Forbes Woman: Principles of Natalia Izosimova. Natalia Izosimova told what is the main secret of a successful top manager

Most good teacher in life experience. Takes, however, expensive, but explains intelligibly!

[email protected]

There are no people who are not talented, there are only lazy people!

About Me

Higher education, in 2012 she graduated from the National Research Irkutsk State Technical University, by specialty. real estate management and expertise engineer. In my work I use modern pedagogical technologies: information and communication, design, problem-search. My students actively participate in competitions, olympiads different levels and win prizes.

  • Labor and teaching experience, work in this educational institution: 8 years

  • Received the Governor's Award in 2012.

Books that shaped my inner world

Reading books in one way or another affect a person. But there are still no such books that have strongly influenced consciousness, there are those that have formed new views and thoughts: Mikhail Litvak "Principles of the Sperm"

My view of the world

"You know, I still believe

What if the Earth remains alive,

The highest dignity of mankind

Someday there will be teachers."

R. Rozhdestvensky

My achievements

I like to participate in various competitions, exhibitions, seminars. The goal is to win! If I feel that my students may not be among the winners, then I won’t even take it on, because I value both my time and the time of my children. The motto: "The main thing is not victory, but participation" is clearly not for us. But I get a huge return from the children, because they are immediately focused on winning. And indeed, it turns out!

Certificates and Diplomas:

  • Honorary Diploma Min. arr. Irk. Region
  • Open lesson at the regional seminar: "Installation of PVC structures";
  • Seminar "Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of social competencies of students in classroom and extracurricular activities", Irkutsk Aircraft Engineering and Materials Processing School;
  • All-Russian competition work of scientific and technical creativity of students of institutions of secondary vocational education, 2013 leader (trained by V. Podvorny);
  • Competition "Article" diploma of the 3rd degree of the All-Russian competition of teachers;
  • Competition "Prove yourself" (Scenario of a media lesson with a computer);
  • NPK "We are responsible for our future";
  • Competition for the governor's award "Teacher of the Year" - order min. education;
  • Competition "Foyer 1st floor";
  • All-Russian competition "Pedagogical skill" - diploma of the 1st degree;
  • All-Russian competition " Extracurricular activities within the framework of the GEF program";
  • All-Russian competition "I will share with you my methodological find"
  • Regional student NPC "Youth in solving the problems of our time"

"President of the Foundation for Effective Governance, Natalya Izosimova, is one of the most powerful women in Ukraine. Glory gray cardinal under the country's richest man Rinat Akhmetov, participation in the development of key economic reforms government... It is unlikely that 17 years ago, when accepting an offer to join the consulting company McKinsey, the senior editor of the magazine "Foreign Literature" Muscovite Natasha Izosimova could imagine that fate would bring her so far. What lessons and conclusions did she draw from her dizzying career?", writes the Ukrainian magazine Forbes Woman.

I very quickly decided to move from Moscow to Donetsk. I just really wanted to. After talking with top managers of SCM, and then with Rinat Akhmetov, I became convinced that it was with these people, at this particular time and in this company, that something truly significant could be done. And there may never be another chance like this.

McKinsey and SCM have a common starting point for of both companies, people are the highest, overriding priority. Both companies clearly understand that the long-term success of a business depends primarily on people. The realization that people come first, and then numbers, is the main thing that allows SCM to compete successfully, and not only in Ukraine.

When I joined SCM, the company was ready for change. It faced new challenges - it was necessary to build a world-class company - and with all my accumulated baggage, I successfully fit into these tasks. We can say that our phases coincided.

Working at SCM is one of the most interesting periods in my life. SCM managed to build a system and corporate culture to attract and retain the best talent. This is both an achievement and a key to success, and a competitive advantage.

Successful people at McKinsey are a very attractive commodity. for all large companies worldwide. Essentially, McKinsey does everything for the business. homework: chooses the most capable, invests in their development, conducts a very strict and careful selection in the process of their growth. McKinsey is ready for successful consultants to go into business. When I came to SCM, I understood who was who at McKinsey, I had direct access to the guys, I knew very well how the system worked, so the process of "flow" was faster and easier.

