The key opened someone else's dream book door. Dream interpretation key, dream key, dreamed key

Why do we dream of keys? The dream interpretation gives a clear answer to this question. This item represents new changes in the dreamer's life, which he has been striving for for a long time. But how do you know if they are good or bad? In this case, you should pay attention to the details that surrounded the dreamer in his nightly dreams. We will talk about this in our article.

See keys in a dream

Did you dream that the keys were on the ground? This means that in the near future you will meet a special person of the opposite sex. Unfortunately, this meeting does not turn out well. After a while, you will feel dislike for each other. Due to the incompatibility of interests and characters, you may have a scandal.

If you see keys in your dream, the dream book explains it this way: you will find a solution to a problem that has been haunting you for a long time.

And if you saw a lot of keys in your hand? This suggests that you will soon take a leadership position. In this case, these items represent power and victory over enemies.

In your dream, do you see keys scattered all over the place? This means that there will be many obstacles on the way to your goal. WITH positive side this dream can be interpreted if you rushed to collect these keys. It is in such a situation that all obstacles and problems will be solved easily.

If in a dream you saw a key with a keychain, then this indicates that soon you will perform some act that you will be proud of. This step will make you a hero in the eyes of your family and friends. Perhaps you will save someone's life or help a person in Hard time. In any case, this act will demonstrate your kindness and sympathy.

In your dream, did you see the key sticking out of the door? This means that a new admirer will appear in your life, who, despite your refusals, will still achieve reciprocity.

In your dream, did you notice that the key was sticking out of the door? Rejoicing, did you follow her to open the door? The interpretation of such a night vision depends on whether you managed to do this. If the door succumbed to you easily, then wait for a fateful chance that will bring you success and prosperity. Did the key suddenly break? In this situation, you should not hope for a good outcome. The problem is that you are always in a hurry and do not finish the job. The broken key in this case personifies your affairs and projects that break down before reaching completion. The dream book advises not to rush if you want to achieve something in life.


What will the dream book tell about this vision? Keys (bundle) mean profit from your activity. But do not stop there, otherwise prosperity will not last forever. If in your dream you counted exactly 10 keys on a bunch, then this indicates that you are at the peak of your career. Everything you could, you did. Now you can "reap the benefits".

In your vision, did you find only one key on the bunch? This means that all your ideas and suggestions will be ineffective. But after a while, on your way you should meet a person who will become your patron. By listening to his recommendations, you will definitely achieve positive results in their activities.

If in your dream you found that there are only 2 keys on the bunch, then this indicates that an unexpected turn of events awaits you.

Is the bunch of keys in the hands of your relatives? expected big changes in life that will happen thanks to your loved ones.

If you saw a bunch of keys in your night dreams, then this indicates that you will soon have a long journey. Perhaps you will have a great opportunity to visit several countries. This trip will bring you not only joy, but also allow you to learn a lot of new and interesting things.

Open/close door

What can the dream book tell about this vision? Opening the door with a key means the appearance in the dreamer's life of a person who will play one of the main roles in his fate. Perhaps there will be a serious love, which will lead to excessive gullibility. Unfortunately, this person can use it at any moment, which will harm your well-being and heart.

In your dream, did you watch how you opened the door with a key? This means that there will be situations in your life that require immediate intervention and wise decision making. It all depends on whether you easily opened the door. Or maybe you couldn't open it at all? In the latter case, you should not count on a good result.

What else can the dream book tell about this vision? Opening the door with a key that breaks means that all your plans and aspirations will become unrealistic. Your haste and inability to detail the situation are to blame.

In your dream, did you call a friend (colleague, relative, parent, etc.) to help? So, in the implementation of plans, the one who came in a dream will help you. If this is a stranger, then this indicates that you will get to know a good man who will become your true friend.

If you notice that the key has turned only once, then this means that your boss will put you in an awkward position in front of your colleagues. Perhaps he will scold you in front of everyone for a poorly done job or point out forgetfulness.

What if in a dream you open the door and do not know what is behind it? This suggests that in real life you are acting blind. In order to avoid problems and difficulties, try to listen to the opinions of more experienced people, pay attention to the little things and details that surround you in reality.

Lock the door with a key

What if the door is locked? The dream interpretation interprets this dream as an imminent marriage. Whether this union will be happy or not, some little things can explain. If the castle was easy - expect happiness and love. Having trouble closing? There will be a lot of obstacles and problems in this marriage.

If you want to close the door and do not know which key to pick up, then this means your uncertainty. Perhaps you have several partners that you like. But with whom to connect your life, you have not yet decided.

