Topics for public speaking students examples. How to choose an interesting topic for a speech

That is main reason Fear of public speaking in front of a large audience? How to learn to make fiery speeches and stop being afraid to speak in public?

Hello, friends! Alexander Berezhnov is in touch and I am glad to see you on the pages of our blog!

I know that I have already intrigued you with such a headline and all this will really be in the article.

And how does it relate to public speaking? - you ask.

I assure you, all these chips have direct relationship to overcome fear public speaking! Checked by my 7 year old practice.

Public performance- an interesting topic! Note that the title of the article is not "How to Learn to Speak in Public in an Hour (Day, Week)?" because it's actually impossible, it's all a painstaking and gradual process. Who in the subject - will confirm my words.

If you have read the previous articles, you probably noticed that they all have a practical focus. Here my friends and I share our experience and summarize the accumulated knowledge. They are obtained as a result of hard and regular work. And it is not just words.

1. My public speaking experience

In 2010, in the city of Stavropol, we created a club with like-minded people "charismatic speaker", which regularly held classes, invited interesting guests (politicians, businessmen, actors, TV presenters), went out into the "fields" and trained to speak in public, overcoming their fears and complexes.

Today our club has switched to a new format and with colleagues we also conduct trainings in public speaking in youth institutions of the city of Stavropol and the Stavropol Territory. All this is done free of charge. Thus, everyone can improve their public speaking skills.

The topic of public speaking is very close to me. From the second grade, I began to perform on stage, studied vocals and choral singing, performed solo in the city of Stavropol and beyond as a performer of classical and patriotic songs.

Therefore, today I am not only not afraid to speak, but also love to do it very much, I teach these skills to others. He has spoken before several thousand people at city and regional events, held mass actions as a presenter, was a speaker at round tables different levels, held presentations of projects in different cities He gave interviews on television and radio.

Many of my friends and acquaintances say:

“Don’t feed him with bread,” just let him speak!”

Indeed, public speaking is my passion! I have been doing this consciously and regularly for 7 years now.


Before writing the article, I conducted a large survey among my friends and acquaintances (I interviewed about 50 people). Among the respondents were people of both public and non-public professions.

I only asked them two questions:

  1. “Do you like public speaking? (yes/no) and why?
  2. What are you afraid of when speaking in public?

It turned out that most people are really afraid to perform. Among the main fears my friends identified:

  • fear of appearing ridiculous in front of an audience;
  • fear of losing the logic of the story;
  • fear of letting your team down(if you are a trusted representative of such a team);
  • fear of "talking too much" from excitement.

As a result of the survey, I found out that there is a direct relationship between the size of the audience, the level of the event and the status of the listeners present.

That is, the larger the audience, the more solid the event and the higher the status of the guests, the more difficult it is to perform in front of such an audience.

Public speaking is as much an art as writing music, writing poetry, carving wood, etc. I would even say that this is more complicated than the examples given, since psychology, the inner mood and the personality of the speaker himself play a huge role in public speaking.

The topic of public speaking is very extensive, it includes a huge theoretical base dedicated to the posture of the speaker, appearance, the style of presenting the material, the art of speaking, facial expressions, gestures, the ability to hold the attention of the audience, and so on.

I am convinced that all this can only be learned through regular practice.

And in the article we will talk about the psychology of public speaking, and in particular about the fear that many people have at this moment and how to overcome it.

2. Why do most people experience overwhelming fear when speaking in public? main reason

So, friends, before you do any business, you need to turn to the theory of this business.

In order to overcome fear in public speaking, you need to know why it occurs.

Fear- this is a protective reaction of the body, which helps us avoid fatal mistakes and threats to life. Moderate fear, or rather, slight excitement is a useful and necessary emotion at the time of our speech. It helps us concentrate better and not lose our train of thought. But excessive fear to the point of trembling in the knees is the main opponent of any speaker!

2.1. So what is the main cause of fear in public speaking?

It's all about our ancient instincts.

Since ancient times, people did everything together, that's how it was easier to survive. Together they hunted and escaped from wild animals. Together they defended themselves from the raids of other tribes. That is, it was not accepted and even dangerous to separate from the team.

And any public speech is, first of all, an expression of one's individuality, most often one's own point of view. Here you just need to stand out from the crowd and be "not like everyone else."

For most people this is very difficult to do.

3. Public installation “Be like everyone else! Don't stand out!"

Since early childhood we were taught to be obedient and humble, doing the will of adults: parents, educators, teachers.

Remember yourself in kindergarten... This is the same secure institution as a school, institute, army and even a prison. Here we went for a walk, for lunch, and attended other collective events. Still, after all, a person is a herd animal and feels uncomfortable alone. And most importantly, it can develop only in society.

Surely you remember the famous fairy tale about the boy "Mowgli", who grew up among the animals. But few people know that modern mankind knows dozens of such examples. This is especially true for India. There, children were lost in the jungle and brought up in animal packs. Wolves and other animals replaced their parents.

Even after they were found by civilized people, such children could never become people in the modern sense. They did not speak, but howled at the moon and ran on all fours. Therefore, it is psychologically very difficult for many of us to accept the very essence of public speaking, especially if we were brought up in an environment of "non-public" people.

Another interesting fact.

Scientists have proven that at the time of public speaking, many people release the same amount of adrenaline as when skydiving.

Fear of public speaking has been found to be second fear after the main thing - the fear of death, and for some it even comes first!

3.1. How can we overcome this ancient instinct?

Friends, the easiest way to do this is simply to realize that modern world changed, new "rules of the game" appeared. Public speaking, and leadership itself, has become a very important element modern people. These qualities are especially pronounced in those who have great ambitions and want to achieve a lot in life.

Friends, remember!

People are afraid to speak in public because of the fear of criticism, i.e. if you are afraid to speak in public - this is a signal, a kind of small call to the fact that you are highly dependent on someone else's opinion and you have self-doubt.

This is very important to know. Since if we want to solve a problem, we clearly need to understand the cause of its occurrence. As a doctor, before treating a patient, he sends him for tests or conducts appropriate examinations in order to accurately diagnose.

So, we have established that the fear of public speaking is common to many people. It is a fact!

Have you ever thought that speaking in public is very useful? This trains your communication skills, erudition, allows you to develop the ability to correctly formulate thoughts and make them more consistent.

You have noticed that many professional speakers are far from poor people, and this is also no coincidence. Remember, we drew a parallel between the fear of public speaking and self-doubt. I think everyone understands that in order to earn money you need to be a self-confident person. Otherwise, your success will be very unstable.

