How to make a portal to a city in Minecraft, detailed instructions. What portals are there in Minecraft and how to make them

Beginners and even some slightly advanced players think about how to make a portal in minecraft. In total there is 2 types of portals, the rest are added, of course, by modifications. The portal will allow you to get into a completely new unknown given measurement, where, as a rule, there are many hostile monsters and dangers. You can build one portal yourself, and one exists on the map without player intervention, although you can make it without searching on the map, using creative mode. Now we'll talk about creating things like portals to minecraft in more detail, I will try to describe what is behind these portals and what you need to be wary of, all with attached pictures.

How to make a portal in Minecraft?

1. The first portal is gate to hell or netherworld. This is a dimension dominated by lava and hostile mobs. If you are going to visit this dimension, be sure to take several pickaxes with you, preferably a bow and a sword, as you may be attacked by zombie pigs or a flying ghast. Like any dimension, in the lower world there are certain buildings, dungeons, in which you can meet not only fiery efreets, but also an entire boss.

A portal to this dimension is created using obsidian and a lighter or other fire source. The minimum number of obsidian blocks to create a portal is 10. We line them up the same way as in the picture and click on any block with a lighter. The obsidian around the edges of the portal has been removed to save resources; if you have a lot of them, you can make a larger portal; a recent update allows you to build huge portals.

Not only you, but also any mobs can teleport into the portal. An automatically created portal when teleporting to hell will help you get back. 2. The second portal will allow you to move to Ender world dimension. There lives an evil dragon that needs to be killed. All actions take place on an island made of blocks that look like sandstone. This is also a very interesting dimension, but don’t dare go there without diamond armor, the dragon will punish you!

There is no need to build such a portal; it can be found in the ordinary world, in a fortress. To get to the portal, craft an ender's eye and throw it in the air, follow it until it stops. It will fall frequently, pick it up and throw it again and again until you reach the point where the eye goes down. Dig down until you find a portal, just don't break it and don't forget to take 12 ender eyes to activate the portal.

If you play with creative mode and want to get into the dimension without searching, you can take necessary materials to create a portal, place in in the right order looking in one direction and activate. Sometimes the portal is not created, to fix this problem, turn it the other way.

This is where our travels to other worlds end; in the following articles we will try to discuss portals in minecraft with mods.

The article was prepared by the site administrator Roman Zhivov (Lancelot).

Minecraft is unique computer game in the sandbox genre. Such an unusual genre means that the player can do whatever he wants in Minecraft: survive, fight monsters, build buildings and engage in “craft” - creating things.

This game is unique in that it has almost endless space for creativity: 30 million game meters in each direction. Physically, the world of Minecraft is eight times larger than our planet, so it is very important to be able to move quickly around it.

For a comfortable game, every user should know how to make a portal to a city in Minecraft. To do this, in the right place in the city you need to dig a line of four blocks in the ground. To build a movement gate, select any two types of blocks, for example, lapis lazuli and a diamond block. In the dug line, install the first type of blocks (for example, diamond) in the two central places. On the sides there is lapis lazuli. Build three more lapis lazuli blocks up from the sides and connect them at the top.

In our example, we get a “frame” of lapis lazuli with a diamond floor. All that remains is to activate the clock from your inventory on the portal. If water flows into the frame, it means everything was built correctly. Now you need to build a portal at any other point on the map, activate it for hours, and they will automatically communicate. Now to move you just need to walk through the frame.

There are a few more nuances you need to know about:

  1. Remember that for construction it is not necessary to use the blocks that we described in the example. The frame can be made from anything: quartz, concrete, wood, bookshelves, sponges, glowstone.
  2. In some versions of Minecraft, it is not necessary to select a floor; the entire frame can be built from one type of block.
  3. On weak computers, portals may run with a delay. In this case, it will not be enough to simply walk through the frame; you need to stay in it for a few seconds.
  4. To craft a watch, you need to place red dust in the center of the layout, and gold bars on the top, bottom and sides.
  5. At least one of the portals must be in a village or city.

