How to cast a curse spell. How to send a curse on a person - a general approach. Add more obscure words

And there was no way to do it. For example, the boss, on whom the financial well-being of the family of his subordinate depends, constantly harasses with stupid nit-picking and blackmails him with dismissal. If a person is in a hopeless situation, and for some reason it is impossible to change jobs, nervous breakdowns are not the worst thing that awaits him in such a situation. It is impossible to carry out high-quality work and live a normal life in such conditions.

Appearance young rival for every woman - a nightmare that has come true. Talking to her will lead to nothing, hoping for her decency is stupid. She will only laugh in the face and, without the slightest remorse, will take the man away from the family. And after that, how not to wish her all the torments of hell? This is where the idea of ​​spoiling comes in.

How to deal with the enemy

Thirst for revenge - not always banal desire make others feel bad. More often than not, it is a desire for justice. From childhood, we know from fairy tales that good always triumphs over evil. Only in real life, unfortunately, evil is stronger. That is why people want to take the process of retribution into their own hands. And do not wait for years when, finally, life will return this “boomerang” to the offender.

The thirst for justice is no doubt a noble feeling. But it is always useful to look at the situation soberly, because, as you know, it has 2 sides of the coin. Maybe the boss is not such a monster, but just a demanding leader who is also under pressure. And the husband left the family because his wife did not notice him, did not support him, constantly grumbled and scandalized, stopped taking care of herself.

If, after a thorough analysis of the situation, the conclusion suggests itself that those around are really vile and ungrateful, thoughts of revenge are quite acceptable. And in the event that it is physically impossible to get a person, a powerful but invisible weapon will come to the rescue - magic.

People who have never practiced witchcraft before may be confused. In fact, they are completely different things. Any grandmother-neighbor can jinx it, and not on purpose.

The evil eye is a negative, but almost always unconscious effect on the human biofield. Most of all, people with a weak character or biofield are subject to such an action. Although you can jinx almost anyone, if you envy him a lot. That is, it cannot be done on purpose, and there is no ritual.

Damage is a completely different matter. It's already deliberate influence directed at a specific person. To bring damage, just looking askance, will not work. This will require special spells, rituals, witchcraft paraphernalia and personal belongings of the chosen victim.

Types of damage

We can say that damage is a kind of virus, only an energy one, which begins to destroy a person's aura. It pumps out positive energy, replacing it with negative. A person cannot recover.

The mage can choose area of ​​life the person where he wants to harm the most:

  • property and money;
  • sexual sphere;
  • loneliness;
  • fear;
  • fornication;
  • infertility;
  • business;
  • marriage;
  • disease;
  • obesity;
  • death.

You need to understand that magic is not an ax and does not work immediately. It smoothly enters the life of the victim and gradually manifests its destructive actions. As long as the spell is in effect, a person will not get better.

When deciding whether to curse a person, one must be aware that evil will definitely return. For witchcraft, the help of hellish forces is needed, and they will gladly fulfill the request, but in return they will definitely take something away. christian religion forbids practice magic, as well as hate your offenders. Is it worth, for example, the barrenness of a rival for her own soul to remain forever in hell? If the answer is yes, then you can start taking action.

If there is no way back, and the decision is final, the first thing to do is to determine the type of curse that will be placed on the enemy. Then you can acquire all the necessary magical paraphernalia and personal belongings of a hated person.

All rituals associated with casting spells should be performed only on a waning moon. At this time, dark forces are usually stronger. Required dates can be easily found on the Internet.

For practicing witchcraft, it is better to choose Monday, Wednesday or Friday. These days, on the waning moon, the protection of the guardian angel is weaker. If you curse a person on other days, you yourself can suffer from such actions. The guardian angel is able to repel the attack and the curse will return to the one who sent it.

To death

Black magic for the death of a person is the most terrible spell that can be cast. You can wish death to a person only if he really caused terrible suffering, pain or humiliation. Despite the understandable desire to get even with the offender, you need to think, first of all, about yourself. Such actions can lead to the loss of one's own soul, as this is a very terrible sin. The offender has already caused suffering, so is it worth turning them into eternal torment in hell?

If common sense is silent, and there is only a desire to destroy the offender, you will have to find his photo that meets the following requirements:

  • the enemy in the photo must be shown alone, without other people and animals;
  • the photograph must be taken no more of the year back;
  • you can curse from a photograph if most of the enemy’s body is depicted. For example, from the crown to the chest. There should be no clipping or distortion.

If the photo is found, it's time to go to the cemetery. There you need to look for the grave of a man who died no more than a year ago. In addition, it is important that the name of the deceased matches the name of the person who wants to harm. The grave should be dug up a little, about 20 centimeters, put the prepared photograph in the dug hole, sprinkle it with earth and say: “Cemetery earth, grave dust, rotten boards, earth worms. Rot to you, unfortunate, servant of God (name). From this misfortune, never get rid of. Who did this to you, you will never know. You can't send that power back. Key! Coffin! Board! Scull!"

After the last words, turn around and leave the cemetery. You can't look at the grave. Don't talk to anyone along the way. The spell will take effect in a few days. The person will begin to get sick and, if he does not turn to the magician for help, will most likely die.

