Who was the head of the Soviet state. Who ruled after Stalin? Georgy Maximilianovich Malenkov. Who was in power after Stalin's death

With the death of Stalin - the "father of the peoples" and the "architect of communism" - in 1953, a struggle for power began, because the one established by him assumed that the same autocratic leader would be at the helm of the USSR, who would take the reins of government into his own hands.

The only difference was that the main contenders for power were all in favor of the abolition of this very cult and the liberalization of the country's political course.

Who ruled after Stalin?

A serious struggle unfolded between the three main contenders, who initially represented a triumvirate - Georgy Malenkov (chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR), Lavrenty Beria (minister of the united Ministry of Internal Affairs) and Nikita Khrushchev (secretary of the CPSU Central Committee). Each of them wanted to take a seat, but victory could only go to the candidate whose candidacy was supported by the party, whose members enjoyed great prestige and had the right connections. In addition, all of them were united by the desire to achieve stability, end the era of repression and gain more freedom in their actions. That is why the question of who ruled after Stalin's death does not always have an unambiguous answer - after all, there were three people at once fighting for power.

Triumvirate in power: the beginning of the split

The triumvirate created under Stalin divided the power. Most of it was concentrated in the hands of Malenkov and Beria. Khrushchev was assigned the role of secretary, not so significant in the eyes of his rivals. However, they underestimated the ambitious and assertive party member, who stood out for his extraordinary thinking and intuition.

For those who ruled the country after Stalin, it was important to understand who should be eliminated from the competition in the first place. The first target was Lavrenty Beria. Khrushchev and Malenkov were aware of the dossier on each of them that the Minister of the Interior, who was in charge of the entire system of repressive agencies, had. In this regard, in July 1953, Beria was arrested, accusing him of espionage and some other crimes, thereby eliminating such a dangerous enemy.

Malenkov and his politics

Khrushchev's authority as the organizer of this conspiracy increased significantly, and his influence on other party members increased. However, while Malenkov was Chairman of the Council of Ministers, key decisions and policy directions depended on him. At the first meeting of the Presidium, a course was taken towards de-Stalinization and the establishment collective management country: it was planned to abolish the cult of personality, but to do it in such a way as not to detract from the merits of the "father of nations". The main task set by Malenkov was to develop the economy taking into account the interests of the population. He proposed a rather extensive program of changes, which was not adopted at a meeting of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Then Malenkov put forward the same proposals at the session of the Supreme Council, where they were approved. For the first time since Stalin's absolute rule, a decision was made not by the party, but by an official authority. The Central Committee of the CPSU and the Politburo were forced to agree to this.

Further history will show that among those who ruled after Stalin, Malenkov will be the most "effective" in his decisions. The set of measures he adopted to combat bureaucracy in the state and party apparatus, to develop the food and light industries, and to expand the independence of collective farms, bore fruit: 1954-1956, for the first time after the end of the war, showed an increase in the rural population and an increase in agricultural production, which long years decline and stagnation became profitable. The effect of these measures persisted until 1958. It is this five-year plan that is considered the most productive and productive after the death of Stalin.

It was clear to those who ruled after Stalin that it would not be possible to achieve such success in the light industry, since Malenkov’s proposals for its development contradicted the tasks of the next five-year plan, which emphasized the promotion

I tried to approach the solution of problems from a rational point of view, applying economic rather than ideological considerations. However, this order did not suit the party nomenklatura (headed by Khrushchev), which had practically lost its predominant role in the life of the state. This was a weighty argument against Malenkov, who, under pressure from the party, submitted his resignation in February 1955. Khrushchev's ally Malenkov took his place and became one of his deputies, but after the dispersal of the anti-party group in 1957 (of which he was a member), he was expelled from the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee along with his supporters. Khrushchev took advantage of this situation and in 1958 also removed Malenkov from the post of chairman of the Council of Ministers, taking his place and becoming the one who ruled after Stalin in the USSR.

Thus, he concentrated in his hands almost complete power. He got rid of the two most powerful competitors and led the country.

Who ruled the country after the death of Stalin and the removal of Malenkov?

