Does giving birth hurt? Self-pain relief during childbirth. I'm not afraid of labor pain! How to give birth without pain

Childbirth is an exciting and long-awaited event for any woman. Before their onset, any expectant mother experiences fear and anxiety. If a woman becomes a mother for the first time, then she is worried about the question: does it hurt to give birth for the first time? Experienced friends, mothers and grandmothers can talk about childbirth as a painful experience. Women can even convince themselves that it will hurt. In fact, a lot depends on the psychological mood, so it is important to be able to properly prepare for the upcoming birth of a child.

Is it painful to give birth?

Every person has experienced severe pain at least once in their life. Of course, giving birth to a child is a painful process, but even the most gentle woman can endure it, because the result will be a miracle that will eclipse and help you forget all fears and pain.

Labor is painful unless the expectant mother is given epidural anesthesia, which suppresses pain reflexes. But then the woman in labor will not be able to control the process of contractions and pushing.

As labor approaches, every woman begins to worry about the pain that awaits her.

Pain for the first time

When a woman is about to become a mother for the first time, she is not yet familiar with the process and may be afraid of pain. But you will have to overcome these kinds of fears, since they are the cause of excessive strong muscle tension that prevents you from focusing on the most important thing.

There is no doubt that giving birth for the first time is painful. This happens due to the long course of the birth process. The body does not yet have sufficient preparation for the birth process, so the first birth will be a test.

Due to the duration, the first birth is always more painful than subsequent ones

Why does pain occur?

The process of childbirth is a strong irritating factor for the body. In response to stimuli, the human brain transmits signals to nerve endings that trigger pain.

Childbirth is a physiological process. Pain occurs during the first contractions, which promote the opening of the cervix. Uterine contractions cause severe pain, but subsequently they lead to the expulsion of the baby.

A woman may experience severe pain due to psychological unpreparedness. Experts who have conducted research on this matter have found that more than half of women in labor are not psychologically prepared for the birth process, and as a result the pain becomes more painful than it could be. Women initially prepare themselves for the fact that it will be very painful, and the body begins to perceive them as a danger to human life and health, as a result of which a defensive reaction occurs in the form of pain.

Fear is a completely natural phenomenon

Of course, it is quite natural to experience moderate fear before labor begins. If a woman realizes that this fact cannot be avoided, there is nothing abnormal in feeling fear before the very beginning of the process. She understands that serious changes will soon occur in her life. The expectant mother begins to prepare for them, which will help her subsequently cope with her feelings of uncertainty and fear.

How to deal with pain and fear?

Physical and psychological preparation for childbirth will reduce pain

A woman is meant to be a mother. She has a desire to have children and develop maternal feelings, which means her body is able to withstand the pain of childbirth. And if the expectant mother is well prepared for the birth process, it will be less painful. Physical and psychological preparation is important.

Physical training may include attending courses for expectant mothers, where specialists teach proper breathing and postures to help cope with pain. During pregnancy, you should not refuse intimacy with your spouse (unless your gynecologist prohibits this due to abnormalities during pregnancy). This prepares the woman’s genitals well for the process of childbirth.

On a note!Experts have noticed that women who are sexually active during pregnancy give birth more easily and quickly.

Psychological preparation is the most important. The course of labor depends on it. If a woman constantly tells herself that giving birth is painful, this will increase her fears and prevent her from relaxing. It is important to have positive thoughts. You should not listen to scary stories from your friends, or watch films about childbirth, which very colorfully show how painful it is.

The expectant mother can prepare her psyche through various breathing exercises and muscle relaxation. You can simply imagine that giving birth does not hurt.

It is very important to learn to breathe correctly

How to relieve pain directly during childbirth?

There are several reliable ways to relieve pain during contractions:

  1. Correct breathing technique.
  2. Correct posture.
  3. Massage.
  4. Childbirth in water.

Taking into account certain factors during childbirth, pain can be significantly reduced.

The supply of oxygen to mother and child depends on breathing. Breathing will help the woman relax and direct muscle strength to push the baby out. Breathing training during pregnancy can play an important role. Daily breathing training will serve as good preparation for the hard work ahead.

Posture during childbirth

During childbirth, it is worth moving around the room more, which will reduce pain.

Whether childbirth will be painful depends largely on the woman’s posture. If the woman in labor lies motionless during contractions, the pain will be stronger. It is important to find the right position that will help you relax as much as possible and help your body endure pain.

It has been proven that with movement, pain decreases. During contractions, it is useful to move around the room and change your position. Thanks to physical activity, normal blood circulation is maintained in the body, and the uterus receives sufficient oxygen.

If it is contraindicated for a woman in labor to get up and move, you can do exercises while lying down to help reduce pain. Movement can significantly reduce pain.


In this case, this method of pain relief is used during partner childbirth. The partner can massage certain points on the woman’s body. Massage is performed when a contraction begins and helps reduce the intensity of pain. It is usually necessary to massage the lumbar area; this is where numerous pain points are located during contractions.

Water birth

A woman who gave birth to a child in water claims that childbirth is easier and less painful.

Important! Before giving birth in an aquatic environment, you should make sure that there are no pathogenic microbes or infections in the water. The water must be sterile.
Water births have become increasingly popular lately.

Is anesthesia necessary?

Various types of painkillers can be used to assist in obstetrics. Sometimes it can just be antispasmodics in tablet form. They help dilate blood vessels and activate blood circulation in the uterus. Painkillers should not be administered at intervals of less than 3 hours.

A popular type of pain relief is. This is a more modern method of pain relief. This type of anesthesia is injected into the spinal cord. Thanks to this method of pain relief, numbness occurs in the lower extremities and the lumbar region with the abdomen. The effect of the anesthetic lasts about 3 hours. This method of pain relief is not suitable for every woman in labor, so you should carefully discuss possible side effects with your doctor.

A popular type of anesthesia is epidural anesthesia.

