Gauguin Solntsev - who is it? Gauguin Solntsev: biography, photos and interesting facts from life. Projects and books The auditor is coming to us

No one can be surprised by marriage, when the husband is forty years older than his wife, or vice versa - the spouse is more respectable in years than the chosen one. As the saying goes, "what is allowed to Jupiter" is possible for Mrs. Pugacheva and Galkin and other people who are constantly in the spotlight of the public. Just recently, in April 2018, the famous Russian showman Gauguin Solntsev married Ekaterina Tereshkovich, he is now thirty-seven years old, she is sixty-three.

Popular Freakman's Wife young husband decided on a difficult plastic surgery and appeared in public in the show of Andrei Malakhov all in bandages. How to explain such a misalliance? Do they really love each other madly, or is everything started for the sake of PR?

About the childhood and youth of Gauguin Solntsev, how he became famous

Ilya was born in Moscow on December 5, 1980. Mom, Lyudmila Kravtsova, was a school teacher, it is known about her father that he worked at the Greek Embassy. Pro ex-husband Lyudmila says that he was quick-tempered and unrestrained, made scandals, and was engaged in assault. After one scandal, she ran away with the child to her mother.

As Gauguin says, the mother was not particularly “killed” by raising the child: she went to work, and the boy was raised by his aunt and grandmother. What Lyudmila Vasilievna Kravtsova earned and where she spent the money is unknown, because two women and a boy lived very modestly, even poorly.

In the photo Gauguin Solntsev with his mother Lyudmila Kravtsova

There is another version of Gauguin's childhood, voiced by him in one interview. Allegedly, Lyudmila's husband left on his own, unable to withstand the difficult nature of his wife, and she switched her anger to her son: she beat him, starved him, locked him in a closet. According to his son, at the age of 10, his grandmother and aunt took him in, taking pity on him, thin and bruised.

Gauguin loves to tell how his peers “pressed” him as a child. At school they laughed and mocked, in children's summer camps staged a "dark". Probably, already at that age, Ilya was very different from other children, since his classmates did not like him. Participation in school theatrical performances convinced Ilya that he should study at a theater university and then work on TV or in the theater. He graduated from a music school without any problems, after receiving a certificate, he began to search for a suitable theater university.

It turned out to be unrealistic to enter an institute with a theatrical bias due to the insanely high competition. After school, Gauguin works part-time in a Swiss company (sells cosmetics), distributes leaflets on the streets, delivers fast food, and performs in extras at nightclubs. Luck smiled at the young man when he was able to enter GITIS at the directing department. It was not possible to study there for a long time: due to the difficult nature, he leaves GITIS and leaves for the USA, where he enrolls in courses acting skills at the Lee Strasberg Theater and Film Institute. At the acting sites of the Institute in Hollywood, where Al Pacino and Angelina Jolie once studied, Gauguin gets his first artistic experience.

In 2008, Gauguin Solntsev, having completed his studies in absentia, nevertheless graduated from GITIS. For the first time, he attracted the attention of viewers by appearing on the show "Five in Separation" - he chose for himself the image of Marilyn Manson, with long hair and black lipstick. Then he repeatedly "lit up" in the programs "Dinner Party", "House" and "House 2", "Let's Get Married", "Danger Zone". Each of his appearances on the show is a scandal or a sensation, and this maintains his popularity.

Gauguin Solntsev created his own project - "The Horror Theater of Gauguin Solntsev", members of the troupe give performances in clubs and at private parties. Before the creation of the theater, he tried himself on the radio - he performed with two-hour monologues. A new round of popularity on television provided Gauguin with participation in Malakhov's show "Let them talk" in 2011, in the same year Solntsev begins to broadcast his program "Mystical Moscow" on one of the capital's TV channels.

Even outside of TV and clubs, he attracts attention: he starts a fight in a restaurant (the wrong wine was served), he tries to steal underwear in a women's clothing store, all this is recorded on camera and laid out on the Internet. Inviting Gauguin to the next show, the presenters are ready: he will either provoke a conflict between the participants, or he himself will get into a fight. In 2016, he tried to beat Dmitry Shevelev, allegedly because he had not paid for the previous performance.

In addition to outrageous behavior, it causes a burning interest appearance men, versions are being built about his sexual orientation. Alas, there is nothing to profit from here: although Gauguin does not behave quite like a “normal” guy, he was not noticed in close relations with representatives of his sex. But with women he has intrigues - more than enough!

