What do children of Hollywood stars look like? What are the most unusual names stars give their children Frances Bean Cobain - daughter of Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain

Fathers and mothers, especially if their social status high enough, as if they were competing: who will give their child the most pretentious name. We invite you to read about the names that Russian stars give to their children.

Timati became the father of a girl named Alice in 2014. The girl's mother is the second vice-miss of Russia, model Alena Shishkova. The couple did not meet for a long time, but the child became the fruit of this love. Timati takes a noticeable part in the life of the girl even after parting with her mother.

Zhanna Friske - son of Plato

Zhanna Friske gave birth to a son, Plato, in 2013 from civil husband Dmitry Shepelev. Prior to that, her numerous novels were not crowned with childbearing. The happiness of motherhood was overshadowed by a serious illness - brain cancer, from which Friske died in June 2015.

Ksenia Sobchak gave birth to a son in the fall of 2016 from her husband, actor Maxim Vitorgan. Despite the fact that earlier she spoke sharply negatively about motherhood, Sobchak decided to give birth. In an interview with Dmitry Bykov, she said that she chose the name for the child in honor of Tolstoy's favorite character, Platon Karataev.

Evelina Bledans raised her son Kolya, but in 2011, in her second marriage, she decided to have another pregnancy. The boy was expected with Down syndrome, but Bledans still decided to give birth. The editorial office of find out.rf notes that in Russia there is no special program social integration for children with such a diagnosis, however, Evelina Bledans personally does a lot to change the attitude towards "sunny children".

In the first marriage of Natasha Koroleva with Igor Nikolaev, there were no children, but from the stripper Sergei Glushko, acting under the pseudonym "Tarzan", she became pregnant on the very first night. A son named Arkhip was born in February 2002, but the couple legalized the relationship only a year and a half later.

The first beauty of the Russian-speaking pop scene, Vera Brezhneva, is the mother of two daughters. She gave birth to the eldest, Sonya, in 2001 from her common-law husband Vitaly Voichenko. In October 2009, the youngest daughter Sarah was born. The editors of the site clarifies that Jewish name the girl received at the insistence of her husband, businessman Mikhail Kiperman. Brezhnev's third husband was producer Konstantin Meladze. There are no children in this marriage yet.

Ex-participant of the TV show "Dom-2" Victoria Bonya lived for several years civil marriage with the son of an Irish millionaire Alex Smerfit and in this couple she gave birth to a girl who received the magnificent name Angelina Letizia. The girl was born in 2012, and her mother broke up with the girl's father at the beginning of 2017.

Dmitry Malikov became a father in 2000 and gave his daughter the unusual name Stephanie. By 2017, the daughter had grown up completely and began to try herself as a model - first in her father's videos, and then in the professional community. In addition, the girl has already managed to take the first steps in her career as a designer.

TV presenter Tina Kandelaki gave birth to two children with an interval of a year with a little - quickly, like everything she does. The weather Melania and Leonty became the fruit of Tina's love with the aspiring artist and businessman Andrei Kondrakhin. The marriage, which was concluded in 1997, ended in divorce, but the children regularly see their father.

Mikhail Galustyan - daughters Estella and Elina

Surprisingly, showman Mikhail Galustyan is an obstetrician-gynecologist by profession. In his specialty, he did not work a day, starting to play KVN while still at the institute. And he was not present at the birth of his wife Victoria either. The family has two daughters - Estella and Elina.

Sergey Zhukov - daughter Veronica, sons Angel and Miron

In the first marriage of Sergei Zhukov, frontman of the legendary group "Hands up!" daughter Alexandra was born, in 2017 she turned 16 years old. In 2005, Zhukov married the former vocalist of the Cream group with a second marriage, and this couple showed considerable imagination in assigning newborn children: the eldest daughter received the name Veronica, and the younger sons did the names Angel (that is, angel) and Miron.

Sergei Shnurov - Seraphim and Apollo

In a marriage with Matilda, the leader of the Leningrad group, Sergei Shnurov, has no children, but from previous marriages he has a completely adult daughter and son. The daughter of Seraphim entered the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg State University, and the son of Apollo (who received the name in honor of the poet Silver Age Grigorieva) turned 17 in 2017.

The scandalous family of figure skater Marina Anisina and outrageous actor Nikita Dzhigurda has two children, and both of them have unusual names. In 2009, Marina gave birth to a son, who was named Mick Angel Christ, and in 2010, a daughter, Eva-Vlada.

Alsu - Daughters of Safin and Mikella, son of Rafael

People's Artist of Tatarstan Alsu, after a magnificent wedding with businessman Yan Abramov, began to give birth to his children. Two daughters, Safina and Mikella, were born two years apart - in 2006 and 2008, and in 2016 Alsou gave birth to a long-awaited boy named Rafael in an Israeli clinic.

