Natalya Poklonskaya weight. Natalya Poklonskaya: it's time to make your personal life public. Natalia Poklonskaya's husband Vladimir Klimenko

Natalya Poklonskaya is a Russian statesman, lawyer, State Duma deputy and ex-prosecutor of Crimea. Songs are written about Natalya Poklonskaya, pictures and Internet memes are drawn from her, poems are written, and once in Japan celebrities even dedicated anime to her. Many sources noted that Poklonskaya’s popularity is associated with her pretty appearance, which, according to Internet users, is in no way comparable to the “harsh” position of prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea, which the woman held until October 2016. However, she became a deputy of the State Duma, and her name is already associated with politics.

The biography of Natalya Vladimirovna Poklonskaya begins in the Voroshilovgrad region of the Ukrainian SSR, in the village of Mikhailovka. Natalya Poklonskaya was born on March 18, 1980 in an ordinary family; her parents raised patriotic views in their daughter from childhood. Poklonskaya said that her paternal and maternal grandfathers died during the Great Patriotic War, and the family fell into fascist occupation.

The future prosecutor of Crimea graduated from school in her hometown, and to receive higher education she went to the Crimean Evpatoria, where she successfully graduated from a branch of the Kharkov University of Internal Affairs in 2002. On the territory of the Crimean peninsula, Poklonskaya began her career in law enforcement.


Since 2002, Natalya Poklonskaya got a job at the Ukrainian prosecutor's office - there the future Internet star held various positions, gradually moving up the career ladder. Until 2006, Natalya Poklonskaya held the position of assistant prosecutor of the Krasnogvardeisky district of Crimea; the official worked in this post for 4 years.

For the next 4 years, until 2010, Poklonskaya worked as an assistant prosecutor of Yevpatoria, and since 2010, the woman took the post of deputy head of the department of the supervisory authority, which ensures control of the legality of the actions of local special forces and other institutions fighting crime.

In 2011, Natalya Poklonskaya headed the investigation of the high-profile case of the Bashmaki organized crime group, which was widely known, was involved in racketeering, robbery and murder, and was considered a major criminal group in the 1990-2000s. Poklonskaya acted as a state prosecutor in the Bashmakov case. Since 2012, she worked as the head of the Simferopol Interdistrict Environmental Prosecutor's Office.

Then Natalya Poklonskaya held several more positions in law enforcement agencies, but did not stay in new jobs for long - rapid career growth began in the winter of 2014, when a mass protest against the Ukrainian authorities took place in Kiev.

Prosecutor of Crimea

In 2014, information appeared in the press that Poklonskaya was fired. In fact, on February 25, 2014, Natalya Poklonskaya quit her job because she was “ashamed to live and work in Ukraine,” in which “neo-fascists,” according to the prosecutor, “walk the streets and can dictate their rules to the authorities,” but the leadership of the law enforcement the employee’s structure did not let go - the official officially went on vacation.

While on vacation, Poklonskaya went to Simferopol to visit her mother, where she offered local law enforcement agencies assistance in “preventing what is happening in Kyiv.” Already on March 11, 2014, Natalya was appointed prosecutor of Crimea, a corresponding decision was made in the Council of Ministers of Crimea.

Because of her radical position on the events that took place in Kyiv, Poklonskaya. The corresponding information was provided by representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, relying on Article 109-1 (“Actions taken with the aim of forcibly changing or overthrowing the constitutional order or seizing state power, as well as conspiracy to carry out such actions”). On March 26, 2014, the Federation Council of the Russian Federation called such a decision of the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs a “bluff.”

In Ukraine, Natalya Poklonskaya is generally spoken of poorly, since many citizens do not agree with the woman’s decision to live and work in Crimea. Natalya herself declares that she is in love with Russia and is happy.

Natalya Poklonskaya was repeatedly persecuted and assassinated by some Ukrainians. Notes often appeared in the media that the law enforcement agencies of Crimea. Natalya, who held a responsible post, stated that her.

According to the Russian deputy, to stabilize the situation in Ukraine, another government is needed, and the Ukrainian people themselves must contribute to positive changes.

“What is happening in Donbass is super scary. Everyone understands perfectly well that peace will reign there only if a normal leadership of the country appears in Ukraine. And this requires the will of the people, but citizens are deprived of freedom and the right to choose. The country is caught in the grip of the hands that have seized it.”

Poklonskaya advised Ukrainians to find a “doctor” for the Kyiv authorities. This is how the deputy commented on the decision of the top leadership of the Ukrainian state to ban the wearing and production of the St. George ribbon.

According to Poklonskaya, the current Ukrainian government is obliged to answer for its crimes: “In general, what is happening in Ukraine is a test of the strength of grandchildren and great-grandchildren, whose grandfathers laid down their lives heroically fighting the fascist evil spirits.”

The deputy noted that the people in power in Ukraine today will, in any case, appear in court, since “they have already committed enough crimes against their own people, country and history.”

In 2016, Poklonskaya marched in the column of the “Immortal Regiment” with the miraculous icon of the Holy Passion-Bearer Tsar. A similar event, organized in Simferopol, attracted 40 thousand people.

“Nyasha” and media

After Poklonskaya became the Crimean prosecutor, she gave a press conference on the occasion of taking office. Immediately after this event, the woman’s Internet popularity collapsed: users of social networks said that Poklonskaya was a “nyasha”, and the position she held was in no way associated with the pretty appearance of a representative of a law enforcement agency.

