The birth of a child from the first day of conception. Embryo development by day. Before and after ovulation

Pregnancy occurs only in the middle of the menstrual cycle - there are only a few days when, during ovulation, an egg ready for fertilization can lead to conception. This happens only 12-14 days after the start of menstruation - each woman has her own personal schedule and indicators may differ. But it is customary to calculate pregnancy from the beginning of menstruation - that is, even before fertilization occurs.

The first week is not yet pregnancy as such, the body is only preparing for conception. Menstruation occurs with all the syndromes already familiar to a woman - pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, mood swings, headaches. If you are planning a pregnancy and take a responsible approach to conception, then during this menstruation it is better not to use painkillers, which have become almost familiar companions for women during menstruation. Ideally, you also need to prepare your body in advance - even before conception, give up bad habits, lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor your daily routine and nutrition. It’s also good to get examined by a doctor, and you should take special care of your dental problems - for the next nine months you will be severely lacking calcium.

By the end of the first week, the child still exists only “in the project”, but half of it - in the form of an egg preparing for fertilization - already exists in your body.

2 weeks pregnant

During the second week, a woman’s body prepares for ovulation; from all healthy eggs, a single leader is released. This egg is slightly larger in size than all the others, and is located in a kind of “bubble” filled with nutrient fluid. Protruding above the surface of the ovary, it will be the first to break away from the walls and enter the fallopian tube, where it will meet the sperm. At the site where the egg was attached, a corpus luteum is formed, a kind of hormonal stabilizer. It is this that will later become the culprit of toxicosis and all those invariably accompanying pregnancy phenomena that women so dislike - nausea, dizziness, and so on.

If you are serious about pregnancy, then in the second week special attention should be paid to maintaining a normal level of vaginal acidity - elevated levels are known to negatively affect conception. To avoid inadvertently changing the acidity, avoid douching, washing with soap and using shower gels - all of them can change the indicator not for the better. During intercourse in the second week, fertilization can already occur.

3 weeks pregnant

In the third week, plans become reality - this is when conception occurs. The migrating egg is released into the fallopian tube. If the egg begins to divide, twins or even triplets will be conceived - such a pregnancy requires a more thorough medical examination and is more difficult for the mother to tolerate, but the joy from it is double, or even triple. True, this happens rarely.

From the moment of ovulation, the egg has a limited time - 24 hours to meet the sperm, which will participate in conception. Having merged, they form a zygote - the countdown of the existence of the unborn child begins. For the first few days, the cell still travels through the uterus, but after that it becomes attached to its wall. At this time, the embryo lives off the protein in it and its own energy reserves.

The mother at this time feels the same as during the second phase of menstruation. A large amount of the hormone progesterone appears in the body, which is vital for the life of the embryo - for example, it provides it with the necessary amount of moisture. Increased production of progesterone causes the mother to experience pain in the lower abdomen and nipples. Particularly sensitive women can already recognize the first symptoms of pregnancy. This can also be determined by changes in basal temperature.

4 weeks pregnant

The woman becomes more irritable, feels unwell, and gets tired quickly. The body slowly begins to produce a new hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin, which is detected by a pregnancy test. All sensations are individual, but most women begin to feel the onset of pregnancy in the fourth week, because the body begins to completely adapt to the new state.

The fourth week is the usual time for the onset of menstruation, and this process, which has been well-established for years, can interfere with the course of pregnancy. At this time, some women experience spotting brownish or brown discharge and painful sensations typical of menstruation. If this happens, but you are already confident in your pregnancy and full menstruation does not occur, then you should consult a doctor. Most likely, there is only a slight hormonal imbalance, but these symptoms also indicate an ectopic pregnancy and other complications, and only a doctor can determine the degree of risk.

If everything is fine, the cells of the embryo begin active division - a second layer is born, which will shelter the future embryo from all negative factors inside the body.

5th week of pregnancy

During this period, many women feel all the signs of early toxicosis - they constantly feel sleepy, their mood fluctuates, they hurt and feel dizzy. It becomes difficult to concentrate. At the same time, the expectant mother’s eating habits also change - her appetite decreases, she is drawn to try atypical foods, and her taste sensations change. You want that very notorious “salty” thing at this time.

If early toxicosis really interferes with your life, do not rush to take pills thoughtlessly or rush from one extreme to another. You should not deny yourself what you think are original products - your body now knows better what is good for the child than you do. If the symptoms are very strong, you should consult a doctor - the first twelve weeks are very important for the formation of the unborn child and any deviations from the norm require medical advice.

In the fifth week, the embryo, which previously existed more as a cluster of cells, turns into an embryo. A neural tube is created, which will become the basis of the spine and nervous system of the future person; its formation is extremely important for the health of the child. The fetus's heart begins to contract for the first time - perhaps its beating is not yet audible even to the mother, but it exists! During this period, the rudiments of the main organs are laid - the bronchi, trachea, respiratory tract, the liver and pancreas are formed.

6th week of pregnancy

After the important changes that occurred in the fifth week, the time of stabilization comes - the new organs of the embryo are fixed and begin to grow, their further development occurs. Mom feels tired at this time, and all the signs of toxicosis only get worse. Soon the baby will begin to give signals of his presence, but for now the woman should rest as much as possible.

The restructuring of the mother's body takes its course - smells, and not just the taste of foods, begin to be perceived strangely; stabbing in the chest. There’s no point in talking about irritability and mood swings - it seems to you that they have become your companions forever. To avoid breakdowns and not harm your health, in the sixth week it is better to rest as much as possible, ideally take sick leave or time off to get a good night's sleep and gain strength.

Liquids will help cope with pain, nausea and other signs of toxicosis - now you should drink as much water and juices as possible. But you also need to take into account that the water should be still, and the juices should be diluted and have a neutral taste, since citrus fruits and a number of others can serve as an allergen and cause problems for both the mother and the unborn baby. Do not be alarmed by a slight decrease in weight - this is normal for the sixth week, and very soon your weight will increase significantly.

7 weeks pregnant

The seventh week of pregnancy is the most dangerous period. The same corpus luteum, which until now provided the necessary hormonal levels and provoked toxicosis, stops working to produce hormones. This function is completely transferred to the placenta. It is the moment of transition that is dangerous for the fetus - a miscarriage is possible in the seventh week. Women with a weak thyroid gland should also pay close attention to their health. If the child’s parents have different Rh blood types, it’s time to take measures to prevent Rh conflict.

At the seventh week, the baby is already clearly visible during an ultrasound. You can record the heartbeat of the fetus, see how it begins to straighten and no longer resembles the letter C. Now the size of the unborn child is no more than a centimeter, but already at this time the brain and digestive system are being formed, and the formation of the respiratory tract is finishing.

At the same time, the mother's toxicosis worsens; in addition to headaches, nausea and vomiting, there is constant discomfort in the stomach. Possible bloating and indigestion. All tastes and smells are still felt in an altered state. If you don’t want to feel sick all day long, it’s better to eliminate all strong odors from your surroundings. Do not use scented creams, perfumes or deodorants. In the seventh week, skin irritations often begin, which, if not eliminated in time, develop into eczema.

8 weeks pregnant

The eighth week is the last stage of the most difficult period of bearing a child. After the end of the second month of pregnancy, things will go smoothly, you only have to wait one or two weeks.

At the eighth week of pregnancy, the expectant mother begins to experience the strangest taste whims - to the point that she wants to taste strawberry soap or add salt to her tea. Feel free to indulge yourself in such desires, the main thing is not to overdo it. A sudden feeling of hunger or, conversely, loss of appetite is also possible - so always have something to snack on. Now it is better to eat in small portions, but very often - up to 7 times a day.

In the eighth week, the uterus enlarges and the breasts continue to grow. Due to changes in the abdominal cavity, cramps are felt, similar to menstrual sensations that have already been forgotten.

This week it is worth taking all the tests that are still missing, visiting a geneticist, and getting weighed. It's time to start taking birth preparation courses or take up yoga for pregnant women. The most useful way to overcome the strong weakness that overcomes the body is now to walk in the fresh air.

The child’s movements and tremors are not yet felt, but by the eighth week the embryo has almost completed the formation of its main organs and systems - it becomes a full-fledged fetus, it can already be considered a human being. The fetus develops taste buds and a sense of smell. At the eighth week, the sex of the baby is determined.

9 weeks pregnant

At this time, the mother still has signs of toxicosis. In addition to the usual nausea, painful sensations in the chest and fatigue, unpleasant external changes appear. You can notice how drier the hair has become, how the skin has changed - it also becomes much smoother and drier. Veins appear as a blue mesh - on the legs, arms, chest. Breast changes already urgently require a change of bra - during the entire pregnancy, breasts can grow by 2-3 sizes! A woman should not overwork herself; it is strictly forbidden to lift heavy objects, or even stand or sit still for a long time. If your work or just your physical condition is such that you have to sit or lie down for more than half an hour, you need to at least put your feet on a hill - for example, some kind of pillow or ottoman. Now is the time to ask your doctor to prescribe some vitamins.

The belly becomes slightly rounded, pregnancy may become noticeable to strangers. Increased sensitivity of the skin at this stage also causes a lot of discomfort - even the most familiar clothes can cause irritation, so take care of underwear made from natural fabrics.

The kicks and movements of the baby in the ninth week can only be seen during an ultrasound, but they are already there! He is completing the formation of his brain, he can even try to explain his needs in his own way.

10th week of pregnancy

At the tenth week, the expectant mother has another trip to the antenatal clinic, where she is registered already from the sixth week of pregnancy. Constant mood swings still persist, but toxicosis only appears in the morning. The walls of the uterus continue to stretch, the volume of the abdomen increases - all this is normal and natural for this period. Over the course of a week, a woman gains a couple of kilograms - such a weight jump is also normal.

In the tenth week, many women experience significant problems with sleep - insomnia begins to torment them, they “fall out” from their daily routine, sleep becomes light and superficial. I often want to go to the toilet. These phenomena will subside in a couple of weeks, but for now the expectant mother needs to learn to relax - peace and quiet, a large number of walks in the fresh air will help this in the best possible way.

