Main life values. List of the main life values ​​of a person

Life values ​​are categories of moral and material aspects that are leading in choice life strategy, ways of achieving and orientation in the semantic space. In many ways, it is values ​​that determine a person’s ability to make decisions, and also incline his activities in a certain direction.

The presence of stress factors, problematic situations and other troubles can force a person to change their positions or begin to make efforts to defend their point of view. We can say that all the difficulties encountered along the way test a person for the strength of his own convictions, making it possible to prove that the selected categories represent exactly life values person, not immediate needs.

What it is

A person’s life values ​​are fate-transforming and fate-realizing factors and directly influence the adoption of all life decisions. They affect all areas of life, including the highest purpose of the individual and soul, relationships with close and superficially familiar people, and attitude towards material wealth.

The diversity of the space of life values ​​is unique to the same extent that each person is unique. It is the interweaving of the importance of the relationship to one or another category that allows us to see the individual pattern of the semantic and value space. Most people use immediate urges to build life concept, without a deep awareness of your priorities, which work on a subconscious level.

Frequent painful thoughts, the inability to make a choice, to do the right thing, or subsequent reproaches to oneself for a mistake are common consequences of the lack of a clear position. If you increase your level of awareness and thoroughly understand your gradation of values, then you can avoid a significant share of doubts and difficult choices.

The road is made easier by the fact that the path has already been chosen, even if for the sake of a long-term perspective one has to sacrifice temporary comfort. Thus, a person who puts his family first will not have long doubts about how to react to his superiors’ proposal for a six-month business trip in another country, but someone who does not understand what is a priority for him in the context of his entire life may never decide to make fundamental changes or make error.

The determination of the most significant values ​​is influenced by many factors, both the internal structure of the human psyche and external events in the surrounding space. At first, the foundation is laid by personality traits and the educational system - many values ​​have a biological basis (the need for an active or passive lifestyle, the number of contacts, medical care), and are also internalized from the immediate environment at a very early age.

As you grow older, your core values ​​are formed by your life experiences, personal emotional experiences from certain situations that create general attitude to life. As a result, a unique structure appears that separates important things and events from unimportant ones.

When a person builds his life based on deep, true values, he feels filled with energy and happy. The opposite law also applies - than more life moves away from internal needs, the less happiness there is in her, in emotional background personal dissatisfaction begins to prevail. It is necessary to decide on your top priorities, while not forgetting that the most harmonious life is one in which all areas are developed. Even if a person determines the importance of two or three values ​​for himself, it is necessary to maintain all the others at the proper level in order to avoid imbalance and disharmony of the individual.

Basic values ​​of human life

Basic values ​​are understood as categories of universal human values ​​that are of undeniable importance for all people, on a planetary scale and at the individual level. What is important is the value of your own life, love for any of your manifestations. This entails taking care of physical and spiritual health, the ability to set priorities and, first of all, ensure your survival. In many ways, this most important point is regulated, but only at the physical level; psychological sacrifice is increasingly manifested among people and has a detrimental effect on life and mental state.

As a social being, humans tend to value relationships as well as their quality. The need to be accepted and appreciated contributes to survival and better implementation in life space. Next after importance social relations or instead of them we can consider the value family relations, including the parent family and building your own.

Intimate relationships and romantic manifestations can also be attributed to this point. By developing this category, the value of love for children and the need for their presence appears. Several additional aspects can be realized here at once, for example, the implementation of your social function, purpose, ability to transfer knowledge, etc.

The importance of native places, those where a person was born, grew up, and spent most of his life, can border on patriotism. In the global understanding, the place of our birth and upbringing directly shapes our personality - it is there that we can feel accepted and understood. In your homeland and among people with the same mentality, it is easier to adapt and breathe easier, there is an opportunity to show all your capabilities brighter and more multifaceted. Many cultures have preserved traditions of maintaining connections with their native land, out of an intuitive understanding of the importance of the amount of energy a person receives from their familiar space.

Professional and social activity, realizing oneself as a specialist or achieving new results in one’s hobbies becomes an almost necessary factor in modern world. This touches on what will happen without material support and the desire for development and recognition as the main driving mechanisms of human activity. Such strong factors ultimately force many to prioritize work, resulting in a serious bias in one direction.

Inseparable from the value of work is the value of rest, which allows you to restore resources and switch. During rest, a person can discover a new vision of a past situation, feel the taste of life, and realize impractical but spiritually significant desires. All this ultimately allows you to harmonize the rest of your life.

