National parks and reserves of Azerbaijan are a world of unique animals and birds. National parks of Azerbaijan National parks of Azerbaijan

Absheronsky National Park

Absheron National Park was created from Absheron state reserve in 2005. The purpose of its creation was to preserve the gazelle, Caspian seals and waterfowl living in this territory. It is located in Azerbaijan, on the territory of the Azizbek district of Baku. The area of ​​the park is 783 hectares.

The land of the Absheron National Park is inhabited by goitered gazelles, jackals, foxes, badgers, hares, and seals and fish in the waters of the Caspian Sea.

Among the birds found are herring gull, sniffling swan, coot, gray red-headed and black ducks, sandpiper, marsh harrier and others migratory birds. Of the above, a unique bird is the marsh harrier. He prefers to hunt small birds and on their eggs, as well as on fish and amphibians, therefore this bird makes its nests in swampy areas overgrown with reeds and reeds. Many animals and birds listed in the Red Book of Azerbaijan are also found in the Absheron National Park.

Gobustan State Historical and Artistic Reserve

The Gobustan State Historical and Artistic Reserve is a plain with a cultural landscape of rock paintings that covers an area of ​​about 540 hectares.

In Gobustan you can find numerous rock carvings and ancient sites that testify to the inhabitants of the region of ancient eras, the Paleolithic and Middle Ages. The name "Gobustan" literally means "edge of ravines."

First archaeological excavations conducted here began in the 30s of the twentieth century, when Ishaq Jafarzadeh discovered 3,500 rock carvings, pits, caves and other historically significant objects in Gobustan. In 1965, 300 new rock carvings, more than 20 dwellings and 40 burial mounds were found. In 2007, the rock paintings and the reserve itself were included in the list of objects World Heritage UNESCO.

Goygol National Park

The area called Goygol is world famous for its beautiful and rich forests, unique nature and beauty. To preserve this natural splendor, Goygol National Park was created on April 1, 2008. The total area of ​​the park today is 12,755 hectares. Goygol National Park is located on the picturesque northern slopes of Mount Kapaz, at an altitude of 1,000 - 3,060 meters above sea level.

The creation of the national park was aimed mainly at preserving the local biological environment, efficient use natural resources and development of ecotourism. The main part of the national park has rich vegetation cover.

Forests at an altitude of 1,100 - 2,200 meters above sea level include 80 species of trees and shrubs. The right tributary of the Kurekchay River, Akhsuchay, flows through the park. Goygol National Park is also rich in its fauna. The park protects rare species of animals, such as Caucasian red deer and trout. The beautiful and diverse nature, rich flora and fauna of the Goygol National Park make it possible to effectively organize and develop ecotourism.

Zangezur National Park

Zangezur National Park named after Academician Hasan Aliyev, also known as the Zangezur State Nature Reserve, is located on the territory of the Ordubad district of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. It was created with the aim of preserving and restoring populations of rare animals - the Transcaucasian mouflon, leopard, bezoar goat, Caucasian grouse, brown bear and striped hyena.

All these animals are listed in the Red Book. The creation of the national park dates back to 2003, and its area is 42,797 hectares.

Zangezur National Park named after Academician Hasan Aliyev is literally the location of many endangered species of animals, the park has a rich biological diversity. Only among the forms of life listed in the Red Book of Azerbaijan, 58 species of animals and 39 species of plants live here, which organize a harmonious but fragile ecosystem of this area.

Altyagadzhi National Park

Altyagadzh National Park is located on the territory of two regions: Khyzy and Siyazan, in the north-east of the country. The name of the park comes from the word “agadj” - a measure of distance, equal to approximately 7 kilometers, and “alty” in the local dialect means six. It was created on August 31, 2004 and covers an impressive area of ​​11,035 hectares. This national park was created with the aim of developing ecotourism, protecting natural complexes, preserving and restoring the flora and fauna of the area and preserving the natural landscape of the southeastern ridge of the Greater Caucasus.

The Atachay River and several of its tributaries flow through the territory of the Altyagadzhi National Park. Part of the park is covered deciduous forests, the main types of trees here are Caucasian oak, Caucasian hornbeam, oriental beech, ash and birch. The most common shrubs are prickly hawthorn, rose hips and blackberries. Among the animals living in the park are: roe deer, bears, wild boars, lynxes, foxes, hares, wolves, small rodents and other mammals. There is a Rehabilitation Center at Altyagadzhi National Park wildlife and Animal Rehabilitation Clinic.

Pirgulinsky State Reserve

The Pirguli State Reserve was created by decision of the Azerbaijani government in 1968 on an area of ​​1,500 hectares in the eastern part of the Greater Caucasus mountain chain.

The main goal of creating the reserve was to prevent the processes of erosion and atmospheric dust, as well as to preserve the typical mountain-forest landscape characteristic of this place and increase the number of valuable, rare and significant species animals and plants.

The local forests are known for their rich, beautiful scenery. Among the trees there are hornbeam, oak, and beech. They form both pure and mixed forests. In these forests there are mixed ash, white maple, yew, willow, walnut, cherry, apple, pear, ironwood, and medlar trees. The fauna consists of various mammals and birds.

Here you can meet roe deer, wild boar, brown bear, and jackal. In the Pirgulinsky State Reserve, among mammals and birds listed in the Red Book, there are Brown bear, chamois, turach, golden eagle, steppe eagle.