Sources note that Natalia Poklonskaya achieved worldwide popularity in a record 5 minutes 43 seconds - that’s exactly how long the recording of the famous press conference she gave after taking office as a prosecutor lasts. Poklonskaya’s beauty and cuteness were immediately noticed in Japan, almost on the same day by the girl.

Later, the Japanese made animated videos about Natalya Poklonskaya. Poklonskaya could not help but notice in Russia, where a large number of songs were written about the prosecutor. The Russians were no less original than the people of Japan; the pretty Natalya Poklonskaya was immediately a hero of the RuNet. “Oh, what a sweetheart, prosecutor Natasha”, - sang, in particular, the Russian singer Slava Blagov. An equally famous video became a hit on YouTube; many still quote this video about Poklonskaya.

In fan videos, Natalya Poklonskaya appears as a “nyasha”, but the woman herself does not have a positive attitude towards such creative activity of users of social networks. She has repeatedly said that it would be better if fans online discussed and appreciated her professional achievements, rather than trying to find “fake photos of her naked.”

Network users were also shocked by the information about Father Sergei (Nikolai Romanov), Poklonskaya’s confessor. The Dozhd TV channel presented a video to the public in which it reported that the priest was in prison for 13 years for murder in the 80s. Such messages caused a storm of indignation in Russian society.

State Duma Deputy

In September 2016, Poklonskaya wrote a letter of resignation from her position. The official herself explained that in connection with the election to the State Duma, the prosecutor of Crimea is ready.

Subsequently, Poklonskaya began to talk about property and property-related obligations represented by deputies. In addition, Natalya Vladimirovna became deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption. The woman has held this position since October 5, 2016.

Whether the deputy herself is satisfied with such appointments is unknown. In July 2016, Poklonskaya announced her readiness, if elected as a State Duma deputy, to join the committee on CIS affairs, Eurasian integration and relations with compatriots.

Poklonskaya considers the working atmosphere in parliament difficult. Since she began working in the State Duma, she has received about 2 thousand requests from voters. The people's choice noted that the bulk of the requests received concern the work of the law enforcement system, but she cannot interfere in the activities of these structures. At the same time, it was possible to achieve results on a number of other appeals.

According to the deputy, there are a large number of problems in Crimea today. Poklonskaya intends to find out why the authorities of Sevastopol, in specific cases, confiscate land plots from citizens that were issued to them under Ukraine. The Russian parliamentarian is going to hold a reception of citizens in the city. The deputy notes that local residents are extremely concerned about the land issue.

According to Natalya, people believe that on the lands taken from them “they will build palaces for the inhabitants of heaven” - they even named certain surnames. The deputy emphasized that a dialogue with citizens should be established.

“The problem will not just go away,” a State Duma representative noted in an interview.

Personal life

The personal life of Natalia Poklonskaya has been shrouded in mystery for a long time, as befits a person holding a serious position. The woman was in a civil marriage. Raises daughter Anastasia.

Natalia Poklonskaya's hobbies are drawing and playing the piano.

The media have repeatedly reported that in 2014 Poklonskaya was often seen in the company of Nikolai Yanaki, who at that time held the position of deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea. There were speculations in the press about the relationship between Natalya and Nikolai, but the officials themselves did not officially react to the information.

In June 2017, the Russian press reported that Natalya Poklonskaya broke up with the man whom she introduced to media employees as her husband.

The deputy commented on the lack of information about the spouse in the income statement; she emphasized that the information in the reporting document is true.

The politician does not intend to advertise her personal life. The woman admitted that she sometimes presented herself as married in order to avoid attention from the opposite sex, since many men hoped to get acquainted, meet, and establish relationships. Thus, the parliamentarian did not want to “traumatize” the fans, which law enforcement officers are conducting at the request of deputy Natalya Poklonskaya. According to the director, “a State Duma deputy sends a fan of requests to government agencies on the same topic.” Georgy Uchitel noted that such checks negatively affect the release date of the film.

Recently, Poklonskaya has often been criticized, but the deputy herself claims that this does not upset her at all, but makes her stronger. According to Natalya, she is not afraid of the negative aspects that fame can bring.

“Let them criticize. Criticism never upsets me. It is important to me that the work leads to results in the form of restoration of rights, as well as to justice. If my actions cause criticism, I'm on the right track. The most important thing is that we do not become traitors within ourselves,” Poklonskaya said.

Poklonskaya also told media representatives about attempts to bribe her. The initiators of the violation of the law end up badly, deciding to come to an agreement with a prominent representative of Russian politics.

“There were precedents. Especially when she supported the prosecutor's prosecution in serious cases. But nothing worked out for anyone. There are principles, and I do not violate them. It’s not in my traditions to make a deal with my conscience,” the deputy noted in an interview.

In May 2017, information appeared in the media that the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation was considering a request to verify statements made by the deputy head of Transparency International Russia, Ilya Shumanov, regarding an anti-corruption investigation.

Poklonskaya herself stated that she was ready to cooperate and show all her property so that the anti-corruption fighters would not be able to “nailed on yachts, fairy-tale palaces, planes, helicopters.”

The Russian parliament also reacted to Shumanov’s statements. The head of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption, Vasily Piskarev, noted that law enforcement agencies are obliged to check such assumptions, draw conclusions, and also find out the details of the events carried out by Transparency International Russia employees.

