Why dream of yellow lemons. Lemon in terms of love. Old Russian dream book

Dream Interpretation Lemon

There is a saying “If life gives you a lemon, squeeze the juice out of it and make delicious drink". Of course, it is much easier for positive-minded people to deal with ups and downs. modern life, but it is not always possible to tune in a positive way.

What if even dreams do not please you with colorful pictures, but only sour lemon dreams? Let's figure out what the lemon is dreaming of, and whether you can expect delicious and refreshing lemonade from fate.

citrus fruits

Dreamed of healthy fruits

I happened to see a lemon in a dream - remember as many details of the dream as possible and seek help from the interpreters of dreams. Perhaps this sour fruit does not bode well. The main thing is not to get upset prematurely, but, armed with the necessary information, boldly follow your path.

Dream Interpretations predict

You may love lemons, you may hate them, but you have tasted them once in your life. If not the fruit itself, then they definitely enjoyed lemon jelly or ice cream. He could also meet you in the form of dressing for a particular dish.

love interpreter

dreaming lemon Tree with lush foliage - your causeless jealousy can forever turn your loved one away from you. It is worth understanding where is the fine line between love and worry for the fate of the betrothed, and the mania for controlling everyone and everything.

By the way, the dream book says that your partner or partner is completely faithful to you, so stop tormenting yourself and your soulmate in vain, enjoy the pleasant moments spent together.

A dream in which you saw only one, shriveled and withered fruit, suggests that it is better for you to part with your chosen one. Nothing holds you together anymore, you go hand in hand simply by inertia. The longer you stay together, the more you will suffer.

Miller's Interpreter

There is a lemon in a dream - to disappointment and even humiliation, according to Gustav Miller.

If you dream of a tree with lush foliage and large fruits, then you groundlessly do not trust your partner. If you don't have hard evidence, stop inventing different stories and ruin your life.

According to the dream book, an immature lemon dreams of a disease, most likely of an infectious nature.

Dried citrus promises a couple break. If such a symbol is dreamed of by those who are married, then a divorce awaits them. For just lovers, a dried lemon can dream of parting.

Squeeze juice from citrus

Kananite Interpreter

Why do lemons dream according to this interpreter? To emotional experiences, pain.

Just to see him is to receive good news. Peeling the peel is a smart dreamer who, thanks to his qualities, will be able to avoid great danger.

Squeeze juice from the fruit - get the news, they will greatly upset you.

Esoteric interpreter

This dream book is quite interesting considering what these citruses dream of. You will travel to exotic countries. But the upcoming trip will not be the most pleasant, some moments can greatly upset you.

You can get the same interpretations if you pick up the dream book of the medium Hasse.

Modern interpreter

The latest dream book does not see anything good in a dream about sour citrus. It is believed that he can dream only before negative events in the life of a sleeping person. Your soul will be tormented by pain, prolonged depression is not excluded.

Culinary dream book

eat sour fruit

This dream book looks at any symbol from a dream purely from a culinary point of view. As for the lemon, only the dream in which you squeezed juice from it is considered. The vision predicts that a dark streak begins in your life, life will be devoid of any joys.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

There is a lemon in a dream - you are a trusting and sincere person. Unfortunately, there will be people who will take advantage of your trust and use you.

  • rotten fruits - you will quarrel and conflict;
  • treat someone with a lemon - in reality, harm this person, as spread the wrong information about him.

Aesop's interpreter

This dream book can be considered separately, since it quite fully considers such a symbol as a lemon.

Buy lemons in a dream - you are already tired of mental anguish, you are trying with all your might to change something in your life.

Cut the fruit into pieces - you should build your life more correctly and deliberately. You need a sober head if you really want to change something.

A dream with green fruits that are not ripe, if you saw them from the side, means that trouble will happen to one of your loved ones. We ourselves had a chance to eat it, which means that trouble will happen to you.

A vision in which you observed a dried slice of lemon is considered positive - in the near future, life will present only positive moments.

Grow a fruit tree in a dream

Growing a lemon tree on your own is for the next trip to exotic countries.

Drinking tea flavored with lemon is a frivolous dreamer, and soon this will play a cruel joke on him.

Why dream of a lemon that you only bit once and felt too sour in taste? You look at the world through the prism of rose-colored glasses, do not notice what is really happening under your nose.

According to the dream book, lemons on a tree, if in a dream you were in a lemon garden, dream when a person is in a state of search for spiritual harmony and peace.