If in the tenth week there is a slight white discharge, then there is no need to be afraid of it - but if it turns brown or red, it should cause concern and is a reason to consult a doctor.

The fruit continues to grow - its size is already more than 4 cm, and it is developing more and more. The baby is inside the amniotic sac and begins to look more and more like a small child - you can see this during an ultrasound.

11th week of pregnancy

Now it is very important for mom to maintain a stable sugar level, so special attention should be paid to her diet. The best thing is to reduce the amount of food consumed, eat often, but little by little, and also give up an abundance of sweets. A woman should pay attention to how she moves - she should not make sharp turns, movements, leaps and jumps, all this is fraught with complications. You should walk smoothly and slowly.

In the eleventh week, metabolism accelerates, calories are burned four times faster, and therefore appetite increases. One of the effects of accelerated metabolism is a constant feeling of heat. Don’t rush to take off your outerwear or open the windows - unbutton, sit quietly, take a walk down the street. Rapid growth of hair and nails is also possible - also the downside of accelerated metabolism. Soon these phenomena will stop.

Tearfulness and irritability still persist - as well as anxiety for the baby and other negative feelings. Try to calm down and distract yourself from these thoughts.

At the eleventh week, the baby is already quite large - you can find out its gender on an ultrasound and see how it moves. The fetus swallows the nutrient fluid surrounding it and can even taste it. His iris appears, his own metabolism improves, and his excretory system begins to work.

12th week of pregnancy

At the twelfth week of pregnancy, the need for new clothes becomes obvious - the belly has already grown so much that old trousers and skirts cannot be buttoned. It is very important now to monitor your diet and prevent constipation. It's time to learn to maintain your posture and keep your back straight in all situations in life - the correct position of the baby and the health of the mother depend on this.

At the twelfth week, a significant improvement in the woman’s health occurs - symptoms of toxicosis are almost no longer observed, the risk of miscarriage decreases, so that the mood noticeably improves.

If you have not visited the dentist before, now is the time to pay a visit to this doctor. If an ultrasound has not been done before, then in the twelfth week it is necessary to undergo this procedure - now serious deviations in the development of the child may be discovered, including Down syndrome. The difference with later detection is that in the twelfth week negative consequences can still be prevented or minimized.

Since each woman's body reacts to pregnancy individually, there is no need to worry about barely gaining weight. However, you also don’t need to worry about adding 2-3 kilograms.

13th week of pregnancy

The thirteenth week is probably the calmest time in a mother’s life during the entire period of pregnancy. The signs of toxicosis finally disappeared, the hormonal changes that caused so much trouble ended; nerves calmed down. The only thing that worries the woman now is her rapidly expanding belly and the onset of problems with the stomach and digestive system. The latter can be explained quite simply - the growing uterus leaves less and less space otherwise, and the abdominal cavity becomes very crowded. The permeability of the compressed intestines is significantly reduced - hence the constant constipation and gases, which cause stomach pain.

To reduce the risk of hemorrhoids and make your life easier, you should consume natural laxatives and foods rich in fiber. Don't neglect dairy products and beets. It is not recommended to use painkillers for constipation - like any unnecessary chemicals, they are now harmful to the body.

By the thirteenth week, the baby’s baby teeth are formed, he slowly begins to accumulate fat and muscle mass, and increases in size. Villi appear in the intestines - the baby can already digest food.

14th week of pregnancy

At the fourteenth week, after all the long troubles of toxicosis and changes in the body, the joy of motherhood finally begins to be felt. A pregnant woman experiences a surge of strength and energy and a healthy appetite. Now it’s quite possible to eat something tasty - it will only do you good. However, it is better not to overindulge in fatty and fried foods, just like food on the street or in unsanitary conditions.

As the abdomen enlarges, the facial features become a little blurrier, and the enlarged breasts catch the eye - it is almost impossible to hide pregnancy. Growth hormone active during this period not only affects the development of the baby, but also adds kilograms to his mother. The body becomes more difficult to carry on your feet, signs of varicose veins appear - now is the time to worry about its prevention.

Due to the fact that the child's metabolic processes accelerate, the amniotic fluid is often filled with his urine. All this is excreted through the mother’s bladder - hence the frequent need to go to the toilet. The baby’s movements become smooth, he begins to control himself, since his brain is already sufficiently developed for this. But there is still enough space in the stomach, so even the most active movements of the child do not cause discomfort to the mother.

15th week of pregnancy

A brown line appears from the navel to the lower abdomen - do not be afraid of its manifestation, because it will go away on its own as soon as the hormones subside. During an ultrasound at the fifteenth week, you can more accurately determine the date of birth - perhaps not yet exactly to the day, but at least you can already check the week. The mother's food should be high in calories and balanced, but she should eat wisely: jumps in body weight during this period are harmful.

Irritability and nervousness are replaced by impressionability and absent-mindedness. Many women note a significant decrease in their intellectual abilities. There is no need to worry about this - the shape will quickly recover after childbirth if you put effort into it.

The uterus rises somewhat, the abdomen has increased, and therefore such strong pressure on the internal organs as before is not observed. There are no more problems with the stomach and constipation, but the heart may be a little naughty at this time. If there are clear signs of hypotension, you must immediately inform your doctor about this - he will develop a line of treatment without the use of drugs.

At this time, the baby is already clenching his fists, his body is becoming flexible and nimble, and his heart is working better.

16th week of pregnancy

At this time, the presence or absence of serious diseases in the child is determined, so the mother must pass all the tests prescribed by the doctor. You only need to sleep on your side - the time for sleeping on your stomach or back is over, you need to unlearn these habits. Raw fish, poorly fried meat and other similar foods are unacceptable.

From the sixteenth week you should take care of your wardrobe - too tight clothes can negatively affect the health of the mother. High heels are also unacceptable - they contribute to a shift in the center of gravity and return the threat of miscarriage, so for your own peace of mind and the well-being of the child, it is also better to avoid them.

Painful sensations in the lower abdomen cannot be ignored - at this stage they mean failures in development. Baths, saunas and even solariums, as well as all places where you can overheat or, conversely, become hypothermic, are now prohibited from visiting. The ideal place for a pregnant woman now is a sanatorium or at least a quiet stay at home.

At the sixteenth week, for the first time without an ultrasound, you can learn about the baby’s movements - the first tremors begin to be felt.

You should still walk a lot, move and watch your diet.

17th week of pregnancy

The uterus is increasingly enlarged and is now growing upward - it can be felt only five centimeters below the navel. The load on the mother's heart has almost doubled - therefore, rapid heartbeat and bleeding gums with rapid blood circulation are almost the norm.

At the seventeenth week, the baby has already grown to 16-17 centimeters, and his tiny body is already very similar to a small person. He continues to accumulate subcutaneous fat, and the immune system is completing its formation, which in the future will protect him from all diseases. Now, if a woman gets sick, the child will most likely be protected by his own immune system, so mild colds and other diseases at this stage are not as scary as before. Although this, of course, does not mean that the mother can put her health at risk. The child’s eyes already react to light and darkness, he distinguishes their signs even through his stomach - if you bring a light bulb close to him, the child will turn towards the light.

Although the uterus no longer squeezes the internal organs as much, the digestive system has not yet fully restored all its functions - so the observed bloating, heartburn and flatulence can still bother a woman.

18th week of pregnancy

It's just that sleeping on your side is no longer so comfortable - you have to build support structures from pillows and blankets, because otherwise your stomach makes it very difficult to fall asleep. It should be remembered that at least half an hour a day you need to lie down and relax. Although previously such a vacation was just a dream, now it becomes uncomfortable to be in a horizontal state - you want to sit and even sleep reclining.

In the eighteenth week, weight gain continues as usual - the increase can be from half a kilogram per week. Swelling begins to appear on the arms and legs, and in obese women they can even appear on the face. Such unpleasant external manifestations arise due to the fact that the body now feels a lack of sodium and cannot remove water normally. To normalize your condition, it is better to minimize salt intake.

At the eighteenth week, the child already has well-defined facial features, the musculoskeletal system is strengthened, and bones begin to form. The baby is already able to hear and perceives external sounds well - and what’s more, he even reacts to them! At this time, it is useful to start communicating with the child and continue to cry out to Allah for relief and good offspring.

19th week of pregnancy

The nineteenth week is the next leap in the development of the uterus, it again becomes crowded in the abdominal cavity, the stomach continues to grow. Very often at this time, a woman’s main problem is pain in the back and lower back, it is difficult for her to sit - however, lying or standing for a long time is no easier. To reduce pain, you need to learn how to sit in a chair correctly. Firstly, you should choose only chairs with a comfortable back, and do not sit on stools. Secondly, you need to remember that you cannot cross your legs and unlearn slouching - then the pain will become much less.

The woman’s body is slowly preparing for childbirth, the joints and muscles of the hips and sacrum begin to relax - this will make it easier for the baby to be born, and will not be pinned down by the mother’s body. Unfortunately, for the mother herself, these changes are quite painful and unpleasant. In addition to back pain, they may also be accompanied by increased heart rate, headache and dizziness.

At the nineteenth week, the baby can already distinguish between the voices of dad, mom and strangers, and sometimes he even reacts to them. All this becomes possible thanks to the development of the nervous system and the growth of the cerebral cortex. The digestive system continues to develop.

20 week of pregnancy

At the twentieth week, the baby is already tossing and turning and can even hit his mother’s stomach with his legs. If such blows are very frequent and painful and the woman experiences severe discomfort, she should consult a doctor - this is a sign that the child is missing something or is not developing correctly. Mom should, as before, pay attention to walks in the fresh air and try not to overwork.

The twentieth week is in most cases the middle of pregnancy. The uterus has already grown so much that it compresses not only the digestive organs, but also the diaphragm, so breathing becomes more difficult, shortness of breath often occurs, it seems that there is not enough air.

Mucus actively begins to be released from the vagina - at this stage the discharge can even be quite strong, this should not cause concern. In order not to squeeze already compressed organs, it is best to abandon oversized nylon tights and make sure that the clothes are loose enough.

