What do you need to open a security company? Business plan for a security company

From the outside it seems that there are more than enough private security agencies, popularly called private security companies. Strict signs and inviting advertising banners can be found on almost every central street. In the capital alone, the number of such enterprises has exceeded 4 thousand, and throughout the country there are more than 22 thousand. However, the level of private security companies' services does not always satisfy employers. The quality of security services is falling every year, and up to 10% of structures of this type are created fictitiously.

Meanwhile, any reputable enterprise allocates from 2 to 5% of the budget for its security. Agree, there is a lot of money, and the temptation to take possession of it forces more and more new entrepreneurs to organize their own security business. Moreover, there is another significant “lure” - extremely cheap entry, amounting to a minimum amount of $3 thousand.

Where to start a security business?

The first move is to go to the tax office with a package of documents for registering an individual entrepreneur (2.5 thousand rubles) or legal entity(up to 10 thousand). On the next step long way a license is being obtained from government agencies. It is cheap (about 1,300 rubles), but is issued to companies that have employees who have previously served in law enforcement agencies or have been trained in special courses employees. Such training for a moderate fee of 700 rubles is carried out by private institutions, which, together with an identity card, issue a permit for weapons and other special equipment (to carry and use). However, in order to use them, you will have to pass an additional exam at the Internal Affairs Directorate.

Creating a base

When the documentary stage is completed, we begin organizational activities. First of all, we rent a room that is convenient from both geographical and household aspects, and equip it with office equipment, furniture, safes and other attributes. Next, we sew uniforms for the employees and recruit staff.

Depending on the intended type of security (we will return to this later), the requirements for future employees, and, accordingly, salaries, will be different.

If security of the facility does not involve the use of weapons, then the average salary of an employee (with a schedule of “every three days”) does not exceed 9,000 rubles. Naturally, you can’t lure Muscovites with that kind of money, so you have to choose from representatives of the Russian hinterland who came to the capital.

Working with weapons raises the monthly salary of a security guard (with the same schedule) to 12-15 thousand, and bodyguard services are estimated at approximately 30 thousand.

Since security activities involve certain risks, you should definitely insure your employees. The employer insures the most endangered bodyguards (in the event of shelling they are required to move into the line of fire) for $30-40 thousand annually. The remaining less risky categories are insured for 50-60 thousand, but only rubles.

We are looking for clientele

In the security business, personal connections come to the fore when searching for clients. Therefore, retired police leaders, who in their previous jobs were involved in protecting firms and companies from attacks by racketeers or robbers, have certain advantages here. They already have enough businessmen they know to fill more than one security office!

Those who are less fortunate with clients look for “happiness” not through advertisements, but, again, among friends and acquaintances. In any case, without the prospect of creating a client base, starting a security business makes no sense. Well, when the backbone of customers has been formed, all that remains is to confirm your reputation, which itself will bring new clients.

Range of services

The scope for activity of security agencies is usually limited by the scope of the license, but these frameworks are quite wide. Security of objects and individuals, implementation of access and intra-facility supervision, cargo escort and centralized control panel security of private property and state enterprises- this short list is already enough for the future development of the security business.

But with such a scale, investments are needed, an order of magnitude higher than the initially announced $3 thousand. You will need weapons and a special room to store them. An iron door, an iron grille around the perimeter and a safe - this is the minimum set of requirements for weapons room. Depending on the size of the room, prepare from 100 to 300 thousand rubles for its equipment.

The premises are guarded around the clock by guards on duty (with a salary of 10 to 20 thousand) and connected to an alarm system (25 thousand).

The choice of weapons allowed for private security companies is small - the “parody of Makarov” IZH-71 (5 thousand/piece) and the Saiga gun with a long barrel (8 thousand/piece). Let's add here a set of special equipment (gas canisters, stun guns, rubber batons, etc.), gas and traumatic (with rubber bullets) weapons.

To engage in remote control security of houses, dachas, apartments, you will need the remote control ($1 million), equipment (300 thousand), a car with satellite communication, telephones, radio stations, video surveillance equipment, special clothing for the capture team or rapid response and much more.

In general, you choose the scale of action based on your financial and organizational capabilities.

Prospects and pitfalls of a private security company

In addition to the main expenses, security activities are accompanied by all sorts of “gray” expenses. Bribes, gifts, fines - practically no type of security activity can do without these attributes of domestic corruption. Sometimes it’s $100 (“random” meetings, birthdays, etc.), sometimes it’s $1000 (routine checks). However, there is something to fight for. The profitability of security companies reaches 15%, the most “promoted” - up to 25%, and with bodyguards you can “squeeze out” 100%. Of course, there are losers, but often the problem is not the market conditions, but the quality of business.

