What wildlife phenomena can be observed in winter. Presentation "Winter phenomena in inanimate nature" presentation of a lesson for an interactive whiteboard on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic. Autumn natural phenomena

Hello everyone, the leaves have long fallen from the trees, there is crisp ice on the puddles, you can’t hear the chirping of birds - these are the main signs of winter in wildlife that say that winter is coming. Do you want to know what happens in nature on the threshold of winter? How do trees, birds, animals, insects, and fish prepare for winter? Surprise your friends with your knowledge about wildlife?

How often does someone ask: “When will winter come?” Tired of this autumn slush...

Quote from Pushkin: - That year I stood in the yard for a long time, Nature waited, waited for winter..., answer - In fact, the signs of winter are already everywhere in nature.

You can only be able to determine the onset of winter in nature by observing changes in nature, where everything is interconnected - winter and summer, spring and autumn.

The first signs of winter can be detected by all living things.

It is still far from cold weather and there is no snow and frost, but it is already clear that winter is on the doorstep.

  1. The days are getting shorter, the nights are longer and colder, the slanting rays of the sun cannot warm the earth during the day.
  2. The clouds hang low, become heavy, sad gray, and fill the entire sky.
  3. The air is damp and cold.
  4. An ice crust appears on the puddles.

How plants greet winter

The main signs of approaching winter are shown by trees and shrubs. Waiting for the cold winter , trees not only shed their leaves, under their bark the cork tissue has become denser in winter and added over the summer, which keeps heat inside the trunk, like a double-glazed window.

They shed their leaves, taking care of themselves: under the cover of last year's foliage, the roots will freeze less. Trees and shrubs “fall asleep” in winter so as not to waste energy and nutrients for life activities.

What signs of approaching winter are visible in herbaceous plants?

  • Annual plants They die, dropping seeds into the ground. Next spring, in warm soil, the seeds that have lain under the snow all winter will again give life to the plant.
  • — Perennial plants store nutrients in their rhizomes all summer. Their bright summer greenery turns yellow and fades. Some herbs retain color, even fruits (lingonberries and cranberries).

How birds prepare for cold weather

It’s not easy for birds in the cold, there’s not enough food. To withstand and survive the frost, a bird needs to eat as much food as it weighs.

Bird conversations in the forests fall silent, quiet and lifeless without their hubbub. The birds scattered to the south in search of food-rich lands. Many move closer to people's homes (tits and bullfinches).

Frost-resistant species of birds “goosebumped” and prepared food.

Birds spend the night and look for food in cold weather in flocks and flocks; in winter a bird cannot be alone: ​​together and from predators it is easier to protect yourself and look for food.

What do animals do on the eve of frost?

The most characteristic features occur in the world of animals awaiting the onset of frost. Knowing that winter is coming, many animals fall into hibernation- This is an adaptive mechanism of some species of animals and plants during winter and frost. A way not to die of hunger.

During hibernation or torpor, the body temperature of animals decreases, digestion stops, heart rhythms are rare, and breathing is weak. Bears make warm and cozy dens for themselves. Other animals also hibernate: badgers and hedgehogs, raccoons and chipmunks, hamsters and dormice, the bats and snakes, frogs and lizards.

Who changes the color, insulates the fur coat? Which animal is not waiting? warm weather in winter?

  1. The hare changes the color of its skin from gray to a white, warm new thing.
  2. Squirrels put on winter outfits: their summer red sundresses are easy to see on gray tree trunks, because they turn gray, in this way they camouflage themselves from predators.
  3. And predators camouflage themselves; protective coloring will allow them to hunt more successfully. Arctic foxes change from dark gray to snow-white. The stoats and weasels turn white.

The fur coats of animals become richer not only in terms of coloring, but as winter approaches, a thick, short undercoat grows closer to the skin, which provides warmth in the winter frosts.

How do insects survive in winter?

Insects are also waiting for the onset of winter and have been preparing for it since summer.

Ants hid deep underground, closed the entrances to the house, and they are not visible. Ants huddle in groups and economically eat summer food supplies while waiting out the winter.

Wasps and bees seal the honeycombs, form swarms, and cover all the cracks of the nests with wax. They feed on honey reserves.

