Fool 0 tarot meaning. Jester card meaning. The positive meaning of the Jester Tarot card

Divination by Tarot cards helps to determine what this or that situation carries, get answers to questions, decide how to act and prepare for what to expect. There are many layouts for almost every area of ​​life.

Through Tarot higher powers get in touch with us and advise how to proceed. To get a truthful answer, you need to treat this magical instrument with all respect, and before divination, tune in to the energy of the cards, enter a state of meditation. Do not get too hung up on the question or situation of interest - this will only prevent the cards from giving you the information you need.

if you fell out in the schedule Jester card, get acquainted in detail with its meaning and how it behaves in combination with other Arcana, and then draw conclusions.

Map Description

Other card names:

  • Madman;
  • Fool;
  • Fool;
  • Blissful.

This Major Arcana, its occult meaning is redemption. This card looks about the same everywhere, in all decks it is made in the same style. It depicts a person who is walking along the edge of the abyss and is not at all afraid of a possible fall or does not understand that he is walking along the edge.

Sometimes the Jester looks like an ordinary man, sometimes like a court jester, sometimes like a joker. He carries a bundle with his belongings on his back, often a dog, a donkey or a child runs next to him, who want to keep him from the edge and not let him fall. But the Jester does not hear their warnings and proudly strides along the edge, not noticing anything because of his own thoughts.

This card may represent infantilism, naivety or openness for the unknown. In some cases, it is interpreted as wisdom, simplicity, sincerity, small requests. To determine a more accurate interpretation, other Arcana must be taken into account. In all cases, the Jester warns of chaos.


The Jester or Fool card says that something new will come into your life soon, it will break in so abruptly and unexpectedly that the whole existing way of things will be turned upside down, everything will plunge into chaos. But this is not dangerous if other cards do not warn about this, a new period of life will bring you development and energy.

The fool portends new roads, new projects, new ideas. The card says that a person who has set foot on an unknown path knows how dangerous it is, knows that difficulties await him, but inside himself he feels that they will bypass him without much harm, and he will be happy.

Whenever the Fool appears in the layout, this suggests that life will soon change radically, something very unexpected will happen. Arkan portends surprises, travel, unplanned turns of events. He says that you need to make a decision without delay.

The map can also show the consequences of the past, that current events are just an echo of previous actions. The lasso carries such a meaning - we are free to choose any path, we are free, and there is no need to be afraid to make a decision! Opportunities like this one are rare, so you should take advantage of them!

The jester blesses you risky actions, shows that you are starting a new business, and you need to boldly go towards the goal, although it will not be achieved soon. Sometimes this lasso symbolizes a certain person, and then the questioner will immediately understand who.


In the inverted position, the Jester speaks of rash actions, too impulsive actions, excessive boasting and ostentation. Sometimes it is associated with infantilism, selfishness, as in the case when a teenager dreams of committing suicide so that his parents cry and regret that he was forbidden a lot.

In some cases, the card may indicate a person who is constantly changing activities and environment, grabbing onto many things at once, but not finishing one.

This Arkan warns of carelessness, wasting energy and the lack of suitable solutions to the problem. Sometimes he can talk about wrong choices and fatal mistakes.

The Jester card in an inverted position indicates that the questioner clings too much to the past, is afraid to open up to the new, to gain freedom. Sometimes it symbolizes the lack of freedom of choice, moral bondage.

In some cases, it warns of an upcoming unpleasant surprise. Indicates reckless behavior, excessive fear, which pushes for rash acts.

In a relationship

In the relationship layout, the Shu map T speaks of freedom from prejudice and openness, sincerity and the absence of the power of stereotypes. These relationships are easy, carefree, partners in them trust their instincts and flirt right and left. They enjoy experiments in the sexual sphere, they often behave stupidly in public, but they feel good and have fun.

Sometimes this Arkan can warn of unexpected situations, thanks to which new, completely unexpected relationships will begin. The card predicts a new connection, but does not say what place it will take in life.

This should be clarified by other cards present in the layout. You, most likely, will not have a chance to put everything on the shelves and evaluate what a new relationship will give you, you will rush into the pool with your head. They will include great sexuality, fantasy.

Blind instincts, unbridled passion, crazy romances - all this is predicted by this card. The jester can say that even a married person cannot resist a hot romance.

The jester can predict looking for love, sending her to the ends of the world, like in a fairy tale. For the sake of love, the Jester gets on the road without fear, forgets about social relationships and the opinions of others. The Jester card speaks of the opportunity to go wherever they look, he promises adventure.

Sometimes, if there are cards indicating this, he can talk about a break, leaving the family with a scandal. And nothing can affect the decision of the outgoing person.

Zero Arcana symbolizes non-conformity. Jester antisocial, alien to the world of conventions, he loves lonely wanderers and hardly imagines himself in a relationship. If the Jester symbolizes your partner, then it will be a feat for you to maintain a relationship, because he is windy and is always looking for something new.

You should not dream that in search of a new one, he decides to try marriage, he does not care about conventions and the official legitimization of relations. Jester looking for joy life, he is devoid of responsibility and care, he is ready to surrender to the first impulses. He doesn't care that it might be dangerous. And he has no choice, this is his destiny, he loves life and must go that way.

But sometimes relationships can be easy if you look at them with an open mind. Then his craving for something new will refresh them, and the Jester himself will not demand anything. In rare cases, Arkan can talk about the refreshment of relationships through a child, symbolize a new stage when reality is being rebuilt.

In work

The Jester card speaks of the beginning of a new project, which was started not on the basis of logic, but with the hope of good luck. This undertaking did not involve sober calculations. You will have difficulty taking into account, analyzing, making plans, but there will always be a lot of activity, energy and new ideas.

The jester speaks of creativity, of the sudden discovery in a person of unexpected abilities for something that he did not suspect. But usually a person cannot manage them, he creates without a plan and order, and this is good until creativity requires a framework. It's like a free poet who undertook to write a verse to order. this can be a real challenge.

If the questioner lives off creativity, the jester can warn of difficulties- the customer will wait for the result, and the questioner will not be able to get together, but will at that time create something of his own, not profitable. And this cannot be prevented, it will happen by itself.

The jester can speak about the lack of discipline, restrictions, a person lives by passions and is afraid of responsibility. In some cases, this card indicates that a person works well, despite the lack of knowledge and experience.

She can talk about a creative and creative worker, completely devoid of discipline. He has many talents, but due to disorganization and unwillingness to learn, they can be buried in the ground. This person takes on a lot of things, promises to fulfill them, but forgets about the deadlines. It's not the most reliable, but sincere partner.

In bad situations, the card can mean excessive frivolity and infantilism, negligence and irresponsibility. The jester loves to play the fool and do nothing. If the alignment was made for business, the Jester says that now it is better to take a break from business and not solve financial issues.

This card teaches you not to attach much importance to money matters, to look for joy, it is easier to relate to everything if you do not know how. In other cases, she advises to get rid of from excessive frivolity.

In combination

The Jester card takes on special significance in combination with other Arcana. For example, with the Magician she warns of the danger of going crazy, with the Lovers she predicts a new romance, speaks of the appearance of a new lover. If the layout contains the Arcana Justice, the Court, then you may be inadvertently drawn into some kind of proceedings.

In addition, such a combination can mean rebirth and a new business, a white streak in the life path of the questioner. With the Three of Wands, the Fool also foreshadows a new project, inspiration of ideas.

If near The Jester and the Hanged Man, this indicates a difficult life situation. It’s better for you to be silent, not to go anywhere and try to slowly get out of this situation without too much noise. The jester in combination with the Devil symbolizes cynicism, crazy deeds that will have terrible consequences. May mean obsession.

If next to the Jester is adjacent Tower, this warns of impending danger, you need to be more careful and careful, otherwise the matter may be serious.

If the Jester and the Star fell out to you, this speaks of inner purity and unprecedented sublimity - yours or the person you will encounter. In the neighborhood with the Seven of Cups, the Jester talks about avoiding reality, with Nine of Cups- that you should not be afraid of it.

The King of Swords, the Five of Wands or Swords, which appeared in the layout, say that your fears are not unfounded, something threatens you. If the Seven of Swords fell out, this symbolizes a cunning person, and if the Five of Pentacles, this speaks of love, which everyone condemns and which can break fate.

If the Jester fell in the vicinity of good Arcana, then undeserved good awaits you. This card is weakened by Death, the Hierophant, and the Two of Swords.