How to lime a person to death so that he does not have time to escape, and witchcraft overtook him as soon as possible? There is a way, you just have to apply more effort. The whole process is the same as described above, only a small hole in the grave is no longer enough. The earth will need to be dug up to the very coffin, and the photograph will be thrust between its boards.

For impotence

Many women met such men who cheated on them and betrayed them. Such relationships are exhausting and make a woman feel unwanted, ugly and inferior. And when the novel comes to an end, only emptiness and a thirst for revenge remain in the soul.

There is a very powerful ritual that can make a man impotent at a distance. This is a very sophisticated way of revenge, not only the former chosen one will suffer, but also the woman who is next to him.

The rite does not work instantly. The gradual extinction of sexual desire will begin, failures in bed will happen more often. Sooner or later, everything will end in complete impotence. This trouble will become the only constant companion of a man.

For a conspiracy you will need:

  • figurine made of wax or clay, made independently;
  • black tablecloth;
  • two red candles and one black;
  • three brand new needles;
  • a cup of salted water.

For the ritual, you will need to make a figure of a man out of wax yourself. It is not necessary to try to fashion a masterpiece, the main thing is that the figurine has a clearly defined male sexual organ. It is also important to think about the man who will be cursed all the time while sculpting.

After sunset on the waning moon, the table is covered with a black cloth, a wax figure is placed on it, 2 red candles are lit on the sides. The figurine is sprayed 6 times with salt water, each time calling the name of the offender. Now you need to take turns sticking 3 needles into the wax penis and repeating the words.

  1. For the first needle: “Plunging the needle, I take your (name) strength!”
  2. For the second needle: “Putting this needle in, I take away the carnal desire!”
  3. For the third needle: “Let this organ hang like a whip for a century!”

Now you can light a black candle, and drip its wax onto the genital area of ​​​​the figure. You need to accompany the process with the following words: “My conspiracy will fly to you as soon as this candle burns out!”. Wait until all the candles burn out, and bury the figurine away from home.

For the destruction of a marriage

Sometimes evil comes not from one person, but from a married couple, and you want it for the whole family. In this case, spoilage for divorce will help. This ritual also applies to black magic. To carry it out you will need:

  • photograph of spouses;
  • jack of spades from a new deck of cards;
  • Holy water.

The card is sprinkled with holy water. On one head of the jack make an inscription with husband's name, and on the second head with the name of his wife. Now the map is buried at the cemetery gates.

After the first part of the ritual is completed, you can start working with a photograph of the couple. The depicted people need to be cut out, and then glued together in the form of a jack and say: “Just as it’s not fate for a jack to lie together, so you can’t share a house and food. Don't be in one box. And this love spell cannot be canceled by anyone. Now this photo needs to be thrown to the spouses. The main condition that must be met for everything to work: the card must be picked up by at least one of the spouses.

For obesity

If a young beauty took her husband out of the family, you should not hate her quietly. She, too, can be made bad and made to suffer in a very sophisticated way. She can be spoiled for obesity and a slender beauty will turn into an overweight woman with three chins. All this is easy to do at home.

For the ritual you will need:

  • photograph of a woman;
  • a piece of lard, preferably with bristles;
  • black threads;
  • old needles;
  • black candle.

After 12 at night, put a photograph of your opponent on the table in front of you, and a piece of bacon on top of it. With the help of one of the needles and a black thread, the fat must be sewn to the photo. Stick the remaining few needles into the fat with the words: “May you (name) be like a pig! For men to avoid you! So that you (name) will be alone all your life and prayer will not help you! And she suffered, and toiled, and wiped bitter tears from her face! My word is the law!

When the plot is fully read out, all magical attributes must be collected, taken to a wasteland and buried. The offender will begin to gain weight in a few days.

On a neighbor

There are also such neighbors that even the district policeman cannot calm them down. What is beyond the power of ordinary people, the power of magic. You can damage a harmful neighbor. For the ceremony, it is not necessary to attract demonic forces, so you should not be afraid that evil will require payment for help.

All that is required for the ritual is one wax candle, preferably a church one. It needs to be lit and focused on the fire. Imagine that this is an evil neighbor or neighbor. After all the bad things associated with this person have been remembered, and anger has accumulated, the candle must be bitten several times. At the same time, from time to time it is necessary to repeat the following words: “I don’t bite a candle, it’s a servant of God (name), life bites!”

You need to bite the candle at least 13 times, you can do more. The main thing is not less than 13. Then, tilt what is left of the candle parallel to the floor and whisper: “As I turn this candle over, so I shorten the life of the servant (s) of God (name). What a tormented appearance my candle has, such may the fate of my offender be! And as this candle burns, so let the slave (a) (name) burn. Do as you are told!"

Now you can return the candle to its normal position and let it burn out. What remains of her, throw it under the threshold of a neighbor.

Attention, only TODAY!

Corruption is a negative energy impact aimed at destroying a person's life. Sending negativity to the victim is always a conscious process, which is often used by envious people, jealous husbands or wives, as well as business competitors. In our modern world, the question of how to damage a person is asked by many. But at the same time, having decided to harm a person with a negative message, you need to be aware of all the responsibility for this. In the magical world, there is an opinion that evil does not go unpunished, and you still have to pay for what you have done along the line of blood relationship.

Information about how to damage a person can be obtained from various sources.

