How to make an imitation of a car alarm. A simple DIY security alarm. What is a dummy

A good car alarm system, such as “Convoy”, “Sheriff”, “Alligator”, etc., costs a lot of money. But by making a simple device (see diagrams) based on a multivibrator, you can easily imitate it and thereby reduce the likelihood of car theft by approximately 40-50%, or even more. After all, it’s easier and safer for car thieves to “open” a car without signs of an alarm, and, unfortunately, there are plenty of them.

Typically, on cars with an activated (turned on) alarm system, a red, blue or green LED in the cabin flashes. It is usually installed somewhere on the front pillar of the passenger compartment. You can make such a device according to the following scheme.

The parts used in the simulator are not scarce, transistors can be used KT315, or KT815, KT972, electrolytic capacitors 50-100 uF 16 V, LED AL307 and several resistors of 10 and 0.5 kOhm. Such radio components can be easily found in old TVs, printers and other devices.

By changing the capacitance of the capacitors, you can change the pause or glow time of the LED (one is responsible for the pause, the second for the glow). The LEDs in this circuit light up smoothly and also go out smoothly. In my opinion, it is better to leave the glow time and pause symmetrical, i.e. put both capacitors at 100 uF.

The circuit starts working when powered with 3 volts, but it is better to power it from 9-12 V, then the LEDs will glow at their maximum and the simulator will be more noticeable.

You can power it from an on-board battery or a 9 V Krona, in the worst case, 2 batteries of 1.5 V. But! It is necessary to feed secretly, i.e. hide the wiring and board and bring out only the LED, and not from the cigarette lighter, like some. Otherwise, the thief will immediately understand that it is a dummy.

There are other options for blinkers, for example, based on single-ended multivibrator. The circuit is built on transistors of different conductivities. Unlike the previous version, this circuit is powered by one or 2 AA batteries, i.e. 1.5 -3 V and lasts for about six months. But, if desired, the device can be powered through a voltage divider and from an on-board 12 V battery.

It works somewhat differently than the previous scheme; the LED lights up with a flash and quickly goes out. For me, the first option is more to my liking.

If the device is assembled according to the diagram, without errors, it works immediately and does not require any adjustment, except that, if desired, you can adjust the blinking frequency. The transistors in this circuit are silicon, KT315 and KT361 with any letter values. The regulation (generator frequency) can be changed within fairly large limits using R1 and C1.

But, during assembly, it is necessary to take into account that capacitor C1 in this circuit must necessarily be of the KM type, i.e., not electrolytic, not polar. The LED can be supplied in any color, but usually it is red or blue.

The circuit itself is economical and continues to operate when the voltage drops to 1 volt. Such a simulating device, due to its high efficiency, is often used by radio amateurs and others to “protect” apartments, country houses, garages, etc. For this purpose, there are more reliable options, for example, GSM alarm systems, in more detail.

There are other simulator circuits, they all work approximately the same, but the ones given here are tested and work 100%.

The above alarm simulator circuits are the so-called “passive” protection against theft or theft. Although these circuits are simple, they are worth the trouble of fiddling around and making the device, especially if your car is new and attractive, but you don’t want to spend money on a real alarm system, or don’t have the time or desire.

Sometimes there is a need to install a simple and inexpensive security alarm. Without unnecessary bells and whistles that manufacturers add to it in order to expand the functionality of their system and somehow distinguish it from other competitors. A cottage, a garage, a household outbuilding or even a greenhouse; in such places it is not always advisable or profitable to install a full-fledged security system.

In this article we will look at several devices that claim to be simple and accessible to anyone who wants to protect their property from intrusion by uninvited guests.

What should such an alarm be able to do?

  • react to an intrusion (some external influence - movement, the door was opened, hit, etc.);
  • sound a sound signal to scare off the intruder;
  • have the ability to arm and disarm;
  • It is advisable to consume little electricity.

The purpose of this device is not so much to block access to the house, but rather to scare away the thief. Having heard a loud signal, he will not want to take risks and will not climb into the room, in addition to psychological impact, it may still attract the attention of neighbors.