The Fool or Jester card depicts a man frozen on the edge of a cliff. He spread his arms and looks up at the sky. This posture is ambivalent. Either he is completely mad and it does not matter to him that the next step will lead him straight into the abyss. Or he, looking at the sky, believes in some higher powers, and thus plays with fate. In one hand he holds a stick with a bundle of his things, in the other a flower. And near his feet a little dog jumps, which tries in vain to warn the Fool about the danger.

Zero Arcana of the Fool is an extremely controversial card. Do not rush reading the alignment

The main interpretations of the lasso Fool in layouts

The first card of the Tarot deck is the Fool with the number zero, so it begins and closes the deck at the same time. It symbolizes the beginning of the path, naivety, carelessness, freedom of choice. Another important value is the interpretation of this card in tandem with the rest.

Direct card position

The Fool card appears in the layout when new opportunities open up on the horizon, prospects for starting something anew or simply choosing a different path for the development of events. As a rule, all people are inexperienced at the very beginning of the journey, so it is worth letting go of the situation and relying on chance. For any outcome, the direct position of the card predicts a favorable completion of the case.

Reversed card position

The fool in an inverted position in the scenario speaks of lack of confidence in his abilities, frivolity, stupidity, unwillingness to change something. It is best to refrain from making important decisions, most likely they will not be sufficiently balanced and thoughtless. Impulse decisions will also not be in your favor. It can also mean that you are under the influence of such a person, but do not notice the consequences. Or maybe you're just afraid to take responsibility. Try to stop playing with fire and rethink your tactics.

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Fool's card in the quarry

For creative people who go beyond the usual, not dependent on prejudices, everything will work out as well as possible, a reward for efforts awaits ahead. Otherwise, the card may mean an upcoming crisis, because sometimes it is difficult for such people to hear the client’s desire or focus their thoughts on what is important.

It is better not to start important projects here. It is necessary to weigh all the risks, think over all the steps and ways to bypass, because any step not taken into account can lead to an abyss. But in small matters, you can even let everything take its course, the results will be achieved easily, without pitfalls on the way.

Fool card in love and relationships

This lasso tells us about a storm of emotions ahead, about new feelings or the revival of old ones, about unforgettable sensations, about enjoying your partner. At the same time, all these feelings are absolutely frivolous and windy. In the pool with his head, perhaps, will be the most appropriate interpretation. However, in an inverted card, this pool promises quarrels, betrayals and disappointment. For women, it can mean an unplanned pregnancy due to frivolous behavior.

The uniqueness of the Jester card is also in the fact that it is not calculated in Roman numerals, like the rest of the Arcana

Fool's card for health

Usually means recovery after an illness, cheerfulness of strength and spirit, excellent physical shape. Women can portend pregnancy. An inverted Jester, and even when next to negative cards, indicates depression or a mental disorder, as well as self-destruction and degradation of the personality.

The combination of the Fool with other cards


Star: innocence, faith, trust;

Hanged: gaining faith, a sense of community;

lovers: a harbinger of new love, the emergence of a new partner, harmony between people;

Court: rebirth, inspiration, a new big undertaking, a completely new bright streak in life.


Devil: unbelief, cynicism, crazy actions with bad consequences, obsession;

Death: the end of something, the cessation of work;

Priest: routine;

Tower: danger warning;

Mage: danger of losing one's mind, strange ideas, madness;

Jester (Fool) - the archetype of the soul, its journey and growth.

This arcanum represents a stage in spiritual development, which corresponds to the beginning of a great adventure and the corresponding enthusiasm, as well as a large supply of energy. The jester enters the unknown with cheerful surprise and without any expectations. The jester is capable of everything, but only a small part is practically realized, because. often includes a rational beginning and it largely blocks spontaneity and creativity, fears and hopes appear, and after charm, disappointment can easily come. Wandering, ordeal, restlessness.


  • White Rose

    Like a white tunic, a symbol of purity, innocence, sincerity.

    Note: The Fool in the layout is highly dependent on other cards, while reading the layout, try to apply the symbolism of color, mentally imagining what color the white rose lying next to the lasso will be painted. What can this mean in terms of influence on the spiritual life of the querent? This will help to better understand the impact of the situation and the essence of the lesson for the querent.

    But, a white rose is also a symbol of silence, non-disclosure of secrets. and as you know, all members of the Order of the Golden Dawn took an oath not to spread about the ideas of the order, so Waite is often reproached for the deliberate confusion that he introduced into the deck as a "fool protection". This interpretation is connected with the myth of Hippocrates, the doctor and the keeper of silence, to whom Cupid gave a white rose so that he would not divulge the secret of Venus's love affairs. In those days, it was believed that if there was a white rose in the room, then everything that was said should have remained a secret.

    In the countries of Islam, the student receives a rose from the hands of a mentor as a symbol of the transmission of the teachings ...

  • Staff

    The symbolism of a wand or staff, and indeed just a stick, is based on the idea of ​​a straight line, which represents direction. Therefore, the rod not only protects, but also points the way. The magical power of the wand is associated with the power of trees, the energy of which transferred mystical power to the owner of the staff, as well as with the symbolism of the phallus (strength, power, dominance) or hand, pointing finger. Scepter, staff, wand symbolizes male power. In a number of legends, staves have their own soul. The staff can also symbolize knowledge, which is the only support for a person.

    In ancient Egypt, after the autumn solstice, the “Birth of the Sun-Staff” holiday was celebrated, it was believed that since from that moment the day becomes shorter and the sunlight is weaker, the Sun needs a staff for support.

    Movement from right to left

    On the lasso, the hero is active, the processes are running and the end is not yet visible, a very dynamic card.

    More than once I met the idea that the Fool is such a fool directed to the past, because. goes de from right to left, and in the Western tradition, the past is on the left, the future is on the right. But this is a secret sign, the movement of the Fool goes in the same direction as the Hebrew alphabet, all newspapers and magazines in Hebrew also open from right to left. If we put the cards sequentially in this direction, then we will see that the Fool opens a sequential cycle of 22 cards.

    At the same time, Death is the only map on which the movement goes towards the Fool, because. death is the end of our journey on earth. The dancer on the World map is placed at the end of the row and her body is turned towards the Fool, as if trying to get the energy generated by the zero lasso, closing the cycle, and giving rise to a spiral at a new level.

    white doggy

    A symbol of devotion and faith, protection and self-sacrifice. In many nations, the dog is assigned the role of a psychopomp, a conductor of the soul through the night of death. In Greek mythology, the dog is the companion of Hermes, the patron saint of travelers and the guide of the dead. In fact, we see the master and his devoted servant. A dog is an animal instinct that helps us in the material world and the rational mind to evaluate external phenomena.

    The question remains, who then is the true owner, if a small dog is a conscious mind and 5 physical senses, it is only a friend and guide.

visual range:

The Fool card has undergone quite significant changes from deck to deck. So in the first drawings in the Visconti-Sforza maps, the Fool is depicted as a person with physical and mental illnesses: slanting eyes, a swollen thyroid gland. Thyroid diseases can cause cretinism and developmental abnormalities, as well as a number of nervous pathologies. In my opinion, there can be only one meaning, and even in a rather sharp form.

In the Golden Florentine Tarot, he is depicted as an outcast - he is half-naked, in a hat with donkey ears, and a bunch of bells that symbolize his approach. Children (as a symbol of people with immature minds) stone him. Initially, the Fool was very different from the Fool, who could often be the king's favorite and even his ambassador and adviser. The jester was forgiven a lot, and he often told the king what others did not dare. The jester could be the smartest wit, close to the master. With fools in the Middle Ages, things were different: they were shunned not only by people of the upper class, but also by ordinary people.

In modern decks, the image of the Jester-Fool has merged, and it should be interpreted depending on the system. The Rider-White Tarot is more characterized by the image of the Jester, Ivan the Fool, whom the Universe picks up and helps. He trusts the world and boldly steps into the unknown, into the future. Confident that even in the event of a fall, he will fall not down, but up.

In Jester Waite there is also something of the troubadours, who could both ironically mock and praise. The ability to present serious intentions under the guise of innocent jokes, as well as the ability to charm the public, characterizes Jesters very well.

This is perhaps the most dual character of all the Tarot Arcana. Duality and irrationality, the ability to interpret the same symbols in two ways is reflected even in the drawing itself.