Flies, butterflies and beetles just sense the signs of winter - they hide under the bark of trees, hide in cracks, wait out frosts in a state similar to the hibernation of animals, this state is also called suspended animation.

How fish and underwater inhabitants live under the ice

The water temperature in rivers and reservoirs drops every day, ice freezes - it is clear to underwater inhabitants: winter is coming according to the time of year. Under the layer of ice it becomes dark and there is not enough oxygen. All inhabitants have developed reflexes that help them survive the winter.

Crayfish dig holes in river banks and lead an inactive lifestyle, and female crayfish also bear eggs at this time.

All aquatic life awaits the onset of winter. Fish accumulate fat all summer, and spend it sparingly in winter.

  • - There are types of fish (carp and tench, catfish and crucian carp) that go to wintering pits at this time, where they bask side by side, being half asleep.
  • - Active predators (pike, perch and pike perch) do not change their lifestyle in winter.

How a person greets winter

Man is also an object of living nature, so people prepare and wait for the onset of winter, try to observe and learn from nature.

  1. Purchase and wear suitable clothing.
  2. Houses and windows are insulated in various ways.
  3. Supplies of food and firewood are being prepared.

The signs of winter are conveyed to each other in sayings:

  • The year ends and winter begins.
  • A fur coat in winter is no joke.
  • In November, winter fights with autumn.

Winter is a difficult time for all living things in nature. Frosts, hard-to-get food, short daylight hours - all this forces animals, birds, insects to adapt and survive.

It is known that in especially difficult times, animals feel sorry for each other. For example, herbivorous fish flock into schools and stand side by side in wintering pits throughout the cold season, and predatory fish don't touch them, that's how it is.

People also take care of their smaller brothers: they set up feeders near their houses for birds and in forests for animals, they drill holes in lakes so that the fish have an influx of oxygen. Then in the summer it will be more fun with the noise of birds and the fishing will be more successful.

I hope you liked mine short review the most important signs of winter in wildlife. Please write what other signs of winter you know in the comments. I will be very interested to know about them. And that's all for today. Let me say goodbye to you and see you again.

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The world around us is in constant motion and changes all the time: after winter spring comes, after rain a rainbow appears, with the onset of cold weather birds fly south, etc. All these changes that are familiar to us, which we perceive as the most ordinary and natural, are called natural phenomena. Let's consider the phenomena of inanimate and living nature depending on the season of the year, and also get acquainted with some amazing phenomena that happen quite rarely.

Natural phenomena in autumn

Inanimate nature

IN inanimate nature At this time of year, the following changes occur: after the summer heat, coolness comes, and towards the end of autumn, frosts begin, and the first snow often falls. Daylight hours are becoming noticeably shorter, and cloudy and rainy weather is becoming more common.

Live nature

Representatives of wildlife perceive autumn as a time to prepare for winter. Trees change the color of their foliage and then completely shed it. Some animals are looking for shelter where they can survive the winter cold, many of them are actively preparing food supplies for future use. flock together and go to warmer climes. Many animals, including hares, foxes and squirrels, molt and exchange their skins for warmer ones.

Natural phenomena in winter

Inanimate nature

With the arrival of the coldest time of the year, the phenomena of inanimate nature make themselves felt very noticeably. The air temperature drops significantly and the number of frosty days increases. Snow covers the ground and continues to fall throughout the season. Snow storms, blizzards and blizzards often occur. A continuous ice cover is established on reservoirs. Ice and icy conditions are becoming more common, and dangerous icicles are forming on many buildings. Frost appears on the ground, trees and various outdoor objects, and unusual patterns can be seen on windows.

Live nature

The living world also changes during winter. Plants go into a dormant state, resting to gain strength for the next growing season. In shrubs and trees, metabolism slows down and visible growth stops. Some animals hibernate, for example, bears and hedgehogs, others continue to lead an active lifestyle, but it becomes more and more difficult for them to get food. Many who do not fly away for the winter warm countries, in search of food, they temporarily move to cities, among them magpies, bullfinches and tits.

Natural phenomena in spring

Inanimate nature

With the arrival of spring, everything changes, even the inanimate world. The day is becoming much longer, the sun is getting hotter. The long-awaited warming is coming, the atmospheric temperature rises to positive values. This phenomenon is called a thaw. The snow begins to actively melt, becomes loose, and by the end of spring not a trace remains of it. Ice drift begins on the rivers, causing floods. In some populated areas located on the banks of rivers, a strong increase in water level can lead to floods. Also in the spring it starts to rain and the first thunderstorms appear.