So, dear readers, we come to the most important thing!

4. Practical techniques and exercises to overcome the fear of public speaking. "Fast" and "slow" methods

There are basically two ways to solve this problem:

  1. Slow;
  2. Relatively fast (stressful).


You can learn to swim slowly, that is, go to the pool, study with an instructor, wearing a special swimming vest. Then you will gradually, in a few weeks, learn to swim, and this will not affect your emotional state.

The second way is fast, but rather "stressful". I think you already guessed what he suggests.

A person who cannot swim is taken out in a boat to the middle of the lake and thrown out of it. In this situation, the "teachers" assume that the instinct of self-preservation will immediately force the poor fellow to act, and he will learn to swim in a couple of minutes.

Of course, extremes are not always good, but their dosed use clearly helps in life.

How can such an example be projected to overcome the fear of public speaking?- you ask. But this is already interesting.

So, let's move on to the practical part:

4.1. "Slow Way"

I will summarize it in three main principles:

Principle #1: Familiar audience and interesting topic

I suggest starting small. This is how great things begin. Gather at home a few of your friends - like-minded people. You must be doing something together. Whether it's sports, computer games or work.

Agree with them that on the day of the meeting you will present them with a very interesting information. Prepare yourself and do it as if you are in front of a large hall and hundreds of people are watching you. Give it your all, don't give yourself any favors!

I also train from time to time. This keeps you in shape. When your friends, acquaintances or relatives look at you, then there is nothing to be afraid of, especially if you speak on a topic that is interesting to you. In this case, your performance will certainly be very worthy.

Principle number 2. Don't compare yourself to others, develop your own personality

I'm sure you've noticed that every good speaker has his own way of speaking. Just remember our Russian comedians: Evgeny Petrosyan, Vladimir Vinokur, Maxim Galkin, Viktor Koklyushkin, Elena Vorobey. Politicians: Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Zhirinovsky. TV presenters and actors: Vladimir Solovyov, Tina Kandelaki, Vladimir Pozner.

All of them are loved by the audience, but each has its own unique image, which is inherent only to them, thanks to their charisma.

Find yourself, your unique image. The view of your friends from the outside will help you with this. Ask them what style do you perform best in? How do they perceive you? And based on this analysis and your own feeling, develop your own style of presenting a public speech.

Principle number 3. Practice!

Participate in performances, discussions, take the initiative wherever there is an opportunity to speak publicly. If you have time and desire, find like-minded people and create a discussion club. At first, it can be placed at home, and later transferred to the base of your work, study or public organization.

And now we will get rid of fear by stressful methods ...

4.2. "Quick Way"

As I already wrote, there are certain technologies that allow you to quickly get rid of the main problem - the critical perception of others. To do this, you need to increase your stress resistance through certain exercises.

The logic here is very simple: if you can withstand a strong critical assessment of people (necessarily strangers!), Then you can speak in public and not worry about it for sure!


Exercise number 1. "Cleanliness is the key to health"

You dress up as a cleaner (cleaning lady), take a bucket of water, a rag and a mop, go to the nearest bus stop public transport, preferably on a weekend, so that there are fewer people on the buses.

Then get on the bus, and saying: "Cleanliness is the key to health", start washing it with your accessories. =) At the same time, you are talking with puzzled passengers and the driver. After driving 5-6 stops, you get off, paying the fare, and repeat this exercise 5 more times. I advise you not to start this exercise alone, as it will be quite embarrassing for you to do it alone.

Exercise number 2.

Surely in the summer on the streets of your city you can find points selling ice cream. Usually this is a refrigerator, next to it there is an umbrella from the sun and a girl (rarely a guy) sells ice cream. Your task is to approach the girl and offer your help in selling her ice cream. Tell us a little about yourself, say that you are undergoing training and this is part of your task.

Compose a quatrain about the company that owns the outlet, then start inviting people passing by with it.

Your the main task- increase sales at the time of your active actions! Do this for 20 minutes. Repeat the exercise 3 times a day at different points.

Exercise number 3. "With a pacifier in the mall"

Buy an ordinary baby pacifier, put it in your mouth and go on a tour to the nearest shopping mall. It can also be a market or similar crowded place. Approach different outlets with the air of an interested buyer. It is best if there are several other passers-by nearby. Stand with a pacifier in your mouth in line for groceries. When it's time to buy, look at the seller without removing the pacifier from your mouth, place an order.

Put the groceries in your bag and move on as if nothing had happened. Watch the reactions of others...

Exercise number 4.

Take the box from under washing powder and pour it into another container. Clean the box thoroughly. After that, pour powdered sugar (crushed granulated sugar) into the box, take a spoon and head to the cafe. It is best if there will be many visitors. Right in front of them, take out a box of washing powder with powdered sugar and start eating it with a spoon right in front of people and cafe staff.

Walk around the establishment with a demonstrative view. If you are asked questions, answer them, and at the end of the answer, offer to try your delicious powder.

I myself personally went through the first two exercises, and went through tougher ones, which I won’t write about. I think you get the point.

A lot more can be done based on these exercises. It all depends on your imagination and moral readiness.

I will say that it is best to alternate these methods.

That is, you first give yourself a shake-up, and then speak publicly several times in a row, but already having greater stress resistance. Your level is rising and how in computer games, starting from the first level, in the process of gaining experience, it increases.

I know that many will say, but where do you get the courage for such exercises. Friends, but you wanted to go fast, and for everything fast you need to pay something, in this case, stress. But I assure you that nothing bad will happen to you, and panic fear in public speaking will turn into only a slight excitement that will only help you.

Please take the survey:

5. Video of the most disastrous public performance...

Finally, I present to your attention the video with the most disastrous public speaking in front of the camera. I'm sure you will like it :)

Meet! Petr Polyachkin- speaker of the 21st century! (4:34)

Educational: development of the concept of “public speaking”, the formation of the ability to build oral public speaking;

Developing: the development of oral speech, the ability to highlight the main thing, to compare;

IN hospital: education of a culture of speech, moral qualities of a person, mutual assistance when working in groups.

During the classes

I. Organizing time. Introduction by the teacher.

II. Vocabulary dictation followed by self-examination.

Exercise. Write down the words and orally explain their meanings. Check what you have written (self-check).

D And sku ss and I, A oud And thorium, O speaker, eloquence, uh m O rationality, public And cystic.

What do these words have in common? Do they correspond to the topic “Communication”, “Speech”?

Pick up words with the same root for the word “publicism” (public, public).

III. Questions session. Text analysis (checking homework).

What is the purpose of the speaker (speaker)? (Influence the listener).