Philip Kirkorov never disclosed the name of the surrogate mothers who bore him two children. For a long time there were rumors that the son Alexander of his ward Anastasia Stotskaya was surprisingly similar to the son of Martin Kirkorov. It is only known that the children were born with an interval of 8 months, and the daughter Alla-Victoria received a double name in honor of Alla Pugacheva and Philip's mother.

Alla Pugacheva also gave birth to younger children with the help of a surrogate mother. But genetically, the children of her and her husband Maxim Galkin are relatives: two decades ago, Alla Borisovna froze her eggs. The children were born in 2013, when their older sister Kristina Orbakaite is already 42 years old.

Keti Topuria - daughter Olivia

Keti Topuria ( full name- Ketevan), the vocalist of the A-Studio group, gave birth to a daughter, Olivia, from businessman Lev Geykhman, with whom she lived for 4 years before marriage. In 2017, there were rumors that the singer was cheating on her husband with

Anna Khilkevich - daughter Arianna

The star of the television series "Univer", actress Anna Khilkevich, she told the details of her pregnancy and motherhood on the pages of her blog on Instagram. It is not surprising that she had to fend off numerous advisers who "knew better" how she should feed, rock, develop, and even name her daughter. Daughter Anna Khilkevich gave the name Arianna.

In 2012, TV presenter Anfisa Chekhova gave birth to a son from her partner, actor Guram Bablishvili, who received the name Solomon. Despite the fact that the husband of the actress is an ethnic Georgian, the couple gave their son a Jewish name.

Ukrainian singer Svetlana Loboda in 2011 gave birth to a daughter from her husband, and part-time choreographer Andrei Tsar. The girl was named after Evangeline. During the first years of the child's life, Loboda preferred to hide her daughter from the press, and first showed her to the public in 2015.

All these children Russian stars are still small, and how their life will develop in the future is unknown. We can only say with certainty that growing up in the rich and famous families has a strong influence on personality. The editors of the site invite you to read about Western stars who have escaped from the shadow of their parents' glory.
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Zhukov Angel Sergeevich - that is the name of the eldest son of the soloist of the group "Hands Up". He explains such an unusual choice of name by the fact that he came across signs everywhere indicating that it was necessary to name his son that way.

“By and large, this is also a Christian name - Angel,” says Sergey. The singer is sure that in the future his son will not experience difficulties associated with his unusual name: “I think that we will definitely come to the conclusion that we, like abroad, will not have middle names. In addition, if you notice, in so many documents there is no longer a middle name column. And Angel Zhukov, in my opinion, sounds very good. In addition, I think he will travel a lot or even live abroad, so it will even be easier for him with that name.”

Nikita Dzhigurda: daughter Eva-Vlad and son Mik-Angel Krist

Nikita Dzhigurda is outrageous in everything, even in paternity. He named his children, born in marriage to figure skater Marina Anisina, Eva-Vlad and.

“Angel is an angel and Krist is Christ. After all, my son was born on Christmas Day,” said the artist.

As for the name Eva-Vlad, his parents also came up with an ulterior motive. “The name Eva really likes Marinka, and Vlada means “power”. Since Eva means Eve, the meaning of this connection sounds like the power of the first-born woman, who, before the so-called fall into sin, already knew who she was and in the name of what she lives. Besides, Eva was not ashamed of anything. I imagine it like this: a free woman was born who will drive men crazy!” Dzhigurda is sure.

Olga Shelest: daughters Muse and Iris

Prefers to give children rare names and TV presenter Olga Shelest. She named her eldest daughter Muse. “Alexey always liked this name (director Alexei Tishkin - Olga's husband. - Note. ed.), because it is "inspiration", and creative person without him in any way, - Shelest noted. - Therefore, when the question arose of choosing a name for our daughter, my husband immediately suggested this option. But calling a child Inspiration is too long, but Muse is just right. Grandmothers call their granddaughter Muzonka, and my friends - in the English manner, Music, that is, Music.

The youngest daughter of the TV presenter has an equally rare name - Iris. “Now in our family there is also - Iris (Iris in Greek means rainbow. In ancient Greek mythology: the goddess of the rainbow, the messenger of the gods), and no Milon will forbid us to do it! Olga wrote on her Instagram.

Anna Khilkevich: daughter Arianna

The star of the series "Univer" Anna Khilkevich also surprised fans for the child. She is a daughter, which means "holy" in Greek. Later, the artist and her husband discovered another interesting detail: it turned out that they also named the baby after each other.

