Volochkova was robbed by her personal driver. Volochkova admitted that the driver who robbed her was her lover. What did Vdovin tell you?

The story of three million dollars took an unexpected turn, in which the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova lost her personal driver Alexander Skirtach. According to the celebrity, her subordinate often lied, was careless about the expensive car given to Volochkova and did not return the money he lent her. In addition, as the star stated, Skirtach and his wife organized persecution against her, stealing her computer and running accounts on social networks on her behalf.

Quite suddenly, on the air of the program “New Russian Sensations” on NTV, Volochkova made a confession. The ballerina said that the relationship between her and Alexander was not just friendly or business.

You love a person, and then he betrays you... You understand that you loved, believed, trusted and shared everything. But this is a soap bubble.

This information, as well as the accusations, apparently reached Alexander, and he hastened to make a response statement to journalists.

Nastya, I really ask you to stop humiliating my family. Your emotions towards me were insincere, and everything you say is rudeness. I am a man, not a beast. I have no one to justify myself to. If you threaten me, I will defend myself.

The former driver claims she may release unknown information about her employer if pressure from her does not stop. Now the conflict between Anastasia Volochkova and Alexander Skirtach has reached new level, because the investigative authorities will look into the case of stolen money. Volochkova has already filed an application against her former subordinate, which she immediately announced on her Instagram.


Publication from Anastasia Volochkova (@volochkova_art) Jun 18, 2017 at 9:03 PDT

  • After a series of rather frank published photographs, some psychotherapists began to publicly declare that Volochkova had a mental disorder called “social schizophrenia,” when a person ceases to feel social norms and behaves defiantly.
  • Anastasia Volochkova was born in 1976 in St. Petersburg. Russian ballerina, dancer and public figure, People's Artist of Karachay-Cherkessia and People's Artist of North Ossetia-Alania.

IN scandalous story New details have surfaced about the theft of an impressive sum from the ballerina. It turns out that the relationship between Volochkova and her driver Alexander was not only business.

“You love a person, and then he betrays you... You understand that you loved, believed, trusted and shared everything. But this is a soap bubble,” Anastasia herself said on the NTV program “New Russian Sensations.”

The ballerina complains that she and Alexander Skirtach became close friends too quickly. He appeared on her staff about a year ago on the recommendation of friends. He presented himself perfectly: he is a millionaire in a difficult life situation, without money and in the process of divorcing his wife. The star offered to help him and become a personal assistant and driver.

“There must be subordination with the people who work for you, but this is not about Sasha. He behaved practically like the owner in my house. I was cooking something in the kitchen, taking photos in my rooms, with my things, and showing off to my friends. I believed the man, I was waiting for the moment when I would come home, I no longer spent time in restaurants. And so Sasha and I will come, we’ll sit by the fire, I’ll tell him all my sorrows...” continues Anastasia.

Fragment of filming for “New Russian Sensations”

And how this trust turned out, the whole country has been discussing for several days. The millionaire in a difficult life situation turned out to be a real gigolo. The ballerina was missing huge sums of money. Alexander Skirtach, by proxy, gained access to all the star’s accounts – both ruble and foreign currency. He took and spent them at his own discretion, although he said that for Volochkova’s needs, for example, he sent her Maybach for technical inspection. Or pays off her utility debt in the amount of 90,000 rubles. Or transfers fees to her team.

Or here’s a completely egregious case: “For my mother’s funeral, I gave him a plump envelope - 205,000 rubles. She said he could take as much as he needed and return the rest. He arrived after, I did my repertoire - I set the table, roses, so that the person would move away from the whole nightmare. I asked casually how much I spent. 110,000 rubles. I returned the difference, however, but after a few months. It felt like I was begging for my money.” But my mother, it turned out, is alive and well, living in the Lugansk region!

Alexander also took power into his own hands in Volochkova’s mansion - for example, through surveillance cameras he could monitor everything that was happening in the house. Although Anastasia herself could not - the driver changed all the passwords. He hired a personal driver to carry out his instructions, who, thus, almost became an accomplice in the scam, but came to his senses in time.

