The world-famous Daria Verbova is a model with the most bewitching appearance. Daria Verbova: “I like to overcome difficulties. Why did you do this at all?

Daria Verbova does not walk on the red carpet in seductive sparkling outfits, does not fall into the chronicles of the loudest novels of the century, does not make a fuss around, and in general, everything is femininity itself. The most amazing thing is that for about ten years in a row she manages to be one of the most iconic figures. modern world fashion.

It is impossible to see her with red lipstick, she prefers a stretched T-shirt and battered jeans to a dress in sequins, and she asks stylists on the set not to style her hair, but just tousle it with her fingers or, for example, wet it in the sea if the shooting takes place on the beach.

She may well come to the place of the photo shoot, jumping out of the sea foam on a surfboard. And all this is not from the desire to shock. Even revolving in the world of fashion, where everything is arranged for the sake of external impression and demonstrating ostentatious virtues, Daria prefers to be rather than seem. And to be herself, no matter how crazy changes are bubbling in her life.

family history

The future star of the fashion industry was born in a family that was not spoiled by money, position in society, or other gifts of fate. Her parents almost miraculously emigrated from Ukraine during World War II to the Polish city of Krakow, where Daria, her brother Orest and sister Oksana were born.

When she was three years old, the family managed to move to Canada, the country with the most impressive Ukrainian diaspora. And there, in foreign lands, her parents created in their family a small oasis of their native culture: the children went to a Ukrainian school, spoke exclusively in their native language at home, dressed up in embroidered shirts and dyed eggs on Easter, danced round dances on Christmas and laid a traditional festive table.

So Daria, a wonderful beauty defiling on the best catwalks in the world, knows how to cook both dumplings and borscht with donuts. The fate of the model overtook her not by chance. Although Daria broke through from the position of a poor girl to sixth place among the highest paid top models in the world according to Forbes versions, in her story there is not the slightest parallel with the tale of Cinderella.

It is not the first year that Daria has been the face of the Lancôme cosmetics brand.

It was not Daria who stormed the fashion and beauty industry, it was the industry itself that tried to get her into its ranks, persistently and for a long time. When the girl was eight years old, the mother of a classmate and part-time director of a modeling agency in Toronto persuaded her to appear in commercials. Then Daria did not take the offer seriously, but it turned out that the woman looked into the water: the baby grew up into a tall teenager with a perfectly tailored figure, thin and feminine at the same time, at the age of 14 she took the first prize at a local beauty contest, and soon signed a contract with Elite Models agency. And yet, she did not think about a serious career take-off in those days.

fashion sentence

Daria did not dream of princess outfits even in her youth. Rather, she was drawn to the role of a tomboy: “As a child, everywhere I went, people said that I should be a model, but I was more absorbed in skating,” she recalls. Daria was friends with the boys, fervently dissected on a snowboard, and if her brother needed a comrade for household chores, she mowed the lawn and hammered nails with him.

After that, leading fashion houses began to invite her, and once Daria even set a record by taking part in 23 shows per season, seven of which she also opened. The next milestone in the life of the model was a multi-year contract with the cosmetics giant Lancôme. The collaboration began in 2005 and continues to this day.

stay yourself

She received a star on the Walk of Fame in Toronto. When a version of Vogue magazine appeared in Ukraine, she posed for the cover of the first issue. And all the covers with photographs of Verbova can not be counted. And if once Daria worked at a crazy pace, now she can afford not to rush from show to show, but to choose when she works and when to rest. And she knows how to relax. While many models spend their time hopping endlessly from party to party and rocking their evening gowns, Daria continues to stay away from the cliches of the glamorous world, intensely enjoying all the pleasures of being a tomboy.

She pulls gear on a sailing ship (she once crossed the Atlantic with her father), bungee jumping from a bridge, riding a motorcycle and doing other crazy things that promise adrenaline rushes. There is no place for scandals in her life, she directs energy in a different direction and, even becoming one of the richest models in the world, she hurries to fit more simple joys and ordinary human hobbies into her life. Sculpts from clay, paints pictures, bakes homemade bread, makes Jewelry plays the guitar, rides a bike. And very much protects solitude, peace and remoteness from any hype.

Despite her bright appearance and deafening popularity, Verbova almost never catches the eye of the paparazzi. Not because he walks around, pulling a cap with a large visor over his forehead or covering himself with half-face glasses, but because he doesn’t go to those places where photographers expect to see a world-class star. And, for example, he walks around art museums more often than nightclubs.

Staying true to your inner nature, not letting money and fame change you is not an easy task. There was a time when Daria complained that, looking at photographs where her image was created by the hands of makeup artists and photographers, she felt detached from herself, as if a completely different girl was depicted in a picture in a magazine. "I felt a huge detachment," she says.

So I had to look inside myself so that the professional Daria would not drown out the real Daria, and the superfluous, superficial and secondary faded into the background. That is why she tries all the time to run somewhere, breathe deeply, just not to stiffen, not to stop, not to lose touch with herself, her family, her addictions. And, even after becoming a fashion icon, remain real, remain simple Daria Verbova.

