How to learn psychic abilities. How can a person develop psychic abilities

Surely, many of us were interested in numerous shows of psychics, and maybe even imagined ourselves in the place of the participants. It seems that they - psychics - everything is given without much effort. Wanted to look into the future - please. Or or even became a different person, reincarnated and was able to look into the soul.

Have you ever had such thoughts? Perhaps you have even wondered how to develop your psychic abilities? But have you been overcome by disbelief that it is possible to gain such almost unlimited power over time and space?
You will be surprised, but everyone can develop. Not only Gurus from India, who have the gift of teleportation, or eminent psychics. You are that psychic.
The only one important point in how - constancy. Do not think that tomorrow you will wake up clairvoyant, just because you really wanted to. Unfortunately no. This is achieved by training - long, daily and focused.
Before developing psychic abilities, let's define the concepts. What is this? God's gift or is everything from the evil one?
In fact, it is neither one nor the other. Remember fire. There were legends that it was stolen from the gods and given to people, for which Prometheus paid dearly. But fire is a common phenomenon, due to the combustion process and the change in materials of their properties under the influence of high temperature. So our supernatural abilities are considered something out of the ordinary, because humanity has only just begun to know them. So far, for us, this is the same as fire for But there is no mysticism in this.
If you do not know how to develop psychic abilities, then start with the simplest. Meditation. How to conduct meditation, each person feels intuitively. It is necessary to go somewhere in nature, in a calm environment and try to forget, or rather, not get hung up on problems today. Do not set super goals for yourself, just give the command to start - relax and not think about anything. When you start to succeed, you can complicate the task. Relax and give yourself a command that, for example, in a dream you will see something from the near future. Something from your day or from what your loved ones will do. Try to learn something from their life. I can say that it works. I myself tried to do this.
I did not specifically study how to develop psychic abilities, but I did something intuitively. Learning to let go domestic problems, I set a goal - to find out something about my relative who lives too far away and with whom we rarely see each other. And one day I dreamed that he divorced his wife. Then it turned out that it did.
Another exercise that will undoubtedly help is to learn to feel the aura. Try to bring your palms together, first with your eyes open, and then with your eyes closed, feel the aura emanating from the palms.
Look at the drawings. Any. Pay attention to what reminds you of this or that bend of the lines. Let him live, as it were, on his own and not connected with the overall picture, but what does, say, the bend of the cloak in the painting "Unknown" remind you of?
And lastly, do not use the services of charlatans. Now there are many schools that will make you a "first level psychic of the highest category" for a fee ... Unfortunately, most of them are only interested in your finances, and not psychic abilities. Few people can be trusted. In the end, arrange a test, ask the psychic to name something from your biography. Just not vague, like, "I see you had a more specific one. How many brothers and sisters do you have? Or show a photo of relatives, relatives, friends and ask them to name a person who is not alive. This will also be an excellent test for those who claims to be your Guru.

How many people have you met in your life who have supernatural powers? Some adhere to the theory that they receive a unique gift only from birth, but there is another opinion: anyone can become a psychic. Which option is closer to you? If you are interested in the question of how to develop psychic abilities in yourself, then further recommendations can help with this. The main thing is to be prepared for hard and regular work on yourself.

How to become a psychic at home

A psychic is a person with overdeveloped in relation to ordinary people sense organs. The owner of a unique gift can feel the approaching danger, communicate with the other world or suggest a solution in difficult situation. For some, such abilities are given from birth, while others have to work to awaken them. How to develop psychic abilities in yourself? You need to train a lot, doing special exercises. Accomplished psychics advise at the same time to study and theoretical basis from books written by experienced people in the field.

How to develop psychic abilities yourself? The main thing is to have a great desire and perseverance. If you are hoping to find a way to become a psychic in 10 minutes or a week, then know that there is no such thing. Better start following a few simple advice how to develop extrasensory perception:

  1. Tune in a positive way, because doubts will only slow down the process.
  2. Pay close attention to all your feelings. Notice every little thing going on around and inside you to pick up supernatural signals.
  3. Write down all your dreams and visions. Get a special notebook for this. So you can track if there is progress after classes.
  4. Often mentally imagine different pictures. Use any photo for this. After looking for a couple of seconds, try with eyes closed reproduce what was seen.
  5. Try the audio hypnosis technique of suggesting positive thoughts.