Natalya Poklonskaya is a lawyer, state counselor of justice, 3rd class (corresponding to the military rank of major general). Since May 2, 2014, she held the position of Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea. In September 2016, she was elected to the State Duma of the 7th convocation, and therefore left the peninsula, starting public service in the capital of Russia.

Having received a deputy mandate, Poklonskaya was appointed chairman of the Duma committee responsible for verifying the accuracy of information about the income and real estate of deputies. She also joined the commission on anti-corruption (deputy chairman) and analysis of budget expenditures for the defense and law enforcement sectors.

Childhood and family

Natalya Poklonskaya (maiden name Dubrovskaya) was born on March 18, 1980 in the village of Mikhailovka, Voroshilovgrad (Lugansk) region in an ordinary family. Both of her grandfathers died in the Great Patriotic War, one of her grandmothers survived the Nazi occupation, and her parents, who honored the memory of their heroic ancestors, raised their daughter in the spirit of patriotism.

In 1990, the family moved to Crimea, settling in the village of Uyutnoye, Saki district. Here Natalya graduated from high school. as well as children's music school in piano class.

After school, Natalya decided that she wanted to serve in law enforcement and entered the Evpatoria branch of the Kharkov University of Internal Affairs, which she successfully graduated from in 2002.

Carier start

Natalya Poklonskaya’s career began as an assistant prosecutor in the Krasnogvardeisky district of Crimea (until 2006), then she was promoted to assistant prosecutor in Yevpatoria (until 2010). For the next year and a half, Natalya replaced the head of the department for monitoring compliance with laws by institutions fighting organized crime groups in the Crimean prosecutor's office.

The first high-profile case of Natalia Poklonskaya is connected with the organized gang “Bashmaki”, which was involved in racketeering. In 2011, Poklonskaya acted as a state prosecutor in the trial against ex-deputy of the Crimean Rada Reuben Aronov, one of the leaders of this organized crime group. In December of the same year, the prosecutor was attacked and severely beaten, injuring his face. There is an opinion that her manner of speaking “through her teeth” is the consequences of a beating. Despite the pressure on the prosecutor, the case was brought to an end.

It was this case that helped me become a prosecutor and gain experience. Imagine - 20 people, all seasoned criminals. There must be willpower to resist such opponents.

In 2011, Natalya was appointed prosecutor of Simferopol for environmental issues. In 2012, she moved to the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, becoming a senior prosecutor in the pre-trial investigation department in the Main Directorate for Supervision of Compliance with Laws in Criminal Proceedings.

Prosecutor of Crimea

The revolution and civil war in Ukraine, the resignation of Viktor Yanukovych and the rise to power of Petro Poroshenko did not leave Natalia Poklonskaya indifferent. In February 2014, she wrote a letter of resignation. She stated as a reason that she did not want to serve a country ruled by “nationalist bandits.” The manager did not sign Poklonskaya’s application, offering her paid leave.

Natalya went to visit her parents in Crimea, where during this period preparations were underway for a referendum on the status of the peninsula. At the end of February, armed special forces, acting on the orders of Vladimir Putin, occupied the authorities of Crimea, after which the parliament was dissolved, and the head of the Russian Unity party, Sergei Aksenov, was recognized as the leader of the new government, who immediately declared non-recognition of the new government in Ukraine. On March 4, Crimean prosecutor Vyacheslav Pavlov submitted his resignation at his own request. The next four candidates for this position refused the offer, and on March 11, Natalya Poklonskaya was elected prosecutor of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

On the day of her appointment, Natalya Poklonskaya gave a press conference, where she expressed her position and spoke harshly about the new Ukrainian government. This recording was later published on the Internet and made the prosecutor popular.

Press conference of Natalia Poklonskaya

Natalya Poklonskaya achieved world fame in 5 minutes 43 seconds - that’s how long this press conference lasted. Crimean journalists posted a video on YouTube, where a Japanese citizen accidentally saw it. He immediately noticed Poklonskaya’s “rich anime potential” and wrote on Twitter: “New prosecutor of Crimea! Oh, oh, oh!” Within a few hours, this post was read by tens of thousands of users, and the number of views of Natalia Poklonskaya’s press conference went off scale. Japanese anime fans have drawn hundreds of pictures featuring the “sexy prosecutor.”

The story continued. In one of Natalya’s first interviews in the status of the prosecutor of Crimea, the correspondent asked if she knew about such an increased interest in her personality on the Internet, to which Natalya replied: “Here I am the prosecutor, and no nyash, blah, and the like... I won’t allow " The phrase went to the people. Russian Internet users began calling the prosecutor "Nyasha", "Nyasha-Natasha" and "Prosecutor-chan".

No nyash-myash

Odessa musician Slava Blagov wrote the song “Oh, what a Nyasha, prosecutor Natasha,” and blogger Enjoykin made a mix “Nyash Myash.”

Slava Blagov - Prosecutor Natasha

The case against Poklonskaya

Formally, Natalya Poklonskaya was not fired from the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, although she made her position very clear to the former leadership. After Poklonskaya was appointed head of the Crimean prosecutor's office in Ukraine, a criminal case was opened against her, accusing her of facilitating the illegal seizure of power. The prosecutor herself called the events on Maidan an “anti-constitutional seizure of power,” and the new president and his associates “devils from the ashes.”

