Opening a fast food business plan. Sample fast food business plan

Openingfast foodA- the most profitable and quite profitable type of business, especially for people who do not have much finance to start. Fast food establishments have long been in great demand, especially among urban residents, whose employment does not allow them to devote too much time to their meals.

Important questions for opening a profitable fast food business

A small cafe, stall or fast food with hot food available on every corner in the modern city. Among this abundance, how can you become competitive and quickly make a profit? Developing your own concept, a properly selected menu, regular market analysis, and a responsible approach to solving assigned tasks will help you achieve positive results.

Fast food from scratch: is it real?

Given the difficult economic situation, every budding entrepreneur dreams of quick profits with minimal investment. It is difficult to implement such tasks without minimal investment. But if there is a great desire, then open fast food Today you can use the services of a franchise company. As a rule, such companies offer participation in the business structure of an already promoted, well-recognized brand.

Business plan for the future of fast food

You need to devote maximum time to this issue in order to become the most successful among hundreds of pizzerias, bakeries, and fast food cafes. Such a plan should include the most important issues, among which it is worth noting:

  1. Description of the company, enterprise and its legal form. The solution to this item will require registration of business activities in the field of catering, obtaining permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station, and registration with the tax office. At first, it is best to choose a simplified taxation system.
  2. Location of the enterprise. It is necessary to find a suitable premises for rent in the busiest place. It can be station areas, city parks, schools, universities, crowded places.
  3. Services that will be provided fast food. These are hot pies, pancakes, sandwiches, drinks. The selection of appropriate equipment will depend on the approximate menu.
  4. Detailed analysis of the competitive market. When choosing a busy place, you need to remember that competition is high. It is necessary to analyze the activities and pricing policies of competitors in order to become the best. If resolving this issue seems difficult, then it is better to think about changing the location.
  5. Promotion. Prepare delicious dishes not enough. It is necessary to loudly announce them, this is already advertising. Mandatory external in the form of billboards indicating the menu and prices, flyers, leaflets. The opening day presentation system works great.
  6. Production tasks. Having a rough menu to start with, you can decide on equipment and personnel. At the first stages, to open a fast food store, you can limit yourself to a microwave oven, a converter oven, a meat grinder, refrigeration equipment, a pancake maker or a pastry maker. You will also need a coffee machine, a display case, and disposable tableware.
  7. Financial questions. They affect the acquisition of necessary equipment, repairs and rental of premises, payment of employees, advertising campaigns, purchase of raw materials and resolution of issues how to open a fast food restaurant in government agencies.
  8. Attendance. You shouldn’t rely on too much traffic. At the very beginning, it is ideal if about a hundred people visit the establishment every day and buy at least one pie. But where there is coffee and hot, delicious pastries, this amount is guaranteed to be higher. You can change this item in your business plan at any time.
  9. Income. Having an accurate business plan, you can calculate your expected income. If the first month shows a large profit, it is easy to change the plan by adding new points to it at your discretion.
  10. Risks or force majeure situations. This is something that is difficult to predict. But to solve such problems there must always be a certain amount of money.

Format and type of future fast food

The solution to this problem depends on the amount of starting capital. This could be a large chain of mini-cafes or a small stall of hot baked goods near the bus station.

Important! If the question is whether how to open a fast food store, then we can say with confidence that it will be a profitable enterprise. Few people are satisfied with the aroma of hot pastries and coffee. But whether the person will return again depends only on you.

For this to happen this way, you should not limit yourself to the assortment. Even in a small room you can offer several options for baked goods and a large assortment of coffee.

Fast food equipment

Wondering how to open a fast food restaurant, it is necessary to think not only about its opening, but also about its constant expansion. This forces you to purchase more equipment and hire new employees. Such a positive trend is possible if these issues were thought through in the first stages. The larger the assortment of dishes, the greater the flow of visitors and turnover. Therefore, to get started, it is important to purchase:

  • coffee machine;
  • converter baking oven;
  • grill;
  • deep fryer;
  • pancake maker;
  • juicer;
  • vegetable cutters;
  • potato peeler;
  • meat grinder;
  • refrigeration and preferably heating equipment.

There is no point in explaining the purpose of each type of equipment. One need only remind you of the heating equipment that will help demonstrate to visitors the cooking process. The sight of a beautiful crispy crust on a chicken carcass or bright baked pies will leave few people indifferent. This is advice from leading marketers and is widely used by successful fast food businesses.

Selecting equipment is not difficult, but it is advisable to do this after a carefully thought-out menu. So an entrepreneur can independently decide what he needs first of all to carry out his activities.


An equally important question that requires attention. It's good if the future fast food should become family business. So, for the first month, you can’t count on salaries for the staff. But if you have to recruit people simply from the street, then this must be done extremely carefully. It is advisable that before opening a fast food restaurant, the entrepreneur already has someone with relevant experience. Such people help with very wise advice.

Important! It is better to hire workers with experience. Teaching beginners at the first stage is extremely unprofitable

In addition to experience, these should be people who can be completely trusted with the enterprise. The basis of a successful restaurant business is:

  • established technology;
  • quality equipment;
  • wide range and high quality of products;
  • close-knit, friendly team.

Having failed to implement these important points, count on the success of the future fast food no need to. It may simply collapse before it even begins, bringing the entrepreneur complete disappointment and heavy losses.

