Civil theme in Tyutchev's lyrics. And all of nature is like fog. Love is left behind you

F.I. Tyutchev is a brilliant lyricist, a subtle psychologist, a deep philosopher. A singer of nature, keenly aware of the cosmos, a wonderful master of a poetic landscape, spiritual, expressing human emotions.

Tyutchev's world is full of mystery. One of his mysteries is nature. Two forces constantly confront and coexist in it: chaos and harmony. In the abundance and triumph of life, death lurks; under the cover of day, night hides. Nature in Tyutchev’s perception is continuously doubling, “polarizing.” It is no coincidence that the poet’s favorite technique is antithesis: the “valley world” is opposed to the “icy heights,” the dim earth is opposed to the sky shining with a thunderstorm, the light is opposed to the shadows, the “blessed south” is opposed to the “fatal north.”

Tyutchev's paintings of nature are characterized by dynamism. In his lyrics, nature lives at different times of the day and seasons. The poet paints the morning in the mountains, and the “night sea,” and the summer evening, and the “hazy afternoon,” and the “first thunder of spring,” and the “gray moss” of the north, and the “fragrances, flowers and voices” of the south.

Tyutchev strives to capture the moment of transformation of one picture into another. For example, in the poem “The gray shadows mixed...” we see how dusk gradually thickens and night falls. The poet conveys the rapid change in the states of nature with the help of non-union constructions, homogeneous members offers. The dynamism of the poetic picture is given by the verbs: “mixed,” “fell asleep,” “faded,” “resolved.” The word “movement” is perceived as a contextual synonym for life.

One of the most remarkable phenomena of Russian poetry is Tyutchev’s poems about the captivating Russian nature, which in his poems is always spiritualized:

Not what you think, nature:

Not a cast, not a soulless face -

She has a soul, she has freedom,

It has love, it has language...

The poet strives to understand and capture the life of nature in all its manifestations. With amazing artistic observation and love, Tyutchev created unforgettable poetic pictures of the “original autumn,” a spring thunderstorm, a summer evening, and a morning in the mountains. A wonderful image of such a deep, soulful image of the natural world can be a description of a summer storm:

How cheerful is the roar of summer storms,

When, throwing up the flying dust,

A thunderstorm that has swept in like a cloud,

Confuses the blue sky.

And recklessly and thoughtlessly

Suddenly he runs into the oak grove,

And the whole oak grove will tremble

Broad leaves and noisy...

Everything in the forest seems alive to the poet, full of deep meaning, everything speaks to him “in a language understandable to the heart.”

With images of the natural elements, he expresses his innermost thoughts and feelings, doubts and painful questions:

Calm order in everything;

There is complete harmony in nature, -

Only in our illusory freedom

We are creating discord with her.

“The faithful son of nature,” as Tyutchev called himself, he exclaims:

No, my passion for you

I can’t hide it, Mother Earth!

In the “flourishing world of nature” the poet saw not only “an excess of life”, but also “damage”, “exhaustion”, “the smile of withering”, “spontaneous discord”. Thus, Tyutchev’s landscape lyrics express the poet’s contradictory feelings and thoughts.

Nature is beautiful in all its manifestations. The poet sees harmony in “spontaneous disputes.” The harmony of nature is contrasted with the eternal discord in human life. People are self-confident, they defend their freedom, forgetting that man is just a “dream of nature.” Tyutchev does not recognize separate existence, he believes in the World Soul as the basis of all living things. A person, forgetting about his connection with the world around him, dooms himself to suffering and becomes a toy in the hands of Rock. Chaos, which is the embodiment of the creative energy of the rebellious spirit of nature, frightens people.

Fatal principles, the onset of chaos on harmony determine human existence, its dialogue with fate. A person is fighting a duel with “irresistible Fate”, with disastrous temptations. He tirelessly resists and defends his rights. The problem of “man and fate” is most clearly reflected in the poem “Two Voices”. Addressing the readers, the poet calls:

Take courage, O friends, fight diligently,

Although the battle is unequal, the struggle is hopeless!..


anxiety and labor are only for mortal hearts...

For them there is no victory, for them there is an end.

The silence of nature that surrounds man looks ominous, but he does not give up; he is driven by the noble will to resist merciless force and courage, the readiness to go to death in order to “snatch the victorious crown from Rock.”

All his work bears the stamp of thoughts about the contradictions in public life, of which the poet was a participant and thoughtful observer.

Calling himself “a fragment of old generations,” Tyutchev wrote:

How sad a half-asleep shadow is,

With exhaustion in the bones,

Towards the sun and movement

To wander after a new tribe.

Tyutchev calls man insignificant dust, a thinking reed. Fate and the elements rule, in his opinion, over a person, a homeless orphan, his fate is like an ice floe melting in the sun and floating into the all-encompassing sea - into the “fatal abyss.”

And at the same time, Tyutchev glorifies the struggle, courage, fearlessness of man, the immortality of feat. With all the fragility human existence people have a great thirst for the fullness of life, flight, heights. The lyrical hero exclaims:

Oh Heaven, if only once

This flame developed at will -

And, without languishing, without suffering any longer,

I would shine - and go out!

Tension and drama penetrate into the sphere of human feelings. Human love is only a “fatal duel.” This is especially acutely felt in the Denisevsky Cycle. Tyutchev’s psychological mastery, the depth of comprehension of the innermost secrets of the human heart make him the forerunner of Tolstoy’s discoveries in the field of “dialectics of the soul”, determine the movement of all subsequent literature, increasingly immersed in the subtlest manifestations of the human spirit.

