Why is it necessary to protect nature? Why a person should take care of the environment Man should take care of nature

On our planet, the danger of environmental disaster is very close. But sometimes one gets the impression that this is understood only in the West, where the environmental component has long been included in the success strategy.

Once upon a time, man was completely dependent on nature. There were very few people on earth compared to the present time, and they did not own all the technology that we now have.

Today it is no longer man who depends on nature, but nature who depends on man. If once our primitive ancestor made a stone ax and cut down a thick tree, this, apparently, was considered a great feat. But today, any weak person, even a woman, can buy a chainsaw in household goods and knock down a huge grove in a whole day.

You can imagine the situation: a ship is sailing on the sea, there are only foolish people? They deliberately poison their food supplies with toxic substances, they burn their sails and breathe this suffocating smoke, then they cut through - just imagine - holes in the bottom of their ship, water immediately begins to gush into them, filling hold after hold. People are preparing their own destruction.

Any sane person will say: this cannot happen. But in fact, it very, very much can. I'll explain. Our Earth resembles a huge ship sailing through the boundless expanse of the Cosmos, as if wide river. And all of our humanity - all people - are like that same stupid team that was mentioned above.

From the chimneys of our plants and factories, we release very toxic fumes that poison the environment. green World, we also pollute our rivers with industrial waste, destroy forests non-stop, and even save ozone layer we are badly influenced, which, like the sides of that ship from river water, saves us all from cosmic rays.

People do not hesitate to destroy the conditions in which they can live perfectly, and with all this they forget that we have only one ship - our Earth, and there is nowhere to transfer from it for the sake of common salvation.

With the large-scale development of science, technical and economic progress, very negative changes are occurring in our environment, which are leading to the rapid depletion of natural resources.

And today we look with sadness, as in different places Hills and mountains, once covered with dense and beautiful forests, are being exposed, how rivers flowing between bare banks are becoming shallow, how ravines and dry soils are appearing, and our zoologists and botanists are constantly putting new and new pages into the Red Book, reporting on those species animals and plants that are on the verge of extinction and that require special protection measures.

Dirty air in our cities appears not only due to heating of homes, but also to a greater extent from harmful emissions industrial enterprises, as well as from exhaust gases from cars and jet aircraft. More than three hundred million vehicles move on the roads of the planet every day, and from every thousand of these vehicles more than three thousand kilograms of carbon monoxide, which is very harmful to all living organisms, enters the air. All equipment, like scary fairy-tale monsters, absorbs oxygen and emits only harmful gases.

It is clear that people can no longer live without the conveniences of civilization. We cannot collect all the equipment into one dump and transfer, say, to a horse-drawn cart or even start walking from Moscow to Minsk.

Of course, humanity will never go back; the movement of civilization cannot be stopped. What happens? We live in comfort and constantly create new technology that destroys nature. What to do? How to find a way out? What should I do?

If all plants disappear on the planet, a person will not be able to survive, only our green saviors give us oxygen, which we all breathe.

And only plants can give the same salvation to humanity. Only they can combat emissions, gases and dust.

The unique properties of the leaves and branches of our trees lie in the ability to attract the smallest particles flying in the air and entering our lungs. Trees do the most in this main role, being the most powerful filters.

Therefore, it is very important to increase the number of parks, squares, alleys in the conditions of modern industrial cities.

Governments are largely responsible for preserving surrounding nature. A lot naturally depends on each of you.

The question seems banal and even stupid. There is probably not a single person who would think that this should not be done. Despite a clear understanding of how to treat nature, people for some reason often behave as if they are living their last day on Earth, and tomorrow will never come.

Nature is the source of life

Once upon a time, when the Earth was very young and humanity was a small group of people, nature was everything to man. Forests were a source of housing; people obtained food by hunting. Clean rivers were used for drinking and fishing. The world's population grew, progress did not stand still.

And now, after many, many years, people began to forget where it all began. Forests are ruthlessly cut down, and in their places factories are built that dump harmful waste into a river that flows nearby, and from it water goes into houses where people use it. It is extremely important to understand why we need to protect nature. After all, without its benefits we cannot exist.