The zest is important in small things

Any entrepreneur wants his business to be known as much as possible more people. Therefore, a cafe chain or small fast food must have some zest. This could be an original exclusive dish or a bright, recognizable logo. But it is most profitable to implement these two tasks.

If logo development is challenging task, then you can turn to marketers or an advertising company for help. A bright, recognizable logo should be present on the menu, on advertising flyers, on price tags, on napkins, on packaging and even on dishes. It’s all difficult to foresee in the first month, but later marketing plan will significantly increase profits.

Exclusive dish. If a person with extensive professional experience is hired as a cook, he will help realize this task. These could be pies with a unique filling, pancakes that cannot be found in any establishment, a dessert whose taste can surprise the client. There are many ideas, and the more successful it will be fast food, the more of them will appear in the entrepreneur’s head.

Force Majeure

An unpredictable event that can destroy any business can happen at any enterprise. Even if this never happens, it is worth insuring your enterprise against a possible unforeseen circumstance. You can protect yourself from possible troubles by simply taking out insurance. The contract must indicate which situations should be considered force majeure. This:

  • fire;
  • flood;
  • disaster;
  • quarantine;
  • sanctions.

Discuss all the points of the future contract with the insurance company and take into account the most important points, preferably with an experienced lawyer who is not an employee of the chosen insurer. Fast food is provided with a large number of expensive equipment that can cause damage due to the next power surge or simply burn. A well-thought-out agreement with both the insurance company and suppliers of raw materials will help restore knowledge and equipment, return money to the business, and postpone payment obligations for a while.

Documentary issues

These are exactly the points that need to be resolved before how to open a fast food store. The list is quite impressive, but without its implementation it is simply impossible to carry out your activities.

  1. Business and tax certificates.
  2. Official rental agreement for premises, kiosk with an attached copy of the technical passport.
  3. Service agreement with utilities (electricity, gas, water).
  4. A permit for this type of activity or a passport for the MAF from the sanitation station.
  5. Certificates for supplied raw materials indicating technical conditions and GOST standards.
  6. Documentation and certificates for equipment.
  7. Sanitary records for all employees.
  8. Permission from the fire department.

Many entrepreneurs simply ignore some of these points before open fast food. In the future, this approach will lead to unexpected costs in the form of fines or the closure of the enterprise. It is clear that the solution of many of them will entail some financial costs, but this guarantees the unhindered implementation of their activities. It is best to decide this before opening the business. Then no inspection body will have any complaints about this type of activity.

Seasonality of business

Most experienced restaurateurs are confident that fast food- This seasonal business. There is a completely justified explanation for this. With the onset of cold weather, sales may decline. These are challenges worth considering. For example, on summer period you can increase the assortment of ice cream and cold drinks, and in winter - expand the number of hot dishes. And then your business will have no losses, making a profit at any time of the year.

If you are experiencing difficulties, you can consider a service for delivering hot meals to offices or homes. This will require a little more expense, but such a service is well worth it. It is necessary to purchase an additional vehicle and the corresponding employee. Also, if the delivery service is mastered during the implementation of the activity, then it is quite possible to promote it on social networks or through advertising.

Fast food has already become quite firmly entrenched in the lives of many people, becoming familiar and even fashionable to some extent. The vast majority of employed business people(students, office workers, drivers, etc.) prefer it as a snack. About 10 years ago, such food was considered something strange and unusual. It was possible to try such a “curiosity” only in big cities. Nowadays there are fast food outlets even in very small populated areas.

– excellent idea for business if you do not have a very large starting capital. Wherein minimum investment will pay off quite soon, since this is a product that is in stable demand and has not lost popularity for many years in a row. Considering the fact that the pace of life (especially in the capital) regularly picks up speed, we can predict that the popularity of fast food will only increase. The main thing is to draw up a competent, high-quality business plan. How to do this and why it is so important will be discussed below.

The advantages of such a business

Fast food(Fast Food - “fast food”) - it’s inexpensive, tasty, satisfying, and fast. It was these criteria that contributed to the popularization of this product. In addition, food is a basic necessity, something that will always be needed. Each of us chooses what to eat based on individual preferences and capabilities, but does not refuse food completely. Consequently, food such as fast food will also find its consumer.

Where to start organizing a fast food business

  1. Market analysis. Find out how many potential competitors there are in your locality, and how they are doing with selling their products. This will allow you to understand how profitable such a business can be. Of course, it is worth considering in what format this or that establishment operates, what it offers, at what price, which of the offered products is in greatest demand, etc. All this will show how to act and who to focus on. In addition, if you see that you can offer something original, something that no one has yet offered to consumers in your city (for example, vegetarian burgers), be sure to include it in the menu of your establishment. The menu is what matters the most important role in enterprises of this type. Especially in conditions of fierce competition. “Getting” the consumer will be achieved through the taste and non-standard nature of the product.

  2. Concept and format. Fast food can be sold in two formats: stationary (cafe, restaurant) or on the street (variations of the “on wheels” format). In our article we dwell in more detail on the first option.

  3. Drawing up a business plan. Any experienced entrepreneur knows well how important it is, before taking any specific steps (registering a business), to draw up detailed plan, describing in it all the features of the future enterprise, articles of initial and fixed costs, as well as estimated income and payback period.

How much does it cost to open a fast food restaurant?

It’s worth mentioning right away that in advance we can only name approximate, averaged figures for all main expense items.

