Elena Proklova refuses to live without her husband after the divorce. Elena Proklova: I had affairs with Mironov, Yankovsky and Tabakov, but my husband is better! Who is Elena Proklova's husband?

Her path to art began in early childhood, with the light hand of her grandfather, who brought the girl to the set. But it was not easy. On the path to fame, Elena Proklova was awaited not only by rose petals, but also by their thorns, envious people and ill-wishers. But she managed to cope with all the difficulties, overcame all the obstacles, and now she has achieved what she dreamed of - she is a successful actress and TV presenter, a happy wife and mother.

Fame came to Elena Proklova during her school years, when she starred in the film “They’re calling, open the door.” And after the release of the next three films with her participation, she was already known throughout the Soviet Union.

Childhood and youth

Elena Proklova is a Muscovite, it was in this city that she was born on September 2, 1953. Her dad's name was Igor Viktorovich, he worked as a teacher at the Lenin Military Academy. Mom Anna Mikhailovna was a teacher with a noble pedigree. My paternal grandparents belonged to the world of art - they were actors in the Moscow theater. After retirement, grandfather Viktor Timofeevich got a job at the Mosfilm film studio as an assistant director, and often took Lena with him to filming.

Almost all family friends were scientists or creative personalities. The Proklov family's dacha was in the same dacha village as the dachas of many famous artists, poets, writers. Therefore, people of art constantly came to visit them, and young girl I could spend hours listening to stories from the life of bohemians. It was incredibly interesting to her, but nothing more. As a child, she was completely indifferent to the stage; her dream was gymnastics. Lena asked her parents to take her to a sports school, to gymnastics. So, at the age of four, the girl found herself in the gym for the first time, and at 5 she was already taken to her first competition. When Proklova turned 11, she was already a master of sports.

Elena never boasted of her success in sports, did not try to show her superiority over other children, but still she was not loved in the class, especially by the girls.

Maybe the reason was not only her sporting success, but also the fact that she was a real beauty, whom all her classmates ran after, depriving other girls of attention. Proklova was often boycotted, they did not talk to her for a long time, and this was precisely the reason for the transition to home system training. From the sixth grade, Lena was home-schooled, and came to school only to pass exams.

Proklova’s path to cinema began during her school years. Moreover, the start was very active, so she graduated from school as an external student. Lena grew up not only beautiful, but also amazingly talented. It was thanks to her talent that she was able to pass all the exams the first time and join the ranks of students in the acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School. During her first years at the institute, she stopped acting. According to teacher Vasily Markov, she was not yet ready for serious work in cinema, but after he saw her on stage, he completely changed his opinion about the young actress.

Proklova received a diploma from the Studio School in 1973, and she was immediately hired at the Moscow Art Theater. In the same year, she continued her collaboration with cinema.

Another serious hobby of Proklova was landscape design; she even studied at the institute in this specialty. When the actress got her own home, she decorated the garden with her own hands, as she wanted to feel comfortable. Elena offered her design services to friends and acquaintances, who were incredibly happy about this offer.


Elena Proklova made her film debut as a child. The girl just turned 12, and she has already received a role in the film “They’re Ringing, Open the Door,” directed by Alexander Mitta. She didn’t even have any thoughts about cinema, but chance decided everything. The search for the main character took a very long time; the director's assistants were already desperate to find a suitable type among the hundreds of applicants who came to audition from all over Moscow. And then one day the director saw Lena, who came to visit her grandfather at the studio. He decided to try her, and the girl was immediately approved for the role.

The film was released in 1965 and was highly praised by critics and the audience jury. At the Venice International Film Festival she was awarded the main prize in the category of children's films.

A year later, Lena was given the role of Gerda in the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”. The girl coped with the job, her heroine turned out to be tender and touching. The film again received excellent ratings from film critics and was awarded prestigious awards at the Bogota Film Festival.

Before entering the theater, Proklova starred in two more films - “Adolescent Age” and “Shine, Shine, My Star.” IN student years She did not act at all, devoting all her time to the learning process.

