Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Svyatoslav. The meaning of the beautiful boy name Svyatoslav

What does the name Svyatoslav mean:
This name, first of all, is translated into Russian as sacred glory.

Origin of the name Svyatoslav:
This is definitely ancient Slavic name, this is exactly what the most eminent families called their children.

Character conveyed by the name Svyatoslav:
In very early childhood, Svyatoslav will spend quite a lot of time with his mother, but he often shows his interest mainly in men's affairs. And his incredibly inquisitive mind, already at this tender age, as a rule, strives to penetrate to the very depths of things, and even to know their essence. In addition, Svyatoslav is a very impulsive and, moreover, easily carried away boy - so he will support any undertaking of his peers with great pleasure. And this is precisely what can sometimes become the main reason for his unusually poor discipline at school. It should be noted that Svyatoslav is talented and incredibly gifted by Mother Nature. He always shows success during his own studies, however, he is also too carried away by a variety of, but extraneous, matters, and of course that is why he cannot do something sufficiently for a long time Dedicate to only one subject. In everyday communication, Svyatoslav is always even and respectful with almost everyone. He is never the first to enter into the slightest conflict, but he is far from cowardly and of course, in case of the slightest need, he will always be ready to help. He always knows how to stand up for himself. But Svyatoslav’s character can be quite open, but at the same time he even has excessive vulnerability or touchiness. But Svyatoslav cannot be called at all vindictive, and even if he harbors a serious grudge somewhere in the depths of his soul, he will never take harsh revenge for anything. He is always open, peaceful, absolutely non-conflict and extremely delicate person. Moreover, Svyatoslav has a fairly large number of different friends and acquaintances, and they, in turn, consider him an interesting and pleasant conversationalist.

Svyatoslav, among other things, is an incredibly easily carried away nature, and sometimes, just after graduating from school, he can enroll in a university on some momentary impulse, and then, even though he graduates, by that time his future specialty has completely ceased to be of any interest to Svyatoslav. something interesting. He can also, without much difficulty, switch to a new task, completely forgetting about the previous task. But his hard work and all his natural talents, of course, help him achieve significant success in almost everything. And that’s probably why, no matter what, little Svyatoslav decided to get carried away in childhood, guess and accurately identify it future profession it can be almost impossible.

It should also be noted that Svyatoslav will value, first of all, maximum honesty and sincerity in people, and therefore he always chooses his wife based on these very qualities. And sometimes Svyatoslav cannot decide for a long time and enter into marital relations. And if it family happiness nothing overshadows it at all, then of course Svyatoslav will be ready to devote almost all of himself to his wife and, of course, to his growing children.

Our ancestors considered it obvious that every spoken word carries an energy charge. In this sense, a person’s own name truly has magical power. After all, each of us hears it dozens of times, which means it has a certain impact on our mood, behavior, and hobbies. That's why it's so important to know the origins of your own name. The name Svyatoslav, the meaning of which will be discussed in this article, has ancient origin. Finding out more about it will be useful and interesting for everyone.


The name Svyatoslav, the origin and meaning of which will certainly be of interest not only to its owners, has a unique history. The fact is that it goes back to the male name Svyatoslav, which appeared in Rus' along with the Rurik dynasty. It arose from the translation and fusion of two Scandinavian stems: helge (holy) and maar (glory). It turns out that female name Svyatoslava means "holy glory" and has Scandinavian and Old Church Slavonic roots.

Childhood and youth

It is quite rare in Russia for girls to be given the name Svyatoslav. Its meaning promises its owner a quiet and flexible character. She grows up responsive and friendly, capable of helping her friends in any situation. The girl calmly accepts criticism, but she experiences grievances deep inside and does not bring it up for public discussion.

Having matured, the bearer of the name Svyatoslav acquires somewhat different features. She becomes sociable and active, displays a changeable character and remarkable determination. Now the girl does not tolerate any outside interference, prefers to be independent in everything and has the right to this. No one is able to find a way out of a difficult situation as quickly as Svyatoslav! The meaning of the name and the character of its owner allow her to make decisions instantly and never look for ways to retreat. If she has to work under the supervision of another person, the result may be completely unpredictable.


Hard work and talent are the traits of the owner of this name. This is the meaning of the name Svyatoslav. A woman’s vocation is to create a home, but Slava will in no case want to limit herself to this goal. She is always full of all kinds of ideas and strives to bring them to life at any cost. Svyatoslava imitates her mother in everything. She is very curious and fickle in her desires. If a woman was born in winter, then she will have indestructible self-confidence and diverse interests, sometimes far beyond the scope of her chosen profession. A lady named Svyatoslav can take on a problem of any complexity and solve it brilliantly. However, the career of such a person develops quite slowly, since sometimes she becomes intractable and stubborn.

Personal life

What is the personal life of women who bear the name Svyatoslav (its meaning is of interest to many future parents)? They need to be very careful when choosing a life partner. Women with this name become wonderful housewives and devoted wives, but they find it extremely difficult to endure a breakup. Therefore, Svyatoslava usually marries once and for all and then reaps the fruits of her action all her life. If she did right choice spouse, she will be surrounded by attention, warmth and care, and if not, difficult trials await her.


Those women whose name is Svyatoslava have fairly good health. The meaning of the name tells us that it has energetic power, which is reflected in the physical state of the body. However, over the years, a woman may experience problems with the gastrointestinal tract, so Svyatoslava’s menu should include foods such as chicken, pumpkin, yoghurts and kefir, rich in beneficial enzymes.