  1. Focus on your inner self. With your eyes closed, mentally transfer all your attention to a point in the middle of your forehead. It is believed that the "third eye" is located there.
  2. Every morning, make a forecast for the events that will happen. Try to determine what they will be: negative or, on the contrary, will bring unexpected joy.
  3. Try to guess who came when the doorbell or phone rings.

After that, introduce into your practice a few more useful exercises:

  1. Question. Waking up in the morning, ask yourself the so-called question of the day. In the evening, you can compare the morning sensations with what happened.
  2. Stimulation prophetic dreams. When you are about to go to bed, set your body up to see a prophetic dream. You should fall asleep with only one thought - what will happen tomorrow.
  3. Development of intuitive abilities. You need to learn to understand what the other person feels or wants.


best helper of a person in the study of something - these are books. There are several famous authors who have written about unusual abilities and their development:

  1. Jane Roberts, Psychic Powers. After reading, you will be able to open your "third eye", which is waiting for awakening. The publication contains a lot of information on how to properly develop psychic abilities, control power and dreams, predict the future and learn telepathy.
  2. Alexey Pokhabov, "Vertical Will". The winner of the 7th season of the Battle of Psychics program in his book teaches people to feel the world and see its essence. The author believes that this ability opens the way to extrasensory perception and changes in human life.
  3. Gennady Kibardin, "Secrets of clairvoyance: how to develop extrasensory abilities." A psychologist by profession, the author decided to use the book to tell about his own experience in clairvoyance.

Stones that develop psychic abilities

Natural minerals allow the owner to tune in to the same wave with the world. Which stone develops psychic abilities? Here are some examples:

  1. Azurite is the first of all stones. Has the power to increase consciousness.
  2. Heliotrope is an ancient stone used in witchcraft. Included in rings and bracelets.
  3. Sardonyx - able to force the body to heal itself by adjusting correct work all systems. Gives the owner access to hidden information.

Video: is it possible to develop psychic abilities in yourself

The theme of the supernatural does not cease to be one of the most popular. So is it possible ordinary person develop psychic abilities? This question is of interest to many people seeking to acquire a unique gift. If you want to know if you can common man become a psychic yourself - watch the video below with useful information about supernatural abilities and their development.

Each person at least once thought that it would be nice to have special abilities or super-powers that could make life much easier. But not everyone knows that some unusual powers can really be developed in oneself. Of course, they cannot make someone superhuman, but they will quite help in solving important life issues. Such abilities are modern world are called extrasensory, and all people have the makings for their development.
How to determine your level of psychic abilities

Everyone can become a psychic!

By nature, each of us has amazing powers, talents and skills. But each one is developed to a different degree. The same thing happens with the tendency to extrasensory perception. In order to make it clearer in what area and in what ways to develop these abilities, you can test yourself with the help of some tests. One of them is associated with different perceptions reality.

Human perception is divided into several types:
1. Visual;
2. Auditory;
3. Olfactory;
4. Tactile.
To understand which of them prevails in a person, it is necessary to reproduce in your imagination a certain picture that is not associated with a given time and place. For example, you can take a photo of a beach on sea ​​coast or read a piece of text about him and try to imagine yourself on this beach.
If during such visualization a person especially clearly presented solar heat, sand tickling the feet, wet foam running up to the feet or a breath of breeze - he has the most developed tactile perception; if a clear and bright picture of the seascape in all its details appeared before your eyes - visual. The smell of brackish air and fish, hitting the nose, will indicate a good olfactory perception, but the loud cries of seagulls and the rustling of leaves about auditory.

How to find out what your magical abilities are

There are also various signs that indicate a person's propensity for extrasensory-type abilities. For example:
The presence of developed intuition, prophetic dreams, forebodings;
Extraordinary luck;
The presence in the family of healers, sorcerers, healers;
The ability to feel the energy of other people, feel their mood, empathy;
The ability to convince and calm the emotional experiences of people around.
Cases are known when severe stress experienced disasters, operations and clinical deaths people have truly extraordinary abilities. And for someone, a rare gift was inherited from practicing ancestors.

