Curtains with black rats in a dream. Dream book of a modern woman. I dreamed that a big rat bit

Dream Interpretation black rat

Rats are not unique animals. Most people despise or fear them. Others are kept as pets. And, it would seem, why do you dream about a black rat? Of course, it's not good. But whether this is so remains to be seen.

Interpretation of sleep

Seeing a rat in a dream is a bad sign. And in principle, it doesn’t matter what color it is - don’t expect anything good. Important factor- the behavior of the rodent, it determines how great the damage will be, whether you can cope with the problems or not.

Rodent behavior

If you dreamed of a black rat

The rat is a nimble creature; it requires skill to catch it. In a dream, she can also do many things: run away, attack, bite.


I dreamed of someone running nearby big rat- luck will pass you by. You should be careful, especially in crowded places. The dream book advises people who often have such dreams to monitor their health.

The rat runs away from the house - if possible, change housing. Unreal? Then do some renovations, rearrange the furniture, buy a painting.

The rodent manages to get out and escape from the mousetrap - the plans go to waste.

A rat snuck into bed - illness. A dream can have a positive interpretation for a seriously ill person. In this case, he will recover; the rodent will take away all his ailments from sleep.

Rodents scatter and seek shelter - your careless words have offended some person. He harbors a grudge against you, and will definitely take revenge.


It is not uncommon to have dreams where a rat attacks and tries to bite. The dream, to put it mildly, is unpleasant and does not inspire hope for the best.

A rodent in a dream tries to attack you and bite you, but do you kill it? Soon you will be able to spot the wolf in sheep's clothing among your friends. The dream may portend troubles in your work life.

No matter how you tried to brush it off, the rat managed to climb onto your shoulder - pressure from the older generation. Parents are too oppressive, or you are too freedom-loving person and do not accept primus.

If a rat bites

You were bitten

The location of the bite and its strength are important. The little rat bites, but cannot bite through the clothes - strange, but success awaits you. If you managed to get to the body - beware of trouble.

  • An animal bites your finger - you have a specific problem that requires an immediate solution. Gather all your strength, try to solve it before it’s too late, otherwise there will be trouble.
  • Biting at the heels - troubles in the financial sector.
  • Bites on your legs signal that your neighbors are judging you and whispering behind your back.
  • Bites your hand - beware of taking other people's money. This won't end well.


In life, rats typically come in three colors:

  • black;
  • white;
  • gray

In a dream, of course, you can see a pink rat, but these are rare dreams, for the interpretation of which it is better to turn to a specialist. The dream book contains the primary colors.

Why do you dream about a black rat?

Black color

Firstly, a black rodent in a dream is considered the most negative. Secondly, every second dream book interprets the black color of any animal as the color of its immediate environment. These are close people with whom you often see, or relatives. That is, if a dream foreshadows any troubles, then they will happen either to them or through their fault.

G A rodent with this color portends you anger, resentment, misunderstanding, conspiracies. Medea's dream book believes that when black rats dream, this reflects the inner world of a sleeping person. Most likely, you are experiencing a painful feeling of guilt in front of someone close to you.

The Italian dream book believes that seeing a black beast means worrying about your official position, power, and privileges.

returning to inner world, it is worth noting that such a dream can also indicate that the sleeping person is not pure in his soul. Perhaps your thoughts or plans are negative towards others. It's time to take care of your soul. If the black rat is tame, you will be able to overcome yourself and get rid of destructive thoughts.

What do dreams with a white or gray rat mean?

If the rat was white

It would seem that a living white rat should not be such a negative symbol as a black one. But no. There are a lot of interpretations on this topic, but dream books still highlight two main options for the development of events.

  1. A white animal means a female enemy.
  2. This is one of your good friends who, smiling in your eyes, hides a knife behind his back. In any convenient situation, he will “stick it in your back.”

Among the negative predictions are the following:

  • your enemies will make you an outcast,
  • expect bodily harm from neighbors,
  • an opponent who will try to steal your other half.

Although many dream books, depending on certain details of the dream, also give positive predictions.


The number of rodents in your vision is not unimportant. Seeing a lot of black rats means frequent conflicts with relatives and close friends.

The more rats you see, the more more problems and seers promise troubles in reality.

If a large number of rodents are destroying the crop - look after your property, it is under threat.

Positive Predictions

In dreams with black rats there is only one positive, if you can catch and kill the animal. In this case, you will be able to cope with all the troubles, identify the attacker and call him to account, preserve your property, peace of mind and honor.