Those 11 years that Khrushchev ruled the USSR are rich various events and reforms. There were many problems on the agenda that the state faced after industrialization, war and attempts to restore the economy. The main milestones that remember the era of Khrushchev's rule are as follows:

  1. Virgin land development policy (not supported by scientific research) - increased the amount of acreage, but did not take into account climatic features which hampered the development of agriculture in the developed territories.
  2. "Corn Campaign", the purpose of which was to catch up and overtake the United States, which received good harvests of this crop. The area under corn has doubled to the detriment of rye and wheat. But the result was sad - climatic conditions did not allow to get a high yield, and the reduction of areas for other crops provoked low scores by their collection. The campaign failed miserably in 1962, and its result was an increase in the price of butter and meat, which caused discontent among the population.
  3. The beginning of perestroika is the mass construction of houses, which allowed many families to move from hostels and communal apartments to apartments (the so-called "Khrushchevs").

The results of Khrushchev's reign

Among those who ruled after Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev stood out for his non-standard and not always well-thought-out approach to reforming within the state. Despite numerous projects that were put into practice, their inconsistency led to Khrushchev's removal from office in 1964.

Over the 69 years of the existence of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, several people have become the head of the country. The first ruler of the new state was Vladimir Ilyich Lenin ( real name Ulyanov), who led the Bolshevik Party during the October Revolution. Then the role of the head of state was actually performed by a person who held the post of General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (Central Committee of the Communist Party Soviet Union).

IN AND. Lenin

The first significant decision of the new Russian government was the refusal to participate in the bloody world war. Lenin managed to achieve it, despite the fact that some members of the party were against the conclusion of peace on unfavorable terms (the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk). Having saved hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of lives, the Bolsheviks immediately put them at risk in another war - the civil one. The fight against the interventionists, anarchists and White Guards, as well as other opponents of the Soviet regime, brought quite a few human casualties.

In 1921, Lenin initiated the transition from the policy of war communism to the New Economic Policy (NEP), which contributed to the rapid recovery of the country's economy and national economy. Lenin also contributed to the establishment of a one-party system in the country and the formation of the Union of Socialist Republics. The USSR in the form in which it was created did not meet the requirements of Lenin, however, he did not manage to make significant changes.

In 1922, the hard work and the consequences of the assassination attempt made on him by the Socialist-Revolutionary Fanny Kaplan in 1918 made themselves felt: Lenin fell seriously ill. He took less and less part in government and other people came to the fore. Lenin himself spoke with concern about his possible successor, the general secretary of the party, Stalin: “Comrade Stalin, having become general secretary, has concentrated immense power in his hands, and I am not sure whether he will always be able to use this power with sufficient caution.” On January 21, 1924, Lenin died, and Stalin, as expected, became his successor.

One of the main directions to which V.I. Lenin paid great attention to the development of the Russian economy. At the direction of the first leader of the country of the Soviets, many factories for the production of equipment were organized, the completion of car factory"AMO" (later "ZiL") in Moscow. Lenin paid great attention to the development of domestic energy and electronics. Perhaps if fate had given the “leader of the world proletariat” (as Lenin was often called) more time, he would have raised the country to a high level.

I.V. Stalin

A tougher policy was pursued by Lenin's successor, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (real name Dzhugashvili), who in 1922 took the post of General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Now the name of Stalin is mainly associated with the so-called "Stalinist repressions" of the 30s, when several million inhabitants of the USSR were deprived of their property (the so-called "dispossession"), went to prison or were executed for political reasons (for condemning the current government).
Indeed, the years of Stalin's rule left blood trail in the history of Russia, but there were positive features this period. During this time, from an agrarian country with a secondary economy, the Soviet Union turned into a world power with a huge industrial and military potential. The development of the economy and industry affected the years of the Great Patriotic War, which, although it cost the Soviet people dearly, was nevertheless won. Already during the hostilities, it was possible to establish a good supply of the army, to create new types of weapons. After the war, many were restored at an accelerated pace, destroyed almost to the foundation of the city.

N.S. Khrushchev

Shortly after Stalin's death (March 1953), Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev became General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (September 13, 1953). This leader of the CPSU became famous, perhaps, most of all for his extraordinary deeds, many of which are still remembered. Thus, in 1960, General Assembly UNO Nikita Sergeevich took off his shoe and, threatening to show Kuz'kin's mother, began to knock on the podium with it in protest against the speech of the Filipino delegate. The period of Khrushchev's rule is associated with the development of an arms race between the USSR and the USA (the so-called "Cold Out"). In 1962, the deployment of Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba almost led to a military conflict with the United States.

