Stolypin's economic reforms test. D) the Constitutional Court. What year was the restructuring

Russian history test Economic reforms. Political life in 1907-1914 9th grade with answers. The test includes 2 options. Each option has 10 tasks.

Option 1

1. Agrarian reform P.A. Stolypin provided

1) liquidation of landownership
2) land socialization
3) creation of private peasant farms
4) nationalization of the land

2. What benefits did the government provide to resettled peasants?

1) deferment from military service
2) tax exemption for 5 years
3) a cash allowance of several thousand rubles
4) the possibility of entering the university

3. Decree on permission for the exit of peasants from the community was published

4. A production or trade-purchasing organization created for the joint management of the economy by several participants or organizations, as well as for making a profit in the interests of all participants in the association, is called

1) cartel
2) cooperation
3) community
4) trust

5. According to the new electoral law of 1907, the largest representation in the State Duma was received by

1) peasants
2) landowners
3) workers
4) tradesmen

6. Leader of the Octobrist Party, Chairman III State thoughts

7. Establish a correspondence between the event and the date: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) the beginning of the implementation of agrarian reform
B) liquidation of the autonomy of Finland
C) the murder of P.A. Stolypin


1) 1906
2) 1907
3) 1910
4) 1911

8. In November 1913, a trial took place aimed at fomenting an anti-Jewish campaign. The main accused was

1) F. Plevako
2) A. Koni
3) M. Beilis
4) E. Azef

9. Which of these events was the reason for a new wave of the strike movement?

1) resignation of professors of Moscow University
2) the beginning of the work of the IV State Duma
3) the shooting of a workers' demonstration at the Lena mines
4) the Beilis case


1) limiting the representation of Polish landowners in zemstvo self-government
2) approval by the emperor of a bill on peasant land use
3) the creation of a faction of nationalists in the State Duma
4) the beginning of the work of the Fourth Duma

Option 2

1. P.A. Stolypin was appointed Chairman of the Council of Ministers

2. The plot of land allocated to the peasant upon leaving the community with the preservation of his yard in the village was called

1) farm
2) cut
3) artel
4) cut

3. According to the agrarian reform initiated by P.A. Stolypin, the peasants had the right

1) elect a community headman
2) to receive landlord property as an allotment
3) stop making redemption payments
4) stand out from the community and get their allotment in private ownership

4. The execution of workers at the Lena mines took place

5. Politician P.A. Stolypin was supported in the III State Duma

6. National cultural institutions in Poland were closed

1) in 1905-1907.
2) in 1907-1908.
3) in 1909-1911.
4) in 1912-1914.

7. Establish a correspondence between a statesman and his field of activity: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) A.I. Guchkov
B) P.N. Milyukov
C) S.A. Muromtsev

Field of activity

1) leader of the Cadets party, one of the initiators of the creation of the Progressive Bloc
2) leader of the Cadets party, chairman of the First State Duma
3) leader of the Octobrist party, one of the chairmen of the III State Duma
4) leader of the "Union of the Russian people"

Write the chosen numbers under the corresponding letters.

8. Names of professors V.I. Vernadsky, N.D. Zelinsky, K.A. Timiryazeva, S.A. Chaplygin bound

1) with the development of agrarian reform
2) with a protest against the ban on student organizations
3) with the activities of the State Duma
4) with the activities of the Octobrist Party

9. Solving the problem of agrarian overpopulation in the central part of the country, the state stimulated the resettlement of peasants

1) to Siberia
2) to Central Asia
3) to the Caucasus
4) to Poland

10. Arrange the following events in chronological order. Write down the numbers that indicate the events in the correct sequence.

1) publication of the decree on courts-martial
2) the issuance of a decree allowing free exit from the community
3) the introduction of restrictions on the admission of Jews to educational institutions
4) prohibition of the activities of all legal student organizations

Answers to the test on the history of Russia Economic reforms. Political life in 1907-1914 Grade 9
Option 1
Option 2

Test “Reforms of P.A. Stolypin"

History of Russia, grade 9

Wagner S.I.

1 option.

1. Stolypin's reform program:

a) has been fully implemented;

b) was carried out only partially;

c) has not been carried out.

Option 2.

1. Prime Minister of the government from 1906 to 1911

a) S.Yu. Witte;

b) P.A. Stolypin;

c) S. A. Muromtsev.

1 option.

2. To the provisions of the agrarian reform P.A. Stolypin does NOT apply to:

a) withdrawal of peasants from the community;

b) partial redistribution of landowners' lands;

c) replacement of communal land use by private land ownership.

Option 2.

2. The decree of P. A. Stolypin on the withdrawal of peasants from the community was adopted:

1 option.

3. The main resettlement areas were:

a) Ukraine, Belarus;

b) Crimea, Bessarabia;

c) Siberia, the Far East.

Option 2.

3. The destruction of the community and the creation of individual peasant farms is:

a) the reform of S.Yu. Witte;

b) the reform of P.A. Stolypin;

c) the reform of I.L. Goremykin.

1 option.

4. The purpose of the resettlement policy of P.A. Stolypin is:

a) the destruction of the peasant lack of land without the redistribution of landlords' lands;

b) the development of communal land ownership on the outskirts of Russia;

c) exchange of farming experience.

Option 2.

4. Agrarian reform P.A. Stolypin did NOT assume:

a) partial redistribution of landed lands;

b) withdrawal of peasants from the community;

c) creation of individual peasant farms.

1 option.

5. Set the correspondence between dates and events:

Reforms P.A. Stolypin

Russo-Japanese War

First Russian Revolution

Option 2.

5. Set the correspondence between the leader and the party:


A.I. Guchkov

IN AND. Lenin

V.M. Chernov

P.N. Milyukov

1 option.

6. A plot of land allocated to a peasant when he leaves the community with relocation from the village to his own plot

A) artel

Option 2.

6. A plot of land allocated to a peasant upon leaving the community with the preservation of his yard in the village.

A) artel

1 option.

7. Arrange in chronological order the time of events

A) the introduction of courts-martial

B) the murder of P.A. Stolypin

C) a decree on allowing peasants to leave the community

Option 2.

7. Whose words are these:

"Give the state 20 years of internal and external peace, and you will not recognize today's Russia."

A) S.Yu. Witte

B) General D. Trepov

C) P.A. Stolypin

D) monarchist N. Markov

  • 1 option. Option 2.

Option 1.

1. Who are we talking about:

He came to power on a wave of criticism of “subjectivism and voluntarism. The course on "stability of personnel" led to life-long occupation of the highest positions in the country. Growth of embezzlement and corruption”.

B) Gorbachev

D) Brezhnev*

2. Reducing the aggressiveness of the confrontation between the countries of the socialist and capitalist camps:

A) "The Brezhnev Doctrine"

B) The Truman Doctrine

B) "Policy of detente"*

D) "Thaw"

3. When was the eighth five-year plan in the USSR?

A) 1965-1970*

B) 1971-1975

C) 1976-1980

4. Select the reason for the arrest of Beria L.P.

B) accusation of espionage*

5. The era when a large-scale campaign was introduced into the masses to combat drunkenness and alcoholism? (implementation failed)

A) "thaw"

B) "Perestroika" *

B) "stagnation"

D) Early 90s

6. "Cold War" on the one hand the United States and on the other ....

A) Germany

B) England

D) Japan

7. The most priority industry in the post-war years in the USSR:

A) military-technical *

B) producing sphere

B) food

D) mining

Option 2.

1. In 1949, the USSR created a new weapon for itself:

A) firearms

B) atomic *

B) neutron

D) chemical

2. The first flight into space was carried out by Yu. Gagarin in ...

3. During the reign of Khrushchev, the President of the United States was ...

B) Reagan

B) Roosevelt

D) Kennedy*

A) the constitution of the Russian Federation *

B) declaration

C) privatization

D) secularization

5. When World War II ended:

6. In 1949, which of the European states was divided into two parts?

A) France

B) Germany*

7. W. Churchill's speech with which the "cold war" began was read in:

A) Fulton*

Option 3

1. How figuratively they called the era of the reign of K.U. Chernenko

A) perestroika

B) mini stagnation*

B) "thaw"

D) stagnation.

2. Which of the following events happened before the others?

A) Adoption of the constitution of the Russian Federation

B) The collapse of the USSR *

C) Adoption of the program "500 days"

D) The choice of the first president of Russia

3. Death of Stalin:

4. "Stalin's executioner" was called:

A) Molotov

D) Malenkov

5) What war began after the end of the Great Patriotic War between the USA and the USSR?

A) Northern

B) cold*

D) Western

6) A dissident person who does not share the dominant ideology?

