Belozersky State Natural (Zoological) Reserve. On a specially protected natural area of ​​regional significance, the state natural zoological reserve "Belozersky" in the Belozersky district of the Vologda region Regulations on state


1. General Provisions

1.1. The Belozersky State Natural Zoological Reserve (hereinafter referred to as the reserve) is a specially protected natural area of ​​regional significance (as amended by Resolution of the Administration (Government) of the Kurgan Region dated June 26, 2006 N 205).
1.2. The reserve operates within the following boundaries:
Northern and eastern - from the village. Borovskoye on the way to the village. Novodostovalovo to the river. Steep and along it to the northern edge of block 2 of the Borovsky workshop section of the Borovsky district forestry of the Belozersk forestry, then along the northern edges of blocks 2, 3, 1, 5, 11 - 17 of this forestry to the border with the Vargashinsky district and further along it to the nodal point located in a ravine 1.5 km east of the village of Novozaborka (as amended by Resolution of the Government of the Kurgan Region dated November 11, 2014 N 419).
Southern and western - from the nodal point of the border of Belozersky and Vargashinsky districts, located in a ravine 1.5 km east of the village of Novozaborka, to the west along the ravine, and then along the stream to the village of Novozaborka and further along the road through the village. Zyuzino to the village. Borovskoe.
Earth settlements are not included within the boundaries of the reserve (paragraph introduced by Decree of the Government of the Kurgan Region dated 11.11.2014 N 419), (clause 1.2 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Kurgan Region dated 09.10.2007 N 417)
1.3. Land plots included in the territory of the reserve remain in the possession, use and ownership of the former subjects of land rights and are subject to restrictions on the use of land in accordance with the protection regime established by these Regulations (as amended by the Resolution of the Administration (Government) of the Kurgan Region dated June 26 .2006 N 205).
1.4. Features of the location and functioning of the reserve are subject to mandatory consideration when developing territorial planning schemes, master plans for settlements, schemes for the integrated use and protection of water bodies, forestry regulations, forest development projects (clause 1.4 as amended by Resolution of the Government of the Kurgan Region dated November 11, 2014 N 419) .
1.5. Public administration in the field of organization and functioning of the natural reserve is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law “On Specially Protected Natural Territories” (as amended by Resolution of the Administration (Government) of the Kurgan Region dated June 26, 2006 N 205, Decree of the Government of the Kurgan Region dated November 11, 2014 N 419).
1.6. The liquidation of the reserve is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by law.

2. Special protection regime for the reserve

2.1. The reserve performs the functions of protection and reproduction of game species and their habitat. Protected species include: Siberian roe deer, elk, black grouse, badger, fauna included in the Red Books Russian Federation and Kurgan region. Competitors and enemies of protected species include: hooded crow, fox, wolf, raccoon dog (as amended by Resolution of the Administration (Government) of the Kurgan Region dated June 26, 2006 N 205).
2.2. In order to protect and reproduce fauna on the territory of the reserve, it is prohibited:
– hunting (except for population regulation);
– being with dogs without written permission from the administration of the reserve (as amended by Resolution of the Administration (Government) of the Kurgan Region dated June 26, 2006 N 205);
– damage to biotechnical facilities, information signs and notices, prepared feed for feeding animals;
– carrying out clear and selective felling in forest areas within a radius of 300 m around capercaillie currents and in breeding areas of wild ungulates (as amended by Resolution of the Government of the Kurgan Region dated November 11, 2014 N 419);
– paragraph deleted (Resolution of the Government of the Kurgan Region dated November 11, 2014 N 419);
– other activities of legal and individuals, which entails the death of wild animals, as well as the destruction and devastation of their homes, nests and their habitat.
2.3. To preserve the habitat of wild animals in the reserve, special environmental management rules are established.