Personal life of Gauguin before Ekaterina Tereshkovich

One of official versions about the companion of Gauguin Solntsev, whom he voiced many times almost with tears in his eyes: for fifteen years he lived in civil marriage with a girl named Galina. Allegedly interrupted the idyll of their love "Bitzevsky maniac" - the infamous sadist and murderer Alexander Pichushkin. Gauguin claims that Galya was one of his victims, and her death for Solntsev was a real tragedy. “I withdrew from everyone, I even wanted to take my own life,” his words.

In the photo Gauguin Solntsev at the grave of Galina's former civil wife

But if Gauguin Solntsev lived happily for so many years with Galina Ivanova, how to explain his appearance in the Be Your Way program in May 2012? There was a major "showdown" with the girl Sveta, who talks about cohabitation with Gauguin and about their disagreements. Svetlana claimed that she loved him, was ready to start a family with him and have children, but Solntsev categorically did not want to enter into an official marriage. They really look alike in this show former lovers who quarreled recently.

Then there was misterious story with daughter Larisa Dolina. The popular freakman claimed that the wedding was just around the corner, that he would soon become the son-in-law of the singer. Larisa answered in surprise in an interview: “We, my daughter and I, don’t even greet him, what kind of wedding are we talking about?” - And failed attempt PR quickly "blown away".

Gauguin Solntsev's wife Ekaterina Tereshkovich

The latest news in the field of show business "explode" every day with the details of this marriage: Solntsev and Tereshkovich, who is 63 years old, got married! And who is Ekaterina Tereshkovich, what “zigzag” of fate brought her to this person?

Solntsev claims that they had known each other for four years before the wedding. A woman approached him at the cinema (what a hard time brought Gauguin to the cinema?), then visited his club show, offered herself as a producer. There is no intelligible information about Catherine in the media, the only truthful thing she said about herself was that she was a philologist by education (she showed her diploma).

She tells about herself that she is the owner of a large business. Catherine invited journalists to her (her own?) Mansion with rich decoration. Cunning reporters noticed that in the bathroom of the mansion there are very cheap cosmetics, and closets with clothes are almost empty - it seems that the house was just rented.

Another interesting discovery done by those who dug deeper into in social networks. A VKontakte account was found, where in the background village house in an embrace with kittens - a certain Ekaterina Toroshkova, surprisingly similar to Solntsev's wife. In the January photo of 2018 - an ordinary pensioner in a headscarf, no mansions, expensive cars, no fur coats with her.

Wedding: TV appearance after honeymoon

Millions of fans of the couple (and spitting in disgust) watched in May 2018 as Gauguin Solntsev and Ekaterina Tereshkovich left the Moscow registry office. On the occasion of the celebration, the husband made a perm and dressed in a tailcoat, his wife is wearing a chic White dress with hand embroidery. The couple went to Honeymoon: they visited Cyprus, swam and sunbathed (did not forget to post photos on Instagram). Then in Russia they traveled around Yasnaya Polyana, rode horses, on the "ferris wheel", visited the casino, where Gauguin allegedly "squandered" half a million.

In the photo, Gauguin Solntsev and his wife Ekaterina Tereshkovich on their honeymoon

"Live" by Andrei Malakhov with the participation of Gauguin and Catherine at the end of their honeymoon - new food for scandalous gossip. For the first time, Gauguin's mother and her "solid" daughter-in-law met where Lyudmila Kravtsova attacked the woman with abuse. “Sucked on him like a leech! I want grandchildren, and you won’t give birth to them.” Lyudmila was calmed down with difficulty and seated.

Businesswoman Larisa Kopenkina stood up for the couple, ex-wife singer Prokhor Chaliapin. Despite her sad experience of marrying a young man, she categorically stated that marriage to big difference aged is useful for a woman and quite acceptable. “Why is it possible for a husband to be much older than his wife, but not vice versa?”

"Turned up the heat" in the studio of Gauguin's aunt, who raised him - Svetlana Cherepanova. She said that Ekaterina was “unkind and deprived of the attention of men,” and if she and Solntsev are in love, it’s great, “at least now she will receive her portion of love.” To the accusations of his mother, Gauguin retorted that he would have children (no one canceled surrogate motherhood), and he would be able to raise them well.

