About tree removal. Why are trees falling? Trees are falling lately

Trees and shrubs, including forest ones, decorate the garden plot, make it more beautiful and comfortable, create a favorable ecological environment around the house, thereby increasing its material value. It is worth noting that the removal of at least one tree violates the integrity of the forest stand on the backyard territory, leads to its discharge, which, in turn, can lead to the collapse of this plantation, especially if it is ripe or overmature. Therefore, the decision to remove a particular tree or shrub should be made justified, with good reason. In order not to make a mistake in culling trees for felling, it is imperative to invite a specialist who is professionally engaged in the removal of trees.

In this short essay, we will consider cases in which the removal of trees is desirable or necessary. We will try to talk about the signs in which trees are assigned for removal.

In what cases it is necessary to call a specialist to inspect green spaces on your territory:

1. A fallen tree
- if one of the trees on your territory fell to the ground for any reason, for example, from a strong gust of wind, although this tree did not have obvious signs of drying out or disease. This situation indicates that not everything is normal with the forest stand on your site, that many trees in it are sick. Such an effect on the stand can be exerted by the root fungus. Also, in itself, this tree is subject to mandatory removal from your territory, since it can in itself pose a threat to people and animals, and also, after a while, tree diseases and pests will breed on it.

2. Drying of trees
- on your personal plot without visible reasons the drying up of one or more trees began. This is the signal to call a tree removal specialist. When one or more trees dry out in the forest stand on your territory, the removal of trees that have begun to dry out is a necessary measure. We will substantiate this statement in this article below. Drying of trees or shrubs can be caused by different reasons: hydrological, natural waste, infection with diseases and pests of the forest. In every separate case it is required to carry out various measures to preserve the plantation, respectively, and a different amount of work to remove trees.

3.Construction work- at the beginning of construction work on the territory of the personal plot, it is necessary to decide in which places it is necessary to remove trees and shrubs to clear the territory for construction work. The same case can be attributed to the redevelopment of the site, when growing trees and shrubs interfere with the placement of new objects, for example, for arranging lawns and flower beds, installing landscape gardening furniture.

What can cause a tree to be removed:

- is the reason for the mandatory removal of the tree for a number of reasons: a shrunken tree loses its aesthetic qualities, disfigures the appearance of the territory. Due to the fact that a shrunken tree loses its stability, it begins to threaten the life and health of people around it, and it can also destroy nearby buildings and structures when it falls.

2. Windbreak after hurricanes and snowfalls
– it is necessary to carry out the removal of trees after hurricanes and snowfalls. Trees that have fallen in this way are subject to disposal from the territory of the personal plot for the same reasons as when drying out, namely: mutilation appearance territory, danger to people and animals, as well as to nearby buildings and structures. Also, diseases and pests of the forest begin to multiply on fallen still living trees, dangerous for healthy trees and shrubs growing nearby.

3. Strongly inclined trees.
A general trunk slope of more than 10 degrees may cause the tree to be removed for safety reasons. Such a tree has a very high risk that, with a strong gust of wind, it will be uprooted and fall, causing damage to the structures located at the site of its fall, and, God forbid, to people. You need to get rid of such trees in your area.

5. The presence on the trunk of a tree has a hollow or rotten dry side.
A hollow or rotten dry bog on the trunk of a healthy tree is formed as a result of infection of this tree with some kind of disease, for example, various types of necrosis. For this reason, such a plant, even if it is still alive, carries the risk of infection with these tree diseases. woody plants located nearby. Also, the strength of the trunk of such a tree is very much weakened. It can fall to the ground at any moment and cause damage of various severity and harm to the health of people who, at the time of the fall, may be near this tree. For these reasons, it is imperative to remove trees with hollows and rotten dry sides.

6. There are cracks on the tree trunk.
Cracks in the trunk of a tree, such as frost cracks, lead to a decrease in the strength of the trunk of such a tree, which increases the risk of it falling. Also, through cracks in the trunk, various microorganisms can penetrate into the woody tissue of the tree, causing the disease of the plant, and then its death. For these reasons, a tree that has cracks in its trunk should be removed, even if it is still alive.

7. Old big trees. An old, large, spreading tree on the site takes up too much space. The crown of such a tree obscures the backyard area, which creates unfavourable conditions for the growth and development of other plants on the site. On the other hand, an old tree, due to its volume and mass, can largely lose its stability. This leads to the risk of its fall with causing significant damage. An overmature tree has a high risk of infection with tree diseases and pests, and subsequently drying out. Removing trees that are large and old from a home garden is highly desirable.

