Victoria Bonya before and after plastic surgery - without makeup and photoshop. Socialite Victoria Bonya in Kazan: about chakras, traitors and a rich Frenchman Victoria Bonya is a drug addict

Former participant of the show "Dom-2", ex-wife millionaire from Monaco, and now just a socialite Victoria Bonya shared her life attitudes with the residents of Kazan. At the three-hour master class “I am a woman”, the Instagram diva told how she was betrayed by men and best friends, how much her upcoming trip to India would cost her and how to make all her dreams come true.

The location of Boni's master class was kept secret until the last moment: those wishing to attend it were asked to pay for the ticket first, and only then wait detailed instructions where and when to arrive. The cost of one seat for Victoria Boni's three-hour monologue depended on which row you wanted to sit in. Any chair in the first two cost 4,000 rubles, from the third row - 3,000.

Getting involved in such a scam was somewhat exciting, but Victoria had already posted a video on Instagram about how she was running on a train to Kazan, and this gave hope that the money would not fly into the pockets of scammers. On the evening before the event, I still received an e-mail with the venue - one of the conference rooms of the Riviera Hotel.

An hour before the start of the meeting in the hall on the second floor Boni's admirers were already crowding - very young girls in down jackets and older women in fur coats. Everyone gathered at the doors of the hall in order to have time to take a chair closer to the TV presenter. Her manager stood at the entrance and checked the name and surname of each guest according to the lists. Inside, it became clear that in Kazan there were many who wanted to listen to the secrets of the success of the Doma-2 star, which is now occasionally filmed in bad films in small episodes: out of 105 seats in the hall, everyone was occupied.

Victoria entered the conference room 20 minutes late, but already with flowers. The assembled girls began to applaud and whisper enthusiastically. “Wow, she has a tan!” the lady on my left breathed in astonishment, while the mother and daughter on the right clicked their cameras non-stop.

Seeing two representatives of the stronger sex in the hall, Victoria asked them why they had come to listen to purely female conversations. At young man there was no choice in the front row - he was brought by a girl, an ardent admirer of the TV presenter, and a middle-aged man in the gallery admitted that his heart dictated to sign up for a master class. This answer amused Bonya, and she immediately confessed to the fan in a reciprocal feeling.

Have any of you been to any training, motivational meetings before? Victoria turned to the audience. – Or are you all newbies for whom I will open the door to a new world?

Convinced that 90% of the audience had no idea what they would be told next, Victoria visibly cheered up. The Instagram star warned that she would paint all the schemes on special billboards and we could pick them up at the end of the meeting.

And then followed discussions about the significance of a person in the world, his spiritual filling and the importance of meditation. Bonya talked about her experience of leaving the astral body, about how every morning she devotes several hours to the unity of her soul and body, and about how well she knows how to open her own chakras. The girls around me were sitting with their mouths open, their eyes glittering with admiration.

Victoria was not afraid to be frank: the audience was especially shocked by the story of how her best friend went to romantic trip with her man. The audience buzzed indignantly, condemning the traitors, and Bonya hastened to add that she does not hold evil against anyone and feels great about it. A little later it turned out that she still wanted to take revenge on the homeowner by dousing her hair with glue, but stopped in time.

It turned out that they betrayed the star of "House-2" many times. For example, a classmate once stole $7,000 from her. “I had $20,000 in my safe and he was stealing a little. Don't you think then it was large sum!" - the TV presenter crucified, and I tried to understand where the provincial student from poor family there could be so much money. But no one else around seemed interested in such questions. The girls in the hall pressed their hands to their chests, gasped in surprise and laughed when the TV personality cursed, and then apologized for the harsh words. All this was reminiscent of a poorly staged stand-up, but not a master class.

Time passed, but in two hours Bonya did not give the public a single motivational setting, which coaches usually “load” at such events. But everyone learned that her upcoming trip to an Indian temple would cost 20,000 "green". “Everyone meditates there and finds himself Hollywood stars", Victoria explained.