As for competition, a piece of bread spread with butter and often caviar is enough for everyone who has thoroughly mastered the basics of security.

Prepared by editors: "Business GiD"

The security business is quite attractive even during periods of financial crises and other shocks. On the contrary, during financial difficulties in the country, when the crime rate increases noticeably, the services of security agencies become even more in demand.

What is needed to open a private security company, what is the procedure, what problems may arise, what should a business plan take into account, what is the level - This is what we will talk about.

A typical algorithm of actions required to open a private security company is as follows:

  • Obtaining a master license and individual permits;
  • (search for an office, purchase of equipment, inventory and equipment);
  • Direct activities (searching for clients, concluding contracts, fulfilling obligations).

Stage one: registering an enterprise and obtaining a license

First of all, it is necessary to officially register a security company. Formally, it can have two statuses:

  • LLC or other form of ownership involving

The first option has certain disadvantages and limitations. The fact is that, by law, a private security company, in order to provide the entire permitted range of services, is required to obtain the appropriate license.

An indispensable condition for obtaining such a license is the presence in the company’s staff of several trained employees who hold an individual license. This legal conflict automatically leads to the fact that only a legal entity can engage in full-fledged security activities.

Obtaining a license is the next step after registering a private security company as a legal entity. To obtain a security license, you will have to visit the police department at the place of registration of the enterprise.

The package of documents that must be provided to law enforcement agencies is as follows:

  • with information about a specific enterprise;
  • Notarized copies of the constituent agreement and TIN;
  • Copies of personal documents of the head of the private security company: passport, diploma of higher education, also certified by a notary, as well as his work record book.
  • Copies of identity cards of officially employed private security guards (at least three).

The period for consideration of the issue of issuing a license for security activities by the Ministry of Internal Affairs cannot exceed sixty days. The license is issued for 5 years, and after the expiration of this period it must be renewed.

In accordance with the law, a state license granted to private security companies allows them to carry out the following types of activities:

  • Protecting the health and lives of citizens;
  • Security, transportation and support of various property and cargo;
  • Installation, operation and maintenance of fire alarm and security systems;
  • Law enforcement in places where people are concentrated;
  • Providing advisory services related to safety and security.

How to open a private security company yourself?

Licensing and registration of private security company

If you do not know how to open a private security company yourself, then registering a private enterprise and obtaining a license can be entrusted to specialized law firms. True, in this case the cost of registering the creation of a private security company increases significantly.

For example, if the state fee for obtaining a license is 1,500 rubles, then the services of third-party companies will cost, depending on the region, an amount in the range of approximately 10-20 thousand. And the cost of a ready-made turnkey private security company can be 50-80 thousand or even more.

There are also certain nuances associated with obtaining individual employee licenses.

  • Firstly, You can hire already licensed employees to join the company’s staff;
  • Secondly, Security company employees who do not have a license can obtain one in an accelerated manner by taking appropriate courses in specialized educational institutions.
  • Third, former employees authorities can obtain the appropriate license without taking courses and absolutely free of charge.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the right to bear arms. According to the law, right to wear firearms only those employees of the security company receive, who not only underwent special specialized training and received a license, but also passed exams in the relevant licensing department of the Department of Internal Affairs.

Development of a business plan for a private security company

Ensuring the creation and normal functioning of a private security company, in theory, is not much different from a similar procedure for almost any commercial organization.

for a private security company should take into account the following main points:

  • Costs of obtaining a general license and licensing of full-time employees;
  • The cost of renting office space, purchasing furniture, office equipment and necessary equipment;
  • Purchasing conventional personal protective equipment, sewing or purchasing uniforms and equipment;
  • Employee insurance costs;
  • Staff salaries.

It is almost impossible to give even approximate figures here. A lot depends on a particular region, city or even district.

It is also important what kind of activity the security structure is going to engage in, what target audience its clients will belong to, what kind of space and material and technical assets the employees will protect, and a number of other aspects, subtleties and nuances.

As a rule, at first, private security companies do not have to face serious challenges that involve the use of special equipment or weapons, or increased risks.

Accordingly, the costs of a “young” private security company may be minimal. Security of shops, warehouses, production sites has a relatively low cost, but nevertheless provides quite sufficient security for further development company income.