After receiving her diploma, Elena was invited to shoot the film “The Only One...”, in which she became Tanya Fesheva. She was lucky enough to stand on the set with famous actors and.

A year later, the actress was offered new job in the film “The Non-Transferable Key,” directed by Dinara Asanova. Proklova played the main character. The actor became her partner in the film.

In 1977, viewers saw the director’s very bright work - the comedy “Mimino”, in which the main roles went to and. The comedy became the property of the golden fund of cinema. Elena Proklova got the role of Larisa Ivanovna, which she so wanted main character, having said his laconic, which became catchphrase- “I want Larisa Ivanovna.”

In parallel with the film “Mimino,” Elena starred in the musical melodrama “Dog in the Manger,” which was released the same year. The roles of the main characters were played by Elena Proklova. Proklova got the image of the maid Marcela.

It was as if the directors had organized a competition among themselves, and vying with each other they called Proklova to star in their projects. This continued until the early 90s, when the country and cinema began Hard times. Before this, the actress also managed to star in the film “Inspector Gull”, where she played Sheila, in the science fiction film “The Perfect Crime”, playing Audrey Lamont, and in the film “Be My Husband”, where she played Natasha Kostikova. The performer of the second leading role in this film was the unforgettable.

The return of actress Proklova to the screens took place at the very end of the 90s of the last century. She was invited to the filming of the series “Chekhov and Co,” where she became Natalya Mikhailovna, and the detective story “D.D.D. File of Detective Dubrovsky,” in which she got the role of Nadezhda.

In the 2000s, Elena Proklova almost never acted. During this time, only three new works appeared in her filmography. She starred in the film “Yellow Dwarf”, where her partners were and. Then there was the film “Happiness by Recipe,” directed by , and the film “And Mom is Better!”, which viewers saw in 2010.

Working on television

In the actress’s biography there is a place not only for cinema, but also for work on television. In 2002, she was invited to the project “ Last Hero 3: Stay alive." Proklova decided to go to the island, despite the fact that not all her relatives supported her in this intention. But Elena wanted to make sure that she could handle any test, and agreed.

In 2006, Elena received another invitation from television. This time she was called to host the “Malakhov+” program, which dealt with unconventional methods of treatment. Proklova always tried to adhere to healthy eating, she has a vegetable garden, where every year the actress harvests vegetables, and her husband provides the family with meat. Proklov's follower traditional medicine, and in life he tries to do without medications, using exclusively traditional methods, experienced by her grandmothers. Elena was hired for the project instead, who was the host for one month and left. Proklova remained the host of this show until 2010.

That same year she was offered a job in a new interesting project called “Housing and Communal Services”, which was broadcast by Channel One. The guests of the studio were the most ordinary Muscovites who shared their difficulties and problems with housing and communal services.

Personal life

The personal life of Elena Proklova is discussed today by her many fans. They didn’t even know what secrets the actress was hiding until she began to publicly talk about all her novels.

Photo: Elena Proklova with her husband and daughter

In January 2017, Proklova came to the program “Alone with Everyone,” hosted by. It was there that she first spoke about her first love for the actor and director, whom she met on the set of the film “Shine, Shine, My Star.” She was a very young sixteen-year-old girl, and he was already 33. The feelings were mutual, but their romance did not continue, because Tabakov had a wife and two small children.

Her first husband was director Vitaly Melik-Kerimov. She decided to get married in the hope that she would quickly forget Tabakov. They had a real wedding, with rings and a white dress. In this marriage, the first daughter of the actress Arina was born, but their family still broke up in 1975. The reason was that during these years Elena’s career was rapidly going up, and when it was necessary to choose either a career or a family, Proklova gave preference to work.

Years later, Proklova began having difficulties with her daughter. She couldn't find her mutual language, because the girl practically did not see her mother. Now the relationship between mother and daughter is normal, they are very friendly and trust each other with all their secrets.

After the divorce, Elena Proklova remained alone for only a short time. She was young, beautiful and very popular; she was always surrounded by famous men. In the 70s, during the filming of the film “Sentimental Romance”, she met with, whom the whole country already knew then. He could seduce any beauty, so he decided to hit on Proklova. But Elena initially coldly responded to his advances, which further provoked him and aroused interest in her person.