Valeria Gaius Germanicus: daughters of Severin and Octavia

Director Valeria Gai Germanika has always been distinguished by her original approach to filming movies and TV shows, her style of dress and her attitude to life in general. Therefore, hardly anyone was surprised when it became known that she chose unusual names for her children.

Valeria named her eldest daughter Octavia. “I don’t like Katya, Masha, all these traditional names. IN Soviet times maybe it was easier for a child to live with that name. Now everything is different. In addition, in my world, the name is quite normal and ordinary, ”the director explained.

Valeria did not change herself in the matter of choosing a name for the youngest child. She named her daughter, which in Latin means "strict and serious."

Anastasia Volochkova: daughter of Ariadne

The ballerina even dreamed of calling her Anna in honor of her grandmother, but later the star changed her mind, wanting to give the child a more rare old name. As the ballerina said, once she was in the temple and accidentally found herself in front of the icon of the holy martyr Ariadne. Considering this as a sign from above, she decided to name her daughter that way.

The name is of Greek origin, meaning "one that commands respect." Volochkova's relatives approved of her choice and affectionately call her Arisha, and her grandmother is called the Scarlet Flower.

Lera Tumanova: daughter Aria

Singer Lera Tumanova and her husband, actor Pavel Kotov, have been looking for a name for their daughter for a long time. The couple wanted it not only to be rare, but also to sound special.

“Pavel told me that he wants my name Valery to be consonant with the name of my daughter, that is, it contained, for example, the letters “a”, “r”. We began to search, sorted out, Adrian and so on, but everything was not right. Then, quite by accident, they opened a directory of names, in which I saw male name, it is translated from ancient Greek as a warrior or a lion. We really liked the female version of this name - Aria. It is associated with such concepts as strength, courage, honesty. I realized that with such a name, my daughter will definitely not be weak. In addition, I liked that in Russia Aria will still be associated with music. And this also makes sense, because we have a musical family: my husband is an actor, director of an operetta, I am a singer.

According to Lera, at home they affectionately call their daughter Arichka, but more often they still try to Aria. Relatives sometimes try to call the girl, but the singer and her husband stop such attempts, because this is a completely different name.

“I am sure that my daughter, when she grows up, will not be ashamed of this name. I think that Aria Kotova sounds bright, beautiful and dignified, ”the girl’s mother says.

Love for foreign countries: Martin, Jean, Monica, Yasmine

Historically, it so happened that many of our compatriots have a special weakness for everything foreign. Movie and show business stars are no exception. Especially fashionable among them was to call children foreign names. For example, she gave her son the name Mike, the child's name is Martin, and the eldest daughter is Yasmin.

Katya Gordon - Anna Sedokova's daughter - Monica, and Victoria Boni - Angelina Letizia. In the last two cases, there is logic in choosing a name - Sedokova and Bonya spend most of their time abroad, where no one is surprised by the names of their children. But other celebrities still live in Russia, where such names sound, to put it mildly, unusual.

However, star parents do not see anything wrong with this. Here is what TV presenter Ksenia Borodina wrote in response to some fans criticizing her for naming her youngest daughter Thea: “I have already seen a couple of emoticons on the topic of the name and again some advice. Guys, this is not true, this is personal, and only parents decide what their child's name will be! We are happy with the name choice. Literal translation of the name Anna. - A few years later I was expecting a son. One day, Oleg and I (Oleg Kapustin, the husband of the actress. - Note. ed.) V Once again sorted out names for the boy. And suddenly, when I said “Dobrynya”, the baby, who was in my stomach, began to actively push. He seemed to be giving us a sign that this particular name suits him. “Well, since the son wants to be Dobrynya, so be it,” the husband smiled at that moment.

The actress herself is the owner of a rare Russian name, so she also decided to name the children accordingly: Gordey, Yermolai and Korney.

This has been practiced in the West for a long time. How do you like "dusty rose" or "northwest"? That's what some people call their offspring famous parents. In our selection - the most unusual names of star children.

Kulture - Cardi B and Offset

How could rapper parents, who have diverged, divorced and reunited more than once, name their daughter? Culture. Moreover, with an error - in English culture is written through the letter "c" (culture). Cardi B is often accused of illiteracy, so it is possible that the rapper did this on purpose. Rumor has it that the baby was named after the album of her father, rapper Offset.

Kenzo Kash, Heaven and Hendrix - Kevin Hart and Torrei Hart, Eniko Parrish

The actor who most of all we remember for his roles in the epic "Very scary Movie"Named the older children very melodicly: Hendrix (as the name of the famous guitarist and composer Jimi Hendrix) and Heaven, which means "paradise". But the youngest son from his second marriage, Hart gave Japanese name despite the fact that both he and his wife are African American.