When working with traumatic and, especially, permitted firearms (IZH-71 pistol or Saiga gun), additional considerable costs will be required not only for obtaining the appropriate special licenses, but also for equipping places for storing weapons and ammunition, to which the law Russian Federation The requirements are quite strict.

Today, a successful private security company, as a rule, works in close cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, various law enforcement agencies, private specialized structures, various security organizations, and so on.

How to open a private security company from scratch?

Profitability and profitability of private security companies

Information about the costs, income and profitability of private security companies is almost always closed to the curious. And this is connected not only with a touch of some “secrecy”, but also with the fact that in each case absolute digital expressions can be completely different, not fitting into the matrix of any specific numerical values.

Firstly, a lot depends on the region. According to unofficial data, Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian megacities account for more than 50% of the capacity of this market. Accordingly, the profitability of organizing private security companies is higher here - simply because of the higher concentration of objects in need of services of this type.

For example, a convenience store with very small retail and utility areas is willing to pay from 50 to 200 thousand rubles per month for security. Despite the fact that the costs of the security structure itself can be relatively minimal - 1-2 employees, replacing each other and “armed” with uniforms, a stern face, and only sometimes - a rubber “democratizer”.

What can we say about larger enterprises, the “fork” for servicing which can reach a much more favorable percentage ratio? Or, for example, personal protection of high-ranking, famous persons, or those who are usually classified as VIP clients.

On the other hand, in small towns, where residents often know each other by sight, owners of security services commercial enterprises and are completely neglected.

This is current data as of the second half of 2015.

In addition, the longer financial troubles continue in any country, the more unstable the crime situation becomes. And this, of course, once again confirms the high potential, investment attractiveness and far-reaching prospects of the security business in general and private security companies in particular!

How to open a private security company? Watch the following video:

How to open a private security company yourself from scratch? How much income can you expect from running your own security company? How much money will you need to invest at the start? Similar questions are often asked by people who want to work for themselves by organizing a private security business. Newbie entrepreneurs must know the specifics of conducting security activities in order to confidently compete in their chosen niche and provide high-quality specific services to the population.

How does CHOP stand for?

Before we begin to review the features of the business, let’s figure out what the abbreviation private security company stands for. Everything is simple here - a private security company. Why does the business of providing security services attract more and more people every year who want to make money in this niche? First of all, moderate competition should be highlighted; besides, it is quite easy to collect start-up capital to open your own enterprise from scratch.

Not so long ago, businessmen were protected by criminal groups, hiding behind the name of security organizations. Today, services for the protection of clients and property are the prerogative of special organizations, of which the majority are private security companies. In addition, their activities are subject to mandatory licensing, and their staff consists only of professionals who have undergone appropriate training and have official documents.

If a person wishes, for example, he cannot be completely sure that he will remain afloat if an economic crisis occurs. The situation in the security sector is completely different - commercial organizations are reducing advertising costs, laying off employees, but cannot refuse the services of private security companies and similar services for well-known reasons.

In most cases, such enterprises are opened by retired employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and military personnel, since they have extensive experience working in law enforcement agencies and necessary connections. Nevertheless this fact is not an axiom. The security business has excellent prospects and an surmountable level of competition; in addition, private security companies receive the necessary legal assistance and professional advice from government agencies and private organizations. For this reason, beginners may not worry that they will be left alone with the problems that arise and will not be able to resolve them.

What services does the private security company provide?

The demand for the work of security companies is largely explained by the wide range of services they provide. The largest of them offer clients a full service. Beginning businessmen are recommended to choose several types of security activities in which the organization will specialize. As your client base and income increase, you can expand your range of services. The most popular of them include security:

  • a specific person or several people;
  • property;
  • commercial, industrial facilities and interior spaces.

In addition, security agencies ensure the maintenance of public order during holidays and public events. Very popular with commercial organizations use the services of private security companies to escort and protect various cargo, correspondence and other material assets. IN Lately Enterprise cybersecurity is in high demand. Security company specialists can ensure uninterrupted operation of company computer systems and reliable protection information resources from hacker attacks.

If business owners don't know, for example, they can turn to professionals who can advise them on such issues. Also, private security specialists protect organizations from industrial espionage, which guarantees the safety of production and intellectual property.

Important: Most private security companies offer customers a comprehensive solution for the protection of facilities and other property. The company undertakes to develop, install and maintain video surveillance, tracking, warning and other technical protective equipment.

How to open a private security company - what is needed for this?

Let's consider the main stages.