Before the show, Gauguin Solntsev's wife was examined for possible pregnancy. Alas, she will not have children, and not only because of her age: her uterus and one ovary have been removed. Doctors suggested that the spouses use the service of a surrogate mother. Better, they said, if it is one of the relatives. The idea arose to ask Catherine's daughter, Polina Davydova, to bear the child. She not only refused (she also came to "Live"), but also talked about her childhood, how her mother "ran around the peasants and did not remember about her daughter."

Gauguin and Katya are sure: everyone is so unhappy because they envy their happiness! Question about surrogacy remains open: money is not a problem, said Gauguin, "you spend more in a week" (his words about the cost of the operation). They dismissed the idea of ​​adoption - they want their own, genetically prosperous baby.

What happened to the face of Ekaterina Tereshkovich?

And again a shock: at the end of August, again in " Live» Gauguin's wife appeared in the studio all in bandages, even her eyes could not be seen because of dark glasses! They said that Solntsev forced Katya to go for an operation, but is that true?

The program showed how a caring husband visits Catherine in the ward. She, with her face swollen beyond recognition, with terrible seams around her eyes, complains: "My chin hurts a lot, and my eyes are watery." But he is happy: “They used to say about you - behind you is a pioneer, in front (face) a pensioner, now you will be a pioneer on both sides, pretty girl!”

Ekaterina Tereshkovich appeared in one of the episodes of the show "Live" with a bandaged face

According to Solntsev, Catherine underwent a very difficult operation, and she went for it voluntarily, even persuading Gauguin to let her "go under the knife." After the recovery period, they plan to increase Katya's breasts to the fifth (wow!) size. Gauguin dreams of "bringing internal state Katenka in harmony with the outside, ”his words. “She’s really young, she’ll give any girl a head start.”

The idyll on the show was not spoiled by the video where Gauguin hugs the dancers of his theater, while his wife is undergoing surgery. He explained it simply: "A working moment." Ekaterina's daughter came to the program again and complained that her mother spends big money on plastic surgery, but does not help her - Polina is raising three nephews.

They do not hesitate to hug and kiss in public, in every possible way demonstrate mutual tender feelings. Videos are “walking” on the Internet where Catherine poses in front of her husband in sexy underwear (by the way, her figure is really excellent for this age). Solntsev shares details on social networks intimate life and claims that he is delighted with his wife, how affectionate, understanding and experienced she is. Everyone is looking forward to the appearance of Katerina, “renewed” after the operation, rejuvenated and prettier. And yes, they promised size 5 breasts!

“Bad luck has haunted me since childhood. I have never known happiness or joy, only adversity. And I exclaim: “Lord, if you exist, I accuse you of injustice and cruelty,” wrote Paul Gauguin, creating his most famous painting “Where are we from? Who are we? Where are we going?". After writing which, he attempted suicide. Indeed, it was as if some kind of inexorable evil fate hung over him all his life.


It all started simply: he quit his job. Stockbroker Paul Gauguin is tired of dealing with all this fuss. In addition, in 1884, Paris plunged into a financial crisis. A few broken deals, a couple high-profile scandals- and here is Gauguin on the street.

However, he had long been looking for a reason to plunge headlong into painting. Turn this old hobby into a profession.

Of course, it was a complete adventure. Firstly, Gauguin was far from creative maturity. Secondly, newfangled the impressionist paintings that he painted were not in the slightest demand among the public. Therefore, it is natural that after a year of his artistic "career" Gauguin was already thoroughly impoverished.

In Paris stands Cold winter 1885-86, his wife and children left for their parents in Copenhagen, Gauguin is starving. In order to at least somehow feed himself, he works for a pittance as a poster poster. “What really makes the need terrible is that it interferes with work, and the mind comes to a standstill,” he later recalled. - This applies primarily to life in Paris and other big cities where the struggle for a piece of bread takes three quarters of your time and half of your energy.

It was then that Gauguin had the idea to go somewhere in warm countries, in which life seemed to him fanned by a romantic halo of pristine beauty, purity and freedom. In addition, he believed that there would be almost no need to earn a living.

Paradise islands

In May 1889, wandering around the huge World Exhibition in Paris, Gauguin finds himself in a hall filled with examples of oriental sculpture. Examines the ethnographic exposition, observes ritual dances performed by graceful Indonesians. And with new force the idea to go away lights up in him. Somewhere away from Europe, to warmer climes. In one of his letters of that time we read: “The whole East and the deep philosophy imprinted in golden letters in its art, all this deserves to be studied, and I believe that I will find new strength there. The modern West is rotten, but a Herculean man, like Antaeus, can draw fresh energy by touching the land there.

