How to give feedback to an employee. How to give developmental feedback. What is feedback for?

I talked about seven important rules that successful managers use when giving feedback to employees. In this article, we will deal with several models that allow you to effectively build such a conversation. For convenience, we will use examples.

Feedback Sandwich

Most famous model- and widely used. Easy to understand, easy to remember, easy to use.

Description: the developmental feedback block is located between the two positive feedback blocks. Hence the name "sandwich". It is used in conversations on setting goals, adjusting results, and developing employees. It is usually not used for disciplinary conversations, situations related to violations, failure to fulfill duties, where an adjustment in the employee's behavior is required.

Situation: Sergey, an employee of the sales department, fulfilled the plan for two indicators (sales volume and the number of active customers). However, the goal of selling a new product was only 50% achieved.


    Start with a positive rating. “Sergey, I am pleased to note that this month you entered the group of the best sellers who fulfilled the sales target by 100%. I see that you had to work hard and build relationships with many clients - you are also in the lead in terms of the number of active clients.” After such words of encouragement, the employee will be ready to discuss areas of work that require improvement.

    Discuss what needs to be improved and changed, and agree on an action plan. “At the same time, there is still room for improvement. Pay attention to the sales of the new brand. This month you have completed only half of what was planned. It is now important for the company to bring this product to market. Let's discuss what you can do to improve this figure next month." Notice there are no criticisms. There is dialogue and constructive discussion.

    End the conversation on a positive note. “Great, the plan is agreed, now we act. I'm sure with your ability to work with clients, you can handle this task. Remember: if you increase the sales of a new brand, you can enter the top three in the competition that is currently underway. If you need help, come in."


Description: initial word English name four steps of the model. Behavior - Outcome - Feelings - Future.

Situation: the new employee of the customer service department, Irina, regularly violates the standards of quality service, namely: she does not greet customers, is rude, ignores customer requests, does not respond to phone calls delayed during lunch breaks.


    Behavior. Tell Irina your observations about her work. Specifically, in the language of facts, preferably with details, dates of observations. Discuss the reasons. Sometimes it happens that an employee is not fully aware of what is expected of him.

    Result (Outcome). Discuss with Irina how her behavior (irritability and rudeness when working with clients, ignoring requests, a long absence from the workplace after a break) affects business results, the number of complaints from clients, the number of Clients served.

    Feelings. Tell me how you feel knowing that Irina works this way. You are upset, upset, not very happy, it is unpleasant for you to realize. Discuss how other employees feel when Irina is away from work for a long time and they have to work with an extra load. Thus, you will help Irina to realize the unacceptability of her behavior.

    Future (Future). Discuss with Irina what she can do in the future to prevent this behavior. It is best to ask questions and get answers from a co-worker. This will allow her to take responsibility for future decisions and actions. At the end of the conversation, agree on specific actions and deadlines - outline a plan of action for the future. And it is highly desirable to schedule a date for a meeting where you will sum up the work on yourself that Irina will do.

Description: Standard (Standard) - Observation (Observation) - Result (Result).

Situation: Andrey from the Technical Support Center did not respond to a troubleshooting request from the Business Development department.


    Standard (Standard). Remind yourself of established standards. “For the second year in our division, the standard rapid response- for any application, the answer must be given within 15 minutes. This does not mean that the malfunction will necessarily be fixed within these 15 minutes, but our customer will receive a response that the application has been accepted and we have started working.”

    Observation. State the facts and observations. “According to the application that came to you yesterday at 10:25 from the business development department, the customer did not receive a response before today. The problem has not been fixed: there is still no access to the system.

    Result. Discuss the impact of behavior on the business, team, customers, employee. “As a result, the business development department was forced to postpone negotiations with a large client yesterday, they were unable to obtain the information necessary for preparation. This is an important client for the company, and we have no guarantee that they will not start negotiations with competitors because of our sluggishness.”

It is quite logical that the next step will be the commitment of the employee to change their own behavior.