Business registration

To open a private security company, you need to register the enterprise with the Federal Tax Service (if necessary, the department’s specialists can provide you with other information of interest). Let us immediately note that an individual entrepreneur is not suitable for this activity. The best option will be the opening of an LLC. In addition, in order to operate an enterprise, it is mandatory to obtain the appropriate license. To register a business, you need to submit the following documents:

  • application for opening a private security company;
  • certificate of registration of the enterprise with the Federal Tax Service;
  • check for payment of state duty (4 thousand rubles);
  • an explanatory note indicating information about the security agency, employees, the list of services provided and the protective equipment used;
  • constituent documents indicating information about managers.

In addition, you will need to make copies of certain documents and have them certified by a notary. These include:

  • Letter from Goskomstat;
  • Protocol of the decision to create a private security organization;
  • Charter of the enterprise;
  • Certificate from the bank about opening an account.

If a private security company is opened as an LLC, it is necessary to have an authorized capital of the organization in the amount of at least 100 thousand rubles. If the planned services include installation and maintenance of video surveillance, tracking and alarm systems, 250 thousand rubles will be required.

When registering a security agency, you must indicate OKVED codes. Suitable for this activity:

  • 80.10 – “Activities of private security services”;
  • 74.60 – “Conducting investigations and ensuring security”;
  • 45.31 – “Installation of alarm systems”;
  • 67.20 – “Investigations in connection with insurance.”

To simplify the procedure of registration and obtaining permits, it is recommended to seek help from a qualified lawyer. An experienced specialist knows all the bureaucratic intricacies and will help you register the enterprise correctly (if necessary, you will receive advice on such issues as, for example, what rights and responsibilities do the founders of an LLC have, etc.).

Obtaining a license

A license to operate a private security company can be obtained from the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of the head of the company. It is issued for 5 years, after which permits must be renewed. IN police Department should be submitted:

  • copies of the Charter, constituent agreement, passport and higher education diploma of the director of the security company;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • work book of the owner of the private security company.

In addition, you will need to submit copies of the certificates of the security guards hired by a notary, certified by a notary. Please note that the head of a private security company must have a specialized higher education. In addition, at least 3 specialists of the organization must present valid private security certificates. Without meeting these requirements, a license will not be issued.

Many private security companies work with protective equipment and firearms (1 unit is registered for 4 employees). To store them, you will definitely need a specialized room. To obtain permission, you will have to get a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as papers from the fire inspection and sanitary and epidemiological stations, for which the entrepreneur needs to pay 80 thousand rubles one-time.

Also, from the licensing department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs you need to obtain certificates for the use of special equipment (handcuffs, stun guns, rubber batons, gas cartridges). This permit for 1 security guard costs 500 rubles.

Search for premises

To open a private security company, you will need to select office space. It should include areas for receiving visitors, storing special weapons, a bathroom and a staff room. For these purposes, 20 m² will be enough. Rent price small room fluctuates around 10 thousand rubles per month. It is not at all necessary to locate a private security company in the central part of the city or in a business district, where you need to pay a lot of money for the premises.

Advice: on the Internet you can find profitable offers for running a franchise business (for example, from companies such as "", "iMaximal", "Bezopasnik"), which will allow you to successfully develop under the brand of the chosen organization. At all stages of the enterprise’s operation, franchisors provide full support to partners, including professional advice on accounting and legal activities.


It is necessary to recruit staff based on what services the organization will provide. First of all, you should hire security guards who have work experience and the appropriate certificates. There are companies that hire people without experience, and they undergo preliminary training, after which they receive all the documents. Its cost ranges from 15 thousand rubles.

Important: many agencies begin their activities with the protection of small commercial, industrial and other facilities (shops, hospitals, warehouses, schools). In this case, no firearms are required.

You need to invite a HR manager to join the company staff. It is advisable that this person be a retired military man or an officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who will be able to find personnel, conduct interviews with people and train them. At first, his duties can be performed by the head of the enterprise. This will minimize the cost of paying a specialist.

It is also worth making sure that there is a qualified accountant on staff who will manage the financial part of the enterprise and issue salaries to employees. Any security company cannot do without a competent lawyer. This specialist must have a higher education and at least 3 years of work experience.

The approximate staff of a private security company will look like this:

  • security guard (5 people) – 75 thousand rubles;
  • HR specialist – 15 thousand rubles;
  • accountant – 17 thousand rubles;
  • lawyer – 20 thousand rubles.

Total costs for staff salaries will amount to 127 thousand rubles. You will also have to pay for mandatory monthly insurance for security guards at the rate of 1.5 thousand rubles per person. The total amount of labor costs will be 134.5 thousand rubles.