To see already squeezed fruit - your friend uses you for his own selfish purposes.

Eating a rotten lemon - you have committed a bad deed and you are tormented by remorse. If it was sweet, then you will receive good news.

A lemon tree in bloom promises that the dreamer's prudent behavior will soon be noticed.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

What can sour citrus dream about? You will face the betrayal of your loved one.

Try to remember all the details of the dream, then the dream book will be able to tell you the most correct interpretation:

Buy fresh citrus

  • Buying them - you want to make a beautiful gesture, but it will be perceived by a loved one as a betrayal on your part.
  • Cutting - the dreamer behaves in such a way that he provokes others to unseemly acts.
  • Eating and feeling acid - will be able to calculate a person who is trying with all his might to harm you.
  • Squeeze the fruit and drink the juice - you are trying to benefit from other people's troubles. The dream interpretation says that this a priori cannot lead to a positive result.
  • Lemon tree - soon you will be able to experience something new and unusual.
  • Rotten fruit - you have already lost or risk losing your calmness. You should look at things more calmly, then you will not have time to break firewood in the heat of the moment.

Other interpretations of sleep

What else can you find the interpretation of dreams about sour citrus fruits? There are quite a few of them, the main thing is to remember all the details of your dream.

For example, how does the dream book consider lemons on a tree? It is believed that many fruits threaten you with disappointment. You idealize a situation or a person too much, and soon you will have to be disappointed.

If the citruses are in the package, then you have to face a shock. It will be associated with the material side of life or with a sharp deterioration in your well-being.

Such a vision warns the dreamer, he should be extremely careful, they want to deceive him.

Tearing lemons from a tree - to increase the material status of the dreamer. Soon you will receive an increase in salary or be transferred to a higher paying position. True, if you looked up and saw lemons on another tree, for example, an apple tree or a pear, then you will be surprised, and it will not be pleasant.

Eating dried lemons, candied fruits - your body lacks vitamins, this is practically an SOS signal from your body.

Enjoy sweets "Lemon slices" - have a good time with old friends.

  • Lemons seen in a dream portend that you will soon receive good news from afar.
  • If you cut a lemon, it means that what you intend to do will be regarded in your environment as a too bold and defiant act, undertaken with the aim of causing a split between colleagues.
  • Peeling a lemon means that you will avoid the threat by acting quickly and decisively, without letting the enemy come to his senses.
  • If in a dream you squeeze a lemon into tea, then in reality you will soon receive sad and discouraging news.
  • If in a dream you eat lemon with sugar, in reality you will enjoy communicating with a pleasant young man who will agree to take on the role of your faithful page.
  • If you eat a sour lemon without sugar - in reality this portends humiliation and disappointment in someone who just yesterday seemed almost the ideal of a man, Apollo in the flesh.
  • To see that the purchased lemons are spoiled and rotten - to an infectious or viral disease.
  • Dried cut lemons speak of an upcoming break in relations with a close and loved one.
  • Growing a lemon tree at home and collecting fruits from it means that in reality you will be overcome by a feeling of jealousy for your lover, but soon you will be convinced of the groundlessness of your suspicions.
  • Watching someone eat a lemon - a big loss awaits one of your friends.
  • Watching someone cut a lemon - the family of one of the distant relatives is in big trouble.
  • Seeing a dry piece of lemon - you will have no reason to be upset: everything will turn out extremely well.
  • There is a green lemon - you will be very saddened by something and life will seem to you a complete disappointment.
  • Sweet lemon - good news.
  • There is a rotten lemon - you are tormented by remorse because of what you have done.
  • Seeing yourself in a lemon forest - you are looking for peace of mind.
  • Receive a lemon as a gift - There is a secret ill-wisher in your environment.
  • Give a lemon - You will be able to strike one of your enemies.
  • Buy a lemon (lemons) - you can call yourself a big trouble.
  • Sell ​​lemon (lemons) - with your rash act, you can cause grief to one of your friends.

See interpretation: fruits

Eastern female dream book

  • Lemon - As a lemon is dreamed of, this is not a very good sign: some kind of grief will attack, it will be sour, as the dream book predictor reports.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

  • Lemon - Jealousy; disappointment; there is - to collapse in business, relationships, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

Family dream book

  • A lemon tree with lush foliage dreams of jealousy. But still, it is better not to succumb to this feeling, since there is no reason for it.
  • If you ate lemons in a dream, humiliation and disappointment await you.
  • Green lemon - to the disease.
  • A dried lemon portends a break in relations.

