The stupidest people I have ever met - and the stories that happened to them. The stupidest man in the world. Photos, facts

But they predict the likely degree of development of intelligence. Some zodiac signs are highly intelligent, while others are more stupid.

The title of “the dumbest sign of the zodiac” does not mean that a person is necessarily stupid, just that in different situations he may show a slow reaction, think too long, or his thoughts are more primitive than those of other representatives of the zodiac.

Which one is the dumbest and most stupid?

Astrologers believe that intellectual activity is most difficult for Capricorns and Taurus, as well as Pisces and.

But this must also be considered from the point of view of belonging to the male or female half of humanity.



    The Capricorn man prefers to solve issues not with his mind, but with force. Instead of influencing a person with words, he gets into a fight because he is better at it. At the same time, Capricorn is not averse to thinking, but his thoughts are primitive and relate more to simple everyday problems than spiritual matters.


    According to astrologers, slow-witted people solve the tasks assigned to them very slowly and do not always do it successfully. A Taurus man will be more successful in the role of a performer, a worker, than a scientist or businessman. It is especially difficult when they have to solve something new.



    Among the female stupid signs, Pisces especially stands out. They are immensely confident that they are right, but their mind does not go beyond solving everyday and primitive problems. They don't strive for spiritual development, do not like intellectual conversations, simply because it is difficult for them to understand what is being said. But they don’t mind talking about how to cook soup or attract a man.

    Cancers have a peculiar mind. They have a lot of luggage theoretical knowledge, but it is difficult to apply in practice.


    Capricorn women too often show stupidity due to their stubbornness and a tendency to sort things out.

The wisest and most intelligent

Among the signs, of course, there are also the smartest ones. They usually belong to the elements of Air and. Air is associated with spirituality, development, intellectual ability and creativity. Fire is the power of energy, creativity, development.

Wisdom is associated with life experience and the ability to overcome difficult situations with honor and minimal losses.



    He is undoubtedly is a smart and intellectually developed sign among men. Few people know so much, combining knowledge with practical experience, as Aquarius does. His mind is agile and innovative. Aquarius is an explorer, he is looking for new paths. However, not all signs can understand him, because Aquarius is always ahead of progress and he may seem strange to other people, because it is quite difficult to keep up with his intelligence.

    The ability to know everything determines that Aquarius simply becomes bored, because he can answer almost all the questions of the universe. Nevertheless, he cannot be called completely wise, because his emotionality and breadth of interests do not insure him from mistakes. This sign openly says what he thinks about people, and this sometimes brings him certain problems.


    Gemini is considered a smart sign. But their mind is closer to cunning, although they have plenty of life wisdom. They have inquisitiveness and curiosity; in childhood they love experiments, sometimes very dangerous ones.


    Virgo is ruled by Mercury. A man under this sign often chooses intellectual professions, for example, a teacher. He has well-developed analytics and attention to detail, which makes him a careful and reliable worker. Research work is suitable for them. They also find themselves in medicine.

Among men, the smartest sign is Aquarius, but at the same time the most contradictory and incomprehensible to other people.



    They are also among the top smartest and most practical. They have excellent situational control and are good at social contacts. Sagittarians can be harsh and capable of telling the truth to their face, but at the same time they justify their thoughts well. Their mind is agile, curious and aimed at gaining new knowledge and practical experience.


    Women have high intelligence. These are creative and developed people who love to learn. They have a lot of theoretical knowledge, but Libras cannot always apply it in practice. This sign makes good writers, musicians, lawyers and teachers.

    However Libras need to restrain their emotionality, which can sometimes interfere with the use of their minds. The sign itself is very patient, showing wisdom from childhood. The Libra woman critically assesses the situation, sees the pitfalls and consequences of actions. She has the ability to evaluate other people, so they make good psychologists. But the picture can be spoiled by the indecisiveness of this sign regarding their actions and application of knowledge.


    The Gemini woman also has intelligence. Her natural curiosity and ability to remember allow her to act effectively and solve current problems.


    Aquarius women are smart unless they are overwhelmed by an overly valuable idea or addiction, otherwise they simply stop developing.

Among women, Libra and Sagittarius lead.

Of course, it is impossible to say definitively that only these signs are the stupidest or the smartest. Everything depends not only on the stars, but also on genetics, social factors and the desire of the person himself to develop.