The following are prohibited on the territory of the reserve:
– drainage of lakes and swamps and other activities that can have an impact Negative influence on the state of aquatic ecosystems;
– burning of vegetation, with the exception of cases of performing planned fire prevention work and work to limit the spread of emerging forest fires;
– making fires during fire danger periods;
– aerial chemical work, the use of pesticides of hazard classes 1 and 2, the use of pesticides in forests, in a 200-meter zone of water bodies (as amended by Resolution of the Government of the Kurgan Region dated May 25, 2009 N 260);
– placement of warehouses for storing pesticides and agrochemicals, sites for treating seeds, preparing working solutions and filling machines and equipment with them, neutralizing equipment and containers for pesticides and agrochemicals (as amended by Resolution of the Government of the Kurgan Region dated May 25, 2009 N 260);
– placement of industrial and household waste outside specially designated areas (as amended by Resolution of the Administration (Government) of the Kurgan Region dated June 26, 2006 N 205);
– carrying out clear and selective felling in forest areas within a radius of 300 m around the nesting sites of bird species included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and the Red Book of the Kurgan Region (as amended by Resolution of the Government of the Kurgan Region dated November 11, 2014 N 419);
– paragraph deleted (Resolution of the Government of the Kurgan Region dated May 25, 2009 N 260);
– new provision of fishing grounds for commercial fish farming, industrial fishing, reproduction and acclimatization aquatic biological resources, aquaculture, organization of recreational and sport fishing (paragraph introduced by Decree of the Government of the Kurgan Region dated November 11, 2014 N 419);
– carrying out clear and selective felling in forest areas within a radius of 300 m around the nesting sites of bird species included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and the Red Book of the Kurgan Region (paragraph introduced by Decree of the Government of the Kurgan Region dated November 11, 2014 N 419).

2.4. Excluded. – Resolution of the Administration (Government) of the Kurgan Region dated August 19, 2003 N 238.
2.4. On the territory of the reserve, specially protected areas of forest are allocated in especially protected parts of the reserve (clause 2.4 was introduced by Decree of the Administration (Government) of the Kurgan Region dated June 26, 2006 N 205).
2.5. On the territory of the reserve, construction and reconstruction of linear structures and other capital construction projects are allowed only if there is a positive conclusion from the state environmental assessment (clause 2.5 introduced by Decree of the Government of the Kurgan Region dated November 11, 2014 N 419).

3. Operation of the reserve

(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Kurgan Region dated May 25, 2009 N 260)

3.1. The reserve is under the jurisdiction of the Department natural resources and security environment Kurgan region.
3.2. The function of the administration of the reserve is performed by the state government institution “Territorial State environmental fund Kurgan Region” in accordance with the current charter (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Kurgan Region dated November 11, 2014 N 419).
3.3. The activities of the reserve are financed from the budget of the Kurgan region, as well as other sources not prohibited by law.

4. Biotechnical measures

4.1. To create favorable living conditions for protected species of animals, on the territory of the reserve the administration of the reserve annually plans and carries out the necessary biotechnical measures: fertilizing, improving nesting conditions, regulating the number of animals (as amended by Resolution of the Government of the Kurgan Region dated November 11, 2014 N 419).
4.2. If the optimal capacity of the land is exceeded or damage to the natural economic complex is caused by individual species (or groups of species), it is permitted to regulate the number of wildlife objects for all types of animals in order to qualitatively improve populations or create favorable conditions for protected animals. The regulation of the number of wildlife objects is carried out in accordance with Art. 27 of the Federal Law “On Fauna” (as amended by Decree of the Administration (Government) of the Kurgan Region dated June 26, 2006 N 205, Decree of the Government of the Kurgan Region dated November 11, 2014 N 419).

5. State supervision

for compliance with the special protection regime of the reserve and responsibility for its violation (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Kurgan Region of November 11, 2014 N 419)

5.1. Excluded. – Resolution of the Administration (Government) of the Kurgan Region dated August 19, 2003 N 238. By Decree of the Government of the Kurgan Region dated November 11, 2014 N 419 in subparagraph 5.1 of Appendix 2 the words “Supervision over compliance with the special protection regime of the reserve” were replaced with the words “State supervision in the field of protection and use specially protected natural areas on the territory of the reserve.”
5.1. Supervision over compliance with the established protection regime of the reserve is carried out by the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Kurgan Region (clause 5.1 introduced by Decree of the Administration (Government) of the Kurgan Region dated June 26, 2006 N 205; as amended by Decree of the Government of the Kurgan Region dated May 25, 2009 N 260) .
5.2. Owners, owners and users land plots located within the boundaries of the reserve, as well as all other legal entities and individuals, are obliged to comply with the protection regime established by these Regulations, as well as special rules for environmental management and are liable for their violation in accordance with the Federal Law “On Specially Protected Natural Territories”.