The stamp of duality lies on Tyutchev’s love lyrics. On the one hand, love and its “charm” are the “key of life”, “wonderful captivity”, “pure fire”, “the union of the soul with the dear soul”; on the other hand, love seems to him like “violent blindness,” “an unequal struggle between two hearts,” “a fatal duel.”

Tyutchev's love is revealed in the guise of an insoluble contradiction: boundless happiness turns into tragedy, moments of bliss entail terrible retribution, lovers become executioners for each other. The poet makes a stunning conclusion:

Oh, how murderously we love,

As in the violent blindness of passions

We are most likely to destroy,

What is dear to our hearts!

Tyutchev's lyrics are full of anxiety and drama, but this is the real drama of human life. In an effort to capture it, to transform it into beauty, this is also a “victory of immortal forces.” One can speak about Tyutchev’s poetry in his own verses:

Among the thunder, among the lights,

Among the seething passions,

In spontaneous fiery discord,

She flies from heaven to us -

Heavenly to earthly sons,

With azure clarity in your gaze -

And to the rioting sea

The oil of reconciliation is pouring.

Literary heritage Tyutchev is small in volume, but A. Fet rightly noted in the inscription on Tyutchev’s collection of poems:

Muse, observing the truth,

She looks and on the scales

This book is small

There are many heavier volumes.

Lesson topic:

“Stages of the biography and creativity of F.I. Tyutchev. Main themes and ideas of the lyrics. Lyrics of nature"

(1 lesson)

Lesson objectives:

    Introduce students to the biography of F.I. Tyutchev.

    Consider, using the example of the poet’s famous poems, the originality of the lyrics of nature, the main themes and ideas of the lyrics.

    Practice your ability to analyze lyrical works, highlighting them key images and determining their meaning.

    To develop students’ communication abilities, competent monologue speech, the ability to work independently with reference materials, lyrical works.

    To instill a love of nature through the art of words, to awaken interest in reading masterpieces of Russian literature.

Lesson algorithm:

    Organizing time. 1 min

    Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson. 1 min

3. Introduction to the lesson plan. 1 min

4. Working with the epigraph for the lesson. 2 minutes

5. Introductory conversation about Tyutchev. 2 minutes

6. Study new topic. 16 min

7. Consolidation of the studied material

(practical work of students) 17 min

8. Generalizations and conclusions. 1 min

9. Lesson summary and grading. 2 minutes

10. Homework. 2 minutes

Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the lesson.

1. Development of cognitive interests.

2. Completeness of the UZN.

3. Activation of mental activity.

4. Use of various forms of work.

5. Implementation of individual and differentiated approaches.

6. Development of imagination, all types of thinking.

7. Development of the ability to analyze, compare, specify, generalize and independently draw conclusions.

8. Moral and aesthetic impact.

9. Using students’ practical experience and knowledge when explaining new material.

10. The use of a computer and a multimedia projector allows you to increase the pace of the lesson.

Workbook layout.

Stages of the biography and creativity of F.I. Tyutchev. Main themes and ideas of the lyrics. Lyrics of nature.

Basic summary.

Main themes:

    Nature theme.

    Theme of love.

    Theme of the Motherland.

    Philosophical lyrics.

Features of nature image:

1. Tyutchev’s nature is changeable, dynamic, it is all in the struggle of opposing forces.

2. Nature in Tyutchev’s poems is humanized and spiritualized. She is internally close and understandable to a person, akin to him.

3. Nature and man form a unity in the poet’s lyrics, therefore many of his poems have a two-part composition, built on the parallelism between the life of nature and the life of man.

Nature in different seasons.

Winter: The winter “miracle” takes place in the state magical dream nature, the music of the verse imitates the magical action of the Enchantress, who bewitches, enchants, hypnotizes, plunging into sleep, which is especially emphasized by repetitions. Poems fascinate with their music, cast a spell





    Organizing time.

2. Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

In today's lesson we will get acquainted with the stages of the biography and creativity of F.I. Tyutchev, determine the features of the lyrics of nature, consider the main themes and ideas of his poetry. Our lesson is unusual. During this lesson, the computer will help us understand. So, let's go.

3. Familiarization with the lesson plan.

Check out our lesson plan. Today they are also helping me teach a lesson... (the teacher names the students who prepared individual messages.)

4. Working with epigraphs.

The epigraphs of our lesson can be the statements of great Russian writers about Tyutchev. I.S. Turgenev said about the poet: “Tyutchev... created speeches that are not destined to die.” I.S. Aksakov believed that “... for Tyutchev, living means thinking.”

Do you agree with these statements?

(Students’ answers and reasoning)

5. Introductory conversation about Tyutchev.

What do you know about Tyutchev? (learn the answers).

What can you say about his work?

What poems did you read or learn?

What is the poet writing about? (about nature, about its beauty).

Let's get to know this amazing poet better.

6. Work on a new topic.

1. Messages from individually prepared students on the poet’s biography.

(notes are kept in a notebook at the same time)

After the messages, students are asked to view slides on the poet’s biography and make adjustments to their notes.

Reading recorded facts from Tyutchev’s life (survey of 2-3 students)

2. Tyutchev the poet(student's story using prepared slides).

Tyutchev developed as a poet by the end of the 20s. A significant event in the literary life of Fyodor Ivanovich was the publication of a large selection of his poems in Pushkin’s Sovremennik (No. 3, 4, 1836) under the title “Poems sent from Germany” and signed by F.T.

Tyutchev drew attention in literary circles, but his name still remained unknown to readers.

Since the late 40s, a new literary upsurge in Tyutchev’s lyrical creativity began, but his name is still almost unknown to the Russian reader, and he himself does not take part in literary life. The beginning of his poetic fame was laid by Nekrasov’s article “Russian minor poets” (in the magazine “Sovremennik” No. 1, 1850), in which he spoke about Tyutchev as a poet of extraordinary talent, not at all noticed by criticism, and put the unknown Fyodor Ivanovich on a par with Pushkin and Lermontov.