I have no reason to look bad, ”said supermodel Daria Verbova, who became the heroine of the May issue of Marie Claire, to me. Her tone does not allow for objections - and I did not intend to argue. Verbovoy recently turned thirty, and she is really good. And at the same time, as far as I understand, she carefully controls her image - her face in the shooting should reflect what she believes in: harmony, artlessness, environmentally friendly life, Buddhism. They say about this girl that she pulled out a lucky lottery ticket - she has impeccable external data, good health and nerves, a family that has always supported her. But Verbova herself insists that her good genes have nothing to do with it. All her achievements are the result of self-improvement. That's exactly what she told me. And the most severe discipline.

“I’m a vegetarian, I don’t eat sweets, I drink indecently a lot of water - at least two liters a day, I go to bed before midnight, I go to yoga six times a week, I use wonderful Lancome cosmetics - of course, I’m healthy like a horse,” lists Verbova. In fact, it's hard to find celebrity now without yoga, veganism, a lighter form of Buddhism and other signs of New Age philosophy. Top models even consider it indecent NOT to do yoga. Gisele Bündchen, Cindy Crawford, Christy Turlington, Naomi Campbell, Bar Refaeli, Petra Nemkova tell everyone about how yoga has changed their lives. But Verbova, it seems, managed to step a little further than the others. She has been practicing Ashtanga Mysore for two years. This type of yoga is considered one of the most difficult, requiring great physical and psychological preparation: dynamic asanas are performed independently and without pauses, in the rhythm of breathing (Mysore is an Indian city where Pattabhi Jois, the founder of Ashtanga yoga, comes from).

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“Ashtanga suits me very well,” Verbova says. - You come to the studio, for example, between 6:30 and 9 in the morning and start practicing at your own pace. There are people nearby, they also study, there is a teacher, but you only listen to yourself. Here, of course, you need a huge concentration, but you don’t have to adapt to anyone. ” She paused and added, “I have always been drawn to the difficult. I like to overcome difficulties."

She now lives in Ireland but returned to modeling last summer. True, now Verbova chooses only those projects that are interesting to her, and works as much as she wants. most of all it is several months of intensive filming, and then at least a month - holidays.

I'm glad I'm thirty. The time between my twenties and thirties was not the happiest.

Daria why? You have been so successful!

My zodiac sign is Scorpio and I am very demanding of myself. I am a perfectionist. Almost everything. And then she got into the modeling business. It's not easy, you know. Models can't be faint of heart.

Why did you do it at all?

I dreamed of seeing the world. I have never been satisfied with what is, what lies on the surface. I need to dig deeper, take the bar higher. I need adrenaline.

What turned out to be the most difficult?

Physical activity is self-explanatory. But psychological stress single song. The modeling business is a special world that lives by its own laws. Constant moving, wild competition. It's all incredible pressure. And jumps: success, defeat, again success. When you get into this world as a girl, an immature, unformed personality, you quickly go through the school of life. More precisely, an external student.

Many models, I heard, at some point depression begins. Did it pass you by?

It seems to me that depression sooner or later covers anyone who thinks about life at all and asks questions like “why am I here?” and "what's next?". And so it was with me.

Were you able to find the answers?

Yes, where is it! I'm looking, I'm looking. This is a road that has no end. But it's even more interesting. And yoga helps.

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SHIRT, PAUL SMITH photo Mathieu Cesar Style Anna Rykova

JACKET AND Sweatshirt, DRIES VANphoto Mathieu Cesar Style Anna Rykova

JACKET AND BODY, GIVENCHY; PANTS, AURELphoto Mathieu Cesar Style Anna Rykova

Are you religious?

No, but Buddhism is close to me. The only thing I really believe in is honesty. My main life principle: Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

Are you afraid of getting old?

Age does not exist - except in our head. All these frames and stupid stereotypes such as gender, age are imposed on us by society. Look at Meryl Streep, top models from the 1990s who have been working for so many years and are no less successful than when they were young. If you don't put limits on yourself, anything is possible - at any moment in your life. Therefore, I do not believe in age, but I believe in life cycles. For me, for example, the most important cycle has now ended - the Return of Saturn. This happens at the age of 28-30, and at this time important changes happen in life.

When you took time out, weren't afraid to leave modeling business and more come back?

I am immune to difficulties (laughs). My grandparents survived the Second World War - I think the survival gene was passed on to me. This was all very recently! You have to be able to take risks. Otherwise, nothing in life will change. And to have the courage to face your fears by accepting any outcome in advance - including the fact that everything will have to be started anew. At some point, I realized that my lifestyle (namely, the lifestyle, and not the profession itself!) Is making me unhappy and something needs to be radically changed.

What brought you to Ireland?

It's hard for me to answer this question. It so happened. I'm sure I lived there past life There are too many things that resonate with me. This country has such an exciting history! Celts, spirits, mysticism... Wild, uncouth nature. All this is very attractive to me.

Your boyfriend is Irish. How did you get along? You are so different! How does he live with a supermodel?

