For the sins of the father. Philip Yankovsky refused to treat a serious illness for many years. Elena Proklova: I had affairs with Mironov, Yankovsky and Tabakov, but my husband is better! Roman Proklova and Oleg Yankovsky

Elena Proklova became another star guest of Boris Korchevnikov's program "Live". On the show, the artist spoke frankly about her novels with her colleagues. As it turned out, Elena met with Oleg Yankovsky (from whom she even became pregnant, but had an abortion, although he begged her to leave the child),


Proklova had no illusions about her relationship with Yankovsky: “Yes, he was married to a beautiful woman until the end of his days. Love was great. I believe that the passion for a girl like me, although it was long and serious, it was just a hobby. His wife knew about us."

Even in the Don Juan list was the star of the film "Gypsy" Mihai Volontir. Together they starred in Moldova in the film "Be happy, Julia!" In the midst of the work of the film crew, Mihai's wife unexpectedly appeared on the set. According to Proklova, a terrible scandal erupted. "The whole hotel was shaking," Elena admitted. And the actress met with Andrei Mironov and Oleg Tabakov.

Proklova asked for forgiveness from all the wives of her ex-lovers. She acknowledged that the "boomerang effect" exists. So, when Elena gave birth to a daughter from her husband Andrei Trishin, he had an affair with a young woman. "Everything is interconnected in life. Any of your actions - it will come back to you," the actress is sure. Nevertheless, the couple were able to overcome the crisis.

Interestingly, Proklova's ex-husband Andrey Trishin was also in the studio, with whom they, despite the divorce, live together. When it came to the amorous affairs of Elena, Andrei chose to leave the studio, not wanting to hear about the novels of the ex-wife. He returned only at the end of the transmission.

Note that Proklova's frankness did her a disservice. Some "experts" did not understand why, after so many years, Elena suddenly decided to tell about her novels. Netizens also agreed with them.

They spoke very harshly against the artist. “Well, why does everyone need to know about her “dirty” linen? Why this publicity throughout the country and not only! Why do relatives, the children of her lovers know this? Another PR! You can repent in church or in front of your conscience! such! An aging, practically unclaimed (I sympathize) artist is trying in such an unworthy way to arouse interest in herself! Dignity must be preserved in any situation, Elena Proklova! "," She did not repent, but boasted! even more so!”, “Why apologize to the dead and their wives? The dead don’t care anymore. They are in a different, Better world. old age .. What is it like for children, grandchildren to listen about the adventures of their mother, grandmother? Yes, in any family there is something they are silent about. And this old senile woman has put her all over the country .... exposed!" - so sounded only part of the negative reviews.

She was called one of the most beautiful actresses of Soviet cinema, and actors, directors, and spectators lost their heads from her. She was credited with novels with the most famous Soviet artists. She shocked the public when years later she confessed her mistakes and apologized to the wives of her former lovers. Why Elena Proklova was called the main homeowner of Soviet cinema, what she cannot forgive herself for, and with whom the actress found her happiness - further in the review.

Elena Proklova began acting in films as a child, and at the age of 16 she met her first love on the set, which she did not tell anyone about for a long time - after all, the famous actor Oleg Tabakov at that time was already 33 years old, and he was married. Together with Elena Proklova, they starred in the film "Burn, burn, my star." She spoke about their relationship years later: I can't call it a real novel. But it was a great mutual love. Then I was very young, I was 16 years old, and Tabakov drew attention to me. I completely sincerely fell in love ... I surrendered to feelings, then the understanding came that it was necessary to end the relationship. In many ways, the decision to marry my first husband was due to the fact that I was tossing around and did not know how to stop everything.».

At the age of 18, Elena Proklova married documentary filmmaker Vitaly Melik-Karamov and a year later gave birth to a daughter, Arina. However, this marriage lasted only 4 years. The mother of Elena Proklova was mainly involved in raising her daughter - she herself was not yet ready for motherhood and then she was completely focused on her film career. Because of this, subsequently for many years Elena and Arina remained, in fact, strangers and were able to improve relations only when the daughter had already become an adult.

A year after the divorce, the actress again had an affair on the set - with her partner in the film "Sentimental Romance" Oleg Yankovsky. He was married, but their relationship with Proklova did not stop after filming was completed. They went on tour and film festivals together and broke up only after Elena became pregnant and decided not to keep the child, although Jankowski asked her not to. But Proklova nevertheless insisted on her own and did not regret it. She later said: “ We had a serious love with Oleg Yankovsky, both on my part and on his ... Seeing how Oleg was loved by his wife and family, I realized that we had to put an end to it. He had no right to a second family. Of course, having an abortion, I hurt him ... Then we avoided meeting each other. Just before he left, at the wake of Sasha Abdulov, we talked with him, told each other how we survived that situation of ours. And they were grateful to each other for doing just that. I think he forgave me».