At one time, Einstein assured that there are only two infinite phenomena in the world - the Universe and human stupidity. And, unfortunately, the media are increasingly confirming this bitter aphorism of the great scientist.

Truly, stupidity is ineradicable. For some reason, one “smart guy” testing the nervous system of those around him and his body for endurance is being replaced by more and more groups of people without “brakes” and attempts to analyze their actions. This means that the following question will never cease to be relevant: the most stupid man in the world - who is this?

The Darwin Award is an award for people who have amazed the world with their stupidity

This award, as its name suggests, relates in some way to Darwin's teachings. It was founded at one time by several Americans, whose names have not yet been named (they maintain anonymity and communicate with the world only through the Internet). The founders of the award consider it their duty to publish the details of unusual actions and the names of people who gave their lives or health for the purification of the human gene pool.

The Darwin Award (by the way, it is not expressed in monetary terms) is awarded to the most stupid, stupid person in the world, who destroyed himself in the most ridiculous way, thereby managing to remove his genes from the general human gene pool. Those who diligently tried to do this, but at the same time survived, are awarded the same virtual certificates of honor as the prize.

Candidates are selected from many thousands of citizens different countries, information about which is carefully checked. For example, all messages that have not been confirmed by the media are rejected.

And here are those who were awarded the Darwin Prize

We bring to your attention stories that happened to candidates for the Darwin Prize.

One of its winners, by the way, determined by interactive voting as the dumbest person in the world, Steve Conner, worked as a zookeeper in California. He distinguished himself by feeding a constipated elephant a huge amount of animal laxative, after which he decided to observe from the rear how the treatment was progressing. A few minutes later, Conner was crushed by a hundredweight of elephant excrement.

And here is another way to deprive humanity of defective genes. One thief in Antwerp (Belgium) robbed an apartment and was forced to flee from the police chase. He ran out the back door, climbed a nine-foot wall and ended up... in the city jail. Well, that's not bad either!

The Guinness Book of Records can also confirm human stupidity

But not only the Darwin Award can tell us how far a person can go in his stupidity. The famous Guinness Book of Records contains a lot of examples that can only cause regret about the narrow-mindedness of some individuals.

Andrew Dahl can also be considered such stupid record holders. This young man, eager to become famous at any cost, blew up twenty-three balloons with his nose in three minutes and achieved his goal, becoming a real celebrity. But at the same time he also received the title “The dumbest man in the world.” » .

The record of Luxembourger Georges Christen seems no less “brilliant”. This man completed a 10-meter sprint while holding a table with a girl sitting on it in his teeth. I wish there was such a hero in a toothpaste advertisement!

And in the case of the Frenchman Louis Collet, you can be completely confused, because this man was able to come up with the longest speech in the world! It would seem that well done! But it’s still difficult to call him smart, since he gave this speech on the radio for 124 hours...

Is biography important for the title of “The Dumbest Man in the World”?

The life of a person nominated for a Darwin Award, it seems, proceeds quite normally at first. As a rule, it is no different from its neighbors. This is a typical man in the street who has a family, dreams of beautiful things, but at the same time suffers from an acute need for fame, which pushes him to commit crazy acts. True, most often the winners in the “Dumbest Man in the World” category are people who are not used to thinking about the consequences of what they do.

Just look at the news that has spread all over the world about two West German motorists who literally collided head-on with each other. It happened in the small town of Guetersloh during thick fog. Both eccentrics drove slowly, sticking their heads out the windows of their cars (probably thinking that they would see more) and collided with their foreheads! They were taken to the hospital with serious injuries, but the cars were not damaged.

In parting, a few more stories about the nominees for the title of “Dumbest Man in the World”

Doctors can tell many creepy and funny stories about human stupidity.

So, one day a man called the emergency department who suspected that the bartender had poured him too much alcohol. When asked how he could be helped, the caller demanded that he be urgently taken to the hospital and have his blood alcohol level checked there, since he wanted to pin down the scoundrel.

Another person was admitted to another hospital with a complaint that he could no longer hear in one ear when... he stuck his finger into it. What do you think of the patient who drank paint to get rid of stomach pain? They say it will cover the walls of his stomach protective layer! Or the young lady who, in dreams of a snow-white smile, brushed her teeth with a toilet “duckling”? Yes, human stupidity is ineradicable.

Who was the stupidest person you ever met, and what story showed it best?