On the map, we see a man walking briskly for no reason to the edge of the abyss, while he looks up. Not under your feet. Next to him is a dog, which either tries to bite him and drives him to the abyss, preventing him from returning back, or trying to keep him from falling.

The Fool is the only card from the Major Arcana that has survived in playing decks. In a card deck, the Fool Joker is beyond the rules and conventions.

The Fool is like the Hermit - a wanderer, but he does not look at his feet and refuses to use the light of reason to illuminate the path. The Fool's Arcana is similar to the Wheel of Fortune. Just like the figure falling from the Wheel, the Fool is heading towards falling into the abyss. But in the case of Fortune, indifferent and blind Fate is to blame for the fall, in the case of the Fool, only his own recklessness is to blame.

Looking at this card, it is not clear whether a person is really so stupid that he does not know what he is doing, or whether he knows about the danger, but trusts providence. After all, faith requires a share of deliberate recklessness.

In Hayo Banzhaf's book Tarot and the Hero's Journey, the Fool travels through all the arcana, this is the personification of spiritual growth and self-improvement. He, like a neophyte, comprehends all the levels of wisdom. This is the Divine Spark, which can both create a new world and destroy it. But this world does not yet exist, and then the Jester is zero. This emptiness, which can be anything, is the potential and freedom of becoming.

Embodiment of the card archetype


from a Russian folk tale

Gingerbread man thought about himself: "Head",
but Lisa proved that he was only
just a total idiot.

Forrest Gump

from the movie of the same name

My mom always said, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get."

Hedgehog in the fog

from the cartoon of the same name

I am in the river. Let the river itself carry me, - the Hedgehog decided, he took a deep breath as he could, and he was carried downstream.

Bridget Jones

from Bridget Jones's Diary

I was constantly smiling at everyone - until some man on the escalator in the subway masturbated on my coat.

Card Feature:

1 Map Names:

  • Fool.
  • Fool.
  • Madman.
  • Buffoon.
  • Blissful.
  • Alchemist.
  • Crocodile.
  • Pilgrim.
  • Pilgrim.
  • Spirit of Ether.
  • Soul.
  • Creative Power of the Lord.
  • Redemption.
  • Madness.

2 Archetype:

  • Child
  • The Hero and His Journey-Initiation (Odyssey)
  • The Spirit of God hovering over the water, the initial chaos before the creation of the world
  • Ouroboros as a symbol of Zero

3 Start:

4 Element:

Air, sometimes Fire

5 Letters:

  • Aleph - א
  • In the French school Shin - ש

6 Kabbalah:

On the Tree of Life 11 The path from Kether (Crown) to Chokmah (Wisdom).

7 Numerology:

8 The occult meaning of the card:


9 Target:

  • Path.
  • Search.

10 Shadow:

  • Chaos.
  • Irresponsibility.

11 Astrology:

Planetary Compliance:
Uranus (since it is an eccentric planet rotating on its side, it symbolizes the desire for freedom, independence and promises sharp surprises). Mercury is low.

Zodiac sign:
Arcanum Jester corresponds to Aquarius. It can also be attributed to a fictitious point - the setting Lunar Node Ketu, as the initial starting point. The phase in which it is impossible to stay for a long time. The point of transition from Pisces to Aries, the Spring Equinox, when the Sun is exalted, also fits the symbolism.

12 Gods:

Apollo. Bacchus. Dionysus. Loki. Green god of spring.

13 Color:

  • Indigo
  • Acid and neon colors
  • Blending and eclecticism

14 Metal:

  • Alloys
  • Aluminum

15 Stones:

Variegated stones in which there is a mixture of iridescent colors, like a mosaic, on the surface of which, in bright light, a color spectrum appears, or they shine with iridescent highlights:

  • Lapis lazuli
  • Fluorite
  • Labrador
  • fire opal
  • Obsidian.

They give insight, enhance the spirit of creativity, freedom and independence, bring renewal and change. Also, bright, multi-color, artificial fakes are suitable for this lasso. The main criterion is diversity, eclecticism, a sense of extraterrestrial origin.

16 Items:

  • Jester's cap.
  • Red nose with an elastic band.
  • Animator costumes.

17 Animal:

  • Monkey.
  • Donkey.

18 Music:

  • Pamphlets.
  • Chastushki.
  • Folk art.

19 Holidays:

  • Fool's Day.
  • Ostara, who then passed into the Christian tradition as Easter- the resurrection of God.

20 Books:

  • Russian folk tales about Ivan the Fool
  • Zhuangzi's parables
  • Koans
  • Books by Richard Bach
  • Books by Paolo Coelho.

21 Characters:

  • Parsifal, who went out on the road in the outfit of a jester and at the end of his journey became the king of the Grail
  • Spirit in search of Experience
  • zen monk
  • Basil the Blessed
  • Ivan the Fool
  • Jester Shiko
  • Joan of Arc
  • buffoon

22 Bodies:

  • Nervous system
  • mental health
  • Psyche

23 Diseases:

  • visual impairment
  • Psychoses
  • Neurasthenia
  • Madness
  • Fever
  • Difficulty in making a diagnosis

24 Treatment:

  • Non-traditional treatments
  • Laughter therapy, etc.

25 Meditation:

Active movement meditations. They meditate on the Jester when there is not enough feeling of weightlessness from being, when the emotional burden is too great and hands drop.

26 Locations:

  • Kindergarten.
  • Trade fairs.
  • Booths.
  • Circus.
  • Costumed games.
  • Amusement park.
  • Party.
  • Any new unexplored places.

27 Answer yes or no:

Everything is possible, there is no definite answer. The situation is still green and immature.

28 Siddhis (beyond the ability and advantage) of this energy:

An inexhaustible source of creativity. Divine inspiration.


1 Positive:

  • Guardian angel
  • Liberty
  • Creation
  • Start
  • Journey
  • Child
  • Buddha smile
  • Extravagance
  • The simple joy of life
  • Intuition.
  • naivety
  • Going beyond
  • Rejection of past experience
  • Man of the future
  • Experiments
  • Curiosity
  • Follow your path no matter what
  • Enthusiasm
  • Falling out of the usual schedule
  • Out of the system
  • Hitch-hiking
  • Party
  • Adventures
  • New impressions
  • Idealism

2 Negative:

  • Madness
  • Mania
  • Intoxication
  • Madness
  • Amateur
  • Frivolity
  • Feverish excitement
  • Involuntary betrayal
  • Negligence
  • Carelessness
  • Impulsiveness
  • Dubious reputation
  • madness
  • Apathy
  • nullity
  • Vanity
  • ineptitude
  • stupidity
  • Failure
  • recklessness
  • Irresponsibility
  • whims
  • whims
  • frenzy
  • Excitement
  • Idea fix
  • inadequacy
  • Confusion of thinking
  • illogic
  • Indiscipline
  • Inscrutable ways
  • reckless behavior
  • Escapism
  • Loss of ground under your feet
  • Escape from reality
  • Rejection of the truth
  • Lack of internal discipline
  • Immaturity
  • Ignoring material problems
  • Forgetting
  • Lack of self-criticism
  • Reckless
  • Complications
  • Incorrect choice
  • Unwise decision
  • Unnecessary expenses
  • Indifference to one's own affairs
  • Living in a world of illusions
  • Injuries
  • credulity
  • Dreams in reality
  • Illusions

Map of the day:

Be the most unexpected
and in a reckless way.

Surprise, surprise, but you can make a fool of yourself, do not trust too much and open up to strangers. Not the best day to make important decisions. You will think later, but today trust fate. Act in the most unexpected and reckless way. Give yourself more freedom.

Forget about the past, discard all doubts and hesitations and enjoy today with a light heart.

The jester teaches us to take everything to heart and be able to laugh at ourselves. After all, life is a game!

Map Warning:

Do not be in the clouds, do not be too frivolous.

Now is not the time to play the fool and embark on adventures, take responsibility for your actions, behave like an adult.

Don't rely on past experience
and give yourself more freedom

Before a new order is formed, everything must be in chaos for a while. Think of this period of instability as a necessary milestone.

You are moving into a new stage of life, where you may have to start everything from scratch, or you are faced with a new project and are still at a loss. We make a forecast based on the rest of the cards in the layout - it may be worth taking a risk, trying something new, an unconventional solution to the issue will help. For all the will of God, boldly go through life and do not think about the past, go forward, trusting the cosmic flow, listen to where you are taking, instead of trying to resist it.