Of the positive changes that occurred during the reign of Khrushchev, one can note the rehabilitation of the victims of Stalinist repressions (having taken the post of general secretary, Khrushchev initiated the dismissal of Beria and his arrest), the development of agriculture through the development of unplowed lands (virgin lands), as well as the development of industry. It was during the reign of Khrushchev that the first launch artificial satellite Earth and the first manned flight into space. The period of Khrushchev's rule has an unofficial name - "Khrushchev's thaw."

L.I. Brezhnev

Khrushchev was replaced as General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee by Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev (October 14, 1964). For the first time, a party leader was replaced not after his death, but by removal from office. The era of Brezhnev's rule went down in history as "stagnation". The fact is that the Secretary General was a staunch conservative and an opponent of any reforms. The Cold War continued, which caused most of the resources to go to the military industry at the expense of other areas. Therefore, during this period, the country practically stopped in its technical development and began to lose to other leading powers of the world (excluding the military industry). In 1980, the XXII Summer Olympic Games, which were boycotted by some countries (USA, Germany and others), in protest against the introduction of Soviet troops into Afghanistan.

During the Brezhnev era, some attempts were made to defuse tensions with the United States: US-Soviet treaties on the limitation of strategic offensive arms were concluded. But these attempts were crossed out by the introduction of Soviet troops into Afghanistan in 1979. In the late 80s, Brezhnev was no longer actually able to govern the country and was only considered the leader of the party. On November 10, 1982, he died at his dacha.

Yu. V. Andropov

On November 12, Khrushchev's place was taken by Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov, who previously headed the State Security Committee (KGB). He achieved sufficient support among party leaders, therefore, despite the resistance of former supporters of Brezhnev, he was elected General Secretary, and then Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Having taken the helm, Andropov proclaimed a course for socio-economic transformation. But all the reforms were reduced to administrative measures, strengthening discipline and exposing corruption in higher circles. In foreign policy confrontation with the West only intensified. Andropov strove to strengthen his personal power: in June 1983 he held the post of chairman of the presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, while remaining secretary general. However, Andropov did not stay in power for long: he died on February 9, 1984 due to kidney disease, without having time to commit significant changes in the life of the country.

K.U. Chernenko

On February 13, 1984, the post of head of the Soviet state was taken by Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko, who was considered a contender for the post of general secretary even after the death of Brezhnev. Chernenko held this important post at the age of 72, being seriously ill, so it was clear that this was only a temporary figure. During the reign of Chernenko, a number of reforms were undertaken, which were never brought to their logical conclusion. On September 1, 1984, the Day of Knowledge was celebrated for the first time in the country. March 10, 1985 Chernenko died. His place was taken by Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, who later became the first and last president of the USSR.

Authorities in the USSR from 1924 to 1991

Good afternoon dear friends!

In this post, we will talk about one of the most difficult topics in the history of Russia - authorities in the USSR from 1924 to 1991. This topic causes not just difficulties for applicants, but sometimes a stupor, since if the structure of government tsarist Russia at least somehow understandable, then some kind of confusion ensues with the USSR.

It is understandable soviet history in itself is many times more difficult for applicants than the entire previous history of Russia put together. However, with this article authorities in the USSR You will be able to deal with this topic once and for all!

Let's start with the basics. There are three branches of government: legislative, executive and judicial. The legislature makes laws that govern life in the state. executive power— fulfills these very laws. Judicial branch - judges people and monitors the legal system as a whole. See my article for more details.

So, we will now analyze the authorities that were in the USSR - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which was formed, as you remember, in 1922. But first !

Authorities in the USSR according to the Constitution of 1924.

So, the first Constitution of the USSR was adopted in 1924. According to her, these were the authorities in the USSR:

All legislature belonged to the Congress of Soviets of the USSR, it was this body of power that adopted all the laws binding on all the union republics, of which there were originally 4 - the Ukrainian SSR, the ZSSR, the BSSR and the RSFSR. However, the Congress met only once a year! That's why between congresses performed its functions Central Executive Committee (CEC). He also announced the convocation of the Congress of Soviets of the USSR.

However, the sessions of the Central Executive Committee were also interrupted (there were only 3 sessions a year!) - you need to rest! Therefore, between sessions of the CEC, the Presidium of the CEC acted. According to the Constitution of 1924, the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee is the highest legislative, executive and administrative body of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. However, he was responsible to the CEC for his actions. The Presidium of the Central Executive Committee sent all bills submitted for its consideration to the two chambers of the Central Executive Committee: the Union Council and the Council of Nationalities.

