Hunting season for upland game. When does duck hunting open?

Hunting season regulations are a prerequisite for maintaining the population of animals and birds in the regions of Russia. Violation of it entails heavy fines, including loss of license and confiscation of weapons. Therefore, it is necessary to find out in advance when you can hunt in the fall of 2018. But first you need to define the basic concepts.

Hunting seasons

Experienced hunters plan game trips 3-4 months before official permission. Information about this is posted on the Internet resources of the departments of the Ministry natural resources. The maximum permissible volume of production for each type of animal and the cost of a license for the production of limited game are also determined there.

It is important for a hunter to know such features for autumn season hunting:

  • Duration: from mid-August to November inclusive.
  • Time division by certain types animals. Mandatory compliance with acceptable production standards.
  • Timely payment of licenses for limited species of animals. Its size varies from 2,000 rubles (young boar) to 50 thousand rubles (male moose “at roar”).

The rules of the autumn hunting season are determined in each region separately, but taking into account current legislation. In some cases, the timing or amount of allowable harvest may be increased to control the population.

Hunter's calendar

For each type of animal or bird you need to prepare appropriate equipment. The size, permissible degree of damage, and the volume of future production (number of units) are taken into account. For beginners, this is the main problem - improper preparation for the autumn season will cause failure.

You need to decide in advance on the type of production:

  • Geese and ducks, upland bird. It can be hunted from August 20 to November 15.
  • Badger. Time is limited from August 15 to October 31. Hunting may be prohibited in some regions.
  • Wolf, fox, white hare. You can access them from September 15 to the end of February. For wolves, by special order, the season can be extended.
  • Boars. From June 1 to the end of December. The exception is females with offspring and young of the year. For them, the season opens on October 1.
  • Field game and swamp-meadow game. Hunting with a gun dog is permitted from August 5 to mid-November.

These are approximate dates exact time Please check with your local Ministry of Natural Resources office. There you can also find out the permitted hunting areas.


The best time for sport hunting with a gun dog. Peculiarities - good orientation in the area is required, you need to walk a lot, know the habits of the bird. Special requirements for shooting skill. By the end of the season, the birds become extremely timid and leave their homes at the slightest danger.

An alternative to a gun dog is to “trample” the bird. However, this method is ineffective in terms of production volume and is used only for sporting purposes. It is not suitable for a beginner.


Beginning of hunting upland bird species: capercaillie, black grouse. The best time is mid-September. At this time, the birds are not yet so timid, they readily respond to bait, and rarely change their roosting and feeding places. Shooting hazel grouse is also possible, although experienced hunters prefer larger trophies.

At the same time, the hare hunt begins. In popularity it is comparable only to duck. The place of fishing is fields or an area near a forest. Due to the specific behavior and color, finding a hare in dense thicket is problematic.


The most desirable season for many hunters is beginning - bear hunts are allowed. Best method- arrangement of a warehouse. You must first purchase a license. Requirements – correct calculation of the cartridge (), selection of the optimal location. Bears are sensitive to foreign odors and are very careful.

The permitted shooting of large animals also begins: wild boar, elk, deer. It is important to comply with the current regulations and follow the rules. Thus, it is strictly prohibited to kill a female bear that has cubs.


In the final month of the autumn hunting season, round-up hunting of ungulates - elk, roe deer, wild boar - will gain popularity. This is done when forming a snow cover for orientation around the area. It is important to prevent the appearance of a wounded animal that would escape from the hunters. In the future, such an animal, especially a bear or wild boar, will become a serious danger to people.

The video shows an example of proper game harvesting in compliance with hunting deadlines. In 2018, it is recommended to follow the same rules.

Autumn is the time when the young animals have grown enough, the ducks are actively feeding, stocking up on fat for upcoming flights.

There are several types of autumn hunting: from the approach; with semolina; with stuffed animals; with a decoy; on flights; on a day trip; on the lunar path.

Open season

Duck hunting season begins at last decade August. The birds are not yet frightened; the young live in flocks. During the day they hide in the bushes, in the evening they go to feed.

At the end of September, birds gather in large flocks to migrate south. At this time, they behave very carefully, and the hunter must try to return home with prey.

Rules for duck hunting in autumn

It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the autumn behavior of waterfowl, namely:

  • active feeding leads to an increase in the fat layer, fluff and feathers;
  • gregariousness;
  • caution;
  • changing periods of activity.

Seasonal changes also contribute environment. In this regard, the hunter must:

  • increase the amount of gunpowder and shot caliber to produce a lethal shot;
  • behave extremely quietly so as not to frighten the birds;
  • think over camouflage, because flying leaves and withered grass perfectly unmask the hunter.

Preparing for duck hunting in the fall

Preparation includes not only the selection of equipment, disguise and weapons. What does a hunter need to know?

  • appearance of birds that are allowed to be hunted in the area;
  • features of the terrain, habitats of birds (so that you don’t have to wander for a long time in search of game);
  • features of bird behavior;
  • hiding places (or places where hiding places can be placed).

You also need to hone your shooting skills. Especially if you don't hunt often.

Attention! There are species of ducks listed in the regional or national Red Book. Hunting them is strictly prohibited.

Ducks have excellent eyesight, so camouflage is vital. The following can serve as camouflage:

  • camouflage suits;
  • camouflage suits such as “kikimora”, “goblin”;
  • scrim;
  • ambushes (secrets).