What else can determine the intensity of pain?

The intensity of pain during the birth process can depend on several factors:

  • If this happens for the first time, the process will be painful.
  • If there is a possibility of premature birth, then the pain may increase due to complications that arise.
  • When a woman carries the fetus beyond term, due to its size, the birth may be more difficult.
  • If a woman in labor has chronic diseases of internal organs, then everything can become complicated.
  • When a woman in labor is well prepared physically, and most importantly psychologically, then pain can be avoided.

If labor proceeds without complications, then pain is significantly reduced.

The severity of pain during childbirth depends on many factors.

Let's get rid of fear!

When the expected due date approaches, the woman will have to prepare and tune her body for hard work, during which the long-awaited miracle will appear. The expectant mother should set herself up positively and direct her thoughts towards a good course of labor.

A woman may imagine that she is not the only one giving birth to a child. She's not the first person to fear that childbirth will be very painful. Many women in different parts of the world have gone through this process. There is not a single woman who would not give birth because of fear.

Yes, childbirth is painful, but any woman can cope with it. The expectant mother must understand that she is not alone; highly qualified staff will help her overcome all fears and successfully give birth. In the modern world, there are many methods of pain relief, while our parents gave birth without it. It has become popular to have more than one child, which means enduring pain is quite possible.

So, the main question for first-time mothers is, does it hurt to give birth for the first time? Women who give birth again also worry that the pain will be much worse. But as a result of long-suffering, the long-awaited baby appears, forcing the woman to forget all the torment that she went through to bring him into the world.

I will not describe here in detail what the doctors did and in what order. I want to talk about how I dealt with fear. So...

When I was pregnant, the only literature I read were... stories about childbirth. Now I understand that this is complete nonsense, that I should have read the classics, or - which is much more useful, because it would save me time now - literature on the development of children, or learn all sorts of poems, nursery rhymes, and especially lullabies... But why? I really hope that you are smarter than me.

So. I read stories about childbirth because I was afraid. Of course, everyone is afraid. But I had a panicky fear, almost from the age when I learned how children are born. It was probably because of this fear that I even put off having a child, which happened - thank God - unplanned, otherwise I would have been collecting my thoughts for a long time. And by the end of pregnancy, this fear increased exponentially. I was especially irritated by people who said: “Come on, it’s not so scary, especially since you have such an advantage - you don’t know what it is...”. This was the most scary thing! Why did they think this was supposed to calm down?!

So, I read and read stories about childbirth with the secret hope of finding at least one that would say that childbirth is not painful. It’s just that I’m most afraid of physical pain: every time I was examined in a chair, I groaned and whined so much that they asked me: baby, how are you going to give birth?

To tell the truth, there were people who said things that helped me during childbirth, or rather helped me cope with fear. I wrote these theses out for myself and read them in the very last days, when I knew that the evil doctors were about to take care of me... No, I had a very good doctor who was supposed to deliver the child (and did a great job, thank you thank her for her patience), and a good maternity hospital, which doesn’t even look like a hospital, but all this was of little comfort...

So this is why I am writing all this. Please believe me, a coward and a touchy-feely person who is close to fainting at the thought of introducing foreign objects or doctors’ manipulation of her beloved body, that childbirth is not painful!!!

Yes, yes, it doesn’t hurt even with my attitude towards pain.

The first stage of childbirth - contractions - which everyone is so scared of, is quite possible to survive (and I had strong contractions, as they were injected), because the pain is familiar in nature (as during menstruation) and dull. With each contraction, the body gets used to this sensation, and since this is a gradual process, even during strong contractions it is not such a pain as suddenly cutting off a finger or drilling a sick tooth. Nature has thought through all this very cunningly, preparing the woman.

But this is all provided that you understand that the fights have a noble mission and do not resist them. You have to try very, very hard to relax during the contraction, and although it is difficult, it softens the pain. You need to surrender to it, go to the meeting, rejoice (for example, like this: here, there is one less fight left). It is very important that the facial muscles are relaxed - the lips are not pinched, the teeth are not clenched (this strains the pelvic floor muscles and the cervix and lengthens and makes the period of contractions more difficult). What you experience, I would call not pain, but physical discomfort - because all sensations are unusual and cause discomfort (the sensations when you want to push are especially curious). With what pleasure I would experience all this again!

As for the period of childbirth itself - expulsion and, it is generally very fast and not painful, just hard, and you will have to work. (Again, I didn’t understand that I would have to push the child out, it seemed to me that he would crawl out on his own by an unknown force. It’s funny now, but I didn’t think that it would be necessary to make incredible efforts...)

My friend - a Pole and father of 2 children - reassured me before giving birth, saying that this would be the happiest moment of my life. I didn’t believe him, I thought I’d quickly get over it and forget... But he turned out to be right. I now remember and savor every moment of this process. I would love to give birth again. This is amazingly interesting, I even feel sorry for men because they cannot experience this.

Here are briefly the points that helped me cope with fear.

  1. The pain during childbirth is very natural, natural, intensifying so that you don’t notice it (I really didn’t really notice how the contractions at the beginning differed from the contractions at the end).
  2. Giving birth is interesting, this is given only to half of the people on earth (women), and even then not to everyone.
  3. I would love to experience this again, I would have the opportunity not to be afraid, but to savor every step, every contraction, every push...
  4. It was the happiest moment of my life. (I only felt so many emotions when I was accepted into the pioneers.)
  5. A person is strangely designed: he can faint from a syringe injection, but during childbirth he will not experience any pain
  6. Fear creates pain. (If you are not afraid, there will be no pain.)
  7. There are worse things in life...

By the way, some small details that may also be useful to you.