However, not all executive power belonged exclusively to the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee! The Central Executive Committee is approved by the Council of People's Commissars. In another way, he appears in USE tests like the Council of People's Commissars! SNK consisted of people's commissariats. They were led by people's commissars, of whom there were initially ten:

People's Commissar for foreign affairs; People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs; People's Commissar foreign trade; People's Commissar of Communications; People's Commissar of Posts and Telegraphs; People's Commissar of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate; Chairman of the Supreme Council of the National Economy; people's commissar of labor; People's Commissar of Food; People's Commissar of Finance.

Who specifically held all these positions - at the end of the article! In fact, the Council of People's Commissars is the Government of the USSR, which was also supposed to implement the laws adopted by the Central Executive Committee and the Congress of Soviets of the USSR. Under the Council of People's Commissars, the OGPU was formed - the United State Political Management, which replaced the Cheka - the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission ("Chekists").

Judicial power was exercised by the Supreme Court of the USSR, which was also formed by the Congress of Soviets of the USSR.

As you can see, nothing complicated. However, it is worth adding that each of these authorities had its own Chairman, who supervised (headed) it, he had his own deputies. Moreover, the Union Council and the Council of Nationalities had their own Presidiums, which functioned between their sessions. Of course, there was also the Chairman of the Presidium of the Union Council, the Chairman of the Presidium of the Council of Nationalities!

Authorities in the USSR according to the Constitution of 1936.

As can be seen from the diagram, the structure of government in the USSR has become much simpler. However, there is one note: until 1946, the Council of People's Commissars (Sovnarkom) continued to exist together with the people's commissariats. In addition, the NKVD was formed - the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, which included the OGPU and the GUGB - the state department of state security.

It is clear that the functions of the authorities were the same. The structure simply changed: the Central Executive Committee no longer existed, and the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities became part of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR is the renamed Congress of Soviets of the USSR, it was now convened twice a year. Between congresses of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, its functions were performed by the Presidium.

The Supreme Soviet of the USSR approved the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Until 1946 it was the Council of People's Commissars) - the government of the USSR, and the Supreme Court of the USSR.

And you may have a logical question: "And who was the head of state of the USSR?". Formally, the USSR was governed collectively - by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and its Presidium. In fact, during this period, the one who held the post of Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars and was the head of the CPSU (b) party and was the head of the USSR. By the way, there were only three such people: V.I. Lenin, I.V. Stalin and N.S. Khrushchev. At all other times, the post of head of the party and head of government (Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR) were separated. More detailed information about the Chairmen of the Council of People's Commissars (and since 1946 - the Council of Ministers), you can find at the end of this article 🙂

Authorities in the USSR since 1957.

In 1957, the 1936 Constitution was in effect. However, Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev carried out a reform government controlled, during which the sectoral Ministries were liquidated and replaced by territorial Economic Councils in order to decentralize the management of industry:

By the way, you can see more detailed information about Khrushchev's activities.

Authorities in the USSR from 1988 to 1991.

I think there is nothing difficult in order to understand this scheme. In connection with the reform of public administration under M.S., Gorbachev, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was liquidated, and instead it was created elected by the people Advice people's deputies !

This is how the structure of government in the USSR changed from 1922 to 1991. I hope you understand that the USSR was a federal state and all the bodies of power considered were duplicated at the republican level. If so, ask questions in the comments! Not to be missed new materials, !

People who bought my video course "Russian history. Preparation for the exam for 100 points " , April 28, 2014 I will send 3 additional video lessons on this topic, plus a table of all positions in the USSR and the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, front commanders and other usefulness.

Well, as promised - table of all heads of chairmen of the Council of People's Commissars:

Head of the government In the position The consignment
Chairmen of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR
1 Vladimir Ilyich Lenin July 6, 1923 January 21, 1924 RCP(b)
2 Alexey Ivanovich Rykov February 2, 1924 December 19, 1930 RCP(b) / VKP(b)
3 Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov December 19, 1930 May 6, 1941 VKP(b)
4 Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin May 6, 1941 March 15, 1946 VKP(b)
Chairmen of the Council of Ministers of the USSR
4 Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin March 15, 1946 March 5, 1953 VKP(b) /
5 Georgy Maximilianovich Malenkov March 5, 1953 February 8, 1955 CPSU
6 Nikolai Alexandrovich Bulganin February 8, 1955 March 27, 1958 CPSU
7 Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev March 27, 1958 October 14, 1964 CPSU
8 Alexey Nikolaevich Kosygin October 15, 1964 October 23, 1980 CPSU
9 Nikolai Alexandrovich Tikhonov October 23, 1980 September 27, 1985 CPSU
10 Nikolay Ivanovich Ryzhkov September 27, 1985 January 19, 1991 CPSU
Prime Ministers of the USSR (Heads of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR)
11 Valentin Sergeevich Pavlov January 19, 1991 August 22, 1991 CPSU
Heads of the Operational Management Committee national economy USSR
12 Ivan Stepanovich Silaev September 6, 1991 September 20, 1991 CPSU
Chairmen of the Inter-Republican Economic Committee of the USSR
12 Ivan Stepanovich Silaev September 20, 1991 November 14, 1991 CPSU
Chairmen of the Interstate Economic Committee of the USSR - Prime Ministers of the Economic Community
12 Ivan Stepanovich Silaev November 14, 1991 December 26, 1991 no party

Sincerely, Andrey (Dreammanhist) Puchkov

Due to the stampede that occurred during his coronation, many people died. So the name "Bloody" was attached to the kindest philanthropist Nikolai. In 1898, caring for world peace, he issued a manifesto in which he called on all countries of the world to completely disarm. After that, a special commission met in The Hague to develop a number of measures that could further prevent bloody clashes between countries and peoples. But the peace-loving emperor had to fight. First, in the First World War, then the Bolshevik coup broke out, as a result of which the monarch was overthrown, and then shot with his family in Yekaterinburg.

The Orthodox Church canonized Nicholas Romanov and his entire family as saints.

Lvov Georgy Evgenievich (1917)

After the February Revolution, he became Chairman of the Provisional Government, which he headed from March 2, 1917 to July 8, 1917. Subsequently, he emigrated to France after the October Revolution.

Alexander Fedorovich (1917)

He was the chairman of the Provisional Government after Lvov.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Ulyanov) (1917 - 1922)

After the revolution in October 1917, in a short 5 years a new state was formed - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1922). One of the main ideologists and leader of the Bolshevik coup. It was V. I. who proclaimed two decrees in 1917: the first on ending the war, and the second on the abolition of private land ownership and the transfer of all territories that previously belonged to the landowners for the use of workers. He died before reaching the age of 54 in Gorki. His body rests in Moscow, in the Mausoleum on Red Square.

Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin (Dzhugashvili) (1922 - 1953)

General Secretary of the Central Committee communist party. When the country has been installed totalitarian regime and bloody dictatorship. He forcibly carried out collectivization in the country, driving peasants into collective farms and depriving them of their property and passports, in fact resuming serfdom. At the cost of hunger, he arranged industrialization. During his reign, arrests and executions of all dissidents, as well as "enemies of the people," were massively carried out in the country. Most of the country's entire intelligentsia perished in Stalin's Gulags. Won Second world war, defeating Nazi Germany with the allies. Died of a stroke.

Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev (1953 - 1964)

After Stalin's death, having entered into an alliance with Malenkov, he removed Beria from power, and took the place of the General Secretary of the Communist Party. He debunked Stalin's personality cult. In 1960, at a meeting of the UN Assembly, he called on countries to disarm and asked for China to be included in the Security Council. But the foreign policy of the USSR since 1961 has been getting tougher. Agreement for a three-year moratorium on testing nuclear weapons was violated by the USSR. The Cold War began with Western countries and, first of all, with the USA.

Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev (1964 - 1982)

He led a conspiracy against N. S., as a result of which he removed him to the post of general secretary. The time of his reign is called "stagnation". Total shortage of absolutely all consumer goods. The whole country stands in kilometer queues. Corruption flourishes. Many public figures persecuted for dissent, leave the country. This wave of emigration was later called the "brain drain". The last public appearance of L. I. took place in 1982. He took the Parade on Red Square. In the same year he died.

Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov (1983 - 1984)

Former head of the KGB. Having become the general secretary, he treated his position accordingly. IN work time banned the appearance on the streets of adults without good reason. Died of kidney failure.

Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko (1984 - 1985)

No one in the country took seriously the appointment of the seriously ill 72-year-old Chernenok to the post of general secretary. He was considered a kind of "intermediate" figure. He spent most of his reign of the USSR in the Central Clinical Hospital. He became the last ruler of the country, who was buried at the Kremlin wall.

Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev (1985 - 1991)

First and the only president THE USSR. He began a series of democratic reforms in the country, called "Perestroika". rid the country of iron curtain”, stopped the persecution of dissidents. There is freedom of speech in the country. Opened the market for trade with Western countries. Ended the Cold War. Honored Nobel Prize Peace.

Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin (1991 - 1999)

Twice elected to the presidency Russian Federation. The economic crisis in the country, caused by the collapse of the USSR, exacerbated the contradictions in the political system of the country. Yeltsin's opponent was vice-president Rutskoi, who, by storming the Ostankino television center and the Moscow mayor's office, launched a coup d'état, which was suppressed. I was seriously ill. During the illness, the country was temporarily ruled by V. S. Chernomyrdin. B. I. Yeltsin announced his resignation in his New Year's address to the Russians. Passed away in 2007.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (1999 - 2008)

Yeltsin appointed acting. president, after the election became the full president of the country.

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev (2008 - 2012)

Protege V.V. Putin. He acted as president for four years, after which V.V. became president again. Putin.

General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1985-1991), President of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (March 1990 - December 1991).
General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (March 11, 1985 - August 23, 1991), the first and last President of the USSR (March 15, 1990 - December 25, 1991).

Head of the Gorbachev Foundation. Since 1993, co-founder of CJSC Novaya Daily Newspaper (from the Moscow register).

Biography of Gorbachev

Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev was born on March 2, 1931 in the village. Privolnoye, Krasnogvardeisky district, Stavropol Territory. Father: Sergei Andreevich Gorbachev. Mother: Maria Panteleevna Gopkalo.

In 1945, M. Gorbachev began working as an assistant combine operator, together with by his father. In 1947, 16-year-old combine harvester Mikhail Gorbachev received the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for high grain production.

In 1950 M. Gorbachev graduated from high school with a silver medal. Immediately went to Moscow and entered the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov at the Faculty of Law.
In 1952 M. Gorbachev joined the CPSU.

In 1953 Gorbachev married Raisa Maksimovna Titarenko, a student of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University.

In 1955 he graduated from the university, he was given a referral to the regional prosecutor's office of Stavropol.

In Stavropol, Mikhail Gorbachev first became deputy head of the department of agitation and propaganda of the Stavropol regional committee of the Komsomol, after the 1st secretary of the Stavropol city committee of the Komsomol and finally the 2nd and 1st secretary of the regional committee of the Komsomol.

Mikhail Gorbachev - party work

In 1962, Mikhail Sergeevich finally switched to party work. He received the post of party organizer of the Stavropol Territorial Production Agricultural Administration. Due to the fact that N. Khrushchev's reforms are underway in the USSR, great attention is paid to agriculture. M. Gorbachev entered the correspondence department of the Stavropol Agricultural Institute.

In the same year, Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev was appointed head of the department of organizational and party work of the Stavropol rural regional committee of the CPSU.
In 1966 he was elected First Secretary of the Stavropol City Party Committee.

In 1967 he received a diploma from the Stavropol Agricultural Institute.

The years 1968-1970 were marked by the successive election of Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, first as the 2nd and then as the 1st Secretary of the Stavropol Regional Committee of the CPSU.

In 1971, Gorbachev was admitted to the Central Committee of the CPSU.

In 1978, he received the post of Secretary of the CPSU for the agro-industrial complex.

In 1980, Mikhail Sergeevich became a member of the Politburo of the CPSU.

In 1985, Gorbachev took the post of General Secretary of the CPSU, that is, he became the head of state.

In the same year, the annual meetings of the leader of the USSR with the President of the United States and leaders of foreign countries resumed.

Gorbachev's perestroika

The period of Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev's rule is usually associated with the end of the era of the so-called Brezhnev's "stagnation" and with the beginning of "perestroika" - a concept familiar to the whole world.

The first event of the General Secretary was a large-scale anti-alcohol campaign (officially launched on May 17, 1985). Alcohol in the country rose sharply in price, its sale was limited. Vineyards were cut down. All this led to the fact that the people began to poison themselves with moonshine and all kinds of alcohol surrogates, and the economy suffered more losses. In response, Gorbachev puts forward the slogan "accelerate socio-economic development."

