Where do birds fly in winter? When do cranes fly south? Where do birds fly for the winter?

From children's fairy tales, we very often heard about cranes. Just remember how much interesting riddles folded about this unusual bird. These majestic birds have long legs and a graceful beak. The crane strikes with its beauty. He is incredibly graceful and handsome. By the way, probably few people know that these birds appeared a very, very long time ago, images of a crane were found in the caves.


This country also lives in our country amazing bird. Directly in Russia there is a gray crane. It should be noted that of all members of the crane family, gray color the most long legs. They usually live near water bodies or where there are swamps. A very interesting fact is that cranes choose a partner for life. That is, they may be true. During the mating season, birds arrange incredible beauty mating dances. This is indeed quite a sight to behold. At the same time, partners move their wings. These are amazing and interesting birds.

It is also worth saying that there are a great many species of crane. Of course, each of them has some peculiar features, its own unusual story and of course the look.

Why are they flying away?

Sometimes people have to see how the wedge flies through the sky in an unknown direction. The thing is that at the time of the onset of cold weather, cranes fly to warmer places. They love to stay and spend time where the temperature does not drop below zero.

Also a very important circumstance is that in cold times it is quite difficult to get food, and, as you know, the soil freezes in winter. Then getting something tasty out of it is a very troublesome business.

Southern territories

Surely now you are wondering: where do cranes winter? It is worth noting that there can be a great variety of options. Let's try to consider this issue in the most complete and detailed way, in order to understand it all the same. Cranes winter in the southern territories. It could be Spain - one of the favorite places of these birds, Algeria and other warm places. For example, the white crane goes to China.

Africa, Iraq

Where do cranes winter when they fly away? It could also be Africa. A lot of people are waiting for the onset of frost off the banks of the Nile. Some cranes go to the Cape. There also reigns favorable climate. Some of the crane flocks go to Iraq. Tamm is warm enough to ride out the winter cold.

Features of wintering of some species

In order to more fully answer the question posed, where cranes winter, it is worth understanding that there are a fairly large number of species of this beautiful bird. The path of the gray cranes lies in Western Europe, V North Africa. But the birds that usually live in central regions are sent to Turkey or Israel. Those who live in southeastern Siberia love to fly to India.

So, let's now try to reveal in more detail the question of where cranes from Russia winter. As we understood earlier, the common crane species prevails on the territory of this country. So where do cranes fly from Russia for the winter? From this country, graceful birds fly through the Black, Mediterranean Seas and remain in Syria or Israel. Cranes fly away en masse. That is, they gather in flocks and all together fly to warmer climes.

Cranes from the Moscow region

The second question to which we must receive an answer will be this: where do cranes from the Moscow region winter? Firstly, it is worth saying that these birds, as a rule, fly away from the Moscow region towards the end of September, if the weather is cool enough already in August, then much earlier. Cranes very strongly feel the approach of cold weather. Therefore, they always know when there will be some serious changes with the weather. Even when the weather is not very cold, they feel the approach of frost. Therefore, they gather in a flock and fly away.

A bit of history

When we started talking about this wonderful bird, we completely forgot to tell a couple interesting facts about their history and lineage. The American continent is considered to be the historical homeland of these birds. After that, they ended up in Asia, Africa, then Australia. Very often we have to see pictures of how these birds fly across the sky like a wedge. But it must be said that they do this only if the wind interferes with the flight. At a time when the birds are about to fly away, they make stops along the way in order to rest.

There are many varied and amazing facts about these birds. Let's try to talk about them in this article.

In Armenia, this bird is considered a symbol of the country, these wonderful creatures live for about twenty years, if they are kept in artificial conditions, then about eighty years. It must be said that this is a very long time for birds in principle. In China, this bird is a symbol of spiritual purity, devotion, beauty. In Japan, there is a belief that if you make 1000 cranes out of paper (origami), then a person will be cured of any disease. In Russia, we also have quite a lot of references to these birds in children's fairy tales, riddles, and poems. Before, when the cranes returned from warm places, people rejoiced, it was a real holiday.

Why don't they sit on trees?

Also, cranes do not perch on trees. This is because the bird cannot keep its balance. After all, she has a lot of weight. There is one exception - there are also crowned cranes. Here they have some peculiarity in the structure of the body - there is a back finger, it is designed to grab onto certain objects. By the way, this crane has a very interesting appearance. His eyes blue color, and on the head - a tuft that reminds us of a crown. Once a year, this bird molts, this usually happens at least once a year. At the moment when a bird begins to molt, it stops flying.

