Blue Bird content of the work. “The Blue Bird” by M. Maeterlinck and the Law of Reincarnation

Extravaganza play for 6 acts

12 paintings

Scene 1: The Woodcutter's Hut

Scene two of the Fairy

Scene three: Land of Memories

Scene four Palace of Night

Scene five Forest

Scene Six Before the Curtain

Scene seven Cemetery

Scene Eight Before the curtain depicting beautiful clouds

Scene Nine Gardens of Bliss

Scene ten Future Kingdom

Scene eleven Farewell

Scene Twelve Awakening

Characters (in order of their appearance on stage)

Mother Til Polina

Tyltil Ricketta

Mytyl Night

Souls of the clock Death

Bread Ghosts

Fire Runny Nose

Dog Spirits of Darkness

Cat Horror

Water of Dawn

Milk Spirit of Oak

Sugar Beech Spirit

Soul of Light Spirit of Elm

Papa Til the Spirit of Poplar

Grandmother Til Spirit of Pines

Grandfather Til Spirit of Cypress

Pierrot Spirit of the Linden

Robert Spirit of Chestnut

Jean Spirit of the Birch

Madeleine Spirit of the Willow

Pierrette Spirit of Oak

Rabbit Full of Bliss

Ivy Spirit The Most Well-Fed Bliss

Slave Horse

Bull Great Joys

HIV Baby Bliss

Cow Domestic Bliss

Wolf Blue Children

Ram Children Guards

Pig King of the Nine Planets

Cock Time

Goat Neighbor Berlengo

Donkey Her granddaughter


Scene one

Woodcutter's Hut

The scene is reminiscent of the Woodcutter's hut, rustically simple, but not squalid. The smoldering fire illuminates the closet, tub, clock with weights, washbasin, etc. Along the closet, a dog and a cat are sleeping, curled up in a ball. To the right of the doors (entrance), closed with a strong bolt, are cribs in which Tyltil and Mytil sleep sweetly. The mother, having admired them and adjusted the blanket, slowly walks away. Suddenly the lamp lights up by itself and the children wake up and sit up in their beds. They remember that tomorrow is Christmas, but the festive grandfather will not bring them anything this time, because the mother said that she did not have time to go to the city to pick him up. Through the window they see holiday lights: the holiday has already arrived for the rich children, the Christmas tree is lit with lights. Running to the window, the children see through the falling snow how carriages with children arrive and go into a house filled with holiday lights; toys, sweets - that's what awaits rich children. Tiltil and Mytil are surprised that the children are not yet eating the delicious cakes that are placed on the table, because it is so difficult to resist, and Tiltil seriously explains to his sister that he heard that those children are not hungry because they eat when they want. Tyltil and Mytil begin to play as if they are being given pies (who has more), and imagine how delicious it is when the bolt moves back on its own and an old woman in a green dress and a red cap comes through the door. She is hunchbacked, lame, one-eyed, walks with a crutch, but it is clear that she is a Fairy.

She asks if they have a Singing Grass or a Blue Bird, all of which are needed for her sick granddaughter - she is sick because she wants to be happy. The children notice that she looks like their neighbor Mrs. Berlengo, but the old woman gets angry and says that she is the Berimona Fairy and invites them to go look for the Blue Bird now. Having asked what they were doing before her arrival, and having learned that the children were playing as if they were eating pies, she was surprised that they did not envy the rich children who were actually eating those pies. Mytil enthusiastically says how good the rich children are, but the Fairy denies that they are no worse, only they don’t see it. She takes out a small green cap with a diamond on the buckle, which “restores sight” - you can see the Past, the Future and much more. She puts a green cap on Tiltila’s head, turns the diamond - and the old sorceress stands up as a young girl, household items seem different, the Soul of the Clock jumps out of the clock in the form of young ladies - this is “The Clock of Your Life,” says Berimona. “The Kingdom of Truth has risen,” objects changed, the room was filled with strange creatures: Souls of Loaves, Souls of Sugar, Souls of Milk, and so on. Water comes to life, Dog and Cat begin to speak humanly, as do Bread, Sugar, and the Soul of Light. The fairy tells them to go with the children.


Scene two

All the heroes enter and stop in the hallway of the Fairy Berimoni Palace among luxurious white marble columns with gold and silver capitals. They had just dressed in magnificent suits that each of them had chosen for themselves. Meanwhile, the children visit Fairy Berimony's granddaughter. The Cat gathers everyone and incites them to do everything so that the children do not find the Blue Bird, because at the end of the journey, according to the Fairy, they all have to die, so it is better for the children to die. The dog is outraged. Everyone quarrels when the children appear along with the Fairy and the Soul of Light, to whom the Fairy Gives a magic wand and tells everyone to obey her; Bread and Sugar feed the children, and they must first visit their grandparents. “How can we see them when they are dead?” - Tyltil is surprised. And the Fairy replies: “If they live in your memory, it means they have not died.”

Scene three

Land of Memories

The children find themselves under an oak tree amid a continuous milky-white fog, which soon rises, and see their grandparents near a house covered with ivy. The children watch as if they are waking up and starting to talk among themselves that their grandchildren, who are still alive, are about to come to them, because it is no coincidence that the old ones have strength. And then Tyltil and Mytil come out from behind the tree. Everyone was happy. In a conversation, Grandfather Til tells the children that it is imperative to remember the dead, to pray for them: “Praying means remembering...” Grandfather shows them an old blackbird, which, it turns out, is completely blue, and Tiltil asks grandfather and grandmother to give them this Blue Bird . They happily agree, and Tiltil places the bird in a cage. Then they meet dead brothers and sisters who no longer grow. Everyone sits down to dinner with cabbage soup and plum pie. But time is quickly running out, and the children must go - the Soul of Light is waiting for them. The fog is thickening. They are again under the oak tree, but, looking at the bird, they are convinced: the bird is not blue, but black.


Scene four

Palace of Night

The Cat enters the wide, lush hall, decorated with black marble and wood, to inform Night in advance about the visit of Tiltyl and Mitilya together with friends and what they already know: the real Blue Bird is the only one who can stand it daylight- hiding among the Blue Birds of the Dream. The Cat scares Night that they will all die if the children are lucky enough to find the Blue Bird. They all come here, except for the Soul of Light, which is not allowed here. The flattering, insidious Cat warns the children who have just entered, she warned the Night and she will kindly receive them. The night cannot help but submit to man and therefore gives Tiltil the keys to its doors, warning that it is dangerous and should not be done. Indeed, behind different doors are hidden either Ghosts, or Horrors, or Diseases, the most innocent of which is the Runny Nose. Behind one door there are wars, they are terrible and strong, so that everyone together barely managed to close them by leaning on the door. So they approach the door, which Night protects especially carefully, frightening the children that no one has ever returned from there. At the door there remains only Tyltil, who nevertheless decided to unlock the door, and the Dog, who cannot leave his owner - his deity. But it was behind these doors that there were stars that shone with lights, Night Scents, Fireflies and transparent Dew. And most importantly, behind them opened a garden of dreams and night light, and in the sky, fluttering from one moonbeam to another, numerous blue birds flew. The children and the Dog caught a lot of them and rejoiced, not hearing how the Cat and the Night also rejoiced, because the real Blue Bird was too high. When they all left the Palace of Night, they didn’t even have time to boast to their heart’s content before the Soul of Light, when they saw that all the birds were black and dead. The Soul of Light consoles: “Don’t cry, my child... You haven’t caught the only Blue Bird that can withstand daylight yet... And we will find him.”

Scene five

The forest is bathed in moonlight. The old trees are dozing when the Cat enters, who bowed to the trees; says that now the children of the Woodcutter, their bitter enemy, are coming to them, and it’s time to get even with them, because they want to find the Blue Bird, who knows the Secret. She says that the children's companions - Fire, Sugar, Water and Bread - are on their side. Except that Bread is unreliable! And only the Soul of Light and the Dog are for the children, and she persuaded the children to run away while the Soul of Light was sleeping. The Cat's tone immediately changes as soon as she sees Tiltil, Mytil and the Dog. The Cat says that she asked the Rabbit to give a drum signal for a general meeting for all the animals. The Dog bothers her, and she easily teaches Tiltil to hit the Dog. Mytyl protects the Dog and does not allow him to be driven away. And later the Cat teaches Tiltil to let the Spirit Ivy Dog be tied, and she returns the magic diamond on the guy’s cap, and all the spirits of trees and animals come to life and it becomes obvious that they are hostility to a person. The Spirit of Oak - old, gray - says Tiltilya: “I know, I know: you are looking for the Blue Bird, that is, you want to unravel the greatest mystery of Existence, the Mystery of Happiness, - to unravel it so that People will then finally put us at ease...” He does not pay attention. pays attention to the boy's words about helping the granddaughter of Fairy Berimony and gives the order to destroy the children. And woe would have been for them if not for the faithful Dog, who broke away from Ivy and rushed to protect the children with all the desperation of love, and even Tiltil ended up with a knife. But this would not have helped if the Soul of Light had not arrived in time. She said that all she had to do was turn the diamond on the cap - and everything would be gone. And she also said the following words: “Now you understand that in this world Man is one against everyone...” The Cat, having appeared, lies, as always, that she too suffered, and everyone believes her except the Dog.


Scene six

Before the curtain

Enter Tyltil, Mytil, the Soul of Light and the Dog, Cat, Bread, Sugar, Water, Fire and Milk. The Soul of Light informs the children that she has received a note from the Fairy and tells them to go to the cemetery at midnight to ask the dead about the Blue Bird. They must go there themselves.

Scene seven


Night. A rural cemetery in the moonlight. Mytil asks Tiltil about the dead and is very afraid and begs him not to return the diamond. Their ideas about the inanimate are saturated with horror. But when Tyltil returned the diamond, the slabs and graves moved apart and whole sheafs of flowers slowly rose from there. The cemetery gradually turned into a marvelous garden. Flowers are blooming, the wind is rustling in the branches, bees are humming, birds are waking up, singing hymns to the Sun and Life. Mytil fumbles in the grass, wondering where the dead are. “There are no dead...” answers Tyltil.

Scene eight

In front of a curtain depicting beautiful clouds

All the heroes gathered together, and the Soul of Light says that today it seemed to dawn on her: “We are now standing at the entrance to the Magic Gardens, where, under the supervision of Fate, all earthly joys and bliss live...” They are separated from the Cave of Misfortunes by a thin haze, so you should be careful. Dog, Bread and Sugar must go with the children, others will remain. The cat can do as he pleases (she agrees to go to visit the smallest of her friends, the Misfortunes, who live next to the Bliss). And the Soul of Light itself wraps itself tightly in a cape to go with them, because “there are many cowardly and unfortunate Bliss in the world,” they may be afraid of it.

Scene nine

Gardens of Bliss

The heroes enter the hall, the decoration of which is reminiscent of the art of Venetian and Flemish Renaissance artists. In the middle there is a heavy luxurious table with outlandish dishes, at which the Naysitish Earthly Bliss is eaten - huge, heavy, dressed in velvet and brocade. The Soul of Light says that perhaps the Blue Bird flew to them for a minute, and this is unlikely. Noticing the guests, the Beatitudes want to invite them to the table, the Soul of Light warns that they cannot agree, because they will forget what they came for. They are greeted by the most well-fed of the Bliss - the Bliss of Being Rich and introduces its relatives: the Bliss of Being an Owner, the Bliss of Tired Ambition, the Bliss of Drinking When You No Longer Feel Thirst and the Bliss of Eating When You No Longer Feel Hunger, the Bliss of Knowing No One - deaf as a wall , The Bliss of Understanding Nobody, The Bliss of Doing Nothing, The Bliss of Sleeping More Than You Need. When Tiltil asks if they have seen the Blue Bird, they answer that he is not edible and does not interest them. Meanwhile, the lesser blessings had already dragged the Dog, Bread and Sugar to the table, and no matter how much Tyltil called them, even the Dog did not listen. The well-fed Bliss began to forcefully drag others to the table. The Soul of Light told Tiltil to return the diamond, and immediately everything changed: instead of the Magnificent banquet hall, a “quiet garden of thoughtless, serene peace” opened, and the Beatitudes themselves “wrinkled, as if pierced by a bubble,” squinted from the unusual light for them and, seeing each other in their in their present form, disgusting and pathetic, they run to the Cave of Misfortune, where abuse, threats and curses are already waiting for them. Tyltil, looking around the garden, asks where they are, and the Soul of Light replies: “We are all in the same place, only your perception of things has changed.” And soon the Bliss approaches them, not afraid of the light - the Bliss of Being Healthy, the Bliss of Breathing Air, the Bliss of Loving Parents - they all live in every home, but they are not noticed, like many others. This is where the Great Joys are headed. For some reason they don't laugh. The Bliss of Being Healthy, introducing them, notes that the Great Joy of Being Just always smiles when justice is violated and restored, but this does not happen often. Behind her is the Joy of Being Kind, she is drawn to misfortunes - to console. And there is also the Joy of Completed Work, the Joy of Understanding, the Greater Joy of Loving is barely visible, because it is fully revealed only to adults. When the Joy of Motherly Love approaches them, Tyltil and Mytil recognize in her the features of their mother, only she is more beautiful and younger. And Mother’s Love says that every child’s smile makes her younger, you can’t see this at home, but it’s true. Marveling at her rich dress, Tiltil asks where she hid that wealth, and she says: “... it’s always on me. All mothers are rich if they love their children... There are no poor mothers, no ugly ones, no old ones...” And when they are sad, then as soon as they kiss the child or feel her kiss, their tears turn into stars. You just need to be attentive to mothers and always see them through the eyes of Love. She thanks the Souls of Light for their kind attitude towards her children, and they all warmly say goodbye to the Soul of Light with tears in their eyes.