Security alarm based on motion sensor

The simplest security alarm for the home can be made with your own hands based on a conventional household motion sensor for lighting, which is installed in entrances to save energy. But instead of a lighting lamp, you can install a siren.

What will you need for this?

  • Motion Sensor– you can buy it at any hardware store, for example OBI or Leroy Merlin. It is necessary to pay attention to the operating voltage of the sensor - we need it to operate from a 220V network; the viewing angle depends on the external design of the sensor (wall-mounted or ceiling-mounted) and the lens used (can be wide 180 degrees or corridor type). Average cost from 400 to 800 rubles;
  • Siren operating from a 220V network. For example, PKI-3 “Ivolga-220”, average price 250 rubles. Can be purchased at radio stores;
  • Regular switch, to turn off the alarm. Any will do, from 100 rubles. and higher.

The connection diagram is shown below:

You need to choose a motion sensor that has at least two types of adjustments - time adjustment (TIME) and sensor sensitivity (SENS). Using the first one, it will be possible to set the activation time of our alarm, i.e. siren sounding time. This value is usually set for five minutes. The second adjustment changes the sensitivity of the sensor, for example, if it does not respond to you or to reduce so-called “false alarms”.

A switch will be needed to turn off the device when you are in its field of view and turn it on when you leave the room. It is advisable to install the switch covertly, so that after activating the security alarm you will not fall within its range of action. In addition to the siren, you can also connect a regular light bulb for double impact on the intruder.

The main disadvantages of this implementation will be that some models of motion sensors, after being turned on, require from 1 to 10 seconds to “stabilize” and switch to standby mode. If you come across such a sensor, you need to add it to general scheme a time relay that will keep the siren turned off while it is turned on.

There are also miniature motion sensors on sale that operate on 12V, for example, model DD-03. You can also create a simple alarm on them, but you need to connect it to a 12 volt power source or a battery. Thanks to this, the system will be non-volatile and work even if there are power outages.

Security alarm from a ready-made kit

The simplest security device based on an autonomous alarm system can operate wirelessly. In stores for radio amateurs you can find two options - based on infrared sensor(aka movement) or a magnetic contact sensor that reacts to opening. True, the choice is not large enough and you will often have to go shopping to find the product “in stock”. Therefore, the easiest way to purchase this product is to order it in one of the large online stores.

Kit based on an infrared sensor.

An example is the Chinese alarm system under the loud name “Alarm mini”. Consists of the IR sensor itself, a mounting bracket and one or two key fobs. Included: clear instructions for installation and operation. 4 AA batteries are purchased separately, but can also be powered by a 6V power adapter (sold separately). Installing it yourself is not difficult.

After inserting the batteries into the device, you need to install the unit itself in such a place that its lens is directed towards the protected area. The front panel has an infrared receiver window for controlling the alarm from remote controls. A lens that “detects movement” in the controlled area, operation lights and a siren.

We press the button on the remote control - the green LED lights up, which means the exit report has started (15-20 seconds), so that we have time to leave the apartment. Then the green eye goes out - the device has started working. Now, as soon as there is any movement in the room, a person will pass, a dog or cat will run, the red LED will light up and after 15-20 seconds a very loud siren sound will be heard. The device works!

A set based on a magnetic contact sensor.

A security alarm based on an opening sensor is a main unit that contains a sensor with open contacts and a magnet for closing these contacts. You need to set them up against each other so that there is direct contact between them. If a thief breaks into the house, when a door or window is opened, these elements move away from each other and an alarm siren sounds.

Such an alarm can be used mainly to scare off intruders and its main advantage is low price, about 100 rubles per sensor. And very easy installation, there is adhesive tape on each part, just peel off protective layer and glue the sensor onto front door or window.

Often such kits are used to protect the perimeter of the house while you are inside, for example, sleeping at night. The sound of the siren will wake you up and you can take any action to protect yourself.

Burglar alarm simulator

In urban multi-storey buildings, it is becoming popular to set the apartment on security; in this case, expensive equipment is purchased to protect against intrusion, and the signals are transmitted to the remote control security company. But not every owner can afford this, and it’s not always justified.

