Why dream of picking cucumbers. Interpretation of cucumbers in the Women's Dream Book. Interpretation of different dream books

Green, elastic cucumbers have always been considered an indicator of good health, youth, vigorous energy and cheerfulness. dream interpreters for a long time analyzed the appearance of a favorite vegetable in different types to describe what cucumbers dream of.

Summer dream book

To see cucumbers in a dream - to good news, to collect in the beds - you will be provided with a rich harvest, your labors will be more than rewarded. A lot of cucumbers - expect long-awaited guests, friends and relatives.

Autumn dream book

We saw a lot of cucumbers in a dream - expect long-awaited guests, friends and relatives.

Spring dream book

Salt cucumbers - to a conflict in the family, a quarrel with a son-in-law.

Love dream book

A dream with cucumbers to a meeting with a good person, to family happiness, full harmony of health and financial well-being. Soon there will be a radical change in life in better side. Among vegetables, cucumbers are most often dreamed of in dreams, what would it be for? Do not worry, for lovers, a dream is an indicator of a strong relationship and symbolizes their youth.

Women's dream book

Seeing cucumbers in a dream - to prosperity, good health, success in work. If a sick person saw cucumbers, a full recovery will soon come. For people in love, sleep means improvement on the love front, harmony in relationships.

Children's dream book

In this type of dream book it is described - why dream fresh cucumbers. A dream in which they saw strong, green vegetables means receiving praise for a job well done, a task. You will begin to enjoy respect among your colleagues and loved ones.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

For women, a dream with green cucumbers means receiving a surprise, gifts, for young girls - a meeting with a handsome and good young man. For men, cucumbers mean quick profit, money, wealth. A dream in which green cucumbers lie in the snow - hear gossip about a love couple. A rotten, withered, yellow cucumber symbolizes male impotence. Sowing cucumber seeds in the garden - you will find yourself in a difficult situation, lose an impressive amount of money, buying cucumbers - your work will not be appreciated, which will lead to quarrels and conflicts. It also indicates what green cucumbers dream of - fortunately, good health and a rich harvest.

Family dream book

Cucumbers dream of people who "fly" in the clouds, dream of the unreal. Stop, start living real life be content with what is truly available to you. A yellow, overripe vegetable dreams of problems, disappointment, and the collapse of hopes. Collect cucumbers - learn to appreciate what you have. You keep wanting more, but you can lose what you have achieved.

Ukrainian dream book

Seeing cucumbers in a dream - wait for relatives to visit. Cucumbers just dream - to the chores. Sour, see pickled cucumbers - to weakness, beriberi.

Folk dream book

The dream in which you eat cucumbers for conflict should be avoided " sharp corners”, to solve problems in a global way. If you are not prudent and prudent, you may find yourself in the center of a scandal into which your ill-wishers will drag you. Be persistent - your reputation will not be tarnished.

You plant cucumbers in a dream - you are too frivolous about business, you are absent-minded and as a result you may lose material wealth. You should focus on the most important issues, set aside the insignificant ones.

A dream predicts disappointment, a deterioration in your financial situation, an unsatisfactory result of your activity. Picking cucumbers in a dream is good only for those who dream of a son, an heir.

For girls, a dream promises an empty relationship, without positive emotions and prospects. Miller writes that the dream portends losses, financial difficulties.

Vanga indicates that they dream of poverty and empty promises. Here is what modern books say about it.

Dreams of gardeners and farmers

E if you really grow cucumbers and see ripe vegetables, this is the end life stage. You will receive a reward for your work, but it is unlikely to satisfy you.

Even if you dreamed of a bucket of cucumbers, expect disappointment. More likely, economic activity will bring you nothing but trouble and loss. The more there will be, the stronger the chagrin.

For some women, cucumber predicts pregnancy and the birth of a son.

For a man to collect cucumbers in the garden - for sexual activity, but it will not give a good result.

Such a dream indicates empty attempts to make intimate acquaintances, which will lead to disappointment.

A large crop of vegetables dreams of losing money, cheating. You will receive less than expected.

Rotten cucumbers dream of a sexually transmitted disease, diseases of the genitals, resentment and empty chores.

The dream interpretation writes that soon you will lose your health or be very offended by the household.

Collecting a lot of small cucumbers in a greenhouse is a routine and unprofitable work. You will earn less than promised.

There is a chance you won't get paid at all.

Such a dream is good only for newlyweds, as it predicts rich offspring and the birth of boys.

They will not be sufficiently provided, but they will be able to easily win women's hearts.

In other cases, the value of sleep is always negative. Most often, a lot of cucumbers predict grief and tears for you. One cucumber according to Freud is considered a phallic symbol.

Women's dreams

Lovely ladies dream of a cucumber for a new admirer, an intimate relationship. The larger it is, the more satisfactory communication with a man will be. A pregnant woman has a dream about the birth of her son.

A girl can predict intimacy. If she found a few cucumbers in the garden, then soon she will have a couple of admirers. Sometimes a dream means that she will have an affair with two men at once.

Picking small and watery cucumbers is a dream to chagrin and tears. Sometimes vegetables of the same size indicate the monotony of marital relations. A dream portends a connection with a boring and poor person who will soon get bored of you.

One large fresh cucumber predicts a find, an intimate meeting, a surprise. Pregnant, he dreams of the birth of a son and healthy offspring.

Steal it from someone else's garden - to a secret relationship with a married man. If a woman lives in the house where you stole it, the dreamer may sin with her husband or son. A bed with cucumbers in someone else's yard is seen to envy. If a neighbor collects cucumbers, you will learn about her adventures. Sometimes this dream portends a relationship with several men.

If all the cucumbers were collected, then you will not have a chance to win the heart of her son or husband. This story for a girl indicates the futility of trying to please a loved one.

If his mother harvests in the garden - she subjugates all the men in the house, a stranger or girlfriend - she will get your fiancé. The larger the harvest, the higher the opportunities.

If another woman steals cucumbers from your garden, this is a betrayal of her husband. Sometimes an adult lady dreams of a daughter-in-law who will completely subjugate her son.

Men's dreams

For guys, cucumber can mean empty connections or attempts to build relationships with a woman. The more there are, the stronger the grief and annoyance. Steal green cucumber in someone else's garden - to envy.

Sometimes a vision dreams of a relationship with a married or engaged woman. Finding several large vegetables in the garden is a failure.

But for newlyweds, this plot predicts the birth of sons throughout their family life. Remember their number.

If the cucumber turned out to be hard, this is a connection with a woman. Relationships will be pleasant, but will end quickly. A soft, sour and rotten cucumber dreams of ailments and sorrows.

Step on it - to the disease. Sometimes a dream predicts a quarrel for you because of the jealousy of a man. Many large elastic fruits to see or collect - to joy. It happens that such a dream predicts a man an intimate acquaintance or relationship with several women.

Small fruits are seen to trifles. Large, but sluggish and watery cucumbers predict tears, material losses and grief. Often the plot portends theft, deprivation of bonuses, salaries, poverty.

Small gherkins promise little money, but they will not be enough for a good life. You will receive less than what you planned.

Some men dream of sexual complexes and experiences. All efforts to achieve intimacy with a woman will be in vain.

Collect and pickle cucumbers - to try to save money. For old people, a dream warns of illness, loss of strength, headaches. If there were a lot of seeds in the cucumber, expect a quarrel. You may argue with a relative or friend.

For some people, a dream portends a lawsuit over an inheritance. Choking on a cucumber is a sign of negligence. You will say something superfluous that can hurt.

Sometimes a dream portends resentment, tears, annoyance. For some men, a dream indicates the loss of a son, his indifference and cold attitude.

People say: "Fresh as a cucumber." Indeed, we associate fresh cucumbers with health, strength, and strength. And what are these green vegetables dreaming of? More often, the dream book interprets a picture with a fresh cucumber as the energy and vitality of the dreamer, but the interpretation of a dream largely depends on the smallest details.

If you are in this moment if you suffer from some kind of disease for a while - you don’t have to worry about your health: what fresh cucumbers dream of promises a quick and imperceptible recovery, as well as a sharp recovery of strength and activity after an illness.

For a person who sees juicy cucumber fruits in a dream, the dream book portends the arrival of unexpected guests who will bring variety and joyful moments to life. But not everything is so rosy - the guests will not be in a hurry to leave, and they will get the hosts in order with their presence.

For a married woman, seeing fresh cucumbers in a dream is an unexpected gift from her husband. For a lonely young lady who saw such a picture in a dream, the dream book promises a pleasant acquaintance with a nice guy. For a man, such a dream portends the receipt of money.

Freud's psychoanalytic dream book gives the most interesting interpretation of a dream involving this vegetable. Here, an elongated green fruit is associated with a phallic symbol, and predicts a fascinating sexual adventure for a male dreamer. For a woman, such a plot in a dream reflects unmet sexual needs.

Activities with fresh cucumbers

By family dream book, eating these vegetables is not very good sign, since in the future the long-awaited achievement of the desired goal will not bring the desired satisfaction - the result will be only emptiness and disappointment.

If these bright fruits grow on well-groomed beds, and their sizes seem simply enormous, then this is a reflection of your subconscious. The dream interpretation warns that the Napoleonic plans that you build in your head do not contain a real basis - turn to reality, there are more important things going on there than your fantasies.

Why dream of picking fresh cucumbers in a dream? We advise you to rethink your attitude to life. You want too much, not appreciating what you already have. Such a careless attitude to small values ​​\u200b\u200bcan lead to trouble.

A love dream book promises a dreamer who sees a plot with cucumbers in a dream with unimaginable happiness. But, what this plot is dreaming of warns that in order to achieve what you want, you will need to work hard - nothing is given just like that. In any case, all the changes that you provoke with your actions will only be for the better.

A dream about cucumbers can be interpreted in different ways. Some dream books say that the dreamer's financial situation will improve, while other interpreters promise healing from illnesses. For a detailed explanation of the vision, the actions that take place in a dream and other details are important.

General interpretations according to versions of dream books

  1. English. Expect well-deserved praise.
  2. American. Good health and success in work.
  3. Vanga. For unexpected guests.
  4. Grishina. Joyful events.
  5. Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima. You will experience many happy moments in the company of your loved one.
  6. Small Velesov. recovery and profit.
  7. Martin Zadeki. The situation in life will improve.
  8. Miller. TO life changes for the better.
  9. Muslim. To luck and wealth.
  10. Russian. To cash flow.
  11. Russian folk. To a pleasant event.
  12. Family. Good luck in business.
  13. Slavic. Arrival of unexpected guests.
  14. Modern. You will have brilliant ideas, using which you will become a rich person.
  15. Medieval. For health problems.
  16. Wanderer. For money and guests.
  17. Ukrainian. You will work hard for a friend.
  18. French. You should stop living in unfulfilled dreams. Accept reality as it is.
  19. Freud. The cucumber symbolizes the masculine principle.
  20. Esoteric. Sleep promises a shortage and a poor harvest.

This is interesting. Making cucumber salad in a dream is a good omen. You will cope with the tasks assigned to you and emerge victorious.

Watering cucumbers in a dream - to unexpected joy

Does the gender of the dreamer matter?

For a man, cucumbers often dream of money and promotion at work. Your efforts will be noticed by the authorities and will be appreciated. To make the situation as successful as possible, do not conflict with anyone in the near future.

For a woman, a vision portends gifts and the appearance in life of an ardent lover, with whom she will spend many unforgettable days and nights. But according to the dream book love relationships, the dreamer is unhappy with her sex life.

