Fill in the missing suffixes like I did everyone. Learning new material

Exercise 73. Insert missing letters where necessary; open parenthesis. Do morphological analysis highlighted words (the number 3 is placed above these words).

1. The shepherd was chasing a cow in the garden (Bunin). 2. In front of him is a plate of borscht..m 3, slices..of black bread and olives 3 on a (A.N. Tolstoy). 3. Have fun, dear friend..k. Here's a bream...k, offal 3, here's a piece of sterlet...k (Krylov). 4. Although she was crying, she even now took out from her fur coat pocket two old feathers, a short pencil and a thin book with a large print (Gladkov). 5. If you ask for an opinion, he will become confused, delicately put it off until the next day, and by the next day he will find out the opinion of the respected comrade manager 3 (Mayakovsky). 6. The leafing linden tree (palely) and the white birch tree with a green braid are babbling a new song (Nekrasov). 7. The actors loved her and called her “ and I” and “” (Chekhov). 8. I’ll spend the time, I’ll spend it... I’ll scratch it, scratch it... I’ll peel the seeds, peel them (Block). 9. are, admittedly, a rarity for me now (Saltykov-Shchedrin). 10. Liz..n..ka sighed (Popov). 11. The coachman, as if lost in thought... leaned against the dilapidated pillar... of the fender... h.. (A.N. Tolstoy). 12. Wearing White snow(Lugovskoy). 13. And he bit, and tore, and wrote, and scribbled a letter to his Sasha... (Lermontov). 14. And there was a rumor among the people that Pike Fox was supplying the fish table (Krylov). 15. They carried - now a brick, now a log, now a log..shko (Block). 16. A beggar woman was sitting on the rubble (A.N. Tolstoy). 17. The hedgehog is running along the path..k (Marshak). 18. A little lieutenant, looking like a sparrow (Gorbatov), ​​jumped out of the car. 19. Occasionally a passerby 3 wandered, gnawing seeds 3 (A.N. Tolstoy). 20. The ruins of the (dirty...) hospital and the scorched pillars of the baths... were reflected especially sadly in the water of the estuary (Kataev). 21. The K..nvoirs shot and hit the rattles (Fedin). 22. Meshkov recognized a workers’ picket, guns were visible behind people’s backs (Fedin). 23. Someone pulled Pastukhov’s coat..tso 3, which he was holding through his hand (Fedin). 24. Suddenly an exquisitely green poplar grove appears above the shore (Fedin). 25. You and I will go to Astrakhan.. 3. We’ll go to prison (Gladkov). 26. Nikitushka was not a wise man and the owner of book wisdom (Gladkov). 27. Kolesnichuk cheerfully ran up the forest, took goods from the shelf (Kataev). 28. The was a rare tender..woman (Kataev). 29. There are green thaws in the meadow (Gladkov). 30. The author chose soft words, “touching the soul”: “bread..c”, “baby..k”, “butter..tse”, “piece..k”, “cotton wool” (M. Bitter). 31. Your voice is like a bell (Gladkov). 32. He could not stand boars, profiteers, world-eaters (Gladkov). 33. Listen, my friend.., you, they say, are a great master of singing.. (Krylov). 34. Lips are like cherries, all like a flower...k scarlet (Isakovsky). 35. A lot of refugees came running from the neighboring village (Aksakov). 36. Tabun..ik Nestor was dressed in a Cossack uniform (L. Tolstoy). 37. Sma..ik ran hastily with a long hammer and watering can (Serafimovich). 38. According to intelligence officers, the main Japanese headquarters was in Yakovlevka (Fadeev). 39. Here you are sitting at the party, and the girl is the most beautiful (Tvardovsky). 40. Little Z..n..ka was sometimes jokingly called Z..n..koy (Gladkov). 41. Peter was a cheerful man, a jack of all trades, a skilled (quick) scribe and copyist of books (Gladkov). 42. The matter came down to meager living... with lack...of land, with hunger 3, with taxes (Gladkov). 43. You lied that you were the first motor racer! (Gladkov). 44. Flashlights with ladders quickly ran along the main streets, turning on the light 3 (Shishkov). 45. Judge 3 fought for a long time, interrogating the witnesses, but never discovered the instigators (N. Ostrovsky).

a) a rare spruce forest...k, a curly lamb...k, a funny tail...k, a beautiful pocket...k, a funny kitten...k, a green stalk...k, sweet peas...k, yellow sand...k, a sharp knife...k, an overgrown ravine... k, a piece...k of a pie, a bright umbrella...k.

b) peas...k, brick...k, friend...k, knife...k, hut...k, forest...k, pebble...k, gift...k, nestling...k, nut...k, speaker...k, ship...k, tail...k, grease...hic, load...hic, sofa...k, copy...ik, bouquet...k,, small...ta, white...zna, blue...zna.

Independent work № 4

Syntax five minutes.

September is a capricious month. He decorated the groves and oak forests with gold and crimson, and a veil of fog covered the distance.

Draw up a diagram of the second sentence.

Explain the placement of the dash in the first sentence.

Name a word with an alternating vowel in the root.

