How to open a place for manicure. Opening a nail salon at home

From this article you will learn:

  • Is it profitable to open today manicure parlor and where to start
  • What you need to open a manicure parlor, from equipment, furniture and documents

Hands are always in sight, so you need to take care of them. Manicure for modern woman- not just a hygienic procedure, but also a way to make yourself beautiful. Gradually, men also begin to realize the need for neat, well-groomed hands; more and more clients of the stronger sex are becoming in manicure rooms. Therefore, many businessmen are interested in the question of how to open a manicure parlor, because this is not only a promising, but also quite reliable business.

Is it profitable to open a nail salon?

The beauty industry and cosmetology are actively developing. Nail service is one of the most promising areas in the beauty industry. Women always care about their own attractiveness, but now men have also become interested in caring for their hands.

Both large beauty salons and individual offices that provide nail art and nail services work on the same principle, differing only in specialization. Often former employees beauty salons, having gained experience and sufficient skill, open their own manicure rooms.

If you correctly build business processes, then a nail salon can become a very profitable and competitive enterprise. Many similar success stories can be found both in Russian and in world practice. Nail service mini-salons and small manicure rooms with up to 10 employees operate quite successfully in many countries of the world, bringing a good income to their owners.

Experts often compare manicure parlors to coffee shops. You can drink a cup of good coffee in any restaurant or cafe, but if you are a coffee gourmet and want to try different unusual types of drink, branded additives, evaluate the skill of a barista, then a small cozy coffee shop is more suitable for you.

If you are going to open your own business, you always need to study in detail all the advantages, disadvantages and specifics of the chosen activity. So, manicure rooms have the following advantages:

  • this type of business is always relevant;
  • there is a stable demand for manicure;
  • initial investment is relatively small;
  • it is possible to expand the range of services provided;
  • manicure parlor can be equipped both in the office or studio, and at home.

Features of the work of nail salons are:

  • in great competition;
  • depending on the qualifications of the master (an inept worker scares away customers and spoils the reputation of a manicure parlor);
  • in that the peak of demand is observed before the holidays.

The right pricing policy is the key to the success of a manicure studio or office. Its effect can be enhanced with promotions.

Residents of neighboring houses and neighborhoods are the main target audience of a manicure parlor, especially if it has recently opened. It is very convenient for these people to receive services in their area. Advertising such an office is simple and not at all expensive: you can print a small edition of booklets and distribute them to the mailboxes of nearby residential buildings. The owner or administrator of a manicure parlor, as the most interested in promoting the business, can be the first model to demonstrate the work of masters.

Opening a manicure parlor, even a small one, in a densely populated area, you can count on a constant influx of visitors. An express service for the complete processing of hands in a short time will be appropriate and in demand.

There is no need to immediately invest a lot of money in the purchase of expensive equipment. To begin with, it will be enough to equip three workplaces for craftsmen.

Of course, nail service, as a type of business, has its drawbacks:

  • As a rule, in the beauty industry, the consumer focuses not on the salon itself, but on a specific master. Having lost a qualified employee, the owner of the company runs the risk of being left without part of the permanent client base.
  • In the nail service, it is extremely important to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards. The manager will have to carefully monitor the observance of discipline and standards by all employees.
  • There are a lot of manicure parlors, and every day new ones are opened, the competition is not weakening. To maintain leadership in this market niche, you have to constantly expand the range of services, track innovations, regularly improve the skills of craftsmen and purchase only high-quality consumables.

How to open a manicure parlor from scratch and where to start

In any field of activity, including in the nail service, professional experience is important. Strong motivation is no less significant - without it, it is impossible to open your own business. Fashionable personal growth trainings and webinars can inspire and give some ideas for a while, but for a nail parlor to start making its first profit, you will have to work hard.

In principle, the authors of the trainings will not say anything revolutionary new - all the basic rules for establishing successful business already invented and repeatedly tested in practice. The main thing for a budding entrepreneur is to actively learn and gain experience and knowledge. Therefore, if you are going to open your own nail salon or beauty salon, start by mastering the required skills and qualifications.

You can start learning right at home. Any girl has basic knowledge of nail care. It will be necessary to hone technical skills and accumulate more knowledge in this area. On the Internet you can find many articles about manicure, nail art and hand care, including instructional videos showing various techniques. Interesting ideas nail designs can be sketched in a special album.