Numerology of the name

The meaning of each name is made up of its constituent sounds and letters. It is this aspect, according to many researchers, that influences a person’s habits, character and destiny. Let's look at the numerology of the name Svyatoslav. According to experienced experts, the number of the soul of the owner of this name is one. This means that Svyatoslava is an active and decisive person, but quickly loses interest in everything ordinary. She can solve the most difficult task in a short time, but don't ask her to perform the same functions day after day. Svyatoslava knows how to make money quickly and spends it just as easily. All her life she will be surrounded by devoted and reliable friends who can help in difficult situations.

Name horoscope

  • Metal - gold.
  • Patron animal - lion, falcon, eagle, scarab.
  • Color - red, gold, yellow.
  • Element - dryness, warmth, fire.
  • Plant - mistletoe, olive, wild rose, oak, almond, cedar, laurel, peony, heliotrope.
  • Planet - Sun.
  • Day - Sunday.
  • Zodiac sign - Leo.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters in the name Svyatoslav

C - the desire for a high position and material stability. Predominance common sense. Power and capriciousness in a moment of irritation. Finding your own path in life.

B - sociability, unity with nature, active connection with life. A sign of a creative person looking to the future.

I am the desire for love and respect from others. The ability to achieve this.

T - sensitive, intuitive and creative person. He is in search of the truth even despite his own well-being.

O - deep feelings and ability to handle finances. The presence of this letter of the name indicates that a person certainly needs to understand his purpose, then he will realize himself more fully in life.

C - see above.

A - thirst for spiritual and physical comfort. A strong desire to carry out some undertaking.

B - see above.

A - see above.

So, the meaning of the name Svyatoslav for a girl has promising prospects. The owner of this name will never be bored: she will always find use for her talents in any field of activity. Parents should instill in Svyatoslav perseverance and patience, and then she will boldly climb the steps career ladder all the way to the top. The ability to find a way out of any situation will make her a very successful person.

Svyatoslav is a native Slavic name. It is formed from two words: the noun “glory” and the adjective “holy”. The meaning of the name Svyatoslav is easy to understand: he is a talented, cheerful and hardworking person. In Russian times this was what boys were called. Parents who chose him assigned their child good luck, peace and happiness. Usually such children came from famous noble families. They were called sun children!

What does the name Svyatoslav mean?


This is one of the few names that has been accepted Orthodox Church. Translated from the ancient Slavic language, Svyatoslav means “sacred glory.” WITH early childhood Saint - He helps her with everything and everywhere, even with housework. But this is for the time being. Gradually he begins to take an interest in men's affairs. Svyatoslav makes a real Svyatoslav!

The meaning of the name, as we already know, speaks of the curiosity of its representative. This character trait gives him no rest. He constantly strives to understand the world around him. The boy grows up impulsive and enthusiastic. He supports any ideas and undertakings of his friends, for which he often gets punished by adults.


Appeals to his talent. The guy is naturally gifted; many people envy his abilities. Svyatoslav can turn out to be a brilliant student, but “extra” hobbies often interfere with his studies.


This person treats the people around him with respect - this is the meaning of his name. Svyatoslav hates acting as the initiator of conflicts, but this does not mean he is cowardly! If the need arises, he will definitely come to the aid of his friends. However, his talent makes him sometimes vulnerable and Fortunately, Svyatoslav is not a vindictive person. Even if he takes offense at someone, he will never take revenge.


The adult Svyatoslav is an open, delicate and peace-loving person. The owners of this name switch quite quickly from the old business to the new. It costs them nothing to forget about their previous endeavors. That is why special preferences in professional activity he doesn't have. Any specialty suits him. By the way, innate talent and passion for hard work certainly help Svyatoslav achieve success.

Svyatoslav has a very strong sense of solidarity. That is why he has more than enough friends! Inherent to him strong-willed qualities, sober mind, poise and patience make Svyatoslav a strong spirit. He will always be able to stand up for himself and convince others of his opinion.

Family meaning of the name

Svyatoslav is the very charm in relationships with the fair sex. However, he approaches the choice of a life partner thoughtfully and carefully. Girls with frivolous behavior are not interesting to him. The owner of this name is looking for a sincere, serious, polite and reliable girl with a stand life position. In his youth, he is not always able to find his ideal. Therefore, Svyatoslav’s marriage most often happens late.


Name Svyatoslav Slavic origin. It came from the combination of two Slavic words - “holy” and “glory”. The literal interpretation is “sacred glory.” By the way, this name has really strong energy and at one time it was given only to children from eminent families who brought benefit to the people and the world.

The male name Svyatoslav is not very popular today, but it has good significance and is listed among the rating names. But his most important advantage lies in his strong energy and good, positive value, we promise a lot good qualities

Conversational options: Svyatik, Sveta, Svetik, Slava

Modern English analogues: Sventoslav, Svatoslav, Svetislav

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Svyatoslav promises good, but contradictory qualities. But at the same time, all Svyatoslavs are different and different from each other, because everyone is promised different things, depending on the sign of the Zodiac, upbringing and a sea of ​​other factors. Svyatoslav can be a sociable, eloquent, attractive person who knows how to charm people. Can become a manipulator, but not selfish. He despises lies and flattery, values ​​honesty and sincerity, although he himself will not be like that - he hides his feelings from prying eyes, tries to seem optimistic and not focused on problems.