As the uterus rises, the navel protrudes more and more, and the baby pushes very often. Sometimes even false contractions appear - they are also called training contractions. If the pain is not too severe, there is no need to worry about it; such contractions do not pose a threat to the baby.

21 weeks pregnant

The main problem of the twenty-first week is heartburn. To alleviate your condition, split up portions of food, eat them little by little, but often. Fried and spicy foods should leave your diet for a long time - they will only aggravate the problem, and besides, they can cause illness in the baby.

Physical activity in the twenty-first week should be significantly reduced - and this applies not only to sports, but also to household chores. The only thing you shouldn't stop is walking. But even during them you should not be overtired.

The baby continues to put on fat, which means his mother is also gaining weight. An increase in appetite, as well as strange desires to eat this or that product, are not surprising at this stage.

At the twenty-first week, it is already noticeable that the child is used to actively moving, he has learned to change his position frequently, sometimes it even depends on the time of day. The mother should pay special attention to the pain that occurs during urination - it should not be severe. If such symptoms appear several times, you should immediately consult a doctor - this is a sign of premature birth or an inflammatory process.

22 weeks pregnant

The woman’s arms, face and neck are already noticeably plumper, her breasts are swollen, and her stomach is also quite large. The norm for the twenty-second week is to feel well - if there is severe discomfort in anything other than digestion, you should consult a doctor.

Hormones are again rearranged to meet the new needs of the body. Oddly enough, a woman's libido increases - however, it is no longer advisable to have sex in this trimester, as it can harm the child. By this week, the expectant mother's skin and hair condition improves - they become thicker and healthier.

Particular attention should be paid to sleep - you need to sleep at least eight hours a day, or even more. To prevent the development of anemia, you should eat foods containing iron - so you can safely lean on, for example, apples. But smoky rooms and stressful situations should still be avoided.

The baby's eyebrows and eyelashes are already developing, and his weight is about 400-500 grams. The bones are strengthened and the nervous system begins to form - the child is almost fully formed. Even children born at this time for any reason have a chance to survive - if they have gained half a kilogram of weight and are more than 25 cm in size.

23 weeks pregnant

As the belly continues to grow, dryness, stretched skin, and a slight rash often begin to occur at this time. Zhivo may itch a little - all this is because the skin on it is stretched quite strongly. Enlarged breasts sometimes begin to smear - colostrum is released, sometimes very intensely. This is the body's preparation for breastfeeding.

During the twenty-third week, mothers often experience pain and difficulty walking. This is normal, because now the sacral joints are softened, but the body weight, on the contrary, has increased, so it can be difficult to bear such weight.

Enlargement of the fetus, accumulation of amniotic fluid, as well as constantly appearing edema lead to weight gain - therefore, its increase can even exceed 500 grams per week. If you feel numbness in your fingers, arms or legs, this is most likely the consequences of edema - they block the nerve endings in the limbs.

By the twenty-third week, the baby can already do almost everything that he will demonstrate immediately after birth - he has a developed swallowing reflex, he can drink, suck, eat and move.

24 weeks pregnant

The movements become more and more clumsy, the head is pounding, and it’s as if a couple of weights were hung at the feet - this is how women in the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy most often describe their sensations. At this stage, it is very important for a woman to know the signs of premature birth. Of course, if the pregnancy is going well, they will not begin, but if they do appear, then timely contact with a doctor will save the baby’s life.

Premature birth is manifested in frequent contractions of the uterus - more than five times in a row, severe pain when urinating, scarlet blood discharge from the vagina, as well as acute cramping pain in the abdomen. However, even one of these symptoms should force the mother to seek help from an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Now it is important to drink a lot of fluids and take care of your appearance - the belly is expanding greatly, and therefore it needs to be lubricated so that stretch marks do not form on the skin. Now the main thing is to carefully monitor your diet and not eat too much - what the body itself does not require. Such overeating is a direct road to gaining excess weight, which after childbirth will be very difficult to lose.

At the twenty-fourth week, the baby produces its own growth hormone - it can now grow independently of the mother’s body.

25 week of pregnancy

The uterus has already grown to the size of a soccer ball - hence the displacement of organs, pressure on the diaphragm and stomach. The abdomen begins to grow not only forward, as it was before, but also develops to the sides. At the twenty-fifth week, I still feel good, except that constipation and other intestinal problems are possible.

By the twenty-fifth week, the center of gravity changes - the stomach is perceived as something bulky and inactive. This also leads to the appearance of new back pain - such a restructuring is unlikely to please the musculoskeletal system.

New signs of varicose veins may appear on your legs - to avoid this disease in the future, you need to see a doctor now.

The skin on the baby’s body is now turning from red, folded, to light pink and smooth. This is a consequence of already sufficient accumulation of fat, including subcutaneous fat. The child weighs as much as 700 grams, and his length is already more than 22-25 centimeters. If you put your ear to the mother's belly, you can clearly hear the baby's heart beating.

26 weeks pregnant

Now the baby is kicking so actively that not only the mother, but also everyone who puts their hand to the tummy can feel his body movements. The symptoms associated with this trimester - headache, digestive problems and varicose veins - still accompany the daily life of the expectant mother.

At the twenty-sixth week, you once again need to review your diet and vitamin intake in the body. The diet should be designed in such a way that there is no overeating. But at the same time, it must contain the entire spectrum of vitamins and nutrients. Now a woman’s body is particularly lacking in calcium - this leads not only to deterioration of the condition of bones, hair, teeth, nails, but also manifests itself as frequent muscle spasms and hypertension. To ensure that there are no hormonal imbalances and that the placenta functions as it should, you need to especially carefully monitor the intake of vitamins.

Now it is important to help the baby’s nervous system develop and develop learning abilities - you need to often listen to the Holy Quran, read out loud, talk to the child - he already perceives the intonations of the voices of others.

A child at the twenty-sixth week not only understands those around him, but also understands himself and the proportions of his body.

27 weeks pregnant

The beginning of the twenty-seventh week marks the onset of the third trimester of pregnancy: the tummy is still growing rapidly, and with it more mass appears on the mother’s sides, legs and arms. The level of cholesterol in the blood increases, so in order not to increase it artificially, it is better to avoid fried foods and other foods containing it. Thanks to the natural increase in cholesterol, the placenta produces hormones necessary for the further development of the fetus, including progesterone. It helps the uterus relax slightly, prevents spasms, and is also responsible for the development of the breast - milk begins to appear in it.

If your feet are still swollen, you should wear loose tights, socks with loose elastic, and remember to elevate your feet whenever possible.

During this period, you can no longer lie on your back. The uterus is already so large that its pressure can disrupt the functioning of the main veins of the body - you are only allowed to lie on your side.

In the twenty-seventh week, you should pay special attention to your mood, try to avoid tense situations, and not get nervous or upset. All this is necessary not only for the benefit of the mother, but also of the child - after all, he is now able to completely copy the mother’s state, which means that he will also worry, get upset and behave restlessly.

28 weeks pregnant

The twenty-eighth week is a new milestone in the diagnosis and monitoring of pregnancy. From now on, you will need to attend an antenatal clinic at least every two weeks. You will also need to take all tests, the direction for which will be prescribed by the doctor.

Women with incorrect posture at this time, due to the heaviness of the abdomen, develop a deflection of the spine, which negatively affects their well-being. Therefore, it is important to always keep your back straight and monitor your posture.

The diet of a pregnant woman at this time is still rich in calories - more than 3000 kilocalories are required daily.

At the twenty-eighth week, most women begin to perceive themselves in a new way, discovering that they are completely different from their former selves, neither externally nor internally. Because of this, prenatal panic may develop, and nervous tension, as we know, is never a concomitant of health. Therefore, you should pay special attention to your psychological state, communicate more with loved ones - these do not have to be relatives, it is better if they are friends.

Now the child moves at least four times an hour and in its mass and volume resembles a small watermelon.

29 weeks pregnant

At the twenty-ninth week of pregnancy, the woman feels tired again. Now walking and doing regular housework is becoming much more difficult, and even more worries loom ahead - cleaning, tests, visiting doctors, planning childbirth. The uterus puts especially strong pressure on the bladder and stomach, and my back hurts a lot. Your heart rate may increase and it may still be difficult to breathe.

If this was not your earlier achievement, then now is the time to learn how to quickly and effectively relax. Very soon, most of the day and night will be devoted to spending time with the child, which means there will be very little time left for sleep and rest. Relaxing not only your muscles, but also your consciousness is something that a mother needs to learn to do now.

It is better to remove flour and sweet foods from your diet at the twenty-ninth week. You should eat so as not to gain weight.

Now the baby is becoming less active and mobile. You shouldn’t be afraid of this, because now he simply has little room for maneuver - he has grown so much that he takes up his entire stomach. In addition, the body weight that he has gained no longer allows him to be so active - his muscles have not yet been trained.

30 weeks pregnant

At the thirtieth week, the time comes to think about leaving work in favor of doing something much more important - caring for the child, family and, of course, yourself. Now the uterus has grown so much that it puts very strong pressure on the diaphragm, the woman is suffocating, and interruptions in the functioning of the heart are possible. Any load is not easy now, and therefore you need to rest as much as possible.

Fainting and pressure drops are quite possible at this stage. If they happen frequently, it is better to consult a doctor. One of their most common causes is improper sleep, when the expectant mother lies on her back, and the main vena cava is compressed by the uterus - the blood supply is disrupted.

It's time to learn how to get out of bed in a new way. The abdominal muscles are now very weak, and you can also forget about the abdominal muscles for quite a long time. In order not to harm the baby and yourself, you need to get up carefully and gradually - first by rolling onto your side, and then helping yourself with your hands.

The baby moves much less often, because he takes the position that he will maintain until birth - he is head down.

31 weeks pregnant

At this time, the pregnant woman gains weight much more slowly - only 300, or even less, grams per week. There is still swelling. If it causes severe discomfort, it makes sense to consult a doctor - it is quite possible that the kidneys have stopped coping with the heavy load or have somehow suffered due to the expansion of the uterus.