Exercises for the development of psychic abilities

The main factors in strengthening and developing any talents are hard work and daily practice. Extrasensory perception is no exception. Exists a large number of exercises and techniques that allow you to reveal the inner potential of a person to the maximum.
1. Meditation.
Meditative practices force a person to focus attention on his inner "I". This teaches well to listen to your feelings, develops a sixth sense, helps to reveal hidden potential.
2. Exercises for concentration.
Setting up before the start of the day your mind to solve a specific problem, meeting with specific person By asking questions about certain events, a person can develop the ability to predict certain events in life.
3. Aura recognition.
by the most in a simple way to learn to feel the aura, or biofield, of another person - to feel your own energy. To do this, you need to keep your palms parallel to each other for several minutes after meditation. inside, slowly moving away and again bringing them together. At some point, a feeling of density and temperature difference will appear, possibly slight tingling. Through periodic practice, one can develop the ability to distinguish between different types auras in other people.

4. Prophetic dreams.
Often the necessary information can be found in a dream. To do this, it is enough to spend some time before going to bed setting up for tomorrow, posing exciting questions and analyzing possible situations. Human consciousness is able to give the correct answer in a state of sleep.
5. Improving attention.
To recognize the signals given to a person by his intuition or the biofield of certain objects, things, and even people, it is necessary to be able to concentrate on them and not pay attention to the "interference" of the surrounding world. Such signals may be changes in people's behavior, a change in mood, intonation, or even eye color. Often a special glow is formed around the desired object, smells and colors change.
Nowadays, there are even courses and schools for the training of psychics. Practitioners use their experience to help beginners cope with various problems, develop existing skills and find their own unique path in the world of magic and extrasensory perception.

Many people want to connect their lives with mysticism, but not everyone has psychic abilities from birth. However, to develop the sense of smell, vision, hearing and intuition on your own is quite realistic. There are many tests to help determine the abilities you already have at home. In addition, everyone can test their gift with the help of exercises for beginners. They will help develop the ability to read the surrounding energy.

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    How can an ordinary person learn extrasensory perception?

    It will be much easier for a person who has ancestors in his family tree who are seriously interested in witchcraft and magic to master extrasensory knowledge. It is customary to think that the gift can be inherited. But you can develop abilities on your own, you just need to train long and hard.

    Training and practice for a beginner psychic is the most important thing. To achieve the desired results, it is necessary not only to learn the theoretical part, but also to regularly perform a course of certain exercises, moving from the simplest to the most complex. Without them, a novice magician will not be able to gain experience and improve his skills.

    It must be understood that the development of a psychic gift is a laborious process. Someone is born with a talent for clairvoyance, someone quickly realizes that he has great potential, and someone does not know about his abilities until the end of his life.

    Initially, it is worth focusing on the development of intuition. It is important to try to anticipate events that occur in your own life and the lives of those around you.

    The main magical attributes used by a psychic include:

    • mirrors;
    • ritual daggers and knives;
    • candles;
    • tarot cards;
    • runes;
    • minerals.

    Very often, clairvoyants have their own accessories. Such a thing has a special energy that can help the magician see what is inaccessible to ordinary people. In the process of developing your abilities, it is useful to keep a diary or notebook. It indicates all the successes and achievements for a certain period of time. Some make notes so as not to forget the results of past classes.

    Fix new information it is also very important, you should not rely on your memory: on the contrary, you need to completely abstract yourself from thoughts and focus on the development of intuition.

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    Will it be possible to become a psychic in a short time?

    Some mistakenly believe that abilities can be developed very quickly. But this is not so: in 1 minute or in 10 minutes it will not be possible to develop the gift. Experienced clairvoyants work on themselves throughout their lives, so it will take an enormous amount of time to achieve a result.

    If a person is not ready to go along a long and difficult path, then the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbecoming a psychic will not be successful. In order to gain strength inaccessible to most people, you will have to overcome all hardships and difficulties.