Be simple, don't think, don't rely on past experience and patterns of behavior, give yourself more freedom. The jester is always cheerful, so don't take everything that happens too seriously now. Do not be afraid to laugh at yourself, thanks to these lessons of fate, the understanding will come that life is essentially just a game!

Inner meaning:

The Fool in the Tarot means the same as the Atman in Hinduism, the Unchanging - in the i-ching, the Void - in Buddhism, Tao - in Taoism. It is formless, nameless, timeless, like a dream, in which the illusions of the Universes arise and disappear. The zero lasso of the tarot is the source of all things. This is the equation of the Universe, the initial and final balance of opposites. The air of this card means, in essence, ether and vacuum. The fool symbolizes non-manifestation, the original integrity or state before the beginning of time.

All the Major Arcana of the Tarot are contained in the zero Arcana of the Fool and come out of it, but not literally, but as an idea of ​​their subsequent incarnation. Zero is a symbol of an idea that has not yet been embodied even in the form of a thought and is thus pure, because. it is free from distortion. This is the great desire of the Demiurge, which has not yet crossed En Sof. A fool is a mind that has destroyed itself and completely silenced, so he was freed from lies, which is all being in Malkuth.

A fool is also a person without limits, he has abandoned any critical judgment and is ready to accept new knowledge without regard to past experience. This is the state in which any mystic must begin to study a new teaching. Including the Tarot - you will pass the zero lasso and you will be ready to work further.

Fool means surprise, from which, according to Plato, all knowledge begins. And this is one of the most resourceful states - surprise and interest, the maximum concentration of both happens in childhood.

Arkan the Fool is the archetype of the inner child, our spontaneous creative principle, which is eager to know the world, and also, therefore, the archetype of the inner hero, who in his journey goes through all the stages of initiation and at the end receives the World. It is this archetype that forms the basis of many myths and fairy tales, about how a hero sets off on a journey to accomplish a feat. This scenario is not composed by any one author from the head, it only reflects the knowledge acquired by the soul as it develops. And this old, old fairy tale or legend is nothing more than a farewell to the hero, his "start in life." That is why such tales do not get bored, they remind us why we came to this Earth and what we have to do here.

Our Hero in the Tarot deck follows his path, he is a wanderer, like the Hermit, but only the Fool in his journey does not use anything, including the human mind and experience, to ease his path. He deliberately refuses to look under his feet and blindly moves towards Fate, surrendering himself to the will of divine providence. But since the Fool emerges from the Sefira of Kether into the Sefira of Chokmah, from Beauty and Magnificence to Wisdom, it is obvious that behind his spontaneity stands a mind that is simply not subject to human logic, and according to Kabbalah, this is the closest to the original source "reason in the face of the First Cause." And what from the outside seems like madness and falling into the abyss, is for him the path to transformation that goes beyond the boundaries of the familiar world, this is a completely different level, a higher turn of the spiral. The beginning of the path, initiation and dedication. Arkan the Fool is the initial stage of spiritual development, in which there is a strong enthusiasm and inspiration. The word “inspiration” itself speaks of uplift and fullness, while the word denotes both emotion and action. And the word enthusiasm - en Theos, literally means "in God", "to be possessed by a deity, to rage." This is one of the karmic cards of fate, Vedomosti. The fool does not create a sense of well-being that will feed the ego, but he is happy and whole in honesty with himself, he is not attached to conventions, he is in free wandering, following the word of Christ from the Gospel of Thomas: "be passers." After all, the Son of Man does not have a home on Earth, do not stop, do not get tired of walking along the path, you are in constant motion, for the extinction of activity, the transition to a passive state is the most certain death.

In the sacred sense, the Fool embodies the Archetype of the Soul - restless, reckless, blissful, naked and going aimlessly, and all this to the horror of a rational and selfish ego. Therefore, the lasso Jester is a kind of return to real spiritual health, which does not look like social well-being. The fool is antisocial, but that's not his problem. And the problems of those around him, ridicule and barking, do not bother him, and even more so will not affect the change in his course.

Another obvious idea of ​​the lasso is connected with the saying of Jesus: “Only children like them will enter the kingdom of heaven”, but children like them are not children, but adults who have passed the stage of natural childhood, matured, and then, with their adult awareness, remembered their childish naivety, susceptibility, naivete, credulity and purity and become "like children." Only they are able to "enter the kingdom of heaven", which means to find the way to enlightenment, able to see the divine. Children have a pure consciousness, sincere emotions, and in this they are wise, because. until they ceased to feel the true nature of things, but they are also stupid from the point of view of inability to adapt to society and its norms. A Fool is a type of Soul - restless, reckless, blissful, naked and going aimlessly, and all this to the horror of a rational and selfish ego. Therefore, the lasso Jester is a kind of return to real spiritual health, which does not look like social well-being. The fool is antisocial, but that's not his problem. And the problems of those around him, ridicule and barking, do not bother him, and even more so will not affect the change in his course.

Potentially, the Fool is capable of anything, he is a divine genius who can create the Universe and destroy it, but there is no Universe (the World) yet, and therefore the Fool himself is zero, an absolute void that can become everything, and the absolute freedom of this becoming. The idea of ​​duality and ambivalence is also manifested in the androgyny of the Fool, there is masculine and feminine in him, but there is neither one nor the other separately.

Another obvious idea of ​​the lasso is connected with the saying of Jesus: “Only children like them will enter the kingdom of heaven”, but children like them are not children, but adults who have passed the stage of natural childhood, matured, and then, with their adult awareness, remembered their childish naivety, susceptibility, naivete, credulity and purity and become "like children." Only they are able to "enter the kingdom of heaven", which means to find the way to enlightenment, able to see the divine. Children have a pure consciousness, sincere emotions, and in this they are wise, because. until they ceased to feel the true nature of things, but they are also stupid from the point of view of inability to adapt to society and its norms. The Fool as the Major Arcana of the Tarot gives direct instructions on how to become "like a child" in the right perspective. Age in Tarot is a symbol of the age of the human spirit, its inner essence. In order to be a Fool, to catch this energy, it is enough to be young inside, this is the middle - and not a child (that is, having life experience), but not an old man (able to be active in achieving, committing, making mistakes and trying again, and not falling into anabiosis living out its days). A fool is both at the beginning of a person's path and at the end. It equally describes the inner child of any most unenlightened adult and the most enlightened state of a mature person for whom revelations from above are available. It is not easy to come to the Fool, although he is always with us, in the bowels of the soul, sleeping until we wake him up. Children are disinterested, and all the riches of the world are available to the Fool. It is not easy to come to the Fool, although he is always with us, in the bowels of the soul, sleeping until we wake him up. Children are disinterested, and all the riches of the world are available to the Fool, but only when he does not strive for them! Pinocchio, Forest Gump, Toy. The fool is protected by God himself, as his most beloved child, because only he can see the same joy in a sparkling diamond and in a rose flower with dew drops on the petals.

The lasso Jester can mean that a person has reached the perfection of the Spirit, as the Tao masters describe him: he sees the world as it is, his perception is pure, like that of a child, he rejoices every day and fills every moment with sincere love for everything in this world and to God. There is an experience of samadhi, which Osho described - touching the creator, going beyond the ego, the boundaries of the personality dissolve in the world, but this is a new birth, a new beginning. But here's what? And whose birth? Not known yet. All roads are open, the possibilities are endless.

Map values:

Direct meaning:

Even in the upright position, the Fool card from an everyday point of view describes a person who goes his own way and does not pay attention to the fact that he has already lost his way, does not look under his feet and ignores warning signs. Moving blindly can make a big mistake. You are lost, and you are endangering yourself by refusing to see the truth that is right in front of your nose.

Often, the querent who has been given the Fool knows very well that he is behaving stupidly, but refuses to admit it and prefers not to notice anything.

Reversed meaning:

If in general the alignment is good with favorable cards - an undeserved benefit, as well as getting something for which you will later have to pay.

Stupidity. Unjustified risk. But next to favorable cards, it can mean unexpected luck - fools are lucky, beginners are lucky, drunk people survive falling from a great height, literally idiotic luck. Intoxication, unwillingness to see something in your life. A person moves away from reality into a world of dreams and fantasies.

In an inverted position, the position of the jester speaks of mania, aimless activity, impulsive actions, extravagance and extravagance. You are wasting your energy and time, this will not help solve problems, because. You are missing something very important. The decision made in this state can be fatal, and the choice is unsuccessful.