Zagatala Reserve

The Zagatala reserve is one of the most ancient reserves in Azerbaijan. It was formed in 1929 on the territory of the Zagatala and Balakan regions. The reserve borders on Georgia.

The purpose of creating the Zagatala Nature Reserve was to preserve the irreplaceable land conservation and water retention capacity of this place, the natural complex, as well as the flora and fauna. More than 900 plant species grow in the reserve. The main trees include beech, oak, hornbeam, linden, black alder, and hook pine.

32 species of mammals live here: more than 4,500 East Caucasian goats, a thousand deer and 700 chamois. There are few wolves in the reserve. They usually accompany flocks of livestock to eilagi and back. Two or three wolf packs constantly live in the reserve and make their lairs closer to the upper border of the forest. The number of lynx in the reserve does not exceed 10-16 individuals.

Hyrkan National Park

The Girkan National Park was created in 2004 on the territory of two regions of Azerbaijan: Lankaran and Astara. The area of ​​this national park is 42,797 hectares, and all of them are occupied by picturesque, vibrant greenery of numerous plants.

The purpose of creating the Hyrcanian National Park was to protect the landscapes of the humid subtropics from the harmful influence of humans, as well as the protection of endemic and relict plant species. Of the plants common in Azerbaijan, 1,900 species grow in the Hyrcanian forests, including 162 endemic, 95 rare, 38 endangered species. Among them are those listed in the Red Book - Hyrcanian boxwood, ironwood, chestnut-leaved oak, fig, Hyrcanian pear, Lankaran albizia, Caucasian persimmon, alder and others.

Shahdag National Park

Shahdag National Park is located on the territory of several regions of Azerbaijan: Guba, Gusar, Ismayilli, Gabala, Oguz and Shamakhi. This scatter is due, first of all, to the large area (130,508 hectares), and secondly, to the fact that it was formed on the basis of two reserves at once: Ismailli and Pirgulinsky.

The national park was established on December 8, 2006 and covers the lands of the state forest fund and high-mountain pastures of the mentioned areas. Shahdag National Park was created with the aim of preserving rare species of trees, animals and birds, restoring the local ecosystem, protecting natural complexes and developing ecotourism.

Since the national park is located quite high in the mountains, this affected its climatic factors and created conditions for the growth of rich vegetation and diversity of animal life. Here tourists will see the most beautiful mountain peaks of the Caucasian spurs in all their glory. Ecotourism in the area of ​​the Kurvedag and Bazaryurd mountains, which have an altitude of more than 3,800 meters and about 4,500 meters, leaves an impression of a lifetime.

Aggel National Park

Aggel National Park is located on the territory of Agjabadi and Beylagan regions of Azerbaijan. This park was created in 2003 and covers an area of ​​17,924 hectares. main feature the park is that about 99% of the territory consists of water and only 1% of islands and coastlines. Once on these lands there were the Aggelsky State Reserve and the Aggelsky State Nature Reserve, then they were combined.

This national park was opened with the aim of protecting and preserving the natural complexes of reed-marsh thickets and the waters of Lake Aggel. This, by the way, is the habitat and nesting place for many waterfowl and semi-aquatic birds. The ornithological fauna of the Aggel National Park is extremely diverse. Here you can find more than 140 species of birds, of which 89 species nest in the park. Also in the fauna of the park are represented such mammals as wild boar, nutria, jungle cat, wolf, jackal, fox, brown hare and others, and, of course, there are 8 species of amphibians and reptiles, including the Syrian spadefoot, Caspian tortoise and water snake .

If you look at the map of Azerbaijan, you will notice that most of it is occupied by environmental areas. There are nine in the country national parks, and also 13 nature reserves and 18 state reserves. The ecological diversity of Azerbaijan's national parks is impressive: wide steppes and semi-deserts, dense relict forests, mountain lakes and deep rivers. Leopards and goitered gazelles live in these places, and birds from northern countries. "Moscow-Baku" compiled a rating of the national parks of Azerbaijan, in which the world of unique animals and birds is hidden from prying eyes.

Zangezur National Park

Zangezur National Park named after academician Hasan Aliyev is located on the territory of the Ordubad region of the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic. It took its name from the ridge of the same name, part of which runs through the territory of the environmental protection zone. This park was created in order to preserve and restore the population of animals listed in the Red Book of Azerbaijan. IN last years with the support of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Public association IDEA and World Fund The Nature Conservancy (WWF) is implementing a project here to restore the population of leopards, which were threatened with complete extinction. The project was successful, and last year, with the help of camera traps, ecologists managed to spot a family of leopards with three cubs, which became the pride and achievement of Zangezur Park. And at the beginning of this year, the Nat Geo Wild TV channel dedicated an entire program to the Caucasian leopard, carrying out a “hunt” for it in Zangezur Park.

Aggel National Park

Aggel National Park was created on the territory of Agjabadi and Beylagan districts. It is located in the Milskaya steppe and has a semi-desert landscape, home to foxes and turtles. However, the main decoration of the park is Lake Aggel (translated as a white lake), where migratory, semi-aquatic and waterfowl winter and nest in large numbers. The modern Aggel National Park is included in the UNESCO list of protected sites as a wetland of world significance. In this bird paradise you can find more than 140 species of birds - herons, cormorants, flamingos, pelicans, etc. This park is a real crossroads where “flight” routes from Western Siberia and Kazakhstan to Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Africa.