Seeing a dead black rat means you are stronger than your opponents and circumstances. You will come out of all these troubles even stronger than you were before.

Your mark:

Seeing rats in a dream means the appearance of secret enemies that are not so easy to get rid of.

Huge, impudent rats running around the house in reality foreshadow family troubles and insincerity of friends, business discord and losses.

If in a dream you set a trap for rats, it means that in reality you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies.

A rat caught in a trap foreshadows a robbery of an apartment or a scandal with neighbors.

Kill a rat - get rid of slander and rivalry.

A dead rat means a contagious disease. To drive rats out of the room, wielding a poker or something of the like, is a struggle with varying success and disastrous results.

If you are afraid of rats in a dream, in reality you will end up in an unpleasant situation and be falsely accused.

To grab a rat with your hands - you will experience disgust for a low, vile person.

Seeing a cat catching a rat means you will receive life-saving support in time.

If a cat eats a rat before your eyes, you will witness an unpleasant family scene in the house of your friends.

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Dream Interpretation - Rat

Rats in a dream are dangerous enemies. They can also mean our loved ones who cause us constant trouble and grief.

Killing a rat in a dream is a symbol of victory over an enemy or troubles. Such a dream also means that you are intolerant of human weaknesses and will not put up with meanness, cowardice, and hypocrisy.

Stroking a rat in a dream is a harbinger of trouble from a person whom you considered your friend and whom you trusted. A white rat in a dream is your hidden enemy.

See interpretation: animals, beasts.

Skinning it in a dream means that you will be able to outwit an insidious enemy and profit at his expense. The main thing is that the skin does not tear during sleep, because this is the most valuable thing a rat has.

Interpretation of dreams from

The appearance of rodents for most people in real life is an event quite unpleasant, except if this rodent - pet. The situation is somewhat different when it comes to dreams. Why do you dream about a rat in a dream? What are the interpretations of the appearance of such a rodent?

Most often, in questions about why rats and mice dream, people turn to famous dream books, such as Nostradamus, Miller, Loff, Freud, Vanga and some others. Some of the interpretations in them overlap, and sometimes, on the contrary, opposite explanations are given. Much depends on the appearance of the dreamed animal, on what it did, and what was done to it.

Key interpretations

When interpreting the appearance of such animals in a dream, people use a variety of interpretations. However, among them we can highlight the key essence, which is similar for almost all versions of dream books.

Why do you dream about a rat?

  • Most often this is a sign of betrayal, perhaps someone’s insincerity and deceit.
  • Betrayal may not be directed at the dreamer, but emanate from him. A bad conscience or a recent ignoble act can cause such dreams.
  • The presence of enemies or ill-wishers in the immediate environment is the key reason why you may dream of a rat.

The remaining interpretation options directly depend on various details. For example, sometimes it matters where the rodent was or what it looked like. Another option is his actions. For example, in dream books, a rat that has bitten someone is taken to a separate point.

Why do you dream of a rat that bites:

  • Just like a similar situation in life, a rat bite in a dream does not bode well.
  • This may indicate that soon serious situations will appear in life that will have to be dealt with.
  • Often they are of a legal nature.

Why do you dream of a white rat biting the dreamer? This is in Once again speaks of the presence of ill-wishers in the immediate environment.

Note. If you dreamed of a rat biting your finger, then this indicates minor diseases that need to be taken care of in order to avoid complications.

It is believed that if such dreams appear too often, then the problem lies not in others, but in the person himself. You also need to remember your own behavior if in a dream a rat tried to bite your hand. This suggests that for now you cannot borrow from anyone, as this will lead to quarrels with the person who gave the money. If the biting rodents achieved their goal, this once again speaks of deceit. As a rule, such a dream indicates a desire to cause losses to someone.


Animals that came in a dream are examined separately from the point of view of their appearance, in particular color. People often dream of a black rat. One color is enough to understand that such a dream can hardly contain anything positive.

Interpretations may be as follows:

  • Imminent loss of power.
  • Decrease in profits.
  • Deterioration of the situation in society.

If a black rat bites your hand, this indicates the need to take urgent measures to resolve some issues, otherwise a serious loss of profit is possible. For a woman, a black rat in a dream is an omen of quarrels with neighbors. The situation with a rodent climbing onto a shoulder is considered separately, but the interpretation in this case is classic – the presence of an ill-wisher in one’s environment.

Note. The opinions of interpreters agree that a large black rat is a harbinger of very bad news, such as an accident, illness or even someone's death.