After the referendum on the status of Crimea (March 16, 2014) and the inclusion of the prosecutor's office of Crimea and Simferopol in the Russian system, Ukrainian law enforcement agencies put Natalya Poklonskaya on the wanted list for actions leading to a violent change of power.

After she assumed the post of Chief Prosecutor of Crimea, members of the people’s militia prevented another assassination attempt: a bag with a homemade bomb with a damage radius of 350 meters was discovered under the windows of Poklonskaya’s office. In the spring of 2016, by decree of Petro Poroshenko, she was included in the sanctions list for her involvement in the sentencing of Savchenko and Sentsov.

In the summer of the same year, investigator of the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine Andrey Atamanchuk reported that the pre-trial investigation, in which Poklonskaya was charged under four articles (violent overthrow of the constitutional order, unconstitutional change of the borders of Ukraine, high treason, participation in a criminal organization) was almost completed. State Duma Deputy In the elections to the State Duma of the VII convocation on September 18, 2016, Natalya Poklonskaya received a deputy mandate, and therefore left her prosecutorial position. The woman headed the committee to control the income of State Duma deputies. After her appointment, Poklonskaya moved to Moscow.

Poklonskaya and Nicholas II

The prosecutor is interested in history and sympathizes with Nicholas II - his portrait hangs in her office. In 2015, she made a sensational statement that the abdication of Nicholas II was deprived of legal force. Alas, the opinion is increasingly heard that Natalya’s sympathy for the last Russian emperor goes beyond the scope of adequate behavior.

In 2015, she commissioned a series of portraits of Nikolai Alexandrovich and his family for the Livadia Palace Museum (former residence of the Russian emperors).

At the annual “Immortal Regiment” event, which is held every May 9 as a tribute to the memory of soldiers who died during the Second World War, Poklonskaya brought an icon of Nicholas II instead of a portrait of a relative. The prosecutor’s action was ridiculed online: “My grandfather fought, but Poklonskaya has a tsar!”

In March 2017, Poklonskaya reported on her Twitter that the bust of Nicholas II, installed in Simferopol next to the prosecutor’s office building, had become myrrh-streamed. Journalists immediately came to the site and quickly found out that the miracle had not happened - the monument turned out to be completely dry.

Poklonskaya is often accused of the fact that her views largely coincide with the views of members of the sect of Tsarebozhniks. According to their beliefs, the death of Nicholas II became a sacred symbol of atonement for the sin of infidelity of the Russian people, requiring universal repentance. If the official position of the Russian Orthodox Church does not deny that Nicholas, who was canonized after his death, was not a righteous man, then Poklonskaya and her like-minded people are offended by any mention of the royal sins, including the deprivation of virginity before marriage - this is what Poklonskaya’s much-unloved film “Matilda” is about. .

Fight with Matilda

The film directed by Alexei Uchitel “Matilda” came under the gun of Poklonskaya in October 2016. A historical film dedicated to the romance between Nicholas II and the ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater Matilda Kshesinskaya, which took place even before the wedding of the Tsarevich with Princess Alexandra Feodorovna, affected a woman with monarchical views like a red rag on a bull.

First, the deputy sent a request to the Prosecutor General’s Office demanding that the “Matilda” trailer be checked for distortion of historical events for the purpose of “anti-Russian and anti-religious provocation.” The prosecutor's office, as expected, did not find any violations in the film, after which Natalya Poklonskaya filed a second application. This time, it was addressed not only to the Prosecutor General’s Office, but also to the Ministry of Culture, and not only the trailer, but also the script and sources of financing were subject to verification. At the same time, the deputy stated that the Teacher intended to mock the passion-bearing king and his family. The Teacher's answer was not long in coming. He himself turned to the Prosecutor General’s Office with a request to protect him from Poklonskaya’s “fabrications”, which were whipping up hysteria around his new film.

Without waiting for action from the authorities, Poklonskaya ordered an examination of “Matilda” at her own expense. The expert opinion she cited said that the filmmakers were deliberately “making a fool out of the emperor.” The examination found the film to be offensive to the feelings of believers, and Matilda was compared to a rat.

Protruding crooked teeth, an elongated face shape that makes her look like a mouse or a rat, an awkward figure...

The performer of the role of the emperor, the German Lars Eidinger, also got it. He was accused of not looking like Nicholas II, as well as of filming in a “pornographic anti-Christian film in a vulgar pornographic role” (referring to Peter Greenouy’s erotic biopic “Goltzius and the Pelican Company”).

However, the Ministry of Culture said that they would not take Poklonskaya’s examination into account, citing the fact that the official check did not find anything in the film that would offend the feelings of believers, and the film itself had not yet been released. The teacher invited Poklonskaya to a private screening of “Matilda,” to which the deputy refused.

I haven’t watched it, but I don’t need to watch it, I won’t watch it

Poklonskaya continued her campaign against Matilda, covering the situation on social networks.

In the summer of 2017, the publication Znak published material stating that on the party sidelines Poklonskaya was asked to moderate her ardor in the fight against Matilda. Coincidentally, after publication, the author of the article, Ekaterina Vinokurova, began receiving threats.
Poklonskaya got into a spat with Roizman, saying that it was unacceptable for a leader of his level to “send greetings on social networks.” The deputy accused him of deliberately provoking Orthodox people.

After these events, Alexey Uchitel accused Poklonskaya of supporting terrorist organizations operating under the guise of religion.