For a girl, a dream prophesies an acquaintance with guys. In the near future there will be no end to the suitors. The main thing is to choose a worthy candidate.

Pregnant night dreams with cucumbers promise the birth of a son. By Muslim dream book childbirth will be successful, and the baby will be born healthy.

For family people, cucumbers in the kingdom of Morpheus predict large expenses. According to Evgeniy Tsvetkov, it's time to start new business and implement long-standing ideas.

It is important to know. If you dreamed that you were selling cucumbers, then know that your business will go uphill, fortune will smile at you, you will get what you dream of.

Deciphering sleep depending on the state, quantity, size, color and location

The interpretation of sleep depends not only on the dreamer's gender, but also on other factors. It will be incomplete if you do not remember all the details of night vision.

Condition (fresh, salted, marinated)

If the cucumbers in the dream were fresh, then this good omen. Good luck in your endeavors, financial prosperity and good health await you. According to Martyn Zadeki's dream book, the vision promises career growth.

Pickles in night dreams usually portend tears and disappointment. Here is the information provided in the dream books:

  1. Female. You need to take your responsibilities more seriously, otherwise you will fail.
  2. Family. Get bad news from relatives.
  3. Modern. There will be a difficult period in life.
  4. Tsvetkova. You will be given bad news. For a girl, such a dream prophesies pregnancy.
  5. French. You will have to repay an old debt. The lender will not leave you alone until you return everything to him.

If you dreamed of pickled cucumbers, then you needlessly complicate your life by creating problems out of the blue. Here is what interpreters of dreams write about this:

  1. Vanga. You have to fight for a place in the sun.
  2. Miller. You are tired of being alone. It's time to connect with relatives.
  3. Modern. You waste time on nonsense and do unnecessary actions.
  4. Ukrainian. Take part in financial fraud, for which you will pay in the future.
  5. French. Meet a deceitful and mean person.

Fry cucumbers in a dream - to unplanned trips that will take time and effort.

Place: in the garden, pickles in a jar

If you dreamed of cucumbers in the garden, then you will meet an influential person who will drastically change your life. Dream Interpretations interpret the dream as follows:

  1. Vanga. Take care of your home and household.
  2. Female. Communication with family, peace.
  3. Miller. Acquaintance with a person who will cause you admiration.
  4. Family. Receiving good news.
  5. Miller. You will be invited to a celebration where you will have a great time.
  6. Muslim. Cash reward for hard work.
  7. Ukrainian. Lucky in love.
  8. Hasse. You will cooperate with an important person.
  9. Tsvetkov. Get profit.
  10. Esoteric. If you're lucky, you'll win the lottery.

Pickles in a jar in night vision indicate that you will cope with the problems that have piled on you. In life, the long-awaited peace will come. Here is the explanation of sleep offered by dream books:

  1. Female. Troubles await you, but you will quickly deal with them.
  2. Miller. Do not trade on trifles, otherwise luck will pass you by.
  3. Family. You have to worry a little about loved ones.
  4. Modern. Because of laziness, you miss a good opportunity.
  5. Hasse. Now is not the right time to travel. It is worth refraining from long trips.
  6. Tsvetkov. There is a chance of getting into an accident, so be careful.

Preserving cucumbers in night vision is a misunderstanding, due to which relationships with households can deteriorate.

Number of vegetables

  1. If you saw one cucumber in the kingdom of Morpheus, then you need to cut costs and refrain from unplanned purchases. You will need money soon, so don't waste it. According to Aesop's dream book, they will open before you good opportunities most importantly don't miss them..
  2. If there were two vegetables in a dream, then there will be a tense period. According to Medea's dream book, you should look at life easier. Because of your impressionability and vulnerability, it is difficult for you to communicate with people, you take their words and actions to heart.
  3. A few cucumbers in a dream promise success in the professional field. However, you should not relax: only by painstaking work, you will achieve what you want.
  4. Dreamed of a lot of cucumbers? You will make useful connections. By Ukrainian dream book, you will be bothered by an obsessive admirer. According to Gustave Miller, you will receive a cash reward. For entrepreneurs, the vision promises profit from sales.

Did you dream that you were washing dirty cucumbers? Friends discuss your personal life, so try to be less frank.

Tie cucumbers in a dream - for a business trip

Size: small, large, medium

Seeing a small cucumber in a dream is a sign of serious life changes. At one point, you decide to radically change your life. According to the imperial dream book, you will be rewarded for your courage and honesty.

A medium-sized vegetable in a dream promises disagreements and disputes with loved ones. To avoid conflict, try to reach a compromise. According to medium Hasse, you have a decision to make. important issues and complex cases.

Large cucumbers in night dreams portend the arrival of relatives. According to Miller's dream book, your health will improve, and sorrows will go away..

If you dreamed of a huge cucumber, then it's time to reduce business activity and do household chores that you pretty much launched. You will say goodbye to past delusions and decide what to do next.

Color and quality of cucumbers: green, red, yellow, rotten and others

The interpretation of the dream depends on the color and quality of the cucumbers seen.

  • American: time to discuss future plans with partners and allies;
  • Wangi: a new period will come in life;
  • Grishina: to change the field of activity;
  • female: for sick people, a dream promises recovery, and for healthy people - profit;
  • Winters: reconciliation with a loved one, happy moments;
  • Miller: the future will be calm and cloudless;
  • family: to wealth and prosperity;
  • modern: meeting an important person;
  • Freud: a date with a lover or mistress;
  • French: A long journey awaits you.
  • English: an unexpected turn in business;
  • Wangi: you are dissatisfied with yourself and life, looking for problems where there are none;
  • Small Velesov: to the love triangle;
  • Medea: to meet friends and have fun;
  • Miller: baseless jealousy ruins your relationship.
  • Muslim: to communicate with an unpleasant person;
  • Freud: to sexual contact;
  • Tsvetkova: get news from relatives;
  • Aesop: to a meeting with a former lover;
  • esoteric: to a love affair.

Rotten vegetables taken away in the kingdom of Morpheus do not bode well for the dreamer. Get ready for troubles at home and at work, money losses and a deterioration in well-being. Such information is given out by dream books, but not all. Esoteric Tsvetkov is sure that a dream will bring you new love.

To see spoiled and shriveled cucumbers in a dream - to change sexual partner. This interpretation is offered by Sigmund Freud. According to the Ukrainian dream book, a romantic acquaintance awaits you.

If in a dream you were preparing pickle, then among your friends there is a flatterer who wants to use you for his own purposes.

Pickled cucumbers in night vision? You will have the opportunity to achieve previously unattainable career heights

Actions in a dream: why dream of collecting, cutting, stealing, buying cucumbers, planting seedlings in the ground

Picking cucumbers in a dream - to a strained relationship with a loved one. A period of passivity and apathy awaits you. The desire to do something will disappear and you will want your friends to leave you alone. According to the women's dream book, you will earn good money and be able to open your own business..

Buying a green vegetable in a dream promises problems and troubles:

  • Winters: things will go worse than ever;
  • family: get problems on your head;
  • modern: it will be tight with money, you will get into debt;
  • French: to depression and loss of life meaning;
  • esoteric: deterioration of affairs, which can lead to ruin.

According to the medium Hasse, if in a dream you stole cucumbers, then in reality you can avoid big problems. Ukrainian dream book promises recovery and strong immunity.

There are fresh cucumbers in night dreams - to failure. Your hopes will not come true. According to Miller's dream book, you have to solve the problems of one of the relatives. Because of this, you will start your affairs and will worry.

The use of pickles in the kingdom of Morpheus promises a fun party with friends where you will have a great time. According to the gypsy dream book, you need to work hard to achieve your goal.

If you happened to eat a spoiled cucumber in your nightly dreams, then expect unpleasant surprises and obstacles on the way. Enemies do not sleep, but in every possible way try to harm.

To plant cucumbers in a dream - to a calm period in life. Passions will subside, and you can enjoy the silence. A woman's vision can promise pregnancy.

Cutting a green vegetable in a dream - to conflicts with loved ones. The esoteric Tsvetkov portends torment from unreasonable jealousy, and the Small Velesov dream book - competition at work.

To peel a cucumber from the skin in night dreams - to disputes and disagreements that will arise out of the blue.

If in a dream you had a chance to open a jar of cucumbers, then you will find success in your personal life and an increase in well-being.

Other features

To see cucumber tops without fruits in the kingdom of Morpheus - to fight with a strong opponent. There won't be an easy victory. It is worth asking for help from friends and not giving up, then everything will work out.

If in a dream you pulled out old tops, then expect changes. It can be a job change or meeting a soul mate. According to the family dream book, you will get rid of something unnecessary.

Dreamed of cucumber seedlings? Material well-being and success awaits you. According to Tsvetkov's dream book, you should meet friends more often, and according to the Muslim one, you will be promoted. Watering seedlings in a dream - to wealth, replanting - to luck, which will last long enough.

Throwing spoiled vegetables in a dream - to get rid of something unnecessary.

To see seeds in night vision - to solve family problems in which you will immerse yourself completely and without a trace . According to Fedorovskaya's dream book, prosperity in business awaits you.

Sowing cucumbers in the kingdom of Morpheus - to the birth of a child. For businessmen, a dream prophesies the opening of a new profitable business.

Tearing cucumbers in night dreams - to success and recognition. You will have a chance to realize long-planned. According to the Ukrainian dream book, peace will come to the family.

Growing cucumbers seen in a dream promise an opportunity to make good money. Money will come to you easily.

Choosing cucumbers in a dream before buying - to hard and low-paid work.

Dreams about cucumbers have different meanings. Some are favorable and others are not. Whatever night vision promises you, remember that by correctly interpreting it, you can avoid many problems in life.

Dreams about cucumbers are quite favorable, although there are exceptions. To find out why you dream of picking cucumbers, it will be useful to read this article. It is also worth noting that when interpreting a dream, it is very important to consider what the vegetables were, how many there were, and who collected them.

It is very good if the cucumbers in the dream were fresh and firm, appetizing in appearance. In this case, the dream speaks of the dreamer's good health and profit. In addition, it is very positive, both for young and old people. To the first, he portends the imminent creation of a family, and to the second - a calm old age, devoid of various problems.

Sleep is even more successful if you picked cucumbers on a clear sunny day.

If you picked cucumbers of a different color or some unusual shape, then such a dream prophesies surprises and unexpected meetings. After such a dream, only if the vegetables were not black, joy and delight await you.

The dream in which you picked cucumbers in winter time, is a signal that you need to pay attention to your health. It might get worse soon.

If you tore them in the sand, then you should take care of your well-being. Be aware that it is very fragile and can deteriorate dramatically at any time.

Picking cucumbers at night suggests that you can make a profit, but at the expense of deeds that will appeal to your conscience. Such a dream suggests that everything secret will definitely become clear. So, this is an extra reason to think about your affairs.

Bad dreams include those where the dreamer picked yellow, lethargic or rotten vegetables. In this case, sleep promises illness and stagnation in the professional field. Sometimes this indicates the need to rethink your relationship with your loved one and change something in them.

If you picked vegetables in someone else's garden, then this means that in real life you will take something from other people. It is possible that you will charm a person with a relationship.

A dream in which a girl picked cucumbers in the hem of her dress or skirt portends an acquaintance with a very obsessive man, who will not be easy to get rid of. Perhaps this person will be very bad and will try to exert his bad influence on you.

