Why Volochkova carefully hides a new boyfriend. Anastasia Volochkova's Instagram Fans of Anastasia Volochkova doubt her imminent wedding

Anastasia Volochkova is a famous ballerina, actress, singer, philanthropist and creative person.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia Volochkova was born in ordinary family January 1976 in the northern capital of the Russian Federation. Her father was a sought-after athlete, champion of the Union and Europe in the field of table tennis, later the man began to engage in coaching. As for the mother, she worked as an engineer. The parents of the future celebrity failed to save the marriage, they broke up when little Nastya was still a child.

At the age of five, her mother took Volochkova to famous ballet called "The Nutcracker", which was shown on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater. Since then, the girl fell in love with dancing. At such an unconscious age, she began to clearly say that she dreams of becoming a successful ballerina.

Parents tried to support their daughter in everything. After a regular school, Volochkova went to classes at the Academy of Russian Ballet. Vaganova. They did not want to take the girl, allegedly due to lack of data. She was given a trial period of six months. However, thanks to perseverance and diligence, the blonde with unusual appearance proved the opposite.

At the academy, after a while, Volochkova was noticed by a famous teacher. It was she who helped the talented ballerina move forward.

Career start

On graduation party Anastasia Volochkova performed superbly and without a single mistake in the solo part in the legendary production of Swan Lake. The performance took place in 1994. By the way, educational institution the dancer graduated with the highest marks. After that, she was officially accepted into the troupe of a cultural institution, in which she worked for several years.

For four years, Volochkova got a variety of parties, including leading ones. As the ballerina herself later said, a career at the Mariinsky Theater was not easy for her. The young dancer had to learn what meanness and weaving of intrigues in the theatrical sphere. The labor conflict reached such proportions that Volochokova eventually decided on parties and was completely left without any work.

In 1998, the ballerina, at the suggestion of Vladimir Vasilyev, moved to Moscow. There she showed herself in the popular and important production of "Swan Lake", which was staged at the capital's Bolshoi Theater. The work of the dancer was very liked by the creative group, so she remained there to work further.

Unofficial information indicates that a native of St. Petersburg got into the Bolshoi Theater thanks to the connections of businessman Anzori Aksentiev. Allegedly, he was the patron of Volochkova. The dancer herself never confirmed the fact of meeting and communicating with the entrepreneur.

In 2000, Volochkova went to work in Austria, where she was awarded the Golden Lion honorary award. She was named one of the most talented and sought-after ballerinas in Europe. Here the blonde also had her patron. It's about about millionaire Anthony Kerman. For the sake of Volochkova, he even left his family, but the romance did not last long.

In 2003, the ballerina was drawn into loud scandal. The thing is that the management of the Bolshoi Theater did not sign an employment contract with her. Allegedly, the requirements of the dancer were at odds with the entire troupe. In addition, Volochkova's unsuitability was declared. Allegedly, her weight for a height of 171 cm was about 55 kilograms, and her shoulders are very wide.

Volochkova tried to file applications with the courts and challenge the above decision, but did not win a single lawsuit. After that, she decided to engage in the development of an individual career. In 2004, the dancer found herself a job as part of the Grigorovich ballet in the Kuban.

Later career

Volochkova in 2004 tried herself in the film industry. She played one of the roles in a small Russian film "A Place in the Sun". A year later, another Black Prince project awaited the blonde.

In 2009, Volochkova decided to write an autobiography in which she told how she achieved success. Two years later, she opened her own creative center.

Along with professional activity Volchokova decided to be active in social networks. Every now and then she published candid photos graphics without being embarrassed by your body. The ballerina herself is very proud of herself. According to her, in order to look like her, you need to work daily.

In 2013, a flurry of criticism fell upon Volochkova after her photos of an intimate nature with singer Nikolai Baskov appeared on the Internet. Allegedly, the couple enjoyed sunny days together in one of the best hotels in the Maldives. It was there that Volochkova often used to spend her holidays. The blonde also often visits Greece and Turkey.

Personal life

Any novel by Anastasia Volochkova is a subject of discussion in the press and social networks. Her greatest love was a rich man named Suleiman Kerimov. The businessman literally gave the dancer gifts, bought real estate, expensive jewelry, flew with her on vacation. Volochkova even received an offer to become his another wife, because this is allowed by faith. However, here the ballerina wanted to be the only one. The couple finally broke up in 2003.

In 2005, Anastasia Volochkova became a mother for the first time. Her daughter Ariandna was born in one of the capital's maternity hospitals. The girl's father was entrepreneur Alexander Vdovin. In 2007, a chic wedding of a businessman and a ballerina took place. However, a year later it turned out that it was just a magnificent event, and in fact the couple did not document their relationship.

In 2013, Volochkova began dating a businessman in the oil industry, Bakhtiyar Salimov. The couple met in Vladivostok when the ballerina was on tour. The novel lasted only one year.