Here he is, a personal driver

Photo: press service of Anastasia Volochkova

Anastasia was surprised by all these moments, but considered them uncritical. And those around her sounded the alarm. Mother and daughter Arish saw in Alexander an unscrupulous person. It turned out that he simply had huge debts - hundreds of millions of rubles to both banks and individuals.

“Arisha found details about Alexander on the Internet and said: “Grandma, this is such horror and such a nightmare!” says Volochkova’s mother Tamara Vladimirovna. - I asked her to show her to her mother (at that time, because of this story, she and her daughter did not speak for several months; Tamara Vladimirovna lived separately in a St. Petersburg apartment. - Approx. Woman’s Day). Otherwise, he would have turned out that it was I who launched these defamatory rumors on the Internet. Shown."

It is still unclear what specific amount Anastasia lost as a result of this story. After all, new scandalous details are revealed every day.

He did not provide a million rubles for fees to Anastasia’s team. Bailiffs began hunting for the ballerina and slapping her with numerous unpaid traffic fines. Utility debts reached 150,000 rubles. And these are not all the financial troubles that Anastasia faced. According to her, she very much regrets that she essentially trusted to a stranger. And now, in order to understand the criminal history, the time has come, as they say, to “turn on Volochkova” - a tough and principled lady. He is going to sue.

“I’m offended that I earned these millions that Alexander took with my sweat and blood, calluses, and nerves. And when this money is stolen from me in such a disgusting way, it is very shocking.”

What about Alexander? But he ran away in an unknown direction and did not get in touch. Until he was discovered by NTV journalists in Balashikha near Moscow, in front of whom he slammed the door. But there is no doubt that he probably has his own heartwarming version of events ready, which we will soon hear.

The scandal associated with the driver of Anastasia Volochka does not subside, because the star officially filed an application with the investigative authorities to bring the man to justice. Previously, the ballerina stated that Alexander Skirtach, who worked for her for several years, forged celebrity signatures and stole her earnings.

Anastasia Volochkova is furious at the driver’s cruel deception.

“You love a person, then he betrays you. Sasha had no chain of command, we spent a lot of time together,” the artist openly shares in an interview for the “New Russian Sensations” program.

According to the ballerina’s mother Tamara Vladimirovna, the driver forged powers of attorney and often communicated with Volochkova’s business partners instead of herself. The star completely trusted Skirtach, who, according to Anastasia’s relative, used her for his own purposes.

Now Alexander decided to make a statement himself. He emphasized that the former employer was behaving rudely.

“Nastya, I really ask you to stop humiliating my family. Your emotions towards me were not sincere, and everything you say is rudeness. I am a man, not a beast. I have nothing to justify myself to. If you threaten me, I will defend myself,” the man said.

Let us remind you that Skirtach had not previously contacted journalists. Volochkova herself admits that she is still in shock from the current situation. However, she is ready to meet with the former driver in person and discuss the situation, but only if Alexander makes a public apology.

“I want him to return the money and apologize to his mother, whom he falsely buried on March 25 of this year. But there was no funeral. And the man, having taken money from me on such a sad occasion, went with one of his wives to the sauna and restaurant,” the ballerina shares her experiences.

The star's mother is completely sure that the former driver could have kidnapped her granddaughter Ariadne and demanded a ransom for her. Tamara Vladimirovna also said that because of all these shocks, she began to have health problems. “He brought me to a hypertensive crisis. The doctor confirmed that the situation was very serious, and only after that Nastya believed that I was not putting on a performance,” shares Volochkova’s parent.

The former driver claims she may release unknown information about her employer if pressure from her does not stop. Now the conflict between Anastasia Volochkova and Alexander Skirtach has reached a new level, because the investigative authorities will look into the case of stolen money.