A) dissident*

B) Conservative

B) Democrat

D) Speculator

7. The head of the USSR in the 80s. who for his political activities received the nickname "Pendulum of Hope":

A) M. Gorbachev

B) Yu.V.Andropov*

C) I. Stalin

D) N.S. Khrushchev

Option 4.

1. Cold War is:

A) Confrontation between the two great powers of the West and the East *

B) Revolutions swept Europe

B) civil war

D) Discontent of the people, his speech

2) Who fought in the second stage for power after Stalin's death:

A) Molotov, Beria

B) Kosygin, Podgorny

B) N. Khrushchev, Malenkov *

D) Beria, Khrushchev

3. Who came to power after Brezhnev

D) Andropov.*

4. How many countries left the USSR in 1991?

5. Andropov began his reign with:

A) Combating corruption and strengthening labor discipline *

B) shadow economy

IN) political reforms

D) increased censorship

6. Sovereignty is;

A) colonialism

B) Equality between states

B) entry ban

D) independence *

7. The collapse of the USSR was;

Option 5.

1. The board of L.I. Brezhnev was called:

A) stagnation*

B) progress

B) backwardness

D) peace

2. Which of the indicated periods refers to the board

K.U. Chernenko?

A) 1980-1985

B) 1985-1990.

C) 1984-1985*

D) 1990-1995

3. Read the text and

indicate which state the following events are associated with:

In 1986 it was announced that fighting will be curtailed, and in February 1989 the last Soviet troops returned to their homeland.

A) Afghanistan*

B) Hungary

A) Gorbachev

B) Marshal*

D) Clinton

5. How many stages were there in perestroika?

B) 3.*

6. One of the organizers of the removal of Khrushchev, who later took his place

A) Gorbachev

B) Chernenko

D) Brezhnev*

7. The 500 days program was supposed to move to the market within

D) 1.5 years.*

Option 6.

1. The transfer of state property to private owners is ...

A) Liberalization

B) Privatization*

C) referendum

D) Shadow economy

2. In what years was perestroika?

A) 1983-1988.

B) 1982-1989

C) 1985-1991 *.

D) 1987-1990

3.The board of KU Chernenko was;

A) fighting corruption

B) Introduction of measures to strengthen labor discipline.

C) Major staff changes.

D) Return to Brezhnev traditions.*

4. government program in 1988. developed;

A) E.G. Gaidar, N.I. Ryzhkov

B) L.I. Brezhnev Suslov,

B) Suslov Podgorny,

D) Ryzhkov A.I. Abalkin.*

5.Inflation is

A) privatization

B) an increase in prices associated with an excessive increase in money in circulation. *

B) iron curtain

D) exit to market economy.

6. Who was the first president of Russia was:

A) L.I. Brezhnev.

B) Yu.V. Andropov.

C) K.U. Chernenko.

D) B.N. Yeltsin.*

7 .. Which of the following concepts refers to the period of perestroika

A) shock therapy

B) mass repression

C) voluntarism

D) publicity*

Option 7.

1.Socio-economic system developing

based on private property and commodity-money

regarding this:

A) market economy*

B) currency band

B) political crisis

D) voucher

state question This:

A) rotation

B) privatization,

B) referendum*

D) strike

3. Who was the first and last president of the USSR?

A) L.I. Brezhnev.

B) Yu.V. Andropov.

C) K.U. Chernenko.

D) M. Gorbachev*

4. Adoption of a new Constitution;

5. What concept has become a symbolic designation of the division of the capitalist and socialist world during the Cold War….

A) thaw

B) iron curtain*

C) perestroika

D) referendum

6.K what did Brezhnev's idea about "stability of personnel" lead to?

B) to the aging of personnel *

C) to strengthen the power of the CPSU

7.Which one Soviet republics first declared its sovereignty?

A) Lithuania *

B) Estonia

B) Ukraine.

D) Belarus

1.What reform began economic transformation

in the Russian Federation?

A) privatization state enterprises

B) the creation of a private sector in the economy

B) price liberalization.*

D) price control

2. Privatization check

B) voucher*

B) declaration

D) contribution

3. Who became the president of Russia after the resignation of Boris Yeltsin?

B) Zhirinovsky

D) Gorbachev

4.What are the challenges facing Russian society

at the beginning of the new century?

A) reform

B) the threat of the collapse of the state

C) the growth of the influence of religion

5. The resignation of B.N. Yeltsin was:

A) March 28, 1962

B) December 31, 1999*

C) 03/02/1982

D) April 10, 2008

6.. Which country is not included in the CIS

A) Belarus

B) Estonia

B) Mongolia*

D) Kazakhstan

7. Beria was:

A) sent out

B) hanged;

B) shot;*

D) justified.

Option 9.

1. Which of the following can be identified as the reason for the restructuring?

A) aggravation of relations with the United States in the early 80s.

B) success social policy in USSR

C) the arms race undermined the economy of the USSR. *

D) strengthening the country's economy

2. Which of the following concepts refers to the period of perestroika

A) shock therapy

B) mass repression

C) voluntarism

D) publicity*

3.The period of M.S. Gorbachev's reign includes:

A) 1980-1985

B) 1982-1988

C) 1985-1991*

D) 1964-1977

4. Nomenclature is;

A) privatization

B) inflation

C) list of executives *

D) sovereignty.

5.What role did the party play in the life of society according to the Constitution?

A) leading and directed force *

B) the democratizing element of life

C) the guarantor of the constitutions.

D) secondary, not significant in people's lives

6 .. In the Caribbean crisis participated:

A) USA, USSR, Cuba *

B) USA, Cuba, France

B) Germany, Cuba, Korea

D) USA, Vietnam, Afghanistan

7. American Post-War Assistance Program European countries was called:

A) the Brezhnev Doctrine;

B) the Monroe Doctrine;

B) the Marshall plan *

D) the New Deal.

Option 10.

1. About what concept in question?

“Relations between the USSR and the USA were rapidly deteriorating. Their rivalry has led to an arms race, a struggle for control of key areas of the world, an increase in local conflicts and the creation of a system of alliances.

A) cold war

B) Northern War

B) Seven Years' War

D) World War II

2.Reforms 1987-1988 during the period of perestroika;

A) brought the country out of the crisis

b) didn't change anything

3. Options for the transition of the Soviet economy to the market consisted of;

D) the law on cooperation.

4. What is the year when Vladimir Putin took office as President of Russia?

5..What was the result of the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962?

A) US withdrawal from the treaty

B) the creation of the police department

C) the signing of the USSR and the United States of the treaty on the elimination of weapons

D) the withdrawal of Soviet missiles from Cuba, the obligation of the United States not to invade the island *

6. What is the name full recovery in civil rights, restoration good name innocent people?

A) Privatization

B) Declaration

C) Rehabilitation*

D) Liberalization

7. Capitalist countries - the “first world”, socialist countries - the “second world”, which have not joined either one or the other -?.....

A) "Fifth world"

B) "Third World"*

C) "Special World"

D) "Independent world"

Option 11.

1. What is the event in question

At the very beginning of the rise of the rocket, the pilot exclaimed: "Let's go!". The Vostok booster worked without remarks, but at the final stage the radio control system, which was supposed to turn off the 3rd stage engines, did not work.

A) The beginning of hostilities in the Cold War

B) The first manned flight into space *

B) Test nuclear weapons

D) Sending an artificial Earth satellite into space

2. Which person did not take part in the struggle for power after Stalin's death:

A) A.I. Solzhenitsyn *

B) L.P. Beria

B) N.S. Khrushchev

D) G.M. Malenkov

A) rally

B) privatization,

B) referendum*

D) strike

4.Which city at the time cold war was divided into 2 parts?

A) Moscow

B) New York

B) Berlin*

D) Washington

5. Executive power is represented in the Constitution of Russia:

A) Parliament

B) Federation Council

C) Government*

D) Constitutional Court

6 .. The policy of reforms aimed at a radical transformation of the country, carried out by M. S. Gorbachev, was called:

A) transformation

B) Reorganization

B) Perestroika*

7.Name the year of the explosion Chernobyl nuclear power plant?

A) 1985

B) 1986*

B) 1987

D) 1988

Option 12.

1. The successor state of the USSR?

A) Ukraine

B) Russia*

D) Belarus

2. The wide use of the latest scientific and technical developments in the USSR was carried out in:

A) light industry

B) extractive industry

B) the agricultural sector

3 .. When the development of virgin lands began under Khrushchev:

4. The great union that collapsed in 1991:

5.. How did the USSR lag behind Western countries in the post-war decades?