Remember on cars such a device, under the windshield, usually near the steering wheel, there is a red LED that flashes or is constantly on? He warns that the car is under guard. Likewise, for an apartment or cottage, there are similar designs or, in other words, burglar alarm simulators. They are designed to scare away unprepared and unprofessional thieves or burglars.

To make such a simulator, you need to buy a red LED (for example, this AL307), a mounting box to house it, a 100 Ohm resistor, a switch and a compartment for two batteries. For the entire set you will need to pay approximately 100 - 200 rubles. Depending on the characteristics of the LED, a current-limiting resistor must be connected to it in series. A radio store will help you choose the right resistor (unless, of course, you have a Soviet AL307 LED, as in our example).

When leaving the house, we turn on the constantly glowing LED, and when we return, we turn it off. Strangers will think that the apartment is on an alarm system.

The threat of unauthorized persons entering a residential premises is a worrying problem for its owner. This is especially true for a dacha where the owner does not live permanently. Therefore, he tries to secure his home as much as possible by installing security measures or an alarm simulator for the home.

What is a dummy?

Signaling devices are a great help. However, not everyone has the opportunity to purchase such expensive products. Therefore, an imitation of a burglar alarm system is used.

Its implementation does not force the owner to lose a large sum of money. However, it increases the chances of avoiding the visit of uninvited guests.

A dummy alarm system for a dacha is a device that looks like a real alarm system and includes a light indicator.

If you are still thinking about what to install: a dummy alarm for your dacha or the alarm itself, positive and negative properties fake device.


  1. Cheapness. Even the simplest alarm system requires costs to purchase and install. A dummy is much cheaper, even if you purchase a specialized simulating device in a store.
  2. Increased security. If we compare the absence of signs of any signaling and their presence, the advantage of the latter is obvious. A curious neighbor, an idle onlooker, juvenile hooligans or inexperienced robbers will no longer poke their noses into your home. They will be deterred by the risk of being caught and punished for trespassing.
  3. Easy to attach. There is no need to call a specialist; you can install the dummy yourself.


Low functionality. The disadvantages include one, the most significant - if you penetrate into a private house An experienced criminal will decide that the imitation home alarm system will not be able to contact you and prevent the crime.

However, a fake product is just an imitation, which is inferior in effectiveness to a real signaling device.

It is better to purchase devices from a specialized store.

For a small amount you can buy dummies of street systems and motion sensors, simulators of a switched-on TV, video cameras and red flashing LEDs powered by batteries.

Attention! If you decide to make a dummy with your own hands, you should know that the imitation alarm system for your dacha should look realistic.

After all, such is the psychological structure that a person who notices that they want to deceive him will definitely do something out of spite. He will see through the clumsily executed fake - and rush into the forbidden territory to demonstrate to the owner that he has figured out his attempt to deceive.

To make a dummy you will need:

  • Two AA batteries (“finger-type”);
  • Red LED;
  • Alarm;
  • Soldering iron.

The illuminated LED is intended to demonstrate that the object is protected. It can be removed from devices that have become inoperative, such as: disk drive, remote control, TV, etc.

The price of the cheapest alarm clock does not exceed thirty rubles, you can use an old, broken watch.

Disassembling the mechanism, we get to the coil with contacts for connecting the stepper motor of the mechanism. Solder the contact soldering iron to the power terminals “-” and “+”, add an LED. Insert batteries- the device starts flashing red.

We place the structure in a box and install it in a country house.

Adding a sticker with a sign about security on the door of the building.

You can place a dummy alarm system for your dacha in the body of an old video camera and screw it to the wall using a bracket.

The presence of a video camera with a flashing LED in a summer cottage will certainly scare off those who like easy money.

Since at the dacha the electricity is often turned off winter period, LED operation depends on battery life. It is advisable to purchase frost-resistant batteries, then their service life will be longer.

This device works at least six months. If possible, it is better to check your home alarm simulator periodically.

Unfortunately, an imitation alarm system for a home is an ineffective device against professional thieves.

Therefore, if you have neighbors living in country house year-round, give them your phone number and install an inexpensive howler on your site.