In order to at least slightly reduce back pain, it is best to start wearing a bandage that will help the abdominal and back muscles bear an atypical load.

At the thirty-first week, all the organs and systems of the child are already formed; he is quite similar to an ordinary baby who is born during childbirth. However, the child is actually not ready for this process yet - after all, he still has several weeks to gain strength. The baby weighs about one and a half kilograms and continues to gain weight.

At this time, you should listen especially carefully to your body, as a number of factors can trigger premature birth. If there is a clear pulling sensation in the lower abdomen, strong mucous or watery discharge appears, you should immediately call an ambulance.

32 weeks pregnant

The thirty-second week is the time for the next scheduled ultrasound scan. It will be possible to find out about the condition of the child and clarify the date of birth. If this has not been done before, the time has come to think about which maternity hospital you would like to give birth in. It makes sense to get to know the doctors, look at the conditions, and also find out what exactly is needed before, during and after childbirth. The thirty-second week of pregnancy is the best time to start packing your bag for the maternity hospital, because both the mother and the unborn baby will need a lot of necessary things.

It is best if during this time a woman has the opportunity to rest and eat normally, as well as regularly be in the fresh air. Now you should give up rings, earrings, and other oppressive jewelry, and also remove all tight clothing.

By this time, the child continues to actively prepare for birth. He is gaining more weight and now his weight reaches two kilograms, and his size grows to 42-43 centimeters. However, there is no need to be afraid of deviations from the norm at this stage, because any development is very individual and depends on the sex of the child and heredity.

33 weeks pregnant

Urination becomes so frequent that you have to get up even at night - the expectant mother can get up to five times during the night to go to the toilet. Spasms of the limbs, swelling, constipation continue.

If your family is preparing for a partner birth, and dad will also be present when the baby is born, the time is right for your husband to also take all the necessary tests - without them he will not be allowed into the maternity ward. Continue to prepare things for the maternity hospital, consult with your obstetricians.

Fluid intake at this stage should be reduced - it is better to drink less so that the kidneys cope better with their work and the swelling stops. You can’t sit in one place - every fifteen to twenty minutes you need to get up to do a kind of warm-up.

In the thirty-third week, you need to reduce emotional stress, read only useful books, avoid quarrels and stress. This will help you relax and prevent prenatal panic.

The baby hardly pushes anymore, and his body weighs about 2-2.1 kilograms.

34 weeks pregnant

In the thirty-fourth week, the body of a pregnant woman begins to actively prepare for childbirth - this is expressed in everything, but the most noticeable and very painful sensation is false contractions, which at this time begin to visit the pregnant woman. There is no need to worry about such false labor syndromes - this is a normal process that should be endured. But if your water breaks, you need to urgently call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself - this means the start of labor. It will be impossible not to notice such an obvious sign - since there is a lot of amniotic fluid.

At this time, you should completely give up sweets - fortunately, such a forced diet will last only a few weeks. Instead of cakes and pastries, it is useful to eat dried fruits and nuts, and also consume fruits rich in vitamins in moderation.

To prevent your back from hurting so much, you can make it a rule to do the following exercise every half hour. Standing up straight and placing your hands on your sides, you should rotate your pelvis first in one direction and then in the other direction.

If you are planning a partner birth, in the thirty-fourth week you should attend psychological training that will prepare the couple for this process.

35 weeks pregnant

In the last stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother often suffers from insomnia. To avoid it, you should drink as little liquid as possible at night. In extreme cases, doctors prescribe valerian tablets - staying calm is very important now.

If your chest is simply constricting and free breathing seems impossible, you can perform the following exercise. Standing on all fours, inhale and exhale deeply several times - this will normalize your breathing for a while.

The child now needs a lot of calcium - his body is completing its formation. Therefore, you need to make sure that you have plenty of foods containing calcium in your diet. They are milk, cottage cheese, cheese, fish, nuts and a number of other products.

At the thirty-fifth week you should no longer work, and when leaving home, you should always check that you have money, documents and a mobile phone - childbirth can begin at any time, even in a public place, and you need to be ready to go to the hospital.

36 weeks pregnant

By the thirty-sixth week of pregnancy, the woman's weight is measured again. Compared to the initial indicators, the increase should be from 7 to 17 kilograms - it all depends on the build, weight of the child, as well as whether the expectant mother is carrying one or two children. An increase of 10 to 12 kilograms is considered the norm, although in women with a fragile physique it may be less. If the gain exceeds 13 kilograms, be prepared for the fact that after childbirth it will be very difficult to restore your previous shape.

At the thirty-sixth week, sex is strictly taboo - it will inevitably harm the child. You should also not overexert yourself, lift heavy objects, or even stand up or turn around suddenly.

Quite often during this period, women experience shortness of breath and anemia develops - this is normal, because the child takes the bulk of useful substances from your body. Having accumulated enough subcutaneous fat, the child looks very cute - his skin is pink and has several folds at the arms and legs. He weighs 2.5 kilograms and his height is 46-47 cm.

37 weeks pregnant

By this time, both the baby's father and mother should have at least the necessary minimum knowledge about the birth process and be ready to care for the baby after his birth. You need to know how to wash, rock, swaddle a baby, how and when to feed him. By the thirty-seventh week, the maternity hospital bag should be completely packed - after all, labor can begin at any moment, and you may have to go to the hospital even late at night.

By this time, the breasts are already sufficiently developed for feeding, and the strong pressure that was before is no longer exerted on the diaphragm and airways. True, with the advent of the ability to breathe normally, the pregnant woman begins to suffer from other problems - the uterus puts more pressure on the bladder, causing the urge to go to the toilet to become more and more frequent.

The first milk begins to be released from the nipples - the body is completely ready to supply the newborn baby with everything necessary.

If vaginal discharge appears at this stage, the woman should immediately take a horizontal position and call an ambulance - this may be a violation of the location of the placenta and will complicate childbirth.

38 weeks pregnant

The thirty-eighth week of pregnancy is considered by doctors to be sufficient time for labor to begin. Pregnancy is considered full-term, the baby is completely ready to be born. However, this does not prevent it from continuing to grow - the stomach can increase in size and, because of this, sink down, which interferes with the normal life of the mother and causes severe discomfort, and sometimes even pain.

The body still suffers from edema, the baby’s kicks are reduced. The cessation of tremors may mean the imminent onset of labor, so you should especially listen to your body and the behavior of the baby. The entire thirty-eighth week, as well as the subsequent weeks or days, passes under the sign of anticipation. The parents can’t wait to see the baby, they are worried about his health. Expectation is normal, but there is no need to express unnecessary concern, because sometimes pregnancy is misdiagnosed or lasts longer than expected - more than 40-43 weeks. This does not mean that the child’s development is in any way impaired.

Mom still suffers from fatigue - she is clumsy, cannot make sudden and fast movements - all this negatively affects the quality of life. Sometimes painful sensations are felt in the pelvic area and in the back - the bones are preparing to release a new person into the world.

39 weeks pregnant

At the thirty-ninth week of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus lowers - the baby’s head penetrates the birth canal, already preparing to come out at any moment. The pressure on the internal organs increases, which becomes more and more difficult to bear. Weight loss may be detected as the mother's appetite is already decreasing at this time. But the pain in the calf muscles, back and lower back still does not go away.

At the thirty-ninth week, most of the day is spent waiting, and any symptoms, even mild ones, can be mistaken for childbirth. On the one hand, of course, a woman wants to give birth as quickly as possible - the pressure on the internal organs causes severe discomfort. On the other hand, she is overcome by concern for the life and health of the baby.

At this time, you need to know everything about contractions and the approach of labor, consult a doctor about the process of expulsion of the placenta and how to behave during rapid labor - this is also possible, but now the mother, like the whole family, needs to be prepared for anything.

The baby now weighs about three to three and a half kilograms and continues to grow. His height is 51-52 centimeters. Once born, he will be able to scream, grab, suck, swallow and distinguish between objects and faces located at a distance of 30 centimeters from him.

40 weeks pregnant

As a rule, at the fortieth week childbirth occurs - the woman’s water breaks, contractions begin and after a few hours the baby is born. The mother is no longer gaining weight, because the child’s body is already fully formed and can be born at any moment to continue its growth and development independently.

You should not be afraid of dark mucous discharge at this stage - they mean that the plug of the uterine mucosa has already moved away, and labor will begin soon.

At this time, you should avoid panic, not be afraid of childbirth, learn to breathe deeply and concentrate on positive thoughts. Sometimes women experiencing health problems are placed in the maternity hospital for safekeeping at this time in order to better prepare for childbirth.

Just before birth, the baby often freezes, stops pushing and moving - this is normal and also should not cause unnecessary anxiety in the mother.

The child strongly rests on the pelvic bones, beginning to push them apart somewhat. Now his state can be compared to being in peace before a great accomplishment - birth.

41 weeks pregnant

If labor has not yet occurred, there is no need to worry or worry about the health of the baby, because an extension of the due date by two to three weeks does not seem surprising even to doctors. Firstly, it is not always possible to calculate the due date correctly, and secondly, not everyone gives birth on time. This process, like growth and development, is purely individual. Much depends on the duration of the cycle, which differs for all women, the date and time of conception, and the individual predispositions of the body.

Especially often, an extension of the term occurs if this is the woman’s first birth, and her body does not yet fully understand what is happening to it. The child can also develop in his own personal way.

To calm down and insure against possible troubles, you can undergo special tests and tests - but most likely, doctors will advise you to wait until the forty-third week to undergo them - if you do not have time to give birth earlier.

If at the forty-first week the baby is still in the uterus, then most likely he simply continues to gain weight, which was not enough for him to continue living independently.

42 weeks pregnant

In the forty-second week, only a tenth of all women in the world give birth, but there is no need to be afraid of becoming one of them - this is still not a deviation from the norm. Most likely, some error has crept into the calculation of the due date, which now keeps you up at night. However, this should not be done - after all, there will be no benefit from unnecessary nerves for either you or the child.

If you are afraid of not giving birth on time, try doing home exercises to induce labor - massage your nipples or simply do some work that requires physical activity. Contracting muscles during movement can speed up the process, and massaging the nipples will trigger the production of oxytocin, a hormone that will help you successfully complete the difficult journey of nine months.