It is also important to remember how you felt in your dream. Well, if you were happy and satisfied with your harvest. In this case, the dream may indicate your contentment with your life. If, on the contrary, you were upset, then you need to think about how to change your life.

  • Universal interpretation of sleep
  • How Miller interprets the vision
  • Who had a dream
  • If a girl picks cucumbers
  • What do dreams portend for a man
  • Other interpretations

Such green vegetable how a cucumber can visit the dreams of not only avid gardeners. In night dreams, this product acts as an auspicious sign, portending good luck in business, good health and excellent mood. From what cucumbers will be in a dream, combined with actions in relation to them, it will be possible to find out what such an interesting dream portends. A dream book will help dreamers to understand why they dream of picking cucumbers.

Universal interpretation of sleep

If, according to the plot of the dream, it is necessary to collect cucumbers from the garden, the dream book interprets such symbolism as an unexpected profit on a large scale.

In a dream, picking up fresh vegetables in the garden portends a quick recovery to a sick person; to a healthy person, such a dream hints at the harmony of the inner world.

Cucumbers with an elastic crust that bask in the sun dream of business prosperity and public recognition.

The dream book portends falling in love, if young people and girls had to collect green vegetables in their dreams.

Work in the garden according to the Modern Dream Book

  • When you have dreams in which you had a chance to pick up cucumbers from the ground, this is a sign that a person is completely unsure of the decision being made. The subconscious gives a signal that when you wake up you need to calculate possible options developments following your choice.
  • If there are other vegetables in the garden, such as tomatoes and cabbage, then you need to take a vacation or at least a day off. The person is most likely overloaded at work and his emotional state is unstable.
  • As interpreted by the Modern Dream Book: pickling pickled cucumbers in a dream is a sign of minor material problems. In reality, the time has come to pay off even small, but still debts.

To dream of a large number of gherkins - to family squabbles and quarrels with blood relatives.

How Miller interprets the vision

The psychoanalyst's interpretations are based on drawing up a complete picture of the dream. The symbolism of the vision will change depending on the psychological and physical state of the individual's body.

Strong green cucumbers were seen by the sick - to recovery, but for a healthy family man, such visions will tell about the return of former feelings to his wife.

Happy Providence

  • A young man unrequitedly in love, having collected cucumbers in a dream, will finally wait for reciprocity.
  • Miller's dream book will tell you that fresh cucumbers with tops will dream of gifts and fun.
  • Elderly people dream of strong, rich green cucumbers, hinting at a calm old age in the family circle.

Possible negative consequences of dreams

  • Did you dream that you were picking cucumbers in someone else's garden? It is worth thinking about your actions. Seeking a benefit for himself, the dreamer could offend one of his acquaintances, appropriating his merits.
  • To dream about how someone else works in the garden plot and picks up fresh cucumbers that belong to you - in reality, gossip and gossip are spreading behind your back.
  • A dream where you had to pick up vegetables from the garden in bad weather, such as rain and snow, will hint at health problems. The dreamer should go in for sports and strengthen the immune system.

A breakdown and a mood spoiled by problems will occur in a person who, in a dream, picked up a rotten old cucumber.

Who had a dream

Men dream of green vegetables in connection with material affairs and physical health. In the subconscious of women, the cucumber symbol is more identified with the emotional state. Therefore, interpretations may vary.

If a girl picks cucumbers

  • The girl who picks cucumbers in dreams not on her own suburban area, most likely, she took someone else's husband out of the family.
  • Bitch's dream book interprets dreams with cucumbers as wealth in the family, especially if new seeds are sown in the process of dreaming.

Happiness will look into a woman's house if she dreams of harvesting cucumber crops in the circle of close people and relatives.

For women, fresh vegetables in the garden dream of romantic adventures and the emergence of a new object of passion.

What do dreams portend for a man

  • In men, the image of a green vegetable is sometimes associated in the mind with the sexual organ. When fresh cucumbers dreamed, this means that the body is functioning normally and the person is full of sexual energy.
  • Yellow, rotten vegetables can be seen when the male ego has suffered.
  • Why dream of harvesting from a large number of cucumbers? All conceived plans will turn out to be translated into reality, and the forces invested in the development of the business will be rewarded with a large monetary profit.

Other interpretations

Ripe cucumbers can be seen by long-awaited guests.

If you dreamed of a huge number of small gherkins, then you can gradually begin to embody your plan.

According to a love dream book, cucumbers under foliage dream of fulfilling cherished desires.

Crooked harvest indicates material difficulties.

The watery structure of the fruit in dreams will tell about the exaggeration of their capabilities.

An important point in the interpretation of dreams is the definition of priority elements in them, around which the storyline is built. These specific actions or objects become the basis for the main idea of ​​the dream. Nevertheless, great importance have separate details and details that help to delve deeper into the essence.

What if you dream of picking cucumbers?

Trying to explain, for example, what dreams of picking cucumbers in the garden, first of all, it should be taken into account that the main component of sleep is cucumbers. In the interpretation of dreams, cucumbers symbolize health, the presence of vitality, as well as prosperity and prosperity. Separate dream books give cucumbers and phallic symbolism. Be that as it may, it is first necessary to evaluate what the collected cucumbers were.

Best if they are firm, springy vegetables that match fresh, quality cucumbers. This indicates good health. For a patient, such a dream promises a speedy recovery. For young girls, a dream can promise the attention of young people who are determined to create a family. For the elderly - a long and calm old age in good health.

A dream is possible when the sleeper knows that he is picking cucumbers, the fruits are beautiful and ripe, but have unusual shape or an unusual bright (but not black) color. Such a dream can predict unexpected pleasant events, as well as unusual guests that will cause pleasant emotions.

If the sleeper had to pick cucumbers out of season in a dream, for example, in the snow, this may mean a sign to pay attention to his health, which is still in order, but something may threaten him.

Sleep will have approximately the same meaning if cucumbers are harvested on the sand - that is, the well-being and health of the sleeper have a fragile foundation and need to be strengthened.

A dream will have a negative coloring, in which the collected cucumbers are lethargic, yellow or spoiled, rotten. Such a dream, most likely, portends a breakdown, illness, and a breakdown in business. A dream tries to draw the attention of the one who has a dream to the need to consider the state of his health, to take care of it. For a married woman, such a dream may indicate a need to improve family relationships.

What portends?

Of additional importance is the environment in which the plot of the dream takes place. A great option if the action takes place on a pleasant sunny day, in your own well-groomed garden.

If you dream, for example, that you have to pick cucumbers from someone else's fence, this may mean acquiring the results of someone else's labor, benefiting from someone else's property. If a woman sees such a dream, it may even mean that she will take someone else's husband away.

If the sleeper picks cucumbers at night, this portends him a good position, but based on secret actions, possibly contrary to the law. In this case, the dream serves as a warning to the sleeper, and he needs to think about the fact that "no matter how much the rope twists, there will be a tip."

It is also important what emotions and feelings the sleeping person experiences during the plot of the dream: whether he is satisfied with what is happening, or upset and worried. In addition, third parties may participate in the plot, the role of which must also be taken into account.

No matter how negative the interpretation of sleep may seem, the prediction can be “neutralized” using the following steps. Having understood the dream, one should say three times: “Following the night, leave my dream.” Although prompted information still should not be overlooked.

A dream predicts disappointment, a deterioration in your financial situation, an unsatisfactory result of your activity. Picking cucumbers in a dream is good only for those who dream of a son, an heir.

For girls, a dream promises an empty relationship, without positive emotions and prospects. Miller writes that the dream portends losses, financial difficulties.

Vanga indicates that they dream of poverty and empty promises. Here is what modern books say about it.

  • Women's dreams
  • Men's dreams

Dreams of gardeners and farmers

If you really grow cucumbers and see ripened vegetables, this is the end of a life stage. You will receive a reward for your work, but it is unlikely to satisfy you.

Even if you dreamed of a bucket of cucumbers, expect disappointment. Most likely, economic activity will bring you nothing but troubles and losses. The more there will be, the stronger the chagrin.

For some women, cucumber predicts pregnancy and the birth of a son.

For a man to collect cucumbers in the garden - for sexual activity, but it will not give a good result.

Such a dream indicates empty attempts to make intimate acquaintances, which will lead to disappointment.

A large crop of vegetables dreams of losing money, cheating. You will receive less than expected.

Rotten cucumbers dream of a sexually transmitted disease, diseases of the genitals, resentment and empty chores.

The dream interpretation writes that soon you will lose your health or be very offended by the household.

Collecting a lot of small cucumbers in a greenhouse is a routine and unprofitable work. You will earn less than promised.

There is a chance you won't get paid at all.

Such a dream is good only for newlyweds, as it predicts rich offspring and the birth of boys.

They will not be sufficiently provided, but they will be able to easily win women's hearts.

In other cases, the value of sleep is always negative. Most often, a lot of cucumbers predict grief and tears for you. One cucumber according to Freud is considered a phallic symbol.

Women's dreams

Lovely ladies dream of a cucumber for a new admirer, an intimate relationship. The larger it is, the more satisfactory communication with a man will be. A pregnant woman has a dream about the birth of her son.

A girl can predict intimacy. If she found a few cucumbers in the garden, then soon she will have a couple of admirers. Sometimes a dream means that she will have an affair with two men at once.

Picking small and watery cucumbers is a dream to chagrin and tears. Sometimes vegetables of the same size indicate the monotony of marital relations. A dream portends a connection with a boring and poor person who will soon get bored of you.

One large fresh cucumber predicts a find, an intimate meeting, a surprise. Pregnant, he dreams of the birth of a son and healthy offspring.

Steal it from someone else's garden - to a secret relationship with a married man. If a woman lives in the house where you stole it, the dreamer may sin with her husband or son. A bed with cucumbers in someone else's yard is seen to envy. If a neighbor collects cucumbers, you will learn about her adventures. Sometimes this dream portends a relationship with several men.

If all the cucumbers were collected, then you will not have a chance to win the heart of her son or husband. This story for a girl indicates the futility of trying to please a loved one.

If his mother harvests in the garden - she subjugates all the men in the house, a stranger or girlfriend - she will get your fiancé. The larger the harvest, the higher the opportunities.

If another woman steals cucumbers from your garden, this is a betrayal of her husband. Sometimes an adult lady dreams of a daughter-in-law who will completely subjugate her son.

Men's dreams

For guys, cucumber can mean empty connections or attempts to build relationships with a woman. The more there are, the stronger the grief and annoyance. Steal a green cucumber in someone else's garden - to envy.

Sometimes a vision dreams of a relationship with a married or engaged woman. Finding several large vegetables in the garden is a failure.

But for newlyweds, this plot predicts the birth of sons throughout their family life. Remember their number.

If the cucumber turned out to be hard, this is a connection with a woman. Relationships will be pleasant, but will end quickly. A soft, sour and rotten cucumber dreams of ailments and sorrows.

Step on it - to the disease. Sometimes a dream predicts a quarrel for you because of the jealousy of a man. Many large elastic fruits to see or collect - to joy. It happens that such a dream predicts a man an intimate acquaintance or relationship with several women.

Small fruits are seen to trifles. Large, but sluggish and watery cucumbers predict tears, material losses and grief. Often the plot portends theft, deprivation of bonuses, salaries, poverty.

Small gherkins promise little money, but they will not be enough for a good life. You will receive less than what you planned.

Some men dream of sexual complexes and experiences. All efforts to achieve intimacy with a woman will be in vain.

Collect and pickle cucumbers - to try to save money. For old people, a dream warns of illness, loss of strength, headaches. If there were a lot of seeds in the cucumber, expect a quarrel. You may argue with a relative or friend.