Live nature

The phenomena of living nature that occur in the spring can be described in one word - revival. Everything around begins to wake up and fill with life. In trees and shrubs, the movement of juices resumes, the buds swell, a little later active flowering occurs and the first leaves appear. Coltsfoot is blooming everywhere, and other perennial herbaceous plants are blooming in the forests. Flying insects appear, birds return, and those who hibernated are awakened. Furry animals shed again, changing their winter fur to summer. Many animals give birth to offspring at this time of year.

Natural phenomena in summer

Inanimate nature

Not Live nature At this time of year we enjoy hot, dry weather. The sun is heating up strongly, the air temperature rises to maximum values. Rain and thunderstorms also occur, sometimes causing hail. After precipitation, you can often see a rainbow in the sky. Towards the morning, in calm weather, dew forms on the ground, plants and various objects located outside.

Live nature

Changes also occur in wildlife in the summer. The plants begin to actively flower and bear fruit. At the end of summer, the time for mushrooms and berries comes, and nuts ripen in the forests. Animals at this time of year raise their offspring, teach their cubs to get food for themselves and defend themselves in case of danger. Insects are very active in summer, some of them (mosquitoes, flies, midges and others) begin to annoy people. Dangerous arachnids, including poisonous spiders and encephalitis ticks.

Other amazing natural phenomena

Sometimes unusual things happen in the world and sometimes mysterious phenomena nature. Let's give examples of some of them.

Ball lightning

According to eyewitness accounts, this a rare event is a kind of luminous ball moving in the air along an unpredictable trajectory. In the scientific world there is still no consensus on what ball lightning and how it arises.

Northern lights

This phenomenon is characteristic not only of Earth, it also occurs on other planets solar system, having a magnetosphere. People perceive it as a rapidly changing multi-colored glow in the sky at night. It is formed as a result of interaction upper layers atmosphere with charged solar wind particles.

Snow storm

This unusual phenomenon occurs during the cold season. More often observed in sea ​​coast or above large lake, happens occasionally in the city. It is characterized by precipitation in the form of heavy snow or freezing rain, and the process is accompanied by thunder and lightning.


This destructive natural phenomenon occurs in a thundercloud. A column of air, making vortex movements and forming a funnel, descends to the ground. Its diameter can be tens and even hundreds of meters. At the bottom of a tornado there is always a cloud of dust, dirt and objects raised from the ground, or water splashes if the tornado formed over water.

Blooming Atacama Desert in Chile

This place is considered one of the driest on Earth. But once every few years, heavy rains fall on this territory, thanks to which the desert is covered with flowering grasses. Scientists have counted about 200 plant species here, many of which are endemic. During the period of rapid flowering of the desert there is also active reproduction lizards, birds and insects.

Winter is a harsh time, especially in northern latitudes our hemisphere. Its calendar time is known, but it often happens that the first signs of winter come much earlier. The slushy November weather gives way to December frosts, freezing the reservoirs and covering the ground in a fluffy blanket of snow. The days become short, and the nights drag on tediously, waiting for the first ray of sun.

Most common natural phenomena in winter:

The shortest day falls on the period winter solstice . This is December 21 on the night of 22. The shortest day and the most long night. From this time the countdown begins and daytime increases, reducing nighttime.

Clouds fall lower, become heavy, gray from overflowing moisture. They are not light and compact; they cover the entire winter sky, filling the air with the smell of moisture and freshness. They are the ones who bring heavy snowfalls, covering the ground with meter-long snowdrifts.

This is winter precipitation. In winter, they cover everything around with a thick blanket, creating a kind of microclimate that helps plants and small animals survive the harsh cold. The lower the air temperature, the looser the snow flooring becomes, the harder it crunches underfoot and pricks when you touch it.

In calm weather, the snow falls in large snowflakes; with increasing intensity, the snow turns into blizzard- the most formidable winter natural phenomenon. It occurs when the first gust of wind appears. He picks up the snow cover and carries it, dragging it along with him. In nature, snowstorms are distinguished between high and low snowstorms, depending on the redistribution air masses. Typically, severe snowstorms occur in the middle of winter, at the peak of seasonal temperatures. The formation of a snowy landscape depends on this natural phenomenon: wind-blown snow takes on the bizarre shapes of snowdrifts.