8. Trees with a damaged root system.
Often, during construction work related to digging pits and trenches, for example, laying communications routes or engineering networks, the root system trees located in close proximity to the sampling site. Such trees have a risk that after some time they may begin to weaken, become infected with diseases and pests, and, as a result, dry out. Since such trees later, after the completion of construction, will grow in the immediate vicinity of the buildings, when they dry out and fall, they pose a direct threat to the constructed structures. Thus, the removal of trees with a damaged root system from the backyard is very desirable.


In this article, we have listed cases in which tree removal is necessary or highly desirable. However, the culling of tree and shrub vegetation for removal and subsequent disposal from the personal plot must be carried out with the help of a specialist who is professionally engaged in the removal of trees. An unprofessional approach to solving such important issue how the choice of trees for removal and disposal in the backyard can result in healthy ones being cut down, valuable trees and bushes, but the sick, dangerous ones will remain and threaten damage when they fall.

This summer was generous with heavy rains, at which time the earth was soaked through. As a result, some fruit trees began to noticeably deviate from their natural vertical position. What to do in

Some of the trees in our gardens have just begun to lean, while others are almost tipping over to one side. Strong slopes (photo 1) are always dangerous by turning the roots out of the soil. The roots break off, become bare and dry, and in winter they also freeze.

It is possible to prevent this trouble if you know the causes of the slopes, eliminate them in a timely manner and, if possible, help the falling trees to firmly “stand on their feet”.

6 reasons to tilt fruit trees:

1. Most often, trees lean on vegetatively propagated (clonal) rootstocks, especially on their dwarf varieties near the apple tree. Dwarf rootstocks allow you to grow low trees with all their virtues. But they also have significant shortcomings, in particular - poor "anchoring" (that is, insufficient fixation in the soil), since the root system of dwarf rootstocks does not have taproots and occupies a small amount of soil. At the same time, the architectonics (nature of the structure) of the tree is violated: it turns out that the bearing area of ​​​​the foundation located in the ground (that is, the roots) is less than the diameter of the crown. Such a discrepancy inevitably entails the collapse of trees both from the severity of the crop and from various "surprises" of the weather. Therefore, in production plantations for dwarf trees, an indispensable condition is their trellis growing, that is, fastening to a strong vertical and horizontal support (photo 2).

In home gardens, individual fastenings can be used, but not to flimsy pegs that are unable to hold a tree (photo 3), but to solid stakes (photo 4).

2. Poor anchoring also occurs in trees on vigorous clonal rootstocks with shallow roots in the soil. Cherry trees especially suffer from this, which already in the first years grow intensively, giving large (up to 1.5 m) growths with large leaves characteristic of this crop. It is difficult for young roots that do not have time to grow quickly to hold a huge vegetative mass of the crown. Besides big size leaves increases their windage and trees often lean towards the prevailing winds in the area. IN middle lane sweet cherry is still a new crop (meaning new varieties adapted here), and specialists are selecting special rootstocks for it. In the meantime, for its cultivation, it is also necessary to provide a solid support immediately after planting.

3. Sometimes young pear trees also bend, if the seedlings had weakly branched roots and they had not yet had time to get stronger. Then the roots will grow both in breadth and in depth, the tree will stand firmly on the ground. But the slope will continue, and even increase from the severity of the crop, if it is not corrected in a timely manner. Therefore, before it's too late - gently pull the barrel to a firmly driven stake, set in opposition to the slope.

5. Another common cause of slopes is the irregularity of the crown around the circumference, which causes it to skew towards the most branched part from the severity of fruits and leaves. This usually happens because of the notorious recommendation - plant by grafting to the north (or south). It is necessary to focus not on the location of the vaccination, but on the structure of the crown. It is necessary to plant so that its bare parts are in the most illuminated place (south or east). In this case, the crown will level out faster, “fluff up” from all sides and there will be no tilt.

6. Trees can fall sideways and are quite safe, but planted too close to a footpath or flower (garden, strawberry, etc.) plot. The seedlings at first seem so small, but soon they grow, and now their branches interfere with the free passage or obscure other valuable plants. The owners either pull such branches up or constantly cut them off, which also leads to crown asymmetry and slopes.

Consider all this when choosing a landing site.

What to do if the tree falls?

Do not start leaning trees, correct the situation immediately. First, for ease of operation, carefully remove upper layer soil around the trunk. Then, on the opposite side of the slope, drive in a strong stake deeply at a distance of about 0.5 m from the trunk. So that when the tree is pulled up, the roots do not come off, it is necessary to dig them up, cut some and then knock out the ground from below, as much as necessary to level the tree. Of course, all this should be accompanied by appropriate watering to fill the voids between the roots, additional backfilling with earth and surface mulching, as when planting.

