Message on the topic Tyutchev life creativity. Urgently!!!!!!!!! short message about tyutchev please

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev (1803-1873) - Russian poet. Also known as a publicist and diplomat. Author of two collections of poems, holder of a number of the highest state titles and awards. Currently, Tyutchev's works are mandatory studied in several classes. secondary school. The main thing in his work is nature, love, Motherland, philosophical reflections.

Short biography: young years and training

Fedor Ivanovich was born on November 23, 1803 (December 5, old style) in the Oryol province, in the Ovstug estate. The future poet received his primary education at home, studying Latin and ancient Roman poetry. Childhood largely predetermined the life and work of Tyutchev.

As a child, Tyutchev was very fond of nature, according to his memoirs, "lived the same life with her." As was customary at that time, the boy had a private teacher, Semyon Yegorovich Raich, a translator, poet and just a person with a broad education. According to the memoirs of Semyon Yegorovich, it was impossible not to love the boy, the teacher became very attached to him. Young Tyutchev was calm, affectionate, talented. It was the teacher who engendered in his student a love for poetry, taught him to understand serious literature, encouraged creative impulses and the desire to write poetry on his own.

Fedor's father, Ivan Nikolaevich, was a gentle, calm, reasonable person, a real role model. His contemporaries called him a wonderful family man, a good, loving father and husband.

The poet's mother was Ekaterina Lvovna Tolstaya, second cousin of Count F. P. Tolstoy, a famous sculptor. From her, young Fedor inherited dreaminess, a rich imagination. Subsequently, it was with the help of his mother that he would meet other great writers: L. N. and A. K. Tolstoy.

At the age of 15, Tyutchev entered Moscow University in the Department of Literature, which he graduated two years later with a Ph.D. in verbal sciences. From that moment began his service abroad, in the Russian embassy in Munich. During his service, the poet made a personal acquaintance with the German poet, publicist and critic Heinrich Heine, philosopher Friedrich Schelling.

In 1826 Tyutchev met Eleanor Peterson, his future wife. One of the interesting facts about Tyutchev: at the time of meeting the poet, the young woman had been a widow for a year, and she had four young sons. Therefore, Fedor and Eleanor had to hide their relationship for several years. Subsequently, they became the parents of three daughters.

Interesting, that Tyutchev did not dedicate poems to his first wife; only one poem is known to be dedicated to her memory.

Despite the love for his wife, according to biographers, the poet had other connections. For example, in 1833, in the winter, Tyutchev met Baroness Ernestine von Pfeffel (Dernberg in his first marriage), became interested in a young widow, wrote poetry for her. To avoid scandal, the loving young diplomat had to be sent to Turin.

The poet's first wife, Eleanor, died in 1838. The steamer, on which the family sailed to Turin, was in distress, and this seriously crippled the health of the young woman. It was a great loss for the poet, he sincerely mourned. According to contemporaries, after spending the night at the tomb of his wife, the poet turned gray in just a few hours.

However, having endured the prescribed period of mourning, a year later he renewed his relationship with Ernestine Dernberg and subsequently married her. In this marriage, the poet also had children, a daughter and two sons.

In 1835 Fyodor Ivanovich received the rank of chamberlain. In 1839, he stopped his diplomatic activity, but remained abroad, where he did a lot of work, creating a positive image of Russia in the West - this was the main thing of this period of his life. All his undertakings in this area were supported by Emperor Nicholas I. In fact, he was officially allowed to speak independently in the press about political issues emerging between Russia and Europe.

The beginning of the literary path

In 1810-1820. The first poems of Fyodor Ivanovich were written. As expected, they were still youthful, bore the stamp of archaism, very reminiscent of the poetry of a bygone century. In 20-40 years. the poet turned to various forms of both Russian lyrics and European romanticism. His poetry during this period becomes more original, original.

In 1836, a notebook with poems by Fyodor Ivanovich, then still unknown to anyone, came to Pushkin.

The poems were signed with only two letters: F. T. Alexander Sergeevich liked them so much that they were published in Sovremennik. But the name of Tyutchev became known only in the 50s, after another publication in Sovremennik, which was then led by Nekrasov.

In 1844, Tyutchev returned to Russia, and in 1848 he was offered the position of senior censor at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At that time, Belinsky's circle arose, in which the poet took Active participation. Along with him there are such well-known writers like Turgenev, Goncharov, Nekrasov.