Before opening a manicure parlor, you need to figure out what equipment and tools will be required for work. However, borrowing money or taking out loans to purchase expensive equipment is a risky move: if it suddenly turns out that you don’t like nail service and manicure are not your calling, then you will still have to repay the debts, and the money will be thrown to the wind. Therefore, collect such a set of equipment that will give you the opportunity to open a manicure parlor without serious losses.

Before starting your own business, work for some time as a private manicurist to gain experience and portfolio, to study the specifics of the activity. This can be done at home. You have to learn:

  • interact with customers (this requires certain skills);
  • calculate the amount of consumables so that they are enough for uninterrupted customer service;
  • manage yourself and your working time, and then control the work of other people.

Having worked from home, you will not only get your hands on it, but you will also be able to accumulate start-up capital in order to subsequently open a full-fledged manicure parlor.

To promote yourself as a specialist, use social networks and do not neglect word of mouth. Such self-promotion is free and will allow you to attract the first visitors to your future nail salon.

When you realize that the format of working from home is cramped for you and you want something more ambitious, draw up a business plan: it's time to open a nail salon. Do not aim at a large enterprise right away and treat the preparation of a business program with all responsibility. Focus on ready-made samples of business plans for nail salons, for example, this one:

Which nail salon do you want to open

First, let's decide on the format of the nail service enterprise:

  • mini-salon– a small nail service studio with a wide range services. Its main feature is the presence of professionals in the staff and the active use of innovative techniques.
  • Mono saloon- a highly specialized manicure room, where certain procedures are carried out (nail design, for example), and other services are not provided. It can also be very technologically advanced, but due to the small range of services, such manicure parlors have fewer clients than mini-salons.

Mini-nail salons come in several varieties:

  • Classic type nail salon- the most common type of enterprise providing nail services. The emphasis is usually placed on the name of the famous master or brand.

  • A manicure parlor can be opened on the territory of the fitness center, massage studio or beauty salon, enough to rent small room. The clients of the salon will use the services of a manicure parlor (however, the flow of clients will be limited at this point, it will be quite difficult to attract new ones).
  • A nail design studio that specializes in not on care procedures, but on the design of nails using various painting and coating techniques. To position a nail salon or office as a nail art studio, you need to have full-time masters with the right skill level and artistic taste. Such specialists are not so easy to find, and the cost of their work is high.

  • Nail bar in the form of a separate island on the territory of the shopping and entertainment center. This is a truncated version nail salon, designed for visitors to large shopping centers who may want to get a manicure, even if they did not go to the shopping center for this and did not plan any procedures. Opening such an institution is the easiest and cheapest. The problem is that it is impossible to comply with all the requirements for hygienic processing of instruments in a nail bar, and for some clients this is critical.

Pay attention to the unusual varieties of nail salons:

  • Nail bar located in a cafe or restaurant. Designed for women who came with a spouse or companion and can have time to get a manicure while the waiter takes their order.
  • Mobile manicure parlor - at home. May cover one of the services offered or the whole area.

The following business strategy is becoming increasingly popular: open a nail salon, studio or office as part of a franchise. Large networks of salons, of which there are at least a dozen and a half in Russia today, are willing to offer such an option for cooperation.

When choosing a format for your future business in the field of nail service, first of all, be guided by the state of the market in the target region, the amount of start-up capital, your own preferences and professional experience.

Is it possible to open a manicure parlor without an IP

There is an unequivocal answer to this: “Yes, you can, but only if you work for yourself, taking clients at home.” It’s really better for novice masters to freelance and gain experience than to immediately threaten to rent an office, open an individual entrepreneur and other difficulties. First, develop your base of regular customers, and then you can open a business.

When you realize that you are able to serve more clients and are ready to expand the scale of your business, start exploring the question of how to open your own nail salon.

Keep in mind that for small offices and nail service studios, the legal form of an individual entrepreneur is more suitable than an LLC:

  1. An individual entrepreneur is not required to have an accountant on staff.
  2. The owner of the company can dispose of the profits at his own discretion.
Compare parameter IP OOO
StatusAn individual who has created his own businessEntity
Material liabilityAn individual entrepreneur does not have separate property and is liable with all his own fundsResponsibility lies with the CEO
Required number of foundersOne manMultiple co-founders
Profit managementThe owner of the IP manages all the income from the business, can withdraw money from the account at willCo-founders of an LLC manage only interest from the company's quarterly income minus personal income tax
Contributions to social insurance fundsIn any case, an individual entrepreneur makes insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, even without having a profitThe LLC makes contributions to the funds from the salaries of its employees. With the suspension of activities, deductions also stop.