The choice fell on Tahiti. The official guide published by the Ministry of the Colonies, dedicated to the island, depicted a paradise life. Inspired by the reference book, Gauguin says in one of his letters of that time: “Soon I am leaving for Tahiti, a small island in the South Seas, where you can live without money. I am determined to forget my miserable past, write freely as I please, without thinking about fame, and finally die there, forgotten by everyone here in Europe.

One after another, he sends petitions to government authorities, wanting to receive an “official mission”: “I want,” he wrote to the Minister of Colonies, “to go to Tahiti and paint a series of paintings in this land, the spirit and colors of which I consider it my task to perpetuate.” And in the end, he received this “official mission”. The mission provided discounts on expensive travel to distant Tahiti. But only.

The inspector is coming!

However, no, not only. The governor of the island received a letter from the Ministry of Colonies about the "official mission". As a result, the first time Gauguin was provided with a very good reception there. Local officials even suspected at first that he was not an artist at all, but an inspector from the metropolis hiding under the mask of an artist. He was even accepted as a member of the Circle Militer, a men's club for the elite, which usually took only officers and senior officials.

But all this Pacific Gogolism did not last long. Gauguin failed to maintain this first impression. According to contemporaries, one of the main features of his character was a kind of strange arrogance. He often appeared arrogant, arrogant and narcissistic.

Biographers believe that the reason for this self-confidence was an unshakable faith in his talent and vocation. A firm conviction that he is a great artist. On the one hand, this faith has always allowed him to be an optimist, to endure the most difficult trials. But this belief was also the cause of many conflicts. Gauguin often made enemies. And this is exactly what began to happen to him shortly after his arrival in Tahiti.

In addition, it quickly became clear that as an artist he was very original. The very first portrait commissioned by him made a terrible impression. The catch was that Gauguin, wanting not to scare people away, tried to be simpler, that is, he worked in a purely realistic manner, and therefore gave the client’s nose a natural red color. The customer considered this a mocking caricature, hid the picture in the attic, and a rumor spread around the city that Gauguin had neither tact nor talent. Naturally, after that, none of the wealthy residents of the Tahitian capital wanted to become his new “victim”. But he made a big bet on portraits. He hoped that this would become his main source of income.

A disillusioned Gauguin wrote: "It was Europe—the Europe I left, only worse, with colonial snobbery and caricature-like imitation of our customs, fashions, vices and follies."

Fruits of civilization

After the incident with the portrait, Gauguin decided to leave the city as soon as possible, and, finally, to accomplish what he went around half of the globe: to study and write real, uncorrupted savages. The fact is that Papeete, the capital of Tahiti, extremely disappointed Gauguin. In fact, he was a hundred years late here. Missionaries, merchants and other representatives of civilization have long done their disgusting deed: instead of a beautiful village with picturesque huts, Gauguin was met by lines of shops and taverns, as well as ugly, unplastered brick houses. The Polynesians were nothing like the naked Eves and wild Hercules that Gauguin imagined. They have already been properly civilized.

All this became a serious disappointment for Koke (as the Tahitians called Gauguin). And when he learned that if you get out of the capital, you can still find the old life on the outskirts of the island, he, of course, began to strive to do this.

However, the departure did not take place immediately, Gauguin was prevented by an unforeseen circumstance: illness. Very severe hemorrhage and heart pain. All symptoms pointed to syphilis in the second stage. The second stage meant that Gauguin was infected many years ago, back in France. And here, in Tahiti, the course of the disease was only accelerated by a stormy and far from healthy life which he began to lead. And, I must say, that having spat with the bureaucratic elite, he completely plunged into popular entertainment: he regularly attended parties of reckless Tahitians and the so-called, where you could always find yourself a beauty for an hour without any problems. At the same time, of course, for Gauguin, communication with the natives was primarily excellent opportunity to observe and sketch everything new that he saw.

A stay in the hospital cost Gauguin 12 francs a day, the money melted like ice in the tropics. In Papeete, in general, the cost of living was higher than in Paris. Yes, and Gauguin - he loved to live in a big way. All the money brought from France ran out. No new income was foreseen.

In search of savages

Once in Papeete, Gauguin met one of the regional leaders of Tahiti. The leader was distinguished by rare loyalty to the French and was fluent in their language. Having received an invitation to live in the region of Tahiti subordinate to his new friend, Gauguin happily agreed. And he did not lose: it was one of the most beautiful areas of the island.