The psychological impact of the sound signal is such that a person will not be able to calmly operate in your dacha under the roar of a siren.

An imitation of a burglar alarm for a summer cottage is a good alternative to a dog left in a summer cottage. The imitation does not need to be fed daily, worry about its life and health, or give it special attention and care.

It can scare away vandals, but it also will not provide one hundred percent protection from professional robbers.


Installation of a fully functional security alarm system in a house or country house, being the best option hardware protection of an object requires certain costs.

Modern high-tech remote alarm kits with installation and monthly payment for the services of a specialized enterprise may not be affordable for many. In such a situation, a dummy security alarm can be of some benefit.

A dummy or simulator is a mock-up of an alarm system or its individual components, designed to create an imitation of a complex that fully fulfills its purpose. That is, this structure does not perform any technical functions to protect the object, but serves only for psychological influence on intruders.

For a more complete resemblance to a real-life device, the dummy is equipped with a light-emitting diode or a ready-made light annunciator, creating the impression of a switched-on security alarm. Well, since the bet is made on psychological weapon, be sure to use company signs indicating that the object is under protection.

When protecting an apartment with a simulator, it is enough to install an LED at the front door, ensuring its constant glow, stick a sign of a specialized company engaged in remote control security to the door, and window glass attach something resembling glass break sensors from the inside.

When creating a dummy security alarm for a dacha or home with personal plot In addition to the measures listed, it is advisable to place video camera simulators in visible places. A notice must be placed on the gate stating that video surveillance is being conducted at the facility.


It is quite obvious that the effectiveness of protecting property (especially a remotely located dacha) using a dummy is very relative. Indeed, in some cases, imitation can scare off a potential criminal, similar to an autonomous system.

The security alarm simulator has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • affordable cost of the simulator;
  • its ability to ensure the security of an object in cases where an apartment, house or dacha is not subject to lengthy preliminary study by criminals;
  • ease of installation of the dummy, which does not require special training;
  • absolute autonomy of operation: the illumination of the LED simulating a security alarm can be provided by a miniature battery for a very long time.

As for the costs of simulating a security alarm kit, they may be insignificant. It is clear that the owner of a dacha or apartment who resorts to this method of protecting them is very strapped for funds. And if so, you will have to work more actively with your own head.

First of all, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the existing instances of various security systems, observe their operation in security mode and in the event of an alarm. This will allow you to construct the required device in the most plausible manner.

A well-executed imitation of a security alarm will prevent attempts to enter a dacha or house by random thieves who are not very experienced in their business.

Serious criminals, who prepare an invasion in advance and carefully, are only interested in those objects that contain a sufficient amount of valuables, about which they have reliable information. It is clear that the owners of such real estate would hardly think of using imitation security to protect it.

As for the disadvantages inherent in the devices in question, this is, first of all, the lack of real protective functions. A criminal, aware of the possible use of deception, can first use an imitation of penetration himself, breaking glass, opening the door, then, after observing from cover and making sure that nothing is happening, calmly continue his work.


Efficient Chinese manufacturers, sensitive to emerging market needs, have mastered the production of various dummies to imitate security equipment. Sometimes such devices can be found in specialized security equipment stores or in markets selling household items.

As for video cameras, their simulators must be quite realistic and it is quite difficult to make them yourself. It is very effective to use real cameras that are out of order and cannot be restored, which you can try to get from enterprises that install security systems.

You can easily create a dummy security alarm system for a dacha or apartment - an LED whose glow imitates the operation of the system. To do this you will need the following components:

  • red light emitting diode;
  • two AA batteries;
  • old electric clock(if it is necessary to make the LED blink);
  • cuttings of thin wires and a soldering iron.

In the case when it is necessary to obtain a constantly burning LED, it can simply be connected to a voltage source through a ballast resistor, the value of which is selected based on the operating current of the LED.

By the way, a constant glow of the LED can be obtained by connecting it to a 220 volt network through a limiting resistance of about 40 kOhm, but this creates a danger of electric shock.