At the beginning of 2018, the media named the name of the ballerina's new lover. They became an ordinary programmer Mikhail Loginov. Volochkova insisted that she didn't care what social status for a man, the main thing is his attitude towards her. However, the relationship did not work out here either, by the summer of 2018 the couple was no longer together.

A couple of months ago, Volochkova announced that she had found a new lover. Again. Then she started kind of joking, "I'm a Chechen now, haha." Then she began to take pictures in a Muslim wedding dress in all corners of his house and in every possible way hint at a quick wedding. (The painting "Volochkova and the Tsar" is a separate topic).

By the way, Anastasia immediately explained that her new chosen one- "businessman, European", his name begins with "M" and in translation means exactly "king". Knowledgeable people said: this is how the Chechen name Malik is translated. Plastic slates in the snow and invariably striped socks, however, somewhat did not correspond to his imperial majesty.

The Chechen version was also supported by the fact that Vdovin, a former roommate of Volochkova, immediately moved their common teenage daughter to live with him. Frightened for the child, you see. A whole house of Caucasians, a drunken mother and one unprotected girl among this den - it's scary. The ballerina herself complained on television that her daughter did not find a common language with her beloved. And not smart.

It is unlikely that a teenage girl was interested in watching the bacchanalia.

The ballerina does not hide her charms either from neighbors, or from servants, or from subscribers.

But the conditional Malik shows parts. Keeps intrigue. First he uploads pictures: look, look carefully! And then he sits on the stairs for hours and scolds subscribers for watching. "Why are you interfering in my life!" - the ballerina pathetically declares, wringing her hands, and uploads more and more new photos of her life.

Limbs are a priority.

Very quickly, some woman showed up, who began to reproach Volochkova - from her house, they say, a crowd of Chechens regularly broadcasts live and all the "brothers" are laughing at the tipsy ballerina. A certain civil wife Malik. StarHit quotes her:

After that, it was not difficult for journalists to figure out the mysterious king-guard:

In the stories of other people, they also began to catch a glimpse of signs of Anastasia's communication with the king. Here she is in Krasnodar contacting him via video.

Here are shots from a nightclub - Anastasia's companion, whom she grabs by the hand, has the same belt with which she once lit up the king.

Well, yesterday blogger Anton Dudkov showed the "new man Volochkova" - Anton met his wife New Year in a tavern, where Volochkova also performed. The king was on the hook. (There are more videos in the story, I show the main one).

In general, advice and love. Anastasia says that her boyfriend's beauty "can make you blind." She does not hide the fact that she would like to give birth to a child from him and believes that if this happens, "it will be the most beautiful person in the world". One thing is not clear: why this time Anastasia hides her beloved, if usually everything is turned inside out, showing every man of the month? A mystery.

The world's greatest ballerina was born January 20, 1976 in a family of poor people. Her father - Yuri Fedorovich - master of sports in table tennis, international class athlete and the first champion Soviet Union table tennis. Her mother, Antonova Tamara Vladimirovna, worked as an engineer at the design institute of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg.

Anastasia's mother loved and was fond of the history of her native town, she graduated from guide courses and often led and organized interesting walks around the city, telling visitors all the beauties of Russia.

Volochkova with her parents

Anastasia Yurievna is very grateful to her parents for bringing her into the sport, supporting her and always believing in her. They instilled in her diligence, determination, love for her own work, steel endurance and patience. WITH early childhood little Anastasia loved to dance, and even then her parents noticed this and very seriously took up the preference for their only daughter.

A strong passion for ballet awakened in Anastasia after visiting the ballet "The Nutcracker" by Pyotr Tchaikovsky. Leaving the Mariinsky Theater, she realized what kind of activity she wanted to connect her life with, the production itself made Anastasia very great impression. After that, the girl told her parents exactly that she likes ballet and sees herself as a ballerina in the future. She made such a decision at the age of five, and in 1992, being already a teenager with a set character and resolved life goals, the girl decided to enter the Academy of Russian Ballet named after A. Ya. Vaganova in St. Petersburg, and this is one of the oldest ballet schools in the world.

The future ballet prima remembered the days of the entrance exams, she compares this with cardiac arrest under the gaze of strict jury members sitting in the academy selection committee. But no matter how scary the girl was, she went with a clear intention to act and fulfill the main childhood dream. The entrance auditions were easy for her, but the respected members of the jury did not like the performance, and they considered her as an untalented girl, and they assured the young Anastasia that she would not succeed in a ballet career. But, fortunately, the very noble Russian choreographer Sergeev Konstantin Mikhailovich influenced the fate of the girl.

World famous Russian ballerina Anastasia Volochkova

But the artist in her interviews always recalls that the teachers mocked her and poisoned her, while her classmates, on the contrary, sympathized. And for the teaching staff, she was an outcast. But after some time, Dudinskaya Natalya Mikhailovna drew attention to the beginning ballet diva, she is a very famous teacher of ballet schools in the world. And it was thanks to her that she graduated from the ballet academy with honors. The final exam was held at the Mariinsky Theater, where Anastasia Yuryevna played the main role of Odette - Odile in the production of Swan Lake, this performance was the first serious debut in the girl's career.