    A test that determines psychic abilities

    If it was not possible to find out about the involvement of ancestors in extrasensory perception, then you can try to pass an ability test. It will help determine if a person has a predisposition to magic. The test consists of several questions, the answers to which require points. Points are summed up, on the basis of which a person receives an accurate result. A number of questions need to be answered:

    1. 1. How often are you drawn to specific objects for no apparent reason? - Yes, often (1 point) - No, not often (0 points)
    2. 2. Does it often happen that you think about a person, and he immediately meets you on the street or stands on the threshold of your house? - Yes, often (1 point) - No, not often (0 points)
    3. 3. Do you have prophetic dreams? - Yes, often (1 point) - No, not often (0 points)
    4. 4. Are there certain places that "feed" your strength? Or vice versa, those in which you feel oppressed? - Yes, there are (2 points) - There are no such places (0 points)
    5. 5. Did your ancestors have psychic abilities? - Yes (1 point) - No (0 points)
    6. 6. Do you often pay attention to things, feeling their energy? - Yes (1 point) - No (0 points)
    7. 7. Do you feel a vibration in your body when you go to bed? - Yes, often (2 points) - Sometimes (1 point) - No (0 points)
    8. 8. How often do you feel deja vu? - Often (2 points) - Sometimes (1 point) - Never (0 points)
    9. 9. Can you feel the state of a person if he is physically far from you? - Yes, I can determine the state of any person (2 points) - I can, if a person is close to me (1 point) - No, I can’t (0 points)

    If the result is less than 4 points, then the predisposition is minimal. From 5 to 9 points - the average level. There are inclinations, but it will be difficult to develop them, you will have to make every effort. If more than 10 points are scored, then we are talking about the real gift of clairvoyance - these are very good indicators.

    Exercises for the development of clairvoyance

    Psychic abilities are not only a gift, but also something that can help a person in real life. Therefore, you should study the theory, immediately moving on to practice.

    A clairvoyant must be able to perceive information from several sources, and therefore the exercises are designed for different senses. Abilities may appear unexpectedly, but for this it is necessary to provide certain conditions.

    The development of the vision of the medium

    It is worth starting to exercise with the development of extrasensory vision. It will help to see what is hidden from the eyes of other people. The task of the novice medium is to examine objects in absolute darkness. To do this, you must wait until dusk or go into a room with the lights off. You need to look at one point, choosing one of the objects in the room to train your vision. It can be furniture, clothing, food - whatever.

    The medium must visualize the thing by looking at it in absolute darkness. He must imagine what color, texture, shape, size it is. The task can be complicated by any characteristics. Each time the exercise should become more difficult, only then the result will be noticeable. The most difficult level will be being in an unfamiliar area. You can choose someone else's apartment where the medium has not yet been, or, for example, Vacation home relatives.

    Development of extrasensory hearing

    Listening exercises involve the ability to tune in to sounds environment. In complete silence, the medium is able to hear what no one can hear - energy. The most important thing in this business is the ability to abstract from extraneous noise. If a person’s voice is heard somewhere, then the clairvoyant should try to count the energy of the one who uttered the words he heard.

    It is important to learn how to perceive sounds correctly, feeling the energy that they carry in themselves. You should not think logically, composing images associatively - on the contrary, you need to abstract and try to recreate the image from the information received.

    Smell exercises

    Experienced mediums say that developing the sense of smell is an important part of learning. The aura of each person has a smell, just like the body. If a beginner clairvoyant can receive information through his olfactory receptors, this is a big breakthrough, because he managed to perform one of the most difficult exercises.

    With the help of this skill, you can determine the relationship between people, what unites them and connects them. It's important to try to catch the scent energy field, but not physical body person.

    Psychic touch

    This task is the easiest of all. The medium closes his eyes and begins to examine the object by touch. He is able to feel the texture, consistency, shape, temperature, size. In this exercise, it is important to learn how to read the energy of an object with your fingertips.

    An experienced psychic can start working with people. But it is much more difficult than exercises with inanimate objects. A clairvoyant must be able to determine the part of the body in which a person has tumors, wounds, scars. Professional mediums know how to feel ailments in the body of another person. Clairvoyants who have mastered this gift can heal people and reduce pain.