In turn, there are different types of concealments: industrial-style and home-made.


  • huts;
  • umbrellas;
  • recumbent hides;
  • tents;
  • sitting hides (chair).

A camouflage suit must be chosen with a small pattern. The color of the camouflage should match the terrain in which you will be hunting.

Remember! For camouflage among dry grass or reeds, you should take a light camouflage, and for a swamp, a brown-green color.

It is necessary to camouflage both the gun and the boat if hunting is carried out from the water.

Features of autumn hunting

In autumn, lines of birds flock to warmer climes, so the hunter can catch not only the duck common to his area, but also its northern relatives. Sometimes, on calm ponds, bird colonies are formed from various types waterfowl.

Where to look for ducks in the fall

Ducks prefer freshwater bodies with dense tall vegetation - reeds, cattails. The bird uses shallow reservoirs for daytime and rest, but it feeds in deeper reservoirs. The next thing you should know is to ask the locals, carefully observe on your own where exactly in this body of water the birds feed.

Habits of a duck in autumn

In autumn, ducks are more careful and behave suspiciously. They have already gathered in large flocks for migration, so the chance that the hunter will be noticed by someone from the duck flock increases. Therefore, extreme caution should be taken.

Birds feed at sunset, sometimes at night, and during the day they rest in secluded places. Fattening time occurs approximately in the last hour before sunset and an hour or two before sunrise.

Hunting methods

Hunting methods vary. Exists:
from a boat;

  • from the shore;
  • chassis;
  • with a dog;
  • with stuffed animals;
  • with semolina;
  • with a decoy;
  • on flights.

With stuffed animals

Hunting with stuffed animals is a fairly common method, especially nowadays.
The stuffed animals are seated at a distance of at least 2-3 body lengths from each other - this is how the ducks are positioned when everything around is calm.

The hunter camouflages himself in a hidden area and waits until a flying flock, having noticed the scarecrows, goes down to the water to feed. Usually this is a morning hunt.

From the approach

Approach hunting requires more skill. The hunter must find the ducks hiding there in the thickets of reeds or grass, approach them at close range, scare them away, and shoot them in mid-air. To return with prey, you need to know about places where the desired game can hide, be able to walk a lot and quietly, camouflage well and shoot accurately.

With decoy

A duck call imitates the cry of a duck, so flying flocks, hearing it, descend onto the water. However, you also need to be able to work with a decoy. Before hunting, novice decoys must learn the “duck alphabet”, breathe correctly and decoy.

When hunting, you should not “quack” all the time. The simplest and most uncomplicated call is short, loud, and at regular intervals.

With a decoy

As the name implies, a decoy duck will lure prey. She, unlike silent stuffed animals, quacks, thereby attracting wild relatives.

Remember! Drakes that land on a decoy should be shot so as not to hit your duck.

The decoy should have a loud, clear voice and a color that should closely resemble its wild relatives. The method works great with two decoys that are planted so that they cannot see each other. However, they hear, and therefore actively “talk.” The bait is “tied” in shallow water so that it does not float away far.

From the boat

When walking hunting is not possible, a boat is used. Hunting from a boat requires the following skills:

  • silently steer the boat using oars and a pole;
  • searching for ducks;
  • accurate shooting, despite unfavorable conditions.

Usually there are two people hunting from a boat: one controls, the other stands ready with a gun. You should move against the wind. It is very important to remember about safety precautions in order to avoid accidents or “swimming” in a pond. Moreover, after such water procedures the gun will be lost.

How to shoot a duck in the fall

Autumn hunting is somewhat different from summer. In autumn, ducks are covered with a layer of subcutaneous fat, they have down, and the number of feathers has increased. Accordingly, all this is an additional obstacle for the fraction.


When hunting ducks, they use guns with a barrel length of up to 80 cm, choke and poluchok constrictions. Such a gun allows the hunter to catch game at a considerable distance.


The best option for duck hunting is 12 gauge. It is preferred due to the sharpness of the battle for maximum destructive power. Otherwise, the bird can only be wounded and it will fly away.


When loading a cartridge, use shot No. 4-7 depending on the size of the duck and the hunting season. In the autumn, when the birds have gained fat and acquired a solid down and feather robe, they use shot Nos. 3 and 4.

Also in connection with this, it is necessary to increase the amount of gunpowder. The size of the sample depends on the brand of gunpowder. For example, when using the Sokol brand, the weight will be 0.25 grams.

When you look at experienced hunters, it seems that they hunt ducks effortlessly. But hunting luck does not immediately smile on beginners. To make your hunt productive, you should listen to the advice of experienced people:

  • select weapons strictly individually;
  • pre-shoot and regularly practice shooting in the twilight;
  • You should move as quietly as possible, against the wind;
  • the optimal distance for shooting is 45-60 meters, no more;
  • stuffed animals should be as similar as possible to real ducks, not shiny;
  • place the scarecrow about 20 meters from the hide;
  • clothes should be as comfortable as possible so that you don’t sweat when walking and don’t freeze when sitting in a shelter;
  • use insecticides to avoid mosquitoes;
  • just shoot for sure; when you see a duck, you should not shoot at the noise in the reeds - it could be another hunter.