Now you should be especially attentive to your health - discharge from the navel or vagina, an unpleasant odor - all this can be a sign of infection. If there are no such signs, then everything is going according to plan - it’s just that nature’s plan is a little longer than usual. The baby is still growing - in a week he can grow another one and a half centimeters. Additional weight gain is also possible - up to 500 grams, although this is not mandatory.

43 weeks pregnant

The forty-third week of pregnancy is quite a long time, and it justifiably causes concern among doctors. The question is not even that the child continues to grow and causes a lot of discomfort - we are talking about significant overripeness of the fetus. At the forty-third week, it is best to go to the maternity hospital for preservation - after all, labor can begin at any time. It also makes sense to think about artificially inducing labor - however, if the condition of the mother and baby does not cause concern, you can wait for a while.

The child at this stage is very large - his height is already more than 51-53 centimeters, and his weight can even exceed 4 kilograms. Since the baby develops according to a schedule, he does it anywhere - whether in the outside world or in the mother's stomach. But the mother is most likely already very uncomfortable carrying a grown child.

At the forty-third week, the baby’s cranial bones become denser and the intestines begin to contract. Meconium - original feces, which is waste from everything that the baby has eaten for the last few months, enters the amniotic fluid, which can cause toxicity to the mother's body and poses a threat to the child. However, if this does not happen and the woman feels normal, we can assume that the child is still gaining strength for childbirth.

44 weeks pregnant

The forty-fourth week is already considered quite a dangerous period for bearing a child - the fetus is considered post-term. Why is there a danger to the health of mother and baby? Firstly, the baby is no longer getting enough oxygen, his lungs are developed enough to start breathing - but the outside world is still filled with liquid. The placenta dries out, because its time is running out; according to all the rules of nature, it is no longer needed. Due to the death of the placenta, the child cannot receive the necessary nutrition - there is a need for basic substances that were not previously lacking.

If meconium - the original feces - did not enter the amniotic fluid earlier, then by the forty-fourth week it is definitely already there. The child begins to swallow it and is poisoned by his own secretions - the health and life of the baby are in danger. Only an ultrasound can tell you how serious the situation is - but even that does not provide 100% certainty.

At the same time, the mother feels tired and depressed at this time, because due to post-maturity it begins to seem that she can stay in this situation forever. Do not despair - you need to take your life into your own hands and agree to an artificial birth or caesarean section. This will save both lives and give your family long-awaited happiness.

45 weeks pregnant

In fact, no one can say how long a pregnancy can last, because by the forty-fifth week, labor is already induced artificially. But if they have not yet arrived and have not been induced, most likely a caesarean section will be necessary, and it should be done as soon as possible. Too many toxic fluids produced by the body of both mother and child already accumulate in the amniotic fluid. The fetus reaches too large a size and weighs up to five kilograms - such a baby will no longer pass through the pelvic bones, unless the woman has very wide hips.

Babies born in the forty-fifth week are often in very poor health. Post-term babies grow up with disabilities - both physical and intellectual. And therefore, it is impossible to allow the pregnancy to continue until such a period.

But you shouldn’t be afraid of being in the forty-fifth week either. It often happens that the initial period is calculated incorrectly. For example, they began to count pregnancy from the last menstruation - but in fact, a month after them, there was discharge, something was “smeared” - and in fact, this period was the starting point. The human body is an amazing thing, and it is capable of any non-standard action! But do not rush to let things take their course - we are sure that if you choose the right doctor, place of birth and monitor your condition, and after forty-five weeks of gestation you can give birth to a healthy baby.

Pregnancy is a unique physiological process that allows parent cells to unite and form a new organism. The development of the fetus over the weeks of pregnancy is an interesting event that many mothers like to remember. Every day and week of pregnancy entails tremendous changes in the fetus and unforgettable impressions on the mother. From this article, expectant mothers will learn a lot of useful and interesting information: when the baby begins to lead an active lifestyle, hear her voice. It is no less interesting to know about changes in the weight of the fetus when the long-awaited ultrasound takes place to determine the sex of the baby.

Intrauterine development of the fetus is divided into two stages:

  1. The embryonic period lasts eight weeks after fertilization of the egg. At this time, there is an embryo inside the woman;
  2. the fetal period is counted from the ninth week until the moment of birth. At this stage of development, a woman already carries a fetus under her heart.

There is a real due date, which is counted from the moment of fertilization, and an obstetric one, which takes into account the first day of the last menstruation. Their difference is 14 days.

An exciting journey through the weeks of pregnancy


An important event occurred - fertilization. The zygote begins its formation. With every day and even hour, the number of embryonic cells increases through fragmentation and on the third day it consists of 8 cells, and on the fourth of 20. They form a small lump that moves to the uterus to begin full development and growth.


The fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. This process is called implantation, it is a critical moment for the development of the embryo. The mother's body is rebuilt, producing hormones to protect the embryo. There may be pink or brown discharge.

In the same week, the cells of the fertilized egg group:

  • the inner layer is responsible for the formation of the lungs, liver, and digestive organs;
  • the middle layer forms the bone and circulatory system;
  • the outer layer develops the nervous system, skin and hair, etc.


This week precedes the development of the spinal cord and brain, the spine is formed.

At 20-21 days, we can say with confidence that conception was successful. The embryo consists of many cells, and a tiny heart begins to beat - the fetus is ready for intrauterine changes. The appearance of dark discharge signals the threat of miscarriage.


The embryo reaches the size of a poppy seed - 1.5 mm. During this period, the laying of the foundations for internal organs begins, the heartbeat increases, the neural tube enters a new phase for the development of the brain, and limbs are born. Extraembryonic organs are formed: the yolk sac, which provides nutrition to the embryo, and the chorion, the future placenta.


At this stage, the embryo is no larger than a sesame seed. The placenta, which connects to it through the umbilical cord, is responsible for its nutrition.

  • An ultrasound specialist can already determine how many children a woman will have.
  • The heart begins to divide into two chambers, changes in the reproductive system and brain appear.
  • On an ultrasound, you can see inaccurate facial features, slits for the mouth, and recesses for the eyes and nose.


The heart, lungs and bronchial tree are improved. Facial features continue to emerge, and the phalanges of the fingers appear. The uterus enlarges and reaches the size of a plum.


This is the time when future parents begin to add to the family album the first photograph of the child's intrauterine development. The heart is already four-chambered and there are 100-190 beats per minute - this is normal. The tail at the base of the spine disappears, the placenta fully supports nutrition and intrauterine processes. There is rapid development of the brain, the middle layer of the adrenal glands, and lymph nodes.


The formation of vital organs and tissues is nearing completion. The size of the embryo is only 4 mm, but it already looks like a properly formed organism with protruding fingers, joints, ears, slits for the eyes and mouth. The nervous system is developed, the rudiments of the first teeth are formed.

The embryo begins to move, but this is imperceptible to the expectant mother.


The embryo enters the fetal stage. He gained weight up to 2 grams and has a size of 22-30 mm. The cerebellum, the middle layer of the adrenal glands, lymph nodes, mammary glands, and genitals continue to develop over the weeks.

Enormous changes occur: the tiny creature moves its head, swims in the uterus, reacts to the mother’s movements and hears sounds, grabs the umbilical cord, and puts a finger in its mouth. The urinary system begins to work, the sense of smell develops, which will help the newborn find the breast.


Weight – 5 g, size 30-40 mm. These days are full of events. The diaphragm is fully formed, the brain is actively developing, ossification of the skull and skeleton occurs, the membranes between the fingers disappear. The liver begins to secrete bile, the intestines contract.


The baby's weight is 8 grams, body length is 5 cm. The formation of blood vessels is nearing completion, the heart is working correctly, the placenta becomes denser and creates excellent protection for the emerging organism. The head is still large, but its transformations occur every day; the liver occupies 10% of the entire body.


The first trimester is at its final stage. The tiny creature has increased significantly and weighs about 9 cm. The rudiments of baby teeth are formed. The digestive system, bones and muscles continue their transformations. The little man is able to smile, sleeps little and has his own taste preferences. The immune system becomes stronger. The belly of the expectant mother is rounded.


The baby's weight reaches 15-25 grams, height is 10 cm, the heart beats 150 times per minute, and 30 liters of blood are pumped. The cerebral cortex becomes more complex, and the sweat glands come to work. The fetus ingests nutrients and spits out liquid, exercising the lungs. The mouth gap opens periodically.

The bone tissue hardens, the skin becomes multi-layered, but it is still transparent, the eyelids are closed. The placenta independently supplies oxygen and removes waste.


The intrauterine baby is becoming more and more active. Her weight is 35-45 grams, her height is 11 cm. The skeleton is being formed, the diaphragm is preparing for the first cry, the child has a Rh factor and blood type. The thyroid gland develops, the body prepares to digest proteins and begin to store fat. The intestines produce the first stool, which consists of bile.

The eyes take their assigned place, the facial features take the correct shape. The uterus becomes heavier, its weight is 250 grams.


The size of the fruit resembles an orange, weighs 70 grams, and height is 13 cm. Most of the body is covered with hair fluff, which retains heat. When the child gains a sufficient amount of fatty tissue, heat exchange will be involved in the process, and then the excess hairs will fall off.

The nails are already formed and lines are being drawn at the fingertips. The child grimaces, the sucking reflex is well developed. The genitals continue to form.


The baby's height is 14 cm. All components appeared in the blood. The neck is aligned, the liver takes on the function of digestion. The formation of permanent teeth is underway, replacing baby teeth. The skin is still transparent and the blood vessels are visible. The baby moves all parts of the body, which has a positive effect on brain development.


The man’s height is already more than 15 cm, his weight exceeds the weight of the placenta. The neck has become stronger, and the head now turns 180 degrees. There is an active accumulation of fat on the body, the bronchi are almost fully developed. The child begins to move his eyes. He is already able to protect himself from infections that may come from his mother.

Emotional and mental development is underway, so a pregnant woman is strictly forbidden to experience stress, worry, or be nervous.