A collection of Tyutchev's poems was published in 1854 on the initiative and under the supervision of I.S. Turgenev. And late, but genuine fame comes to Tyutchev.

The fate of Tyutchev the poet is unusual: this is the fate of the last Russian romantic poet, who worked in the era of the triumph of realism and yet remained faithful to the precepts of romantic art.

3. The teacher’s word about the main themes and ideas of Tyutchev’s lyrics.

Tyutchev’s poetry cannot be imagined without the lyrics of nature, since, as we have already said, he entered the consciousness of readers as a singer of nature.

The predominance of landscapes is one of the hallmarks of his lyrics. It is correct to call it landscape-philosophical: pictures of nature embody the poet’s deep, intense tragic thoughts about life and death, about man, humanity and the universe: what place does man occupy in the world and what is his destiny.

What are the features of the image of nature?

Tyutchev’s nature is changeable, dynamic, it is all in the struggle of opposing forces.

The poet is especially attracted to the transitional intermediate moments of the life of nature.

Nature in Tyutchev’s poems is humanized and spiritualized. She is internally close and understandable to a person, akin to him.

Nature and man form a unity in the poet’s lyrics, therefore many of his poems are characterized by a two-part composition, built on the parallelism between the life of nature and the life of man. The usual opposition between nature and civilization for romantics is taken to the extreme. It is alien to the poet not only modern society, history, culture, civilization - everything seems illusory to him, doomed to destruction.

So, man in Tyutchev’s poetry is twofold: he is weak and majestic at the same time.

Tyutchev's lyrics are imbued with admiration for the greatness and beauty, infinity and diversity of nature.

He introduced ancient images into poetry and uniquely captured all four seasons of the year in his poems.

Let's try to understand some poetic masterpieces that characterize different seasons of the year, and reveal the meanings of the images.

7. Consolidating a new topic.

Practical work of students (work in groups). Each group was given poems about the seasons in advance.

Student performance.

1 group. "Winter"

1. Expressive reading verse by heart. “The forest is bewitched by the Enchantress Winter.”

The winter “miracle” takes place in a state of nature’s magical sleep; the music of the verse imitates the magical action of the Enchantress, who bewitches, enchants, hypnotizes, plunging into sleep, which is especially emphasized by repetitions. Poems fascinate with their music and cast a spell.

Group 2 “Autumn”.

1. Expressive recitation of poetry by heart. “There is in the initial autumn...”

2. Brief Analysis(the theme and idea, key images, feelings and mood when reading a poem, visual means are called)

The conclusion is written down in a notebook: Pictures of autumn are painted brightly, the action on the ground is intertwined with the favorite vertical movement from the sky.

Group 3 "Spring".

1. Expressive recitation of poetry by heart. "I love the storm in early May … ".

2. Brief analysis (the theme and idea, key images, feelings and mood when reading the poem, visual means are called)

The conclusion is written down in a notebook: Tyutchev sublimely conveys the beauty of the world. The spring action, the “thunderstorm”, unfolding in the heavens, touches the earth. We feel it, there is a feeling of spring and freshness.

Group 4 “Summer”.(poem of your choice)

1. Expressive recitation of poetry by heart.

2. Brief analysis (the theme and idea, key images, feelings and mood when reading the poem, visual means are called)

The conclusion is written down in a notebook: Tyutchev summer is often stormy. Nature is full of movement, full of sounds, colors. And again the poet makes us feel the approach of the holiday.

8. Generalizations and conclusions.

So, what is special about Tyutchev’s depiction of nature? How does his view differ from ours?

(Students’ answers are heard and a conclusion is drawn).

Tyutchev depicts nature not from the outside, not as an observer and photographer. He is trying to understand the soul of nature, to hear its voice. Tyutchev’s nature is living, sentient being.

9. Summing up the lesson.

What new did you learn from Tyutchev’s life?

What images did the poet introduce into his lyrics?

What are the features of the image of nature?

10. Giving marks for the lesson.

11. Homework.


1. A word about the poet.

2. Civil lyrics.

3. philosophical lyrics.

4. Landscape lyrics.

5. Love lyrics.

6. Conclusion.

1. Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev (1803-1873) - Russian poet, contemporary of Zhukovsky, Pushkin, Nekrasov, Tolstoy. He was the smartest, exceptionally educated man of his time, a European of the “highest standard,” with all the spiritual needs brought up by Western civilization. The poet left Russia when he turned 18. Best time He spent 22 years of his life abroad. In his homeland he became known only in the early 50s of the 19th century. Being a contemporary of Pushkin, he was nevertheless ideologically connected with another generation - the generation of “lyubomudrov”, who sought not so much to actively intervene in life as to comprehend it. This penchant for understanding the surrounding world and self-knowledge led Tyutchev to a completely original philosophical and poetic concept. Tyutchev's lyrics can be thematically presented as philosophical, civil, landscape and love. However, these themes are very closely intertwined in each poem, where passionate feeling gives rise to a deep philosophical thought about the existence of nature and the Universe, about the connection of human existence with universal life, about love, life and death, about human destiny and the historical destinies of Russia.

Civil lyrics

During his long life, Tyutchev witnessed many “fatal moments” of history: Patriotic War 1812, Decembrist uprising, revolutionary events in Europe in 1830 and 1848, Polish uprising, Crimean War, reform of 1861, Franco-Prussian War, Paris Commune... All these events could not help but worry Tyutchev both as a poet and as a citizen. Tragically feeling his time, the crisis state of the era, the world standing on the eve of historical upheavals, Tyutchev believes that all this contradicts the moral requirements of man, his spiritual needs.