Regarding her “office romances”, Elena Proklova said: “ You see, when you play love on the screen, it involuntarily arises for a partner in life. This is a rather serious problem in our profession ... They always fell in love with me first. And my love is such a "secondary character". So it was with Andrei Mironov, who lost his head from Elena Proklova on the set of the film "Be my husband." His wife Larisa Golubkina, suspecting something was wrong, arrived in Sochi, where the film was being worked on. However, her worries were in vain - Proklova was taken away from Mironov by the Mosfilm artist Alexander Adamovich, whose son starred in the same film. Another chosen one of the actress was also married, but together with Proklova they lived for 2 years, after which Adamovich returned to his wife and children.

After 2 years, history repeated itself, and the actress again had a romantic relationship with a married actor - it was the famous "Gypsy", Mihai Volontir, with whom Proklova starred in Chisinau in the film "Be happy, Julia!". True, this time everything ended quickly - after filming, the actress returned to Moscow, and they never saw Volontir again. Later, Elena Proklova, reflecting on the reasons for such a large number of affairs with married men, suggested that she chose such people because no one would claim her freedom.

When the actress, years later, frankly spoke about her novels on television, a wave of indignation fell upon her - both from the wives of her former lovers and from ordinary viewers who condemned her for frivolity and cruelty. Many were perplexed: why, after so many years, stir up the past again? In response, Elena Proklova said that she was simply tired of the rumors and speculation associated with her name - after all, she was credited with novels with almost all famous Soviet actors, so she herself decided to tell how everything really happened.

For the second time, Elena Proklova married the doctor Alexander Deryabin. However, their marriage was destroyed by tragedy: their twin sons died immediately after birth. The couple could not survive this grief together and divorced 4 years later. However, this was not the last test for the actress, who called it retribution for the mistakes she made in her youth. " I think that there is a certain balance in the universe... I believe that in my destiny there are many such bitter trials - this is the answer of fate...”, the actress admitted recently.

In 1984, Proklova met a friend of her older brother Andrei Trishin, who was 8 years younger than her. A year later they got married, they had a son, but he lived only a week. This time, the couple managed to support each other in trouble and save the family. And 10 years after they met, a happy event finally happened - the couple had a daughter, Polina.

Together with Andrei Trishin, Proklova has been living for more than 30 years, although the spouses had a chance to go through difficult times. In 2015, they divorced due to their husband's infidelity with a young girl, the daughter of their neighbors. The actress, who years later herself found herself in the role of a deceived wife, said: “ I think it was my punishment for my relationship with married men ... Only now I am beginning to understand that everything is interconnected in this life, and then I lived day after day as it seemed right to me ... But any of your actions will return to you».

Only in adulthood, the actress, who was called the first beauty of Soviet cinema and the most insidious homemaker, realized her mistakes and asked for forgiveness from the wives of her former lovers and her own daughter:. October 9, 2017, 16:52

Actress Elena Proklova has not been acting in films for a long time, but, nevertheless, she has not disappeared from television screens. In 2002, Proklova took part in the reality show "The Last Hero 3: Lost", from 2006 to 2010 she acted as the permanent co-host of Gennady Malakhov, and from October 25, 2010 to October 12, 2012, again, she broadcast on Channel One "Utilities". For many, the scandalous story with Desheli cosmetics did not go unnoticed: at first, in the framework of the Housing and Public Utilities Proklova, she spoke about the dangers of this brand, and six months later she became her face.

And outside of her television activities, the actress periodically "tosses" the audience with food for discussion. Many were haunted by the plastic surgery of the actress, others were outraged by the stuffed animals that filled the whole house of Proklova and her (former) husband Andrei Trishin, an avid hunter. Proklova regularly “shines” among the guests of talk shows on various channels, and in the summer of 2015 she makes a loud statement: I filed for divorce! The husband fell out of love: he does not pay attention, is not interested, does not give compliments, let him be free. For several months, the movie star's divorce was lingering in the media, then there was a lull. But in December 2016, Elena Proklova comes to the Secret for a Million program. "And then it began .......

Elena Proklova in the Secret to a Million program

Proklova was married three times and never hid that between marriages she had a stormy personal life. The press wrote everything, but the actress herself never voiced any names and details of her novels, explaining that she had no right to do so. For the time being, for the time being. In the Secret for a Million studio, the actress apparently got used to the role of the penitent Magdalene so much that she has not left the character to this day. One thing is surprising: why does repentance each time take place not in a church or at a psychoanalyst's appointment, but on the air of central television channels?