  1. My contractions didn't start like cramps. My stomach hurt and it hurt constantly - it ached. I thought I had eaten something wrong, or maybe it was appendicitis. Now it’s funny to think that when contractions started on the supposed day, I thought it was appendicitis... But my stomach didn’t hurt the way I imagined - it wasn’t particularly painful, and constantly, without intervals. True, about five hours later, after I tried to dull the pain with Buscopan suppositories, I noticed that sometimes the pain subsided. (That is, not as they wrote everywhere - the pain occurs periodically, but on the contrary, it periodically subsided).
  2. Israeli oil for perineal massage helped to avoid ruptures. I don’t specifically name the brand, because it’s not about the oil, but about the massage. The husband should do the massage. Every day from 35 weeks. For 5 minutes, use oil and fingers to stretch the perineum (with great effort - my husband lost a lot of strength during these 5 minutes). You yourself must learn to relax your muscles with such pressure on the perineum. You get used to stretching, the muscles also get used to it, you learn to relax - and oil has nothing to do with it.

I hope this helps you overcome your fears too.

Marina B.


I just started trying to conceive a baby. Reading such articles you gain positivity, but after reading the comments all the joy disappears. However, there is a feeling that everything has a cause-and-effect relationship. Notice with what pleasure, savoring the words, women describe their pain: “a continuous nightmare, I experienced chilling horror, a ball of excruciating pain, I was crushed from the inside with a jackhammer.” Maybe you were internally prepared for such a course of events? You describe your childbirth as if you dreamed of getting this pain and now you describe it with such pleasure and so many different epithets and comparisons. My mother also gave birth with pain, but she would never talk in such a style about such a mysterious and happy event in her life. And it also amazes me - he writes that he almost died from pain and is pregnant with his second. So maybe it's not so scary? Or do you like to feel pain?

11/13/2009 23:52:17, nine_months

My first birth was the same as that of the author of the article - just like in the book, I was calm, like a boa constrictor... This calmness descended on me from somewhere above and everything went very well and naturally (the only thing is that there was no Internet yet , and throughout my pregnancy I read Laurence Pernu’s very useful book “I’m Expecting a Baby,” and I read the chapter “Childbirth” to pieces. Thus, when it all started, the text “how to breathe correctly” and “what happens during contractions in the body” was as if before my eyes. That is, this book helped me a lot, as I thought...). Considering the positive experience of the first birth, I went to the second simply... with delight! Yes, yes, this is exactly the feeling - DELIGHT! And what do you think? Complete horror. The child was barely squeezed out. He was purple in color, sat down only at 9 months, walked only at one and three... (the pregnancy was going well, all tests were excellent). Now I’m sitting out the last nights before my third birth, doing such a stupid thing as reading stories about childbirth on the Internet (from idleness at night :), but I also re-read Laurence Pernu three times a day in the hope that the third will be like the first, and not like the second ones :). If the second ones were like the first ones, I would limit myself to one child :). I wish everyone an easy birth!!! :)

When I gave birth for the first time, I was 22 years old (now I’m 33) and at that time I was probably a complete fool, because I didn’t think at all about the upcoming birth, that’s why I wasn’t afraid of anything, I didn’t read a single story or story about childbirth ( Well, then I hadn’t even heard of the Internet), well, nothing! Naturally, I knew about the stages of childbirth, what comes after what, etc. And I didn’t care at all, at that time I had problems in the family, and serious ones, perhaps so I didn’t have the mood or desire or time, I don’t know exactly what, to just think about childbirth and be a little afraid. And how did it end? An absolutely normal birth, there was pain, which I remember intensified after oxytocin, and I gave birth literally 20-25 minutes after I was transferred to the delivery table, before that, of course, there were contractions for about 10 hours, etc. and I won’t say that the pain was terrible. I experienced terrible pain when they injected oxytocin, this is etched in my memory, but it didn’t last long. Then the last one was born. Then we were discharged, everything was normal. Now I’m pregnant with my second child and now that I am a fully grown person, aware of all the responsibility, now I have such fear, especially after all these stories. Therefore, sometimes I think it’s better to walk around like a fool, not think, and then give birth without fear, then you will give birth easier , it seems to me. Now I’m terribly well-read, and now I’m just scared. All my thoughts are only about pregnancy and childbirth, I imagine what I will experience during the birth itself. Be that as it may, I wish everyone a successful birth and healthy children! Good luck to everyone!

01.12.2007 18:21:36, Fotima

I am very happy for you, glad that everything went so well for you.
It’s just in vain that you think that there is some special merit in this. It’s just luck. Rapid labor, high pain threshold. Childbirth without complications.
Do you seriously think that it is enough to meditate on the topic - childbirth is not painful, and then breathe correctly during contractions and push correctly?
When I went to give birth for the first time, I wasn’t afraid at all. They still give birth, that I’m young and healthy, won’t I give birth? I knew how to breathe, which points to press. I read a lot of books and in theory I knew everything. I knew everything about the course of labor, about what exactly is happening to me.
But in practice it turned out. that my labor lasted 16 hours, that the contractions were monstrous in strength and frequency, and my cervix did not open. In the end, from the indescribable pain, I generally stopped feeling like a human being. I was a ball of excruciating pain. It seemed to me that it would never end. I I only thought that no one would ever force me to repeat this.
Fortunately, the attempts did not last long and there were no breaks. And again, this was not my fault. The child was not large.
I didn’t use any oils during pregnancy. I was lucky.
Memories of childbirth were my nightmare.
The second time I decided, hoping for epidaral, because... They were going to give birth for free. I was terribly afraid of childbirth.
They deceived me with the epidural and the nightmare repeated itself. The second time everything was faster. And I even somehow endured the first 5 hours. But the last three hours merged into one continuous nightmare. The pain was tearing me apart, twisting and there was no way to influence it. breathing, points on the body - all this is complete nonsense.
And then the attempts began. They lasted a very long time and I realized that I could not squeeze the baby out, he was stuck. I experienced chilling horror.
When I was already in a semi-conscious state, the child was squeezed out.
And I have terrible ruptures, general anesthesia, a lot of stitches and complications after childbirth.
I couldn’t turn over on my side in bed, much less stand up. I was injected with painkillers for several days because I couldn’t sleep from the pain.
After giving birth, my bladder refused to work on its own. I was given a catheter.
It was very scary, it seemed that I would never learn to do it myself. My muscles did not obey.
When I was discharged home after 5 days, I was completely broken. Everything hurt.
for the third time, many years later, I decided to give birth only because we lived abroad. I knew that an epidural was common here and they would give it to me if I asked.
The epidural was set for me to be 2 cm dilated, but at the end of pregnancy I was already 1 cm dilated.
I had pain relief until the very end. I talked with my husband, tried to take a nap during contractions. When I told him to push, the baby was born in two pushes.
Half an hour later I got into the shower myself, took it myself, and the next day I was at home with the child.
Until the very end, I couldn’t believe that I had already given birth. That I could stop being afraid.
And you say, giving birth doesn’t hurt....

