Man heaven way beautiful esoteric wallpaper. Esoteric wallpaper for your desktop. Esoteric wallpaper for computer

You can download and set the images you like as your desktop wallpaper. . .

Esoteric desktop wallpaper in the form of the mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum"

Desktop wallpapers: mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum":

Desktop wallpapers
Theme: Buddha

Select an image and click on it to open it in a new window. Then, after waiting for the complete download, right-click anywhere on the image and install it on your computer desktop

Image format: 1280x1024 JPG truecolor

Desktop wallpapers
Theme: Yoga Sutras
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, manuscript

Select an image and click on it to open it in a new window. Then, after waiting for the complete download, right-click anywhere on the image and install it on the desktop of your computer.

Image format: 1280x1024 JPG truecolor.

Desktop wallpapers
Theme: Lotus

Select an image and click on it to open it in a new window. Then, after waiting for the complete download, right-click anywhere on the image and install it on your computer desktop

Image format: 1280x1024 JPG truecolor

Star of Erzgamma

Star of Erzgamma

Erzgamma's star is an ancient Christian symbol. The symbolism of the star is as follows: 12 rays are 12 apostles, the cross in the center of the star is the place of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.

Erzgamma's star is the same star that appeared in the sky at the hour of the birth of Christ.

It is believed that the Star of Erzgamma is a bridge between two worlds: spiritual and physical; that with its help you can connect to the source of Cosmic Energy.

Therefore, it is able to heal, helps in critical situations, protects from negative energy influences.

Favorite icon Seraphim of Sarov - "Affection." Before her, he prayed all his life. And the Mother of God is depicted on the icon, on the headdress of which is the Star of Erzgamma.

According to esotericists, Star of Erzgamma can enhance biofield. To do this, it is recommended to wear it between the heart and throat chakras.

You can hang the Star in the place of the apartment that you especially like. Passing by, you involuntarily look at her. This will be enough to activate it.

With the help of the Star of Erzgamma, you can also achieve the fulfillment of desires. In this case, the technique of working with the Star will be contemplation.

Imagine that your wish has already come true. Now, thinking about the fulfilled desire, peer into the triangles of the Star.

There are 4 such triangles, you need to peer into each triangle, in turn.

The Erzgamma Star can also help your loved ones if you put it on the photo of the person you want to help.

Zvezda location - district third eye. After wrapping the photo with the Star with a cloth (cotton, linen), remove it for 3-7-12 days. These days are reading time prayers about someone in need of help.

For improvement health you can also resort to the help of the Erzgamma Star. To improve vision, light a candle, read prayer, look at the faces of the Star (each in turn).

After that, circle the Star with your eyes, first clockwise, and then against it. You can apply the Star to the sore spot. It is believed that the Star of Erzgamma will warm up the focus of the disease and reduce pain.

You can work in pairs with the Star of Erzgamma. Your partner should be someone you trust. The owner of the Star, comfortably seated in a chair, closes his eyes.

The partner, standing behind him, raises the Star above the head of the seated person. Then he begins to lower the Star to the top of his head. You need to lower it until the owner of the Star feels something.

It can be tingling, warmth, etc. After the appearance of such sensations, the partner drives the Star clockwise. Time of the procedure - evening, once a day, less than 3 minutes.

There is no such sphere of human life in which the Star of Erzgamma would not have a beneficial effect.

W health, luck, meeting with a soul mate, positive thoughts, fulfillment of desires, material well-being - all this is in the power of the Erzgamma Star.

The Star of Erzgamma is a wonderful amulet that helps to change life for the better.

You can install beautiful esoteric wallpapers on your computer. To do this, you need to download the picture you like by clicking on it with the mouse and set the wallpaper according to the instructions at the bottom of this page.

Esoteric wallpaper for computer



~ If you liked the wallpaper, but it doesn't match your monitor's resolution - try installing it anyway, because in most cases they are suitable. But also look for the wallpapers you like with a different extension - there are the same ones in different sizes.

Video wallpaper (for Windows XP)

This is a new type of wallpaper when your monitor literally comes to life and becomes like a window into another world, such as the world of fantasy, space or nature, depending on which theme you choose. This helps a lot in the process of preventing stress from sitting at the computer for a long time, promotes relaxation and reduces the load on the psyche. These wallpapers will greatly decorate your computer desktop.

To set the video wallpaper for Windows XP- download the wallpaper archive, unzip it and then move the mouse cursor over the video_youryoga_org.html file - click the right mouse button and select "Set as desktop wallpaper" in the drop-down menu. There are a lot of wallpapers in the archives below, they are all downloaded in one file, so choose the ones you like.

Widescreen (1280 x 800)

Suitable for most laptops and monitors.

Instructions for installing wallpaper on a computer:

For Windows Users

After the picture is opened in a new window and loaded completely, do the following:

  1. Hover your mouse over the picture.
    Press the right mouse button (unless you have changed the default mouse button configuration).
  2. In the pop-up menu that appears, select the "Set as Wallpaper" item (if you are using an English version of the browser, select the "Set as Wallpaper" item), after which the image will be installed on the desktop as wallpaper.
  3. If this does not happen, perform the desktop refresh operation: move the mouse cursor over the desktop area, press the right mouse button and select the "Refresh" item, if you are using the English version of the operating system, select the "Refresh" item.

If an unusual incident happened to you, you saw a strange creature or an incomprehensible phenomenon, you had an unusual dream, you saw a UFO in the sky or became a victim of alien abduction, you can send us your story and it will be published on our website ===> .

In our time photographing became a craze. Digital cameras, smartphones and other gadgets have made this process easy and affordable. Press a button, take a selfie - and enter the image of your loved one into the computer. But hardly anyone suspects that at this moment he endangers not only his health, but also his life ...