In accordance with Federal Laws of March 14, 1995 N 33-FZ "On Specially Protected Natural Areas", dated April 24, 1995 N 52-FZ "On Fauna" and dated October 6, 1999 N 184-FZ "On General Principles organizations of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation", Articles 4, 12 of the regional law of May 7, 2014 N 3361-OZ "On specially protected natural territories of the Vologda region", in order to preserve and restore valuable economic, scientific and cultural relation of fauna objects classified as hunting objects, as well as rare and endangered species of animals Regional Government


1. Consider the state complex zoological (hunting) reserve "Belozersky" in the Belozersky district, formed by the decision of the executive committee of the Vologda Regional Council of Workers' Deputies dated November 26, 1964 N 642 "On the establishment of river beaver and muskrat reserves in the Belozersky, Ustyuzhensky, Gryazovetsky and Kharovsky districts ", a specially protected natural area of ​​regional significance by the state natural zoological reserve "Belozersky" in the Belozersky district of the Vologda region.

2. In connection with the expiration of the term, extend for a new ten-year period the functioning of the state natural zoological reserve "Belozersky" in the Belozersky district of the Vologda region.

3. Approve the Regulations on the specially protected natural area of ​​regional significance, the state natural zoological reserve "Belozersky" in the Belozersky district of the Vologda region (attached).

4. Clause 2 of the decision of the executive committee of the Vologda Regional Council of Working People's Deputies dated July 29, 1971 N 401 “On the Belozersky, Shemogodsky, Kharovsky, Totemsky and Vozhegodsky reserves” is declared invalid.

5. In paragraph 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Vologda Region dated November 19, 2002 N 754 “On state complex zoological (hunting) reserves” the words “within the boundaries approved by the decision of the small council of the Vologda Regional Council people's deputies dated June 9, 1992 N 179" shall be deleted.

6. This resolution comes into force ten days after the day of its official publication.

Governor of the region


Regional Governments
dated December 8, 2014 1114

I. General provisions

1.1. The name of the specially protected natural area is the state natural zoological reserve "Belozersky" in the Belozersky district of the Vologda region (hereinafter referred to as the reserve).

The reserve was formed by the decision of the executive committee of the Vologda Regional Council of Workers' Deputies dated November 26, 1964 N 642 "On the establishment of river beaver and muskrat reserves in the Belozersky, Ustyuzhensky, Gryazovetsky and Kharovsky districts."

1.2. Status: specially protected natural area of ​​regional (regional) significance.

1.4. Profile: biological (zoological).

1.5. The reserve is under the jurisdiction of the Department for the Protection, Control and Regulation of the Use of Fauna Objects of the Region (hereinafter referred to as the Department).

1.6. Financing of work on the maintenance and protection of the reserve is carried out within the budgetary allocations provided for in the regional budget for the next financial year, and other sources not prohibited by law.

1.7. Location and area: the reserve is located in the south-eastern part of the Belozersky district, south of Lake Azat. The area of ​​the reserve is 31,695 hectares.

1.8. Description of the boundaries of the reserve:

northern - from the village of Kema to the southeast along highway regional significance Betonka - Kema - Zvoz - Orlovo to the intersection with the Kurilovka stream, then to the northeast downstream along the left bank of the Kurilovka stream to the point where the stream flows into Lake Azatskoye, further east along the southern shore of Lake Azatskoye to the southeastern corner of the quarter 48 of the collective farm named after Lenin of the Belozerskoye rural district forestry of the Belozerskoye state forestry, then from the south-eastern corner of block 48 of the collective farm named after Lenin of the Belozerskoye rural district forestry of the Belozerskoye state forestry along the regional highway Karpovo - Kostino - Bakino - Buozero to the southeast to the village of Kostino, further from the village of Kostino to the east along the forest road Chertovo tract - the village of Kostino to the intersection with the northern border of block 72 of the Palkinsky district forestry of the Belozersk state forestry (hereinafter referred to as the Palkinsky district forestry), then to the southeast along the northern border of block 72 of the Palkinsky district forestry to the north -eastern corner of the specified quarter;