Ambitious, a little arrogant, ambitious, firm and tough gentleman and hard worker. This is a born leader, prone to complex sciences. He will never give in in a dispute, he is always one hundred percent confident in his own opinion and vision of the situation. Can build a mind-blowing career, especially in the military and scientific field. Two contradictory qualities are at war in him - greed and a desire for charity.

Advantages and positive features: The main advantage of the Svyatoslavs, all without exception, lies in their readiness to do anything in order to prove that they are right. At the same time, Svyatoslav will always have his own unique opinion on everything. The bearer of this name will never have a “herd” mentality.

Svyatoslav has a bad attitude towards people who do not have their own personal point of view, those who act badly towards the weak, and selfish people. And Svyatoslav will never allow a person whom he does not trust to approach him.

The first mention of this name in ancient sources and manuscripts was noticed during the reign of Prince of Kyiv Svyatoslav Igorevich, dating back to the 10th century.

Character of the name Svyatoslav

The character of the name Svyatoslav, or rather the bearer of this name, is such that it promises many good qualities. Restraint, talkativeness, hard work, lack of conflict, kindness and generosity, commitment and diligence, sensitivity and receptivity, eloquence and sociability - all these are traits that determine the character of the boy named after Svyatoslav. But this is still far from full list promised by the name Svyatoslav.

On the other hand, character is too complex a factor, and it is determined not only by the characteristics of the name, but also by a bunch of other factors. Thus, the Svyatoslavs are greatly influenced by parental education and the example of their father. Although we should not forget about astrological symbolism, which also influences character.

Early childhood

Typically, the character of a boy to whom his parents decided to give the rare beautiful name Svyatoslav at birth is characterized by such traits as curiosity, good nature, goodwill, hard work, honesty, generosity, justice, responsiveness, openness, eloquence, obedience, mobility, sensitivity and touchiness. It may seem that the boy Svyatoslav has an angelic nature, but in fact this is far from the case. Meaning may endow him with a calm nature and kindness, which not everyone can boast, but he is not an “angel” - this boy may often have disagreements with his peers, quarrels with his parents and conflicts with the people around him, he is offended too much and may even become offended to the smallest detail. However, grievances are inherent in all young children...

But the little boy, who is protected by the meaning and energy of the name Svyatoslav, has tremendous creative potential and imagination, which can only be envied. To have a good time, he does not need friends and fun - such a boy will only need what he loves and the goal he needs to achieve. Speaking of goals - determination and hard work, these are the “crown” traits of the boy, over whom the meaning of the name Svyatoslav reigns. It is thanks to them that he will be able to achieve a lot in life. He enjoys learning everything new, and in general, this boy can have many activities that he likes. Parents just need to direct his energy in the right direction.


A teenage boy, patronized by the meaning and energy of the nominal form Svyatoslav, may even have a unique nature. On the one hand, he is a kind, calm, romantic, a little emotional, but fair and reasonable boy. On the other hand, Svyatoslav can sometimes show his worst sides, demonstrating aggression, touchiness, hot temper, and selfishness, which in fact is rarely inherent in boys named by this name. This is because no one usually takes the boy Svyatoslav seriously because of his excessive calmness and secrecy, while he himself needs the attention of those around him - as a result, Svyatoslav can begin to behave too pompously and aggressively. However, as mentioned above, all this is just pretense...

In the team of an educational institution, be it school or higher education educational institution, No one will perceive Svyatoslav as a leader, even if he tries hard to become this very leader. The meaning of this name can reward leadership abilities and the ability to organize people, but they will only manifest themselves in a boy born in the fall. But such a person may have a bunch of other talents - he may be interested in creativity, draw beautifully, sing well and even write poetry. True, usually these abilities are inherent only to spring and in a rare case winter Svyatoslavs. And the meaning can reward Svyatoslav with excessive distrust of people, but it will manifest itself most strongly in maturity.

Grown man

The meaning and energy of the name Svyatoslav can bestow an adult man named by this name with a bright temperament and no less bright ambitions. This man will have a chance to become a full-fledged leader in the society of friends and colleagues, but most likely only informally. The fact is that all Svyatoslavs, for the most part, are afraid of responsibility, and that is why they do not strive for leadership, especially official leadership. And Svyatoslavs are also distrustful and fearful, they are afraid of betrayal and deception, and most of all in life they are afraid of making a mistake and disgracing themselves in the eyes of society.

But on the other hand, the meaning can endow the Svyatoslav man with an excellent sense of humor and eloquence. They are happy to communicate with people of various types, never refuse new acquaintances, and easily make contact. Yes, distrust will not allow you to acquire a large number of true friends, but those who manage to achieve this title will be able to count on Svyatoslav in any situation. The man Svyatoslav, who is protected by the meaning of this nominal form, will never leave a friend in trouble, will always be there to help and will help in any situation, if not with deeds, then at least with simple advice.

Even the adult Svyatoslav is characterized by touchiness and capriciousness. You never know how someone like that will take the next joke or gag. He can be offended even by the smallest thing, harboring a grudge for many years. And also, especially summer Svyatoslavs, are characterized by vindictiveness...

Interaction of the character Svyatoslav with the seasons

Spring - blooming spring brings into the world the bearer of the name Svyatoslav with a complex character. He will grow up emotional, quick-tempered, self-confident, assertive and stubborn, stubborn, aggressive, but serious and responsible. Such a person does not admit his own mistake, but will try to prevent it - he approaches any issue seriously. Reliable and friendly, he will never betray.