Rinat Akhmetov likes to repeat that our common task is to raise the value of Ukraine. Only then will people live better. He does it in different ways in his different roles. As a businessman, he develops his enterprises and increases their value. Like an owner football club- brings Ukrainian football to a new qualitative level. When he entered politics, being strategically thinking person, he decided to systematically contribute to the economic growth of the country. For this purpose, the Foundation for Effective Governance was created, the task of which is to promote economic growth by promoting economic reforms.

To be honest, it was very difficult for me to leave SCM for the Fund.. I doubted, tormented, even cried. Women's stuff in general. The task that was set before me - to create and develop the Fund, was a challenge and frightened me. On the other hand, it was interesting to try to do something completely different, large-scale and significant for the whole country. In the end, I agreed, but the dilemma was not an easy one.

Seven years spent in Ukraine flew by very quickly. But if time is measured by the number of events and quality content, then it would be enough for a lifetime.

I fell in love with Ukraine I have made real friends, it's good for me to live here, it's interesting to work. Ukraine gave me new opportunities for self-realization. I would describe my attitude towards her future as healthy optimism. Behind last years In my opinion, a very important mental change has taken place in Ukraine - the country has become more pragmatic.

The Ukrainian language turned out to be very difficult. I am capable of learning languages, but I hesitate to speak Ukrainian, there are too many complex nuances.

Ukraine is much more European country than Russia. This Europeanness was very surprising.

At different stages of my life different people had a shaping influence on me. First it was my mother, then the director of the Eastern European office of McKinsey Mickey Obermeier. Now I am learning a lot from Rinat Leonidovich (Akhmetov). His combination of wisdom, core, philosophical vision of life and attitude towards it is rarely seen.

In the Foundation, at first it was unusual to play the role of the first person of the organization. But this did not last long, I had such a volume of work and such a number of tasks that there was no time to be afraid. I had to learn something - for example, to sign an unimaginable number of documents.

What is a successful top manager? First of all, it is an established personality. Combination of strategic and tactical horizons. Ability to listen and build relationships with people. But, perhaps, the main thing is the ability and desire to continuously develop yourself. It is very dangerous to become rigid or complacent.

If you ask me where I feel most comfortable in the Fund or business, then I will definitely answer - in business. The result of the invested efforts in the Fund, in comparison with business, is much longer delayed in time. This requires a lot of patience. It is hard for me. In addition, the business environment is an environment of like-minded people. And in the Foundation I have to communicate intensively with outside world, where it is not always possible to achieve understanding from a half-word.

The Fund made a development strategy for Lviv and Donbass. I was struck by how much Lviv and Donetsk people love their cities. This is not leavened patriotism, but real, proud and unconditional love of the inhabitants for their city and region.

If the inhabitants of Lvov and Donetsk got to know each other better, then dozens of false stereotypes would disappear.

At the beginning of the Fund's work, there was more skepticism and wariness towards it than anything else. We had to prove all the time that we are independent and what we offer quality product, which is well structured and, most importantly, is actually implemented in Ukrainian conditions.

Now the degree of demand in the expertise of the Fund by the executive and legislature exceeds our available resources. This is normal - in almost all countries where intensive reforms are taking place, governments actively use such non-governmental structures.

The Foundation has built smooth constructive relations with all healthy reform-oriented forces - it was not easy.

Some day, I would like to return to SCM, to the real business.

I am a categorical opponent of the authoritarian style of management. The principle - "one is smart, the rest are afraid" greatly cuts off the possibility of receiving valuable and smart ideas. In addition, this approach completely demotivates people. Employees must believe in what they are doing and have the authority to match the level of the task at hand. Only then will they take real responsibility.

Employees should be given the opportunity to grow and develop. Talented, moral, intelligent and ambitious people value new opportunities and prospects no less than money. For them, this is one of the main motivational factors. And for business, it is one of the main levers of development. Over the years, I came to the conclusion that any employee deserves a second chance. But if it doesn’t work, neither the second nor the third time, then everyone should go their own way. It is not necessary to torment either the employee or the company for a long time, it is better to leave.

I never had a personal team - I'm not Moses to lead people behind me. The principles that guided me when forming the Foundation's team are quite simple: they must be people who learn very quickly, have project management skills, share the mission and philosophy of the Foundation and believe in it. Previous experience may vary. From business to journalism.