Video: Duck hunting in autumn

The summer-autumn season of hunting game birds in the Moscow region starts this Saturday. What standards for hunting game are established in the region, how to get a hunting license and where the best places for hunting are, read the material on the portal website.

You can shoot game in the forests near Moscow from August 12 to November 15. During this period, residents of the region will hunt waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field and pine forest game. However, to do this, you need to have a hunting license, weapons and hunting permit. More than 100 inspectors will monitor compliance with the order and rules of hunting in the Moscow region.

Production standards

Source:, lightandfresh

In the Moscow region, hunting for waterfowl (ducks, geese), marsh-meadow (snipe, snipe), field (partridge, quail, pigeon, dove) and upland (hazel grouse and woodcock) game is allowed. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Moscow Region, hunting is possible only within the permissible limits:

For upland game: hazel grouse - 2 individuals per day per hunter; woodcock - 5 individuals per day per hunter;

For field game: partridge - 2 individuals per day per hunter; quail - 10 individuals per day per hunter; wood pigeon, turtle dove - 5 individuals of each species per day per hunter;

For swamp-meadow game: snipe, great snipe - 10 individuals per day per hunter;

For waterfowl: ducks, geese - 5 individuals per day per hunter.

How to get a hunting license

Source: Photobank of the Moscow region, Inna Borovik

Only citizens registered in the region can obtain a hunting license in the Moscow region. To do this, you need to submit a written application () to the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services (MFC). The application must be accompanied by:

Identity document;

Information about registration at the place of residence;

Certificate of absence of an outstanding or unexpunged conviction for committing an intentional crime, issued by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region (if available);

Two personal photographs in black and white or color, 3 x 4 cm in size, with a clear image of the face strictly from the front without a headdress.

You can also submit your application to in electronic format through public services of the Moscow region. To do this, register on the portal. Then find the “Hunting Tickets” service and fill out the form.

The maximum period for providing the service is 5 working days. If the answer is positive, you can pick up a hunting license only at the MFC offices.

How to get a hunting permit

Source: RIAMO, Tatyana Korobeinik

A hunting permit will be required for those who plan to shoot game in public hunting grounds (OPOU). For service please contact territorial divisions State Hunting Supervision Ministry Agriculture and food of the Moscow region and the MFC. You can also request it through the government services portal by typing “Permit to extract hunting resources” in the search field.

To obtain permission, a citizen writes an application () and submits the following documents:

Passport or other identification document;

Hunting license;

Power of attorney to represent the interests of the applicant (if the application is submitted by a representative of the applicant).

The service is not provided free of charge. The state fee for obtaining a permit to extract hunting resources is 650 rubles.

The decision to issue a permit is made within 7 days. Permits are issued depending on the choice of place for hunting: when hunting in the Solnechnogorsk district educational institution at the address: Solnechnogorsk, st. Bankovskaya, 8; when hunting in the Shatura district recreational educational institution at the address: Shatura, Chernoozersky proezd, 2; when hunting in the administrative educational institution of the Shchelkovsky district at the address: Noginsky district, village. them. Vorovskogo, st. Rabochaya, 8A.

Where to hunt

Hunter's calendar for August 2017

The hunter's calendar for August is busy: duck hunting, goose hunting, wood grouse hunting, black grouse and other game birds open in August. The hunting season for waterfowl, forest, swamp-meadow, field, steppe and mountain game begins. Our hunter's calendar for August 2017 will tell you what hunting is allowed in August, what dates the summer-autumn hunt 2017 will take place, what ungulates can be hunted in August, when bear hunting begins in August. The hunter's calendar will remind you that hunting for wild boar, as well as marmot, gophers, hamsters and moles, continues in August. The main event included in the hunter’s calendar for August remains the opening of the 2017 autumn hunt in Peru.

Hunting calendar for August 2017

August. The fields are gilded, the grain is ripe, the meadows stacked with haystacks look spacious, cattle are grazing, the aroma of ripening apples and pears is in the air, mushroom pickers go on a quiet hunt. But not only them. August for a hunter is the most awaited month of the year. Broods of swamp, steppe, waterfowl and upland game quickly mature, therefore, as the hunter’s calendar says, August - best time for feather hunting. By the end of summer, young ducks have grown enough to fly and begin their feeding flights. Autumn migrations begin from one body of water to another and to the feeding grounds of geese. A pointing dog will be an excellent assistant when hunting swamp and forest game, steppe and field game. Fans of hunting with birds of prey can also go hunting.

Opening of waterfowl hunting in August: duck hunting in August

Hunting in August 2017

The hunter's calendar for August reports the opening of many types of hunting this month, so the question of who to hunt in August is very relevant, especially for young hunters. Nexplorer has compiled for you a clear hunter's calendar for August 2017, in which you can find a lot useful information not only about the opening of the autumn hunt 2017, but also about the life of animals and birds in the last summer month. So, the hunter’s calendar for August 2017 records:

Opening of hunting in August - Hunter's calendar for August

Bird hunting 2017

The opening of hunting for waterfowl, upland, swamp-meadow, field, steppe and mountain game in August occurs, as a rule, on the second or third Saturday of August, depending on the region. However, due to fire conditions or other valid reasons, the dates of the hunt may be postponed. According to the Hunting Rules in Russia, the opening of the hunting season occurs on the following dates:
  • 41.1. Hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe and mountain game in the territories of the Khabarovsk Territory, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Amur Region, the Kurgan Region, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Komi Republic, Vologda region, Leningrad region, Novgorod region, Republic of Karelia, Bryansk region, Kaliningrad region, Kaluga region, Moscow region, Nizhny Novgorod region, Oryol region, Penza region, Pskov Region, Republic of Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Republic of Kalmykia, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Chechen Republic, Stavropol Territory, Astrakhan Region is allowed during from the second Saturday of August to December 31;
  • 41.2. hunting for waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe and mountain game on the territories of the subjects Russian Federation, not specified in the previous paragraph opens during the period;
  • 41.3. upland game hunting in the territories of the Republic of Karelia, Kaliningrad region, Pskov region, Komi Republic, Novgorod region, Leningrad region, Arkhangelsk region, Vologda region, Murmansk region, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Kostroma region, Tver region, Kirov region, Nizhny Novgorod region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Irkutsk region, Omsk region, Republic of Buryatia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tomsk region, Novosibirsk region, Trans-Baikal Territory, Kamchatka region, Magadan Region, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Jewish Autonomous Region, Amur Region opens during from the third Saturday of August to February 28 (29);
  • 41.4. hunting for white and tundra partridge in the territories of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is allowed during the period from the third Saturday of August to April 20;
  • 41.6. upland game hunting in the territories of constituent entities of the Russian Federation not specified in paragraph 41.3 of these Rules, opens during the period from the third Saturday of August to December 31.
In August, waterfowl hunting opens with island and continental pointing dogs, retrievers, spaniels (hereinafter referred to as gun dogs), and birds of prey:
  • from 2017, hunting for waterfowl with dogs of hunting breeds without hunting firearms and (or) pneumatic weapons opens earlier - from August 1, instead of the second or third Saturday of August, as was previously the case.
The Hunter's Calendar for August notes that:
  • upland game includes wood grouse, black grouse, hazel grouse, white and tundra partridge, woodcock;
  • marsh-meadow game includes great snipe, snipe, horned snipe, turukhtan, grasscrake, lapwing, tules, snapper, snails, godwit, curlew, morodunka, turnstone, corncrake, rail, common crake;
  • waterfowl include geese, geese, ducks, coot, and moorhen;
  • steppe and field game include gray and bearded partridges, quail, sajah, pheasants, pigeons and turtle doves;
  • mountain game includes chukars and snowcocks;
  • other game includes loons, cormorants, skuas, gulls, terns, auks, classified as game animals in order to ensure the maintenance of a traditional way of life and the implementation of traditional economic activity indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East Russian Federation.

Hunting for ungulates in August 2017

According to the Hunting Rules, hunting for many species of ungulates opens in August; the hunter’s calendar for August asks you to be careful:
  • Hunting for the wild reindeer All age and sex groups are allowed from August 1 to March 15, 2017.
  • The hunt for Siberian roe deer (adult males) will last from August 25 to September 20, 2017.
  • Hunting for saiga (all age and sex groups) is permitted from August 1 to September 30, 2017.
  • Hunting for musk ox (all age and sex groups) is possible from August 1 to November 30, 2017.
  • Hunting for chamois (all age and sex groups) from August 1 to November 30, 2017.
  • Hunting for Siberian mountain goat all age and gender groups is open from August 1 to November 30, 2017.
  • Hunting for tur (all sex and age groups) lasts from August 1 to November 30, 2017.
  • Hunting for bighorn sheep (all age and sex groups) is permitted from August 1 to November 30, 2017.

Bear hunt in August 2017

According to the hunter's calendar for August, the opening of the autumn bear hunt falls on August 1, and the hunt starts not only for brown bear, but also in Himalayan:
  • Hunting for brown bear from August 1 to November 30, 2017.
  • Hunting for the Himalayan (white-breasted) bear from August 1 to November 30, 2017.

Hunting for fur animals in August 2017

The hunter's calendar for August emphasizes that in August, according to the new hunting rules, the hunting season opens for the following fur-bearing animals:
  • Badger - from August 15 to October 31;
  • Mink (European, American), squirrels, raccoon dog, marten (forest, stone), polecat (forest, steppe) - from the third Saturday of August to February 28 (29).

Continuation of the hunt in August - Hunter's calendar for August

  • as the hunter’s calendar for August 2017 says, hunting for swamp and meadow game continues;
  • hunting for European roe deer (adult males) lasts from July 15 to August 15, 2017;
  • From June 1 to January 15, wild boar hunting continues (all age and sex groups) in the Primorsky Territory;
  • From June 1 to February 28 (29), wild boar hunting continues (all age and sex groups) in all territories of Russia;
  • From June 1 to October 25, mole hunting continues (common mole, Siberian mole, small mole, Caucasian mole.
  • From July 1 to September 30, the hunting season for the marmot (steppe, gray, Kamchatka, Mongolian (Tarbagan)) and the hunting season for the ground squirrel (large, small, Transbaikal, speckled, red-cheeked, long-tailed, American, Caucasian, with the exception of the sandstone ground squirrel) last ) and a hamster.