“One day when I was in college, my friend and I were invited to a party. I didn’t drive yet, so this friend gave me a ride. The trip to the party went well, but on the way back we were stopped by the police. While we were parking, I told my friend that I would pretend to be asleep (since I was a passenger). I closed my eyes, I heard the cop get out of the car, walk towards us, stop at the window, but say nothing. I can see the light from his flashlight through my eyelids, but I don't hear him or my friend say anything. After some time, which seemed like an eternity to me, I decided to open my eyes and see what was really happening. Then I saw that my friend, who was driving the car, was also pretending to be asleep.”

“My classmate was at a party and asked the hostess if he could borrow her tattoo kit. She refused him. He left, but returned an hour later wearing a hockey mask and demanding that he get a tattoo kit. He was arrested the next day. It’s impossible to invent such stupidity.”

“The girl I worked with until she got fired. One day she came to work with a broken arm and stated that her boyfriend pushed her during an argument and she fell. We were all very worried about her, but a week later she came to work with a story about how she stabbed her boyfriend in the palm during another quarrel to take revenge on him for his broken arm.

After a few more weeks, she told everyone that she was secretly trying to get pregnant because if she got pregnant, her boyfriend would have to get a job and help her pay the rent. He got pregnant and her boyfriend immediately left her.”

“I worked with a man named Roy. Roy had a number of theories about how to live well: Roykonomics.

One day he approached me and my colleagues. “Guys, want to know how to get a bunch of cool stuff?” - he asked. “You go to the store and buy everything in installments. New furniture, new household appliances, TVs, stereo, everything you need. Then you don’t pay anything and don’t come to court for a hearing on your case. Eventually they will start garnishing your wages, but it will be less than the amounts you originally committed to pay!”

Then, about a week later: “Guys, do you want to know how to buy a house? You apply for the maximum possible number of credit cards, get the maximum possible amount of cash from them and use it for the down payment. Then you don’t pay anything and don’t come to court for a hearing on your case...”

“I almost started dating a girl who seriously thought that the Sun and the Moon were the same thing.”

“My friend’s sister got pregnant at age 20. She once said something like “it’s a pity that my vagina will be ruined.” I jokingly said: “Maybe the baby will come out through the butt?” She said, “What do you mean? Can they come out from there too?” I thought she was joking too, so I said, “Yeah, it’s 50/50.” She decided that I was serious about this and asked the doctor if he knew whether her baby would come out through the vagina or the butt.”

“A guy at my school was convinced that Danes get sore throats after a day of speaking their language/accent (every day).”

“In my youth and teen years, I worked with a young girl who was without a doubt the stupidest person I have ever met in my life.

Some of her best moments:

She won an auction for a first-press copy of The Beach Boy's Pet Sounds album, and then complained about it because she "didn't want to listen to someone moo."

One day she almost pissed me off and I convinced her to wait to open a can of Coca-Cola because it said someone was “winning prizes every five minutes.” She was very upset because she didn’t win anything, even though she waited exactly five minutes. I, in turn, enjoyed the silence for the rest of the day.

The best/worst case occurred when she was interacting with an African-American manager (she is white). They discussed their similar unusual names, then found out that they were both from South Carolina. She thought for a few minutes and then joyfully declared: “I guess my family owned yours!” She was very proud of herself for being able to identify this historical connection. The manager didn't say anything and just left."

“A work colleague was against windmills. When I asked why, she replied, “They build too many of them and we could use up all the wind on the planet.”

I was speechless. I've never been speechless before."

"My brother. Hand on heart, he is the stupidest person I know.

He broke his hands five times - three times his right and twice his left. Here's how it happened:

7 years. I danced on the table and fell.
15 years. I was smoking weed with a friend and the cops showed up. he tried to run away, jumped over the fence, his shorts got caught on him, he fell out of his shorts right onto his hand.
17 years. He ran in front of his friends' truck, which was traveling at a speed of about 50 km/h
19 years. I tried to hide from someone, jumped over the sofa and somehow managed to break my arm.
I don’t remember the fifth time, but I definitely remember that there were five of them.
He was arrested for possessing a weapon for which he did not have a permit. It was his friend's gun. He aimed it at the cop.

He was expelled from school. Twice.

He was expelled from a private school for writing “raped a pregnant bitch - called it a gangbang” on an exam paper. Note: these are lyrics from a song, he did not actually rape the pregnant woman.

He had two phrases in the mandatory production. He managed to mess up.

While he was in prison, he got a marijuana leaf tattooed on his face.