Shirvan National Park

This park is located on the territory of the Salyan region and, like the neighboring Aggel National Park, it is favored by migratory birds that come here for the winter. However, Shirvan Park was created to protect not only waterfowl, but also for the breeding of goitered gazelles, which can be seen walking in their natural environment. These gazelles were once on the verge of extinction. So, in the 60s of the last century, ecologists counted only 77 goitered gazelles and began to sound the alarm. As a result of the ban on their fishing and the creation of special reserves, the number of goitered gazelles was restored. Today Shirvan Park is the only one in Europe habitat goitered gazelle habitats. You can watch them from observation deck, and it is not recommended to approach them, as these shy deer do not like uninvited guests.

Hyrkan National Park

This park was created on the territory of the Lankaran and Astara regions, and its main purpose of creation is to protect the landscapes of the humid subtropics. To include the Hyrcanian forests in the list of natural and cultural heritage UNESCO documents were transferred to the secretariat of this organization and are still waiting in the wings. The Hyrcanian park consists entirely of relict and endemic plant species, and its main pride is the unique “iron tree”. In Azerbaijan it is called demir-agach - it got its name due to its wood, which is as hard as iron and also has the color of rust. The scientific name of this tree, which is included in the World Red Book, is Parrotia Persica. It belongs to the type of relict plant of the third period, and its age is about 18-20 million years. Local residents respect Demir-Agach, which is believed to have magical powers.

Altyagadzhi National Park

This park was created on the territory of the Khizi and Siyazan districts. 90 percent of its territory is occupied by forests, and it was created to prevent erosion processes on the southeastern slopes of the Greater Caucasus and preserve rare species of animals and plants. In this park you can find various types of trees and plants, and its inhabitants include roe deer, raccoons, bears and foxes. The peculiarity of this park is that the only one in the country has been created here. rehabilitation center, where veterinarians restore the health of animals and birds. Entrance to the Center is free for visitors, and those who wish can take care of wounded bear cubs and foxes themselves.

Absheronsky National Park

This park is the closest to Baku, and to be more precise, it is located in the Khazar district of the capital. The smallest national park in Azerbaijan is home to goitered gazelles, jackals, foxes and badgers, and birds include the herring gull, sniffling swan, coot and the unique marsh harrier. However, this conservation zone was primarily created to preserve the Caspian seals living in this territory, which are in danger of extinction. The Caspian seal is listed in the Red Book of Azerbaijan, and its fishing has been prohibited since 1952. In Azerbaijan, it can only be found in summer near the seashore passing through the Absheron Park. During this period, the Caspian seal returns after breeding, and then again goes into deep waters.

Shahdag National Park

Shahdag National Park is located in the north of Azerbaijan, on the southern slope of the Bolshoi Caucasian ridge. It is considered the largest environmental protection zone in the country, which stretches from the border with Georgia to Russia. Its total area is more than 130 thousand hectares. On the territory of the zone there is the most high mountain Azerbaijan - Bazarduzi and the Shahdag peak (4,243 m), which gave the name to the park. The beauty of Shahdag Park lies in its snow-white peaks, on which the snow does not melt even in summer, and in its high shady forests, home to rare species of animals included in the Red Book of Azerbaijan.

Goygol National Park

Goygol National Park was created in 2008 to preserve the rich flora and fauna of this region. The park is home to rare species of animals listed in the Red Book, and more than 800 species also grow medicinal plants. Goygol National Park is the pearl of nature of Azerbaijan. Its entire territory is divided by deep valleys, where wild rivers flow and clear mountain lakes rest. Here is the most big lake Azerbaijan - Goygol, which, by the way, gave the name to the national park. Goygol is the most visited lake in this park, but it is worth paying tribute to its other seven, no less colorful lakes. Swimming in them is prohibited; you can only admire and photograph this beauty. In turn, for many years due to environmental situation Goygol Park was closed to outsiders, and only 20 years later, in 2015, it opened to visitors, who can now visit it only along a certain route.

Samur-Yalama National Park

This park is the youngest and was created only five years ago on the territory of the Khachmaz region. The main goals of the park are the conservation of rare, endangered plant species in the forested areas of the Caspian Sea coast, natural habitats of fish species such as salmon and carp, and important migration routes of migratory birds. Directly north of the park, on the other bank of the Samur River, is the Samur State Nature Reserve of Russia. Both parks complement each other: their goal is to preserve the most valuable subtropical ecosystem in the Samur River delta, known as the Samur Forest. In turn, this is the only place in Azerbaijan where forests go directly to the sea.