Gauguin settled in an ordinary Tahitian hut made of bamboo, with a leafy roof. At first he was happy and painted two dozen paintings: “It was so easy to paint things as I saw them, to put red paint next to blue without deliberate calculation. I was fascinated by the golden figures in the rivers or on the seashore. What prevented me from conveying this triumph of the sun on canvas? Only an ingrained European tradition. Only the fetters of fear inherent in a degenerate people!”

Unfortunately, this happiness could not last long. The leader was not going to take the artist on balance, and it was impossible for a European who did not own land and did not know Tahitian agriculture to feed himself in these parts. He didn't know how to hunt or fish. And even if he had learned over time, then all his time would have been spent on it - he would simply have no time to write.

Gauguin found himself in a financial impasse. There really wasn't enough money for anything. As a result, he was forced to ask to be sent home at public expense. True, while the petition was going from Tahiti to France, life seemed to be getting better: Gauguin managed to get some orders for portraits, and also get a wife, a fourteen-year-old Tahitian named Teha'amana.

“I started working again, and my house became the abode of happiness. In the mornings, when the sun rose, my dwelling was filled with bright light. Teha'amana's face shone like gold, illuminating everything around, and we went to the river and bathed together, simply and naturally, as in the gardens of Eden. I no longer distinguished between good and evil. Everything was great, everything was great.”

Complete failure

Then there was poverty interspersed with happiness, hunger, exacerbation of the disease, despair and occasional financial support from the sale of paintings in the homeland. With great difficulty, Gauguin returns to France in order to arrange a large solo exhibition. Until the very last moment, he was sure that a triumph awaited him. After all, he brought from Tahiti several dozen truly revolutionary paintings - not a single artist had painted like that before him. "Now I'll find out if it was crazy of me to go to Tahiti."

And what? Indifferent, contemptuous faces of perplexed townsfolk. Complete failure. He left for distant lands when mediocrity refused to recognize his genius. And he hoped upon his return to appear in full growth, in all his greatness. Let my flight be a defeat, he told himself, but my return would be a victory. Instead, the return dealt him only another crushing blow.

In the newspapers, Gauguin's paintings were called "inventions of a sick brain, a desecration of Art and Nature." “If you want to amuse your children, send them to the Gauguin exhibition,” the journalists wrote.

Gauguin's friends tried in every possible way to persuade him not to succumb to a natural impulse, not to leave immediately back to south seas. But in vain. “Nothing will stop me from leaving, and I will stay there forever. Life in Europe – what idiocy!” He seemed to have forgotten about all the hardships that he had recently experienced in Tahiti. “If everything goes well, I will leave in February. And then I can end my days a free man, peacefully, without anxiety for the future, and there is no need to fight with blockheads anymore ... I will not write, except perhaps for my own pleasure. I will have a wooden carved house.”

invisible enemy

In 1895, Gauguin again left for Tahiti and again settled in the capital. In fact, he was going this time to the Marquesas Islands, where he hoped to find a simpler and easier life. But he was still tormented by the same untreated disease, and he chose Tahiti, where, at least, there was a hospital.

Illness, poverty, lack of recognition, these three components hung over Gauguin like an evil fate. Nobody wanted to buy the paintings left for sale in Paris, and in Tahiti nobody needed him at all.

He was finally broken by the news of sudden death nineteen-year-old daughter - perhaps the only creature on earth that he truly loved. “I was so used to constant misfortunes that at first I didn’t feel anything,” Gauguin wrote. “But gradually my brain came to life, and every day the pain penetrated deeper, so that now I am completely killed. Honestly, you might think that somewhere in the transcendental realms I have an enemy who decided not to give me a moment's rest.

Health deteriorated at the same rate as financial affairs. The ulcers spread all over the affected leg and then spread to the other leg. Gauguin rubbed arsenic into them, wrapped his legs in bandages up to his knees, but the disease progressed. Then his eyes suddenly flared up. True, the doctors assured that it was not dangerous, but he could not write in such a state. They just treated his eyes - his leg ached to the point that he could not step on it and fell ill. Painkillers made him dumb. If he tried to get up, his head would begin to spin, and he would lose consciousness. rose at times heat. “Bad luck has haunted me since childhood. I have never known happiness or joy, only adversity. And I exclaim: "Lord, if you exist, I accuse you of injustice and cruelty." You see, after the news of the death of poor Alina, I could no longer believe in anything, I just laughed bitterly. What is the use of virtues, labor, courage and intelligence?