16.11.2007 17:09:19, A-na

More than half of my contractions took place... at work. Yes, I went there quite deliberately, after the contractions started, knowing that I would climb the walls of the house. The first contraction was at 5.30 am, I gave birth at 11 pm. I arrived at the maternity hospital with contractions every 5 minutes at 16:00. I didn’t have a drop of fear, during all these hours I didn’t make a single sound, but... I spent them all moving. even at work, at the checkout, when there were no customers, I walked between the cash registers. I was in the maternity room when the head was visible. all attempts lasted 10 minutes. my opinion is the main thing is the attitude. This was my first birth, my midwife didn’t even have time to get there. I clenched my teeth and said that this work must be done. The main thing is not to feel sorry for yourself and not to think about pain.

11/15/2007 20:03:02, Orly

There are different births and this is no secret. Mine were much like the ones described. Thank you very much to the human staff of the maternity hospital at City Clinical Hospital No. 15. The main thing, it seems to me, is to follow the instructions of the midwife and doctor as accurately as possible (if possible), and for this - away with panic and decadent moods!
Since I was giving birth for the first time, I asked the midwife to give me clear commands and promised to do everything in my power. It’s strange, but I was afraid that I wouldn’t understand when to push and when to wait. It looked quite comical:
-I can `t get it
-you'll understand
- What if I don’t understand, this is the first time?
-Everyone has their first time, you’ll figure it out.
-No. You say, I’m trying to comply, please. I'll feel calmer this way.
-Ok, wait
(etc. conversations)
- Can? - I ask.
- No. be patient.
3 seconds have passed
- I really want...
- be patient... Come on, push!
-I can not
And just like that, skipping one at a time, over conversations under the strict guidance, she gave birth to an excellent little boy. No tears, no cuts.
I’ll probably never forget how I felt when they put it on my stomach. It was so wonderful and wonderful, as if I was filled to the brim with pure happiness and was about to be torn into atoms. Give birth healthy, give birth easily. Good luck to everyone and Olympic peace.

02.05.2007 23:33:17

01/30/2007 11:22:44, Cherry

In general, I believe that although childbirth should be natural, contractions need to be numbed, we live in a civilized society and only women go through such pain. Yes, I was ashamed when the contractions in the first birth were painless. Although everything immediately went wrong... First, they pierced the bladder, there was no water, the doctor was surprised and sent me to the prenatal ward to wait for the contractions to come, and waited. They started gradually, but got stronger each time. It was very painful, I didn’t scream, but I moaned. My savior has come)), an anesthesiologist to do a dream for another woman in labor because... I arrived at night and needed to gain strength. Afterwards, I agreed with him about pain relief for 100 bucks. He agreed without any problems and put an IV in my back, girls, I liked it, you lie down, the contractions are coming, you feel them, but there is no pain. This lasted for about three hours and ended... the doctor told me to remove everything because... labor activity ceased. Pain is usually given before pushing. And she lay there moaning for three hours, and told herself that she could endure it. Then the attempts began, it became easier. I pushed for another three hours, and only then did my water break. After another examination, they invited me to a chair and, finally, after three attempts I gave birth, but not without the help of a doctor, she pressed on my stomach. I jumped out like a little girl and didn’t feel it. It turned out that it was not me who was pushing poorly, the head was not moving correctly. I was in labor for 14 hours. Three days later I wanted to do it all again. And she repeated it after one year, eleven months and one day. Everything was completely different, although not without the help of medicine. In the morning, a special gel was introduced to soften the uterus. The pain began as during menstruation with minor contractions. After lying there for two hours, I learned to cope with the contractions; when I exhaled, I tensed my lower abdomen a little, it seemed easier to me. Then they pierced my bladder, this time the water came out. They took me to the prenatal ward, the contractions were strong, not like the first time, but I endured. But the further, the more painful I even asked to call an anesthesiologist, to which the doctor answered me, which anesthesiologist will undertake anesthesia at 7 cm of opening and I continued to endure and, finally, after 10 minutes. attempts began. After 5 min. I gave birth myself, I felt everything and without any breaks. I was 100% satisfied. The doctor said that everything went perfectly, just like in the book.
So, all the books, articles and conversations about childbirth made me afraid, but I tried to think that everything would be fine, but in my heart I was afraid. When it all started for the first time, I was just very scared, it was still in my head that this must be very painful. The second time, I prepared myself very well psychologically, and this helped me experience pleasure)).
Valentinka 3 years 5 months, Stepashka 1.5 years

25.01.2007 10:04:44, Cherry in chocolate

Girl, you are very lucky. You have low sensitivity. My pain was not like during menstruation. The pain was wild, cutting, I lost track of time, it seemed to me that a day had passed, but only 2 hours had passed. So, no need to generalize. It didn't hurt you. I'm happy for you. But don't draw conclusions.