In recent years, there has been more and more talk about the need for a more careful attitude towards nature, various options most rational use I resource her. Among the most important problems is the problem of protection and security unique nature Caucasus. The first nature reserves of Azerbaijan - Goygol, Zagatala and Kizilagach - were organized in 1925 - 1930; then in 1936 the Girkansky reserve was organized, and in 1958 - the Turianchay nature reserve. After the adoption of the “Law on Nature Protection of the Azerbaijan SSR” in 1959, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan organized 8 more reserves with a total area of ​​46.8 thousand hectares (Gobustansky, Pirkulinsky, Shirvansky, Karayazsky, Aggelsky, Ismayilli and Ilisuinsky). Thus, the number of state reserves in the country in 1930. amounted to 3, in 1959. - 5, in 1971 - 8, in 1981 - 12, in 1987 - 13, in 1990 - 15. In the Greater Caucasus, 7 were created with a total area of ​​58.28 thousand hectares), in the Lesser Caucasus - 3 (7.09 thousand hectares), in the Lenkoran Mountains - 1 (2.9 thousand hectares), in the Kura-Aksinsk and Lenkoran lowlands - 4 ( 123.4 thousand hectares) of state reserves. In Azerbaijan, 2 reserves (Kyzylagach and Gobustan) are international, 12 reserves are regional and 1 (Garagel) is inter-republican. GOBUSTAN RESERVE Gobustan Nature Reserve is part of the International tourist route. One is being created in the country biosphere reserve on the basis of the Zagatala nature reserve. A visit to the world-famous Gobustan nature reserve - a unique open-air museum occupying a vast territory, is included in international tourist routes. GEY-GEL RESERVE Located on the northeastern slopes of the Lesser Caucasus in the Khanlar region. Organized in 1925 to restore and protect the mountain-forest, mountain-meadow and mountain-lake natural complex. Area - 7131 hectares, incl. forest - 3.9 thousand hectares. The territory of the Goygol Nature Reserve is dissected by deep valleys in which small stormy rivers flow. There are about 10 lakes. Brown mountain-forest soils are developed in the forest belt, and mountain-meadow soils are developed in the meadow belt. The climate is predominantly cold with dry winters KYZYLAGACH RESERVE Located in the Kura-Araks and Lenkoran lowlands. Includes the waters of the Big and northern parts of the Small Kyzylagach Bay and their coastal strip. Organized in 1929 on the basis of a reserve for the protection of arriving birds. Area - 88.36 thousand hectares. The area is inhabited by wild boar, wolf, jackal, jungle cat, badger, otter and other mammals. 20 species of birds, incl. sedentary animals - sultana, turach - are listed in the Red Book of Azerbaijan. ZAKATALSKY RESERVE Located on the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus, on the territory of the ZaRkatalsky and Belokansky districts. Established in 1929 to protect mountain-forest, mountain-meadow and subnival landscapes. Area - 23.84 hectares, incl. forest - 16.07 thousand hectares, meadows - 6.68 thousand hectares. Among the representatives of the fauna, the Transcaucasian brown bear, lynx, Caucasian chamois, chamois, East Caucasian tur, horseshoe bat, crested newt, common toad are listed in the Red Book of Azerbaijan. Among the birds, the Caucasian black grouse, golden eagle, bearded vulture, white-tailed eagle, Caucasian snowcock, Caucasian falcon and goshawk are listed in the Red Book of Azerbaijan. Of the reptiles, the esclon snake and the Caucasian snake are also listed in the Red Book of Azerbaijan. GIRKAN RESERVE Located in the forest belt of the Talysh Mountains and Lenkoran Lowland. Created in December 1936 to protect and study the natural complex of the Hyrcanian root. Area - 2.91 thousand hectares, all covered with forest. It consists of two sections: a mountain area on the slopes of the ridge. More than 20 species of plants and 10 species of animals are listed in the Red Book. The most characteristic of them are ironwood, chestnut-leaved oak, Lenkoran albizia, velvety euonymus, Caspian honey locust, hornbeam zelkova, Hyrcanian fig, Hyrcanian boxwood, Caucasian persimmon, winged lapina, almost heart-leaved alder, etc. plants, Central Asian leopard, dappled deer, brown bear, striped hyena, lynx, black stork and other animals. TURIANCHAY RESERVE Organized on May 6, 1958 on the territory of the Agdash and Yevlakh regions at an altitude of 400-650m above sea level. On an area of ​​12.63 thousand hectares, the natural complex of the arid landscape is protected and restored, especially juniper and pistachio forests, animal world, easily susceptible to soil erosion and other arid natural complexes of Bozdag. The fauna of the reserve is small in number, and species composition much richer. It is home to 24 species of mammals, 20 species of reptiles, 112 species of birds, and 3 species of amphibians. Of the vertebrate animals, 9 species are listed in the Red Book. Bears, wild boars, forest cats, hare, badgers, partridges, pheasants, kestrels, headless vultures, black vultures and other birds are more common here, and among reptiles - viper. SHIRVAN RESERVE Located in the South-Eastern Shirvan steppe on the territory of the Salyan and Neftechala regions. Organized on June 30, 1969 on the territory of the Byandovansky reserve for the protection of the natural complex, especially goitered gazelles. Area - 25.76 thousand