Origins of Khopr. Sights of the Penza region. Simonov Denis Yurievich Problems of Khopr purity

By nature conservation, the Russian Geographical Society understands a set of public measures that contribute to the conservation natural environment on the territory of our Motherland. The Company’s environmental activities are implemented through examples careful attitude to nature through scientific, educational and practical events.

By developing a public environmental initiative aimed at involving the public in the problems of the water basin of our region and following the long-term adopted Strategy of the Russian Geographical Society, The Penza regional branch carries out practical activities that actively contribute to the formation of a responsible attitude towards nature in the residents of our region.

On September 22, 2012, as part of cooperation between the Penza regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society and the REN-TV channel, a joint trip to the source of the Khoper River was organized to film a popular science film. This marked the beginning of the implementation of joint media projects about the nature of the Penza region, aimed at disseminating knowledge and geography, developing scientific tourism and forming environmental awareness among residents of our region.

“It is our duty to draw close public attention to the wonderful and great Khoper River, which originates near our regional center. The Khoper is one of the cleanest rivers in Europe, and this is confirmed if you visit its sources. Fourteen crystal streams flowing from under a hillock clean water, which combine into a stormy and transparent stream, have strong energy. There is something great and primal about it. Streams of water, rushing into the distance for a thousand kilometers before flowing into the Don, bring life and nourish fertility large territory our country",- Igor Pantyushov, head of the regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society, reasoned while watching the flow of water from the source.

Khoper is attractive for tourists. The head of the Penza city tourist club, Vladimir Mishchenkov, has repeatedly rafted down the river. The next year for the Penza regional department should be full of alloys dedicated to the study of Khopr.

« The first information about Khoper is found in the chronicle of 1148. Prince Gleb Yuryevich, going to Ryazan, was also on the Great Crow (at that time Khoper was called that). In 1389 the river was called Prokhor. This is mentioned in the diary of Ignatius Smolyanin, who accompanied Metropolitan Pimen to Constantinople. But these are not the only names of the river. There were also others: Khoport, Koport, Kopor...",- Vladimir Mishchenkov, a member of the Russian Geographical Society, shared his knowledge.

Khoper is one of the rivers in southeast Russia that is most attractive for kayaking and water recreation. Almost along its entire length (1008 km) the Khoper flows in a sandy riverbed and retains its advantages as a kayak river. The Khopra Valley is dressed, as a rule, by the rich deciduous forests(oak, linden, elm, most often willow and sedge near water); In the middle reaches, pine groves are also common. The Khopra floodplain forests within the Saratov region are especially rich and extensive. There are many lakes and oxbow lakes in the floodplain, and wild cherries, apple trees, and pears in the forests.

For reference:

Length 1008 km, basin area 61,100 km². The food is predominantly snowy. High water in April - May. The highest water flow is 3720 m³/s, the lowest during low water is 45.4 m³/s. average consumption water 150 m³/s. It freezes in December and opens in late March - early April. In some years, ice cover is unstable. Width up to 100 m, depth up to 17 m. The bottom is usually sandy; The current is fast.

While at the source of the Khopra, in addition to working on filming, members of the Russian Geographical Society cleaned the area near the Source from the garbage that vacationers left behind.

“This is our constant problem - it is difficult to collect garbage in a bag and take it with you so that you can throw it away later on the way to a container. In general, we need to do environmental monitoring of natural objects, thereby we can save our motherland», - stated member of the Russian Geographical Society Roman Kashin

"The source of Khopr, giving life great river- is rightfully our property, as the purest symbol of the birth of the Great. It is here at the Source that you realize your unity with nature and are imbued with a feeling of love and pride that you are part of it», - continued Roman Anatolyevich.

One of the Khopra streams

Located at the junction of the watershed of two giant water pools— Volzhsky and Donskoy, our region is unique in terms of its geographical location. Rivers such as Khoper, Vorona, Chembar originate on our land, and each of us witnesses the birth large rivers, feeding the Caspian and Atlantic with their energy, giving life to many representatives of our flora and fauna.