Sexual relationships are very interesting in these birds. As we said earlier, cranes are very devoted. They are able to be with their partner all their lives, only her death or some other reason can change this.

mating dance

When a male wants his beloved to pay attention to such a handsome man, he begins to perform an incredibly graceful dance. He flaps his wings, bounces off the ground, throws grass into the air. In general, the spectacle is truly spectacular. After that, one funny thing happens: he makes a sound. The female must repeat it, only twice. It all looks amazing.

In flocks, these birds live very peacefully. During sleep, they choose their "watchman". It is he who will look after the peace and lack of security for the rest.

Extinction Threat

Unfortunately, on this moment there is a threat of extinction of some crane species. One of them is the Japanese crane. But now work is underway to restore the population. Therefore, it is worth assuming that everything will be in order.

Important Facts

In this article, we have considered in great detail the question of where the cranes fly. From the foregoing, we found out that they fly away at the most different places our vast planet. A prerequisite are good weather conditions and the proximity of water bodies. Yes, these birds are very fond of warmth. Therefore, they always tend to spend their lives in sunny places. Also, as we have already said, they are also prompted to fly away by the search for food, which they need so much at a certain time, when there is no longer such an opportunity in cold lands.

Let's remember once again where the cranes fly for the winter, to what regions? So, those who live in the European part of Russia go to Algeria or, as we have already said, to Spain. There they will be provided with food and warm, favorable weather conditions. Cranes from Eastern Siberia fly to South China. Blacks go to Southeast Asia.


This article considered the question of how cranes live and where they fly away for the winter. As we found out, these are very interesting birds that have their own history. We tried to answer a lot of questions, including the most exciting one: where do cranes fly from Russia, the Moscow region? We also found out how the process of flight takes place, the mating games of these birds. In addition, we tried to talk about how these birds live, how peaceful and devoted they are. In more detail, of course, we considered the issue of their flight. We touched upon the question of the cause of this phenomenon, revealed some features of this process.

In general, from all of the above, it is worth concluding that cranes are truly magnificent and unique birds. Few people can boast such a magnificent history, so many legends and stories.

Birds are amazing and interesting creatures that amaze with their beauty and abilities. They excite the human mind since the time of Aristotle and are sung in the verses of the poets of ancient Greece.

From time immemorial, many have been concerned about the following questions: "Why and which birds fly south? How do they find their way to warm climes? How do they find out about the time of flight?"

About why and when cranes fly south - one of the most beautiful birds in the world, we will try to find out in this article.

According to the well-known folk calendar September 13 - Crane Veche or Kupriyanov Day. Cranes leave their homes on this day.

What birds fly to wintering grounds?

What birds fly to warmer climes?

According to statistical data, more than 50 thousand species of birds live in Russia, annually making such trips. During wintering, when the number of insects is reduced to zero, birds gather in those regions where such food can be consumed all year round. Thrushes, swallows, finches, rooks, robins and jackdaws fly there. Lapwings, wagtails, robins and orioles also fly away.

And all the cranes in a caravan fly south. Usually they eat seeds and herbs, and in order to always have this food, they also have to go on difficult and long flights to countries with warm climate.

The science of birds (ornithology) is very interesting, but not fully understood. Scientists sometimes speculate and draw conclusions simply on their own observations and assumptions. It's amazing unique a natural phenomenon, in which there is still a lot of mysterious and unexplored.

As a rule, for summer period all the chicks are already flying well. During the warm season, the birds have time to get stronger and gain the necessary weight.

In September, the time comes when they prepare for long flights. There is even a saying in Russian corresponding to this event: "The month of September collects birds on the road."

Before the autumn migration, cranes gather in flocks in certain places. Then, having run up, with loud cries, they soar into the blue boundless sky. It is very difficult for them to get up from a place, they make a long run up to several meters in length. It is surprising that their flight takes place non-stop, in the daytime and at night.

When the cranes fly south, you can often see amazing things in the sky. beautiful shape wedge. It should be noted that birds from year to year adhere to one once chosen route. After reaching the wintering place, the leader himself chooses the territory for stopping, where the whole flock lands. Here they begin a new life until the next flight to their native lands.

Where do the cranes fly?

In autumn, the cranes fly south. Where are the crane flocks going?

They winter in India, Iran, Iraq and Africa. Some Russian flocks stop for the winter in Transcaucasia, in the territories between the northern part of the Talyshinskaya lowland and the middle part of the Kura river valley. Cranes have chosen here the shores of salt lakes and semi-desert territories. Suitable for them local mild climate, enough food and water. And the population of people in these places is small.