Soon the girl realized that she also fell in love with Yankovsky, especially since she was already divorced and could give her heart to the man she liked. When filming, which took place in Leningrad, ended, the entire cast went to Moscow by train. On the train, Elena's seat turned out to be in the same compartment as Oleg's, and the man managed to arrange everything so that no one else would be seated next to them. From that time their romance began, which lasted for a long time. Elena did not destroy the family of her loved one, although she became pregnant by him. The actress had an abortion and put an end to their relationship.

In the 80s, another famous man appeared in the actress’s personal life - actor Andrei Mironov. We met him on the set of the film “Be My Husband” and developed into a romance. At that time, the actor was married to, but she was far away, and nearby was young, beautiful and in love Elena. This novel had a very short period of time - the film crew was replenished with set designer Alexander Adamovich, who became Proklova’s new hobby.

And another novel became known to the audience from the words of the actress herself. In 1983, when she starred in the film “Be Happy, Julia!”, Elena met an actor who played one of the main roles. They almost immediately felt mutual love, which swirled the actress in a new novel. Maybe someone told the actor’s wife about the betrayal, or maybe the woman herself felt that something was happening with her husband, but a little time passed, and Volontir’s wife appeared on the set and threw a scandal at him. After Proklova, so many years later, brought this novel to the public, Mihai Volontir’s wife denied everything and accused the actress of deception.

Proklova also made her affair with another famous actor Igor Yankovsky public.

Elena Proklova did not intend to start serious relationship until Dr. Alexander Deryabin appeared in her life. Their feelings flared up from the first minute of their acquaintance, and soon the official registration of the marriage and a magnificent wedding took place. But this marriage soon broke up. Proklova gave birth to twin boys, who died in infancy. The woman could not come to terms with this tragedy for a long time; it took her almost a year and a half to somehow learn to cope and keep the situation under control. She left Alexander and settled with her brother.

In 1984, another man entered the actress’s life. His name was Andrei Trishin, he was a friend of her brother. The relationship developed very quickly, and a year later they became husband and wife. Soon Elena gave birth to a boy, who died seven days later. Elena fell into depression again, but with the help of her caring husband she overcame it. The family did not break up, and in 1994 their daughter Polina was born. In 1995 eldest daughter Arina's daughter Alisa was born, and Proklova became almost simultaneously both mother and grandmother.

In 2015, Elena Proklova filed for divorce, explaining this decision by saying that their relationship had exhausted itself. It was not easy for them with each other before, but in Lately her husband completely lost interest in her. Elena decided that age, or rather the age difference, was to blame for everything, because she older than spouse for eight years.

But after the divorce, their relationship not only did not go wrong, but rather grew stronger. The couple reconciled and moved to live in their country house.

Proklova is always in great shape, which constantly pleases her fans. They know that she is already over 60, and that she has been on the plastic surgeon’s table more than once, but they still like her appearance actress, her smartness and good mood.

Elena Proklova is sure that today you can do without operations, because modern cosmetologists have learned to work miracles and can help you look simply amazing.

Elena Proklova today

Currently, Proklova almost never goes on the set, but this does not mean that she acting remains unimplemented. The actress willingly accepts invitations from theaters and participates in their productions.

At the Moscow Art Theater she is involved in the play "Toastmaster", in the role of Galina, the Moscow children's theater "Bambi" invited the actress to the production "The Others", where she plays the mother of an autistic child.

Proklova also made her mark in the theater agency “Art-Partner XXI”, in the production “All over again”. This performance became so popular that the troupe traveled with it almost throughout Russia. The tour lasted three years. Proklova has a central character in this production.

Elena Proklova has become a welcome guest on numerous shows that air on central television channels. In 2016, she accepted an invitation from the hosts of the program “Secret to a Million,” in which she told all the secrets of her personal life. Almost no one knew about her novels before, and it came as a real surprise to the guests of the show when the actress admitted that at one time she was loved by Oleg Tabakov, Oleg Yankovsky, and Andrei Mironov.