  1. Business registration. It is simply impossible to start any commercial activity without formalizing it legally; it is illegal. An entrepreneur who decides to open a fast food restaurant can choose one of the forms - an individual entrepreneur (IP) or a limited liability company (LLC). The choice depends on the format of the institution. For a stationary location (cafe, restaurant), you need to register as an LLC. An operating license is not required, but permission from the sanitary and fire services is required. They must approve the premises, equipment, and raw materials for their compliance with norms and standards. Sorting out all the details with government services will cost 10-15 thousand rubles.

  2. Rental and maintenance of premises. To open a fast food restaurant you need a large, spacious room. Renting a premises suitable for a fast food restaurant usually costs an average of 50 thousand rubles. per month. Repair and design is another 50 thousand rubles, but this is a one-time fee. The design should be simple, modern, not overloaded, but at the same time attractive. It’s good if it has its own “zest”, a special character.

  3. Equipment, kitchen utensils, furniture. The quantity and features of the equipment will depend on how wide your menu assortment will be, but on average, this expense item subtracts 75-100 thousand rubles from the total budget.

  4. Products. It will take from 100 thousand rubles to purchase the minimum amount of products required for the first time.

  5. Salary. How much you are willing to pay your employees is a purely individual question that you decide for yourself. You will need several people in the kitchen and several cashiers in the hall.

  6. Advertising. Your potential consumer should definitely know about you. Distributing leaflets in crowded places, several billboards around the city, advertising on the Internet - this is quite enough. Such a small advertising campaign will cost 30-40 thousand rubles.

Currently, the fast food industry can be considered the most widespread activity. This catering outlet usually looks like a self-service cafeteria that prepares and sells simple food and drinks. This is the perfect place for a snack during your lunch break or even a full dinner with friends.

Previously, fast food was only popular in densely populated cities. And now such a food point can be found even in an urban village. The reasons are extremely simple: low cost and good taste.


Organizing such a cafe is a fairly simple process that will not cause difficulties even for a beginner. There are fast food establishments a large number of, and in order to stand out and achieve popularity in this market segment, you need to develop your own concept and draw up a detailed and effective business plan.

A business project usually includes the following important points:

  • existing types of similar establishments;
  • level of competition and analysis of the existing market;
  • calculation of initial and current financial investments;
  • effective advertising campaign;
  • optimal staffing;
  • the sequence of implementation of all stages necessary for opening;
  • payback period for investments.

For more information on how to open a fast food restaurant, visit next video:

Types of establishments

Fast food can be presented in one of 2 formats:

  • Street format is a retail outlet operating in the open air: a mobile counter on wheels, a pavilion, a kiosk or a van. The buyer purchases food that has just been prepared before his eyes.
  • To permanent establishments refers to a pizzeria, small restaurant or coffee shop. Currently, the food court, a food court located inside a shopping center, is very popular.

Such establishments are based on one unifying factor: the menu includes only those dishes that require a minimum amount of time to prepare.

Finding out which format is better does not make any sense, since the owner of any outlet will be able to receive a decent income. Of course, you can count on this provided that the work process is properly organized and the raw materials and equipment are of high quality.

Analysis of the market and possible competitors

To organize a food point, you need to familiarize yourself with some features:

  • If the conversation is about metropolis, the information naturally suggests itself that the main clientele of such an establishment will consist of office workers and representatives of business youth. The most important thing is to choose the right location - it should be in the central part of the city, near office building or business center. It is better not to take into account the residential area and the outskirts, since then you can forget about the high throughput.
  • By revising small town should be based on completely different indicators. The main clients of such an establishment are parents with children and young people, therefore, a novice entrepreneur should pay attention to pricing and take care of organizing such services as holiday decoration.
    Cafeterias are in particular demand in winter period, during holidays and holidays. The design of the room should be as attractive as possible for children's attention For example, you can focus on interactive games or entertaining numbers. By the way, opening a fast food restaurant in a provincial town will require less effort, since the level of competition there is much lower than in a metropolis.

The presence of competitors should not be an obstacle. It’s just that the business plan should be based on an idea that can become a significant difference and advantage of your establishment.

One more prerequisite is to conduct marketing research. The analysis should be based on location, pricing, menu and potential customers. Such research will help find answers to many questions that stand in the way of every novice entrepreneur.

Financial plan

It is impossible to say unambiguously how much money you need to open your own fast food establishment. The reasons are quite simple: equipment, rent, size wages and other expenses may vary significantly depending on the city or area.

On average, capital investments include:

  • purchase of furniture and equipment - 10 thousand dollars;
  • rent of premises, utility bills and taxes - 2 thousand dollars. per month;
  • payment of wages - 2 thousand dollars. per month;
  • carrying out an advertising campaign - 1 thousand dollars. in the first months of work.

There is no need to worry that your own establishment requires such a significant amount of investment, because the payback of the project comes very quickly - within the first 6 months. And the profitability value, which many entrepreneurs easily achieve, is 60-65%.

Marketing plan

Successful development of a point is impossible without an effective advertising campaign, especially on initial stage activities. For example, you can attract customers with the help of a beautiful bright sign, banner or advertising banner. In addition, you can place an advertisement about the opening of an establishment in the media mass media and the Internet.

It is necessary to develop your own style for the establishment. This could be branded clothing or a logo printed on dishes, packaging and other items related to the activities of this outlet.

If the fast food location is in the central part of the city, this will significantly reduce the costs required for an advertising campaign by about a third.