You can register an individual entrepreneur to open a nail salon both at the tax office and at the multifunctional center of public services. The fee will be 800 rubles.

Then it will be necessary to choose a taxation system: patent, UTII or STS. In the USN, the tax base is 6% of the entire profit of the company, in UTII this value is fixed (this is one of the advantages of this system), and under the patent system, the entrepreneur pays for a patent for a certain period (from a month to a year). When choosing a suitable system, consider the region where you open your manicure parlor, the nature of payments (cash or non-cash) and other factors. Compare everything possible options in advance.

How to open a manicure parlor: step by step instructions

Step 1. We study the manicure market.

To open a manicure parlor or a nail service studio, you should carefully analyze the market and understand what is the need for such services. The best research tool is sociological surveys. If you want to open an economy-class enterprise, then you can conduct a short survey in crowded places: near markets and shopping centers, in courtyards.

The main consumers of manicure services are women and girls, mostly housewives or mothers of small children. They strive to always look good, and not just on holidays.

Business women are another large group of consumers of manicure parlor services. Their free time extremely limited, but their ability to choose a salon is wider both in terms of geography and other parameters. They might stop by for a manicure near work or on their way to a business meeting. Many business women drive their own car.

Which group will prevail in your manicure parlor determines the range of services offered, their prices and the location of the parlor. Sometimes it is possible to combine all these factors, and then the profit increases.

Step 2. Choose a room.

When opening a manicure parlor, choose a place for it so that no one can pass by. By saving on rent and locating your office deep in a residential area, you will get much fewer clients than if you opened it on the territory shopping center with a large flow of people. Arranging an office in a large beauty salon is also a good option: you will get an influx of visitors without spending a lot of money on advertising.

People come to the mall not only for shopping, but also for services, setting themselves up to spend money in advance. A woman who buys clothes does it for the sake of being beautiful, and if she comes across a nail parlor along the way, she can look there too, because it works for the same purpose.

When choosing a room to open a manicure room in it, keep in mind that:

  1. You will need at least 30 m2 of free space. SES standards allocate 7–10 m 2 for each master, and you will have at least two or three such specialists, or even more. You also need other areas - waiting area, utility room, etc. - do not forget about them.
  2. The premises for a nail salon should be classified as non-residential. Furniture choose from easily washable materials. The presence of a sink where you can wash your hands and tools is a requirement of the SES (coolers are often used for this in shopping centers). A sterilizer is also needed to disinfect equipment after each visitor.
  3. Get a Fire Service Certification that you have complied with all applicable regulations.
  4. The owner of the leased area must conclude contracts for the disposal of fluorescent lamps and other hazardous waste with specialized companies or utilities.

If you are going to open an express manicure salon, it makes sense to choose not only passable places, but also those where people are forced to be for a long time: railway stations, airports, hotels, etc. A nail bar can be organized like a bar counter or a small island department with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 6–10 m 2.

As for the design of the manicure room, here it is worth giving preference to the most fashion trends, and in everything - both in the decoration of the premises, and in the choice of furniture, and in the uniform of the workers.

Step 3. We buy furniture and equipment.

The main thing in the equipment for a nail salon is its functionality and durability. Buying chairs, sofas, lamps and appliances on the principle of the greatest savings is not the best solution. Clients appreciate a comfortable environment, especially in beauty salons and other similar places where they come to relax and escape from worries. Therefore, furniture in a manicure room, pedicure studio or beauty salon simply has to be comfortable and stylish.

  • Manicure table with two chairs and a mirror- this is the set of furniture that is necessary for equipping the workplace for each of the masters. Chairs for clients should be comfortable, and for employees it is better to choose models on wheels.
  • Chair for pedicure(one or more).

  • Rollers for hands customers, desktop stands for materials.
  • Autoclave, bactericidal lamp, ultraviolet camera, if needed, craft bags for them.
  • Ultraviolet lamp for nail extension, fraser with a set of nozzles paraffin furnace(for those manicure rooms where paraffin therapy and European manicure services are provided).

  • Utensils and containers made of plastic: at least two basins, three hand baths, as well as containers for disinfection and cleaning of instruments.
  • Disposable items and consumables in in large numbers : paper and treatment towels, sheets for a pedicure chair, gloves for masters, bags and slippers for a pedicure, finger separators, napkins.

  • Manicure kits- nail files, brushes, scissors, buffs, etc.