Highlight the suffixes of the nouns.

Mushroom picker, snowflake, Christmas tree, politeness, yellowness, bad taste, candlestick, skier, whiteness, singer, town, smart girl, playwright, hard worker, candy.

Insert particle no.

Once _____vezha got into _____inclement weather and immediately became _____sloppy. This is the true truth, and _____ a lie, as some _____ friends think. Now even _____people began to feel an irresistible _____hatred towards him: isn’t it clear that no one needs an unscrupulous _____sage, and also an impolite _____slut.

Fill in the missing letters.

To stop in indecision, carelessness in clothes..., reproach for frivolity..., a mistake due to inattention..., carelessness of students..., lack of friendliness in handling..., telling tall tales..., intransigence to the enemy, being ignorant, being left behind by an ignoramus, feel hostility, express dislike, great adversity, inaccuracy in response.

Syntax five minutes

The clearing was surrounded by old birch trees and covered large daisies. Alena carefully touched to green stalk, on which he showed off big-eyed flower.

Draw up a diagram of the second sentence, indicate the grammatical basics.

Do morpheme parsing highlighted words.

How are these words formed?

Arrange the words in two columns.

Steam (-) course, self (-) years, half (-) lemon, half (-) hour, helicopter (-) years, sofa (-) bed, south (-) west, half (-) city, half ( -)watermelon, rock(-)climb, pilot(-)cosmonaut, half(-)Astana.

Fill in the missing letters. Organize the nouns into two columns.,,, pencil...m,, plush...m, lily of the, circus performer...m; ball...m, landscape...m,; comrade...m; wheat..., cucumber...m; chick...m;, luggage...m; lead...m; father...b, brother...b, girl...b, squirrel...k.

Vocabulary dictation.

A delightful picture, amazing purity, fragrant lily of the valley, about a boring story, in roadside dust, a golden ray, a most unpleasant event, in a seaside town, a caring daughter, a multi-colored banner, an unknown hero, about a super-interesting incident.

Syntax five minutes.

Suddenly it blew cold wind, and lead-gray ones crawled across the sky from all sides storm clouds. Lightning flashed like a dazzling snake, and thunder rolled overhead with deafening peals.

Create proposal outlines.

Underline all adjectives as members of the sentence. Draw a conclusion.

What suffixes are involved in the formation of adjectives cold, dazzling, stormy?

- What other adjective suffixes do you know, give examples.

(-ist-, -chiv-, -liv-, -enn-, -onk-, -enk-)

Fill in the missing letters.

With a reliable...m doctor...m, with a diligent...m student..., a dex...m athlete..., a former... girlfriend, a skillful...m master..., a sharp shooter, a neat girl..., with a strict young man, a nimble schoolboy..., with an older brother, a younger sister, a good friend, a dangerously overrun... .

Composition of the word

Write out the highlighted words. Remember what they are called. Label the common part.

The old man was surprised and frightened:

He went fishing thirty years and three years

And I have not heard that fish spoke.

He let go fish gold

And he said a kind word to her.

A. Pushkin

Remember the rule and add it:

Who is bigger?" Select as many words with the same root as possible for the data. Select the root.

Cargo feed table nose

___________ __________ ___________ ___________

___________ __________ ___________ ___________

___________ __________ ___________ ___________

Write out the words with the same root from the poem. Select the root.

A brownie lived in a small house.

He was domestic, like a kitten.

The house was in harmony, cleanliness and peace.

The brownie was very economical.

  • cognitive aspect: get acquainted with the rule of writing vowels in noun suffixes – ek and –ik; learn to write vowels correctly in the suffixes –ek and –ik; distinguish between suffixes – chik, shchik, -ek, -ik;
  • developmental aspect: to develop the mental and speech activity of students, the ability to analyze, compare, continue to work on the development of critical, imaginative thinking; create conditions for the development of communication skills;
  • educational aspect: fostering a careful and responsible attitude to the word, to the culture of speech; improving ethical interpersonal communication skills

Lesson type: learning new material

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, cartoon fragment, workbooks, textbook for 6th grade, ed. M.T.Baranova, cards with tests or a computer network with an Internet connection


1. Organizational moment. Greetings

2. Updating knowledge on the topic “Noun”

2.1. Frontal survey on the topic “Noun” //

Mark true statements:

  1. A noun is a part of speech that denotes the action of an object
  2. The noun answers the questions who? What?
  3. Nouns change according to gender
  4. All nouns change by case and number
  5. Diversified nouns include 10 neuter nouns in -mya and the masculine noun path
  6. Indeclinable nouns have the same word form for all cases, and inflected ones have 6 forms.
  7. The nouns orphan, bully, bully, glutton can be classified as both feminine and masculine.
  8. Not with a noun is written together if the sentence contains a contrast with the conjunction A.
  9. If a noun is not used without NOT, then it is written with Not together.
  10. The letter CH in the suffix –chik (-schik) with the meaning of person is written after letters d-t, z-s, w

Answer code: 2, 5, 7, 9, 10

2.2. Error Analysis

2.3. on the topic “Suffixes –chik- and -schik- in nouns”

Purpose: to test the ability to apply the spelling rule learned in the previous lesson.