About mercy.

I got in trouble last year. He was walking down the street, slipped and fell ... He fell unsuccessfully, worse and nowhere: he broke his nose, his hand jumped out in his shoulder, hung like a whip. It was about seven o'clock in the evening. In the city center, on Kirovsky Prospekt, not far from the house where I live.

With great difficulty he got up, wandered into the nearest entrance, tried to calm the blood with a handkerchief. Wherever there, I felt that I was in a state of shock, the pain was getting stronger and something had to be done quickly. And I can’t speak - my mouth is broken.

Decided to turn back home.

I was walking down the street, I think not staggering. I remember this path about four hundred meters well. There were many people on the street. A woman and a girl, some couple, an elderly woman, a man, young guys walked towards me, all of them at first looked at me with curiosity, and then averted their eyes, turned away. If only someone on this path came up to me, asked what was the matter with me, if I needed help. I remembered the faces of many people - apparently, with unaccountable attention, a heightened expectation of help ...

The pain confused my consciousness, but I understood that if I lay down on the sidewalk now, they would calmly step over me, bypass me. We have to get home. So no one helped.

Later I thought about this story. Could people take me for a drunk? It seems to be no, it is unlikely that I made such an impression. But even if they took me for a drunk - they saw that I was covered in blood, something happened - I fell, they hit me - why didn’t they help, didn’t at least ask what was the matter? So, to pass by, not to get involved, not to waste time, effort, “this does not concern me” has become a familiar feeling?

Remembering these people with bitterness, at first he was angry, accused, perplexed, then he began to remember himself. Something similar - the desire to move away, to evade, not to get involved - happened to me too. Incriminating myself, I understood how familiar this feeling became in our life, how it warmed up, imperceptibly took root.

I'm not going to announce the next complaints of damage to morals. The level of decline in our responsiveness, however, made me think. There are no personal culprits. Who to blame? I looked around and couldn't find any obvious reason.

Pondering, he recalled the time at the front, when in our hungry trench life it was impossible to walk past him at the sight of a wounded man. From your part, from the other - it was impossible for someone to turn away, pretend not to notice. They helped, dragged on themselves, bandaged, brought up ... Some people, perhaps, violated this law of front-line life, because there were deserters and crossbows. But we are not talking about them, we are now talking about the main life rules of that time.

I do not know the recipes for the manifestation of mutual understanding that we all need, but I am sure that only from our common understanding of the problem can some concrete solutions emerge. One person - me, for example - can only ring this alarm bell and ask that mercy warm our lives.

(According to D.A. Granin. From the essay “On Mercy”)

Questions to the text:

1) Name the topic and the main idea of ​​the text.

Finish recording the topic of the lesson: “Oral public speaking on a moral topic”.

IV. Student's message about the meaning of the words "morality", "moral".

IN AND. Dal in " explanatory dictionary living Great Russian language” explains the words “morality” and “moral” in this way:

Morality - moral teaching, moral teaching, rules for the will, conscience of a person.

Temper - character, constant aspirations of the will of man.

Moral - consonant with conscience, with the laws of truth, with the dignity of man; spiritual.

Morality and ethics are ethical categories.

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that defines the boundary between good and evil, good and bad deeds.

V. Differentiated tasks (work in groups). Tasks vary in degree of difficulty. The teacher, knowing the preparation of students, can determine for himself which group will perform this or that task.

Task for the first group

  1. Read the text.
  2. Answer the question: how is the thesis different from the summary? Prove this with an example (you can use the materials of the read text).

B. Read the text.

About envy

If a heavyweight sets a new world record in weightlifting, do you envy him? How about a gymnast? And if the champion in diving from a tower into the water?

Start listing everything that you know and that you can envy: you will notice that the closer to your work, specialty, life, the stronger the proximity of envy. It's like in a game - cold, warm, even warmer, hot, burned!

On the last one, you found a thing hidden by other players while blindfolded. It's the same with envy. The closer the achievement of the other is to your specialty, to your interests, the more the burning danger of envy increases.

A terrible feeling, from which the one who envies suffers first of all.

Now you will understand how to get rid of the extremely painful feeling of envy: develop your own individual inclinations, your own uniqueness in the world around you, be yourself, and you will never be envious.

Envy develops primarily where you are a stranger to yourself.

Envy develops primarily where you do not distinguish yourself from others.

Envy means you haven't found yourself.

D.S. Likhachev.

Complete the following tasks for the text you have read:

  1. Compose and write down the abstracts of the read text.
  2. Determine what role the first paragraph plays in the text.
  3. Prepare a message: "Speech topic - theses."

Tasks for the second group

A. Complete the following tasks.

  1. Read the text.
  2. Highlight in the text:
  3. - (in red) advice given by D.S. Likhachev;

    - (in blue) the reason.

  4. Prepare short message on the topic: “Advice to a novice speaker” (in preparation, use the materials of the read text).
  5. If you want to be a cultured and educated person, pay attention to your language. Speak correctly, accurately and economically.

    Keep track of time. This is important to be understood.

    The presentation must be interesting. If the speaker speaks enthusiastically, then the audience will feel it.

    Try to make sure that your speech has one main idea. Then the listeners will guess what you want to convince them.

B. Read the text (D. Granin “On Mercy”). Complete the following tasks for the text you have read:

  1. Highlight a fragment of the text, the content of which is related to moral and ethical issues.
  2. Make and write an outline of this passage.
  3. Compare this fragment with D. Granin's text "On Mercy".
  4. Using the materials of this text and the work of D. Granin "On Mercy", prepare the theses of a public speech.

Task for the third group.

A. Complete the following tasks.

  1. Read the topics of public speaking carefully.
  2. Choose the topic that is closest to you, on which you can think of your own examples, use your own experience.
  3. Read the entry options carefully. Decide which entry more corresponds to the chosen topic.
  4. Write down the plan (or theses) of your speech. When drawing up a plan, think about whether this item contributes to the disclosure of the topic.

Topics for public speaking

1. Kindness makes a person beautiful.

2. About love for "our smaller brothers".

3. Is being decent good or bad?

4. Can we be friends?

5. Why is an indifferent person dangerous?

6. About human greed.

7. On the need for a respectful attitude towards people.

8. "The path of mercy warms our lives!"

9. Is it good to be rich?

10. Qualities that I appreciate in a person.

Entry Options

b) Very often in our life we ​​are faced with situations, the way out of which puts a person before a choice: what to do? ..

c) Have you ever thought about...