A) in the creation of the latest weapons

B) in the production of iron and steel

C) in the standard of living of the people *

D) in the development of the economy

6.. In 1991, 1996, 2000. presidents Russian Federation took office as a result of:

1) own desire

2) government coup

3) popular elections*

A) N.S. Khrushchev

B) L.I. Brezhnev

C) Yu.V. Andropov

D) M.S. Gorbachev*

Option 13.

1. Which of the Soviet republics was the first to declare its sovereignty?

B) Estonia

B) Ukraine.

D) Belarus

2. After the resignation of B.N. Yeltsin, the President became

A) M.S. Gorbachev

B) Yu.V. Andropov

B) V.V. Putin.*

D) K.U. Chernenko.

3. When was the first one launched artificial satellite V

4. Higher legislature belongs to the Russian Federation

A) the Federal Assembly *

B) people

B) the Supreme Court

D) officials

5. The concept of "stagnation" is associated with the period when the USSR led

A) I.V. Stalin

B) N.S. Khrushchev

C) L.I. Brezhnev *

D) M.S. Gorbachev

6.One of the most famous developers of the first atomic bomb is...

A) Narts

B) Kulibin

B) Kurchatov*

D) Davydov

7. The result of the policy of publicity proclaimed by M. S. Gorbachev was:

Option 14.

1. For a quick transition to a market economy and achieving economic stability, the reforms of the 90s. chose the path:

A) long protracted reforms

B) shock therapy*

C) reliance on Western countries

D) the restoration of socialism

A) accusations of illegal repression

B) accusation of mismanagement of the MGB

D) an accusation of conspiracy to restore the rule of the bourgeoisie

4. The appearance of the concept is associated with the name of which leader of the USSR

"developed socialism":

A) I. V. Stalin

C) L. I. Brezhnev *

B) N. S. Khrushchev

D) Yu. V. Andropova

5. What helped the government of the Russian Federation to improve the living standards of the population:

6. The political leader who won in the struggle for power after the death of Stalin against his rivals Beria and Malenkov

A) Brezhnev

B) Gorbachev

D) Khrushchev*

7. Democracy is:

A) government officials

B) Power of the people*

C) the power of financial magnates

D) Absolute power of the head of state

Option 15

1. When did the coup take place in Moscow aimed at curtailing reforms?

2. A major international cultural event held in 1980 in Moscow?

A) Olympics*

B) Carnival

B) music competition

D) football championship

3. A policy aimed at reducing the aggressiveness of the confrontation between the countries of the socialist and capitalist camps ...

A) discharge *

B) iron curtain

B) cold war

4. What is the name in the history of the USSR received the period of N.S. Khrushchev?

1. The cult of personality.

2. "Thaw" *

3. "Stagnation"

4. Perestroika.

5. Which of the above concepts refers to political life in the USSR during the period of perestroika?

A) "anti-party group"

B) ideological dictate

C) multi-party system *

6. Cultural figure who refused Nobel Prize because of pressure from the party and government leadership?

B) Pasternak*

B) Tchaikovsky

D) Plisetskaya

7. New political thinking”- indicate the political leader of the late 80s. to which this expression refers:

B) Gorbachev*

D) Brezhnev

5. What did Brezhnev's idea about "stability of personnel" lead to?

A) to improve the management structure

B) to the aging of personnel *

C) to strengthen the power of the CPSU

D) to the development of the economic sphere of the state

3. Reforms 1987-1988 during the period of perestroika;

A) brought the country out of the crisis

b) didn't change anything

C) the situation continued to deteriorate*.

4. Options for the transition of the Soviet economy to the market consisted of options;

A) government and 500 days program *

B) reduction of planned indicators

C) the law on the state enterprise

D) the law on cooperation.

7. Which country is not included in the CIS

A) Belarus

B) Estonia

B) Mongolia*

D) Kazakhstan

4. Nomenclature is;

A) privatization

B) inflation

C) list of executives *

D) sovereignty.

5. The Board of Yu.V. Andropov refers to;

A) 11/13/1982-02/09/1984.*

B) 05.10.1985-26.04.1986

B) 07.08.1985-26.04.-1986

D) 09/01/1970-1011/1975

6. What is the year when Vladimir Putin took office as President of Russia?

Option 15

4. What role did the party play in the life of society according to the Constitution?

A) leading and directed force *

B) the democratizing element of life

C) the guarantor of the constitutions.

D) secondary, not significant in people's lives

7. When the first artificial satellite was launched in

Option 16.

1. What is the name of the full restoration of civil rights, the restoration of the good name of innocently convicted people? [rehabilitation]

3. In what year was the XX Congress of the CPSU held:

B) in 1956*

4. Beria was:

A) sent out

B) hanged;

B) shot;*

D) justified.

5. Participated in the Caribbean Crisis:

A) USA, USSR, Cuba *

B) USA, Cuba, France

C) USSR, Cuba, Japan

D) USA, Vietnam, Cuba

6. Which person did not take part in the struggle for power after the death of Stalin:

A) A.I. Solzhenitsyn *

B) L.P. Beria

B) N.S. Khrushchev

D) G.M. Malenkov

Option 17.

2. In what year was the post of president established in the USSR?

3.At the second stage, the following fought for power after Stalin's death:

A) Khrushchev, Zhukov

B) Malenkov, Zhukov

B) Khrushchev, Malenkov*

D) Beria, Malenkov

5. In what year did the virgin lands development company start?

6. Choose the reason for the arrest of Beria L.P.

A) accusations of illegal repression

B) accusation of mismanagement of the MGB

C) accusation of collaboration with imperialist intelligence*

D) an accusation of conspiracy to restore the rule of the bourgeoisie

7. When did the explosion occur at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant?

Option 18.

1. Capitalist countries - the “first world”, socialist countries - the “second world”, which have not joined either one or the other -?..... [third world]

2. Establish a correspondence between the names of the leaders of the USSR and the periods of their stay in power

A) N.S. Khrushchev 1) 1985-1991

B) M.S. Gorbachev 2) 1964-1982

C) L.I. Brezhnev 3) 1953-1964

3. The highest legislative power in the Russian Federation belongs to

A) the Federal Assembly *

B) the Supreme Court

B) the government

D) the President

4. Which of the above concepts refers to political life in the USSR during the period of perestroika?

A) "anti-party group"

B) ideological dictate

C) multi-party system *

D) a society of developed socialism

5. The concepts of "perestroika", "acceleration", "glasnost" are associated with politics

A) N.S. Khrushchev

B) L.I. Brezhnev

C) Yu.V. Andropova

D) M.S. Gorbachev*

6. When did the coup take place in Moscow aimed at curtailing reforms?

7. The concept of "stagnation" is associated with the period when the USSR led

A) I.V. Stalin

B) N.S. Khrushchev

C) L.I. Brezhnev *

D) M.S. Gorbachev

Option 19

1. Establish a correspondence between the concepts and the periods with which they are associated

A) perestroika 1) 1945-1953

B) de-Stalinization 2) 1953-1964

C) Stalinism 3) 1985-1991

2. Read an excerpt from the work of a modern historian and indicate what event is being discussed.

“Radioactive contamination ... struck many regions of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia - a territory of over 200 thousand square kilometers. An increase in the radioactive background was noted in other countries: Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Norway, Finland, Sweden, and even as far away as Brazil and Japan. ”[Chernobyl]

3. Select the reason for the arrest of Beria L.P.

A) accusations of illegal repression

B) accusation of mismanagement of the MGB

B) accusation of espionage*

D) an accusation of conspiracy to restore the rule of the bourgeoisie

4. Agrarian reform was carried out in

a) 1961 b) 1977

c) 1965 * d) 1982

5. The election of M. S. Gorbachev as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU took place in:

A) April 1989

B) March 1985*.

B) June 1991

D) October 1993

6. The policy of reforms aimed at the cardinal transformation of the country, carried out by M. S. Gorbachev, was called:

A) transformation

B) Reorganization

B) Perestroika*

A) April 1987

B) September 1989

B) December 1991*

D) October 1993

Option 20.

1. Read an excerpt from a historical document and indicate the name of the leader of the USSR in question:

“By nature he was good-natured and gentle man, loved a joke and himself embodied stability, which, however, turned into stagnation, and his pliability and vanity led to shameful manipulation by the environment ». [brezhnev]

A) M.S. Gorbachev 1) achieving political stability in society

B) L.I. Brezhnev 2) "new political thinking"

C) V.V. Putin 3) the concept of “developed socialism

3. When V.V. Putin was approved as the new Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

A) July 1999

B) August 1999*

B) September 1999

D) October 1999

4. Who took over the post of General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU after the death of Brezhnev?

A) Chernenko

B) Gorbachev

B) Andropov *

D) Gromyko.