Volochkova worked for four years in the Russian temple of arts - the Mariinsky Theater, and over these years, quite successfully, she successfully produced some of the most enchanting performances. "Sleeping Beauty", "Don Quixote", "Giselle" - those very difficult, but unsurpassedly beautiful performances made an impression on the audience of the theater. The ballerina herself admitted that this period was very difficult for her, and she faced many troubles, squabbles, slanders and intrigues behind her back. In the end, Volochkova was simply ousted from all performances and suspended from work.

Ballerina career

Anastasia graduated from the A. Ya. Vaganova Ballet Academy in St. Petersburg with honors and was one of the exemplary students. Then she joined the Mariinsky Theater Group, where she worked until 1988. She performed the most spectacular productions there and had considerable experience for her further career. Also over the years, she knew the first squabbles and intrigues among her colleagues, the young artist at that moment was removed from all concerts and left without work.

And already in 1988, Vladimir Vasiliev made Volochkova a rather tempting offer, he invited her to the Bolshoi Theater. He saw her as the main character in his author's production of "Swan Lake". She did not refuse such a chance to Vasiliev, and after the director's performance, she later acted only in the main roles. Her favorite productions were The Sleeping Beauty and La Bayadère, during these debuts she had the honor to meet and work with Yuri Grigorovich.

Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova

At the beginning of the new century, in 2000, she decided to leave the Bolshoi Theater, but more than once she was asked to return, but she returned only once in 2001 at the request of Grigorovich himself to participate in the production of Swan Lake. It became known to the press that a philanthropist arranged for the honored ballerina in the Moscow ballet Anzori Aksentiev with whom she had a relationship. He helped her in everything and fully provided for her, often showered her with expensive gifts and took her to best resorts and after a while she left him. And after the separation of the couple, Volochkova denies all the facts about him, and says that they are even unfamiliar.

Prima ballet Volochkova

Already in 2000, Anastasia Volochkova went to a competition in Austria, where she won the Golden Lion award, she was awarded as the most talented ballerina in Europe. After the award, she was invited to speak in leading role performance of "The Sleeping Beauty" in London, at the National English Ballet. And there the ballet prima met another benefactor - millionaire Anthony Kerman, then he held the official post of vice-president of the English National Ballet. For the sake of the best ballerina in the world, he left his family with children, with whom he lived for more than 8 years.

One of the thousands of twine Volochkova

Already in 2002, Anastasia Volochkova was awarded the highest degree awards and gave the title of Honored Artist Russian Federation. And in the spring of 2002, she was awarded the most famous and well-deserved prize in the world of ballet "BenoisdelaDanse", as the best dancer of our time.

Back in 1992, this prize was established by the noble Yuri Grigorovich, he is called the patron of Volochkova. At the time of the award, unexpectedly, unpleasant words were heard from the audience addressed to the woman and screams "A shame!", the identity of the brawlers could not be established, but the mood was spoiled by both the ballerina and those around her.

In 2003, a scandal spread throughout the Russian Federation that the Bolshoi Theater refused to sign a contract with a noble ballet prima. They also said the reason for the refusal, the whole thing was Anastasia's high demands, which do not fit the ballet group at all. And further CEO The Moscow theater declared to the whole world that she was professionally unsuitable for dancing, with her height of 171 cm, her weight was not stable, but constantly fluctuated from 50 to 55 kilograms, and such an addition in weight is very significant for an international class ballerina. Her colleagues frankly told her: “According to her type of form, she would have become a better swimmer.” After troubles and many intrigues and other very unpleasant situations, she left the ballet troupe in 2003 and decided to take up solo numbers and projects.

In 2004, Volochkova began performing in the Grigorovich troupe at the Krasnodar Ballet Theater, and there she became a prima ballerina. In the autumn of the same year, she was invited to take part in the role of an actress, to which she happily agreed and starred in the film A Place in the Sun. Already in 2005, she was noticed in the picture "Black Prince", and in 2005 - 2006 she played the role of a model in the very popular TV series Don't Be Born Beautiful. Also in 2006, she was recognized as the People's Artist of Karachay-Cherkessia. And in 2009, she wrote a book about her life, about her career path. It was called "The History of the Russian Ballerina", it was released with a ten thousandth edition and everything was sold out in a few days. In June 2010, the People's Artist again received an MBA degree award in high school economy and in 2011 opened the creative center of the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova.

Volochkova's personal life

The personal life of Anastasia Volochkova is always of interest to everyone, this is a favorite topic of conversation for all journalists in Russia. The woman has been dating a billionaire for more than three years. But, unfortunately, the couple broke up in 2003 and it was then that the dancers started having problems in their career life, they say that Kerimov influenced this. In 2005, Anastasia gave birth to a daughter, Ariadne, from the oligarch, and in 2007 they played a magnificent wedding. But the marriage did not last long and in 2008 the marriage was annulled, but for the sake of the child they saved friendly relations. But a few years later, Volochkova admitted that their marriage was fictitious, and everything was "ostentatious." Already in 2013, the artist of Russia was noticed at social events with the multimillionaire oilman Bakhtiyar Salimov, they met. The couple met on Valentine's Day on a prima tour. Anastasia Volochkova has always loved luxury and chose men who can provide her with a good life. But, in 2018, she got a new man, he is an ordinary programmer - Mikhail Loginov. To which the prima replied to the media, “Let him earn a little, but he has a big heart.”