VI. Discussion of the results of the work (analysis of the performance of groups), criteria for evaluating the performance.

1. Is the content relevant to the topic of the speech?

2. Is the statement logical?

4. Does the speaker keep the audience's attention?

5. Does the speaker's speech correspond to the literary norms of the language?

6. General assessment of the performance.

VII. Homework(each student receives a task).

Read the tips carefully. Underline the ones you would like to remember.

Choose one of the proposed topics for public speaking or come up with your own.

Work on the content of your public speech (ask yourself the question: does this thought, argument correspond to the topic of the speech?).

Think of interesting examples, facts from your own life, remember examples from works of art. All this will contribute to the fact that your speech will be listened to attentively.

After writing the introduction of your public speech, read it carefully again. Maybe you can offer something interesting?

Try to come up with an interesting conclusion. Your goal is to make your performance unforgettable.

Try to speak with your topic in front of your parents, grandparents (you can also speak in front of a mirror). All this will help you feel more confident.

Think about the intonation with which you will pronounce this or that phrase.

Remember that today you are performing in front of classmates, in front of those people with whom you have known for several years. And tomorrow you may find yourself in front of complete strangers. And then your ability to speak expressively, emotionally, your ability to logically express your thoughts will help you.

And now you can get to work. Good luck!

Oratory skills are useful for a person of any profession, because the ability to communicate with the public makes him self-confident and increases the value of an employee in the eyes of the employer. That is why oratorical speech is so important - examples of speeches are especially important. After all, they will help you choose the right style of speech for a particular occasion.

Oratory always has a specific goal, namely, the persuasion of the public with the help of certain oratory methods. The goal can be to inform the audience about certain events or results, to motivate them to improve some indicators, to call for certain actions, to convince their thoughts or ideas that they are right, etc.

Rhetoric offers different techniques to achieve the above goals. Therefore, depending on the purpose or nature of the speech different types also has oratorical speech, examples of which will be discussed in this article.

According to the modern classification, there are 5 types of oratory, each of which includes several more types.

  1. Socio-political eloquence (propaganda speech, diplomatic speeches, speeches on political and economic topics, rally speeches, etc.).
  2. Academic eloquence (lectures, reports, conferences, etc.).
  3. Judicial eloquence (speech of the prosecutor, accused, lawyer, jurors, etc.).
  4. Social and everyday eloquence (congratulatory speech, toast, memorial speech, etc.).
  5. Spiritual eloquence (sermons, speeches on spiritual topics, etc.).

Examples of public speaking will help to consider in more detail each of the proposed types of eloquence.


Let us consider three genres of socio-political eloquence.

  • A campaign speech is aimed at getting an instant response from the public. The speaker's speech inclines the audience to the side of the speaker and encourages them to consciously and voluntarily act in the interests of the speaker to achieve a common goal.

Example: “Today, young people spend more and more time at the computer and TV, without thinking about own health. Meanwhile, a passive lifestyle leads to unpleasant and sometimes terrible health problems.
Sports activities strengthen health and immunity, model the figure, increase self-esteem, improve concentration, positively affect mood and bring many other benefits to the body.
Go in for sports! Choose a healthy lifestyle, and the results will not keep you waiting!

  • A diplomatic speech is an official speech by a speaker representing a particular state. The speech is characterized by restraint, but a clear expression of the positions of the state.

Example: “The modern world order is gradually moving from a unipolar system to a multipolar one, since the hegemony of one strong state cannot ensure the security of the planet's population.
We stand on the fact that in the emerging conditions of the new world order, all issues can be resolved only through peaceful negotiations and the search for consensus. Only in this way can we save this world for our descendants.”

  • A rally speech is a speech that energizes the crowd to uphold some common idea. Such a speech usually touches on acute socio-political topics and gathers people to protest or support one or another decision of the leadership of the country, city, factory, school, etc.

Example: “We have gathered here to express our disagreement with the closure of the enterprise. We will not hand over our factory to those who want to cash in on its demolition.
If we stop this lawlessness now, we will be able to provide jobs for our children and grandchildren. Let's save production! Let the leadership hear us!


The genres of academic eloquence mainly work within the framework of science and education, however, in some cases, academic eloquence is populist and propagandistic.

  • A lecture is an oratorical speech that has a clear structure, respects all logical connections and, in most cases, aims to inform listeners. So, lectures can be devoted not only to educational disciplines, but also to certain topics (the harm of smoking, alcohol, drugs, etc.).

Example: “Today's lecture is about the development of science. The plan of the lecture is as follows: stages in the development of science, models of the development of science, types of scientific revolutions and the phenomenon of pseudoscience.
So, let's start with the fact that any science develops in the process of cognition of the surrounding world. There are 5 stages in the development of science: pre-scientific, ancient, medieval, the stage of classical science and, finally, modern science. Let's take a closer look at each stage.

  • Report - a speaker's speech, which is held in the framework of conferences, symposiums, etc. and presented to the audience for discussion. Usually the report is a summing up of the results of research and experiments in a particular scientific field.

Example: “The purpose of the report on the topic “The concept of “Friendship” in German and Russian linguistic cultures” is to study the perception of the concept of “friendship” by carriers of German and Russian linguistic cultures, as well as to identify similarities and differences.
After sociological surveys and a free associative experiment, we can conclude that Germans and Russians perceive friendship in almost the same way.

  • Scientific message - public speech, limited in time and addressed to one specific thought. The scientific message is expressed concisely and logically.

Example: "Current state Pacific Ocean raises concerns. The garbage patch formed in the northern part of the ocean is a serious threat not only to the inhabitants of the ocean itself, but also to humans. Several proposals for solving this problem have been put on the agenda.


Oratory of a judicial nature includes almost all speeches that are held in the courtroom.

  • An accusatory speech is an oratorical speech by a public prosecutor or prosecutor, giving an assessment of the course of the investigation and the available evidence that it was the accused who committed the crime. The prosecutor also proposes for consideration one or another measure of punishment for the accused.

Example: “Today we are to become participants in the hearing of the case serial killer. The prosecution would like to pay special attention to the most significant circumstances of the case, as well as to present irrefutable evidence of a series of crimes committed by the accused.”

  • A lawyer's speech is a public speech that is aimed at fending off the accusations of the prosecutor and at providing own evidence that diverts blame for the crime from the accused.

Example: “Yes, you are right, Comrade Prosecutor, my client had an ambiguous relationship with the murdered woman. However, it is worth noting that not only my client had a motive, but also the sister of the murdered woman. Moreover, the evidence found proves that artificial leather elements were found on the crime weapon. Exactly the skin from which the gloves of the sister of the murdered are made.


