Feeds everyone. Outline of the lesson on the development of speech (preparatory group) on the topic: Summary of the lesson for the preparatory group "I feed the whole world, but I don't eat it myself." Riddles among children


Who changes clothes four times a year?

She feeds us all, but does not ask for food herself.

I feed the whole world, but I don’t eat it myself.

They beat me, pounded me, tossed me, cut me, I endure everything and cry with all kindness.

The bowl is black, the lid is white. (Earth, snow.)

The edge is visible, but it is impossible to reach it. (Horizon.)


Blue fur coat covered the whole world.

The carpet is big, big, and not step on it with your foot.

The blue sheet dresses the whole world.

Round and long, but no one will get it.

Look out the window, you see a blue canvas.

On a blue field, an invisible shepherd drives sheep. (Sky, wind, clouds.)


Above the clouds a red bird flies.

Everyone loves him, but when they look, they squint.

The red girl walks in the sky.


The golden apple rolls across the sky, smiles in the morning, and the smile-rays are very hot.

One fire warms the whole world.

He walks on the straw, but does not rustle.

By the blue dish Golden Apple is rolling.

He doesn't knock, he doesn't rumble, he looks out the window.

Above the forest, redder than the flames.

He gets up from behind the mountain, happens in the south, goes to bed behind the forest.

Hanging golden sieve, wound.

The fox is running close near the forest: neither to catch up with her, nor to find out the trace.

There is an oak-starodub, on that oak-starodub a bird-crow sits, no one will get it: neither the king, nor the queen, nor the red maiden, nor the good fellow.

(Sky, sun.)

The sister goes to visit her brother, and he hides from her.

It stands like a pillar, burns with fire: no heat, no steam, no coals.

A katitsa was rolling, neither an animal, nor a bird, nor a stone, nor water, you will never guess.

The golden master is on the field, the silver shepherd is from the field. (Sun, month.)

You sweep, you sweep - you will not sweep, you carry, you carry - you will not bear.

As soon as he enters the house, you won’t drive him out with a stake, but the time comes - he himself leaves.

From window to window - a golden spindle.


Moon and month

Young - like a sickle, live - will become like a cake.

Chubby, white-faced, looks in all mirrors.

In the evening, a gray stallion looks into the doorway, and at midnight - runs through the roof.

A fox ran close to the forest: no stitches, no paths, only golden horns.

A bull-horned bull looks from the high road.

The young man walked neither by road nor by way, he washed himself with neither water nor dew, he wiped himself neither woven nor spun.

In the middle of the field lies a hoof.

Stone is fire.

Horned, but not butted. (Young month.)

Above the grandmother's hut hangs a loaf of bread. Dogs bark but can't get it. (Incomplete moon.)

starry sky, stars

There are many white piglets in the blue bag.

The whole field is in holes.

Erokh scattered peas on the field, it began to get light - there was nothing to collect.

A lot of candles burn, not a single one can be extinguished.


I'll lay out a sackcloth, sprinkle peas, put a piece of bread.

The field is not measured, the sheep are not counted, the shepherd is horned.

(Sky, stars, month.)

A bedding is spread out, on the bedding there is silver sand, and in the middle there is a golden circle. (Sky, stars, moon.)


Peas scattered on seventy-seven roads. Nobody will pick him up.

The ship scattered over the mosses, over the seas, over all the cities, no one could collect: neither the princes, nor the priests, nor the duma clerks, nor the literate people, nor us fools.

A letter written on blue velvet, no one can read that letter: neither priests, nor clerks, nor smart peasants.

White flowers bloom in the evening and wither in the morning. The grain crumbled by night. Looked in the morning - there is nothing.

What is more forest?

What is only visible at night? (Stars on the sky.)

The entire path is covered with peas. (Milky Way.)


They drink me, they pour me, everyone needs me. Who am I?

Runs without legs.

It seethes there, there is noise, and often it does the job.

What is tireless and incessantly?

A bridge is being built without boards, without an ax, without a wedge. (Freezing water.)

Without a knock, without a sound, the bridge is paved. (Ice.)

Sister is stronger than brother. (Water, fire.)


The gray bull sniffs at the window. (Dawn.)

A white mare came, woke up the whole world. (Morning.)


It won’t knock, it won’t ring, it will fit to the window.

What will happen tomorrow and what happened yesterday?

(Present day.)


The gray cloth stretches out the window.