Even if the Jester card means a surprise, it is certainly unpleasant. In the simplest sense - an indication of a nervous breakdown or that the questioner is simply a Fool (Tarot cards sometimes like to joke like that).

In the negative version:

In the negative version, a person is obsessed with restless thoughts that torment him and prevent him from seeing the present. He drags a load of mistakes along with him and walks without understanding the road like a blind man. It depends only on fate whether he falls into the abyss or passes safely, never knowing that he was on the verge of death. Therefore, the Fool's Arcana is considered karmic, like the Peace Arcana. Having appeared in the scenario, the Fool can say that you will have to work out past mistakes, you won’t be able to turn off this path, you have committed a series of wrong actions that led to this situation, now everything is in the hands of fate. You can only rely on the patronage of the Higher Forces. That is why the Fool's Card also carries the meaning of the Guardian Angel. How you get out of this story, the rest of the cards will show, much worse when the Fool falls out as a result. The result will be unpredictable. And perhaps everything is just beginning. In general, this is a bad answer to the question - what will the heart rest on, because. because of your reckless and unreasonable actions, you will be drawn into new troubles. It is worth being careful not to be too gullible and naive. You have to grow up and take responsibility. After all, many problems are new opportunities.

And the word crisis from ancient Greek is translated as a decision. Perhaps this is just a chance to use your potential from the pouch that you have been carrying since birth.

Someone stupid can determine our fate, you will become a victim of someone else's carelessness and negligence. During the period indicated by the alignment, you should not gamble.

Restless activity of a demonstrative nature, playing for the public. Reckless actions with an emphasis on infantilism. A person is extremely selfish and wants only to always be at his will. So a teenager can enjoy the thought of suicide with the desire to annoy parents. I’ll frostbite my mother’s ears to evil! Reckless behavior dictated by fears and a distorted perception of reality. The inverted lasso Fool and in a negative environment speaks of a dangerous situation, carelessness, a waste of time and effort. In something important, negligence and negligence is allowed, this will entail negative consequences. Wrong choice, fatal decision. As well as closeness from the world, unwillingness to let go of the past, a state of lack of freedom, constraint, a blocked beginning, it is possible that the desire itself was weak.

Your point of view does not meet someone's expectations, it betrays your ignorance and unprofessionalism in this area. You can do what you want, but you have no real power, so you are pushed around, pointed out, taught, bullied or left at someone's mercy. Negatively, the Fool restricts or denies inner freedom.

Negative value with favorable cards:

The Fool card means that you are in a situation where fate requires you to “work out” past sins before you are given the opportunity to start building your life again. It is no longer possible to turn off the road - your time to make decisions has passed, and now everything is in the hands of Fate. Until you feel like the master of your own life again, you will have to dutifully follow the intended path, relying only on luck and the patronage of the Higher Forces.

Believe me, no matter what results you end up with, they will turn out to be the best for you in the future.

Will the predicted event come true:

It is unlikely, it is too early to say, everything is too unpredictable, the situation has matured and can turn any sideways and even backwards. It may also indicate force majeure, you did not take into account something due to inattention and now it will appear as force majeure circumstances, although with due diligence this could have been avoided.

Personality under this lasso:

A person under the lasso of the Fool can be cunning, mischievous, he is very mobile, easy-going, he is direct, sincere, naive and inexperienced in many matters. It symbolizes a person who lives in the present moment, he is frank, sincere and easy-going. His heart is also light, he does not hang in a sad state for a long time, because the world is so beautiful and amazing!

Also, a characteristic feature of the personality under the lasso Jester is radicalism, regardless of the nature of the act. He is fearless in the face of the unknown and is ready to jump into the pool with his head or into any abyss. It has spontaneity, vitality and freshness of perception, those states that are well known to enthusiastic people, tourists, travelers. He is young, inspired, open to life. He has a light heart. But it can give the impression of a superficial person, usually in most cases it happens. The duality of the interpretation of this lasso is to figure out whether it is a wise fool who, thanks to experience and intelligence, has acquired this lightness and simplicity, who, having a clear view of the world, can see the essence of things, a jester with a king, or is he a real idiot who positive only because he is not aware of the real state of affairs. But usually from the alignment itself and from the story of Querent, it is clear what kind of fool we are talking about.

According to the highest spiritual meaning of the Major Arcana, this is a wise man, insightful, able to outplay anyone, he sees people through and through and cannot be outplayed. He lives in the present, he is characterized by optimism, energy, idealism, originality of perception, eccentricity and madness. Such a fool has a completely conscious feeling of a message from above, and therefore the conventions of our world are not a decree for him. He spends time on spiritual inner wanderings, reaching out for mystical experiences. This is the image of a Zen sage, guessing koans, the solution of which helps to go beyond the boundaries of the mind, push the patterns.

One day a student asked Zen Master Un Moon:
- What is superior to the Buddha and all the illustrious teachers?
- Cake, - answered Un Mun.

In a negative way, a stubborn unwillingness to grow up, infantilism, irresponsibility, a restless person. A sort of Mitrofanushka from Fonvizin's Undergrowth. A character with strange whims, whims, he is defenseless, does not know how to calculate the consequences, is not responsible for his words and behavior, takes on a lot of things, but does not bring anything to mind. Avoids contact with reality, runs away and hides from the slightest problems, and if it doesn’t work out physically, then alcohol, drugs, and virtual reality become salvation for him.

In combination with unfavorable cards, the Jester indicates an antisocial person who violates the laws, as well as a person who does not constrain himself with obligations. He is flighty, unable to resist his momentary desires, whatever it may cost him in the future, an intemperate pleasure lover, always ready for adventure.

His reckless impulsive actions and carelessness regarding safety rules are a danger to himself and to those around him. Going crazy is his usual state, in his extravagance and impulsiveness he can reach frenzy, if he is possessed by some desire, then such a person is maniacal in your striving. He acts recklessly, absurdly, foolishly, headlong into any adventure, if she is interested and hooked. He can safely leave without warning, go wherever his eyes look, in all four directions, so the concept of peace is definitely not about the Fool.

Gender features:

The man under the lasso Fool is the soul of the company. He is not attached to the material and may not have a permanent job. A young extravagant man who values ​​independence, who does not enter into any subordinate relationship.

A child who learns from his own mistakes and puts everything in his mouth.

A woman under the lasso Fool is a holiday girl, a madcap and a dreamer, she can live in a world of dreams, is infantile and easily becomes dependent on a partner. Many comedians go under this lasso. For example, the wife of Federico Fellini - Giulietta Mazina:

This is a woman not of the mind, but of the heart. She is unpredictable and funny, it is interesting and easy for her, but it is difficult to imagine in the role of a wife and a homemaker. It is worth remembering that pure types are rare, and usually a person is a mixture of several arcana. So, for example, carnal material arcana will ground the Jester Woman, and she will be a wonderful mother and wife.

Personal relationships. Love. Marriage. Family:

Unforeseen circumstances that lead to acquaintance and romantic relationships.

The Fool's Arcana may promise the beginning of a new romance, but it is good only as a harbinger or significator of the very beginning. But how everything will develop further is a big question, and to answer it, you need to evaluate the following cards in the layout.

According to the Fool card, a person goes crazy with love, he lost his head, and while he is not able to think about what kind of relationship he got involved in, hormones close his eyes, sensuality has become aggravated, instincts are dragged to bed. Under this lasso goes both blind passion and reckless hobbies. The fool is ready to throw himself into the pool with his head, and this can have far-reaching sad consequences both for married people and for the health of the person himself. These are crazy novels at a distance, when for the sake of his guiding star a person infringes on himself in everything, just to get to it, he is not afraid of anything and sometimes even wants nothing more.

The Fool's lasso, like the 13th lasso Death, can indicate a renewal of relationships, their change of status, but only due to the birth of a child. This is the beginning of a new period in life, when the usual way of life will have to be completely rebuilt.

The jester gives an open relationship, polyamory, lack of prejudice and brakes in preferences. He dislikes obligations and any type of yoke. But flirting, giving yourself to everyone you love right and left - this is quite in the spirit of the Jester. He is always happy with spontaneous sexual experiments, he has a developed fantasy and unbridled sensuality. Since Uranus is a Danish sexless planet, and even prone to eccentricities and experiments, sex for friendship and on the basis of common intellectual interests in the lasso Jester often go homosexual relationships. As for love, at best, a mind-blowing love, but this feeling, as it suddenly arose, will disappear just as suddenly.