Required Personnel

Any cafeteria needs the following employees:

  • manager or administrator;
  • cook;
  • salesman;
  • cashier;
  • cleaning woman.

The amount of funds required for monthly payments to the staff serving the establishment is approximately 2 thousand dollars.

Fast food belongs to the category of business that, if approached correctly, can generate decent income starting from the first year of activity.

If a large retail outlet is preparing to open, then in addition to the employees described above, it is advisable to hire a manager who will coordinate the work of everyone else.

Determining factors that should be relied upon when recruiting personnel:

  • special training and qualifications corresponding to the required specialty;
  • having experience in a similar position in another establishment practicing public catering;
  • knowledge of relevant regulatory documentation related to this type of activity.

An equally important criterion is the presence of such qualities as communication skills and the ability to build a dialogue with the visitor.

Organizational plan

The following basic steps must be completed by every entrepreneur who decides to open his own fast food establishment:

NamePeriod of execution
Preparing the concept of the establishment and drawing up a business planJanuary 2016
Search and rental of suitable space, registration of a legal entity and preparation of all necessary papersFebruary 2016
Menu creationMarch 2016
Purchasing everything you need: equipment, dishes, furniture, inventory, groceriesMarch 2016
Search and hiring of employeesMarch 2016
Installation and installation of equipmentApril 2016
Development of an effective strategy, the main goal of which is promotionApril 2016
Conducting an advertising campaignApril-May 2016
Official openingMay 2016

If you are planning to open an ordinary cafeteria, then it is not necessary, a status such as .

What you cannot do without are permitting documents, namely:

  • activity permits issued by Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspectorate;
  • certificate or declaration of conformity for products and equipment used.

Each employee of the establishment must have a properly issued sanitary book. But such a business does not require a license.

The effective operation of an establishment of this kind largely depends on the correctly selected premises. It should be a populous area with business and entertainment centers. If we are talking about a tourist city, then it is better to locate the point near some attraction. No less advantageous is the proximity to a train station, cinema, park, shopping center, etc. The room itself should not be too small; it should have a separate place for a kitchen, sales area, warehouse, locker room, toilet, etc.

Payback period of investments

The level of profitability and payback mainly depends on the pricing policy of the establishment. In order for the capital investment (about 1 million rubles) spent on opening a cafeteria to pay off within the 1st year of operation, the average check should be approximately 600 rubles. By the way, this payback period did not include possible mass holidays and celebrations.

A fast food establishment is very popular, therefore, its owner can expect to receive a lot of income.

The first fast food establishments appeared in Russia in the early 90s. It was then that a McDonald's restaurant was opened in Moscow, which quickly gained popularity among citizens and guests of the capital. The famous American company successfully penetrated into the Russian market, and soon in all major cities one could find restaurants with a recognizable logo. At the same time, domestic eateries also became widespread, offering visitors the American style a quick bite to eat with a hot dog, hamburger or French fries.

Today, the range of fast food is much wider, and fast food owes its particular popularity to accessibility, simplicity and convenience, mobility, as well as speed of preparation and consumption. The business idea of ​​launching your own fast food establishment can be considered relevant and, with proper organization of the business, obviously successful precisely because of the high demand, which is not afraid of any crisis. In this article we will tell you how to open a fast food restaurant and consider the most profitable formats for doing business in this area.

How to open fast food: choosing a format

When approaching the question of how to open your own fast food, you need to have an idea of ​​what fast food businesses are like. Conventionally, they can be divided into two categories:

  • stationary - cafes, snack bars, bistros, etc.;
  • non-stationary (street) - kiosks, pavilions, vans, mobile counters, etc.

Both the first and second groups of outlets have advantages and disadvantages. Thus, stationary fast food is free from the influence of the season and, in addition, can offer visitors a wide range of fast food dishes. But at the same time, it requires large expenses for the purchase or rental of premises, the purchase of equipment, advertising, etc.

Street fast food is advantageous because it does not require large investments to start it; moreover, it is mobile, that is, it can change its location without any problems or special expenses. Disadvantages include mono productivity - the ability to produce and sell a range of products, limited in capacity specific type of equipment (for example, only grilled chicken), as well as the influence of time of year and weather conditions on demand, and, accordingly, on the profit of the enterprise.

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Launch documents and working conditions

There are certain differences regarding the organization of business and paperwork. Let us immediately note that a license to sell fast food is not required in either the first or second case. To get started, you need to register entrepreneurial activity and obtain certain permits and approvals.

So, in order to open fast food from scratch in the form of a cafe or snack bar, it is preferable to register entity. This will allow you to reach reputable suppliers of raw materials, and in the future will help the development of the company.

In addition to the registration procedure with the tax service, you will need to undergo an inspection to ensure that the premises comply with the requirements of sanitary standards and regulations, as well as fire safety.

To obtain a positive expert opinion from the SES, it is necessary to properly prepare the territory of the cafe (restaurant, snack bar), guided by the sanitary rules of SP - requirements for public catering organizations.

To open a street fast food, registering as an individual entrepreneur is quite enough (see). In addition to the Certificate of Registration of an individual entrepreneur, you will need written permission from the municipal authorities (or from the owner of the private territory) to place a non-stationary trade facility in the selected location.

The mobile point of sale must be equipped with refrigeration equipment for storing raw materials and semi-finished products. In addition, the supply of the required amount of water of appropriate quality must be ensured, timely removal of waste, etc. must be organized.