There are the following popular ways to send negativity:

    Using a photo of the victim; Using piercing objects; Using genetic material; Using a figurine.

Strong rite on the full moon

A powerful rite, which can pretty much ruin the life of an enemy, is performed on the eve of the full moon. At midnight, you need to retire and arrange seven candles in a circle in the room.

Seven nails should be placed in its center and the following plot should be read:

“My soul burns with hatred for the enemy, the flame of candles blazes brightly, the forge heats up, and the nails in the furnace heat up. A working mare in soapy gallops over hot nails, jump through bottomless dips, knock on stones with hooves, spin around swamps and bogs. And my enemy (name of the victim) rush about, toil and suffocate from terrible pain. After my words, you will not sleep, and do not expect peace. You, my enemy (name of the victim), will only have sadness and longing, without sun and warmth! Let it be so!".

The plot must be repeated all the time while the candles are burning. After that, the charmed nails should be wrapped in a piece of black fabric and go to the house of the enemy. There, under the threshold, nails should be left, and a piece of cloth should be taken to the cemetery on the same night and left on the inside under the fence.

Universal New Moon Ritual

The rite described below is universal, since with its help you can take luck, health and peace from a person’s life.

For the ritual, you will need to pre-prepare:

    A square patch of black cloth, approximately one meter in size; Three wax church candles; A piece of white chalk; A fresh photograph of a person taken no earlier than a year before the ceremony; A red thread.

It is recommended to perform the ritual after the new moon in the first three nights. This is due to the fact that all magical actions to induce damage are most powerful during the growth of the moon. At midnight, a piece of black cloth should be spread on the floor. Then you need to put a photograph of a person in its center and outline it with chalk, it is desirable that the line form a circle. On both sides of the picture, one candle should be placed, and the third should be picked up. When all the preparatory steps are completed, you should light the candles and, tilting the candle, which in your hands you need to drip wax on the photo.

While saying this spell:

“I drip wax tears, with them I seal your luck forever. You, my enemy, the Slave (s) of God (-zhya) (name) will go through all three circles of hell and will never leave them. You will not pray and you will not get rid of damage. Amen".

After that, it is necessary to extinguish the candles, wrap all the attributes used in black cloth and tie with a red thread. Such a bag should be immediately taken out of the house and sent to the cemetery, where it must be buried anywhere.

You can send damage to a person in a simpler way. And the power of the negative impact will entirely depend on the strength of the hatred that you feel towards your enemy. All you need is to wait until the enemy passes by you.

After that, whisper the following magic words in his back:

“Fly quickly and swiftly, the arrow of my hatred, through dark dense forests, through endless swampy rotten swamps, aim at my enemy (name of the victim), but stick not into his eye or eyebrow, but hit him right in the heart. Inflict terrible pain on him, if it is strong and tear it to pieces, forever destroy my enemy (name of the victim)! Let it be so!".

Wind conspiracy

In ancient times, sorcerers caused damage to a person, pronouncing the following conspiracy to the wind:

“Evil that harms and tears the soul, fly with the wind on the Servant (s) of God (s) (name of the victim). I send you to harm and pain. Enter with a strong wind and dark smoke into the soul of my enemy and never go back. I will release the words with the wind and never return them back. Amen".

Mirror corruption is considered very strong. Such a rite is recommended to be used only if a real worst enemy has appeared in your life, which needs to be neutralized. The mirror that will be used during the magical action must have a clearly defined protruding frame.

In addition, for the ritual it will be necessary to use the following additional attributes:

    Spring water; Enemy's personal item; New black handkerchief.

It is important to carry out the ritual on a clear moonlit night, otherwise the impact will not be effective. On the full moon that has come, when there is not a single cloud in the sky, you need to wrap the mirror in a scarf, take spring water, a personal thing of the enemy and go out with these attributes to the street to an open place where there are no trees.

The handkerchief should be unfolded and put together with a mirror on the ground, so that the moon is reflected in the mirror surface. Next to it, you must put a personal item of the enemy. After that, spring water should be poured onto the mirror. Next, a palm is placed on the mirror surface, so that some of it splashes out.

Concentrating as much as possible on the negative in relation to your enemy, you should pronounce the words of the curse in an arbitrary form. You need to voice all the troubles that should happen to your worst enemy. After that, the palm should be removed from the mirror and attached to the enemy’s personal belongings. In this position, you need to hold her for a while, mentally wishing the enemy all the worst.

Then the charmed attributes are tied into a knot and taken home. Such a knot should be kept in a secret place and never untied. It is important that other people's hands do not touch it. As long as this condition is observed, your enemy will not be able to harm you, and failures and bad luck will begin to haunt him in life. No one should ever know about the ceremony you performed.

The most popular ritual for household damage is the ritual with a photograph of the victim. In most cases, such a ceremony, carried out independently, does not have much power. But, nevertheless, with its help, it is possible to significantly weaken the immunity of the victim, which leads to the development of various diseases.

For the ceremony, you will need a photograph of the person on whom the damage is sent. Her choice should be taken responsibly. Firstly, the victim of damage must be alone in the picture. Secondly, the photo must be fresh.