The fool trusts his instincts, in the negative version he is their slave and blindly follows his desires, not thinking about the consequences, he is tirelessly looking for a change of environment and activities. The union of this couple is immature, infantile; perhaps there is a lack of sincerity between partners, a lack of common interests, one of the partners tends to fall under the negative influence of the environment.

If there are confirming cards, then the Jester can indicate a breakup and separation, Uranus is the planet of divorces. And this is not a joke at all. In such a situation, the departing person seems to be possessed, and it is impossible to stop him either by threats, or by entreaties, or by arguments. Since the Fool shows the qualities of non-conformity, asociality and aloofness, he accompanies lonely wanderers no less than the Hermit. And if you can get along with the Hermit partner, then it is very, very problematic with the Fool, because he is windy and fickle, you never know what will shoot him in the head, and one day when you come home you can find an empty apartment. And it’s not at all worth hoping and waiting for the wind to blow his sails towards the registry office, he will have time to dodge on the way there, seeing something more interesting than a stamp in his passport. For such a partner, first of all, pleasure, freshness of impressions, and not structuring, formalizing and clarifying the relationship is important. This can be expected from the Emperor, but not from the Fool. This character is open to all the joys of life, and matrimonial pictures do not attract him at all, he is not afraid to do what he wants, without even thinking about the reaction of his panther to this trick. He was just so led, and he was seduced. The fool belongs to no one, not even to himself. Such a partner is suitable for those who are also free from prejudice, satisfied with what they have at the moment, not thinking about the future, ready to regularly refresh relations and not demand anything. After all, the Fool himself is the same.

Also, the lasso Jester may indicate that one of the partners is much younger than the other.
With unfavorable cards in the layout, the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba business or project is bad, something failed, thoughtless, not planned. Problems with analysis, planning and forecasting of the real situation even for the near future. But a lot of activity and propulsion, the dust is a pillar.

Professions and field of activity:

A person who changes jobs frequently. Unemployed. Handyman. Clown. Artist. Traveler. Scientist-inventor. Freelancers. Uranus, among other things, is responsible for electricity, electronics, IT and aviation.

Whatever area the Jester touches, he is most likely an amateur, a novice in business, a student after a university, whose heart is a fiery motor, an irrepressible thirst for activity and a whole heap of theoretical knowledge with a complete lack of practical experience. The essence of the lasso is everything from scratch, it will deprive the vulgar experience of achievements, it makes no sense to use proven, hackneyed antiquated methods.

The Arcanum Jester speaks of the process of spontaneous manifestation of creative abilities, the person himself usually has no power over this process, although many try to turn off the mind through alcohol and enter the desired state. In such conditions, you have to create “as God puts on your soul” and, of course, problems arise with customers almost immediately in terms of timing, not to mention when the result of creativity should look a certain way. The jester is playful and fickle, he can both give the right flow, and rebel, and do everything his own way. Therefore, the loss of a zero lasso in the layout can turn into a test, because. work against the current. The fool lives on a whim, outside the framework and limitations. Routine, discipline, responsibility, thinking through the consequences - this is not his strong point, his strong point is the Hunchbacked.

In the negative version, this is a lack of experience, knowledge and training, ignorance, dispersal of forces. Good receptivity and curiosity can save the situation, but also restlessness, the inability to concentrate and get to the bottom of it. Many abilities, inclinations, but lack of implementation. There was a promising one, but due to looseness and irresponsibility, he missed all the chances, and in many cases, as you know, order beats the class. Unreliable employee, promises a lot - does little, negligence and negligence. The favorite occupation of such a person is to play the fool or suffer garbage.

A fool is always a warning that something new is about to burst into our lives, a whirlwind of changes, and chaos may reign for a while. The key word of Uranus is surprise, strike, lightning flash and discharge. Yes, we can get a couple of bumps, but in a generally favorable scenario, there is no serious danger. If the alignment is unfavorable in general, this speaks of inevitability and surprise, you have already gotten yourself into trouble, or not yet, but most likely this is inevitable. All that remains is to draw karmic lessons for the future.

The beginning of a new period in life, an unexpected turn of events, a surprise, a strong flow of energy, new things, a bold step that will radically change your life. The fool speaks of the very beginning of a new project in life, the goal is still far away, this is the first step on the path of a thousand li. You can choose any direction, go where you want and do what you want, all this is accompanied by an irrepressible flow of energy, it is difficult to find peace, a great thirst for activity, and just movement. If this energy is not directed in the right direction, then soon it will begin to irritate those around you, then it will ferment and die out. Now is a good period, such an opportunity does not arise often, the Fool's lasso is like a kind of blessing, a chance to start everything from scratch, take personal initiative, do what you have long wanted or what you already thought you were not old enough. By correctly realizing the received energy, you will receive additional opportunities. The Fool that has fallen out in the layout is an important sign, at the moment you can’t even imagine what he will bring with him, what chain of events, meetings, emotions he will pull with him. No wonder the Jester is one of the karmic cards in the Tarot. Anything can happen. Arkan points to sudden, unexpected, unplanned circumstances that can turn the usual state of affairs.

The jester points to the crossroads of life's roads, the next round of development, the road that you have entered is not easy, but the goal is worth it to overcome all obstacles. Therefore, indirectly, the zero lasso speaks of the perfect choice, decision-making, as well as the consequences of the choice made, if the lasso Lovers fell in front of him in the position of the past.

Next to the Chariot or 6 of Swords predicts a journey, and the Fool lasso itself is a journey, with the Peace lasso - a trip abroad.

It is generally accepted that the archetype of the road, both physical and metaphorical, is embodied in the 7th lasso of the Chariot. But the image on the map of the Jester clearly indicates that a person is on the road for a large amount of time. From this hero breathes expensive, gypsy tents. And it is in the zero lasso that not an ordinary trip is embodied, but the idea of ​​​​a great life path. And the Chariot more often shows not movement, but the very device for driving: a car, a motorcycle. The card is static, and more often in the layout indicates that the car is being repaired and other manipulations with the car itself. You are just getting ready for the road, sorting out all the screws, so that when the time comes, move on.

In the layout, it often shows a specific person, while the Querent himself can easily guess who it is, usually someone younger in age, status, experience, or the child of the Querent.

Surrounded by the Major Arcana, the Jester indicates the need to make a decision about what these cards are talking about, this is the beginning of a new cycle of life, indicated by them.

When reading the alignment, we take into account all the dropped cards as a mosaic detail, we read them taking into account the mutual influence on each other. For example, with a wheel of Fortune card - a lucky person, was born in a shirt. With the Emperor - a person is capable of folly by nature, if there were no restraining and controlling force. Fool card next to 4 cups, 5 cups - despondency, apathy, depression. With 7,8,9 or 10 swords - a great danger of committing an evil deed, which will have dire consequences.

in combination with other cards:

Qualities enhance cards:

Weaken the quality of the card:

With other cards:

From the author:

Since the lasso is complex and deep, with a generally favorable value, its energy is so strong that a person is often unable to use it correctly and dispose of it, walk along the edge and not slip, not fall into the abyss under the gusts of wind. Therefore, basically, the map shows something unfavorable, which you definitely will not be happy with, in any case, the first time of adaptation. An analogy can be drawn with astrology - when Uranus, even with a good aspect, is completed to personal planets - this is another gift, to the point that the technique sparkles and fails.

With very good nearby cards, it can also show foolish luck, protection and patronage of higher powers.

Often, experienced tarologists turn off the alignment if the Fool card falls out first, this is from a series of superstitions, and it should be followed only if this nimit also worked for you as problems with the client, payment, forecast accuracy. The ears of Uranus, the planet of surprises and surprises, also stick out with might and main from this sign, it can bring down the results of the forecast, so in horary astrology an astrologer may refuse to read the map if Uranus is in the 7th House.

When interpreting the alignment, it is worth keeping in mind the fact that important information in the layout is repeated and confirmed by other cards. In astrology there is a rule of "three indications", in most cases it is great for Tarot.


The card, known as the Major Arcana Zero, shows a young man in a jester's costume striding towards the edge of an abyss. His arms are open as if for a hug. In the right he holds a staff with a small knapsack, in the left - a rose flower. His gaze is fixed on the sky. A small white dog accompanies a person, who tries to warn him from falling. The characters are surrounded by a beautiful mountain landscape. The card depicts a reckless, desperate wanderer.