Each inventory item must be certified, and this must be verified in advance so that there are no problems with the SES. If, having opened a small manicure parlor, you will further expand the business, then the stocks of materials and tools will also have to be increased.

In terms of materials, many craftsmen adhere to the 50/50 scheme: half of the funds they use are their own. If all consumables are provided by the salon, then the master's rate is about 30%. The more types of acrylic, tips, care products, creams, masks, gels and nail polish removers, as well as the colors of the lacquers themselves, the manicure room has, the better.

In addition to the most necessary furniture, you will also need:

  • reception desk;
  • coffee tables;
  • racks, cabinets, bedside tables;
  • safe for money and documents;
  • audio system;
  • TV;
  • clothes racks, hangers, hooks or wardrobe.

A comfortable relaxing atmosphere is very important for any beauty industry, including manicure parlors. People go to such places not only for services, but also for the opportunity to escape from everyday worries, plunge into a beautiful and cozy environment. Give them that opportunity!

Professional furniture also plays a huge role. When opening a manicure parlor, choose it with all care. Manicure tables must have a height of at least 70 cm (this is a requirement of the SES), the chairs of workers must be equipped with backs and armrests, and also adjustable in height.

Step 4. Create a price list.

The standard set of manicure services includes:

  • procedures for the care of hands and nails: wraps, masks, scrubs, paraffin therapy and the actual manicure;
  • procedures for strengthening nails with acrylic, modeling;
  • nail design: gel polish or regular polish, painting, decoration;
  • pedicure, foot care procedures.

The exact list of salon or office services is determined by:

  • the availability of the necessary equipment and tools (without which, for example, some types of nail painting are impossible);
  • contracts with certain suppliers of consumables;
  • the wishes of the owner of the manicure parlour.

The optimal pricing methodology for a newly opened nail parlor is to analyze the average market prices and set the price level slightly lower than that of the closest competitor neighbors with a large clientele. But if your masters are highly qualified, you can go the other way and, on the contrary, make your services more expensive than those of competitors (thus, you will build up from them by positioning your salon as an elite one).

Step 5. We hire staff.

High-quality equipment and attractive design of the premises are not enough for clients to rush to the manicure parlor. It is necessary to hire qualified and skilled craftsmen with developed communication skills (they will be needed to understand what the client wants), able to work productively.

You can select such specialists at specialized exhibitions, forums on the Internet, where they share the experience of a manicurist, as well as on employment portals, where there are resumes and portfolios of freelancers. You can post vacancies yourself and choose from those applicants who are interested in the opportunity to work in your manicure parlor. Hiring a promising intern and gradually growing a full-fledged professional out of him is also a very good decision.

Pay attention to whether applicants have a habit of smoking. Some clients are disgusted by the smell of tobacco, and they will not go to a smoking master. In addition, the masters must take care of their own hands, because they also characterize the level of the salon.

Active professional development, participation in industry competitions and exhibitions is a plus for any manicure specialist. Feel free to hang diplomas, certificates and other evidence of the achievements of your employees on the walls of the manicure room. Rare and unusual skills - Japanese manicure, Chinese technology painting nails will also increase the status of the salon.

To open a manicure parlor that can fully work and receive clients, you need to hire:

  • two or three manicure and pedicure masters for shift work;
  • two administrators (also in shifts);
  • cleaning lady.

If you have just opened your nail salon and have not yet staffed, take on the duties of an administrator for the first time. If you yourself are a manicurist, then for sure the whole workflow is thoroughly known to you, and starting your own business is much easier. You can start by working from home or renting a small rack in the mall for a nail bar.

Step 6. We are promoting our manicure parlor.

A competent advertising campaign is the key to business success. the best advertising manicure parlor, which has just opened, will be its good location, a noticeable sign and competent specialists with a good reputation. Word of mouth will do the rest. As a rule, clients are interested in new beauty salons, manicure parlors and other similar places, willingly tell their friends and girlfriends about them. Thus, each visitor can bring several new ones.

There are several ways to promote your business in the beauty industry. Firstly, a large bright sign designed by a professional designer. This is the face of the salon, no need to save on it. A memorable emblem from the very first day will attract the attention of all passers-by, and some of them, having entered the manicure parlor, will turn into its regular visitors.

To reach the other part of the target audience - women living or working in the surrounding houses - it is possible to organize a distribution flyers at the entrances to the metro and large shops, near underground passages and business centers. It is better to sometimes change the place of distribution and accompany it with a verbal message that you can undergo discount procedures in the manicure parlor.