Personal life of Natalia Poklonskaya

Little is known about the personal life of Natalia Poklonskaya. She is divorced and was allegedly married to the vice-mayor of Mariupol Vladimir Stepanovich Klimenko, with whom she gave birth to a daughter, Anastasia. The girl bears her mother's last name.

In his free time from work, the prosecutor finds a place for creativity. Natalya enjoys drawing and playing the piano, and loves sports. In November 2014, Poklonskaya took part in the Prosecutor's Sports Competition in Sochi and was able to fulfill the GTO standard.

In August 2018, Natalya married lawyer and public figure Ivan Solovyov. Under the influence of her husband, Poklonskaya broke with the Tsarebozhnik sect and “lost interest” in Nicholas II.

Natalia Poklonskaya now

Recently, Natalya Poklonskaya has been openly confronting United Russia. For example, she defiantly did not stand up before the delegation of US senators and was the only United Russia member to vote against raising the retirement age during the first reading of the relevant bill.

Natalya Vladimirovna Poklonskaya- Russian statesman, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the 7th convocation, chairman of the State Duma commission for monitoring the reliability of information on income, property and property-related obligations presented by deputies of the State Duma, prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea (May 2, 1914 - October 6, 2016). State Counselor of Justice 3rd class (2015). Natalya Poklonskaya has also been Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption since October 5, 2016.

Childhood and education of Natalia Poklonskaya

Natalya Poklonskaya was born on March 18, 1980 in the village of Mikhailovka, Voroshilovgrad (Lugansk) region. In 1990, Natalya and her parents moved to Crimea. The family lived in the village of Uyutnoye, Saki district. The future prosecutor of Crimea graduated from high school at her place of residence. In addition, Natalya Poklonskaya studied at a local music school and graduated in piano.

Natalia Poklonskaya in childhood

The parents raised the girl in a patriotic spirit. Natalya Poklonskaya was always proud of her grandfathers who died during the Great Patriotic War. Poklonskaya's grandmother survived the German occupation. Natalia Poklonskaya's parents are Crimean pensioners.

Natalia Poklonskaya at school

Natalya Vladimirovna decided that she would become a lawyer and entered the branch of the Kharkov University of Internal Affairs, located in Yevpatoria, from which she graduated in 2002. In Crimea, Natalia Poklonskaya’s career in law enforcement agencies began.

Career of Natalia Poklonskaya

In 2002, Natalya Poklonskaya began working in the Simferopol environmental prosecutor's office. In the case of the Bashmaki gang, Poklonskaya acted as a state prosecutor. The criminal group was headed by a former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea. Natalya was under pressure from all sides, but she still managed to complete the job. The news reported that as a result of the investigation into the “Bashmakov” case, Natalya Poklonskaya survived the attack; Poklonskaya’s biography on Wikipedia says that after the beating in the entrance of her house, the prosecutor was left with part of her face paralyzed.

In 2011, Poklonskaya was appointed environmental prosecutor of Simferopol, and already in 2012, Natalya Vladimirovna began working at the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine. After the coup and change of power in Ukraine, Natalya Vladimirovna Poklonskaya submitted her resignation on February 25, 2014. Then Poklonskaya went to visit her parents in Crimea. There, Natalya Poklonskaya offered her assistance to the government of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea - she wanted to make every effort to prevent a repetition of the Kyiv events.

Natalya Poklonskaya’s first case as a prosecutor was an investigation into the infliction of grievous bodily harm on employees of the Crimean special police unit “Berkut”.

March 25, 2014 in connection with the formation of the prosecutor's offices of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol in the system of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation by order of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika Poklonskaya was appointed acting prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea. And already on April 4 of the same year, with the consent of... O. Prosecutor of the Crimea Poklonskaya, employees of the Federal Security Service of Russia for the Republic of Crimea carried out an operation to detain the assistant prosecutor of Yalta Evgeniy Pomelov. An employee of the Yalta prosecutor's office was detained while receiving a bribe from a city resident in the amount of 7.5 thousand hryvnia.

On April 11, 2014, Yuri Chaika personally presented Natalya Vladimirovna with a certificate of an employee of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. On May 2, 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree appointing Natalya Poklonskaya as prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea.

On May 4, 2014, the prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea, Natalya Poklonskaya, issued a warning to the head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Refat Chubarov on the inadmissibility of extremist activity.

Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea Natalya Poklonskaya during a visit to the Livadia Palace, Russia, Yalta, October 22, 2014 (Photo: Ruslan Shamukov/TASS)

The case against Poklonskaya in Ukraine

After Natalya Poklonskaya was appointed to the Crimean prosecutor’s office, she was fired from her previous job and a criminal case was opened. After the referendum, Ukrainian law enforcement agencies put Natalia Poklonskaya on the wanted list for actions leading to a violent change of power. Poklonskaya is charged under four articles: “Violent overthrow of the constitutional order”, “Changing the territorial structure and borders of Ukraine contrary to the order established by the Constitution of Ukraine”, “High treason” and “Participation in a criminal organization”. In the summer of 2017, the news reported that an investigator from the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine Andrey Atamanchuk promised to soon bring to court a case in which former Crimean prosecutor Natalya Poklonskaya is a suspect.