"In general, I allowed myself a lot. I do not regret a single novel, because it has always been out of mutual love, and the main theme has always been not to cause pain to those who are nearby."

Proklova and Oleg Yankovsky

A big revelation for the country was Proklova's story about a stormy romance with a married Oleg Yankovsky. The acquaintance took place in Leningrad on the set of the film "Sentimental Romance". The actress spoke about it like this:

"We met for the first time in a buffet. I was walking with a cup of coffee, and Yankovsky himself went to meet me! After the "Shield and Sword" it was the love of all the people. He said: "God, you are amazing ... You are my destiny." As I later found out, this is his catch phrase, which he said to every girl with whom he wanted to meet and have some kind of relationship. : "I was so offended, I was so used to it, that any woman blossomed in response."

In the evening, the film crew returned to Moscow. It turned out that Proklova and Yankovsky were traveling in the same SV compartment.

“Then he said that he went to the girls who were dealing with tickets and said, “Please, make me in the same compartment with Proklova.” Relationships began from this trip, interest began. I was not married, whether he was married or not, I Bouquets of flowers, he flew to other cities for some of my shootings, we went abroad together to some film festivals ... It was beautiful," Proklova recalls.

Relations between lovers have gone far.

“It was a serious love, both on my part and on his,” the actress confessed.

As a result, Proklova even became pregnant from Yankovsky. The actor was ready for this and even persuaded Elena to leave the child, but Proklova decided everything herself:

“It was my second serious abortion. And I did it on September 2 on my birthday. And it was my hardest birthday in my life. He stood under the window, he asked not to do this, but I categorically decided that this should not be He forgave me, but what could he do? He knew that he had no right to a second family."

The actress also ended her relationship with a married lover on her own initiative: “Yes, this family will forgive me, his wife and I saw each other at the time when I had an affair, I really didn’t like it, I was categorically against it, this was how the circumstances developed. I walked together with his son, who adores his dad, who will now return to his mother. We took Arishka to the skating rink with Philip, but how can this be taken away? And just seeing how my wife loves him, I decided that this should be put to an end. And I did it brutally, overnight, and painfully for him."

Proklova herself admits that she was happy in this relationship, even if she had to experience pain. They avoided meeting with Yankovsky for some time, but shortly before the death of the actor at the wake of Alexander Abdulov, they met and talked:

“We talked, told a lot from the one who had experienced it. And they were very grateful to each other for what we did just that. I think that until the last days I occupied a place in his heart.”

Proklova and Oleg Yankovsky in the movie "Sentimental Romance"

Yankovsky with his wife, actress Lyudmila Zorina, and son Philip

By the way, on the "Secret for a Million" Proklova casually mentioned an affair with Oleg Yankovsky's nephew Igor. With him, the actress starred in the TV movie "Dove". Not so long ago, being a member of another "candid" program "Actually", Proklova admitted that she partly had an affair with Igor in order to annoy Oleg.

Proklova and Igor Yankovsky in the film "Dove"

Proklova and Oleg Tabakov

After Yankovsky, Lera Kudryavtseva began to ask about Tabakov, with whom young Lena starred in one of her first films "Burn, Burn, My Star" by Alexander Mitta. Proklova's tone immediately changed from dramatic to jocular:

"The love of my youth! I was 15-16 years old! At the same time, the most popular novel was" Lolita "... And, of course, as a real artist, a man, he could not help but want such a relationship."

"We were in love with each other. I'm just like a child in love with talent and a firework of male charm, he helped me become an actress, enter the Moscow Art Theater. And I'm a flint. All that he would like was not in our life, no matter what anyone says," says Proklova.

It would seem that this should definitely stop. But the actress continued:

"When I became an adult woman and we tried to restore our relationship, it did not please me or him."

Proklova and Tabakov in the film "Burn, burn, my star"

At that time, Oleg Tabakov was married to actress Lyudmila Krylova. Now she is married to actress Marina Zudina.

Tabakov and Lyudmila Krylova

Tabakov and Marina Zudina

Proklova and Andrei Mironov

Of course, there were some revelations about Andrei Mironov, with whom Proklova starred with Alla Surikova in the film "Be My Husband." In this case, Proklova was laconic:

"Yes, there was an affair during filming."

Apparently, Mironov is not a very bright page of her past life for her. More talk was about the sudden arrival of Larisa Golubkina in Sochi on the set.