Important! All employees working with fast food are required to have valid health certificates and undergo a timely medical examination. The local Rospotrebnadzor authority must be notified in writing about the start of the enterprise’s activities, regardless of the chosen format.

Business ideas for non-stationary fast food trade

The range of amounts required to open such a retail outlet ranges from 150 thousand to 2.5 million rubles, depending on the region in which you plan to start a business, what products you plan to produce and sell and through what facility.

The general requirements for the successful implementation of all ideas for street selling fast food are right choice location of the point and high quality of the products offered. It is best to locate retail facilities in places with large crowds of people and high traffic (stations, parks, markets, central streets, etc.). To prepare fast food dishes, you must use only high-quality ingredients and comply with all the necessary requirements technological process. This is the only way you can win the trust of customers and establish business. So, let's get straight to the ideas.

Kitchen on wheels

This direction can be considered a relatively new fast food idea for our country, but those entrepreneurs who have already managed to work in this format can only share positive reviews. The convenience of using a food truck (a special vehicle equipped with a kitchenette and counter) is difficult to overestimate. You can move from place to place every day, analyzing the flow of customers and choosing the most profitable sites. You don't have to worry about the security of your retail outlet after hours - you can simply drive your car into the garage. In addition, you can significantly save on advertising by placing all necessary information directly at the food truck itself.

What you will need to implement such a project:

  • car - domestic Lada Largus is excellent, the cost of which is about 550 thousand rubles. for small retail outlets (selling sandwiches, hot dogs) and Gazelle Next worth 1.5 million rubles. for large projects (for example, a pizzeria);
  • equipment and supplies for a mobile kitchen - you can cook anything, from burgers to pizza. It will take from 150 to 500 thousand rubles to install utility networks, purchase and install equipment;
  • advertising design – about 20 thousand rubles.

To accommodate a kitchen on wheels, an area of ​​8 to 12 square meters will be sufficient. m. Current expenses will consist of car maintenance costs, wages, rent (by agreement), costs of purchasing ingredients for cooking and semi-finished products, as well as consumables.

The payback of the project, provided that at least 50 people are served per day, can be achieved in 8-10 months of work.

Interesting example opening a business based on the principle of a mobile kitchen in the following video:

Pavilion for selling shawarma and grilled chicken

This idea can be attributed to traditional solutions for street fast food. The aroma of freshly grilled meat will itself be an advertisement for your outlet. And if customers are quickly served by a clean, neat and friendly employee, the chances of success will increase significantly.

To start a business you will need:

  • shopping pavilion – 180 thousand rubles;
  • shawarma grill – 25 thousand rubles;
  • carousel grill for cooking chicken – 25 thousand rubles;
  • microwave oven – 10 thousand rubles;
  • chest freezer – 10 thousand rubles;
  • refrigerator for drinks – 15 thousand rubles;
  • production table – 12 thousand rubles,
  • large volume boiler (kettle) - 5 thousand rubles;
  • kitchen utensils and dishes – 10 thousand rubles.

This is a standard set of equipment that can be supplemented at your request. To calculate the approximate profit from maintaining a trade pavilion, it is enough to find out the average selling price for the same products from competitors, as well as find out the prices of suppliers of raw materials for wholesale purchases. You should also take into account the current costs of running a business: renting a place, utility bills, salaries, taxes, etc. On average, a pavilion selling grilled chicken and shawarma brings in up to 100 thousand rubles. net profit per month.

Another one interesting idea in the fast food industry - selling pancakes. Take a look and find out how much you can earn from this.

Fast food franchising

An interesting option for newcomers to the catering industry is opening a fast food restaurant as a franchise. (Read more details). On the Russian market today there are a lot of offers from both domestic and foreign franchisors. What is the attractiveness of the franchising model of starting a business? First of all, by hanging a sign above the entrance to your establishment famous brand, you will receive an already formed base of loyal customers, and all that remains for you is not to disappoint visitors by ensuring the appropriate quality of both products and service.

Other advantages that distinguish it include advisory, informational, marketing, logistics, legal - almost comprehensive support from the franchisor both at the opening stage and in the future. However, you will have to pay for all this regularly, and it must be said that fast food franchises are not cheap. In the following table we will look at several examples of current offers in different price categories for opening a small fast food cafe or food court:


Lump sum (initial) payment

Royalty (monthly payments)

Required investment volume

Stated payback period for investments

Requirements for franchisees

12 thousand US dollars

8% of turnover

3-5 million rubles.

Room area 40-50 sq. m, electrical power 27 kW, all communications, telephone and Internet available


1 million rub.

5% of turnover

3.9 million rubles.

9 months

Room area from 70 sq. m, power supply 80 kW, water supply to the kitchen and distribution line, availability of process sewerage, availability of rental spaces for outdoor advertising, etc.

A city of any size must have at least one kiosk selling pies, pasties, shawarma or other fast food dishes. Indeed, fast food is considered primarily the food of city dwellers - even if it is relatively harmful, but nevertheless tasty and satisfying. In addition, various hamburgers and hot dogs are inexpensive and can be prepared in a matter of minutes, which is why customers willingly buy them at every opportunity.

Since the question of how to open fast food from scratch is of interest to many novice entrepreneurs, the segment of cafes, stalls and even mobile eateries is rapidly developing in large settlements. However, even in conditions of active competition, it is quite possible to create a successful business in this area - it is enough to find a concept that distinguishes a new catering establishment from the rest: for example, a national cuisine menu, a special dish or an unusual service format.