Opening of bear hunting in August: bear hunting on oats

Life of animals in August, hunter's calendar for August

August... At dawn, the howling of wolves can be heard more and more often in deep forest areas. The time has come for the roe deer to rut. The opening of the summer-autumn hunt begins with the morning duck dawn. And how exciting it is to hunt with gun dogs - pointers, spaniels, retrievers. Hunters move from duck areas to the meadow in search of red game - great snipe, snipe, corncrake. Hunting is good for quails and broods of gray partridge. In forest areas, hunters with dogs rush to get around familiar broods of grouse. In August, the oats have grown, ripened, and bear hunting begins from the storage sheds.

Bear, bear hunting is allowed in August
In August, the bear visits oat fields located in the middle of the forest or on the edge of remote areas. A storage shed for bear hunting in August is built not far from the leeward side of the animal’s path. Hunters can hide right in the oats. It happens that a bear constantly visits several clearings, then where hunters will not be on duty, you can put scarecrows, hang rags on poles, old clothes. In the fall, the bear is especially careful, so sit without moving and without raising your gun until you allow the animal to take the right shot. If you make some noise, it won’t be long before the bear decides to go out on those oats again.

Siberian roe deer, hunting for adult male Siberian roe deer is allowed in August
The hunter's calendar for August suggests that the Siberian roe deer lives in forests, gravitating to places with rich vegetation along the floodplains of streams or rivers. It adheres to light forests with well-developed undergrowth and regrowth, with clearings and overgrown clearings and old burnt areas. Except herbaceous plants feeds on shoots and buds of birch, aspen, linden, ash, oak and pine needles. Often eats mushrooms, lichens, acorns, berries, and fruits. The rut of the Siberian roe deer occurs in August - September. The most massive horns are found in 4-8 year old males. Roe deer have the largest horns Southern Urals, Altai and Cisbaikalia.
Wild boar, wild boar hunting is allowed in August
The hunter's calendar reminds us that in August they practice hunting wild boar from ambush on feed fields. As the hunter's calendar for August says, at this time of year wild boars can fatten in both oat and potato fields. You need to find such a field and carefully examine its edges. Boars do not like open places for transitions and exits, so start inspecting from the side where the field is as close as possible to the woodland or forest. It is best to inspect the field in the morning; wild boars have a very well-developed sense of smell, and if you visit the field just before the hunt, you will certainly leave your scent there, the wild boars will smell it and will definitely not come out to the field.

Badger, badger hunting is allowed in August
The hunter's calendar for August notes that the badger cubs are still a brood, but in some places in the southern regions they are already separated from their parents. Badgers shed slowly and gradually throughout the summer. In June and July, the badger gradually loses guard hairs, starting from the hind legs, back of the body and tail. In August, the loss of old fur ends and at the same time a new coat appears. At the beginning of October, the fur of the animal reaches its final development. Therefore, hunting a badger for the sake of good fur will be more successful no earlier than October, when you can get the output skin and when the animal is getting very fat.

Wolf, wolf hunting in August is determined by regional authorities
The wolf cubs are growing up quickly and can now be exterminated in raids. Before hunting, it is necessary to make several sublimations to determine where the den is located. The howl of the seasoned one is low, viscous and strong; the she-wolf howls in a higher voice; pereyarki - in thin, melodious voices; the arrived ones are quite puppy-like, with squealing and barking. If, when wooing (luring) the wolves do not respond with the voice of a seasoned one, they howl with the voice of a she-wolf, to which both the young and the young ones respond. If a roundup is organized without an experienced huntsman, and the hunters do not know how to kill an animal or do not do it well enough, then it is best to limit oneself to overhearing.

Lynx, lynx hunting is prohibited in August
The hunter's calendar for August records that in August young lynxes go hunting with the entire brood together with their mother. On their fur, which has taken on a reddish tint, darker spots noticeably appear. Lynx is a serious enemy for many animals. This big cat can hunt deer, roe deer can attack, in rare cases, for moose. The lynx moves more often through trees. The predator feeds on all kinds of animals: from the smallest to deer and elk inclusive. It hunts birds, causing significant devastation among useful game animals.

Fox, fox hunting is prohibited in August
The hunter's calendar for August notes that strong fox cubs in August hunt for mice, game and small animals together with their parents, as well as separately from old foxes. With the end of harvesting in the field, foxes avoid open spaces where the crops have already been harvested and move into overgrown beams, litter, reeds and bushes. Fox cubs grow quickly, and already in August they are difficult to distinguish from an adult animal from a distance. According to the hunter's calendar for August, in the last days of the month the fur of fox cubs gradually turns red. Old foxes also begin to change color.

Raccoon, raccoon hunting is prohibited in August
In August - September, at the age of 4-5 months, young raccoons become independent, but sometimes the brood remains with the mother until winter. Growing animals need more and more food; in fur color and growth they gradually approach adult raccoons. In the second half of summer and autumn, the raccoon prefers plant foods. The raccoon's main animal food is insects and frogs, less commonly reptiles (snakes, lizards), crayfish and crabs, fish, rodents and bird eggs. The plant diet consists of berries, acorns, nuts and fruits. Before eating, a raccoon sometimes rinses its food in water.

Hare, hare hunting is prohibited in August
According to the hunter's calendar for August, in the southern regions, and in some places in middle lane It's time for the hares to have their third litter. White hares now stay mainly in small forests and in dry overgrown swamps, and brown hares, according to the hunter's calendar for August, prefer to stay in grain fields until harvest, and then near fields, along forest edges and bushes. The brown hare in Russia and Siberia is considered the most close-up view. Its body weight is 4 - 6 kg. The length of the body is 55 - 68 cm. The hare is characterized by a yellowish-red color of fur. It is never white, even in winter.