Elena Proklova is a very popular person, so it is not surprising that unhealthy hype and gossip periodically arise around her name. Recently in the open spaces worldwide network There was information on the Internet that the actress had changed her faith. Allegedly, during his stay in United Arab Emirates she accepted the Muslim faith and renounced Orthodoxy. Proklova herself was greatly amazed by such news about herself, and naturally, she denied everything that was written about her.

At the beginning of 2017, Elena Proklova became a participant in the “Live Broadcast” program, hosted by Boris Korchevnikov. She said that recently she has been very worried about asthma, which has become complex. It was this circumstance that forced the actress to draw up a will in which she wants to clear her karma by repenting to the wives of her lovers and asking them for forgiveness for the evil that she brought to their families. Proklova reported that due to illness she was forced to change her place of residence and settle in the south, in a more suitable climate.

Selected filmography

  • 1965 They're calling, open the door
  • 1975 The only...
  • 1977 Confusion of feelings
  • 1979 Inspector Gull
  • 1981 Be my husband
  • 1982 We lived next door
  • 1983 Be happy, Julia!
  • 1984 First horse
  • 1987 Remember me like this
  • 1989 The Perfect Crime
  • 1998 Chekhov and Co.
  • 2006 Happiness by prescription
  • 2010 And mom is better!

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Elena Proklova – Soviet and Russian actress cinema and theater, began acting in the mid-1960s, and acting in the theater in the mid-1970s. During this time, she played about 40 film roles, most famously in the role of Larisa Ivanovna from Mimino. Honored Artist of the RSFSR, the peak of her fame came in the 1980s. Since the 2000s, Proklova began to appear more on screens as a TV presenter on Channel One.

Family and childhood

Elena was born in Moscow on September 2, 1953. Mother - Anna Proklova, teacher. Father - Igor Proklov, programming teacher at the Military-Political Academy. Grandfather - Viktor Timofeevich - actor and assistant director of Mosfilm, great-grandmother - theater actress.

Elena studied artistic gymnastics from the age of four, becoming a master of sports at the age of 11. From the fifth grade she was transferred to home schooling, and from that point on she attended school only to take exams.

She got her first film role at the age of 12, and it happened by accident. In 1965, during a screen test for Alexander Mitta’s film “They’re calling, open the door!”, the director noticed Lena coming to visit her grandfather. She, having watched the tests, learned the voiced text. By that time, about 11 thousand candidates had taken part in the tests. Despite this, after listening to Mitta, he approved main role namely Lena Proklova.

"Secrets of Cinema": "They're calling, open the door"

In the film, she managed to work on the same set with Rolan Bykov, and after the premiere, Lena received a certificate from Mosfilm. She was noticed by both the audience and the press. In Venice, the film received an award at the 1965 International Film Festival (in the “Children’s Films” category).

Actor career

Lena got the second leading role in the film “ The Snow Queen"A year after Mitta's painting. It was the film adaptation of Andersen’s fairy tale that brought the talented girl all-Union fame and glory; the film also won the main prize at the Scarlet Carnation festival in Bogota in 1967.

In the next two years, two more films with her participation followed. The first was “The Age of Transition” (1968, directed by Richard Viktorov), and the second was “Shine, Shine, My Star” (1969, directed by Alexander Mitta). It was during the filming of the latter that Elena decided on her choice of acting profession. After passing the exams for the ninth and tenth grades as an external student, she entered the Studio School at the Moscow Art Theater in the acting department.

During her studies, Elena temporarily suspended her participation in filming. In 1973 she graduated from the Studio School, after which she was accepted as an actress into the Moscow Art Theater troupe.

Elena Proklova in the film “The One and Only”

The first after a break in cinema was the role in the 1974 film “The Only One”, where Valery Zolotukhin and the legendary Vladimir Vysotsky became Elena Proklova’s partners.

This was followed in 1975 by the school drama “The Untransferable Key,” in which director Dinara Asanova gave Elena the main role - a principled teacher who entered into complex conflict with class. In 1977, the real moment came for the artist. finest hour- after the premiere of the film “Mimino”. The heroine of Proklova, flight attendant Larisa Komarova, was truly memorable legendary phrase Vakhtang Kikabidze, who immediately became popular - “I want Larisa Ivanovna!”