The scandal associated with the driver of Anastasia Volochka does not subside, because the star officially filed an application with the investigative authorities to bring the man to justice. Previously, the ballerina stated that Alexander Skirtach, who worked for her for several years, forged celebrity signatures and stole her earnings.

“You love a person, then he betrays you. Sasha had no chain of command, we spent a lot of time together,” the artist openly shares in an interview for the “New Russian Sensations” program.

According to the ballerina’s mother Tamara Vladimirovna, the driver forged powers of attorney and often communicated with Volochkova’s business partners instead of herself. The star completely trusted Skirtach, who, according to Anastasia’s relative, used her for his own purposes.

Now Alexander decided to make a statement himself. He emphasized that the former employer was behaving rudely.

“Nastya, I really ask you to stop humiliating my family. Your emotions towards me were not sincere, and everything you say is rudeness. I am a man, not a beast. I have nothing to justify myself to. If you threaten me, I will defend myself,” the man said.

Let us remind you that Skirtach had not previously contacted journalists. Volochkova herself admits that she is still in shock from the current situation. However, she is ready to meet with the former driver in person and discuss the situation, but only if Alexander makes a public apology.

“I want him to return the money and apologize to his mother, whom he falsely buried on March 25 of this year. But there was no funeral. And the man, having taken money from me on such a sad occasion, went with one of his wives to the sauna and restaurant,” the ballerina shares her experiences.

The star's mother is completely sure that the former driver could have kidnapped her granddaughter Ariadne and demanded a ransom for her. Tamara Vladimirovna also said that because of all these shocks, she began to have health problems. “He brought me to a hypertensive crisis. The doctor confirmed that the situation was very serious, and only after that Nastya believed that I was not putting on a performance,” shares Volochkova’s parent.

The former driver claims she may release unknown information about her employer if pressure from her does not stop. Now the conflict between Anastasia Volochkova and Alexander Skirtach has reached a new level, because the investigative authorities will look into the case of stolen money.

Sofia Skirtach publicly addressed the star. The young woman begs Anastasia Volochkova not to take away her children’s father. Now the artist’s former favorite has been arrested and is in jail, awaiting a decision on his case.

29.10.2017 17:45

The conflict between Anastasia Volochkova and her driver Alexander Skirtach resulted in the latter’s arrest. The star accused the man of stealing a large sum of money, emphasizing that she unquestioningly trusted the employee. The news about the detention of her former favorite did not upset the ballerina, and now she intends to achieve a fair court decision by all means.

However, Alexander’s wife Sofia does not agree with the accusations. A young woman believes that her husband suffered because of the revenge of a rich and famous employer.

“It happened completely unexpectedly. He went to the investigative department to find out how the investigation into our claim was progressing. After that, Sasha was detained, I didn’t sleep all night, I tried to contact him, but the police took my husband’s phone,” Sofia said on the air of the “New Russian Sensations” program.

The young woman explained that all the accusations against her husband were groundless. Sofia sincerely hoped that Alexander would be released under house arrest, but this did not happen. Now Skirtach will have to wait for the court's decision in the detention center.

According to Sofia, the ballerina’s accusations are absolutely unfair, so she is ready to meet with Volochkova and discuss the current situation.

“Anastasia, I beg you, leave our family alone. I am ready to ask for your forgiveness, to apologize by any means for the inconvenience caused. Just don't leave my children without a father. Our youngest child Only a year old, the baby is always looking for his dad, calling him. You also have a daughter. Please, get into the position,” Sofia turned to the ballerina.

According to the young woman, she has never met Volochkova. Moreover, Skirtach is afraid of an influential rival, believing that her actions show signs of personal revenge. However, Anastasia denies such accusations against her. On the air of the “New Russian Sensations” program, the ballerina said that the former driver stole millions of rubles from her, and Sofia could have been the initiator of the criminal actions.

“I want to say that you need to kneel not in front of me, but in front of yourself. We must be honest with ourselves, first of all, then there is no need to ask for forgiveness. It's disgusting when a person plays on camera. Disgusting. And I don’t feel sorry,” Volochkova said.

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