Every company needs to have the right gender mix.- There is nothing good in a purely female team. It turns out a women's council - a lot of emotions, little structure. A purely male team will also not be quite effective. Male rationality should be complemented by female intuitiveness, rigidity and some straightforwardness - emotional intelligence. No wonder yin and yang exist.

There are many smart people - many times less successful. I do not know the universal secret of success. The universal definition of success, however, too. Each person understands success in their own way. In addition, over the years this understanding has changed. It has always been important for me not to do things that cause internal rejection and go against my principles. Not less than important factor success - perseverance: the ability to work hard and with pleasure, not giving up in case of failures. Now for me, success is doing what brings satisfaction, and at the same time being able to choose on my own. Although it is clear that this is rather an ideal situation.

Work is one one of the deepest forms of human relationships. Today's work for me is much more than the time spent in the office - it's a way of life, a way of thinking - a continuation of me in the external environment.

Of course, I would like to have more free time, spend more time with family, read more, watch good movies more often. But this is so - from the realm of desires.

Hypothetically, I could try coaching in the future. This activity is at the intersection of business and psychology - something that is close and interesting to me.

Have I sacrificed anything for success? The sacrifice should not be false, artificial. Otherwise, the person will not be happy. I think I just lived organically for myself. I took it step by step, never rejected new opportunities, experimented, pushed myself out of my comfort zone. It's difficult. But for me, this is the only way to get a full life experience. And isn't that the point? And this doesn't just apply to work. Of course, I would like perfect balance and harmony, but I'm afraid this is the lot of Buddhist monks.

My daughter and son are my best, closest friends. Both are very difficult people. It was difficult for my son to grow up. Me with him too. My daughter is in the midst of this process. Like any mother, it often seems to me that I am better than them, I know how to do it. But you can't save yourself from mistakes by force. Therefore, I try to suppress these impulses in myself, but I always clearly express my opinion. I have the right to have it, and they have the right to know it. Especially when we are talking about value-moral things. And I repeat to them all the time: if you have the right and honest motive, then everything will work out.

When kids are having a hard time Nothing is more important to me than being with them. Everything else immediately ceases to matter.

I love fashion and minimalist style. I like to combine the uncombinable. When you look like internal state and aesthetic preferences, you feel much more confident. However, beauty is, in my opinion, not a style, but something else. What comes from within.

Yoga and the pool help me keep fit. Moral - books and good movies. Few things are as energizing as hanging out with close friends.

Natalia Izosimova told what is the main secret of a successful top manager.

One of the most influential women in Ukraine spoke about the secrets of success ©

President of the Foundation for Effective Governance, one of the most influential women in Ukraine Natalia Izosimova shared her life principles with the readers of ForbesWoman.

In September, the first issue of ForbesWoman was published with a photo of Izosimova on the cover.

Natalia Izosimova spoke about the lessons she learned from her dizzying career, having gone from senior editor of the Foreign Literature magazine to a top manager at McKinsey & Compan and SCM.

According to Izosimova, a successful top manager is, first of all, an accomplished personality.

"A combination of strategic and tactical horizons. The ability to listen and build relationships with people. But, perhaps, the most important thing is the ability and desire to continuously develop yourself. It is very dangerous to stiffen or become complacent," Izosimova believes.

Izosimova does not tire of repeating that she does not have her own achievements in isolation from the achievements of the team.

"McKinsey and SCM have a common starting point. For both companies, people are the highest priority. The realization that people come first, and then numbers, is the main thing that allows SCM to compete successfully, and not only in Ukraine," - Izosimova notes.

Natalia Izosimova believes that employees should be given the opportunity to grow and develop.

"Talented, moral, smart and ambitious people value new opportunities and prospects no less than money. For them, this is one of the main motivational factors. And for business, it is one of the main levers for development," says the director of the fund.

Natalia Izosimova has been the head of the Foundation for Effective Governance since August 2007. The fund was founded by Rinat Akhmetov to help reform the Ukrainian economy.

The Foundation regularly holds public events dedicated to important economic topics.