Business Features

The main feature of fast food is that it is far from a full-fledged catering establishment, most often with the most simplified menu. Unlike cafes and restaurants, such eateries cannot offer visitors a large assortment variety of dishes. In other words, the main disadvantage of this direction is the inability to meet the needs of absolutely all categories of clients.

On the other hand, the same drawback in certain circumstances turns into dignity: as a result of standardization production processes cooking is greatly simplified and accelerated, which fully meets both the interests of the business owner and the needs of customers. In addition, opening a small fast food is profitable for other reasons that attract people to it:

  • The dishes have a fairly pleasant taste;
  • Using the services of a snack bar, you can save time;
  • Snack prices are quite affordable for most customers;
  • Food with energy value allows you to quickly fill up.

However, fast food products cannot be called healthy due to the high concentration of fats, carbohydrates and spices in them. Therefore, some part of the audience, consisting mainly of supporters healthy image life, such a diet is categorically unacceptable.

In large cities, the bulk of eatery customers are office workers, students and working youth. Therefore, fast food establishments are located mainly in the center, close to shopping, entertainment and business centers. The outskirts and even densely populated residential areas are not suitable for these purposes, since the level of traffic here does not reach the required minimum.

However, to open a fast food restaurant in small town, you need to use a slightly different strategy. Here, the visitors to the diner are most often families with children, schoolchildren and young people, and therefore the entrepreneur should place the main emphasis on affordable prices and the design of the premises. In the process of decorating the trading floor, he will have to use all possible artistic techniques to attract the attention of children and teenagers, install slot machines in the establishment, and provide free access on the Internet, invite animators or come up with a program of entertainment numbers.

Trading format

What fast food should I open? The question of choosing the optimal format for an establishment is primarily of interest to entrepreneurs who want to get the maximum return on the capital invested in the business. By classifying the eateries according to the method of trade, the following list can be obtained:
  • Stationary cafe. Most often it is a catering establishment equipped with tables and a serving counter with a menu located on it. To open a fast food cafe, you need to rent the appropriate premises, make repairs in it, divide the space into a kitchen and shopping room. Visitors can be offered hamburgers, various chicken and potato dishes, salads, pancakes, desserts and drinks;
  • Cafe at the food court. Many malls, shopping or entertainment centers highlight large areas To organize a food area, tables are installed in the center of the hall, and the perimeter is divided into boxes and rented out to entrepreneurs who want to open a mini fast food. This format allows you to save on repairs and arrangement of the cafe, as well as get a guaranteed flow of customers;
  • Street kiosk. The lack of space usually does not allow placing a full set of specialized equipment here, so before opening a fast food stall, it is recommended to choose the main direction (for example, hamburgers, shawarma, pancakes, pizza, hot dogs) and focus on it. Main disadvantage this option is the difficulty of registering land allotment and obtaining the necessary permits;
  • Trading from a trolley. This business format is most popular among novice entrepreneurs, since you can open a street fast food with a capital of 50–75 thousand rubles. The dimensions of the cart allow the installation of only one cooking apparatus, so the range of the outlet is limited to a single dish that does not require complex production - hot dogs, hamburgers, popcorn, cotton candy;
  • Mobile snack bar. To open a mobile fast food on wheels, you should purchase a van, minibus or special trailer, and then equip it with the necessary equipment: available area 6–10 m² allows you to place inside not only two or three types of units for preparing pizza, hamburgers, pancakes and even dumplings, but also refrigerators, production tables, cabinets and a sink. This business format, which is still unusual for domestic consumers, is of greatest interest among novice entrepreneurs.


Registration of a catering enterprise equipped with production is accompanied by the issuance of a huge number of certificates, certificates, and so entrepreneurs considering fast food on wheels as a business need to prepare for the fact that this process will be long and resource-intensive.

First of all, you need to submit to tax service application for the creation of a new individual entrepreneur, indicating in it the selected OKVED codes and the preferred form of taxation (UTII, simplified tax system or PSN). After receiving the registration certificate, you need to start preparing the remaining documents - an entrepreneur will be able to open a fast food restaurant only after obtaining permits and contracts according to the following list:

  1. Certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service;
  2. Letter with OKVED codes from Roskomstat;
  3. Permission from Rospotrebnadzor to conduct activities;
  4. Permission to place a non-stationary retail facility;
  5. Agreements with municipal water and electricity suppliers;
  6. Hygienic certificates for fast food equipment;
  7. Permission to conduct activities from the State Fire Inspectorate;
  8. Production control program;
  9. Agreements on carrying out work on disinfection and disinfestation of the facility;
  10. Agreement with public utilities on the disposal of solid waste and food waste;
  11. Agreement on regular washing of uniforms;
  12. Agreement on carrying out work on disinfection of ventilation systems;
  13. PTS (required when registering a fast food van on wheels);
  14. Sanitary passport of the vehicle;
  15. Sellers' health records;
  16. Quality certificates for raw materials and semi-finished products.

Legislation classifies fast food on wheels as temporary catering establishments. The basic requirements for their arrangement, which are contained in the corresponding section of SanPiN, assume that:

  • In the absence of a connection to centralized or stationary water supply and sewerage systems, the operation of a retail outlet requires an uninterrupted supply of clean water;
  • The mobile facility should be equipped with refrigerators that provide the storage conditions required for perishable products;
  • Selling food is permitted only using disposable tableware;
  • Fast food dishes and hot drinks (coffee, tea, chocolate) can be prepared using drinking water, factory-packaged in bottles;
  • It is necessary to install waste containers inside and next to the retail outlet, as well as ensure timely disposal of such waste;
  • The mobile facility is subject to regular sanitization;
  • During work, personnel must observe basic rules of personal hygiene;
  • The toilet must be located within 100 m of the retail outlet.