eastern - from the north-eastern corner of block 72 of the Palkinsky district forestry south along the eastern borders of blocks 72, 75, 85, 86, 97, 107 of the Palkinsky district forestry to the south-eastern corner of block 107 of the Palkinsky district forestry;

southern - from the southeastern corner of block 107 of the Palkinsky district forestry to the west along the southern borders of blocks 107, 106, 105, 104, 103, 102, 101, 100, 99 of the Palkinsky district forestry to the southwestern corner of block 99 of the Palkinsky district forestry;

western - from the southwestern corner of block 99 of the Palkinsky district forestry to the north along the highway Voskresenskoye village - Kema village through the village of Bechevinka to the village of Kema.

A specially protected natural area of ​​regional significance, the natural monument "Vaskin Bor" in the Belozersky district of the Vologda region, formed by the decision of the executive committee of the Vologda regional Council of People's Deputies of August 16, 1978 N 498 "On measures to strengthen the protection of valuable natural objects", is excluded from the boundaries of the reserve.

The regulations on the natural monument "Vaskin Bor", including a description of the boundaries of this specially protected natural area of ​​regional significance, were approved by Resolution of the Regional Government of October 18, 2010 N 1190.

1.9. A schematic map of the state natural zoological reserve "Belozersky" in the Belozersky district is given in the appendix to these Regulations.

II. Objectives and regime of protection of the territory of the reserve

2.1. The main objectives of the reserve are the conservation, restoration and reproduction of economically, scientifically and culturally valuable objects of the animal world classified as hunting objects, as well as rare and endangered species of animals, preservation of their habitat, nesting sites, and maintenance of ecological balance.

2.2. The following are prohibited on the territory of the reserve:

hunting, as well as the presence of individuals in the hunting grounds of the reserve with hunting tools and (or) hunting products, dogs of hunting breeds, birds of prey, with the exception of cases of regulating the number of wildlife objects in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

carrying out felling of forest plantations within a radius of 500 meters around capercaillie currents, as well as in forest strips with a width equal to the width of the water protection zone, along each bank of a river or other water body, inhabited by beavers, with the exception of selective felling of dead and damaged forest plantations;

collection of zoological, botanical and mineral collections, as well as paleontological objects;

procurement and collection of non-timber forest resources, procurement of food resources and collection medicinal plants, with the exception of the procurement and collection by citizens of these resources for their own needs;

burning of vegetation, storage and use of pesticides, fertilizers, other materials, raw materials and production wastes hazardous to wildlife and their habitats without taking measures to guarantee the prevention of diseases and death of wildlife, as well as deterioration of their habitat;

change hydrological regime territories;

littering of the territory and clogging of water bodies;

imploding works;

clearing clearings under communication and power lines and along pipelines from undergrowth of trees and shrubs during the breeding season of animals (from April 15 to June 15);

destruction and damage to full houses and other information signs.

III. Organization of protection of the reserve

3.1. Responsibilities for the protection of the reserve are assigned to the Department and state-financed organization Vologda region "Directorate for the protection and reproduction of fauna".

3.2. State administration in the field of organization and functioning of the reserve is carried out by the Department.

3.3. Violation of the established regime or rules for the protection and use of the environment and natural resources within the reserve entails civil, administrative and criminal liability established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.4. Damage caused natural objects and complexes within the boundaries of the reserve, is subject to compensation in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


to the Regulations

*Schematic map is not provided. - Database manufacturer's note.

The Belozersky State Natural Zoological Reserve was created for the purpose of protecting and reproducing the resources of game animals and their habitat.

Role in nature conservation

The reserve performs the functions of protection and reproduction of game species and their habitat. Protected species include: Siberian roe deer, elk, black grouse, badger, fauna included in the Red Books of the Russian Federation and the Kurgan Region. Competitors and enemies of protected species include: hooded crow, fox, wolf, raccoon dog.