Tie the leveled tree with a “figure of eight” to the stake in 2-3 places, using a strong rope for this. If necessary, the tree can be fixed with stretch marks to 2-3 stakes. This procedure for leveling a tree is almost equivalent to transplanting, so it is best to perform it in the spring. For the winter, you should try to fix the tree with props, as the slope may increase under the weight of snow.

Immediately five cars were seriously damaged on the 5th street of the Yamskoye field. A large maple fell on the cars. Owners of broken cars believe that the weather is not to blame. It was raining, but there was no strong wind. But there are questions to utilities. They greened the lawn and filed the roots of the maple. So the old tree found a foothold on the other side of the road.

Utilities urgently put things in order on the lawn. fall asleep new land, sow grass. In general, they are eliminating the consequences of a completely unpleasant story - both for five car owners and for the engineering service of the Begovaya district. On Tuesday at ten in the evening, a huge maple fell here, not from a hurricane. The weather was rainy, but not windy at all.

The tree stood and at some point just fell on its side, by a lucky chance, crushing only cars under it and not hitting people. The one-way 5th street of the Yamskoye field became a dead end. The drivers, driving up to the barricade, turned around and drove back in front of the eyes of the police. Clearly brick. Nobody was deprived of the rights for this.

The demolition work went on for half the night. And in the morning the realization came that for some reason the tree fell by itself, and it is not clear who will pay for the broken cars. The council said that they were carrying out work to lower the level of the earth.

"So that in case of heavy rains that may occur, the soil does not endure on the roadway," explains Viktor Yuryev, deputy head of the improvement department of the SAO of the city of Moscow.

Experts explain that the technology removes the top fifteen centimeter layer of the earth. Instead, a layer of soil ten centimeters thick is filled up. And the roots of the trees are not affected. Yuri Grudzinsky is ready to argue with this statement. He explains that the ash-leaved maple tree that fell on his car has a superficial root system. That is, the roots of the tree do not grow deep into the earth, but to the sides. Depth - from zero to half a meter. If the roots are cut, the tree will fall.

"I am a builder by education and a lawyer by second education. Therefore, I can say. - That is, you can’t do this? - You can’t do this. We will prove it in court, if necessary," says Yury Grudzinsky, the victim.

The fallen tree also turned out to be almost rotten through and through. This is evidenced by the dark core - it can be seen on the cut. In the center of the trunk - dust.

"The root system that is in constant contact with over-compacted soil, with the asphalt zone where overheating occurs, begins to slowly die off. And now, through the dead roots, the rot passes to the base of the trunk and leads to the fact that the tree either turns upside down or breaks ", - explains Dmitry Kukharkin, a forest pathologist.

True, this process is not fast and can last for decades. But could the work with the lawn cause, if not the decay of the tree, then at least the weakening of its root system.

“If we are talking about arranging a lawn, then this is usually bedding. And the tree penetrates this bedding with its roots in 4-5 years. Therefore, if we change the lawn every 4-5 years, then we cut off the upper root system unequivocally,” continues Dmitry Kukharkin , forest pathologist.

Moreover, neighboring trees also recently appeared in the center of improvement. Using a special tool, examine the maple wood. Both trees showed signs of decay. The age of the rot is at least ten years old. That is, the conclusion is obvious - the trees can fall. When is unknown. Whether their roots are damaged is also unclear. But most likely there are no botanists in the council. Lawn gardeners are not like them either. Therefore, it is unlikely that they will be engaged in the study of trees.

In Odessa, trees fell or broke during bad weather before, but in Lately more such cases. Why do trees fall, and what should be done so that they do not become a source of danger for citizens? Director of KP "Gorzelentrest" A. G. Riffa talks about this.

- Alexander Georgievich, what happens to trees in our city?

Gone old. Trees, like people, age and die. Especially a difficult situation developed in the central part of the city, where the main planting of trees was carried out in the early 70s of the last century. Then, most often, acacia was planted on the streets, it grows quickly, but its life in urban conditions is short - about 45 years. By law, a tree that has exceeded its biological age is considered emergency. There are 80 percent of such trees on the central streets of Odessa. Another reason for this a large number emergency trees - lack of proper care for them. It was believed that it was enough to plant seedlings, and they themselves would grow. But they need care, and this is not only watering and fertilizing, but also sanitary-forming pruning. In addition, trees are also susceptible to disease. In this sense, the situation in the city center is rather complicated. In the sleeping areas the situation is slightly better, as trees were planted there later.