Many birds fly to hot Africa, especially to the Nile Valley. The presence of Africa near such a large body of water favors the safe living of birds in these places. Many flocks of cranes reach the Cape Province (South Africa). Cranes also winter in India (one of the largest wintering places is the state of Rajhastan). Also in the northern part of the country with numerous lakes, birds find a cozy shelter. And the east of India (Orissa) welcomes them well. A favorite place for cranes are both the southern states and the eastern parts of Iran with lakes and ponds. Many flocks of cranes reach the territories of Iraq along the banks of the Tigris River.


The time when the cranes fly south marks the end of summer (rather Indian) and the approach of cold weather and winter.

In ancient times, there was a custom when children, during the period of the cranes' migration, ran across the mowed fields, shouting: "Road by wheel!". This was done so that the birds would return to their native fields in the spring.

There is such a sign: if the cranes slowly gather to the south, then autumn will be warm, but if the flocks of cranes suddenly gathered and disappeared, then autumn will come quickly and be cold.

Wonderful pictures with migratory and wintering birds. Which birds stay wintering in their homeland, and which ones fly away?

Walking in a park or forest, we listen to the birds singing and often just don’t think about which bird trills so nicely. There are birds that live in our area all year round, but there are also those that fly to "warm lands" in the fall.

The fact is that in winter it is very difficult for birds to find food for themselves, because insects, berries and grains become scarce, and when snow falls, they are almost impossible to find at all. AND different types birds solve this problem in different ways: migratory birds fly hundreds and even thousands of kilometers to warmer countries, and sedentary ones adapt to our harsh winters.

Titmouse in the snow, which, apparently, wants to feast on seeds

Settled, wintering birds: list, photo with names

Feeders are hung up to help the birds that have stayed over the winter find food. And it is quite possible that they will be of interest to such visitors:

  • Sparrow. Noisy sparrows that fly in flocks may well become the first visitors to the feeder.

  • Tit. Tits are in many ways not inferior to sparrows, they quickly rush to feed in the feeders. But compared to sparrows, tits are endowed with a more meek disposition. It is interesting that in summer the titmouse eats almost as much food as it weighs itself. Often in the feeders you can observe mixed flocks, consisting of both sparrows and titmouse.

  • gaichka. A close relative of the titmouse. However, the breast of the nut is not yellow, but light brown. Also, the tit differs from other tits in that it makes a hollow in a tree to make a nest in it.

Gaichka - special kind tits
  • Crow. Ravens are often confused with rooks. It is known that crows are very rare in the western part of Russia. Therefore, if you live in the European part of Russia and see a black bird making a shrill croak, then most likely you have a rook in front of you.

  • Pigeon. The distribution and lifestyle of pigeons was largely influenced by people who simply brought them with them to different parts of the Earth. Now pigeons are found on all continents with the exception of Antarctica. Pigeons easily change rocks, which are natural environment their habitats, on buildings created by man.

The nodding gait of pigeons is due to the fact that it is easier for them to see the object of interest to them.
  • Woodpecker. In the warm season, woodpeckers feed mainly on insects, which they get from under the bark of trees, and in winter cold, they can eat and plant food: seeds and nuts.

  • Magpie. Magpie is considered a bird with high intelligence, she is able to express a lot of emotions, including sadness and knows how to recognize her reflection in the mirror. Interestingly, not only its brethren, but also other birds, as well as wild animals, in particular bears and wolves, react to the alarming cry of a magpie.

Magpie - winter bird
  • Owl. Owls are different, large and small, in total there are more than 200 species. These birds are endowed with sharp eyesight and excellent hearing, which allows them to lead night image life. Interestingly, the tassels on the owl's head are not ears, real owl ears are hidden in feathers, and one of them is directed upwards, and the other downwards, in order to better hear what is happening above the head and on the ground.

Owl - nocturnal bird
  • This bird is also considered an owl and is a close relative of other owls.

  • A rare owl that lives mainly in the highlands in northern latitudes. The name of the bird according to different versions means "inedible" or "insatiable".

  • Jackdaw. Outwardly, jackdaws look like rooks and crows, moreover, there are mixed flocks in which you can see all three types of birds. However, the jackdaw is smaller than the crow. And if you are lucky enough to watch a jackdaw up close, you can easily recognize it by the gray color of some of the feathers.