Scene ten

Future Kingdom

In the vast halls of the Blue Palace, children are waiting for their birth. Endless rows of sapphire columns support the turquoise vault. The children, dressed in long blue clothes, are each doing their own thing. Only children and Souls of Light can enter here. Mitil says that already here they will definitely find the Blue Bird, everything is blue. Tyltil talks to one Child and says that being born is good and interesting and that the best people on earth - these are mothers, and also grandmothers. It's just a pity that they die. And from this, tears like pearls appear in Tiltil’s eyes. And the Child says that he must be born in twenty years and invent the Machine of Happiness. Here everyone is going to go to Earth with their inventions, skills, talents and... crimes. Among them is the one who has to create a Universal Confederation of Planets Solar System, and the one who must destroy Injustice on Earth, and the one who must defeat Death. They are not allowed to enter Earth empty-handed - a gray-haired old man named Time stands at the door. One Child says that he will be their brother, but she carries with her as many as three diseases, and will soon leave them - this does not depend on her. Here Time opens the door for those who are about to be born, he is unforgiving, it is impossible to come to an agreement with him, and therefore separates two lovers who know that they will miss each other on Earth and will never see each other again. The children board the ship, the anchor is raised, the sails carry their daring. And here Time saw Tiltil, Mytil and the Soul of Light, he screams angrily, and Tiltil is ordered to return the diamond so that Time does not notice them. Hidden under the veil in the Soul of Light is a Blue Bird.


Scene eleven


At dawn, all the heroes found themselves in front of a gate in the wall and did not immediately recognize their own house, where they came from a year ago. They can’t wait to run to their mother, but the Soul of Light says that they must wait. Soon the Fairy will come to ask about the Blue Bird, but he is not there. “Perhaps the Blue Bird either does not exist at all, or changes color as soon as he is locked in a cage...” She invites Water, Fire, Bread, Milk and Sugar to say goodbye to their brother and sister, for soon they will not be able to speak. Everyone says goodbye with emotion, but Dog Body and Cat Tiletti are nowhere to be found. Now, to hear her voice, because someone is torturing her. It turns out that the Body decided to punish her for evil and deceit, but the cunning Cat again forces herself to regret with a lie, saying goodbye, she says to the children: “I love you both as much as you deserve...” The Dog loves children dearly and is ready to do anything for them anything, even learn to “read, write, spend dominoes!..” But the time of farewell has come, and the gate opens.

Scene twelve


In the same scenery as in the first act, everything and everyone is in its place. The children are sleeping in their cribs when Mother Til comes in to wake them up. Tyltil looks at Mother as if she were a miracle and kisses her tenderly. He is surprised what his journey was, because his mother says that he was at home all the time, without leaving the room, sleeping. Tyltil joyfully hugs her and says that here she is even more beautiful than in the Gardens of Bliss, that he loves her as she is. The mother thinks that the children are sick and calls the father, but he does not consider them sick. At this time, the neighbor Mrs. Berlengo, whom the children call Fairy Berimona, comes in and tells her that the Blue Bird did not come. Adults can't understand anything. When it came to the neighbor’s granddaughter, she said that she would like to have Tiltil’s Birds. And the boy remembers the cage with his bird, and when he receives it, he sees that his turtledove, which was completely different, is now blue. That's where the Blue Bird really was! They give it to their neighbor, and she is sincerely happy and goes. And after a while she returns with a little white girl - it’s her grandson. Beringo says that when she saw the bird, she came to life and began to walk. Tyltil is amazed: the girl is surprisingly similar to the Soul of Light. Mitil agrees with him. The neighbor pushes the girl into Tiltil's arms so that the bird can thank the boy. The girl talks to the guy about what to feed the bird and how to hold it. Tyltil wants to show her something and stretches out her hands to the turtledove, the girl instinctively resists, and the turtledove suddenly, taking advantage of the situation, breaks out of her hands and flies.

The girl is crying, and Tiltil, comforting her, promises to catch the Blue Bird (dove). He addresses the audience with the words: “We ask you very much: if any of you finds it, then let him bring it to us - we need it in order to become happy in the future...”

Switch from French by S. Gritsyuk

On the eve of Christmas, the woodcutter's children wake up at night to the wonderful music of the house opposite. Tyltil and Mytil meet old woman. This is the fairy Berylune. He gives the children a task to find the Blue Bird. Tyltil receives a gift - a cap made of diamonds. By turning it you can see the hidden souls of everything around you. First, the children go to the Land of Memories, where they see many deceased relatives. And although there they got bluebird- after care the bird changed color to black. Mytyl and Tyltyl went to the Palace of Night. But even there there was no bird that could withstand daylight. In the forest, the children almost died from the trees, which were offended by the woodcutter's father. The Soul of Light advised turning the diamond slightly to neutralize the trees, and this served as a salvation. A visit to the cemetery and the Palace of Beatitudes did not give the desired results. There are only many children in the Future Kingdom. The bird could not be found. The children woke up and told their mother about the journey. Berlengo's neighbor came and looked like a fairy. Tiltil gives her sick daughter a “Blue Bird” - a turtle dove, but it flies away. The boy promises to return her.

Conclusion (my opinion)

It is important to stop for a moment and understand why you live, what you can bring to earth. Looking into the depth of what is happening can change the perception of the world. It is simply impossible to find and maintain happiness. It takes hard work and determination. The play encourages you not to give up.

Christmas Eve. The woodcutter's children, Tyltil and Mytil, sleep in their cribs. Suddenly they wake up. Attracted by the sounds of music, the children run to the window and look at the Christmas festivities in the rich house opposite. There is a knock on the door. An old woman appears in a green dress and a red cap. She is hunchbacked, lame, one-eyed, with a hooked nose, and walks with a stick. This is the Fairy Berylune. She tells the children to go in search of the Blue Bird. She is annoyed that children do not distinguish between obvious things. “You have to be brave to see what is hidden,” says Berilyuna and gives Tiltil a green cap with a diamond, by turning which a person can see the “soul of things.” As soon as Tyltil puts on her cap and turns the diamond, everything around her is miraculously transformed: the old witch turns into a fairy-tale princess, the poor furnishings of the hut come to life. The Souls of Hours and the Souls of Loaves appear, Fire appears in the form of a rapidly moving man in a red tights. The Dog and the Cat also take on a human form, but remain in the masks of a bulldog and a cat. The dog, having acquired the opportunity to put his feelings into words, with enthusiastic cries of “My little deity!” jumps around Tiltil. The cat coyly and distrustfully extends its hand to Mytil. Water begins to flow from the tap like a sparkling fountain, and from its streams a girl appears with her hair flowing, in seemingly flowing clothes. She immediately engages in combat with Fire. This is the Soul of Water. A jug falls from the table and a white figure rises from the spilled milk. This is the timid and bashful Soul of Milk. A sugary fake creature in blue and white clothes comes out of the sugar loaf, tearing the blue wrapper. This is the Soul of Sugar. The flame of a fallen lamp instantly turns into a luminous girl of incomparable beauty under a sparkling transparent blanket. This is the Soul of Light. There is a strong knock on the door. Tyltyl, in fright, turns the diamond too quickly, the walls of the hut fade, the Fairy again becomes an old woman, and Fire, Bread, Water, Sugar, the Soul of Light, the Dog and the Cat do not have time to return back to Silence, the fairy orders them to accompany the children in search of the Blue Bird, predicting their death at the end of the journey. Everyone except the Soul of Light and the Dog does not want to go. However, after promising to find a suitable outfit for everyone, the fairy takes them all away through the window. And Mother Til and Father Til, who look through the door, see only children sleeping peacefully.

In the palace of the Berylyun Fairy, dressed in luxurious fairy-tale costumes, the souls of animals and objects are trying to plot against children. They are led by the Cat. She reminds everyone that before, “before man,” whom she calls “despot,” everyone was free, and expresses the fear that, having taken possession of the Blue Bird, man will comprehend the Soul of Things, Animals and Elements and will finally enslave them. The dog objects furiously. When the Fairy, children and the Soul of Light appear, everything becomes quiet. The Cat hypocritically complains about the Dog, and he gets hit by Tiltil. Before a long journey to feed the children, Bread cuts off two slices from his belly, and Sugar breaks off his fingers for them (which immediately grow back, so Sugar always has clean hands). First of all, Tyltil and Mytil have to visit the Land of Memories, where they must go alone, unaccompanied. There Tyltil and Mytil visit their deceased grandparents, and there they see their deceased brothers and sisters. It turns out that the dead seem to be immersed in sleep, and when loved ones remember them, they awaken. After fiddling around with the younger children and having lunch with the whole family, Tyltil and Mytil hurry to leave so as not to be late for the meeting with the Soul of Light. At the children's request, the grandparents give them the blackbird, which seemed completely blue to them. But when Tyltil and Mytil leave the Land of Memories, the bird turns black.

The Cat is the first to arrive in the Palace of Night to warn the mistress of the impending danger - the arrival of Tiltil and Mytyl. The night cannot prevent a person from opening the gates of its secrets. The Cat and the Night can only hope that the person does not catch the real Blue Bird, the one that is not afraid of daylight. The children appear, accompanied by Dog, Bread and Sugar. Night first tries to deceive, then intimidate Tiltil and not give him the key that opens all the doors in her palace. But Tyltil opens the doors one by one. Because of one, several harmless Ghosts slip out, because of another, where the diseases are located, Runny Nose manages to run out, because of the third, wars almost break free. Then Tyltil opens the door behind which Night stores extra Stars, her favorite Fragrances, Will-o'-the-Wisp Lights, Fireflies, Dew, Nightingale Singing. Night does not advise opening the next, large middle door, warning that behind it lie visions so menacing that they do not even have a name. Tyltil's companions - all except the Dog - are hiding in fear. Tyltil and the Dog, fighting with own fear, they open the door, behind which there is a garden of wondrous beauty - a garden of dreams and night light, where magical blue birds flutter tirelessly among the stars and planets. Tyltil calls his companions, and, having each caught several blue birds, they leave the garden. But soon the caught birds die - the children were unable to discover the only Blue Bird that endures the light of day.

Forest. The Cat comes in, greets the trees, talks to them. Sets them on children. The trees have a reason not to love the woodcutter's son. And now Tyltil is thrown to the ground, and the Dog has barely freed himself from Ivy’s shackles, he is trying to protect his owner. Both of them are on the verge of death, and only the intervention of the Soul of Light, who tells Tiltil to turn the diamond on his cap to plunge the trees into darkness and silence, saves them. The cat manages to hide his involvement in the riot.

Children are looking for the Blue Bird in the cemetery. At midnight, Tyltil turns the diamond with fear, the graves open up, and whole sheaves of ghostly, magically beautiful white flowers appear from them. Birds sing enthusiastic hymns to the Sun and Life. “Where are the dead?.. - There are no dead...” - Tyltil and Mytil exchange remarks.

In search of the Blue Bird, the children and their escort end up in the Gardens of Beatitudes. The Fat Beatitudes almost drag Tyltil and his companions into their orgies, but the boy turns the diamond, and it becomes clear how pitiful and ugly the Fat Beatitudes are. The domestic Bliss appears and is amazed that Tyltil is unaware of their existence. It is the Bliss of Being Healthy, the Bliss of Loving Parents, the Bliss of Blue Sky, the Bliss Sunny Days, The Bliss of Seeing the Lighting Stars. They send the most fleet-footed Bliss to Run Barefoot Through the Dew to announce the arrival of the Great Joy children, and soon tall, beautiful angel-like beings in shining clothes appear, Among them is the Great Joy of Being Fair, the Joy of Being Kind, the Joy of Understanding and the purest Joy of Motherly Love. She seems to the children like their mother, only much more beautiful... Motherly Love claims that at home she is the same, but with eyes closed nothing can be seen. Having learned that the children were brought by the Soul of Light, Motherly Love convenes other Great Joys, and they welcome the Soul of Light as their mistress. Great Joys ask the Soul of Light to throw back the veil, which still hides unknown Truths and Bliss. But the Soul of Light, fulfilling the order of its Master, only wraps itself more tightly in the veil, saying that the hour has not yet come, and promising to come someday openly and boldly. Hugging goodbye, she parted with the Great Joys.

Tyltil and Mytil, accompanied by the Soul of Light, find themselves in the Azure Palace of the Kingdom of the Future. The Azure Children come running to them. These are children who will someday be born on Earth. But you cannot come to Earth empty-handed, and each of the children is going to bring there some of their own inventions: the Machine of Happiness, thirty-three ways to prolong life, two crimes, a car flying through the air without wings. One of the kids is an amazing gardener who grows extraordinary daisies and huge grapes, another is the King of the Nine Planets, another one is called to destroy Injustice on Earth. Two azure children stand hugging each other. These are lovers. They cannot stop looking at each other and constantly kiss and say goodbye, because on Earth they will be separated by centuries. Here Tyltil and Mytil meet their brother, who should soon be born. Dawn is busy - the hour when children are born. A bearded old man, Time, appears with a scythe and an hourglass. He takes those who are about to be born onto the ship. The ship that takes them to Earth floats by and disappears. Distant singing can be heard - it’s the Mothers singing, welcoming their children. Time, in amazement and anger, notices Tyltil, Mytyl and the Soul of Light. They escape from him by turning the diamond. The Soul of Light hides the Blue Bird under the veil.

At the fence with a green gate - Tyltil does not immediately recognize his home - the children part with their companions. Bread returns to Tiltil the cage for the Blue Bird, which remained empty. “The Blue Bird, apparently, either does not exist at all, or changes color as soon as it is put in a cage...” says the Soul of Light. The souls of Objects and Animals say goodbye to children. Fire almost burns them with stormy caresses, Water murmurs farewell speeches, Sugar utters false and sweet words. The dog impulsively rushes to the children, he is horrified by the thought that he will no longer be able to talk to his adored owner. The children persuade the Soul of Light to stay with them, but this is not in her power. She can only promise to be with them “in every sliding moonbeam, in every tenderly looking star, in every dawn, in every lit lamp,” in every pure and clear thought. Eight o'clock strikes. The gate opens and immediately slams behind the children.

The woodcutter's hut has been magically transformed - everything here has become newer, more joyful. Jubilant daylight breaks through the cracks of the locked shutters. Tyltil and Mytil sleep sweetly in their cribs. Mother Til comes to wake them up. The children begin to talk about what they saw during the trip, and their speeches frighten the mother. She sends her father for the doctor. But then Neighbor Berlengo appears, very similar to the fairy Berilyuna. Tyltil begins to explain to her that he was unable to find the Blue Bird. The neighbor guesses that the children dreamed something, perhaps when they were sleeping, moonlight fell on them. She herself talks about her granddaughter - the girl is unwell, does not get up, the doctor says - nerves... The mother persuades Tiltil to give the girl the turtle dove that she dreams of. Tyltil looks at the turtledove, and she seems to him to be a Blue Bird. He gives the cage with the bird to his neighbor. Children see with new eyes their home and what is in it - bread, water, fire, a cat and a dog. There's a knock on the door, and Berlengo's neighbor comes in with her unusually blonde hair. beautiful girl. The girl clutches the turtledove Tyltil to her chest. To Tyltil and Mytyl, the neighbor's granddaughter seems like the Soul of Light. Tyltil wants to explain to the Girl how to feed the turtle dove, but the bird takes advantage of the moment and flies away. The girl cries in despair, and Tiltil promises her to catch the bird. Then he addresses the audience: “We ask you very much: if any of you finds it, let him bring it to us - we need it in order to become happy in the future...”

