Rehabilitation center return. Back to life. Video: Charitable Foundation "Return to Life"

Treatment methods

When coming to us for rehabilitation, alcoholics, of course, want something for themselves. Some of them really want to restore the ability to live without drugs. But more often, as we know from practice, they have completely different true goals: to get rid of dependence on one type of drug (for example, heroin), but continue using other drugs; reduce the dose, suspend use (for example, until physical recovery; reassure parents, prove that recovery is impossible (to justify use), etc.

the next goal of the program is to teach him the practical skills of a sober life.

These are the skills:

Overcoming cravings for drugs;
. control over emotional states, which can lead to a breakdown;
. healthy communication - primarily in the family, etc.

Working with our patients, we use special teaching materials and the huge technical arsenal of modern psychotherapy. These are art therapy exercises, and elements of psychodrama, Gestalt therapy techniques and many, many others.

In order for our patients to be able to speak openly - about their use, about the feelings they experienced, about their violation of their own principles when obtaining and using drugs, about violations of the law - our employees create a special atmosphere in which patients feel safe.


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    Set up for the day

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    Household work

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    Relax (sleep hour)

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    Work step by step

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Institution price

    Name of service


    Rehabilitation in a hospital

    by agreement/ month

Team of specialists

Treatment methods

It is almost impossible to quit drugs on your own, this is hindered by a strong physical, and no less strong psychological dependence.

In the state of “withdrawal”, the addict is ready to do anything to make it stop. He will go to any length of crime to get a dose that brings only short-term relief. Then again you have to look for drugs and money to buy them. More and more drugs (and, accordingly, money) are required. Sooner or later the body can not stand it, there are severe illness liver and kidneys, the nervous system wears out. A person is degrading morally, and as a social personality.

Rehabilitation is of particular importance in the treatment of drug addiction. This process aims to eliminate the defects of physical health and psyche that have arisen as a result of drug use. For this, a huge variety of methods and influences on a person is used. Our rehabilitation center practices the most effective ways of rehabilitation. Rehabilitation guarantees a person's complete rejection of drugs. Addiction treatment gives the victim a chance to return to life and continue it in a healthy body and complete freedom. Our patients are involved in social therapy, the effect of which significantly affects the morale of the drug addict.

Rehabilitation center in the Altai Territory is always open to those who have decided once and for all to give up addictions and achieve spiritual perfection. The "12 steps" methodology used has nothing to do with coding or forced drug treatment. The purpose of our work is to help the patient cope with internal problems, he is used to finding a solution in alcohol and drugs. In addition, the rehabilitation center opens up new opportunities for the patient, which he simply did not notice before. The rehabilitation center helps patients develop a system of motivations, thanks to which they will be able to purposefully go towards the goal and not deviate from the chosen path.


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    Set up for the day

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    Household work

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  • 14:45

    Relax (sleep hour)

  • 16:00

    Work step by step

  • 17:30

    Self-training / sport games

  • 19:00
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    Self-study / reading literature

  • 21:00

    Feeling analysis / group sessions

  • 23:00


  • 23:30

Institution price

    Name of service


    Rehabilitation in a hospital

    by agreement/ month

Team of specialists

Treatment methods

Coming to us for rehabilitation, drug addicts, of course, want something for themselves. Some of them really want to restore the ability to live without drugs. But more often, as we know from practice, they have completely different true goals: to get rid of dependence on one type of drug (for example, heroin), but continue using other drugs; reduce dose, suspend use (e.g. until physical recovery; reassure parents, prove recovery is impossible (to justify use), etc.)

Of course, such goals are concealed upon admission to our program, and often they are not realized at all by patients. Desires are usually declared: "to return to normal life", "get well", "never use drugs again." But in order to achieve success, it is necessary that such a desire turn from an imaginary into a genuine one.

Currently, the number of people who are addicted to alcohol and drugs is rapidly increasing, and the death rate due to their use is only growing. And this is due to the fact that people do not realize the seriousness of the problem of addiction, do not have time to seek help in time, and do not know where and to whom.