The ritual involves visiting the cemetery and consists of the following actions:

    During the waning moon, you should go to the cemetery; Find the grave of the namesake of the enemy; Dig a photo with grave soil; Say the words:

    “I will bury the image of the enemy, I will bring trouble to the Servant (s) of God (s) (name of the victim). Health will not lead to a prosperous and happy life. Illnesses will become companions, and grief will accompany the eternal.

    Leave the cemetery without looking back.

Using genetic material

More powerful is the ritual using genetic material. To do this, you need to get a few hair or pieces of the victim's nails.

During the period of the waning moon, the following conspiracy must be pronounced over the prepared attributes:

“I conjure and speak, I bring damage to the Servant (s) of God (s) (name of the victim). From this moment on, life will not seem sweet to him, misfortunes and troubles will always stand nearby. Diseases will not let go for a second, and anxieties will exhaust the soul. Bad luck will not decrease, but will increase. He will no longer feel pleasure in life. Everything will be bad for him. Everywhere and always!”

The charmed genetic attributes must be quietly placed in the coffin of the deceased, who is going to be buried. And this must be done within three days.

Damage through the lining

Various items are often spoken and used as a lining in the victim's home. This method belongs to village magic and is very effective. In this case, a person will not be able to get rid of the negative impact until he finds and destroys the lining.

Needle use

Very often in this case, the needle is spoken. This item is easy to leave in an inconspicuous place in the dwelling of a person who is being damaged, or to stick it in the door jamb. As a rule, this method is used when you want to take revenge on your enemy. The needle speaks with these words:

“Let the happiness, health, and good luck of the Servant (s) of God (s) (name of the victim) break on the charmed needle. She will stab my enemy day and night, she will not give him rest, and will disturb his soul, as a splinter does in the body. May the Servant (s) of God (s) (name of the victim) dry up and know no rest. My will is strong, my word is strong, my desire is not given to anyone to change. Yes, let the bad never come back to me. Amen".

And after that, you need to take the charmed needle, as soon as possible, to the enemy’s house and stick it in an inconspicuous place. And if this is not possible, then it should be stuck in the door jamb.

There is also a stronger rite in which three needles should be spoken on the negative. To do this, each needle must be held over the flame of a candle and pronounce these words:

“I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) want to take revenge on the enemy for the evil done to me, I send discord into his family and into all his relationships with other people, let failures haunt him in everything, a curse on him head and that he be punished according to his deserts. This is not a needle, but an instrument of revenge in my hands. So it will be. Amen".

After reading the plot on all three needles, they must be wrapped in black cloth and go to the door of your enemy. Of course, you need to choose a time so that there are no witnesses to the magical action. The first needle is stuck into the joint and the phrase is pronounced six times in a whisper:After sticking the second needle into the jamb, you need to say another phrase six times:

"Cursed be my enemy."

And finally, the third needle is stuck and the final phrase is pronounced six times:

"My enemy will be punished."

Very often the lining is a gift. This is a very inconspicuous way of inducing damage. As soon as the present falls into the hands of the victim, the negative begins its destructive action. Since it is very difficult for a person to suspect that a gift is a lining, such damage is very difficult to remove. Damage to discord in relationships is very often done on a soft toy. You need to take a piece of wool from a dog and a black cat. To them you need to add the hair of the victim, which can be discreetly removed from the comb or clothing of the person who is being damaged. You can also scrape off some dust from the victim's footprint or tear off a small part of the napkin that the victim of corruption used. All collected attributes must be rolled into a tight lump. The following spell is cast on him:

“A black cat wandered around the city on a dark night and entered the courtyard of the Servant (s) of God (s). And after that, she also brought a black dog with her. They scratched and defiled the whole yard, poured out and trampled to the ground. The guardian of the courtyard was expelled. As there is no peace between a dog and a cat, so there will be no harmony in that family. Everyone will swear and scold, and they will not want to understand each other. Never (names of people) will reconcile and forever remain enemies. I draw a vicious circle, they will be tormented day and night.

The charmed rolled ball is sewn inside the toy. But after that, you can’t leave her in her own house. But it is also not recommended to take the toy out into the street. It is better to place a toy with a lining in a window opening and protect it with mirrors on both sides, so that the reflective surfaces are directed towards the gift. The gift must be given to the victim the next day.

When organizing an energy attack in this way, it should be remembered that if the lining is found and the damage is removed, a very strong blowback will follow, from which you will suffer greatly. Therefore, it is necessary to put the protection in the following way. The mirrors that protected the gift with a lining are stacked with reflective surfaces to each other. Take off you need to go to the cemetery. On the way there, you need to go to the grocery store and buy a mention. You should not be stingy, you need to buy a lot of good sweets. In the cemetery, you need to go to one of the abandoned graves. You should dig mirrors on it and turn in any form to the deceased to protect you. After that, you need to leave a mention and quickly, without turning around, go home. At this moment, it may seem to you that they are calling you, addressing you by name, asking for help, howling. But you can’t react to any sounds, and you shouldn’t be afraid of anything, since such manifestations indicate that you did everything right.

Conspiracy as a way to induce damage

Damage to a person is caused by special conspiracies that are used in special rituals of black magic. Therefore, it is important to know how to read the conspiracy correctly in order to damage the person and at the same time minimize the negative consequences for the performer. Any conspiracy is a strong magic spell that can be directed both to good and evil. A conspiracy to read is to bring damage to a person with the power of words. It is important to pronounce magical phrases in a confident, calm voice without hesitation. Modern black magic offers a huge number of ways to induce damage by conspiracy. The following are the most common rites in which magical conspiracies are used.