Opening of autumn hunting for upland game in August: woodcock hunting

Bird life in August, hunter's calendar for August

August brings its own changes to the lives of birds. Everyone is preparing for winter. As the heat dropped, the birds fell silent. The chicks have grown up. Swifts, cuckoos, nightingales, and warblers leave us for the winter. Quails and corncrakes are preparing to fly away. Usually in the northern regions they begin to migrate south at the end of August. In some years, corncrakes leave our region and migrate further south already in mid-August. In the last days of the month, urban and barn swallows. And the 2017 summer/autumn hunt for game birds opens in the hunting grounds. By the end of August, as a rule, hunting for waterfowl, upland, swamp-meadow, field, steppe and mountain game is already open everywhere, unless the hunting dates have been postponed for good reasons.

Wood grouse, wood grouse hunting is allowed in August
According to the hunter's calendar, in August the molting of old wood grouse comes to an end, and young cockerels begin to develop black feathers.
Capercaillie broods are at this time in a tall forest with dense undergrowth. At dawn they go out to feed in the berry fields, where they are hunted with a gun dog. However, the work of the pointer and the spaniel is difficult because they have to look for birds among the tall thick grass, huge ferns and forest thickets. The wood grouse often tries to take the dog aside, pretending to be wounded, flies up and falls to the ground again. However, the experienced dog does not fall for this trick and continues the search. The capercaillies first run away from the dog, and then take off noisily. But seasoned cockerels often stray from the brood during feeding, diverging far in different directions. When caught by a dog, they hide in the grass, and then they can be raised one by one.
Occasionally, during this hunt, an old capercaillie that has already moulted is encountered. He runs very quickly from the dog and tries to fly far into the forest. But an experienced dog, having made a wide circle, cuts the bird off from the thickets, and the gaping swindler is forced to take off between the dog and the hunter.

Grouse, grouse hunting is allowed in August
Molted orcas, having changed their feathers, emerge from the thickets. The young grouse have fully fledged and become flightable. Broods stay in the summer close to crops and berry fields, in deciduous and mixed forests, in clearings and burnt areas with elongated succulent growth and thick grass cover. Grouse are also often found in coniferous moss swamps, interspersed with dry manes rich in blueberries, lingonberries and boneberries. Required condition The location of the brood should be close to thickets, where it is possible to escape from a predator and there is enough shade to hide from the sun on a hot afternoon. The best shooting for grouse is from under a multi-faced pointing dog or a tireless, energetic spaniel. The hunt for grouse begins shortly after sunrise, when the dew is no longer so thick and the grouse give a trail. During the day, black grouse climb into the shady thicket, it can be very difficult to lift them, and they fly out in such support that it is impossible to shoot.
Evening hunting begins around 4 pm, when the broods go out to feed again. Particularly interesting is shooting at a scattered brood, when the dog finds each bird separately.
If the brood rises together and immediately scatters widely throughout the forest, you need to call the dog back and sit under a tree for half an hour. The grouse will soon begin to call the chicks, and they will again gather not far from the place where they were raised. And then you can start hunting again.
Sometimes in the forest near the berry patches an old scythe is raised. He behaves in the same way as a capercaillie, trying to escape on foot, and his shooting is associated with the same difficulties.
Grouse are easy to wound, and in the summer they are shot with shot Nos. 7 and 8. For an old scythe, shot two numbers larger is needed.
The location of broods of black grouse and wood grouse is quite constant. This allows hunters to look for debris in dewy grass, dropped feathers and digging holes to find where these birds hang out the most.

Hazel grouse, hunting for hazel grouse is allowed in August
The hunter's calendar for August notes that the hazel grouse at this time stays with the entire brood in the area of ​​its nesting area. They look for hazel grouse in clearings, small clearings and paths where birds feed on berry fields. Here, sometimes it is possible to shoot on takeoff, but, most importantly, it is easier to see where the moved bird landed. If the hazel grouse have risen into the thicket, then the hunter goes in the direction where the characteristic noise of the wings has stopped, and carefully examines the crowns of the trees.
The unfrightened brood first flies a short distance and sits on trees: most often on the middle and upper branches. The young sit openly, sometimes stepping on a branch or even chirping. Old hazel grouse like to hide, clinging to a branch, and then it can be especially difficult to see them.
When approaching a tree where a hazel grouse has perched, you must walk slowly, without stopping and as if sideways, until you approach the shot. It is often possible to approach the relocated hazel grouse one or two more times, then they fly far into the forest, and it can be almost impossible to find them.
They rarely walk around litters with a dog; most often they are raised while hunting other game. The best friend here will be a spaniel: the hazel grouse cannot withstand the stance of a pointer and flies far away from the loud, assertive voice of the husky pursuing the bird during its flight. They shoot hazel grouse with shot No. 7.