Animal world

Imagining the forest, we draw in our imagination tall trees with green crowns, lush grasses that sway in the light breeze, we hear the chirping of birds, it seems to us that a squirrel is jumping along the tree branches. We know that somewhere in the thicket of the forest live bears, hares, foxes, and other animals. Now imagine that there are no birds or animals. Then there will be no forest, because everything in nature is interconnected.

Take care of animals, because they are an important part of wildlife. Man is accustomed to using the gifts of nature for his own pleasure: people kill animals for valuable fur, and sometimes simply for their own whim. Fortunately, there are caring individuals who create funds and reserves, calling on humanity: “Take care of animals!”

Forest on fire

Summer is coming very soon - this is the time when everyone wants to relax in nature. Everyone wants to bask in the rays gentle sun, splash in warm river. Many people have picnics, light fires, and cook barbecues. Having rested, everyone rushes to return home, quickly collecting everything that is left. But sometimes people leave everything as it is, without bothering to clean it up.

Majority summer time occurs due to human fault. Do not think that a fire can only occur from an open flame: any small spark is enough to set fire to dry grass. It is rare, but it still happens that a bottle glass can serve as a magnifying glass and also cause a fire. Protect the forest from fire, it is dangerous for all living things. And in the areas scorched after the fire, nothing grows for a long time.

Traces of progress

The earth is called the blue planet, and factories, factories, and smoking chimneys are black ulcers on it. It’s already clear to everyone why we need to protect nature, because we ourselves are very dependent on it. And besides, we need to think about those who will live on our planet after us.

Take care and protect nature so that our children and grandchildren do not have to survive on their last strength or look for a new place to live. Some people think that they cannot prevent the harm that technical misconceptions bring to nature, because everything starts small. If everyone begins to treat it more carefully, then many things will improve. For example, when walking down the street, you should not throw garbage at your feet.

You need to be careful not to turn on the water unnecessarily and not to pollute the soil. Recyclable materials should be used ( paper bags instead of cellophane, glassware instead of plastic), wear clothes made of faux fur, instead of encouraging the killing of rare animals. People, take care of nature!


A lot has been created to preserve, and sometimes even to save, nature. environmental organizations. At the state level, it is prohibited to dump industrial waste into water and release toxic substances into the air. Many natural objects are protected. It is prohibited to burn fires in such forests, and fishing is prohibited in the rivers. This is done because man has already damaged this place too much and it needs restoration.

Volunteer teams are being created: people work on a voluntary basis to clean up (in the literal sense of the word) places where one person is not able to restore order on his own. Anyone can become such a helper and work for the benefit of nature, and therefore for the benefit of themselves and future generations.

Don't dig yourself a hole...

You can talk for a long time and beautifully about why we need to protect nature, but at the same time not draw any conclusions for yourself. Sooner or later, everyone must understand that we are part of this nature, that by harming it, we, first of all, harm ourselves. Figuratively speaking, we are sawing the very branch on which we are sitting, and if we don’t stop, we can fall into the abyss.

It is important not only to understand why we need to protect nature, but also to explain this to our children. they will continue to live in the environment that will be left to them from us.

Nature has already suffered a lot from us, but perhaps we now do not fully understand what this may threaten us in the future. The main thing is to remember that we are an integral part of it, it depends on us, and we depend on it.

It is necessary to love yourself and your loved ones, wish them peace and goodness. We need to treat the world around us as if it were ours good friend, help him become better, do no harm and remember that everything around is interconnected, and man and nature even more so. Many kindergartens and schools have long held special additional lessons in which children are taught why they need to be attentive and careful about the world around them. To consolidate knowledge, every parent should conduct similar conversations at home, setting an example for the child with personal behavior.

I stopped reading the news. Every day something from the series “left alone” appears there white rhinoceros" or "fish stocks in the ocean may be depleted in 15 years." After such news, I begin to think how degraded humanity is, since it so persistently saws off the branch on which it sits.

Why does nature need to be protected?