In total, he spent twenty-two years outside Russia. But all these years Russia appeared in his poems. It was “Fatherland and Poetry” that the young diplomat loved most of all, as he admitted in one of his letters. At this time, however, Tyutchev almost did not publish, and as a poet he was completely unknown in Russia.

Relations with E. A. Denisyeva

While working as a senior censor, visiting his eldest daughters, Ekaterina and Daria, at the institute, Fyodor Ivanovich met Elena Aleksandrovna Denisyeva. Despite a significant difference in age (the girl was the same age as his daughters!), They began a relationship that ended only with the death of Elena, and three children appeared. Elena had to sacrifice many for the sake of this connection: a career as a maid of honor, relationships with friends and a father. But, probably, she was happy with the poet. And he dedicated poems to her - even after fifteen years.

In 1864, Denisyeva died, and the poet did not even try to hide the pain of her loss in front of acquaintances and friends. He suffered from pangs of conscience: because he put his beloved in an ambiguous position, he did not fulfill his promise to publish a collection of poems dedicated to her. Another grief was the death of two children, Tyutchev and Denisyeva.

During this period, Tyutchev quickly advances in the service:

  • in 1857 he was appointed a real state councilor;
  • in 1858 - chairman of the Foreign Censorship Committee;
  • in 1865 - Privy Councillor.

Besides, the poet was awarded several orders.

Collections of poems

In 1854, under the editorship of I. S. Turgenev, the first collection of the poet's poems was published. The main themes of his work:

  • nature;
  • Love;
  • Motherland;
  • meaning of life.

In many verses, tender, reverent love for the Motherland, feelings for her fate are visible. Tyutchev's political position is also reflected in his work: the poet was a supporter of the ideas of pan-Slavism (in other words, that all Slavic peoples should unite under the rule of Russia), an opponent of the revolutionary way of solving problems.

In 1868, the second collection of the poet's lyrics was published, which, unfortunately, was no longer so popular.

All the lyrics of the poet - both landscape, and love, and philosophical - are necessarily imbued with reflections about what is the purpose of man, about the questions of being. It cannot be said that some of his poems are devoted only to nature and love: all the topics are intertwined with each other. Every poem of a poet- this, at least briefly, but necessarily a reflection on something, for which he was often called a poet-thinker. I. S. Turgenev noted how skillfully Tyutchev depicts various emotional experiences of a person.

Poetry recent years rather resemble a lyrical diary of life: here are confessions, reflections, and confessions.

In December 1872, Tyutchev fell ill: his eyesight deteriorated sharply, the left half of his body was paralyzed. On July 15, 1873, the poet died. He died in Tsarskoye Selo, and was buried in Novodevichy cemetery St. Petersburg. Over the course of his life, the poet wrote about 400 poems.

Interesting fact: in 1981, asteroid 9927 was discovered at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, which was named after the poet - Tyutchev.

Features of creativity
“Tyutchev was not prolific as a poet (his legacy is about 300 poems). Starting to print early (from the age of 16), he was rarely published, in little-known almanacs, in the period 1837-47. wrote almost no poetry and in general cared little about his reputation as a poet. (Mikhailovsky, 1939, p. 469.)
“Longing,” testified I.S. Aksakov, - constituted, as it were, the main tone of his poetry and his entire moral being ... As often happens with poets, torment and pain became the strongest activators for Tyutchev. The poet, silent for fourteen years, not only returned to literary activity, but it was after the death of E.A. Denisyeva, in his seventies, when poets finally run out of steam, created his best poems ... He did not have "creative ideas", hours allotted for work, notebooks, drafts, blanks, in general, everything that is called creative work. He didn't tinker with poetry. He wrote down his insights on invitations, napkins, postcards, in random notebooks, just on scraps of paper that fell under his arm. P.I. Kapnist testified: “Tyutchev thoughtfully wrote a sheet at a meeting of the censorship council and left the meeting, leaving it on the table.” If Kapnist had not picked up what was written, they would never have known "No matter how hard the last hour ...". Unconsciousness, intuitiveness, improvisation are the key concepts for his work.” Garin, 1994, vol. 3, p. 324, 329, 336-337, 364.)

Although Tyutchev's poetry is divided thematically into political, civil, landscape, love lyrics, it is often stipulated that this division is conditional: behind different thematic layers there is a single principle of seeing the world - philosophical.