What else does the dream mean in which you are trying to close the door with a key? The dream interpretation says that the final moment has come in your life or the moment of transition to new life. It could mean pregnancy or marriage for women, certainty for men, retirement for the elderly, transition to adolescence for children.

How else can this vision interpret the dream book? Closing the door with a key that suddenly breaks means that there will be obstacles and problems in your relationship. Perhaps it will be connected with the third person who will enter your life. The dream book advises not to make rash decisions and go to the end.

In a dream, did you try to close the door, and the key suddenly fell? This suggests that your reputation will soon deteriorate. And it will happen due to the fault of some minor trifle. In this situation, you should keep your head held high and ignore the offenders. Only in this case you will be able to pass this difficult line in your life.

What else can the dream book tell about this dream? Locking the door with a key or trying to close it with a key that suddenly disappears in your hands (the door remains open) means that all your hopes for happy marriage futile. Another meaning is the dream in which you closed the door and the key disappeared. This means that you will never return to your past life again.

Closed and open door

If in your dream you saw how the door that you wanted to unlock was open, then this means that a person will appear in your life whom you can manipulate. But the dream book does not advise doing this, because you will lose a true friend (or the love of your life).

What else can the dream book tell about this vision? A door locked with a key, which suddenly opens by itself, means that new latitudes open up before you, which you should definitely use.

If in her dream a young girl saw an unlocked door, then a man will soon appear in her life who will perform romantic deeds.

What else can a dream book tell about a locked door? A locked door means obstacles on the way to your goal.

Lose, drop keys

Losing the keys in your dream means that unpleasant news awaits you in the near future. Perhaps this will be due to dismissal or a subpoena. Also, this dream suggests that in love you will find continuous disappointments.

If you have lost one key from the bunch, then this means that you will quarrel with a person who was close to you. Perhaps this will happen because of some little thing, but it is she who will put an end to your long relationship.

In your dream, did you forget your keys somewhere? The dream interpretation says that your sex life leaves much to be desired.

Did you drop the key? This means that you have cooled off towards your soulmate. The dream book advises to act, otherwise your marriage will fall apart.

If the key fell into the water - you strive to improve sex life. The dream interpretation says that you are on the right track. Other meaning this dream has if you are not married (serious relationship). You should not seek comfort in the arms of everyone who comes across, otherwise it can lead to terrible consequences.

If keys disappear from your hands or pocket in a dream, the dream book in this case indicates the wrong decision. Having taken it, you may find yourself in a predicament, the way out of which lies only through stress or depression.

Search, find the keys

What can the dream book tell about this dream? Find the keys in night dreams - good sign, it means that your family life will be perfect. Consent, mutual understanding and love will go with you through life forever. This dream also suggests that a person will appear in your life in a relationship with whom you will have a complete idyll.

In a dream, did you find a lost key? This is due to the fact that you always walk firmly and confidently through life. No one and nothing can stop you from achieving your goal. You are the master of your own happiness and prosperity.

If you have found a bunch of keys, then this indicates that your business will go uphill. It also promises a meeting with a person who will direct your life in a new direction.

Are you looking for your keys in your dream? What will the dream book say about this? The keys to the apartment represent your desire to find a solution to personal problems.

If you lost the key and immediately found it, then this prophesies you will participate in a profitable business. It will give you not only pleasure, but also bring good dividends.

Keys as a gift

If someone gave you the keys, this means that in a difficult period for you there will be a person who will lend a helping hand.

How else does such a dream interpret the dream book? Give keys? This suggests that you should heed the advice of a more experienced person. Perhaps it is these recommendations that will allow you to take a step forward.

Did you receive the key in your dream? This suggests that in the near future you will find a long-awaited replenishment.

How else does this dream explain the dream book? To receive the keys as a gift means that a chance will soon arise in your life that you should not refuse.

Give away your keys

If in her dream a girl gives her keys to someone, then this suggests that because of her frank conversations and rash actions, she will ruin her reputation.

What else can a dream book tell about such a dream? Giving keys to a person of the opposite sex means an early marriage.

The appearance of the keys

Did you see broken keys in your night vision? This means that soon you will be separated from your loved one. The reason for this is the cooling of feelings or betrayal by the second half.

And if the key is golden or precious? This suggests that rare luck awaits you. Perhaps it will be related to your activities.

How else can a dream book explain such a dream? The keys to the apartment, which are decorated with jewelry or gold, promise you big profits. And it is your family that will help you achieve such success. Fate has given you wonderful loved ones who will always come to the rescue in difficult times. Love, mutual understanding, mutual assistance and devotion - all these qualities are inherent in your family.