Maurice Maeterlinck

Blue bird

Extravaganza in six acts, twelve scenes

Picture one. Woodcutter's hut.

Picture two. At Fairy's.

Picture three. Land of Memories.

Scene four. Palace of Night.

Scene five. Forest.

Scene six. Before the curtain.

Scene seven. Cemetery.

Scene eight. In front of a curtain depicting beautiful clouds.

Scene nine. Gardens of the Beatitudes.

Scene ten. Kingdom of the Future.

Scene eleven. Parting.

Scene twelve. Awakening.


(in order of their appearance on stage)

Mother Til.


Souls of the Hours.

Soul of Light.

Father Til.

Grandma Til.

Grandfather Til



Spirits of Darkness.

Spirit of Oak.

Spirit of Beech.

Spirit of Elm.

Spirit of Poplar.

Spirit of Pine.

Spirit of Cypress.

Spirit of Linden.

Spirit of Chestnut.

Birch Spirit.

Spirit of Oak.

Spirit of Ivy.

Fat Beatitudes.

The Fattest Bliss.

Great Joys.

Children's Bliss.

Homemade Bliss.

Azure Children.

Guardians of Children.

King of the Nine Planets.

Berlengo's neighbor.

Her granddaughter.

Tyltil - the costume of Little Thumb from Perrault's fairy tales: dark red trousers, a short pale blue jacket, white stockings, yellow shoes.

Mytyl - Gretel or Little Red Riding Hood costume.

Soul of Light - a gauze dress of moon color, that is, pale gold with silver sparkles; rays seem to emanate from this dress. The cut is modern Greek or Anglo-Greek in the spirit of Walter Crane or close to the empire style. High waist, bare hands. The hairstyle is something like a tiara or even a light crown.

Fairy Berilyuna, who is also Berlengo's neighbor - a traditional costume of a beggar woman from fairy tales. The transformation of the Fairy into a princess in the first act can be omitted.

Father Til, Mother Til, Grandfather Til, Grandma Til - costumes of woodcutters and German peasants from the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.

Tiltil's brothers and sisters are variants of the Boy-Thumb costume.

Time - the classic costume of the god of time: a wide black or dark blue robe, a long gray beard, a braid, an hourglass.

Maternal Love is a costume reminiscent of the clothing of the Soul of Light, namely: light, snow-white, almost transparent covers of a Greek statue. Pearls and precious stones it can have as many bright colors as you like, as long as it doesn’t violate the pure and chaste harmony of the whole.

Great Joys - as it is said in the play, shining clothes of subtle and delicate shades: a blooming rose, waters sparkling in the sun, amber dew, morning azure, etc.

Homemade Bliss - dresses of different colors or, if you like, costumes of peasants, shepherds, woodcutters, etc., but only embellished, enchantingly transformed.

Fat Beatitudes - before transformation: spacious, heavy robes of red and yellow brocade, large, massive jewelry, etc.; after transformation: chocolate or coffee-colored tights, like cardboard clowns.

The night is wide, black, with a fiery golden tint of the robe, strewn with mysteriously twinkling stars. Veil, dark red for poppies, etc.

The neighbor's granddaughter - golden hair, long white dress.

Dog - red tailcoat, white trousers, patent leather boots. oilskin hat - a costume somewhat similar to John Bull's outfit.

Cat - leotard made of black silk with sparkles.

The heads of the Dog and Cat should only vaguely resemble the heads of animals.

Bread is the pasha’s luxurious outfit: a wide robe made of silk or scarlet velvet embroidered with gold. High turban. Scimitar. Huge belly, unusually thick rosy cheeks.

Sugar is a silk dress, like those worn by eunuchs, blue and white, like the paper in which sugar loaves are wrapped. Headdress like that of the keeper of the seraglio.

Fire - red tights, crimson, gold-lined, iridescent sparkling cloak. Hat with a plume of multi-colored fiery tongues.

Water is a dress of the color of time from the fairy tale “Donkey Skin”, that is, bluish-greenish, with a transparent tint, as if flowing gas; The cut of the dress is also modern Greek or Anglo-Greek, but it is wider and airier. A headdress made of flowers and algae or from panicles of reeds.

Animals - peasant costumes, common folk costumes.

Trees are green clothes in a wide variety of shades or the color of tree bark. They can be distinguished by their leaves and branches.



The scene represents a woodcutter's hut, rustically simple, but not squalid. A burning hearth, kitchen utensils, a cupboard, a kneading bowl, a clock with weights, a spindle, a washbasin, etc. A lit lamp is on the table. On both sides of the closet, a dog and a cat sleep, curled up in a ball. Between them is a large blue and white sugar loaf. There is a round cage with a turtledove hanging on the wall. In the back there are two windows with shutters closed from the inside. There is a bench under one window. Left Entrance door on a strong bolt. To the right is another door. Stairs to the attic. Right there, on the right, are two cribs; At the head of each of them, clothes are neatly folded on a chair.

When the curtain rises, Tyltil and Mytil sleep sweetly in their beds. Til's Mother last time straightens their blankets for the night and, leaning over them, admires their serene sleep, then waves his hand to Father Till, who at that moment pokes his head through the ajar door. Putting a finger to her lips as a sign that he should not disturb the silence, she turns off the lamp and tiptoes out the door to the right. The stage is plunged into darkness for some time, then gradually increasing light begins to break through the cracks of the shutters. The lamp on the table lights up by itself.

The children wake up and sit up in their beds.

Tyltil. Mytil!

Mytil. Tiltil!

Tyltil. Are you sleeping?

Mytil. And you?..

Tyltil. So I'm not sleeping if I'm talking to you...

Mytil. Today is Christmas, right?..

Tyltil. No, not today, but tomorrow. Only this year Santa will not bring us anything...

Mytil. Why?..

Tyltil. Mom said that she did not have time to go to the city for him... He will come to us next year...

Mytil. How long until next year?

Tyltil. Decent... Tonight he will come to the rich children...

Mytil. A-ah!..

Tyltil. What do I see!.. Mom forgot to put out the lamp!.. You know what?..


Tyltil. Let's get up!..

Mytil. We are not allowed to do this...

Tyltil. But there’s no one... Do you see the shutters?..

Mytil. Oh, how they glow!..

Tyltil. These are holiday lights.

Mytil. Who's having a holiday?

Tyltil. On the contrary, for rich children. They have a Christmas tree. We'll open the shutters now.

Mytil. Is it really possible?

Tyltil. Of course we can, since we are alone. Do you hear the music?.. Get up!

The children get up, run to the window, climb onto the bench and open the shutters. The room is filled with bright light. The children look eagerly into the street.

Tyltil. Everything is seen!..

Mytil (taking an uncomfortable place on the bench). But I don't see anything.

Tyltil. It is snowing!.. There are two carriages with six of them!..

Mytil. Twelve boys came out!..

(120 pages)
The book is adapted for smartphones and tablets!

Text only:

The amazing story told in this book took place in one village, not far from a dense, dense forest. At the edge of this village, at the edge of the forest, there is a woodcutter's hut.
That's where it all started...
The woodcutter was poor, but his house was very neat and cozy, especially today, on the eve of Christmas. The fire was still smoldering in the hearth,

a lamp was burning on the table. The woodcutter's children, Tyltil and Mytil, were fast asleep in their beds, and on opposite sides of the large closet lay curled up in a ball, the Dog and the Cat.
The woodcutter's wife came in to see how the children were sleeping. She straightened the blankets, closed the window shutters, turned off the lamp and went out, carefully closing the door behind her.
There was silence in the dark room, only the wall clock ticked and the cricket chirped behind the hearth.
Light began to shine through the cracks in the shutters. It became brighter and brighter... And suddenly the lamp on the table lit up by itself!
Tyltil woke up, sat down on the bed and called out to his sister:
-Are you sleeping, Mytil? Smotrika, mom forgot to put out the lamp!
“No, I’m not sleeping,” Mytil answered in a sleepy voice. “Listen, today is Christmas, right?”
- You always confuse everything! Christmas is tomorrow. But today children receive gifts. But you and I won’t get anything anyway. Another thing is the rich children, those who live in the house opposite. They are sure to have wonderful Christmas gifts waiting for them. Look, the light is visible through the cracks of the shutters. This is from their windows. They lit their Christmas tree. And the music is playing, do you hear? Let's go see!
Brother and sister jumped out of bed, opened the shutters and climbed onto the bench by the window. The whole room was filled with light!
- See how elegant the tree is! And how many candles! - Tyltil exclaimed.
“I don’t see anything,” Mitil said pitifully. “You alone took up the entire bench!”
- Okay, I’ll move over now. Now you see? What toys! There are so many of them! And sabers, and soldiers, and cannons.
- And the dolls? - asked Mytil. “Are there dolls there too?”
- What other dolls?! Who needs them, your dolls? Of course not. You better look at the table. What's not there! Cakes, candies, sweets, fruits...
“When I was very, very little, I ate cake once,” Mitil sighed.
- Me too. This is delicious.
- Will they really eat all this? - Mytil whispered. “And they won’t leave us anything?”
- You are stupid, Mytil. Of course they will eat it. Yes

don't talk, better watch. It looks like dancing is starting there. What fun, so much fun!
- How beautiful! - Mytil clapped her hands. - Everyone is so smart!
Then steps were heard outside the door, and the children became silent.
- Who is this? - Mytil was alarmed.
- Probably dad. Hurry up in bed!
Before the brother and sister had time to jump off the bench, the door slowly opened and an old woman in a green dress and a red cap entered the room. A tiny sprout, hunchbacked, with a large hooked nose.
- Isn’t it with you, children, that the Blue Bird hid? - the old woman’s creaky voice rang out.
- Blue bird? “We don’t have a Blue Bird,” the brother and sister answered in one voice, “Why do you need it?”
- I really need the Blue Bird. I'm looking for it for my granddaughter. Unfortunately, she fell ill.
- What happened to her? - Til-til asked.
- I don’t know, she’s so pale, she’s always sad about something. I think only the Blue Bird will help my granddaughter become healthy and cheerful again. It’s not for nothing that they say that

The magical Blue Bird brings happiness to people. Yes, it’s very, very difficult to find it. Have you guessed who I am?
“You look a little like Mrs. Berlengo, our neighbor,” Til-til muttered uncertainly.
Wow, how angry the old lady was!
- I don’t look like her at all, not at all! I am the fairy of Berylune and I want you to help me. Now hit the road and find the Blue Bird. I'll give you this to help. Look!
From the pocket of her skirt the old woman took out a green cap decorated with a diamond buckle.
- If you put on this cap and carefully turn the diamond, you will see what is usually closed to human eyes. People have forgotten how to truly see. “You probably think,” the old woman turned to Tiltil, “that I’m old and ugly.” And everything around you seems miserable and unsightly. Come on, put on your hat!
Tyltil put on his cap, quietly turned the diamond on the buckle, and what?
The hunchbacked old woman immediately turned into a young, beautiful woman.

And the gray stones from which the walls of the hut were made glowed with a mysterious blue light.
- What's happened? Why did it suddenly become so light and beautiful? “It’s as if our house is built of precious stones,” Tyltil was surprised.
- Nothing special, just a magic diamond that helped you see the hidden essence of things, one might say, their soul. Now, my boy, you will be even more surprised.
And it's true! Everything around moved and came to life.

A fidgety red creature jumped out of the fireplace and began jumping around the room.
- Who is this? Who is this? - the children were scared.
- Don’t you recognize? But this is your old friend, Fire. Know that you need to be careful with him. He has a terrible temper. Now, with the help of a magic diamond, you have to find out the soul of Fire.
- And the fat guy? So nice and rosy? I saw him get out of the bowl. How important! - Mytil laughed.
- This is Bread. He really is an important person. Surely you, children, don’t know him! Look! Sugar! This snow-white beauty sparkles as if it were made of snow! And the timid creature in a fluffy dress is Milk. Look how slowly it gets out of the jug. A sad lady in flowing clothes - Water. With the help of a magic diamond, I revived them all, you will become friends with them and get to know them well. Look! Water has already started a quarrel with Fire. Yes, these are eternal opponents, nothing can be done about them.
The room filled and filled with strange creatures. Funny round men were jumping around, getting under everyone's feet - these were the Cups, Bowls and Plates that came to life.
The brother and sister's mouths dropped open in amazement. They looked at the miracles with all their eyes.
Meanwhile, the Cat and the Dog woke up. Strange! They both seem to have grown up! How big! As tall as a man!
The dog, without hesitation, rushed to Tiltil and, standing on his hind legs, began to hug him.
- Hello, my deity! Finally I can talk to you! I barked, I wagged my tail, but you did not understand me. Now I can

say in human language how much I love you! Do you want me to do something amazing? Do you want us to have some fun?
- Well, do you recognize your four-legged friend Til o? - Fairy Berylyuna smiled.
But the Cat slowly stretched, smoothed his mustache and only then slowly approached Mytil.
“Hello, dear young lady,” he said insinuatingly, “You look great today, even better than always.”

Is this Tiletto? - Mi-til was surprised.
“Yes,” the fairy nodded. “Now you will truly get to know the Cat, his soul and heart.” Well, kiss him!
- And I! I also want to kiss my deity! - Tilo shouted joyfully - And little Mytyl! I want to kiss everyone! Woof! Woof! I'm so glad! However, I’ll still tease Tiletto a little! Woof! Woof!
The cat arched his back and hissed.