Description: Successes (Successes) - Lessons (Learn) - Change (Changes). This feedback model fits well into team work: the work of project teams when summing up the final or intermediate results, team meetings.

Situation: The project team has completed the first phase of the development of the new system.


Ask each member of the project team to mark the 2 most important personal achievements in the course of working on the project, 1 most important lesson, which they checked out, and 1 change that needs to be made in the second phase of the project. Then let everyone have their say. Make lists and choose the top 5 important achievements, 2 lessons and 1 most important change. The number of positions in the list may vary depending on the situation, the size of the project team.

Of course, there are many other ways to build a conversation with an employee. This article provides an overview of the most well-known and successfully applied feedback models in practice.

Vladimir Belyaev
Based on materials

  • Leadership, Management, Company management

In order for employees to understand you and want to achieve results with you, it is important to competently discuss their strengths and weaknesses with them and set goals for them. In this manual you will find techniques, recommendations and examples for giving feedback to sales managers.

Feedback Goals

  • help the employee recognize their strengths and weaknesses;
  • support actions that improve performance;
  • help to learn from the mistakes made.

What does good feedback mean?

  • evaluation parameters are transparent, understandable and known to employees;
  • the evaluation procedure is objective, not based on personal likes / dislikes - for this, an outside specialist is often invited;
  • situations that have occurred recently, for example, within one reporting week, are subject to analysis;
  • criticism should be justified by the results of the evaluation;
  • criticism should be constructive, that is, suggest ways to solve problems;
  • there should be a system of rewards for distinguished employees;
  • statistics should be kept by which progress can be tracked.

The service "Quality control of sales departments": who will need it, and how we do it

How to give feedback to managers

Model "Sandwich"

The error parsing block (developing feedback) is located between the positive feedback blocks. It is used in conversations on setting goals, adjusting results, developing employees:

Manager Sergey corrected errors last week, but the sales plan has not yet been fulfilled. We give Sergey feedback.

Let's start with the positive. “Sergei, this week you succeeded and corrected the mistakes that we met in your conversations for a month. Now, while talking on the phone, you address customers by name, engage in a dialogue with interest, and set the next sales step.”

We will discuss what needs to be adjusted, we will discuss the improvement plan. “At the same time, there is room to grow. Pay attention to the presentation of the product, company. Our clients apply to dozens of companies, we need to stand out among them, to interest the client with our offer. Let's discuss what you can do about it." There is no open criticism, we discuss with the employee a plan to improve his performance.

We end the conversation on a positive note. “Great, the action plan has been agreed, let's get to work. Try calling current clients using the plan we discussed. If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch."

SOR model

Suitable in cases where an employee violated the company's work standards, committed a misdemeanor:

Manager Aleksey did not respond to the client's request within the set time, the client terminated the service contract.

We remind you of the standard (Standart). “Aleksey, our company has a rule - an application for a service must be processed as soon as possible, within a maximum of 30 minutes. The client must know within 30 minutes that we have accepted the application and started working.”

We state the facts and observation (Observation). “Yesterday at 10:15 a request was received from our client, but you only called back at 15:00. The customer waited a long time and tried to fix the problem himself.”

We discuss the impact on the business, the result of the employee's action (Result). “As a result, the customer decided to terminate the service contract because he did not receive assistance at the specified time.”

The next step is the employee's awareness of his act and the acceptance of obligations for the consequences of his behavior.

Boff model

The new manager, Irina, regularly violates the standards of quality service: she communicates impolitely with clients, processes applications late, forgets to call back on time, and stays late during lunch breaks.

Behavior. Tell Irina your observations about her work. Specifically, in the language of facts, preferably with details, dates of observations. Discuss the reasons. Sometimes it happens that the employee is not fully aware of what is expected of him.

Result (Outcome). Discuss with Irina how her behavior (irritability and rudeness in communicating with clients, ignoring applications, a long absence from the workplace after a break) affects business results, the number of clients served, and the number of complaints received from clients.