Modern dream book

  • Lemon - grief, shock and depression

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • Seeing a lemon is good.
  • There is a lemon - money.
  • Squeeze - to remain dissatisfied with something, to be dissatisfied with the place of work.

Freud's dream book

  • A dream in which you see a lemon tree with fruits and lush foliage portends you in trouble associated with your obsession with the possible betrayal of your lover. Put those stupid thoughts aside, you're fine. If you dreamed of a wilted or shriveled lemon, then nothing can hold you and your chosen one together, you are in danger of a final break.

French dream book

  • Lemon in a dream - promises you bitterness and interference in business. However, in the near future you will be comforted by gaining a significant fortune. If in a dream you ate a lemon, your beloved creature will betray you.

Women's dream book

  • Why do Lemons dream - There are lemons in a dream - to humiliation and disappointment. A green lemon can portend a disease, most likely an infectious one. A dried lemon in a dream means a divorce for married people or a break in relationships for lovers.

Old Russian dream book

  • Lemon - Eating means getting into trouble in someone else's business.

Esoteric dream book

  • Exotic travel, not very pleasant. There will be sour moments.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

  • Lemon - Seeing in a dream that you eat lemons means waking up to pay for your excessive gullibility. Rotten lemons dream of a quarrel. In a dream, to treat someone with a lemon means to bring false suspicions on this person, this is how such a dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Autumn dream book

  • Lemon - Drink tea with lemon in a dream, feeling its bitterness - to bitter moments in your life.

Spring dream book

  • Cut a lemon - To receive a reprimand. Dream Interpretation Lemon Tree - A tree with lush foliage and ripe fruits, seen in a dream, means that soon a woman will have to experience real pangs of jealousy, which in the end will turn out to be baseless suspicions. There are lemons in a dream - to humiliation and great disappointment. Seeing a dried lemon for divorce for married people; to a quarrel and a break - for lovers.

Summer dream book

  • Lemon - Cut a lemon into slices in a dream - to the division of property.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

  • Lemon - Heartbreak - see - you will soon receive good news - cleanse - avoid danger through quickness - squeeze out - receive sad news

Miller's dream book

  • Looking at a lemon tree with lush foliage in a dream means jealousy for a loved one; however, the available evidence should convince you of the absurdity of your accusations.
  • There are lemons - portends humiliation and disappointment.
  • Green lemon portends an infectious or other disease.
  • Seeing a dried lemon in a dream means: for married people - a divorce, for lovers - a break in relations.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

  • See - you will soon receive good news; cleanse - through quickness you will avoid danger; squeeze - you will receive sad news.

Aesop's dream book

  • This symbol is associated with something sour, setting teeth on edge. But, like many other symbols, this dream can be interpreted in two ways. This southern fruit is exotic and whimsical. This is probably why the brave Chippolino fought the army of evil and treacherous Lemons. Main value lemon lies in its softness and therefore folk wisdom keeps such a saying: “Squeeze a lemon, and throw it out! “Or: “The lemon was squeezed, and the peel was thrown.”
  • If in a dream you buy lemons, this is a sign that you are tired of moral and mental suffering and want to change your lifestyle.
  • The dream in which you cut a lemon means that you must build your life more intelligently if you want to achieve something.
  • Seeing a green lemon in a dream symbolizes a sad event that will happen to someone close to you.
  • If you yourself eat a green lemon, this is bad sign. You will be greatly saddened by something and life will seem to you a total disappointment.
  • Seeing a dry piece of lemon in a dream is a sign that in reality you will have no reason to be upset. Everything will work out remarkably well.
  • If in a dream you grow a lemon tree, this means that in real life you will have the opportunity to go on an interesting and rather exotic journey.
  • The dream in which you drink tea with lemon warns that your frivolity will have unpleasant and unexpected consequences for you.
  • You bit off a piece of lemon and felt a strong acid in your mouth - this means that you are looking at life through rose-colored glasses and therefore do not notice real events.
  • Seeing yourself in a lemon forest is a sign that you are looking for peace of mind.
  • If in a dream you saw a squeezed lemon, this means that someone will try to use your friendship for personal gain.
  • The dream in which you eat a rotten lemon means that in reality you are tormented by remorse because of what you have done.
  • Sweet lemon means good news.
  • Seeing a blooming lemon in a dream is a sign that your prudence in reality will be appreciated.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

  • Symbol of struggle. Lemons often mean that you will marry a person with bad temper. Squeeze juice from a lemon - you will hardly make ends meet. Sucking a lemon - you may be sued. Drink lemon juice- be involved in litigation.