01/24/2007 12:39:44, Ondine from work

You're right.
Even before giving birth, I read books about how giving birth is natural for a woman. That women for many centuries gave birth right on the move and without feeling much pain. All this seemed almost like fairy tales to me, but it helped me not to be afraid of childbirth at all!
And labor began in exactly the same way - as if I had eaten something wrong. :-)) Absolutely nothing like contractions. And then everything was quick (4 hours) and not painful. 5 women gave birth with me and they screamed throughout the entire floor. It was very strange to me, although I understood that everyone feels pain differently...

01/24/2007 01:35:20, Olya S.

I subscribe to the words of Dolly_Lou. You really need to prepare for the worst. I was a naive girl, despite my age, and thought that since I had a planned cesarean section (in terms of vision), then I would experience pain only after childbirth. My Sweet Girl decided everything differently. On the night of the 37th week;)) my water started flowing, contractions started, and after 3.5 hours I started pushing. But they don’t cut me ((((They are waiting for the anesthesiologist, then his sister, then the assistant...
All the walls in the birth block are mine)))
And I was NOT READY for contractions lasting 5-7-10 minutes with breaks of 5 seconds, during which I did not have time to breathe deeply.
So, I'm not sure about the need to read only such happy impressions. To give yourself confidence - YES (like psychotherapy), but at the same time remember that basically everything happens differently...
Yes, my baby is my happiness, but for now it’s kind of scary for me to repeat it)))

I believe that you need to prepare for the best and prepare for the worst. The first time it was easier for me to go into labor because I didn’t know what it was + the preparation was good (swimming + breathing exercises). The second time, when I found myself in the maternity hospital, I was in a state of horror (from the series: maybe it will blow away). But thank God, the second birth went quickly and was not as painful as the first time.
I agree: and yet this is a moment of deepest happiness. But that comes later: when the child is in your arms, when you realize that everything is t-t-t. But the road from the ward to the birthing room is pure adrenaline.

I'm very glad that someone else had the same experience. like mine:)
6 years ago...and I won’t say anything negative about childbirth...yes, there is practically no pain, like with slightly heavier periods...

There weren’t any doctors around for a long time, it was almost after the New Year...they were drinking tea” and when I said “I’m going to give birth now” they laughed and said: it’s a girl. Don’t rush, you still have half a day of contractions ahead
I realized that I can only help myself, and if I’m lucky, they will come
when it became a little painful, I took pain relief with a shower, simply ran water on my tummy (water helps a lot, I knew this - my father was engaged in aquaculture according to Charkovsky in the past) and I gave birth in 3 hours (along with contractions - no one believed), even though they were and the first birth...I was 18 then. A week ago my daughter turned 6 years old
she's smart
I’m glad that I wasn’t scared then, I was scared of someone else, to have a second abortion, but I have a negative Rh... in order to save the child, I hid it until the 5th month (they would have forced me to have an abortion), when the doctor came to the district consultation, she was in shock. that I am still not registered, even with a negative Rh factor
6 years have passed.. the girl has never (!!!) been sick and brings me only joy in life.. and now I can get an education, together with her

01/22/2007 18:22:11, WildLen

*Childbirth is not painful* - this is if the baby is lying as it should, and your parameters with the baby allow you to give birth like this: without pain and incisions/tears, but do not forget that not everyone is like this! There can be a clinically narrow pelvis (this is only revealed during childbirth, and there are also incorrect insertions, breech/breech presentation, etc.) We must be prepared for anything.
Including to the CS - if necessary. A lot depends on your mood, but...

And I’m happy for you, very happy. :) Yes, joy is great.

Thank you for the article! We are planning a pregnancy and reading articles like this is a pleasure! Sets you up for positivity!
Everyone already understands that childbirth is individual and for everyone it goes according to their own scenario). The author shares her experience and, as I understand it, does not pretend to be anything else.

01/19/2007 15:48:42, Olga

In this article:

Almost every expectant mother, as the expected date of birth of the baby approaches, begins to think about whether it hurts to give birth. Having read many terrifying stories from women who talk about painful feelings that are simply unbearable to endure, and having watched enough movies and videos where heroines on the birthing table scream until their eyes are red, a completely understandable fear appears. The result is a psychological attitude towards severe pain, anticipation of it and, accordingly, self-hypnosis.

In fact, every pregnant woman should know the whole truth, be able to prepare mentally and physically for the upcoming birth, so that the whole process goes much easier and faster.

Why is it painful for a woman in labor?

Pain is a protective reaction of the body to a certain irritant. When our brain senses danger to life or health, it begins to transmit signals to the nerve endings. This happens during any injury, when pain becomes the first sign that disturbances have occurred in the body. Childbirth, although it is a completely natural process inherent in the female body by nature itself, leads to the appearance of this protective reaction. As a result of contraction of the uterus, the expectant mother feels discomfort, which becomes more intense simultaneously with the dilation of the cervix. For this reason, the first contractions are less painful than before or during pushing.

However, answering the question why giving birth hurts, one cannot fail to note the psychological factor. It is he who causes torment for about 80% of women. Consider that only 20% of women in labor experience virtually no pain. And the reason for this is morale. A woman sets herself up for torment, so the body begins to perceive the birth of a child as something dangerous.

The power of pain

The severity of labor pain depends on many factors. Let's look at the main ones.

  1. The first birth is almost always more painful than subsequent ones. This is explained by the duration of the process itself, which decreases in time with each pregnancy. This is the most important factor.
  2. Premature birth threatens complications, so the pain is more intense.
  3. A post-term fetus is larger in size, which in many cases leads to a difficult birth.
  4. If there were threats of miscarriage during pregnancy, then childbirth can be difficult.
  5. The state of a woman's health is of no small importance.
  6. If a woman is in good physical shape and does pregnancy exercises, pain can be avoided.

Many people compare the sensations during childbirth to several broken bones. Of course, this is an exaggeration, except for the complications. If the placenta ruptures and bleeds, the pain may increase. But in most cases, the sensations are no stronger than the level that the body can withstand. Remember that nature has endowed women with the ability to give birth, providing natural anesthesia for this.