In the same year, a little later, another film was released that became a classic of 70s cinema – a musical drama based on Lope de Vega’s play “Dog in the Manger.” In it, Elena Proklova played the maid of the aristocratic Diana, performed by Margarita Terekhova, Marcela. Her heroine was unrequitedly in love with the señora's secretary, the charming Tristan, played by Mikhail Boyarsky. Nikolai Karachentsov and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan also took part in the filming.

Then, over the next 12 years, the actress successfully starred in another two dozen films, working with such partners as Kirill Lavrov, Leonid Filatov, Vladimir Zeldin and others. The melodramatic resort comedy “Be My Husband” (1981), where Andrei Mironov became the actress’s partner, remains beloved by viewers.

"Be my husband." Secrets of our cinema

After 1990, the number of invitations to film roles began to decline sharply. Over the next two decades, Elena Proklova starred in only six films.

Career of theater actress and television presenter

Since 1973, Elena has played roles in all the main performances of the Moscow Art Theater, the most famous being “ Blue bird», « The Cherry Orchard", "Valentin and Valentina". In the early 1990s, the actress left the theater.

In 2015, Proklova came to the MDPT “Bambi”, where she received a role in the play “The Others”.

The actress has been on television since 2002: first she participated in “The Last Hero 3: Staying Alive,” a then popular reality show set on a desert island. From 2006 to 2010, Proklova was the host of the Malakhov+ program on Channel One.

In October 2010, she was invited to the “Housing and Communal Services” talk show, dedicated to the problems of modern urban housing and communal services, where she worked until October 2012.

Also in December 2016, Elena Proklova became a participant in the “Secret to a Million” program.

Personal life of Elena Proklova

Elena Proklova was married three times. The first marriage lasted from 1971 to 1975 (with director V. Melik-Karamov). Her second husband was Alexander Deryabin, a doctor by profession. The third marriage lasted from 1985 to 2015 (with businessman Andrei Trishin). Proklova has two daughters from her first and third marriages, as well as one granddaughter.

Not so long ago famous actress and TV presenter Elena Proklova decided to reveal some intimate details of her personal life. She admitted that she once had relationships with many famous men. And so, after a while she did frank confession on the air of one of the television programs. The actress spoke about her romances with actors. Elena Proklova admitted that she once had a relationship with Oleg Yankovsky, Oleg Tabakov, Mihai Volontir, Andrei Mironov.

“Mihai was a decent person, and I don’t believe that he cheated. We lived with him for 50 years. We had love at first sight, and no Proklova could stop us. She could have fallen in love with him, but they didn’t have anything serious,” the widow of the star of the film “Gypsy” expressed her point of view.

Elena Proklova also spoke about her relationship with Oleg Tabakov. Then she was only 16 years old, and he was 33 years old. He was already a famous actor, so Elena was flattered by his attention, but she did not intend to take him away from the family. Proklova knows that it is unpleasant for him to remember this hobby of his youth, but nevertheless did not hide this fact from the public.

// Photo: Still from the film “Shine, Shine, My Star”

On the air of one of the programs, Elena admitted that her affair with Oleg Yankovsky had gone too far - she was expecting a child from him. However, the man had a family, so Proklova did not want to take him away from his legal wife and decided to have an abortion. Moreover, she was personally acquainted with her lover’s wife Larisa Golubkina and respected her very much. For Mironov’s widow, Elena’s frank confession was not a surprise. Proklova asked for forgiveness from all the women with whose husbands she had affairs. Mironov’s widow does not hold a grudge against the actress for her relationship with her husband.

“I forgave you a long time ago,” Golubkina responded to Proklova’s apology to the publication’s journalists "TVNZ".

And Natalya Andreichenko. And of course, Elena Proklova, whose films have taken their rightful place in the history of Russian cinema.