“I, dear sir, don’t want to know you,” he snorted contemptuously. “You are ignorant!”
- And you are cunning and mean! - responded the Dog.
Fairy Berylyuna threatened him:
- Stop it now! Stop the quarrel! Otherwise I will send you both to the Kingdom of Silence forever.
The Dog and the Cat became silent. Everyone else in the room also became silent.
Suddenly there was a clink of glass - a lamp fell from the table. A flame burst out of her and immediately turned into a girl of extraordinary beauty. She was wearing a long transparent robe.
- Who is this? - Tyltil was stunned. - Queen?
- This is the princess! - Mitil clapped her hands. “I know!” Beautiful, fairy-tale princess!
“This is not a queen or a princess,” said the fairy Berylyuna. “This is the Soul of Light.” You're right, Mytil, she's beautiful.
Heavy footsteps were heard behind the wall of the next room, where Tiltil and Mytil’s parents were sleeping.
- Dad! He woke up from our voices! “He’ll come here now,” Tyltil was frightened.
“Turn the diamond on your cap!” she whispered

fairy - Just be careful. And all our guests will immediately disappear.
But Tyltil was in a hurry and turned the magic diamond too sharply.
- What have you done! - exclaimed the fairy - Now they won’t have time to hide!
The walls, shining with blue light, faded again, and in the semi-darkness all the recently revived creatures became agitated, ran around, and hurried.
The most agile were the Cups, Bowls and Plates - they instantly jumped back onto the dish shelf. Water rushed about in search of a tap, and Milk - a jug. The fire rushed from corner to corner, but could not find the source. But fat man Khleb could not fit into the kneading bowl. Sugar cried out pitifully every now and then. It seemed to him that everyone was trying to wrinkle his fluffy paper robe. Even the dexterous Tiletto, no matter how hard he tried, could not reach his corner by the closet. And only the Dog deliberately hesitated, he did not want to part with Tiltil.
- My deity, I’m still here! - he shouted. “Let’s talk.”
Here again footsteps were heard behind the wall.
“Now you can’t hesitate,” said the fairy, turning into an old woman again. “You will all have to go together with Tyltil and Mytil in search of the Blue Bird.” Quickly from the hut! We'll go out through the window!
Everyone, jostling, rushed to the window. Fire and Water immediately quarreled. And the Dog couldn’t stand it - he grabbed the Cat’s tail, and he snorted angrily in response. Finally everyone got out and crowded around the hut.
- I'm scared! I don't want to go anywhere! “We’d better go home!” little Mytil whined.
- Aren `t you ashamed! - Til-til reproached his sister. - Stop crying now. Don't you feel sorry for the sick girl of the fairy Berilyuna? Don't you want to help her?
Mytil wiped away her tears and obediently took her brother’s hand.
- Be courageous! - the fairy admonished the children - The road ahead of you will not be easy. The Soul of Light will lead you in search of the Blue Bird, trust her. They say that the Blue Bird is hidden in her palace by the Queen of the Night. Go there. True, the Soul of Light itself cannot enter
palace, she will wait for you nearby. In the domain of the Queen of the Night, you will have to look for the Blue Bird alone.
Meanwhile, the Cat took Fire, Water, Bread, Sugar, Milk and Dog aside and made the following speech:
- Listen to me carefully! Do you know that we are all in danger of destruction? The Queen of the Night is my long-time patroness; she has told me more than once that if a Man finds the Blue Bird, he will comprehend The Main Secret The life that the Queen of the Night so carefully hides from him. Everything and everyone will be in eternal subordination to Man. Remember, we were free until Man got to us! Water and Fire were beyond the control of Man, but what happened to them now! Water was imprisoned in the tap, Fire in the hearth. And we, the descendants of powerful predators?.. How did Man treat us? Made us obedient pets. No, we must at all costs prevent Tiltil and Mytil from finding the Blue Bird. Even if it means sacrificing their lives.
- What? What's happened? How dare you! - the Dog was indignant. - Well, repeat what you said!
“Shut up, no one gave you a word,” Khleb shouted at Tilo. “The cat is right.” Of course, we must first think about ourselves.
- Yes, yes, dear Cat is absolutely right. And dear Bread too,” Sugar hastened to add.
- How stupid you are! - the Dog could not restrain himself. - Man is the most important creature on earth! And our job is to serve him. I acknowledge the power of Man. Long live Man!
“Yes, perhaps you’re right, dear Dog,” said Sugar hesitantly.
- No! “I’m right, not the Dog,” said the Cat decisively. “Think about yourself!” Shh! Leave the argument, the fairy Berylyune and the Soul of Light are coming here. The Soul of Light sympathizes with Man - that means it is also our enemy.
- What's going on here? - the fairy said sternly. “You somehow became strangely quiet.” And you whisper like conspirators. Let's hit the road! I command you all to obey the Soul of Light.
“That’s exactly what I said,” said the Cat in a sweet voice. - I called on everyone to obey, but the Dog prevented me from speaking.
“Oh, you nasty liar!” Tilo was indignant. “Well, wait with me!”

Mytyl rushed to defend Tiletto:
- Don't you dare, don't you dare touch my pussy!
Tyltil was also dissatisfied:
- Tilo, stop it now, we have no time for fights now.
- My deity! You don't know that he...
- Enough! Stop it! - Fairy Berylyuna intervened. - Time is precious, it's time to go. You, Bread, will carry the cage for the Blue Bird. Remember everything I told you. - The fairy suddenly fell silent, thinking about something. - But you can’t go on a long journey in nightgowns. “You should get dressed,” she then said. - And everyone else too. Go to my palace, there will be everything you need for every taste. The cat will guide you there, he knows the way well.
- Yes! I know the way! - responded the Cat.
- That is great. Hurry up! And I…
At the same instant, the fairy Berylyuna again turned into an old woman in a green dress and a red cap.
“And I’ll go to my sick granddaughter,” said the creaky old woman’s voice. - She was left alone for a long time, without me. She probably missed you very much.
And the fairy immediately disappeared.
The children and their companions, led by the Cat, immediately set off and soon found themselves near the palace of the fairy Berilyuna.
The palace shone with splendor, but the travelers had no time to look at it, because the fairy asked them to hurry up. In one of the countless rooms of the palace, they saw a huge collection of clothes: what kind of outfits were there! Choose what you want!
The cat put on a black silk leotard with a fluffy white collar - he immediately realized how all this would go with his black silky fur!
The dog quickly began to put on everything that looked more cheerful: a red tailcoat, black trousers, patent leather shoes.
Fire, too, was in full swing: he really liked the crimson, sparkling cloak with a gold lining and the hat with a plume of fiery tongues.
Bread spent a long time looking for something suitable for himself and finally settled on a luxurious

a brocade robe, which, however, was difficult to wrap around his plump tummy. He had a scimitar stuck out of his belt, and a tall turban adorned his head. Bread was very pleased with himself and kept saying:
- Well, how? Am I good? Good?
Water chose an outfit for a very long time until she settled on a wonderful bluish-green dress with a transparent tint.
- Look! “Water’s dress smells damp,” Fire said mockingly. - She probably walked in the rain without an umbrella.
- What did you say? - Water frowned.
“Okay, nothing,” Fire muttered.
- I thought you mentioned a certain long red nose. I remember I recently saw it on someone’s face.
“Come on, stop quarreling,” the Cat intervened. “More important things await us.” Where is the Soul of Light? Still choosing your outfit?
“The fairy claims that she is already charming, where can we find something suitable,” said Bread sarcastically.
- Let him put on a lampshade! - Fire laughed evilly.
It was indeed difficult for the beautiful Soul of Light to choose an outfit for herself, and yet she found exactly what suited her best: a pale gold dress with dimly shimmering silver sequins.
Sugar's outfit looked very funny - a silk white and blue robe, a little reminiscent of the paper that sugar loaves were wrapped in in shops.
- And Tyltil and Mytil? Are they not ready yet? - suddenly everyone started talking at once.
The brother and sister had long since gotten dressed and were patiently waiting for the others. Tyltil put on a Boy Thumb suit: dark red
trousers, white shirt, brown vest; Mytil - Little Red Riding Hood costume: a white blouse, a long dark skirt and, of course, a red riding hood!
“Well, now, it seems, everyone is ready, it’s time to hit the road,” declared the Cat.
As soon as they left the palace, the fairy Berilyuna appeared, again young and beautiful.
- My friends! - she turned to the children. “I suddenly thought, shouldn’t you take a look first into the magical Land of Memories?” Who knows, maybe the Blue Bird will turn out to be

right there. Unfortunately, access to the Land of Memories is forever closed to me, and you, Tyltil and Mytil, will have to go there all alone. And in case you meet a Blue Bird there, take a cage with you. Bread, please give Til-til a cage. Now I will make sure that we find ourselves very, very close to the Land of Memories.
Fairy Berylune waved with a magic wand, and the children looked around in surprise - everything around suddenly changed at once.
- Tell me, do you have grandparents? - Fairy Berylyuna leaned towards Tiltil and Mytil.
“We had both grandfather and grandmother, but they died,” The boy sighed sadly.
- Do you remember them?
- Certainly! We loved them very much!” the brother and sister answered in unison.
- And often do you think about your grandparents?
- Yes! Yes!
- Today you will see them again.
- How? After all, they died! - Tyltil was surprised.
- In the Land of Memories, dead people sleep in a deep, peaceful sleep. But as soon as the living remember them, the sleeping ones wake up and come to life. Whenever you remember your grandparents, it's like seeing them alive again, isn't it?
“Yes, that’s true,” Tyltil agreed. “But it’s not for real.”
- Of course, this doesn’t happen in life. But in magical land With memories, anything is possible. You will see your grandparents and talk to them. I know they are waiting for you. Go straight. Tyltil, turn the diamond on your cap, and as soon as you see a big tree with a plaque on it, know: you have entered the Land of Memories. Just remember that you should return from there exactly fifteen minutes before the clock strikes nine times. If you stay there just for a moment, trouble will happen - you will remain there forever. Living people should not stay in the magical Land of Memories for too long. Know, Tyltil, in order to be back in the very place where we now stand, you only need to turn the diamond on your cap. But you must do this exactly fifteen minutes before the clock strikes

nine times. Remember this, my boy, and be precise. The Soul of Light will meet you. Listen to her in everything! And now goodbye, friends!
And the fairy Berylune disappeared.
Tyltil and Mytil held hands and walked uncertainly. Immediately a thick fog rose in front of them and covered everything. And when it cleared, the children saw a tall, mighty oak tree with a plank on it.
- Here is the tree with the plank! - Tyltil was delighted. - I wonder what is written there?
Brother and sister approached the oak tree.
“The board is nailed too high,” Tiltil was upset. “Wait, Mytil, now I’ll climb onto the stump and read it.” Yes, that is right. It says here: “Land of Memories.”
- So this is where it begins? - asked Mytil.
- Yes, there is an arrow showing where to go.
- Where are grandparents?
- Behind the fog. We will come to them now.
- But I don’t see anything! - Mytil wrinkled her nose with displeasure. - I’m cold! I don't want to travel anymore! I want to go home!
- Don't whine, please. You, like Water, have wet eyes. Look, fog

dissipates! Look, Mytil, there they are, grandfather and grandmother!
- Yes I see. It's them. They sit on a bench near the porch and smile at us! - Mytil was delighted.
Brother and sister ran up to the house.
- Grandmother! Grandfather! This is us, Tyltil and Mytil! We came to visit you!
“You remembered about us, dear grandchildren,” the grandmother said affectionately. “How nice that is!” You look good and your clothes are neat. Mom apparently takes good care of you. And your stockings are intact. Previously, it happened that I often darned them.
- Why don’t you visit us, children? - Grandfather sighed. “It’s such a joy to see you.” Don't forget about us!
- Is it true that you sleep all the time? - Tyltil asked.
“Yes, we are immersed in sleep until one of you, the living, thinks or remembers about us,” explained the grandfather. “In general, it’s good to sleep when life is lived with dignity.” But it’s also nice to wake up from time to time. What a joy to see you! Let me take a better look at you. You've grown up

Tyltil. Look how he stretched out! And you, little Mytil, have also grown up, you will soon become very big.
“How rosy-cheeked you have become!” Grandma fussed. “Do you still like sweets?” Do you remember, Tiltil, how you ate too much of my apple pie?
- Since then I have never eaten it. This summer we haven't had any apples at all. But there are more beds in the garden. True, they are very overgrown.
- Only with us, children, nothing changes.

Tyltil peered carefully first at his grandfather, then at his grandmother.
- In fact, both of you haven't changed a bit.
- We don't change. “But you’re growing, I noticed it right away,” said grandfather. “Come on, let’s check it out.” Do you remember, Tiltil, we made a notch on the door? Stand here and stay straight. A?! Grew four fingers! Now you, Mytil. Well done! She has grown by as much as four and a half fingers!
Entering the house, Tyltil looked around:
- Everything is the same as before! There's a watch. It was I who broke off the tip of the big arrow.
“And he knocked off the edge of the soup bowl,” added the grandfather.
“And I drilled this hole in the door,” the boy recalled.
- Yes, you've caused quite a bit of trouble here. Do you see the plum under the window? As soon as I walked away, you were already on the tree. You and Mytil loved to eat plums.
- Look! Thrush! Our old blackbird! - Mytil exclaimed. “Is he still singing?”
The blackbird sat motionless on a plum branch. And suddenly he came to life and sang loudly.

“You see,” said the grandmother, “As soon as you thought about him, he came to life.”
Tyltil looked closely at the bird and was surprised: the blackbird was completely blue!
- Listen, he’s blue, blue! - Tyltil was amazed - This is probably the same Blue Bird that we must bring to the fairy Berylune! Why didn’t you tell me right away that you had it? How blue! Grandma, grandpa, give it to me!
“Well, please,” said grandfather. “What do you think, wife?”
“We’ll give the children a thrush,” the grandmother agreed. “We don’t need it at all.” And he doesn't sing at all. Everything is asleep.
-Can I put him in a cage? - Tiltil jabbered - Wait, where is the cage?
The boy ran to the tree near which he had left the cage, grabbed it and put the blackbird there.
-Are you giving it to me? Is it true? I can imagine how happy the fairy will be! And the Soul of Light too!
“You know, I’m afraid that the bird will fly away from you,” said grandfather slowly. “She has long been unaccustomed to the noise and bustle.”
The clock on the wall loudly struck half past eight.