The most emotional moment of the meeting was the stories from the life of the assembled guests. A young woman told about her husband's betrayal, another shared a similar story, a girl in the front row spoke about a difficult relationship with her mother. Bonya sympathized with each of them, but in the end came to the conclusion that in such difficult situations the ladies drove themselves. If your husband cheated, it means that you tried little to make him interested in you, if your mother beat you, then you allowed to beat. The girls, who a minute ago were confident in their position, for some reason agreed with Bonya ... And the TV presenter rented a room in the Instagram story, sent selfies against the background of those gathered to her new lover (she refused to give his name, but noticed that he was a fabulously rich Frenchman ) and poured out phrases that conducting master classes is not an easy task.

Literally 5 minutes before the end of the three-hour master class, Victoria Bonya spoke main secret your success: you just need to take it and do it. There were timid chuckles in the hall. “There is nothing to laugh, girls, no need to be lazy, if you want something, then take it and do it!” - summed up the socialite. This was followed by phrases reminiscent of VKontakte statuses, a la “sing like no one hears you, dance like no one sees you,” and then Bonya upset everyone, saying that she was late for the plane and could not with whom to take a picture.

A crowd of girls rushed to Victoria, as if they were going to tear her to pieces for the three hours of her life taken away. But no - they showered her with gifts, tried to hug her and took a photo against the background of her elbow. Still, the Instagram diva failed to leave without a small photo shoot. She screamed that she loved her fans and asked to be allowed on the flight. “Poor Vika, they will trample her,” the girls sympathized, but continued to climb over their heads, just to take a selfie with the star.

In the end, everyone was happy and went home with smiles and hundreds of pictures of smeared body parts of the TV presenter on their phones. And I thought that socialite workshops are perhaps the most useless waste of money in the world.

Victoria Bonya made a shocking confession: while communicating with fans on Periscope, the celebrity stated that she was using the ayahuasca plant, which is prohibited in many countries, including Russia, as it is considered a drug.

Bonya said that she drinks a decoction of ayahuasca, which is also called the "grass of the dead", to cheer up. According to Victoria, those who consider the plant a drug are poorly educated.


“You can’t joke with ayahuasca, of course. It is called the drink of the dead. If you asked me what my favorite drink is, I would answer that after water - ayahuasca. “What are you, this is a drug! ..” - so say uneducated people who do not have knowledge. When you drink ayahuasca, you gain knowledge! If you drink ayahuasca, the level of serotonin does not fall, it rises. Do you understand? God, how they sing! When the shamans start singing, you have no idea!” - said the TV presenter on Periscope. Probably, Bonya is referring to shamans from India who use this plant.

For the use of ayahuasca in Russia, a punishment has been established - a fine of five thousand rubles, and for distribution, imprisonment from four to eight years can be threatened.

“This herb is a strong psychoactive narcotic substance that affects the human body, changing its consciousness. Ayahuasca contains dimethyltryptamine, which causes severe hallucinations,” said narcologist Sergei Nurislamov in an interview.

WITH successful businessman Solomon (name changed. - Approx. StarHit) Victoria Bonya met in a Moscow restaurant a little over a year ago. chance meeting turned into a novel: Solomon proved every day that he was ready to throw the whole world at her feet, and it seemed to Bonya that she had found a man for the rest of her life.

But a few months passed, and Victoria's gentleman began to control her life: no meetings with friends, going to the cinema ... Even the work of a TV presenter caused him jealousy. Scandals and fights began. Realizing that this tale could have a tragic end, Bonya decided to part with Solomon. But he threatened her with ... violence.

- At what point did you realize that you had chosen “the wrong guy”?