Like most symbols, citrus fruit in a dream can be interpreted in different ways. Because this tropical fruit is capricious and capricious.

fruit associations

The first thing that comes to mind at the mention of a tropical fruit is the sour taste and pungency.

The fruits of the tree, as a rule, are characterized by such epithets as oval, yellow, exotic and useful. For Russians, a lemon is a symbol of true love and affection, and for Europeans - a harvest. In ancient times, for the Feast of Tabernacles, the fruit was put on left hand. Since people assumed that there was some kind of relationship between the lemon tree and the spruce cone during the rituals dedicated to Dionysus. And why dream of lemons? What could such a dream portend?

Dream Interpretation: why do lemons dream

In order to correctly interpret a dream with an exotic fruit, you need to remember all the details of the dream.

If a person dreams of a lemon, this can be interpreted as bad news that will appear in the near future, and it will be "sour at heart" from it.

To see a fruit lying alone on the table - for a trip abroad. The dream is favorable, there is a possibility of meeting your soulmate while traveling.

Why dream of lemons? Depends on the context

If there are a lot of citrus fruits in a dream, this is a harbinger of grief, mental sorrow, boredom, sadness and upheaval. Squeezed lemons dream - to something unpleasant, most likely close friend or the person whom the sleeper trusts uses friendly relations for profit. When in a dream one dreams that juice is being squeezed out of a fruit, this is a symbol of the onset of failures, losses and difficult times.

Why dream of cutting a lemon? Such a dream is a sign that the sleeper is tired of his usual life and gray everyday life. You need to be more thoughtful about your existence and try to achieve new heights and win victories. Also, such a dream can symbolize that soon you will have to share your property with someone and defend your point of view.

To peel a fruit in a dream - in reality, get success and defeat the enemy with the help of clear and planned actions.

There is a lemon in a dream - to the appearance of problems that are shifted to a sleeping person by enemies and ill-wishers. Consuming a drink with fruit in a dream is a useful and necessary conversation with a person for whom the sleeping person feels sympathy. Squeezing lemon juice into a cup is a harbinger of bad, sad news.

A dream in which the sleeper examines a lemon warns of possible betrayal and hypocrisy on the part of loved ones.

To see or purchase citrus fruits at the market - to intrigues in life, a sleeping person subconsciously dreams of changing his usual way of life.

If in a dream you dream that the purchased fruits are spoiled and rotten, this symbolizes infectious and viral diseases.

Dream Interpretation: lemon by color and taste

Why do green lemons dream? Most likely, this is a symbol of a sad event that will happen to a close or dear person. There is a green fruit in a dream - in reality there will be disappointment in the people around you and in life in general.

Why do yellow lemons dream? A dream with a yellow lemon portends a series of illnesses and various failures that will haunt the sleeping person or someone close to him.

To see a dried piece of lemon is a symbol of victory and improvement in matters that, it would seem, are already doomed to failure.

If in a dream the sleeping person bites a fruit and feels strong bitterness and pungency, then in reality this person does not understand and does not accept life as it is in reality, but lives in rose-colored glasses.

To see a rotten fruit in a dream is a symbol that the sleeper needs to pay attention to his well-being and take care of his health.

There is a rotten fruit in a dream - in reality, succumb to remorse for previously committed acts.

Seeing an unripe fruit in a dream is a harbinger of a long illness, from which the sleeper will be treated for a long time.

Lemon, sweet in taste, eat - to pleasant events and good news in life.

lemon grove

And why dream of lemons on a tree? Such dreams are harbingers of difficult life situations in which a sleeping person will feel strong jealousy for his chosen one. If such attacks of jealousy are not excluded in time, it is highly likely that the couple will have to part on this basis.

If in a dream the sleeper is engaged in the cultivation of a lemon tree, this dream portends an interesting and exciting journey, most likely abroad.

Walking in a dream through a lemon grove in reality portends a sleeping person in search of peace of mind.

To see a lemon tree in bloom means that the sleeping person will be praised and appreciated according to their merits.