Childhood is a dream

Lenochka Proklova was born on September 2, 1953 in Moscow into a large loving family. Parents - teachers, passionate about their work, were rarely at home. The girl spent time mainly with her maternal grandfather. He provided big influence to Lena. It was the grandfather who brought the little girl to rhythmic gymnastics, where she achieved very good results. When he died, Elena experienced a bitter feeling of irreparable loss. By the way, relatives on the maternal side had noble roots, and among the ancestors on the father’s side there were actors. It turned out that with the light hand of her second grandfather, Moscow Art Theater actor Viktor Timofeevich Proklov, Elena chose the thorny acting path.

Elena Igorevna Proklova herself recalls with nostalgia the large communal apartment where she spent her happy Moscow childhood. The Proklovs' neighbors were very interesting people from the world of creative intelligentsia, for example, the inimitable Zinovy ​​Gerdt. Elena said that they lived as one big family.

Child actress career

The first and immediately star role went to Elena, as often happens, by accident. Viktor Proklov at that time was working with a director who could not find a girl for the role of the main character Tanya in the film “They are calling, open the door.” By the time they met eleven-year-old Proklova, the film crew had already watched thousands of girls. According to some sources, the grandfather himself brought his granddaughter to the director. According to another version, Viktor Timofeevich, on the contrary, did not want the girl to have an acting destiny; she came to the screening by accident, as she often spent time with her grandfather at work. In any case, Lena was approved for the main role, which she coped brilliantly with. Lena Proklova was named best actress of 1965, and the film “They're Ringing, Open the Door” became a laureate at the Venice Film Festival.

In addition to her obvious acting talent, Lena was very pretty from childhood. She was ideal for the role of Gerda in Gennady Kazansky’s film adaptation of “The Snow Queen.” Gerda turned out to be romantic, angelically beautiful, but brave and selfless. After this role, real fame came to Lena Proklova. Having started acting at the age of eleven, Elena never stopped.

Elena Proklova entered the Moscow Art Theater School at the age of fifteen, having completed the last two classes of school as an external student.

After graduating from the School in 1973, she became an actress at the Moscow Art Theater, where she served for almost twenty years. The actress’s theatrical life was successful: she was involved in almost all popular productions: “The Cherry Orchard”, “Valentine and Valentina”, “Blue Bird” and many, many others.

Loved cinema too beautiful actress. Even the small role of stewardess Larisa in the legendary “Mimino” by Georgy Danelia went down in history. Elena Proklova is one of the most sought-after and starring actresses in Soviet cinema of the 70s and 80s. And one of the most beautiful. Elena recalled that already as a child she received bags of letters with declarations of love. Such recognition from fans accompanies her throughout her life.

The most famous films

The filmography of Elena Proklova is very extensive. But there are works that definitely need to be reviewed again and again.

Film by I. Kheifits “The One and Only”. A poignant story about a vulnerable, tender, loving, very young girl who loses her beloved husband due to accidental infidelity. Despite the negative connotations, the heroine of the film evokes sympathy, empathy, sympathy and a desire to help. Some episodes of the film are impossible to watch without tears. The cast in this film is amazing: Proklova, Vysotsky, Zolotukhin. Elena Igorevna herself calls this role the best, and I want to agree with her.

Painting by A. Surikova “Be my husband.” A romantic comedy in which Proklova plays a single mother who comes with her son to the sea. To rent a room, she invites a random acquaintance played by Andrei Mironov to call himself her husband. The film is very touching, funny and sad, it is easy to watch and a pleasure to watch.

Film by D. Asanova “The key without the right of transfer.” In this work, Elena Proklova played a talented young teacher, for whom it is very important to earn the trust of her students.

Among the films of Elena Proklova, which were loved by the audience: “Dog in the Manger”, “Own Opinion”, “Sentimental Affair”, “Confusion of Feelings”, “Faith and Truth”, “Late Love”, “How Ivan the Fool Followed a Miracle” and many others.

New role - TV presenter

In the early nineties of the last century, Proklova disappeared from movie screens and theater stages for almost ten years. The actress’s return took place already in the 2000s.