To keep customers, you can offer them discount cards and sign them up for an SMS newsletter informing them of all promotions and discounts in the salon. Do not forget to congratulate your subscribers on the holidays: firstly, everyone is pleased with the attention and kind words, and secondly, this is an additional reason to remind people about your manicure parlor.

Advertising of the newly opened manicure parlor in the media will be appropriate in television programs aimed at girls and women, and in women's glossy magazines. In this sense, the local press and TV channels are more effective, and the cost of advertising in them is much lower than in the federal media.

What other documents are needed to open a manicure parlor

When opening your nail salon, take care of obtaining the following documents:

  • SES conclusions on compliance with all norms.
  • Conclusions of the fire service that the premises meet all safety requirements (this is not necessary for nail bars in the shopping center and offices on the territory of large beauty salons).

To begin with, carefully study the norms of SanPiN 2.1.2. 2631−10 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the location, arrangement, equipment, maintenance and mode of operation of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services." Make sure they are fully implemented.

Consider how they will be disposed of fluorescent lamps and how regular disinfection of instruments should be carried out. All employees of the manicure room must have valid medical books.

Before opening a manicure parlor for visitors, conclude contracts for all utilities necessary for the normal operation of the institution: garbage collection, electricity and heat supply, water supply, and sanitation. After that, it remains only to monitor the quality of services and pay them on time.

This also includes the installation of a fire system (for small offices, a fire alarm will be enough) and the conclusion of a contract for the corresponding service. Manicurists and pedicurists use flammable materials in their work, so taking care of fire safety required.

An agreement with the environmental service, which carries out periodic laboratory checks of noise levels and air pollution, lighting and other parameters of the microclimate of the room, will also be useful.

In any manicure room, even the smallest one, there must be an air conditioning and ventilation system (with passports for each ventilation unit). Once this system is equipped, it must be serviced, cleaned and repaired regularly. These services are provided by specialized companies.

In general, opening your own manicure or nail salon is a rather troublesome task. In addition to the outdoor sign, it will be necessary to make and place in the salon an information stand "Consumer's Corner" with the following documents:

  • Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights";
  • law "On the protection of the rights legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the implementation state control(supervision) and municipal control”;
  • the law "Sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population";
  • trade rules;
  • a book of complaints and suggestions;
  • a copy of the company registration certificate;
  • a copy of the certificate of registration of the company with the tax authority.

Nail service studios, manicure and pedicure rooms do not need to be licensed, as well as the masters working in them. The only exceptions are specialists who carry out procedures with a violation of the integrity of the skin, equated to medical ones: tattooing, epilation, permanent makeup, etc.

How much does it cost to open a nail salon

Let's make an approximate calculation of the funds needed by someone who is going to open a manicure parlor:

  • from 15 thousand rubles for renting a room (depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future office and its location);
  • at least 50 thousand rubles will be spent on its repair and interior design;
  • the purchase of equipment will require 5–70 thousand rubles;
  • consumables for the first two or three months of work - a maximum of 30 thousand rubles;
  • conducting advertising campaign nail salon - about 15 thousand rubles;
  • wages to employees will be 40-50% of daily revenue.

Thus, a novice businessman must have an amount of about 200 thousand rubles if he plans to open a manicure parlor. However, the organization of such an office at home or on the territory of someone else's beauty salon will be much cheaper.

Now let's talk about the likely income of such an enterprise as a manicure parlor.

According to statistics, the average monthly profits of such establishments are 120-200 thousand rubles, of which 50-70 thousand rubles are net profit. A newly opened nail parlor pays for itself in about six months.

When starting a business from scratch, be patient and persevere. When the nail salon enters a stable work schedule and acquires regular customers, you can start offering them additional cosmetic services - massage, solarium, make-up, etc., as well as conduct master classes and nail art courses based on the office. This can be immediately included in a long-term business plan for the development of a manicure parlor.

Where to buy the essentials for opening a manicure parlor

Among the huge number of online stores offering manicure accessories, we invite you to our “FILE WORLD”, where you will find only high-quality and professional nail files! You should choose our services because:

  • "WORLD OF FILES" - own production of nail files.
  • "MIR PILOK" is the main supplier!
  • The showroom of the MIR PILOK company is located in Moscow.
  • Delivery throughout our vast country!

Why is “MIR PILOK” the best option for purchasing a product for you?