5. The result of the policy of publicity proclaimed by M. S. Gorbachev was:

A) State restriction of the activities of various public organizations

B) Prohibition of rallies and demonstrations

C) Spiritual and ideological emancipation of society*

D) Economic transformation

A) State Duma

B) Federation Council

C) Government*

D) Constitutional Court

2. Depreciation of money. [inflation]

3. What helped the government of the Russian Federation to improve the living standards of the population:

A) industrial modernization

B) reforms in agriculture

C) an increase in government spending on the development of science

D) high world oil prices*

4.When the first elections were held people's deputies RSFSR:

5. Who was not a member of the State Emergency Committee:

A) Vice President Yanaev G.I.

B) Minister of Defense Yazov D.T.

C) Chairman of the Supreme Council Khasbulatov R.I. *

D) Chairman of the KGB Kryuchkov V.A.

6. Determine what Yeltsin's program on Russia's transition to a market included:

A) liberalization of prices and trade.*

B) privatization.

C) land reform.

D) non-economic coercion.

7. The concepts of "perestroika", "acceleration", "glasnost" are associated with politics

A) N.S. Khrushchev

B) L.I. Brezhnev

C) Yu.V. Andropova

D) M.S. Gorbachev *

Option 22.

4. The first president of the USSR was:

A) Andropov Yu.V.

B) Gorbachev M. S. *

C) Yeltsin B.N.

D) Putin V.V.

51. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was formed:

6. In what year was the XX Congress of the CPSU held:

B) in 1956*

7. For a quick transition to a market economy and achieving economic stability, the reforms of the 90s. chose the path:

A) gradual change

B) shock therapy*

C) reliance on Western countries

D) restoration of socialism

Option 23.

1. Read an excerpt from the decision of the Yalta Conference of the leaders of the USSR, Great Britain and the USA and name the organization in question.

“We consider it necessary to create international organization with the aim of preserving the world. We believe that this is essential both for the prevention of aggression and for the elimination of the political, economic and social causes of war through the close and constant cooperation of all peace-loving peoples.

2. Establish a correspondence between the names of cultural figures and their areas of activity.

A) A. Solzhenitsyn 1) music

B) S. Bondarchuk 2) film directing

C) M. Rostropovich 3) literature

3. In what year did Russia join the Council of Europe?

B) in 1996*

4. What helped the government of the Russian Federation to improve the living standards of the population:

A) industrial modernization

B) reforms in agriculture

C) an increase in government spending on the development of science

D) high world oil prices*

5.Year of signing the START-1 treaty:

6. After the death of Andropov, the post of General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU was taken by

A) E.K. Ligachev

B) K.U. Chernenko*

C) M.S. Gorbachev

D) D.F. Ustinov

7. Concept " Near Abroad» for Russia includes:

A) the Baltic countries

B) former Soviet republics of the USSR *

C) countries of the former socialist camp

D) all of Western Europe

Option 24.

1.B. Clinton. 1995: "Using the failures of diplomacy, the extreme arrogance of the leader of the country and his entourage, we achieved without bloodshed what Truman was going to do with the atomic bomb." What country did he express his opinion about[Russia]

2. Which state launched the first artificial Earth satellite? [USSR]

3. In what year did the signing of the treaty banning nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere take place, outer space and underwater?

A) in 1963*

A) concluded a number of trade agreements with the USSR with Western countries

B) concluded agreements on non-interference in internal affairs with the countries of the East

C) large-scale economic assistance was denied *

D) concluded an agreement on the provision of economic assistance to developing countries

5.What was the main policy of "war communism"?

A) the transfer of all landed estates to the peasants

B) prohibition of all forms of private property

C) the nationalization of all means of production, the introduction of centralized management and the political dictatorship of the Bolsheviks *

D) creation a large number collective farms, forced labor and distribution of land for private use to peasants

6. What was the reason for the performance of the Czechoslovak corps against the Bolsheviks?

A) the execution of the royal family

D) an attempt on V.I. Lenin

7. In what year were Soviet troops withdrawn from Afghanistan?

C) in 1989*

Option 25

1. What newspaper was the mouthpiece of the radical wing of the social democratic movement in Russia, whose views were reflected by Lenin? [spark]

2. "Prague Spring" - what state are we talking about? [Czechoslovakia]

3. Which of the above concepts refers to political life in the USSR during the period of perestroika?

A) "anti-party group"

B) ideological dictate

C) multi-party system *

D) a society of developed socialism

4. The "shock therapy" reform was carried out in

A) the Chernobyl disaster

B) an attempted coup d'etat ("putsch") *

B) national strike

D) natural disaster

6. Who was affected by the repressions in the "Leningrad case" at the end of the 40s?

A) doctors

B) military

B) cultural figures

7. In what years did D.A. Medvedev rule from

Option 26.

1. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of a contemporary and indicate the year when the events described took place.

"November 2 ... Commander-in-Chief of the Joint Forces of the Warsaw Pact Marshal Soviet Union I. S. Konev ... set combat mission: "eliminate the counter-revolutionary uprising in Budapest." To do this, the corps was reinforced with tanks, artillery and airborne troops. The combat operation was carried out at the direction of our top party and state leadership, headed by N.S. Khrushchev. They made their decision ... at the request of the Hungarian communists, the leadership of China, Yugoslavia and the countries participating in the Warsaw Pact "

2. Decipher the ATS. [Organization of the Warsaw Pact]

3. Second Chechen War Was in:

4. What was the main result of the struggle for power after the death of I.V. Stalin?

A) economic reform was revised.

B) all the fullness of state and party power

passed into the hands of Khrushchev.

C) there were changes in the leadership of the party. *

D) all power passed to Beria

5. Which of the following economists developed the "Shock Therapy" reform project?

A) Shatalin

B) Yavlinsky

C) Gaidar *

D) Yeltsin B.N.

6. What was the first step in the fight against dissidence in the USSR?

B) arrest of Yu. Galanskov and A. Ginsburg *

C) the arrest of A. Sinyavsky, Yu. Daniel.

D) the arrest of Beria

7..When the development of virgin lands began in

Option 27.

1. What was the name of the place where the documents on the creation of the CIS and the dissolution of the Soviet Union were signed and which gave the name to these agreements? [Belovezhskaya Pushcha]

2. How many countries were part of NATO at the time of its formation?

3. In 1969, the UN session approved the treaty proposed by the USSR ...

A) a ban on nuclear weapons testing

B) on the limitation of strategic arms

C) on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons *

D) the need to respect human rights

4. When did federal troops enter Chechnya?

A) December 10, 1980

B) 11/19/1990

D) 10.12.1994*

5. D) Which republics of the USSR took part in the signing of the "Belovezhsky agreement" on December 8, 1991?

A) Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus;

B) Ukraine, Russia, Armenia;

C) Russia, Ukraine, Belarus.*

D) Russia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine

6. Pavlov's house is ...

A) the building where political prisoners were shot in the 30s of the 20th century

B) the laboratory of the famous physiologist Pavlov

C) a house in the center of Stalingrad, famous for its heroic defense during the Great Patriotic War*

D) a manor in the Moscow region, where many famous writers gathered in the 20s of the 20th century

7. When V.V. Putin was approved as the new Prime Minister.

A) July 1999

B) August 1999*

B) September 1999

D) October 1999

Option 29

1. Carried out in Russia in the early 1990s. the transfer or sale into private ownership of a number of state-owned enterprises is called ... [privatization]

2. Decipher the CPSU ... .. [communist party of the Soviet Union]

3. In which socialist country was the anti-communist revolution suppressed in 1956?

A) Hungary *
B) Czechoslovakia

B) Poland

D) Bulgaria

4. What was the result of the Caribbean crisis in 1962?

1) US withdrawal from the ABM treaty

2) creation of ATS

3) the signing of the USSR and the USA of an agreement on the elimination of intermediate and shorter range missiles

4) the withdrawal of Soviet missiles from Cuba, the obligation of the United States not to invade the island *

7. President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin was elected to:

Option 30.