hectares 3 species of animals are included in the Red Book of Azerbaijan, incl. goitered gazelle, 4 species of birds (tourist, bustard, white-tailed eagle, little bustard), reptiles and amphibians - Mediterranean tortoise and Syrian spadefoot. Two additional bird species are included in the Red Book of Azerbaijan (steppe eagle and black-bellied sandgrouse). GARAGEL RESERVE Located between the Lachin region of Azerbaijan and the Goris region of Armenia. The total area is 240 hectares. Of these, 751 consists of water, 25% of the coastlines, where the bulk are rocks and ravines. The lake, which is located in the crater of an inactive volcano, has a maximum length of 1950 m, a maximum width of 1250 m, maximum depth 78 m, perimeter 5500 m. The coast is covered with alpine meadows. PIRKULINSKY RESERVE Located on the southeastern slope of the Greater Caucasus. Organized on December 25, 1968 on the territory of the Shemakha region to preserve typical mountain forest landscapes. Area - 1.52 thousand hectares, incl. forest - 1.43 thousand hectares. Some plant species (especially yew) are listed in the Red Book of Azerbaijan. Animals included are the Transcaucasian brown bear, lynx, chamois, crested newt, and goshawk. KARYAZ RESERVE Located on the left bank of the Kura River, in the northwestern part of the republic. Area - 4.86 thousand hectares, incl. forest - 3.48 thousand hectares. A certain part of the reserve's lands are former arable lands, wastelands, pastures, and pastures. Shrub thickets of willow, barberry, oleaster, hawthorn, etc. stretch along the river. Multi-tiered tugai forests are widespread, in which the main tree species are poplar, oak, alder, and white acacia plantings. Common pomegranate, Caucasian persimmon, forest grapes and red pyracantha are included in the Red Book of Azerbaijan. Among the representatives of the fauna, the thrush, the common toad, the lynx, the Caucasian goshawk, and river trout are listed in the Red Book of Azerbaijan. BASUTCHAYSKY RESERVE Located in the Zangelan region in the valley of the Basutchay River, which is a tributary of the Araks River. Organized on July 4, 1974 to protect the natural complex, especially to preserve the unique plane tree grove. Area - 107 hectares, incl. forest - 85 hectares. In the grove, which stretches along the river for almost 12 km, in addition to the eastern plane tree (many trees are up to 500 years old), there are also Walnut, Caucasian hackberry, elm, pistachio, oak (Araksin and Georgian), in the shrub layer hazel, dogwood, rose hips, etc. Oriental plane tree is listed in the Red Book of Azerbaijan. AGGELSKY RESERVE Located in the Milskaya steppe and the Kura-Araks lowland. Organized in 1978 in the water area of ​​the Aggelsky reserve, on the territory of the Agjebedinsky district. Area 4.4 thousand hectares. About 99% of the territory consists of water, only 1% of islands and coastlines. The natural complex of Lake Aggel is protected, especially migrating and resident birds ISMAILLI RESERVE Located on the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus in the Ismailli region. Organized on June 12, 1981 on the territory of the Ismailli reserve for the protection of the natural complex. The fauna includes 40 species of mammals, 17 species of reptiles, 6 species of amphibians, 4 species of fish, 104 species of birds. 5 species of birds (Caucasian grouse, bearded vulture, golden eagle, goshawk and snake eagle) and three species of mammals (brown bear, lynx, chamois), 1 relict species (Mediterranean tortoise), 1 species of amphibian (crested newt) and 1 species of fish ( river trout) are listed in the Red Book of Azerbaijan. ALTYAGADZH RESERVE Located on the south-eastern slope of the Greater Caucasus in the Khizyinsky district. It was organized on March 22, 1990 to combat soil erosion and protect the natural landscape. Among the birds, pheasant, partridge, coot, etc. Brown bear, mountain eagle, etc. are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Gobustan Reserve is the most famous historical and artistic reserve in the world, the purpose of which is to protect, study and promote rock art, burial mounds and residential sites dating from the Mesolithic era (8th millennium BC) to the Middle Ages. ILISUINSKY RESERVE Located on the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus in the mountain-forest belt in the Kazakh region. Organized on February 20, 1987 to protect the mountain-forest natural complex. Area - 9.26 thousand hectares, 89% of which is covered with forest, about 7% consists of mountain-meadow communities. There are about 50 species of birds in the avifauna. Wood species - yew; among mammals - brown bear, lynx; among reptiles - the Mediterranean tortoise, among amphibians - the crested newt; among birds - the Caucasian black grouse, bearded vulture, golden eagle, short-eared snake eagle, and goshawk are listed in the Red Book of Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan, as a country of ancient culture in the region of the Caucasus and Central Asia, the Black and Caspian Seas, rich biological diversity in Europe, is the owner of a unique natural heritage. The role of specially protected areas - nature reserves - in preserving biological diversity is irreplaceable. It was as a result of the activities of the reserves that the preservation of rare and endangered species of flora and fauna became possible.