"Yes, my wife turned up. She came to our set, beautiful, smiling, said, 'I'm glad to meet you,' 'Oh, how wonderful everything is here.' She, of course, understood everything. I think that's why she came."

Open secret. Golubkina herself openly and repeatedly talked about how Mironov himself called her and asked her to urgently come to the shooting, because he felt that he was falling deeply in love with his partner Proklova. However, when Larisa did arrive, he hesitated.

“And Andryushka is a coward. He was a coward, he was afraid, worried ... funny!” Proklova smirks.

Proklova and Mironov in the film "Be my husband"

By the way, on the set of this picture, Proklova did not have a serious love with Mironov, but it developed with the artist Alexander Adamovich, who came to shoot with his son Philip, a young actor who played Ilya, the son of the heroine Proklova.

“Yes, I fell in love with him more. This is Mironov for you - an idol, but for me he was one of my admirers. , that's all, the end". Then for a long time there were suffering and persuasion on his part, but here I am such a person. Why not? I was a single woman, unmarried, I had the right to answer everything that I wanted to answer " .

Alla Surikova says:

"Sasha Adamovich, an artist, the father of the boy Philip, who played the role of her son in our picture, fell mortally in love with her. Sasha came to us for a couple of days on an expedition and ... because of Lena left his French wife with two children. Adamovich and Proklova lived together for two years. He later returned to the family. But not for long ... He died - probably because of this Love. "

Alexander Adamovich

For some reason, Adamovich was remembered better than other men by Elena Proklova's aunt, who came with her to the "Secret for a Million" studio and subsequently to "Live" to Boris Korchevnikov. But it was the aunt who voiced the name of another famous lover of the actress.

"An affair turned up with Levoy Prygunov, who wanted to change Lenochkin's life, Lena had plans to embroider icons with a cross, and Lena categorically refused to play in the film "Crew". I still have a grudge against him!"

Proklova herself did not tell anything about Prygunov, but giggled approvingly in response to her aunt's stories.

Lev Prygunov

But Proklova spoke in detail about one more of her novels.

Proklova and Mihai Volontir

Proklova met Budulay, already famous throughout the USSR, on the set of the film Be Happy, Yulia! Naturally, a romance broke out. The role of "leading" in this union belonged to Proklova. This is how she remembers Volontira:

"My great-grandmother called me the almshouse. She said: "Lena, again the almshouse!" Because I always got the share of a comforting woman, a woman who revives life, who gives strength. Now I understand that this is probably a favorite male trick .. "Complain about how lonely I am, how unhappy I am. So it was with him. I thought, God, so famous, so beautiful, so talented, kind, so lonely, so unhappy..."

Volunteer was also married. With Efrosinya Dobynde-Volontir, an actress of the National Theater of Moldova, he lived until the end of his days.

"He was terribly afraid of her. She somehow arrived at the set, I think they reported to her. Mihai himself dealt with her, in the morning she was gone, but there was a big scandal in the hotel. The hotel was shaking!" - Proklova confesses.

The romance between the partners, as always, ended abruptly and, as always, at the initiative of the wayward actress.

"He stayed in the family, I went home. I always ended abruptly. He came, tried to restore something."

Proklova and Volontir in the film "Be happy, Julia!"

Volunteer with his wife Efrosinya Dobynde

With her sexual revelations, Proklova gave her acquaintances from the past the basis for the development of the topic. So the 77-year-old director Leonid Monastyrsky admitted that as a woman, the actress had no equal.

“It was only Andron Konchalovsky who thought that he“ took it off ”, but she chose it. At one time, Lena and I lived with her grandfather in an apartment on Mosfilmovskaya. There were two paired telephones. A call rings, Lena picks up the phone and shows me with a gesture I hear Andron’s voice: “Half a year under the impression, come back ...” And Lena gestures to me, they say, you see what they want me, but you don’t appreciate it.

It is strange that Konchalovsky, who described his love affairs in such detail in his memoirs Low Truths and Uplifting Deception, did not say a word about Proklova.

Andrei Konchalovsky, apparently, loved himself too much to actively pursue Proklova.

The loving actress admitted that she was always the host in the relationship and fell in love only in return, “mirrored” the attitude towards herself. Proklova also believes that love for famous partners flared up as a continuation of roles. Today, the position of the actress is difficult to understand. On the one hand, she continues to insist: "I was free and I could afford it. I did not pretend to marry married lovers." On the other hand, she portrays some semblance of repentance and even says that the betrayal of her third husband Andrei Trishin with a young neighbor in the country is retribution for the sins of youth.