Key big size means great opportunities. A good sign if you hold it in your hands. This means new frontiers are opening up for you. Try not to drop it so as not to lose your luck.

The key, which was dreamed along with the lock, means many obstacles to the goal. But this is not scary, because all problems will be solved thanks to your perseverance. This quality is personified by the key that is in the lock.

If in your hands you hold the key to the kingdom, then this means that you will have great power and influence. Perhaps you will be promoted up the career ladder.

Did you dream of a silver key? This means that all your decisions are made deliberately, with an emphasis on logic, without any outbursts of emotions.

If you saw that a small key lies on a large stone, then this means that you are powerless before the spell of a person you know well. The dream book advises you to get yourself a protective amulet or talisman.

Is there a small key in your hand? Don't expect an easy way out difficult situation. Get ready for obstacles. It is your readiness that will help you achieve success in your activities.

Have good dreams and success in business!

Dreams that are difficult to forget due to their vividness and reality are often prophetic. Dreams in which a person tries to open doors with a key promise changes in personal and public life. But it depends on some details of sleep whether these changes are good, or troubles and troubles await a person.

What if you dream of opening the door with a key?

Since ancient times, the key has been a real symbol of change in life, which makes it possible to move forward. A closed door means unfulfilled deeds, projects, dreams and fantasies.

It doesn’t matter what the undertakings are connected with: with love, relationships, business, work, but opening the door with a key means that everything that is planned will certainly come true. For people who are engaged in business, having a dream signals that it is possible to start developing new projects that previously lacked determination.

Those people who are interested in why they dream of opening doors with a key should know that a dream does not always promise only positive results. If the door did not open in a dream, then in reality it is worth waiting for problems. At work, it can be intrigues from colleagues, in relationships - the intervention of third parties.

If a person dreams that there are only doors in front of him, and there is a whole bunch of keys in his hands, this means that several options are suitable for implementing the conceived idea. Which one to choose depends on the person himself.

If in a dream a person stands with one key in front of several doors and then tries to open them, this means that he has several things in his thoughts that he wants to start. But the dream warns that all forces and opportunities must be directed to the implementation of one project. Only in this case it is worth expecting positive results.

What portends?

Memorable dreams, so similar to reality, always have many details that a person willy-nilly remembers. In a dream in which a person is trying to open the door with a key, you need to pay attention to what materials it is made of and how it looks.

Ordinary wooden or iron doors mean that the undertakings and the implementation of the plan will go smoothly, according to plan. Doors made of gold or other expensive material promise a quick positive solution to all problems, including material ones.

If the door is dirty, covered with cobwebs, and nearby is the corresponding entourage: devastation and desolation, then this dream warns that it is better to leave the idea alone. And if the key also does not fit, then you should not start your plan in the near future, it is better to wait a while.

Do not be upset if the interpretation of sleep promises only problems and troubles. It is not always necessary to take the meaning of dreams literally. But still, caution and attention in relationships and in business never hurt. Forewarned is forearmed.

Did you happen to see the key to the door in a dream? Rejoice - the solution to a certain problem is already near! Why else dream of this rather everyday image? The dream book will cover all the options in detail.

Get together!

Dreamed of the key to literally all the doors? Gather your strength, the most incredible thing for you will soon be decided.

Did you happen to find a wonderful master key from all the doors? Events will develop in such a way that you will be able to independently change your destiny.

If you had to give the key to all the doors, then by your own behavior you invite serious trouble.

Did you dream of a whole bunch of various master keys? The dream interpretation guarantees that you will occupy a very responsible position.

Don't miss the chance!

Why dream of a brand new key to the door? This is an open path to a happy life and good luck in business.

Did you happen to see someone else's key in a dream? The dream interpretation recommends acting according to the advice received earlier.

Sometimes a foreign object warns of a possible energy or magical attack directed at the dreamer himself or his relatives.

Deciphering the premises

Further interpretation of sleep is best done taking into account which particular room the object opened in a dream.

  • The house is the personification of the dreamer, his inner state.
  • Room - financial affairs.
  • Attic - unfulfilled plans, unfulfilled dreams.
  • Basement - personal fears, unreasonable experiences.
  • Pantry - energy reserves.
  • Library - wisdom, experience, knowledge.

Don't talk!

Why dream of a door key that happened to close something? The dream interpretation is sure that you will find something that regularly harms you.