The bird waved its wings, covered the whole world with one feather.

Black cloth climbed into the window.

The black cow overcame all people. The black bull knocked down the reeds, the white bull lifted the reeds. (Night Day.)

The white cow picks everyone up, the black one lays them down. (Day Night.)


I will shake the birch, I will push you, I will fly you, I will whistle, I will even drag off your hat. And I can't be seen. Who am I?

Without arms, without legs, knocking under the window, asking for a hut.

What flies but doesn't have wings?

It has no arms and legs, but opens doors.

Without arms, without legs, but opens the gate.

It flies, but not a bird, howls, not a beast.

Not an ox, but raging.

No arms, no legs, but shakes off apples.

The tree fells - neither the beast, nor the water, you will never guess.

Snorts, howls, breaks branches, raises dust, knocks you down; you hear it, but you don't see it.

Noisy, buzzing the whole century, not a person.

You can’t hold Father’s horse, you can’t roll up Mother’s canvas.

(Wind, road.)

Rain, thunder

We wait, we ask, and when it comes, we run away and hide.

They ask him, they are waiting for him, and when he comes, they will begin to hide.

There was a lanky, stuck in the ground.

Tall and thin, but you can't see it in the grass.

I look out the window, there is a long Antoshka.

One pours, the other drinks, the third turns green and grows.

(Rain, earth, plants.)

Thunder, lightning, hail

The horse runs, the earth trembles.

The gray stallion neighs for the whole kingdom.

The ox was jealous for a hundred villages, for a hundred rivers.

An ox roared at a hundred villages, a hundred rivers, a hundred stoves, a hundred different cities.

A stallion neighed on the Siyansk mountain, and a voice was heard on the sovereign mountain.

As the stallion neighed on the steep mountain, the mares in the Turkish land responded.

The tour goes through the mountains, the tourist - through the valleys. The tour is jealous, the turkey will blink.

They knock on the mountain, they listen below.

He frowns, frowns, bursts into tears - there will be nothing left.

A fox flies from under a dark forest, neither can be seen, nor there is a trace.

A fire arrow is flying, no one will catch it.

What burns without fire?

Falls like peas, jumps along the paths.

Grains are falling from the sky.

Large, fractionally frequented - they all drowned.


The eagle flies across the blue sky, spread its wings, covered the sun.

He frowns, frowns, bursts into tears - nothing will remain.

Stronger than the sun, weaker than the wind, no legs, but walking, no eyes, but crying.

Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere. (Cloud.)

They do not know grief, but weep bitterly. (Clouds.)


The guest stayed, the bridge was paved without an ax, without wedges.

Himself without hands, without eyes, but he knows how to draw.

Without arms, without legs, but building bridges.

Although it has no teeth, it bites hard on the face.

The commissars arrived, the windows were painted.

At the gate, Petro dragged him warmly, he himself stands, but does not order others to stand.

The old grandfather, he is a hundred years old, paved the bridge over the entire river, and she came young - she spilled the whole bridge.

(Frost, spring.)

There was a general, he took off his hats from everyone, but three were not given.

(Frost, pine, spruce, juniper.)

It crackles at night, and stomps during the day.

(Frost in early spring.)


A painted yoke hung across the river.

Colored lasso from hill to hill.

Duck in the sea - tail on the mountain.

Across the field, across the meadow, an arc descended.

Lives without a body, speaks without a language. No one sees, but everyone hears.

Who's teasing you and you're not angry?

As it comes around, so it will respond.

Cries without a soul, laughs without joy.


The white tablecloth covered the whole field.

The white coat dressed the whole world.

It flies - is silent, lies - is silent, when it dies - then it will roar.

White flies sat on the field.

White, not sugar; without legs, but walking.

It sows, blows, scatters, covers its tracks in winter.

He sits down on everyone, he is not afraid of anyone.

Lives - lies, dies - runs.

Knee-deep water, but you won't get drunk.

In winter he lay in the field, and in the spring he ran into the river.

It warms in winter, smolders in spring, dies in summer, and comes to life in autumn.

Bel, but not sugar, no legs, but go.

White canvas, and under it it's cold.

It flies like a falcon, lands like a pan, disappears for nothing.

Birds fly without wings and land without legs.

A mountain in the yard, and water in the house.

The uterus is angry, but covered the children with a duvet until the red day.

(Snow cover.)

A peahen flew in, fell in the middle of the yard; a raven flew in, drove the pava out.