Examples from life

To understand more clearly how values ​​manifest themselves, it makes sense to consider several examples of each of them. Thus, the value of family and relationships is manifested by care, the ability to come to help and provide it even when it is not directly asked for. A person who devotes time to all the people important in his life clearly values ​​this category. This also includes the ability to always treat people with respect, to be responsive, tolerant and tolerant. The absence of these manifestations can soon destroy any relationship and the person is left alone. Of course, he can sacrifice something like this, directing his energy not to attentive attitude towards others, but to developing his own career or skills, but then the person’s priorities have completely different ideals.

When a person’s main value is material well-being, this manifests itself in constant self-development in one’s professional field, the search for new opportunities and positions.
A striking example is to miss a family dinner or a joint dinner because of an important meeting or the need to finish overtime work. In pursuit of financial wealth, people can take on additional work, become freelancers in addition to their main activities, sacrifice work relationships, and substitute employees in order to take a privileged position.

When health has deteriorated, then this category comes first among the entire list of values, since otherwise a person cannot function normally, and perhaps even say goodbye to life altogether. In many situations, the need to take care of one’s physical condition arises precisely against the backdrop of problems, but there are people who have set this value at one of the highest, striving to maintain constant wellness. This is reflected in regular check-ups, following a suitable diet and physical activity, undergoing periodic rehabilitation and restorative procedures.

The value of self-development and spirituality may seem like a choice instead of a pilgrimage beach or an esoteric festival; instead of new shoes, psychological training is preferred. Everything that is important to a person requires time and attention, so only awareness will help you plan time in such a way that other areas of life do not suffer.

Life values ​​essay


1. What are life values?

2. Diversity of life values.

3. Sources of life values.

4.Life values ​​and people.

A person is defined not only by his social status in society, its environment or material wealth. Each of us in life has our own guidelines and principles with which we go through life. In other words, each person has his own life values. What do life values ​​mean?

Life values ​​are what comes first in a person’s life; these are his ideals and aspirations, which he can rely on under any circumstances and situations. All people are different, and accordingly, everyone has different life values. For some, the most important thing in this life is family. Such a person values ​​his family, relationships with them, and a warm and cozy family hearth. And some people prioritize career and money. And there are those for whom self-development is important, who do not like to stop there. And there are wonderful people in life who have found a balance between family, career and self-development, and manage to devote time and attention to everything. These are the people you should look up to! One cannot be pushed forward at the expense of the other.

In life for any person, the main thing should be family, a favorite job, and self-development - these are the things that organize happy person. When there is order in all these areas of life, and the life of the person himself is interesting and full. You will never hear complaints about life from such people, they are perfectly disciplined, they live with pleasure. How are a person’s life values ​​determined?

The primary source of values ​​in life is the family where a person was born and raised. It is there that the concepts of good and evil, honor and honesty, decency, love and respect are laid down. Walking through life, a person encounters other people who become objects of admiration for him, who perfectly motivate us to move forward and not give up in the face of difficulties. We ourselves are also a source of life values. With age, we gain life experience, draw certain conclusions, and change, which, in turn, can complement our life values ​​or even change them.

Good films and books, communication with family and friends, travel, new acquaintances also play a role in the formation of life values. Why are all these values ​​needed in life? Without life values, a person is completely empty, his life turns into a dull and gray activity, nothing interests him and nothing inspires him. Thanks to values ​​in life, we set certain goals for ourselves and achieve them. Because they give us self-confidence, we believe in our values ​​in life. Life values ​​help a person make this or that choice, understand the essence of life itself, and values ​​also motivate people to live a full and vibrant life. Whatever our values ​​in life, let them be based on kindness, love, respect, understanding and decency.

We continue the New Year's Preparatory Training. And today we have an unscheduled article, which makes it even more useful. In yesterday’s article “Where Are You Coming?” we talked about how important it is to ask questions about the correct choice of your path, your life values ​​and priorities.

Today you will have an exercise to determine what is most valuable to you. But first, let's define what it is -life values.

Life values- these are ideals, concepts, faith, beliefs, principles, aspirations and other abstract aspects that are most significant to you. These values ​​serve as guidelines in life, standards, criteria for the quality of life and the “correctness” of decisions and actions.

For example. Family, children, love, health, self-development, comfort and safety, well-being, career, travel or vacation with loved ones - these are the very values ​​on which we happily spend time, energy, and resources.

These values ​​may be different for different people:

  • For example, for one person the most valuable thing is self-development, learning, learning new things. If you choose between an interesting seminar and a vacation trip, this person definitely chooses the seminar. And even if he is on vacation, he will find a way to connect to the Internet during the seminar.