For some people, a dream portends a lawsuit over an inheritance. Choking on a cucumber is a sign of negligence. You will say something superfluous that can hurt.

Sometimes a dream portends resentment, tears, annoyance. For some men, a dream indicates the loss of a son, his indifference and cold attitude.

  • What does it mean to swim in a dream
  • What does it mean to fry fish in a dream
  • What does it mean to fish in a dream

Dream Interpretations / Dreams in C / Dream Interpretation to collect cucumbers

Why dream of picking cucumbers in a dream

If in a dream you pick cucumbers, then in reality you need to stop in your vigorous activity and find time to analyze your achievements. The dream warns that at the moment you are doing well in business and personal life. However, you don't notice it. If you do not appreciate what you have, the dream predicts that you may lose something.

If a woman or girl picks cucumbers from the garden to the hem, then the dream promises the appearance of an obsessive gentleman, who will be difficult to get rid of. Collect good and strong cucumbers in a dream - to prosperity and cash receipts. If you pick such cucumbers from the garden, then in reality you will find joy in the family circle, good health and material wealth.

In our online dream book You can find out not only what it means to pick cucumbers in a dream, but also see the interpretation of other dreams. In addition, we suggest looking at the dream books of Vanga and Nostradamus, downloading Miller's dream book - perhaps it is in it that you will find the meaning of the dream "pick cucumbers".

What fresh cucumbers dream of can quickly cure you of an illness if you have picked up something serious now. If you decide to bite off a crispy fruit, then the sign changes its positive effect. Get ready for the fact that what you wanted so much, what you were waiting for with such a desire, will not come true. But even if you press on and achieve a result, you will remain disappointed, because he will not reach your dreams. You can learn a lot about your subconscious from the well-groomed cucumber beds. I wonder if you collect such a cucumber crop. This is a hint that you want too much, and life cannot yet provide you with what you want. You are advised to enjoy small moments and merit, otherwise you will be deprived of this. If you find them lying in the snow, then you will boast of love affairs.

Dreams about food appear quite often, and if in real life nothing is connected with it, then they do not need to be interpreted. For example, if a person worked in the garden all day and tied up cucumbers, then their appearance in a dream does not carry any information. If there is no connection between dreams and real life, then you can begin to decipher what you saw. To do this, try to remember as many plot details as possible.

Why dream of cucumbers in the garden?

Seeing beautiful hard cucumbers in a dream is a good sign indicating good health and a happy life. For women, such a dream promises increased attention from the opposite sex. A large number of cucumbers in the garden means the arrival of guests who will entail minor troubles. The dream book, which dream of sluggish cucumbers in the garden, is interpreted as a symbol of fatigue. In the near future, you should definitely go on vacation, as this can lead to depression. If the vegetables in the garden are overripe, this is a harbinger of grief, which in the end will bring significant benefits. Rotten cucumbers in a dream predict the occurrence of diseases.

The dream interpretation of what the cucumbers in the garden are dreaming of, which the dreamer has just planted, is interpreted as a symbol indicating the ability to achieve good results through their work. If you had to pull out cucumber seedlings in the beds, it means that you will soon have to change the type of activity. A night vision in which fresh cucumbers grew in the garden can be taken as a recommendation that it's time to move on to action in order to achieve good results. Looking at the beds with cucumbers in a dream is a symbol of well-being and family joys. The dream interpretation claims that all the efforts spent will soon give a good result that will exceed all expectations. For people in a relationship, such a dream symbolizes a strong marriage and great love.

Why dream of picking cucumbers from the garden?

Such a dream promises small family joys. If you had to collect cucumbers and remove dirt from them, then, despite the great desire, the dreamer will not be able to keep his secret. Collecting a large crop of cucumbers in a dream is a positive omen, indicating a profit in the near future. Another version of what dreams of picking cucumbers from the garden is a good sign that prophesies positive changes in the financial sector. One of the dream books interprets such a dream as an indication that you need to rethink life and appreciate what you have.

Dreams are often so unpredictable that in order to understand their meaning, one often has to turn to dream books. Here, for example, what fresh green cucumbers dream of, you simply can’t figure it out without certain knowledge. This vegetable can be both a symbol of health and portend an improvement in well-being and success.

This vegetable can be both a symbol of health and portend an improvement in well-being and success.

Why dream of fresh green cucumbers: interpretations in dream books

Dreaming vegetables in a dream portend an elevated mood and personal growth, the achievement of lofty goals. For many, cucumbers are associated with health, and, accordingly, the dreams in which they are present can be deciphered as a speedy recovery. To understand these dreams, you have to turn to dream books.

When interpreting sleep, the individual perception of the dreamer is also taken into account. Depending on this, a dream can mean both something good and bad. The following details must also be taken into account:

  • watery fruit - the possibilities are overestimated, and accordingly the hopes will not be justified;
  • eat a cucumber - after a large number of failures, a favorable period for the sleeping person awaits, which will be accompanied by calmness and self-confidence;
  • gherkins in large numbers - when solving problems, you can count on the help of friends;
  • to watch how they grow in the garden - an unforgettable journey is expected;
  • harvesting - the perception of life will change dramatically, however, as will the attitude towards it;
  • buying is pointless work.

A cucumber dreamed of by young people promises a dream come true, and for the elderly, it promises a long-awaited meeting with loved ones.

If a woman sees fresh green cucumbers in a dream

According to Freud, such a dream may be a sign that the girl is inherently dissatisfied in her personal life.

In the event that a woman dreamed of fresh vegetables, the interpretation of the dream is somewhat different. According to Freud, such a dream may be a sign that a girl is inherently dissatisfied in her personal life. She needs a new romantic relationship. It is possible that in the near future such relations will appear.

If a married woman dreams of a cucumber, then in the near future she will receive a gift from her companion. Such a dream can also portend a new relationship. It is highly not recommended to completely immerse yourself in them, since an unfavorable outcome for a woman is not excluded.

Why do wasps dream
What does it mean to dream of snow
Why pickles dream: the consequences of a strange dream

Often, vegetables dream of lying in the snow. In this case, they are harbingers of the fact that the fair sex will be able to avoid gossip about her intimate life. If, when tasting a cucumber, there are no sensations, then strong disappointments await in the near future. Family gossip can be expected if in dreams you had to sprinkle this fruit with salt.

Seeing in a dream fresh green cucumbers in the garden

A dream in which the dreamer happened to see cucumbers that grow in the garden most often has a positive meaning.

A dream in which the dreamer happened to see cucumbers that grow in the garden most often has a positive meaning. In the near future, we can expect favorable changes in life:

  • a happy family;
  • good health;
  • perhaps soon old debts will be returned.

If a large number of growing small cucumbers have been dreamed up, then soon you can expect guests who will appear without warning. Large fruits in a dream warn that you need to think about your own achievements. If a young girl sees such a vivid dream, then soon she may become pregnant.

Collect, tear fresh green cucumbers in a dream

Dreams in which you have to collect vegetables from the garden have several meanings.

Dreams in which you have to collect vegetables from the garden have several meanings. Among the main ones are the following:

  • everything is fine in the life of the sleeping person, the relationship with the companion is strong, the income is high and stable, there are many reasons to live in joy and tranquility;
  • a warning that it is necessary to appreciate what a person has and not to risk it in the process of achieving dubious goals;
  • tear small fruits - cash receipts;
  • harvesting a rich harvest is a significant replenishment of the family budget;
  • to clean the fruits from the earth that has stuck to them - the secrets will soon become known to others;
  • dreamed cucumbers promise recovery to the patient in the shortest possible time.

Green fresh cucumbers dream of a man: what does it mean

Of particular difficulty is the interpretation of a dream for men. The meaning in different dream books is radically different:

  • to see - soon a man will reap the fruits of his many years of work;
  • in the basket - the appearance of a strong opponent. And it can be, as an unexpected boyfriend of the bride, and new employee At work. And in the first, and in the second case, you will have to defend yourself;
  • to harvest the fruits of this culture - a novel is expected soon, which will certainly turn your head:
  • dreaming cucumbers to a farm worker promise a big harvest this year.

Peel cucumbers in a dream: interpretation

If in a dream you had to peel this vegetable, then soon you can expect a serious quarrel

If in a dream you had to peel this vegetable, then soon you can expect a serious quarrel. If, before cleaning, the dreamer also had to wash the fruit from dirt for a very long time, then it is worth preparing for the fact that a whole web of gossip will develop around it. Sprinkling it with salt, you can expect disappointments, from which there will be many tears.

The process of cleaning and cutting in dreams is a harbinger of impressive losses and deception on the part of the closest people. Cut off the skin from vegetables in the winter - colds are possible. In rare cases, a crushed cucumber can portend dismissal from work and a difficult financial situation.

My dream is similar to the description on the site, but still a little different - how to decipher?

How many people - so many dreams. How many dreams - so many opportunities, sometimes - missed. The meaning of sleep is difficult to understand without taking into account all its aspects, the person's personality and context. In order to find out what sleep REALLY means - write to the site's expert, it's free!

If a woman saw such dreams, then an early pregnancy is quite likely. In rare cases, such a dream can promise separation from a partner, but you should not be sad about this, as soon a new companion will appear with whom a strong relationship will be created.

If you had to buy cucumbers in a dream: the meaning of a dream

Quite often, buying vegetables in dreams portends stagnation in all matters. It is possible that the financial situation will become worse and even have to borrow money. But a dream in which large purchased fruits happened to be carried home promises a long and hard work that will turn out to be ungrateful.

Choosing dense cucumbers during the buying process - you can expect news from people with whom there has been no communication for a long time. Paying for them will soon be a big celebration. It is possible that after a short period of time, the sleeper will be invited to the wedding.

Dreams in which a person sees green and fresh cucumbers almost always have a positive interpretation. In most cases, these dreams portend an improvement in material condition, recovery and the appearance romantic relationship which will soon lead to marriage. Even if, when comparing all the details of the vision, it turned out that troubles await soon, you should not panic and worry, since the solution to these problems will be found soon enough, and life will return to its previous course. It may even improve conditions in the future.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

cucumbers- success, profit, health, change for the better.

New family dream book

Cucumber dreams Sick like a dream- Promises a speedy recovery in love- change for the better.

Modern combined dream book

Cucumber- this is an auspicious dream, promising health and prosperity.

If the sick dream that they grow cucumbers- such a dream promises them a quick recovery. Family people have such a dream- promises pleasant changes in life.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Cucumber- a symbol of good health, prosperity in business.

eat cucumber- to a quarrel; collect cucumbers- to prosperity.

Children's dream book

Cucumber- you deserve praise.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Tearing cucumbers in the beds in a dream- to a rich harvest of cucumbers.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Seeing a lot of cucumbers in a dream- to a large crowd of people, to guests.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Salt cucumbers- to quarrel with son-in-law.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

see or eat- Something good is waiting for you.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you grow cucumbers- portends a sharp deterioration in health as a result of stress and the call of an ambulance. Pick cucumbers from the garden- to excellent health and family joys. cutting cucumbers for salad- share the fate of the unemployed, being fired as a result of layoffs.

Salt or pickle cucumbers- you will be deceived when exchanging currency. There are salted cucumbers in a dream- portends unrequited love.

Cook pickled cucumber pickle- Get a flattering review of your culinary skills.

Wash dirty cucumbers- gossip about your secret love affair.

Women's dream book

Seeing a cucumber in a dream- to excellent health and prosperity in business.