Obviously, on the central streets, a lot of trees need to be demolished and new ones planted. That is why the mayor of the city ordered last year to examine all the trees in the city and provide information about necessary funds that were included in the 2013 budget.

Many townspeople believe that not only old trees are cut down, but quite viable ones. How do you determine that a tree has already served its time or is sick?

Quite often, when Gorzelentrest employees start sawing a tree, passers-by are indignant: “What are you doing, it’s green ...”. But we must understand that the green crown is not yet an indicator of the health of the tree. There are many signs by which the state of the tree is determined, the state of the leaves and branches speaks volumes. For example, the trees that we demolished on French Boulevard were dry-topped, drying out, had small yellowed leaves, hollowness.

On the trunks were clear signs peeling of the bark or it was completely absent - this indicated that the tree was sick. The trunk of such a seemingly healthy green tree turns out to be rotten. It was these trees that fell en masse on the night of May 31 to June 1, when there was a hurricane: the green crown gained weight due to rain, and the trunk, rotten inside, broke during a gusty wind.

Unfortunately, we do not have special devices for determining the condition of trees, this is done by a special commission under the city environmental department, which is called the commission for the demolition of green spaces. It includes representatives of the city and regional departments of ecology, KP "Gorzelentrest" and other organizations. According to the specialists of our enterprise, 722 trees need to be demolished on 119 streets of the central part of the city, and more than 3,000 need sanitary-forming pruning. Established by order of the mayor working group for the demolition of dead wood, which coordinates the work of city services in accordance with the work schedule. Many city services are involved in cleaning the streets from emergency trees - KP "Odesgorsvet" and "City Roads", district administrations, housing and communal services, traffic police, KP "SMEP", Department of Transport, KP "Odesgorelektrotrans" and others. Residents of nearby houses are notified in advance of planned work in a particular quarter, if necessary, power is cut off, and traffic is limited. On highways where there is heavy traffic and routes of urban electric transport, such as French Boulevard, Bolshaya and Malaya Arnautskaya streets, such work is carried out on weekends, and on the rest - on weekdays.

- On which streets has the cutting of dead wood been completed, where is the demolition of trees still to be done?

Finished clearing trees on St. Didrikhson and Marazlievskaya. Last weekend we worked on French Boulevard. In the future, work is to be done on Osipov, Evreiskaya, Bazarnaya, Zhukovsky, Polskaya, Belinsky, Lieutenant Schmidt, Gymnazicheskaya streets, on Aleksandrovsky Prospekt, in Krasny Lane, Italiansky Boulevard.

Many Odessans regarded the demolition of trees on French Boulevard as preparing it for reconstruction. At the briefing after the meeting of the executive committee, you said that the uprooting of trees had nothing to do with the expansion of this highway ...

I still declare that the demolition of old and diseased trees on French Boulevard is work that was planned last year. On French Boulevard, 67 trees were demolished and 56 stumps uprooted - this is laborious work, there were such roots that the brigade could not cope with for 2-3 days, but until the roots are uprooted, seedlings cannot be planted in their place. In total, more than 80 new trees will be planted on French Boulevard - maples, sycamores, which, unlike those that currently grow on the boulevard, are more resistant to fungal disease, and ash.

- What is the situation in the parks?

In parks, trees last longer than on city streets. There habitat, less gas and dust, no asphalt, which heats up to 70-80 degrees in summer. However, during the May windbreak, many trees were also felled in Odessa parks. Last weekend we carried out sanitary pruning of 110 trees in Shevchenko Park. We will plant new seedlings in spring and autumn. So, in the Victory Park it is necessary to increase the range of breeds. We will partially use our own nursery, but we will also have to buy seedlings in other cities.

Alexander Georgievich, our readers complain that Gorzelentrest is in no hurry to demolish dry trees in the yards, which, if they are not cut down, can cause a lot of trouble.

Let me remind you that courtyards and inter-quarter driveways are the area of ​​responsibility of housing and communal services that serve the house, as well as departments, housing cooperatives, condominiums. We, in turn, are responsible for the condition of the trees on the streets, squares, squares. In order to demolish an emergency tree in the yard, you must contact your housing maintenance section of the KP ZhKS, the board of the housing cooperative or condominiums - they must send an application to the commission for the demolition of trees, which, after examining the tree, decides on its demolition or rejuvenation. KP "Gorzelentrest" only provides services for the demolition of trees. By the way, there are private companies in Odessa that can also demolish a tree, but, let me remind you, only if you have permits.