    Becoming a psychic is not an easy task, because the exercises for developing abilities are very difficult. Some have to train for several years to see the first results. But nothing is impossible: if you take the matter seriously, then sooner or later the desired will become valid.

Scientists say that psychic abilities are dormant in every person. Telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance - all this can become available to each of us. Extrasensory perception is essentially hypersensitivity or an increased ability of the senses to perceive. It is believed that in ancient times, superpowers helped people survive, but with the advent of science and technology, supersensibility has ceased to be a necessity, and abilities have fallen asleep.

Interest in how to develop psychic abilities in oneself is currently being actively fueled by television shows such as "Psychic Battles", where people from all over the country demonstrate the amazing capabilities of the human brain. You may not become Nostradamus or Vanga, but with the help of special training you will learn something.

What you need to develop psychic abilities

It is no secret that a psychic spends much more energy than an ordinary person who does not have superpowers. After making a prediction or a session of telekinesis, a person often feels completely empty and exhausted, which means that he needs additional energy replenishment. How the replenishment of energy forces will take place, in principle, does not matter - it can be meditation, yoga or the use of the energies of the Sun or the Earth. It is known that walks in nature give a large energy charge. Without the ability to replenish the spent energy, it will be quite difficult to engage in extrasensory practices.

To develop psychic abilities, you can try to perform training exercises on the perception of the aura, apply the technique of lucid dreaming or develop intuition.

Aura perception is where to start developing psychic abilities. You can do this in two ways: in one case, you will develop the sensitivity of the hands, in the other, visual perception.

To learn the ability to tactile perception of the aura, you need to start with training the sensitivity of the palms. On initial stage the main task is to feel the boundaries of the aura. To do this, you need to do the following exercise: spread your palms by about 30 cm and gradually slowly bring them together. After touching the palms with each other, slowly spread your arms again. Over time, a sensation should appear that was not there at the beginning of the exercise, for example, a sensation between the palms of warmth or some air resistance - this is how the boundaries of the aura appear. It may not be possible to achieve the desired effect the first time, but if you spend several workouts, the result will certainly be positive. Checked! Moreover, over time, the feeling will become so vivid that it can no longer be confused with anything else. To exacerbate the sensitivity of the palmar surface, some recommend rubbing the palms together. Having trained on yourself, you can try to "feel" the biofield of another person.


Experienced psychics are able to see the aura completely. How far you will advance depends on your perseverance and systematic exercises. For a beginner, only the layer of the aura closest to the body is accessible for perception, since it has the highest density. Before proceeding to the direct examination of the aura, it is necessary to practice in this way: for two or three days, lie down for 10-15 minutes with your eyes closed, considering the images that appear. Then you can try yourself as a psychic. The most famous technique: ask someone to stand in front of a solid wall, preferably white or light. Look with a defocused gaze past the person and into the space behind them. After a short time, you will notice that the contours of a person glow. Here it is - aura!

Lucid dreams are dreams in which we think, touch, in short, feel in the same way as in reality. It is believed that in a dream a person gets rid of the body shell, and his astral body acquires the ability to travel through parallel worlds. Not only that, we are aware that we are dreaming, and this awareness makes it possible to control sleep in order to get answers to any questions of interest.

In the general sense of the word, such a state can hardly be called sleep, because you will feel everything very real, and you may not only not get enough sleep, but also get even more tired. Before falling asleep, you need to clearly formulate your question or task, otherwise there is a great risk of simply falling into a deep sleep, where you will not see or remember anything. Some lucid dreamers use the method to travel the world, visit places of interest. Perhaps in time you will be able to do this.


Intuitive perception will manifest itself only when you learn to move away from the labels hung by society. For example, in order to understand what a person thinks about or how he will behave in a certain situation, you need to get used to the image of this person as much as possible, literally imagine that you are him. Then you will think in his thoughts and feel what he feels.

This is where the development of extrasensory abilities should begin. A great help in this matter will be provided by various books and brochures describing the methods and techniques that interest you. The result will definitely show up sooner or later.

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