Summer - the summer season brings into this world a vulnerable and touchy boy, childish, capricious and even spoiled. But he is purposeful and persistent, he will definitely achieve his goal and will not give up in the face of difficulties. Responsible and hardworking, but in life he lacks self-confidence - he needs a strong and stable companion who can direct his will in the right direction.

Autumn - capricious days, surprisingly, endow a boy with such a name with a difficult, but positive, optimistic, frivolous character. He is eloquent and has charm, a seducer and a “womanizer” but a romantic and beyond charming. With such ladies it’s cozy and comfortable, but count on serious relationship It's not worth it with him. Fickle and unstable, loves movement.

Winter is a kind, sympathetic, vulnerable, reserved and shy, naive, overly trusting representative of the stronger half of humanity. He is not deprived of the attention of people, especially women, but he is too weak and insignificant, does not know how to defend his opinion, is inferior to everyone in disputes, and dreams of pure love. He needs a domineering, tactful, strong and assertive chosen one.

The fate of the name Svyatoslav

The fate of the name Svyatoslav in relations with representatives of the opposite sex is such that it presupposes Svyatoslav becoming a good husband, an excellent father, and an exemplary family man. With such a woman, the woman he chooses to start a family will be like behind a stone wall. Moreover, if we take history as an example, Svyatoslav’s fate may involve the early creation of a family and becoming a father. Such a man will not be able to resist a woman who can achieve his affection, and most importantly, trust; he will not miss his chance and marry such a lady.

The fate of the Svyatoslavs is very unpredictable in terms of love. And yet, astrologers claim that the man named by this name will be an excellent gentleman. Svyatoslav will never raise his hand to a woman, will not offend her with a bad word, will not insult her, but at the same time he will not show weakness - if necessary, he can hit the table with his fist and show himself as a leader. Svyatoslav’s destiny is to become a leader in the family, although in public he can show himself henpecked, so as not to spoil the attitude of those around him towards his wife.

But in adolescence, fate suggests a rather stormy personal life. Svyatoslav can be very popular with girls, and moreover, he can begin to take advantage of this.

Love and marriage

It is actually difficult to judge what kind of person, and especially a man, will become a husband, focusing only on the meaning and energy of the name by which he is named. And yet, in the case of Svyatoslav, something can still be said. And first of all, it is worth saying that Svyatoslav simply cannot be a bad husband, because Svyatoslavs are always men who are ready to take responsibility for loved ones and their actions - such a person simply cannot be a bad husband, with such a woman is bound to will feel like behind a stone wall.

Another thing is that most likely Svyatoslav will be looking for a soul mate for a long time, with whom he would like to connect his life. And the reason is that the Svyatoslavs themselves are very demanding in relation to other people, and even more so in relation to those who are trying to become close. The bearer of this name will never tolerate a woman next to him who does not at least in some way meet his criteria. By the way, she must be patient, flexible, positive, honest, hardworking and, most interestingly, not demanding.

If Svyatoslav finds such a woman, he will do everything possible to stay with her forever. And by the way, bearers of this name are very assertive and stubborn. What is this for? Moreover, even without seeing reciprocal feelings and love, the bearer of this name will still seek the woman to whom he paid attention.

Svyatoslav as Father

What kind of Pope will the bearer of the name Svyatoslav be? Well, certainly not bad. Although bad qualities it will still be enough. But it’s worth starting by mentioning that the majority of Svyatoslavs are very responsible men, and therefore they must treat family planning responsibly. It is unlikely that a child will appear in the family of such a man by chance, unplanned.

Will Svyatoslav become a good father? He certainly won’t become bad, but he won’t be an ideal father either. On the one hand, he will be devoted to his children, no matter how many of them he has, and will never abandon them or leave them in trouble. But on the other hand, Svyatoslav will never show more than warm fatherly love - such is the character usually of the bearers of this name.

With regard to the upbringing, development of children and preparing them for adulthood, adult life, so ideally it would be better for their mother to deal with this, because Svyatoslav himself is unlikely to deal with these issues. He will give money, prosperity, comfort, a roof over his head, protection, but will not control the children, prepare them for adulthood and educate them, because most likely he will be of the opinion that children themselves must make their own mistakes and learn from them.

Compatibility with female names

In the case of the name Svyatoslav, the best thing is compatibility with such female names as Varvara, Gloria, Elizabeth, Isolde, and Capitolina. Here, in the case of creating a couple with one of the women named so, there is every chance of building a strong and lasting marriage with all the resulting consequences.

If Svyatik builds a couple with a woman named Bronislava, Dora, or Marianna, then there are chances, although less, but they will still be there. And what is equally important, mutual understanding, love, and passion will reign in the couple, albeit along with jealousy. This is what most experts think...

But it is not at all recommended for Slavik to build relationships with Anfisa, Victoria, Ekaterina, or Elena, because, according to astrologers, nothing good can happen here.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Svyatoslav, its origin, history, and learn about the options for interpreting the name.

  • Zodiac of Svyatoslav - Aries
  • The planet Mars
  • The color of the name Svyatoslav is lilac
  • Auspicious tree - oak
  • Svyatoslav's treasured plant - sweet pea
  • The patron saint of the name Svyatoslav is elk
  • Svyatoslav's talisman stone is amethyst

What does the name Svyatoslav mean: sacred glory (the name Svyatoslav is of Slavic origin).