A positive interpretation of dreams occurs if the dreamer tried to catch an animal. If this task is successfully completed, good luck in life is possible. Personally killing a rat in a dream, if it is black, is also a favorable sign. Sometimes people feel as if they have become friends with the rodent. This may indicate that a new friend will soon appear in life, or that relations with an old one will improve.

In different dream books, the appearance of a white rat in a dream is interpreted differently. These are either problems with business partners or easy achievement of certain goals

Other colors

Quite often people are interested in why a white rat dreams. In life, such creatures are often pets. From the point of view of dreams, the meanings are varied. First of all, a rat white speaks of likely imminent problems with business partners, but there is also the opposite interpretation - easy achievement of some goals.

If a rodent in a dream eats the food that the dreamer gave it, then this indicates that some unpleasant situations will soon be resolved, as a result of which the person will get what he wants. However, according to some dream books, a white rat can have the same meaning as any other - being surrounded by an enemy, in this case posing as a friend.

Note. You need to focus on various other details to accurately determine the meaning of the dream.

The question often arises as to why a red rat dreams. Alternatively, such a manifestation may indicate a rival or rival in a relationship. Often such a person intends to take some active action in order to separate an existing couple.

In general, the meaning of this color is classic - it speaks of the proximity of insidious people who are preparing something evil. Some believe that the sight of a red rodent biting your heel is an omen of profit.

Dimensions and quantity

Very often people wonder why they dream about a big rat. Often, not only size is important, but also its combination with color, but most often the size of the animal is directly proportional to the troubles that will soon appear in life. Most often this can be said if a large gray or black individual appears in a dream. White color, even if the creature is huge, can be a positive sign.

Having a large rodent in a cage is also beneficial. This can be compared to catching luck. After such a dream, it is possible that your financial situation will improve. For example, a person may receive a bonus at work, or win a certain amount in the lottery.

If you dream of a gray rat, then sometimes this is advice to listen to the opinion of management. This will help to avoid a very serious situation caused by someone from the environment, another employee or even a friend.

A dream takes on new meanings if many rats appear in it. This is one of the unfavorable signs:

  • If the pack turns out to be an attacker, then this is advice to reconsider your passions and responsibilities.
  • If there are a lot of rats walking around the house, you need to think about your relationships with loved ones.
  • Perhaps the feeling of discomfort around them leads to such dreams.

The most serious interpretation is for the hordes of rats that swarm right under the feet of the dreamer. According to some dream books, this may indicate a catastrophe on a global scale.

Popular dream books

Most popular dream books use similar interpretations, but they also have their own special moments. For example, Vanga separately considers the situation if the rats in the house behave like masters. This suggests that someone from the environment is striving to take the place of the sleeper, and is ready to do a lot for this.

Other interpretations according to Vanga’s dream book:

  • Feeding a rodent by hand indicates risky undertakings.
  • Attacking a rat means defeating the enemy.
  • If an animal eats someone, tears apart its prey, then this is a prediction bad weather, crop failure and, as an option, diseases in livestock.
  • A rat giving birth indicates a locust invasion.
  • A drowning rat is a favorable sign, since the ill-wisher will be overwhelmed by emotions, which is why he will not be able to achieve what he wants.

According to Freud, a rodent can indicate that a person is curious, so much so that it borders on permissiveness. He considered rats scattering to the sides a bad signal. This may be a hint to temporarily leave the city. Choking a rodent is a sign of violent tendencies.

According to Miller, a few sleeping rats are an opportunity to soon expose hypocritical friends. An animal eating from a plate with its tail spread will confirm the presence of such a friend. The birth of babies is a signal of an escalation of conflict at work. Rat races on the floor indicate being in an unpleasant society.

Killing rats and other interpretations

Very often people dream of a dead rat. As a rule, such options have a positive interpretation. For example, a dead black rat indicates that the dreamer has avoided possible serious problems. Grey colour unfavorable, betrayal is possible, but if you kill such a rodent in a dream, then troubles will be overcome.

Positive interpretations disappear if the animal’s corpse is covered in blood. In this case, murder will predict charges of indecency. In general, if you dream of a dead rat, then this is a favorable sign.

Killing a rat if it was actively attacking before means showing your ability to survive Hard times. Such a vision may also indicate that these times will come soon. If the animal does not attack, then aggression against an innocent person is likely in life.

It remains to consider a few more options for common meanings:

  • A dream about pasyuk speaks of the possible career growth and profits.
  • Why do you dream about a rat and a cat? This is rarely observed, but it speaks of success and wealth.
  • Why dream of catching a rat, but never catching it? This is a prediction of the imminent deception of someone close.