It would seem that the answer is obvious, but judging by what is happening around, many people still do not know this answer. Nature is our cradle, our breastfeeding mother, which gives us everything to make us happy: minerals, forests for air production, reservoirs full of fish, and fertile land.

However, it is human nature to value only what he has lost . I always thought this was extremely stupid. It won't fossils- what will we use to make household items that are now inseparable from our lives? There will be no air - what will we be? breathe? What will There is when the depleted and poisoned earth will not be able to grow a single seed? In the end we just we'll die and I’m very scared by this thought. That is why nature needs to be protected, and this can be done on your own.

What everyone can do

Despite the apparent scale of the task, protecting nature is within the power of every person individually. For example I usually follow these rules:

  1. Save water and do not waste it while brushing your teeth or washing dishes.
  2. Don't break trees and not trample the grass.
  3. Don't kill animals, birds and insects unnecessarily.
  4. Sort the garbage and take batteries and light bulbs to special collection points .
  5. Attribute garbage only in special places for it and do not throw it at your feet or leave it in the forest .

These are the simplest rules that don’t require much effort to follow. But the most important rule is don't be indifferent. Don't turn a blind eye to poaching illegal logging, for discharges of waste from plants and factories into rivers. Only joint conservation of nature will help save it (and us) from death.

Instead of an afterword

The Indian peoples have a proverb. "Only after last tree felled down , when the last fish is caught, the last river will be poisoned, only then will you understand that you can't eat money". And this is the absolute truth. I try to remember it. Remember it too.

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I live in an amazing beautiful country where there are dense forests, deep rivers, high mountains, spacious fields - all this is Russia.
The most important problem for man, throughout all the centuries of his existence, there remains the absence of peace in himself. There are always two principles fighting in a person - good and evil. All the actions we take are nothing more than a compromise between them. Every decision has its own alternative, perhaps better than the action itself; the habit of thinking about one’s actions is characteristic of humans. Often he breaks the law, realizing the full gravity of his crime only after the crime. But why is crime growing in the world? It’s just that everyone probably considers himself different from others, unusual, and therefore there are no moral boundaries for him.
It bothers me that I live in an era where violence and evil are commonplace. But people have already begun to understand the importance of peace and harmony. The only pity is that this understanding is only a means for mutually beneficial policies and economic development. I hope that humanity will realize the futility and destructiveness of war. To survive, a person does not need arsenals of weapons, but kindness, responsiveness, and mutual understanding.
The issue of protecting the environment is a very serious issue these days. Thoughtless human activity over the centuries has destroyed the environment; the twentieth century was a time of environmental disasters. And people cannot stay away. After all, they are the ones to blame for what is happening to nature now. Unfortunately, until recently they pursued only their own interests, not paying attention to what remains after their intervention in environment. And I am very offended that it is I who live at a time when nature is paying back to humanity for all its sins.
Nature. What is it? Take a look around. You will see the sun, sky, clouds, earth, plants, animals. It's all nature. Every person should understand how much nature means in people’s lives, how important it is to love and protect it. Man himself is also a part of it, and he must live with it in wise harmony.
Rapid human activity has led to serious changes in nature. Gradually, they began to notice that the dense forests had thinned out, the number of species of wild animals had decreased, and some had disappeared completely. Over the past millennium globe two-thirds of all forests have been cut down and burned, but the importance of the forest is great: it provides the wood necessary for the economy. Animals and birds live in it, mushrooms and berries grow. The forest keeps rivers full and protects the soil from destruction. Forests decorate the Earth and clean the air, so they must be treated with care and protected. Folk wisdom says: “A man has not lived his life in vain if he has grown at least one tree.”
Every year, 50 billion tons of hazardous waste enter the environment. To protect our planet from harmful effects human activity, it is necessary to limit the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere, such as sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, chlorine, fluorine, ammonia, etc. We need to worry about oxygen reserves in the atmosphere. And the main source of oxygen supply to the atmosphere is the forest, and therefore the way to save humanity lies in the reproduction of the Earth’s forest cover.
Natural waters and the World Ocean are being polluted. This is also the result of human activity. After all, in water polluted by wastewater from factories, factories and homes, plants and animals die, and people need pure water for drinking.
The Law “On Nature Protection” prohibits the discharge of harmful waste and wastewater into water bodies, and treatment facilities are created at enterprises. Thus, man, through his activity, invaded natural environment, and its impact on natural processes negatively affects the existence of life itself.
I think that in order for a person to learn to understand nature, feel its beauty, read its language, take care of its riches, these feelings need to be instilled in him from the very beginning. early childhood, at a time when interest in nature is especially great.