Attracting clients

As practice shows, the first clients of security agencies are acquaintances and friends of the heads of private security companies, as well as people who apply for services on recommendation. The more regular customers of services there are, the higher the earnings of the enterprise. How can I find information about potential clients? To do this, you should visit specialized websites of enterprises in a particular city and the corresponding communities in in social networks. Also, most marketing firms have databases of organizations that can be purchased at an affordable price.

Direct sales of services to potential customers provide good results. To do this, the director of the company should independently visit companies, inform their management about the private security company service and talk about the benefits of cooperation. Near large production companies and in places with high traffic, it is necessary to organize the distribution of leaflets and flyers. It wouldn’t hurt to contact an advertising agency and order a service for placing advertisements in public transport, on billboards and other platforms.

If necessary, specialists advertising agency The heads of private security companies will be able to develop layouts of information media for distribution and an effective marketing strategy (the same applies to entrepreneurs who want their own production, store, hairdresser, etc.).

To promote your business, you should organize the broadcast of advertisements on television, radio and order their printing in the press. Close cooperation with representatives law enforcement will bear fruit over time, since a considerable number of clients will seek help based on recommendations. It is advisable to create your own business card website, where it would not hurt to display a list of services with prices, as well as contact details of the organization. Average monthly cost advertising campaign fluctuates in the range of 20 thousand rubles.

Business plan for a security company

Let's compose sample business plan security company, which will make it possible to calculate the amount of initial investments and mandatory expenses. At the start, investments will be:

  • registration of an enterprise (authorized capital, license, state duty) – 105 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of walkie-talkies, special equipment, uniforms - 50 thousand rubles;
  • cosmetic repairs – 40 thousand rubles;
  • making a sign – 10 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 20 thousand rubles.

Total - the initial investment for opening a private security company will be 235 thousand rubles. We will calculate the amount of mandatory monthly payments of the enterprise, which will include:

  • rental of premises – 10 thousand rubles;
  • advertising campaign – 20 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - 10 thousand rubles;
  • taxes – 15 thousand rubles;
  • employee salary – 134.5 thousand rubles.

Thus, monthly expenses will be 189.5 thousand rubles. When developing a business plan for a private security company, it should be taken into account that, depending on the services provided, the cost amounts may vary. For example, in our calculations we did not take into account the purchase of firearms, body armor, video surveillance systems, warning systems, fire safety, service vehicles and computer equipment. You will also have to spend a certain amount on purchasing furniture and office equipment for the office.

As for the profitability of the enterprise, it will directly depend on the nature of the services provided and the number of objects that the private security company will undertake to protect. For example, ensuring the security of enterprises costs about 50-100 thousand rubles monthly. When servicing 5-6 large clients, you can achieve a net income of more than 150 thousand rubles.

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Published: 02/17/2019
  • 1 How does private security stand for?
  • 2 What services does the private security company provide?
  • 3 How to open a private security company - what is needed for this?
    • 3.1 Business registration
    • 3.2 Obtaining a license
    • 3.3 Search for premises
    • 3.4 Recruitment
    • 3.5 Attracting clients
  • 4 Business plan for a security company

How to open a private security company yourself from scratch? How much income can you expect from running your own security company? How much money will you need to invest at the start? Similar questions are often asked by people who want to work for themselves by organizing a private security business. Newbie entrepreneurs must know the specifics of conducting security activities in order to confidently compete in their chosen niche and provide high-quality specific services to the population.

How does CHOP stand for?

Before we begin to review the features of the business, let’s figure out what the abbreviation private security company stands for. Everything is simple here - a private security company. Why does the business of providing security services attract more and more people every year who want to make money in this niche? First of all, moderate competition should be highlighted; besides, it is quite easy to collect start-up capital to open your own enterprise from scratch.

Not so long ago, businessmen were protected by criminal groups, hiding behind the name of security organizations. Today, services for the protection of clients and property are the prerogative of special organizations, of which the majority are private security companies. In addition, their activities are subject to mandatory licensing, and their staff consists only of professionals who have undergone appropriate training and have official documents.

If a person wants, for example, to open recruitment agency, he cannot be completely sure that he will remain afloat if an economic crisis occurs. The situation in the security sector is completely different - commercial organizations are reducing advertising costs, laying off employees, but cannot refuse the services of private security companies and similar services for well-known reasons.