To see a beautiful lemon tree in a dream with ripe fruits - to subconscious dissatisfaction with life. But a dream is also a symbol of change and change, thanks to which sadness and sorrow will come to naught in the near future.

In a dream, to see a large number of ripe fruits - to health problems.

Lemon as a symbol of quarrels and separations

Why do couples dream of lemons in a dream? For married people, dreams with citrus fruits portend quarrels and conflicts. They arise on the basis of disagreements in terms of raising joint children. Problems that arise can only be solved together through calm communication and discussion of the causes. Otherwise, the heavy atmosphere will be a constant companion in the family.

Dreams in which a spouse sees golden lemons show that a calm and well-established relationship will soon crack.

Missing and shriveled fruits are a symbol of lost illusions and vain expectations in a couple.

If in a dream the sleeper sees that he is eating a whole citrus, this is a sign of complete disappointment in his soulmate. Very soon the husband (wife) will show himself completely, and all his (her) shortcomings will become visible.

To consume a fruit sprinkled with sugar in a dream - in reality, a meeting or a date with a person of the opposite sex awaits, which from now on will fulfill all the whims and whims of the sleeping person.

In a dream, a hill of lemons lies in front of a sleeping person - this is a harbinger of quarrels and conflicts in a couple.

If a married person sees a dream in which he eats a peeled lemon, a series of quarrels and conflicts will begin in the family. Such a dream was dreamed of by a single person - disappointment in the chosen one (chosen one).

To see a tropical fruit before the wedding is a symbol of a short and weak union.

If in a dream family man dreamed of dried cut fruits - this is a sign of an impending break with a loved one.

In conclusion

It turns out that an exotic plant and lemon fruits mostly dream of something unpleasant. Sleeping with this fruit, as a rule, does not bring happiness, but only blues, disappointment and trouble in relationships. However, I want to believe that pleasant moments come to replace grief, tears and grief. After all, there are also such dreams in which the fruit appears as a symbol of positive change. Therefore, do not be upset.

Dream Interpretation Lemon Seeing lemons growing among lush foliage portends envy or jealousy towards a loved one, but the facts will prove the absurdity of your assumptions. There are lemons: to humiliation and disappointment. Green lemons seen in a dream: a sign of illness and ill health. Seeing dried lemons in a dream - to the destruction of marriage and parting with a lover. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Lemon This symbol is associated with something sour, setting teeth on edge. But, like many other symbols, this dream can be interpreted in two ways. This southern fruit is exotic and whimsical. This is probably why the brave Chippolino fought the army of evil and treacherous Lemons. The main value of a lemon lies in its softness, and therefore folk wisdom keeps the following saying: “Squeeze the lemon, and throw it out! “Or: “The lemon was squeezed, and the peel was thrown.” If in a dream you buy lemons, this is a sign that you are tired of moral and mental suffering and want to change your lifestyle. The dream in which you cut a lemon means that you must build your life more intelligently if you want to achieve something. Seeing a green lemon in a dream symbolizes a sad event that will happen to someone close to you. If you yourself eat a green lemon, this is a bad sign. You will be greatly saddened by something and life will seem to you a continuous disappointment. Seeing a dry piece of lemon in a dream is a sign that in reality you will have no reason to be upset. Everything will work out remarkably well. If in a dream you grow a lemon tree, this means that in real life you will have the opportunity to go on an interesting and rather exotic journey. The dream in which you drink tea with lemon warns that your frivolity will have unpleasant and unexpected consequences for you. You bit off a piece of lemon and felt a strong acid in your mouth - this means that you are looking at life through rose-colored glasses and therefore do not notice real events. Seeing yourself in a lemon forest is a sign that you are looking for peace of mind. If in a dream you saw a squeezed lemon, this means that someone will try to use your friendship for personal gain. The dream in which you eat a rotten lemon means that in reality you are tormented by remorse because of what you have done. Sweet lemon means good news. Seeing a blooming lemon in a dream is a sign that your prudence in reality will be appreciated. Aesop's dream book

Dream Lemon Lemon symbolizes a believer who reads the Koran, and also indicates illness if it is yellow. Green lemon is better than yellow. Lemon is another censure. The lemon tree is a person who benefits people. It is also believed that lemon is a harbinger of sad events that poison your life. Islamic dream book