Silvery fringe hangs on the branches in winter. And in the spring, in plain sight, it turns into dew.



Over the hills, over the lakes, we flew like white-winged swans without wings, we lost fluff and feathers. It cleared up, and the earth is in fluff.

A bird flew into the water - bang, did not stir up the water, but drowned itself.

From the sky - a star, in the palm of your hand - water.


It does not burn in fire, nor does it sink in water.

Transparent as glass, but you can't put it in a window.

I am water, but I swim on water.

Pure and clear, like a diamond, there are no roads. He is born from a mother - he himself gives birth to her.

I was born from water and I give birth to it myself.

Vasily is leaving, Vasilisa is crying. “Don’t cry, Vasilisa, I’ll come back in the fall!” (Ice drift.)

The window was smashed during the day and installed overnight. (Ice in the hole.)


In the new wall, in the round window, the glass was broken during the day, inserted during the night.

The fur coat is new, but there is a hole in the hem. (Hole.)


White carrot grows in winter.

We have a white nail hanging under our roof, the sun will rise, the nail will fall.

What grows upside down?

In winter, it grows upside down, and in the spring it dies. Who will guess?



Born in the evening, night lives, dies in the morning.

Zarya-lightning, the red maiden walked through the forest, dropped the keys. I saw a month - I didn’t say, the sun saw it - raised it.

In the evening it will arrive, the night will lie down on the earth, and in the morning it will fly to the sky again.

Lost the keys for a month, the sun rose, the keys were stolen.


Runs in summer and stands in winter.

Flowing, flowing - will not flow out, running, running - will not run out.

I have sleeves, although I don't have arms. And although I'm not made of glass, I'm bright like a mirror. Who am I? Give an answer.

Not a horse, but running, not a forest, but making noise.

One says: "Let's run!", the other: "We lie down!", and the third: "We stand and swing."

(Water in the river, stone, reeds near the shore.)


One says: "Let's run!", the other: "Let's lie down!", and the third: "Let's pray!"

One is running, the other is lying, and the third is bowing.

(River, banks, grass.)


Flowed, flowed and hid under the glass.

The cow runs, and the skin lies.

A horse runs from steep mountains, dressed in a carpet, nailed.

(River under ice.)

There is a crooked crook, there is a sheared demon.

"Where are you going, you crooked bastard?"

"What's the matter with you, you shaved demon?" Wherever I go, I will find a way.

(River and meadow.)

“Long lad, where did you go?”

- And you, shaved lip, what is the need?

(River, sloping banks.)

In the summer the horse plays, and in the winter it rests.

(Water in the river.)


Two brothers look into the water, but they will never meet. Two brothers look into the water, centuries will not converge. The mare is running, the shafts are lying. Burka runs, but the shafts stand.

(River and banks.)

One runs, the other lies, and if they got up, they reached the sky. (River, road.)

Without arms, without legs, he climbs a mountain.


I lie above the river, I hold both banks. (Bridge.)


Runs without a leash.

Between the mountains, between the valleys, a white horse runs.


Cakes all over the pan, a loaf in the middle. Not the sea, not the land, the ships do not sail, but you can’t walk.

Not water, not land, you can’t sail away on a boat and you can’t walk with your feet.

The ram is running, its wool is trembling.


There is water all around, but there is trouble with drinking.

What mother sucks her daughters?

It rushes along the sea, walks under the wind, it reaches the shore - it immediately disappears. (Wave.)


Walks on straw - does not rustle, walks on water - does not sink, walks on fire - does not burn.

He follows in the footsteps of others, but does not leave his own.

Metu, metu - I can’t sweep it, I carry it, I carry it - I can’t bear it, the night will come - it will go away by itself.

It does not burn in fire, does not sink in water, and does not rustle on straw.

How many do not go along it, but everything will run ahead.

It walks nearby, but you can’t take it with your hands.

You have, I have, the oak in the field has it, but the fish in the sea does not.

Who can't be driven off the earth with a whip?

You can’t run away from it, you can’t lift it - you can’t lift it.

You follow her - she is from you, you are from her - she is behind you.

Time, countdown

Runs fast - you can't catch up.

It is without arms and without legs, invisible and inaudible. And he runs fast, you can't catch up with him.

Without legs, without wings, without a body, it flew by imperceptibly.


He himself does not know the days, but indicates to others.

The day comes and it goes.