Preparing for childbirth

The severity of the pain depends on how well you prepare for childbirth. If you do everything correctly, you can completely avoid all unpleasant sensations. There are cases when women even enjoy this process. We will not strive for this, but will try to prepare ourselves physically and mentally to reduce the pain. The most important thing is to follow everything in the exact order specified and try not to get tired. Even if you are having a second birth, you need to communicate more with your baby and not be horrified by the upcoming process. Decide for yourself how much time to devote to gymnastics.

Physical training

Childbirth is painful, but if you are in good physical shape, the whole process will be much easier and faster. To prepare, it is worth enrolling in special courses for pregnant women. On them you can perform various exercises that increase the chances of an easy birth.

Gymnastics also affects the condition of the cervix. The duration of the birth process depends on how elastic it is. Therefore, intimate gymnastics is very important. By the way, you should not cancel sex with your spouse during pregnancy. If there are no contraindications to this, then you can safely have fun in bed with your spouse. His sperm has a positive effect on the cervix - it becomes more elastic. An interesting fact has been proven by American scientists: women who are sexually active throughout pregnancy give birth much faster and easier.

If you do not have the opportunity to attend special courses, then you can find a video with a detailed description of gymnastics for pregnant women. Thanks to him, you will learn to breathe correctly, control your body and the birth process.

Psychological preparation

Other preparation methods

A few weeks before giving birth, you need to take courses on breathing techniques. If you breathe correctly, you will be able to find a common language with your own body. Water procedures will be useful, during which the body relaxes and the uterus returns to normal tone. Don't forget about massage. Only it should be soft, with aromatic oil (not harmful for pregnant women!) or cream. Gently massage your sides, lower abdomen and lower back. The main thing for you is to achieve relaxation, which will allow you not to think about your fears. Watch positive videos, pictures and don’t think about the bad.

Down with fear!

If you are very scared, and there are several weeks left before the birth, it is time to get rid of all negative emotions. First, imagine that millions of women go through this every year. Yes, it hurts, but there will be qualified doctors next to you who will tell you how to breathe correctly, support you morally and offer anesthesia. Chat with your mom or grandma. They will tell you that women used to give birth without pain relief at all, but this did not stop them from having a second birth. Moreover, many families of the older generation had at least three children. What does it cost you to endure just 4-5 hours of intense pain? It is possible that this time will be reduced by 2 times.

Women who have already gone through it know how painful it is to give birth. This is why the second pregnancy causes more fear than the first. But, dear readers, the upcoming birth will be much faster and easier. Your baby will be born within 3-4 hours after the start of contractions. Pushing will not be so painful, and you will be able to get rid of tears and further stitching.

We give birth correctly

So, you feel the first contractions, you begin to rush to get ready for the maternity hospital and you become very scared. What to do? How to behave? First, calm down. A little more and you will meet your baby. Secondly, listen to your doctor. Many women in labor believe that obstetricians are too rude, do not fulfill their obligations, and are generally opposed to all patients. In this case, we can advise one thing - to think about the ongoing birth. If you don’t like the attitude of the doctors, you don’t have to give the birth certificate, so now specialists treat women much better than before.

If the pain is severe, you can sing. This relaxes the muscles, easing the condition of the woman in labor. But you shouldn’t shout – it will only make you feel worse. Try to relax without straining your stomach. Believe me, it will make you feel better. During a contraction, direct tension into your hands by squeezing a pillow or sheet. As for body position, this does not affect pain. From reviews of women in labor, you can find out that it becomes easier on the side, but the science on this matter is silent. It is very useful to stroke yourself on the stomach and communicate in a quiet voice with the baby.

Don't forget about breathing. If giving birth is very painful, then this indicates that you are breathing incorrectly. Taking a deep breath and exhaling sharply will relieve tension from the uterus and ease your suffering during your first pregnancy. In the future, you will be experienced in this matter and the second birth will be even easier. Watch the video, study the doctors’ recommendations, and at the most crucial moment you will be prepared.

Is anesthesia necessary?

As anesthesia, you may be offered a medical drug that completely relieves pain for 30-50 minutes. It cannot be abused; doctors give the injection no earlier than three hours after the first one. Most women give birth with this anesthesia, but often complain of headaches and body aches the next day. They begin to experience withdrawal symptoms. This condition lasts for several hours, after which it disappears without a trace. This is not very harmful to the body, but it worsens overall health.

The second type of pain relief is. This is a modern type of drug that is injected into the spinal cord. Eliminates pain completely, and at the same time the legs and stomach go numb. The effect lasts up to 3 hours. Few people want to give birth with such anesthesia due to the large number of contraindications and possible complications. Anesthesia is injected into the back and if the procedure is performed by an inexperienced specialist, then there is a risk of damage to the spinal cord, which is unfavorable for the human body. During the administration of the drug, the woman in labor must sit quietly for about 10 minutes, going through contractions without moving, which is very difficult.

Only you can decide whether anesthesia is needed. And if labor pain is quite tolerable, then you should refuse drug pain relief. Most importantly, listen to your body. He will tell you whether he needs anesthesia and how much it needs to be done.

Unconventional ways to relieve pain

Nowadays, an expectant mother has a wide choice of clinics where she can give birth to a baby. If you are very afraid, then spare no expense and give preference to a hospital that practices unconventional methods of childbirth. Watch videos of women giving birth in water while kneeling or squatting. This makes the process much easier. The first birth will not be as scary for you as many young mothers write about it. And the second child will appear without much pain.

Consult your doctor first, find out about existing maternity hospitals and choose the one that’s right for you. This is very convenient - you can be hospitalized in advance, undergo training and calmly go to give birth. Especially if the child is the first. You will spend as long as it takes for your uterus to recover in the hospital. This period is very important for returning the body to normal.