The first time we met after he was released, he said, “Mom thinks I’ll remove this tattoo, but I’ll improve it. I'll draw a few Chinese characters under it." (We're all white)

He dropped out of school before he could finish tenth grade. Not because he had to, he just didn't like school and wanted to use drugs instead. He got a 3 in history and a 6 in mathematics, I don’t remember the rest of his grades.

When he was 15 years old and my uncle was 30, I had to prove to him for half an hour that his age would not always be half his uncle’s age.

He truly, truly believed that the Ebola outbreak a few years ago was the beginning of the zombie apocalypse.”

“At the veterinary clinic where we took our dog for several years, there was one dumb receptionist who argued with my father about the pronunciation of his own name. He went there to pick up medications prescribed for our dog Daisy, and the lady began asking him typical questions from the “name of the dog, name of the owner” series.

“Well, it says Michelle, and you don't look like Michelle at all,” she said. The father asked how the owner's name was written on the monitor, and it turned out that the name was “Michael”. That was my father's name.

He said, “It says Michael, that’s my name.” She started arguing with him! He had to get driver license to convince her. Although she eventually gave him the dog's medicine, she was convinced that all 50 extra years throughout my life, my father spelled his name incorrectly.

The sad part is that my father told us this story, and we didn’t particularly remember it, but after about three months, my mother took the dog for an examination. The lady was still convinced that the dog's owner was named Michelle and that my mother "must be in a lesbian relationship." My mother calmly corrected her that the name was actually pronounced Michael, but the receptionist insisted that it was pronounced Michelle. Mom was amazed by this and said something like, “That's a name from the Bible. It was pronounced Michael and has been pronounced that way for thousands of years.” The receptionist sat silently for the rest of the visit, speaking only the minimum number of words required for her position.”

“My ex. We played rock, paper, scissors - to determine who would go change the diaper - until two wins. First round. I show the scissors, he shows the stone. “I have won,” he exclaimed. Second round. I show the paper, he is a stone. “I have won,” he exclaimed. “Ummm, paper beats rock,” I say. His answer? “Nope, the stone conquers all.” I spent about five minutes trying to understand his statement. I ask: “But then what is the point of the whole game?”

He answers with absolute sincerity: “Fun!”

"Literally on last week I got fired from my job because every time a client came, he started repeating everything they said. Not only that, he tried hard to copy their accents no matter what.

Our store got a ton of complaints about this guy and he was given a ton of warnings. Last week he was fired because when he served an Asian man in the presence of ALL our managers, he said:


He was called into the office, where, apparently, he still did not understand what he had done wrong and why he was being fired. Definitely a jerk"

“My mom's cousin robbed stores with his friends - he was the driver in every operation. There were several unpaid fines hanging on him. While driving his idiot friends home, he was speeding and passed a cop, who naturally pulled him over. He decided to justify his bad driving by saying that he was leaving the scene of a robbery. He was arrested. Afterwards he was arrested for similar stupid crimes.

And he also believes in it. that there is a worldwide cabal of Jews whose sole purpose is to spite him. Recently his rights were declared invalid. Naturally, the Jews were to blame for this, and not he, because he decided to drive drunk past the police station. When he was denied a weapons license, it was the work of the Jews. I have no idea why he thinks the global cabal of Jews would focus on some idiot from Saskatchewan."

“I once called an Uber, and the driver who arrived first asked me: “Do you need to go to X?” I said, "Nope." He replied, “Great, because I’m not taking you to X.” “Okay,” I said.

During the trip, I was tormented by the question of what would happen if I said yes, I want to go to X. I asked: “So, what would you do if I said I want to go to X?” He said, “Listen, man. I'm not taking you to fucking X, okay? I already told you.”

I was a little taken aback, but asked again: “No, no, I don’t want to go there. You already know where I need to go - it’s marked on the map in the app. I’m just wondering what would happen if I wanted to go to X. Would you cancel the trip?”

Incredible facts

Recently, another controversy broke out among Internet users, the source of which was a simple picture.

The task is simple: P look at the picture and tell me which of these four is the stupidest?

Your choices can reveal a lot about your personality.

Test: Choose the stupidest person in the picture

If you chose 1.

Unfortunately, you are one of the people who often give up. You believe that you cannot influence the situation and agree to the conditions that are offered to you. You never argue and generally prefer to behave quietly and peacefully, as quarrels and scandals upset you. You are a very kind and honest person.