Feelings. Talk about how you feel knowing Irina works this way. You are upset, upset, not very happy, it is unpleasant for you to realize. Discuss how other managers feel when Irina is away from work for a long time and they have to handle additional calls. By doing so, you will help Irina realize the unacceptability of her behavior.

Future (Future). Discuss with Irina how she can change her behavior. It is best to ask questions and get answers from a co-worker. This will allow her to take responsibility for future decisions and actions. At the end of the conversation, agree on specific actions and deadlines, outline a plan of action for the future. It is advisable to schedule a date for the next meeting to monitor and discuss Irina's progress.

  • listen to the call together;
  • ask the operator what he generally thinks of this call;
  • ask the operator what he thinks he did best;
  • ask the operator what he thinks about the customer's experience and whether the customer will use the company's service or products again;
  • ask the operator what he would like to improve in this call;
  • now express your opinion about this call, using, for example, the “sandwich” model;
  • choose one narrow area to focus on using the SMART technique. Do not take the topic "customer service" - it is too extensive for one session;
  • play the situation again: you are the client, and the manager will try to take into account his mistakes and build communication based on the comments.

This is information about a person's behavior in the past, which is given to him in the present, hoping that it will affect his behavior in the future.
Feedback is a key component in employee development. It helps not only to correct the mistakes of subordinates before they become habits, but also reinforces the desired behavior, stimulates Professional Development and ultimately helps employees achieve their goals.
In order to increase their own efficiency in the future, people need to understand very precisely how effective they are now. They need specific information about strengths oh, and about the sides that need development. Feedback and is the very "mirror", looking into which people get the opportunity to see themselves, plan their own development and track progress.

Types and purpose of feedback
positive feedback serves to evaluate the effective behavior of the employee and thereby strengthen this line of human behavior in similar situations. In cases of positive feedback, it is said that What was done well Why it was good and what positive results led the actions of the employee.

positive feedback is a powerful tool for motivating employees. It is especially effective when it refers to specific behavior, although generalized praise also stimulates employees and increases their self-confidence. Among other things, positive feedback performs another important function - it tells others that the leader sees and appreciates the contribution of others to the common cause.

Negative Feedback serves to convey an assessment of ineffective behavior and is aimed at changing the actions of an employee. In this case, it indicates What was done incorrectly what are the alternatives behavior in this situation why their result could be better than as a result of the actions taken.

As a rule, it is easy for the leader see shortcomings in the work of subordinates. Much harder inform constructively report these shortcomings to subordinates in such a way as to guarantee their correction in the future.

Principles for giving constructive, positive and negative feedback

Principles of constructive feedback
specific- describes specific example behavior that depends on the person; does not contain sweeping generalizations.
timely refers to a recent situation that is still fresh in your mind and that of the other feedback participant.
constructive- suggests behaviors that you would like to see in the future (especially with negative feedback).
With consequences- indicates the consequences of this behavior: how it affects you, others, the work process.
Educational- aims to help in development.

Principles for giving positive feedback to an employee
To make your positive feedback more effective:

1. When expressing your praise to an employee, highlight a certain aspect of behavior, a specific trend - make it clear what you value most in his actions (for example, meeting deadlines, high productivity, commitment to quality, willingness to work overtime to achieve results).

2. Point out to the subordinate positive consequences his actions. Let him know why you value his success so much and why it is so important to you that it be repeated: talk about the impact that success will have on you, on your team, on the organization as a whole.

3. Express your feelings - talk about satisfaction, joy or admiration for the actions of the subordinate.

4. Clearly communicate to the subordinate what behavior he should follow in the future.

5. Look for any opportunities to reward the employee for specific positive behaviors. Develop the habit of seeing situations that deserve encouragement. With this support of the desired behavior, subordinates will demonstrate it more often.

♦ How often do you praise them?
♦ Do you see the contribution of individuals to the overall success?
♦ Do you appreciate this contribution?
♦ Are your praises a response to specific achievements or are they caused by a favorable state of affairs in general, a good mood?