  • Our store is built on our own production of files. Thanks to this, you get: the minimized cost of the service, the proven and proven quality of the product, fast production, attractive conditions for distributors.
  • Our nail file is made only from materials that have repeatedly confirmed their quality (South Korea).
  • Great product variety. So, a manicure master with any level of professionalism will be able to satisfy his interests.
  • You can decide for yourself which file is right for you. We carry out individual orders.
  • Another advantage is the application of your brand logo on the working plane of the files.

That's just a manicure, forgive our French, there is one drawback: a limited shelf life. This makes the girls pick up the phone again, call their favorite manicurist and run to her headlong.

That is why we, as enterprising people, immediately come to mind a logical question: how to open a nail salon and how much will it cost? We answer: 500 thousand - 1 million rubles may well be enough to open a small manicure parlor. If everything goes well and you are lucky with your staff, these costs will pay off in about a year.

In general, there are a lot of companies in the field, including network ones. There are also proposals for franchises: for example, the franchise of Lena Lenina's manicure studio is widely known. By opening a manicure studio under the wing of a well-known company, you can start under a well-known brand and save yourself the headache associated with the need to select equipment. On the other hand, by opening your own manicure and pedicure salon, you can save a lot of money, do everything your own way, and then sell yourself beautifully without being bound by job descriptions.

Before we start

And before we start, we need to decide which nail salon we are actually opening. There are only two main options: a manicure and pedicure room in your own premises in the “near home” format or an island nail-bar in a shopping center, on the route of the main traffic of shopaholics.

Separately, it is worth talking about such a thing as a manicure at home. This option is more suitable for professional manicurers (or manicurers, you never know), if they read our site at all. Having a certain base of your regular customers, you can host them at your place or go to their house: this is the most convenient option for busy and wealthy ladies.

It is also worth thinking about additional services. Claw extensions are good. And for girls who have already done a lot of experiments on themselves, have done something wrong, and now they are afraid to go to the doctor, you can offer nail treatment, all sorts of masks, baths and SPA.

The main risks: strong competition, the need to properly tinker with the staff, the financial crisis in the middle class.

“Step-by-step instructions on how to open a nail salon”


Where do you think your nail salon should open? If you carefully read the previous paragraph, you already know the answer to this question. We recommend paying attention to relatively non-standard options - the first floors of business and office complexes, shopping centers, in general, the traditional walk-through habitats of our target audience. The main thing is not to poke your head in the basements: it’s better not to joke with sanitary standards.

As for the area of ​​​​your manicure and pedicure room, then here you need to dance based on the number of masters: for each workplace should account for approximately 8-10 square meters. m and several outlets. There are no special requirements for the repair of the premises, but sometimes you should think about sending your girls to the houses of clients.


Opening a manicure and pedicure salon is, of course, easier than a beauty salon, however, if you are new to the field, you will have to learn a lot of new words. Manicure tables, cutters, nail extension lamps, hand baths, as well as numerous lacquer stands, manicure carts, barks, creams, oils, powders, nail files, napkins - far from full list what we need in the treatment rooms. In general, this, of course, is the topic of a separate article - and if your plans do not include an analysis of brands, terms and sizes of nail files, you can contact specialists. Most importantly, for all this, do not forget about the computer, TV and sofas at the reception.


Personnel is our everything, especially when it comes to manicure. It is best to take relatively well-known masters with an established client base: it is known that many clients are ready to follow their favorite manicurist to the salons of the entire area and turn on the word of mouth mode. True, this requires connections, and the manicurists themselves do not feel any special desire to get a job in an unknown salon, so there is only one way out: do not save on salaries and a percentage of the cost of the procedures, that is, make an offer that they cannot refuse.

Documents and licenses

No matter what anyone thinks and says, a manicure is a household service. Therefore, whether you open an express manicure or a full-fledged manicure-pedicure room, you do not need to obtain a special license: just register, say, an individual entrepreneur, issue a package of SES documentation and, if you are lucky enough to grab your premises, deal with the housing office and firefighters .


The best promotion for a nail salon that opened from scratch is a good place with a big sign and good specialists with a decent reputation. Having caught two birds with one stone, you can exhale calmly: word of mouth will make itself felt. You have already heard about the great loyalty of clients, so add to this the fact that they are ready to quickly spread fame about you and gladly answer the question “oh, what a cool manicure, where do you go?” Thus, one old client will not only keep returning herself, but will also bring 10 new ones.