- The first serious quarrel happened with us last spring in Paris. We were sitting in a hotel room, and texts from fans came to my phone - a common thing for a “man on TV”. But Solomon reacted inadequately to them: at first he shouted without choosing expressions, he tried to grab the phone from my hands. And then he hit me with his hand so hard that I collapsed on the bed! Out of fear, I ran out of the room in what I was. What a shame: in the luxurious George V Hotel, I rushed barefoot through the floors, and then hid for three hours. But he found me anyway. By this time, Solomon had calmed down: he persuaded me to forgive him, swore that he would never raise a hand against me again. And, I must say, he kept his promise - attacks of jealousy henceforth did without injuries.

– How long did it last?

Until the end of autumn. True, I began to find out that surveillance was installed behind my car, that my phone was tapped. And in November 2008, I went to Sergiev Posad to shoot the film "All the delights of love." At night in my room I woke up from the fact that someone was banging on the door with force. I did not open it, I thought that the members of the film crew were fooling around. And the next morning they told me that three strangers came at night, asked where I lived, and wanted to check if I was alone in the room. I immediately realized that he sent these guys.

Victoria Anatolyevna Bonya

  • She was born in the city of Krasnokamensk, Chita Region, on November 27, 1979.
  • Height - 170 cm.
  • Mom Galina Ivanovna is an entrepreneur, dad Anatoly Fedorovich is a miner. He left the family when Victoria was two years old.
  • She came to Moscow at the age of 16. She worked as a waitress.
  • from 2003 to 2004 she studied the profession of a TV presenter at the Ostankino television school.
  • From May 9, 2006 to April 12, 2007 - participant in the reality show "Dom-2" (TNT). She spent 338 days on the project, “building love” with Stepan Menshchikov.
  • She loves to travel, play sports and read books.

- But you were in no hurry to part with Solomon?

- I hoped that he would come to his senses, understand that he was doing me wrong ... But the day before new year holidays someone called the police to my house - called the department and said that a crime had occurred in my apartment. I'm sure it was Solomon's "joke". At the beginning of January, we were supposed to fly together to Courchevel, and from there to St. Barth. But I told Solomon that I was leaving for my friends in London. He threatened that something terrible would happen to me: for example, drugs would be planted at customs. He said that I would be left without a job, I would never act in films.

“But you still flew to London?”

– I plucked up courage and left, although I understood that he would not leave me alone. Solomon called my sister and began to tell horror stories, for example, that I snorted cocaine with my girlfriends. But the real shock came when I found out that he was also in London. For four days I did not answer the phone, but he continued to write that he wanted to leave in a good way. I agreed to the meeting.

We talked, but did not come to any decision - the conversation ended in a scandal. When I was already getting into a taxi, I heard him shouting after me: “I will destroy you!” The desire to hurt me became his obsession.

Stepan Menshchikov, ex-boyfriend

Vika is strong, bright and interesting girl who knows how to lure a man into her insidious networks. She is an amazing lover! I would even call her a femme fatale. Victoria could not believe that we would have a relationship with her. She is a glamorous girl, from a secular society. But somehow, miraculously, I was able to attract her. Our stormy relationship on the Dom-2 project lasted almost a year. I can confidently say that this was one of the best women in my life.

As for this situation with threats, Victoria is a strong and independent girl who, believe me, can figure out her relationships herself. These are their personal problems. And the person who is now trying to inflict reprisal on Victoria just wants to scare her a little or return her.

- And how do you live? Are you on the defensive?

Yes, I'm always on the lookout. For example, three days ago I got a call from Maxim Voronkov, the producer of the film in which I starred. He came to Mosfilm, he wanted to offer me a role in a new project. Showed my photos. To which he was told: why do we need a drug addict? I was horrified: is this really the work of Solomon ?! Then I decided to defend myself and told him that if he pursues me, I will start to fight as best I can: I will tell the whole country about his behavior.

“If you fear for your life, why don’t you name him?”

- I don't want to fight. He is a hot guy from Azerbaijan. He is 31 years old. He is a businessman, well known in certain circles as Solomon. He has an influential family and a circle of solid acquaintances.