Sick such a dream- Promises a speedy recovery in love- positive changes in relationships.

General dream book

If you dreamed that you pickled cucumbers- in the near future you will be overcome by a small creditor.

Did you dream that you were planting cucumbers- be careful, you can make a lot of small debts.

In a dream you watered- you will face cashless times.

you collected- have to pay debts.

If you dreamed that you were buying cucumbers- in the near future your business will go worse than ever.

If you dreamed that you were selling- soon your business can go much better.

In a dream, you were preparing a cucumber salad You can solve most of your problems.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

If men dream of cucumbers- to money women- for gifts, girls - for meeting young people.

Cucumbers in the snow- mean gossip about lovers.

Yellow, rotten cucumbers- symbolize men incapable of love.

Buy and carry cucumbers- means thankless work and trouble; plant cucumbers in the garden- Significant monetary loss.

English dream book

For example, stale, rotten cucumbers- promise you good health, sick- recovery, and lonely people- a quick engagement and a happy family life.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If you dreamed of a cucumber- expect changes for the better in the near future. Happiness awaits you.

Cucumber- a symbol of the masculine.

The woman who saw this vegetable in a dream- is probably dissatisfied with her current sex life and has a desire that she cannot satisfy.

If a cucumber dreamed of a man- this means that he will soon experience an erotic adventure.

Dream Interpretation Veles

Cucumber lying in front of someone else's fence- to a divorced man, or a man who is in a quarrel with his wife.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Culinary dream book

If you dreamed of a cucumber (cucumbers)- this means that unexpected guests will soon come to you, who will delight you, bring variety to your life, but, unfortunately, they will embarrass you very much and will not leave you quickly.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Cucumbers to see or eat- Something good is waiting for you.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Esoteric dream book

Cucumbers see- to a lack of food, a poor harvest.

Eat- strange events, surprise.

Ukrainian dream book

cucumbers- bad, someone will cause trouble for you.

Cucumbers dream of a girl- getting to know the kids.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Cucumbers for a woman- suitors; cucumbers in the snow- gossip in connection with lovers; see cucumbers- to money (for a man).

Collection of dream books

Cucumber- cash receipts, return of debt.

cucumbers- to unexpected guests.

Cucumber- success, profit, excellent health.

cucumbers - good sign to improve the living situation; eat cucumbers- to a lack of mineral salts and water in the body; for men- can mean possible sexual failure, and for women- latent sexual desire.

There are cucumbers in a dream- means that your hopes are deceitful. However, sick- the same dream promises a speedy happy recovery.

When do dreams come true?

Will your dream come true?- It depends on what today lunar day. You can find out from ours.

Don't worry, it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say through the open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

turn out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

How else to find out if your dream is prophetic?

If it falls out in this, it is very likely that your dream is prophetic!

Dream Interpretation with Tarot Cards?

These two original layouts will help you understand what is hidden behind the images from your dream.

It is known that dreams have an impact on a person's mood, on his vitality. They can predict certain events, suggest the right direction in case of doubt, and reveal the essence of things. If we listen to what our subconscious is trying to convey to us, then much in life can be subjected to soft adjustment and, thus, avoid some mistakes.

Why is the cucumber dreaming? What does such a dream promise us? A cucumber seen in a dream has different meanings. In order to draw the correct conclusion regarding a particular dream, some details should be taken into account, for example, the gender of the one who saw the dream or the time of day at which the dream occurred. So, dreams that are dreamed before 12 o'clock in the morning determine the near future, and dreams that occur before 6 in the morning open the veil of the more distant future. At the same time, it is believed that dreams seen from 6 am to lunchtime do not have special power and do not carry additional information.

What is the dream of a cucumber - Miller's dream book

Cucumber in a dream - to reconciliation, success and recovery, while the larger and stronger the cucumber, the more luck it portends.

Cucumber - Freud's dream book

According to Freud, the cucumber is the personification of masculine strength, the masculine principle.

If a woman dreamed of a cucumber, this indicates that she has sexual dissatisfaction. If a man saw cucumbers in a dream, then for him this means erotic adventures.

The Islamic dream book promises that seeing cucumbers in a dream is for good, goodness and wealth.

For men, cucumbers portend success in business.

What is the dream of a cucumber - a dream book for lovers

For those who dream of themselves and their lover picking cucumbers, slicing them and eating them, the dream portends good changes in relationships.

Why do cucumbers dream - Small Velesov dream book

To dream of fresh and strong cucumbers means:

  • for patients - a speedy recovery;
  • for unmarried men - success and profit;
  • for unmarried girls - acquaintance with representatives of the opposite sex.

There are pickles in a dream - to sadness, pickled cucumbers - to illness.

Collect unripe cucumbers in a dream - to the dead.

Cucumbers in a dream - English dream book

In English Old dream book dreams in which the sleeper sees cucumbers are interpreted in the exact opposite of what he saw, that is:

  • rotten, soft, spoiled cucumbers promise good health and success;
  • to see a cucumber in a dream for lonely people means to meet your soul mate and a quick wedding.

Women's dream book - what is the dream of a cucumber

Buying cucumbers in a dream - arouse the admiration of others.

To see a yellow cucumber, overripe - in the near future you will be disappointed.

Collect rotten cucumbers, keep them, carry with you - portends serious problems with the potency of your partner.

There are bitter cucumbers in a dream - to sadness, and sweet ones - to joy.

Many small gherkins promise gifts from a lover.

Cucumbers - Hasse's dream book

If you eat cucumbers in a dream, then a pleasant surprise awaits you.

Esoteric dream book

Cucumbers are a symbol of the absence of a rich harvest. They also mean unfavorable circumstances and lack of satisfaction.

Chop cucumbers and eat them - to surprises.

What does it mean to dream about cucumbers - Evgeny Tsvetkov's dream book

Cucumbers dreamed of by women portend new fans.

For men, cucumbers promise success in business.

Lunar dream book - interpretation of cucumbers in a dream

There are cucumbers - to financial instability.

Why do cucumbers dream - the Wanderer's dream book

Cucumbers dreamed of by a woman portend her new lover.

Cucumbers dreamed in a dream - what does it mean according to the French dream book

Eating cucumbers in a dream means deceptive hopes. If a sick person eats cucumbers, then this promises him recovery.

Cucumbers in a dream - dream book of Krada Veles

If a woman dreamed of a cucumber lying on the ground near someone else's fence, then this promises a close relationship with a divorced man. Picking up such a cucumber and taking it with you is the possibility of marriage, and walking past this vegetable is a short-term relationship.

What is the dream of a cucumber - a dream book of birthdays

For those born in January, February, March and April, cucumbers in a dream portend quarrels and troubles.

For those born in September, October and December, dreaming cucumbers promise unexpected guests.

For those born in May, June, July and August. to see cucumbers in a dream - to success.

Culinary dream book - cucumbers

Dreamed cucumbers mean the arrival of unexpected guests. If the cucumbers in a dream are good, then the guests will delight you with their visit, and if the cucumbers are bad (rotten, overripe), then the guests will bring unpleasant news. By the way, if the cucumbers are very overripe, do not take trouble to heart, as they are a thing of the past.

If a lonely man saw a cucumber in a dream, then soon his life will change for the better.

Cucumber for lovers - for marriage.

Cucumber for the sick - to recovery.

Why else can cucumbers dream

  • fresh - to good news;
  • cut into a salad - to the guests;
  • collect from the garden - to wealth;
  • soft or rotten - to illness;
  • wash cucumbers - to gossip;
  • buy a lot of cucumbers - to success;
  • there is a big and sweet cucumber - a quick date;
  • receive from a lover - to marriage.

Dreams are sometimes exciting, but at the same time pleasant. Also, dreams are frightening and cause negative emotions.

Any of them is worth explaining. Why dream of fresh cucumbers? Worth sorting out.

Why fresh cucumbers dream - the main interpretation

Fresh cucumbers in a dream are a good sign; after such a dream, one should expect the end of the period of anxiety and trouble. If you have been sick for a long time, your illness will recede, and you will be able to fully engage in all the things that you have planned for so long.

Also, such a dream can be a dream, to an unexpected surprise. If a woman is married, she should expect a joyful event in the family, perhaps her lover will give her an expensive gift, and she will be extremely happy for him.

Fresh green cucumbers dream of new beginnings and new discoveries. It is worth taking a closer look at all the details of the dream, and making a complete interpretation of the alignment:

Where do cucumbers grow in a dream;

Are there many of them, or is there only one cucumber;

Do you eat fresh cucumbers in a dream;

What emotions did the dream evoke in you?

It is also important to pay attention to the following interpretation of dreams:

If you dream that cucumbers grow in your garden - joy and success await you, you will be able to independently resolve all the accumulated issues;

If you dream about how you pick fresh cucumbers from the garden - the result of your hard work will not take long;

If in a dream the cucumbers in your garden were beaten by hail and the wind - your expectations for making a profit will not come true, you will incur losses and will save money for a long time in order to restore your previous income;

If you dream about how someone robbed your garden, on which green cucumbers grew - such a dream means that another person will appropriate your merits.

If cucumbers turn from small ones into huge and juicy ones in front of your eyes, success in any business is guaranteed, another question, what does a dream mean in which cucumbers, both green and fresh, become rotten and spoiled? Such a dream says that a person has ill-wishers who are trying in every possible way to annoy a person and simply simply frustrate all his plans for the future.

If cucumbers turn black sharply in a dream - such a dream says that evil rumor awaits you, it will not allow you to realize all your dreams. financial plans and intentions. If you see beautiful fresh cucumbers in someone else's garden, you will have to envy other people's successes, since you yourself are not able to realize your plans.

If you dream about how someone else grows cucumbers in your garden - such a dream means that either someone will covet for your personal happiness, or for your professional success. If you know a person by sight - in reality you should not trust him and share your innermost with him, most likely he will betray you.

If you see how much different people they grow cucumbers on their beds - such a dream means that you will become a participant in a mass event, but, despite your hopes, you will not become the center of attention in it.

Also, such a dream may mean that it would be time for you to take care of your image, to engage in self-improvement. You have long ceased to monitor yourself and your actions, but strangers do this and find a lot of unlawful things in your actions.

If you dream about how you throw out fresh cucumbers - such a dream suggests that you will consciously refuse good earnings because your ambitions will take over. You should not allow emotionality to control you, you should make all important decisions on your own and not let someone else's opinion rule everything in your life.

If you dream of a large feast and fresh cucumbers become the main dish on it - such a dream means that soon you will be pleased with the news, they will allow you to look differently at everything that happens in your life. This will most likely be news from your distant relatives, or from close friends.

If you see a huge basket of cucumbers and you give it to someone, you will do a worthy deed, your help will be indispensable, and you will be appreciated. If you see how you eat a cucumber in a dream, and it turns out to be bitter, your hopes will not come true, instead of joy, you will be upset. But these will be temporary troubles that will not affect the main course of events in your life.

Why dream of fresh cucumbers according to Freud's dream book

Why dream of fresh cucumbers? Such a dream in Freud's dream book is interpreted as making a woman diversify her sex life. Cucumbers in the dream book are associated with the masculine principle. If a woman dreams about how she grows cucumbers on her own in the garden, she will invest a lot of emotions and efforts in the development of new relationships. If she dreams about how she preserves cucumbers, she will remain with her former partner and at the same time will be constantly unhappy with him.