Moreover, Elena Igorevna returned not to cinema, but to television. Although she starred in a number of films and played in several enterprise performances, viewers more often began to see the popular actress as a participant in television projects and the host of television shows. She took part in the “Great Races”, “The Last Hero”, and hosted the “Malakhov+” and “Housing and Communal Services” programs. Elena is also a frequent participant in various talk shows and advertising campaigns.

Marriages and children

The beautiful Proklova got married for the first time at the age of 18 to documentary film director Vitaly Melik-Karamov. A year later she gave birth to a daughter, Arina. But the status of wife and mother did not change the actress’s usual lifestyle. Filming and the stage took up all her time. The daughter was raised by her grandparents. Proklova’s husband Melik-Karamov was very jealous of his wife’s film partners and eventually set a condition: cinema or family. Proklova chose cinema. Elena was more aware. Proklova’s husband was the doctor Alexander Deryabin, who cured and put her daughter back on her feet. Soon, tragedy befell the actress’s family: a few days after birth, her twin sons died. The family broke up.

Elena's third husband was businessman Andrei Trishin, who helped her cope with depression and return to life. But even in this marriage, Proklova lost her newborn child. Then Elena decided that the reason for such tragic losses was in her lifestyle. She left theater and cinema and finally devoted herself to her family. In 1994, Elena again found the happiness of motherhood: her beloved daughter Polina was born. Long years Proklova lived happily with her husband and daughter in country house, where landscape design became her hobby. All my friends considered this marriage ideal. But in 2015, unexpectedly for everyone, Elena announced a divorce from her husband. Perhaps this difficult decision was influenced by Proklova’s return to the public world of cinema and television. Although recently the media are increasingly talking about the fact that Proklova and her husband are back together.

Novels and fans

Like most stars, Elena Proklova has always been surrounded by rumors about affairs with her film partners. Of course, the beauty basked in the attention of men from a young age. Not so long ago, in one popular television program, the actress publicly admitted to having affairs with famous married men and asked their wives for forgiveness. Very famous and high-profile names were heard: Yankovsky, Andrei Mironov. Many did not understand the actress’s action. Elena herself explained that she was currently struggling with a severe form of asthma, so she thought about life, made a will and decided to ask for forgiveness from everyone she had ever offended.

Happy acting star

Proklova’s creative biography and personal life can be called very happy. Luck has never failed her in her career, which is rare in the fickle acting profession. Elena was lucky to have directors and partners. Next to her name were always the names of the most talented and famous actors. In her personal life, despite tragedies and losses, there was love, passion, and maternal tenderness. We can say that the beautiful Elena Proklova was born under a lucky star.


Honored Artist of the RSFSR Elena Proklova, famous theater actress and TV presenter.

  1. Elena was born on September 2, 1953, in the center of Russia, in Moscow. Since childhood, she was surrounded exclusively by people from high society who were interested in art and science. Her father is a teacher, and her mother was a school teacher. Elena's mother was from an ancient noble family. On my father's side, my parents were famous actors.
  2. Elena's grandfather, Viktor Timofeevich, was an assistant director and therefore often took his granddaughter to work. The girl was always and everywhere surrounded by artists, actors and poets, so one might think that the girl would become an actress in the future, but she dreamed of becoming a gymnast.
  3. At the age of five she already actively took part in competitions, and at the age of eleven she received the title of master of sports. Because of her achievements in sports and her beautiful appearance, her classmates disliked Elena very much and often boycotted her. Tired of constant quarrels with her classmates, she switches to home schooling.


Elena's debut in cinematography begins when she turns twelve years old. Then the girl was in demand and therefore it is not surprising that she was accepted into the Moscow Art Theater School without any problems. Unfortunately, she had to forget about her career as an actress for a while; she devoted herself entirely to her studies. At first, the teachers doubted the talent of the young actress, but when they saw her performance, they realized how wrong they were.

In 1973, she graduated from the university with honors and at this time returned to filming. In addition to her first education, Elena has a second in landscape design, and from time to time she helps her friends in this matter.

Film debut

When Elena was only twelve years old, she already made her debut in the film “They’re calling, open the door.” Thanks to strange coincidences, she accidentally ends up auditioning. The acting director was looking for a suitable candidate for a long time, but fortunately he managed to find Elena, and she was immediately hired.