- You did not understand that this is a complex and even dangerous person?

- When it all started, I saw that he sincerely treats me, loves, cares. But gradually jealousy, mistrust and control devoured our relationship. Yes, jokes are bad with influential jealous people - I know many women who suffered because of male revenge: Nastya Volochkova was intimidated and expelled from the Bolshoi Theater, Jasmine was beaten. Lera Kudryavtseva, when she decided to part with her boyfriend, had to hide with a friend, and then change everything: from the phone number to the apartment.

- But this does not stop many girls, and they exchange freedom for money and diamonds.

- After our parting, he brought me a diamond ring as a gift, in the spring he promised to buy a Bentley, and if I gave birth to a child, he would give me a penthouse. When I heard these words, I felt uneasy! After all, you need to give birth for the sake of family, love, and not for the sake of an apartment. Another " perfect man'turned into a normal selfish egoist.

- It turns out that the story with Solomon is not the first?

- Before "House-2" I had incredible love which lasted two years. For my sake, Sergei left his wife, leaving his son, although I did not demand this. But our relationship ended for the same reason - he was jealous of me and even dissolved his hands.

- What are you thinking of doing now?

- I see no reason to file a statement with the police - Solomon will quickly cover everything up. The only thing I can do is talk about it. And how will he react? I clearly heard: he is ready to do anything to either return me or destroy me. "I'll crush you like a bug!" he threatened me. I never talked about personal things, but today I have no choice. I want to live!

Have you already decided how? Fall in love with the right guy?

- No! I don't want a relationship! These Caucasian passions made me a different person, and I remembered the lesson for a long time!

All participants in the reality show "Dom-2", who stayed on it for several months or at least weeks, after leaving, turn out to be famous. In addition, there is a boom on the TV project plastic surgery- almost every person who gets there tries to “reshape” his face and body. Socialite Vika Bonya was no exception.

Victoria Bonya - biography

The ex-participant of the TV project was remembered by the audience for her scandalous character, vivid novels and unusual appearance. Especially women and men were surprised by the plump lips of the girl, which looked very unnatural. However, the beautiful Vikki claimed that she inherited her appearance from nature, and her plump lips and Beautiful face- Inheritance from mother.

In fact, if you look at the childhood photographs of the girl, you can see that from the very birth she was a real beauty. Victoria Bonya had neat facial features before plastic surgery, big eyes and plump lips. All this gave the appearance of the girl unique charm so she had a lot of fans from a very early age.

The future reality TV star was born in 1979 in the Chita city of Krasnokamensk. When the baby was 2 years old, her father left the family, and all the upbringing of the crumbs completely fell on the shoulders of her mother and grandmother. The family lived well in their city, but, having decided to move to Moscow, little Vikki and her family began to experience serious difficulties and hardships of life.

Starting at the age of 16, the beauty began to earn her own living. Victoria Bonya in her youth was incredibly stubborn and purposeful - she simultaneously worked as a waitress and a model, and with the money she earned, she rented a tiny room in a communal apartment. In parallel with work, the young provincial received higher education- in 2003, the girl got a diploma in the specialty "economist", and a year later she graduated from the Ostankino television school.

Victoria Bonya - parents

The appearance and character of Wicca came from her mother. This woman, left alone after the betrayal of her husband, a miner, devoted her whole life and strength to her children. For some time she traded in fur coats, which she brought from abroad, and during this period the family lived very well. After moving to Moscow, everything changed - the mother of a beautiful daughter could not find Good work, and after a while was forced to leave the capital and return to her hometown.

Victoria Bonya as a child was a copy of her adored mother. At an older age, her facial features changed significantly, and after a series of plastic surgeries they became completely different. Nevertheless, Victoria Bonya, both before and after plastic surgery, did not lose her resemblance to her parent - on the contrary, in some way it became even more noticeable. As for the character, nothing has changed here - having matured, the girl became only more stubborn and stronger, like her mother.