Principles for Submitting Negative Feedback

To increase constructive criticism and its effectiveness, follow these principles:

1. Respect the person's need for the privacy of criticism. Try to express your comments face to face.

2. Talk about the employee's behavior (for example, "you delayed making a decision on this issue for two days"), not about his personality (for example, "you are not able to make decisions and take responsibility").

3. Tell the employee about specific facts, avoid generalizations.

4. Specify the specific negative consequences of the actions of the subordinate. It is known that in 90% of cases of "ineffective" criticism, bosses get off with general phrases ("decrease in labor productivity", "decline in morale", etc.).

5. Personalize your statements - talk about your feelings. The phrase "I was very upset when I found out ..." will have a stronger effect than the impersonal exclamation "This is simply unacceptable!".

6. Give comments in a calm manner. Be sure that you are in control of yourself and are able to describe, and not "pour out" your feelings.

7. Be concise - get straight to the point and be direct. Remember that a person perceives worse when he becomes the object of criticism.

8. Be prepared for the fact that the employee does not immediately recognize the validity of your comments. When faced with criticism, people tend to become defensive, so don't try to win the subordinate's agreement right away. Just tell him your assessment and make sure he understands it. Give him a chance to think about your words.

9. Maintain the necessary balance of positive and negative information. Before giving an employee serious remarks, say a few words about those qualities that you appreciate. Beginning with remarks, end the conversation with your overall confidence in the subordinate's ability to succeed.

10. Strive for dialogue, avoid lectures. Give the subordinate the opportunity to present his vision of the problem

11. Focus on future actions. Do not "hang" on finding out the reasons for the mistakes made - this will only force the subordinate to look for new excuses. Move quickly to the questions “What will you do to prevent this from happening in the future?”.

12. Communicate to the subordinate not only the punishments for bad behavior, but also the benefits of good behavior.

13. At the end of the meeting, ask the subordinate to repeat in his own words what he needs to do to improve results. By doing so, you will not only test understanding, but also confirm that the subordinate is committed to improvement.

14. If you have a particularly difficult conversation ahead of you, play out possible scenarios in your mind. Think not only about how you will express your comments, but also about what you can hear in response and how you will react to it.

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It is very important for every self-respecting leader to learn how to properly give feedback to subordinates. After all, the success of the company you lead will largely depend on this skill. We can say that this skill is the art of praising and scolding your wards. But, most of all, I would like to focus on how to correctly tell a subordinate about the mistake he made, about the mistake he made, so as not to offend or, as they say in Japan, save his face?

Let's start with the concept: what is feedback?

In short, this is a certain mechanism for transmitting information, consisting of several questions or suggestions from the manager to his employees, from employees to their colleagues and vice versa, in various options etc. In any case, this is more of a dialogue than a monologue, although many leaders, for some reason, do not understand this.

It is simply necessary to give information to your subordinate correctly, and in the form of feedback, in particular.

Why? Yes, if only because the timeliness of this action motivates your employee to creativity, to preventive work to prevent mistakes in the future. After all, we all know the importance and necessity of timely action. And most importantly - the right feedback will help to achieve the desired results from our subordinate!

If you are going to give employees feedback, then you should do it. RIGHT! In no case should you be limited to such evaluation categories as "BAD" or "GOOD". This will obviously not be enough for adequate feedback, in addition, your company's profit from such a black-and-white approach to solving organizational issues can suffer greatly, and emotional background workers too. In the absence of good feedback in the organization, a kind of “dead” silence sets in, leading to the absence of any interactions in the company.

To establish feedback with the staff, you can set only three clear questions:

1) What are you already doing?

2) How do you see your work?

3) In your opinion, is it possible to do this work better and what is needed for this?

●Important! In this block, the main criterion should be positive. There should be no criticism or other negative verbal, as well as non-verbal manifestations. Therefore, you should always start with the good. From what can be noted from the best side.