The task of the Russian Geographical Society is to instill in people a love for our nature, teach them to treat it with care and tell them how beautiful it is. The participation of the residents themselves in environmental activities, love and good attitude towards their native land guarantees further decent life us and our future generations in harmony with the amazing world around us.

Prepared by: Secretary of the Branch Council Maxim Lapin
Photos by Roman Kashin

Origins of Khopr - amazing place. Twelve clear and sonorous springs give rise to one of the cleanest rivers in Europe - the Khopru, a tributary of the Quiet Don. Through the efforts of Myasnikov G.V. At the source of the Khopr there is a sculpture of Grandfather Khopr, a mill and the Forester's House. Origins of Khopr long years were a place of pilgrimage for tourists.

Origins of Khopr. How it all began. From the memoirs of Myasnikov G.V. 1972

June 1st. Several conversations, and I left for the Kamensky district for origins of Khopr with Vaneev, Sidorenko, Ovtov. A beautiful pit with cold streams. Hopper begins immediately. We decided to [plan] an arch and a map of the Khopr before it flows into the Don, a hotel, the top of the pit - trees, paths. The figure of a young man is the image of Khopr. The bottom of the pit is concrete and weeping willows. "The Eternal Wheel" (Page 130).

August 21. At about 16.00 I went to the source of the Khopra. Things are going slowly and poorly. They made a lousy staircase with paths. S An. The brave ones [examined] the sculpture of Khopr. Majestic and healthy, a kind of Moses. I praised it, but... everything in the design needs to be reconsidered for her. Maybe [connect] Popryadukhin? With such a sculpture you simply can’t decide! (Page 138).

August 22. I didn’t sleep until 3 in the morning, Khopr’s figure excited me. Somehow I felt uneasy and ashamed that in a big matter they almost made a gross mistake. [Initially] they decided to do something in a rustic way, but the figure dismissed the hackwork. You need a competent architectural solution, strict engineering and construction calculations, and a competent engineering solution for concrete. It’s a shame that they didn’t start with this, but the boy sculptor unexpectedly pushed [on the right path]. True, there are also certain patterns: big things start from small things; Once started, it is difficult to finish, the process of creation gives rise to new thoughts, and the practice of creation tests the accuracy of ideas.
He stood up with a heavy head. It's stuffy again! Did some current work. At 12.00, I assembled a team at the source of the Khopra: Gribov, Popryadukhin, Gipromash, Stroydetal. He told me about his doubts and asked to go to the place and give new proposals. I didn’t impose anything in advance. I sent V.M. Smachny with them. (Page 138).

August 30. Reviewed the project the origins of Khopr. There are some good thoughts and suggestions. (Page 141).

September 5. I watched the project again "the origins of Khopr A". It's a lot of stuff. It’s scary that with concrete we are invading the very origins and disturbing the natural picture. Made an appointment for tomorrow on the spot (Page 146).

October 19. After lunch I figured it out the origins of Khopr(he got 7 thousand rubles) and with the opening of the Kuvaka store. (Page 150).


16th of May. Through Pustyn, past the Poperechenskaya steppe - to the sources of the Khoper. Sorokin and his team finished the job, the house was done perfectly. The miller's house turned out unexpectedly well. In general, the place is emerging. Add a sculpture and everything falls into place. Another interesting point is born on the edge of the area! (Page 161).


It happened so long ago that no one now really knows whether it really happened.

...The son Khoper escaped from the tutelage of Don (Poseidon's friend). He ran away - as if he had disappeared, as if he had disappeared into the ground. The father was angry, raged, and sent curses after him. But he believed that the son would return. He understood, they say, worldly wisdom - youth excites Khopr, and that is why he took the risk in the steppes with maned feather grasses to find the beautiful Sineomutka and the wayward Archada.