In response to these threats from the “democratic” rulers of Ukraine, Natalya Poklonskaya stated: “They no longer know what to say and how else to show their protest, which is senseless, completely unfounded, unreasoned, legally illiterate. In this way they show their stupidity. This is their problem, they don’t recognize it, let them continue to worry, and we will continue to work to defend our homeland,” Poklonskaya said on air on one of the Crimean TV channels.

Crimean Prosecutor Natalya Poklonskaya (Photo: Alexander Ryumin/TASS)

Regarding the fact that she could be deprived of the post of chairman of the commission, Natalya Poklonskaya explained that this issue is being decided at a plenary meeting of the State Duma, by general voting, but no one has yet told her that there is such an issue on the agenda, but only hinted that it would be good “ restrain your ardor."

Natalya Poklonskaya responded to criticism from party colleagues Oksana Pushkina and Irina Rodnina, who did not like her position on pension reform.

“Let everyone do their own thing, in accordance with their upbringing, personal qualities and conscience. Don’t waste your precious time in vain anymore, giving me assessments and advice, don’t think for me and don’t attribute to me something that is not there. Trying to shame is not your element,” the news quoted Natalya Poklonskaya as saying.

Poklonskaya noted that her activities have already earned the death sentence of the Right Sector *, and in Kyiv she faces life imprisonment.

“Probably, intimate conversations on TV and ice dancing do not lead to such consequences,” Poklonskaya said.

Personal life of Natalia Poklonskaya, views and popularity

In 2017, quite surprising news appeared that Natalya Poklonskaya was not married. As it turned out, Poklonskaya misled the public for a long time, saying that she had a husband. According to her, she had to introduce herself as married so as not to attract undue attention from fans.

“Therefore, in order not to traumatize people and immediately completely kill all desire, I said that I was married, I have a wonderful family. Maybe I wasn’t quite right then,” she repented.

Earlier, Poklonskaya earned 2.6 million rubles in a year, but forgot to include her husband in the declaration. Now it became clear why this happened. According to unofficial data, Poklonskaya’s husband was the deputy mayor of Mariupol Vladimir Klimenko.

In August 2018, changes occurred in Poklonskaya’s personal life. The news reported about the wedding of Natalia Poklonskaya.

Poklonskaya married the head of the office of the Commissioner for Human Rights, Ivan Solovyov, as the media learned. This happened on August 11-12 and, according to the source, the wedding was very modest.

The ceremony was attended by Poklonskaya’s colleagues from the lower house of parliament and from law enforcement agencies.

Poklonskaya herself neither confirmed nor denied the news about the changes in her personal life.

“I’m not ready to comment on my personal life yet,” she said.

Poklonskaya’s new husband, Ivan Solovyov, is 47 years old. Until 2011, he was a senior investigator for particularly important cases of the Investigative Unit of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Federal Tax Service.

Deputy Natalia Poklonskaya has a daughter. Poklonskaya raises her in the spirit of respect for the memory of those who died in the Great Patriotic War, including two grandfathers who died in this war. In 2015, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, the prosecutor of Crimea, dressed in a wartime tunic, read an excerpt from Robert Rozhdestvensky’s poem “Requiem.” In 2016, Natalya Poklonskaya, on the occasion of the anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, starred in the video for the song “From the Heroes of Bygone Times” from the film “Officers.” It took about two months to rehearse and shoot the video.

Natalya Poklonskaya with her daughter Anastasia in a frame from the music video for the song “From the Heroes of Bygone Times” from the film “Officers”, 2016 (Photo: Press service of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea/TASS)

In October 2014, Natalya Poklonskaya gave the Livadia Palace more than 80 photos from the family archive of Emperor Nicholas II, which she received from the priest of the Holy Dormition Cave Monastery in Crimea. And in May 2015, Poklonskaya took part in the opening of a bust of the emperor in the Livadia Palace. Deputy Poklonskaya is interested in history and sympathizes with Nicholas II - his portrait hung in her office back in the Simferopol prosecutor's office. In 2015, Natalya Vladimirovna made a sensational statement that the abdication of Nicholas II was deprived of legal force.

On May 9, 2016, Natalya Poklonskaya went to the “Immortal Regiment” rally with an icon of Nicholas II, explaining that she was fulfilling a veteran’s request to her earlier.

Prosecutor of Crimea Natalya Poklonskaya (center in the foreground) at the “Immortal Regiment” memorial event on Victory Day, Russia, Simferopol, May 9, 2016 (Photo: Alexey Konovalov/TASS)

In the fall of 2016, Natalya Poklonskaya said that in the chapel in honor of the holy royal passion-bearers of Emperor Nicholas II and his family, erected near the walls of the Crimean prosecutor's office in Simferopol, the first miracle occurred, “during the reading of the akathist, droplets of myrrh appeared on the icon of Emperor Nicholas II, which helped in healing - miraculously the child’s temperature dropped, and after a debilitating illness, recovery began.” The news with this statement by Poklonskaya caused considerable public outcry.

Natalya Poklonskaya gained great popularity in many countries, especially in Japan (a video from a press conference with Poklonskaya’s participation received more than two million views on Youtube, her photos were published in news all over the world). Former Prime Minister of Japan, head of the Japan-Russia Friendship Society, Yukio Hatoyama, said that he was a big fan of her beauty. Amateur drawings of Natalya Poklonskaya in the “moe” style (a certain type of cuteness, as heroines are drawn in Japanese anime and manga) appeared on the Internet, and a cartoon was shot in the anime style.