The next block should be the desire to stimulate the growth of your employee. So, it makes sense to direct his thoughts towards creativity, towards improving his activities. Give him a direction to accelerate and modernize his activities. Here you can start asking questions: what can be done right now? This will allow your employee to prepare for active actions right now.

●Important! If you really have to make a remark, then do it constructively, in essence, trying to change the person's behavior. Do not criticize his personality in any way. The identity of the employee should be for you, so to speak, UNTOUCHABLE!

We can recommend using the scheme: «+», «-», «+». It means: PRAISE (+) = REVIEW (POINT, SPEED, DIRECTION)(-) =PRAISE AGAIN (ENCOURAGE) (+).

The most interesting thing is that it is not necessary only to ask questions, you can in the same, or similar to the above form, GIVE feedback to employees, in the form statements:

1) Tell the employee about WHAT he did well.

2) Prompt (declare) him that he can do even better in the process of doing his job.

3) Offer him to do it immediately or recommend the implementation of the process in certain moment time.

So, if you use a similar feedback scheme with subordinates in your leadership, then they will by no means be offended by you.

Use it and the results will pleasantly surprise you!

Moreover, you will notice significant changes in the motivational sphere of the employees of your organization in the direction you, as a leader, need.

Use it and the results will pleasantly surprise you!

Feedback is a tool for managing personnel and improving the efficiency of business processes that should be considered in every aspect of any organization. It is a powerful tool of influence through which information is exchanged between the manager and subordinates, and allows the manager to receive up-to-date information on the consequences management decisions adjust the work of individual employees and entire departments.

An experienced leader uses feedback in order to achieve maximum efficiency of interaction and performance of his subordinates: directs their efforts, identifies the causes of failures and low motivation of employees, spurs and inspires. Feedback allows employees to make the necessary adjustments in the process of performing work, and also acts as a powerful motivator, contributing to the manifestation of satisfaction with the results of work.

As practice shows, many managers do not attach much importance to how they provide feedback to subordinates, often doing it on the fly. And often high-class experts in their profession, but who do not have managerial knowledge and skills, become leaders. It can be difficult for such managers to competently build communication with subordinates.

But feedback should be a natural working tool of daily work.


Feedback - this is informing the interaction partner about the perception of his activity by others, the reaction to it, the results and consequences of this activity; it is the transfer of evaluative or corrective information about an action, event or process to the original or control source.

The need for feedback is natural for any person, be it a top manager or an ordinary employee. Am I doing what the company needs? Right or wrong? Are my efforts recognized? The lack of feedback, as well as a gross violation of the rules for its submission, deprives a person of guidelines in the organization and reduces his desire to work.

For a manager, feedback is a tool that allows you to:

    Express recognition to the employee and support his high motivation;

    Change the expectations, evaluation and self-esteem of the employee;

    Increase productivity and performance;

    Clarify the goals and clarify the tasks facing the employee;

    Understand the causes of undesirable employee behavior;

    Adjust employee behavior and expectations to improve rational use the possibilities of the situation;

    Aim the employee for development in a specific direction;

    Develop mutual understanding and mutual trust;

    Maintain a positive atmosphere in the organization;

    To develop the cohesion and harmony of employees, forming a team approach to work;

    Reveal that any process or tool does not provide the desired result;

    Identify areas that require modernization, change or development in order to ensure sustainable growth and progress of the organization;

    To identify the level of employee satisfaction with work in the company, team.

As a result of feedback, the manager receives information about the progress of tasks, allowing him to timely identify and solve emerging organizational problems. He can judge subordinates (their moods, expectations, abilities, motivation, plans for the near and distant future, assessments, etc.) and how they evaluate the style and quality of management, the personal contribution of managers, their authority and influence on organizational and business processes.

To maintain feedback, the manager needs certain experience and skills in the constructive use of the information received; the introduction of appropriate organizational procedures and the establishment of standards; allocating time to maintain feedback and reflect on its results; making changes based on feedback.

