or main shareholders.
    - A measure of responsibility of partners (shareholders).
    - Information about the members of the management team.
    - Organizational structure, distribution of duties.
  • Other technological issues


  • The current state of the railway and air tickets trade market:
  • - Market volume of air and railway tickets in Russia
    - Specific features of the market for online trade in tickets for railway and air transport
    - Future market share of the company.
  • Potential competitors in the market.

  • Prices for similar services
  • Potential buyers and customers, types of consumers

  • Market trends and forecast for the development of the e-commerce market in Russia, the share of the air ticket segment.

  • Promotion of the company's products on the market:
  • - advertising;
    - sales promotion;
  • 1. Initial data
    1.1. Tax environment
    1.2. Nomenclature of products and services.
    1.3. Sales plan
    1.4. direct costs
    1.5. fixed costs
    1.6. Headcount and wages
    1.7. Capital expenditures
    2. Revenue calculation
    3. Need for initial working capital
    4. Investment costs
    5. Sources, forms and conditions of financing
    6. Profit and Loss Forecast
    7. Cash flow forecast
    7. Evaluation of the economic efficiency of the project
    7.1. Investment efficiency
    7.2. Performance indicators
    7.3. Financial solvency of the project
    8. Taxation
  • 1. Sensitivity analysis
    2. Assessment of project risks
  • About consulting company "KOKOMIOMUMUREKU"

  • APPS

    Data on volumes of intercity and international passenger traffic rail transport,
    data on the volume of domestic and international passenger air transportation,
    data on the volume of passenger traffic by sea,
    data on the prospects for the development of railway communication,
    data on the prospects for the development of air traffic,
    data on the state of the airfield network of civil aviation,
    ratings of leading transport companies for the types of transport listed above;


    Table of requirements for initial working capital
    Investment cost table
    Table of sourcea, forms and conditions of financing
    Profit and Loss Forecast Table
    Cash flow forecast table
    Table for assessing the economic efficiency of the project
    Investment efficiency table
    Table of performance indicators
    Table of financial viability of the project

The cost is 10,000 thousand rubles.

Purchase Request

Organization ticket service center on trains - the idea, in general, is no longer new, but quite promising in terms of creating profitable business, especially in high season summer holidays.

Today, in Moscow alone, train and plane tickets are sold by about 1,500 different ticket offices. Most of them belong to 10 large agencies that deal exclusively ticketing - selling tickets.

If you believe expert opinion, then more than a quarter of travelers are ready to buy tickets, the cost of which will be slightly higher, at the box office of commercial structures, so as not to waste their time and nerves in the queues of ordinary railway and air ticket offices. And every year the number of people willing to pay for comfort is growing. Independent ticket offices agree on service fees with the carrier, so their amount differs by a maximum of 50 rubles. Agree, it's not much.

Someone may object - is there a loudly advertised service for online booking of tickets, which RZD appeared not so long ago? Alas, the service turned out to be not very convenient for passengers, and the “electronic ticket” itself was not quite complete. In the form in which RZD offers ticket sales via the Internet, you still need to issue a ticket on a regular form, that is, the passenger still has to arrive at the station and, huddled in line, pick up the ticket at the box office. In addition, via the Internet it is impossible to buy a reduced ticket, as well as to reissue tickets purchased earlier. Clients who have already used new service, note that cashiers at official ticket offices are often not even trained to issue travel documents sold by their own online service. And most importantly, when issuing tickets via the Internet, Russian Railways also takes a commission, and almost the same as independent agents, so it turns out that for your own 125 rubles of an additional fee, you also need to stand in line. In short, the RZD innovation turned out to be clearly crude and inconvenient.

Unlike a hard-to-lift monopolist, small private ticket offices offer their customers not only tickets, but also additional services for delivery of tickets to the office or to the station, they accept payment in different form. This, as well as the absence of queues and crowding, attracts future passengers to private ticket offices for the sale of railway, air and other tickets. Although it happens that they offer passengers not the most convenient and cheap, but the most expensive tickets.

On practice ticket office pays off in 2-3 years. To start an activity, you will have to not only register a company, but also become a dealer of a major carrier, the same Russian Railways, Aeroflot, etc. For this, by the way, it is necessary to have serious financial resources in the form of bank guarantees and a deposit, because the services provided by large carriers, as a rule, are deposit-based. Large carriers, especially monopolists, work mainly with those agents that may be of interest to them in large sales volumes, so most likely new players in this market will first have to become a sub-dealer or representative of more big company engaged in ticketing (sale of tickets).