The child's inner ear is formed, the retina of the eye gains sensitivity, the blink reflex appears, but the eyelids are still drooping, and the rudiments of molars are being formed. The baby is responding better to voices, so you don’t need to be shy about talking to your tummy.


The fruit can be compared to a small zucchini. The length reaches 16-17 cm, and the weight is 300 g. The skin is protected by vernix lubrication from amniotic fluid. There is a leap in development, movements become obvious and correct. The head rotates and maintains its position for a long time. The baby reacts well to factors from the outside world and responds to them with strong blows.


The tiny creature has already reached 20 cm. It begins to show its dissatisfaction with the mother’s incorrect postures or loud sounds, and can distinguish the time of day.

Intervertebral discs appear, a layer of epidermis is formed, movements become more complicated, and the mother feels them perfectly.


The child gains weight up to 360 grams, reaching a length of 26.5 cm. The digestive system is active, the fetus swallows amniotic fluid, and the spleen begins to function. Bones and muscles are strengthened. Taste receptors are fully formed on the tongue. Boys develop testicles, and girls develop a vagina.


The baby is gaining more and more weight. Now her weight is 500 grams, and her height is 28 cm. The lungs are fully developed, the brain reaches a weight of 100 grams.

Premature birth at 22 weeks can occur successfully, because modern equipment is available to care for such babies.


The baby’s weight increases, and the uterus also grows, creating discomfort for the mother. There is a wrinkled appearance of the skin, and fatty tissues grow. Arms and legs lengthen, nails and hair grow.

The boys' genitals move down to the right place. It’s impossible to believe, but such a small creature is capable of dreaming. The number of movements reaches 10 times a day.


The height of the little man is 30 cm, he may already be hiccupping due to improper ingestion of amniotic fluid or hypoxia, you need to notify the gynecologist about this.

The child often changes position. He no longer has enough space in the placenta and begins to push and push more persistently.


The future family member has a body length of 33 cm and weighs 700 grams. The skin gains density and color. The lungs are training, preparing for the first breath, the brain begins to work with the adrenal glands. Muscles appear.

Weakness and dizziness in the mother mean signs of anemia, you need to see a doctor.


Weight reaches 750 grams, height 35-36 cm. The little creature acquires individual features. The jolts become painful for the mother, and close people can trace the baby’s movements.

The brain produces the necessary hormones, and hearing becomes more refined. The lungs are filled with a special substance that will help them not to stick together at the moment of the first breath and cry.


The weight of the baby increases to one kilogram. The endocrine system begins to produce new functions, the amount of subcutaneous fat returns to normal. The substance that promotes the full expansion of the lungs has been completely developed.


The baby already weighs more than one kilogram and is 38 cm tall. His skin becomes smooth because adipose tissue increases.

The pupillary membrane disappears, allowing the eyes to open. The baby becomes cramped, but this does not affect ontogenesis.


The creature inside the mother weighs 1,300 kg and is 40 cm tall. It is already preparing for birth. The nasal passages are freed from mucus, the amount of vernix lubrication and fluff on the body are reduced. The child receives a sufficient amount of antibodies from the parent’s blood.


This is the period when the future family member is growing rapidly, thermoregulation is developed, the liver accumulates iron, and the eyes open completely. The child assumes a position for a favorable birth.


Each week is characterized by an increase in fetal weight of 300-400 grams. At the 31st week of pregnancy, the baby’s weight is 1.5 kg, length – 41 cm. The pancreas reproduces the production of insulin, the liver takes on the job of cleansing the blood of toxins, the brain makes up 1/4 of an adult’s organ.

In boys, the testicles “reach” the scrotum, in girls the clitoris appears.


The baby is growing, but his skull is still soft, his internal organs are fully functioning. The body produces immunoglobulins, which reproduce the baby’s protection from bacteria and microbes in the first year of life.


The baby lies down in the fetal position because there is less and less space in the womb. It takes a lot of calcium and iron from the mother’s body.


The baby is preparing to meet his parents. His weight exceeds 2 kg, height is 47 cm. Active training of the gastrointestinal tract takes place. The woman begins to feel false signs of contractions.


The fruit weighs about 3 kg, the body length reaches 48 cm. The shoulders are rounded, fat appears. The child is at the birth canal and takes the appropriate position.


The head center coordinates the work of thermoregulation, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. After the birth of the child, they will immediately begin their work. A pregnant woman is worried about shortness of breath.


The baby's weight is 2,950 kg, length is 48-49 cm. Breathing, movements, and heart activity are improved.


The new person has not yet been born, but weighs more than 3 kg, and is already 50 cm tall. All organs are fully developed and function well.


Weight – 3.5 kg, height – 51 cm. The stomach is filled with enzymes that will help the child process food. The little person perfectly senses sounds and light, the sucking reflex is developed.


The family is waiting for a new addition, and it will happen soon. The weight of “little happiness” is 3.5 – 4 kg, height – 51-54 cm.

The stomach drops significantly. The mucus plug and amniotic fluid recede, and contractions begin. After a certain time, the long-awaited baby will be born. Specialists are assessing his condition and monitoring his health for several days.

So the long expedition to study the weekly development of the fetus has come to an end. In order for your pregnancy to be easy and successful, you need to listen to your doctor’s recommendations and monitor your health. There is only joy and happiness ahead.

Film about the development of the fetus in the womb

Read in this article:

The birth of a new life is the most beautiful secret of nature. What could be more mysterious than the development of a child in the womb? The formation of a little person from a fertilized egg goes through a rather complicated path. Expectant mothers will be very interested to know how the child’s intrauterine development occurs week by week.

Initial development of pregnancy

Pregnancy lasts 40 weeks or 10 obstetric months. The term “obstetric month” implies 28 calendar days. But the beginning of pregnancy itself is considered the first day of the menstrual cycle. Thus, according to medical calculations, pregnancy lasts not 40, but 38 weeks.

So, fertilization occurred: the sperm penetrated the egg and formed a single cell with two nuclei. These nuclei, moving towards each other, form a zygote. A zygote is a one-celled embryo. This fact is the beginning of the development of a new life.

The zygote lives for 30 hours, after which its first division occurs. In subsequent days, cell division is repeated. On the fourth day of life, the embryo consists of 8-12 cells. By this time, this small lump reaches the uterine cavity, where the process of cell division intensively increases.

By the seventh day, the embryo already consists of hundreds of cells. On the eighth day, the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus, where its walls have acquired a loose and thickened structure. The implantation process takes about 40 hours.

On the 14th day of the embryo's life, its back part thickens, preparing for the formation of the main organs.

Already in the second week after fertilization, pregnancy can be determined using tests. Already on the 3rd day of its life, a small embryo begins to produce a hormone - gonadoprin. All pregnancy tests are sensitive to this hormone.

At the end of the 4th week, a woman notices the absence of menstruation. The first symptoms of pregnancy will appear: nausea, dizziness, drowsiness.

During this period, the embryo is already called an embryo, the size of which is about 1 mm.

The development of a child in the womb can be divided into three main periods:

  • Blastogenesis - the first 15 days.
  • Organogenesis is the development of the embryo from 15 days to 10 weeks of pregnancy.
  • The fetal period is the development of the fetus in the womb.

If we divide the entire pregnancy into 3 equal periods, we get the following time periods: first, second and third trimesters. Each trimester lasts 3 months.

If a woman is not yet aware of her “interesting situation” and continues to lead an inappropriate lifestyle, then the embryo will most likely die at the blastogenesis stage. If the mother's destructive lifestyle does not change during the first 12 weeks, there is a high probability of miscarriage.

Embryonic development of a child in the womb

Embryo development is a key moment of pregnancy, since during this period all vital organs are formed, which will affect the baby’s health in the future.

Mommy should never be nervous: only peace and positive emotions!

By the end of week 5, the embryo consists of three cell layers: ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm. Ectoderm is the basis of the nervous system, hair and skin. The endoderm will develop in the future into the gastrointestinal tract. The mesoderm will turn into skeletal and muscle tissue, and will also form the basis of the circulatory, excretory and reproductive systems.

At week 5, a kind of heart tube is formed. We can assume that from this moment the embryo’s “heart” begins to beat.

A groove is formed on the back of the embryo, which is the basis of the spinal cord and the entire nervous system. It is very important for the expectant mother to take enough folic acid during this period. This substance promotes the full formation of the nervous system of the unborn child.

At week 6, the embryo takes on a C-shape. During this period, the formation of the primary intestine, skeletal cartilage, liver, kidneys, and thyroid gland occurs. The small embryo reaches 4 mm.

At the 7th week of pregnancy, women experience toxicosis. This period is characterized by intensive development of the brain. The mouth and eye sockets begin to form. The respiratory system actively develops, the heart begins to divide into chambers and arteries, and the spleen and gall bladder are formed.

At week 8, ultrasound can record the first movements of the embryo.

At week 9, the fingers on the upper and lower extremities are visible, although they are still webbed. This period is characterized by the fact that the placenta begins to supply the embryo with nutrients and take away waste products. The embryo already has taste sensations.

At week 10, the membranes between the toes disappear and the tail disappears. The gender of the child is still difficult to determine at this age, but boys are already beginning to produce testosterone.

By the 11th week, the embryo weighs 5 g and measures 3 cm. This is the final stage of embryonic development; the embryo will subsequently be called a fetus.

Intrauterine development of a child by week in the second trimester of pregnancy

At 12 weeks, almost all organs of the fetus have formed and the child begins to actively move inside the uterus.

This is the beginning of the third period of fetal development. At this time, as a rule, an ultrasound is performed, which determines the quality of the child’s development and genetic abnormalities.

If intrauterine abnormalities are detected in the fetus, the woman is recommended to undergo additional tests. But final conclusions about chromosomal abnormalities can be made at 20 weeks with a control ultrasound. If serious pathologies are confirmed, doctors recommend terminating the pregnancy.

It is also worth noting that the older the parents, the higher the risk of developing pathologies in the child. However, in this case, the opposite may be true: the percentage of talented children born is higher among older parents.