    For many of us, the most valuable thing is family. A person with such a priority will easily refuse additional work and additional income just to spend more time with his family. And if you need to improve relationships in the family, strengthen connections, breathe former freshness into relationships or ensure financial stability - such a person will do everything to learn how to achieve what the family lacks.

  • For some, loneliness is comfort and the highest good. Well, this makes it easier for a person to work, think, live and relax. therefore, he will go on vacation to a place where he will not be found, where they speak a different language, or where there are very few people at all, but a lot of nature. This person will prefer remote work to office work, and will choose individual consultations (coaching) instead of large seminars.

This is neither good nor bad, this is normal, there is no comparison here. We can’t say that green is good and wet is bad. It's just that everyone is different and has different needs.

It's good when you know your needs. In this case, you have clear guidelines in life, you know who you are, where you are going and why you need it. When you know your path, you focus on the movement and are not distracted by extraneous factors and doubts.

Your desires and goals are the “material” embodiment of your life values, their implementation in this world, in your life

Where do life values ​​come from?

  • From the Heart - each Soul comes into the world to realize its tasks, to go through its own individual path. Therefore, everyone has their own values.

    From the parental family- this is your upbringing. If your parents valued family and loved ones, then this will be important and valuable for you too.

  • From life experience- each of us has a unique experience. And from this experience we draw conclusions. For example, if you had to make great efforts to restore your health, then it will be very valuable to you, and your behavior will also change - to prevent a recurrence.

Three reasons why I tell you about life values.

1. Values ​​are your guidelines in life.If you understand what is important to you, then it is easy for you to make a choice. Doubts ruin your nerves, your mood and take up a lot of your time.

2. Values ​​are the best motivation.If you really value health, then you will not need to specifically motivate yourself in any other way to do it regularly. You just need to remind yourself of your values ​​sometimes.

3. Set the right, your own goals.There is a lot of information noise around us. Society imposes its rules of the game, its tastes and decisions on you - for its own benefit, not yours. But if you know your life values, you will receive inner support, a core, and easily determine what is right for you personally.

Today, all participants in the Preparatory Training will have an exercise on this topic.The exercise is called “The most valuable thing for me” - in the evening a letter with the exercise is waiting for you in your mailbox. And by the way, do you remember that this evening I will also send you the “Testing for Truth” meditation?

I remind you. Only participants of the preparatory training will receive letters with the exercise and meditation. Therefore, if you have not signed up yet, join us by filling out the form below.

  • Reiki initiation is not necessary.
  • Participation in the Preparatory Training and Seminar is free.
  • If you have already registered, you do not need to register again. You will receive all materials.

Preparatory New Year's training

Preparatory New Year's training

Sign up now!

  • The training is free.
  • Reiki initiation is not required.

Life values ​​are an integral part of the human worldview, confirmed by his consciousness, upbringing, life experience, and personal experiences. They are revealed by limiting the most significant and important from the unimportant. The accumulated baggage of certain values ​​modifies a person’s consciousness, regulates and motivates his activities, and ensures the formation of a strong personality.

Each person sets priorities in his own way, individually, and determines the importance and significance of certain phenomena. The list of generally accepted values ​​includes traditional material values. These include jewelry, fashionable branded clothing, paintings, modern technology, cars, real estate and much more. In addition to material ones, it should be noted spiritual, religious, moral and aesthetic values ​​(holiness, kindness, compassion, decency, cleanliness, etc.). Values ​​are a separate category social, such as position in society, social security, power, career, family, freedom and others.

Let us dwell in more detail on some universal human values.

Family and friendship

Family well-being, children, parents, friends - for most people this is the greatest value. Loving our family, our parents and children, and taking care of them is our sacred duty and privilege. Always treat your friends and the people around us with respect, sincerity and love, always be responsive and tolerant - this is a huge amount of work that must be paid for the value of human relationships. What do these relationships give us? They are a source of mutual support and sympathy, common goals and interests, understanding and emotional attachments.

Material well-being and career

There is no person in the world who would not like to stand firmly and confidently on his feet, not need anything, and ensure the well-being of his family. However, not everyone puts material wealth in first place in the conditional ranking of life values. Often a person faces a dilemma: work in a friendly team with loyal superiors, receiving moral satisfaction from work, or make a choice in favor of large fees, putting their personal life and health at stake. The ideal option is one in which the work allows you to embody the most incredible ideas and gives a lot of useful acquaintances, brings both money and pleasure. But more often than not, something still has to be sacrificed, and the main thing here is not to make a mistake in choosing.