Short meaning of the name Svyatoslav: Slava, Svyatik, Holy, Yasya.

Patronymic name Svyatoslav: Svyatoslavovich, Svyatoslavich, Svyatoslavovna, Svyatoslavna.

Positive traits of the name Svyatoslav: Balance, originality of thinking, strong will, patience, practicality, conciseness. The name Svyatoslav already enjoys authority in the children's team; people consult with him and value his opinion. Parents are proud of the name Svyatoslav’s success in studies, seriousness and independence. A man named Svyatoslav never gets excited, his statements are simple and calm, which convinces his interlocutor of their truth. Svyatoslav is no stranger to mystical moods; he strives for true faith and deep love, but at the same time prefers to hide his feelings from prying eyes.

Negative traits of the name Svyatoslav: Vanity, pride, a sense of exclusivity, arbitrariness. Svyatoslav is not very interested in the problems and experiences of his neighbor. He is focused on himself. In his life, there are repeated periods of dissatisfaction with the chosen direction, a desire to radically change his life, to cleanse it of unnecessary people, activities, and impressions. Svyatoslav sometimes needs to listen to other people's opinions. On behalf of Svyatoslav, his loved ones expect participation and care.

Character of the name Svyatoslav: Svyatoslav is a stubborn, capricious, ceremonious person, he knows his worth. The team respects him, but dislikes him for his arrogance. No one and nothing will force Svyatoslav to give up his principles; he is an ideal judge - even on the football field, even in a domestic dispute. The name Svyatoslav is emphatically elegant. If possible, he will graduate from two or even three universities. The meaning of the name looks at life somewhat skeptically, feeling himself exiled to a sinful earth from some beautiful worlds.

A man named Svyatoslav is monogamous. True, before marriage he will amaze everyone with attention to him beautiful women, but after marriage he breaks off all previous acquaintances. He treats children a little coldly, as do few of his friends.

Choosing a profession by name: the name Svyatoslav can realize his ambition and ambitiousness in business sphere. Natural firmness helps Svyatoslav defend his interests and impose his rules of the game on his partner. He will make an excellent banker, the head of a large company, and a diplomat. Svyatoslav can make a brilliant military career and achieve popularity in the field of art.

Business and career of Svyatoslav: Svyatoslav has every chance to create a good fortune for himself. He does not waste money, but lets it grow. At the same time, the name Svyatoslav is greedy, capable of charity, but prefers to control this activity.

Love and marriage of Svyatoslav: Svyatoslav is attracted to beautiful and intelligent women who have a high position in society. The union of the name Svyatoslav with Catherine, Elena, Daria, Margarita, Maria, Predslava, Sbyslava, Svetlana, Seraphima, Fedora is favorable. Difficult relationships of the name can develop with Antonina, Galina, Glafira, Golubaya, Lada, Lyubov.

Health and talents named after Svyatoslav: He grows up as a calm child, often catches colds, has weak lungs and bronchi. Predisposition to respiratory diseases persists in mature age. However, frequent illnesses do not affect his character in any way; Svyatoslav does not become capricious and is not spoiled by excessive attention from his parents. Svyatoslav is smart, serious, thoughtful.

Svyatoslav's character is dominated by calmness and poise. It is difficult to see him excited, he knows how to control himself, and is stingy with emotions. By nature he is friendly and welcoming. As a child, Svyatoslav is very attached to his mother and retains warm feelings for her throughout his life. He treats his wife, his daughters, and all the women he knows with equal reverence. The name Svyatoslav does not attract temperamental, energetic women - they consider it spineless and uninteresting.

Svyatoslav does not strive for great fame, he moves up the career ladder slowly, his whole life passes without any special ups and downs, and this suits him quite well, who values ​​tranquility and a measured rhythm of life most of all.

The name Svyatoslav is hardworking, patient, and steadfastly endures failures. He does not like to burden others with requests or bother his loved ones with his problems. He copes with everything on his own, but is always ready to listen to the problems of others and, if possible, help them.

In the family sphere, Svyatoslav is a very economical husband and a good father. The name Svyatoslav loves his family, lives for the sake of his children and wife. Svyatoslav knows how to be content with little, is not pretentious in everyday life, and is not demanding of his wife. Often he gets married to a strong-willed woman who is capable of suppressing him and takes advantage of his habit of giving in and pleasing all women.

Therefore, Svyatoslav, like no one else, should be careful in choosing a wife. Svyatoslav is having a hard time with the divorce, but this is not the worst thing for him; the worst thing is that he may remain single and no longer decide to tie the knot. In addition, he is very attached to his children and often does not marry, devoting his life to caring for them: he often meets with them, takes them on weekends, and spends vacations with them.

For the name Svyatoslav, the breakup of a family is a real emotional drama from which he will never be able to fully recover. If Svyatoslav makes the right choice, then best husband difficult to find. He is affectionate, gentle, attentive to his wife, devoted husband and loving father. Treason is alien to him, romance novels- are burdensome.