Oratory speeches within the framework of social eloquence are a manifestation of social relations.

  • Congratulatory speech - a speech with the aim of expressing one's admiration, joy on a particular occasion. It can be someone's anniversary, birthday, wedding, opening of a business, the birth of a child, etc. The peculiarity of such speech is solemnity and pathos.

Example: “Ladies and Gentlemen! We are gathered here today to celebrate a wonderful occasion - the tenth anniversary of our company. I want to congratulate everyone who has contributed to the development of our common cause, and also wish our company further prosperity and loyal customers!”.

  • Memorial speech - read on the occasion of someone's death. Such a speech is usually based on memories of the deceased, on emphasizing his positive qualities, as well as in words of support to close relatives of the deceased. The memorial speech is also notable for its tragic pathos.

Example: "He was wonderful person. Although I know him only as a colleague and I can say that he was a man of his word and incredible love for his work, I can also add that he always remained, above all, a loving father and husband.”


Church eloquence has a strong influence on the masses. Religion is one of the regulators of behavior due to moral foundations.

  • A sermon is a speech given by a member of the clergy and aimed at spreading an idea or belief. The sermon tells about God's love for people, about mercy, compassion, about God's will for all events, etc. Such a speech awakens in the listeners reverence and awe for religion. The speech is distinguished by high style, pathos, moral and instructive tone.

Example: “The Holy Spirit was on Earth when there was no human being yet. It was the Holy Spirit who arranged human life. It was the Spirit of God through Moses who freed the children of Israel from the Egyptian yoke and led them to the promised land.”

  • Spiritual lectures are the same educational lectures, conveying religious ideas to the listeners.

Example: “People are used to living according to legal laws and according to the laws of nature. In the first case, let's say, a person stole a small amount of money, went to church and lit a candle - that's it, the soul is calm. In the second case - jump out of the window, no one will punish you, but it will hurt - this is the operation of the law of nature. However, there is another category of laws - the laws of spiritual life, which help a person to be himself and accept himself.

Now that the examples have helped to understand what the oratory path is, it will be much easier to work on your speech depending on the purpose of the speech. The main rule in preparing any speech is always attunement with the audience.


The specifics of the concept of public speaking

The main steps in preparing a public speech

The main stages of preparation


List of used literature


Ancient rhetoric is of great importance in the preparation of public speeches (rhetorical canon). Even the Greeks noted that the speech of Dimosthenes was saturated with the oil of the night lamp, in the light of which he composed them.

Mastering the art of oratory is a very long and dynamic process that requires constant work on oneself and a lot of speaking practice (conversation, negotiations, speaking in a mass audience, participating in discussions, etc.). Based on this, an important place in the activities of the speaker is occupied by daily preparation for a speech, in other words, a continuous process of working on improving his speech skills, systematic rhetorical self-education.

Today, the issue of public speaking is very acute. IN last years Professions where the main aspect is the sociability of a person have become very popular. Which explains the relevance of our chosen topic.

The purpose of my research is to consider and analyze the main aspects of preparing for a public speaking. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks, namely:

consider the specifics of the concept of public speaking

identify the main steps in the preparation of a public speech

consider the main stages of preparation

The structure of the work: the work consists of an introduction, three paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of references.

1. The specifics of the concept of public speaking

Public speaking is a communicative interaction of a speaker with an audience of listeners. The result of an oratorical speech to the public largely depends on the effectiveness of the preparation and competence of the speaker in matters of the topic under discussion and the skill of public speaking.

Public speaking is nothing more than the public interaction of the candidate with the audience. The candidate should speak clearly, accessible and concisely, keeping in mind the following points from the audience

audience motivation (why did they come, or why were they invited)

candidate's competence

intellectual and age level of the audience

time allotted for the meeting

The information must go to a specific addressee, that is, the information must be of interest to the audience. Quite often, candidates stand "for themselves", completely ignoring the voters. Candidates look over the voters' heads, at the floor, out the window, to the side. As a result, contact with the audience is lost, which leads to poor results at the end of the meeting.

The candidate should pay special attention to the emphasis key points meetings. It may be an emphasis on a part of one's own election program, the date of the election, “downgrading of the competitors”, etc.

Things to keep in mind when presenting:

when entering the audience, greet the voters, always smile;

be confident, show confidence in your words. It is a demonstration of confidence that allows you to win over voters to your side.

the gaze must always be fixed on the voters. Looks cannot be avoided;

start talking only after establishing complete silence in the hall;

start your speech with a short greeting;

Speak clearly, but by no means monotonously, otherwise the voters will simply fall asleep;

closely monitor the reaction of voters;

if the voters are tired, start to speak more quietly, and then sharply raise your voice;

if voters liked your words, then focus on them;

do not pay attention to provocations;

never say that you are not competent in any matter. The voter expects from you that you will solve his problems, and you must promise him this;

at the end of the speech, do not forget to thank the voters and invite them to the elections.

2. Basic steps for preparing a public speech

Daily preparation includes activities such as:

The acquisition of new knowledge, the accumulation of information from various areas science and technology, obtaining information from periodicals, radio and television broadcasts, reading scientific, journalistic, fiction. Constantly strive for new knowledge, expanding the scope of their interests.

Create your own archive.

Mastering the technique of speech

Improving the culture of oral and written speech.

Critical analysis of speeches

If we talk about the rules for preparing for a public speaking, we note the following:

To prepare the text of the speech, you need to clarify with the organizer the time limit allotted for your report. If there are no time limits, it is still not worth preparing a long speech. On average, count on 5 - 7 minutes, maximum - 10 minutes.

Make a plan.

Decide on the purpose of the report, its main idea. Then start planning your speech. The more detailed the plan is, the easier it will be to write the text itself. The main idea of ​​the report can be voiced both at the beginning of the speech and at the end. The choice depends on your personal preference. Remember, speech should be coherent, meaningful and capacious. It is also not recommended to overload the report with professional terms. Exception - scientific conferences, in this case, terms are indispensable. It is recommended to use numerical indicators, but moderately, their number depends on the task.

Rehearse the speech.

Focus on the audience. If you are an economist and speak to your colleagues, of course, disclosure of the essence of technical terms will be inappropriate. In the case of a report for people of other professions, on the contrary, it is very helpful. After preparing the text, reread it, correct it. Check by the clock how many minutes it takes to read the report. Adjust it for the amount of time you need.

Practicing a speech. Let's move on to voice training. Read the prepared text several times, adhering to your usual manner of communication. Then practice at the mirror, looking at the plan of the report. Ask close people to give you time and play the role of your audience.