Oh! - cried Tyltil. - It’s too late! I completely forgot about the time and was almost late. Fairy Berylyune said that we should return exactly at a quarter to nine. Perhaps it's time for us to go back. But by the way... Since I already have the Blue Bird, let's stay a little longer in this wonderful Land of Memories.
- Yes, yes, stay with us longer, children. Sit a little longer. We haven't seen you for so long.
“And yet we must go,” sighed Tyltil. “Fairy Berylune is very kind to us.” I promised her. Don't cry, grandma, we will come to visit you again soon.
The kids kissed their grandparents. Tyltil grabbed the cage with the bird and, taking Mytil by the hand, was about to leave, but rushed back again, again began to say goodbye, promised to visit his grandparents as often as possible.
The clock struck.
- Oh, what have I done! It's already a quarter to nine! - the boy was scared.
He quickly turned the diamond on his cap, and... everything disappeared in a thick fog.
“Here, here,” Tyltil hurried his sister.
- I remember the tree with the plank should be here somewhere.
“Here it is,” Mytil was delighted. “But where is the Soul of Light?”
- Don't know.
The boy looked at the bird in the cage.
- Mytil! Mytil! The bird is no longer blue. She turned black! So it could only be blue in the Land of Memories!
Tears appeared in Mytil’s eyes:
- I'm very scared and cold.
At the same moment, the Soul of Light appeared.
- Don't be afraid, children, I'm with you. Tyltil, you're almost late. Just a little more... This means that there is no real Blue Bird in the Land of Memories, the real Blue Bird always remains blue. And now we’ll hit the road again, let’s look for the Blue Bird. I will lead you to the palace of the Queen of the Night.
Meanwhile, the cunning Cat, taking advantage of the darkness, left the travelers and rushed to run as fast as he could in order to get to the palace of the Queen of the Night before the others. The cat wanted to warn about the danger that threatened them both.
Tired, exhausted, the cat rushed into

palace and sank helplessly onto the marble steps at the entrance.
The Queen of the Night, in a long black veil, beautiful, but menacing and gloomy, approached the Cat:
- What happened to you? Lost weight... Dirty to the very mustache... Got into a fight with someone again?
“No, I have no time for fights now,” the Cat muttered sadly. “Oh, I barely managed to overtake them.” Yes, I'm afraid it's too late, there's nothing you can do now.
- What's happened? “Speak clearly,” demanded the Queen of the Night.
- A terrible thing happened! - exclaimed the Cat - You have already heard about Tiltil, the woodcutter’s son. And you know about the magic diamond. So, Tiltil has the diamond, and the boy comes here. He's coming for the Blue Bird! And if we do not outwit him, he will take possession of the Main Secret of Life. Understand? And the Soul of Light is on the side of Man. She found out that the real Blue Bird, the one that is not afraid of daylight, is hiding here, among the Moon Birds of Dreams. But since the Soul of Light itself cannot appear in your domain, it sent children to the palace. I know that you are unable to stop the Man, and that means he will reveal the Main Secret. Just crazy
I won't tell you what to do. If Man manages to take possession of the real Blue Bird, we will all perish...
- What is happening! - the Queen of the Night became worried. “These are difficult times, needless to say.” Man has already taken possession of many Secrets, but everything is not enough for him, he wants to capture them more and more. Will he really take everything from me? What happened to my servants? Horrors tremble with fear. The ghosts fled. Illnesses struck.
“Yes, yes, things are not important for us,” the Cat frowned. “Only you and I don’t give up and fight the Man.” But do you hear? They're already here! However, Tyltil and his sister are just children. Can't we handle them? Will we fail to intimidate and deceive them? Let's let them into the palace, show them everything, open all the doors, but not the one behind which the Moon Birds of Dreams live.
The Queen of the Night silently nodded her head and listened: someone was slowly approaching
- What is this? Why is it so noisy? Aren't the children alone? Who's with them? Are there many of them there?
- At first they had many satellites -

The Cat explained, “but Water fell ill on the road and remained in the Forest, and Fire cannot enter here, because it is related to the Soul of Light. The milk immediately turned sour, and Tiltil had to part with it too. Bread and Sugar remain, but they are, in general, on our side. Unfortunately, the Dog is also here - he is not a step away from the children. This is our worst enemy, but how to get rid of it?
Tyltil, Mytil, Bread, Sugar and Dog were already climbing the steps of the marble staircase.
The cat ran out to meet them.
“Here, here,” he began to bow obsequiously. “I have already notified the Queen of the Night, she is glad to see you.”
Then the Queen of the Night herself appeared.
“Good afternoon,” Tyltil bowed politely.
- Good afternoon? - the Queen of the Night got angry. - What does this mean? I don't understand. I should say “Good night” or, at the very least, “Good evening.”
“Sorry,” Tiltil became embarrassed, “I didn’t do it on purpose, I didn’t know...
“Okay, okay,” the Queen of the Night interrupted him impatiently, “the Cat told me that you came here for the Blue Bird.” This is true?

Yes. Please tell me where is she now?
- I do not know. She's not here.
- How? - exclaimed Tyltil. - The Soul of Light said that the Blue Bird is here, she will not tell a lie. Please give me the keys to all the doors in your palace, I will look for the Blue Bird myself.
- No! “I am the keeper of all the Secrets of Nature, and it is not proper for me to give the keys to someone who should not,” the Queen of the Night stated decisively. “I am responsible for everything here.”
“You have no right to refuse a Man, I know,” Tyltil said confidently.
- Who told you about this? - the Queen of the Night got angry.
- Soul of Light.
- “Soul of Light”! "Soul of Light"! That's all I hear! And why is she interfering in something that’s not her own business? - the Queen of the Night was indignant.
- Let me take the keys from her, huh? - The Dog stepped forward.
“Behave decently,” Tyltil ordered him and again turned to the angry Queen of the Night: “Madam, give me the keys.”
- Do you have a sign that you have the right to do this?
“Yes, here it is,” Tyltil answered and pointed to the magic diamond on the cap.
- If so... - The Queen of the Night was very dissatisfied: she really did not want to obey the Man. - Well, here are the keys to the doors in the palace. But if misfortune happens, blame yourself. I warned you.
- Is it dangerous? - Bread became worried.
- Still would! - the Queen of the Night shrugged her shoulders - After all, behind the doors lurks Disasters, Horrors, Wars, Diseases and others Scary Secrets- everything that has threatened Man since time immemorial. I can barely cope with them, I keep them locked up. It will be a disaster for people if any of these rebellious Horrors or Diseases break free.
“Let me be curious,” asked Khleb, “how to avoid this danger?”
- No way. “This is impossible,” the Queen of the Night answered sternly.
Tyltil took the keys from the hands of the Queen of the Night and boldly headed towards the entrance. Everyone else followed him. And soon they found themselves in a huge hall with columns, along the walls of which heavy bronze doors stretched.
“Let’s start from here, with the most extreme one,” I decided.
Tyltil turned to the Queen of the Night: -What is it?
- Ghosts. I haven't let them out for a long time.
“Well, let’s see.” And Tiltil decisively inserted the key into the keyhole. “Have you lost the cage for the Blue Bird?” - he turned to Bread.
“No, no, it’s intact, and... and I’m not scared at all,” Khleb stammered. “Or maybe we should just look through the keyhole first?” Just in case.
“Yes, indeed,” Sugar supported him. “I think so too.”
“I’m not asking you for advice.” And Tyltil began to turn the key.
Mytyl suddenly began to cry:
- I'm afraid! I want to go home!
“Stop it, Mitil, don’t be a coward,” the brother shamed the girl. “Well, I’ll open it.”
As soon as the boy opened the door, several Ghosts immediately jumped out. In one minute they ran around the hall and hid behind the columns.
Bread dropped the cage out of fear and hid in a corner of the hall, Sugar pressed himself against the wall, and Mytyl hid behind her brother. Only the Dog did not leave his little master.

Lock the door quickly!” the Queen of the Night shouted to Tiltil. “Otherwise all the other Ghosts will jump out and we won’t be able to catch them.” They are tired of being locked up. Man has not been afraid of them for a long time; he even makes fun of them. And those Ghosts that ran out must be driven back immediately. There is no need for them to roam the earth. Yes, help me!
“Help her, Tilo,” ordered Tyltil.
The dog rushed at the Ghosts with a loud bark.
- Woof! Woof! Come back!
The ghosts ran away in fear, but the Queen of the Night immediately drove them to the door with a huge whip. The next moment Tyltil was already locking the door.
-Where is the Bread? Where's Sugar? Where are you, friends? - the boy shouted.
“We are here, we are at the entrance, we were on guard so that the Ghosts would not run away,” responded Bread and Sugar.
However, one Ghost still remained in the hall and now suddenly rushed to where the brave men Bread and Sugar were hiding.
- Ah ah ah! - they screamed and rushed in all directions.
Tyltil stopped them:
- Back! Where are you going? Who are you afraid of? They're not scary at all, they're just funny!
With the help of the Dog and Tiltil, the Queen of the Night drove this Ghost back.
“You see, the Blue Bird is not here,” she said dryly.
- What's behind the second door? - Til-til asked.
“And she’s not there, believe me,” said the Queen of the Night. “However, do as you wish.” But know that there are Diseases hiding there.

Is it dangerous?
“No,” answered the Queen of the Night. “The poor things can barely drag their legs.” For how many years Man has been stubbornly fighting them.
Tyltil opened the door wide.
And what? Nobody showed up.
- Where are they? Why is no one visible? Why don't Diseases want to go free? - the boy was surprised.
- I told you, they are sick, emaciated, weakened. You could say that the doctors had exhausted them. Well, go in there and see for yourself. But only for one minute.
Tyltil stepped out the door and immediately returned.
- Wow, how frail they are! They don’t raise their heads, they barely move. Your illnesses, madam, look very painful.
But suddenly a certain creature, in slippers, a dressing gown and a nightcap, jumped out from behind the door and began to run around the hall.
- Oh, some kid jumped out! Who is this, who? - Tyltil was dumbfounded.
- Don't be afraid of him. This is the most minor of ailments, its name is Runny Nose. The doctors don’t bother the baby too much, which is why he is more cheerful than others.
The Queen of the Night called the baby in a robe and shoes to her.
- Come here, you jumped out too early, you were in a hurry.
The baby sneezed displeasedly, blew his nose and reluctantly trudged back.
Tyltil immediately locked the door behind him.
“Yes, the Blue Bird is not visible here,” said Tiltil. “Let’s try to open the third door.” What's there?
The Queen of the Night stopped him:
- Be careful, there is war! Never before have they been as terrible, cruel and ruthless as they are now. If even one of them breaks out... Better not tempt fate! True, they have become so fat and clumsy... And yet you should be careful. Open the door a little, take a look and slam it quickly!
Tyltil cautiously opened the door, looked into the narrow crack and immediately recoiled in horror.
- Close it! Quickly close it, lock it tight! They saw me! They're already coming, banging on the door!
“Help!” shouted the Queen of the Night. Wars are very strong, it’s difficult to cope with them. Let's try to slam the door all together. Here you go,

it seems that's all. Just a second... Have you seen them, Tyltil?
- Yes Yes! They are disgusting, terrible. Huge, scary monsters.
- Now you yourself understand that the Blue Bird is not there. If she had flown here, the Wars would have instantly strangled her. Well, isn't it time for you to stop these useless searches? You see, there is no Blue Bird in my palace.
“I must examine everything,” Tyltil said decisively. “This is what the Soul of Light commanded.”
- Again the Soul of Light! She herself did not come to my palace. Apparently she was afraid.
- She can’t come here, you know. Let's move on to the next door. What's there?
- The Horrors are locked there.
- Can I take a look? - Tyltil asked.
- Yes, it’s not dangerous, they calmed down a long time ago.
Tyltil carefully opened the door and looked inside.
- There’s no one there! - he exclaimed in bewilderment.
“The horrors are there, but they hid,” explained the Queen of the Night. “They are completely intimidated by Man.” But show yourself anyway, don’t be afraid! - she ordered.
Several Horrors, skinny and sad, timidly approached the door.
“It’s not scary at all,” Til-til laughed. “Some stuffed animals!” Only kids can be scared of them. You're not afraid, Mytil? - he leaned towards his sister.
“No,” Mytil whispered uncertainly, but still hid behind her brother: she was still little.
“Well, well done,” Tiltil praised the girl. “Don’t be afraid, this is the most important thing.” Then he turned to the Queen of the Night again: “Tell me, please, madam, what’s behind that middle door?”
“Don’t unlock it,” the Queen of the Night said sternly.
- Why? Any dangers again? What is there? I definitely want to look there.
- It is forbidden.
- Why?
“I repeat to you: you can’t!” the Queen of the Night got angry. “This is forbidden.”
- Forbidden? By whom? Maybe the Blue Bird is right there? The Soul of Light told me...
- Listen, my child, - the voice of Queen No-

chi sounded surprisingly affectionate - I fulfilled all your wishes, I was very attentive to you. But believe me, this door should not be unlocked. You are facing imminent death! Stop, don't tempt fate. I feel sorry for you because you are so young.
- But why, why? - Til-til asked. “What is it all about?”
- The most terrible, the most terrible. The thing you should fear most. Not one of those who dared to open this door returned from there alive. Once you look inside, you're dead. However, do as you please. I don't want to be here anymore. I retire to my tower.
- No, no, Tiltil! - Mytil cried desperately. - Don’t open it! I don't want! I don't want!
- Have pity on us! - Bread screamed and fell to his knees.
- Don’t destroy, don’t destroy us! - Sugar whined pitifully.
“You are dooming us all to inevitable death,” the Cat grumbled.
- I have to, you know, I have to open this door. What if that’s where Blue is located?