    It seems to me that, first of all, a person should take care of the environment for his children and grandchildren, no matter if they exist today or will still exist, any adult understands that nature already suffers from global anthropogenic interference, so if each of us also pollutes nature will not last long.

    You just need to understand one thing. Everything on our planet is interconnected. We breathe oxygen, which is purified by vegetation. We drink the water that gave life to all life on this earth. We use the gifts of nature (meat, plants, air, and so on). All these gifts of nature are also interconnected. Having lost or crippled one gift of nature, another along this chain will begin to die. And so on according to the domino principle. Every small organism plays its own small role on the planet. From plankton to elephant. Nature gradually ordered it this way, this is the so-called system. It’s like breaking a mechanism part, where the mechanism, after the part breaks, begins to work worse and worse. In the future it will break anyway. If we can restore the mechanics with another part, then nature cannot be deceived and the part in it cannot be replaced by any genetic modifications.

    Our health will depend on the environment that surrounds us. If we do not take care of our environment, but only pollute it, then our health will only get worse. The environment is our oxygen, water, plants, animals.

    A person must take care of the environment, if only because he lives in this environment and is in close contact with it and will continue to be in contact. the environment has a direct impact on humans. For example, a person must protect the air, because polluted air immediately affects health. The same applies to the soil in which all living things grow, including food for humans. The same can be said about animals and plants - they also need to be protected so as not to upset the balance in nature.

    Because everything in this world is interconnected and by damaging the environment, we harm ourselves. People, unfortunately, pollute the environment: air, soil, water, without thinking about the consequences of their actions, but the quality and duration of human life depends on what kind of air we breathe and what kind of water we drink. We must protect nature not only for ourselves, but also for the next generations, for the animals, birds, insects and fish living on our planet.

    We should all love and take care of nature, because this is our home in which we live. Unfortunately, some people do not follow this rule. After a picnic, they leave a mountain of garbage and may not put out the fire. As a result, fires often occur. In Russia, the culture of behavior in nature is very low. In Europe, especially in Germany, they are very jealous of cleanliness. If they see that you threw a piece of paper past the ballot box, you may be fined.

    Because, as they say,

    You can destroy anything very quickly, but restoration will take a lot of time and effort (and it is not at all a fact that it will be possible to restore it completely). There is a proverb

    The same can be said about the environment - we must protect it while there is something to protect. And after us, our descendants, our children, will live in this environment. Of course, we must take care of it.

    The environment is everything that surrounds us. This is the air we breathe, the water we drink, the forest in which we rest, grass, mountains, animals and birds. In other words, the environment is nature, and the similarity of this expression with the expression habitat shows us that the environment is our native home, the place in which we live.

    And how can we not take care of our home, because how well a person will live, what he will eat and drink, and what he will breathe depends on the state of the environment.

    The most interesting thing is that a person has to protect the environment from himself, its main destroyer and polluter. This means we need to be even more responsible for our actions, a caring son of nature, and not an invader.

    Nature must be protected and protected so that a person can breathe fresh air, drink and swim in clean water, enjoy the beauty of fields, forests, mountains. Nature should not die, it should flourish. Unfortunately, people do not always think that natural beauty depends on how we treat it. Thoughtless human activity over the centuries has destroyed the habitat. How important it is to love and protect it. The environment is a source of oxygen, because thanks to it we breathe.

    This need is caused by the fact that everything in our world is interconnected, which is why, thinking and protecting the environment, now you care not only about your future, but also about future generations. Without a clean environment, either people will die out, or human life expectancy will be greatly reduced, because the world has a direct, immediate impact on our health and well-being.

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