By order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated July 5, 2003, a National Park was created on the administrative territory of the Agjabadi and Beylagan regions (17,924 hectares) on the basis of the Ag-Gel State Reserve and the Ag-Gel State Reserve.

Altyagaj National Park is located in Azerbaijan, on the territory of two regions: Khizy and Siyazan, in the north-east of the country. The name of the park comes from the word “agadj” - a measure of distance, equal to approximately 7 kilometers, and “alty” in the local dialect means six.

Absheron National Park (Azerbaijani: Abşeron Milli Parkı) - created in 2005 on the basis of the Absheron State Nature Reserve, in the Azizbek district of Baku. The total area of ​​the park is 783 hectares (7.83 km²).

Goygol National Park (Azerbaijani: Göygöl Milli Parkı) - was created in 2008 on the territory of the Goygol region. The total area of ​​the park is 12,755 hectares (127.55 km²). The park was created on the basis of the Goygol State Reserve. The area called Goygol has become world famous due to its rich forests,

Hirkan National Park (Azerbaijani: Hirkan Milli Parkı) - created in 2004 on the territories of the Lankaran region and Astara region. Area 42,797 hectares (427.97 km²). The main purpose of creating the park was to protect the landscapes of the humid subtropics, as well as the protection of relict

Zangezur National Park named after academician Hasan Aliyev (Azerbaijani: Akademik Həsən Əliyev adına Zəngəzur Milli Parkı) is a nature reserve in Azerbaijan. Created in 2003 on the territory of the Ordubad region of the Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic.

Azerbaijan, as a country of ancient culture in the region of the Caucasus and Central Asia, the Black and Caspian Seas, rich biological diversity in Europe, is the owner of a unique natural heritage. The nature of the country is very rich - there are up to 4.1 thousand endemic plant species, and the famous relict tugai forests are a monument Cenozoic era, are not found anywhere else in the world. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Azerbaijani government invests a lot of effort and money in maintaining its protected areas. The role of specially protected areas - nature reserves - in preserving biological diversity is irreplaceable. It was as a result of the activities of the reserves that it became possible to preserve rare and endangered species of flora and fauna. Currently, there are 6 national parks, 13 state nature reserves and 21 state nature reserves on the territory of the republic.

National parks are territories with the status of nature conservation and research departments used for nature conservation, education, science, culture and other purposes, on the territory of which special ecological, historical, aesthetic and other significant natural complexes are located.

Nature reserves such as Kyzylagach, Zagatala and Shirvan are of international importance. The Hyrcanian Nature Reserve protects relict vegetation of the Tertiary period of the Hyrcanian type in the forest belt of the Talysh Mountains and Lenkoran Lowland.

The Turianchay Nature Reserve, located at the eastern end of the Mingachevir Reservoir, protects the famous Eldar pine. The natural complexes of the eastern part of the Greater Caucasus are protected by the Ismailli Nature Reserve, and one of the most beautiful lakes in the world - Goygol, and the surrounding natural complexes of the Lesser Caucasus, are protected by the Goygol Nature Reserve. No less interesting are the Aggelsky, Basutchaysky, Karayazsky, Kyzylagajsky, Pirkulinsky, Turianchaysky reserves.

Kyzylagachsky reserve

Located in the south of Azerbaijan, in the Lenkoran Lowland, it is famous for the fact that the largest wintering ground for waterfowl and semi-aquatic birds in Europe is located there. During times Soviet Union The reserve was the most popular place for winter field practice for biology students. A huge number of waterfowl and semi-aquatic birds winter in the reserve every year: coots - up to 3 million, dabbling ducks - up to 4 million, diving ducks - up to 900 thousand, swans (most of them are mute birds) - up to 6.5 thousand, geese (gray , white-fronted, lesser white-fronted geese and the most beautiful - red-breasted geese) - up to 70 thousand, several thousand flamingos.

The fate of the Kyzylagach Nature Reserve is not easy. In 1926, the waters of the Bolshoi and part of the Small Kyzylagach Bays, as well as land areas adjacent to these areas, were declared a nature reserve, and in 1929 - a nature reserve. But the reserve had no real owner. In addition, in 1929-1939, after the fall of the Caspian Sea level, significant areas of the reserve dried up and were transferred to state farms and plowed. In 1951, the area of ​​the reserve was halved, and in 1961 another 4,600 hectares were cut off from it. Currently, its area is 88,360 hectares. But even in this reduced form, in 1975 the reserve was included in the list of sites of international importance, mainly as a habitat for waterfowl and shorebirds.

The landscapes of the Kyzylagach Reserve are quite monotonous - after all, it is located on a coastal lowland, a flat plain with a height difference of only 4.5 m. The shores of the bays are occupied by reeds, cereals and blackberry thickets are found on the plains, halophytes grow on the salt marshes (plants - “I would like to salt”) - saltwort, solyanka, beskilnitsa, sweda, in shallow waters - zoster, ruppia, pondweed. Although the reserve is home to a lot of birds in summer, it was created in order to protect and study colossal concentrations of wintering birds. The shallow-water bays of the Caspian Sea, which do not freeze in winter, are dotted with flocks of yapping coots and quacking ducks, among which swans and pelicans swim like white clouds, pink flocks of flamingos roam, and egrets stand alone near the shores. The canals overgrown with reeds were literally filled with moorhens, shepherdesses, Sultan's hens, bitterns and night herons. On a winter evening, over the steppe and semi-desert lands of the Kyzylagach Nature Reserve, you can hear the incessant cackling of thousands of flocks of geese. If you're lucky, you can catch another sound, a light one, similar to the whistling of a helicopter rotor. This is a flock of little bustards, relatives of the Sultan's hen and coot, flying by in the order of Crane-like creatures. The Kyzylagach Nature Reserve is one of the few places where little bustards gather for the winter, forming flocks of hundreds. It is difficult to notice little bustards on the ground: they are colored the color of sand and withered grass. But sometimes, when a flock of thousands takes off nearby, it seems that a fierce February snowstorm has suddenly broken out - the surrounding area becomes so white from the flickering wings. The Kyzylagach Nature Reserve is good in winter, but there is also something to see there in summer. The most interesting place- coastal thickets of tamarisk. On the dry plains of the reserve, this shrub rarely exceeds 1.5 m, and on the shore, its height reaches 3.5-4 m.