The operating mode of the LED in the dummy must correspond to its mode in the real system. In security kits used to protect a country house or home, the LED usually lights up constantly in security mode.

If you want to achieve blinking (for example, to simulate a car alarm), you can use an electric clock. You need to find the wires that supply the terminals of the clock stepper motor and connect them to the LED. Engine control pulses arrive at it every second.

When creating a fictitious security system, it would still be a good idea to endow it with at least some functionality, for example, by installing a limit switch on the front door that turns on a bell or bell.

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Each of the car enthusiasts has probably thought about the question - how to make sure that my car is never stolen! Well, the question is correct and good, but if it is not yet possible to install an alarm system, the car is on credit, the salary does not spoil you. How to scare away impudent thieves. The answer is simple: assemble and install yourself simple circuits engine fault simulators or alarm simulators.

Anti-theft simulator for VAZ-2109 Contains only three parts: a toggle switch (an ordinary microswitch with two positions, the common terminal of which is soldered to ground); resistor with a resistance of 3 kOhm and a power of 2 W (with a margin); any red LED.

The LED is no different in appearance from the LED used in alarms, and begins to blink when voltage is applied (no more than 9 V). When connecting the LED, the polarity must be observed (a plus is the thickened terminal at the base).

This circuit is designed to be powered from one AA battery, i.e. from 1.5 Volts.

This scheme works as follows. When the power is turned on, capacitor C2 begins to charge through resistors R3 and R5 to the supply voltage.

When the capacitor is charged, there will be a negative potential at the base of the KT3107 transistor. While charging capacitor C1, both transistors will open. When the KT3102 transistor opens, capacitor C2 will begin to discharge and during this time the LED will light up. At the end of the C2 discharge, the LED goes out, both transistors close and the cycle begins again.

The values ​​of the radio components indicated in the diagram set the LED blinking frequency to about 1.5 Hz, which is about 15 flashes in 10 seconds. By changing the capacitance of capacitor C2, you can change the frequency. The circuit can operate when the power is reduced to 1 volt, so you can use already used batteries. Using one AA alkaline battery, the alarm simulator circuit can operate for about six months. The diagram is borrowed from June 1998.

The circuit is very simple and does not require scarce components. It is easy to assemble even for a novice radio amateur. You can take any relay switching to an operating voltage of 12 volts.

The switching time of the light-emitting components can be adjusted by capacitors C1 and C2 and resistors R2 and R4. Resistor R3 is the general “Frequency” regulator. The generator itself is made of transistors T1 and T2. The third one implements a key circuit for turning on the relay. A spark-extinguishing chain is made on elements R6 and R7 and C3, C4 to prevent burning of relay contacts.

The circuit uses sound signals, and lamps. Only audio or light signals can be used. You can connect it to the fog lamp circuit via a switch, there are many options, decide for yourself.

Car thieves are becoming extremely creative in finding and damaging anti-theft devices. What if the engine starts and stalls periodically? If the car is equipped with equipment that simulates an engine malfunction, a potential thief will most likely not suspect the anti-theft device and will search for a new victim

The device ensures normal engine starting, and after 12 s it opens the ignition coil circuit, causing the engine to stall. After 4 seconds, the circuit closes again, allowing the thief to resume starting the engine. The cycle repeats, and after another 12 seconds the engine stalls and does not start. By this time, the thief may have driven a short distance from the parking lot.

The thief can drive off in a car equipped with this circuit, but he will soon give up his intentions after stopping the engine several times. The timer IC periodically cuts voltage to the ignition coil, simulating an engine failure. The anti-theft device circuit uses 555 timer ICs and K/MOS ICs that consume low current.

When leaving the car, the driver activates the device with a disguised switch Si. Non-smoking drivers can well disguise the Si switch in the lighter, the wire of which is disconnected from the battery and connected to the circuit at point A. For additional protection You can connect the ignition switch in series with the Si switch. After the circuit is installed in working condition switch Si, when the ignition is turned on, trigger 1, assembled on two NAND gates, is activated, as a result, 0.5 Hz pulses from the output of timer 555 are supplied to the shift register CD 4015. It contains two four-bit registers, which in this case are connected in series.

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