Selecting a location

Buying a car for fast food on wheels is only half the battle: without a favorable location, this business is unlikely to be profitable. However, in the process of searching for suitable outlets, an entrepreneur will inevitably face the main problem of mobile commerce: you can’t just stop near the nearest popular shopping center and start selling hamburgers to people.

Land plots in cities are divided into private and municipal according to their form of ownership. In the first case, you need to contact the land owner and conclude a lease agreement with him. In the second, study the legislation regulating the placement of non-stationary objects: according to the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, this issue is dealt with by the local administration, identifying locations for the possible installation of mobile fast food establishments and issuing the appropriate permits.

Thus, an entrepreneur who is going to open a fast food business must create a small list of five to six possible options for the location of the outlet. Preference should be given to the following sites:

  • On the territory of markets or close to them, on the way to stops;
  • U shopping centers and hypermarkets that do not have their own culinary department;
  • Near business and office centers;
  • At intersections of traffic flows, at train stations and near metro stations;
  • Near large educational institutions- institutes or universities;
  • In places of public celebrations and recreation of citizens;
  • On busy streets with heavy traffic.

You can also buy a fast food van on wheels and start servicing various public events: organizers of concerts, festivals and city events often offer owners of mobile eateries space and access to a huge audience of potential clients, charging for this a rent ranging from 3-20 thousand rubles per day. Such expenses pay off in full: sometimes the retail outlets located here fulfill the monthly sales plan in two days.


The menu of a fast food point is directly related to its location, therefore, before opening a fast food on wheels, it is necessary to develop an assortment in accordance with possible locations for trading activities. For example, in residential areas, dishes that can complement a full dinner are in demand - grilled chicken, sausages, pizza, baked potatoes, sushi. In places with high traffic, where people are in a hurry to run errands, various pies, pasties, hot dogs and hamburgers are in greater demand, with which you can satisfy your hunger literally on the go.

It is impossible to buy all possible equipment for fast food, therefore, to create the menu of a mobile snack bar, they use specialization on any one product and its derivatives (pancakes, potatoes), or include in the assortment exclusively dishes of national cuisine (Chinese, Caucasian, Mexican, Italian). What you can find in fast food establishments:

  • Grilled dishes - sausages, frankfurters, chicken carcasses;
  • Chicken dishes - wings, legs, nuggets;
  • Shawarma from lamb, chicken, pork;
  • Hot dogs, corn dogs, sausage rolls;
  • Chebureks with various fillings;
  • Potatoes baked in foil with seasonings and cheese;
  • Country style potatoes;
  • French fries;
  • Sushi and rolls with fish and seafood;
  • Salads from vegetables, meat, fish;
  • Pancakes with various fillings;
  • Pies with potatoes, meat, rice, eggs, jam;
  • Donuts with glaze;
  • Classic pizza, cone and mini pizza;
  • Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, fishburgers;
  • Sandwiches or hot sandwiches;
  • Popcorn with salt or sweet additives;
  • Cotton candy.

The assortment must be supplemented with both hot (coffee, tea, chocolate) and soft drinks (juices, mineral water, kvass, lemonade). In addition, the presence of some original item on the menu will help attract and interest customers - for example, fish chippies (fillets in batter), Mexican tacos and burritos, Greek souvlaki (small kebabs on skewers).

The process of making each dish must be standardized so that employees have no doubts about the recipe or the oven aging period of a particular snack. Therefore, at the stage of developing the assortment, the entrepreneur must contact a specialist who can draw up technological maps - detailed instructions for cooks, containing information about the correct dosage of ingredients, temperature conditions and duration of heat treatment.


When figuring out how to open a fast food restaurant, an entrepreneur must study the characteristics of various types of production equipment and draw up a complete specification, including everything necessary to conduct business in the chosen direction. Of course, you shouldn’t buy a full set of units right away: it’s better to start with one or two basic units, and then, in accordance with consumer demand, gradually expand the range, including new dishes.

In addition to equipment for fast food on wheels, the shopping list will have to include various equipment (spatulas, knives, cutting boards), gastronomic containers for ingredients, water tanks and trash cans, and employee uniforms.

The basis for a mobile eatery can be a full-size minibus, truck or trailer, equipped in accordance with the requirements for non-stationary fast food outlets: today suppliers offer entrepreneurs to buy fast food on wheels both in a basic version and fully equipped with a variety of equipment. All units should be securely secured to the floor to prevent them from moving or being damaged during transport.