Portal between cities through Hell

There is another option for making a portal to the city. This method is a little more complicated, but it is suitable for games on servers where many people play.

At the first point we build the same frame as described above, only this time from obsidian - other materials are not suitable. You can save obsidian by not placing blocks in the corners of the frame. After this, set the obsidian on fire using a lighter. The center will glow purple, which means everything was successful.

This is a portal to Hell. Before moving, press F3. Inscriptions will appear in the corner of the screen, from which you need to remember the coordinates along the x, y, z axes. You also need to know the coordinates of the end point where you want to build the second portal. We will need this data a little later.

Now you can go inside and move to Hell. Now it is necessary to carry out some calculations: the entire distance in Hell is reduced by 16 times compared to the upper world. Thanks to this, you can move between the desired points 16 times faster. This method is popular on almost all servers, so learning how to calculate coordinates is a must.

Calculate the distance between the first and second points of the upper world, divide it by 16. The calculation must be done along each of the coordinate axes. Now go through Hell with the resulting number of blocks and build another portal from obsidian. You will be transported to the Overworld. Now, to shorten the distance, you just have to travel the distance through Hell.

Calculation example

  1. Let's say we are given coordinates. First point: X – 0, Y – 0, Z – 0. Second point: X – 1595, Y – 0, Z – 8000. In Minecraft, Y means height. For convenience, the coordinates of the first point are zero, since on public servers it is in this place that it is customary to build a “zero portal”.
  2. We reduce all numbers by 16. If the number is not a whole number, we round up: X – 100, Y – 0, Z – 500.
  3. The result was the coordinates in Hell on which the second frame should be built.

There is a common bug: When exiting the Hell Portal, the character bursts into flames. If this happens, you need to pour water in front of the frame so that you have time to put out the fire each time. Other options for fixing the bug are unknown, you can only move the frame to other coordinates.

Another advantage of moving between cities through the Hell portal is that for it to work it is not necessary to install a frame in the settlement. You can build it in any necessary place, regardless of whether there are residents there or not.

All that remains is to add a craft lighter or “flint,” as some call it, which is necessary to activate the frame: put flint in the center of the workbench, and an iron ingot in the left slot.

Rules for setting up the portal

It’s not enough to know how to make a portal to the city, you need to be able to protect it. It is customary for servers to equip their own tunnel between portals in Hell. This is necessary not only for beauty, but also for faster movement. And, most importantly, monsters can climb through the hole in the tunnel, including Ghasts, who, if the opportunity arises, will destroy the entire lobby at coordinate zero.

To avoid causing such a disaster, you need to block off the tunnel from the rest of Hell with blocks. To quickly move between cities, you can lay rails and ride on trolleys. Or, if there are not very many people on the server, you can make a path out of ice and move along it on boats. This option is faster, but it is only suitable for small servers, otherwise this method of movement may cause lags.


See how you can make a portal in Minecraft.

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The success of Mystic and Lager depends solely on the talents of these guys. The huge number of subscribers on their channel would have been impossible if the bloggers had not made the videos completely original. Envious people may say that these two gained popularity very easily. But if you think about it, not everyone can create something similar. It’s not enough to film useful material; you need to interest the viewer, make him want to watch all the episodes on his own website. Anyone who has tried his hand at running a similar blog knows how much work it takes to promote it in a fiercely competitive environment.

The secret to the success of the partners is that they show funny adventures in Minecraft in a way that will be cooler than any television series. Their passages are filmed in the form of small stories. There is a specific theme for each. When watching, you pay attention to quite sharp jokes and funny comments. This is another feature of the couple.

Many beginners use this blog as a way to learn all the difficulties and maps. This is a great visual aid for travelers who are stuck in a particular part of the game or have trouble figuring out the functions or controls. It is much easier when there is a video tutorial in which everything is explained in accessible phrases, and is also accompanied by pleasant music.