In most cases, such enterprises are opened by retired employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and military personnel, since they have extensive experience working in law enforcement agencies and the necessary connections. Nevertheless, this fact is not an axiom. The security business has excellent prospects and an surmountable level of competition; in addition, private security companies receive the necessary legal assistance and professional advice from government agencies and private organizations. For this reason, beginners may not worry that they will be left alone with the problems that arise and will not be able to resolve them.

What services does the private security company provide?

The demand for the work of security companies is largely explained by the wide range of services they provide. The largest of them offer clients a full service. Beginning businessmen are recommended to choose several types of security activities in which the organization will specialize. As your client base and income increase, you can expand your range of services. The most popular of them include security:

  • a specific person or several people;
  • property;
  • commercial, industrial facilities and interior spaces.

In addition, security agencies ensure the maintenance of public order during holidays and public events. The services of private security companies for escorting and protecting various cargo, correspondence and other material assets are very popular among commercial organizations. Recently, enterprise cybersecurity has been in great demand. Specialists from security organizations can ensure the uninterrupted operation of company computer systems and reliable protection of information resources from hacker attacks.

If business owners do not know, for example, how to check a company for reliability, they can turn to professionals who will advise them on such issues. Also, private security specialists protect organizations from industrial espionage, which guarantees the safety of production and intellectual property.

Important: Most private security companies offer customers a comprehensive solution for the protection of facilities and other property. The company undertakes to develop, install and maintain video surveillance, tracking, warning and other technical protective equipment.

How to open a private security company - what is needed for this?

Let's consider the main stages.

Business registration

To open a private security company, you need to register an enterprise with the Federal Tax Service (if necessary, you can find out the tax debt and other information of interest from the department’s specialists). Let us immediately note that an individual entrepreneur is not suitable for this activity. The best option would be to open an LLC. In addition, in order to operate an enterprise, it is mandatory to obtain the appropriate license. To register a business, you need to submit the following documents:

  • application for opening a private security company;
  • certificate of registration of the enterprise with the Federal Tax Service;
  • check for payment of state duty (4 thousand rubles);
  • an explanatory note indicating information about the security agency, employees, the list of services provided and the protective equipment used;
  • constituent documents indicating information about managers.

In addition, you will need to make copies of certain documents and have them certified by a notary. These include:

  • Letter from Goskomstat;
  • Protocol of the decision to create a private security organization;
  • Charter of the enterprise;
  • Certificate from the bank about opening an account.

If a private security company is opened as an LLC, it is necessary to have an authorized capital of the organization in the amount of at least 100 thousand rubles. If the planned services include installation and maintenance of video surveillance, tracking and alarm systems, 250 thousand rubles will be required.

When registering a security agency, you must indicate OKVED codes. Suitable for this activity:

  • 80.10 – “Activities of private security services”;
  • 74.60 – “Conducting investigations and ensuring security”;
  • 45.31 – “Installation of alarm systems”;
  • 67.20 – “Investigations in connection with insurance.”

To simplify the procedure of registration and obtaining permits, it is recommended to seek help from a qualified lawyer. An experienced specialist knows all the bureaucratic intricacies and will help you register the enterprise correctly (if necessary, you will receive advice on such issues, for example, how to revoke a power of attorney, what rights and responsibilities do the founders of an LLC have, etc.).

Obtaining a license

A license to operate a private security company can be obtained from the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of the head of the company. It is issued for 5 years, after which permits must be renewed. The following should be submitted to the police department:

  • copies of the Charter, constituent agreement, passport and higher education diploma of the director of the security company;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • work book of the owner of the private security company.

In addition, you will need to submit copies of the certificates of the security guards hired by a notary, certified by a notary. Please note that the head of a private security company must have a specialized higher education. In addition, at least 3 specialists of the organization must present valid private security certificates. Without meeting these requirements, a license will not be issued.

Many private security companies work with protective equipment and firearms (1 unit is registered for 4 employees). To store them, you will definitely need a specialized room. To obtain permission, you will have to get a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as papers from the fire inspection and sanitary and epidemiological stations, for which the entrepreneur needs to pay 80 thousand rubles one-time.

Also, from the licensing and permitting department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you need to obtain certificates for the use of special equipment (handcuffs, stun guns, rubber batons, gas cartridges). This permit for 1 security guard costs 500 rubles.

Search for premises

To open a private security company, you will need to select office space. It should include areas for receiving visitors, storing special weapons, a bathroom and a staff room. For these purposes, 20 m² will be sufficient. The cost of renting a small space ranges from 10 thousand rubles per month. It is not at all necessary to locate a private security company in the central part of the city or in a business district, where you need to pay a lot of money for the premises.

