Presentation of woody deciduous plants for school. Lesson with a presentation for children of the senior and preparatory groups “Trees of our region. Coniferous trees do not change color and stay green all year round.

Teacher : Kozlova N.N.

The world in 1st grade

Lesson topic: "Coniferous anddeciduous trees"(Slide 1)


    to expand understanding of the diversity of trees,

    to form concepts: coniferous and deciduous plant;

    pay attention to the difference of autumn changes in lifethese groups of plants;

    introduce representatives of plant groups,growing in their native land;

    show the role of man in the life of the tree (pay attention to the positive and negative effects andpossible measures to be takento preserve beauty and create favorable conditionsfor the life of trees);

    develop emotional and aesthetic perceptionnature;

    bring up careful attitude to your plantsyard.

Equipment: envelope with a letter, presentation, signalsecological traffic light, pictograms, rubber boots, knife,a tape recorder, a plastic bucket, a bag of cereal, a lighter,pine and spruce branches, paper leaves, laptop, projector, yellowand green pencils.

Lesson Form : lesson - presentation, lesson - hike.

1 . Organizing time. Emotional mood. Slide 2.

Good morning.

What is the mood?


Is everyone of this opinion?

All without exception!

Maybe you are tired?

We didn't take them with us!

Can we lie down and rest?

Let's start the lesson!

2. Opening remarks:

- Guys, what is this unusual message on my desk? Who is it from? Now II will read it to you.

“I know the forest and I love the forest,

I invite you to visit me.

Let on the edge of the sun

There is loud laughter.

unravel forest secrets

I invite everyone to join me."

And at the end of this invitation is the signature:

“I love to walk in the forest, I walk in the forest every day. Everything in the forest is interesting to me: Every bush and every stump. I am a cheerful old man, Old Man-Forester!

Well, guys, shall we accept the invitation of the cheerful Old Man-Lesovichka? And together with him we will go to the forest, to our Mordovian.Slide 3. Old Man-Lesovichok.

3. Determining the topic of the lesson.

What is a forest?(Children express their assumptions. The student types this is the word on the typesetting canvas). IN explanatory dictionary i found the followingdefinition of this word. (I read the definition of the word "forest") .

Whicha short word, but how much it means. Can we do it all

meet in one lesson? Where do we start?(From the trees). Yes, today we will turn

attention to the variety of trees in our forest.

A wise expert on the forest advises us to listen to the report of the weather bureau before we go.Slide 4. Weather.

Describe today.(Children describe the weather of the day).

Slide 5. We're going on a hike. Ecological traffic light.

- What will we take with us on our trip? The guys will offer you different
objects, and with the help of signals, show what you can(showing
green signal) , and with what it is impossible(showing red signal) walk into the forest.
If this is necessary to be careful, turn on the yellow light

Red light - harm to nature!

Yellow - watch out!

The light is green - how beautiful!

The forest will tell you: "Thank you!"

Knife.(Student comes out and shows a knife)

I wanted to strip the bark from a birch with a knife to start a fire.(Red light) (I hang a prohibition sign on the board)


I decided, when I get tired, to sit by the fire,(Red light) (On the desk prohibition sign)

Small plastic bucket.

- I would like to water weak shoots, bushes.(Green light)

A bag of bread crumbs, cereals.

This is for the birds. They live in the forest. I feed them often.(Green light)

Well done! You understand what is useful to do in the forest, and what can be very harmful to nature.

Guys please tell me! What birds did you meet in our forest?

(children's answers)

So, let's hit the road.

Slide 6. "It's fun to walk together." Fizkultminutka.

(Children walk around their desks to the music)

Slide 7. Picture of the forest. (sounds of the forest)

H. Study new topic:

1. - Guys, what do you already know about the forest? Please remind everyonewhat groups of plants exist?