This is what you ask him. In general, we fall in love not with the profession, but with the soul. We are all souls. Therefore, in reality, there is little difference from each other. In fact, we are with him one field of berries. Who am I really? Ordinary girl from Poland. He, like me, loves water. Yes, he didn't grow up sailing like I did, but he does surf.

Are you planning children?

Are planning! I love them very much. Maybe next year. Or in the next two years. In short, soon.

Are you going to quit your profession?

No, no, you will see me in many other places.

JACKET AND BLOUSE, HAIDER ACKERMANNPicture Mathieu Cesar Style Anna Rykova

Was it not scary to sail on a sailboat across the Atlantic?

What is "scary"? It also depends on perception. Everything in life is relative - we take risks, even walking down the street, not to mention, for example, about airplanes. I love yachts, it's been my passion since childhood. This is a way to merge with nature in its rawest and most unbridled manifestation. To be alone with yourself, not to think about anything. The ocean teaches humility.

Tell us about Kate Moss. I heard she's your close friend.

Yes, she is an amazing person! She has such charisma! And drive! Kate is great just to be around - she has a very good energy.

How to harmonize your energy? You are experienced - give advice.

Vipassana - highly recommended! (One of the most ancient techniques of Buddhist meditation, translated from Sanskrit means "insight." - Approx. MC). It helps you reconnect with yourself. For example, I don’t really believe in diets, although at one time I was on a diet based on blood type. Everything is individual - you need to know yourself. Learn to meditate - you will become more aware of your body. Understand what is yours, what is not, what you can eat, what you need and what you can’t. It also needs discipline. This is sacred. Sometimes you have to do what you don't want to do. And to do it regularly is, unfortunately, the main thing.

Daria Verbova model Daria Werbowy.
Daria Verbova is one of the most notable supermodels recent years. She is called a guest from the future, an intellectual beauty, a “healthy” star, a catwalk queen and other no less flattering epithets. Model Daria Verbova fits into the format of modern fashion so organically that it is difficult to imagine her in any other role. Even if she worked not as a supermodel, but as a flight attendant, she would not have stayed there for very long. Not a single model agent would have passed by her. Verbova can be seen from afar. Graceful, tall (180 cm), with an expressive look, she makes the hall freeze during her passage along the podium. Even more strengths photograph emphasizes her appearance. In 2005, she became the number one supermodel in the US and Face of the Year by Paris Match magazine.

Daria Verbova's parents are ethnic Ukrainians. When Dasha was born, and this happened on November 19, 1983, her family lived in Polish city Krakow. Today, her surname is more commonly used in the Polish manner as Werbowy (Daria Werbowy). Daria was about three years old when her parents immigrated to Canada, where she grew up. It was the city of Mississauga, located in the province of Ontario, in central Canada. There she went to a Ukrainian school for some time. Verbova sometimes gives interviews in Ukrainian, but it is felt that she is no longer fluent in it. She practically does not speak Russian, although, most likely, she understands. According to Daria herself, their family has always had a Slavic way of life. She also boasts that she can cook traditional Ukrainian borsch, pies and dumplings. She is not the only child in the family - there is still a brother and sister with whom the supermodel maintains the warmest relations. Initially, Daria Verbova was not going to do modeling career. It so happened that a boy studied in their class, whose mother was the director of a modeling agency in Toronto. It was she who gave her a start in life, but sooner or later it would have happened anyway.

Model Daria Verbova has been on the catwalk since the age of 14. Her first serious exit coincided with tragic events September 11, 2001 and therefore did not take place. Meanwhile, the model does not sit idly by, but goes to Europe to find work on the Paris and Milan catwalks. However, he soon decides to return to Canada to study at the university. Parents cannot give the girl enough money to study, and Daria Verbova once again tries to contact the IMJ agency, which had recently prophesied for her successful career models. Already in 2003, she was noticed in the autumn-winter show. Soon Daria Verbova signs an exclusive contract with Prada, which brings her wide popularity.

Supermodel Werbowy is known for her uncompromising ability to work. In the autumn-winter 2005-2006 season alone, Daria manages to perform in 23 shows, seven of which she opens. Daria Verbovy appeared on the cover of Vogue 12 times in two years. In 2005 she will represent trademark Lancome. Before her, Uma Thurman, Isabella Rosselliani, Drew Barrymore and Diane Kruger were in this position. To date, Daria Verbovya's annual fee is $4.5 million. Many global brands dream of involving her in projects.

Journalists often talk about Daria Verbova as a very sensual and deep person. In her free time from photo shoots and fashion shows, she paints, travels and goes in for active sports. Once Daria was crushed by a scooter engine, so much so that she had to miss a whole season of shows. At the opening of her own star on the Walk of Stavy in Toronto, Dasha arrived on crutches.

One of the latest events in the career of the model Daria Verbova was the inclusion of her in the Vogue 2011 'calendar. The model continues to work hard, but plans to start a family in the future and settle in a cozy mansion on the shores of a picturesque lake. photo model Daria Verbova: photos

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