  • Nuthatch. This little bird climbs tree trunks very dexterously. In summer, nuthatches hide seeds and nuts in the bark, and in winter they feed on these supplies.

  • Crossbill. Like the nuthatch, this bird is an excellent tree climber and can hang upside down on branches. Crossbill's favorite food is seeds from spruce and pine cones. This bird is remarkable in that it can breed chicks even in winter, but only if there is enough food.

  • Bullfinch. Only males have bright red plumage on the chest, females look much more modest. Bullfinches are more often seen in winter, because due to lack of food, they are drawn to people. In summer, bullfinches prefer wooded areas and behave inconspicuously, so it is not easy to see them.

  • waxwing. A bird with beautiful plumage and a singing voice. In summer it feeds mainly on insects and likes to settle in coniferous forests. In winter, the waxwing moves to the more southern regions of the country; it is often found in cities. In the cold season, mountain ash and other fruits become the main food for birds.

  • Jay. large bird, which, however, can fly to feast on a feeder hung by people. In summer, it is rarely seen in the city, but closer to winter, the bird begins to reach for human habitation.

  • Wren. One of the smallest birds, the weight of an adult male is only 5-7 grams. Kings are relatives of sparrows.

Wren - an inhabitant of the forests
  • . A large bird that is a favorite trophy for many hunters. Pheasants can fly, but more often they move on foot.

  • Grouse. It is also an object of hunting, despite the fact that this bird is quite small. The weight of an adult hazel grouse rarely reaches 500 g. It is interesting that the largest population of these birds lives in Russia.

The hazel grouse is a bird that is related to the black grouse
  • Another bird that is related to hunting. Grouse are found on the edge of the forest and in the forest-steppe.

  • Falcon. Considered one of the most smart birds on the planet and one of the most the best hunters. The falcon is able to work in tandem with a man, but it is very difficult to tame him.

  • . Like the falcon, it is a bird of prey. A hawk's vision is 8 times sharper than a human's. And rushing for prey, the hawk can reach speeds of up to 240 km / h.

Migratory, nomadic birds: list, photo with names

  • Rooks differ from crows in a gray-yellow beak. In the Kuban and Ukraine, you can see how in the fall the rooks gather in huge flocks, so large that the sky seems black from the birds soaring in it - these are rooks that fly south. However, rooks are only conditionally migratory birds, some of them remain to winter in middle lane Russia, part winters in Ukraine, and only some birds fly for the winter to the warm shores of Turkey.

  • they love to fly to freshly dug up land, sometimes they fly right behind a plowing tractor in order to have time to get as many worms and larvae as possible from the dug up land.

  • This inconspicuous bird with a singing voice loves warmth, and therefore flies south in autumn. And for wintering, our native nightingales have chosen hot Africa. These birds fly to winter in the eastern part of the continent - Kenya and Ethiopia. However, enjoy their singing locals they cannot, because the nightingales sing only in mating season which they have in their homeland.

  • Martin. Swallows love rocky terrain, they often settle on the sheer walls of quarries that people have dug out. However, our winters are too severe for swallows, and therefore in autumn they fly to the southern, farthest from us, part of Africa or to Tropical Asia.

  • Chizh. Like the rook, it is a migratory bird that arrives early and winters nearby: in the Caucasus, Kazakhstan and southern Europe. Outwardly, siskins are inconspicuous, their gray-green feathers are absolutely not striking against the background of branches. The nature of the bird matches the appearance: quiet and meek.

  • Goldfinch. In Europe, it is a wintering bird, however, in Russia, goldfinches can only be seen in summer. By winter, goldfinches gather in flocks and go to lands with a warmer climate. Goldfinches are close relatives of siskins.

Goldfinch is one of the most colorful birds
  • A slender bird that runs fast on the ground and shakes its tail with every step. Wagtails spend winter in East Africa, South Asia and sometimes in southern Europe.

  • Quail. The only bird from the order Galliformes, which is migratory. The weight of an adult quail is not so great and is 80-150 g. In summer, quails can be found in fields sown with wheat and rye. Quail winters far beyond the borders of our Motherland: in southern Africa and southern Asia, on the Hindustan peninsula.

  • Thrush. The song thrush with its sweet trills creates worthy competition with the nightingale. And his appearance, like that of a nightingale, is inconspicuous. In winter, thrushes become Europeans: Italy, France and Spain are their second home.

  • lark. Larks return from warm countries very early, sometimes already in March you can hear their sonorous song, which becomes a harbinger of spring warmth. And larks winter in Southern Europe.