The main events of Gorbachev's reign were as follows:
On April 8, 1986, at a speech in Tolyatti at the Volga Automobile Plant, Gorbachev first uttered the word "perestroika", it became the slogan of the beginning of a new era in the USSR.
On May 15, 1986, a campaign began to intensify the fight against unearned income (the fight against tutors, flower sellers, drivers).
The anti-alcohol campaign, which began on May 17, 1985, led to a sharp increase in prices for alcoholic beverages, cutting down vineyards, the disappearance of sugar in stores and the introduction of cards for sugar, and an increase in life expectancy among the population.
The main slogan was - acceleration associated with promises to dramatically increase the industry and the welfare of the people in a short time.
The reform of power, the introduction of elections to the Supreme Council and local councils on an alternative basis.
Glasnost, the actual removal of party censorship of the media.
Suppression of local ethnic conflicts in which the authorities took tough measures (dispersal of demonstrations in Georgia, forceful dispersal of youth rallies in Alma-Ata, entry of troops into Azerbaijan, deployment of years of conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, the suppression of the separatist aspirations of the Baltic republics).
During the Gorbachev period of government, there was a sharp decrease in the reproduction of the population of the USSR.
Disappearance of products from stores, hidden inflation, the introduction of a rationing system for many types of food in 1989. As a result of pumping the Soviet economy with non-cash rubles, hyperinflation occurred.
Under M.S. Gorbachev, the external debt of the USSR reached a record high. Debts were taken by Gorbachev at high interest from different countries. With debts, Russia was able to pay off only 15 years after his removal from power. The gold reserves of the USSR decreased tenfold: from over 2,000 tons to 200.

Gorbachev's politics

Reform of the CPSU, the abolition of the one-party system and removal from the CPSU constitutional status of "leading and organizing force".
Rehabilitation of victims of Stalinist repressions who were not rehabilitated under.
Weakening of control over the socialist camp (Sinatra Doctrine). It led to a change of power in most socialist countries, the unification of Germany in 1990. End cold war in the United States is regarded as a victory for the American bloc.
Cessation of the war in Afghanistan and withdrawal of Soviet troops, 1988-1989
The introduction of Soviet troops against People's Front Azerbaijan in Baku, January 1990, the result - more than 130 dead, including women and children.
Concealment from the public of the facts of the accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant April 26, 1986

In 1987, open criticism of Mikhail Gorbachev's actions began from outside.

In 1988, at the XIX Party Conference of the CPSU, the resolution "On Glasnost" was officially adopted.

In March 1989, for the first time in the history of the USSR, free elections of people's deputies were held, as a result of which not party proteges were admitted to power, but representatives of various trends in society.

In May 1989 Gorbachev was elected Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In the same year, the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan began. In October, through the efforts of Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, the Berlin Wall was destroyed and Germany was reunited.

In December, in Malta, as a result of a meeting between Gorbachev and George W. Bush, the heads of state announced that their countries were no longer adversaries.

Behind successes and breakthroughs in foreign policy lies a serious crisis within the USSR itself. By 1990, food shortages had increased. Local performances began in the republics (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia).

Gorbachev President of the USSR

In 1990, M. Gorbachev was elected President of the USSR at the III Congress of People's Deputies. In the same year in Paris, the USSR, as well as the countries of Europe, the USA and Canada, signed the "Charter for new Europe”, which effectively marked the end of the “cold war”, which lasted fifty years.

In the same year, most of the republics of the USSR declared their state sovereignty.

In July 1990, Mikhail Gorbachev ceded his post as chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to Boris Yeltsin.

November 7, 1990 there was an unsuccessful attempt on M. Gorbachev.
The same year brought him the Nobel Peace Prize.

In August 1991, an attempted coup d'état (the so-called GKChP) was made in the country. The state began to rapidly disintegrate.

December 8, 1991 in Belovezhskaya Pushcha(Belarus) a meeting of the presidents of the USSR, Belarus and Ukraine was held. They signed a document on the liquidation of the USSR and the creation of the Commonwealth independent states(CIS).

In 1992 M.S. Gorbachev took over International Foundation socio-economic and political research ("Gorbachev-Fund").

1993 brought new post- president of the international environmental organization"Green Cross".

In 1996, Gorbachev decided to take part in presidential elections, the socio-political movement "Civil Forum" was created. In the 1st round of voting, he is eliminated from the elections with less than 1% of the vote.

She died of cancer in 1999.

In 2000, Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev became the leader of the Russian United Social Democratic Party, chairman of the NTV Public Supervisory Board.

In 2001, Gorbachev began filming documentary about the politicians of the 20th century, whom he personally interviewed.

In the same year, his Russian United Social Democratic Party merged with the Russian Party of Social Democracy (RPSD) K. Titov, the Social Democratic Party of Russia was formed.