It is unlikely that 17 years ago, when accepting a job offer at the consulting company McKinsey, Natasha Izosimova, senior editor of the journal Foreign Literature, Muscovite Natasha Izosimova could have imagined that fate would take her so far. What lessons and conclusions did she draw from her dizzying career?”, writes the Ukrainian magazine Forbes Woman.

I very quickly decided to move from Moscow to Donetsk. I just really wanted to. After talking with top managers of SCM, and then with Rinat Akhmetov, I became convinced that it was with these people, at this particular time and in this company, that something truly significant could be done. And there may never be another chance like this.

McKinsey and SCM have a common starting point, for both companies people are the highest, overriding priority. Both companies clearly understand that the long-term success of a business depends primarily on people. The realization that people come first, and then numbers, is the main thing that allows SCM to compete successfully, and not only in Ukraine.

When I joined SCM, the company was ready for change. It faced new tasks - it was necessary to build a world-class company - and with all my accumulated baggage, I successfully fit into these tasks. We can say that our phases coincided.

Working at SCM is one of the most interesting periods in my life. SCM managed to build a system and corporate culture that allows attracting and retaining the best talent. This is both an achievement and a key to success, and a competitive advantage.

Successful people at McKinsey are a very attractive commodity for all major companies around the world. In fact, McKinsey does all the homework for the business: selects the most capable, invests in their development, conducts a very tough and careful selection in the process of their growth. McKinsey is ready for successful consultants to go into business. When I came to SCM, I understood who was who at McKinsey, I had direct access to the guys, I knew very well how the system worked, so the “flow” process was faster and easier.

Rinat Akhmetov likes to repeat that our common task is to raise the value of Ukraine. Only then will people live better. He does it in different ways in his different roles. As a businessman, he develops his enterprises and increases their value. As the owner of a football club, he brings Ukrainian football to a new qualitative level. When he entered politics, being a strategically thinking person, he decided to systematically contribute to the economic growth of the country. For this, the Foundation for Effective Governance was created, the task of which is to promote economic growth by promoting economic reforms.

To be honest, it was very difficult for me to leave SCM for the Fund. I doubted, tormented, even cried. Women's stuff in general. The task that was set before me - to create and develop the Fund, was a challenge and frightened me. On the other hand, it was interesting to try to do something completely different, large-scale and significant for the whole country. In the end, I agreed, but the dilemma was not an easy one.

Seven years spent in Ukraine flew by very quickly. But if time is measured by the number of events and quality content, then it would be enough for a lifetime.

I fell in love with Ukraine, I made real friends, it's good for me to live here, it's interesting to work. Ukraine gave me new opportunities for self-realization. I would describe my attitude towards her future as healthy optimism. In recent years, in my opinion, a very important mental change has taken place in Ukraine - the country has become more pragmatic.

The Ukrainian language turned out to be very difficult. I am capable of learning languages, but I hesitate to speak Ukrainian, there are too many complex nuances.

Ukraine is a much more European country than Russia. This Europeanness was very surprising.

At different stages of my life, different people have had a formative influence on me. First it was my mother, then the director of the Eastern European office of McKinsey Mickey Obermeier. Now I am learning a lot from Rinat Leonidovich (Akhmetov). His combination of wisdom, core, philosophical vision of life and attitude towards it is rarely seen.

In the Foundation, at first it was unusual to play the role of the first person of the organization. But this did not last long, I had such a volume of work and such a number of tasks that there was no time to be afraid. I had to learn something - for example, to sign an unimaginable number of documents.

What is a successful top manager? First of all, it is an established personality. Combination of strategic and tactical horizons. Ability to listen and build relationships with people. But, perhaps, the main thing is the ability and desire to continuously develop yourself. It is very dangerous to become rigid or complacent.

If you ask me where I feel more comfortable in the Fund or in business, I will definitely answer - in business. The result of the invested efforts in the Fund, in comparison with business, is much longer delayed in time. This requires a lot of patience. It is hard for me. In addition, the business environment is an environment of like-minded people. And in the Foundation, I have to communicate intensively with the outside world, where it is not always possible to achieve an understanding from a half-word.