To close the room from the inside literally means the desire to isolate oneself from the whole world with its crazy problems.

Lovers close the door lock - to victory over the opponent. Women - the need to talk less.

What do you want?

Did the man dream that he had to close the door? The dream interpretation suspects that he does not trust his chosen one and literally wants to hide her from everyone.

Did you happen to lock something in a dream? This is a clear allusion to quick wedding and later family life.

To see how a neighbor locks her apartment means that you should not poke your nose into other people's business.

Be careful!

What is the dream of the key to the door that you never managed to close? Probably, in reality you cannot adapt to current circumstances in any way, experiencing unthinkable discomfort.

Did you have to lock someone in a dream? The dream interpretation believes that one has to make excuses or experience a bit of doubt about the honesty of people.

Sometimes this is a direct hint at the possibility of a real robbery due to one's own indiscretion.

Make no mistake!

What is the dream of the key to the door that you locked from the inside? Dream Interpretation suspects that you are trying to hide from disappointment in your own cozy world.

Did you dream that the door was closed from the outside? Alas, you will have to abandon plans for reasons beyond your control. Sometimes this is an indication of a mistake with colossal consequences.

Get into a dead end!

Dreamed of a closed door? Your frivolous actions will lead to a complete dead end.

In a dream, to be in front of the door and find that it is poorly closed. This is a sign of discrimination, an insurmountable obstacle and other little pleasant life circumstances.

Miller's prophecy

By the way, Miller's dream book claims that it is very good for a woman to lock a lock in a dream. She will definitely get married soon. But if she dreamed that she had lost the cherished key to the door, then terrible troubles would happen in reality.

Freedom or loneliness?

Why dream that you managed to open the doors? according to the dream book in a dream, this is an omen that you will receive freedom or full access to something.

Couldn't open the lock at night? Your actions clearly do not coincide with the intended goal. If you have not managed to open the hidden door, then in reality a break in relations is coming.

Did you happen to pick up the key to the door in your dreams? If in the end you found the right one, then the vision promises an excellent period when everything will work out for you.

Love from the heart!

What does it mean if in a dream the key to the door sticks out in the lock? This is a sure sign that you will soon have a lover.

I happened to personally turn the key in the lock. The dream interpretation is sure that in reality you stole someone's heart, so reciprocate it!

Had a dream that the key broke right in the lock? A sad parting is coming, the cause of which will be an absurd accident.

This dream means that you will be able to find an approach to the correct solution of a problem or the behavior of another person. Sometimes such a dream means the discovery of some secret. Depending on where, at what time and when you open the doors. The dream book writes a lot about such a dream, and in order to understand it, pay attention to the time of day, the place you are going to enter, and much more. In general, opening the door with a key in a dream means that very soon you will find out what interests you or you will be able to achieve the location of the person you need. This is what dreams of such a turn of events most often.

It can indicate your intention, secret or explicit, as well as how you will act in reality. The dream interpretation writes that morning, dawn means clarification of circumstances, like a bright light. The problem that tormented you with its mystery will be revealed and the dreamer can find out the secret. Acting during the day means that you will not hide your actions from others. Also, daylight hours and bright lighting show the purity of your intentions, the encouragement of others, as well as various ways improve a difficult situation. Most likely, she herself will reveal herself unexpectedly, or the dreamer will have an opportunity to find out what interests him. This is a very auspicious sign.

Acting in the dark, in the evening, at sunset or in dim light means that you need to hurry. The dream interpretation writes that those around you most likely do not approve of your curiosity and may prevent you from fulfilling what you want.

Therefore, it is worth rushing a little, taking advantage of the circumstances, since the availability of information or the location of an important person to you will be short in time.

Sometimes such a dream may mean that you are consciously or subconsciously violating some important prohibition.

Why dream of opening the door at night, in the dark or in dim light? The dream book unequivocally interprets the dream as unfavorable circumstances that prevent you from getting to the bottom of the truth. Sometimes a dream means that those around you are against the fact that the dreamer finds out information or a secret and are extremely hostile towards you, or that you yourself feel disapproval of actions, trying to take away what is rightfully yours, but is not accepted by other people.

It could be anything from the right to know family secret or put on mom's jewelry before dating married man. Night and darkness mean that you will operate in secret, hiding your actions. Fog, complete darkness, silence complicate the task and indicate great obstacles in achieving the goal.

How did you get the key

Behind the door is usually what you are interested in, important and valuable. Much depends on what exactly you are opening - the dream book indicates that the content shows what is really valuable to you. How the key fell into your hands also plays a significant role.