But there are places where they can be helped: the rehabilitation center for drug addicts and alcoholics "Vozrozhdeniye" offers to get rid of addiction, where experienced professionals work, modern treatment methods are used, and assistance is provided for drug addicts and their loved ones.

The role of the rehabilitation center in the treatment of addicts

Alcoholism and drug addiction are a dangerous product of our time, which robs a person of not only health, but also the desire to live, will, and strength. And only competent rehabilitation can help change the life of an addict. The patient abruptly and irrevocably breaks out of his usual social circle and falls into the hands of specialized specialists who apply treatment methods that take into account the physical and psychological features dependent person.

The paramount task of the rehabilitation of a drug addict is the awareness of his own choice of addiction. He must accept that he is sick and believe that there is a path to recovery. The patient has to make a choice: continue to use drugs or live a healthy, fulfilling life without them. And when deciding to take this step, a person addicted to drugs or alcohol must understand that the path to full recovery is long and not always easy.

To do this, you need to go:

  • overcoming physical dependence on addiction by completely cleansing the body;
  • restoration of normal physical condition;
  • adaptation period under the supervision of specialists and in the circle of co-dependent relatives;
  • formation of motivation for the right way of life, raising self-esteem, reassessment of life priorities;
  • development of the ability to be responsible for one's actions;
  • the stage of comfortable resocialization of the addict and his return to society.

After rehabilitation, previously addicts often have "breakdowns" provoked by the ignorance of relatives of how to properly behave towards an ex-drug addict so that he begins to trust. Therefore, the medical staff of rehabilitation centers in every possible way contributes to the restoration of intra-family relations.

Therefore, treatment in a rehabilitation center is carried out comprehensively, both for the drug addict and alcoholic, and for his family members.

Treatment of addicts in a rehabilitation center"Rebirth"

Modern methods of dealing with terrible addictions are offered by the rehabilitation center "Vozrozhdenie". We are constantly working on improvement and developing methods for treating everyone, even the most “neglected” and seemingly “lost” person with addiction to alcohol or drugs. Each of our patients is not just another client, but an individual, a person who temporarily cannot find the right path in life.

Get treatment information

The consultation is anonymous and free

Rehabilitation center for drug addicts "Vozrozhdeniye" provides needed help to all those in need. Our specialists are able to find a special approach to each patient, and already at the first meeting they can determine the patient's condition, his personality type, the direction of his thinking and the degree of disorder nervous system. Only after a full study of the situation, the treatment algorithm is determined, taking into account the degree of depression of the patient, his level of will and desire to get rid of the problem.

We do not pursue financial gain, like many other pseudo-centers, but we do everything possible and impossible so that a person addicted to drugs or alcohol independently understands how dangerous drug addiction is, get rid of obsessive behavior and be able to return to society again.

The recipe from the Renaissance center is simple:

professional specialists
psychosocial support
motivation of the rehabilitator
active participation of his family in the process

Applying this formula, we guarantee a successful outcome of treatment and a return to a normal life, where from now on there will be no drugs and alcohol.

Gift to your family and friends new life- leave a request on the official website of the rehabilitation center "Vozrozhdenie" and you will be contacted.

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She was preferred by the rehabilitation center "Return to Life". The specialists of the clinic provide assistance to those who have applied, restoring health at the physical and mental levels.


The private clinic is located in the city of Barnaul. You need to contact the office: Tyulenena street, 1 (office No. 1).

Treatment takes place in a rehabilitation center located in the Kosikhinsky district Altai Territory in the village of Karkavino. From Barnaul to specified locality about 80 km, to Kosikha - 14 km.

Clinic services

The rehabilitation center treats addictions caused by alcohol, drugs, and the use of toxic substances. Methods officially approved for the treatment of diseases are used.

Having removed, experts help to overcome the breakdown. Patients manage to get rid of the consequences of the disease, having received full recovery, socialization.


In the course of treatment using the "12 steps" program, patients do not undergo coding, a course of drug therapy.

Specialists of the rehabilitation institution offer the correct system of motivations.

The addict agrees to change behavior, choose the right path, move forward, achieving high goals.

Realizing the problem, being constantly busy, feeling the need for further existence, patients tend to give up drugs.