F. I. Tyutchev as a poet-philosopher

He has not only thinking poetry, but poetic thought; not a reasoning, thinking feeling, but a feeling and living thought. Because of this, the external artistic form is not put on his thought, like a glove on his hand, but fused with it, like a cover of skin with the body, it is the very flesh of thought. (I.S. Aksakov).

Each of his poems began with a thought, but a thought that, like fiery point flared up under the influence of a deep feeling or a strong impression; as a result of this, Mr. Tyutchev's thought never appears naked and abstract to the reader, but always merges with the image taken from the world of the soul or nature, is penetrated by it, and itself penetrates it inseparably and inseparably. (I.S. Turgenev).

Political lyrics by F. I. Tyutchev

The poet, without whom, according to Leo Tolstoy, “one cannot live,” until the end of his days he was and realized himself as a politician, diplomat, and historian. He was constantly at the center of the political, public life Europe, the world, Russia, even on his deathbed he asked: “What political news came?” He was a contemporary of the war of 1812, the Decembrist uprising, the “Gloomy Seven Years” in Russia, the revolutions of 1830 and 1848 in the West. The politician Tyutchev observed and evaluated the events, the poet spoke of his time as a fatal era.

Blessed is he who visited this world In its fatal moments!
"Cicero", 1830

At the same time, Tyutchev the poet does not have poems about specific historical events. There is a philosophical response to them, detachment, transcendence of their vision, the view of not a participant, but a contemplator of events.

He was not a supporter of revolutions, any coups, did not sympathize with the Decembrists:

O victim of a reckless thought, You hoped, perhaps, That your blood would become meager, To melt the eternal pole! Barely, smoking, she sparkled

On the age-old mass of ice, Iron winter died - And there were no traces left.

Perhaps the very life of the poet, the eternal desire to combine opposite principles, determined his vision of the world. The idea of ​​duality, the dual existence of man and nature, the discord of the worlds underlies the philosophical lyrics, reflections of Tyutchev the poet.

The feeling of a person being on the edge, on the border of two worlds, expectation and a sense of catastrophe became the main theme of Tyutchev's philosophical lyrics.

landscape lyrics

Man and nature, according to Tyutchev, are one and inseparable, they live according to the general laws of being.

Thought after thought; wave after wave
Two manifestations of the same element:
Whether in a tight heart, in a boundless sea,
Here - in prison, there - in the open, -
The same eternal surf and rebound,
The same ghost is disturbingly empty.
"Wave and Thought", 1851.

Man is a small part of nature, the universe, he is not free to live according to his will, his freedom is an illusion, a ghost:

Only in our ghostly freedom
We are aware of our discord.
“There is melodiousness in the waves of the sea”, 1865.

The discord, created by the man himself, leads to disharmony of his being, the inner world, to the discord of man with the outside world. Two opposing principles are created: one is the embodiment of darkness, chaos, night, abyss, death, the other is light, day, life. darkness, life and death.

But the day fades - the night has come;
Came from the fatal world
The fabric of the fertile cover,
Tearing off, throwing away
And the abyss is naked to us
With your fears and darkness
And there are no barriers between her and us -
That's why we are afraid of the night!
"Day and Night", 1839

The lyrical hero of Tyutchev is constantly on the verge of the worlds: day and night, light and darkness, life and death. He is afraid of the gloomy abyss, which every moment can open before him, swallow him up.

And a man, like a homeless orphan,
It stands now and is weak and naked,
Face to face before the dark abyss.
"Holy night ascended the sky", 1848-5o-s

During the day, even in the evening light, the world is calm, beautiful, harmonious. About this world, many landscape sketches by Tyutchev. There are in the autumn of the original
Short but wonderful time -
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings
Is in the lordship of autumn evenings
Sweet, mysterious beauty

Darkness comes in the night, it's exposed

The horror of the abyss, death, tragedy

The vault of heaven, burning with star glory,
Mysteriously looks from the depths, -
And we swim in the burning abyss
Surrounded on all sides.
"How the Ocean Embraces the Globe", 1830.

The theme of man as a small particle of the universe, which is unable to resist the power of universal darkness, fate, fate, originates from poetry

Lomonosov, Derzhavin, will be continued in the poems of poets of the early twentieth century..

Enchanted winter
Bewitched, the forest stands
And under the snowy fringe,
Motionless, dumb
He shines with a wonderful life.