Frequent travel companion winter weather - black ice. This is an ice crust that forms on any surface after a sharp temperature change. Wet snow, rain before severe frost can provoke its appearance. As a rule, it is black ice that binds the entire area of ​​small streams and other sources of moisture, so it does not necessarily have to rain for it to appear.

If there are severe, prolonged frosts in winter, they freeze the deepest bodies of water, which freeze to very decent depths, and so it begins freeze-up, paralyzing shipping. The ice will begin to move only with strong warming, when the rays of the sun begin to warm up its firmament.

frosts belong to dangerous natural phenomena. They can be installed on for a long time, if a winter anticyclone dominates the area. As a rule, abnormal frosts are a rare occurrence. Deviation from the usual norm does not occur everywhere and not always. Low temperatures can cause significant damage agriculture and provoke the appearance emergency, so all public utilities are on alert in winter.

Another indispensable attribute of winter is icicle- a cone-shaped piece of ice that hangs from any plane. During the day, the sun warms the snow, it begins to melt and leak, and at night the frost intensifies, everything around freezes. The mass of the icicle grows as the snow melts, then it collapses from its own weight and crumbles when it hits the ground.

It is with the melting of icicles that a smooth transition to spring, when the air temperature gradually rises, the days become longer and Frost patterns disappear, seeping melt water into the warmed ground.

Subject: On a visit to winter. Inanimate and living nature in winter.

Lesson objectives:

Educational: conduct observations of winter changes in nature; systematize and enrich children's knowledge about natural connections; introduce children to the features of inanimate and living nature in winter.

Educational: broadening the horizons of students, developing logical thinking, memory and communication oral speech.

Educational: to instill in students a love of nature, careful attitude to the surrounding world.

Planned results: students realize the need to protect nature and behave correctly outside in winter; learn to generalize observations of winter natural phenomena; prepare and deliver messages.

Necessary equipment and materials :

Screen, multimedia projector, computer, speakers.

Presentation for the lesson.

Pleshakov A.A. The world. 2nd grade. Textbook for general education institutions. - M.: Education, 2014.


    Organizing time.

The guys got up, straightened up, and got ready for the lesson.

Today we have an unusual lesson, guests have come to us. Let's say hello. Smile for me. Smile at your desk neighbor. Sit quietly.

Let's give each other our warmth and good mood let's get to work!

    Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation educational activities students.

Guys, today we are going to visit a very beautiful time of year.

What time of year is this? You can tell by guessing the riddle: slide 1,2

Troika, troika has arrived,

The horses in that trio are white.

And the queen sits in the sleigh,

White-haired, white-faced.

How she waved her sleeve

Everything was covered in silver.

I invite you to visit us for winter.

Remember what nature is like? (Living and non-living) slide 3

What applies to inanimate and living nature?

(The sun, stars, air, water, stones are inanimate nature. Plants, animals, humans are living nature.)

What do you think we will talk about in class today?

- Going on a visit to winter, we will observe changes in living and inanimate nature at this time of year.

    Updating knowledge.

What has changed in inanimate nature with the arrival of winter?

What are the signs of winter?

Summarizing the signs of winterSlide 4

4. Winter months. Slide 5 - 8

And what kind of horses are harnessed to the Queen of Winter's troika?

Three months greet us in the winter kingdom. Which? (December January February.)

December is “windy winter”, the midnight of the year, a month of long nights and frosty patterns on the windows. December ends the year, winter begins.

January is “jelly”, the coldest and windiest month of the year. January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.

February - “fierce”, “snow”, “bokogrey”. A month of snowfalls, evil blizzards and the first warm sun. They say: “Blizzards and blizzards arrived in February.”

Guys, what folk signs You know?

Folk signs.

    The stars shine strongly in winter - it means frost.

    The sparrows chirped in unison - to the thaw.

    Smoke in a column means frost.

    A cat on the stove means cold, a cat on the floor means warmth.

    The first snow falls forty days before winter.

    Cold winter - hot summer.