  • Gull. With the onset of cold weather, gulls living on the coasts of the northern seas migrate to the Black and Caspian Seas. But over the years, seagulls are more and more drawn to people, and more and more often they stay to spend the winter in cities.

  • . Swifts winter in Africa, and reach its equatorial part or even go to the southern part of the mainland.

  • Starlings are in great need of birdhouses, since most often they breed offspring in them. And our starlings go to winter in Southern Europe and East Africa.

This bizarre black cloud is a flock of starlings returning home
  • Finch. Finches from the western part of the country winter mainly in Central Europe and the Mediterranean, and finches that live near the Urals in summer go to South Kazakhstan and southern regions of Asia for wintering.

Finch - a noisy inhabitant of the forest
  • Heron. It is rather difficult to determine where the herons winter, some of them travel huge distances to South Africa, some winter in the Crimea or the Kuban, and in the Stavropol Territory, herons sometimes even stay for the winter.

  • Crane. These birds are monogamous, and once having chosen a partner, they remain faithful to him all their lives. Cranes nest in swampy areas. And their wintering places are as diverse as those of herons: Southern Europe, Africa and even China - in all these parts of the world you can meet cranes that have flown from Russia to spend the winter.

  • Stork. In Russia there are black and white storks. White storks make huge nests up to one and a half meters wide and make very long flights to the south. Sometimes they overcome half the planet and reach South Africa, a country located in the very south of Africa.

  • Swan. The swan is a bird that represents devotion and romance. Swans are waterfowl, so for wintering they choose places near the water, often the Caspian or Mediterranean Sea.

  • Duck. Wild ducks in winter, as a rule, do not fly far and remain in the expanses of the post-Soviet states. It is noteworthy that their domestic relatives also begin to worry in the fall and sometimes try to fly away, sometimes they even fly over fences and fly short distances.

  • . Cuckoos settle in forests, and in the forest-steppe, and in the steppe. The vast majority of cuckoos fly away to winter in tropical and South Africa, less often cuckoos winter in South Asia: in India and China.

  • . A small bird with a singing voice and bright plumage that flies to the tropics for the winter.

  • . They wake up at dawn and are among the first to start the morning song. Previously, this little songbird was called a robin. Robins fly to winter in Southern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, returning home among the first.

What is the difference between migratory birds and wintering birds: presentation for preschoolers

slide 2

Slide 3: presentation of migratory birds

Why do migratory birds fly to warmer climes where they spend the winter, why do they come back?

Winter is a severe test for birds. And only those who, in harsh conditions, can get food for themselves remain to winter.

What could be the ways for birds to survive in the cold season?

  • Some birds store food in the summer for the winter. They hide plant seeds, nuts, acorns, caterpillars and larvae in grass and cracks in tree bark. These birds include the nuthatch.
  • Some birds are not afraid of people and live near residential buildings. In winter, they find food in feeders and on garbage heaps.
  • Some birds are predators and feed on rodents. Eat predator birds that can eat hares, hunt fish, small birds and bats.

If a bird can find food for itself in winter, then it does not need to go on a tiring and difficult flight to warmer climes in the fall.

It would seem that everything is simple, and the only reason seasonal migration of birds - lack of food. But in reality there are more questions than answers. For example, imagine that wild duck, which is a migratory bird, was provided with an artificially heated pond and sufficient food. Will she stay for the winter? Of course not. She will be called to long way, a strong feeling that is difficult to explain, called natural instinct.

It turns out that birds fly away to warmer climes, as if out of habit, because their ancestors did this for hundreds and thousands of years.

Another question to be answered: why do birds return from warm countries every spring? Ornithologists have concluded that the start of the return flight is associated with the activation of sex hormones and the start of the breeding season. But why do birds fly thousands of kilometers and breed chicks exactly where they themselves were born? Poets and romantic natures say that birds, like people, are simply drawn to their homeland.

How do migratory birds know where to fly? A question to which, to this day, there is no intelligible answer. It has been experimentally proven that birds can navigate in a completely unfamiliar area and in conditions of limited visibility, when neither the sun nor the stars are visible. They have an organ that allows them to navigate the Earth's magnetic field.

But the mystery remains how juveniles, who have never flown to warmer climes before, find their wintering grounds themselves, and how do they know the route to fly? It turns out in birds, at the genetic level, information is recorded about the point on the map where you need to fly, and moreover, a route is drawn to it.

Do migratory birds nest in the south?