In the tamarisk thickets there are huge colonies of copepods and wading birds - about 60 thousand bird pairs nest here. The colonies are a picturesque sight. Cormorants sitting in columns turn black. Herons are visible: pure white and with yellow paws - little egrets; white, but with a yellow top of the head and a yellow back - Egyptian herons; completely yellow (only wings white) are called yellow herons. The colony is noisy, like a market: cormorants croak hoarsely (it’s not for nothing that they are called sea ravens), long-legged birds scream in different tones: “ork-ork” - little white herons, “kurr” - Egyptian herons, “karr” - yellow herons. Another feathered attraction of the Kyzylagach Nature Reserve is the flamingo. Nesting of representatives of this bird species on the territory of the reserve is a whole event. This happened, in particular, in 1982 and 1983, when about 200 pairs of flamingos nested. The most remarkable detail in the appearance of a flamingo is its beak. It seems disproportionately large and ugly for such elegant and graceful birds. The beak is massive and approximately in the middle is bent almost perpendicularly downwards. These slender, long-legged birds live in the shallow waters of salt lakes, lagoons and sea ​​coasts. The nest is a columnar structure on top of which the female lays eggs. Of course, in the reserve and in summer period There are a large number of representatives of the order Anseriformes. The most elegant of them are swans.

The reserve also boasts very rare ducks listed in the Red Book. One of them is the marbled teal, so named because of its whitish plumage with grayish streaks. Another rare species is the white-headed duck. It can be immediately recognized by its characteristic landing on the water: it holds its tail vertically upward. In calm swimming, the bird sits quite high on the water, but, frightened, it dives so that its back disappears under the water and only its head and tail remain sticking out on the surface.

A large number of birds nesting in colonies attracts predators. The most numerous among them is the marsh, or reed, harrier. This predator hunts ducks, coots and heron chicks. Marsh harriers make their nests in reed creases. The Kyzylagach Nature Reserve is a large scientific center where, in addition to nature conservation, research. Ornithologists annually ring birds to find out their migration routes, as well as to obtain data on the life expectancy of certain birds and how many grown chicks will fly to the colony where they were born next year.

Although the Kyzylagach Nature Reserve was created specifically to protect waterfowl and shorebirds, it also boasts an abundance of mammals. Here you can find the brown hare, wild boar, badger, Caspian seal, jackal wolf, fox, jungle cat, otter.

Girkan National Park

Location: On the territory of the Lenkoran and Astara regions, created to protect the landscapes of the humid subtropics, as well as the protection of relict and endemic plant species. The National Park consists of the flat part of the Lenkoran Lowland and the mountainous landscape of the Talysh Mountains.

The Lankaran natural region has a rich fauna and flora, including many rare and endemic species. The reserve's flora consists of 1,900 species, including 162 endemic, 95 rare and 38 endangered species. Of the 435 species of trees and shrubs common in the territories of Azerbaijan, 150 are found in the Garakan forests, including the Hyrcanian evergreen boxwood, ironwood, chestnut-leaved oak, Hyrcanian fig, Hyrcanian pear, silk acacia, Caucasian persimmon, alder and other. The reserve contains many endemic and rare animals, in particular among representatives of land mollusks and flightless insects, as well as various species of amphibians. Avian endemism is well represented, down to the subspecies level, while the species level is relatively poorly represented. The main protected objects are the natural complexes of the lowlands and low mountain forest zones of the Lenkoran natural region, including a unique well-preserved area of ​​lower forest and an ecosystem of rare forests of the Hyrcanian type.

Shirvan National Park

A reserve in the east of the country, in the lower reaches of the Kura River, on the arid Shirvan Plain. It was formed in 1969 on the basis of the reserve created in 1961, with an area of ​​25.7 thousand hectares. Protects natural complexes of deserts, semi-deserts and dry wormwood and grass-forb steppes on the left bank of the Kura. The main attraction of the reserve's fauna is the graceful gazelle antelope, whose survival was threatened by the middle of the 20th century. In 1961, there were only 130 gazelles throughout the republic, including about 70 in the Shirvan steppe.

The creation of the reserve saved rare animals. (In 1985, there were already 4,500 goitered gazelles living here.) In addition to them, the reserve contains wild boar, wolf, jackal, fox, badger, jungle cat, brown hare and other animals, as well as a number of rare birds (tourist bustard, little bustard, steppe eagle, peregrine falcon, saker falcon, black-bellied sandgrouse and others).

As elsewhere in arid areas, the fauna of reptiles is rich, including 3 species of turtles, a striped lizard, a lizard snake, 2 species of snakes and a viper. One of the rare amphibians is the Syrian spadefoot.

Aggel National Park

Created with the aim of preserving migratory routes, wintering and nesting areas of waterbirds, as well as for breeding commercial species birds. The territory of 4,400 hectares covers the water zone of Lake Ag-Gel. The reserve is called an “ornithological oasis”: it is not only a protected area, but also one of the most important wintering places in the republic. The Milskaya Steppe surrounding the lake is a small hilly accumulative plain where semi-desert and desert vegetation mainly grows. The climate is warm, semi-desert and arid steppe: summers are warm and dry, winters are cold. 20 species of fish live in the reserve: pike, erythrocaltermongolicus, carp and others. Previously, when the lake was connected to the Kura River, the ichthyofauna was richer. Of the amphibians, the reserve is home to green toads and other amphibians. Reptiles include Caspian and marsh turtles, common and water snakes. The reserve's orilithofauna includes 134 species of birds, including 89 nesting species. More than 30 specimens of Charadriiformes and 24 specimens of Anseriformes. Among the birds found here there are species listed in the Red Book - francolinus, white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetusalbicilla), Phoenicopteri, Brantaruficollis, Platalealeucordia, white pelican (Pelicanusonocrotalus), Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanuscrispus) and other species. Among the mammals, represented by 22 species, wild boar, nutria and marsh lynx (Felischaus) are common. Unique colonial nesting sites for storks (Ciconiiformes) and pelicans, which are of great scientific and practical interest, are preserved here. The most protected objects here are the wetland ecosystems of Lake Ag-Gel, places of mass nesting and wintering of waterfowl and coastal birds.