Waves in borenya,

Elements in the air,

Life in change -

Eternal flow...

On topic human personality the poet treated with the passion of a man who experienced the regime of Arakcheev, and then Nicholas I. He understood how little life “and movement there is in his native country: “In Russia there is an office and a barracks,” “everything moves around the whip and rank,” he told Pogodin. In his mature verses, Tyutchev will write about the “iron dream” that everyone sleeps in the empire of the tsars, and in the poem “December 14, 1825,” dedicated to the Decembrist uprising, he writes:

Autocracy has corrupted you,

And his sword struck you, -

And in incorruptible impartiality

This sentence was sealed by the Law.

The people, shunning treachery,

Blasphemes your names -

And your memory from posterity,

Like a corpse in the ground, buried.

O victims of reckless thought,

Maybe you hoped

That your blood will become scarce,

To melt the eternal pole!

As soon as it smoked, it sparkled,

On the centuries-old mass of ice,

The iron winter has died -

And there were no traces left.

The “Iron Winter” brought deathly peace, tyranny turned all manifestations of life into “fever dreams.” The poem "Silentium!" (Silence) - a complaint about the isolation, the hopelessness in which our soul resides:

Be silent, hide and hide

And your feelings and dreams...

Here Tyutchev gives a generalized image of the spiritual forces hidden in a person doomed to “silence.” In the poem “Our Century” (1851), the poet talks about the longing for the world, about the thirst for faith that a person has lost:

It is not the flesh, but the spirit that is corrupted in our days,

And the man is desperately sad...

He is rushing towards the light from the shadows of the night

AND , Having found the light, he grumbles and rebels.

We are scorched by unbelief and dried up,

Today he endures the unbearable...

And he realizes his death,

And longs for faith...

"...I believe. My God!

Come to the aid of my unbelief!..”

“There are moments when I am suffocated by my powerless clairvoyance, like someone buried alive who suddenly comes to his senses. But unfortunately, I was not even allowed to come to my senses, because for more than fifteen years I constantly had a presentiment of this terrible catastrophe - all this stupidity and all this thoughtlessness was inevitably going to lead to it,” Tyutchev wrote.

In the poem “Above this dark crowd...”, echoing Pushkin’s poems about freedom, it sounds:

When will you rise, Freedom,

Will your golden ray shine?..


Corruption of souls and emptiness,

What gnaws at the mind and aches in the heart, -

Who will heal them, who will cover them?..

You, pure robe of Christ...

Tyutchev felt the greatness of the revolutionary upheavals of history. Even in the poem “Cicero” (1830) he wrote:

Happy is he who has visited this world

His moments are fatal!

The all-good ones called him,

As a companion at a feast.

He is a spectator of their high spectacles...

Happiness, according to Tyutchev, is in the “fateful minutes” themselves, in the fact that the bound receives permission, in the fact that the suppressed and forcibly arrested in its development finally comes out into freedom. The quatrain “The Last Cataclysm” prophesies the last hour of nature in grandiose images heralding the end of the old world order:

When nature's last hour strikes,

The composition of the parts of the earth will collapse:

Everything visible will be covered by waters again,

And God's face will be depicted in them!

Tyutchev's poetry shows that the new society never emerged from the state of “chaos.” Modern man he did not fulfill his mission to the world, he did not allow the world to ascend with him to beauty, to reason. Therefore, the poet has many poems in which a person is, as it were, recalled back into the elements as having failed in his own role.

In the 40-50s, Tyutchev's poetry was noticeably updated. Having returned to Russia and getting closer to Russian life, the poet pays more attention to everyday life, life and human concerns. In the poem “To a Russian Woman,” the heroine is one of many women in Russia, suffering from lack of rights, from narrowness and poverty of conditions, from the inability to freely build their own destiny:

Far from the sun and nature,

Far from light and art,

Far from life and love

Your younger years will flash by

Living feelings die

Your dreams will be shattered...

And your life will pass unseen...

The poem “These poor villages...” (1855) is imbued with love and compassion for the poor people, depressed by a heavy burden, for their patience and self-sacrifice:

These poor villages

This meager nature -

The native land of long-suffering,

You are the edge of the Russian people!


Dejected by the burden of the godmother,

All of you, dear land,

In slave form the King of heaven

He came out blessing.

And in the poem “Tears” (1849) Tyutchev talks about the social suffering of those who are insulted and humiliated:

Human tears, oh human tears,

Sometimes you pour early and late...

The unknown ones flow, the invisible ones flow,

Inexhaustible, innumerable, -

You flow like streams of rain,

In the dead of autumn, sometimes at night.

Reflecting on the fate of Russia, on its special long-suffering path, on its originality, the poet writes his famous lines, which have become an aphorism:

You can't understand Russia with your mind,

The general arshin cannot be measured:

She will become special -

You can only believe in Russia.

Philosophical lyrics

Tyutchev began his creative path in that era, which is commonly called Pushkin, he created a completely different type of poetry. Without canceling everything that was discovered by his brilliant contemporary, he showed Russian literature another path. If for Pushkin poetry is a way of understanding the world, then for Tyutchev it is an opportunity to touch the unknowable through knowledge of the world. Russian high poetry of the 18th century was, in its own way, philosophical poetry, and in this respect Tyutchev continues it, with the important difference that his philosophical thought is free, prompted directly by the subject itself, while previous poets obeyed provisions and truths that were prescribed in advance and generally known . What is sublime for him is the content of life, its general pathos, its main conflicts, and not those principles official faith, which inspired the old odic poets.