Fashion style. After training, proceed to the selection of clothes. First of all, the outfit must match the format of the meeting. If this is a scientific forum, clothes of a classic cut should be preferred. Are you going to give a lesson to the students? Then your choice is casual wear in soothing tones. The main rule: the outfit should not attract excessive attention of the audience, otherwise it will distract from the essence of the report. Therefore, avoid red shoes, original jewelry, dresses of all colors of the rainbow at the same time, if you do not want the audience to discuss and look at your outfit instead of being interested in the report.

It is very important to clearly formulate for yourself what you like in a speech, a speaker, and what causes a negative reaction, what actions, techniques, words contribute to the success of the speaker, and which do not. The speaker must acquire both theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of oratory. It is important to understand the stages of a speaker’s activity, how to prepare for a meeting with a listener, how to build an oratory, what audience management techniques can be used. Everyday preparation increases the professional level of the speaker.

.Main stages of preparation

All stages can be grouped into three groups in relation to the moment of speech.

Figure 1. Main stages of preparation for public speaking.

In the pre-communicative phase (in the phase before the performance), two initial stages:

Determining the topic and purpose of the speech

Am I really interested in the topic and can it be interesting for me

Is this topic important to the audience?

Assessment of the state of the audience and the situation as a whole

Work at these stages is in the nature of taking into account and evaluating objective data: the topic and purpose of the speech are usually set, but the state of the audience and the situation are not chosen by the speaker.

Determining the topic of the speech.

The topic should be chosen carefully. If possible, then you need to focus on what is familiar and interesting to the speaker personally. Then it might be interesting and meaningful for others. Then, you need to try to narrow down the topics of the speech so that it is of the greatest interest. It is necessary to decide: whether to describe the subject, to clarify something about the subject, whether to challenge a certain point of view or state new version. Don't try to cram too much material into a limited amount of time. Shakespeare said: "Where there are few words, they have weight." If possible, it is necessary to think over a future speech for several days. During this time, many new ideas will appear. The main idea is the main thesis, which must be clearly formulated from the very beginning. Knowing the goal enhances focus. There can be several core ideas in a speech, but no more than three.

The core idea makes it possible to set a certain tone for the performance. For example, reports on scientific and technical topics can be delivered with an angry, reproachful intonation, the meaning of which consists in unspoken but implied expressions such as “If you don’t do this, you will regret it,” or “I can’t understand why you don’t do that.” so-and-so." This slightly irritated tone allows the presenter to communicate their message more effectively to the audience.

Possible intonation colors of speeches are as follows:


nonchalant or humorous;


angry or reproachful;




To formulate the main thesis means to answer the question, why talk (goal) and what to talk about (means to achieve the goal).

Requirements for the main thesis of the speech:

the phrase should state main idea and fit the purpose of the speech;

the judgment should be short, clear, easily retained in short-term memory;

thought must be understood unambiguously, not to contain contradictions.

After preparing the speech plan, it is useful to check yourself with questions:

Who are my listeners (interested, uninterested)?

Are they prepared or not?

Does my presentation generate interest?

Do I know enough about the subject and do I have enough data?

Will I be able to finish my presentation within the allotted time?

Is my presentation appropriate to my level of knowledge and experience?

Assessment of the audience and setting

Ask yourself: "Who are my listeners?" If the answer is difficult, then it is better to imagine a group of two or three people to whom the speech is addressed and prepare a speech for them. Must be taken into account following characteristics audiences:

the level of education;


the purpose of people coming to the performance;

level of interest in the topic;

the level of awareness in this matter;

It is advisable to talk to some people in the intended audience beforehand in order to get to know the audience better. The venue is very important factor successful performance. In order to feel confident, you need to come to the gym in advance and get comfortable. If a microphone is to be used, it must be adjusted.


Evaluation of the topic, purpose and audience is the basis and background of the next stage of the pre-communicative phase - "coding", i.e. creating a message on a given topic, with a given purpose, for a given audience and in accordance with a specific situation. This stage includes:

selection of materials;

compositional-logical design of speech;

use of factual material;

work on the language and style of speech.

Factual material and numerical data, to facilitate perception, it is better to demonstrate through tables and graphs, and not to abuse their reading. The easiest way is to make a presentation and put all the digital material there, refer to it in the course of the story, since the numbers rather tire the listeners than arouse interest.

The pre-communicative phase must necessarily end with a rehearsal of the performance. You can practice in front of relatives or friends, you can use audio and video recording tools to control the timing, the quality of the performance - in a word, look at yourself from the outside.

Substantive preparation:

analysis of the problem, situation

formation of goals, objectives, general approach to the speech and

own position

preparation of speech and argumentation of conclusions

selection required documents and materials

Consider age and gender factors.

communication phase.

The communicative stage (during a speech) of a speech also involves the development of the speaker's ability to distribute attention, quickly switch from the material being presented to the audience and back. It is important to learn to imagine the train of thought of the listeners and the degree of perception of the material by them.

A speaker seeking to achieve success, a constructive result, needs to carefully prepare his speech. This training can be presented as: constituent parts:



take into account established rituals and subordination

Thus, the actions of the speaker during the communicative phase of the speech include:

implementation of the norms of the culture of speech;

logical-compositional structuring of the speech text;

reaction to the actions of the audience

What mistakes are typical for speakers? What should not be allowed in your public speech?

Can't be abused foreign words, unfamiliar terms and concepts. This makes it difficult to understand your speech, making it cumbersome. In addition, it must be remembered that some of the listeners are not familiar with these words, and someone puts in them a different meaning that does not coincide with yours. Misinterpretation of concepts can lead to misunderstanding - misinterpretation of your words as a whole.

The frequent use of unions is unacceptable. More M.V. Lomonosov remarked that "unions are like nails and glue, the fewer of them, the better."

Post-communicative phase

Post-communicative stage (questions after the speech). When analyzing an oral presentation, it is necessary to consider speech from three main positions:

completeness of the implementation of the plan

presentation logic

aesthetic expressiveness

What usually pays attention to the audience and each listener individually.

topic and purpose: whether it is interesting, whether it is too broad; How appropriate are the situations?

introduction: how interesting and non-standard; didn't it go too far; Is it clear and convincing?

main part: whether the plan and logic of the speech are thought out; arouses "whether there is interest; whether there is excess material; whether the arguments and evidence are correct; whether there are enough arguments; whether there is too abstract material; whether all examples are expedient; convincing performance;

conclusion: is it sufficiently motivated; how clear and impressive; whether it meets the intended purpose.