Slide 8, 9. Groups plants. (Pictures come out in turn on a mouse click)

If you forgot, let's call Lesovik for help and guess his riddles:

In the spring it amuses, in the summer it cools, in the autumn it nourishes, in the winter it warms.(Tree)

Two sisters are green in summer, by autumn one turns red, the other turns black.(Currant).

What will not be sown?(Grass)

How are plants divided?(According to the shape of the trunk)

Which group do these plants belong to?

They didn’t let her into the garden, that’s why she burns?(Nettle)

In the spring she turned green, in the summer she sunbathed, in the fall she put on red corals.(Rowan)

I look so much like a rose, maybe not so good, but my fruitssuitable for all to eat.(Rose hip)

In white dresses, girlfriends grew up on the Mordovian land. On the foreststand at the edge, braided leaves into braids.(birches)

Parachutists will fly from these fluffy balls. (Dandelion)

Slide 10. Trees. (On the tables are cards with the image of trees)

2.-You have cards with the image of trees on your tables. Think about what needs to be done with them.(Divide into groups) .

Divide into two groups: coniferous and deciduous.

- Show a group of trees that have needles instead of leaves. How
let's call this group of trees?

Now you have described the signs of coniferous trees. They're called"essential".(Coniferous trees - spruce, pine).

- Show a group of deciduous trees.Let's name this group of trees?

Now describe the essential features of deciduous trees.(Availability leaves and crowns)

Next task:

- Divide the trees into two groups: the first group is the trees that grow in our forest, the second group, the trees that do not germinate in our forest.

(children's answers)

Set aside the cards.

Slide 11. Coniferous plants.

H. Practical work with coniferous plants .

What coniferous plants do you know? What do you know about them? (Leaves are needles;there is no flower, instead of a flower there is a cone; the tree is green all year round.) Want toknow even more? Lesovichok will help with this. He allowed to breaksprig of spruce and pine. Why do you think he was not allowed to pluck a lottwigs? (This can kill the tree).

Pair work . - Consider and compare spruce and pine branches.(twigs
pre-prepared and lie on the desk). Highlight distinctivespruce signs.

Conclusion : Spruce - needles are short, prickly, sit one at a time, trees change themafter 5-6 years.

name features pines.

Conclusion : Pine - needles are long, soft, sit in pairs, live 2-3 years.

The peculiarity of the pine has long been noticed by people and reflected in folkriddles.(Student tells).

I have longer needles than a Christmas tree.

I am growing very straight - in height.

If I'm not at the edge,

Branches only at the top.(Pine)

In pine and spruce forests, the air is very clean. He kills the badbacteria.

And look at this tree. What does it look like? (Back to slide 10 . Trees)

I'm not a pine and I'm not a tree.

Only autumn on the threshold - ( I single out larch )

Every single needle

I'll throw it off the branches right on time.

Find in the textbook on page 38 a tree that looks like a spruce, but without needles in the wintertime. Read what it's called. Who guessed why?

Slide 12. Larch.

In autumn, golden needles, like leaves, fall to the ground, hence thetree name.

Which group of trees does larch belong to? (Larch descends to coniferous trees).

Slide 13. Coniferous trees

Slide 14. Deciduous trees.

Now look at the group of remaining trees.

Remind Lesovichka, what are they called?(deciduous)

Are these the same trees or different ones? How did you know?(They are different in height, stem thickness, leaf shape and color).

What unites them?(The leaves are shed in autumn.)

Physical education:

We walked through the forest

And let's get some rest.

Let's get up and take a deep breath. Let's spread our hands together(spread arms out to the sides ),

Now let's go ahead and play a little.

Miracles in our world:

Children became dwarfs(sit down)

And then everyone stood up together,

We have become giants.(Stand up)

We clap together(clap hands)

We stomp our feet!(stomp feet)

We went to the forest lawn,

Raising your legs higher

Through bushes and hummocks,

Through branches and stumps.

Who walked so high -

Didn't trip, didn't fall.