Advice: on the Internet you can find profitable offers for running a franchise business (for example, from companies such as Avtoreality, iMaximal, Bezopasnik), which will allow you to successfully develop under the brand of the chosen organization. At all stages of the enterprise’s operation, franchisors provide full support to partners, including professional advice on accounting and legal activities.


It is necessary to recruit staff based on what services the organization will provide. First of all, you should hire security guards who have work experience and the appropriate certificates. There are companies that hire people without experience, and they undergo preliminary training, after which they receive all the documents. Its cost ranges from 15 thousand rubles.

Important: many agencies begin their activities with the protection of small commercial, industrial and other facilities (shops, hospitals, warehouses, schools). In this case, no firearms are required.

You need to invite a HR manager to join the company staff. It is advisable that this person be a retired military man or an officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who will be able to find personnel, conduct interviews with people and train them. At first, his duties can be performed by the head of the enterprise. This will minimize the cost of paying a specialist.

It is also worth making sure that there is a qualified accountant on staff who will manage the financial part of the enterprise and issue salaries to employees. Any security company cannot do without a competent lawyer. This specialist must have a higher education and at least 3 years of work experience.

The approximate staff of a private security company will look like this:

  • security guard (5 people) – 75 thousand rubles;
  • HR specialist – 15 thousand rubles;
  • accountant – 17 thousand rubles;
  • lawyer – 20 thousand rubles.

Total costs for staff salaries will amount to 127 thousand rubles. You will also have to pay for mandatory monthly insurance for security guards at the rate of 1.5 thousand rubles per person. The total amount of labor costs will be 134.5 thousand rubles.

Attracting clients

As practice shows, the first clients of security agencies are acquaintances and friends of the heads of private security companies, as well as people who apply for services on recommendation. The more regular customers of services there are, the higher the earnings of the enterprise. How can I find information about potential clients? To do this, you should visit the specialized websites of enterprises in a particular city and the corresponding communities on social networks. Also, most marketing firms have databases of organizations that can be purchased at an affordable price.

Direct sales of services to potential customers provide good results. To do this, the director of the company should independently visit companies, inform their management about the private security company service and talk about the benefits of cooperation. Near large production companies and in places with high traffic, it is necessary to organize the distribution of leaflets and flyers. It wouldn’t hurt to contact an advertising agency and order the service of placing advertisements in public transport, on billboards and other sites.

If necessary, advertising agency specialists will be able to correctly design a business card for the head of a private security company, develop layouts of information media for distribution and an effective marketing strategy (the same applies to entrepreneurs who want to open a dance school, own production, shop, hairdresser, etc.).

To promote your business, you should organize the broadcast of advertisements on television, radio and order their printing in the press. Close cooperation with representatives of law enforcement agencies will bear fruit over time, since a considerable number of clients will seek help based on recommendations. It is advisable to create your own business card website, where it would not hurt to display a list of services with prices, as well as contact details of the organization. On average, the cost of a monthly advertising campaign ranges from 20 thousand rubles.

Business plan for a security company

We will draw up an approximate business plan for a security company, which will make it possible to calculate the amount of initial investments and mandatory expenses. At the start, investments will be:

  • registration of an enterprise (authorized capital, license, state duty) – 105 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of walkie-talkies, special equipment, uniforms - 50 thousand rubles;
  • cosmetic repairs – 40 thousand rubles;
  • making a sign – 10 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 20 thousand rubles.

Total - the initial investment for opening a private security company will be 235 thousand rubles. We will calculate the amount of mandatory monthly payments of the enterprise, which will include:

  • rental of premises – 10 thousand rubles;
  • advertising campaign – 20 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - 10 thousand rubles;
  • taxes – 15 thousand rubles;
  • employee salary – 134.5 thousand rubles.

Thus, monthly expenses will be 189.5 thousand rubles. When developing a business plan for a private security company, it should be taken into account that, depending on the services provided, the cost amounts may vary. For example, in our calculations we did not take into account the purchase of firearms, body armor, video surveillance systems, warning systems, fire safety, service vehicles and computer equipment. You will also have to spend a certain amount on purchasing furniture and office equipment for the office.

As for the profitability of the enterprise, it will directly depend on the nature of the services provided and the number of objects that the private security company will undertake to protect. For example, ensuring the security of enterprises costs about 50-100 thousand rubles monthly. When servicing 5-6 large clients, you can achieve a net income of more than 150 thousand rubles.