Victoria Bonya before plastic surgery

Before joining the reality show "Dom-2", Victoria Bonya, whose figure parameters were close to ideal, enjoyed great success with the opposite sex. Men were especially attracted by the plump lips of the beauty and her big eyes. Today, the girl is proud of these features of her appearance, but in her youth she experienced many complexes and was very worried when she was teased with a “lip slap”. In addition, Vikki was worried about excessively thin legs - with a height of 170 centimeters, she weighed no more than 45 kilograms, which was very striking to others.

Victoria Bonya - plastic surgery

Although the Russian socialite for a long time claimed that she was an ardent opponent of surgical intervention in the appearance of a woman, most doctors and cosmetologists are sure that the girl has several operations behind her. It is worth seeing how Victoria Bonya looked before and after the project, and it immediately becomes clear that she made a number of changes to her appearance. In addition, the figure of the beauty also acquired new forms, which, obviously, is also a merit of specialists.

Victoria Bonya - blepharoplasty

Beauty Victoria Bonya, whose beauty secrets are of interest to a huge number of women around the world, has long claimed that she did not do any plastic surgery. However, in certain moment time, Bonya admitted that she resorted to the services of surgeons. So, at the age of 25, the girl did blepharoplasty, which corrected the shape of her eyelids and saved the socialite from. Victoria Bonya looks different before and after eyelid surgery - the operation helped her to become fresher, younger and more attractive.

Victoria Bonya - rhinoplasty, before and after

Often, specialists in the field of surgery and beauty experts, comparing pictures showing Victoria Bonya, photos before and after the reality show "Dom-2", claim that the model underwent rhinoplasty, which significantly changed the shape of her nose. However, the celebrity herself never talked about the fact that her pretty nose was under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Taking into account the fact that Vikki does not hide other operations and does not see anything shameful in their conduct, it can be assumed that the star did not do rhinoplasty.

Victoria Bonya - height, weight, figure parameters

In her youth, the figure of Victoria Boni was excessively thin, so the girl was a little shy about her. Beauty preferred trousers and long skirts, which could hide her excessively long and thin legs. However, over time, the silhouette of a celebrity has acquired a feminine and charming outline, and plastic surgery, for example, has made it even more seductive.

Currently, Victoria Bonya, whose height, according to various sources, is from 170 to 172 centimeters, weighs about 50 kilograms. At the same time, the girl’s parameters are as close as possible to the model ones - her chest volume is about 88 centimeters, her waist circumference is 62, and her hips are approximately 89. Vikki very carefully monitors her diet and is actively involved in sports, because she believes that she should always look perfect.

Victoria Bonya in a swimsuit

Achieving fame and perfect figure, the socialite began to demonstrate the beauty and harmony of her body everywhere. The girl took part in erotic photo shoots for men's magazines and, in addition, on the net you can find a huge number of photos that depict Victoria Bonya on the beach in one swimsuit. In these pictures, the beauty looks luxurious and incredibly seductive, which is noted by many loyal fans and fans of the star.

Victoria Bonya without makeup

Although the Russian socialite thinks over her image for any event with great care and always looks “pocket-like”, she is not shy about her natural appearance. IN in social networks A lot of photos have been posted showing Victoria Bonya without makeup and photoshop, and each of these pictures causes genuine delight among celebrity fans. The girl looks young and fresh, and this is the merit of not only plastic surgery, but also genetics.

Victoria Bonya recovered?

One of the plastic surgeries that experts attribute to the former participant of Doma-2 is the correction of the shape of the cheekbones. Indeed, in some photos showing Victoria Bonya before and after another plastic surgery, you can see that this part of her face has undergone serious changes. Meanwhile, it should be noted that at a certain point in her life, shortly before meeting with the father of her child, Alex Smurfit, and also during pregnancy, Vikki gained a lot of weight.

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