If you chose 2.

You are one of the people who tend to make hasty decisions. You don't give yourself enough time to analyze the situation, so you make mistakes that could have been avoided. However, many people consider you to be quite stubborn.

If you chose 3.

You impulsive person, which always goes to the end. You never give up and always fight for your rights to the last. You can become a great businessman as strategizing is one of your favorite pastimes. This is an area where you can really excel.

If you chose 4.

You are a real rebel. Sometimes you are ready to fight even against yourself, just to prove something. However, all these games prevent you from thinking rationally. You are a born revolutionary.

What people don't do to stand out. They do all sorts of things to make themselves seem better than others. Sometimes it just goes beyond reason. But what can we say about this? Let's take a look at some of the dumbest things people have done, at least some of them.

1. The Spaniard Angeles Duran declared herself the mistress of the sun, citing the fact that, according to the law, the Sun cannot belong to any State, but nothing is said there about ordinary people. Moreover, she went to a notary’s office and even drew up a document there. This document states that "Angeles Duran is the owner of the Sun, a star located at a distance of 149,600,000 from the Earth." But the most interesting thing is that she is going to take a tax on the use of the Sun from all people and even announced where the income will go - 50% to the State, 20% to Pension Fund, 10% will be given to the hungry, 10% to Scientific research, and of course he will keep 10% for himself. So what? Good luck to her in this matter).

2. It's been going around the internet for a long time now legendary story about a guy who sold his kidney in order to buy a sword in the game. At the age of 27, American Simon Darnis sold his kidney in order to buy powerful weapon and other game values ​​for your character in game World of Warcraft. Up to this point, he spent almost all of his salary on various gaming assets. Simon himself does not regret his action and believes that he did it for his own satisfaction, since thanks to this action he “improved” significantly. In general, it’s hard to even call the guy just a nerd or a gambling addict. This is already a mental illness.

3. One clerk from New York really wanted to visit his parents in Dallas, but he found it too expensive to buy a plane ticket. Then he decided to send himself to them by airmail! Sitting in a large box, he successfully flew from New York to Dallas in the cargo hold of the plane. The cargo was successfully accepted and brought to the parents' house, after which the driver saw eyes in the crack and thought that there was a corpse in the box. When McKinley climbed out of the box, the mother almost fainted, and the driver immediately called the police.

4. In 1989, the Soviet psychic E. Frenkel decided to prove to everyone that with the power of thought he could stop a train moving towards him without receiving any damage. He waited until the freight train came closer, then stood on the tracks, tensed, threw away his briefcase and... in general, a stupid and ridiculous death.

5. Iraqi terrorist Kai Rahayet sent a bomb by parcel, but the stupidity is that he did not stick the necessary stamps and the parcel was returned to him. When the package arrived back to him, he unpacked it without a second thought and blew himself up with his own bomb.

6. A teenager arrived at the hospital with a massive head injury. It turned out that he was “hit” on the head by a moving train. The teenager simply decided to test how close his head could be to a moving train before he removed it. Well, I didn’t make it a bit, but at least I stayed alive.

7. One man wanted to circumcise himself at home. He decided to use dry ice for anesthesia. But when he touched the head of his “equipment” with this piece of ice, naturally this ice stuck to him. To separate the dry ice from his loved one, this man decided to sprinkle boiling water on it.

8. American Aaron Siebers decided that he was tired of his boring and monotonous life and decided to “dilute it” a little. He took a utility knife and stabbed himself several times with it. After that, he immediately called the police and reported that he had been attacked by several skinheads near the parking lot. When the police looked at everything from the surveillance camera, there were no skinheads, and indeed no one at all, in this parking lot during this period of time. After this they took Aaron out to clean water and he confessed to everything. After this, he was charged with “Fraud” and “False Call”. This is how he diversified his life.

9. One man named Benny Flint was the victim of police pursuit. Thinking that they wanted to arrest him for drugs, he set up his own death and escaped from the police. He moved 600 kilometers from his home, changed his name and even started new family. In this way he lived for 20 years, until one day he learned that on the day when the police were chasing him, no one wanted to arrest him. The light on his car just didn’t work). This is how a man completely changed his life because of one unlit light bulb.

10. One man got stuck in his car railway tracks. To save his car, he got out of the car and ran towards the moving train, waving his arms vigorously. The train failed to stop in front of the man, resulting in instant death. But the car was almost undamaged.

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