Bird? - Tyltil said decisively. “Sugar and Bread, take Mytyl by the hands and take her away.” Leave everyone. I'll be left alone. I'm not afraid!
- Run! Save yourself! - shouted the Queen of the Night. - Quickly! Otherwise it will be too late. And I'm leaving.
“Wait to open it, let us at least run away,” Bread begged.
- Wait! Do not open! - Mytil, Sugar and Bread shouted and hid behind the columns.
The cat also moved away from the door and immediately disappeared.
Two people remained standing in front of the huge bronze door - Tyltil and the Dog.
“I’m not at all scared,” said Tilo, breathing heavily (the poor fellow was brave with all his might). “I’m staying with you, my deity.” I won't leave you in trouble.
“You’re doing well, Tilo, well done,” Tyltil praised his faithful friend. “We’re not afraid together.” Now come what may. I open it.
Tyltil put the key into the keyhole. Everyone who was hiding behind the columns let out a cry of horror. But as soon as the key was turned, the high doors of the door swung open, and a beautiful garden opened up in front of the boy. Moon light

illuminated everything around. And birds, marvelous, bright blue birds fluttered everywhere.
The stunned Tyltil stood silent and motionless.
- How wonderful it is here! How many birds! How blue they are! Mytil! Tilo! Come here quickly! Help me! You can catch as many of them as you like! They are tame and not afraid of us! Come on!
Mitil ran up first, followed by the others who approached Til-til. Everyone ended up in a wonderful, magical garden except the Cat and the Queen of the Night.
And Tyltil never ceased to be amazed:
- Look! The birds themselves fly into my hands! There are so many of them! Mytil, Mytil, catch them! Tilo, be careful! How not to hurt them!
- I caught seven birds! How blue they are! - Mitil triumphed - But they are getting out of our hands!
“I also collected too many of them,” Tyltil responded. “They flap their wings and fly away!” And Tilo has so many of them, do you see? Let's go quickly. The Soul of Light is waiting for us. She'll be happy!
Tyltil, Mytil and the Dog ran out of the garden.
The birds fought in the children's hands; it was very difficult to hold them. However, Bread and Sugar did not consider it necessary to help the children. As if not noticing anything, they leisurely followed to the exit from the hall.
Meanwhile, the Queen of the Night and the Cat quietly approached the garden.
- Have they really caught the Blue Bird? - The Queen of the Night whispered excitedly.
- No, no, calm down. The Blue Bird is still sitting on the moonbeam, I can see it perfectly

from here. She sits too high, Tiltil can’t reach her.
And Tyltil, Mytil and the Dog were already running to the Soul of Light who was waiting for them.
- Did you manage to catch the Blue Bird? - she asked from a distance.
- Yes Yes! - the children shouted vying with each other. - And not even one! There are thousands of them. Look how much we caught!
But what happened? The birds' heads hung limply and their wings drooped.

What is this?
The birds are dead!
- They're dead! - Til-til shouted in horror. “Who killed them?” Poor, poor birds!
And the boy cried bitterly. The Soul of Light hugged him tenderly:
- Don't cry, my friend. These are the Moon Birds of Dreams. They cannot stand daylight, which is why they died. You have not yet caught that one and only real Blue Bird, for which daylight is not terrible. Don't worry, we will find her. Apparently, she is hidden in the palace of the Queen of the Night. I wouldn't be surprised if I learned that she was among the Moonlight Dream Birds and you didn't notice her. Or maybe she flew out of the garden and is now in the forest. Who knows…
Tyltil laid the lifeless birds on the ground, looked at them sadly, wiped away his tears, took his sister by the hand and said more calmly:
- We will search further and find the real Blue Bird. Let's go! But where is the Fire?
“He’s gone somewhere,” said the Soul of Light. “He’s tired of waiting for us.”
- And the Cat? Did he stay in the palace?

No, no, I’m here, I’m with you - And the Cat ran down the marble stairs. - I won’t leave you, dear friends.
The Soul of Light thought.
- Didn’t the Blue Bird fly away to the Magic Garden? After all, all Earthly Joys live there. It's quite possible that she's there. Yes, yes, we must go there immediately. Tilo, Bread and Sugar will go with you. As for the Cat... As he himself wishes. The road there is long and difficult.
“He’ll be a coward, that’s clear,” the Dog growled.
- I would just like to visit some of my friends first. They're nearby. And then I will certainly catch up with you.” And the Cat quickly turned to the side.
- He's evading! He's backtracking! I knew it! - the Dog shouted after him.
- Quiet! - the Soul of Light stopped him - Now is not the time for bickering. On the road!
The path was long, everyone was very tired. Finally, a white fence appeared ahead, behind which one could see big trees with dense green foliage. But it was winter!
“These are miracles,” whispered Tyltil.
“We are at the goal,” said the Soul of Light. “Let’s enter the Magic Garden.”
The patterned gates of the Garden opened wide, and what? It was a real sunny summer there! The sky was blue, the grass was green, the flowers were blooming magnificently.
And immediately a whole crowd of adorable little ones ran out to meet the travelers. Their gentle faces radiated kindness and joy.
“Oh, how cute they are!” exclaimed Til-til-And there are so many of them! Who is this?
In response there were cheerful exclamations and laughter:
- Hello, Tiltil! Hello! You don't seem to recognize us?
- How can I find out if I see you for the first time?
In response, cheerful laughter rang out again:
- But we are always with you, Tiltil! We do everything to make your life easy and enjoyable!
“Yes...” Tyltil drawled uncertainly. “I seem to remember something.” What is your name?
And then a whole chorus of voices rang out:
- I am the Joy of Being Healthy!
- I am the Joy of Breathing Air!
- I am the Joy of the Blue Sky!
- I am the Joy of the Green Forest!
- I am the Joy of Sunny Days!
- I am the Joy of Spring!
- I am the Joy of Running Through the Dew Barefoot!
- I am the Joy of Loving Parents!
- I am the Joy of Motherly Affection!
The last voice sounded louder than all, and
he was the most charming, the most gentle.
- Well, Tiltil, do you like it here? - the Soul of Light smiled.
“Of course,” nodded Tyltil.
- This is the First Magic Garden. It is intended for children. And then there are the Magic Gardens for adults. Joy lives there too - Joy Great Love, Joy of Favorite Work, Joy of Duty Fulfilled, Joy of Admiring Beauty. And many, many other wonderful Joys. But for now the entrance to those Gardens is closed to you, my boy. When you grow up, you will definitely visit there, I'm sure. And now it's time for us. Blue Bird is not here, I already checked. So, we must continue the search.
Tyltil and Mytil very reluctantly left the Magic Garden.
And again the difficult journey began, again everything around became gloomy and cold like winter.

The children walked long and hard, but they did not meet the Blue Bird anywhere.
“She’s gone,” Tyltil was saddened. “Isn’t it possible?”
Will she live in such cold, deserted places?! ^
Before the boy had time to say this, the wall of the Forest appeared as if from underground in front of the travelers. The forest was so dense and dense that it seemed like an insurmountable barrier stretched ahead. But as soon as the children reached the edge of the forest, they immediately became cheerful, because it was nice in the Forest and the grass around them was green like summer.
- That's great! Again, like in the Magic Garden! - Tyltil was delighted. “Who knows if the Blue Bird is hiding here!” We need to look around everything, get into the deepest thicket!
“No,” objected the Soul of Light. “You won’t go anywhere now.” Do you see how dark it has gotten? We need to rest. For both you and me. The sun will rise and we will move on, but for now, rest. I'll leave you for a while.
As soon as the Soul of Light disappeared, the Cat appeared. Approaching Tyltil, he grumbled:
- Imagine, I got lost and barely found you. You're right, of course. There's no time to waste, we need to

hit the road now. You are old enough to act according to your own understanding. There is no point in allowing the Soul of Light to command us. Do you want me to run forward and find out what and how? Want?
Tyltil nodded his head, and the Cat immediately disappeared into the thicket of the forest.
In the very depths of the Forest, the Cat stopped, looked around cautiously and suddenly turned to the Trees, tirelessly bowing to them:
- Hello, dear Trees!
The trees rustled their leaves in response:
- Hello!
- Hello!
- Hello!
- Dear Trees, I come to you with sad news. Our common enemy Tyltil is coming here. The son of the same woodcutter who caused you so much harm. This daring boy is looking for the Blue Bird. I think you wanted to ask me something, Topol? Yes, Tiltil has a magic diamond, and with its help he can remove the vow of silence from you, dear Trees! Understand, if Tyltil finds the Blue Bird, we will be in complete obedience to the Man.

The branches of the Oak rustled with such a noise, as if a whirlwind had swept through them.
- Ah, old Oak! How are you doing? - the Cat turned to the forest giant - Are you sick? Are you suffering from rheumatism? This is because you have too much damp moss underneath. What you said? Yes, you are, of course, right, we have no reason to hesitate, we must take this opportunity and destroy the boy. What are you saying? And his sister? Yes, hers too. Who else is with them? Unfortunately, this obnoxious rude Dog, but it is not so easy to get rid of him. Bribe him? This is impossible. How many times have I tried to lure him to our side, but all in vain.
Then the leaves of the tall Beech fluttered loudly, and the Cat turned to him.
- Hello, Buk, hello, buddy! Are you asking if anyone has children? Yes, Fire, Bread and Sugar went with them in search of the Blue Bird. But they are all on our side. True, Bread is not very reliable, and Fire is not always kind to you, but they can be persuaded. And the Soul of Light leads them all, it favors Man. True, she doesn’t look here, into the wilderness of the forest. I managed to convince Tiltil to sneak away from her and immediately go

in the forest. The case is rare. You can't miss it. Do you understand?
The trees shook their branches in agreement and rustled their leaves in unison.
- What? What? I can't understand when you talk at once. Ah, that's what you mean. Yes, you are absolutely right, we need to notify all Animals, Birds and Pets. Where's the Rabbit? Let the gathering take place and call everyone here.
The cat didn’t have time to finish speaking when the Rabbit jumped out from behind the bushes.
- Oh, are you here? Great. Well, go ahead and be quick. The voices of Tiltil and Mi-til can already be heard. They're coming here.
And indeed, soon Til-til, Mitil and the Dog entered the thicket.
The cat ran towards them with an obsequious look.
- Finally! I've been waiting for you. My little lord, I warned about your coming. I can report that everything is going well: the Blue Bird is here! Consider it in our hands. I just sent Rabbit to beat the collection. We must call all the Beasts and Birds of the Forest. They will be pleased to see you and express their greatest respect. I think they

they're about to be here. Do you hear the branches cracking? I see they have stopped. They were probably afraid and didn’t dare approach. Oh, by the way, my little lord, I would like to tell you something.
- Speak.
- No, not in front of everyone. It would be better face to face.
The cat took Tiltil aside and whispered:
- Why did you bring the Dog with you? He will quarrel with everyone. And he won’t get along with Trees. His terrible temper has long been known.
“He himself followed us,” said Til-til. “Come on, Tilo, go away!” - he shouted to the Dog - Get out of here, you annoying creature!
- What? Am I an annoying creature?! What have I done wrong to you, my deity?
- They tell you to get away! Understood? There's nothing for you to do here. We're all tired of you. You make so much noise!
- I will be silent and only look at you from afar. Let me stay, don’t drive me away!” the Dog begged.
- How do you tolerate such disobedience? - the Cat instigated Tiltil. - Take a stick and hit him well.

Tyltil picked up a stick from the ground and swung at the Dog, but Mytyl grabbed her brother’s hand:
- What you! Is it possible to drive Tilo away? I won't let him go. I’m scared without him, then I’m afraid of everything.
The dog rushed to Mytil and hugged the girl gratefully:
- How good and kind you are! How affectionate and sweet!
- Stupid, indecent behavior! - the Cat hissed angrily. - However, what can you expect from this ignoramus? Well, wait, let's see whose will take it. Listen, Tiltil, turn the diamond! Do you want to revive the Trees? Do you want to know what they're talking about? But be careful!
Tyltil quietly turned the magic diamond on the green cap, and immediately the Trees gained the power of speech - they rustled, trembled, and moved. They came to life, Tyltil freed them, the centuries-old silence of the Trees ended.
Topol was the first to speak:
- I know who it is. These are people, only they are still small. But I see them for the first time.
“And they are unfamiliar to me,” Lipa rustled.
- How unfamiliar? Someone, but you should know them. After all, you Lips always stay close to human habitation,” Buk grumbled.
- No, I don’t know them. I remember many lovers well. They often walk under my branches on warm moonlit nights.
- Who are they, really? Village beggars? - Kashtan said arrogantly.
“You’ve become very arrogant, sir,” Topol countered him. “Ever since your relatives settled on the city boulevards, you’ve got God knows what you think about yourself.”
Here Iva’s whiny voice was heard:
- This is a boy and a girl, that’s who. Should I not know them? They broke off all the branches for me, the unfortunate one.
“Be quiet!” Topol got angry. “Let Oak tell you.” He is the oldest of us and will explain everything.
The oak tree shook its branches, and at that very moment Tyltil noticed a bird in its foliage - a beautiful bright blue bird.
“Ay, look!” Tyltil rejoiced. “Over there, high up, almost at the very top of the Oak Tree, sits the Blue Bird!” I'll get it now.
But Oak creaked dully, like an old man:
- Who are you?
“Bow to the Oak and be more polite,” the Cat whispered to Tiltil. “This is a very respected old man.”
“I am Tyltil,” the boy bowed, the son of a woodcutter. Can I borrow the Blue Bird from you?
- Are you Tiltil, the woodcutter's son?
- Yes.
- Your father caused a lot of harm to my family. He killed six hundred of my sons, four hundred and seventy-five uncles and aunts, one thousand two hundred cousins, twelve thousand great-grandchildren!
- So much? Can't be! Father cuts down Trees, it’s true, but only out of necessity - to light the stove and sell some logs to the rich. This is how we live. Otherwise we would have died of hunger. I don’t cut anything in the Forest, I only pick up dead wood when I help my father.
- Why are you breaking branches? And do you pick off the leaves? And destroying birds' nests? You are our offender too! - the rest of the Trees shouted angrily all at once.
- No, no! I have never ruined anything in my life

one nest! And I love the Forest and always take care of it. Maybe there are such evil, stupid people who deliberately harm you, but I...
- We don’t believe it! We don't believe it! We don’t believe it!” the Trees made noise.
- Shut up! - the authoritative voice of Oak sounded. - I’ll talk to the boy myself. Why did you come here, Tyltil? Why did he revive us?
- Sorry for disturbing you, sir, but the Cat said that a Blue Bird lives in your Forest. Now I see for myself...
- It turns out that you know very well what the Blue Bird is. Yes, the Blue Bird is Human Happiness. You want to master it so that it can bring happiness to people. But then Man will finally enslave us.
- No, no, no! I'm looking for the Blue Bird for the granddaughter of the fairy Berylune. The poor girl is seriously ill, she is so unhappy.
“Enough!” Oak interrupted Tiltil sharply. “All these are empty words, we don’t believe them.” But why can't I hear Animals, Birds and Pets? Where are they? This conversation concerns them too. We Trees should not take on all the responsibility. When people find out how we dealt with Tiltil and