I will add that now in the districts of the city, pruning of trees in courtyards and intra-block passages is carried out by the forces of housing and communal services under the control of district administrations. Gorzelentrest specialists advise public utilities on how to properly cut or demolish a tree.

Interview conducted by Valentina Onkova

Why does a huge number of trees fall during hurricanes in Tyumen? And why earlier - 30-40 years ago - this was not observed? Why is it impossible to lay asphalt in the immediate vicinity of a tree trunk and what distance must be observed? Why will a tree with a covered root collar inevitably die? To these and other questions to the correspondent website responded to the Deputy Director scientific work branch "Siberian Forest Experimental Station" of the All-Russian Research Institute of Forestry and Forestry Mechanization (FBU VNIILM "SibLOS") Andrey Nikolaev. The specialists of this organization often act as experts during court hearings, when economic entities argue over whose actions led to the death of green spaces. The current level of technology development, according to him, allows scientists to tell the whole “biography” of a tree saw cut: when it was planted, how it grew, developed and from what it died. Mistakes made today by contractors during landscaping can lead to the death of trees and their fall during hurricanes in the future.

Zhigulevskaya street. Photo by Maxim Zlobin

We turned to Andrey Nikolaev for comments after website public safety inspector environment department forest complex Tyumen region Maxim Zlobin provided photographs of several dozen trees with a covered root neck on Zhigulevskaya Street. Landscaping is being carried out here, new sidewalks are being laid along the road. As a result, the area looks elegant. But for green spaces, such a transformation of the territory can be detrimental. As part of the landscaping work on Zhigulevskaya Street, the territory was backfilled, but, unfortunately, the contractor did not take care of the health of the trees: as a result, the root necks were covered with soil, and in some places asphalt paths run in close proximity to the trunks. .

How will this affect the future state of green spaces?

We asked Andrey Nikolaev, an expert in the field of forestry, deputy director for scientific work of the Siberian Forest Experimental Station branch, this question.

“A tree with a root neck covered with soil and roots covered with asphalt inevitably dies. This can be compared with the impact of the immunodeficiency virus on a person: the body dies first of all from concomitant diseases. A tree with a covered neck dies either from stem rot, the development of a fungus or other associated diseases, or pest infestation,” he explained. How long such a tree will last depends on many factors. This can happen in a year or 2 years. At most, the tree will stand in such conditions for 10-12 years, says the scientist. - Not in the best way affects the health of green spaces and the proximity of asphalt. Concrete and asphalt should not be placed closer than 4 meters to the tree trunk, otherwise the roots overheat, die, weaken and the tree dies. If you plant a seedling initially on small plot adjacent to the road or sidewalk (if the distance is less than 4 meters), then its root system will not form correctly: there will be few roots in the horizontal direction. This will lead to the fact that as a result of strong winds the tree will lose its stability and fall. In this regard, planting trees along the roads should be carried out taking into account the recommended distances in order to prevent their possible fall on the roadway.”

In the case when, as part of the improvement, the territory is filled with an increase in the surface level, it is necessary to take care of the presence of near-stem holes in order to minimize the possible negative impact on green spaces. According to Andrey Nikolaev, at the initial stage, by freeing the root neck and treating the tree, it is possible to level this negative factor, but if the tree stands in this state for 2-3 years, then the processes that begin in the roots and trunk will be irreversible. Monitoring the state of green spaces should be carried out regularly - only in this case it is possible to prevent diseases and provide protection from harmful anthropogenic impacts.

Why are so many trees falling during hurricanes lately in Tyumen? …

Answering this question, for example, naturalist Pavel Sitnikov noted that old poplars fall first.

“Each case has its own factors. But, for example, poplars are not the strongest trees and are not long-lived,” he explained. - For the most part, they all landed in Soviet times and now they have reached the peak of their maturity. I think, for the most part, old poplars fall from gusts of wind, which, naturally, 30-40 years ago, were still young and healthy, so they withstood the onslaught of the elements. It is necessary to inspect green spaces and eliminate emergency trees in a timely manner, then there will be fewer cases of trees falling into a hurricane.”

Meanwhile, Andrey Nikolaev believes that the increase in the number of fallen trees in the city during the hurricane primarily indicates an increase in the negative anthropogenic impact on green spaces, including overheating of the root system of trees as a result of the proximity of asphalt.

"A weakened tree cannot resist strong winds and can fall with wind gusts of more than 15 m/s,” he says.

It should be noted that in Tyumen, unfortunately, contractors often violate the requirements prescribed in the improvement rules. This week this problem . It remains to be hoped that in the future the situation will change and contractors will not only comply with the landscaping rules in full, but will also begin to take into account the recommendations of scientists.

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