Well we walked and did not get tired!(We walk in place)

Have you seen how many trees there are around? Have you ever wondered how theyfeel?

4. Independent work in a notebook. Task 1. Page 38.slide 15.

Peer review on slide 15.

5. creative work children.

Each of you drew your favorite tree at home.Ready to show off your drawings? (Pictures are attached to the board.)

Look what a wonderful forest we have turned out. I am sure that the Old Man-Lesovichka will like living here very much.

Guys, we have been traveling through our forest for a long time. Did you like it? What's newlearned? Who should be thanked for this walk?

Let's listen to a poem by a Mordovian poet

Here on such a colorful note we will end our lesson.

Slide 20. Well done!

Alexandra Melnikova
Presentation session for older and older children preparatory group"Trees of our land"

State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 104 of a general developmental type

Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg

Presentation for children of the senior and preparatory groups.

Subject: Trees of our region.

Teacher Melnikova Alexandra Alexandrovna.

St. Petersburg 2013

Target: Expansion of knowledge and ideas of children about trees growing in our city.

Description: The acquaintance of preschoolers with trees takes the form of a slide journey.


Enrich children's ideas about trees;

Activate children's vocabulary;

Develop thinking, speech, imagination, cognitive interest, the ability to analyze, compare, generalize;

Cultivate respect for nature.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, now we will go on an interesting journey through the forests and trees of our region. First, I will give you a riddle, and you will try to guess which tree we are talking about.

Educator: So the first riddle:

Bitches horny,

winged fruits,

And the leaf is a palm,

With a long leg.

Children's answers.

Educator: Now listen to me, I'll tell you a little about this tree.

Maple is a tree or shrub with deciduous, simple, lobed, rather large leaves. Maple fruits have light peculiar wings, with the help of which the seeds are carried by the wind around the area.

In autumn, these plants turn into bright colors: lemon, yellow, red, orange or burgundy. Their coloring depends on the type of maples. Maple is an inhabitant of cities and towns.

Educator: The following riddles, listen carefully and find out the clues.

He will rise in the forest like a knight,

Give acorns on time.

Both the forester and the lumberjack

They are familiar with him. This.

And you don't even have to guess

Here, let's call it right away

If only someone could tell

What acorns on it!

Children's answers.

Oak is a large, deciduous tree and is also called an evergreen tree.

Oak has a strong root. Its leaves are elongated. Oaks propagate by acorn seeds. They are oblong with a shiny brown or green shell. They have brown caps on the top of their head. Acorns serve as good food for animals. But, if for animals there are acorns naturally, then for people the fruits of oak are inedible. Oaks are long-lived giants.

Educator: And here is the next riddle.

slender girl,

chintz dress,

black boots,

in spring - earrings.

Children's answers.

Birch is graceful deciduous tree with thin hanging branches. The birch has a white bark with black markings. The leaves are dense, triangular or diamond-shaped, with serrated edges. In spring, the birch produces long brown or green catkins. In autumn birch groves covered with gold from bright yellow foliage.

Birch can often be found on city streets, in parks and squares.

Educator: And again a mystery, but what kind of tree is this?

In May, it warmed, turned green,

I put on the grapes in autumn.

In the scarlet berries - bitterness.

What kind of tree?

Children's answers.

Mountain ash is a deciduous tree or shrub from 4 to 8 m high. Its bark is gray. The leaves are compound, long, consisting of 9 small leaflets. White small flowers are collected in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence. Rowan fruits - orange red bitter-tasting berries.

At any time of the year, mountain ash is an adornment of streets, gardens and parks.

Educator: But this is more difficult riddle. Listen carefully.

On the branches on a spring evening

White opened candles.

The giant is holding candles.

What is his name?

Children's answers.

Chestnut. It's big tall tree with large branches. The leaves of this tree are also large. The flowers are small, collected in catkins. Fruits - a chestnut - nuts of chestnut color.

Beautiful shiny dark brown chestnuts are a favorite toy of children. However, I warn you not to taste chestnuts, as this can lead to severe poisoning.