Zagatala Reserve

It is located in the north-west of Azerbaijan, in the Belokan and Zagatala regions on the southern slopes of the Main Caucasus Range. The reserve was founded in 1930 by combining the Belokansky and Kakheto-Matsekhsky reserves. Area 25,200 hectares (of which more than 14 thousand hectares are covered with forest, more than 7 thousand hectares are meadows and 48 hectares are reservoirs). The terrain is mountainous, ridges and hills are dissected by deep gorges. Protected area is a chain of mountains with heights from 630 to 3648 m above sea level, the most significant mountain peaks being Gorida (3007 m above sea level), Gudurdag (3400 m), Guton (3648 m). Numerous rivers flow along the bottom of the gorges. mountain rivers, the most notable of them are Belokanchay, Katekhchay, Mourovchay, Kalisachay, Verketelchay, Karabchay, Tseltykchay. The climate is moderately warm and has significant zonal differentiation. The average annual temperature is 6°C, in summer the air warms up to 28°C, in winter the temperature drops to -20°C, the average annual precipitation is 1000 mm. Every year there are up to 10-17 days with very strong winds, leading to windfalls. The vegetation is divided into three zones - forest, subalpine woodland and the zone of alpine and subalpine meadows. Forest zone includes the lower (Iberian oak and hornbeam predominate), middle (eastern beech) and upper (eastern oak) zones. In the subalpine (1850-2300 m) zone, plant formations of meadows and tall grasses are observed; higher up, in the alpine (2400-3200) belt, there are wasteland meadows and bright, picturesque alpine carpets.

The reserve has a high density of ungulates (on average, several hundred Dagestan aurochs for every 1000 hectares of land). There are herds of up to 400 animals. There are numerous aurochs, Caucasian deer, chamois, wild boars, roe deer, bears, foxes; Martens, badgers, wildcats, and lynx are common. The reserve is home to 86 species of birds, most of which are passerines (54 species). Valuable and rare birds are common: Caucasian snowcock and Caucasian grouse, chukar, quail, griffon vulture, black vulture, bearded vulture, dwarf eagle, goshawk, sparrowhawk, eagle owl.

Turianchay Reserve

Located in the Yevlakh and Agdash regions of Azerbaijan, on the slopes of the Bozdag ridge between the Turianchay and Aldzhiganchay rivers. The reserve was founded in 1958, covers an area of ​​12 thousand hectares (of which 4666 hectares are covered with forests, 3726 hectares are meadows, 83 hectares are reservoirs). Protects natural complexes of pistachio-juniper forests and floodplain tugai thickets. A unique grove of Eldar pine and a section of pistachio woodland have been identified as branches of the reserve.

The relief is significantly eroded, the landscape is replete with bizarre shapes. The climate is dry, moderately hot. The average annual temperature is 14.2°C. Average annual precipitation is 500 mm. Snow rarely falls. There are no bodies of water in the reserve, which leaves an imprint on the flora and fauna. The vegetation is rather sparse; There are six types of land in the reserve: steep eroded slopes; steppe and semi-deserts; open forest with herbaceous and shrub species (chiliga); steppe and semi-desert open forests; open forest with a predominance of jasmine, mosses and lichens; tugai forest. The woodlands are dominated by pistachio and juniper thickets. Picturesque areas of the steppe with a predominance of feather grass or clearings in a floodplain forest with a high grass stand of alfalfa, blackberry, and blackberry.

108 species of birds have been registered in the reserve (including 25 nesting, 16 wintering); common chukar, pheasant, rock pigeon, greenfinch, mountain bunting, black-headed warbler; among birds of prey- kestrel, griffon vulture, black vulture; mammals 15 species (wolf, fox, bear, stone marten, lynx, raccoon, wild boar, brown hare); 11 species of reptiles (Caucasian agama, Caspian and Greek turtles, yellow-bellied snake, viper).

Ordubad National Park

Created with the aim of preserving and restoring the populations of Transcaucasian mouflon, bezoar goat (Capraaegagrus), leopard, brown bear, Transcaucasian grouse, hyena and Tetraogallus. All these species are listed in the Red Book of the Republic.

Absheron National Park

Created with the aim of preserving and restoring populations of migratory and wintering waterbirds, as well as the Caspian seal.

Alty-Agach National Park

Created with the aim of preserving the natural landscape of the south-eastern ridge of the Greater Caucasus, restoring the diversity of flora and fauna. Mammals here include roe deer, brown bear, wild boar, raccoon, wolf, fox, and populations of migratory birds, many of which are included in the Red Book of Azerbaijan.

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