The poet perceived the world as it is, and at the same time knew how to appreciate the transience of reality. He understood that any “today” or “yesterday” is nothing more than a point in the immeasurable space of time. “How little real man is, how easily he disappears! When he is far away, he is nothing. His presence is nothing more than a point in space, his absence is all space,” wrote Tyutchev. He considered death the only exception that perpetuates people, pushing the personality out of space and time.

Tyutchev does not at all believe that modern world built properly. According to Tyutchev, peace, surrounding a person, is barely familiar to him, barely mastered by him, and in its content it exceeds the practical and spiritual needs of a person. This world is deep and mysterious. The poet writes about the “double abyss” - about the bottomless sky reflected in the sea, also bottomless, about infinity above and infinity below. A person is included in the “world rhythm”, feels a family closeness to everyone earthly elements: both “night” and “day”. Not only Chaos turns out to be native, but also Space, “all the sounds of blissful life.” The life of a person on the verge of “two worlds” explains Tyutchev’s passion for the poetic image of dreams:

How the ocean embraces globe,

Earthly life surrounded by dreams...

Night will come - and with sonorous waves

The element hits its shore.

A dream is a way of touching the secrets of existence, a special supersensible knowledge of the secrets of space and time, life and death. “Oh time, wait!” - the poet exclaims, realizing the transience of existence. And in the poem “Day and Night” (1839), the day appears to be only an illusion, a ghostly veil thrown over the abyss:

To the world of mysterious spirits,

Over this nameless abyss,

A gold-woven cover is thrown over

By the high will of the gods.

Day is this brilliant cover... The day is beautiful, but it is just a shell hiding the true world, which is revealed to man at night:

But the day fades - night has come;

She came - and, from the world of fate

Fabric of blessed cover

Having torn it off, it throws it away...

And the abyss is laid bare to us

With your fears and darkness,

And there are no barriers between her and us -

This is why the night is scary for us!

The image of the abyss is inextricably linked with the image of the night; this abyss is that primordial chaos from which everything came and into which everything will go. It attracts and frightens at the same time, frightens with its inexplicability and unknowability. But it is as unknowable as the human soul - “there are no barriers between it and us.” Night leaves a person not only alone with cosmic darkness, but also alone with himself, with his spiritual essence, freeing him from petty daytime worries. The night world seems true to Tyutchev, because the true world, in his opinion, is incomprehensible, and it is the night that allows a person to touch the secrets of the universe and his own soul. The day is dear to the human heart because it is simple and understandable. sunlight hides a terrible abyss from a person, and it seems to a person that he is able to explain his life, to manage it. Night gives rise to a feeling of loneliness, being lost in space, helplessness in the face of unknown forces. This is precisely, according to Tyutchev, the true position of man in this world. Maybe that’s why he calls the night “holy”:

The holy night has risen into the sky,

And a joyful day, a kind day,

She wove like a golden shroud,

A veil thrown over the abyss.

And, like a vision, the outside world left...

And the man is like a homeless orphan,

Now he stands weak and naked,

Face to face before a dark abyss.

In this poem, as in the previous one, the author uses the technique of antithesis: day - night. Here Tyutchev again speaks about the illusory nature of the daytime world - “like a vision” - and about the power of the night. A person is not able to comprehend the night, but he realizes that this incomprehensible world is nothing more than a reflection of his own soul:

And in the alien, unsolved night

He recognizes the family heritage.

That is why the onset of evening twilight brings a person the desired harmony with the world:

An hour of unspeakable melancholy!..

Everything is in me and I am in everything!..

Giving preference to the night at this moment, Tyutchev considers it true inner world person. He talks about this in the poem “Silentium!” True life of a person - the life of his soul:

Just know how to live within yourself -

There is a whole world in your soul

Mysteriously magical thoughts...

It's no coincidence that inner life images of a starry night, pure underground springs are associated, and with external life - images of daylight and external noise. The world of human feelings and thoughts is a true world, but unknowable. As soon as a thought takes on verbal form, it is instantly distorted: “A thought expressed is a lie.”

Tyutchev tries to view things in contradiction. In the poem "Twins" he writes:

There are twins - for earth-born

Two deities - Death and Sleep...

Tyutchev’s twins are not doubles, they do not echo each other, one is feminine, the other is masculine, each has its own meaning; They coincide with each other, but they are also at enmity. For Tyutchev, it was natural to find polar forces everywhere, united and yet dual, consistent with each other and turned against each other.

“Nature”, “elements”, “chaos” on the one hand, space on the other. These are perhaps the most important of the polarities that Tyutchev reflected in his poetry. Separating them, he penetrates deeper into the unity of nature in order to again bring together what was divided:

Thought after thought, wave after wave -

Two manifestations of one element:

Whether in a cramped heart, or in a boundless sea,

Here in prison, there in the open, -

The same eternal surf and rebound,

The same ghost is still alarmingly empty.

Tyutchev’s philosophical idea about the unknowability of the world, about man as an insignificant particle in the infinite Universe, about the fact that the truth is hidden from man in a frightening abyss, was expressed even in his love lyrics:

I knew the eyes - oh, those eyes!

How I loved them, God knows!

From their magical, passionate night

I couldn't tear my soul away.

In this incomprehensible gaze,

Life stripped to the bottom,

It sounded like grief,

Such depth of passion! -

This is how the poet describes the eyes of his beloved, in which he sees first of all “a magical, passionate night.” They attract him, but do not calm him down, but make him worry. For Tyutchev, love is both pleasure and fatal passion, but the main thing is the path to knowledge of the truth, for it is in love that life is exposed to the bottom, in love a person comes as close as possible to the most important and most inexplicable. That is why for Tyutchev the intrinsic value of every hour, every minute of fast-flowing life is so important.