The next role for Elena was the role of Gerda in the film “The Snow Queen”, the film received warm reviews, and Proklova’s performance was highly appreciated. Before entering university, she managed to play in two films: “Adolescent Age” and “Shine, Shine, My Star.”

After she graduated from the university, she was immediately invited to play in the film “The One”, where she got the role of Tanya Fesheva. One year later, she reappears in the film “The Untransferable Key,” where she played the main role.

From this moment Elena begins, appears in many Soviet films, she instantly becomes one of the most expensive and sought-after actresses of her time.

A television

  • Elena's filmography is filled with many interesting and unusual films. But besides films, she managed to make successful career on TV. In 2002, she managed to become a participant in the then popular reality show, “The Last Hero 3: Lost.” Proklova’s relatives took the decision to take part in the project seriously and tried to persuade her not to do it, but she acted differently and went to reality;
  • in 2006, she again managed to become a popular presenter. She became a regular participant in the popular show “Malakhov +”. After Andrei Malakhov left the project, Elena and Gennady Malakhov actively led the program until 2010;
  • after she showed herself well as a TV presenter, she was invited to become the host of the program “Housing and Communal Services”, which was broadcast on Channel One. They came to the show ordinary people who talked about their problems.

Later years

  1. Actress with early childhood starred in films, and at one time managed to make a splash; she devoted all her time to cinema and television. But a little later she changes her direction and begins to play in the theater.
  2. She managed to play Galina in theatrical production– “Toastmaster”, and also in the production – “Bambi”. And a little later, she simply perfectly played the role of the mother of a boy with autism in the play “The Others.”
  3. The play “All over again” was such a success that throughout three years the troupe toured throughout the country. Elena played one of the key roles in the production. Later, in one of the famous Russian programs, Proklova admitted that she suffers from a complex form of asthma.
  4. At the beginning of 2017, she appeared on the program “Live”, where she talked about the fact that she suffers from a severe form of asthma. These health problems forced her to write her will, where she also asked for forgiveness from all the women whose husbands were her lovers.

Personal life

  • Elena’s first strong love was the actor Oleg Tabakov, with whom she played in the film “Shine, Shine, My Star,” at that time she was 16 years old, and he was 33 years old. According to the actress, there was a strong love between them, but, unfortunately, their love did not turn into something big, because at that time he was married and raising small children;
  • her first husband was documentary director Vitaly Melik-Karamov. The marriage was short-lived, even the birth of her daughter Arina did not save the marriage, since at the moment when she was faced with a choice between family and cinema, she chose cinema.
  • Elena has many novels, but very few serious ones. So, she married a doctor, but, unfortunately, after the death of their common children, who died in infancy, the couple divorced;
  • in 1984 she marries again, after which she gives birth to a child, but, unfortunately, the baby dies a week later. But the couple went through all this horror together. In 1994, a daughter, Polina, was born;
  • in 2015, the couple divorced; the reason for the divorce was that her husband stopped paying attention to her. Elena was depressed for a long time; parting with her husband allowed her to understand a lot and realize that perhaps she had made a mistake;
  • Later she reunites with her husband again, love flared up between them and now they try to devote all their time to each other in order to make their relationship stronger.


  • “And mom is better!”;
  • “Happiness by prescription”;
  • "Yellow Dwarf";
  • “D.D.D. Detective Dubrovsky's file";
  • “Private justice. Dubrovsky" (1999);
  • "Friends and Enemies" (1999);
  • "Harried" (1998);
  • "Chekhov and Co";
  • Wife (1998);
  • "Long Tongue" (1992);

  • “Is it good to sleep with someone else’s wife!?”;
  • "Ideal crime";
  • "Women who are lucky";
  • “Remember me like this”;
  • "To the Age to Come";
  • "First Horse";
  • "Late love";
  • “From the life of the head of the criminal investigation department”;
  • “They’re calling, open the door” - (1965);
  • "The Snow Queen" - (1966).

What do you think about Elena? We are waiting for your answers!

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