At week 13, the external genitalia differentiate. However, they can be distinguished already at 14-15 weeks using ultrasound. At this stage, the formation of the intestines occurs. The baby receives nutrition through the umbilical cord.

From the 14th week, the baby’s skeleton begins to form, which was previously represented by cartilage. The length of the arms corresponds to the proportions of the body, and the legs are formed with some delay. The baby can yawn and suck his thumb. He perceives the vibrations of sounds, distinguishes well the timbre of his mother’s voice and music.

That is why it is important for expectant mothers to listen to beautiful classical music, thus instilling in the baby good taste.

At week 15, the blood vessels of the fetus become noticeable, visible through the thin skin. The skeleton and bone marrow continue to form.

At 16 weeks, a routine ultrasound is performed, where you can notice the movement of the baby's eyes. The legs have become proportional to the length of the body and small nails begin to grow.

At 17-18 weeks, the small body is covered with primary fluff - lanugo. This is a natural lubricant that protects the skin from the aquatic environment. During this period, fingerprints are laid, which are genetically predetermined.

The baby weighs 200 g and is 14 cm tall.

At 19-20 weeks, fetal growth begins to slow down somewhat. At this stage, subcutaneous fat is deposited, which keeps the small body warm. The respiratory system is improving more and more, but it is not yet able to function independently.

Mid-pregnancy: intensive fetal development

Starting from the 20th week, the baby's teeth begin to form. The baby's hairs on his head grow more actively, but their pigment is formed a little later.

From 22 weeks, mothers begin to feel the baby pushing. His weight at this stage is 450 g, and his height is 19-20 cm.

From 23 weeks the baby begins to gain weight. The child begins to see, he even dreams. The brain is actively developing.

The muscular system and internal organs continue to actively improve. The respiratory system is becoming increasingly developed. The first feces - meconium - accumulate in the baby's intestines.

The baby's skin is red and wrinkled. The child actively reacts to the position of the mother’s body and to external sounds. Taste buds have already formed on the tongue, thanks to which the child develops food preferences. It is important for mothers to understand this and try to avoid spicy and bitter foods, since the little one prefers sweets.

The beginning of the third and final trimester is week 27. By this time, all the organs of the fetus have already formed, and in the future they will be improved, as well as the development of the brain.

At week 29, the baby’s immune system is formed. The heart rate reaches 120-130 beats per minute. The baby may hiccup, as evidenced by slight tremors to the mother.

A child born at this stage can survive with certain care. His height is 37 cm and weight is 1150 g.

Prenatal development of the child in the last stages of pregnancy

For women who are preparing to become mothers of a healthy baby, it will, of course, be superfluous to talk about the right lifestyle. Alcohol, cigarettes, lack of routine, sleep and rest have a very detrimental effect on the health of the unborn child.

At 30-32 weeks, the baby’s subcutaneous fat layer becomes thicker. Some babies are already turning head down at this stage.

Convolutions appear on the surface of the small brain. The pupils can already detect bright light. When performing an ultrasound at this stage, you can notice how the baby closes its eyes from bright light. For this reason, it is important to avoid ultraviolet rays and avoid beach holidays.

From the 33rd week, the little man already becomes cramped in his mother’s tummy. At this stage, the fetus turns head down, preparing for birth.

If premature birth occurs at this stage, the baby has every chance of survival. However, he will be considered premature and will need special care in the hospital.

The baby's skin becomes pink and not so wrinkled, thanks to subcutaneous fat. It makes up 8% of the total body weight.

Thanks to the appearance of marigolds, the baby can scratch himself. Some newborns are born scratched.

From the 37th week there is an active improvement of the respiratory system. Babies born during this period can already scream. The vellus hair on the body thins, and on the head it grows rapidly. The child gains 30 grams of fat every day.

By this time, the stomach drops, and it becomes easier for mom to breathe. This usually happens two weeks before birth.

By this time the baby is ready to see the light. He is very cramped inside his mother: his knees are pressed tightly to his chin.

At week 39, the body becomes clean: the fluff remains only on the shoulders. The baby's intestinal system is filled with meconium and amniotic fluid.

At 40 weeks, prenatal development ends and a new person is born! Photos of newborns become almost the most important photo in the house. After all, what could be more exciting and beautiful than the birth of a small miracle!

The development of the human body begins from the very first day of fertilization of an egg by a sperm. The stages of embryogenesis are counted from the moment the cell begins to develop, which subsequently forms an embryo, and from it a full-fledged embryo appears.

The development of the embryo fully begins only from the second week after fertilization, and starting from the 10th week, the fetal period is already underway in the mother’s body.

First stage of zygote

Absolutely all somatic cells of the human body have a double set of chromosomes, and only sex gametes contain a single set. This leads to the fact that after fertilization and the fusion of male and female germ cells, the set of chromosomes is restored and becomes double again. The resulting cell is called a “zygote”.

The characteristics of embryogenesis are such that the development of the zygote is also divided into several stages. Initially, the newly formed cell begins to divide into new cells of different sizes, called morulae. The intercellular fluid is also distributed unequally. A feature of this stage of embryogenesis is that the morulae formed as a result of division do not grow in size, but only increase in number.

Second phase

When cell division ends, a blastula is formed. It is a single-layer embryo the size of an egg. The blastula already carries all the necessary DNA information and contains cells of unequal size. This happens already on the 7th day after fertilization.

After this, the single-layer embryo goes through the gastrulation stage, which is the movement of existing cells into several germ layers - layers. First, 2 of them are formed, and then a third appears between them. During this period, the blastula forms a new cavity called the primary mouth. The previously existing cavity completely disappears. Gastrulation allows the future embryo to clearly distribute cells for the further formation of all organs and systems.

From the first formed outer layer, all skin, connective tissues and the nervous system are formed in the future. The lower layer, formed by the second, becomes the basis for the formation of the respiratory organs and excretory system. The last, middle cellular layer is the basis for the skeleton, circulatory system, muscles and other internal organs.

The layers in the scientific community are called accordingly:

  • ectoderm;
  • endoderm;
  • mesoderm.

Third stage

After all of the listed stages of embryogenesis have been completed, the embryo begins to grow in size. In a short time, it begins to look like a cylindrical organism with a clear distribution into the head and tail ends. The growth of the finished embryo continues until the 20th day after fertilization. At this time, the plate previously formed from cells, the predecessor of the nervous system, is transformed into a tube, which later represents the spinal cord. Other nerve endings gradually grow from it, filling the entire embryo. Initially, the processes are divided into dorsal and abdominal. Also at this time, the cells are distributed for further division between muscle tissue, skin and internal organs, which are formed from all cell layers.

Extraembryonic development

All initial stages of embryogenesis occur in parallel with the development of extraembryonic parts, which will subsequently provide nutrition to the embryo and fetus and support vital functions.

When the embryo has already fully formed and exited the tubes, the embryo is attached to the uterus. This process is very important, since the future functioning of the fetus depends on the correct development of the placenta. It is at this stage that embryo transfer occurs during IVF.

The process begins with the formation of a nodule around the embryo, which is a double layer of cells:

  • embryoplast;
  • trophoblast.

The latter is the outer shell, therefore it is responsible for the effectiveness of attachment of the embryo to the walls of the uterus. With its help, the embryo penetrates the mucous membranes of the female organ, implanting directly into their thickness. Only reliable attachment of the embryo to the uterus gives rise to the next stage of development - the formation of a child's place. The development of the placenta occurs in parallel with its separation from the litter. The process is ensured by the presence of a trunk fold, which, as it were, pushes the walls away from the body of the embryo. At this stage of embryo development, the only connection with the placenta is the umbilical peduncle, which subsequently forms a cord and provides nutrition to the baby for the rest of the intrauterine period of his life.

Interestingly, the early stages of embryogenesis in the area of ​​the umbilical stalk also have a vitelline duct and a yolk sac. In non-placental animals, birds and reptiles, this sac is the yolk of the egg, through which the embryo receives nutrients during its formation. In humans, although this organ is formed, it has no influence on the further embryonic development of the body, and over time it is simply reduced.

The umbilical cord contains blood vessels that carry blood from the embryo to the placenta and back. Thus, the embryo receives nutrients from the mother and removes metabolic products. This part of the connection is formed from the allantois or part of the urinary sac.

The embryo developing inside the placenta is protected by two membranes. In the internal cavity there is a protein liquid, which is an aqueous shell. The baby swims in it until it is born. This sac is called amnion, and its filling is called amniotic fluid. All are enclosed in another shell - the chorion. It has a villous surface and provides the embryo with breathing and protection.

Step-by-step review

In order to analyze human embryogenesis in more detail in a language understandable to most, it is necessary to start with its definition.

So, this phenomenon represents the intrauterine development of the fetus from the day of its fertilization until birth. This process begins only after 1 week after fertilization, when the cells have already finished dividing and the finished embryo moves into the uterine cavity. It is at this time that the first critical period begins, since its implantation should be as comfortable as possible for both the mother’s body and the embryo itself.

This process is carried out in 2 stages:

  • tight attachment;
  • penetration into the thickness of the uterus.

The embryo can attach to any part of the uterus except the lower part. It is important to understand that this entire process takes at least 40 hours, since only gradual actions can ensure complete safety and comfort for both organisms. After attachment, the attachment site of the embryo gradually fills with blood and becomes overgrown, after which the most important period of development of the future person begins - embryonic.

First organs

The embryo attached to the uterus already has organs that somewhat resemble a head and tail. The very first protective organ to develop after successful attachment of the embryo is the chorion. To more accurately imagine what it is, we can draw an analogy with the thin protective film of a chicken egg, which is located directly under the shell and separates it from the protein.

After this process, organs are formed that provide further nutrition to the crumbs. Already after the second week of pregnancy, the appearance of an allantois, or umbilical cord, can be observed.

Third week

The transfer of embryos to the fetal stage is carried out only upon completion of its formation, but already in the third week one can notice the appearance of clear outlines of future limbs. It is during this period that the body of the embryo separates, the torso fold becomes noticeable, the head stands out and, most importantly, the future baby’s own heart begins to beat.