Photo: Russian Archives/Global Look Press

Although the peak of the Crimean beauty’s popularity occurred in the spring of 2014, her photos continue to arouse the interest of the Internet audience.

They write songs about Poklonskaya and release computer games. Odessa musician Slava Blagov dedicated the song “Oh, what a sweetheart, prosecutor Natasha!” to her, which received more than 100 thousand views on YouTube in a day.

Natalia Poklonskaya's official Facebook account:

Poklonskaya Natalya Vladimirovna is a fairly popular person lately. She became famous for the fact that during the return of Crimea to the Russian Federation she dared to take the post of Prosecutor General of the peninsula. In these troubled times, when “Polite People” were establishing order in Crimea, many men refused this position.

Natalya Vladimirovna did not chicken out and for the sake of the memory of her grandfathers and the future of her daughter, she became the Prosecutor General. The young, fragile girl did everything to ensure that order on the peninsula was not disrupted.

She won nationwide love and became an anime heroine in just five minutes and forty-three seconds during her first press conference. “Our Natasha” is lovingly called by Crimeans and all Russians.

Height, weight, age. How old is Natalia Poklonskaya

Many people all over the world would like to know what sweet and graceful Natasha’s height, weight, and age are. How old is Natalia Poklonskaya is also a constant query in search engines.

Natalya Poklonskaya was born in 1980, so she turned only thirty-seven this year. Few people know, but the beauty is a happy mother of a twelve-year-old daughter.

According to her zodiac sign, Natalya is a fickle, persistent, vulnerable, slightly reserved Pisces-dreamer. According to the eastern horoscope, Poklonskaya received the rather cheerful sign of the Monkey, which endowed her with such traits as eccentricity, enthusiasm, easy-going, dexterity and intelligence. She is smart, quick-witted, and knows how to find a way out of any difficult situation.

Natalya is a girl who is short at one meter and sixty-eight centimeters, however, her height in society is simply impossible to measure. The Prosecutor General weighs only fifty-nine kilograms. Her weight is quite stable, to the envy of all her ill-wishers.

Biography of Natalia Poklonskaya (Prosecutor General)

The biography of Natalia Poklonskaya was not easy and surprisingly beautiful. The girl was born in March 1980 in the small Luhansk village of Mikhailovka. She was an excellent student and studied piano at a music school. The girl dressed very stylishly, but modestly; she wore only closed blouses and fairly long skirts.

By the way, during her school years Natasha studied Russian and Ukrainian, so she knows the classics very well and reads many works by heart. Relatively recently, on the Internet one could observe such lines as: “Natalya Poklonskaya scandal,” this incident concerned Griboedov, when the prosecutor attributed Chatsky’s words from the work “Woe from Wit” to Generalissimo Suvorov. It was live on one of the radio stations, so nothing could be done. However, Natalya admitted her mistake, apologized and said that she would certainly read this immortal work.

In 1990, the Poklonsky family moved to the Crimean Evpatoria, where the girl graduated from school.

After receiving secondary education, Natalya firmly stated that she wanted to connect her life with jurisprudence. She intended to serve in the law enforcement system and entered the branch of the KhUVD.

Since 2002, she served in the environmental prosecutor's office of the city of Simferopol as a state prosecutor, striking everyone with her perseverance and incorruptibility. She always brought cases to a guilty verdict, despite threats and attempts.

In 2011, Poklonskaya was appointed prosecutor of the environmental prosecutor’s office of Simferopol, and from 2012 to 2014 she worked in the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine. However, after the events that took place on the Maidan and the overthrow of Yanukovych, Natalya resigned, but was not accepted. Then Poklonskaya left for Crimea without permission and participated in the preparation of a referendum on joining Russia.

In March 2014, she became the prosecutor of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, after which she was put on the all-Ukrainian wanted list for actions aimed at overthrowing the government. She took part in resolving various high-profile cases of a national scale, and therefore was included in the famous Ukrainian sanctions list. Attempts were made on Natalya's life several times, however, everything ended well.

She is a member of the United Russia party, and since 2016 she received a mandate as a deputy of the State Duma and moved to Moscow. Natalya Poklonskaya is the youngest woman in Russian history to receive the rank of general.

Personal life of Natalia Poklonskaya

The personal life of Natalia Poklonskaya is a secret behind seven seals. No one can talk about her husbands or lovers, secret hobbies or other whirlwind romances. This woman in uniform knows how to behave in public perfectly and it is simply impossible to compromise her.

What is known is that the sweet prosecutor was married twice, however, there is no information about her husbands on the Internet.

Natalya is fond of sports, always does gymnastics and morning jogging, and easily fulfills the GTO standards.

She has become the heroine of numerous anime and songs, however, she believes that she should be judged by her deeds, and not by her beautiful appearance. In 2016, Natalya Poklonskaya was recognized as the most beautiful woman in Russia according to a survey by the editors of the Russian Reporter magazine.

Poklonskaya is quite jealous of the historical figure of Emperor Nicholas II. His portrait is in her office; Natalya even went to the procession of the Immortal Regiment in 2016 with a small icon of the emperor, declaring that his overthrow had no legal force.

In 2014, the woman was able to transfer eight dozen photographs from the archives of the royal family to the Livadia Palace. Poklonskaya promised to install sculptures of Nicholas II and all members of his family, which she would create at her own expense.

