How to make elastic plasticine. The best plasticine recipes I've found. Recipe with washing powder

Modeling from plasticine is one pleasant and useful activity. Making a variety of figurines and crafts contributes to the development of creative thinking, fine motor skills and speech of the child. Today, plasticine can be purchased at any children's goods store, but it is better to make it at home. This will save money and provide the child with an environmentally friendly toy that does not contain toxic substances.

Types of baby play dough you can make at home

Homemade plasticine is the best safe game for your baby

At home, you can make both regular and smart plasticine - handgam.

Smart plasticine has many interesting properties:

  1. This modeling mass can be liquid and solid at the same time. If you put handgam on a flat surface, after a few minutes it will spread and become like a puddle. When subjected to sudden impact, the mass hardens.
  2. If you throw plasticine on the floor, it will bounce. It can be pulled, torn, kneaded.
  3. Handgam translates as “hand chewing gum.” It does not leave stains, does not stick to things, hands, walls, or ceilings. After using smart plasticine, there is no need for cleaning.
  4. When temperature changes, it acquires a different color.
  5. The mass does not include harmful substances, it has no taste or smell. Activities with such handmade chewing gum will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults.

Handgam is suitable for children from three years and older. It consists of safe components, but you cannot taste it or stick this mass to your body. It is recommended to work with children under three years of age using regular plasticine.

Thermal manufacturing method

This method involves heating the ingredients to facilitate mixing.

Classic plasticine recipe for children

You will need:

  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1 cup fine salt;
  • 1 tablespoon citric acid;
  • food coloring.

Step-by-step instruction making ordinary plasticine

The process looks like this:

  1. Pour water into the pan, then vegetable oil, dye and put on fire.
  2. When the mixture reaches a boil, remove it from the stove.
  3. In another container, combine flour, citric acid and salt.
  4. Pour into the mixture hot water With butter.
  5. Mix the mixture until smooth. Make sure there are no lumps left. The mixture should be soft and moderately sticky.
  6. Now you can cut the plasticine into fragments and paint each one a separate color.

Option with alum

Homemade plasticine with the addition of alum does not require special expenses

For the second method, prepare:

  • 2 tablespoons oil;
  • 1/2 cup salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of alum;
  • dye;
  • 2 cups of flour.

The cooking instructions are as follows:

  1. Pour water into a container and place it on the stove, add salt.
  2. When the salt has dissolved, remove the pan from the heat.
  3. IN salt water add alum, coloring, flour and butter. Stir the prepared mixture. Chilled plasticine can be used for its intended purpose.

Lazy plasticine

This recipe does not involve the use large quantity ingredients and is perfect for beginners.

For this method you will need:

  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 glass of salt;
  • dye;
  • half a glass of flour.

Scheme for preparing plasticine from water, salt and flour

The preparation method is as follows:

  1. Mix all ingredients in a saucepan and place it on heat.
  2. Cook until the mass becomes dense.
  3. Remove the mixture from the stove and cool it.
  4. When the dough has cooled, knead it, adding additional flour.
  5. The mass should acquire the consistency necessary for modeling.

Gluten-free plasticine

Plasticine made without adding flour is suitable even for children with allergies.

This recipe is suitable for children with gluten allergies. It does not involve the use of flour, therefore it eliminates the child’s contact with an unwanted substance.

For the fourth method, prepare:

  • 1 cup cornstarch;
  • 2 glasses of soda;
  • 1.5 glasses of water;
  • dye.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Mix baking soda, cornstarch, water and food coloring in a saucepan.
  2. Place the container on the fire. Keep the mixture on the stove until it thickens.
  3. When the plasticine has cooled, it must be kneaded thoroughly.

How to make modeling mass using the cold method

If it is not possible to heat the plasticine mass, then you can use cooking options without heat treatment.

Classic salt dough

Salted play dough - a cheap and practical option

Salt dough is widely used to create crafts. various levels difficulties. Children of any age can work with it. This plasticine is made from natural ingredients that can be found in every home.

Important! This modeling mass is made on the basis natural products, if a child puts it into his mouth, it will not cause harm to his health.