Love lyrics. Destinations of love lyrics

Addressees of Tyutchev's love lyrics

The first wife of the poet was Eleanor Peterson, nee Countess Bothmer. From this marriage there were three daughters: Anna, Daria and Ekaterina.

Having been widowed, the poet married in 1839 Ernestine Dernberg, nee Baroness Pfeffel. In Munich, they had Maria and Dmitry, and younger son Ivan is in Russia.

In 1851 (he was already familiar with Denisyeva), Tyutchev wrote to his wife Eleanor Feodorovna: "There is no creature smarter than you in the world. I have no one else to talk to ... I, who speaks to everyone." And in another letter: "... although you love me four times less than before, you still love me ten times more than I'm worth it."

Two years after the death of her husband, Eleonora Fyodorovna accidentally found in her album a sheet with a signature in French: "For you (to make it out in private)." Next came the verses written in the same 1851:

I don't know if grace will touch
Of my painfully sinful soul,
Will she be able to rise and rise,
Will spiritual fainting go away?

But if the soul could
Here on earth find peace
You would be a blessing to me -
You, you, my earthly providence! ..

Tyutchev's love for Elena Denisyeva brought the poet both great happiness and great grief. Tyutchev's feeling was subject to the laws of his being, creativity. Love connected life and death, happiness and sorrow, was the roll call of the worlds.

The most striking is the "double being" of the split human soul expressed in Tyutchev's love lyrics.

In 1850, 47-year-old Tyutchev met twenty-four-year-old Elena Aleksandrovna Denisyeva, a friend of his daughters. Fourteen years, until the death of Denisyeva, their union lasted, three children were born. Tyutchev left a confession of his love in verse.

“No one created such a deep female image, endowed with individual psychological traits, in lyrics before Tyutchev,” says Lev Ozerov. “By its nature, this image echoes Nastasya Filippovna from Dostoevsky’s Idiot and Anna Karenina from Tolstoy.”

For fourteen years Tyutchev led a double life. Loving Denisyev, he could not part with his family.

In minutes passionate feeling to Denisyeva, he writes to his wife: “There is no creature smarter than you in the world and I have no one else to talk to.”
The sudden loss of Elena Alexandrovna, followed by a series of losses that followed her death, sharpened the feelings of the frontier, the boundaries of the worlds. Love for Denisyeva is death for Tyutchev, but also the highest fullness of being, “bliss and hopelessness”, a “duel of fatal” life and death:

Here I am wandering along the high road
In the quiet light of the fading day
It's hard for my legs to freeze
My dear friend, do you see me?

Everything is darker, darker above the ground -
The last gleam of the day has flown away
This is the world where we lived with you,
My angel, do you see me?

Genre originality of the lyrics of F. I. Tyutchev

The literary critic Y. Tynyanov was the first to notice, and many researchers agreed with him, that the division of poems into genres is not typical for F. Tyutchev's lyrics. A genre-forming role is played by a fragment, “the genre of an almost non-literary passage”.

A fragment is a thought, as if snatched from a stream of thoughts, a feeling - from surging experiences, from a continuous stream of feelings, an action, an act - from a series of human deeds: “Yes, you kept your word”, “So, I saw you again”, “The same thing happens in God’s world.”
The shape of the fragment emphasizes the endless flow, the movement of thought, feeling, life, history. But all of Tyutchev's poetics reflects the idea of ​​universal endless movement, at the heart of the poem is often fleeting, instantaneous, fleeting in the life of man and nature:

And how, vision, the outside world is gone.
Century after century passed by.
How unexpected and bright
On the wet blue sky
aerial arch erected
In your momentary triumph.

Composition features lyric poems

Tyutchev's idea of ​​opposition and, at the same time, of the unity of the worlds of nature and man, the outer and inner worlds, is often embodied in the two-part composition of his poems: "Predestination", "Cicero", "The earth still looks sad" and many others.

Another compositional technique of the poet is a direct depiction of feelings - such is the Denisiev cycle, some landscape sketches.

Sand flowing to the knees
We eat - late - the day is fading,
And pines, along the way, shadows
The shadows have already merged into one.
Blacker and more often deep forest -
What sad places!
The night is gloomy, like a stout-eyed beast,
Looks from every bush!

Lyric style

Tyutchev's lyrics are characterized by the utmost conciseness of the space of the verse, hence its aphorism.