1. Growing crisis phenomena in all spheres of life Soviet society in the period 1970 - 1985. called the process…….[stagnation]

2. Establish a correspondence between the names of Soviet leaders and the concepts that they put forward:

1) I. V. Stalin A) new political thinking

2) N. S. Khrushchev B) the concept of developed socialism

3) L. I. Brezhnev C) the program for building communism in the USSR

4) M. S. Gorbachev D) the thesis about the aggravation of the class struggle in the process

building socialism

3. The program for the transition of the USSR to a market economy, called "500 days", was developed by:

A) N. Ryzhkov, L. Abalkin

B) G. Yavlinsky, S. Shatalin*

C) N. Ryzhkov, V. Pavlov

D) M. Gorbachev, B. Yeltsin

4. Proclamation of the creation of the Commonwealth Independent States happened:

5.Soviet troops in the 1980s participated in the fighting in:

A) Hungary

B) Afghanistan*

D) Vietnam

6. In 1991, 1996, 2000 The Presidents of the Russian Federation took office as a result of:

1) elections by the State Duma

2) appointments by the Federal Assembly

3) popular elections*

4) appointments by the Constitutional Court

7. . December 8, 1991 in residence in Belovezhskaya Pushcha The Presidents of Russia, Ukraine and the Chairman of the Supreme Council of Belarus signed an agreement on:

A) the introduction of a state of emergency in the USSR

B) formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States*

C) the prohibition of the activities of the CPSU in the USSR

D) creation of an inter-republican economic committee

Option 31

1. The policy pursued in the USSR, Russia since the second half of the 1980s, affirming freedom of speech, openness of the activities of all organizations, access to information, was called ... ... [glasnost]

2. What is the name of the political figure who took the post of General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU after the death of L. I. Brezhnev ... .... [andropov]

3. Which of the named statesmen put forward the concept of a new political thinking in international relations:

A) Yu. V. Andropov

B) M. S. Gorbachev*

C) L. I. Brezhnev

D) N. S. Khrushchev

4. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was formed:

5. In the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993. and the constitutions of the Soviet period, the article on recognition coincides:

1) ideological diversity

2) multi-party system

3) private property

4) right to education*

6. The first Minister of Foreign Affairs of sovereign Russia was:

A) E.A. Shevardnadze

B) A.A. Immortals

C) A.V. Kozyrev*

D) I.S. Ivanov

7.M. S. Gorbachev resigned from the post of President of the USSR:

Option 32.

1. The system of international relations, characterized by a balance of approximately equal forces of two competing blocs of states, is called ....? [bipolar]

2. What is the year of the collapse of the USSR?

3.E.T. Gaidar was replaced as head of government by:

A) A.B. Chubais

B) S.V. Kiriyenko

C) V.S. Chernomyrdin*

D) B.E. Nemtsov

4. The political system established in Russia under the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 is defined as:

A) presidential rule *

B) presidential republic

B) a parliamentary republic

D) dual power

5. During the reign of N.S. Khrushchev adopted a new program of the CPSU, according to which the building of communism in the USSR was supposed to be completed:

A). By 1975.

B). By the end of the 20th century.

IN). By the middle of the 21st century.

G). By the early 1980s.*

6. Head of the Soviet government after leaving in 1955. retired G.M. Malenkov became:

A). Khrushchev N.S.

B). Bulganin N.A.*

IN). Brezhnev L.I.

G). Suslov M.A.

7. Who was the first woman to fly into space in 1963?

A). S. Savitskaya.

B). V. Tereshkova.*

IN). V. Grizodubova.

G). E. Furtseva.

Option 33.

1.. A well-known Soviet military leader, during the Great Patriotic War he commanded the armies of the Southern, South-Western, 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts, in 1956-1957. was commander in chief ground forces and since 1957 was appointed Minister of Defense, replacing G.K. Zhukov…. [malinovsky]

2. Name the years of the Cold War ... ..

3. In what year did the USSR create its own atomic weapons:

C) in 1949*.

4. One of the sciences named false after the war and persecuted:

A) genetics*

B) physics

A) A.I. Solzhenitsyn

B) L.P. Beria

B) N.S. Khrushchev

D) G.M. Malenkov*

6. What was significant for the XX Congress of the CPSU:

A) exposing Stalin's personality cult*

B) acceptance new program development

C) creation of the CMEA organization

D) the adoption of the constitution

7. When I.V. Stalin died:

Option 34.

1. The slogan that N.S. Khrushchev in his address to the American people during his negotiations with US President D. Eisenhower in 1959…. ["your grandchildren will live under communism"]

2. International large-scale cultural event held in Moscow in 1980 ... [Olympiad]

3. Which person did not take part in the struggle for power after the death of Stalin:

A) A.I. Solzhenitsyn *

B) L.P. Beria

B) N.S. Khrushchev

D) G.M. Malenkov

4. In what year was the XX Congress of the CPSU held:

B) in 1956*

5. The rivalry between the USA and the USSR during the Cold War proceeded in the form

a) open military aggression

b) ideological struggle, buildup of military forces*

c) territorial seizures

d) attracting the countries of Western Europe to their side

6. The formation of military-political and economic blocs was influenced by:

A) the threat of a new world war

B) the need to organize economic relations in the post-war world

C) the conflict between the USSR and the USA, connected with the unresolved German issue *

D) the desire to resolve conflicts among states through mutual concessions of its participants

7. The concept of "thaw" characterizes primarily:

1. Reforms in the field of agriculture.

2. Decentralization of economic management.

3. Changes in spiritual life.*

4. Development of science and technology.

Option 35.

1.. What was the name spaceship, where Yu.A. Gagarin made the first flight into space? [East]

2. The international crisis of the 20th century, in which there was no use of weapons .... [Caribbean]

3. What name in the history of the USSR was given to the period of N.S. Khrushchev?

A). Cult of personality.

B). Voluntarism.*

IN). Stagnation.

G). Perestroika.

4. Whose name was the Moscow Metro until 1955?

A). I. Stalin.

B). L. Kaganovich.*

IN). L. Beria.

G). V. Lenin.

5. The dissident movement in the USSR was called:

A) political parliamentary opposition to the executive branch

B) citizens who had relatives abroad

C) all citizens of the USSR who went abroad

D) the activities of groups and individuals who did not share the dominant ideology *

6. The split of Germany into 2 states occurred:

A) in 1945;

B) in 1946;

B) in 1948;

D) in 1949*

7. What concept was associated with the transition from the sectoral to the territorial principle of management national economy under N.S. Khrushchev?

A) Collective farms

B. Novocherkassk events.

IN). Economic Councils.*

G). Ministries.

Option 35.

1. Which of the Soviet statesmen was one of the first in 1954 to put forward the thesis that there will be no winners in the third world war, since it will lead to the death of civilization? [malenkov]

2. Decrypt: Germany-…. [federative republic of germany]

3. To which of the named periods national history refers to the concept of "stagnation":

A) the first post-war decade

B) the period of "thaw"

B) "the era of stagnation" *

D) years of perestroika

4. The appearance of the concept of “developed socialism” is associated with the name of which leader of the USSR:

A) I. V. Stalin

B) L. I. Brezhnev *

C) N. S. Khrushchev

D) Yu. V. Andropova

5. When the first elections of people's deputies of the RSFSR took place:

6. Which of the politicians won the election of the President of the Russian Federation in 1996:

A) G. A. Zyuganov

B. B. N. Yeltsin*

C) G. A. Yavlinsky

D) M. S. Gorbachev

7. Started in Russia in 1992 privatization of a part of state property was carried out in the form of:

A) distribution of the monetary value of property among citizens

B) organizing the sale of shares at auction

C) distribution of shares of enterprises among the population

D) issuance of privatization checks to citizens *

Option 36.

1. In relation to whom in the middle of 1953 political leaders The USSR used epithets: “internal enemy”, “agent of international imperialism”, “reborn”, “stranger”, “schemer”, “morally decomposed person”? [Beria]

2. Decipher: GDR-… [German Democratic Republic].

3. Who, after the departure of K.E. Voroshilov retired in 1960 became Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR?

A). N. Khrushchev.

B). N. Podgorny.

IN). A. Mikoyan.

G). L. Brezhnev.*

6. The American program of post-war assistance to European countries was called:

A) the Truman Doctrine

B) the Monroe Doctrine;

B) the Marshall plan *

D) the New Deal.

7. The fate of the Caribbean crisis was decided by:

A) L.I. Brezhnev and D. Kennedy;

B) N.S. Khrushchev and D. Kennedy;*

C) R. Nixon and L.I. Brezhnev;

D) G. Truman and I. Stalin.

6. Which city was divided into 2 parts during the Cold War?

A) Moscow

B) New York

B) Berlin*

D) Washington

7. One of the most famous developers of the first atomic bomb is ...

A) Narts

B) Kulibin

B) Kurchatov*

D) Davydov

Option 38.

1. This term was first used by former British Prime Minister W. Churchill during a trip to the United States, in a speech on March 5, 1946 in Fulton. Describing the situation in Europe, Churchill said that “this is not the Europe for which we fought during the war years. Dropped down over her…. This term was often used in Western journalism to show one's attitude to one or another country of socialism or to all social. the camp as a whole. What is the term? [iron curtain]

2. Treaty on the reduction of strategic offensive arms signed in 1991 ... [START-1]

A) N.S. Khrushchev*

B) L. I. Brezhnev

C) I. V. Stalin

D) M.S. Gorbachev.