Landscape lyrics

It would be more accurate to call Tyutchev’s landscape lyrics landscape-philosophical. The image of nature and the thought of nature are fused together in it; landscapes take on a symbolic meaning. Nature, according to Tyutchev, leads a more honest and meaningful life before man and without man than after man appeared in it. The poet more than once declared nature to be perfect for the reason that nature did not reach consciousness, and man did not rise above it. The poet discovers greatness and splendor in the surrounding world, the natural world. She is spiritualized, personifies that very “living life” for which a person yearns:

Not what you think, nature:

Not a cast, not a soulless face -

She has a soul, she has freedom,

It has love, it has language...

Nature in Tyutchev’s lyrics has two faces - chaotic and harmonious, and it depends on a person whether he is able to hear, see and understand this world:

What are you howling about, night wind?

Why are you complaining so madly?..


In a language understandable to the heart

You talk about incomprehensible torment...

There is melodiousness in the sea waves,

Harmony in spontaneous disputes...


Equanimity in everything,

Consonance is complete in nature...

And when the poet manages to understand the language of nature, its soul, he achieves a feeling of connection with the whole world, with the cosmos - “Everything is in me and I am in everything.” This state of mind is heard in many of the poet’s poems:

So bound, united from eternity

Union of consanguinity

Intelligent human genius

With the creative power of nature...

Say the cherished word -

And a new world of nature

In the poem “Spring Thunderstorm,” not only man merges with nature, but also nature is animated, humanized: “the first thunder of spring, as if frolicking and playing, rumbles in the blue sky,” “rain pearls hung, and the sun gilded the threads.” The spring action unfolded in the highest spheres and was met with the jubilation of the earth - mountains, forests, mountain streams - and the delight of the poet himself.

In the poem “Winter is angry for a reason...” the poet shows the last battle of the passing winter with spring:

No wonder winter is angry,

Her time has passed -

Spring is knocking on the window

And he drives him out of the yard.

Winter is still busy

And he grumbles about Spring.

She laughs in her eyes

And it just makes more noise...

This fight is depicted in the form of a village quarrel between an old witch - winter and a young, cheerful, mischievous girl - spring. For the poet, the lushness of southern colors, the magic of mountain ranges, and “sad places” are attractive in depicting nature. Central Russia V different times of the year. But the poet is especially partial to the water element. Almost a third of the poems are about water, sea, ocean, fountain, rain, thunderstorm, fog, rainbow. The restlessness and movement of water jets is akin to the nature of the human soul, living with strong passions and overwhelmed by lofty thoughts:

How good you are, O night sea, -

It's radiant here, dark gray there...

In the moonlight, as if alive,

It walks and breathes and shines...

In the endless, in the free space

Shine and movement, roar and thunder...


In this excitement, in this radiance,

All as if in a dream, I stand lost -

Oh, how willingly I would be in their charm

I would drown my entire soul...

Admiring the sea, admiring its splendor, the author emphasizes the closeness of the elemental life of the sea and the incomprehensible depths of the human soul. The comparison “as in a dream” conveys man’s admiration for the greatness of nature, life, and eternity.

Nature and man live by the same laws. As the life of nature fades, so does human life. The poem “Autumn Evening” depicts not only the “evening of the year,” but also the “meek” and therefore “bright” withering of human life:

And on everything

That gentle smile of fading,

What in a rational being we call

Divine modesty of suffering!

The poet in the poem “Autumn Evening” says:

There are in the brightness of autumn evenings

Touching, mysterious charm!..

The “lightness” of the evening gradually, turning into twilight, into night, dissolves the world in darkness, which disappears from human visual perception:

The gray shadows mixed,

The color has faded...

But life does not freeze, it only lies hidden and dozes off. Dusk, shadows, silence - these are the conditions in which a person’s spiritual powers awaken. A person remains alone with the whole world, absorbs it into himself, merges with it. The moment of unity with the life of nature, dissolution in it is the highest bliss available to man on earth.

Love lyrics

The theme of love occupies a special place in Tyutchev’s work. A man of strong passions, he captured in poetry all the shades of this feeling and thoughts about the inexorable fate that pursues a person. Such fate was his meeting with Elena Alexandrovna Deniseva. A cycle of poems is dedicated to her, representing, as it were, a lyrical story about the poet’s love - from the origin of feelings to the untimely death of the beloved. In 1850, 47-year-old Tyutchev met 24-year-old E. A. Denisyeva, his daughters’ teacher. Their union lasted for fourteen years, until Deniseva’s death, and three children were born. Tyutchev did not break with his official family, and society rejected the unfortunate woman, “the crowd, rushing in, trampled into the dirt what was blooming in her soul.”

The first poem of the “Denisyev cycle” is an indirect, hidden and fervent plea for love:

Send, Lord, your joy

To the one who follows the path of life,

Like a poor beggar passing by the garden

Walking along the sultry pavement.

The entire “Denisyev cycle” is a self-report made by the poet with great severity, with a desire to atone for his guilt before this woman. Joy, suffering, complaints - all this in the poem “Oh, how murderously we love...”:

Do you remember when you met,

At the first fatal meeting,

Her eyes and speeches are magical

And baby-like laughter?

And a year later:

Where did the roses go?

The smile of the lips and the sparkle of the eyes?

Everything was scorched, tears burned out

With its hot moisture.

Later the poet gives himself up own feeling and checks it - what is false in it, what is true.

Oh, how murderously we love!

As in the violent blindness of passions

We are most likely to destroy,

What is dearer to our hearts!..