Volochkov and the Maldives

Before the anniversary of her 35th birthday in early January 2011, she decided to draw attention to her person and posted a lot of nude photos on her blog. Immediately a flurry of discontent and criticism rained down on her. And already in 2013, she also posted candid photos, but already with, then they had an intimate photo shoot in the Maldives. The media were at a loss and wanted to find out if they were together, but, alas, no. And in 2016, the artist distinguished herself, according to information from the press, she could be suspended from performances for several years. The ballerina refused to take part in the production of "A Man Came to a Woman" because they changed her partner without her consent.

Social activity

At the beginning of March 2003, the dancer joined the action "United Russia" and in 2009 she decided to start a political career and wanted to become the mayor of the city of Sochi, and when filling out the documents for a candidate for the mayor's office, she did not indicate her date of birth and she was denied registration. And on February 2, 2011, she announced her withdrawal from the United Russia party, because her fellow party colleagues reacted badly and critically to intimate photos on the network.

Volochkova, who left the ranks of the United Russia party

Anastasia Volochkova now

On this moment the dancer continues to engage in solo performances, and she can also often be seen on urban tabloids, which means she works as a model.

Anastasia Yurievna Volochkova- prima ballerina, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, People's Artist, politician and author of her own book. A person who set a goal from early childhood and achieved everything on his own, having suffered many failures, but she still came to the profession of her dreams.

St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences of Russian Ballet named after A.Ya. Vaganova.

At Anastasia Volochkova new lover. Fans of the ballerina are a little bewildered by the photos that she posted online. On them, Nastya, on the veranda of her country house, gently hugs a man's leg in a striped blue sock. The owner of the leg itself remains invisible. In another photo Volochkova against the backdrop of a fire, with a hookah in her hand and ... the same male leg in the frame. Nastya signed all these photos accordingly.

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A real discussion unfolded on the page of the ballerina. Everyone is trying to guess who is next to Anastasia. Maybe this ex-husband- Igor Vdovin, about the reunion with which Nastya recently spoke? Or is it still a new cavalier? Many have decided that “the man in socks” is Mikhail Borisovsky. The young man works as a sound engineer at the Nadezhda Babkina Russian Song Theater and sometimes collaborates with Volochkova. Borisovsky is a brunette. It happens at Nastya's house, as evidenced by their joint photographs.

Moreover, the ballerina touchingly congratulated Mikhail on his birthday. And that was the one rare case when roses were not given to Volochkova, but Nastya herself handed a bouquet to a man. And they even kissed on the lips.

Nevertheless, Borisovsky admitted to Gossip Chronicle that the striped socks in the pictures were not his. Although he did not deny that he was very familiar with Anastasia and repeatedly spent weekends with her.

It was the first birthday in her purchased house. I stayed, and some of the staff stayed at her house. And in the morning she says: what Good photo on the stairs. Now I will post it on Instagram. And just signed: "This is it." And everything, and away we go.

The most interesting thing is that Mikhail Borisovsky knows who Nastya is dating now and whose socks are in the photo.

- Perhaps the person who does not want to be with her now, perhaps Nastya does not want to show her faces either,- says Mikhail Borisovsky.

However, old friend Anastasia Volochkova, producer Bari Alibasov believes that this whole story is another Internet performance. Nastya is a master of provocations.

- That's the talent. Either he swings his boobs, then he waves his ass, then he flattens out. He knows why he does it. Since he uses modern means of communication, no one else uses them. She's a genius Bari Alibasov is sure.

In confirmation of this, a new video appeared on the Internet, where Volochkova, entangled in a dress, fell on stage. By the way, Anastasia herself posted this video.

Laughter with laughter, but in the last month alone, the number of followers on Volochkova's Instagram has increased by more than 50 thousand people. This means that advertising on the ballerina's blog will cost more. And that's all she needs.

Earlier, Channel Five reported that the star of "6 frames" plans to replenish the family.

Anastasia Volochkova is a ballerina who has achieved the titles of Honored Artist of Russia, People's Artist of Karachay-Cherkessia and North Ossetia-Alania. She was a prima at the Mariinsky and Bolshoi theatres. Among her awards are the Benois of the Dance and the Golden Lion.

To date, she is one of the most outrageous personalities. Russian show business, whose scandalous fame almost never leaves the news feeds about domestic celebrities, thanks to an interview and active self-PR of Anastasia in social network Instagram and on popular talk shows.

Childhood: Leningrad

The girl, who was born on a sunny January morning in 1976 in the Leningrad maternity hospital on Tchaikovsky Street, was received by the midwife in a "shirt" and prophesied: "So she will be happy." Young mother Tamara Antonova always dreamed of a daughter, she even chose the name in advance, like the heroine of the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" - Nastenka.