A) Yalta Conference of the USA, England, USSR

B) The nuclear charge of the first Soviet atomic bomb was tested at the Semipalatinsk test site *

B) Development of the first atomic bomb in the United States

D) Peace agreement between the USA and the USSR

5. The first flight into space was carried out by Yu. Gagarin in ...

6. Large-panel houses built in the time of Khrushchev are called:

A) Khrushchev *

B) slums

B) utilities

D) apartments

7. In what year did the company for the development of virgin lands unfold?

Option 39.

1. In the list, all concepts and terms, with the exception of one, refer to the Cold War period - write it out: Detente, NATO, parity, intervention, new political thinking. [Intervention]

A. creation of CMEA

B. Marshall Plan

B. SALT-2 agreement

D. Korean War [BAGW]

3. Who would Winston Churchill be?

A) British Minister

B) British Prime Minister*

B) the President of the United States

D) Secretary of the CPSU

4. As a result of the Caribbean crisis, ballistic missiles were disarmed from countries ...

A) Cuba and Europe*

B) Africa and Asia

B) Australia and Indonesia

G) South America and Africa

5. Wide use of the latest scientific and technical developments in the USSR was carried out in:

A) light industry

B) extractive industry

B) the agricultural sector

D) military-industrial complex *

6. The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant occurred

A) April 1986*

B) May 1989

B) April 1990

D) March 1991

7.M.S. Gorbachev was elected President of the USSR

D) at a meeting of the Central Committee of the CPSU

Option 40.

1. What kind of international crisis are we talking about?

“From the first steps of the Cuban revolution, the USSR provided assistance to Cuba, including military assistance. Cuban and Soviet leadership came to the conclusion that it was necessary to take measures that would prevent the United States from carrying out aggression against Cuba. A decision was made to deploy Soviet missiles in Cuba.” [Caribbean]

2. Treaty on the reduction of strategic offensive arms signed in 1993 by George W. Bush and Boris Yeltsin ... [SNV-2]

3. The sovereignty of the RSFSR was proclaimed

B) in 1990*

6. Who, after the collapse of the USSR in 1991, became the first democratically elected president of Russia?

A) Nikolai Ryzhkov;

B) Mikhail Gorbachev;

C) Boris Yeltsin.*

D) V.V. Putin

7. What was the name of the successor state of the USSR?

A) Federation of Independent Soviet Republics (FNSR);

B) Russian Federation;*

C) Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

Option 41.

1. A policy aimed at reducing the aggressiveness of the confrontation between the countries of the socialist and capitalist camps ... [détente]

2. Name the current president of Russia? [Putin]

3. The theory of peaceful coexistence belongs to ...

A) N.S. Khrushchev*

B) L. I. Brezhnev

C) I. V. Stalin

D) M.S. Gorbachev.

4. A city that was divided into 2 parts during the Cold War?

A) Petersburg

B) London

B) Berlin*

D) Washington

5. When was the eighth five-year plan?

A) 1965-1970*

B) 1970-1975

C) 1980-1985

7. Executive power is represented in the Constitution of Russia:

A) Parliament

B) Federation Council

C) Government*

D) Constitutional Court

Option 42.

1. The barrier that figuratively divided the capitalist world from the socialist world during the Cold War .... [iron curtain]

2. The political leader of the USSR, who was figuratively called by the people - "Pendulum of Hope"? [andropov]

3. Reforms 1987-1988 during the period of perestroika;

A) brought the country out of the crisis

b) didn't change anything

C) the situation continued to deteriorate*.

4 .. Who, after the departure of K.E. Voroshilov retired in 1960 became Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR?

A) Khrushchev.

B) Gorbachev.

B) Mikoyan.

D) Brezhnev.*

5. The reason for the arrest of Beria L.P.

A) accusations of illegal repression

B) accusation of mismanagement of the MGB

B) accusation of espionage*

D) an accusation of conspiracy to restore the rule of the bourgeoisie

6. What years was perestroika?

C) 1985-1991 *.

B) privatization,

B) referendum*

D) strike

Option 43.

1. The President of the United States, who arrived on an official visit in May 1972 to the USSR to meet with Brezhnev. During the meeting, agreements were signed on cooperation in the field of science, medicine, space exploration, as well as an arms reduction treaty.[nixon]

2.Privatization check.[voucher]

3. Which person did not take part in the struggle for power after Stalin's death:

A) M. Gorbachev*

B) L.P. Beria

B) N.S. Khrushchev

D) G.M. Malenkov

4. What is the year of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant?

6. The USSR was formed:

7. M.S. Gorbachev was elected President of the USSR

A) in a general and equal election

B) at a meeting of the Congress of People's Deputies *

C) at a meeting of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR

D) at a meeting of the Central Committee of the CPSU

Option 44.

3. Who, after the collapse of the USSR in 1991, became the first democratically elected president of Russia?

A) Nikolai Ryzhkov;

B) Mikhail Gorbachev;

C) Boris Yeltsin.*

D) V.V. Putin

4. The wide use of the latest scientific and technical developments in the USSR was carried out in:

A) light industry

B) extractive industry

B) the agricultural sector

D) military-industrial complex *

5. The 500 days program was supposed to move to the market within

D) 1.5 years.*

6. Why, despite the successes of social policy, Khrushchev's resignation did not cause protests among the Soviet people?

A) Khrushchev's policy exacerbated national contradictions.

B) dissatisfaction with the increased role of the CPSU grew

C) there was an increase in prices for everyday goods *

D) Khrushchev's liberal policy did not suit people

7. Participated in the Caribbean crisis:

A) USA, USSR, Cuba *

B) USA, Cuba, France

C) USSR, Cuba, Korea

D) USA, Vietnam, Afghanistan

Option 45.

1.2. The Great Union which collapsed in 1991? [USSR]

3. Who was affected by the repressions in the "Leningrad case" in the late 40s?

A) doctors

B) military

B) cultural figures

D) leaders of the state-party apparatus *

4. How many stages were there in perestroika?

5. How did the 2nd stage of perestroika begin with

A) With the intensification of the struggle of socio-political forces.

B) the collapse of the USSR.

C) Office of the President.

D) The beginning of the development of labor individual activity. *

6. Which of the indicated periods refers to the reign of KU Chernenko?

C) 1984-1985*

7. What are the problems facing Russian society

at the beginning of the new century?

A) reform

B) the threat of the collapse of the state

C) the growth of the influence of religion

D) low standard of living of the population. *

Option 46.

1.Politician of Afghanistan, put in power as a result of entry into the country Soviet troops in 1979, he was a supporter of building socialism, in 1986 he ceded his powers to Najibullah. [karmal]

2.First and last president USSR. [Gorbachev]

3. What was the reason for the performance of the Czechoslovak corps against the Bolsheviks?

A) the execution of the royal family

B) the conclusion of the Brest peace *

C) the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly

D) an attempt on V.I. Lenin

4. Which of the following concepts refers to the period of perestroika

A) shock therapy

B) mass repression

C) voluntarism

D) publicity*

A) the Chernobyl disaster

B) an attempted coup d'état *

B) national strike

D) natural disaster

6. The USSR Constitution of 1977 had a concept:

A) "Developed socialism" *

B) Separation of powers

C) The development of private property

D) none of the above

7. A dissident is:

A) A dissident person who does not share the dominant ideology. *

B) depreciation of money.

B) nomenclature.

D) Privatization

Option 47.

1. What concept are we talking about?

“Relations between the USSR and the USA were rapidly deteriorating. Their rivalry led to an arms race, a struggle for control of key areas of the world, the growth of local conflicts and the creation of a system of alliances. ”[Cold War]

2. Decipher the abbreviation EU ... [European Union]

4. Chronological framework of the 1st Chechen war:

5. W. Churchill's speech "Muscles of the World" was read in:

A) Fulton*

6. When the development of virgin lands began:

7. Options for the transition of the Soviet economy to the market consisted of options;

A) government and 500 days program *

B) reduction of planned indicators

C) the law on the state enterprise

D) the law on cooperation.

Option 48.

1. The transfer or sale to private ownership of a number of state-owned enterprises is called ... .. [privatization]

2. Arrange the events in chronological order:

A. creation of CMEA

B. Marshall Plan

B. SALT-2 agreement

D. Korean War [BAGW]

A) RSFSR. Moldova and Belarus

B) RSFSR, Ukraine and Belarus*

B) RSFSR. Georgia and Ukraine

D) RSFSR. Belarus and Kazakhstan

4. Indicate the main reason for the transition of the USSR in the mid-1980s to the policy of perestroika:

A) a sharp aggravation of international relations

B) the need to develop the territories of Siberia and Far East

B) protracted economic and political crisis *

D) the action of NATO intelligence centers

5. When the first artificial earth satellite was launched

6. In what year were Soviet troops withdrawn from Afghanistan?

C) in 1989*

7.. The concepts of "perestroika", "acceleration", "glasnost" are associated with politics

A) N.S. Khrushchev

B) L.I. Brezhnev

C) Yu.V. Andropova

D) M.S. Gorbachev*

Option 49.