Birds wintering in warm regions do not lay eggs and do not incubate chicks, which means they do not need a nest. A nest is needed only for chicks, which migratory birds will incubate in their homeland.

Which birds are the first and last to arrive in spring?

They arrive first in the spring rooks. These birds are returning home in early spring when the first thawed patches appear in the snow. With their strong beak, rooks dig larvae on such thawed patches, which form the basis of their diet.

The last to arrive are birds that feed on flying insects. These are swallows, swifts, orioles. The diet of these birds consists of:

  • Komarov
  • Moshek
  • gadflies
  • Zhukov
  • cicada
  • butterflies

Because for the appearance a large number adult flying insects from larvae need warm weather and about two weeks of time, then the birds that feed on them arrive home after the mass appearance of these insects.

Which birds are the first and last to fly away in autumn?

With the onset of autumn cold weather, insects complete their active life cycle and go into hibernation. Therefore, the birds that feed on insects are the first to fly to warm lands. Then the birds that feed on the plants fly away. Waterfowl are the last to leave. For them, even in autumn, there is enough food in the water. And they fly away before the water in the reservoirs begins to freeze.

VIDEO: Birds fly south

A flock of what migratory birds promises snow?

According to popular belief, if a flock of wild geese- expect the first snowfall. This sign may not match the real ones. weather events. So in the north of Russia, geese fly to warmer climes in mid-September, and snow can fall much earlier. Let's say the first snow in Norilsk fell on August 25 this year. In the south, geese fly to warmer climes at the end of October, and sometimes even at the beginning of November. The first snow in these areas may fall at this time. But it all depends weather conditions autumn. Indian summer here can drag on for the whole of October.

VIDEO: Geese gather in flocks for flights to the south

Which bird in the order Galliformes is a migratory bird?

A migratory bird from the order Galliformes is quail. The quail's habitat extends beyond Russia in the west and south. In the east, these birds live up to the western coast of Lake Baikal. They are distributed in Europe, Western Asia and Africa.

They fly south for the winter. And they winter in Hindustan, North Africa and Southwest Asia.

VIDEO: How do migratory birds fly?

There are two theories to explain the annual departure of birds. According to the first, they began to fly away from their usual habitats in search of food after the climate of the Earth changed. The second claims that they originally lived in the tropical zones of the planet. And when there were too many of them, there was a gradual resettlement in northern regions. Because of the winter cold, live there permanently birds can not. None of the existing theories with full certainty explains the reason for the annual autumn flights. Perhaps, as is often the case, the truth is somewhere in between. Only one thing is absolutely clear - the innate is so strong that the birds annually make a difficult and dangerous journey twice. So Where fly away birds?In the middle lane, the departure of birds begins already in late August - early September and stretches for almost two months. The cuckoo flies first. Behind her - and swallows. They, like the redstart and flycatcher, are in the tropical zone of Africa. Cranes, ducks, and sandpipers - in Egypt. Flycatchers, hoopoes, nightingales, orioles - in African savannas. Corncrake and great snipe fly there. Finches, thrushes, wagtails, fly to the southwest. They winter in Italy, Portugal, Spain and France. Snipe - in Transcaucasia and to the south. Geese winter on the Caspian coast and in the Crimea. Goose - goose - in Germany and England. Woodcocks - in France and Ireland. Storks - Africa. River - on the banks of the Black and mediterranean seas. As you can see, wintering is wide and varied. small birds fly at a speed of 30 km / h, those that are larger - up to 100 km / h or more. Autumn flight lasts more than one month. Some species during this time overcome more than ten thousand kilometers. And the terns that fly on from North Pole to the South. The flight range of these birds is 40,000 km.


  • when the nightingales fly away

Every autumn, flocks of migratory birds rise into the sky, the air is filled with a noisy hubbub. Sometimes, in order to rest, they sit down on the nearest wires or trees, leaving no free space for them. After that, the flocks rise into the air again, and they fly, apparently, to the south.