In July of this year, Proklova, as a guest of Slavic Bazaar, gave an interview in which she was reminded of her intimate revelations. The actress played the role of the victim, "tired of hiding the truth":

“At some point I felt ashamed of how I feel about my life. All the time I took into account how other people, their families, children, grandchildren feel about my life, given the opinion of the audience. Why should I lie? such as it is. I wanted both for myself and for my viewers. Well, love me if you know everything about me, or do you not need me like that? You need to love, knowing the person. "

In the course of this conversation, Proklova managed to bury Tabakov and Prygunov alive:

“I allowed myself to say this after these people were gone. I didn’t name a single name from people living today ... I’m not ashamed, I lived a very honest life. I don’t think acting novels are something outside of what is accepted in society. Another thing is that these are people about whom it is interesting to listen. If I'm there with Vasya, it's not interesting. "

After 2 months, Elena appeared in the studio of the program on "Really", and when it came to her novels, Proklova changed her policy again, saying that she closed this topic because she brought too much trouble to the families of ex-lovers with her revelations. However, after 10 minutes, she again listed their names ...

According to Elena, she did not tell about all the famous suitors. Place your bets on who's next? Vysotsky? Dal? Filatov? Zolotukhin? Kikabidze? Nakhapetov? Petrenko? Kalyagin? Boyarsky? Kalninsh? And these are only Proklova's film partners ... Recently, the actress appeared at the evening in memory of Oleg Efremov, but she did not say a word about the affair with the artistic director of the Moscow Art Theater. But who knows what will come to her mind next time?

In her early youth, Proklova was charming. Feminine, seductive, at the same time childlike and bitchy, affectionate and daring, easily accessible, but not completely owned by anyone. Perhaps now she is forced to remember the past by female loneliness, perhaps the fear of being forgotten by the viewer. But does the end always justify the means?

Yesterday's release of Lera Kudryavtseva's popular show "Secret for a Million" simply blew up the Internet. The fact is that the famous actress Elena Proklova, who has long been credited with novels with the most famous colleagues, became the guest of the program.

When Lera Kudryavtseva asked the heroine of the program whether she really had affairs with such famous actors as Andrei Mironov, Alexander Abdulov, Oleg Tabakov, Oleg Yankovsky, Elena did not deny the rumors, answering the provocative question in the affirmative.

Unexpectedly for the audience, the 63-year-old actress shared the details of her relationship with one of the most prominent actors in the country, Oleg Yankovsky.

Elena Proklova refused to destroy the family of Oleg Yankovsky

For a large army of fans, Oleg Yankovsky was and remains a true legend.

The actor, whom thousands of women considered the image of an ideal man, lived all his life with Lyudmila Zorina, whom he began dating while still a student at the Saratov Theater School.

The legendary actor at all social events invariably appeared accompanied by members of his family, so yesterday's revelations of Elena Proklova were a real shock for Oleg Yankovsky's fans.

According to Elena Proklova, she had an affair with Oleg Yankovsky. The relationship was so serious that the actor persuaded his beloved to keep the pregnancy. However, Elena Proklova, who was familiar with Yankovsky's son and wife, decided to terminate the pregnancy and end the relationship.

Elena Proklova frankly admitted that it was a very painful decision:

I did it brutally overnight and hurt him. I'm sure he forgave me this, he knew that he had no right to a second family

After parting, Yankovsky and Proklova did not communicate for a long time. Only at the funeral of Alexander Abdulov did they manage to talk. Elena is sure that until the very last day in the heart of Oleg Yankovsky there was a place for her.

Sometimes the revelations of famous people cause negativity in society. The story of Elena Proklova about her affair with Oleg Yankovsky caused a huge number of indignant comments on the Web. The audience is outraged that the actress is frank about the relationship with a man who is no longer alive:

You see, there are things in life that are not worth talking about. Well, don't. Be quiet...

“I didn’t want to hurt anyone,” Proklova insisted at first, saying that at that time Yankovsky had a wife and a son. Now, does that mean it can hurt? Let not only the wife and son listen, but also the grandchildren of the deceased.

The memories of famous people who have gone to another world are very annoying, because they cannot answer anything ...

Well, why all this, explain? For the sake of money or to take revenge on the late Yankovsky, who never got divorced and can’t say anything anymore? Or to humiliate his far from being young widow and amuse her vanity as an aged beauty? For what?

I don’t understand why these revelations and digging in dirty laundry. Yankovsky was married at that time, so she would have kept quiet. Obviously, this is unpleasant for Yankovsky's relatives and her image is not good.

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