To make salted play dough, you need to prepare:

  • 250 ml water;
  • 1 glass “Extra” salt;
  • 2 cups wheat flour.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Combine salt and flour in a bowl.
  2. Then gradually add water and knead the dough.
  3. To determine the degree of readiness of the plasticine mass, focus on its structure. If the mixture crumbles, add a small amount of water. Add flour to plasticine that is too sticky.
  4. Form a ball from the prepared mass, make several indentations in it with your fingers. If the dough holds its shape and does not spread, it is ready.

When kneading, you can add a little vegetable oil. Thanks to this component, the plasticine will not dry out, stick to your hands, and a crust will not form on it.

Important! It is necessary to correctly determine the amount of oil; if you add too much, the plasticine will begin to attract dirt and will take a long time to dry.

Video: practical guide to making salt dough

Recipe with oatmeal

The second option will require the preparation of the following ingredients:

  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 1 cup oatmeal.
  1. Place all ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Mix the ingredients until smooth.

Option with honey

Prepare the following components:

  • 6 tablespoons of honey;
  • 2 cups peanut butter;
  • skimmed milk powder.
  1. Combine honey and peanut butter in a container.
  2. Add milk powder and knead until the mixture has the consistency of soft plasticine.

Step-by-step instructions for creating smart plasticine

Smart plasticine will undoubtedly please your child

Handgam can be prepared in many ways. But not every one of them existing options involves the creation of safe plasticine. Some recipes contain sodium tetraborate. Plasticine containing this component is not suitable for small children. You can make a safe mass using the following recipes.

Handgam made from PVA and starch

Handgam is an interesting material for games and modeling

You will need:

  • 0.25 cups PVA glue;
  • 1/3 cup starch;
  • dye;
  • small package.

The technique is as follows:

  1. Pour starch into the bag and add dye.
  2. Pour in the glue and shake. The components should form a lump.
  3. Remove it from the bag and wait for the liquid to drain. After this, the plasticine will be ready for use.

Chewing gum for hands made of PVA and soda

Required components:

  • 50 ml PVA glue;
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda;
  • glass jar;
  • dye;
  • plastic bag.

Perform the following manipulations:

  1. Combine glue and dye in a jar.
  2. Add soda in small portions and stir. You should end up with a mass that resembles shortbread dough to the touch.
  3. Then remove the plasticine from the jar, place it in a bag and knead it. When the mass turns into a homogeneous lump, it can be used for modeling.

Video: making handgam from soda and PVA

Smart plasticine made from corn starch

You will need ingredients such as:

  • 1 glass of warm water;
  • 2 cups cornstarch;
  • dye.
  1. Pour starch into the water in small portions and stir thoroughly.
  2. Add dye. The finished plasticine should visually resemble mucus.

Important! Do not use cold water, this will make it difficult to stir the starch. It must be warm.

How to make plasticine from starch - video

Recipe with washing powder


  • 50 ml PVA glue;
  • a small amount of washing powder.
  1. Pour glue into the container, add powder.
  2. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly. It should acquire a gel-like consistency.

Handgam made from starch and hair conditioner

You will need the following components:

  • 200 g potato starch;
  • hair conditioner

Cooking instructions:

  1. Pour starch into a bowl and add hair conditioner.
  2. Knead the resulting mixture until smooth, adding conditioner if necessary.

Hair conditioner can be replaced with shampoo, but in this case you will need more starch.

Video instructions for making handgams

How to color plasticine at home

Dye options for plasticine

To color homemade plasticine use:

  • gouache;
  • acrylic paints;
  • artificial and natural food colors.

The safest option is the last one. Plasticine is colored with beet or carrot juice, as well as turmeric and coffee:

  1. To give the elastic mass the desired color using root vegetables, you must first grate them on a fine grater.
  2. Then place the resulting mass on a piece of gauze and squeeze out the juice. The natural dye is ready.
  3. Liquid dye is added at the very end of making plasticine.

Dry products such as coffee or turmeric are added during the preparation of the elastic mixture along with the remaining ingredients. Then the mass is mixed well so that it acquires a uniform color.