5. Inanimate nature in winter. Slide 9

When do you think winter comes? (Assumptions learn.)

According to the calendar, winter begins on December 1st. But scientists consider December 22 to be the beginning of winter. This is the day of the winter solstice. The sun rises low in the sky on this day, and the day is the shortest of the year.

And in nature, winter comes every year different terms. The first frosts are not winter yet. Frosts are replaced by warmth, snow falls and melts several times. Winter begins when the air temperature drops below zero degrees, water bodies freeze, and the ground is covered with snow. The days become short and cold.

Guys, look carefully at the picture and tell me

What's the weather like? What mood did the author want to convey?

Which color does the artist use more and why?

(Used a lot white to depict snow) ?

Teacher. What is snow made of?

Student 1 .

What types of snowflakes are there? Slide 10

Look around. What lies on the ground, tree branches and bushes? (Snow.)

What is snow made of? (From snowflakes.)

Look at a variety of snowflakes.

The student will tell you how snow is formed.

They used to think that snow was frozen droplets of water, but the mystery of snowflakes was not solved. Droplets of water can become hailstones, spikes of opaque ice, but they will never turn into snowflakes.

High above the ground, where intense cold reigns, ice floes - tiny crystals - form from water vapor. Crystals are not snowflakes yet. The crystals grow all the time and finally become beautiful stars. They gather into flakes and fall to the ground.

Forty-eight types, options, combinations! How many beautiful drawings can be done by collecting a hand-drawn collection of snowflakes! Snowflakes stick together to form snow flakes. Large, like pieces of cotton wool, they lie on the ground.

6. Working from the textbook

Now let's work according to the textbook.

Working with the textbook. Students read the text “Inanimate Nature in Winter.” Page 132-133 (independently )

Conversation on reading.

What phenomena occur in inanimate nature?

Natural phenomena in winter. Slide 11,12,13.

    thaw(increase in atmospheric temperature to positive values ​​in winter or early spring).

    black ice(when after a thaw there is a decrease in air and soil temperatures).

    snowfall(snow falling from the clouds).

    blizzard(wind transfer of snow raised from the surface of the earth).

    frost(ice deposits on thin and long objects (tree branches, wires) in damp frosty weather).

Also, what natural phenomena do you know? (Blizzard, blizzard)

Guys, what is the difference between a blizzard and a blizzard?

Blizzard - sweeps away old snow i.e. wind without precipitation; a blizzard is a blizzard plus precipitation with strong wind. those. snow, and buran comes from the word storm, i.e. very seriously.

- Formulate rules for safe behavior outside in winter.

A conversation about how ice causes road accidents and pedestrian injuries; and icicles falling from the roofs of buildings during a thaw often cause injuries to passers-by.

Gymnastics for the eyes

7. Game "Clapping".

Clap your hands when you hear winter natural phenomena.

Leaf fall, thunderstorm, snowfall, rain, blizzard , freezing , apple tree blossoms, arrival of migratory birds,thaw , black ice .

8. Winter life of plants.

-What groups are all plants divided into? (Trees, shrubs, herbs.) (Slide 14)

What types of trees are there? (Deciduous and coniferous.)

Compare deciduous and coniferous trees. Draw a conclusion about how they spend the winter. (Slide 15)

Deciduous plants They dropped their leaves in the fall. But here and there you can see browned leaves on their branches. There are especially many of them on oak. On many plants: mountain ash, maple, acacia, linden, rose hips, fruits are preserved for the winter. Most conifers overwinter with green leaves.

Not only coniferous plants remain green, but also some herbaceous plants: strawberries, cranberries, wheat. (Slide 16)

What role does snow play for these plants?

(Snow is like a warm duvet for these plants; it covers the plants and prevents them from freezing.) .

Physical education minute . ( The projector turns off)

The sun warms the earth weakly,

The frost crackles at night,

In the snow woman's yard

The carrot nose turned white.

Suddenly there was water in the river

motionless and firm

The blizzard is angry, the snow is spinning,

Sweeps everything around

Snow-white silver.

(Students perform a set of general developmental exercises.)

9. Secrets of the animal world.

    -What groups are animals divided into? (Animals, birds, fish, insects.) ( C lead 17)

We learn about how some animals spend the winter from messages prepared by the guys.