Dreaming Lemons Lemons seen in a dream portend that you will soon receive good news from afar. If you cut a lemon, it means that what you intend to do will be regarded in your environment as a too bold and defiant act, undertaken with the aim of causing a split between colleagues. Peeling a lemon means that you will avoid the threat by acting quickly and decisively, without letting the enemy come to his senses. If in a dream you squeeze a lemon into tea, then in reality you will soon receive sad and discouraging news. If in a dream you eat lemon with sugar, in reality you will enjoy communicating with a pleasant young man who will agree to take on the role of your faithful page. If you eat a terribly sour lemon without sugar - in reality this portends humiliation and disappointment in someone who just yesterday seemed almost the ideal of a man, Apollo in the flesh. To see that the purchased lemons are completely spoiled and rotten - to an infectious or viral disease. Dried cut lemons speak of an upcoming break in relations with a close and loved one. Growing a lemon tree in a dream at home and collecting fruits from it means that in reality you will be overcome by a feeling of jealousy for your lover, but soon you will be convinced of the groundlessness of your suspicions. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why dream of Lemons A girl who sees wilted lilies in a dream will experience sadness due to separation from her beloved. If you see a lemon tree with a lush crown in a dream, this means that you will be jealous of your loved one, but this feeling will be completely groundless. If you dream of a dried lemon, this portends a break in relationships for lovers, and a divorce for married people. Dream Interpretation for Lovers

Dream Interpretation Lemons Lemons. Looking at a lemon tree with lush foliage in a dream means jealousy for a loved one; however, the available evidence should convince you of the absurdity of your accusations. There are lemons - portends humiliation and disappointment. Green lemon portends an infectious or other disease. Seeing a dried lemon in a dream means: divorce for married people, breakup for lovers. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Lemon A lemon tree with lush foliage dreams of jealousy. But still, it is better not to succumb to this feeling, since there is no reason for it. If you ate lemons in a dream, humiliation and disappointment await you. Green lemon - to the disease. A dried lemon portends a break in relations. If in a dream you squeezed juice from a lemon, difficult times are ahead. Big universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Lemons If in a dream you see lemons growing on a tree, you will have a trip abroad, where possible. You will marry an inhabitant of that country. If you eat lemons - a dream promises dangerous disease from which you will recover with great difficulty. If you see a whole golden scattering of lemons, then your marriage, at first so delightful, will not live up to your expectations in the future. For family people, dreaming of lemons promises disagreements in the family, anxiety for children. Old English dream book

Dream Interpretation Lemon Lemons often: means that you will marry a person with a bad character. Squeezing juice from a lemon: you will hardly make ends meet. Sucking a lemon: you may be sued. Drink lemon juice: be embroiled in a lawsuit. Gypsy dream book

Dream Interpretation Lemon A dream in which you see a lemon tree with fruits and lush foliage portends you in trouble associated with your obsession with the possible betrayal of your lover. Put those stupid thoughts aside, you're fine. If you dreamed of a wilted or shriveled lemon, then nothing can hold you and your chosen one together, you are in danger of a final break. Love dream book

Dream Interpretation Lemon There are lemons in a dream: to humiliation and disappointment. Green lemon: may portend a disease, most likely an infectious one. A dried lemon in a dream means a divorce for married people or a break in relationships for lovers. Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Dream Interpretation Lemon There is a lemon: to a stomach illness; to drink tea with lemon: to have a pleasant conversation with a person of the opposite sex; to buy a lemon: to intrigue. see lemons in in large numbers: to an imminent probable infectious disease, a cold. The latest dream book

Dream Interpretation Lemon Lemon tree with lush foliage: dreams of jealousy. But still, it is better not to succumb to this feeling, since there is no reason for it. If you ate lemons in a dream, humiliation and disappointment await you. Green lemon: to the disease. Dried lemon: portends a break in relations. Family dream book

Dream Interpretation Lemon For men: You are waiting for the betrayal of a person you trust. Buying lemons - you will commit an act that someone may perceive as a betrayal. Cutting a lemon in a dream - your behavior can provoke people around you into actions that will cause you trouble and worries. There is a lemon in a dream and feel its sour taste - you will expose a person who is trying to harm you. On Mondays, there is a lemon in a dream - a symbol of bitter loss, the reality that you stubbornly refuse to take into account will disappoint you. Squeezing a lemon and drinking lemon juice - you will try to benefit from someone else's problems, but this will not lead to good. Seeing a lemon tree - something new, unusual will soon enter your life. A rotten lemon is a symbol that you will lose or have already lost your peace of mind. You need to think about all your actions, so that later you do not suffer from their consequences.
For children: LEMON - to a bad mood, to boredom, blues.