Where it grows: It usually grows in parks and gardens.

Educator: Mystery.

Dropped branches into the water

And she was sad about something.

Look how beautiful

Bent over the river.

Children's answers.

Willow is a tree or shrub of various sizes and shapes. It has thin and flexible branches and narrow elongated leaves with a sharp tip. The flowers are small. She loves wet areas and settles near rivers, streams, ponds and swamps, often found in damp forests, wet meadows and ditches.

Educator: Ah, well done, listen to the next riddle.

The trees in the forest are

Even on a quiet day they tremble.

Along the winding path

They rustle the leaves.

Children's answers.

Aspen is a slender tree, up to 30 m high, with light greenish-gray bark. The leaves are oval-heart-shaped (similar to hearts, gray-green in color, serrated along the edges.

In autumn, aspen acquires a bright yellow or orange-red color, and brown-brown catkins appear in spring.

Educator: And now a riddle about the children's favorite tree.

Who in summer and winter

In a prickly tar coat?

In autumn rain and drops

He doesn't take off his coat.

Children's answers.

Spruce is an evergreen coniferous tree. The cones are hanging, oblong and grow at the ends of the upper branches. Spruce is a long-lived tree. She lives for many years.

Spruce is a favorite plant of city alleys, parks and squares.

Speech exercise for the development of language flair.

Educator: And now we're going to play a little. I will start the sentence, and you will try to finish it:

“The oak has leaves. ?

At the aspen? - ... aspen

At the birch? - ... birch

At the rowan? - ... rowan

At the maple? - ... maple

By the poplar? - ... poplar "

So our fascinating journey through the forests of our region has come to an end. Tell us what you remember and liked the most?

Children's answers.

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Slides captions:

Coniferous trees Kravtsun M.G. teacher primary school MBOU Egorlykskaya secondary school No. 1

Solve riddles.

What kind of girl is this: Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman, She does not sew anything herself, But in needles all year round. Spruce

He is many hundreds of years old. He is wearing a green sheepskin coat. Although it grows in the remote taiga, He is always highly respected. After all, for adults, for children, He is very rich in cones. And in cones, whatever you say, Nuts are delicious inside. Cedar

A relative of the Christmas tree has Non-thorny needles, But, unlike a Christmas tree, Those needles fall off. Larch

This grandmother is a hundred years old, She does not have a hump, She sticks out high, She looks far, Death will come for the old woman - The grandmother will become a hut. Pine

Coniferous trees are one of the most ancient groups of plants, which are about 300 million years old. Representatives of coniferous trees: cypress, yew, cedar, fir, juniper, pine, spruce, etc. Coniferous trees in abundance, in one form or another, grow throughout the globe, in all parts of the world. Often coniferous trees dominate over other plants. The size of an adult coniferous tree can reach 100 meters in height (the tallest coniferous tree is the evergreen Sequoia - 115.2 meters). In addition, representatives of coniferous trees are not only the tallest, but also the thickest - Mexican Taxodium (11.42 meters in diameter), old - Durable Pine (4700 years) and large - Giant Sequoia Dendron (with a volume of 1486.9 m³) flora representatives. In Russia, the most common are spruce, pine, fir, cedar, juniper.

record holders

Thick - Mexican Taxodium (11.42 m in diameter)

Old - Durable Pine (4700 years)

Large - Giant Sequoia (with a volume of 1486.9 m³).


Name 5 coniferous trees (spruce, pine, fir, cedar, larch) 2. Who is spruce friends with in winter? (spruce is friends with crossbill, woodpecker and squirrel in winter) 3. Why do spruce trees have the shape of a triangle? (snow easily slides off them, and does not break branches). 4. What kind of coniferous tree sheds needles for the winter? (larch)

5. Do pine or spruce have longer needles? (near pines) 6. What kind of climate do conifers like? (cold climate) 7. Which birds feed on cones of coniferous trees? (crossbill, nutcracker) 8. Which coniferous tree has cones - berries? (juniper)

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation "Coniferous trees"

The presentation introduces students to the characteristics of coniferous trees, as well as their use in the economy. The presentation can be used in the lessons on the study of the surrounding world in grades 1-2....