Ptarmigan, hunting for white and tundra partridge in August is allowed in the territories of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) from the third Saturday of August to April 20.
It is found in pine moss forests, rich in cranberries, cloudberries, and gonobobel. It often comes out of the swamp to feed on lingonberries and other wild berries, and to bathe in dust and sand in digging holes; visits crops located on the outskirts of moss mushrooms.
The broods of partridges are more numerous than those of black grouse, and they do not break up for a longer time. Even at the end of September you can meet birds in a friendly brood and hunt them with a gun dog. The flight of partridges is even - sometimes for a short time they seem to soar, creeping in the air. Partridges are not as difficult to shoot as grouse, also because they are found in more open places with low vegetation and fly into half a tree.
The male partridge is always with the brood, carefully protecting it from danger. It rises on the wing to the side, distracting attention with a wild loud cackle, not typical of any of these birds.
Starok should be spared so as not to transfer permanent broods to this swamp.

Gray partridge, hunting for gray partridge is allowed in August
The chicks of gray partridges are all already flying; their number in one brood is much greater than that of other chickens. Partridges do not like monotonous terrain, preferring alternating crops, fields crossed by ravines, borders, and groups of bushes.
Hunting for gray partridge opens in August, so it’s a good idea to do preliminary reconnaissance without a gun in advance with a good gun dog to find out where the broods are kept.

Quail, quail hunting is allowed in August
Broods and adult birds mostly stay alone. After mowing and harvesting the grain, the quails move to oat fields, buckwheat, millet, and potato fields. They are also found in stubble and meadows adjacent to crops. The best hunting is with a gun dog. The quail lets it come close, the bird's flight is straight, even, and it is not difficult to shoot. In the absence of a dog, quail were previously hunted by trampling and with a cord or long rope. To do this, two hunters tie a 30-meter cord to their belts and drag it. Weights or bells are sometimes tied to the cord on short leashes to scare away all the sitting quails.

Woodcock, woodcock hunting is permitted in August
Adult woodcocks and flight broods stay during the day in the damp, shady black forest, and shooting them with a gun dog is most often done along the way, during other hunts. They also hunt woodcocks during their evening flights. Shooting here is especially difficult because the bird does not fly over the peaks, as in the spring, but into half a tree, and the flight begins already at dusk. At the end of the month, woodcocks from the black forest gradually move to wet forest edges, bushy ravines and copses, to their favorite places for their autumn rashes.

Duck, duck hunting is allowed in August
As the hunter's calendar for August says, most of the broods are already on the wing, although, as an exception, sometimes still flightless ducklings - flappers - are found.
Summer duck hunting begins with an approach, under the cover of coastal bushes and reeds, as well as watching for ducks near shallow reaches, where broods feed at dawn, and even during the day. The most interesting thing is shooting ducks from under a spaniel or a husky - dogs that do not make a stance, but serve dead ducks and catch up with wounded animals. Having let the dog search the reeds and marsh bushes, the hunter walks parallel with it, shooting ducks as they take off, or goes forward and stands near long channels and gaps in the marsh vegetation, which can be crossed by birds that stubbornly refuse to take wing.
Among the swamps with an unsteady grass cover on which you can walk freely, there are here and there bottomless windows and bogs. Therefore, a young hunter in unfamiliar places must be very careful. It is even better to hunt together or in a small group, so that if necessary, you can help a friend.
Hunting on a boat from a ramp is always more successful in windy weather, when the rustling of the reeds makes it easier to approach the game. The person standing at the stern of the boat is raked or pushed with a long oar - a paddle. The hunter, ready to shoot, is in front. Appearing suddenly in the reeds where the bird is resting, or near an open stretch, the boat causes a commotion among the feeding ducks. On the rise, the mallard and other large ducks are quite slow, and shooting at them is not difficult if the boat moves smoothly, without jolts.
From the second half of the month, duck migrations to fields and feeding pools begin.

Goose, goose hunting is allowed in August
According to the hunter's calendar for August, molted old geese, along with their broods, begin to gather in herds and make flights to feeding areas and river sands. Here the hunter guards them, hiding behind some kind of cover. Sometimes it is possible to sneak up or drive a boat up from behind the reeds to birds sleeping on the water or lake shallows.

Moorhen and coot, hunting for coot is allowed in August
On lakes and large swamps with a mirror clean water and reeds, on oxbow lakes and slowly flowing rivers, replete with quiet backwaters and water thickets, moorhens and coots are also shot along with ducks. They are very cautious, cleverly hiding among marsh plants, and after rising they fly quietly and low above the water. They also hunt them by stealth and from ambush near clear reaches, to which the birds swim out and fly out of the reeds.

Great snipe, great snipe hunting is allowed in August
By August, as the hunter’s calendar notes, great snipe broods are already moving from swampy thickets, thickets and reeds to more open, damp places, with hollows and low grass cover. The bird avoids swampy, rusty and mossy swamps.
From the first days of the season, shooting of the local snipe begins, and at the end of the month, classic hunting with a dog on the ramparts for the migratory snipe begins.

Snipe, snipe hunting is allowed in August
Snipes that have moved from the marsh support stay in damp, rusty lowlands with peaty soil overgrown with sedge and other marsh grass. Very often found in sedge meadows and near livestock pastures located on the outskirts of the swamp. The snipe is less picky when choosing where to stay and is found in almost any swamp much more often than the great snipe. The August snipe withstands the dog's stance less well and often breaks out of the shot with a characteristic “smacking”. Better conditions for hunting they are created a little later, during the autumn migration.