Secret underground passages Hopper ran. He was buried from people. And when he heard the song of feather grass and larks, he broke out into the expanse of the steppe and turned around like a river. And he began to rush around the steppe near the village of Kuchki. The larks were the first to see him. Day after day they sang glory. Khopr's heart grew cold. He cooled down.

Somehow wanderers passed by. We drank the water. Their strength has increased. Joy and hope have arrived. We decided to build a mill literally ten steps from the twelve springs - the source of the Khoprovsky spring. Afterwards, carts with bread paved the way here. The mill was lively...

Khoper sees that he has found his real work on earth. So I decided to stay by the river. And his beauties - Sineomutka and Archada - also turned into rivers when they learned his decision. And together with Khopr they hurried, repentant, to the Don.

Their names still live on among the people. Beautiful names- to match the rivers.
Whether it was true or not, no one knows. They know that for a long time the farmers of the surrounding villages loved these twelve springs, this mill, this whirlpool - the deep blue.

And just recently the old one came to life. Standing at the source of the Khopra Tower. And a mill. Twelve springs began to speak... The sky fell into a pool. Beauty ! Our Russian, free-spirited!
So Khoper runs across the steppe. Just don’t use feather grass – the bread looks good on it.

July 17th. Did some creative work. We discussed in detail the “start-up stage” at the origins of the Khopr with Smachny. The “old man” [was asked to make] a seat out of wild stone. [Provide] a recreation area for tourists. In [unclear] location designation. I asked him to think about the route: origins of Khopr– Poperechenskaya steppe – Belokamensky park. Instructed Dobel from “Young Leninist” to finalize the legend about Khopr. (Pages 164 – 165).


Ask where fish river- they will call Khoper. Ask where the cozy river is - they will start talking about Khopra again.
What kind of miracle is this, you say and wave to the river, fishy and cozy. But the best part is that you won’t be disappointed in your expectations. Hopper is handsome and generous. Khoper is clean, cozy, and productive. Khoper has long been known to all tourists - connoisseurs of their native land.

And yet, to get to know Khoper, you need to visit its source. Twelve springs, escaping from the depths of the earth, will enchant you with the mystery of the birth of the river.

Today, at the source of the Khopra, not far from the village of Kuchki, a tower will hospitably open, striking you with the beauty of pine lace and the skill of the craftsmen. Today, near the springs, at Grandfather Khopr's, they will gather for the opening new zone holiday people who are proud of beauty native land. On the way from Penza to Lermontov, they will visit an amazing corner of our region and see how a river is born from springs.

But not far from the sources of the Khoprovskys there is an equally amazing place - the Poperechenskaya steppe -the most protected corner of our region, the only section of virgin steppe in the entire Middle Volga region.

Feather grass and fragrant honey herbs will remain in the memory of everyone who has visited these amazingly pristine places for a long time.

The source of the Khoper is worth a visit. And it’s worth visiting the Khan’s tent. And you definitely need to look at the sculpture of old man Khopr.

Why, you ask, because when you talk about your region, you will certainly remember this magical place - the birthplace of the river - a tributary of the Quiet Don.

These places are covered with beautiful legends. You need to hear them and visit the ancient burial mounds if you love your land.

V. Dobel.
In the photo: old man Khoper stood at the source of the river.
Photo by the author.
“Young Leninist”, No. 87, July 21, 1973


Khoper begins near the village of Kuchki. It bursts out of the ground in twelve springs, forming a green island in the steppe. “What is the steppe like there? - the ignorant will ask. “Fields all around!” Yes, there are many fields. Only the Poperechenskaya steppe - the most protected steppe of the Volga region - with the foam of feather grass. Honey infusion of Bogorodskaya herb, with mounds that remember nomads. The steppe lies very close to the source of the Khopr.

A long time ago there was a mill at the twelve springs. As soon as he was born, Khoper began working for people. Khoprovsky flour was famous. Khoprovskaya water was famous - tasty, icy. It is not for nothing that at the source of this river there once stood a fortress of nomads who controlled the grain that was brought from the surrounding villages and collected a dues from each wanderer. The hills lie around like heroic helmets. They say that even now ancient coins are sometimes found near them.