Regular plasticine is stored in a tightly closed container or cling film. You can place it in the refrigerator and warm it up a little before use. But the temperature level should not exceed 40 °C. If moisture appears on the surface of the mass, add a little flour.

Smart plasticine should be stored in a bag. It should not be exposed to heat or water. Also, do not put handgam in the refrigerator. If all conditions are met, hand chewing gum retains its properties for five years.

In terms of its characteristics, homemade plasticine is not inferior to store-bought products. It does not contain synthetic substances that can provoke allergic reactions in a child, therefore it is completely harmless to his health. In addition, it can be produced in unlimited quantities. This plasticine is suitable for both creative games with children and for professional sculpting.

Dear readers, hello!

Today I want to discuss with you very interesting topic: homemade plasticine recipe. Moreover, I will tell you about the amazing properties of “smart plasticine”, which is now extremely popular. I believe that this is important for many parents whose children love to sculpt with plasticine.

Briefly about plasticine

The name “plasticine” comes from the Italian “hlastilina”, from the ancient Greek “molded”, a material for modeling. Each of us has been familiar with this material since childhood. It was made from purified and powdered clay, wax, animal fats and other substances that prevented drying.

Plasticine was invented in England in 1897 by art school teacher V. Harbutt. Industrial production plasticine began in Germany in 1900 with the addition of dyes. For more than a hundred years, plasticine has not lost its popularity. Currently, high molecular weight polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, synthetic rubbers and other high-tech materials are used in the production of plasticine.

What are the benefits for a child of practicing with plasticine?

Medicine strongly recommends this activity for children, as one of the best for the development of their fine motor skills. Fine motor skills are the ability to make small and precise movements of the hands and fingers as a result of the coordinated actions of the nervous, muscular and skeletal systems. The term “sleight of hand” applies here. Fine motor skills are very important as they relate to nervous system, visual system, attention, memory and perception of the child. Scientists say that fine motor skills contribute to speech development because the motor and speech centers in the brain are located very close to each other. Therefore, stimulation of the motor center leads to activation of the speech center.

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My son started sculpting at the age of 1 year. I saw how this activity helped him learn the world. Currently, my boy is already 4 years old and modeling is his favorite thing. He built garages from plasticine with various brands of cars and various equipment; palaces with kings, knights, princesses and strategies for their protection; kitchens with various culinary delights. He loves to sculpt animals, flowers and much more.

It’s hard to imagine how many different types of plasticine we used for these “works,” not to mention the prices. Our grandmother really didn’t like this material, as it polluted the premises and was difficult to clean (either greasy, sometimes strongly sticking, sometimes crumbling). It was she who gave me the idea cook plasticine, comfortable for its use Houses. By the way, you know

Methods for making plasticine yourself

At first I made plasticine simply from flour and water, but it dried out quickly, was sticky when restored with water, and did not hold its shape well. Then I started looking for recommendations how to do high-quality plasticine that is safe for children, from the means at hand?

It turned out that there are many ways to make plasticine at home. It can be prepared:

  • cold way,
  • using heat treatment,
  • edible and not edible,
  • plain and multi-colored.

To give plasticine color, you can use food coloring and even directly:

  • beets - for red color,
  • raspberry juice - for pink color,
  • red cabbage juice - for blue color,
  • carrots - for orange color,
  • saffron (turmeric) – for yellow color,
  • spinach - for green color,
  • infusion of hibiscus tea - for blue color etc.

For older children, non-natural dyes can also be used when making plasticine: gouache, acrylic paints.

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Homemade plasticine recipes

Play up

Recipe for homemade plasticine “Play Do” in the article Following the link you will find recipes for beautiful, bright, elastic, exactly harmless plasticine “Play Do”, which is in no way inferior to the original. Store Play Do in a closed container in the refrigerator.

Salty dough

I also already told you the recipe for plasticine, which is called salty dough. This dough is used as self-hardening clay. Figures are sculpted and left to dry. More details,

Classic plasticine


  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.
  • flour – 1 cup
  • cold water – 1 glass

Mix all the ingredients well with a spoon, then place on a cutting board sprinkled with flour and knead the mass until plasticity is convenient for modeling. Store in closed jar or in cling film.

Using heat treatment.