The reason for dissatisfaction may be hidden in his callousness and inattention to her, in his emotionality. He, most likely, simply does not know how to express his emotions and it seems to the woman that he is cold towards her. If a man dreams about how he grows and collects cucumbers, he pays too much attention to his beauty and excellence. In dealing with people, this can play a cruel joke. He can stay on his own and only then will he understand that it is not the external beauty of a person that is important, but his inner dignity.

If a man dreams about how a woman feeds him with cucumbers, he should urgently diversify his sex life. His energy is stagnant, he is not in demand. This can cause nervousness and failure in the professional field.

If a pregnant woman dreams of fresh and juicy cucumbers, she will not be left without support, she will always be helped. She will give birth to a strong and healthy child - this is how the dream book interprets such a dream.

Why dream of fresh cucumbers according to the Esoteric dream book

IN Esoteric dream book it is said that fresh cucumbers in a dream are a symbol of masculinity. If they are green and tasty, such a dream means help from a man for a woman. Perhaps she will get a new boyfriend who will make her life joyful and colorful. Also, such a dream may mean that soon a woman will have a chance to communicate with a pretty successful man who will share valuable experience with her.

If a man dreams of fresh cucumbers, rivals can expect him. This can affect both personal life and the professional sphere. If he dreams about how he eats fresh cucumbers, he will overcome all the intrigues of enemies and remain in his own interests. If a man picks cucumbers in a dream, such a dream means that he will soon collect the fruits of his labors. It can be both victories on the personal front and in the professional sphere.

Why dream of fresh cucumbers in other dream books

In the dream book of Astromeridian such a dream means that a person will soon say goodbye to all troubles and all diseases. hard period will be left behind, and only new achievements will await him ahead. It is important to remember the emotions that the dream caused. If it was anxiety and discomfort, most likely a person will have to fight for a long time to be right.

If in a dream a person was not disturbed by anything, and he even seemed joyful to him, luck would visit his house anyway. IN Women's dream book said that such a dream may indicate the future good health of a person and his prosperity in all matters.

IN Modern dream book it is said that if men dream of cucumbers, this is for money, if for women, for gifts. If you dream of cucumbers in the snow, gossip about secret love affairs and lovers awaits you. Do not betray them of special importance, most likely it's just gossip.

If you dream about how you bought cucumbers in the market and bring them into the house, you will hard times. You yourself will be the culprit for this, since you have not worked for a long time and did not try for other people. If you dream about how you sow cucumbers in the garden - such a dream means that you will incur significant losses, you were so hoping for a profit, but in an instant it was gone.

If you dream that someone is trampling on your cucumbers, your desires and the most positive thoughts will be literally trampled on by an owl. You will be very upset by this, but you should not worry too much about this, everything will get better soon, you just look at the attacker in a completely different light. Whatever the dream, you create your own reality. The main thing is faith in one's own strengths.

Dreams are interpreted according to certain actions or objects that you remember the most in a dream, and also because what was the main thing for you? Value for clues are the smallest details and details. You need to remember more, to reproduce in memory everything that happens in a dream.

  • Why dream of cucumbers in the garden
    • Miller's dream book
    • Dreaming of a pregnant woman
  • Beautiful and solid- the dream book indicates that in life you have good health and are happy. If a woman sees in a dream, then men show increased interest in her. You see a lot of cucumbers in the garden, you will bother about the arrival of guests.
  • In the garden sluggish cucumbers- you are tired and you need to rest, otherwise depression may begin.
  • Dream Interpretation cucumbers: you have harvested, and the vegetables are lethargic, spoiled, rotten or yellowed, this portends a disease, failure in business. Take care of your health and improve your affairs. A married woman should pay more attention to family relationships.
  • overripe vegetables in the garden - you will be upset about something, but in the future you will get huge benefits from this grief.
  • Gathering under someone else's fence, you are waiting to benefit from property that does not belong to you. And if a woman sees this dream, perhaps she is going to take someone else's husband away.
  • Decayed dream of an imminent illness.

Why dream of picking cucumbers?

The dream book says you will have family joys. You collect cucumbers in a dream and remove dirt from them - the dream warns, the secret becomes a reality, you will not be able to keep your secret.

Dream Interpretation fresh cucumbers: you have a large crop of cucumbers and you collect it, you will soon make a decent profit. Another interprets, it's time to rethink your life, appreciate and take care of what you have. Now everything is fine with you at home and at work, but you don’t notice it, if you continue to live like this, you will lose something.

A woman collects cucumbers and puts them in a hem in a dream - you will have an obsessive gentleman, who will be very difficult to get rid of.

Picking cucumbers in the snow, the dream book warns that something can threaten your health. Take all preventive measures. If you collect cucumbers on the sand, your well-being and health need to be strengthened, the foundation under them is fragile.

Dream interpretation cucumbers. There are other vegetables on the cucumber bed (cabbage, tomatoes, radishes) it's time for you to relax, take a vacation or time off. You have been overwhelmed at work and an emotional breakdown may occur. Gathered cucumbers in a dream and pickle them, the dream book speaks of material problems. It's time for you to pay off your debts.

Miller's dream book

Strong green gherkins dream of patients for recovery. And if they dream of a family and healthy man, then the dream book says that he will return feelings for his wife. The young man harvests in a dream, which means he will wait mutual love. I dreamed of gherkins with tops - there will be a fun pastime and you will receive gifts. Elderly people dream of bright-colored vegetables, the dream book hints that old age will pass quietly in the family circle.

Why do cucumbers dream? To collect on someone else's garden, you offended someone and appropriated something alien to yourself, think about your act. Someone else works on your site and harvests your crops, in life someone spreads gossip and gossips about you. Harvest from the garden in bad weather, the dream book says that it's time to take action in relation to health.

  • To pick up an old rotten fruit from the ground - you will become depressed and there will be a breakdown.
  • A woman collects fresh vegetables from the garden, the dream book promises romantic adventures and she will have a new admirer.
  • For a man, a green cucumber resembles his sexual organ and suggests that his body is functioning perfectly and it is full of sexual energy. If in reality the male ego has suffered, then yellow vegetables may be seen.
  • I dreamed of pickles, the dream book says that you are insecure, lonely and dream of improving your situation. Eat lightly salted gherkins, the dream book portends unrequited love, which will turn out to be very successful in the future.
  • Sowing cucumbers in a dream, the dream book warns that you have to spend money. Spending will be pleasant, perhaps you will buy something that you have been dreaming about for a long time. Collect cucumbers from the garden or in the greenhouse, there will be a big profit.

Dreaming of a pregnant woman

A woman eats a green cucumber in a dream dream book portends pregnancy and most likely you already have it. And he also says that your birth will be successful and a boy will be born. The expectant mother consumes a fresh juicy cucumber - this means that if problems arise, they will be easily resolved. If the fruit was watery, then you thought up all the difficulties yourself.

Dreams with cucumbers have many meanings. But sleep is influenced by the phase of the moon, the day of the week, the hour when you saw this phenomenon. A dream may or may not come true, it may just be a warning. Only you can fix any situation.

Our dreams are sometimes so unpredictable that it is difficult to guess their true meaning without the help of a dream book. An ordinary cucumber can symbolize good health, or it can promise success and full prosperity in the house.

The cucumber is often perceived as a kind of phallic symbol, so in a dream it can hint at a stormy sexual relationship. In order to correctly understand how to interpret this or that dream, look into your favorite dream book.

What can a woman dream of cucumbers?

As Freud explains, cucumbers can symbolize dissatisfaction with personal life, so a dream often betrays a woman’s desire to enter into a love relationship.

In his opinion, such a dream promises a young girl an early acquaintance with an interesting man.

For a married lady, a fresh cucumber in a dream most often portends a pleasant gift from her husband. If you believe the interpretation of Tsvetkov's dream book, a cucumber in a dream promises the appearance of new fans. But you should not rush into the pool with your head, a dream can also warn of an unpleasant connection.

dreamed cucumbers lying on the snow- you will not be able to avoid gossip about a secret love affair. The cucumber turned out to be tasteless - a bitter disappointment awaits you. Sprinkle a fresh cucumber with salt - get ready for family gossip.

If a man dreamed of vegetables - what does this mean?

For men, green cucumbers seen in night dreams are usually a good sign:

  • a single man will have a stormy love relationship;
  • a family man can count on business prosperity or career advancement.

Lots of cucumbers portends unexpected profits. But one, but spoiled cucumber can warn of health problems. Sometimes such a dream hints at a decrease in a man's sexual capabilities.

Why do green cucumbers dream of a pregnant woman?

A dream in which a woman eats a green cucumber with pleasure is often a sure harbinger of pregnancy. It is quite possible that new life already born in your body. For a pregnant woman, a similar image in a dream promises a successful birth and may hint at the birth of a boy.

If future mom eats in a dream fresh juicy cucumber- this is a sign that even if problems arise in the future, they will be solved easily and quickly. When watery fruit taste- a dream symbolizes that your troubles and difficulties are rather far-fetched.

What does picking cucumbers mean?

I dreamed that you were picking fresh cucumbers - this is a sign that everything in your life is in perfect order. Strong relationship with loved one stable income You have many reasons to enjoy life.

A dream may warn that you do not appreciate what you have and are ready to put a lot at stake in order to achieve ghostly goals.

Tear from the garden small but firm cucumbers, according to the interpretation of dream books, dreams of money.

Collecting a rich harvest of cucumbers is a favorable sign that predicts a significant replenishment of the family budget.

When in a dream you are trying to clean cucumbers from adhering earth, this is a harbinger of the fact that you are unlikely to be able to keep a secret from others. For a sick person disruption cucumbers from the branches means a speedy recovery.

Ripe cucumbers in the garden - what do they portend?

Contemplation of green cucumbers in the garden, according to the interpretation of most dream books, is a positive sign. The future promises only bright events:

  • quiet family life;
  • health promotion;
  • return of old debts.

Many small cucumbers in the garden symbolize the visit of unexpected guests. large vegetables in a dream should make you think about your achievements. For a woman, growing young cucumbers may portend an early pregnancy.

Buy cucumbers in your dream

Buying cucumbers is often a dream before a slight stagnation in business.

Perhaps your income will noticeably decrease and there will be a need to get into debt. I dreamed that you carry the purchased vegetables home is a sign of hard thankless work.

Picked from a merchant the strongest cucumbers- expect news from those who have not been seen for a long time. I dreamed that a familiar person was paying for vegetables - this is a harbinger of a major celebration and long fun. Who knows, maybe in the near future you will be destined to take a walk at the wedding.

What does a dream in which there were a lot of cucumbers promise?

Whole goat fresh cucumbers most often warns of a visit from distant relatives.

It is possible that their presence will disrupt your usual way of life, but do not be upset - communication with an unexpected guest will help you make a fateful decision.

A lot of strong cucumbers in a dream, it may portend profit or the implementation of new successful projects.

If the vegetables were sluggish and dirty, you should not count on a big income. overripe cucumbers symbolize disappointment in a loved one.

What does it mean to peel cucumbers in your dreams?

I dreamed that you were peeling a cucumber - get ready for a big quarrel. If before that you washed the vegetable from the ground for a long time, you will not be able to avoid the dirty gossip of others. Salted peeled cucumber- conflicts will lead to tears.

Peel and cut cucumbers in a dream - a harbinger of deception and great losses. Sometimes a cut cucumber warns of a possible job loss and financial difficulties.

I dreamed that you cut the peel in the winter - beware of colds.

For a woman, a dream often prophesies pregnancy. Another interpretation of sleep for a young woman is that you will be separated from your loved one. But do not rush to be upset - fate will give you a chance to create a strong marriage with a faithful and caring person.