Below is an approximate list of equipment intended for the production and sale of pizza, hamburgers, sandwiches, French fries and other deep-fried dishes, as well as hot drinks, juices and mineral water:

Fast food equipment

Name price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Cost, rub.
Two-axle trailer MZSA 815001 243000 1 243000
Production equipment
Chest freezer 24900 1 24900
Cooled table 39800 1 39800
Pizza oven 36600 1 36600
Frying surface 22600 1 22600
deep fryer 8900 1 8900
Packing station 136200 1 136200
Slicer 17400 1 17400
electronic scales 10500 1 10500
Wall shelf 2300 2 4600
Production table 4200 3 12600
Exhaust umbrella 16300 1 16300
Multi-tiered rack 8100 1 8100
Shelf-cabinet 11300 1 11300
Coffee machine 36000 1 36000
Small refrigerator cabinet 28800 1 28800
Small proofing cabinet 19800 1 19800
Other equipment
Boiler for heating water 8900 1 8900
Sink with mixer 3500 1 3500
Clean water tank 1500 1 1500
Dirty water tank 1500 1 1500
Garbage bin 1000 1 1000
Pipes and electrical wires 5000
Small gastronomic container 660 12 7920
Large gastronomic container 820 10 8200
Container with lid 700 4 2800
Pizza knife 680 1 680
Knife set 2500 1 2500
Culinary spatula 430 1 430
Oven brush 1300 1 1300
Cutting board 630 1 630
Pizza board 540 1 540
Pizza grid 420 6 2520
Garnish spoon 260 1 260
Juice container 180 6 720
Pepper mill 1600 1 1600
French fries net 300 1 300
A uniform 1250 2 2500
Total: 731700


One of the basic principles of the fast food industry is minimizing the time spent on preparing dishes. Therefore, people working here must be able to quickly and accurately carry out the entire technological sequence of operations, starting from defrosting raw materials and ending with packaging the finished product. Also, tact, patience and goodwill are encouraged when communicating with customers.

To ensure the smooth functioning of the mobile snack bar, two employees are needed, alternately replacing each other every two days. In order to increase motivation, it is better for them to pay their salaries on the basis of “rate + percentage of revenue”, but not less than a certain fixed amount.

It is recommended to hire women between 30 and 55 years of age who have some experience in the field of trade or catering. Finding such people is quite difficult, since all experienced specialists are usually employed, but the owner of the diner should try - the success of the enterprise directly depends on the qualifications of the employees. In general, requirements for applicants include:

  • Availability of relevant professional knowledge;
  • Experience in catering - at least two to three years;
  • Ability to communicate with customers;
  • Responsibility, integrity, hard work;
  • Ability to operate fast food equipment.

Entrepreneurs also pay attention to the distance between the candidate’s area of ​​residence and the place of work: for those who use two or three modes of transport, it is much more difficult to be on time due to traffic jams and other unforeseen circumstances.


To build a successful business, it is not enough to know how to open a fast food outlet: without actively attracting customers, any type of commercial activity is doomed to failure. Visitors to fast food establishments usually prefer familiar trade marks Therefore, the main efforts of an entrepreneur should be aimed at promoting the brand and increasing awareness of it among potential customers.

The implementation of a marketing strategy primarily includes correct design point of sale. The appearance of the eatery should attract the attention of passers-by, be different from competitors, be clearly associated with food and inform customers about the range of dishes offered. For these purposes, branding is used - a set of activities that includes:

  • Development of your own corporate style - logo, colors, fonts;
  • Production and installation of signs, banners, pillars;
  • Covering the car with decorative film, applying inscriptions and slogans.

A recognizable corporate identity is mandatory for successful promotion of mobile fast food. It is advisable to print a logo and slogan on packaging, napkins and tableware: of course, little things of this kind are difficult to foresee at the start, but in the future such an advertising move will have a significant impact on the amount of profit. You can also attract additional visitors using some competitive advantages:

  • Adequate pricing policy;
  • Increased portion sizes;
  • High speed of service;
  • The presence of an exclusive dish on the menu.


To determine how much it costs to open a fast food restaurant, an entrepreneur needs to perform some economic calculations on his own, since the costs of creating a business in each specific case depend on the specialization of the outlet and the price category of production equipment. For example, for the pizza and hamburger food truck mentioned above, the initial investment list would look like this:


So, the first thing you need to open a fast food on wheels is a capital of 900 thousand rubles. At the next stage of drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to calculate the cost of maintaining and ensuring the functioning of the enterprise, taking into account all possible overhead and non-production costs - from renting a plot of land to paying for a car parking:

Monthly expenses

Article Amount, rub.
Rent of land 15000
Electricity 8640
Water 1000
Salary 40000
Salary tax 12000
Insurance premiums for individual entrepreneurs 2300
Raw materials 330000
Disposable tableware 12000
Marketing expenses 10000
Administrative expenses 5000
Payment for trailer parking 2500
Total: 438440

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Revenues and profitability

According to statistics, the average bill for mobile eateries is 180–250 rubles. To determine the possible number of visitors, it is necessary to count the traffic in the selected locations of the eatery three times a day. In this case, only representatives of the target audience should be taken into account - people under the age of 40 with an average level of income.

For example, an entrepreneur determined that 80–85 people passed by the point within an hour. You can expect that 10% of them will make purchases: accordingly, during the day the enterprise will serve about a hundred people. It should be noted that the minimum permissible level attendance is at the level of 35–40 customers per day - otherwise the diner begins to operate at a loss. However, to solve this problem, it is advisable to take advantage of the main advantage of mobile fast food - the opportunity to move to a new location.

Fast food profit


An aspiring entrepreneur planning to open a fast food restaurant must take into account the presence of some seasonality factor in this business: indeed, in the cold season, eating food outdoors can hardly be called comfortable. To reduce the impact of negative circumstances on the level of sales, the assortment of the outlet must be constantly adjusted, adding more hot dishes in winter, as well as ice cream and soft drinks in summer.

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