Anyone interested in such videos knows that there are plenty of similar channels on YouTube. In the face of such serious competition, we have to come up with ways to maintain interest in own project. These guys are real professionals at this. They are always on topic and offer all the most interesting things for consideration. They will tell you how to build portals in different worlds, explore new territories, etc. It's much easier to complete the game with their help. Helpful information presented in such a cool and fun way that even a beginner can figure it out.

Of course, there are servers, many even Russian, where the entire structure and capabilities of Minecraft Ghast are widely studied, but it’s more interesting to watch how ordinary people cope with the dangers and traps of the cubic world. Such videos can stay in the top for a very long time and break viewing records. Minecraft servers are full of a wide variety of versions. You can meet the most different worlds, and evaluate each one. With such cheerful and nice consultants, it turns into a very exciting activity. Therefore, we recommend that everyone stop by and play a couple of videos they recorded. Perhaps you will find answers to the passage in them or just have a good time. In any case, we wish you a pleasant stay.

Minecraft is a multifaceted game to explore for a long time. One of the subjects of this exploration for the player can be worlds. They are available for exploration, however, you can only get into them through the help of the portal. There are many of these worlds, and they are added in new versions of the game. To name just a few: The Edge, Hell, Twilight Forest, Space. If you get into any of them, you will definitely encounter surprises. In some worlds, these surprises will be associated with pleasant discoveries, in others - with constant danger.

How to create a portal in Minecraft?
Like the worlds, the portals themselves differ in structure and manufacturing method. There are also ready-made portals, but finding them is often problematic. Moreover, a ready-made portal cannot be shaken out of a monster you have killed. It is much easier to create a portal yourself. But there are some nuances here too. The first thing worth noting is that for each world you need to create your own portal. Moreover, each one uses its own material.

If we consider portals in Minecraft in general, then it is worth saying the following: they are all created from blocks that need to be assembled in a certain sequence inside special structures. The difficulty lies in two things. The first is that if the sequence of blocks is disrupted, the portal will not work. Secondly, each portal needs its own material. For example, a portal to Paradise will require blocks of glowing stone. And for the portal to Space - iron blocks.
In addition, the construction of each location has its own characteristics.

How to build a portal to Paradise?
As with the construction of a portal to Space, you will need a special mod. After it has been downloaded and placed in the META-INF archive, you need to find the glostone material and build a frame from six blocks of this material. And since it is quite difficult to obtain it, this will require a trip to Hell. Then the constructed portal will need to be activated. To do this, you need to pour a bucket of water into the frame. The portal is ready.

How to build a portal to Hell?
If you want to build a portal to Hell, you will need to make some efforts, since it can only be built using a rare material in the Minecraft world - obsidian. And this is associated with certain frameworks into which the player will be driven. Obsidian can only be mined using a diamond pickaxe, and you also need to find that somewhere. In addition, this material takes a very long time to cut, which means that you will have to somehow distract the monsters, who will continue to attack, no matter what. Add to this the fact that a lot of obsidian will be required - about fifty blocks - and we get a long, labor-intensive process.

But can this stop a real crafter? But when you have obsidian, everything turns out to be quite simple: blocks of precious material are arranged in the shape of a square - two blocks at the bottom, two at the top, and three on the sides. Next you need to activate the portal. To do this, you will need a flint to set the lower block on fire. The portal is ready.

How to build a portal to the End?
A portal to the End, that is, to the End, can be opened if you find 15 Enderman eyes, or create them. They are made from fire twigs, which should be taken from the Blaze you killed. Each rod should be divided into two parts and connected to the Enderman pearl. Using the ready-made Eye of the Enderman, we find the opened portal. The item you obtain will be used as a compass. To understand which direction you should move, roll your eye and it will fall in the direction where you need to go. However, it should be remembered that the eye burns out after several tosses.