Let's sum it up

Now let’s answer the main question: does it hurt to give birth? Yes, it hurts, but it’s quite tolerable. You can go through this test on the way to meeting your baby. Remember that if you are in pain, then the child is not very comfortable either. And the fear experienced during pregnancy will negatively affect the nervous system of the fetus. Therefore, do not torture yourself or your baby, be positive and everything will go well! And you will learn from personal experience how painful it is to give birth. And using our advice, you will be happy to go for your second child. The experience will be very useful and you will be able to tell other expectant mothers about your feelings or even post a video if one was made.

We offer for viewing

Low-pain childbirth is not a rare phenomenon. On the forums you will probably come across stories about how a woman in labor did not notice the contractions and arrived at the maternity hospital already at the pushing stage, or even did not have time to get there. Many midwives and especially doulas (professional birth assistants) are convinced that if labor is painful, it means something has gone wrong.

If childbirth occurs in a natural, physiological way, then it is necessarily accompanied by the release of a whole bunch of hormones that muffle the pain. There is oxytocin, which helps the mother relax, and endorphins, which cover the effects of stress, and enkephalins - natural painkillers, and a whole cocktail of other, as yet little-studied substances. And the physiology of natural childbirth is such that in the last few weeks before the baby is born, the process of partial destruction of the nerve endings of the uterus begins, which makes it less sensitive. And if childbirth occurs within the time allotted by nature, then pain is minimal!

But where then does the pain come from, which many women in labor have heard about, and some know firsthand? During the normal course of labor, the main source, oddly enough, is the very expectation of pain. In this case, so-called referred pain occurs. Even if nature works to dampen natural pain impulses, they are felt where physiologically they should not be: for example, in the lower back, upper thighs, groin and lower abdomen.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, second births are perceived as much less painful simply because the mother in labor already has an idea of ​​what to expect and is much less afraid of the unknown! If the expectant mother is confident in herself in advance and that everything will be fine, even the first birth may turn out to be, if not painless, then at least not painful. Childbirth is easy when the woman in labor feels safe and understands that there are caring and supportive people around her.

And many experienced mothers say that labor pain is perceived not as an enemy, but as an assistant, indicating the correct actions of the body in order to receive the most valuable reward - a long-awaited baby!

Why giving birth hurts: The general course of labor

Obstetricians who adhere to the concept of natural childbirth believe that almost any woman can cope with the course of labor herself with minimal assistance from specialists. To do this, a few conditions are sufficient, which were formulated by the French obstetrician-gynecologist Michel Odin.

  • The most important thing, says Oden, is to avoid stimulating the neocortex. The neocortex is the “thinking brain” of a person, which inhibits the activity of the oldest part of the brain - the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. It is the ancient parts of the brain that are responsible for the successful course of the birth process, secreting a complex cocktail of hormones and at the same time returning the giving birth woman “back to the origins” - the most ancient instinctive principles that make the appearance of offspring a simple and natural process for all living beings.
  • Any stimulation of the neocortex makes it difficult to appeal to the ancient instincts of procreation. Therefore, Michel Auden identifies several phenomena that complicate the simple and natural course of childbirth, due to which it turns from a simple happy event, perhaps just as happy, but not at all as simple, when giving birth is painful.
  • First of all it is the language. Communicating through words causes our neocortex to fire up to analyze the spoken words. Auden gives an example of a woman who is at the mercy of her birth instinct: “She allows herself to scream, to do things previously unthinkable for her. She forgot what she was taught, what she read about in books, she lost the concept of time - and suddenly she is asked at what time she last urinated. A typical example of powerful stimulation of the neocortex!” Therefore, a good midwife will be restrained and taciturn, not distracting the woman’s attention from the process that completely occupies her with unnecessary conversations.
  • A woman's feeling of being watched also stimulates the neocortex. The desire to find a secluded corner for childbirth is natural for all mammals. The simple understanding that there is an experienced person nearby who can help if necessary is already quite enough.
  • The next taboo is bright light. Childbirth is much easier if the woman is not under bright lamps, but in dim lighting. Mom, at the mercy of her birth instincts, usually herself takes a position that protects her from excess light: for example, she kneels and elbows.
  • The release of the hormone adrenaline, that is, a feeling of danger, has a negative effect on the birth process. During childbirth, the need for safety is very important. The midwife should personify the mother, that is, a person who can provide protection, safety and acceptance of any behavior chosen by the woman in labor.

Does giving birth hurt? Let's move!

The longest and most difficult period for a woman in labor is the period of cervical dilatation, that is, contractions. If earlier in maternity hospitals the mother was asked to “lie down and endure” all this time under the supervision of a doctor, today in most cases the expectant mother can behave freely. Some people rely on natural instincts, others on knowledge acquired in special courses. Here are some techniques that can help relieve pain.

Most women, given the opportunity to choose, prefer to endure contractions in motion or at least in an upright position. Someone starts walking or dancing, someone squats with their knees wide apart, someone gets on all fours and sways, someone leans their back on the bed or (in a partner birth) on their husband... Swaying the hips, changing positions in searching for the one that will be more comfortable right now - all this not only makes you feel better, but also helps the uterus contract better, and the baby better enter the birth canal. This is how labor pain directs the body movements of the expectant mother to facilitate the birth of the baby!
If you still feel comfortable in a horizontal position, try to lie on your side rather than on your back, otherwise the uterus will compress the inferior vena cava, which is important for maintaining normal blood circulation during childbirth. When the inferior vena cava is compressed, the baby himself may suffer from a lack of oxygen, and the mother may develop dizziness due to the restriction of blood flow to the heart.

Does giving birth hurt? Relieving tension

One of the main principles of pain relief from contractions is to try not to strain! Excessive muscle tension always leads to unnecessary pain.