In night visions, people often dream of fruits, vegetables and other foods. Lemon is no exception. This sour fruit can be a harbinger of both pleasant and unpleasant events. No wonder folk wisdom says: "If fate offered you a lemon, make lemonade out of it." To explain what a lemon is dreaming of, you need to remember the dream in as much detail as possible.

General meaning of sleep

Lemons can appear in a dream in various situations:

  • lemon on a tree;
  • a lot of fruits;
  • dried lemon;
  • too sour citrus;
  • eating, etc.

Depending on the plot, you can correctly interpret the dream. Detailed interpretation will help you understand what a lemon tree with fruits is dreaming of or what it means to peel a fruit.

If a person sees a lemon in a dream, this may mean receiving good news. The appearance of lime heralds a journey through exotic countries. But you should be careful - it can be overshadowed by some kind of trouble: illness, loss of money or luggage, unpleasant meetings.

An unripe fruit may dream of a disease. Most likely, the dreamer will catch an infection. Dried, old citrus promises a break in relations. A married couple needs to try to improve relations so as not to bring the matter to a divorce. For lovers, such a dream predicts separation.

According to Miller's dream book, a person who sees a lemon in a dream will experience Bad mood, many small problems that require immediate solutions will fall on him.

Finding out in the dream book why lemons dream in large quantities, you can find out that such a vision promises a long trip in the near future. Travel will bring meetings with interesting people and many impressions.

What is the dream of a lemon tree

According to the dream book, a lemon tree with fruits portends jealousy. The dreamer's spouse or wife will cause concern with their behavior. The lush foliage on the tree warns that the partner will be offended by distrust and this may even lead to a break. The dreamer needs to stop torturing himself and his life partner with baseless suspicions.

Many people are interested in knowing why lemons are dreaming on a tree - an apple tree, a pear or a plum. To see this is to disappointment or to great surprise.

Anyone who picks ripe fruit from a tree may hope for a promotion or an increase in salary. But picking up citrus fruits from the floor is a bad sign. There is a high probability of demotion or reprimand from superiors.


Eating fruit in a dream - to disappointment and some kind of humiliation. If the yellow fruit is withered and wrinkled, then married couple hard times ahead. Sour citrus warns the sleeper that in reality he is in danger of depression.

A person who eats slices without sugar and does not even wince at the same time can easily solve all his problems. Any difficulties will be on his shoulder. Drinking lemon juice with sugar - to joyful events and communication in cheerful company. Sour lemon drink portends sadness and sadness. If a woman in a dream makes herself a lemon mask on her face, in reality she is unhappy with her job and salary. Anyone who bites a rotten citrus in a night vision will in reality deceive his friend or relative.

If the dreamer enjoys lemon ice cream or jelly, an unexpected meeting with an old acquaintance awaits him, which will bring good luck. But candied lemon fruits for breakfast, lunch or dinner are dreamed of by those whose immunity is greatly weakened. It is worth doing health promotion so as not to constantly catch infections. Sweets "Lemon slices" portend an unexpected meeting with school friends.

If the dreamer drinks sweet tea with a slice of lemon, in reality he will be able to avoid trouble at work. It may also take place an acquaintance with a person who turns out to be not who he seemed at the first meeting. Squeezing fruit juice into hot tea is sad news.

If a person is just preparing to drink tea with colleagues and cuts a lemon into slices for this, he will soon commit a rash act that will surprise everyone. The consequences can be the most unpredictable.

Activities with citrus

When citrus fruits dream, you need to remember in detail what exactly was done with them in a dream. Actions can be different:

  • to eat;
  • buy;
  • sell;
  • collect etc.

Buying sour fruits in a store or on the market means in reality taking on a troublesome business that will turn out to be unpromising and will only bring problems and headaches. Selling lemons in a dream is a better vision. In the near future, it will be possible to get rid of the problems that have piled up.

Anyone who in a dream collects citrus fruits scattered on the floor will soon have to learn an interesting and new profession for himself. A person can change jobs or find a profitable part-time job.

If you dream of a lemon from which the peel is peeled, this is an auspicious dream. The dreamer can easily cope with the enemy and avoid great danger.

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