In this cycle, love is unhappy in its very happiness. Tyutchev’s relationships of love capture the whole person, and along with the spiritual growth of love, all the weaknesses of people, all their “evil life” transmitted to them from social life, penetrate into it. For example, in the poem “Predestination”:

Love, love - says the legend -

Union of the soul with the dear soul -

Their union, combination,

And their fatal radiance,

And... the fatal duel...

Defending his love, the poet wants to protect her from outside world:

Everything I managed to save

Hope, faith and love,

Everything came together in one prayer:

Get over it, get over it!

The poem “She was sitting on the floor...” shows a page of tragic love, when it does not please, but brings sadness, although sadness also happens with a bright memory:

She was sitting on the floor

And I sorted through a pile of letters -

And, like cooled ash,

She took them in her hands and threw them...


Oh, how much life there was here,

Irreversibly experienced!

Oh, how many sad moments

Love and joy killed!..

In a fit of tenderness, the poet kneels before a man who had enough faithful feelings to look back, to return to the past.

One of the most vital and sorrowful poems of this cycle is “All day she lay in oblivion...”. The inevitable fading of the beloved against the backdrop of the summer riot of nature, her departure into “eternity”, bitter hopelessness - all this is the tragedy of the already middle-aged poet, who will have to survive these minutes:

You loved, and the way you love -

No, no one has ever succeeded!

Oh Lord!.. and survive this...

And my heart didn't break into pieces...

Among the poems dedicated to Deniseva, perhaps the highest in spirit are those written after her death. It is as if the beloved is being resurrected. Sad attempts are being made to correct after her death what was not corrected during her lifetime. In the poem “On the Eve of the Anniversary of August 4, 1864” (the day of Denisyeva’s death) there is belated repentance for sins before her. The prayer is addressed not to God, but to man, to his shadow:

This is the world where you and I lived,

My angel, can you see me?

Even in Tyutchev’s sad lines, a light of hope glimmers, which gives a person a glimmer of happiness. Meeting the past is perhaps one of the most difficult tests for a person, and even more unexpectedly, against the backdrop of sorrowful memories, two poems by Tyutchev stand out - “I remember the golden time...” and “I met you - and all the past...”. Both of them are dedicated to Amalia Maximilianovna Lerchenfeld. There is a gap of 34 years between these verses. Tyutchev met Amalia when she was 14 years old. The poet asked for Amalia's hand in marriage, but her parents refused him. The first poem begins with the words:

I remember the golden time.

I remember the dear land to my heart...

And in the second poem the same words are repeated. It turned out that the sounds of the music of love never ceased in the poet’s soul, and that’s why “life spoke again”:

Like after a century of separation,

I look at you as if in a dream -

And now the sounds became louder,

Not silent in me...

There is more than one memory here,

Here life spoke again, -

And you have the same charm,

And that love is in my soul!..

In 1873, before his death, Tyutchev wrote:

“Yesterday I experienced a moment of burning excitement as a result of my meeting with... my good Amalia... who wished to last time to see me in this world... In her face, the past of my best years came to give me a farewell kiss.”

Having experienced the sweetness and delight of first and last love, Tyutchev remained radiant and pure, passing on to us the bright things that befell him on the path of life.

6. A. S. Kushner in his book “Apollo in the Snow” wrote about F. I. Tyutchev: “Tyutchev did not compose his poems, but... lived them... “Soul” is the word that permeates all of Tyutchev’s poetry , his main word. There is no other poet who is hypnotized by her with such passion, so focused on her. Is it not this, almost against his will, that made Tyutchev’s poetry immortal?” It's hard to disagree with these words.

A. A. Fet

Related information.

“Like clear stars in the night - admire them - and be silent.” In his immortal creation “Silentium!” Tyutchev formulates a conclusion from his many years of reflection and prepares a commandment for descendants on how to understand beauty, love and life in general. Don’t analyze, don’t try to reproduce, don’t copy - be silent and remember the moment when the Beautiful appears to you. And although Tyutchev spoke about the stars, the same words apply to his poems. To understand the lyrics of this extraordinary Russian poet, you need little: admire them - and remain silent.

One of the first poetic publications appeared in 1836 in Sovremennik, where A. S. Pushkin published a cycle of 24 of his poems signed “F. T. ". The next decade saw a rise in his creativity.

The real collection of poems was published only in 1854, when Tyutchev’s poetic talent was discovered and enthusiastically received in his homeland, but even after that the poet shunned the literary world and continued to write down lines on random napkins and notebooks.

Researchers consider the only fully formed cycle to be poems dedicated to Tyutchev’s beloved, E. A. Denisyeva. And although the cycle is called “Denisyevsky,” literary scholars are still arguing whether some of the works from there are dedications to Tyutchev’s legal wife. In any case, this cycle of love messages is compared to famous stories Paolo and Francesca, Romeo and Juliet, Leila and Majuna.

Art world


Tyutchev's poetics are partly similar to a motley mosaic, and that is its beauty and uniqueness. Considering that in 1822 he went to Munich as a member of the Russian embassy and lived abroad for 22 years, the overwhelming number of his letters, correspondence, and witty conclusions were written in French. Perhaps it was living abroad and the classical noble upbringing that instilled in Tyutchev a certain archaism, deep philosophy, and commitment to the “heavy” poetry of Derzhavin and Lomonosov. Yu. N. Tynyanov even believes that Tyutchev’s short poems are an echo, a decay of the form of the ode of the same Derzhavin and Lomonosov, and therefore the feelings and composition in such “fragments” are as intense as possible.

Another striking feature of Tyutchev’s poetics can be called “doublets” - identical images that are repeated from poem to poem:

The vault of heaven, burning with the glory of the stars
Looks mysteriously from the depths, -
And we float, a burning abyss
Surrounded on all sides.

She, between the double abyss,
Cherishes your all-seeing dream -
And the full glory of the starry firmament
You are surrounded from everywhere.