From the mouth of a baby...

I remember one funny incident. My wife and I were invited to the dacha of distant relatives to celebrate the anniversary of the head of the family. A rather large and cheerful company gathered. There was also a photographer among us, who invited the guests to gather on the front lawn to take a group picture. All, of course, for, except for Mariska, the five-year-old granddaughter of the hero of the day.

I don’t want to act in film, ”she said decisively, and then suddenly uttered a phrase that was not typical for a child; - Each photo takes five minutes of your life!

And no matter how they persuaded her, the baby remained adamant. The grown-ups tried to find out who told her such nonsense.

Nobody, I know! - was the answer.

The tribes still living in the Stone Age are in solidarity with this child.

For example, in the middle of the last century, the American scientist George Keane decided to observe the life of one of the tribes of the Amazon, settling among the Indians.

Everything was going well until he made an attempt to photograph the leader and his entourage with his Nikon. Upon learning of the purpose of this diabolical device, the Indians were horrified.

They decided that the white man wants to steal their souls and bend them to his will, or send damage and disease. With difficulty, George managed to convince the natives that his intentions were the most innocent. However, the leader categorically forbade photography, threatening death in case of disobedience. For a while, Keane was quieter than water below the grass, but then the paparazzi woke up in him.

He began photographing the Indians on the sly. For this occupation, he was caught. The leader's judgment was quick and merciless. Keane was declared a sorcerer and subjected to a painful execution. Only a local boy guide managed to escape. He told the world about this terrible incident.

Invisible connection

It turns out that the instinctive fear experienced by some people in front of a camera lens aimed at them is not without reason. In the 20th century, scientists from different countries conducted experiments that confirmed the energy connection between photography and a living object captured on it.

For example, in one of the Moscow laboratories, pictures of four chickens were taken. Three of them were not manipulated in any way, and the photo of the fourth was reproduced and distributed to several people. Moreover, the participants in the experiment were asked to look at this picture when they were in a bad mood. And what? While three chickens were healthy, the fourth was sickly, ill, stunted.

It is clear that a person is the same living object. Therefore, when taking a photo, a particle of the life energy of the person being photographed passes to the picture, and he establishes an inseparable connection with the photo portrait. Many psychics, looking at a photo, can read a person's aura, learn about his past and present, and predict the future.

Moreover, adepts of evil are capable of seriously ruining our lives; cause damage, send diseases, break a career... In the same way, you can use our photos posted on social networks.

Two birds with one stone - one shot

Fortunately, the opposite process is also possible - healing a person from his photograph. This is successfully done by the Moscow parapsychologist A.G. (His name is not given for obvious reasons.) He can carry out diagnostics based on the patient's photo portrait, remove negative influences, and harmonize energy fields. Moreover, the distance separating the patient from his photograph is practically irrelevant.

That is how A.G. healed Svetlana K. from Kostroma. Her photograph was brought to the healer by a Muscovite sister. She said that Svetlana had recently felt bad: she was tormented by almost continuous headaches, an incomprehensible weakness rolled in, leading to fainting, her appetite completely disappeared. Within a month, she had lost weight like a piece of wood. Yes, and the husband became nervous, irritable, began to drink.

Looking at the photograph, A.G. determined that damage was directed at Svetlana, and her colleague did it, who somehow managed to get a family picture. This woman decided to take her husband away from her. Possessing the rudiments of knowledge of black magic, she made a love spell on her husband from a photograph and brought damage to his wife.

A.G. it was not difficult to remove both the love spell and the damage. Svetlana soon recovered, and her family life returned to normal.

Virtual romance with a vampire

But there were in the practice of A.G. and more serious cases. Once Tatyana S. came to see him. The symptoms are the same: general weakness, dizziness, fainting.

After examining the patient's aura, the parapsychologist determined a strong outflow of energy. It turned out that an unmarried woman posted her photo on the Internet on one of the dating sites. Soon she began a virtual romance with one of the potential suitors.

He conquered Tatyana with a solid appearance and a rich inner world, it was interesting to communicate with him. But for some reason, immediately after talking with this gentleman via Skype, Tatiana's health worsened. It got to the point that anorexia nervosa developed, the body began to reject any food. Medicine has not been able to understand the nature of this disease.

A.G. I immediately saw an energy "harness" attached to the region of the heart chakra. The specialist found out that her virtual friend connected to Tatyana, and he did this through a digital photograph of a woman posted on a dating site.

It looks like a terrible fairy tale, but, according to A.G., the man turned out to be a dark magician and a powerful energy vampire, and he was fueled not only by Tatyana, but also by a good dozen gullible women.

This time, the parapsychologist entered into a fight with a very strong and dangerous opponent. I had to work practically at the limit of my psychoenergetic forces. It took a dozen and a half sessions before it was possible to interrupt this devastating connection with a woman.

The chopped off end of the energy bundle hit the vampire with terrible force. Stunned and demoralized by this blow, the failed fiancé left Tatyana alone forever, but it took her a long time to restore her mental and physical health.

Shoot for health!

There are a lot of similar life situations related to the negative impact on people through their photos. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't take pictures at all. People love to do this from the very beginning of photography. Of course, our ancestors suffered less from other people's energy attacks. They took pictures much less often than we did, they kept photos in family albums.

And the pictures themselves were more reliably protected, since the emulsion contained silver. Now the technology has changed, and we need to be more careful with our photos. They must not be allowed to fall into the wrong hands.

As for the situation with the energy vampire, he could not have done any harm to the woman if she herself had not made contact with him and thereby allowed the energy to be drawn from herself. So, we need, first of all, to be more selective in our relationships - friendly and love.

The statement of the girl that each photograph takes five minutes of her life is just a fantasy. So take pictures in good health, but ... while observing the "safety rules".


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