Common Feedback Mistakes

When providing feedback, the manager should avoid the following mistakes:

    Unconstructive criticism. Rough and aggressive condemnation of the actions of a subordinate, excessive emotionality, which manifests itself in the form of sarcasm, arrogance, disrespectful attitude can shake the employee's self-confidence and undermine his morale. For example, if a manager instructed a subordinate to compile a report and was dissatisfied with the result, in this case, instead of direct criticism (“there is no information I need in this report”, “this needs to be completely redone”), you should ask what, in his opinion, was the purpose of the task, did the employee manage to achieve it, how can the result be improved. Before moving on to the subject of criticism, recognize the subordinate's certain merits, positive contributions and achievements, start with praise.

    Transition to personality. The leader must ensure that the feedback he provides to subordinates relates exclusively to their actions, and not to personal qualities. A manager who gives a negative assessment of an employee's character (say, "you are too harsh") makes that person feel defensive and mentally contradicted. Criticize the person's actions, not the person. It's one thing to say "You're smart, thinking person, but did not act prudently”, another “You are an idiot, you did such a stupid thing!”.

    Using only common phrases. A manager who provides feedback to an employee in the form (“you are a good leader”, “you did a great job”, etc.) may not achieve the desired result. Perhaps a subordinate will be flattered by a compliment, but this will not give him useful information about what he did right and what needs to be improved.


For feedback to be effective, you should not resort to it if you have not prepared for the meeting, if you have Bad mood or no free time.

Before giving feedback, you need to understand what result you want to get from a conversation with an employee. Then it will be much easier to properly build a conversation. Regardless of the purpose of the conversation, it is useful to observe the following rules:

    Study all the information about the question and prepare to provide feedback on the following algorithm. Table 1.

Table 1. Preparing to provide feedback


Answer (to be completed before meeting with the employee)

Remarks (to be completed during and after the meeting)

What do you intend to achieve by providing feedback?

What exactly in the actions of employees would you like to improve?



What questions do you want answered from the subordinate?



What difficulties may arise during the meeting and how to cope with them?



How long does it take for a meeting?

    Feedback must be carried out in suitable conditions, in a friendly environment and without external interference.If possible p Prevent interruptions, phone calls, etc.

    Feedback must be constructive. First, talk about what is good, what is bad and why, and how it should be corrected. Feedback should ideally contain highlighting strengths in the activities, behavior of the employee and weaknesses- places that require correction, reserves in the improvement of the employee. Talk about what can be changed / added at the level of actions to achieve a result close to the ideal.

    Feedback should be timely and factual.
    Give feedback shortly after the event you are discussing with the employee. You should not conduct a "Debriefing" two or three months ago, this will cause a defensive reaction of the subordinate. Talk about a specific event. For example: You showed up at work at 10:45 today. This is the second time in a week, let's discuss? And not like this: You always sleep until eleven and are constantly late?

    Feedback should be specific, clearly expressed and understandable to your interlocutor. It should contain examples of behavior, and not describe its general patterns.NotSpeak in general terms and do not use allusions.

    Discuss events and activities. Not a personality.

    Keep a balance between positive and negative feedback. You should start with the "good" part.

    Involve the employee in the discussion, let them speak. You need to know his opinion! Ask the subordinate to give their suggestions. What do you think a Customer who wanted to place an urgent order but couldn't get through to us at 9:30 would do? What can be done to prevent the recurrence of such situations?

    State your conclusions clearly and document the agreement reached.

    Regularly check whether agreements are being followed.

    Support any positive changes immediately. Get them fixed.

    Do not forget to give feedback not only on the result of the task, but also in the course of the activity.

Your meetings with employees will be more productive if you start using these rules.

So, developing the skills to give and receive feedback helps the manager create an atmosphere of mutual trust and openness, which contributes to constructive changes at work.

The manager must remember that with effective communication and constant feedback, there is unlimited potential for improvement in all areas of business and people management.

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