Rail ticket agencies make their living mainly from so-called "service fees" that are charged in addition to the price of the ticket, as well as from the sale of additional services. Each company sets the amount of the service fee on its own, on average its value is 100 - 150 rubles, delivery of a ticket to a client's home costs about 250 - 300 rubles.

Let's see what requirements Russian Railways imposes on ticket agents?

The future agent is obliged to equip the premises for the point of sale in advance in accordance with certain requirements. Ticket point (ticket office) must have a convenient location, the presence of nearby competitors is highly undesirable. Another required condition- availability of a reliable connection to the Internet.

Obtaining accreditation will cost the future agent 35 thousand rubles. In addition to the standard set of office furniture and equipment, it will be necessary to purchase a special printer from a specialized company for issuing tickets for 100,000 rubles and connect to the Express booking system, which will cost 15,000–20,000 rubles.

The next obligatory step is the training of cashiers in a specialized training center to work in the system. The cost of the courses is about 15 thousand rubles per person.

Another mandatory condition - the agent must have a deposit in the bank, in the amount of at least 10% of the monthly sales volume. Just in case, so to speak.

Thus, in order to fulfill all the requirements of Russian Railways even before concluding an agency agreement, the agent company must spend at least 180 thousand rubles. Further, monthly expenses will include a fee for servicing the Express system (4.5 thousand rubles), the salary of at least two cashiers and a courier. Plus, you will need to keep a deposit, maintain an office, and advertise your agency. And all this will have to be paid back with a service fee of 100-300 rubles from each ticket sold. How feasible is this task?

According to Russian Railways, an average of 560,000–620,000 tickets are sold throughout the country every day, and at peak summer period- up to 900 thousand. Independent agencies account for about a quarter of sales, and this, think for yourself, is a fairly decent volume. On ordinary days good agency is able to sell 350-375 tickets, service fees for which will bring him a profit of 70-80 thousand rubles. The deposit that the ticketing agency is required to keep with such a volume of sales under the terms of the agreement with Russian Railways will be at least one million rubles. This is hardly an affordable option for small businesses. Small agencies usually sell 60-80 tickets a day, earning 12-16 thousand rubles on service fees. This is already on the verge of profitability, so many of them consider the sale of railway tickets as just one of the services, simultaneously trading in air tickets and tickets for intercity bus routes. And it is right. Multi-ticket service centers attract more buyers.

Recently, major independent ticket retail players have been actively developing their sub-agency networks. Working as a sub-agent does not require large investments, but it can be a good source of additional income for service companies in business centers and travel agencies and travel agencies. The rights and opportunities of subagents are limited, they do not have direct access to the booking system, but work through Russian Railways agents and their system. The mechanism of interaction between an agent and a subagent can be different. The most primitive option is when a subagent books a ticket with an agent and sends a courier to him with payment. The most advanced one is when the sub-agent works in the agent's system, has unified ticket forms in his hands and can print the travel document on his printer right on the spot.

The table below lists the main points of what is needed to open a point of sale of tickets for railway transport.

How to open a ticket point

Ticket Agent Ticket sub-agent
Obtain accreditation of a point of sale in Russian Railways.
Waiting period - 3 - 4 months.
The issue price is 35 thousand rubles.
Strict requirements for the location and equipment of the point of sale of tickets.
Conclude an agreement with an agent of Russian Railways.
Some agents who develop their retail sub-agency networks can register directly on their website.
Buy special equipment. The cost of the equipment is 100 thousand rubles.
The equipment requires special maintenance.
A computer with Internet access is enough.
Arrange a connection to the Express booking system.
The cost is 10 - 15 thousand rubles.
The monthly payment for the use and maintenance of the system is about 4.5 thousand rubles.
Connect to the agent's system.
Typically, such a scheme has limitations: it does not allow you to see the availability, the information may be out of date.
It works according to the scheme: sending data to the agent - receiving a response.
Hire a certified cashier or train your own.
The cost is about 15 - 30 thousand rubles.
Learn how the system works. It will take one or two days.
Submit a daily sales report to Russian Railways. Keep a deposit of at least 10% of monthly sales. Transfer to the agent a certain fixed amount as a guarantee for the purchase of tickets (usually about 20 - 30 thousand rubles).

Today on the Internet you can find many offers for those who want to become a representative for ticket sales, as in railway transport. To search and book, for example, plane tickets, you can use the services

Given the ease of operation of such a business, the number of ticketing sub-agents is growing rapidly. The client needs a service and he does not care if the seller is an agent or a subagent of a transport company, it is important for him to get a ticket at the right place and at the right time. So, there should be enough space in this market, if not for everyone, then for many.

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