To the question about birds y, the first thing that comes to mind is: because they get too cold. But it's not. The structure of the bird feather is such that a layer of down is located near the body, which allows the birds not to freeze even at very low temperatures. On the outside, the feathers are covered with a thin layer of sebum, which does not allow them to scatter from the wind, and also does not get wet in the water. For example, ducks can swim even in the coldest weather and not freeze. So, the reason is not in, then what is it? Most species of birds leave their homes for a completely different reason when autumn comes. They have nothing to eat. Almost all birds they feed on insects that hide or die when cold weather sets in. Birds can no longer easily earn their own food. This is the main reason, scientists, for birds like swallows or wild geese. IN southern countries warm, insects do not hide from the cold there, so you can safely spend the winter there. Storks and herons that feed also leave places when they freeze. At the same time, the practice of flights is so ingrained in many species of birds that they do not wait until it gets colder and there is no food left at all. They begin to prepare for a long journey in August, guided by the fact that the length of the day has already decreased. During the migration birds overcome different distances, it depends on their species and on where the flock is heading. In a day, different birds fly from 40 to 1000 km. In cities and near human some birds they don’t fly away, as they are used to what remains of a person. In winter, they have enough food leftovers found among the garbage, so they may not leave their usual places. There are also simply sedentary species of birds that do not fly anywhere at all. autumn. For example, these are sparrows. Some scientists believe that autumn birds experiencing a particular kind of anxiety. It is due to the fact that the Earth's magnetic field changes a little, becomes stronger, and this puts pressure on the birds. Their metabolism is very fast, so they react very sharply to such changes. Feeling anxious birds want to leave the unpleasant territory as soon as possible. By the way, so as not to, during migration, flocks of birds are guided by nothing more than lines magnetic field Earth.

A balloon... Probably one of the most popular poetic images. Unlike Newton's apple and everything physical that falls to the ground, the balloon rushes into the sky. Like a wild human fantasy.

The balloon, corny inflated by the mouth, becomes weightless. Only its shell, latex, makes it somewhat heavier, and therefore your pink balloon rests on the sofa, and does not hang in the middle of the room. If the balloon is pumped with a gas lighter than air, such as helium, it will tend to fly up. This aspiration to, given by multi-colored balls, gives a unique charm to any festive procession: carnival, May Day parade, fiesta sung by E. Hemingway. In a fit of overwhelmed you release the connecting thread, and the ball. Here it is getting smaller and smaller. Where does it finally disappear? Serious scientists say that having risen to a height where the external pressure is compared with the internal one due to the high rarefaction of the air, the balloon hangs. But not always and not every ball reaches this height of rest desired for it. More often, the ball, rising higher and higher, gradually bursts. The shell, bursting with pressure from the inside, does not withstand. It bursts with a loud bang that is naturally unheard. They claim that balls, filled with helium, are more likely to burst, since they rise much higher. A balloon released into the sky can also, due to its insufficient tightness, gradually deflate and fall to the ground or catch on the tops of trees several kilometers from the launch site. The most famous passenger on balloons - the Olympic Bear - according to one version, landed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bLeninsky Prospekt in Moscow. At the same time, as they say, this six-meter one scared the vacationers at the beer tent, knocking it down. They say that for some time the symbol of the Olympics-80 was an exhibit of VDNKh. Then a West German firm allegedly wanted him, but the deal did not go through. Further Olympic Bear is unknown. Where fly away air balls?..


  • a big ball flew away

Before the onset of cold weather, many species of birds living in the northern and temperate latitudes, go on a long journey south. Ducks, swallows, blackbirds, and cranes fly to warmer climes for wintering. Why are they embarking on such a long and dangerous journey?

It would seem that the answer is very simple: because of the coming cold weather. But many birds don't fly south. For example, ubiquitous, sparrows remain for the winter in the same place. Maybe they have denser plumage, and therefore they suffer less from the cold. These birds learned to live side by side and find food in landfills, garbage dumps. Any trash can for them it is a source of food. But for those birds that feed on insects, larvae, fish, staying in the same place for the winter is tantamount to death from hunger: there will be no insects until spring, the reservoirs are covered with ice. So you have to go to warm lands for many hundreds, or even thousands, of kilometers. For example, swallows fly to spend the winter in the Mediterranean coast region, and some of their species go even further, to Africa. The well-known cuckoo also winters in Africa, and in its southern regions. This is a real traveler. However, the flycatcher and the oriole, which also spend the winter in the south of the African continent, do not lag behind. But mainly they fly away to winter in the west of Europe, in France. Mallard ducks spend the winter on the coasts of the North and Mediterranean Seas, as well as partly in the Balkans and in the same Africa. Cranes mostly fly to Greece, South Italy. Swans spend the winter mainly on the Mediterranean coast, and to a lesser extent in Germany, France, Great Britain, and Ireland. Many species of gulls winter on the coast of the Azov, Black and Caspian Seas, in Central Asia, individual individuals reach India, Pakistan, southern regions of China, even Japan. Actually, in answer to the question, Where fly away birds, it would be more correct to say: “Where they find the most optimal for themselves, comfortable conditions. This is favorable

Who are the starlings?