The father of the newborn, Yuri Volochkov, taking his wife and daughter from the hospital, smiled happily, anticipating how he would soon teach the baby to play tennis. Yuri Fedorovich was once the champion of the Soviet Union in table tennis. When Nastya was born, he worked as a coach at a sports school.

According to Volochkova's memoirs, it was her father who was her main childhood authority. From him, the girl inherited willpower, the ability to withstand difficulties, and stamina. For little Nastya, there was always a holiday when a totally busy father (her parents divorced before she went to first grade) came for her to kindergarten and they went for a walk together.

The childhood of Anastasia Volochkova, in her own words, passed in poverty. Until the age of two, the family of the future ballerina lived in a communal apartment. I had to sleep on the floor and wander around removable corners. Despite poverty and the divorce of her parents, Nastya did not consider herself unhappy. The girl and her parents spent the whole summer traveling to own car, traveled all over Crimea.

Tamara Vladimirovna, an engineer by education and a guide by profession, often took Nastya to museums and exhibitions. When her daughter turned five, the woman took her to watch The Nutcracker at the Mariinsky Theater. The woman herself, who once dreamed of a career in ballet, was not surprised when, at the exit from the theater, Nastenka, with burning eyes, expressed a desire to enroll in a ballet circle. The ballet scene has become for the girl the main dream and the meaning of life, despite the difficulties she faced at the very beginning of her journey.

At first, only parents believed in Nastya. The teachers unanimously insisted that the girl should not waste time on ballet. And although the family did not have a lot of money, but in order to fulfill Nastya's dream, dad and mom hired private teachers, bought their daughters pointe shoes at the Mariinsky Theater. They did everything possible so that she believed in herself and reached the desired heights. The girl tried her best to be the best. And she succeeded, albeit not for long.

Youth: St. Petersburg - Moscow

Not without difficulty, but Anastasia managed to enter the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet. She was accepted with the condition of a six-month probationary period, motivating such a decision by the fact that Volochkova has no talent. The persecution of one of the teachers was remembered for a long time by the novice ballerina, but her classmates morally supported her. Fortunately, her efforts were recognized by the legendary Natalia Dudinskaya, wife of the Academy's artistic director Konstantin Sergeev.

The teacher had the right to choose the best students in her class. Anastasia is still proud that Natalya Mikhailovna chose her and made every effort to make a professional out of her. It was Dudinskaya who brought Volochkova to the stage of the Mariinsky Theater long before graduating from the ballet school. The young ballerina was accepted into the troupe as a soloist a year before graduating from the Academy, which Anastasia graduated with honors.

Not just with honors. This is the only case in the history of the Mariinsky Theater when a graduate of the school was accepted a year before graduation, and already in the position of a soloist. My state exam was the ballet "Swan Lake" on the stage of the Mariinsky Theatre.

The first years were marked for the ballerina with parties in Giselle and Corsair, Swan Lake and Raymond. But, as the ballerina later admitted, she had to face envy and intrigue, which led to the fact that she was removed from all parties and generally left without work.

In the late nineties, Anastasia moved to Moscow. Artistic Director of the Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Vasiliev invited Volochkova to play the main role of the Swan Princess in Swan Lake, his new author's production. In parallel, she performed in the productions of Yuri Grigorovich - La Bayadère (Nikia), The Sleeping Beauty (Raymonda and the Lilac Fairy).

Swan Lake. Anastasia Volochkova

According to unofficial sources, Anzori Aksentiev helped to become a prima in Bolshoy Volochkova, using his connections. Anastasia herself called these assumptions new intrigues against her and denied even the fact of meeting a sports patron.

Grand Theatre

The beginning of the new millennium was marked for Volochkova by participation in the Austrian ballet competition, at which she was awarded the Golden Lion honorary award as the most talented European ballerina.

Anthony Kerman, vice-president of the English National Ballet, facilitated her engagement, and Anastasia performed the part of the Carabosse Fairy in The Sleeping Beauty by choreographer Derek Dean on the London stage. For the sake of the Russian ballerina, Kerman left the family. In the early spring of 2000, Volochkova returned to the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, signing a contract for all the main roles.

2002 brought the ballerina the title of Honored Artist of Russia and the award of the international ballet community "Benoit Dance", established by Yuri Grigorovich. Rumors about his patronage of Volochkova spread throughout Moscow, and unknown persons booed the ballerina at the awards ceremony.

The unexpected departure of Vladimir Vasiliev from the Bolshoi Theater led to a series of troubles for the prima. The new director, Anatoly Iksanov, did not enter into a long-term contract with Volochkova, limiting himself to four months, and then completely declared her unsuitability and problems with "overweight".

The scandal surrounding the ballerina that broke out in 2003 led Anastasia to file a lawsuit and involve the media in the situation. Although litigation Volochkova won, the theater was so tense that the ballerina left the stage of the Bolshoi and took up solo projects.