An annual bush loses a leaf every day, a year will pass - the whole bush will move away.



There is an oak, there are twelve nests on the oak, on each nest there are four tits, each tit has fourteen eggs: seven white ones and seven black ones.

(Year, months, weeks, days and nights.)

Twelve eagles, fifty-two jackdaws, three hundred and sixty-five starlings laid one egg. (Months, weeks, days, year.)

Twelve brothers roam one after another, do not bypass each other.


There is an oak, there are twelve knots on the oak, each knot has a last name.

(Year, months.)


Twelve fellows came out, carried out fifty-two falcons, released three hundred and sixty-five swans.

There is a house with twelve windows, under those windows there are four barchuks, on those barchuks there are seven wreaths.

God built a round house, without corners, and in that house there were twelve windows, and in those windows there were four people, and those people had seven sons, and each son was given a name.

(Year, months, weeks, days.)

A cat rides on six legs, the seventh itself. (A week.)

There are seven brothers: equal for years, different names. (Days of the week.)

The book has six simple leaves, the seventh is golden. (Weekdays, Sunday.)


There is a tree of paradise in the royal garden. On one side, flowers bloom, on the other, the leaves fall off, on the third, the fruits ripen, on the fourth, the branches dry up.

The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life, the day is coming. When does it happen? (In the spring.)

The sun bakes, the linden blossoms, the rye ripens. When does it happen? (In summer.)

The fields are empty, the earth is getting wet. The rain is pouring. When does it happen? (In autumn.)

Snow on the fields, ice on the rivers, a blizzard is walking. When does it happen? (In winter.)

The owner is rich, but sad; the hostess is white, but poor. (Autumn winter.)

A peahen flew in, sat down on the lava, spread feathers for any potion. (Spring.)

The whole world feeds, she does not eat (Same).

  • - Wed. The other is beautiful: the picture is an inveterate fool! Here is Balakin: not a single smart girl will marry him, but a feast for the eyes! Don't yawn and he will be happy...
  • - If a month looks around in three days, then it will be all windy, and when it rains for three days, then it will be all rainy ...
  • about the ambulance...

    Live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions

  • - went out, ended, died Cf. "Sugar all". Wed "She's all"...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - see. One world will not eat ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Baba Yaga, a pitchfork leg, feeds the whole world, she is hungry ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - They don't serve breakfast...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Not big, but tightly stuffed ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - A week feeds a year ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Povalya, God feeds ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - see Sleep: the sovereign of the treasury will send ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See VINA -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - The daughter-in-law stands and spread her legs: the world feeds, she does not eat ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - The daughter-in-law is standing, her legs are spread: the world feeds, she does not eat ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Zharg. they say Shuttle. An expression confirming agreement with the interlocutor. Maksimov, 89...

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“I don’t eat myself, but I feed people” (riddle)

Alternative descriptions


dining accessories

Russian percussion musical instrument

. "Dry ... mouth tearing" (last)

. "Bread" cutlery

. "Chopper" Antoshka

The main "working" tool of the eater

Road to dinner

Antoshka cooked her for dinner in a song

G. tool for slurping, for eating liquids; loafer, shevyrka, eater. Draft spoon, ladle. A kind of iron ladle with which copper is poured, with a small casting; the same, flatter ladle, with which they take out the incandescent cores, or bayonets, ingots from the molds; wide blade drill; wide nozzle of an earthen drill; lower end of the sternum, spoon, dimple under the sternum. A wooden spoon (the main craft of the Lower Gubernia of the Sem. Uyezd) is chopped off from a buckwheat with a hatchet, embossed with an adze, sharpened with a knife and cut with a curved cutter, and the stalk and forging on it are sharpened with a saw, by hand. Spoon happens: mezheumok, simple Russian, wide; butyrka, burlatskaya, the same, but thicker and rougher; barefoot, longish, blunt-nosed; semi-flat, rounder than that; nosy, sharp-nosed; fine, generally fine, clean finish. White, i.e. unpainted, comes first hand

Measure of tar

A measure of tar in a barrel of honey

musical instrument for dinner

Tool of one when seven with a bipod

An item of household utensils, in rituals - a symbol of a family member, living or dead

An item that rises in price for lunch

Appliance - cabbage soup slurp

Glutton's working tool

Russian folk musical instrument

Russian percussion musical instrument

Canteen "colleague" knife and fork


Soup scoop

What Antoshka cooked for dinner

Percussion instrument of folk orchestra

The closer to dinner, the more expensive it is.