The meaning of the Tarot card Jester in the upright position:

  • openness, innocence and sincerity;
  • chance, new beginnings and projects;
  • choice;
  • the beginning of a new life (in particular, the birth of a baby);
  • inner balance;
  • trust in the flow of life;
  • lack of prejudice;
  • the beginning of the adventure;
  • homo- and bisexuality;
  • readiness to perceive new knowledge and experience, inquisitiveness;
  • the ability to enjoy life;
  • frivolous union, insecurity;
  • lack of discipline and certainty;
  • fallacy, folly, risk;
  • excitement, enthusiasm;
  • extravagance.

The meaning of the Jester tarot card in an inverted position:

  • ill-conceived, stupid decision;
  • excessive impulsivity;
  • inexperience;
  • overwork and slowness;
  • irresponsibility and helplessness;
  • frivolity, treason;
  • unjustified and stupid risk.

The detailed meaning of the "0" card of the Major Arcana in the interpretation of various sources

This card is of particular importance because it is not marked with a number. In some cases, it precedes the Major Arcana, but often it closes. We can assume that the Card of the Fool symbolizes the beginning and completion of spiritual quests at the same time.

During the Middle Ages, this card was called "furca"; this name was worn by a block worn around the neck of a slave. The landscape that surrounds the Fool is so picturesque that he periodically returns here to give rise to a new segment of life.

His knapsack has a modest size and contains the necessary minimum of belongings. The rose flower that the Fool holds in his hand represents purity and innocence. Only the faithful dog accompanies the Fool on his journey.

The zero high card can also bear the following names: Blessed, Jester, Fool, Ether.

In a tarot card spread Zero Arcana means openness and choice. The questioner will get a chance that he can use. Perhaps the start of an unexpected project. The jester, like the questioner, does not shy away from adventure. Your brain is open to new ideas; the unknown doesn't scare you. You are slowly swimming in the stream of Life and completely trust it. Personally, the "0" card can portend a good new experience, sincere and unpretentious love.

What does the Zero Arcana say?

Your decisions are not well thought out, do not rush to implement them. You are confused and risk making a mistake.

Self-development lessons

Child of the Universe, you opened your soul to what was given to you by Life. Get ready to take advantage of a good moment.

For work

The card of the Fool says that the questioner will have to master a new (possibly related) field of activity. You have enough inquisitiveness, ingenuity and perseverance for this.

In terms of events, the Fool card often indicates mistakes, unnecessary actions, and irresponsibility.

The deep meaning of the Zero Arcana considered here lies in the wisdom that should be extracted from any, including painful, negative experience. Be aware of the limitations and limitations of any rules we are forced to adhere to. Sometimes, for the sake of success and your own satisfaction, it is worth going beyond the usual patterns.

At the level of consciousness

The card of the Fool symbolizes surprise, which underlies all knowledge. It can indicate to us both a frivolous inattention to the most important moments, and the deepest degree of realization that many life's vicissitudes are not worth our attention, and even more so - experiences.

In many cultures, the jester personifies the highest wisdom, but not every jester has reached this level.

In terms of personal relationships

The Jester card symbolizes a joyful attitude towards life. In some cases, on the verge of frivolity and irresponsibility, which make a person an unreliable partner. However, in many layouts, the card considered here can be interpreted as a union of cheerful people with an easy attitude to life, who do not get tired of discovering new features in each other.

At the level of events, the card can portend a new love, or the revival of an old one, which is often facilitated by the birth of a baby.

Foreign language names of the Zero Senior card:

Il Matto, The Fool, Der Narr, Le Mat.

Astrological projection: The planet Mercury (wit and flexibility of the mind), the constellation of Gemini, the Sun as strength and warmth.

Kabbalistic meaning: matter.

Occult Meaning: reciprocating processes.

Event content: carefree feast or party for no reason, hitchhiking, unknown terrain.

The value of the card in the upright position

Key words and meaning:

Ignorance, sinlessness, instinctiveness, newborn archetype, pure potential, beginning, origin, originality, positivity, naivety, fun, surprise, enthusiasm, non-conformism, homosexuality and bisexuality.

New perspectives, new emotions, a different worldview, a fateful decision, a spontaneous decision, a time for change, a receptive mind, the beginning of adventure, childish amazement, purity of thoughts and actions, the absence of prejudices and worries, a new turn in life, a new birth, positive fatalism, freedom and unrestraint , trust in a Higher Power, willingness to take risks.

Before starting something new, one should not cling to old experiences. Everything is possible! Feel free to explore new and unknown to anyone.


The Fool's card drops out before the start of a new life stage. Soon, good prospects will be opened in exchange for those that upset the questioner. A key decision will probably be required, which will soon point you to uncharted routes. New projects may have unexpected endings.

You will probably want to surrender to the flow of fate. New romantic relationships or just an interesting acquaintance are not excluded. People from the immediate environment will actively contribute to your progress. Zero Arcana can mean the presence of an influential person of non-traditional sexual orientation.

The card in question tells us: if we take risks, then it is fun and with a light soul.

If you look at events from a different angle, there will surely be a non-trivial solution to any issue. Therefore, the mind should always be kept open to new knowledge and creative ideas.

The Zero Arcana card in some cases means emotional overexcitation, uncertainty and lack of clarity. An unexpected turn of events can throw you off balance. Don't get lost. Gather your energies together. You are free to do extraordinary things. Don't be afraid of the new; leave the old schemes to the past. The collective unconscious predicts another milestone in your life, in which the old methods no longer work, and therefore will lead to errors.

Sometimes the card of the Ignorant predicts the beginning of a journey, especially in the vicinity of other cards that mean the road.

Designation of people:

Baby. Inexperienced. Discoverer. Wayfarer. Stray. Dreamer. Mystic. Seer. Adventurer. Eccentric. A person of non-traditional orientation. One who is on the verge of an important decision and (or) a new life.

Card value in reverse

Key words and meaning:

Naivete. Ignorance. Overconfidence. Excessive optimism. Irresponsibility. Bad risk. Lack of experience. Inability to make decisions. Inability to foresee the course of events. Lack of consistency in decisions and deeds. Waste of energy. Exhaustion. Irresistible conformism. Wrong decisions. Hopelessness. Empty talk. Intrusive thoughts and ideas.


Don't take risks without thinking things through. Your position is like one who is balancing on the edge of an abyss. Wrong move - and you will fly down. Excessive optimism and subjective assessments are the cause of the current precarious situation. Beware of gambling, refrain from stupid risks, otherwise you will find yourself in an unenviable position. Try to anticipate and calculate. Surely someone close to you is not as faithful as you used to think. Or maybe you yourself are not sinless? Do not exchange love for fleeting affairs.


Reckless daredevil. Reckless player. Incorrect.

While the game has not started, there are many equal opportunities before the Ignorant. However, he is too stupid to choose the best one for himself. Yes, on the map we see the Jester. But isn't this the Lord Himself, who is playing a great game, incomprehensible to people?

In the astrological aspect, the card, which has a zero designation, is associated with the planet Uranus, symbolizing unpredictability and aspirations for freedom. When it is assigned the value XXII, it resonates with Pluto - the personification of the Universal Mind.

The following cards reinforce the value of the zero Arcana:

  • Court. - Transformation, New milestone.
  • Star. – Credibility, innocence, purity.
  • Hanged. - Faith, community, unity.
  • Three of Wands. – Journey into the unknown, expanding the boundaries of knowledge.

Weaken the value of the zero Arcana:

Devil. - Atheism, skepticism, unbelief.

Death. - The end, ashes.

Two of swords. - Voltage, reverse.

Priest. - Fulfillment of obligations, routine, boredom.

Don't miss the chance to get a new experience! - the zero Senior card says to the questioner. - Move forward with a light heart, without regrets about the past. Do not be afraid of the unknown, do not be afraid to fall - there will be an opportunity to rise!

The ignorant is carefree and cheerful, is an example of inner freedom, an unconventional and easy attitude to life. It is the most exciting game given to us from Above. The card recommends freeing yourself from prejudice, being simpler and trusting the flow of the life stream.

This card may mean a surprise. In the upright position, most often positive, in an inverted position, negative.

The inverted Zero Arcana in a primitive sense speaks of the stupidity of the questioner, may indicate the inadequacy of his behavior. By the way, this can be a joke (tarokks will sometimes joke with you). In combination with unfavorable cards, he indicates a person "without brakes", unprincipled and irresponsible, up to psychosis and mental disorders.