Russia cannot be understood with the mind,
Do not measure with a common yardstick:
She has a special become -
One can only believe in Russia.

November 28, 1866 Under the influence of the classical poets of the 18th century, Tyutchev's lyrics contain many rhetorical questions and exclamations:

Oh, how many sad minutes
Love and joy killed!

Where, how did the discord arise?
And why in the general choir
The soul does not sing like the sea,
And the thinking reed grumbles?

Perhaps, under the impression of classes with S. Raich, in verses Tyutchev often refers to mythological, ancient images: “forgetfulness, as

Atlas, presses the land ... ", windy Hebe, feeding Zeves' eagle"

Speaking of Tyutchev's poetic manner, the term "pure poetry" will later be used.
(Philosophical lyrics are a rather relative concept. This is how it is customary to call deep reflections in verses about the meaning of being, about the fate of man, the world, the universe, about the place of man in the world. It is customary to refer to philosophical lyrics the poems of Tyutchev, Fet, Baratynsky, Zabolotsky ...)

"Pure Poetry"

In all poets, next to direct creativity, one can hear doing, processing. Tyutchev has nothing done: everything is going on. That is why some external negligence is often visible in his poems: words come across outdated, out of use, irregular rhymes are encountered, which, with the slightest external decoration, could easily be replaced by others.

This defines and partly limits his significance as a poet. But this also gives his poetry some special charm of sincerity and personal sincerity. Khomyakov - himself a lyric poet - said, and, in our opinion, rightly, that he does not know other verses, except Tyutchev's, which would serve as the best image of the purest poetry, which would be imbued with poetry to such an extent, durch und durch. I.S. Aksakov.

Characteristics of Tyutchev's creativity, Tyutchev's creativity, features of Tyutchev's creativity, Tyutchev's creativity

Tyutchev, whose poems, biography and creative path will be discussed below, are extremely interesting person. It is not for nothing that he is considered one of the best Russian classics, among which he occupies at least a place of honor. He became famous not only as a poet, but also as a diplomat in the service of Russia, and also (albeit in lesser degree) as a publicist and corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Like many, his relationships with women were intricate, one might say, creative and did not fit into the framework of philistine morality. Were on life path poet and mistakes, and tragic moments.

F.I. Tyutchev, biography. A Brief History of Young Years

Fyodor Tyutchev saw the light in the Ovstug family estate of the Bryansk district on December 5, 1803. You could say he was a child prodigy. He knew Latin, was fond of it, and at the age of 13 he was translating the poems of Horace. At the age of fourteen he became a free student of the Verbal Department of Moscow University, and at 16 he became a member of the Student Society of Russian Literature Lovers. Having received a diploma in 1821, Tyutchev gets a good place - the work of an attaché (albeit freelance) in Bavaria, at the Russian diplomatic mission.

In Munich, he does not give details) meets Heine and Schelling, as well as Novalis. The latter subsequently had a very big influence. In 1826, a young Russian diplomat marries Countess Eleanor Peterson. Three daughters were born from this marriage. In 1937, the family suffers a shipwreck. To save his wife and daughters, Ivan Turgenev, who turned out to be a passenger on the same ship, helps Tyutchev. But the catastrophe fatally affected Peterson's health, and she died in 1838.

Three Muses

Although eyewitnesses say that Tyutchev turned gray overnight at the coffin of his wife, the very next year he enters into a new marriage - with the recently widowed Baroness Ernestine Pfeffel-Dernberg. There is evidence that he had a connection with her during the life of Eleanor. In addition to these two ladies, the poet dedicated many lyrical poems to a certain E. A. Denisyeva. Which of these three women Tyutchev loved the most, the biography - a brief history of his life - is silent about this.

Return to Russia

On behalf of the Russian Foreign Ministry until 1844, Tyutchev was actively engaged in promoting an active image of Russia in the West. He writes his first journalistic works: "Letter to Mr. Dr. Kolb", "Note to the Tsar", "Russia and the Revolution" and others. In Russia, he took the place of senior censor at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In 1858 he rose to the rank of real state councilor.