In this lesson, the topic "Deciduous and Coniferous Trees" will be considered, which will help students learn about two groups of trees - deciduous and coniferous. Consider their distinguishing features.

Lesson: Deciduous and coniferous trees

As you know, each tree has its own distinctive features. Leaves are one such feature. Sheet- This is one of the main organs of the plant, performing the function of respiration and nutrition. The leaves of trees are very diverse in shape and size.

Birch has small carved leaves.

Linden leaves are shaped like a heart.

Oak leaves will expand at the top of the leaf.

Maple has a wide leaf plate with pointed ends.

Rowan has a complex leaf, on the central petiole there are up to 15 small leaves.

Complex leaf and chestnut. Slightly pointed leaves are connected at the top of the main petiole.

Birch, mountain ash, oak, maple, linden are deciduous trees. They have their own distinctive features.

1) The presence of leaves.

2) In autumn, the color of the leaves changes.

3) All deciduous trees shed their foliage. This phenomenon is called leaf fall.

A large number of treesform a deciduous forest.

Let's get acquainted with some representatives of deciduous trees.

The most powerful tree in the forest is considered oak. Our ancestors considered oak sacred tree. The height of the oak is about 50 meters, the life expectancy is 500 years. But there are centenarians for more than a thousand years. Ripe on oak trees in autumn acorns.

These are rich and nutritious fruits. The squirrel loves to eat acorns, and will hide them in a hollow in reserve. The forest bird jay is also a lover of delicious fruits. Rushing for acorns and wild boars, because they need to accumulate fat in order to overwinter the winter.

Our ancestors knew: a lot of acorns on oak - to harsh winter. Wheat should be sown when the oak leaves unfold. And oak is considered a symbol of power and strength. Oak wreaths were awarded to the bravest warriors.

People say about cowardly people: "It trembles like an aspen leaf." In fact, the aspen leaf trembles from the slightest breath of wind. This is due to the structure of the petiole . The aspen petiole is very thin and long, even in calm weather, aspen leaves rustle quietly. In the spring, before the leaves appear on the aspen, earrings appear. People say: "Fluff flew from the aspen, go to the forest for a boletus."

These are mushrooms that love to grow under the aspen. The caps of these mushrooms resemble the autumn color of aspen leaves.

What tree is this riddle about?

Takes from my flower

The bee is the most delicious honey.

And everyone hates me

Remove the thin skin.

This Linden. Fragrant fragrant linden flowers attract bees. And it is not for nothing that the bees produce linden honey, it has healing properties. Our ancestors went to linden for bast. This inner part bark. Thin strips were removed from the tree and bast shoes were woven. Linden wood is very soft and white. Furniture, dishes and musical instruments are made from it.

The second group of trees is coniferous. Needles are modified leaves. Coniferous trees include spruce, cedar pine, fir, larch. A forest of coniferous trees is called coniferous. Unlike deciduous trees, coniferous trees do not shed their needles in autumn, so their other name is evergreen.

Spruce is an evergreen coniferous tree. The crown of the tree descends to the very ground, so it is dark and damp in the spruce forests. spruce forests called spruce forests. Spruce roots are located close to the surface of the earth. Therefore, from a strong wind, spruce trees fall, forming impenetrable thickets and windbreaks. It looks like a spruce branch with cones. Cones are oblong.

Spruce - very interesting and useful tree. Its wood is used for making musical instruments and paper. Coniferous trees emit special substances, they fill the air with a pleasant aroma and purify it. How much joy the green beauty brings to the house on New Year's Eve!