The fate of the name Svyatoslav in history:

  1. Svyatoslav Igorevich (942 - 972) - Grand Duke Kiev At the time of the death of his father, killed by the Drevlyans, Svyatoslav was still a baby and the management of the principality during his childhood was in the hands of his mother, Princess Olga. Having matured, he rushed to Danube Bulgaria, appearing there with his allies - the Hungarians, Pechenegs, etc., as a friend of Byzantium. The success of his campaign was so great that the Greeks became worried and their emperor John Tzimiskes made peace with the Bulgarians. Svyatoslav had a hard time. He was forced to leave Bulgaria and moved on boats to the Dnieper rapids, but the rapids were occupied by the Pechenegs. Svyatoslav waited until spring and again tried to pass the rapids, but was killed in a battle with the Pechenegs, who, according to legend, made a cup from his skull.
  2. Svyatoslav Teofilovich Richter (1915 - 1998) - famous pianist, National artist USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor. He was awarded the Lenin Prize and State Prizes of the USSR and Russia.
  3. Svyatoslav Medvedev - (born 1949) physiologist, author of works on the study of human brain systems)
  4. Svyatoslav Vakarchuk (Ukrainian rock musician, songwriter, politician. Known as the founder and leader of the group “Ocean Elzy”.
  5. Svyatoslav Belza - famous literary critic, musicologist and TV presenter, People's Artist of Russia, Honored Artist of Russia, Honored Worker of Polish Culture, music observer for the Kultura TV channel, honorary member Russian Academy arts, full member of the Academy of Russian Art and the Academy of Russian Television, critic.
  6. Svyatoslav Vitman, better known under the pseudonym Svyatoslav Loginov, is a Russian writer working in the genres of fantasy and science fiction, winner of the Aelita, Wanderer, and Interpresscon awards.
  7. Svyatoslav Moroz is a Russian violinist and music teacher.
  8. Svyatoslav Shramchenko - (1893 - 1958) Ukrainian military and public figure, philatelist, writer.
  9. Svyatoslav Chekin - film director, composer.
  10. Svyatoslav Rybas is a Russian prose writer, biographer, and Russian public figure.
  11. Svyatoslav “Slava” Pestov is the creator of the Factor programming language and the popular editor for programmers jEdit.
  12. Svyatoslavov Kuznetsov - choreographer, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1966).
  13. Svyatoslav Ivanov - geologist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

What does the name Svyatoslav mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate


Polite Witty Cheerful

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, rock musician

Origin of the name: Slavic

When you're lucky: Thursday, Friday

When there are problems: Saturday

Important years of life: 28, 34, 55

Zodiac sign: Aries

Lucky number: 7

What does the name Svyatoslav mean?

To understand the meaning of the name Svyatoslav, it is necessary to carry out its etymological analysis.

Initially, it came from the merger of two words from the Old Norse language: “helge”, that is, “holiness” and “maar” - glory, therefore, its meaning is understood as “sacred glory”.

It is worth noting that in Scandinavia they were considered two independent names.

This interpretation is confirmed by the centuries-old history of the spread of this name, which testifies: only very noble men were called it.

Would you name your child this name?
Not really

This is a very strong and noble name, dating back to the dawn of Kievan Rus.

A child born exclusively into a noble family, whose members became famous for their exploits, could be called Svyatoslav.

A less common story of the name Svyatoslav is confirmed in ancient Byzantine chronicles, where the name Sfendoslavos can be found.

Its origin is due to the addition of the name Sven, common among the Scandinavian peoples, with the ending used for complex Slavic names - “slav”.

It is generally accepted to associate the origin of the name Svyatoslav with the son of Grand Duchess Olga, Svyatoslav Igorevich, who lived and ruled a powerful principality in the 10th century.

It is also of great importance that this original Slavic name was adopted by Orthodoxy. And this is very rare.

Forms of the name Simple: SlavaFull: SvyatoslavAncient: SvyatoslavTender: Slavochka

Looking at Svyatoslav’s characterization, you will not find any shortcomings there: he simply sees them perfectly and tries to eradicate them.

The boy, who was given the name Svyatoslav at birth, is distinguished by his balance, complaisance and curiosity in in a good way words.

With age, his character will be distinguished by meaningfulness, balance, ease of communication, diligence and a constant desire for new heights.

Having analyzed what the name Svyatoslav means, you understand how obliging it is, what a strong imprint it leaves on the fate of its owner, and this is its main secret.

In fact, Svyatoslav attaches great importance to his name and, whatever its origin, feels superior to others, although prudence and pragmatism do not allow him to declare this openly.

On the one hand, this means that he is ambitious and always strives for absolute success, and on the other hand, he will not brag about his achievements, and this will help him achieve universal recognition and respect.

A detailed interpretation of the name allows us to compose short description the main features of its owner: decisive, charismatic, purposeful, ambitious, tactful.

It is important to understand that the character of the name Svyatoslav is not simple. This is a man with a double bottom, who, however, is devoid of meanness and hypocrisy.

It is unacceptable for Svyatoslav to be content with little, but to achieve what he wants, he will not compromise his firm principles. On this basis, there is a high probability of misunderstandings with senior management.

However, he will still achieve significant success in his career, because Svyatoslav’s characteristics are based on qualities such as hard work and perseverance. He is not used to giving in to difficulties.

Trials strengthen his character, make him wiser and help him develop. Svyatoslav perceives them as a challenge, and accepts it with dignity. Inner strength, sincerity and optimism ensure his universal sympathy.

The true secret of this name is revealed if the patronymic Alexandrovich, Danilovich or Olegovich is added to it.

Character Traits Politeness Prudence Witty Hard work Purposefulness Narcissism Ambitiousness Stubbornness Vanity Pride

Svyatoslav enjoys an excellent reputation among the opposite sex; throughout his life he literally bathes in female love.