Being a tough censor and an ardent champion of the Russian Empire, Tyutchev (biography short poet full of such oddities) nevertheless belonged to Belinsky's circle and was published in the Sovremennik magazine. In December 1872, the Privy Councilor felt a sharp deterioration in his health. He began to pursue headaches, lost sensitivity left hand, blurred vision. On January 1, 1873, he had a stroke that half paralyzed the poet. On July 15 of the same year, Tyutchev died, and this happened in Tsarskoye Selo. The classic is buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Poet Tyutchev: biography and creativity

Researchers of Tyutchev's works and style believe that his path as a creator can be divided into three periods. Youthful poems (before 1820) are archaic in style. The second period (1820-40s) is odic poetry, in which the features of European romanticism are intertwined. After a 10-year break in writing poetry, the third, mature period (1850-70) begins. The "Denisiev cycle" of love lyrics is being created, political works are being written.

Russian poet, master of landscape, psychological, philosophical and patriotic lyrics, Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev comes from an ancient noble family. The future poet was born in the Oryol province, in the Ovstug family estate (today it is the territory of the Bryansk region), on November 23, 1803. According to the era, Tyutchev is practically a contemporary of Pushkin, and, according to biographers, it is Pushkin who owes his unexpected fame as a poet, since by the nature of his main activity he was not closely connected with the world of art.

Life and service

He spent most of his childhood in Moscow, where the family moved when Fedor was 7 years old. The boy studied at home, under the guidance of a home teacher, a famous poet and translator, Semyon Raich. The teacher instilled in the ward a love for literature, noted his gift for poetic creativity, but the parents predicted a more serious occupation for their son. Since Fyodor had a gift for languages ​​(from the age of 12 he knows Latin and translates ancient Roman verses), at the age of 14 he begins to attend lectures of language students at Moscow University. At the age of 15, he enrolled in the course of the Verbal Department, joined the Society of Lovers of Russian Literature. Linguistic education and a Ph.D. in verbal sciences allow Tyutchev to move in a career along a diplomatic line - at the beginning of 1822, Tyutchev enters the State Collegium of Foreign Affairs and almost forever becomes a diplomat official.

Tyutchev spends the next 23 years of his life in the service of the Russian diplomatic mission in Germany. Poetry writes and translates German authors exclusively "for the soul", with a literary career is almost in no way connected. Semyon Raich continues to keep in touch with his former student, he publishes several of Tyutchev's poems in his journal, but they do not find an enthusiastic response from the reading public. Contemporaries considered Tyutchev's lyrics somewhat old-fashioned, as it felt the sentimental influence of poets of the late 18th century. Meanwhile, today these first verses - " Summer evening”, “Insomnia”, “Vision” - are considered one of the most successful in Tyutchev’s lyrics, they testify to the poetic talent that has already taken place.

Poetic creativity

The first fame for Tyutchev was brought by Alexander Pushkin, in 1836. He selected 16 poems by an unknown author for publication in his collection. There is evidence that Pushkin meant a young novice poet in the author and predicted his future in poetry, not suspecting that he had a solid experience.

poetic source civil lyrics Tyutchev becomes his job - the diplomat is too well aware of the price of peaceful relations between countries, as he becomes a witness to the building of these relations. In 1848-49, the poet, having keenly felt the events of political life, created poems "To the Russian Woman", "Reluctantly and timidly ..." and others.

The poetic source of love lyrics is in many ways a tragic personal life. For the first time, Tyutchev marries at the age of 23, in 1826, Countess Eleanor Peterson. Tyutchev did not love, but respected his wife, and she idolized him like no one else. In a marriage that lasted 12 years, three daughters were born. Once on a trip, the family was in a disaster at sea - the spouses were rescued from icy water, and Eleanor caught a bad cold. After being ill for a year, his wife died.

Tyutchev remarried a year later to Ernestine Dernberg, in 1844 the family returned to Russia, where Tyutchev again began to climb career ladder- Ministry of Foreign Affairs Privy Councilor. But he dedicated the real pearls of his work not to his wife, but to a girl, the same age as his first daughter, who was brought together by a fatal passion with a 50-year-old man. The poems “Oh, how deadly we love ...”, “She lay in oblivion all day ...” are dedicated to Elena Denisyeva and are folded into the so-called “Denisyev cycle”. The girl, caught in connection with a married old man, was rejected by both society and her own family, she bore Tyutchev three children. Unfortunately, both Denisyeva and two of their children died of consumption in the same year.

In 1854, Tyutchev was first published as a separate collection, in an appendix to the issue of Sovremennik. Turgenev, Fet, Nekrasov begin to comment on his work.