Natalya Poklonskaya sings superbly, so she masterfully performed the song “From the Heroes of Bygone Times” from the cult film “Officers” in the video dedicated to the seventy-first anniversary of the Great Victory.

Family of Natalia Poklonskaya

Natalia Poklonskaya's family is quite banal and ordinary; her parents were not some kind of superheroes or influential people. They were the most ordinary people who were used to achieving everything through their own labor. Her parents instilled patriotic views in little Natasha; they taught her to love her country - the Soviet Union, which takes care of children and adults.

Poklonskaya often talked about how both of her grandfathers took part in the Great Patriotic War and laid down their lives there. The families of both grandfathers lived in unbearable conditions of Hitler's occupation, and therefore hated fascism and its followers.

Natalya believes that a strong and friendly family is the basis of the state.

Natalia Poklonskaya’s mother and father are currently pensioners; they live in Simferopol.

Children of Natalia Poklonskaya

The children of Natalia Poklonskaya exist in small numbers, and their number is not going to grow. The young and energetic prosecutor has a beloved daughter who is proud of her mother and loves watching anime with her on the Internet.

No one can indicate exactly from which marriage the baby was born, since Natalya’s personal life is taboo. There is information that the girl was born in her first marriage, but there is also information that there was only one marriage, and the daughter appeared in it. One way or another, Natalia Poklonskaya is growing up a beautiful and smart daughter - her mother’s pride and joy.

Daughter of Natalia Poklonskaya - Anastasia Poklonskaya

Natalia Poklonskaya's daughter, Anastasia Poklonskaya, was born in 2005. She is a very beautiful girl, incredibly similar to her mother.

Poklonskaya’s daughter studies in general education and music schools. The girl is interested in theater and attends an acting studio, where she learns to sing, recite poetry and come up with creative acts.

Nastya sings beautifully, and even starred with her mother in a video for the seventy-first anniversary of the Great Victory as part of the creative group “Little Prosecutors”.

Since the mother is raising the girl herself, she often spends time with her grandparents in Simferopol. Poklonskaya often says that everything she does is only for the sake of her daughter and other children who should live in a free country. Nastenka is brought up in the spirit of patriotism and respect for the memory of her ancestors.

Natalia Poklonskaya's husband - Vladimir Klimenko

Natalia Poklonskaya’s husband, Vladimir Klimenko, is a rather famous and mysterious person. The fact is that no one can say for sure whether Natalya is married or divorced, so no one will undertake to say that this is her ex-husband or her real one.

Vladimir Klimenko is the deputy city mayor of the Ukrainian Mariupol. By the way, he is a relative of the head of this city, Yuri Khotlubey. Of course, Natalya could not put up with her husband, who chose the side opposite to her political beliefs, she moved to Crimea without him and, it seems, got divorced.

There is no information about who gave birth to Poklonskaya’s daughter Nastya. It is possible that the girl was born in marriage with Klimenko. Natalya herself does not comment on her personal life, which gives rise to even more ridiculous rumors about her. The Prosecutor General's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea stated that Klimenko is not the official husband of Poklonskaya, without, however, mentioning whether they were married at all.

Natalia Poklonskaya intimate life

Natalya Poklonskaya's intimate life gives rise to as many rumors and gossip as her personal life. The handsome and very strict prosecutor is credited on the Internet with the most erotic images that excite the male imagination, however, we hasten to disappoint them: there is no photograph of a naked Natalia anywhere.

It would be a stretch to call the most intriguing and slightly erotic photo the image of Poklonskaya in a black dress on a red sofa.

Intimate photos of Natalia Poklonskaya in a swimsuit are considered the height of obscenity. This swimsuit, by the way, is very puritanical. It hides absolutely all parts of her body and emphasizes the luxurious figure of the prosecutor.

Of course, only the lazy didn’t try to find a photo of naked Natalia Poklonskaya. Such photographs do not exist, but recently a video appeared on the Internet in which a girl very similar to Natalya commits depraved acts in front of the cameras. The most interesting thing is that the model was shot from such an angle that it is impossible to understand who she is.

Natalya Poklonskaya with a black man is another video that is circulating on the Internet. By the way, on most sites they demand money for incomprehensible pornographic filming, including through fraudulent activities. Downloading images tagged Natalya Poklonskaya with a black man is strongly discouraged.

Photo of Natalia Poklonskaya before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Natalia Poklonskaya before and after plastic surgery constantly appear on the Internet and are outright fake. It seems to be a matter of envy of the naturally handsome prosecutor, who also knows how to dress stylishly and elegantly.

Natalya most often appears before citizens of Russia and the world in a blue prosecutor's uniform. However, she looks great in heels, evening wear and casual wear.

If you look at photographs from different times, you will notice that Natasha is fit, young and beautiful. She has absolutely no fat deposits or wrinkles, but this is a consequence of a healthy lifestyle, and not the skill of plastic surgeons.

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalia Poklonskaya

Instagram and Wikipedia of Natalia Poklonskaya exist, however, the second source is official, but the first is not. On Wikipedia, on the page dedicated to the prosecutor, you can only find reliable information about her personal life and career growth. All data is carefully checked, so you can take information from Wikipedia for abstracts and reports.

As for the Instagram profile, it is possible to find it, but the ARC prosecutor is not responsible for the authenticity of the photos and videos posted on it. The fact is that Natalya is so popular that there are a huge number of pages on social networks opened in her name.

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