Luna Simone Stephens and Miles Theodore Stephens - John Legend and Chrissy Teigen

Could less musical names have been chosen?

Montgomery Moses Brian Baron, Elula Lottie Miriam - Sacha Baron Cowan and Isla Fisher

Sacha Baron Cowan, who played Borat, is not looking for easy ways. Even when it comes to naming your own children. Maybe you should have just called them Nurzhan and Aigul?

Dimitri Portwood and Wyatt Isabelle - Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher

Mila Kunis, nee Milena Markovna Kunis, paid tribute to her Ukrainian roots and named her son Slavic name Dimitri. And the parents gave their daughter a completely masculine name - Wyatt.

Faith Margaret and Sunday Rose - Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban

An acting couple, unlike many others star families, did not invent and distort existing names for her offspring. Their daughters' names mean "faith" and "Sunday". The name of the latter in full (together with the middle name) means "Sunday Rose". In addition to them, Kidman is raising adopted children: Isabella Jane and Connor Anthony.

Lea de Seine - Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk

The Russian supermodel and Hollywood actor named their baby beautiful and even a little magical name Lea. Needless to say, with such parents, life can really seem like a fairy tale.

Apple (Apple) and Moses (Moses) - Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow

Hollywood actress with former spouse- The frontman of the Coldplay group named the children after Moses and ... an apple. Simply put, the English Alma.

Dusty Rose - Adam Levine and Behati Prinsloo

One of the hottest men on the planet, the lead singer of the Maroon 5 group, and his model wife named their first daughter poetically. In the full version, her name translates as "dusty rose."

Saint West, North West and Chicago West - Kim Kardashian and Kanye West

When the reality TV star and rapper had their first daughter, the conversation around the choice of a name did not subside for a long time on the Internet. After all, in the translation of North West means "north-west." They called the second son “saint” (which is not surprising, given that Kanye has repeatedly called himself “the second Jesus”). But with the third daughter, the parents again remembered the lessons of geography and named her Chicago. Now fans are waiting to see where the fantasy of parents with a fourth child will lead.

Kingston, Zuma, Apollo - Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale

The singer has three sons, and all three were lucky with the original names. The eldest is Kingston, like the capital of Jamaica, the middle one is Zuma, by analogy with Malibu beach. And the youngest was named Apollo - perhaps in honor of spaceship who landed on the moon for the first time.

Blue Ivy (Blue Ivy), Sir Carter (Sir Carter), Rumi (Rumi) - Beyoncé and Jay Z

The daughter of R&B artists is named Blue Ivy, which means “blue ivy”. The twins were also given unusual names by their parents. The boy was named Sir simply because "he looks very serious", and the girl - Rumi in honor of the spouses' favorite poet, Jalaladdin Rumi.

Harry, Elizabeth: Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva

That's who it's definitely time to sign up for the fan club of the British royal family! The Russian diva and her husband did not think long about what to name common children. Like Pugacheva and Galkin, the real Prince Harry and his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, are separated by many years.

Ariadne: Anastasia Volochkova and Igor Vdovin

You can love her like Russian oligarchs or hate, like Ksenia Sobchak, but it is difficult to remain indifferent. Anastasia Volochkova, as it turned out, is a big fan of mythology. First and so far only daughter The main ballerina of Russia named after the ancient Greek princess Ariadne.

Alla Victoria, Martin: Philip Kirkorov

Would you name a child after an ex? But Kirkorov did this by naming his daughter a double name, thereby honoring his former prima donna wife, Alla Pugacheva.

I would never name my children after...

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    Kim Kardashian and Kanye West 22%, 10 votes

    Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow 9%, 4 vote

Today, the singer Mot and his wife Maria Melnikova announced the name of their first child. The boy was called a rather unusual name - Solomon. Independent, purposeful, brave, self-confident - the owner of this name, according to the interpretation, has exceptionally courageous character traits. Approximately the same heroic spectrum of qualities is possessed by the bearers of the names Alexander, Peter or Nikolai. However, public people do not look for easy ways and prefer to give their children names with which it will be easier for them to stand out from the crowd a priori. HELLO.RU offers to find out how Russian celebrities call their babies.

The name Leia is of Hebrew origin, and decisiveness is called the main feature of its owner. Two celebrities from Russia, who once decisively conquered foreign space, decided to name their daughters like that at once. Firstly, the founder of the Garage Museum, Daria Zhukova. Secondly, supermodel Irina Shayk.