A strong plot is used in a ritual using salt. The magical action should be carried out on the sixth day of the new moon. A little salt should be poured into a small black bag made of natural fabric and go outside with it. Then, away from prying eyes, you need to read the following plot:

“I am turning, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) to the forces of hell with a request. Help me bring damage to the worst enemy. Come out of the underworld faster than the power of hell and take my enemy to the grave with your black power. From now on, his fate is trouble and misfortune. With my strong word, and with your help, I open the road to hell for him.

Despite the fact that this plot mentions the death of the victim, it is not an influence aimed at death. If the charmed salt is placed in the victim's house before the next night, then the person will begin to fail and to a certain extent, but not critically, the state of health will worsen. If this cannot be done, then the charmed salt should be flushed down the toilet, and the ceremony, if desired, should be carried out next time. There is another conspiracy for salt. His words are as follows:

“I’m not pouring simple salt, but with its help I call on pain to my enemy (person’s name). I don’t give anything away from myself, but I steal his strength with the help of magic. I call dashing demons, I take away peace from him. He will be bored during the days, and at night he will not sleep. He cannot see happiness either under the bright sun or under the bright moon. Amen".

Conspired salt should be poured under the front door of the person on whom the negative message is being carried out. Damage in this case begins to work almost immediately.

On the night before the onset of the full moon, you can speak nails with special words, which subsequently convey the negative. For the ceremony, you should retire in a separate room. Seven candles must be placed on the table in such a way that a circle is formed. First you need to prepare a flap of black fabric. It should be placed in the center of the circle of candles and seven nails should be placed on it. They read the following spell:

“The horse is in the soap, and the iron is in the furnace. The hot horn ignites. You, my enemy (the name of the person), spin on boiling iron, on sharp stones, on marshy and terrible swamps, and on dark and deep pools. You will not know sleep or rest. There will be no rest for you either by clear day or by dark night. You will suffer and suffer forever, you will not see the white light, but you will always be in darkness. Fuck you my enemy! I close my dark business forever, I lock it with a magical secret word!

Then you need to wait until all the candles burn out. In order to speed up the ceremony, you should choose thin candles that burn out in about a quarter of an hour. After that, you need to wrap the nails together with the cinders in the fabric. Remember not to touch nails with bare hands. The next day, nails must be thrown to the door of the person who is being damaged. The fabric with candle ends should be buried near the cemetery fence from the inside. It is advisable to do this at midnight. They also often cause damage with the help of a doll. It is created from the clothes of the victim. The rite consists in the fact that the doll is named after the victim, and then needles are stuck into it and the words of a special conspiracy are pronounced. But this is a very dangerous rite and it is better not to carry it out on your own, but turn to a professional if necessary. When damaging a person, you should remember that the decision to send a negative impact should not be a momentary weakness. In addition, if the damage did not work out, it is impossible to repeat the ceremony in the near future. The conspiracy can be repeated again only after a certain time has come.

To understand what a curse can lead to, let's consider the complex physio-bio-energetic system of a person. All its parts are closely related. Therefore, each of them is of particular importance. Before coming close to the question: “How to curse a person and what can happen to him after that?” - Let's get acquainted with such concepts as fate and karma. After all, the negative sent with the help of magical rituals is fraught with danger not only for the one to whom it was intended, but also for his descendants.

Philosophical concept of the important

So let's talk about fate. This is a chain of events and facts that arise in a person's life in connection with his certain character traits, actions, deeds. All episodes that occur with a person in society are quite closely related to the structure of his physio-bioenergetic system. It attracts those events that it can accept, and is responsible for those actions to which it can respond appropriately.

Karma is a rather broad concept, unlike fate. It covers all the earthly lives of the individual, including the history of his genealogy. Karma can be corrected, but no one has yet succeeded in completely changing it. That is, if you made a mistake in past reincarnations, then the act itself cannot be changed. But it is quite possible to mitigate, change the negative impact on a person's current life. "What does that have to do with a curse?" - you ask. The most direct. This is food for thought for those who are going to inflict negativity or have already received it in retaliation.

How is the process going?

A curse can be compared to a bunch of thought, which is emotionally sharply sent to the victim and digs into his unprotected energy shell. Methodical destruction begins. The human energy structure falls into a chaotic state, all its subtle bodies get confused and come into conflict with each other. Alien energy, like the tentacles of an octopus, penetrates into all the important centers of the human physical body, causing destructive actions. This can be expressed in a sudden deterioration in health, financial collapse, tragic events in the life of a person. Worst of all, it can be passed down from generation to generation.


One more thing: esotericists are convinced that when such a destructive program is removed, there is a high probability that the negative can return to the instigator of actions. This directly concerns those who think: "How to curse a person?" After all, if the charge was sent by a person with remarkable energy, using magical rituals, then the victim may die. And if the victim is lucky enough to get rid of the negative in time, then he will return with a vengeance to the author of the damage and can take his life.

Is it possible to curse a person accidentally?