The Fund made a development strategy for Lviv and Donbass. I was struck by how much Lviv and Donetsk people love their cities. This is not leavened patriotism, but real, proud and unconditional love residents to their city and region.

If the inhabitants of Lvov and Donetsk got to know each other better, dozens of false stereotypes would disappear.

At the beginning of the Fund's work, there was more skepticism and wariness towards it than anything else. We had to prove all the time that we are independent and that we offer a quality product that is well structured and, most importantly, is really implemented in Ukrainian conditions.

Now the degree of demand for the Fund's expertise on the part of the executive and legislative authorities exceeds the resources we have. This is normal - in almost all countries where intensive reforms are taking place, governments actively use such non-governmental structures.

The Fund managed to build smooth constructive relations with all healthy reform-oriented forces - it was not easy.

Someday, I would like to return to SCM, to the real business.

I am a categorical opponent of the authoritarian style of management. The principle - “one is smart, the rest are afraid”, greatly cuts off the possibility of receiving valuable and smart ideas. In addition, this approach completely demotivates people. Employees must believe in what they are doing and have the authority to match the level of the task at hand. Only then will they take real responsibility.

Employees should be given the opportunity to grow and develop. Talented, moral, smart and ambitious people value new opportunities and prospects no less than money. For them, this is one of the main motivational factors. And for business - one of the main levers of development. Over the years, I came to the conclusion that any employee deserves a second chance. But if it doesn’t work out, neither the second nor the third time, then everyone should go their own way. It is not necessary to torment either the employee or the company for a long time, it is better to leave.

I never had a personal team - I'm not Moses to lead people behind me. The principles that guided me when forming the Foundation's team are quite simple: they must be people who learn very quickly, have project management skills, share the mission and philosophy of the Foundation and believe in it. Previous experience may vary. From business to journalism.

Any company should have the right gender mix - there is nothing good in a purely female team. It turns out a women's council - a lot of emotions, little structure. A purely male team will also not be quite effective. Male rationality should be complemented by female intuitiveness, rigidity and some straightforwardness - emotional intelligence. No wonder yin and yang exist.

There are many smart people - many times less successful. I do not know the universal secret of success. The universal definition of success, however, too. Each person understands success in their own way. In addition, over the years this understanding has changed. It has always been important for me not to do things that cause internal rejection and go against my principles. An equally important success factor is resilience: the ability to work hard and with pleasure, not giving up in case of failures. Now for me, success is doing what brings satisfaction, and at the same time being able to choose on my own. Although it is clear that this is rather an ideal situation.

Work is one of the deepest forms of relationships between people. Today's work for me is much more than the time spent in the office - it's a way of life, a way of thinking - a continuation of me in the external environment.

Of course, I would like to have more free time, spend more time with my family, read more, watch good movies more often. But this is so - from the realm of desires.

Hypothetically, I could try coaching in the future. This activity is at the intersection of business and psychology - something that is close and interesting to me.

Have I sacrificed anything for success? The sacrifice should not be false, artificial. Otherwise, the person will not be happy. I think I just lived organically for myself. I took it step by step, never rejected new opportunities, experimented, pushed myself out of my comfort zone. It's difficult. But for me, this is the only way to get a full life experience. And isn't that the point? And this doesn't just apply to work. Of course, I would like perfect balance and harmony, but I'm afraid this is the lot of Buddhist monks.

My daughter and son are my best, closest friends. Both are very difficult people. It was difficult for my son to grow up. Me with him too. My daughter is in the midst of this process. Like any mother, it often seems to me that I am better than them, I know how to do it. But you can't save yourself from mistakes by force. Therefore, I try to suppress these impulses in myself, but I always clearly express my opinion. I have the right to have it, and they have the right to know it. Especially when it comes to value-moral things. And I repeat to them all the time: if you have the right and honest motive, then everything will work out.

When children are having a hard time, nothing is more important to me than being there for them. Everything else immediately ceases to matter.

I love fashion and minimalist style. I like to combine the uncombinable. When you look in accordance with your internal state and aesthetic preferences, you feel much more confident. However, beauty is, in my opinion, not a style, but something else. What comes from within.

Yoga and the pool help me to keep fit. Moral - books and good movies. Few things are as energizing as hanging out with close friends.

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