People tried not to approach his house, thinking that he not only had syphilis, but also incurable leprosy (although this was not the case). On top of that, he began to suffer severe heart attacks. He suffered from suffocation and spit up blood. It seemed that he really was subject to some terrible curse.

At this time, in between bouts of dizziness and unbearable pain, a picture was slowly created, which the descendants called his spiritual testament, the legendary “Where are we from? Who are we? Where are we going?".

Life after death

The seriousness of Gauguin's intentions is evidenced by the fact that the dose of arsenic he took was simply lethal. He really was going to kill himself.

He took refuge in the mountains and swallowed the powder.

But it was precisely too large a dose that helped him survive: the body refused to accept it, and the artist vomited. The exhausted Gauguin fell asleep, and, waking up, somehow crawled to the house.

Gauguin prayed to God for death. But instead, the disease receded.

He decided to build a large and comfortable house. And, continuing to hope that the Parisians are about to start buying his paintings, he took a very large loan. And in order to pay off his debts, he got a tedious job as a petty official. He made copies of drawings and plans and inspected roads. This work stupefied and did not allow painting.

Everything changed suddenly. It was as if somewhere in heaven a dam of bad luck had suddenly burst. Suddenly he receives 1000 francs from Paris (some of the paintings were finally sold), repays part of the debt and leaves the service. Suddenly he finds himself as a journalist and, working in a local newspaper, achieves quite tangible results in this field: playing on the political opposition of two local parties, he improves his financial affairs and regains the respect of local residents. There was nothing especially joyful, however, in this. After all, Gauguin still saw his vocation in painting. And because of journalism, the great artist was torn off the canvas for two years.

But suddenly a man appeared in his life who managed to sell his paintings well and thereby literally saved Gauguin, allowing him to go back to his business. His name was Ambroise Vollard. In exchange for a guaranteed right to acquire no less than twenty-five paintings a year for two hundred francs each, Vollard began to pay Gauguin a monthly advance of three hundred francs. And also at his own expense to supply the artist with everything necessary material. Gauguin dreamed of such an agreement all his life.

Having finally received financial freedom, Gauguin decided to fulfill his old dream and move to the Marquesas Islands.

It seemed that all bad things were over. In the Marquesas he built new house(calling it none other than "Merry House") and began to live the way he had long wanted to live. Koke writes a lot, and the rest of the time he spends in friendly feasts in the cool dining room of his Merry House.

However, happiness was short-lived: locals they dragged the “illustrious journalist” into political intrigues, problems began with the authorities, and as a result, he made many enemies here too. Yes, and Gauguin's illness, which had subsided, again knocked on the door: strong pain in the leg, heart failure, weakness. He stopped leaving the house. Soon the pain became unbearable, and Gauguin Once again had to resort to morphine. When he increased the dose to a dangerous limit, then, fearing poisoning, he switched to opium tincture, from which he was constantly sleepy. He spent hours sitting in the workshop and playing the harmonium. And a few listeners, having gathered at these aching sounds, could not hold back tears.

When he died, there was an empty bottle of opium tincture on the bedside table. Perhaps Gauguin, accidentally or intentionally, took an excessively large dose.

Three weeks after his funeral, the local bishop (and one of the enemies acquired by Gauguin) sent a letter to the authorities in Paris: “The only noteworthy event here was the sudden death of an unworthy man named Gauguin, who was a famous artist, but an enemy of God and everything decent.”

Gauguin Solntsev is an extraordinary and shocking personality. Any program with his participation turns into the brightest performance. Often there are brawls and fights. It is on this that the ratings of most television programs are built. After all, people at all times thirsted for bread and circuses. How old is Gauguin Solntsev? Is he married? What are his creative hobbies? All necessary information contained in the article.

Gauguin Solntsev: biography

The future showman and shocking master was born on December 5, 1980 in one of the capital's maternity hospitals. Gauguin Solntsev (real name - Ilya Solntsev) from a worthy family. His mother worked as a school teacher, and his father worked as an employee at the Russian Embassy in Greece. Unfortunately, family happiness did not last long. Parents divorced when Gauguin was very young. He was raised by his grandmother and aunt. The mother simply abandoned her son, ceased to take part in his life.