It turns out that we are observing the constant movement of images throughout the poems, where each time they are revealed from a new side, as well as the “fragmentation” of the very form of Tyutchev’s poetry. They combine all of his work into a single whole without the ability to consider each poem separately. It is necessary to read at least the entire collection in order to determine for yourself what the poet put into the multifaceted image of the same “double abyss.”

Themes and motifs

Researchers identify 4 main themes in Tyutchev’s poetry: civil, philosophical, landscape and love. However, as we have already noted, images and techniques are intertwined in each poem, and therefore many works combine several poetic themes.

For example, the work “December 14, 1825” - the central poem of the poet’s civic lyricism - is dedicated to the Decembrist uprising. There are clearly allusions to Pushkin’s “To Chaadaev”: “Blames your names” - “They will write our names”, “Like a corpse buried in the ground” - “On the ruins of autocracy”, etc.

The poem “Above this dark crowd” is also similar to Pushkin’s freedom-loving lyrics; the poet cries about the “corruption of souls and emptiness” in the state in troubled times:

...When will you rise, Freedom,
Will your golden ray shine?

In general, Tyutchev’s poetics are characterized by a mood of death, fate, and tragic predestination. Even love lyrics, which, it would seem, should act as a lighter and more joyful genre in comparison, are permeated with a pessimistic mood: “Oh, how murderously we love,” “Predestination,” “Last Love.” It is important to note that the poet’s last love poems, written on the death of his beloved woman, E. A. Denisyeva, are saturated with deep tragedy, after whom Tyutchev’s cycle of love poetry is named - Denisyevsky. After the death of his beloved, according to the recollections of his loved ones, Tyutchev remained inconsolable for several years, and Turgenev, who visited the poet, spoke of the poet’s lifeless voice; his clothes were “wet from the tears that fell on them.”

Another masterpiece love lyrics, the poem “I Met You, and All the Past” is dedicated to the beautiful Amalia Lerchenfeld, who in at a young age refused the poet, but in her declining years she visited an old friend. Love here no longer represents the source of suffering, now it is a feeling that makes a person alive, no matter whether it is mutual or not. The poet is simply happy to contemplate beauty and enjoy a wonderful feeling. Again, it is impossible not to notice the compositional and semantic similarity with Pushkin’s “I Remember a Wonderful Moment.”

The poem “Our Century” is traditionally classified as philosophical lyricism, but it also has strong motifs of civic poetry:

It is not the flesh, but the spirit that is corrupted in our days,
And the man is desperately sad...

Due to his duty, having the opportunity to observe and compare life in Russia and abroad, as well as being a witness to the difficult period of the existence of the empire, Tyutchev analyzed history philosophically, and therefore many philosophical and civil poems are close in pathos. Tyutchev’s favorite theme, “space and chaos,” also belongs to this range of works. Spending a lot of time thinking about the place and role of the chaotic in the world order, about the balance of day and night, dark and light, Tyutchev creates such masterpieces as “What are you howling about, night wind? " and "I sit thoughtfully and alone."

Tyutchev called himself “the faithful son of Mother Earth,” but this is not an abstract image at all. The land in his poetry was identified with the Motherland, and the poet himself admitted that the German landscape could inspire him only if there was something in the landscape that resembled his native expanses. Tyutchev's landscape lyrics are musical and figurative, it is filled with precise and atypical epithets and comparisons, sensual details, which allows you to look at seemingly long-glorified landscapes from a completely different perspective. “Summer Evening”, “Morning in the Mountains”, “Snowy Mountains”, “Spring Thunderstorm”, “Sea and Cliff”, “Not what you think, nature”, with all the triumph of figurative and colorful poetry, are deep philosophical reflections on originality, infinity and cyclicality of the world:

So bound, united from eternity
Union of consanguinity
Intelligent human genius
With the creative power of nature...

The image of a lyrical hero

Tyutchev's lyrical hero mainly reflects the personality of the poet himself, and this is most revealing in his love poems. The details, allusions, and hints hidden in them are taken from the poet’s life itself, his intimate experiences and feelings. Just like the author himself, his lyrical hero experiences emotional turmoil deeply and tragically. He often suffers from fate, a sense of predetermination of existence, a super-rational task of the world in which a person is not just a detail.

His hero is a thinker even in love. He constantly analyzes even feelings. His passion is faceted gem, devoid of natural exuberance, but finding completeness in the cut.

Tyutchev's ideas

Tyutchev's poetry is permeated with cosmic ideas and philosophical theories. At the heart of it philosophical lyrics lies an attempt to comprehend the laws of the Universe, the two-part nature of the world, the definition of human essence as an ideal microcosm, and so on. Later, Tyutchev's ideas will become the basis of Russian cosmism.

He was also a pioneer in the field interpersonal relationships of people. While other poets called on readers to open their souls, bare their feelings and thoughts, Tyutchev was a supporter of silent restraint and spiritual solitude of a person. This is the only way to remain honest about yourself and not trivialize what people call the inner world.

Poetic style

In many ways, these deep philosophical ideas predetermined Tyutchev’s poetic style. As we found out earlier, the compositional feature of Tyutchev’s works is fragmentation, conciseness, aphorism, and the presence of repeating doublet images.

Yu. N. Tynyanov argued that the poet’s work is a reorganization of the genres of oratory and romantic fragments, thus representing a unique fusion artistic means. The most common of them were extended epithets and comparisons, metaphors, and deep imagery.

Tyutchev’s original “little odes” became a transitional link between the Pushkin and Nekrasov eras, thanks to the poet’s extraordinary personality and talent, becoming an example of amazing lyrical diversity and poetic philosophy.

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