If the questioner is a business person, the Ignorant card is almost always unfavorable. When it falls out, especially in an inverted position, the best recommendation on your part would be to “retire for 2-3 months”, since the risk of incorrect strategic management decisions leading to collapse is excessively high. If this is unacceptable, it is worth at least “turning on the brain” and carefully considering each step.

Tarot Fool or Jester is one of the most important cards of the Major Arcana. She describes an inquisitive, open personality who is ready to surprise and be surprised, to commit rash acts, to plunge into the abyss of life with her head.

In the article:

Tarot Fool - Meaning

Tarot Jester always says that a new period begins in a person's life. Something is ready to break into your life, turn everything upside down and make you think completely differently, change your outlook on familiar things.

Jester in Tarot New Vision

Oddly enough, such an interpretation does not have any negative connotations (of course, if there are no negative cards around). At the moment, the person is at the crossroads. He has the opportunity to choose any road, to take a decisive step that will lead him to a new life.

Be sure, no matter which path you choose, it will not be covered with roses, but all the troubles that happen to you will benefit and help you gain the necessary experience. Sometimes in a layout, the appearance of the Fool Tarot card speaks of an unexpected surprise, a sudden turn of events.

Be prepared for anything, because anything can happen. In the upright position, the card indicates a person who can be engaged in tourism, circus or variety arts, even a small, not particularly legal business is not excluded. Often this person is very frivolous, he is on his own mind, not ready to listen to others, they often say about him "fools are lucky."

The jester always comes out dry from the water, is very eccentric, by hook or by crook attracts attention to himself. Sometimes the appearance of this lasso in the layout speaks of a short trip, most likely, this is not a business trip, but a vacation, a pleasant pastime.

Reversed Jester position

Egorov Tarot deck

The inverted jester has such a meaning in Tarot - bright activity, actions that attract attention, rash actions, too much window dressing, which is provoked by infantilism, selfishness. Sometimes this can be compared to youthful maximalism, a young man who is so ready to attract the attention of others that he even agrees to commit suicide in front of everyone.

Often, the Jester Tarot card speaks of an individual who cannot find his place under the sun in any way, he has basic skills in various fields, but cannot realize himself in any of them, because he is not ready to complete what he has started and develop further in selected industry.

This is accompanied by careless actions, a senseless waste of time, effort, money, energy. The individual is extremely careless, at first glance unpleasant, makes too many erroneous decisions. If we are not talking about a person who is identified with the card, but the future that the fool predicts, then be prepared for the fact that your freedom will be limited.

You cling too much to the past, the card symbolizes the unwillingness to accept the situation as it is. But don't be afraid, after a while (if you learn to look at things more seriously and not let everything take its course), the situation will gradually improve.

You will be able to find a job or get a long-desired promotion, the trial period will end, you will be able to earn the necessary amount of money, meet a person who will help you.

Work and finances in the scenario with the Fool

If we talk about the work area, then, oddly enough, it is better to act in small situations at random than to devote a long time to various reflections. This advice does not apply to large projects.

If a person who is identified with the Jester Tarot card uses his creative abilities, his intuition to the maximum, is not constrained by some kind of framework and strict rules, then he will succeed.

Otherwise, the map can be very negative for creative people, since they cannot provide customers with what they want, since such an individual sees everything differently, in his own way. Not every client can understand such an employee.

That is why the appearance of the Fool in the alignment for people of creativity can be a harbinger of the upcoming test. Oddly enough, the individual needs to have a good boss who could not only manage the personality and direct him in the right direction, but also not limit him.

This is necessary, since a person has a very superficial attitude to everything, he needs to study in order to become a professional in his field, and he cannot force himself to develop on his own. A person with great inclinations, but without consistency and order, and he will not succeed at all.

If we talk about the financial and housing situation, then in the old interpretations, the Fool is an indicator of the homeless. It is quite possible that a person cannot manage his money, is very naive in such matters, throws money away, and for many years cannot save up to buy an apartment or any other property.

If we talk about the situation in general, then no clear answer can be given yet. You may have to put in more effort and start all over again.

Jester Tarot - meaning in relationships

Tarot deck Manara

Despite the fact that in and the Jester is a symbol of frivolity, relationships without responsibility, which can shake even the strongest partnerships or friendships. A fool is a symbol of a joyful life.

He is loved precisely because he can enjoy even the little things that others would not pay attention to, he is many-sided and unique. In a relationship between a man and a woman, the Tarot Jester card that has fallen out can speak of the revival of love in marriage, feelings that flared up again, the birth of a child.

If we are talking about people who are not bound by marriage, then this lasso rather symbolizes relationships without obligations, people just enjoy each other, being together, carnal pleasures, but are not going to be responsible for relationships, for each other. If the Sun falls next to the card, then an unwanted pregnancy is soon possible.

In general, relationships are suitable only for those who want a light fling, which will constantly give the opportunity to experience the taste of novelty. At best, it will be a civil marriage, at worst - frequent betrayals by a partner, the appearance of children on the side, who will still be hidden from you. Relationships are very unpredictable, not suitable for those who need at least some confidence in the future.

Health status

The Fool in the Tarot of the Third Millennium

Usually the card speaks of cheerfulness, a very good state of physical health. At the same time, a person carelessly treats himself, even if there are some diseases, he is not particularly treated. But there are usually no negative consequences of such negligence. The inverted Jester will talk about the psychological problems of a person.

In combination with negative cards, the lasso speaks of serious mental disorders that can turn into neurosis, psychosis, alcohol or drug addiction. Often a person is depressed, and does not try to get out of there, he drives himself into a negative state.

This happens due to the fact that a person tries to escape from reality, unable to perceive the truth, bear responsibility for his actions, as a result, the person destroys himself from the inside.

Jester - Tarot combination

Wild Wood Tarot deck (Wild Forest Tarot)

In order to correctly interpret the alignment, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the meaning of individual cards, but also to their combinations. This will allow you to get the most reliable information. The Fool tarot card in combination with other major arcana:

  • Magician - strange ideas, madness;
  • High Priestess - sudden victory;
  • Empress - unwanted pregnancy;
  • Emperor - the end of recklessness, anarchy;
  • Hierophant - a person is in search;
  • Lovers - trust, harmony between people;
  • Chariot - it is impossible to control the situation;
  • Strength - learn to control yourself;
  • Hermit - futile struggle;
  • Wheel of Fortune - sudden news;
  • Justice - problems with justice;
  • Hanged Man - trauma, imprisonment, recklessness;
  • Death is terrifying news;
  • Moderation is good luck;
  • Devil - lies, enemies;
  • Tower - problems due to indiscretion;
  • Star - parting word from above;
  • Moon - drug and alcohol addiction;
  • The sun is glory, honor;
  • Court - speaking in public;
  • The world is a long trip.

Interpretation paired with wands:

  • Ace - danger;
  • Two - intoxication with power;
  • Three - you need a good leader;
  • Four - a mess in thoughts;
  • Five - be careful with words, they can hurt others;
  • Six - blindly following someone's instructions;
  • Seven - you have many enemies;
  • Eight - psychological illness;
  • Nine - everything is left to chance;
  • Ten - everything does not depend on you;
  • Page - ignoring learning;
  • Knight - change the means to an end;
  • The Queen is a noble companion;
  • The king is a friend with negative habits.

Tarot Fool combined with swords:

  • The ace is a dangerous weapon in the hands of a lunatic;
  • Two - escape from reality;
  • Troika - betrayal;
  • Four - trauma;
  • Five - aggression, quarrel;
  • Six - escape from problems;
  • Seven - someone strongly hides his inexperience;
  • Eight - remorse;
  • Nine - despair, disorder;
  • Ten - neglect of health, treatment is needed;
  • Page - anger;
  • Knight - rabies;
  • The Queen is an inadequate woman;
  • The king is a vengeful friend.

Interpretation paired with cups:

  • Ace - negative habits;
  • Two - strong attraction;
  • Troika - a feast;
  • Four - feeling unwell;
  • Five - an irresponsible person, deprivation;
  • Six - return home;
  • Seven - narcotic dope;
  • Eight - poverty;
  • Nine - minor problems;
  • Ten - meeting with relatives;
  • Page - seduction;
  • Knight - marriage proposal;
  • Queen - ignoring direct duties;
  • The king is a crisis.
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