And this is no coincidence, because he has such important qualities as: generosity, politeness, kindness, sense of humor, inner strength and generosity.

Good and bad couples Anastasia Varvara Lada Maria Tatyana Antonina Victoria Elena Nina Yana

This characteristic of the name Svyatoslav provides him with excellent compatibility in a couple, the creation of which he takes very seriously. He is ready to admire his chosen one around the clock, surrounding her with care and attention.

The ability to compromise, sincere respect for a woman, the desire to avoid mutual reproaches and insults - this is where absolute harmony comes from in a relationship with such a man.

Svyatoslav gets married only after going through the path of personal development, having decided on his own ideal, and having found it out of millions. Therefore, he becomes an exemplary family man - caring, patient and economical.

When is the name day?

February 16 July 6 © Author: Alexey Krivenky. Photo: depositphotos.com

Name Svyatoslav: meaning, origin

Our ancestors considered it obvious that every spoken word carries an energy charge. In this sense, a person’s own name has truly magical powers. After all, each of us hears it dozens of times, which means it has a certain impact on our mood, behavior, and hobbies. That's why it's so important to know the origins of your own name. The name Svyatoslav, the meaning of which will be discussed in this article, has ancient origins. Finding out more about it will be useful and interesting for everyone.


The name Svyatoslav, the origin and meaning of which will certainly be of interest not only to its owners, has a unique history. The fact is that it goes back to the male name Svyatoslav, which appeared in Rus' along with the Rurik dynasty. It arose from the translation and fusion of two Scandinavian stems: helge (holy) and maar (glory). It turns out that the female name Svyatoslav means “holy glory” and has Scandinavian and Old Slavonic roots.

Childhood and youth

It is quite rare in Russia for girls to be given the name Svyatoslav. Its meaning promises its owner a quiet and flexible character. She grows up responsive and friendly, capable of helping her friends in any situation. The girl calmly accepts criticism, but she experiences grievances deep inside and does not bring it up for public discussion.

Having matured, the bearer of the name Svyatoslav acquires somewhat different features. She becomes sociable and active, displays a changeable character and remarkable determination. Now the girl does not tolerate any outside interference, prefers to be independent in everything and has the right to this. No one is able to find a way out of a difficult situation as quickly as Svyatoslav! The meaning of the name and the character of its owner allow her to make decisions instantly and never look for ways to retreat. If she has to work under the supervision of another person, the result may be completely unpredictable.


Hard work and talent are the traits of the owner of this name. This is the meaning of the name Svyatoslav. A woman’s vocation is to create a home, but Slava will in no case want to limit herself to this goal. She is always full of all kinds of ideas and strives to bring them to life at any cost. Svyatoslava imitates her mother in everything. She is very curious and fickle in her desires. If a woman was born in winter, then she will have indestructible self-confidence and diverse interests, sometimes far beyond the scope of her chosen profession. A lady named Svyatoslav can take on a problem of any complexity and solve it brilliantly. However, the career of such a person develops quite slowly, since sometimes she becomes intractable and stubborn.

Personal life

What is the personal life of women who bear the name Svyatoslav (its meaning is of interest to many future parents)? They need to be very careful when choosing a life partner. Women with this name become wonderful housewives and devoted wives, but they find it extremely difficult to endure a breakup. Therefore, Svyatoslava usually marries once and for all and then reaps the fruits of her action all her life. If she made the right choice of a spouse, she will be surrounded by attention, warmth and care, and if not, difficult trials await her.


Those women whose name is Svyatoslava have fairly good health. The meaning of the name tells us that it has energetic power, which is reflected in the physical state of the body. However, over the years, a woman may experience problems with the gastrointestinal tract, so Svyatoslava’s menu should include foods such as chicken, pumpkin, yoghurts and kefir, rich in beneficial enzymes.

Numerology of the name

The meaning of each name is made up of its constituent sounds and letters. It is this aspect, according to many researchers, that influences a person’s habits, character and destiny. Let's look at the numerology of the name Svyatoslav. According to experienced experts, the number of the soul of the owner of this name is one. This means that Svyatoslava is an active and decisive person, but quickly loses interest in everything ordinary. She can solve the most difficult task in a short time, but don't ask her to perform the same functions day after day. Svyatoslava knows how to make money quickly and spends it just as easily. All her life she will be surrounded by devoted and reliable friends who can help in difficult situations.

Name horoscope

  • Metal – gold.
  • Patron animal – lion, falcon, eagle, scarab.
  • Color – red, gold, yellow.
  • Element – ​​dryness, warmth, fire.
  • Plant – mistletoe, olive, wild rose, oak, almond, cedar, laurel, peony, heliotrope.
  • Planet – Sun.
  • Day – Sunday.
  • Zodiac sign – Leo.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters in the name Svyatoslav

C – desire for a high position and material stability. Common sense prevails. Power and capriciousness in a moment of irritation. Finding your own path in life.

B – sociability, unity with nature, active connection with life. A sign of a creative person looking to the future.

I am the desire for love and respect from others. The ability to achieve this.

T is a sensitive, intuitive and creative person. He is in search of the truth even despite his own well-being.

O – deep feelings and ability to handle finances. The presence of this letter of the name indicates that a person certainly needs to understand his purpose, then he will realize himself more fully in life.

C – see above.

A – thirst for spiritual and physical comfort. A strong desire to carry out some undertaking.

B – see above.

A – see above.