In the process of rehabilitation, psychological dependence is defeated, an opportunity is created to forget the problem.


In the rehabilitation center, the patients' feelings are different from the usual society.

Nearby are narcologists, a service of psychologists who are ready to help from the moment of withdrawal of hard drinking to recovery. Cleansing the body is not carried out with drugs.

Alternative treatment is considered a priority: visiting a sauna, taking vitamin complexes, playing sports.

The stages of rehabilitation involve communication with psychologists who teach addicts to control their own behavior, improve family relationships set achievable goals.


After successful completion of the course of therapy, employment is guaranteed. Disastrous habits should be left in the past if you tune in advance to a happy future.

An undeniable motto helps interrupt vicious circle communication, leave unnecessary habits.

Video: Charitable Foundation "Return to Life"

The Institute of Medical Rehabilitation is based on the laboratory of neuroontogenesis of the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, whose employees for 20 years have been developing the problem of structural and functional maturation of the brain and functional systems of the body, as well as the fundamental substantiation and introduction into clinical practice of new highly effective methods of treating various diseases.

Founder of the Institute -
honored worker Russian sciences,
doctor of medical sciences, professor
Oleg Viktorovich Bogdanov

In 1992, as part of the city priority social program"Rehabilitation treatment, social rehabilitation and rehabilitation of disabled children", approved by the decision of the Small Council of the Leningrad City Council N 158 of 06/16/92 and the Mayor's order N 1002-r of 11/12/92, the Rehabilitation Center "Return" was established, which later was converted to autonomous non-profit organization"Institute of Medical Rehabilitation "Return".

During the work of the Institute, several thousand people from St. Petersburg, Moscow, various cities of Russia and the CIS, the Baltic States, Finland, Germany, etc. received treatment.

Currently, the Institute of Medical Rehabilitation provides wide range medical services for adults and children. Distinctive feature treatment is the use of a single comprehensive step-by-step rehabilitation scheme, individually adapted for each patient and including a wide range of both traditional and the latest author's treatment methods using computer technology.

The leading therapeutic method is experimentally substantiated by O. V. Bogdanov and co-workers (1972-2001) the method of functional biocontrol with feedback, the use of which in a complex of therapeutic measures increases the effectiveness of treatment by 2-6 times compared to traditional methods.

In addition to medical activities, the staff of the Institute conducts extensive research work. Main stream scientific activity- development of new methods of diagnostics, restorative treatment and medical rehabilitation, as well as equipment for their implementation. A number of dissertations have been defended on the scientific topics of the Institute, and doctoral and candidate dissertations are currently being prepared for defense.

The Institute regularly holds All-Russian conferences (including international participation) in various areas of rehabilitation treatment and medical rehabilitation. At the Institute's clinical base, dozens of doctors from St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities of Russia have been trained in the latest rehabilitation techniques. In the near future, it is planned to publish a series of books on the methodology and various aspects of the application of the method of functional biofeedback in the clinic.

Employees of the Institute of Medical Rehabilitation are always ready to cooperate with medical, scientific, public and other organizations both in Russia and abroad.

Additional information provided by the clinic:

For the practical implementation of these methods, the Institute produces medical equipment,
intended for use
in neurology and defectology

For the treatment of delays in psychomotor development as a result of intrauterine pathology, birth and postpartum injuries, musculoskeletal disorders due to intracranial injuries (during pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum period) in children, motor and speech disorders due to cerebrovascular accident in children and adults , cerebral palsy, motor disorders as a result of injuries of peripheral nerves and plexuses, motor awkwardness in children in the arms and legs as a result of problems in fetal development and the course of childbirth, posture disorders, scoliosis and other spinal deformities, speech disorders and lagging behind in speech development in children (alalia, general underdevelopment of speech, dysarthria), behavioral disorders in children and adolescents (emotional instability, aggressiveness, inappropriate behavior), school problems (dysgraphia, dyslalia, dyscalculia, lack of concentration, absent-mindedness, decreased performance), headaches and asthenic conditions, which are the consequences of neuroinfections, traumas (including intrauterine) in adults and children, neuroses and neurosis-like conditions, visual and hearing impairments, etc.

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