Health for many people, especially in mature age, takes the first steps of the pedestal of values. At the same time, for some people, home, money, cars and vacations come first. expensive resorts. And some of them sometimes do not understand very well that a sick person no longer cares about anything except health, he is ready to give all material goods in exchange for recovery, but this is not always possible. You need to take more care of your physical condition, don't kill yourself bad habits and excessive hard work, give relief to your body and allocate sufficient time for rest and sleep. It is extremely important to realize that health is the most valuable thing in the life of any person, because health is necessary for everyone without exception.


The development of the personality itself is very valuable. A person matures, becomes wiser, gains useful life experience, makes correct, informed and balanced conclusions and, accordingly, makes the right decisions in any life and professional issues. He controls his emotions, is cultured in communication, develops his horizons, and becomes the right guide for the younger generation. Comprehensively developed person pays attention to his health, physical fitness and appearance, neat in everything, clean both in thoughts and in relationships. A person who makes every effort to personal growth and self-improvement, strives to change his attitude towards life, to understand his role in the world, to improve relationships with people around him.


The value of creativity lies in the unique opportunity to realize your ideas. Creativity gives complete freedom of self-expression to the author, allowing him to bring to life his wildest thoughts, emotions, and images through the creation of the final product. Creative people– these are people with a subtle mental organization, these are artists, musicians, sculptors, designers, fashion designers and many other people of art. They try to realize themselves in creativity, combining their calling, their talent with daily activities and household duties. Muse is the most important value in their development. The process of creating another masterpiece becomes the meaning of life, and inspiration makes this process incredibly easy and enjoyable.


Spiritually oriented people live according to their own canons. Their life values ​​are closely intertwined with the basic religious commandments: do not kill, do not steal, honor your parents, do not commit adultery, etc. They try to strictly follow the correct, already pre-written truths, and not acquire them on the basis of personal bitter experience. A spiritually developed person lives happily, and not only for himself, loves life in all its manifestations, appreciates every minute spent with loved ones and family, rejoices in the beauty of the earth (natural and created by people), enjoys music and gives thanks higher power for every day you live. Such a person respects himself and others, does not envy, does not sort things out, and has inner harmony.

Sometimes there are cases when, when experiencing a certain stress or getting into a difficult extreme situation, a person undergoes a restructuring of consciousness, and he overestimates his life values. What used to be the main meaning of life for him becomes simply a blessing. So, for example, only in illness does a person begin to value health, only in war does a true awareness of the value of such concepts as courage, loyalty, mutual assistance, and compassion occur.

It is very important to understand what exactly plays a dominant role at this stage of life, what is now the most valuable. Only by setting your priorities correctly can you build your future with confidence.

Open your hands to change but not let go of your values. (Dalai Lama)

We are faced with the need to solve some problems every day. Every day we are faced with some circumstances that test our patience and character. In this situation it is very great importance have our life values ​​that serve as markers and allow us to make sure that we are moving along our path in the right direction. When all our words and actions are aligned with our values, life seems correct and meaningful to us, and we ourselves are confident and satisfied with ourselves. But if it happens that our behavior does not correspond to our inner beliefs, we very soon begin to feel anxiety and irritation that arise and grow within us. This unpleasant feeling tells us that not all is well in our world. Not only that, but these feelings can become a source of anxiety and unhappiness for us. And only by firmly following the instructions of our conscience can we preserve the feeling dignity and feel self-sufficient and happy.

Our life values ​​are our internal compass, against which we must check our every step along the road of life. Do you have problems with health, money, relationships? This is because our internal models of the world do not match what actually is. Is it difficult to make any decision? And this is because we are not sure of what we really want and what is really important to us. When we have certain attitudes, it is easier for us to weigh options and find the right solution - after all, a person’s life values ​​serve as a support for him, and by following them, regardless of the circumstances, we begin to live a more fulfilling and productive life.

What might be the main thing for you?

It is very important to decide what is most important to you, because life values ​​help shape character and control our actions, desires and decisions. Of course, different people have different internal attitudes: for one, what is most important is what seems not so important for another, and for a third, the main guideline in life in general differs from what is important for both the first and the second. And yet we can list the most frequently mentioned different people criteria that are of paramount importance in their lives and should have special meaning for each person. So, what could be the values ​​in life?