Our today's hero began to show interest in the stage already in childhood. He loved to try on bright outfits, dance and sing funny songs. And the first public speaking Gauguin took place in the school choir.


Solntsev's classmates dreamed of becoming economists, lawyers and engineers. Gauguin did not share their views and hobbies. He firmly decided that after school he would enter the theater institute. Having received our hero in his arms, he went to one of the Moscow universities. A bright and purposeful young man managed to pass the necessary exams and pass all the prescribed tours. The management of the university offered him to enter on a paid basis. But Gauguin's family did not live well. Grandmother and aunt did not have money for his paid education.

However, the future showman was not taken aback. He signed up for free courses in network marketing. And soon the energetic guy got the position of a distributor of a Swiss company that produces high-quality cosmetics.

creative path

Gauguin Solntsev (real name, as already mentioned, Ilya Solntsev) has achieved considerable success in network marketing. But he was not going to give up the dream of his life - to perform on stage.

Gauguin's creative career began by accident. Once, together with his girlfriend, after an evening movie session, he visited a children's art club. At first, Gauguin Solntsev, whose biography we are considering, watched the classes from the outside. But soon he asked the administrator of the club, his good friend, about conducting a master class in theatrical art. After the first lesson, it became clear that the kids liked everything very much. Then it was decided to recruit a group for training in theatrical skills. After 3 years of painstaking work in the club, 10 teachers were subordinate to Gauguin. During this time, more than 200 children have been trained.

In search of myself

Gauguin Solntsev - who is it? Talented teacher or successful manager? Our today's hero did not agree with either the first or the second option. In search of himself, he managed to change several occupations: he worked as a perfume seller, a cashier in a theater and a loader in a store.

Gauguin makes new attempts to enter And one day he managed to achieve his goal. Solntsev successfully passed the exams, but was not enrolled in A all because by that time he was fully formed. Then the guy went to the directing department. And I didn't guess.

Gauguin Solntsev - who is it? He is a born artist. It's always interesting to watch him. And it is impossible to guess what this guy will do in the next minute.

TV appearance

Solntsev managed not only to study, but also to earn extra money by performing in nightclubs. He sang modern pop songs, reworking them in his own way. Due to the complex character and temper, Gauguin had conflicts with classmates and teaching staff. In order to at least get a little distracted and mentally relax, Solntsev takes an academic leave and leaves for Los Angeles for 3 months. In America, our hero takes internship acting courses organized by the legendary Academy. After 3 months, Gauguin returns to Moscow.

Then he makes acquaintance with a manager who should represent his interests and organize concerts. The showman's disappointment knew no bounds. After all, the halls at his concerts were almost empty. Tickets sold out badly, it was not possible to make money on tour. But Ilya was not going to give up. He came to grips with his promotion and PR. The guy meets one of the youth TV producers, who invites him to MTV. Gauguin came to the shooting of the reality show "Five in Separation" in the form of a "black demon". Russian Marilyn Manson made an indelible impression on both the viewers and the creators of the program.

The bright and outrageous Gauguin Solntsev was noticed by the producers of popular shows (“Danger Zone”, “Dinner Party” and others). Proposals for cooperation fell like a cornucopia.

In parallel with filming on TV, our hero is recording new songs, as well as creating incredible costumes and images. In a word, he completely immersed himself in creativity.

Personal life

Articles and photographs periodically appear in the press with the caption: "Gauguin Solntsev and his wife." At the same time, journalists are not embarrassed by the fact that the girls next to the showman were different.

In 2012, there were rumors that Ilya (Gauguin) was going to marry But this information did not find any official confirmation.

This year showman Gauguin Solntsev will celebrate his 35th birthday. Most likely, the celebration will take place in a cool Moscow club, and shocking girls and guys, as well as representatives of Russian show business, will be the guests of the party.

To date, our hero is not legally married. But it cannot be ruled out that soon the whole country will be watching how Gauguin Solntsev and his wife walk together in the park, create comfort in the house and raise common children.

Scandals and fights

Gauguin is disgusted by a quiet and measured life. He is used to constant scandals and fights. In addition, it is an integral part of his image. Over the past 2-3 years, there have been several fights involving Gauguin. We decided to dwell on three cases in more detail.

In what scandals was Gauguin Solntsev noticed? The personal life of an outrageous guy is hidden from prying eyes. But almost every publication turns into a new scandal, which journalists immediately learn about.