  • flour – 1 cup
  • salt – ¼ cup
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.
  • warm water – ½ cup

Combine water and vegetable oil and bring this mixture to a boil. Mix flour with salt and gradually pour into boiling liquid. Cook over low heat, stirring, until a ball forms. Then, sprinkle the board with flour, knead the mass until it stops sticking to your hands and becomes elastic. Now the mass can be divided into several parts and, adding a few drops of food coloring of a different color to each, knead well again. That's it - homemade plasticine is ready!

Homemade plasticine that glows in the dark.


  • flour – 2 cups
  • salt – 2/3 cup
  • warm water – 2 cups
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  • vitamin B – 2 tablets
  • cream of tartar (sold in the spice department) - 4 tsp.

Grind vitamin B into powder, add flour, salt, cream of tartar and mix well. Pour in water and vegetable oil and mix the mixture with a spoon without lumps. Cook this mixture over medium heat until it stops sticking to the pan and spoon and looks like plasticine. After cooling, shape the homemade plasticine, turn off the light and turn on the ultraviolet lamp. Plasticine will glow in the dark. To be honest, we haven’t done anything like this yet, we haven’t tested it.

From shaving foam

You can make homemade plasticine made of foam for shaving.


  • shaving foam (I took ARCO)
  • potato starch
  • vegetable oil

We made this plasticine with our four-year-old son, it was very interesting and fun for us. First, squeeze out approximately 3 tablespoons of shaving foam from a tube into a deep bowl, then add a little dye (gouache) of any color to it and stir. Add starch a dessert spoon at a time and mix until the consistency of plasticine is formed. Transfer to a board and add ½ tsp. vegetable oil and knead until a plastic mass is obtained. Now you can sculpt any figures.

Disadvantages of such plasticine:

  • contamination of hands with starch (but it is easily washed off),
  • Not everyone will like the smell of shaving foam.

Many people know such a product of the American company Hasbro as children's modeling mass Play Doh. This plasticine was invented in 1956 as a wallpaper cleaner. It is elastic, pleasant to the touch, has bright colors and is positioned by manufacturers as absolutely safe. The exact composition of Play Doh is a trade secret, but it is known that it consists primarily of flour, salt, wheat and water. However, the price of this plasticine is very high. It’s easier, cheaper and more interesting to prepare “Play Do” plasticine. with your own hands at home.

Plasticine made from starch and hair balm.

Soft, pleasant to the touch, holds its shape well and smells great homemade plasticine from starch and hair balm.


  • potato starch – ½ cup
  • hair balm – ¾ cup

Mix the ingredients well in a bowl, then place on a board and knead until it reaches the consistency of plasticine. You can add food coloring and a drop of essential oil.

Popular plasticine handgam

Scottish scientist James Wright in 1943 invented the amazing substance “Handgam”, which is literally translated from English. means "hand chewing gum" or hand chewing gum. It was obtained as a by-product during experiments carried out by a scientist to obtain synthetic rubber. This plastic toy is called "smart plasticine". Handgam is the best toy for children and adults all over the world. In 2009, an international jury recognized smart plasticine " the best gift of the year".

For a long period, the miracle composition was kept secret. Later it became known that smart plasticine consists of 65% organosilicon polymer (silicon), 17% crystalline quartz, 9% castor oil, 1% glycerin and other minerals of natural origin. It is completely non-toxic, harmless, odorless and tasteless.

Smart plasticine has unique properties:

  • does not stick to hands,
  • can glow in the dark,
  • may change color
  • can be magnetized
  • can be transparent
  • does not heat up in the microwave,
  • sinks, but does not dissolve in water,
  • leaves no traces
  • You can print a photo on it,
  • does not dry out
  • takes any form
  • doesn't get dirty
  • mixes easily (any colors).

Depending on the intensity of the kinetic impact in short periods of time, smart plasticine behaves like a solid body: it stretches like rubber; tears like paper; bounces off the floor like a ball; breaks into fragments when strong impact hammer like porcelain; You can use it to hammer a nail. Over long periods of time, it manifests itself as a liquid (for example, a ball of smart plasticine spreads across the table) and flows through the holes in large drops.