Have you read it? Now look at the 10 rules for success in business from the brilliant businessman Jack Ma
His wife and friend helped him raise his starting capital of $20,000. He is the first mainland Chinese businessman to be featured on the cover of Forbes magazine. He is the richest person in China and the 18th richest person in the world. His fortune is estimated at $29.7 billion. His name is Jack Ma and he is the founder of Alibaba.com and here are his 10 rules for success:

In this material:

An amount of several thousand dollars is all that is needed to open a private security company, according to experts. And at the same time, private security is rightfully considered very popular business. According to statistics, the number of private security guards in Russia is estimated at 700-800 thousand people, and the volume of the security services market is 100-150 billion rubles per year. Security services are in greatest demand in large cities.

Stages of opening a security company

The easiest way is to open a private security company that does not provide armed security services.

Therefore, entrepreneurs who do not have much starting capital, at first they are limited to this option.

First of all, it is necessary to decide on the person who will hold the post of director of the private security company. By law, the director of a security company must have a higher legal education. If the business initiator does not have such an education, he will have to hire someone from outside.

At the same stage, it is necessary to decide on renting office space, purchasing the necessary office equipment for the office, sewing uniforms for employees, purchasing special equipment (rubber batons, gas canisters, stun guns, handcuffs, etc.).

After registering an enterprise, you need to obtain a license to carry out security activities. The following documents are required for this:

  • an extract from the register on the opening of a legal entity;
  • work record book, copy of passport and diploma of higher legal education of the manager;
  • a copy of the charter, constituent agreement and TIN of the enterprise;
  • copies of certificates of private security guards hired.

All copies must be notarized.

The license is issued at the permitting department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of registration of the legal entity. The state fee for issuing this license is 1,300 rubles. The registration period is 2 months, subject to timely submission of all documents. The license validity period is 5 years. After its expiration date, it will have to be renewed.

Private security company employees

For the full functioning of a private security company, it is necessary to hire security guards. If you plan to hire several dozen or even hundreds of employees, security chiefs, accountants, personnel officers, etc. are additionally needed.

Key employees - private security guards - must have an individual license to carry out security activities (private security guard certificate) and a document confirming the completion of mandatory periodic inspections.

It is assumed that a citizen applying for a job as a private security guard is obliged to take care of obtaining these documents in advance. But in practice this does not happen often. Therefore, many security companies provide assistance to their employees in obtaining the necessary certificates.

Help can be both advisory and financial, when companies pay training courses, required to obtain an individual license. In return, they provide for the condition that a security guard who has passed the licensing procedure at the expense of the company is required to work in this company for 6 to 12 months. This technique allows you to combat staff turnover, which is more than typical for many private security companies.

Search for objects

It is believed that creating and registering a private security company is not as difficult as finding clients for it. If a third party with a legal background is hired as the director of an enterprise, he may have acquaintances from previous places of work who may need security services.

Also, in order to find clients, a young security company needs to visit specialized exhibitions more often, as well as join the Security Industry Association, which provides assistance to new security agencies.

You can quickly find clients among institutions such as kindergartens, schools, car parks, shops, pharmacies, etc.

The following list of services provided by private security companies can include:

  • security services using rapid response teams;
  • personal security services (bodyguards);
  • cargo escort, collection;
  • design, installation and maintenance of security and fire alarms, video surveillance systems and access control systems;
  • conducting consultations on issues of lawful protection from unlawful attacks.

It is possible to ensure public order at mass events, holidays, rallies, and processions.

The nuances of opening a private security company

First of all, we should not forget that in addition to the above-mentioned expenses for obtaining documents on registration of a legal entity and licensing, for the purchase of equipment, special equipment and office rental, funds are needed for compulsory insurance of employees, as well as for paying them wages. Clients, for the most part, pay for security services much later than the end of the reporting month, and employees are not ready to tolerate delays in salaries for a month or more.

Secondly, you can take into account the fact that there are many companies that provide assistance in registering private security companies and even take on all the hassle. Thanks to them, the time required to open a security company can be significantly reduced. Or buy an already registered private security Agency, which has passed the registration procedure. However, the cost of their services is quite high and the cost of opening a security company can increase several times.

If you plan to provide armed security services, you must calculate in advance the funds for the purchase of weapons and equipment for the weapons room. The IZH-71 pistol, approved for use by security forces, costs about 5,000 rubles. Long-barreled carbine "Saiga" - about 8,000 rubles. The cost of equipping a room for storing weapons can also cost a fairly impressive amount.

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