If he was already in a bunch, this indicates that you will find a way to find what you want. At the same time, this will happen by itself, without obstacles from society. Thus, your broad outlook will allow you to discover the secret. The dream book also indicates that you can get what you want, thanks to your perseverance, and fate will give you such a chance.

Why dream of stealing the right key and opening the door with them? The dream interpretation writes that others do not recognize your right to anything or to know what causes curiosity. Such dreams are often seen by teenagers, especially naughty and inquisitive. If they managed to quietly pull out the desired key from the bundle, then such a dream means that they will find a way to find out what is interesting or get what they want.

Why dream that the key to the door is broken or does not fit? This dream means that circumstances will change and you will not be able to find out what you are interested in or get. Guys have such a dream that they are in Once again they will not be able to achieve their beloved person, as she will guess the intentions and refuse.

For girls, this dream is interpreted by the dream book that an attempt to attract the attention of a guy or understand his behavior, plans and sympathies will once again fail. Most likely, you will learn about changes in circumstances that will change plans for the future. Most likely, you will have to start a new attempt or try again to find out what is being hidden from you.

What are you trying to open

It shows what needs to be learned or acquired. Why dream of opening the door to a barn, a barn, a supply depot or a pantry with a key? The place where material resources are stored means that you are being harmed in some way and you are trying to fill in the gaps. Most likely, strict requirements prevent you from enjoying life.

Opening the doors of a sauna or a stable or a place associated with romantic memories means that you are dreaming of love, waiting for a repetition of past relationships, or want to understand them thoroughly. Sometimes - to learn someone else's secret. For example, if a husband is cheating, then who is his chosen one and what happens between them or takes curiosity about someone else's personal life.

Why dream of opening a safe, a door behind which there are bags of money, or a jewelry box? This dream means the need for recognition and respect, as well as a fair distribution wealth. It seems that you are very jealous of someone and want to take over from him what is yours by right.

Why dream of opening the doors to the room of a neighbor, parents, where there is a box with family jewelry? Such a dream predicts to you that you want to understand the relationship between the parents among themselves and what once happened in the family in order to find out some circumstances.

However, why do you dream of opening the doors to an apartment or house of a neighbor, an interesting person? The dream interpretation writes that you want to get to know his nature, secrets, in order to start acting. In love dreams, getting a key and trying to open doors with it is a good sign that portends you that you will soon find out what is interesting and important to you. The dream interpretation writes that you can satisfy curiosity or build relationships with this person.

However, the dream does not exclude the disappointment that may follow. In any case, if the key did not break, went to the door and you were able to open it, the answer is close.

The keys dream of unforeseen changes.

Lost the keys in a dream - in reality you will be saddened by unpleasant events, found - peace in the family and revival in business await you.

Spoiled keys portend separation.

If a young woman in a dream saw a door not locked with a key, she will have a new admirer, distinguished by a submissive and kind disposition.

If a woman dreamed that she was locking the door with a key, she would marry. Lost the key - her reputation is at stake.

Nostrodamus claimed that the key symbolizes the desire to solve problems in an easier way. He interpreted dreams about the key as follows.

They opened the door in a dream with a key - such a dream prophesies predicament from which you will try to find a way out.

Found a key in a dream - great things await you. Chances are you'll make a lot of progress. career ladder to ensure the well-being of your family. Perhaps you will meet a person who will change your life for the better.

If you dreamed of a bunch of keys, then soon you will go to amazing journey and visit many countries. On this journey, you will not only have a good time, but also learn a lot of new and interesting things.

We saw two keys in a dream - an unexpected turn of events is possible.

Lost the key - you will find yourself in an awkward position.

We saw in a dream how someone gives you their keys - you will receive unexpected help in a difficult situation.

A dream in which you see an old man with keys on his belt means that humanity is facing severe trials.

We saw a golden key in a dream - your efforts that you spent searching for the truth will be rewarded according to your deserts.

They were looking for the keys to their house in a dream - in reality you will try to find a solution to your personal problems.

D. Loff wrote: “Keys are a symbol of power and might. To lose the keys means to lose control over the situation, to lose the means of access to something. The loss of keys means the inability to get something important to complete a task, to find an approach to people or access to information. To find the lost key is to establish yourself in this situation, to feel like a "blacksmith" of your own happiness.

It is interesting to consider the case when you find a key that previously had nothing to do with you, especially if you cannot find a direct use for it, although you feel that this is a very important key. Perhaps you are trying to reach your potential in yourself or in relationships with others.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

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