Tyutchev, 62, retired. He thinks a lot, walks around the estate, writes a lot of landscape and philosophical lyrics, is published by Nekrasov in the collection Russian Minor Poets, gains fame and genuine recognition.

However, the poet is crushed by losses - in the 1860s his mother, brother, eldest son died, eldest daughter, children from Denisyeva and herself. At the end of his life, the poet philosophizes a lot, writes about the role Russian Empire in the world, about the possibility of building international relations on mutual respect observance of religious laws.

The poet died after a serious stroke that affected the right half of the body on July 15, 1873. He died in Tsarskoye Selo, before his death, having managed to accidentally meet his first love, Amalia Lerchenfeld, and dedicate one of his most famous poems “I met you” to her.

Tyutchev's poetic heritage is usually divided into stages:

1810-20 - beginning creative way. In the lyrics, the influence of sentimentalists, classical poetry is obvious.

1820-30 - the formation of handwriting, the influence of romanticism is noted.

1850-73 - brilliant, polished political poems, deep philosophical lyrics, "Denisevsky cycle" - an example of love and intimate lyrics.

In the 19th century, there were many outstanding authors in Russia, each of whom made a certain contribution to the history of world literature. Looking at the list of talented individuals, one cannot get around the name of the brilliant Russian poet - Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev.

He was born in November 1803 in the Oryol province. Little Fedor received his first education at home, his home tutor was the famous translator and poet Semyon Raich.

From the very early years Tyutchev showed an interest in poetry and languages. He studied the lyrics of the ancient Roman people and Latin with special enthusiasm, and already at the age of twelve, he independently produced translations of the odes of the famous Horace. At the age of 15, Tyutchev enters the Moscow University at the Verbal Department.

Upon graduation, Tyutchev goes to serve in the State Collegium of Foreign Affairs. Soon, as a diplomatic officer, he was sent to Munich, where the young man met the nee Countess Eleanor Peterson. In 1826, the young lovers entered into marital relations. And a few years later, a magnificent couple, one after another, had three beautiful daughters.

The union of Fyodor Ivanovich and Eleanor was strong and happy, although Fyodor Ivanovich had relations on the side. Perhaps the couple would have lived together for many more years, if not for tragic event, which happened on the ship during the trip of the Tyutchev family from St. Petersburg to the city of Turin. The floating craft crashed, the wife and children of Fyodor Ivanovich could die in cold waters Baltic Sea. However, they were lucky. I must say that Eleanor was very organized, almost professional. Thanks in a timely manner measures taken She was able to save her daughters.

This disaster left a negative imprint on the health of the countess. The painful illnesses provoked by that terrible event brought the young woman to death. In 1838, Fyodor Ivanovich's wife died.

After this marriage with a sad end, the poet found his happiness in the arms of another woman. The second wife of a talented poet was Ernestine Dernberg. Over the following years, Tyutchev continued to engage in active diplomatic activities, and quite succeeded in this matter. He was awarded several times and given prizes, and his publicistic articles, published anonymously, aroused interest not only in ordinary society, but also in the great Russian ruler, Nicholas I.

The political situation in Europe was of interest to Tyutchev until last days life. In 1872, the poet's health deteriorated noticeably, his eyesight began to disappear, the ability to control his hand was lost, and he was often disturbed severe pain in my head. In January 1873, despite the warnings of close people, he went for a walk, during which a real disaster happened to him. Suddenly paralyzed left-hand side body. After this incident, the poet ceased to make independent movements, and in July of the same year, the talented Russian poet passed away ...

The work of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev

The first poems were written by Tyutchev in the period from 1810 to 1820. Then a very young poet used in his creative approach the style of poetry of the 18th century.

Starting from the second half of 1820, Tyutchev's poems acquire an exquisite feature that is characteristic of all subsequent works. He seamlessly blends 18th-century odic poetry with traditional elements of European Romanticism.

More political motifs and a civil treatise appear in Tyutchev's work in 1850. This direction was used by the author until 1870.

The poetry of the famous and talented Russian author is versatile. In his poems, he wonderfully sings of Russia, its picturesque landscapes and the courage of the Russian people. All of Tyutchev's lyrical works were written in Russian. True connoisseurs of brilliant poetry were able to capture the important meaning in his poems and translated them into other languages, treating each line with special attention.