1. Which of the Soviet cultural figures was forced to refuse the Nobel Prize for his work due to pressure from the party and state leadership? [parsnip]

2. Figuratively, the people called the era of Brezhnev's rule .... [stagnation]

3. What problems are facing Russian society at the beginning of the new century?

A) reform

B) the threat of the collapse of the state

C) the growth of the influence of religion

D) low standard of living of the population. *

4. Which country is not included in the CIS

A) Belarus

B) Estonia

B) Mongolia*

D) Kazakhstan

5. The organizers of the removal of N.S. Khrushchev were;

A) K.U. Chernenko L.I. Brezhnev, Yu.V., Andropov.

B) Podgorny, Yu.V. Andropov, M.S. Gorbachev.

C) L.I. Brezhnev, Podgorny, Suslov. *

D) M.S. Gorbachev, L.I. Brezhnev, K.U. Chernenko.

6. The last General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU was:

A) Gorbachev*

B) Brezhnev

D) Chernenko

7. In what year was the signing of the treaty banning nuclear weapons tests in the atmosphere, outer space and under water?

A) in 1963*

Option 50.

1.Economic theory as well as a set of radical economic reforms based on this theory. Such reforms include immediate price liberalization, a reduction in the money supply and the privatization of unprofitable enterprises ... [shock therapy]

2. A production system that does not operate according to existing legislation, most often illegally is .... [shadow economy]

3. Establishment of a council for mutual economic assistance.

4.. Which of the above concepts refers to political life in the USSR during the perestroika period?

A) "anti-party group"

B) ideological dictate

C) multi-party system *

D) a society of developed socialism

6. The 500 days program was supposed to move to the market within

1 option

1. P.A. Stolypin was appointed Chairman of the Council of Ministers

A) April 1906

B) in July 1906

B) November 1906

2. According to the agrarian reform initiated by Stolypin, the peasants did NOT have

A) stand out from the community and get their allotment in private ownership

B) to receive landlord property as an allotment

C) move to the sparsely populated territories of the Russian Empire

3. To facilitate the resettlement, benefits were provided to the peasants

A) exemptions from military service

B) tax exemption for 5 years

C) a cash allowance of several thousand rubles

4. The plot of land allocated to the peasant upon leaving the community with the preservation of his yard in the village was called

A) farm

B) cut

B) artel

5) Cooperative Moscow People's Bank was established

A) in 1909

B) in 1911

B) in 1912

Economic reforms of P.A. Stolypin

Option 2

1. The decree on courts-martial was signed by P.A. Stolypin

A) January 1905

B) in August 1906.

B) November 1906

2. Goals of agrarian reform

A) the destruction of the peasant community and the creation of a layer of peasant owners

B) strengthening peasant farms as part of the community

C) expansion of landownership at the expense of resettling peasants

3. One of the important results of the agrarian reform was

A) the creation of strong peasant farms that are not associated with mutual responsibility

B) the creation of strong landlord farms

C) the final solution to the problem of land shortage in the Central part of the Russian Empire

4. Minister of the Interior P.A. Stolypin was appointed

A) April 1906

B) June 1906

B) November 1906

5. The conductor of the Stolypin reforms was

A) I Duma

B) II Duma

Option I

Part A.

1. Which of the following can be identified as the cause of the restructuring?

A) aggravation of relations with the United States in the early 80s.
B) the successes of social policy in the USSR
C) the arms race undermined the economy of the USSR

2. What reforms of the political system belong to the period of perestroika?

A) convocation of the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR
B) the formation of the State Duma
C) the introduction of the post of President in the country
D) repeal of Article 6 of the Constitution

3. Find the correct statement:

A) political reforms in the USSR led to an increase in the authority of the CPSU
B) as a result of political reforms, the CPSU lost its monopoly of power
C) the result of political reforms in the USSR was an increase in the number of members of the CPSU

4. Which of the Soviet republics was the first to declare its sovereignty?

A) Lithuania
B) Estonia
B) Ukraine

5. When did the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant occur?

A) 1985
B) 1986
C) 1988

6. M.S. Gorbachev was elected President of the USSR

7. The highest legislative power in the Russian Federation belongs to

A) the Federal Assembly
B) the Supreme Court
B) the government
D) the President

8. The concept of "new political thinking", which appeared during the period of perestroika, means

A) the use of military force in resolving disputes
B) curtailment of trade relations with Western countries
B) recovery iron curtain»
D) normalization of East-West relations through disarmament

9. Which of the above concepts refers to political life in the USSR during the period of perestroika?

A) "anti-party group"
B) ideological dictate
B) multiparty
D) a society of developed socialism

10. The laws of the USSR "On cooperation" and "On rent and lease relations in the USSR" were adopted during the reign

A) L.I. Brezhnev
B) Yu.V. Andropova
C) M.S. Gorbachev
D) B.N. Yeltsin

11. The concepts of "perestroika", "acceleration", "glasnost" are associated with politics

A) N.S. Khrushchev
B) L.I. Brezhnev
C) Yu.V. Andropova
D) M.S. Gorbachev

12. The main reason for the transition of the USSR to the policy of perestroika

A) a sharp aggravation of the international situation
B) the need for intensive development of Siberia and the Far East
C) a protracted economic and political crisis in the country
D) mass demonstrations of the population

Part B.

1. Establish a correspondence between the names of the leaders of the USSR and the periods of their stay in power


A) N.S. Khrushchev 1) 1982-1984
B) M.S. Gorbachev 2) 1964-1982
C) L.I. Brezhnev 3) 1953-1964
4) 1985-1991

2. Establish a correspondence between the concepts and the periods with which they are associated


A) perestroika 1) 1945-1953
B) de-Stalinization 2) 1953-1964
C) Stalinism 3) 1965-1985
4) 1985-1991

3. Read an excerpt from the media report and indicate the year when the described events took place:

“According to information from reliable sources, the President of the SSR M.S. Gorbachev, who was removed from the power of the State Emergency Committee on the night of August 19 “due to the inability to govern the state due to health reasons,” is now under house arrest at a dacha in Crimea.”

4. Read an excerpt from the work of a modern historian and indicate what event is being discussed.
“Radioactive contamination ... struck many regions of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia - a territory of over 200 thousand square kilometers. An increase in background radiation has been noted in other countries: Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Norway, Finland, Sweden, and even as far away as Brazil and Japan.”

5. Establish a correspondence between the names of Soviet leaders and the concepts that they put forward.


A) M.S. Gorbachev 1) achieving political stability in society
B) L.I. Brezhnev 2) "new political thinking"
C) V.V. Putin 3) the concept of "developed socialism"
4) the idea of ​​world revolution
Part C.

Give an assessment of the political transformations in the country during the years of perestroika.

Option II

Part A.

1. What are the features of the economic reforms of perestroika?

A) creation of a private sector in the economy
B) the introduction of rental relations
B) the emergence of farming
D) privatization of state property

2. Who among the politicians of the USSR was rehabilitated during the years of perestroika?

A) N. Bukharin
B) V. Molotov
C) M. Tukhachevsky

3. When did the coup take place in Moscow aimed at curtailing reforms?

4. In which countries did Mikhail Gorbachev meet with US presidents?

A) Iceland
B) Belgium
B) Switzerland
D) Spain

5. What progress has been made with the New Thinking Policy?

A) the construction of a joint orbital station began
B) managed to achieve the start of negotiations on the resolution of the Arab-Israeli conflict
C) the reduction of a whole class of missiles and nuclear weapons began

6. A new phenomenon in the socio-political life of Russia in the 1990s. became

A) holding elections on a non-alternative basis B) deploying a movement of dissidents
C) the formation of a multi-party system
D) subordination of the system local government central government

7. The concept of "stagnation" is associated with the period when the USSR led

A) I.V. Stalin
B) N.S. Khrushchev
C) L.I. Brezhnev
D) M.S. Gorbachev

8. The reason for the decline in industrial production in the USSR in the early 1990s. is

A) rejection of command methods of managing the economy
B) the implementation of the privatization of state property
C) the inconsistency of M. Gorbachev's economic reforms
D) mass strike movement against reforms

9. What was feature economic development of Russia in the 1990s?

A) go to territorial system farm management
B) the transition from a directive management system to a market economy
C) the introduction of full economic accounting at enterprises
D) improvement of state planning in the economy

10. In the 1990s. Presidents of the Russian Federation took office as a result of

A) elections by the State Duma
B) appointments Federal Assembly
B) popular elections
D) appointments by the Constitutional Court

11. The consequences of the policy of glasnost in the USSR include

A) the beginning of the rehabilitation of victims of Stalinist repressions
B) a drop in interest in the history of socialist society
C) the abolition of secrecy of state secrets
D) public awareness of the essence of the totalitarian system

12. The consequence of the policy of glasnost in the USSR during the period of perestroika was (-o)
A) the arrest of opponents of perestroika
B) official condemnation of the political activities of the CPSU in previous decades
C) publishing previously banned works of literature
D) the growth of the ranks of the CPSU

Part B.