  • Try to rest between contractions (if they started recently and the breaks between them are long enough, it is better to try to take a nap to save strength), and during contractions, relax as much as possible. A good indicator of tension or relaxation is the state of the facial muscles: as a rule, the facial muscles seem to repeat the work of the muscles of the perineum, and if a woman’s forehead and mouth are tense, it means that the muscles of the perineum are also overly tense. Therefore, if you have an assistant during childbirth, among other things, ask him to ensure that your mouth and forehead are relaxed, you can even gently massage your forehead.
  • Singing at a low note (the lowest possible note) is also very good for overall relaxation. Mom, as it were, sings her feelings, giving the pain an outlet and freeing the ligaments.
  • Water is one of the best natural pain relievers. That is why in the most advanced maternity hospitals, wards are equipped with a bath or shower. Warm water relieves referred pain, reduces overall tension and helps relax the abdominal and perineal muscles. Some people prefer hydromassage with a shower instead of a bath.
  • There are simple but effective massage techniques for contractions: pressure on the sacral area (quite strong pressure with a fist or wrist is especially effective if severe pain is felt in the lumbar region); impact on the ilia (protruding bones on the sides of the lower abdomen, like the corners of the pelvis); stroking the lower abdomen (light movements from the center to the sides) and stroking the lower back.
  • Natural aromatic oils (it is very important that they are not synthetic, which can not only not help, but also harm!) are rubbed either into the sacrum and lower back, or onto the palm and wrist, or applied to the forehead on a hot aromatic napkin. Most often, lavender oil is used during childbirth, which relieves pain; pink (with a relaxing effect); chamomile (also for relaxation); clary sage (strengthens labor and at the same time perfectly relieves stress and tension).
  • Various meditation techniques are good. For example, a woman in labor focuses on tracking absolutely all her sensations. The pain from contractions is, of course, noticed, but attention is not concentrated on it: the sound of a ticking clock and the cool floor underfoot become equally important.

Does giving birth hurt? Here's the finale!

It won't hurt to give birth directly. The period of pushing for the woman herself always turns out to be less painful than the time of contractions, but for the baby, of course, it is more difficult. Here the main thing for the woman in labor becomes the correct distribution of her own efforts.

To avoid ruptures during childbirth and excessive tension, which can burst blood vessels in the face and eyes, try to push at a certain point (the place on the perineum that causes the most vivid sensations) and mainly with the muscles of the abdomen and pelvis. Do not strain your face; to do this, try to keep your mouth open.

If the baby moves through the birth canal too quickly, you may need to restrain the force of pushing. This is enough for the pushing stage! And we can briefly say about the pain that occurs after the baby is born: they are dulled if the baby is immediately reunited with the mother already on her chest!

Russian traditions

Russian family traditions have always been quite strong - who among us has not heard the legend about great-grandmothers giving birth in the hayfield and getting up to continue mowing after giving birth? This, of course, was the exception rather than the rule, but many ways have come to us from folk traditions to make relief from a burden easier...

It was often customary to give birth in a bathhouse, or to take a bath specifically for the beginning of labor: the not-too-hot steam was supposed to relax and “soften” the body of the woman in labor. Usually the midwife entered the house with the words: “God help me work!”, changed the woman in labor into a clean shirt, gave her Epiphany water to drink, and lit a candle in front of the icons.

The surest means to speed up labor were considered to be unbuttoning the collar of a shirt, removing rings and earrings, and unbraiding the woman in labor. They unlocked all the locks in the house, opened the doors of the stoves and gates: after all, if everything is open and untied, then the birth will be “untied” more quickly.

The midwife encouraged the woman throughout the entire process of labor, telling her that everything was going well. Almost until the moment the fetus appeared, a woman in labor could be led arm-in-arm around the hut. The umbilical cord of the newborn was tied with a thread twisted with the mother's hair so that the connection between them remained for life.

Text: Irina Ryukhova, consultant on natural feeding, member of AKEV

When preparing for any important event, and especially for childbirth, the most important thing is the right attitude. We ourselves model our own line of behavior. And if every day we think about the fear of the pain of childbirth, then it will happen. This is how nature intends it - we think about it, which means we want it. And this situation attracts us.

Stages of labor:

Childbirth consists of several stages. The first one is contractions. You shouldn't be afraid of them, they are quite tolerant. The pain is comparable to the sensations during menstruation. It does not roll on abruptly, but grows gradually. The most important thing is not to resist this pain, but to understand its mission. Then everything will be much easier. If severe pain occurs, doctors give an injection with an anesthetic.

How to behave during contractions? Relax during the contraction - this will soften the pain. Do not strain your facial muscles - this tension is transferred to the uterus and pelvic muscles. Rejoice! With every contraction you get closer to meeting your baby! This mood will ease the pain and switch emotions. Try to think of contractions not as pain, but as new sensations that you want to explore.

When the birth itself begins, it will be time to push. It's not painful, but it's physically difficult. You will need to work your muscles, because you are the one pushing the baby out. He won't get out on his own. It is better to practice in advance what and how to do during childbirth. Listen to the doctors, they will explain how to breathe and behave correctly.

Believe me, after giving birth you will forget about unpleasant sensations - you will be overwhelmed with happiness. You will see the baby you have been waiting for 9 months for the first time!!!

Pain relief during childbirth

TENS(transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation). A simple pain relief technology that has been proven over the years. The procedure involves electrical stimulation through electrodes attached to the lower back on either side of the spine. In this case, the force of influence can be regulated by the woman in labor herself.

Inhalation anesthesia. This anesthesia procedure involves inhaling an anesthetic. It is a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen.

Local infiltration anesthesia. This method is used to numb an area. For example, the perineum during or after childbirth.

Regional anesthesia(epidural or spinal). This anesthesia is used to relieve pain during childbirth itself. The medicine is injected into the lumbar region near the nerve. Thus, the lower part of the body becomes insensitive to pain. The same type of anesthesia is used for caesarean section.

General anesthesia. This anesthesia is used in unexpected situations. The woman in labor is put into a sleepy state and anesthetized. This anesthesia can only be administered by an anesthesiologist.

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