Many call Tyutchev a late romantic. Due to long stay away from native land, the poet often experienced alienation and a certain loss. In the circle of Europeans, Fyodor Ivanovich often felt sad and remembered the country close to his heart, where he spent his happy childhood and the first years of his youth.

Tyutchev's lyrical works can be conditionally divided. The first poems written in early age, are based on an independent study of his own personality, where the author forms a worldview to find himself in this big world. Second phase creative activity is directed to the knowledge and study of deeper inner worlds humanity.

Tyutchev's poems are filled philosophical view harmoniously combined with landscape lyrics. However, these are not all the topics covered by the author during periods of creative ideas. Tyutchev studied with interest the socio-political life of his native country, as well as European states, making some kind of comparison. He brilliantly conveyed his thoughts and feelings in new poems written with special inspiration and love for Russia.

Love lyrics in the poet's work

Analyzing the creative lyrics of Tyutchev, a clear reflection of the artistic worldview is revealed. His poems are imbued with the sound of a sad tragedy and special drama. These painful sayings are connected with the personal experiences of the great poet. Poems dedicated to the theme of love were written with a sense of experience, special guilt and the characteristic suffering of Fedor Ivanovich, provoked by numerous trials in life.

most famous collection lyrical works Tyutchev, dedicated to the theme of love - "Denisevsky cycle". This book includes the most frank and sensual poems of the author, filled with a special meaning.

Fedor Ivanovich, already in his declining years, experienced a unique feeling of love for a beautiful woman, Elena Denisyeva. Their love story had a long character, almost fourteen years, and, despite numerous condemnations of society, Elena and Fyodor Ivanovich were inseparable.

Separated a loving couple sudden death Denisyeva, caused by an incurable disease. Even after her death, the poet continued to reproach himself for all the suffering of his beloved woman, founded by human court. The couple did not have a legal relationship, so society categorically refused to accept the vulnerable feelings of these people. Evil slander and slander left bloody wounds in Elena's soul, her torment and pain were clearly reflected in the memory of Fedor Ivanovich. Having lost his beloved woman, until the end of his days he reproached himself for powerlessness and fear, which did not allow the poet to protect Elena from condemnation and human anger.

Fedor Ivanovich transferred his deep feelings into lyrics. Reading Tyutchev's poems from the famous collection "Denisevsky Cycle", one feels the original sincerity, gained through the deep thought of the author. He vividly conveys his emotions in moments of unique, but such fleeting happiness experienced during the period love relationship with Elena.

Love, in the work of Tyutchev, is presented as an unusual, exciting and uncontrollable feeling sent from heaven. A vague spiritual attraction, a word soaked in fuel, a torch, suddenly ignites in a fit of passion and tenderness, in the arms of a loved one.

The death of Elena Denisyeva took away all the most daring and joyful dreams of the great poet. He lost not just a loved one, but himself. After her departure, life values ceased to arouse interest in Fedor Ivanovich. All his unbearable pain, as well as idle feelings of joy experienced in moments of passionate meetings with his beloved woman, based on memories, he conveyed in his love lyrical work.

Philosophy and natural motives in the work of Tyutchev

Tyutchev's lyrical works are clearly philosophical in nature. The author shows his double perception of the world, describes the struggle of demonic and ideal judgments taking place in his thoughts. This opinion is vividly expressed in the well-known poem of the author "Day and Night". The opposite meaning is expressed in the comparison of a day filled with joy and happiness, and a night shimmering with sadness and sadness.

Tyutchev considered everything light to be the invariable beginning of the dark. The struggle between good and evil cannot end in someone's victory or defeat. This insane battle does not have a definite result, as in human life, the desire to know the truth often provokes a spiritual struggle within oneself. This is the main truth of life...

To describe the multifaceted landscapes of Russian nature, the poet uses the most beautiful epithets. He tenderly sings of her harmonious beauty and the smell of fresh foliage, showing a charming unity with her mood and changeable character.

Reading the poetic works of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, each reader will be able to find similar features and manners characteristic of him in the seasons. And in the many-sided weather, you can guess the changeability of mood, which is inherent in all people without exception.

The poet brilliantly conveys the feelings of nature, penetratingly feeling her quivering unrest and pain. He does not try to describe her external beauty, but looks deeply into the depths, as if examining her touching soul, conveying to readers all the most lively and incredibly reasonable feelings of the surrounding nature.

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