In 2012, the showman got into a fight with a waitress. This happened in a karaoke bar, where Gauguin often visited. At first, there were no signs of trouble. The guy studied the menu and made an order. And then the waitress brought the wine is not the sort that he needed. The showman reprimanded her and asked her to replace the bottle of alcohol. But the waitress did not listen to the end of the claim and began to be rude. For a guy with a quick temper, a rude answer was enough to lose his temper. He took a glass of wine in his hand and splashed it in the face of the waitress. She managed to dodge. However, this angered Ilya even more. A fight broke out between him and the waitress. When the administrator entered the hall, they were both on the floor. It took a lot of effort to pull them apart in different corners. The managers of the karaoke bar offered Solntsev to amicably settle the conflict, that is, to do without calling the police and an ambulance. At the same time, he was recognized as a victim and paid monetary compensation. The boorish waitress and the security guard who dragged Gauguin during the fight were fired.

Let's consider the second case. It happened in October 2014. The showman, accompanied by his godmother Lydia, went to a clothing store located on Dubrovka. He picked up goods for 10,000 rubles and headed towards the cash register. While the store employees were processing his purchases, he was talking on the phone and discreetly walked out the doorway. Everything would be fine, but in his pocket he had unpaid underwear worth 500 rubles. The store employees caught on in time and stopped the showman. How did Gauguin Solntsev behave? The fight between him and the saleswoman began after she accused him of stealing. The outrageous master said that he wanted to pay for the linen, but he had to urgently answer the phone call. Who is right and who is wrong in this story is not entirely clear.

We have already mentioned above that the mother abandoned Gauguin when he was small. He was raised by his aunt and grandmother. But here, after many years, the woman expressed a desire to find her blood. This story was reflected in the program “We Speak and Show” (NTV). In the studio of the program, a meeting of the son and mother took place. A young man with fists attacked the woman who gave him life. He explained his behavior with hatred and contempt for his mother. Long years she did not remember her son, and now she wants to cash in on his fame and popularity. No reconciliation took place within the walls of the studio. Ilya said that he would never forgive his mother, that he would always consider her an outsider. But that's his personal business. After all, you can’t force a son to communicate with his mother, who left him at a young age.

Who does he like - boys or girls?

Gauguin Solntsev - who is it? Is he straight or gay? Fancy outfits, bright makeup and long wigs suggest that the showman likes feminine looks. Someone thinks that this is how he attracts the attention of a male.

Gauguin Solntsev, whose orientation is of interest to many, has long crossed the thirty-year milestone. He has no wife and children. This is also very strange. But, on the other hand, there are many adult men in Russia who do not want to start families. And this does not mean their non-traditional sexual orientation. On the contrary, real machos do not want to get hung up on any one woman. They change sexual partners like gloves. Of course, Gauguin Solntsev does not belong to their category. The orientation of the guy has been questioned more than once. But he himself does not get tired of repeating that he likes girls. And Ilya does not marry because he has not yet met that one.

To characterize Gauguin, such a word as metrosexual is suitable. This is the name of the guys who dress stylishly and carefully care for their appearance. Our hero is just that. He does not accept stubble and poorly ironed things.

Arrival at Dom-2

At the very beginning of his television career our hero attended various programs. But real popularity came to him after his appearance on Dom-2. Gauguin came to the project twice. For the first time he appeared on the show to "light up" and take the place of the main intriguer - Rustam Kalganov. The outrageous guy gained popularity with the audience, but could not hold out for a long time within the walls of "House-2". The guys did not like his quick temper and strange sense of humor. Gauguin's second arrival at Dom-2 was also unsuccessful.

Shooting in the program "Let's Get Married"

Outrageous singer and actor participated in various programs. He was invited as a guest and an expert in show business. But this time he decided to become the main character of Let's Get Married. Three girls fought for the attention and heart of a freak. But the bright boy did not like any of them.

Gauguin Solntsev without makeup

TV viewers and regulars of secular parties are accustomed to seeing Ilya in unusual images. He makes "explosive" hairstyles and puts on his face a large number of makeup. Perhaps this is just a disguise. Gauguin simply does not want to open up to society. And behind all these terrifying images, he hides his vulnerable soul and kind heart.


Our today's hero was the bright and outrageous Gauguin Solntsev. Who it is, you now know. You can treat him differently - hate and despise or adore and imitate. But it is impossible not to notice it. It remains to wish Gauguin creative success.

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