Usefulness of smart plasticine:

  • promotes the development of fine motor skills of the hands;
  • strengthens arm muscles;
  • develops creative thinking;
  • perfectly massages the palms and fingers, gently affecting certain points, stimulates and normalizes the functioning of internal organs;
  • relieves fatigue, irritation, stress and aggression;
  • has a positive effect on brain activity;
  • bright colors - charge with energy, fill with joy;
  • pastel colors - give peace, bliss and harmony.

Disadvantages of smart plasticine: do not stick to hair and do not allow it to spread on carpets, fabrics, appliances, keyboards to avoid cleaning with alcohol (natural products) or solvent (synthetic products); reacts with chemicals.

One day, such a handgam stuck to the hair of a girl who was visiting us. We managed to wash it off warm water and soap, but they washed for a very long time and pulled out a little hair. It took at least half an hour to wash. This is how smart plasticine he is.

Smart plasticine recipe


  • PVA glue – 100 grams
  • sodium tetraborate (borax with glycerin, sold in pharmacies) - about 1 tsp.
  • food coloring (preferably liquid) – 3-5 drops.

Squeeze the glue into a glass container, add dye and stir with a wooden stick until the color is uniform. Add borax in glycerin and stir until a thick mass forms. Stir carefully to avoid getting the borax in your eyes.

If you want a more fluid handgam, add a little toothpaste to the glue. More details in our video.

Store in a closed container. So the smart plasticine is ready. After 2-3 days, it acquires all the qualities inherent in American-made plasticine.

Edible plasticine

And finally, edible plasticine, as confectioners call it - mastic. Remember the figures on birthday cakes? They are made of mastic, which molds like plasticine. So now you and your child can decorate the birthday cake yourself.

Plasticine from Marshmallow

Plasticine made from powdered sugar and gelatin

Good luck to you in your joint creativity, happiness and harmony to your families!

Marshmallow plasticine

Sincerely, Elena.

I'm really looking forward to your responses. Thank you in advance.

Come back, it will be interesting.

There are plenty for kids exciting activities, for example, drawing or sculpting. The latter especially develops Creative skills kids, because from plasticine you can mold everything that your imagination tells you. At the same time, parents do not have to run to the store - the modeling mixture is easy to make at home.

How to make plasticine at home with your own hands

Plasticine is prepared according to different recipes, because there are several types of this material: each of them will require its own special ingredients. The main thing is that the components are not harmful to babies, who often put everything in their mouths. It is very easy to avoid eating homemade plasticine by adding citric acid and salt to the dough. Food dyes, which are inexpensive and absolutely safe, will help to diversify the material with color. A bright and rich shade will make the figures more attractive.

Salted dough for modeling and crafts

A mass of flour and salt is a standard version of plasticine. Preparing such play dough for children will not be difficult, because every housewife will have the necessary ingredients. The composition includes the following components:

  1. Flour is the base that you can’t do without, and wheat, oatmeal, corn or any other will do. The main condition is a light shade so that any dye gives color to the material.
  2. Water is the second main ingredient that gives play dough the necessary consistency and elasticity.
  3. Salt. Performs the function of absorbing and preserving moisture so that it does not evaporate. Without salt, the material will dry out and cannot be used.
  4. Lemon juice is a preservative that allows you to store the dough longer and creates a strong taste so that the child does not taste the plasticine.
  5. Vegetable oil. It binds all the ingredients, gives plasticity, reduces stickiness, making it much easier to work with the material.
  6. Cream of tartar or alum. The first is needed to maintain the consistency and shape of the dough; it is sold in confectionery stores. The function of the second is the same, only you can purchase this component at the pharmacy.
  7. Paints. Colored plasticine for modeling is much more interesting, but it is better to use natural, harmless dyes.

To knead salted dough for modeling, you will need the following ingredients:

  • flour – 2 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp;
  • fine salt – 1 tbsp;
  • lemon juice – 2 tbsp;
  • water – 2 tbsp.;
  • dyes.