Starlings are a genus of songbirds belonging to the starling family. According to the zoological classification, the genus of starlings includes 10 species of birds that differ little from each other both externally and in their way of life. The most common representative of this genus of birds is the common starling. Acquaintance with these birds should be continued precisely on his example.

What does a common starling look like?

The common starling is a small bird with a body length of 18 cm to 21 cm and a wingspan of up to 39 cm. This creature weighs no more than 17 g. The appearance of starlings leaves much to be desired: the body of this bird is massive, and the neck is almost invisible. This makes them slightly awkward. Starlings have long, sharp and slightly curved beaks. These birds are known not only for their short necks, but also for their small wings.

The plumage on the back, on the chest and on the back of the neck in adult females and males is no different: the feathers are black with a metallic sheen. The tail of these birds is also short (up to 6.8 cm long). The legs are reddish-brown. The main difference between males and females is manifested in the feathers located on their breasts: in males they are elongated, while in females they are short and graceful. In addition, males have a bluish spot at the base of the beak, while females have red dots in this place.

Lifestyle of common starlings

Common and other starlings settle wherever voids can be found. These birds quite easily and quickly get used to new places of settlement and completely do without natural hollows. Often, ornithologists observe how starlings equip their homes in wall holes, in rock crevices. But the main dwelling of these birds are birdhouses, thanks to which these creatures have gained wide popularity among people. IN wild nature some species of starlings settle in deciduous forests, and feed on clearings and meadows.

Nests are built and equipped exclusively by females. Males do not like to take part in this. Only sometimes the male can bring some blade of grass or twig to make, though not a big, but contribution to the construction. In the morning and evening, starlings sit on branches, rustle their black wings and sing their sonorous songs. Their song is full of different sounds, because starlings are famous imitators. They cleverly copy the voices of other birds, the croaking of frogs and many other sounds.

Starlings provide all possible assistance to a person, protecting Agriculture from attack by pests. These birds guard fields, orchards and orchards, being true friends of man. All day long, these creatures run around the fields and gardens, looking under the leaves and under the grass, collecting food for their brood. Starlings feed on insects, worms, arachnids and caterpillars during the nesting period and plant food in late summer. Already in August, many starlings begin to gradually fly away to warmer climes for the winter: they fly to the south of Europe and North Africa. Often, common starlings winter in Central Europe.

11.11.2018 03:36 865

With the onset of autumn, many birds fly south to wait out the winter there. Before a long flight, they gather in flocks, rest and gain strength.

Birds that fly away to winter in warmer climes are called migratory birds. These include starling, oriole, wagtail, swift, swallow, lapwing, cuckoo and many others.

Most birds tolerate cold well. The main reason why they fly to hot countries is the lack of food. For example, the stork eats frogs and small fish. In winter, the reservoirs freeze and become covered with an ice crust. Therefore, he cannot get them out of there. The cuckoo loves to eat insects. But in winter, insects hibernate and are not easy to find. Therefore, if the cuckoo does not fly south, it will remain hungry.

Birds that stay over the winter in their native lands are called resident birds. Such birds have adapted to find food even in winter. Jay feeds on acorns growing on oak. The crossbill eats the seeds it takes out fir cones. He is not at all afraid of the cold, so his chicks can appear from eggs even on frosty days!

Migratory birds leave their native lands in different ways. Some fly away in flocks, and some singly. Cranes and wild geese always fly in a wedge (similar to a triangle). This is an incredibly beautiful sight!

The places where the birds will spend the winter are completely different. Swallows fly to Africa. Their new winter habitat is Kenya. Thrushes and starlings winter in Italy, Spain, France and Portugal. Lapwings and woodcocks stop in England, cranes in Egypt, wagtails in India, and swans in Greece. In addition to swallows, storks, ducks, cranes, nightingales and hoopoes also fly to Africa.

The birds are picking up warm countries the same natural conditions which were in their homeland. Forest birds fly to where there are forests, steppe birds fly closer to the steppes, and birds that lived near water bodies winter near lakes and rivers.

The record holder for the flight distance is the Arctic tern. From the Arctic (region of the North Pole), it can fly away for wintering even to Antarctica ( South Pole), flying across our entire planet from north to south! This trip lasts about a month.

Some birds do not leave our country. For example, seagulls fly over the winter to Azov and Black Sea, A White Owl leaves the tundra and flies to the steppes.

With the onset of spring, the birds return to their native lands again and delight us with their cheerful voices.

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