Among Russian stars, there are many those for whom the exclusivity of the name turned out to be more important than adapting it to Russian realities. So, the daughters of the director Valeria Gai-Germanika are Octavia and Severina, the son of Aiza Dolmatova - in a foreign manner - Elvis. TV presenter Olga Shelest brings up sisters Muza and Iris, and actress Ekaterina Klimova chose for her fourth child, daughters, fabulous name Bella. And this, of course, is not the whole list.

How to name a child? This question occupies all future parents. Some choose familiar names, others - unusual ones. Let's look at the birth certificates of children of Russian stars.

Alla Pugacheva And Maksim Galkin raising a son and a daughter. 4 year old baby name Harry we found it unusual. It is derived from the old French name Henry (Heinrich). However, now the names of Harry and Henry are independent.

Instagram @maxgalkinru

TV presenter's daughter Xenia Borodina named Thea. Depending on the stress, it has two meanings: if placed on the first - “goddess”, on the second - “feast for the eyes”.

Instagram @borodylia

The name Mia turned out to be popular among the stars. So their daughters were named at once by three star moms: Polina Gagarina, Agata Muceniece And Rita Dakota. Many Internet users remember how Rita Dakota and Agata Muceniece publicly discussed this issue. Recall that Muceniece wanted to name her daughter rare name and was a little upset that other daughters of the stars now wear it.

Instagram @agataagata
Instagram @ritadakota

Polina Gagarina did not participate. By the way, before the birth of her daughter, the singer considered other names. And she chose Mia thanks to symbolic signs - MIA was written on the children's envelope for the statement, and then a friend of Polina Gagarina sent her a photo of a bottle of water with the name Mia.

Instagram @gagara1987

Actress Ekaterina Vilkova She gave her daughter the name Paul. The girl in the family is affectionately called Pavlusha. It is symbolic that Pavla means “little”, “baby”. Note that Pavla was the name of the heroine played by Vilkova in the TV series "Palm Sunday".

Instagram @oldkavilochka

TV presenter Anfisa Chekhova chose the royal name for her son - Solomon. The meaning of the name is "peaceful". Relatives call the boy Solik.

Instagram @achekhova

Musician Sergey Zhukov preferred the name Angel for his son (“herald”, “angel”, “herald of joy”).

Instagram @burdregina

Showman Alexander Revva brings up daughters Amelie and Alice. Amelie is derived from the ancient Germanic name, which translates as "work", "labor". "Truth" is the meaning of the name Alice. In his microblog, Revva shared with subscribers that he named his daughter Amelie in honor of the heroine of the film with Audrey Tautou - he wanted his girl to be just as sympathetic and cheerful.

Instagram @arthurpirozhkov

Singer Keti Topuria named her daughter Olivia, which is translated from Latin as "olive tree", since ancient times considered a symbol of peace.

Instagram @keti_one_official

Outrageous director Valeria Gai Germanika- a fan of Roman names. Therefore, she added to her name given at birth, the second - Guy. And for her daughters she chose unusual names of Roman origin. Eldest daughter- Octavia, which means "eighth." youngest daughter name is Severina. The name comes from the male Roman name Severin, which, in turn, from the word "severus", which means "strict."

Instagram @germanicaislove_official

TV presenter Olga Shelest creatively approached the choice of names for daughters. Therefore, the Muse (meaning “thinking”) and Iris (“rainbow”, “iris”, “messenger of the gods”) grow in the family.

Instagram @olgashelest

Anna Khilkevich chose the name Arianna ("sacred", "devoted", "holy"). The actress explained that beautiful name made up of the names Arthur-Anna. Recall that the father of the girl is a businessman Artur Volkov.

Instagram @annakhilkevich

Charming actress Ekaterina Klimova named her daughter Bella with a symbolic meaning - "beautiful, beautiful." And consonant with the name of the baby's father - Gela Meskhi.

Instagram @klimovagram

Businesswoman and ex-wife of a rapper Gufa, Aiza Anokhina, chose the original names for her sons - Sami and Elvis. The meaning of the first is "great", and younger son named after Elvis Presley, whose work is Anokhina's fan.

Instagram @aizalovesam

TV presenter Victoria Bonya chose a double name for her daughter - Angelina-Letizia. Their meanings are "God's messenger" and "joy".

Instagram @victoriabonya

Model Natalya Vodyanova chose a name for her daughter, immediately suggestive of St. Petersburg. The girl's name is Neva ("snowy").

Instagram @natasupernova

Singer and mother of many children Alsou called all the children beautiful unusual names: daughters - Safina and Michaela, son - Rafael. Note that the name of the eldest girl is the surname of her mother, with the difference that the stress is placed on the second syllable.

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