How to build a portal to the Twilight Forest?
In order to create a portal to the Twilight Forest, you will need the appropriate mod. After this, you can begin construction. Moreover, you, as in other cases, will need to comply with a number of conditions. First, there should be flowers around the portal, which consists of a square-shaped pond. Secondly, the water should not flow. To meet all the conditions, the portal should be built near a reservoir. The portal should consist of square blocks arranged in a square, the center of which must be filled with water. After this, surround the portal with flowers and the portal can be activated. To do this, simply throw the diamond into the water.

We live in the quantum age, and the fact that our world is multidimensional is no longer new to us. There are other dimensions that are not yet accessible to our perception. Minecraft, designed, within the limits known to Notch, in the image and likeness real world, is also not limited to the easily observable macrocosm. Minecraft also has parallel universes. Of course, a bad crafter is one who does not dream of going beyond the ordinary. But other dimensions are not neighboring rooms; getting into them is not at all an easy task. And, nevertheless, since they exist, it means there must be some “corridors” that lead to them. In Minecraft, the role of such “corridors” is played by so-called portals.

What portals are there in Minecraft? Or, more precisely, where, in what dimensions? In pure Minecraft, in addition to the ordinary world, there is also the Edge and lower world. By installing some mods, the crafter can create portals that are not in the original version:

  • To heaven
  • Into the space
  • To the moon
  • To the Twilight Forest.

Let's take a closer look at these portals.

Portal to the End

edge is an empty, dark world in Minecraft, inhabited by wanderers and a dragon. The portal to this dimension is a kind of miraculous structure consisting of a dozen frames. Activation of the portal becomes possible only after all frame blocks are filled with the eyes of the End. The End Portal can be found in the fortress. Teleportation of the player to the Edge occurs after the crafter contacts the activated portal. The movement is instantaneous, the traveler has no chance to change his mind. Sometimes Minecraft creates an underwater portal into this dimension.

Portal to the Nether

The nether world of Minecraft, aka hell– this, as you understand, is not a place for quiet walks. The “door” to it, unlike the previous one, can be made with your own hands - from obsidian. I must say, this door in Minecraft looks just cool. Even if you know for sure that you will remain there in hell, you still wildly want to crawl there. P. blocks glow and have a whirlwind-like animation. In order to teleport to the Nether World of Minecraft, the crafter must stand between the obsidian blocks for several seconds. These moments enable the teleporter to realize that he is quite comfortable in the ordinary world, and to make a “rollback”.

Corridor to heaven

What cool possibilities Minecraft opens up for us! Unlike the real world, you are a sinner or not, you can make your way to both hell and heaven. We talked about the first one, but the last one is a mass of islands floating above the ordinary world. P. in this and subsequent dimensions of Minecraft can only be tinkered with the help of mods. It is into this happy dimension that the “indulgence” - the Aether mod - will help you get into it. The Paradise “turnstile” is made similarly to the previous one, only instead of obsidian a luminous stone is used. It is activated in Minecraft using water.

Portal to space

Into the space you can fly on a rocket, or you can use cool technology and get into interstellar space through p. It will help in its “production” Minecraft mod ModLoader. In general, building a point into space is similar to the procedure that sends you to the Lower World. Only beautiful obsidian is replaced with ordinary iron. This whole thing in Minecraft is also activated by a lighter. You should not move into airless space without thinking about what obstacles await you there. The main thing is the lack of air. It’s logical, since space is airless. Therefore, if you have a spacesuit, good. If it doesn’t exist, it will have to be done.

"Door" to the Moon

This special case previous "tour package". To get to our native satellite in Minecraft, you need to install the lunar mod The Moon v1.1. But for this add-on to work you will need Mod Loader and ShockAhPI r6. The item itself must be “cooked” from cheese, because the Moon consists of this product. Oh, if only it were true. There is and there is her. After completion of construction, the item needs to be activated with a sonic screwdriver to perform its functions.

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