It is worth considering separately the dreams that came to the woman. This may be advice to research your chosen one before marrying him. Killing a rat for a woman is a prediction of victory over a rival. A rodent in a married lady’s dream means the likelihood of her husband deceiving her.

The interpretation of dreams is a phenomenon that has occupied the best minds of mankind, perhaps, throughout its existence. Many people believed in the ability to predict future events. famous people, giving great importance dreams. Thousands of attempts have been made to interpret dream objects, and many are based on this different dream books. Indeed, some of them correctly predict future events based on what a person has imagined.

If you dreamed of a black rat, then you should look into several dream books at once and compare the characteristics they offer. Because it is unreasonable to trust only one source, and not everyone contains comprehensive information on this issue. Many dream books give only brief interpretations described in a few words, which do not reflect the whole essence of future events.

Quite often, the plot of a dream is difficult to interpret without resorting to specialized literature. Few people can give an explanation for a dream in which the main character is the rodent in question, and explain why a black rat is dreamed of. Let's try to figure out what this dream portends.


It is known that there are many books that interpret dreams in different and often contradictory ways. Therefore, you should only resort to trusted and well-known sources. For example, according to Miller’s dream book, a rat is a symbol of dirty tricks and cowardice. Therefore, seeing a black rat in a dream means that one of your close people may be plotting against you (planning to commit meanness). If you caught and destroyed a rodent, then know that such a vision should be perceived allegorically. This means that you will defeat your ill-wishers or stop the intrigues that are being launched against you.


The English dream book interprets differently what a black rat means in dreams. It states that it means worry and anxiety, and for a family person it carries the threat of a rival or rival appearing on the horizon.

Symbol of wisdom

One way or another, most dream books agree that a rat is dreamed of before a difficult and turbulent period in a person’s life. But there are also interpretations that consider it a symbol of wisdom and cunning, that is, they perceive such a vision as a good omen. Whatever the reason for the dream of a black rat, it is worth determining depending on what the dream was about, what surrounded it, what events unfolded and what happened next. This is all very important. It often happens that you dream not of a specific object separately, but of a certain series of events associated with it. This must be taken into account when reading the interpretation of a dream. After all, the context matters as much as the central figure of the vision.


Not only a dream book can tell you about the interpretation of a dream. A black rat in a dream, according to many predictors, means friends, because any dark-colored animal represents close friends. But a more detailed interpretation is possible only when a person tells the whole vision in full and in detail.

Who dreamed of a rat?

Most often, a dark-colored rat means that soon meanness or betrayal will be introduced into a person’s life. After such a dream, you should be careful when conducting emotional conversations with family and friends, and be on your guard. If in a dream a person kills, drives away a rat, or gets rid of it in any other way, it means that he will soon have a triumphant victory over those who wish him harm. Attackers are unlikely to be able to really annoy you. They simply won’t have time to do anything bad, and their plan will be successfully revealed.

In order to understand why you dream of a black rat, you should pay attention to who saw it - a man or a woman. If a representative of the fairer sex saw such a dream, then it is likely that deception and meanness await her in her office. And they will be committed out of a feeling of envy of colleagues. If a man had a dream, it is likely that deception awaits him in love affairs.

If he is married, then there may be conflicts in the marriage, lies on the part of the spouse or another person involved in one way or another in this family. A rival may appear. Moreover, this is not necessarily a lover, maybe just a secret or obvious admirer of the wife, who will try to break the couple and win the heart of the wife.

Active actions on the part of a rodent in a dream are a harbinger of trouble (difficulties and illnesses)

Sometimes dreams are frightening with their plot. For example, you may dream that the animal bites or simply rushes to attack. If a person is bitten by a big black rat in a dream, then this may portend considerable difficulties in the future. family life and in the professional field. If it is small, then the difficulties will be small. The same goes for the color of the rodent. A light animal will mean something completely different than a black one. If you dreamed that a rat bit not you, but another person you know, then, most likely, he is destined to become seriously ill. Some dream predictors recommend paying attention to which part of the body the rodent bites. This may mean that problems are coming with her and some kind of disease will arise.

If the rat is not alone, then this dream may foreshadow misunderstanding in the family and a series of quarrels with loved ones. You need to be more careful in your statements and show greater compliance. If you dream that a black rat is running away, according to some sources this means that you may have offended someone with your words, and most likely this person will want to take revenge.


If you eat a rat in a dream, this may promise easy money in the near future, but it is unlikely to be a lot of it. In such cases, a person may, for example, find a wallet with a small amount.

Everything will be fine!