Imagine an ordinary domestic quarrel. For example, a brother and sister share a TV remote control. None of them makes concessions. Unable to stand it, the sister throws the remote control to her brother and shouts out in her hearts: “Damn you!” Of course, the young man will not fall ill immediately on the spot and die. But the negative will be fixed in his subconscious. And if you add sisters to this, then the curse can begin to act like a time bomb.

It would seem that a lot of time passed, and both forgot about this incident. My sister is doing great with her studies and in her personal life. She easily steps up the steps to her success. But his brother has a different situation: he periodically finds himself in various unpleasant situations, health problems arise every now and then, and his personal life is not very successful. In this case, we can say that a person was cursed by accident, on emotions, and now this program is working. What to do in this case?

Fortunately, healers have their own rituals that will help save a young man from a curse. True, for this you should contact a proven magician. He will perform a ritual cleansing of negativity, and his sister may be advised to visit the church temple to confess and deliver her relative. The master of his craft will surely explain to the culprit of what happened, how you can curse a person by accident and what to do in this case. Under any circumstances, you should be careful in your statements and wishes to the interlocutor. There is also the so-called spontaneous curse, without the use of magical tools, but based on fierce hatred. Unfortunately, this is facilitated by the terrible tragedies that have occurred in people's lives.

For example, in the world of esotericism there is a case when a woman verbally cursed the killer of her child. She considered the measure of criminal punishment for the offender not tough enough. Therefore, she cursed him right in the courtroom, putting all her indignation, pain, anger and despair into a verbal message. So the death wish worked after a short time. On the third day, the offender died of a heart attack. But this does not mean that such negativity will work for everyone. How to curse a person? It must be a powerful energy message. Such a desire should be accompanied by a sufficient release of emotions towards the offender.

Magic rituals

Professionals in the field of esotericism believe that if a negative charge was sent by a person with the help of magical rituals, then this is fraught with even greater danger. In the modern world, a deliberate curse can be created by oneself, if one has the necessary energy for this. Otherwise, you can contact a specialist in magic. However, the whole danger must be realized by the person who curses the other. The individual must remember: whatever way he chooses, the negative is able to spread not only to a certain person, but to his entire family.

This is how the esotericists themselves explain it: a person who has received a curse and has not had time to get rid of it throughout his life can involuntarily pass it on to another soul along his lineage. And such a chain can last a long time, forcing people to think about why they are unlucky in finances or why newborn female children in their family die. After all, the victims themselves did nothing wrong. Is it possible to curse a person with words if he does not deserve it? Practitioners believe that this happens. This is the case when the negative will disappear with the death of its owner, not spreading to the next generations. In this case, the higher powers themselves decide whether the cursed person is really guilty and whether it is worth punishing the rest of the family members, dooming them to a family curse.

How to bring negativity at home?

Magicians and psychics believe that this type of damage is imposed when there is no other way out. For example, the enemy paid off justice, crippled your fate with humiliations, took away the health and life of dear people. It is not possible to legally punish such a person, but it is not in your power to forgive him either. There is also no financial opportunity to order this service from a professional magician.

Then the question arises: how to curse a person at home? Experienced people warn that this can be resorted to, but only if you are in full health, feel a surge of strength, and have an acute desire for revenge. The ritual itself is quite simple. However, certain emotional vibrations should be created for it. This is a necessary rule for those individuals who think about how to curse a person with words at home.

What should be done?

First, you must be alone in the room. Secondly, you need to have with you a photo of the offender and a pre-written text: “In the name of the great Darkness, I curse you (name). Amen! Forever - damn you (name) Amen! You suffer endlessly! Amen! Exhaust from the curse, bend from the curse (name). Go to painful hell. Amen!"

It is recommended to read this with an angry, derogatory tone, as if you are injuring this person in various places. In this ritual, low-frequency emotions are important: anger, hatred, aggressive mood. You need to repeat the action for 5 days, and the words should be pronounced until you feel very tired and satisfied. To enhance the effect, you can use the runes, if you own them. If everything is done correctly, then the curse will gain power and work within 2 weeks from the date of the last ritual. It should be noted that the article does not agitate readers for the implementation of specific actions. After all, higher powers always advise to forgive your enemies, not stooping to curses. Remember that any negative sent will always return to you, multiplied at times. But the choice, as you know, always remains with the person.

As you read our article, the reader should have a completely fair question: what if he or his loved one turned out to be the victim? If a person is cursed, what to do in this case? First of all, it is advisable to have a diagnosis by a professional if the following signs are noticed: a series of various troubles, a protracted “black streak”, diseases that cannot be diagnosed, hereditary alcohol (drug addiction), an ongoing series of deaths in the family, causeless

It is impossible to remove the curse from yourself on your own, since this requires a huge potential of energy. The necessary power is possessed only by experienced magicians who have been practicing for more than one year. Each specialist has their own method of removing the curse. It all depends on his direction in magic. The victim is only required to follow the necessary recommendations exactly. A cleansing crisis can occur from one day to several weeks. During the removal of negativity, physical changes often occur in the human body: headaches, indigestion, high body temperature, apathy. You can enhance the effect of treatment yourself with a special text.