How does Vanga's dream book interpret dreams with vegetables?

The famous Vanga considered dreaming cucumbers a favorable sign. For a patient, such a dream promises complete healing. For lovers - harmonious relationships and passionate feelings. For lonely people, a dream promises the imminent establishment of a romantic relationship, which will have every chance to develop into something more.

For family people cucumbers in a dream First of all, they portend a strong financial position.

Cucumbers are a healthy tasty vegetable. We regularly use cucumbers for salads, snacks, etc. Pickles are very popular with pregnant women and often appear in their dreams. What can a dream mean in which cucumbers are present in one form or another? How to understand why you dream of buying cucumbers or cutting salad with cucumbers? The meaning of this or that dream can be different, depending on the dream plot.

  • Why do cucumber seedlings dream: a dream portends good luck, material well-being.
  • What is the dream of a cucumber in a breadbasket: such a dream speaks of the need to take action.
  • In a dream, seeing a lot of cucumbers in the garden portends a meeting with people who will cause you admiration and a desire to see you again.
  • Sleep "cutting pickles" - there will be a quarrel with loved ones, a tough fight with competitors at work.
  • Dream Interpretation of Juno: cucumber is a favorable symbol of wealth and fertility.
  • Dream interpretation online: cucumber is a symbol of your dissatisfaction with your partner. Try to find a way to improve your relationship.
  • Picking a cucumber in a dream portends a good chance or opportunity.
  • Dream Interpretation: picking cucumbers in a dream - learn to love the world around you and he will respond the same.
  • Collecting tomatoes and cucumbers in a dream portends a complication in relations with a loved one.
  • Why dream of making a greenhouse for cucumbers: you are too preoccupied with your sex life.
  • Why do pregnant women dream of cucumbers: such a dream portends the successful birth of a child, most likely a boy will be born.
  • Why dream of planting cucumbers: you will find peace and joy in the family, financial success, replenishment in the family.
  • Why dream of picking cucumbers in a dream: a period of passivity and laziness awaits you.
  • The meaning of the “pickles in a jar” dream boils down to this: you will be able to cope with the surging problems thanks to the ability to keep everything under control.
  • What does a bed of cucumbers mean in a dream: a dream portends a large number of successful opportunities.
  • “Seeing a large crop of cucumbers in a dream” suggests that you will soon receive a large number of people at home.
  • What does “fresh cucumbers” mean in a dream: you will have difficulties with food and small incomes throughout the year.
  • What is the dream of a field of cucumbers: a dream predicts a fun holiday in your home.
  • Why dream of cutting a fresh cucumber: you risk quarreling with family and friends if you try to compete with them in anything.
  • Why cucumbers dream: a dream speaks of receiving praise for the work done.
  • Why dream of cucumbers and fresh tomatoes: your health will improve, illnesses will go away for a long time.
  • Why dream of eating pickles: soon you will be invited to a fun party from which you will get great pleasure.
  • Why dream a lot of fresh cucumbers: such a dream suggests that fun and joy will soon come to your house.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation
Vanga's dream book: green cucumbers in the garden are a symbol of your hopes and new goals.
Dream Interpretation: fresh green cucumbers in the beds are a sign that you need to take care of the house for its well-being.
Women's dream book