Mytil, we're in trouble. There is no reason for Animals and Birds to remain on the sidelines! Let them be responsible for everything just like us!
“Animals, Birds and Pets are very close,” announced Topol.
He was taller than all the other Trees and therefore was the first to see the procession approaching the edge of the Forest.
The Bull walked ahead of everyone, followed in succession by a Horse, an Ox, a Cow, a Wolf, a Ram, a Pig, a Goat, a Rooster, a Donkey, and a Bear.
^ - Is everything assembled now? - inquired
“Unfortunately, not all,” the Rabbit-Chicken was hatching eggs, the Hare ran away somewhere, I couldn’t find him. The deer is sick. The fox is also unwell. I called Goose, but it never dawned on him what was going on, and Turkey, for no apparent reason, got angry and flatly refused to come here. I didn’t see any more of the Beasts and Birds. They all disappeared somewhere.
“This saddens me extremely,” Dub creaked. “Some people, I see, would like to evade responsibility.” Well! Nevertheless, there were enough of us gathered. So listen to me, forest brothers! This boy decided to take over

Blue Bird. He wants to snatch it from us Great Mystery Life. You and I know Man well, we know what fate awaits us if the Blue Bird ends up in his hands. Therefore, away with all hesitation! There is no need to think about what we should do at such a crucial hour. Before it's too late, we must act. Til-til must die!
- What's happened? I don't understand what he's talking about? - The boy shrugged his shoulders in bewilderment.
The dog bared his teeth and, approaching Oak, growled menacingly:
- Do you see what fangs I have? Oh, you old wreck!
- Listen, he insults our venerable elder! - Buk was indignant.
“Drive the Dog away!” Dub commanded. “He is a traitor, and he has no place among us!”
The cat approached Tiltil and insistently demanded:
- Yes, take away the Dog! See how it all comes together! For the rest, leave it to me. I will be able to resolve this misunderstanding. Just drive the Dog away quickly, he will ruin everything for us.
- Come on, Tilo, get out of here! Who am I telling? - the boy demanded.

My deity, I will leave if you order, but first let me tear off the moss shoes of that feisty old man Oak!
- Shut up! - Til-til got completely angry - Go away immediately! How many times should I repeat?
- Okay, I'm leaving. But if anything happens, just shout!
The cat again whispered in Tiltil’s ear:
- It would be better to tie him up, otherwise he will do such a thing here! Once we anger the Trees, everything could end very badly for us.
- How to be? - Tyltil was confused. “I have neither a chain nor a rope with me.”
- But look at Ivy! Do you see how strong its stems are? Better than any ropes. At least someone will be kept.
Tilo hesitated to leave and continued to growl angrily.
- I'm leaving, but I'll be back soon, don't doubt it! I'll show you again, old rotten thing! - he shouted to Oak - I understood what was going on here. It's all Cat! Are you whispering something again? - he barked at Tiletto. “Are you preparing new nasty things?” Now I'll show you! Rrr... rrr... rrr...
- Do you see? He is rude to everyone and everyone, he is incorrigible,” the Cat turned to Tiltil.

Yes its true. He will quarrel us all,” the boy nodded and turned to Ivy: “Sir, tie up the Dog, please.”
Ivy timidly approached Tilo and asked cautiously:
- What if he bites me?
- I won't bite. If you want, I’ll even kiss you,” the Dog grumbled. “Come on, come closer!” A bunch of old ropes! I'll teach you a lesson!
- Tilo, come to me! - ordered Tyltil, threatening the Dog with a stick.
Tilo crawled up to Tiltil and wagged his tail.
- What do you order, my deity?
- Listen to Ivy. Let yourself be tied up, or else look at me!
Tilo obediently lay down on the ground and, while Ivy tied him up, did not stop growling:
- Tie me up! For what? My deity, he has entangled my paws, he is strangling me!
- It’s your own fault, now get it. Next time you will behave more decently.
- It was in vain that you allowed me to be tied up, my deity. Believe me, they are up to something evil. Beware! Ay, he's entangling my mouth! I can not talk!
And the Dog fell silent.
- Tie it to my big root, the one on the right. “Yes, be stronger,” Oak commanded Ivy and Beech.
The trees diligently followed his orders.
- So. Is the Dog attached tightly enough? Then we will decide what to do with this traitor. And now that we have gotten rid of the unwanted witness, let's get down to business. Now we are strong and have gained the opportunity to pass judgment on Man. Let him finally feel our strength. Man has always been cruel and self-willed with us and never spared us. Today we will repay him for everything.
- Yes! Yes! - the Trees, Beasts and Birds shouted - Death to him! Death! Finish him off! Trample! Destroy! And now! Immediately!
- Why are the trees screaming like that? Why are Animals and Birds angry? “I don’t understand something,” Tyltil turned to the Cat.
- It’s nothing, don’t pay attention. They're just in a bad mood. You see, it’s too damp in the Forest today, so they’re worried. Don't worry, I'll sort it out.
- I see you all agree with me, and this
makes me happy,” Oak addressed the Trees, Beasts and Birds, “The boy and girl need to come up with such an execution that we will remain above suspicion.
- What's the matter? What does all of this mean? - Tyltil completely lost patience. - I’ve long been tired of their chatter. The Blue Bird is hidden in your branches, Oak, and you must give it to me.
The bull stepped forward and suggested:
- Let me gore the boy! This is a trivial matter.
“No, they should be hanged - both the boy and his sister on my highest branch,” Buk intervened.
“And I’ll twist a loop for this,” Ivy picked up. “I’m a master at such things.”
- No, it’s best to drown them in the river. Do you agree? - Iva suggested hastily.
“No, no,” said Lipa in a conciliatory tone, “This is too much!” They're children. There is a great way to get rid of them in another way. I will entangle them with branches, and they will end up in prison.
-Who dared to object to me? - Oak shouted again - I think I hear Lipa? That is how it is. And among us there is an apostate! A little more and you will find yourself in the same room...
company with Fruit Trees. They betrayed us long ago, began, in fact, to serve Man, and for this we despise them.
“It seems like the first thing you need to do is eat the girl,” the Pig grunted, and her little eyes sparkled greedily. “I can imagine how delicious she is!”
- No, just listen to what she says! - Tyltil was indignant - Well, wait, you such rubbish! This is really a Pig!
“I can’t imagine what’s happening to them!” the Cat feigned surprise. “It seems that things are taking an unpleasant turn.”
- Hush, shut up everyone! Now the main thing is to decide which of us will strike the first blow to the Man,” said Oak.
- You! Of course, you,” Pine said flatteringly. “You are the oldest among us and our ruler.”
- Alas, I am too old and weak. My branches wither and hardly obey me. I believe that you, Pine, evergreen and vigorous, should start first.
- Thank you very much! - Pine hastily responded - But I decline this honor, let me not have envious people. In my opinion, after you and me, the most worthy is Buk.

No,” objected Buk, “I can’t do it.” You see, my entire trunk is eaten away by worms... Maybe Elm?
“I would love to,” Elm creaked, “but I can barely stand.” Last night the Mole dislocated more than one root for me. It’s better to entrust this matter to Topol.
- To me? What are you talking about? I have such a delicate structure. Besides, I'm not feeling well. Here is Aspen...
- I? Yes, I am in a severe fever! I'm terribly shivering. Can't you see how my leaves are trembling? I am not able to take a single step.
- A shame! - Oak became angry - Pathetic cowards! You are all afraid of Man! Even weak, defenseless children inspire fear in you. Then I myself, old and sick, will deal with our sworn enemy!
And Oak moved straight towards Tiltil. But the boy was not taken aback; he grabbed a knife from his pocket and raised it above his head.
The trees at once let out a cry of horror:
- Be careful! Beware! The boy has a knife! It's almost like an axe! You will die!
- How?! Are you scared? You are scared! Fear Man! Shame on us Trees! Then let

Animals and Pets will deal with Man, because this is their enemy too!
- Great, great! - the Bull roared. - I agree. I'll gore him in an instant.
The Bull lowered his horns, but the Cow and Ox held him back:
- Stop, you unfortunate thing! This won't end well. And we, the Pets, will have to clear up the mess. Don't meddle in the affairs of the Beasts!
But the Bull could not calm down and kept roaring:
- Then don't let me in! Hold on tight! Otherwise I’m not responsible for myself! I'll destroy everyone now!
Little Mytyl was trembling with fear, and Tyltyl shouted at her:
- Yes it will be for you! Move away and don't be afraid, I have a knife, and that's already something. It turns out that Pets are angry at us too!
- Well, of course! - Donkey shook his head. - How angry! It took you so long to figure it out!
- What bad have we done to you? It seems no one was offended.
“Nothing, absolutely nothing, my dear,” Baran bleated. “You just ate my brother, two sisters, three uncles, aunt and grandparents.” Absolutely nothing.

Wait, now I’ll knock you down, then you’ll see that I’m not one of the toothless ones either. And I have horns.
“And I have hooves, and what kind of ones!” the Donkey picked up.
“There will be better ones than yours,” the Horse intervened and neighed proudly. “I’ll deal with it in a flash.” Bite the boy to death or trample him?
And the Horse decisively moved towards Tiltil, but as soon as the boy swung his knife, the Horse was dumbfounded with fear and ran away at full speed.
“Let’s attack them all together,” the Pig suggested to the Bear and the Wolf. “You attack from the front, and I’ll attack from behind.” Let's knock down the children, trample them to death, and then divide the spoils.
- Fine! Distract them! - The Wolf clanked his teeth and sat down, ready to rush at Tiltil.
The boy clutched a knife in his hand and courageously defended his sister. His strength was running out, and, seeing this, the Trees and Beasts became bolder and began to approach Tiltil from all sides. Everyone tried to hit him. What to do? What to do?
- Til o! Tilo! Come to me, Til o! Help me, Cat! - Tyltil called loudly.
“I would be glad to help you, but I can’t, my leg is sprained,” came the Cat’s fake voice from somewhere far away.
Tyltil continued to bravely repel the onslaught of Trees and Beasts, but his strength was already running out.
- Help! - the boy shouted again. “Tilo!” There are so many of them. I can not do it anymore. Tilo!
And then the Dog jumped out from behind the bushes. Scraps of Ivy stems trailed behind him. The dog rushed to Tiltil, covered him with himself and furiously began to bite everyone who dared to offend Til-til and Mytil.
- This is for you! And this is for you! Don't be afraid, my deity, I will show them! My teeth are strong and sharp. What, Bear, did I bite you well? Now you, Pig, get it. I punished the bull hard! Do you like it, fool? Oak also got a good deal from me. I'm good at dealing with them, right? Yeah! Some are already running away. Ay! It was Willow who hit me, and how! It seems like she broke my paw.
Trees, Animals and Pets attacked the Dog furiously, anger overwhelmed them:
- Renegade! Traitor! Drop the Man, you fool!
- Well, I do not! You are the fools, not me. Man is above all else on earth! I will never give up on him! I am his faithful friend forever! Get it, get it!
The sky began to brighten, and the fight continued. No matter how steadfastly Tyltil and the Dog defended themselves, the Trees and Beasts kept advancing. The boy was exhausted from the exertion and fell, exhausted.
- I can not anymore. We are dead!
- No, we are saved! - the Dog yelled joyfully - I hear the Soul of Light is coming here! Do you see how pink the sky has turned? We are saved! The enemies are afraid, they are running! Hooray!
- Soul of Light! Soul of Light! Hurry here! Help! - Tyltil shouted, seeing that the Soul of Light had indeed appeared in the distance.
- What's happened? Oh, silly! How did you not guess? Turn the diamond and they will immediately fall silent.
Tyltil turned the magic diamond, and at the same moment the Trees froze, the Animals disappeared into the depths of the Forest - the Forest took on its usual serene appearance, and the Pets walked in a calm line towards the village.
Tyltil rose from the ground and looked around in amazement.

Everyone ran away and disappeared. And the Trees stand as if nothing had happened. What happened to them? As if they were furious.
- They have been offended by Man for a long time. After all, I must admit, people have caused them a lot of harm, many of them are merciless to Nature. Trees and Beasts now see an enemy in every Person. “You found yourself alone against everyone,” explained the Soul of Light.
- Yes. I would be good if I didn’t have a knife and faithful Tilo. Happy to have such a friend! Dear Tilo, how you got it! The whole mouth is covered in blood. And he hurt his paw. Hurts a lot?
- Little bit. It’s okay, it will heal soon,” the Dog cheered up. “But you, my deity, are probably in very, very pain.”
“It will pass,” Tyltil grinned. “The main thing is that they didn’t touch Mytyl.” Where is our Tiletto? I don't see him for some reason.
At that same moment, the Cat came out from behind the bushes, limping.
- Oh, what a fight it was! - he exclaimed - I still can’t come to my senses. The bull gored me so hard in the stomach that he almost killed me on the spot. The marks may not be visible, but the pain is terrible. And Oak hit me so hard that it seemed to hurt my paw.

I wonder which one,” the Dog snorted mockingly. “You seem to be lame on all fours.”
Mytil stroked Tiletto on the head.
- My poor, poor Kitty. But where have you been, Tiletto? You weren't visible.
- Oh, I was wounded at the very beginning. Only I wanted to give in to the Pig... This disgusting creature dared to declare that he intended to eat you. Horror! That's when Oak hit me.
- Oh, you liar! Wait, wait, I’ll talk to you face to face, give me time. Rrr... rrr... I'll deal with you! Rrr... rrr... rrr... - the Dog did not stop growling.
“You see, he’s offending me again,” the Cat whined and, forgetting about the lameness, rushed at full speed to Mytil’s protection. “It’s always like that.” What injustice!
“Leave him alone, Tilo,” said Mytyl. “Really, you’re still a rude person.”
“This is not the time to quarrel, this is not the time to settle scores,” said the Soul of Light. “My friends, you are exhausted and need rest.” Let's get out of the Forest, especially since our friends are waiting for us at the edge.
Tyltil and Mytil were delighted to meet Bread, Sugar, Fire and Water.