Guess the riddle:

I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,

I live in a dense forest,

In a hollow on an old oak tree

I'm gnawing nuts. (Squirrel) ( C lead 18, click on the answer and a picture)

By winter, the squirrel insulates its nest, which serves as reliable protection during severe frosts and bad weather. The squirrel builds its nest in the forks of branches or in the hollows of trees. In frosts, when it is very cold, squirrels do not run through the forest, they hide in nests. A squirrel's nest is called gayno. A ball of branches high on the fir trees. It has one or two exits, and the inside walls are lined with moss.

By winter, the squirrel makes food supplies. It’s funny to watch how a squirrel looks for nuts: it hits the branches of a hazel tree with its paw and sees which one swings the most. So there are nuts on this branch. He selects the best fruits for food and reserves.

The squirrel dries mushrooms itself in summer and autumn. If you bite into a fungus, is it tasty? Then prick it on a twig and let it dry until winter. It happens that hundreds and even thousands of fungi dry out over the summer.

The owner of the forest

Wakes up in the spring

And in winter, under the blizzard howl

He sleeps in a snow hut. (Bear) (Slide 19)

Before lying down in the den, the bear confuses its tracks like a hare, meanders through the windfall, water, jumps sideways from the trail, in a word, it will walk back and forth more than once.

A den is a hole dug somewhere under the roots of a tree, lined with grass and dry fern even before the first snow. The bear lies down with his head to the hole, covers his muzzle with his paw and sleeps. At this time, he does not eat food, but lives off accumulated fat.

They say that in winter bears suck their paws in their dens. In fact, the old rough skin comes off the bear’s feet, and the young, tender skin needs to be warmed. That's why the bear licks the soles with a hot tongue, smacking his lips at the same time. So it looks like he is sucking his paw.

If a bear is awakened, it leaves the den hungry and at this time can be very dangerous. It is called a bear - connecting rod.

Behind the trees and bushes

The flame flashed quickly.

It flashed, ran -

There is no smoke, no fire. (Fox) (Slide 20)

The fox hunts at dusk or at night for birds, hares, and hedgehogs. It sneaks up on prey unnoticed, suddenly rushes at it and grabs it with sharp teeth. Like a cat, he loves to play with his prey. In winter you can see a fox sniffing the snow. In fact, she tracks mice by smell under the snow, quickly digs the snow with her front paws and grabs the prey. By destroying mice, the fox brings benefits. During severe snowstorms and bad weather, she seeks shelter, curls up in a ball and covers herself with her tail.

The scythe has no den,

He doesn't need a hole.

Legs save you from enemies,

And from hunger - bark. (Hare) (Slide 21)

Hares have hind legs that are stronger than their front legs. He runs around loose snow on his furry paws, lightly, like on Canadian skis, he sleeps lightly, dozes half asleep with his eyes open, closing them only for a minute. During heavy snowstorms and snowfalls, the hare hides in shallow holes, in bushes, and jumps into the hole, so there are no tracks nearby.

( C lead 25)

Teacher: The white hare and brown hare are quite large animals, the body length of the tallest reaches 70 cm. The brown hare is gray in summer and winter; in winter it only gets a little lighter. The hare becomes completely white in winter, which explains its name.

Teacher's story about the winter life of animals: mouse, weasel, wolf, boar, elk. (Slides 22-24)

This is interesting!

    Mice are the fox's main food in winter. To be full, she must eat up to 20 mice a day.

    Typically, each squirrel has several nests (sometimes up to 30) in different places.

    The squirrel does not always find its reserves, and it has to feed on the seeds of coniferous plants. To get enough, she needs to eat seeds from 28 spruce cones or 380 pine cones a day. The seeds had much more fat than pine seeds, so they are much more nutritious.

    An elk should eat 9-10 kg of feed per day, and severe frosts up to 20 kg.

10. Game “Move the animals into houses » (Slide 25)

House 1 – animals that stock up for winter.

House 2 – animals that hibernate in winter.

House 3 – animals that look for food in nature in winter.

Students complete the task in pairs using handouts (Appendix 1). The completed task is collectively checked.

11 . Life birds in winter. . . (Slides 26- 27)

Now let's talk about the life of birds in winter.

Children, do all birds stay for the winter? Why?

What are the names of the birds that fly away to warmer regions in the fall? Why are they flying away?