  • Love is probably the very first thing that almost every one of us will name. This is an important personal value that deserves a special place in the life of every person. And here we're talking about not only about romantic feelings, because this is not the only kind of love that a person is capable of experiencing. The same way you love your loved ones and friends, you can love other people. Love for people gives rise to compassion, and this is another thing we must say when we list the basic values ​​of life. When we come to compassion, we begin to see the best in people, while they see the best in us.
  • The understanding that every person needs. How often can you see people who hold in their hearts anger and resentment towards others, the reasons for whose actions they do not want to understand. Anger makes them blind and alienates them from others. If you are ready to understand and accept people and the circumstances that force them to act one way or another, you will gain control over the situation and will be able to find a common language with everyone.
  • Respect for people is also a very important criterion. It not only allows us to find inspiration in best qualities others, but also allows you to better see and try to correct your shortcomings. Nobody's perfect; and respect is the only way we can notice the positive in others and strive to improve ourselves. And, like many other values ​​in life, respect tends to be reflected from other people to you - the more respect you have for others, the more respect they show for you.
  • Discipline, which many, unfortunately, confuse with routine and try to avoid it. Routine means that we are sadly doing something very monotonous; Discipline is when a person acts even with some degree of fun, but the main thing that worries him is the complete fulfillment of his duties. A disciplined and responsible person will always respect his own and other people’s time, therefore one of his characteristic features You can call it punctuality.
  • Faith in others. It can also extend to your attitude towards yourself. It is your determination that can lift a person if he has fallen. His self doubt Hard time can be destroyed by your faith in him. And what’s interesting is that this faith is contagious - the more you believe in others, the more your faith in yourself strengthens.
  • Gratitude. When you take just a second to say “thank you,” expressing your appreciation for another, you ignite a huge fire of friendliness and gratitude in return for that person. It is gratitude that helps us see and feel the abundance of joy that our lives are generous with.
  • Forgiveness. The ability to forgive frees us from the pain and anger that keep us stuck in the past. When you forgive, you let go of the hurt and move forward with your life.
  • Friendship. Friends support us, and they are always ready to help with advice if we ask them for it. Friends serve us as support in difficulties and are always with us in joy.
  • Hope. This is exactly the fuel that warms us when we are tired and cannot see the road. Hope assures us that sometimes the question is not “if” it will come true, but “when” it will happen.
  • Optimism. There is an expression: “If you get a lemon, make lemonade out of it!” This is a very valuable quality - to be able to see the good even where it is very difficult to see. People with this quality always have less bad in life than good. Or rather, bad things don’t happen - because they know how to resist them.
  • Patience is a value that creates a better state of mind that is more effective for decision making.
  • Tolerance. There are people with whom we sometimes don't want to deal. But instead of showing them your contempt, it is better to show tolerance - this is the best and worthy alternative.
  • Honesty. This isn't even worth discussing. And don’t be surprised that we name this criterion at the very end - this is because honesty is the foundation on which all other values ​​in life stand, no matter what they are. Honesty isn't just about admitting you made a mistake at work or telling your spouse the truth about where you spent money on their card. Honesty is admitting to yourself that you are not perfect. This is the only way you can influence your life to change it for the better.

How to set and use your main priorities?

There are very effective method define your values, and it is as follows:

  1. Make a list of what seems most important to you in your life - so important that you cannot be happy without it. Your initial list may be very long - that's okay, you'll adjust it later.
  2. Review your list and ask yourself: Is this really something I can’t live happily without? Without this, will my life really seem unbearable? If there is any doubt, remove it from your list.
  3. Repeat this process until your list is reduced to six to ten values. Now you have a list of the most important life values ​​for you. Based on them, you can go through life feeling important and satisfied in everything you do.

Your personal values ​​are made up of everything that has happened in your life, and they include many different influences: the influence of your parents and family, attitude towards religion, your education, artistic preferences, your social circle and many other factors that influence the life experience and prevailing worldview of each person. Effective people always recognize and consider these impacts. environment; they develop a clear, clear, and meaningful “set” of beliefs and priorities. How do you proceed further if you can consider yourself an established person with a coherent value system?

  • You demonstrate and model your priorities in your personal and professional behavior, when making important decisions and during interpersonal interactions.
  • You can rely on your values ​​in the family, building a relationship with your husband and raising children.
  • You adjust and set life goals based on your main personality criteria.

Therefore, choose exactly those meanings that are truly most important to you, the meanings that define your character. They will be one of the most powerful tools available to you to help you become who you want to be. It is a tool for achieving your goals and dreams, a tool for influencing other people and the reality around you. Don't miss your opportunity!

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