Soon the ballerina voiced her own version of her dismissal: they say, in this way she took revenge on her former lover, billionaire Suleiman Kerimov, who failed to come to terms with the departure of Anastasia from him.

At the suggestion of the director, the male part of the troupe, with the exception of Nikolai Tsiskaridze, signed a letter in which they officially refused to be partners with Volochkova.

Anastasia Volochkova in La Bayadère

Anastasia, speaking with a solo concert in the Kremlin, said from the stage that she believes in the triumph of justice and that she can still dance for her audience on the famous stage of the Bolshoi Theater. And the presence of admirers of her talent in the Kremlin is not only support and justification for her work, but also a great victory for the ballerina herself over those people and forces who wanted to deprive her of creative realization.

Krasnodar Ballet Theater

In 2004, Volochkova accepted the invitation of Yuri Grigorovich and became a prima ballerina at the Krasnodar Ballet Theatre.

In the same period, she tried her hand as an actress, starring in Ali Khamraev's crime series "A Place in the Sun" based on the novel of the same name by Polina Dashkova. Her Katya Orlova gets into the sticky web of a deadly whirlpool of investigations from a stage shining with spotlights. Volochkova's partners on the set were Dmitry Brusnikin, Sergey Gorobchenko, Igor Yatsko, Iya Savvina, Maxim Averin, Lyudmila Chursina. Despite the stellar cast, the series lasted only one season and the sequel was not filmed.

But after that, Anastasia was invited to play the role of Natalie Goncharova in Anatoly Ivanov's drama The Black Prince about the genius of Russian poetry Alexander Pushkin. Volochkova spoke about her participation in the cinema in the following way:

Acting experience was very interesting for me. I got used to the fact that on the stage it is necessary to express emotions with the plasticity of the body, but here all attention was focused on facial expressions. The film won the Grand Prix at the Independent International Film Festival. And we started a good, warm relationship with my partner Levani Uchaneishvili, this is a Hollywood actor.

Following the Ballerina appeared with a cameo in the popular series "Don't Be Born Beautiful", "Joke", "Random Connections". 2006 brought Anastasia the title of People's Artist of Karachay-Cherkessia. Increasingly, Volochkova could be seen in television projects - first in " ice age"with Anton Sikharulidze, then in the third season of the same show, but with a different partner, Maxim Marinin. As a performer of Igor Nikolaev's song "Ballerina" she took part in Alla Pugacheva's "Christmas Meetings".

In 2009, Volochkova ran for mayor of the city of Sochi, but the election commission withdrew her candidacy. In the same year, the Krasnodar Ballet Theater terminated the contract with the ballerina ahead of time. According to Anastasia, the reason was her nomination for mayor.

Later career

Volochkova was again talked about in connection with her autobiographical book The History of the Russian Ballerina. Reviews in various media were far from unambiguous, on the Internet there was even a “fotozhaba” on the cover with a portrait of Anastasia. In the meantime, she defended her Master of Business Administration degree on the topic of creative schools in the Russian regions at the Higher School of Economics and opened in the capital Child Center creativity of his own name.

In 2011, Volochkova started Instagram. The photos that she published caused a new series of criticism and bewilderment. Candid shots, as the ballerina herself explained, she posted “in spite of the paparazzi” and also because she had nothing to hide.

In general, it was Anastasia Volochkova who set the trend for candid photos “on the verge”, and her love for splits in the most unexpected places, with a minimum of clothes, gave birth to a joke about “butterfly pussy”. This expression was first uttered by Evelina Bledans in 2014 on the air of the show "The Invisible Man" and angered the ballerina. Anastasia intended to sue Evelina, but did not move from words to deeds.

Another scandalous photo revelation was her intimate photos with the main blonde of Russia Nikolai Baskov, although Anastasia denied rumors of an affair with the singer.

At the same time, the ballerina led an active social and social life. Organized a tour of the cities of Ukraine dedicated to children. Presented in Moscow new project"Emerald of Russia". She toured Russia and abroad with her ballet and dance show.

In 2016, she refused to participate in the play “A Man Came to a Woman” due to disagreements with director Iosif Raichelgauz and partner in the play Said Bagov. The scandal that broke out in the theater "School of the Modern Play" disrupted Volochkova's theatrical debut.

2019 was a generous year for Anastasia for premieres. She presented the song “To the bottom” on Instagram, collecting hundreds of enthusiastic responses. Her performance was even compared with "the voice of Pugacheva herself." Then Volochkova announced that almost everything was ready for the new project "Ballerina and Clown", in which Nikolai Chelnokov became her partner:

My tutu of the swan is almost ready... Lovely workers from the best theatrical workshop, saving my time, which I completely devote to many hours of rehearsals, came to my house for a fitting. Working with feathers is very painstaking. I always great importance I attach to the costumes, they are very spectacular for all the numbers. And my masters are the best. Thank you, dear, to all the employees of your shop!