Homemade plasticine is prepared according to this recipe:

  1. Take a saucepan, pour water and a spoonful of vegetable oil into it. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  2. In a second container, mix flour and salt, and then add to them lemon juice. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Pour cooled water into the flour, stir until smooth and completely free of stickiness.
  4. Add any coloring, knead the dough so that it is evenly colored. For different colors Divide the plasticine into several pieces.

Magnetic smart plasticine

Smart plasticine has high elasticity, so it easily takes any shape. Once upon a time it was called “lizun” or “jumper” if it was made in the form of a ball, but now it has received a new name “handgam”. This polymer can be made at home, because the process is not difficult, and the ingredients are very simple. The peculiarity of the material is that it does not leave greasy marks. In addition, you can simply throw this soft plasticine against the wall and it will stick to it. The properties of the material develop creativity, fine motor skills and the speech of babies.

Magnetic handgam differs from the usual one because, thanks to special particles, it is able to be attracted to metals. To make smart plasticine at home, you will need:

  • PVA glue – 200 g;
  • fine magnetic particles;
  • sodium tetraborate (can be with glycerin) – 2 bottles;
  • dye - brilliant green or natural;
  • glitter for decoration or perfume for scent.

Here's how to make magnetic clay at home:

  1. Mix glue and dye in a clean glass container. The first ingredient must be fresh: no more than a year, and even better, no later than 3 months from the date of manufacture.
  2. Add glitter and flavoring there and mix with a spatula.
  3. Add tetraborate, knead the mass until thick and homogeneous, add magnetic particles.

Liquid plasticine

Another recipe for smart plasticine does not include magnetic particles. The mass turns out to be both dense and liquid, like an ordinary handgam. For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • medical alcohol or vodka;
  • silicate glue;
  • paints or food coloring.

The recipe for making plasticine at home looks like this:

  1. In a container, mix alcohol with silicate glue in a 1:1 ratio. If you use vodka, then in a ratio of 1.5:1. Beat the mixture until it has the consistency of wallpaper paste.
  2. Color the mixture with brilliant green, iodine, gouache, nail polish or food coloring. Adding multi-colored sparkles or phosphorus chips will give the material a glowing effect.
  3. Rinse the finished mixture under cold water.

Handgam (the so-called smart plasticine made by yourself) is an unusual rubber toy that can take any shape you want. This material can be solid or liquid; it can be easily broken or torn, and then glued back together. Its secret is that the consistency depends on the force that is applied to it. This is the so-called Newtonian fluid. A significant advantage of homemade smart plasticine is that, unlike ordinary plasticine, it will not stain your hands, clothes and home furniture. If you have not seen such a toy in stores, then you can make smart plasticine at home from ingredients that are sold in pharmacies, hardware stores and stationery stores. In addition, the volume of home smart plasticine can be whatever you wish.

Are you ready to please your child with unusual entertainment? Then we will tell you how to make smart plasticine at home.

We will need:

  • ordinary plastic bag;
  • small capacity;
  • PVA glue;
  • sodium tetraborate (sold in pharmacies);
  • food coloring or gouache;
  • wooden stick.
Alternative recipe

There is another recipe for making smart plasticine at home. To do this, mix medical alcohol with regular silicate glue in equal proportions. Beat the resulting whitish mixture until it reaches the required consistency, reminiscent of thick wallpaper glue. You can give the desired color not only with food dyes and paints, but also with brilliant green, iodine, phenolphthalein and even nail polish. Then rinse the elastic mass with a stream of cold water.

If you don’t have medical alcohol, then regular vodka will do, but the proportion in this case will change. There should be one and a half times more vodka in the mixture than office glue.

There are handgams in stores that, when recharged in the light, emit light in the dark. Unfortunately, there is no recipe for how to make glowing smart plasticine yourself.

You can, of course, add phosphorus crumbs to the mass, but even the smallest particles can injure the baby’s hands. You can get a glowing effect by mixing plasticine mass with multi-colored sparkles.

The useful life of smart plasticine prepared at home is several hours. Then the toy becomes hard and amazing properties are lost. But even this time will be enough for the baby to enjoy experimenting with handgaming, making his fantasies come true.

If you still can’t make smart plasticine, it means the proportions of the components have been violated. It is likely that one of the components is no longer suitable for use due to its expiration date.

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