From all curses

This is the name of a prayer that will help recover from the inflicted negativity. It can be read at night for as long as the victim deems necessary:

"I, (name), call on my angels and all the bright Divine energies that will save me from various curses! I ask you, Higher Powers, to forgive me - if I suddenly ever intentionally and unwittingly cursed in my life. I am aware of these mistakes and I burn with Divine fire all this negativity committed by me in the past and present!From now on, I forever forbid the dark power to use my curses in their unpleasing deeds!

As I created these curses, so I destroy them! (repeat three times). Also, if on me, (name), there are curses inflicted by other people, I also deprive them of energy and strength! I burn them with the eternal fire of the Universe! May the Higher Forces fill me with their light and relieve me of all negativity! I free all people from my curses! I myself (myself) free myself from all curses!

With all my heart I wish all people love, kindness, light and happiness! I put all my energy into this! Let the forces of light rule the world, and the forces of darkness disperse! (repeat three times). As a sign of my serious intentions, I send rays of light and love to all beings of the planet, space and the Universe! May my desire be heard and felt by all beings, in all dimensions and spaces! May my words be heard by all the angels and the Creator himself! From now on, I forever deprive my thoughts and words of any destructive energy! Also, let my words and good intentions become a shield for me from all curses! Let them burn as soon as they touch the protective shield! (repeat three times). Let it be so! Amen".

We hope that our article has fully revealed the problem of the curse and its effect on a person. We also advise you to think carefully before resorting to this magical service. After all, the Russian proverb says: "Do not dig a hole for another - you yourself will fall into it." We wish peace and good to all readers!

You know, a person sometimes faces such injustice! And there is no strength to wait for God's judgment. I want to restore justice right now.

Then try to find information how to bring damage to someone who greatly offended. This, you see, from a human point of view, is quite reasonable.

Especially when the insult was undeserved. It is desirable, of course, to think carefully, and not act in haste.

After all, it is better to process negative energy with kindness and love.

If you respond to it with anger or hatred, then everything will only get worse.

And he will turn out to be a complete egoist. He never needed anyone without you. What will happen?

Yes, the offender will exist perfectly for himself, and you will be left alone. Damage will spread to you.

After all, you will wake up terrible and evil forces with your intention.

They are not in your bondage. They will agree to help out of “mercantile” reasons.

They need the suffering of the victim. And she, well, it so happened, does not suffer from the damage that you tried to bring. Forces to the author of their activities will turn around.

And since you instinctively transferred your aspirations and values ​​​​to the victim, the result is obvious. You will suffer, not the one who deserves it.

You need to understand what is the value for your.

  • Maybe this person loves money or boasts of his post.
  • It happens that appearance or status is paramount for him.

And they are what the person himself appreciates very much, without which his life will turn into a nightmare.

How to spoil the one who offended greatly at home

  • Buy a roll of rye bread at the store.
  • More cook.
  • And a photo of the offender.
  • Black fabric.
  • A coin (if he wishes the offender lack of money).

The ceremony itself is held at night from Saturday to Sunday.

The most optimal time is from midnight to the "first roosters".

  1. Cover the table with black cloth.
  2. Place the bread in the middle.
  3. Stick a candle in it. As if they stick it in Kulich for Easter.
  4. Light it up.
  5. Speak aloud what you wish the offender. Your monologue should be passionate and angry at the same time.
  6. Look at . Try to feel how the energy from you rushes right into this person.

Just keep in mind: you need to wish one trouble.

In this case, it would be nice to put a small coin on the bread. And in the morning, unnoticed by this miser, throw it or give it away if you communicate with him.

By the way, a coin as a carrier of damage is suitable in almost any case.

After all, most of human desires and aspirations are connected with the material.

  1. You need to say your wish six times.
  2. At the last - tear the photo into small pieces.
  3. Then start crumbling bread and reading the words:

“How not to become crumbs grains, so you (the name of the offender) do not know peace, trouble comes after you. It upholsters your thresholds, fills life with misfortune!

  1. The crumbs need to be collected in a black cloth and taken out of the door. Submit your photos here as well.
  2. All this in the morning must be poured into the place where the birds peck the bread.

Most often, this bread was carried to the poultry yard of the enemy. But that was at a time when everyone had a household.

By the way, if the ceremony was carried out correctly, then pestilence attacked the living creatures. This was a sign of the beginning of the misfortunes of the enemy.

Do not leave a candle stub in the house either. According to the rules, it must be buried near the offender's gate.

Today, not all of the above, for obvious reasons, is doable. Therefore, it is recommended to take the crumbs (with scraps of a photo and a candle cinder) to the churchyard.

There pour out on the old grave. This is done so that damage does not pass to a random person.

And toss a coin to your offender.

How to spoil someone who has greatly offended in a simple way

If you do not want to mess with crumbs and coins, then perform a different ritual, without a photo.

It must be performed in the Temple.

  1. Buy twelve candles.
  2. Place eleven of them to the Theotokos. Pray for the salvation of your soul.
  3. And take the latter to the place where the funeral candles are placed.
  4. Say the following words there:

“God, forgive and save! I do not wish death to your servant (name). Justice please! Let (say what to spoil the person). If the Lord does not help, the devil will rush. Everything is going to happen! Amen!"

Only after such a ceremony is impossible for a month.

And the result may not be what you expect. In this case, the Lord himself will punish the offender as he sees fit. It will not be in your power to change His plans.