Another, perhaps the most important premiere, was the publication of Anastasia's new book "Pay for Success: A Frank Autobiography". In the preface, Volochkova warns readers that she tells everything with the utmost honesty, without hiding the shocking facts of her fate and creative life.

Personal life of Anastasia Volochkova

Even during the years of study at the ballet academy, Anastasia had an affair with classmate Nikolai Zubkovsky. The young man belonged to the famous ballet dynasty; his grandmother, Inna Zubkovskaya, once shone on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater in leading positions, and then became a teacher. Evil tongues say that it was thanks to the patronage of the relatives of Nikolai Volochkova that she received warm place in the Mariinsky.

But the ballerina hardly mentions the youthful romance. Anastasia herself calls her first love her partner in the ballet "Swan Lake" Farukh Ruzimatov, with whom she fell in love when she was nineteen:

I liked dancing with Farukh, he has amazing plasticity. He was not only my partner, but also the first man I fell in love with. We were bound by sincere, tender feelings. Farukh is a man of amazing beauty. Such an open face and smile can only belong to a noble person.

But on the way to their common happiness, according to Volochkova in Boris Korchevnikov's program "The Fate of a Man", her mother became. She did not like her daughter's chosen one, and she made a lot of efforts to separate the lovers.

Later, Anthony Kerman, Mikhail Zhivilo and Sergei Polonsky appeared in turn in the ballerina's life.

The ballerina also spoke about strong feelings for the American comedian Jim Carrey, who met Volochkova in 2002 and was allegedly fascinated by the Russian ballerina so much that he flew to her performances from another continent. But the relationship did not work out because of the total employment and devotion of both to their own professions.

At one of the parties of the late nineties, already living in Moscow, Anastasia ended up in the company of Ksenia Sobchak and at that time her young man Vyacheslav Leibman. The ballerina, in fact, stole the gentleman from the future famous TV presenter. Long years after that, Sobchak did not communicate with Volochkova. But her traitor-lover did not meet with Anastasia for long.

At the beginning of the new millennium, the prima of the Bolshoi Theater accepted the courtship of the oligarch Suleiman Kerimov, whom she still talks about as the main love of her life. No one has ever courted Anastasia with such generosity and romantic scope. And again, the mother interfered with the daughter's happiness. According to the ballerina, she was already carrying a child from her beloved when her mother forced her to have an abortion and separated them from Kerimov, telling him that her daughter was dating someone else.

A little earlier, Anastasia put forward a different version of the breakup. Allegedly, having learned Suleiman's position regarding the possible birth of their joint child, whom he would take from her to be raised by her relatives, she was so worried that she had a miscarriage. Be that as it may, the ballerina broke up with Kerimov, without becoming his second beloved wife, and claiming that it was he who had a hand in her dismissal from the Bolshoi Theater.

The fate of man. Anastasia Volochkova

In 2007, the media excitedly described the luxurious wedding of the outrageous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova and Doctor of Law, businessman Igor Vdovin. Later it turned out that the couple never reached the registry office, and the ceremony was fictitious. But at that time they had already become the parents of the charming daughter Arisha. Nevertheless, according to Anastasia, they celebrated the wedding three times: in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Thailand:

…when we went to romantic trip, Igor decided to surprise me. We woke up early in the morning, and he said: “Nastya, get ready. We're going by boat to the islands." And there everything was already decorated with flowers and ribbons, they were waiting for us. We had a wedding ceremony according to Thai traditions. It was very beautiful.

As a family, Vdovin and Volochkova did not live long. In addition, Anastasia still has not received back her money, which ten years ago she lent to her ex-wife - no less than three million dollars. Allegedly, he took them under the pretext of arranging their future common daughter, promising to buy a house for him and Arisha, but this did not happen:

When a house rented by me and my daughter was robbed a few years ago, I told law enforcement agencies that one of the suspects on whose tip the robbery could have been committed could be Vdovin. He was very scared. So I then forgave him.

As Anastasia said in an interview, her ex-husband was a gigolo living at her expense. And when he saw the Maybach donated by another beloved, he only wondered why he had given Volochkova such an expensive car. Say, he himself gave her only a Lexus taken on credit, and he initially issued it to his company. And in order to get a loan, he first sold the Mercedes presented to her by Suleiman Kerimov. And they lived in an apartment that Kerimov gave. Igor was in no hurry to buy his own.

After Vdovin, Anastasia did not share the details of her personal life with fans for several years. But then she announced that she was in love and happy. The new chosen one was the head of the oil transportation company Bakhtiyar Salimov, whom she met on Valentine's Day during a tour in Vladivostok.

Volochkova's boyfriend was also businessman Chermen Dzotov, whose name is associated with the scandal of hacking his account on the network and publishing erotic photographs in which the ballerina was clearly visible. Someone considered this event a PR campaign, Anastasia herself said that she was happy for everyone who cares about the topic of her bed issue, because now they can be sure that the ballerina has sex.

In 2018, the programmer Mikhail Loginov became the dancer's lover, whom she spoke of as a man of great heart.

intimate relationship connected Volochkova and with her personal driver Alexander Skirtach. This circumstance became clear when the ballerina sued him for fraudulent actions against her.