Where have you gone? - Tyltil and Mytil asked Fire and Water in surprise. “We have already decided that you have completely abandoned us.”
- How can you think such a thing? - Water protested. - I lay down in the Forest, felt better and hurried after you. Always ready to help if...
“And I, as you yourself understand,” Fire interrupted her, “is not able to accompany you everywhere.” I might accidentally set something on fire. But I followed you the whole time in case...
“Okay, okay,” the Soul of Light stopped them. “Now let’s talk about something else.”
Tyltil looked carefully at the beautiful face of the Soul of Light.
- What happened to you? - he asked her. “You are so sad and pale.”
- I'm sad, my friend, because soon we will have to part.
- Breake down? How! And who will lead us further? After all, we have not yet found the Blue Bird. Fairy Berylune will be angry with me.
- No, she will understand that you did everything in your power. But you are very tired. And your sister too, and everyone else. You need

good vacation. The moment is approaching when you need to turn the magic diamond on your cap again - let everything be as before. And now, friends, say goodbye.
Bread spoke first:
- Dear Tyltil and Mytil, you will no longer hear my voice, but I will always be with you - at breakfast, lunch and dinner. I am your devoted friend, because without me you will not even sit down at the table.
“Dear, dear children,” said Sugar in his sweetest voice, “if my presence has sometimes brought you joy, remember me every time...
“You’ve gotten really into a conversation,” Fire flared up. “You might think that only you alone bring joy and benefit.” And I? What about a warm stove? What about hot soup? Isn't it worth anything? I'll kiss you goodbye! -And Fire rushed to the children.
- Be careful! - Tyltil cried out. “You burned my nose.”
- Ay! And me too! How hot! - Mytil was frightened.
- Fire is rude and ill-mannered! “No manners,” said Water, looking contemptuously at

Fire. - Here I am, my dears, I will kiss you differently. I won't hurt you.
- It will soak you through, be careful! - Fire grinned.
“Don’t listen to him,” Water continued, “I will always be kind and affectionate to you.” You will see me in the river, in the fountain, in the stream. Listen to the murmur of my streams and you will hear me.
- Kind and affectionate! - Fire was indignant - And the floods? What about the floods? Good kindness!
- You're quarreling again. Stop it! Shame on you? Quarreling at the moment of separation! Is this the case?! - the Soul of Light reproached the eternal enemies - Fire and Water. - You are arguing, then the Dog and the Cat...
- Where are our Tilo and Tiletto? Where did they go? They have not been seen or heard for a long time. Where are they? - Tyltil became worried.
At that same moment, a disheveled Cat jumped out from behind the bushes. He rushed with a loud, desperate meow, and the Dog chased after him, treating the Cat with strong blows.
- Get it, get it, you deserve it in full! - the Dog shouted. “It won’t be the same!” You won’t get that much from me either!
Tyltil and Mytil rushed to separate them.

The boy pulled the Dog away, and the girl tried to block the Cat.
- What's happened? What are you doing? - the children were perplexed.
- You know, he is my constant offender! - the Cat pretended to moan. “But I didn’t do anything like that to him...
- Oh, you nasty liar! Rrr... rrr... rrr...
“I’m ashamed of you,” the Soul of Light reproached the Cat and the Dog. “Have you forgotten that we are saying goodbye to the children?”
As soon as he heard these words, the Dog rushed to Tiltil and Mitya and began to hug and kiss them.
- No, no, I don’t want to part with you! I want to always talk to you, my deity! After all, now you will understand me better, right? Did you recognise me! From now on, my soul is open to you! I will always obey you. And you, sweet girl. You can rely on me. My deity, I am ready for anything! Do you want me to do something unusual? Do you want me to kiss Tiletto?
The cat calmly preened himself, he importantly straightened his whiskers and licked his fur.
- And you, Tiletto? You don't wish us anything
say? Don't you love us? - Tyltil asked.
- Why waste time chatting? - The Cat’s voice sounded very cold - Of course, I love you, but only as much as you deserve.
- Now I say goodbye to you, dear Tyltil and Mytil. “I want to kiss you goodbye,” said the Soul of Light.
Tyltil and Mytyl rushed to her crying:
- No, dear, dear! Stay with us! Well, what can we do without you?
- Alas, I have no control here. However, I will be leaving you for a very short time. Know that if a Man is noble and honest, the radiance of Light and Goodness does not leave him until the very end of his life, and this means that I will always be with you, my friends. And when you see a bright moonbeam, or a tenderly blinking star, or a clear dawn, or even an ordinary kerosene lamp. But I will be closest to you if your deeds and thoughts are honest and pure. Do not Cry! You need to return home. Your father and mother are waiting for you there, they love you so much. Do you see that wonderful green clearing not far from the spreading oak tree? The grass there is as soft as feathers. Get some rest. Thick

the foliage will protect you from the hot rays of the sun, and you will sleep sweetly.
Tyltil glanced warily at the tree:
- After everything that happened in the Forest...
The Soul of Light smiled:
- Don't be afraid, it won't hurt you. The trees are again powerless in front of you. Well, turn the diamond, it's time!
Tyltil sighed and obediently turned the magic diamond.
Everything disappeared - the Soul of Light, Tilo, Tiletto.

Only Tiltil and Mytil remained in the clearing. The girl calmly lay down on the grass and fell fast asleep. Tyltil looked around sadly.
- No, I can't sleep. How sad it all is! However, I’ll lie down and rest a little.
He lay down on the grass, closed his eyes...
The sun finally reached the boy. A bright ray slid across Tyltil's face, he closed his eyes, then opened his eyes.
“What a bright sun,” muttered Tyltil. “It must be late.”

Of course, it’s late!” the boy heard a cheerful voice. “It’s already struck eight o’clock.” Get up, get up, lazybones! It's Christmas! Look how you slept!
Tyltil quickly jumped up:
- Where is the Soul of Light? Where is she?
- Soul of Light? Who is this?
- Is it you, mom?
- Who else? I see you're not quite awake. Well, get up quickly and get dressed. And it's time to wake up my sister. Mytil! Mytil! Get up, baby! That's what a sleepyhead is like, you can't wake her up. Well, I finally opened my eyes. It's time to rise!
- Mommy, dear! - Tyltil suddenly exclaimed. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you!” How I miss you! Let's kiss, again, again! Listen, I’m in my bed and this is our home!
- What's wrong with you? Wake up! You'll never come to your senses. Have you fallen ill? Come on, show your tongue! Looks like it's fine. Then get up, put on your jacket and pants - they are lying on the chair over there.
- How? Am I in my nightgown?
- Certainly. Who sleeps dressed?
- I traveled in the costume of Boy Thumb...
- Have you traveled? What are you talking about?
- Mom, Mitil and I were gone for a very long time! We were led by the Soul of Light. And Bread was with us, and Sugar, and Water, and Fire. Tilo and Tiletto too. Water and Fire and Tilo and Tiletto quarreled all the time. Aren't you angry that we left home without asking and for so long? Aren't you bored? You see, this was very important. We couldn’t help but listen to the fairy Berylyuna! Tell me, how is dad? Are you healthy?
- Either you haven’t woken up yet, or you’re delirious and that means you’re still sick.
- No, no, mom! It's probably you who are sleeping, not me!
- Am I dreaming? I'm with early morning on her feet, up before dawn. And she heated the oven and baked the bread. I worked hard.
- Ask Mytil, she will tell you what I say the honest truth. Mytil, am I really not making anything up?
Mitil sat on the bed, rubbing her eyes and looking around in surprise.
- Where is the Soul of Light? We're home again, right? - she muttered - Mommy, hello! You know, in the Forest, the Trees and Beasts almost killed us. If it weren't for Tilo and the Soul of Light...

And my daughter mutters some nonsense! Soul of Light, Soul of Light... Trees... No, something is wrong with you,” the mother became seriously alarmed.
Opening the door, she shouted into the next room:
- Father! Come here! The kids are chattering something absurd, I don’t understand anything. I'm afraid they've both fallen ill? Look at them.
The father came in, looked at the children, smiled:
“They don’t look like patients at all.” Do you see how rosy they are? Our kids are quite healthy. We just fell asleep, that's all. Get up quickly, lazybones! It's time for breakfast.
Tyltil and Mytil looked at each other in surprise and began to get dressed. Then they began to run around the room, chatting cheerfully:
- Look, water is pouring out of the tap again!
- And the Bread is on the table!
- And the milk is in the jug! And not sour at all!
- Fire is also in its place!
- Everything is the same as before. There Tilo is gnawing on a bone at the threshold. Tilo, dear, good morning!
The dog waved his tail, left a bone and licked the boy's hand.
“And I love you very much, dear Tilo,” Tyltil whispered in the Dog’s ear. “Now I know.”
I am sure that you are my faithful, proven friend.
- And my Tiletto is here too! There he is lapping milk from a bowl. - And Mytil ran up to the Cat. - Tiletto, dear! -She began to stroke his back. “My nice, good cat!”
Tiletto looked up from the bowl for a second, meowed displeasedly and went back to drinking the milk.
The mother looked at the children with concern:
- What's wrong with you, my dears? I don't understand anything. Yesterday I put you to bed myself, you were completely healthy.
“We are still healthy, mom, don’t worry,” Tiltil smiled affectionately, “We just looked for the Blue Bird for a very long time, and the Soul of Light helped us...
“Oh my God,” the mother whispered in fear.
At that very moment there was a knock on the door, and
An old woman entered the room, tiny, hunchbacked, with a large hooked nose.
- Hello, dear neighbors! - said the old lady in a creaky voice. - Merry Christmas to you!
“Hello, Mrs. Berlengo,” answered the hostess. “And we congratulate you on the holiday!”
- Listen, it’s the fairy Berylyuna! - Tyltil whispered in his sister’s ear - Do you recognize?
“I’ll find out,” Mytil also answered in a whisper.
- I came to you to ask for a light, to light the stove. It’s kind of cold today, and I want to make some soup for the holiday.
“Mistress Berilyuna, we haven’t found the Blue Bird,” Tyltil stepped forward.
“Madam Berlengo, what you mean,” the old woman corrected the boy.
- Don’t listen to them, madam, they are both still sleepy, chatting who knows what.
- Well, okay, let it be Mrs. Berlengo, if that’s what you wish. You see, we didn’t find the Blue Bird,” Tyltil repeated persistently.
“But we tried very hard, Lady Fairy Berylyuna,” added Mytil.
- Do you hear? Do you hear, madam? They call you a fairy! And my daughter too! It really bothers me that children repeat this with one voice!
- Nothing, nothing, it will pass. I know it happens. It's a full moon today. There are bright moonlit nights, so the children saw lunar dreams. With my

This also happens to my granddaughter. She is very sick with me.
- How is it now? Better for her?
- How can I say it? Not good. Doesn't get out of bed. The doctor says she’s weak and needs to take medicine. But I know how I can help her, I know that no medications are required. Today she started talking about the same thing again, keeps asking to give her the Blue Bird. Give and give for Christmas.
- Yes, yes, I remember. She really liked Tiltil's bird. The girl didn’t take her eyes off her. Listen, son, maybe you can give her your turtledove?
- What to give, mom?
- How stupid! Give the girl a mountain face. You don't really need it that much, right?
- Certainly. I'll give her my turtledove. Where is the cage? Well, yes, in its place, by the window. You see, Mytil, the same cage that Bread carried, remember? Oh, Mytil! Look! My turtledove is completely blue! She wasn't like this before. Right, sister? Listen, maybe this is the real Blue Bird? We looked for her for so long, we suffered so much, but she was here at home all the time! What a joy! Now I’ll take off the cage...

Tyltil climbed onto a chair, took down the high-hanging cage with a turtledove and handed it to the old woman.
- Here, Lady Fairy Berylyuna. Or rather, Mrs. Berlengo. This is a real Blue Bird. Take it to your sick girl.
- Is it true? Are you giving away the turtledove? And you're not sorry? What a nice, kind boy! Thank you! My granddaughter will be delighted! I'll run home soon. I'll come see you again. Thank you!
The old lady left, and the father entered the room.
- Dad, tell me, what happened to our hut? - Tyltil was surprised. - As if everything was the same, but still better, more beautiful. Did you change anything?
- No, son, everything is the same as before.
- It’s so good in our house, so cozy! - Tyltil ran to the window. - And the forest is so huge and beautiful! I'm glad! I'm happy!
“Me too!” Mytil shouted.
The kids jumped around the room merrily.
- Why are you so noisy? - said the mother. - Quiet!
But her father stopped her:
- It’s okay, let them frolic. Kids are playing. That means they are healthy.
There was a knock on the door again and the old lady came in.

neighbor. This time she was not alone, the woman was holding the hand of a lovely little girl.
- A real miracle happened! - The old woman could not hide her excitement. - The granddaughter got out of bed! Why did it get up there! She runs, jumps, dances, sings! As soon as the girl saw Tiltil the turtle dove, it was as if she had been replaced. Alive, alive! Quite another! We came to thank you.
Tyltil looked carefully at the girl and suddenly turned to his sister:
- Mytil! Look! How similar she is to the Soul of Light!
“Yes, very much,” agreed Mitil. “Only much smaller in height.”
- Of course, less, but that’s okay, she’ll still grow up.
And the girl went up to Tiltil and, smiling shyly, said:
- Thank you. I am so glad.
- And I'm glad. Have you fed the turtledove?
- Not yet. I don't know what to feed her.
- She eats everything. Corn, bread crumbs, grasshoppers. This is a nice, beautiful bird. Is it true?
“Very, very beautiful,” the girl laughed, “And so blue, blue!” How does she eat?
- Like all birds, it pecks. Now I'll show you. I’ll pour grains into her and you’ll see for yourself. Give me the cage.
The girl slowly held out the cage. It was clear that she did not want to part with the turtledove even for a moment. And Tiltil couldn’t wait to show how she pecked. In a hurry, he opened the cage door too wide, the bird immediately fluttered out and rushed towards open door and disappeared.
- Grandmother! - the girl sobbed in despair. “She flew away, she flew away, my Blue Bird!”
“Don’t cry, I’ll definitely catch her,” Tyltil said confidently. - Now I know where to look for her. She won't fly far. You will have a Blue Bird, I promise. Well believe me!
The girl smiled through her tears and said:
- I believe you, Tyltil.

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