However, no one bothers you to add fuel to the fire: here you have discount cards for a regular client, a “second manicure as a gift”, and leaflets in office centers with business cards in glamorous cafes. You can negotiate with various clothing stores so that, when buying a certain amount, they give a certificate for a free visit to your salon. In general, if you did everything well, then you will quickly become famous in the circle and there will be no end to customers even without unnecessary advertising.


Opening a beauty and pedicure salon is much easier than a beauty salon. At the same time, to start, you can meet the amount of up to a million or open a franchise business and not worry about branding and equipment selection. To design a salon, it is better to choose an individual entrepreneur, thereby simplifying bookkeeping and mitigating the tax burden. But the success of your business will largely depend on the location and specialists that work for you - if you can attract good craftsmen, then there will be no end to customers, even without unnecessary advertising.

Providing nail care services is not only profitable but also enjoyable business. How to open a nail salon from scratch? A business plan with calculations will help a novice entrepreneur achieve success with minimal losses.

Entrepreneurship in the beauty industry

Manicure as a business is beneficial because for people, taking care of their appearance is always very relevant, and even a decrease in personal income does not affect the desire to look well-groomed and beautiful. There are a huge number of types of manicure, and new ideas are constantly appearing.

The first question for an entrepreneur who decides to open a nail salon will be how much it is in demand among potential customers, and will this type of business be profitable? To this end, it is worth conducting a preliminary study of the consumer market.

This includes not only determining the level of competition in the area where the services are supposed to be provided, but also how much potential clientele can be attracted to your salon. Collecting as much information as possible, moreover, in different directions, will help to avoid mistakes and quickly achieve payback.

Nail business formats

It can be:

  1. Classic salon with a wide range of services.
  2. Manicure studio, where it is possible to realize in practice any fantasy on the design of nail plates, including extension, correction of the shape of nails.
  3. Dedicated manicure room.
  4. Nail bar.

Express manicure studios are very popular. To open it, it is enough to install manicure tables or original bar counters in the corridors of the shopping center. Nail bars are distinguished by their original format, where you can drink a cup of coffee or a glass of juice and watch TV along with the manicure service.

Sometimes a separate stand is installed in the nail bar for the sale of various products. The main feature of such a place for the provision of manicure services is the possibility of active communication, where a businesswoman can relax, enjoy a pleasant conversation with a sociable, educated master.

Manicure parlor services

Referring to a business based on making men and women beautiful appearance, a manicure salon offers highly specialized services, including procedures for the processing, restoration and extension of nails. The most common are the following services:

  • Uncoated toenail treatment.
  • Pedicure with the provision of physiotherapy procedures.
  • Hygienic manicure.
  • Covering the nail plate with varnish completely or leaving a small edge of 3-4 mm.
  • Coating with gel polish, in which two types of decorative design are combined (manicure polish and modeling gel).

The list of additional services may include hand paraffin, Japanese and hot manicure. Stickers, rhinestones, nail designs are offered in addition to the main manicure and pedicure service.

How to start a nail business?

Starting a business from scratch, the first step is to choose the premises in which you will provide services. For a novice entrepreneur, the best option would be or, where you can rent a place for a manicurist. In the second step, to open your manicure business registration is required with the payment of a state fee.

In Belarus, the registered unemployed, full-time students of secondary, secondary special, higher and vocational educational institutions. This procedure also applies to graduates of educational institutions throughout the year. This also applies to existing IP, if they make changes (additions) to the existing certificate.

At the next stage, you will need to register with the Federal Social Security Fund and the tax office, register in the Register of Household Services and coordinate the mode of operation with the administration of the district in which the manicure room is located. In addition, in order to open a nail salon in the SES, the compliance with sanitary standards is being coordinated. And if it opens in a separate room, then the conclusion of the fire service is required.

Financial injections

The main initial cost items are the rental of premises, the acquisition necessary equipment and consumables. To equip a salon or a separate office, furniture and a safe for storing documents and money are purchased.

Such an article as the remuneration of the master depends on the volume of services provided. If you are going to open a manicure salon for several jobs, you need to carefully approach the selection of staff. A good master must meet the following requirements:

  1. Have special education and work experience. It is also good to have a medical education in addition, although this is not prerequisite.
  2. Confirmation of high qualification in the form of diplomas, won medals from various competitions, master classes. Placement of certificates demonstrating the recognition of the merits of the master in his field on the walls of the salon hall helps to increase the reputation and strengthen the competitiveness of the salon.
  3. The presence of a pleasant appearance, goodwill in dealing with customers, contact.