If a black rat falls into a trap, it means that you will soon find a person with evil intentions who sought to harm you, but did not have time or was unable to carry out his plans. Overall this is a very good sign.

Having seen a rat in a dream, you should not immediately accept one or another interpretation as the truth, because interpretations can be contradictory. And remember: most often those events occur on which a person focuses his attention.

People have very mixed feelings about rats. Someone loves theirs pet rodent, touched by his intelligence and devotion. And some people hate these long-tailed creatures, believing that they are insidious, dangerous, feed on garbage and spread dangerous diseases. How can we not remember that traitors and self-interested people are called “rat”. Why might you dream of a rat with an unusual black color? The dream book will tell you about this.

The enemy never sleeps

A black rat, in dream books, is identified with an enemy, an ill-wisher. It is worth taking a close look at the people in your immediate circle - it is possible that a cunning villain is hiding among them.

In addition, the black color of the animal’s skin suggests that the dreamer does not just have unkind feelings close person, and probably even a relative!

By the way, a huge white rat is a dream that your beloved, dear woman will betray you. True, if this snow-white individual quickly ran away according to the plot of the dream, then troubles and misfortunes will pass the dreamer.

Be patient

A black rodent in night visions is considered an omen of quarrels and troubles. Moreover, the larger the animal, the greater the negative consequences will be.

The only consolation is that small rats in a dream indicate a series of ordinary everyday troubles, troubles, and worries.

Did you dream of a black tame animal that is trained and very friendly towards its owner? Then, the dream book promises that you will be able to find mutual language with the most irreconcilable enemy, rival.

Why does a woman dream about a black rat? Yes, to the fact that the dreamer will face scandals and squabbles with her neighbors. For a man, such a plot predicts serious conflicts in the family.

Did you dream that a black bee climbed onto your shoulder? The dream book tells you that in reality you are under someone’s strong influence.

Why is your heart so upset?

If in reality things are going well, good prospects are being built, then why dream of such a negative symbol as a black rat? The dream book has a very interesting interpretation. It turns out that deep down in his soul, a lucky, successful person who has seen such a vision harbors not entirely good plans, and evil thoughts periodically flash through his head. This alarms the dreamer, who is afraid of this demonic “alter ego.”

And here we must make every effort to get rid of the split personality, otherwise the consequences can be very sad, even mental disorders, prolonged depression.

Why, in such a case, did you dream about a pet rat? This is a sign that the sleeper will be able to suppress the beginnings of evil thoughts and nasty intentions.

Horde of animals

Some people are frightened by dreams that whole swarms of rats suddenly filled a barn or basement and began to destroy food. But in fact, this vision, according to the dream book, only serves as a reminder that the time has come for seasonal preparations and inventory revision.

True, one nuance must be taken into account: if in a dream, hungry rodents pounced en masse on supplies, right before your eyes, then you would need to show increased vigilance and take care of the safety of personal property in reality.

Sometimes a creepy rat army in a night phantasmagoria precedes an attack of panic and horror in real life.

Meeting with a rodent

The exact version of what a black rat is dreaming of can be determined by its behavior. If you noticed while you were sleeping how a well-fed rat darted past, then, unfortunately, luck will fly past you in the present. But don’t be upset, Fortune will remember you again if you take care of yourself. Therefore, the dream book advises you to strengthen your health, immunity, and also be a little more careful on the streets, in crowded places.

Were you upset because in your night vision a rodent tore your clothes with its teeth? But in vain, because this is a sure sign that in reality great luck awaits you.

About the consequences of bites

However, in all other cases, rat bites do not bode well for anything positive. Such an incident in a dream can serve as a warning about the danger threatening the sleeper. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the part of the body that was damaged by the rodent’s incisors.

For example, if it was a heel, then show concern for money and financial situation.

Legs injured by a rat are a sign that colleagues, neighbors and other “well-wishers” are actively gossiping behind your back.

Bites on the hands are an alarming signal, warning against unnecessary spending and borrowing funds. Do not borrow, otherwise you will regret this action many times later!

Dead animal

The black rat in the night phantasmagoria turned out to be dead? It’s also good if, according to the plot of the vision, you saw how and by whom it was destroyed. In this case, will it be possible to find out in advance about the secret machinations of your enemies, about their insidious plans directed against you? - the dream book assures.

Does not leave a single chance for the success of the planned event, the dream in which you saw dead rat on road.

A dream in which a brave cat hunts a black sheep predicts the help of a faithful friend, or the appearance of a reliable comrade-in-arms, like-minded person.

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