But all this was so long ago, so much water has flowed under the bridge since then, that neither the fortress nor the mill could survive to this day.

And recently the mill wheel came to life. A tent with a hospitable oak table and chopped stools stood at the source. The doors of the tower opened - a new creation of Kameshkir craftsmen, knitting pine lace, known to us. And now looking into the first Khoprov whirlpool, as if checking the blue depths, old man Khoper is a multi-meter sculpture by the Penza sculptor Anatoly Smely.

Interregional environmental and educational festival-marathon "Let's Defend Khoper!" will be held from July 17 to 26 on the initiative of the Penza regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society. This complex event, dedicated to the 170th anniversary of the Russian Geographical Society, includes an eco-marathon along the banks of the Khoper River, as well as an art song festival. Its goal is to preserve the ecosystems of the Khopr, which originates in the Penza region and rushes a thousand kilometers deep into the European part of Russia.

Environmental and educational events ("Khoper Day", "Live long, Grandfather Khoper", the festival of the author's song "Khoper", scientific and sports rafting on the river and others) have been held at the sources of the Khoper and its coastal territory in the Penza region since 2012. All of them were initiated by the Penza regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society and aimed at preserving one of the longest rivers in Russia.

During the marathon, the organizers plan to attract local residents, youth of the Khoprovsky territories (Penza, Saratov, Voronezh, Volgograd regions) to cleaning the banks of the Khopr River from garbage and conducting environmental raids. Information about sources of pollution collected during such raids can be sent to the organizing committee of the festival-marathon - fondntr2012 Such actions help to attract the attention of citizens to environmental problems and combining efforts in environmental activities.

The marathon will begin on July 17 with the landing of a youth environmental landing of cadets of the 46th Cossack school in the city of Penza at the source of the Khopra under the leadership of teacher-mentor Oleg Funtikov. The guys will put the area in order, set up a military field camp and hold sporting events.

On July 18, the traditional environmental and educational campaign “Khoper Day” will be held, during which the official start of the festival-marathon “Defend Khoper!” will be given. Participants in the event will be treated to an environmental education lecture about the river, children's environmental quizzes, poetry readings, performances by amateur groups, master classes by tourists and ecologists, and demonstration performances by Cossacks.

On the same day, the jury of the annual art song festival “Khoper-2015” will begin work, which will be held from July 24 to 26 near the village of Kurakino, Serdobsky district, as part of the “Defend Khoper!” marathon. and will unite singer-songwriters from the Khoprovsky regions, the Volga region and the center of Russia.

The festival program includes awards for marathon participants, performances by singer-songwriters, “Beauty Khopra” and “Child of Khopra” competitions, performances by the best musical groups of the Sur region and honored guests of the festival. At the end of the festival, environmental cleaning of the concert site will take place. Applications for participation in the art song festival are accepted until July 23, the jury will select the best works of authors and performers.

In addition, the finalists of the competition will be announced on July 18 children's drawing“Our Khoper”, which started on the initiative of the Serdob local branch of the Russian Geographical Society in 2014.

The organizers of the festival-marathon "Let's Defend Khopyor!" are the Penza Regional Branch of the Russian Geographical Society, the Penza Union of Cossacks, Rosprirodnadzor of Russia for the Penza Region, the Penza Regional Foundation for Scientific and Technical Development, the Central Park of Culture and Leisure named after V.G. Belinsky. The event will be held with the support of the Government of the Penza region, the Penza Metropolis, the Public Chamber of the Penza region, the Penzavtorsyryo group of companies, the EKA green movement, the Juno holiday center, as well as the Administrations of the Penza, Kolyshleysky, Serdobsky, Bekovsky, Tamalinsky districts of the Penza region.

Live long, grandfather Khoper!

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