According to the dancer, Alexander robbed her for several years, and in 2017 he allegedly left for his mother’s funeral, asking the hostess a large sum money. The mother turned out to be alive and well, which Anastasia later found out about. Skirtach was sentenced to three years probation, but the former driver and boyfriend filed an appeal, saying that he paid part of the debt to the ballerina (the damage was estimated at 376 thousand rubles).

By the way, friends (Volochkova and Dzhigurda) decided to create a new project together, which they promise to talk about in more detail later.

Anastasia Volochkova now

“My daughter is my biggest support”

By the end of 2019, Volochkova came up with luggage, albeit scandalous, but fame, without which she can no longer imagine her life. In a recent interview, Anastasia proudly spoke about her daughter Ariadne. The girl is an excellent student at school, a soloist of the children's musical theater "Domisolka", then a student in the modern dance studio of Alla Dukhova "Todes" and a student in the Ballroom Dance Federation with Stanislav Popov. Anastasia believes that she is simply obliged to show her daughter the whole range of what she can do.

Now Ariadna is passionate about equestrian sports, a love for which her father instilled in her at the age of three. Then the little girl rode a pony, and now she already has the second adult category in dressage. She is happy to discuss CS with her followers on Instagram.

Volochkova calls her daughter her support and support, despite the sometimes disagreements between them. For example, the artist claims that Arisha was jealous of her new lover, whom she does not show to anyone, but they soon managed to resolve this conflict:

If someone wants to destroy us, no one can do it. Our relationship with Arisha is impossible to separate. She is my great support and when she came to me for rehearsals and fed me seaweed, I was moved to tears.

However, Volochkova no longer wants children in order to avoid being manipulated by her own mother, with whom Anastasia has a very difficult relationship.

“For my mother, I am just a successful project”

In her book “Pay for Success”, she does not spare her parent, talking about the fact that since childhood she was more of a business project for her than her beloved daughter. In addition, according to Anastasia, her mother subconsciously tried to destroy her relationship with men, since she herself was unhappy both in her profession and in her personal life. And envy of her, successful own daughter, which realized all her unfulfilled dreams, moved her when a woman interfered in Nastya's relationship with men.

Once Volochkova could not stand it and put the question tough: either the mother stops imposing her opinion on her, or leaves her house. Now Tamara Antonova lives in St. Petersburg, is engaged in photography, maintains her blog on Instagram and, according to Anastasia, provides for herself.

Dad socialite, a former champion of the USSR in pairs table tennis, after suffering a double stroke in 2009, is in the boarding house "Opeka". They take him for walks to wheelchair The man cannot walk or talk. Volochkova pays for the maintenance and treatment of her father, occasionally visiting him in a boarding house.

"Sobchak always envied me"

The sensational scandalous interview, for which the host of the YouTube channel “Beware, Sobchak!” came to Vacation home Volochkova, is still being discussed by netizens, even after the no less scandalous wedding of Ksenia Sobchak and Konstantin Bogomolov.

Be careful, Sobchak! Visiting Anastasia Volochkova

Anastasia believes that she fell into the cage of people, at the expense of which the presenter arranges her own PR. In addition, she claims that Ksenia herself wanted to become a ballerina, but she never did, therefore she cannot accept that Volochkova is a ballerina who danced Swan Lake at the Mariinsky Theater when her whole family was sitting in the front row of the theater stalls.

Filming in Volochkova's house lasted six and a half hours, the hostess even gave a tour of the bedrooms for everyone. But after that, Sobchak, taking advantage of the pause in which Anastasia changed clothes and straightened her makeup, went back to the bedroom and began to rummage through the bedside tables and wardrobes. Ksenia even showed the intimate object she found to Gleb Pyanykh, with whom she allegedly consulted as a professional on what could and could not be shown on the air. Later, the ballerina said that Sobchak pretended to have found an intimate toy in Volochkova's bedroom, which we really did not have.

In addition, Ksenia all the time hinted that Volochkova met the guests already tipsy, and then several times applied to the bottle right in the frame. Concerning hidden cameras and microphones in the bathhouse, where both steamed, Anastasia said that Sobchak had sold her conscience for the sake of ratings on YouTube.

Therefore, when Ksenia and Konstantin began to invite the ballerina to dance at their wedding, Volochkova refused, motivating the refusal by the fact that she did not want to take part in the "booth". But she nevertheless handed over the gift: a bouquet of three white roses and white feathers ... with pepper, hinting in such a way that Xenia's sharp tongue is better to use in relations with her new husband. “And I no longer want to have anything to do with Ksenia Sobchak,” said the ballerina.

Now Volochkova continues to live, as she says, freely, openly and independently, with an open mind and the ability to manage her own time. visited Black Sea coast, where she presented the play "Ballerina and the Clown" with Nikolai Chelnokov. Her famous twine also graced this production. But until now, Anastasia does not show anyone the face of her beloved, while saying that for the first time in her 43 years she is really happy.

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