So, the meaning of the name Svyatoslav for a girl has promising prospects. The owner of this name will never be bored: she will always find use for her talents in any field of activity. Parents should instill in Svyatoslav perseverance and patience, and then she will boldly climb the steps of the career ladder to the very top. The ability to find a way out of any situation will make her a very successful person.

Sun of life. The meaning of the name Svyatoslav

Svyatoslav is a native Slavic name. It is formed from two words: the noun “glory” and the adjective “holy”. The meaning of the name Svyatoslav is easy to understand: he is a talented, cheerful and hardworking person. In Russian times, boys were rarely called by this name. Parents who chose him assigned their child good luck, peace and happiness. Usually such children came from famous noble families. They were called sun children!

What does the name Svyatoslav mean?


This is one of the few names of Slavic origin that has been accepted by the Orthodox Church. Translated from the ancient Slavic language, Svyatoslav means “sacred glory.” From early childhood Svyatik - Sissy. He helps her with everything and everywhere, even with housework. But this is for the time being. Gradually he begins to take an interest in men's affairs. Svyatoslav makes a real Svyatoslav!

The meaning of the name, as we already know, speaks of the curiosity of its representative. This character trait gives him no rest. He constantly strives to understand the world around him. The boy grows up impulsive and enthusiastic. He supports any ideas and undertakings of his friends, for which he often gets punished by adults.


The meaning of the name Svyatoslav appeals to his talent. The guy is naturally gifted; many people envy his abilities. Svyatoslav can turn out to be a brilliant student, but “extra” hobbies often interfere with his studies.


This person treats the people around him with respect - this is the meaning of his name. Svyatoslav hates acting as the initiator of conflicts, but this does not mean he is cowardly! If the need arises, he will definitely come to the aid of his friends. However, his talent makes him sometimes a vulnerable and touchy person. Fortunately, Svyatoslav is not a vindictive person. Even if he takes offense at someone, he will never take revenge.


The adult Svyatoslav is an open, delicate and peace-loving person. The owners of this name switch quite quickly from the old business to the new. It costs them nothing to forget about their previous endeavors. That is why he has no special preferences in professional activities. Any specialty suits him. By the way, innate talent and passion for hard work certainly help Svyatoslav achieve success.

Svyatoslav has a very strong sense of solidarity. That is why he has more than enough friends! His inherent strong-willed qualities, sober mind, poise and patience make Svyatoslav a strong spirit. He will always be able to stand up for himself and convince others of his opinion.

Family meaning of the nameSvyatoslav is the very charm in relationships with the fair sex. However, he approaches the choice of a life partner thoughtfully and carefully. Girls with frivolous behavior are not interesting to him. The owner of this name is in search of a sincere, serious, polite and reliable girl with a strong attitude in life. In his youth, he is not always able to find his ideal. Therefore, Svyatoslav’s marriage most often happens late.

Ancient Slavic name of Svyatoslav. Meaning

The name Svyatoslav, the meaning of which is “holy glory,” is of ancient Slavic origin. Its owners are distinguished by their willingness to help family and friends, as well as their affability and friendliness. Girls with this name can calmly listen to criticism addressed to them, taking into account the opponent’s comments, and not taking everything with hostility.

The name Svyatoslav, the meaning of which we are considering in this article, keeps its secrets in the letters and syllables of which it consists. Let's take a closer look at this point. The meaning of the letters of this name is as follows:

  • S – thriftiness, emotionality, suspicion, ambition.
  • B – sociability, pessimism, secrecy, desire for creativity.
  • I am sincerity, sociability, uncertainty.
  • T – good intuition, spirituality, communication skills.
  • O – goodwill, sociability, thriftiness, secrecy.
  • L – hard work, intelligence, talkativeness.
  • A – sincerity, self-love, creativity, pessimism.

The female name Svyatoslav, apparently, carries contradictory character traits. Among them we can distinguish such as sociability and secrecy, suspicion and goodwill. Indeed, girls with this name have a rather changeable disposition. Often they themselves do not know what exactly they want. However, from difficult situations they come out without fuss or panic.

The name Svyatoslav, the meaning of which we reveal, is fraught with incredible power. That is why its owners are strong-willed, and sometimes even tough. If Svyatoslava is subordinate to someone, unpredictable actions can be expected from her.

Girls with this name are distinguished by phenomenal hard work and bright talents. There are always a lot of creative ideas in their heads that simply need to be realized.

It is noteworthy that Svyatoslava has been trying to be like her mother all her life. It is her mother who becomes the only authoritative person for her. Girls with this name are distinguished by an insatiable curiosity, a desire to comprehend all the secrets. Sometimes their talkativeness lets them down.

Svyatoslav's name. Professional significance

Women named by this name achieve considerable career heights. This is facilitated by the desire to take on any task, the lack of fear of the unknown, as well as the desire to do everything perfectly. However, building a career is quite slow, since the Svyatoslavs are still stubborn.

Love compatibility. List of names and their meanings

Let's list male names, which are 80-100% compatible with the name Svyatoslav. So, it will be possible to build a strong alliance with Ivan, Stanislav, Vyacheslav, Oleg and Ilya.

A little numerology

The number of the name in question is 2. It carries a constant emotional stress, anxiety, which causes a person’s uncertainty. This number is constantly on the border of good and evil, light and darkness, cold and heat, life and death. Numerologists recommend Svyatoslav not to lose balance over trifles, to avoid conflict situations, and to be more flexible. Helps ensure business success Team work with family and trusted friends.

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