Power change

This period of development is also marked by another important stage. Starting from the third week of life, the embryo stops receiving nutrition according to the old system. The fact is that the reserves of the egg are depleted by this moment, and for further development the embryo needs to receive the substances necessary for further formation from the mother’s blood. At this point, to ensure the efficiency of the entire process, the allantois begins to transform into the umbilical cord and placenta. It is these organs that will provide the fetus with nutrition and release it from waste products throughout the remaining intrauterine time.

Fourth week

At this time, it is already possible to clearly determine the future limbs and even the places of the eye sockets. Externally, the embryo changes slightly, since the main emphasis of development is on the formation of internal organs.

Sixth week of pregnancy

At this time, the expectant mother should pay special attention to her own health, since during this period the thymus gland of her unborn baby is being formed. It is this organ that will be responsible for the functioning of the immune system throughout life. It is very important to understand that the mother’s health will determine the ability of her child to withstand external stimuli throughout his independent life. You should not only pay attention to the prevention of infections, but also protect yourself from nervous situations, monitor your emotional state and the environment.

Eighth seven-day period

Only from this time threshold can the expectant mother find out the gender of her child. Exclusively at the 8th week, the sexual characteristics of the fetus and the production of hormones begin to develop. Of course, you can find out the gender if the child himself wants it and turns to the right side during an ultrasound.

The final stage

Starting from the 9th week, fertilization ends and begins. By this point, a healthy baby should already have all its organs formed - they just have to grow. At this time, the child’s body weight is actively gaining, his muscle tone increases, and the hematopoietic organs are actively developing; the fetus begins to move chaotically. Interestingly, the cerebellum is usually not yet formed at this point, so coordination of fetal movements occurs over time.

Dangers during development

Different stages of embryogenesis have their own weaknesses. To understand this, you need to consider them in more detail. Thus, in some periods of human embryogenesis, it is sensitive to infectious diseases of the mother, and in others, to chemical or radiation waves from the external environment. If problems arise during such a critical period, the risk of the fetus developing birth defects will increase.

To avoid this phenomenon, you should know all stages of embryo development and the dangers of each of them. Thus, the period of blastula is particularly sensitive to all external and internal stimuli. At this time, most of the fertilized cells die, but since this stage passes through the first 2, most women do not even know about it. The total number of embryos dying at this time is 40%. at the moment it is very dangerous, since there is a risk of rejection of the embryo by the mother’s body. Therefore, during this period you need to take care of yourself as much as possible.

The transfer of embryos into the uterine cavity marks the beginning of the period of greatest vulnerability of the embryo. At this time, the risk of rejection is no longer so great, but from the 20th to the 70th days of pregnancy, all vital organs are formed; with any negative effects on the mother’s body at this time, the likelihood of the unborn baby developing congenital health abnormalities increases.

Usually, by the end of the 70th day, all organs are already formed, but there are also cases of delayed development. In such situations, with the beginning of the fertile period, a danger appears for these organs. Otherwise, the fetus is already fully formed and begins to actively increase in size.

If you want your unborn child to be born without any pathologies, then monitor your health both before and after the moment of conception. Lead the right lifestyle. And then no problems should arise.

The birth of a new life is a very interesting process. Just two cells, calmly existing separately from each other, merging together, show the world a miracle. The process of conceiving a child is practically no different from how it happens in other forms of mammals, but over the long nine months he needs to go through a more complex path. Today we want to go a little deeper and look in detail, step by step, at what happens in a woman’s body in the very early stages of pregnancy, when she still has no idea that she will soon become a mother. The process of conceiving a child is not the act of love itself between a man and a woman, but what happens after that.

The miracle begins

It’s quite difficult to call it anything else. Indeed, a true miracle that happens most often at night, while parents are fast asleep. The process begins with the release of seminal fluid into the woman’s vagina. In a relatively small amount of a nutrient solution, which also helps reduce the acidity of the vagina, there are about 3 million sperm. Each of them carries an X or Y chromosome, and depending on which of them manages to penetrate the egg first, a boy or a girl will be formed.

But we got ahead of ourselves a little. The process has not yet begun. Spermatozoa capable of fertilization simply entered the body. Now their long and difficult journey to their goal begins. They can remain active for 9 days, and if during this time they are lucky enough to meet a mature egg on the way, then their life will not be lived in vain.


It is so secretive that we can only learn about it from films or books. The woman herself is not able to feel the movement of sperm and their fusion with the egg. Many people mistakenly believe that the entire sacrament is performed in the womb. This is not true. Sperm actually enter this large, muscular pouch through the vagina. However, their journey does not end there. Next they have to pass through the fallopian tubes, where the main prize, a mature egg, may await. For about 24 hours, she retains the ability to fertilize, and, obeying the laid down program, moves towards the uterus. If along this path it is not met and fertilized by a sperm, the egg will reach its goal and be destroyed. Menstruation will begin, after which the cycle will repeat.

In the fallopian tubes

These are paired organs that connect the uterine cavity with the abdominal cavity. They are equipped with ciliated epithelium, the cilia of which are directed inward. Of course, for a reason. They are necessary to push the egg towards the uterus. This is where the mature egg is surrounded by sperm. Each of them strives to penetrate her, but only one, or in rare cases two, succeeds, then there is a chance that twins will be born. It may also be possible that two eggs are released at the same time. In this case, they can both be fertilized, and the mother also bears two children, but they will not be alike, like two peas in a pod.

Surprisingly, the head of the sperm penetrates inside the egg; it contains a special enzyme that slightly dissolves the wall and allows fusion to occur. After this, the tail falls off. It has completed its motor function and is no longer needed. At this moment, the surface of the egg changes. Now it is already a zygote, and other sperm are not allowed to enter it.

The beginning of a long journey

Next we need to take a closer look at how the process of conceiving a child occurs day by day. What's the big picture now? The nuclei of the egg and sperm are combined into one. A zygote is formed. After about a day and a half, division begins. While still in it, it is already turning into a complex complex of cells. And 48 hours after fusion, the zygote completes the first stage of division. Now these are two cells called blastomeres. They are still very large in size, but gradually the number increases and the cells decrease. In this case, the zygote remains the same size. The fallopian tubes are absolutely not a suitable place for intensive growth.

Quick complication

Every pregnant woman becomes very interested in the process of conceiving a child day by day. How the birth of a new life occurs at a moment when no one has any idea about this miracle. So, the third day. No, not yet pregnancy, it begins its countdown from the moment in the uterus. It is still the third day of its formation. Now the zygote contains from six to eight blastomeres. At this stage, the embryo already has its personal genome.

Day four, the zygote begins to move into the uterus

All this time was not wasted. Now the zygote already consists of 16 cells, and their chaotic accumulation begins to take on a certain shape. In other words, the process of compaction of the embryo is underway. Soon the zygote will forever leave the place where the formation of the future little man began. However, this particular period is marked by a certain danger. The fact is that if for some reason the fertilized egg cannot descend into the prepared womb, it may be implanted directly in the fallopian tube.

Since the process of conceiving a child takes place in the fallopian tube, nature provides for the modest size of the zygote, which it retains until it enters the uterus, where there is room for growth and development. However, adhesive processes can lead to a narrowing of the tubes, and the egg simply has no options how to penetrate the wall where it stopped. What happens next? It continues to divide and increase in size, which will lead to rupture of the fallopian tube. If emergency measures are not taken, the consequences can be dire.

Fifth-seventh day

The step-by-step process of conceiving a new life is always very interesting for the expectant mother. How amazing it is to watch with awe the changes that take place inside you! But if we talk about this stage, then the woman is often still unaware of her interesting position. And inside the uterus the embryo is already moving freely and looking for a home for final implantation.

Having determined a suitable place for itself, the egg attaches to the uterus. Now her long journey is over, there will be a cozy home here for the next 38-40 weeks. By the way, at this stage the corpus luteum serves as a source of nutrition for her, which means that the woman’s lifestyle does not have any impact on the development process.

The diameter of the embryo now does not exceed 0.5 mm. Literally after a few days, that is, on the 9-10th day of its existence, the zygote is completely immersed in the wall of the uterus. This period lasts about 40 hours and is called implantation.

Feeling of a woman

If this is your first pregnancy, then most likely you will write off all these symptoms as simple malaise. However, women who already have children are much more sensitive to the signals that the body sends. These days you may encounter At first glance, it looks like menstruation, with which it is often confused. However, the bleeding is not profuse and most often goes away on the first day. Sometimes brown discharge continues for 10-14 days, but this is already a signal to see a doctor.

It is now that hCG begins to be produced. Because of it, a woman feels nausea in the morning, weakness and drowsiness. Almost everyone notes that the breasts fill up and become very sensitive. In addition, there is a feeling of slight heaviness in the lower abdomen.

We looked at the process of conceiving a child step by step, day by day. The characteristics of each organism may make some adjustments, but this is the general framework for the birth of a new life. Moreover, note that all this happens even before you notice the first symptoms or notice a delay.

If pregnancy is very desirable

Some await the appearance of the second line on the test with fear, others with hope and trepidation. How can you speed up the process of conceiving a child if you have been ready for motherhood for a long time, but it just doesn’t work out? It is very useful to track the onset of ovulation. Does this mean taking your temperature every morning and drawing graphs for months? In general, yes, but today there are special tests that show the onset of a favorable period for conception. The appearance of two stripes indicates that ovulation has occurred. The egg has left the ovaries and is ready to meet the sperm.

A woman’s body must be full of strength and energy, otherwise it simply will not take on such responsibility as bearing a baby. Therefore, it is very important to eat right, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, herbs, and take vitamins. As for traditional medicine, it also offers a number of methods. For example: tea made from linden flowers improves the functioning of the ovaries, an infusion of carrot seeds is useful for a man, as it improves the quality of sperm. An infusion of boron uterus relieves inflammation and improves the menstrual cycle. Additionally, it is recommended to lie down for 10-20 minutes after sexual contact with your legs raised up. This will allow sperm to enter the uterus faster. And, of course, think about your baby, because thoughts are material.

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