Crakes, rails, crakes and hunting for them in August
Along with snipe and great snipe, in wet unmown meadows and along the banks of streams, rivers and other bodies of water, you will also find corncrakes, rails and crakes - marsh hens. These birds always try to escape in the tall, dense grass and are reluctant to take off. Therefore, it is better to avoid letting a young first-generation dog go through them, so as not to teach it to chase game and not to spoil its search and stance. Shooting these birds when rising is not difficult due to their slow, heavy and very level flight.
Waders: curlews, turukhtans, godwits, snails and all other waders Most often they shoot along the way during other hunts. Hidden hunting along the banks of rivers and near large sand and mud banks can be very successful. The use of profiles cut from tin or plywood and painted to match various types of waders will significantly improve the results of such a hunt. Along the banks of narrow rivers, hunting is also carried out together - by drive. Noticing a flock of waders from afar, one hunter makes a wide circle and, going out again to the shore, sits down behind the shelter. After this, another hunter comes in from the opposite direction and scares away the birds, driving them towards the shooter.
Wild pigeons, hunting wild pigeons is allowed in August
Wood pigeons and pigeons (more rarely, turtle doves) begin migrating to grain fields; Pea and buckwheat crops are especially frequently visited. Herds of birds sit on sheaves and stacks that have not yet been removed, or feed in fields and fresh pasture, where they are hunted from the approach and entrance. Wild pigeons also love to rest on the same large and tall, very often dry trees, standing in the middle or near the food fields. Here you can hide or make a hut and shoot birds on the perch and in flight. In deciduous and mixed forests where pigeons nest and stay, approach hunting is also possible.

For everyone who loves hunting, the most painful periods are the off-season, when hunting is prohibited. However, already, starting from mid-summer, active preparations begin, there is a noticeable increase in visitors to hunting stores, requests for specialized sites on the Internet are becoming more frequent, and men are increasingly gathering in groups of similar interests, discussing the upcoming season. But for it to really be successful and not bring disappointment, you need to know exactly when the hunt opens in 2019, and also follow the established rules. And, of course, prepare well for the season.

What date does hunting open in 2019?

The timing of the opening of the autumn hunting season is determined by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2010 N 512 On approval of the Hunting Rules.

According to the Hunting Rules, the following hunting periods are established:

Clause 41.1 of the Hunting Rules. For waterfowl, marsh-meadow, field, steppe and mountain game from the second Saturday of August to December 31 in the territories of the Khabarovsk Territory, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Amur Region, the Kurgan Region, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Komi Republic, the Vologda Region , Leningrad region, Novgorod region, Republic of Karelia, Bryansk region, Kaliningrad region, Kaluga region, Moscow region, Nizhny Novgorod region, Oryol region, Penza region, Pskov region, Republic of Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Republic of Kalmykia, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Chechen Republic, Stavropol Territory, Astrakhan Region;

41.2. For waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe and mountain game during the period from the third Saturday of August to December 31 in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation not specified in paragraph 41.1 of these Rules;

41.3. For upland game from the third Saturday of August to February 28 (29) in the territories of the Republic of Karelia, Kaliningrad region, Pskov region, Komi Republic, Novgorod region, Leningrad region, Arkhangelsk region, Vologda region, Murmansk region, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Kostroma region, Tver region, Kirov region, Nizhny Novgorod region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug , Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Irkutsk Region, Omsk Region, Republic of Buryatia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tomsk Region, Novosibirsk Region, Transbaikal Territory, Kamchatka Territory, Magadan Region, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Jewish Autonomous Region, Amur Region;

41.4. for white and tundra partridge from the third Saturday of August to April 20 in the territories of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);

41.5. for scoters (humpbacked and common) from June 1 to June 4 on the territory of the Amginsky, Gorny, Kobyaisky, Megino-Kangalassky, Namsky, Tattinsky, Ust-Aldansky, Churapchinsky districts of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);

41.6. for upland game from the third Saturday of August to December 31 on the territories of constituent entities of the Russian Federation not specified in paragraph 41.3 of these Rules.

As for more exact dates, then they are determined by each subject of the Federation separately.

When did hunting open in Rus'?

But all this is in 2019. But in former times in Russia, hunting opened on the day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, June 31 according to the old style or July 12 according to the new style. And there were two main reasons for this. Firstly, on July 11, the Apostolic Fast ends, which sometimes lasted several weeks, and therefore, from this day it was already possible to start drinking wine, eating meat, including game, and also begin to enjoy life in all its manifestations, in including enjoying the delights of hunting. And every hunter knows that the opening of a new season is a real holiday for those who love this business. It is not surprising that large, noisy companies went out for the first hunt. According to Russian writers who describe this event in their works, there were sometimes significantly more hunters in the swamps than game. In the middle of the day, the hunters gathered at a rest stop and began to jointly celebrate the beginning of the hunting season, brag about their successes, tell various stories and, of course, drink and eat copiously. This was especially pleasant after a long fast.

But there was another reason to start hunting at this time. By the beginning of July, most ducks and snipes had not only managed to hatch their broods, but even put them on the wing. Consequently, the young animals became a fully-fledged object for hunting. Ornithological specialists confirm that mallards, teals and snipes are already flying quite confidently after the first ten days of July in the new style. Of course, young animals from later broods are still hiding in the reeds and creeks, and the black grouse and wood grouse have not yet had time to fly. But, firstly, in those times in question, there was much more game, and secondly, a real professional hunter would never stoop to shooting chicks or their uterus. This was considered the greatest shame.

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