The reserve operates within the following boundaries:
Northern and eastern - from the village. Borovskoye on the way to the village. Novodostovalovo to the river. Steep and along it to the northern edge of block 2 of the Sovetsky forestry enterprise of Borovsky forestry, then along the northern edges of blocks 2, 3, 1, 5, 11 - 17 of this forestry to the border with the Vargashinsky district and further along it to the nodal point located in the ravine at 1 .5 km east of the village of Novozaborka.
Southern and western - from the nodal point of the border of Belozersky and Vargashinsky districts, located in a ravine 1.5 km east of the village of Novozaborka, to the west along the ravine, and then along the stream to the village of Novozaborka and further along the road through the village. Zyuzino to the village. Borovskoe.
Geographic coordinates of extreme points.
55 51`23" N 66 00`23" E
55 42`57" N. 65 42`57" E.
55 39`036" N 65 48`38" E
55 50`15" N 66 04`03" E

View map

Object location:
Belozersky district, village Borovskoe.

Historical reference.
The ecological trail is laid in a specially protected natural area - in the Belozersky State Natural Zoological Reserve. The reserve is the oldest in the region; it was formed on December 23, 1971 by the decision of the Kurgan Regional Council of Workers' Deputies. Initially, this territory was chosen by specialists from the hunting department of the Kurgan region to preserve valuable game species. Before today The reserve has retained its profile – zoological. The main objects of protection are elk, Siberian roe deer, upland game, as well as rare and endangered species of animals and flora, included in the Red Data Books of the Russian Federation and the Kurgan Region. Its territory is interesting for its valuable natural complexes: nature is distinguished by its unique beauty and low degree of anthropogenic impact.

The ecological trail will be opened for visits in 2015. Excursion and educational activities on its territory are carried out by the State Institution “Territorial State Environmental Fund of the Kurgan Region”.

Description of the object:
The excursion on the Ecological Trail is designed for all age groups with any level of training: from primary schoolchildren to people of elegant age.

At the beginning of the trail, everyone who comes to it is greeted by an old forked pine tree with lyre-shaped trunks of golden color, standing on the edge of the forest. For thousands of years, man lived in peace and harmony with the Forest, from it he received all the resources he needed: heat, food, raw materials. With the development of civilization, humanity moves further and further away from its patron, the Forest, and thinks less and less about its well-being. The lyre-shaped pine is a symbol-reminder of the common origin of man and nature, man and tree, humanity and the Forest. Returning to the forest, becoming more attentive to the world around us is the main task ecological trail.

The appearance of double-peaked pines in the reserve, according to forest pathologists, is the activity of the largest animal of our fauna - the European elk. Animals bite off the apical shoot of young tree, which is then replaced by two side shoots. Indeed, the Belozersky reserve has been considered an “elk reserve” since its formation; for 45 years, a fairly high density of elk has been maintained on its territory.

During the journey along the trail, experienced guides will reveal the secrets of the forest and its inhabitants. Following the trail, you can admire the scenery pine forest park type, take great photos. Hilly terrain, wandering along the path forest river Borovlyanka adds not only landscape but also plant diversity to the route: during the excursion you can get acquainted with the main types of pine forest communities, as well as learn about the types of land suitable for habitat of protected animals and birds.

The main demonstration facilities at ecological trail are biotechnical objects designed to improve the habitat of animals protected here - feeders for wild ungulates, snowshoe hare, gray partridge, feeding tables and flutters for upland game, salt licks, nest boxes for owls, cackling grounds and many others. They are harmoniously arranged in the natural landscape of the reserve and are accompanied by information stands with detailed description diet of protected animals and birds, as well as why and when they are fed by the gamekeeper service of the reserve.

At the end of the trail, tourists will be able to see with their own eyes a beaver settlement - an entire residential complex equipped by these animals: huts - dwellings and dams made from trees cut down by them. Today the beaver has become a common species, but this was not always the case. The distribution of beavers in the Kurgan region is interesting experiment on reacclimatization forest type in forest-steppe conditions. The beaver's reacclimatization process has been very successful. Intensive growth in the number of the species began almost 30 years after the release of the animals. Today, these animals feel quite well in the reserve.

Signs and information stands are installed along the entire length of the trail, thanks to which the route is accessible to any traveler, even without the services of a guide.

A two-hour walk will allow you not only to learn a lot about the flora and fauna of the reserve, but also to enjoy the cleanest air, which has a healing effect thanks to the phytoncides of centuries-old boron. Natural beauty filled with birdsong restores peace of mind and gives strength to everyone traveling on the ecological trail.

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