1. Establish a correspondence between the events of the 20th century and the years when this event took place


A) the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan 1) 1993.
B) adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation 2) 1989
C) formation of the CIS 3) 1998
4) 1991

2. Establish a correspondence between the names of the leaders of the USSR and the periods of their stay in power


A) Yu.V. Andropov 1) 1953-1964
B) N.S. Khrushchev 2) 1964-1982
C) M.S. Gorbachev 3) 1982-1984
4) 1985-1991

3. Read an excerpt from a speech by one of the leaders Soviet state and enter his last name:

“Dear compatriots! Fellow citizens! Due to the current situation with the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States, I cease my activities as President of the USSR. I make this decision on principled grounds. I firmly advocated the independence, independence of the peoples, the sovereignty of the republics. But at the same time, for the preservation of the union state, the integrity of the country. Events took a different path. The line on the dismemberment of the country and the separation of the state prevailed, with which I cannot agree.

4. Read an excerpt from a historical document and indicate the name of the leader of the USSR in question:

“By character, he was a good-natured and gentle person, loved a joke and himself embodied stability, which, however, turned into stagnation, and his pliability and vanity led to shameful manipulation by the environment.”

5. Establish a correspondence between the names of cultural figures and their areas of activity.


A) A. Solzhenitsyn 1) music
B) S. Bondarchuk 2) film directing
C) M. Rostropovich 3) painting
4) literature

Part C. Give an assessment of the total policy of "glasnost" in the years of perestroika.

Test on the topic "The Great Patriotic War - part of the Second World War"

Part A.

1. In what year was the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact signed?

A) 1922
B) 1933
C) 1936
D) 1939

2. The reason for the retreat of the Red Army in the first months of the great patriotic war was

A) the lack of modern models of weapons of the Red Army
B) repression among commanders Red Army
C) the lack of military schools for the training of officers
D) the remoteness of Soviet airfields from the western borders

3. The idea of ​​a blitzkrieg was put into the plan by the German General Staff:

A) "ost"
B) "Barbarossa"
B) Typhoon
D) "Kremlin"

4. The highest state body, which concentrated all power during the Great Patriotic War, was:

A) State Committee defense
B) Labor and Defense Council
B) Supreme Council
D) Headquarters of the Supreme Commander

5. Order No. 227 of July 28, 1942 became known in the army as an order:

A) "Death to the invaders!"
B) Against cowards and deserters
C) "Not a step back!"
D) "Only forward!"

6. When did the counter-offensive of the Red Army near Moscow begin?

A) September 30, 1941
B) July 5, 1943
B) December 5, 1941
D) November 19, 1942

7. The main direction of the main attack of the German army in the summer of 1942 was:

A) the capture of Moscow
B) the capture of Leningrad
B) crushing the allies North Africa
D) the capture of the Caucasus

8. The names of the young guards are associated with the city:

A) Krasnodon
B) Krasnodar
B) Stalingrad
D) Donetsk

9. The plan for the defeat of German troops near Stalingrad was called:

A) Typhoon
B) "Uranus"
B) "Citadel"
D) "Bagration"

10. The largest tank battle of the Great Patriotic War took place during the battle

A) Kursk
B) near Moscow
B) Stalingrad
D) for the Dnieper

11. "Boiler" is:

A) the line of defense of a strategically important object
B) the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe densest artillery fire
C) the area of ​​​​deployment of the main troops before the offensive
D) isolation of the enemy grouping for subsequent destruction, capture

12. What was the name of the process of mass movement to the eastern regions of the country: population, industrial enterprises, artistic values, etc.?

A) deportation
B) mobilization
B) repatriation
D) evacuation

A) Leningrad direction
B) Belarusian direction
B) Kiev direction
D) Chisinau direction

14. The most popular poem during the war years “Wait for me” was written:

A) Isakovsky
B) Surkov
B) Simonov
D) Gudzenko

15. Salute during the Great Patriotic War was first given in honor of the liberation

A) Sevastopol
B) Koenigsberg
B) Leningrad
D) Belgorod and Orel

Part B.

1. What battles of the Great Patriotic War are associated with the concept of "radical change". Indicate two battles out of the proposed five.

1) Battle of Moscow
2) Battle of Stalingrad
3) Smolensk battle
4) Kursk Bulge
5) Battle for the Caucasus

2. Arrange in chronological order:

A) a peace treaty with Finland
B) the start of World War II
C) an agreement between Germany and the USSR on friendship and border
D) capitulation of France in the war with Nazi Germany
D) the beginning of the Soviet-Finnish war

3. Match:

1) the beginning of the counter-offensive of the Soviet troops in the Stalingrad region A) December 5, 1941.
2) the beginning of the counter-offensive of the Red Army in the Battle of Kursk B) November 19, 1942.
3) the beginning of the offensive of Soviet troops in Belarus C) July 12, 1943.
4) Battle of Moscow D) June 23, 1944

4. Read an excerpt from the decision of the Yalta Conference of the leaders of the USSR, Great Britain and the USA and name the organization in question.

“We consider it necessary to create an international organization aimed at maintaining peace. We believe that this is essential both for the prevention of aggression and for the elimination of the political, economic and social causes of war through the close and constant cooperation of all peace-loving peoples.

5. Name the document:

"Both Contracting Parties undertake to refrain from any violence, from any aggressive actions and any attack ... The agreement is concluded for a period of ten years ... Drawn up in two originals in German and Russian in Moscow."

Part C.

Read an excerpt from the memoirs of Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky.

“... If our military units and formations had been mobilized in a timely manner, withdrawn to the lines intended for them by the plan, deployed on them, organized clear interaction with artillery, tank troops and aviation, then we can assume that already in the first days of the war the enemy would have suffered such losses that would not allow him to advance so far across our country.
... It is wrong to explain the unsuccessful start of the war solely by Stalin's mistakes. The party saw the approach of the war and made every effort to delay the entry of the Soviet Union into it. It was a wise and realistic course. [The whole problem is how long such a course had to be carried out.]
... It was necessary to carry out forced mobilization and transfer our border military districts to full combat readiness, organize a tough layered defense. Stalin could not grasp this turning point.
What are the reasons for such a major miscalculation by this experienced and far-sighted politician? First of all, in the fact that our intelligence agencies ... could not fully objectively assess the incoming information about the military trained by fascist Germany and honestly, in a party way, report it to I.V. Stalin ... I.V. Stalin overestimated the possibilities of diplomacy in solving this problem ...
On the fateful night of the beginning of the war ... the elite fascist hordes, who had two years of experience in waging war, fell upon our border troops and cover troops.

C1. A.S. Vasilevsky believes that I.V. Stalin “overestimated the possibilities of diplomacy” in the hope of postponing a military clash with Germany in time. Name and date a treaty that could illustrate that such diplomatic efforts really took place.
C2. Based on the text, name at least four facts that caused the defeat of the Red Army in the summer of 1941.
C3. What does A.M. Vasilevsky see as the basis for the “major miscalculations” made by Stalin before the start of the war?
C4. Name at least two examples of what was carried out in the USSR active training to war with Germany. Indicate at least three reasons that led to the brutal defeats of the Red Army at the initial stage of the war.

The key to the test on the topic "Perestroika in the USSR"

Option I Option II

Part A

1. C 1. A, B, C
2. A, B, D 2. A
3. B 3. C
4. A 4. A, C, D
5. B 5. B, C
6. B 6. C
7. A 7. B
8. G 8. V
9. B 9. B
10.V 10.V
11. G 11. G
12.V 12.V

Part B

1. 342 1. 214
2. 421 2. 314
3. 1991 3. Gorbachev
4. Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant 4. Brezhnev
5. 231 5. 421

The key to the test on the topic "The Great Patriotic War - part of the Second World War"

Part A.

1. G
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. In
6. In
7. G
8. A
9. B
10. A
11. G
12. G
13. B
14. In
15. G

Part B.

1. 2, 4
2. B C E A D
3. B C D A
4. UN
5. Non-aggression pact

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