This method is not very popular for unpredictability. Higher powers have a different logic.

However, this method protects against the error of an upset person.

There are also rites:

  • on ;

Choose for yourself which one you like best.

Many people want to know how to damage a person in order to take revenge on him or achieve satisfaction of their other needs. Casting such a spell is relatively easy, however, you must understand that it is always associated with an appeal to the dark forces, which do nothing for free. Any curse will take something away from you - it could be related to material possessions, relationships, or even health.

In addition, many experts say that if you decide to jinx a person, then you yourself will gradually lose human character traits. Black magic is highly addictive, and it is quite possible that you will no longer be able to stop - the creation of damage will eventually lead to your serious illness, or even death.

Sorcerers say that rituals for the formation of corruption should be known to everyone so that he can recognize them and effectively deal with such influences if necessary.

When someone decides to jinx a person, he must follow a number of rules - they will not help to completely get rid of the harm, but they will minimize negative impacts. In the case when all the recommendations are applied correctly, corruption will not cause irreversible changes - it is quite possible that the dark forces will have mercy on their new servant and will take something not very significant from him.

Having decided to cast a spell, use the time of the waning moon - during a similar period, dark forces overcome light forces and people can use magic to deprive themselves or others of something. In addition, you can jinx a person only on Monday, Wednesday or Friday - the rest of the days are considered dangerous for practicing black magic, since you can be punished by the heavenly defenders of those whom you are inflicting damage on.

The curse cannot be imposed on church holidays and Sunday - it will return to you, intensifying dozens, or even hundreds of times. At the same time, you should know that there are manifestations of corruption and are stronger than death - they make you live in constant torment, even without the slightest hope of deliverance.

A special category is photo damage, which requires maximum concentration from the magician. You can hover it only if you have a high-quality image that meets several requirements:

  • the photograph should show one person, without others and even animals - this may prevent damage;
  • jinxing a person is possible only when the surface of the photograph covers his body, at least from the top of his head to the middle of his chest, without cropping or distortion;
  • the curse will also be effective only if the photo is no more than a year old - otherwise, all your actions and words will be wasted.

The most terrible spells

Of course, you can learn how to damage death, but such measures will lead to the fact that you yourself will suffer - lose your immortal soul if a person really dies due to your suffering. Therefore, before jinxing someone in such a terrible way, you should think very carefully about your life and your actions in it.

If you decide to use a curse, it is best to do this with a photograph that meets the above requirements.

You can cast a spell using a grave in which a person who died no more than a year ago is buried. It is necessary that his name matches the name of the person you are going to jinx. The grave needs to be excavated about 20-30 centimeters deep, discarding, if necessary, a stone slab from above. Inside the hole, you must lower the photographs of the victim - one will be enough, however, to guarantee, take at least three cards with you.

"Grave dust
Cemetery land
earth worms
yes the boards are rotten
To rot to you, the servant of God, the unfortunate (name of the target)
Yes, never get rid of this misfortune
And you will never know
Who did this to you
And do not send this force back!
Key, coffin, board, skull!”

To jinx your offender or another person, you should not return the tombstone to its place if it is available - it must lie separately for at least three hours until the conspiracy takes effect. It is also possible to bring death with this spell, but it will take much more effort - you will need to dig up the grave to the coffin and put photos between its boards.

Remember that you should not be seen on the territory of the cemetery - detection is fraught not only with punishment according to human laws, but also with revenge from the dark forces for revealing their presence to mortals.

Causing pain and suffering

It is not always necessary to jinx a person enough to bring him to death and illness - in most cases it is enough for him to experience pain or mental anguish. In this case, the rituals for inducing sustainable damage are safer and simpler - they can be performed at home, without the threat of disclosure. However, for greater protection, you need to give an offering to the dark entity you are referring to - when the curse ends, you must leave as many coins on the northeast corner of any intersection as the full years of the victim turned.

If you want to know how to jinx a person with an instant effect, photography is indispensable. Take the most recent photograph that meets the stated requirements, and paint three red dots in the upper left corner with paint. The lower right corner must be scorched with a black candle.

You can jinx a person in different ways - the resulting effect will depend on your further actions:

  • pierce with a pin - diseases of the internal organs;
  • pierce with a black needle - a chronic deadly disease;
  • burn with a cigarette - getting bad habits with dangerous consequences;
  • douse with red paint completely - clouding of consciousness;
  • hit hard with a fist - causing pain;
  • nail to the board - fractures, dislocations, displacement of bones.

You can cast a spell only when you experience strong negative emotions - anger, envy, hatred. Otherwise, it will not work to jinx a person - the dark forces do not give an answer to those who are not set up properly or are not serious in their intentions.

The curse will work if, after performing all the actions, you say the following words, allowing you to jinx any enemy:

"Pine boards
The bed is hard
Here's what's waiting for you
Servant of God, unfortunate (name of the enemy)
When you come to bow to me
Yes, get on your knees
Then it will be easier
Until then, you'll get yourself out!"

As you might guess, the effect of this damage will continue until you change your attitude towards the person. However, it also has natural limits - depending on your own strength and the level of protection of the person you have to deal with, it can last from six months to three years. You can bring it up again, however, it is worth remembering that every action in the field of black magic gradually takes away your soul and deprives you of human features.

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