Test on the topic “Suffixes –CHIK- and -SHCHIK in nouns”

  1. In which word is written Ш: 1) buffet...itsa, 2) cargo...ik, 3) press...ik, 4) detour...ik
  2. Which word is written H: 1) reconnaissance...ik, 2) buken...ik, 3) kamen...ik, 4) spor...ik
  3. In which word is written Ш? 1) defector...hic, 2) helicopter...chick, 3) story...itsa, 4) supervision...hic
  4. Which word is written H? 1) computer...hic, 2) excavator...hic, 3) automatic...hic, 4) deception...hic
  5. In which word is b written before the suffix? 1) glass...panel, 2) concrete...panel, 3) blast furnace...panel, 4) change...panel
  6. Which word does not have b written before the suffix? 1) saw...panel, 2) roof...panel. 3) drum...shocker, 4) drill...schiker
  7. Which word is missing the letter C? 1) different...chick, 2) sm...chick, 3) cab...chick, 4) pika...chick
  8. Which word is missing the letter D? 1) navo...chik, 2) appara...chik, 3) proka...chik, 4) le...chitsa
  9. In which word does the suffix –CHIK- have no meaning of person? 1) accountant; 2) innkeeper; 3) subscriber, 4) offender
  10. In which word does the suffix -CHIK- not have a diminutive meaning? 1) spray can, 2) medallion, 3) invader, 4) shop

Response code:

Task No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer 3 1 4 3 1 3 1 1 2 3

3. Formulating the purpose of the lesson //.

Formulate the objectives of the lesson based on the formulation of the topic. Use supporting words: 1)Get acquainted with... 2)Learn...

4. Learning new material

4.1. Problem tasks //

Why is the suffix of the word KEY written I and not E?

4.2. Experiment //.

Recording the output and notation of the spelling in a notebook

  • I.p. ray, nut
  • R.p. ray, nut
  • D.p. ray, nut
  • V.p. ray, nut
  • etc. ray, nut,
  • P.p about a ray, about a nut

4.3. Watching a fragment of the cartoon “In the Land of Unlearned Lessons” about the spelling of vowels in the suffixes –ek and –ik-.

Are our observations correct? How did Viktor Perestukin solve the problem?

5. Fastening

5.1. Exercise 251. Work in pairs.

Insert the missing letters:

Son...k, ball..k, plane...k, friend...k, key...k, nut...k, cum...k, cornflower...k, pie...k, bubble...k, sitch...k, cucumber..k.

5.2. Photodictation //

Name the animals depicted in the photographs affectionately, using the suffixes –chik, -ek or –ik. What animals can be called differently? Fill out the table, indicate the suffixes:

Compare your table with the example: / /

Which nouns contain two suffixes?

5.3. Speech development.

Compose 2-3 sentences with direct speech using words from the table

5.4. Training exercise. Work in pairs. //

Write down, insert the missing letters. Highlight the suffixes in nouns.

There are many mysteries within an ordinary hedgehog. This keyball can withstand miraculous doses of poisons.

The f...lump...k is protected more powerfully than by its visible fence...k of needles...k.

There are still many mysteries of secrets, the which we must search and search. (1 student, when checking, inserts letters into interactive whiteboard)

6. Generalization. Summing up the lesson. Primary control.

6.1. Questions of self-control //.

  1. How to determine which suffix is ​​used to form a noun?
  2. What meaning do the suffixes - chik, -schik, -ek, -ik - give to nouns?
  3. What determines the choice of vowels in the suffixes –ek and –ik?

6.2. on the topic “Vowels E and I in the suffixes of nouns –EK- and –IK-”

  1. Which word is missing the letter I? 1) bell...k, 2) day...k, 3) roll...k, 4) knife...k
  2. Which word is missing the letter E? 1) hammer...k, 2) bell...k, 3) pencil...k, 4) drawing...k
  3. Which word is missing the letter E? 1) bicycle...k, 2) robe...k, 3) hippopotamus...k, 4) careful...k
  4. Which word is missing a different letter than the other three? 1) drawing...k, 2) playpen...k, 3) sand...k, 4) short fur coat...k
  5. Which word has a different vowel than the other three? 1) salad...k; 2) ball...k, 3) cornice...k, 4) parquet...k
  6. Which word does not have the suffix –EK? 1) little goat...k, 2) calf...k, 3) baby...k, 4) brick...k
  7. Which word has one suffix? 1) teapot, 2) gift, 3) light, 4) stocking
  8. Which word does not have the suffix –IK? 1) box, 2) pimple, 3) tick 4) borscht
  9. Which word has the suffix –IK-? 1) date, 2) broom, 3) notebook, 4) janitor
  10. Which word has the suffix - IR? 1) soup, 2) dill, 3) pepper, 4) tomato

Response code:

Task No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer 3 1 4 2 2 4 4 1 3 3

6.3. Self-examination, consultation, reflection

7. Homework: paragraph 45, ex. 251

Individual tasks: create crosswords, puzzles, presentation riddles with words on the topic “Suffixes of nouns”

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