Evaluation of the performance from the standpoint of compliance with the norms of the culture of speech and style:

is there any ambiguity; whether concreteness is sufficient, whether there is excessive abstraction;

whether the language is casual, suitable for the given audience and topic; whether there is a mixture of styles and how appropriate it is;

are there long sentences, intricate constructions; whether there is verbosity or excessive brevity;

whether speech stamps are used; how original the speech is in speech design, how bright the language is.

Assessment of the external appearance of the speaker:

appearance and mannerisms: whether the behavior is casual; whether there is confidence, a friendly tone; whether the speech is addressed to all; does he look at the audience;

posture: constrained or relaxed, theatrical or regal, stooped or straight, etc .; are there any unnecessary movements, etc .;

gestures: how appropriate; are there too many of them; how natural, meaningful, appropriate.

tempo: not too fast or too slow; whether the speech is jerky or slow; Are there enough pauses?

Articulation score:

How correct is the pronunciation of words?

how clear the articulation is.

These are approximate characteristics that will help you navigate when preparing for a speech and during a speech. Particular attention must be paid to the correct pronunciation of words, since compliance with orthoepic norms- one of the weak links of the language and speech culture teacher.

public speaking speaker audience


Thus, we can note that mastering oratory is a very long and dynamic process that requires constant work on oneself and a lot of speaking practice (conversation, negotiations, speaking to a mass audience, participation in discussions, etc.). Based on this, an important place in the activities of the speaker is occupied by daily preparation for a speech, in other words, a continuous process of working on improving his speech skills, systematic rhetorical self-education.

Today, the issue of public speaking is very acute. In recent years, professions have become very popular, where the main aspect is the sociability of a person. In the course of the study, we achieved our goal by solving such problems as: considering the specifics of the concept of public speaking, identifying the main actions for preparing a public speaking, considering the main stages of preparing a speech.

Our day-to-day preparation includes activities such as:

.The acquisition of new knowledge, the accumulation of information from various fields of science and technology.

.Create your own archive.

.Mastering the technique of speech.

.Improving the culture of oral and written speech.

.Critical analysis of speeches.

Three phases (stages) were classified as the main stages of preparation for public speaking: pre-communicative, communicative and post-communicative. And finally, they revealed the fact that daily training increases the professional level of the speaker.

List of used literature

1.Aleksandrov D.N. Rhetoric. Textbook for universities, M., 2010, - 157 p.

.Andreev F.I. Rhetoric. Textbook for universities, M., 2009, - 10 pages.

.Kostromina E.A. Rhetoric. Tutorial. - NIMB. N. Novgorod:, 2006. - 57 pages

.Russian language and culture of speech. Textbook for universities., L.A. Vvedenskaya, L.G. Pavlova, E.Yu. Kashaev., 15th ed. Rostov N./D: Phoenix, 2006 - 36 p.



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Sooner or later, everyone has to perform in front of an audience. And since the latter is very selfish, this activity can cause a lot of trouble. But as Mark Twain said: “The public initially does not expect anything from you,” so do not be nervous, but it would be nice to use a few useful tips and review examples of public speaking.

Where to begin?

Any example of public speaking begins with proper preparation speech. No matter how wonderful the speaker's text may seem, you need to understand that behind it is remarkable work and long hours of practice.

Every successful example of public speaking begins with the preparation of a speech. Mark Twain at one time knowingly said that it takes about three weeks to prepare an impromptu. Any performance, regardless of its type and the goal pursued, must be prepared in advance. First you need to make the so-called "skeleton" of the performance. To do this, you need to decide on the following positions:

  • Understand the motivation of people who came to listen to the speech.
  • Determine the main idea of ​​the speech.
  • Divide this idea into several component parts (subheadings).
  • designate keywords. They will need to be repeated several times in the speech so that the listeners better remember what, in fact, it is about.
  • Each speech should have a clear plan and structure. The speech should consist of an introduction, main body and conclusions.


When the speaker has decided on the basic structure of his speech, it is necessary to build up “muscles” on this “skeleton”. What can they be made of?

  • You can use vivid examples from life or literature, the main thing is that they correspond to the main theme.
  • To help the listener visually consolidate the information received, it is worth preparing graphs, slides, pictures, videos, etc.
  • The audience can be approached with a question during the speech, this will help keep the audience's attention on the main topic.

Introductory part

Particular attention should be paid to the beginning and end of the speech. It is they who play the main role in the communication between the speaker and the listener. The introduction helps to form a first impression of the speaker, and the debriefing allows the audience to consolidate the information received.

During the preparation of the presentation, many questions may arise. For example, how to start a public speaking? The main thing here is to interest the audience from the very beginning. The first impression of the speaker will accompany him throughout the speech, and if you make a mistake, it will be difficult to correct it later.

For example, a public speaking introduction might be a witty joke or some interesting fact. You can puzzle the audience with a question or intrigue with a pause. The main thing is to draw attention to yourself. Just do not start apologizing for the fact that the voice is hoarse, this is the first speech, etc. The speaker should always be self-confident, and turn every trouble to his aid. For example, if the speaker is really ill, you should not apologize, but say that due to such and such circumstances I ask everyone to sit closer so that I can be heard.

End of speech

As for the end, it is important to summarize the entire speech, highlight the main thoughts and recall the issues raised. The last phrases should have a certain emotional message and be expressive, only in this way the listener can not only reward the speaker with applause, but also become an adherent of his ideas. Although, no matter how much you talk about the correct construction of a speech, it will be easier to consider examples of public speaking.

Types of public speaking

Examples of public speaking are divided into several types:

  • Informational. For the most part, these are reports, lectures, oral answers.
  • Protocol and etiquette. Such speeches are used when meeting important guests, making toasts, mourning speeches, or opening a new institution.
  • Entertaining. Usually they are used for a pleasant pastime, they have an entertaining context, but at the same time convey information. As an example, we can cite the performances of Russian pop comedians E. Petrosyan, E. Stepanenko, M. Zadornov and others.
  • Persuasive speech. Such a report should have indisputable facts and evidence that will incline the audience to your side. Examples would be speeches famous politicians. For example, Abraham Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address in 1863, where he assured citizens that not a single soldier died in vain, and this is a necessary sacrifice on the path to freedom.