In general, the lack of a sufficient level of professionalism is one of the most common problems. Jobs for skilled craftsmen, as well as jobs for a knowledgeable administrator, are in high demand in the nail care market.


To begin with, it is necessary to study not only the benefits, but also the risks. The problem is high level competition. However, it should be noted that the attractiveness and popularity among customers depends primarily not on the location, but on the level of services provided.

For a novice entrepreneur, the best option would be to open a small manicure room for one workplace. A professional who is ready to implement any idea for nail design, can give good advice, and just keep the conversation up to date, will always be in demand, regardless of the place where he works.

Special requirements apply to the premises. According to sanitary standards, the master's workplace must be at least six square meters. In addition, there should be a toilet, a utility room, and possibly an office manager's desk.

Financial calculations

How much does it cost to open a nail salon? It depends on the choice of the form of doing business. As an example, we can give data on financial investments of a small nail salon:

Attachment name standard for one unit Quantitative


Amount of costs
Rental expenses 750 rub. 45 m² 67.5 thousand rubles
Registration of a legal entity 1000 rub.
Signage and other advertising 30 000 rub.
Equipment 15 thousand rubles 4 masters 60 000 rub.
Initial supply of materials for the procedure 6 thousand rubles 4 masters 24 000 rub.
Premises renovation 15.5 thousand rubles 45 m² 67.5 thousand rubles
Promotion of entrepreneurship 25 000 rub.

The total amount of investments will be 275.0 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses

The total amount will be 462.75 thousand rubles. rub. and is designed for a salon with an area of ​​45 m², and the work of 4 masters. The planned revenue is set for each master in the amount of 80,000 rubles. If we assume that four craftsmen monthly make a profit of 240 thousand rubles, and expenses are 188 thousand, the profit is 52,000 rubles. That is, the costs will pay off within six months, and then the business becomes profitable.

However, the profitability of the business will be ensured at the level, which is given as a sample in the calculations, only if the full load of the masters is ensured. With the active work of all components of the management of the opened salon, to achieve full load will succeed only after a year of work, and reaching "zero" is planned in four months.

Video: start-up - nail studio.

What problems can you face?

For a business to be profitable, you need a well-thought-out business plan with calculations, which will include the following sections:

  • Analysis of the services market with the determination of the degree of demand, the level of specificity.
  • Choosing the format of the institution, taking into account your own capabilities.
  • Required documents to register your business.
  • Choice of premises and location.
  • List of rendered services.
  • Recruitment of personnel, if the services will not refuse on their own.
  • Financial calculations for costs and calculation of profitability.
  • Miscalculations of possible risks and ways to eliminate them.
  • Measures to promote demand for their services.

When drawing up a business plan, a special item is the cost of acquiring excellent quality equipment and other items that provide the client with maximum comfort. A good manicure table costs a lot of money, but it is justified by the quality of services.

If an entrepreneur combines two types of nail services (hands and feet), then they purchase a chair with a special footrest, into which a bath can be built. Salon equipment is not only chairs and tables, but also other items:

  1. Sterilizer.
  2. A device for speeding up the drying of applied varnish or pattern.
  3. LED lamps required when applying gel polish for its polymerization.
  4. A set of tools necessary for hardware processing of nails.

Successful advancement in the chosen business area largely depends on how well the vacancies of qualified employees are filled. When considering applicants for vacancies, it is advisable to conduct an interview, both theoretical and practical.

A trial manicure made by a candidate for a vacant position, even on one finger, will allow you to make an objective assessment of the level of qualification. By the way, the traditional opinion that only a woman can be a master is wrong. On the contrary, by choosing a man for a vacant place in the salon, you can attract additional clientele, and especially among the female.

The premises are supposed to be located at the bottom of a high-rise building in the center of any district of the city, and with necessarily convenient access roads. The area of ​​the premises depends on the number of planned services. If, in addition to nail care services, accompanying procedures are planned, then an area of ​​one hundred square meters would be the best option.

The production plan includes sections on registering a business, concluding a lease agreement, as well as an economic justification for prices for services.

This includes the purchase of equipment and the search for investors, while it is possible to obtain necessary funds at the expense of a gratuitous subsidy provided by the state as an assistance in the employment of the registered unemployed. The financial plan includes quarterly revenues, expenses and a balance sheet for the year. Then a risk assessment is carried out:

The popularity of the salon will be promoted constant search new approaches in the design of nails, the desire of masters to be in the trend of modernity.

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