In March 2003, M. Gorbachev's book "The Facets of Globalization" was published, written by several authors under his leadership.
Gorbachev was married 1 time. Wife: Raisa Maksimovna, nee Titarenko. Children: Irina Gorbacheva (Virganskaya). Granddaughters - Ksenia and Anastasia. Great-granddaughter - Alexandra.

Years of Gorbachev's rule - results

The activities of Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev as head of the CPSU and the USSR are associated with a large-scale attempt to reform in the USSR - perestroika, which ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union, as well as the end of the Cold War. The period of M. Gorbachev's reign is estimated by researchers and contemporaries ambiguously.
Conservative politicians criticize him for the economic ruin, the collapse of the Union and other consequences of the perestroika he invented.

Radical politicians blamed him for the inconsistency of the reforms and the attempt to preserve the old administrative-command system and socialism.
Many Soviet, post-Soviet and foreign politicians and journalists positively evaluated Gorbachev's reforms, democracy and glasnost, the end of the Cold War, and the unification of Germany. The assessment of M. Gorbachev's activities abroad of the former Soviet Union is more positive and less controversial than in the post-Soviet space.

List of works written by M. Gorbachev:
"A Time for Peace" (1985)
"The Coming Century of Peace" (1986)
Peace Has No Alternative (1986)
Moratorium (1986)
"Selected Speeches and Articles" (vols. 1-7, 1986-1990)
"Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and for the World" (1987)
"August coup. Causes and Effects (1991)
“December-91. My position "(1992)
"Years of Difficult Decisions" (1993)
"Life and Reforms" (2 volumes, 1995)
"Reformers are never happy" (dialogue with Zdeněk Mlynář, in Czech, 1995)
"I want to warn ..." (1996)
"Moral Lessons of the 20th Century" in 2 volumes (dialogue with D. Ikeda, in Japanese, German, French, 1996)
"Reflections on the October Revolution" (1997)
“New thinking. Politics in the Age of Globalization” (co-authored with V. Zagladin and A. Chernyaev, in German, 1997)
"Reflections on the Past and Future" (1998)
"Understanding Perestroika... Why It Matters Now" (2006)

During his reign, Gorbachev received the nicknames "Bear", "Hunchbacked", "Tagged Bear", "Mineral Secretary", "Lemonade Joe", "Gorby".
Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev played himself in feature film Wim Wenders "So Far, So Close!" (1993) and participated in a number of other documentaries.

In 2004, he received a Grammy Award for voicing Sergei Prokofiev's musical fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf" with Sophia Loren and Bill Clinton.

Mikhail Gorbachev has received many prestigious foreign awards and prizes:
Prize to them. Indira Gandhi for 1987
Golden Dove for Peace Award for contributions to peace and disarmament, Rome, November 1989.
Peace Prize. Albert Einstein for his great contribution to the struggle for peace and understanding among peoples (Washington, June 1990)
Honorary Prize "Historical figure" of an influential religious organization in the United States - "Conscience Appeal Foundation" (Washington, June 1990)
International Peace Prize Martin Luther King Jr. For a World Without Violence 1991
Benjamin M. Cardoso Prize for Democracy (New York, USA, 1992)
International Prize "Golden Pegasus" (Tuscany, Italy, 1994)
King David Prize (USA, 1997) and many others.
He was awarded the following orders and medals: Order of the Red Banner of Labor, 3 Orders of Lenin, Order of the October Revolution, Order of the Badge of Honor, Gold Commemorative Medal of Belgrade (Yugoslavia, March 1988), Silver Medal of the Seimas of Poland for outstanding contribution in the development and strengthening international cooperation, friendship and interaction between Poland and the USSR (Poland, July 1988), Commemorative medal of the Sorbonne, Rome, Vatican, USA, "Star of the Hero" (Israel, 1992), Golden medal Thessaloniki (Greece, 1993), Gold Badge of the University of Oviedo (Spain, 1994), Republic of Korea, Order of the Association of Latin American Unity in Korea "Grand Cross of Simon Bolivar for Unity and Freedom" (Republic of Korea, 1994).

Gorbachev is a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. Agatha (San Marino, 1994) and a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Liberty (Portugal, 1995).

Speaking at various universities around the world, with lectures in the form of stories about the USSR, Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev also has honorary titles and honorary degrees, mainly as a good herald and peacemaker.

He is also an Honorary Citizen of many foreign cities, including Berlin, Florence, Dublin, etc.

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