  • Why dream of fresh cucumbers: you will have excellent health and joy in your personal life.
  • Why do cucumbers dream of a woman: a dream promises a meeting of love, if a woman is already in love, she will be happy in an existing relationship. If a girl dreams of cucumbers, she will have a pleasant acquaintance with a man who can become her chosen one in life.
  • Why do green cucumbers dream: if you have been sick for a long time, such a dream promises a speedy recovery and good health in the future.
  • Why do cucumbers and tomatoes dream: soon you will have the opportunity to pay off all your debts.
  • What does it mean to see a growing cucumber in a dream: a new period in life awaits you, its fertility will depend on how much effort you put into business.
  • A dream about pickles is unfavorable because it promises a lot of tears and frustration.
  • A dream about fresh cucumbers portends meeting new people, mostly males.
  • Cucumbers peeled in hands in a dream speak of getting rid of problems.
  • Dream Interpretation: cucumbers portend bright times after a period of worries and failures. Things will get better soon.
  • Dream Interpretation: fresh cucumbers promise a woman a lot of attention from men, a lot of meetings and gifts.
  • Dream Interpretation: pickles in a dream indicate that many things require your participation and you should not take them lightly.
  • Dream Interpretation: green cucumbers are a sign that you will make peace with your loved one after a quarrel.
  • Dream Interpretation: picking cucumbers - you will soon receive a large amount of money or start a profitable business.
  • Dream Interpretation: fresh green cucumbers promise a smooth and cloudless future, full of money and joys.
  • Dream Interpretation: cucumbers in the garden portend quiet family evenings filled with comfort and satisfaction.
  • Dream Interpretation "what cucumbers dream of" explains how good dream portending joyful events and profit.
  • The dream of “cucumbers in a jar” is interpreted by the dream book as the onset of troubles that you can handle.
  • Cucumbers in a dream portend the rejection of desires for the sake of loved ones. Seeing cucumbers in a dream means that your dreams are false and have no reason to come true.
  • The dream “there are fresh cucumbers” - you will be disappointed in current state affairs.
  • Pickled cucumbers in a dream portend bad news from relatives.
  • Collecting cucumbers in a dream promises fruitful work and monetary rewards.
  • The dream "cucumbers, tomatoes" speaks of the need to repay all debts as soon as possible.
  • The dream of “seeing cucumbers in the garden” promises good news from afar.
  • Green cucumbers in a dream are a harbinger of wealth and well-being.
  • Seeing pickles in a dream promises the onset of difficult times. If a woman ate pickles in a dream, in reality she will get the opportunity to become pregnant.
  • Many cucumbers in a dream speak of wealth that will soon fall on you.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see cucumbers - perhaps a promotion at work or a well-deserved reward.
  • Dream Interpretation: growing cucumbers portend a quick profit from the work done.
  • Cucumbers and tomatoes are interpreted by the dream book as an opportunity to recover from all diseases.
  • Dream Interpretation: pickles in a jar portends short period anxiety and nervous tension.
  • Dream Interpretation: cucumbers grow in the garden - fruitful work and a good monetary reward await you.
  • Dream Interpretation: buy cucumbers - you will buy problems on your head. (see also sleep Purchase)
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing cucumbers in a dream is a good omen. Even if now you have a lot of problems and worries, a period of peace and prosperity will come in the near future.
  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams "cucumber" is positive, in the event that you dreamed of a fresh cucumber. Pickled cucumber in a dream is a harbinger of tears and grief.
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of cucumbers promise a large number of guests in your house.
  • Dream Interpretation: picking cucumbers from the garden portends a well-deserved vacation after hard work.
  • The dream book “what fresh cucumbers dream of” is interpreted as a good omen, promising a sea of ​​​​opportunities.
  • Dream Interpretation: big cucumbers dream of good health and getting rid of sorrows.
  • The dream interpretation “what pickles dream of” explains how the onset of a hectic period full of troubles.
  • Dream Interpretation: dreamed of cucumbers - be prepared for the influx of guests and active communication with people.
  • Dream Interpretation: pick fresh cucumbers - get money soon for your work.
  • Why dream "cucumber": you will have a fan who provides active signs of attention.
  • Interpretation of dreams: a cucumber for a man means receiving large sums of money, opening his own profitable business.
  • To dream of "picking cucumbers" means that you have achieved a lot for last years and you need to rest, enjoy the achievements.
  • The dream "cucumbers in a jar" warns of the danger of a car accident and unsuccessful trips.
  • The dream “pick fresh cucumbers” advises you to analyze your life and identify strong and weak sides your personality.
  • To see a lot of cucumbers in a dream promises new business and goals that will bring a lot of money.
  • What cucumbers mean in a dream: a bright romance awaits you, which will bring a lot of positive emotions.
  • The dream “dreamed cucumbers” - expect a visit from relatives or friends. Seeing a cucumber in a dream portends good health and the absence of disease for a long time. If a young girl ate fresh cucumbers in a dream, in reality she will become a mother soon enough. Eating a cucumber in a dream is a good sign for women and men.
  • Cucumbers: interpretation from the dream book says that the dream portends love adventures, many romantic acquaintances.
  • Dream Interpretation: eating cucumbers portends getting problems from relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: pickle cucumbers - deliberately complicate your life and the lives of your loved ones.
  • Dream Interpretation: pickled cucumbers promise a period of struggle for a place under the sun.
  • Dream Interpretation: cutting cucumbers portends torment from jealousy, often unreasonable.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see pickles - to receive bad news from relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: cucumber seeds indicate that not all opportunities have been used.
  • Dream Interpretation: planting cucumbers - you need to make a contribution to your future.
  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams “fresh cucumbers” is very positive. You have entered a period of good luck, which will last long enough.
  • Dream Interpretation: cucumber seedlings are a sign that you need to see friends more often.
  • Dream Interpretation: cucumber salad is a sign that you will soon solve all the tasks that lie ahead of you.
  • Dream interpretation: rotten cucumbers are a harbinger of a new man in your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: buy fresh cucumbers - you will soon have difficulties with money.
  • Dream Interpretation: fresh cucumbers in the garden - profit from an easy task awaits you.
  • Dream Interpretation: eat pickles in a dream - you will soon become pregnant.
  • Dream Interpretation: salted cucumber - you will have minor difficulties.
  • Why dream of eating a fresh cucumber: a dream portends pleasant events and good news. Seeing fresh cucumbers in a dream promises good news and encouraging events.
  • Why dream of stealing cucumbers: in the near future you will avoid health problems.
  • Seeing cucumbers in a garden in a dream promises the possibility of cooperation with influential people.
  • Buying cucumbers in a dream portends a deterioration in business, a decline in mood, possibly ruin.
  • The dream of "big cucumbers" suggests that you should take a more active part in the life of your family.
  • Seeing green cucumbers in a garden in a dream portends making big profits or winning the lottery.
  • The dream "pickles in a jar" predicts danger while traveling. For some time it is better to refrain from traveling.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see cucumbers in a dream - your life will gradually begin to improve.
  • To dream of “collecting fresh cucumbers” promises material well-being and a prosperous life.
  • In a dream, picking cucumbers from the garden portends a lot of profitable interesting work.
  • Why dream of cucumbers in a jar: a dream suggests that you are missing out on good opportunities because of your laziness.
  • Seeing green cucumbers in a dream promises good health, success at work.
  • Why dream of buying pickles: you will suffer a loss in business and suffer a series of failures.
  • Why do women dream of fresh cucumbers: you will have a lot of energy to do everything you have planned. The mood will be good, and health will be strong.
  • Why dream of pickles in a jar: exchanging for little things, you miss a huge number of chic opportunities.
  • Why big cucumbers dream: a dream suggests that you should take an active part in what is happening around you.
  • Why do you dream of pickled cucumbers in jars: by doing meaningless actions, you are wasting time in vain. Review your to-do list and cancel everything that is not important right now.
  • What a lot of pickles dream of: all the good that you do or will do will definitely come back to you.
  • Why dream of pickles in a barrel: you are in complete control of your life and you know what you want.
  • Why dream of eating cucumbers: your hopes will not come true, your efforts will not bring success.
  • Why do growing cucumbers dream: you have to reach a new stage of development.
  • Why do you dream of pickles and tomatoes: you have to pay debts.
  • What does cucumber mean in a dream: such a dream is a harbinger of improved family relations, good health, and financial prosperity.
  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams "cucumber" means that in the future you will have to make an effort to earn money normal life. A dream about cucumbers is favorable, in general. You need to pay attention to the details of the dream.
  • The dream "pickled cucumbers" portends a meeting with dishonest people. Deception is possible when making transactions of a financial and legal nature.
  • In a dream, “salting cucumbers” promises to fall in love unrequitedly. If a man pickled cucumbers in a dream, he will soon become a father.
  • The dream of "cucumber seeds" promises immersion in the family and concern for the life of the household. Seeing a jar of pickles in a dream promises complete control over the lives of your relatives.
  • Dream Interpretation: buying pickles - you will have to repeatedly defend your position.
  • Dream Interpretation: buying fresh green cucumbers - you have to work for other people.
  • Dream Interpretation: pickle cucumbers - there is a risk of being disappointed in life.
  • Dream Interpretation: eat pickles - you are not yet destined to achieve your goal. Save your efforts for later.
  • Dream Interpretation: pick cucumbers - try not to miss important point of your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: tomato and cucumber salad - there is something in your life that is unfamiliar to you and scares you. Look your fear in the face, maybe you have nothing to fear.
  • The meaning of sleep "cucumbers" comes down to the following: a lot of trials and fuss await you. Cutting cucumbers in a dream means jealousy and the desire to be the sole owner. Seeing cucumbers and tomatoes in a dream means that you need to be more economical.
  • Pickle cucumbers in a dream - a dishonest financial deal awaits you.
  • To see cucumbers in jars in a dream promises a solution to problems through perseverance.
  • Seeing pickles in a jar in a dream portends the help of friends in a difficult situation.
  • If you dream of "dream interpretation of fresh cucumbers", you should prepare for the visit of relatives.
  • The dream "fresh cucumbers in the garden" dreamed by a man portends him financial well-being, health and success on the love front.
  • The dream "tomato and cucumber salad" is a harbinger bad mood and decline in activity.
  • Sleep "seedlings of cucumbers" promises confusion in relationships.
  • The dream of “treating another person with cucumbers” portends a lie and betrayal of a loved one.
  • Sleep "pick cucumbers" promises growth family well-being and other pleasures.
  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of dreams “fresh cucumbers” is very favorable. However, there is a possibility that there is some dispersion in your thoughts. Get them in order.
  • Tearing cucumbers in a dream means that joy and peace will come to your family.
  • Stealing cucumbers in a dream promises recovery and good immunity.
  • Seeing growing cucumbers in a dream portends the possibility of additional income.
  • Rotten cucumbers in a dream speaks of the onset of an excellent period in life and a romantic acquaintance.
  • Seeing in a dream "pick fresh cucumbers green" means that it's time to pay off your debts.
  • The dream "salted tomatoes cucumbers" promises grief for some reason, but it will pass quickly.
  • To dream of "collecting a lot of cucumbers" predicts the appearance of an overly obsessive man.
  • If a man sees a cucumber in a dream, which means: such a dream is an omen of chic well-being, profitable deals and sexual satisfaction.
  • Why dream of pickled cucumbers: you are tired of your loneliness. The dream interpretation advises to make peace with relatives, find a favorite thing and become open to favorable changes.
  • Why do salted cucumbers dream: a dream promises you to know love without an answer, which will bring a lot of negative emotions.
  • Why buy fresh cucumbers in a dream: such a dream portends difficulties associated with work or study.
  • Sleep "cucumbers" is interpreted by Miller's dream book as a recovery, getting rid of most problems and good earnings.
  • Eating a pickled cucumber in a dream means going through an unpleasant period in life.
  • Why plant cucumbers in a dream: do not borrow little things, there is a chance to earn a tidy sum.
  • Miller's dream book: pickles are a harbinger of the calm before the storm.
  • Dream Interpretation: picking cucumbers in a dream - your desires do not match your capabilities.
  • Dream Interpretation: why do cucumbers dream in the garden - such a dream portends a good period of fun and celebration of something.
  • Dream Interpretation "eat pickles in a dream" portends an early pregnancy.
  • Salted cucumbers: a dream speaks of a series of minor troubles.
  • The dream of “picking fresh cucumbers from the garden” portends a good income.
  • Dream "buy pickles" - you can become the culprit of your own troubles.
  • Seeing pickles in a dream is an unfavorable dream. You are waiting for different obstacles on the way to the goal.
  • The dream of “watering cucumbers” is a symbol of wealth and prosperity.
  • A woman to see cucumbers in a dream - to pregnancy. Seeing fresh cucumbers in the garden in a dream promises well-being at work and at home. To see fresh cucumbers in a dream - you have to defend the fight for your interests. There is a possibility of being attacked, moral or physical. Preserving cucumbers in a dream promises the need to take care of a close relative due to his illness.
  • The dream "a lot of cucumbers in the garden" portends a good profit from sales.
  • Why do women dream of pickles: you will want to correct your weaknesses, because they prevent you from living in full force.
  • Why do pickles dream: a dream portends a lack of money for quite a long time.
  • Why fresh cucumbers dream: green cucumbers say that you will soon get rid of the disease, and will be healthy like a bull for a long time.
  • Why do cucumbers dream in the garden for a woman: a dream promises a lonely lady a meeting with a potential husband.
  • Why dream of green cucumbers in the garden: married woman a dream predicts a pleasant gift from her husband.
  • Why dream of cucumbers in the garden: if in reality you have your own garden with cucumbers, such a dream promises a good harvest of vegetables.
  • Why dream of picking cucumbers: you will probably get a big bonus at work.
  • What is the dream of the cucumber harvest: the dream says that you will receive a lot of money from your work.
  • Why do rotten cucumbers dream: a dream tells what awaits you strong love, which will end with a gorgeous wedding and a lasting marriage.
  • Why do cucumbers dream in a greenhouse: a dream portends great financial luck. Money will come from the most unexpected sources.
  • Why do pregnant women dream of cucumber sprouts: a dream portends a successful completion of pregnancy, the birth of a healthy child, help in education from relatives.
  • Why dream of planting cucumbers in the ground: because of your laziness and inattention, you risk losing a large amount of money and finding financial failure.
  • Why dream of picking cucumbers from the garden: material luck will come to you soon. There will be success in business and business.
  • Why dream of choosing cucumbers: you will be forced to do menial work.
  • Why dream of picking cucumbers: such a dream promises death in your circle of friends.
  • Why dream of fresh cucumbers in the garden: for girls, such a dream promises a pleasant meeting.
  • Why dream that you eat pickles: a dream predicts difficulties in money or even poverty.
  • Why dream of cutting a cucumber: a dream speaks of your concern about a potential rival or rival. Your jealousy is unfounded.
  • Why dream of picking cucumbers: a dream can have a direct meaning and portend a rich harvest from your garden.
  • Why dream of picking cucumbers and tomatoes: there will be a lot of work, strength will be running out.
  • Why dream of sowing cucumbers: a child will be born in your family.
  • Why dream of picking cucumbers in the garden: if the garden was someone else's, take someone else's property into your hands. Picking vegetables in your garden promises the acquisition of things that rightfully belong to you.
  • The dream book “what cucumbers dream of” gives a good interpretation. Such a dream promises money and good deals if a man had a dream.
  • Why dream of “picking fresh cucumbers”: the dream says that you need to change your principles and reconsider your goals in life.
  • Why do women dream of “fresh green cucumbers”: soon your friends or relatives will give you nice gifts.
  • Why dream of buying cucumbers: your work will not be appreciated and will bring continuous trouble.
  • Why dream of picking cucumbers from the garden: you will live in abundance. You are satisfied with your achievements, it remains only to learn to love what you have.
  • Why dream of pickling cucumbers: you will have to face deceit or petty scam.
  • What does it mean if you dream of cucumbers in the snow: they will try to confuse you with gossip about your loved one. If you dream of a cucumber, then there will be a son.
  • Why dream of buying tomatoes and cucumbers: you have to make a lot of useless purchases that will gobble up your entire budget.
  • What is the “cucumber dream” dreaming about: prepare your house for guests. Nice get-togethers are on the way. Cucumber dreams of pregnancy, if in a dream you see it in the garden.
  • Why do a lot of cucumbers dream: you will soon find yourself in a place where there are a lot of people. Or some event will soon take place in your house, where there will be a sufficient number of people.
  • Dream Interpretation: why fresh cucumbers dream. You will be lucky on all fronts, you have a lot of strength and enthusiasm.
  • The dream book “what pickles dream of” interprets negatively. You need to prepare for small troubles and failures.
  • Why dream of cucumber salad: you will be able to cope with all the tasks.
  • Why do cucumber seeds dream: such a dream predicts success in business, business prosperity, financial well-being, well-being.
  • Why do women dream of “picking fresh cucumbers”: you need to stop complaining about life, otherwise you risk losing everything you have.
  • Why dream of picking cucumbers: if you have collected a large number of cucumbers in a dream, in reality you will receive a large amount of money.
  • The dream book “why do cucumbers dream in the garden” interprets the dream as an opportunity to have fun with friends.
  • Why dream of picking cucumbers in a dream: you may expect minor difficulties, but they will not bother you much.
  • Why dream of buying fresh cucumbers: there may be difficulties at work, you will have to do someone else's work without surcharge
  • Why dream of picking cucumbers: you will be able to earn money dishonestly. If you decide to do this, then your conscience will torment you.
  • Dream Interpretation: picking cucumbers - you will find success and recognition at work.
  • Dream Interpretation: green cucumbers are dreaming - expect a good weekend and joyful events.
  • Dream Interpretation: picking fresh green cucumbers - you will encounter difficulties in communicating with colleagues.
  • Dream Interpretation: soft cucumbers portend grief and sadness.
  • Dream Interpretation: pickles and tomatoes promise an invasion of ill-wishers and cunning people.

Why dream of “seeing cucumbers”: cucumbers are a phallic symbol. The dream speaks of your desire to improve your sex life. Since the cucumber is a male symbol, for a woman, a dream speaks of an excessive concern for her personal life. If something doesn't suit you, tell your partner directly about it. After all, no one knows what is best for you except you.

Dream Interpretation: a man dreams of green cucumbers - a vivid sexual adventure awaits him. If a man is busy, he is waiting for a new round in his sexual relations. A free man will meet a bright and active girl who will change his stereotypes about women.

As we can see, the dream "cucumbers" has many meanings. Some of them are favorable, some are negative. One way or another, sleep gives us a tool to achieve or avoid something. Any, even the smallest detail in a dream can be of primary importance. So, for a more correct interpretation of your dream, try to remember as much as possible, and you will get a clear interpretation of your dream. Of course, the interpretation should not be taken too seriously. There is always a certain probability that the dream you saw will not come true or will come true only half. The influence is exerted by the phases of the moon, days of the week, and so on. Don't be upset if you have a bad dream. It does not mean that it will be fulfilled immediately. Maybe it's just a warning.

Collecting cucumbers in a dream is a warning against the evil influence of the selfish. selfish people. Perhaps one of your new acquaintances will not be who he is trying to impersonate.

find out better than a man who met not so long ago. Think about what kind of person he is and whether it is worth continuing to communicate.

Collect cucumbers from the garden in a dream

A dream where you pick cucumbers from the ridge is a symbol of profit and the establishment of material well-being in your home. However, achieving financial stability will not be easy.

Work hard, take the initiative more often, then, most likely, you will get huge benefits.

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