What are the birds that stay for the winter called? (Wintering.)

What groups are wintering birds divided into? (sedentary and rocking)

Name the migratory birds? (oriole, swift, swallow, lark, starling, rook...)

Name the wintering birds.

(Tit, sparrow, jay, woodpecker, nuthatch, bullfinch, pigeon, magpie, crow)

Let's remember sedentary and nomadic birds.

Students' story about crossbills and tits X.(Slide 28)

Crossbill lives in coniferous forests. The beak of crossbills is adapted to feeding on cone seeds, so the upper and lower halves of the beak are crossed. The male is brightly colored, while the female is grayish-green. These birds hatch their chicks in winter, because... It is in winter that there is a lot of food for them. There is a peculiarity in the feeding of the crossbill: when it picks a cone, it eats only part of the seeds and then throws it away. Cones thrown on the snow are picked up by squirrels and woodpeckers. This makes it easier for them to find food. But even more important are abandoned cones for mice. Because they themselves cannot pick a cone from a tree.

Tit- This is a dexterous, mobile bird. She does not fly away to warmer regions for the winter. It usually makes its nest in tree hollows. The bright yellow breast and belly of this bird are divided in half by a wide black stripe, on the head there is a black cap. In summer it feeds on bugs and worms, and in winter it eats everything: bread crumbs and boiled vegetables. But he especially loves unsalted lard. Discuss. What is worse for birds in winter, hunger or cold? Why?

What do birds eat in winter?

Millet, millet, oats, wheat;

    Sunflower seeds;

    Rowan berries, hawthorn;

    Maple and ash seeds;

    Cones, acorns, nuts;

    Bread, bread crumbs.

Yet birds often go hungry in winter. How can you help birds get through a difficult time? (You need to make bird feeders and feed them.)

A student reads A. Yashin’s poem “Feed the Birds in Winter.”

Feed the birds in winter

Let it come from all over

They will flock to you like home,

Flocks on the porch.

Their food is not rich.

I need a handful of grain

One handful - and not scary

It will be winter for them.

It’s impossible to count how many of them die,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And it's warm for the birds.

Train your birds in the cold

To your window

So that you don’t have to go without songs

Let's welcome spring.

What benefits do birds bring? (They eat insects that cause damage to the forest and revive the forests with their singing.)

What happens if there are no birds?

    Independent work with self-test.

- Now let's check how well you have learned the material, take the test.

1. Test “Nature in winter”

What is worse for animals in winter?

2. Winter temperature:

1)Below zero

2)Above zero

3. What do wintering birds eat in the forest?


3) Tree buds and plant berries

4. What bird can you not see at your feeder in winter?

1) Bullfinch

2) Swallow

3) Titmouse

5. Recognize the bird by description

The beak is cross-shaped, uses the beak for climbing. Lives in conifers and mixed forests. This is a diurnal, noisy and active bird. It feeds on cone seeds, conifer aphids, sunflower seeds, hawthorn, and rowan.

3) Bullfinch

4) Titmouse

The test is carried out with the help of the teacher. Error correction.

Lesson summary. Reflection on learning activities

What changes in living and inanimate nature occur in winter?

What secrets of the animal and flora did you learn in class?

Who received satisfaction from their work in the lesson?

  • If you are completely satisfied with the lesson, you think that you gave your best and perfectly understood the new topic of the lesson, raise blue snowflake.

  • If you are satisfied with your work in class, but could work more actively, raise blue snowflake.

    If you don't understand anything in a lesson and you need your teacher's help to explain the lesson again, raise white snowflake.

Today we visited winter, I hope that soon winter itself will come to visit us. (Slide 36)


    Draw a picture “Winter”

Winter is a fierce time, especially in the north of the planet. Sometimes its appearance does not coincide with calendar time. Signs of winter may appear earlier. The slushy weather changes to frost, ponds freeze, and the ground is covered with a white blanket of snow. During this period the days are short and the nights are cold.

The first signs of winter. Snow

Nature calendar

Frost and snow appear in different ways. Nature has its own calendar, so signs of winter are noticeable at different times of the year.

Every year the timing of the annual seasons changes. Therefore, spring may come early or, conversely, late. This happens in winter too. Every year maybe different quantities precipitation, there may be more clear or cloudy days, the temperature can also present its own surprises.