Scoop for Antoshka


I feed everyone willingly, but I myself am mouthless (mystery)

Detail of a drilling device designed to extract liquid, semi-liquid and loose rock from a well

By lunchtime it rises in price

One of the oldest cutlery

She's on her way to dinner

An object for scooping up liquid crumbly food

Household item, one of the handicraft products

Appliance for food


IN Ancient Greece even in rich houses, dried crusts of bread were served for dinner, and what do we use instead of them

Barge haulers called her "butyzka" and wore their hats on their foreheads behind a ribbon, like a cockade

eater tool

The most important cutlery

Without her, eating soup would be very difficult.

A musical instrument that can be used to sip cabbage soup

Intermediary between soup and eater

The minimum required amount of honey for spoiling one barrel of honey

One with a bipod, and seven with it

Cutlery at the soldier's top

Cutlery for seven

A dose of tar, lethal for a barrel

Bouillon scoop

Soup drinker

. "scoop", dear to dinner

. scoop for shoes


The main "working" tool of the eater

In ancient Greece, even in rich houses, dried crusts of bread were served for dinner, but what do we use instead of them?

Barge haulers called her "butyzka" and wore hats on their foreheads behind a ribbon, like a cockade

. “I don’t eat myself, but I feed people” (riddle)

. "dry ... mouth tearing" (last)

Bread Cutlery

. "scoop", dear to dinner

. Antoshka's "scoop"

Canteen "colleague" knife and fork

Appliance - cabbage soup slurp

. scoop for shoes

The whole world feeds, she does not eat.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989

See what is "The whole world feeds, she does not eat." in other dictionaries:

    The daughter-in-law stands and spread her legs: the world feeds, she does not eat herself (plow). Potap stands on four paws, drinks water from year to year (hotbed). Bows, bows will come home, stretch out (axe). Kochet is an ankle-biter, bowing much (the same). Toil, toil will come ... ...

    Husband. food, food, grub, everything that serves to satisfy hunger and assimilate the body; b.h. about animal food; old food, subsistence, daily bread; regaling, folk table, reposeful meal; content, pay. Healthy state food. Feeder … Dictionary Dalia

    Antoshka stands on one leg (mushroom). Little baby, walked through the dungeon, stood in front of the sun, took off the cap (mushroom). Not a knot, not a leaf, but a (sponge) grows on a tree. A girl is sitting in a dark dungeon, a scythe on the street (carrots). Flea fir (fir) ... ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Female initially, a pole, a pole, a solid wood (from drying out, a dry tree?), from where the desiccation, forked at the end, with a fork; bipod and still stand; | plow, old stock or crossbow stock; in tul. plow, pillar, stand, support, esp. V… … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Hold on to an old friend, and a new one at home! The hut is covered with Ilyinsky wood (that is, with straw). Heaps of a living mansion, and a sewn fur coat! I bought a house with brownies. A house is a house, and a brownie is a gift. Make a barn, and there the cattle! What is Sunday, then housewarming (i.e. ... ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Corvids live in all parts of the world and at all latitudes and heights on the mountains. Towards the equator, the number of species increases significantly, but also in temperate zone there are quite a lot of them and only in the cold the number of their species is limited. Most of them live ... ... Animal life

    BASILY THE GREAT- [Greek. Βασίλειος ὁ Μέγας] (329/30, the city of Caesarea Cappadocia (modern Kayseri, Turkey) or the city of Neocaesarea Pontic (modern Nixar, Turkey) 1.01.379, the city of Caesarea Cappadocia), St. (commemorated January 1, January 30 in the Cathedral of 3 ecumenical teachers and saints; ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

    Depart from evil and do good. Where the Lord sows wheat, there are devils of tares. And we praise God and sin. Live in such a way that neither from the God of sin, nor from the people of shame. Between the bad and the bad. Hell stands on the merciless. Good will not die, but evil will disappear. Kind… … IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    - (Felidae) * * Felines, as Brem writes, are indeed the most perfect type of predators, in other words, the most specialized representatives of the order. The family includes 36 species grouped into 10 12 genera (although different ... ... Animal life

    - (Canidae)** * * The family includes 16 extant genera and 36 species. Canids are widespread in Eurasia, Africa, North and South America, on New Guinea and entered Australia with a man. With the exception of one species, they have more ... ... Animal life

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