Get it done in three minutes

In general, the attention of the audience lasts only 15-20 minutes, this is due to psycho-physiological reasons. Depending on the variety, oral presentations can last from a few minutes to 1-2 hours. However, there are some speeches that need to be delivered in 3 minutes. In most cases, these performances are wedding toasts or press conferences. IN total The length of the speech should be between 200 and 405 words. Here is an example of a public speaking for 3 minutes:

“Today, for the first time, the Dalai Lama gave a unique interview to a Russian blogger. For his YouTube channel, business blogger Dmitry Portnyagin was the first in the CIS to interview the Dalai Lama. Communication with a famous Buddhist took place in a Delhi hotel, where the monk often stays with his followers. The premises were double-checked before the conversation began, first by Indian guards led by a Sikh, and then by His Holiness's personal guards.

The interview only lasted an hour. During this time, the participants were able to discuss political problems, including questions of competence of Gorbachev, Yeltsin and Putin. Predict the future of Russia, talk about material and spiritual values, mutual understanding between people and the secrets of success. Each question received a detailed answer. The Dalai Lama spoke openly and with humor. At the end, he gave some tips for entrepreneurs and talked about personal safety.

Dmitry Portnyagin did not remain indifferent during the conversation. He showed the Dalai Lama a photograph of his grandfather, said that in his office there was always a photograph of the supreme head of Tibet, so he also became interested in this topic. Saying goodbye to His Holiness, Dmitry presented the Dalai Lama with a hat with earflaps as a keepsake. The monk immediately put on a new thing and appeared in this form in front of the camera lenses. The full version of the interview can be viewed on the Transformer channel.

Suitable or not?

This example of public speaking text complies with all the rules. Such a short speech fully reveals the theme of the presentation of the video on YouTube channel. It tells about the participants, the location of the interview, the issues that were raised and general mood that was present during the conversation.

At the end of the press release, the speaker invites listeners to watch full version video. Although the ending can be supplemented with one more two sentences, saying that the interview turned out to be successful and informative for everyone.

Alexander I

To be effective, speech must be precise and expressive. And it may not always be large volumes of text. You can convey your idea with a few strong sentences and vivid comparisons. For example, the public speech of Alexander I before French ambassadors even before the start of the war it sounded like this:

“This is small Europe, and this is big Russia (he shows all this on the map). In case of failure, you can only retreat as far as Paris, and I can run to the edge of Kamchatka! But at the same time, every meter of this land will be hostile to you, even the women will not stop fighting. Russia may lose some battles, but she will never be defeated.”

To say that the ambassadors left impressed would be an understatement. An example of the text of the public speech of Tsar Alexander I amazes readers today. There is not a drop of arrogance here, solid facts, filed under the right "sauce".

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs' speeches can serve as a striking example of modern oratory. Oratory was definitely not his forte - it's just a hobby, but he began every presentation of a new product with his own speech. Examples in its execution are as follows:

These are just small fragments of one of his speeches. But how a person motivates!

Correct solution

You can speak on any topic. Examples of public speaking are easy to find in print and other media. mass media. Speakers usually touch on important social, political and economic problems. IN Lately it has become fashionable to give trainings on how to make money on the Web, present a variety of training programs or draw attention to advertising promotions. Sometimes speakers conduct psychological trainings, discuss religion or philosophy. But whatever the speaker is talking about, his main goal is to captivate the audience.

The speaker is not the person who professionally manipulates pathos speeches, but the one who is able to conduct a simultaneous dialogue with thousands of listeners. He must speak the language of the people who listen to him, understand their problems, find common ground and skillfully lead them to make the right decision.

business communication

It may seem that it is diverse and has no clear boundaries, this public speech. The examples of speeches presented above give misrepresentation that the texts of the speakers have nothing in common. In fact, they all have the same goal: the listener must agree with the speaker's point of view. And this can be done by completely different methods, up to provocation. Although this method is used mainly in litigation.

The founder of the Russian advocacy, A.F. Koni, once defended a disabled hunchback. For for long years a neighbor mocked him, and one day, unable to stand it, the hunchback grabbed a stone and threw it at him, thereby causing grievous bodily injury. In his public speech, A. F. Koni was original like no other. He, as expected, turned to the jury: "Gentlemen of the jury!" Then he paused and repeated this phrase four more times, making minute stops after each appeal. After the fourth appeal, one of the jurors could not stand it and furiously blurted out: “Are you kidding me?!” A.F. Koni did not lose his head, he expected such a reaction: “I addressed you politely and only 4 times, and you have already begun to get nervous. My client has listened to insults in his direction for many years. What must he have felt?

This performance achieved its goal - the defendant was acquitted.

Who feeds you, comrade judges?

History knows many cases with such original performances. Even in literature one can find good examples of oratory, which can be used to teach this art. So, in the novel by A. M. Gorky “Mother”, the convict Pavel Vlasov spoke at the court session. He was convicted under a political article and refused to carry out the escape prepared by his comrades only in order to make a speech before the numerous people who had gathered at the trial.

His speech was full of refrains, where he spoke on behalf of the people, but the main "highlight" of the speech was the climax: "How can you destroy the workers, those who feed you, comrade judges?" It costs a lot to create such a speech.

Prosperity of the country

Finishing the article, I would like to give one more version of a public speech. An example of a text on the topic "Theft in Japan."

“Many human and economic factors influence the prosperity of a country. Among them there is one, almost insignificant fact, which will seem to us a fantastic absurdity.

In Japan, they don't steal. They don't steal at all. They don't steal at all. Never steal. People do not lock apartments and cars. Shops safely put trays of goods on the streets and safely forget about them. They know: no one will take someone else's.

In this country, you can forget anything, anywhere, and then come back for the loss a few days later. She will remain untouched. Every Japanese knows: if something is lost, it probably lies where it was lost, which means it will be found. Whether it's a mobile phone or a wallet, anyway, there is any thing.

Tips are not accepted in Japan. The seller or waiter will run after you for several blocks to give you change. Most residents of the capital move around on bicycles, and no one ties them up. Steal a bike?! It's funny!

Here they know: to take someone else's is a shame. After him, a person will no longer be trusted, he will never wash himself off from him.

And by the way, about the economy. Officials sacredly follow this rule: taking someone else's is taboo. Not so long ago, the Japanese minister hanged himself, who was suspected of free handling of finances. Not even stealing. Because of this story, the previous prime minister also resigned.

So, on what does the prosperity of the country depend? That's right, from theft, or, more precisely, from its absence.

The speaker is a kind of shooter. He either hits the target and makes everyone bow their heads before him, or misses, and then the discouraged crowd goes about their business, ignoring the words of the speaker. Therefore, before speaking to the public, you need to aim at a specific target. Examples of public speaking leaders will help.

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