It is important for many people to monitor fluctuations in nature. Gardeners, landowners, fishermen, and hunters pay attention to them. Depends on weather conditions such industries:

  • poultry farming;
  • Agriculture;
  • fishing;
  • livestock farming;
  • sericulture;
  • beekeeping.

End of winter

Winter doesn't last forever, it ends eventually. The first thawed patches appear and the ground is visible. Previously, they can be seen on the slopes, and then - in the fields. But in the north, in the forests, snow can last a long time.

Migratory birds are starting to return home. The first to be noticed are the rooks. But there are also places of their residence from which they do not fly away, since there are no harsh winters there.

The beginning of winter in nature

There are signs of winter in wildlife. You can observe the following changes:

  1. Trees and bushes are shedding leaves. This happens because there is little light in winter, so they don’t need this part. Only coniferous trees do not lose leaves; they fall out gradually so that new ones can grow. These needles of fir trees and pine trees are covered with a coating that protects them from severe frosts.
  2. In winter there is little food. For this reason, animals, such as bears, hibernate. The ones that continue to lead active life, are overgrown with a warm fur coat. Such changes will prevent them from freezing. By the way, the hare turns white for the winter, and the hedgehog finds a cozy place and sleeps there, curled up, until spring.
  3. The number of birds decreases in winter, as migratory birds fly to regions where it is warmer. Only those who have adapted to eat different types of food remain. And many insects disappear in winter, so it becomes more difficult for birds to find food.

These are signs of winter in living nature.

What is snow made of?

Snowflakes come in various sizes, but no larger than 5 mm. And openwork weaving differs from each other, surprising with its uniqueness. There are different signs of winter, but snow is considered the most basic. Snowflakes are symmetrical, have clear geometric edges, and are connected into a hexagon. The water molecule has a hexagonal shape. Because of this, when she freezes in the clouds, she transforms into small crystals. Formation occurs with the capture of neighboring molecules. Thus, a chain of frozen molecules is obtained.

The resulting shape is affected by air temperature and humidity. Snow plays in winter important role, as it provides protection to the earth in cold weather, covering it with a blanket of snow. It allows you to keep warm, plants and small animals will not die in such conditions. If there is no snow, winter crops will not produce a harvest. Snow also retains moisture, which is needed in spring.

Games for children that will help you recognize the beginning of winter

Many parents want their child to quickly be able to tell what signs of winter exist. You can teach him this by playing. At the same time, his mental capacity will develop and improve.

The first game is called "Homemade Lotto". It can be used for 3-year-old children. The signs of winter will become clear to children and they will be able to talk about it. To do this, you need to make a lotto for each season. Pictures are collected showing signs of winter and other periods of the year. After this, you need to invite your child to choose from the drawings those that are associated with the winter period. The parent can take out the pictures one by one, and the baby must identify the signs of the cold season. To make it interesting for the child, you can later switch roles with him. This will allow him to consolidate his knowledge. It is allowed to make mistakes so that the child corrects his parent.

Similar to the previous game, you can write words on cardboard: signs for the word “winter” and other seasons. The activity is similar to the previous one, the child must collect words related to winter.

The game “What to Wear” develops a child’s thoughts well. To do this, you will need clothing that should be worn in different time of the year. The child must choose from the pile only those things that are suitable for winter. The parent can also show one wardrobe attribute at a time, and the children make a conclusion regarding it. The same game can be played with shoes. If you are concerned that things will get dirty, you can use pictures. They should be wearing different clothes. For the child to develop his logical thinking, you can ask why he chose a particular thing.

You can help recognize the signs of winter while walking. When the mother goes for a walk with the baby outside, he can begin to talk about the changes that have come with the advent of winter period. A parent can help the children, noting that the dog’s fur has become thicker, and smoke can be seen from the cottages, as the stove is being heated there. The child will realize that with the arrival of winter it becomes cold, which is why such changes occur.

You can also play winter words. To do this, participants name words associated with winter one by one. For example, cold, snow, Santa Claus, Snowman and others. If someone doesn't know what word to say, they're out of the game. The last remaining participant is the winner.

So, there are a lot of changes when winter comes. Every person should notice them, and children should be helped to see these signs.

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