Pine is a coniferous tree. The crown of the tree is at the very top, so in pine forests light. Such a forest is called pine forest . The pine has powerful roots, so it is not afraid of strong winds. And pine can grow on rocks and ravines. It looks like a pine branch with a cone.

Pine needles are longer than those of spruce. Needles grow on a branch two together. Cones are short, rounded.

There is a tree with unusual properties among coniferous trees - this larch. Like spruce and pine, larch has needles; in autumn, larch turns yellow and sheds needles like leaves, which is why it is called larch. In the spring, young needles reappear from the buds.

If there are both coniferous and deciduous trees in the forest, such a forest is called mixed.

Trees are the lungs of our planet. Absorbing harmful substances Trees release air and oxygen. Leaves hold fumes and soot. Trees need to be protected.

In the next lesson, the topic "Autumn in the life of plants" will be considered. In the course of the lesson, we will learn about the most important seasonal changes that occur with almost all plants. Let's see how autumn manifests itself, and then find out the role of autumn in plant life.

1. Samkova V.A., Romanova N.I. The world around 1. - M .: Russian word.

2. Pleshakov A.A., Novitskaya M.Yu. The world around 1. - M .: Education.

3. Gin A.A., Faer S.A., Andrzheevskaya I.Yu. The world around 1. - M .: VITA-PRESS.

1. Describe deciduous trees.

2. Describe conifers.

3. Guess the riddles.

1. I have longer needles than a Christmas tree.

I am growing very straight - in height.

If I'm not on the edge,

Branches only at the top. (Pine)

2. You will always find her in the forest -

You go for a walk and you will meet:

It is prickly, like a hedgehog,

In winter in a summer dress. (Spruce)

3. In this sleek box

Bronze color

Hidden little oak tree

Next summer. (Acorn)

4. Who knows what kind of tree this is?

A relative has a Christmas tree

Non-thorny needles.

But unlike the Christmas tree -

Those needles are falling off. (Larch)

5. Takes from my flower

Bee is the most delicious honey.

And yet they offend me

The thin skin is torn off. (Linden)

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Slides captions:

Coniferous trees

Prepared by Petrova Nadezhda Vasilievna St. Petersburg GBDOU kindergarten No. 11 10/25/2015 2

Scotch pine evergreen tree height up to 40m. The length of the root is up to 30 m. The crown is highly raised, cone-shaped, and then rounded, wide. Pine lives on average up to 350 years. 10/25/2015 3

Pine needles Needles are trihedral or flattened, located on short shoots in two, long and narrow, hard, smooth, prickly (up to 8 cm long), usually remain on the shoots from 3 to 6 years. 25.10.2015 4

The pine "blooms" in late May - early June 25.10.2015 5

Pine cones and seeds 25.10.2015 6

Application of pine Pine wood is widely used. Rosin and turpentine are obtained from pine resin, with deeper processing, solvents, flavors, and adhesives are obtained. 25.10.2015 7

Norway spruce 25.10.2015 8 Evergreen spruce is the oldest tree in the Russian forest. Reaches 30 m. The spruce is frost-resistant, shade-hardy.

Spruce needles Spruce needles are tetrahedral, arranged in a spiral, sitting one at a time on leaf pads. The length of the needles is up to 2 cm. The life expectancy of each needle is six or more years. 25.10.2015 9

Spruce cones and seeds 10/25/2015 10

The use of spruce Spruce wood is used in construction, used in the pulp and paper industry, as well as for the manufacture of musical instruments, containers, sleepers, telegraph poles. 10/25/2015 11

At Christmas and New Year it is customary to put Christmas tree. 25.10.2015 12

Larch Larch in favorable conditions grows up to 50 meters, lives up to 400 years. In autumn, larch turns yellow like deciduous trees, and in winter its needles crumble. 10/25/2015 13

Larch needles Larch needles are soft, tender, flattened, bright green. They grow in bunches of 20-30 pieces together. The length of the needles reaches 40 mm. 25.10.2015 14

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