Official employment: the meaning and features of the procedure. The main conditions for hiring a new employee - the correct procedure for registration, step by step instructions


  • Employment- a system of activities carried out by state bodies and public organizations in order to assist the population in finding, sending and finding a job, in accordance with the vocation, abilities, vocational training, education and social needs. In accordance with the law, the obligation to ensure the employment of citizens is assigned to territorial bodies public service employment.
  • Employment- the placement of someone to work, assistance in such a device.
  • Employment- job security.


  • Big accounting dictionary.
  • Ozhegov S., Shvedova N. " Dictionary Russian language".
  • Financial Encyclopedic Dictionary.
  • "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language", edited by Efremova T. F.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


See what "Employment" is in other dictionaries:

    Employment … Spelling Dictionary

    Employment- the process of employment is the selection of a place of work and appropriate registration by concluding an employment contract with a specific employer. At the same time, in a broad sense, employment is any process of finding a job ... ... Encyclopedic dictionary-reference book of the head of the enterprise

    The system of measures carried out by state bodies and public organizations in order to assist the population in finding, referral and employment, in accordance with the vocation, abilities, professional training, ... ... Financial vocabulary

    EMPLOYMENT, a, cf. (official). Someone's device to work, assistance in such a device. T. graduates of the school. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Ex., number of synonyms: 3 crewing (1) providing work (1) device (117) ... Synonym dictionary

    employment- A system of measures carried out by state bodies, public organizations, as well as enterprises specializing in the provision of this service in order to assist the population in finding, sending and applying for a job, in ... ... Technical Translator's Handbook

    Employment- (eng. job placement; fr. organization du travail) in the Russian Federation, a system of events carried out by state bodies, public organizations, as well as enterprises specializing in the provision of this service in order to assist the population in finding ... Encyclopedia of Law

    employment- , a, cf. The system of organizational and legal measures in the Soviet Union to assist citizens in finding a job. ◘ Employment of the demobilized. Employment Commission. MAC, vol. 4, 419 ... Explanatory Dictionary of the Language of Soviet Deputies

    employment- EMPLOYMENT, a, cf. Officer. The totality of organizational and legal measures to assist citizens in finding a job. Employment Commission. Employment of the disabled... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

    In the USSR, the state system of organizational and legal measures to assist in finding a job. Carried out by state bodies for the use of labor resources: State committees Council of Ministers of the Union ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


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About the "black lists" aroused great interest, and today I would like to tell you what you and the employer should do in order to correctly issue labor Relations.

When applying for a job, you must initially agree on the conditions under which you will formalize the relationship. It's no secret that there are companies that delay the process of official employment, and the employee's ignorance of their rights exacerbates the situation even more.

5 steps for formal employment

1. You are writing a job application. In it, indicate the name of the organization, the name of the head, your position, structural unit, admission conditions and date.

The head endorses the application, indicates the salary in it, signs and dates. Then the application for employment is submitted to the personnel department along with all the necessary documents.

2. You get acquainted with the rules of the internal work schedule, a collective agreement and other office (Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

3. The employer concludes an employment contract with you. It indicates the time of work and rest, vacation, salary and all allowances (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The contract is signed by both parties. One copy is kept in the personnel department, the other is with you. An employer's refusal to execute an employment contract is a violation of the law.

By the way: if you have already started working, and the contract has not yet been signed, it is considered that it is concluded automatically (Article 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is necessary to fix the employment relationship on paper within three working days from the moment of your arrival. It's against the law to waste time.

4. The personnel department issues an order for employment. You get to know him and sign.

5. Entry in the work book. By law, it must appear within a week from the date of issuance of the order for employment.

If the employer refuses to make an entry in the work book, he violates the law. And it does not matter at all that you are working temporarily or are on probation. According to the Labor Code (Article 66), an entry in the work book is due to each employee (not a part-time worker) who has worked in the company for more than five days.

Requirements for the registration of an employee for work, named in Labor Code, may vary slightly. However, conscientious companies prefer not to delay this process. They quickly draw up documents, make an entry in the work book, and the new employee becomes a full-time employee.

And of course, if you haven't already, read the Labor Code!

Good luck finding a job!
Oksana Matveenko

Usually new job searching on their own. The Internet is full of databases: look for options, send resumes, get interviews. Nobody canceled the employment "acquaintance". And yet, one more possibility should not be ignored: the employment service. Employment with its help has some advantages. Which ones and how to use them, Rostrud specialists told RG.

For example, my friend higher education, while he was unemployed, he went through the employment service courses in a hairdresser, and this helped his family to hold out in difficult times. Later, he found a job in his specialty and changed scissors for a computer. But until now, he is happy to cut his family and friends, does it efficiently and jokes that if he loses his job again, he will definitely open his own salon.

Where and how to apply?

You can contact, be sure to personally, at any "Public Employment Center" regardless of place of residence. Receipt of state services of assistance in finding a job is not tied to the place of registration of a citizen.

What documents will be needed?


  • for the disabled - an individual rehabilitation program with recommendations on the conditions and nature of work.


Documents confirming the profession, qualifications:

  • labor contracts and contracts;
  • documents on education, on training in courses, on academic degrees and titles;
  • documents confirming the termination of employment (a copy of the order of dismissal, etc.).

Also may be useful:

Documents confirming that you are classified in special categories:

  • single and large parents; parents (adoptive parents, guardians) of disabled children;
  • dismissed from military service or members of their families;
  • victims of Chernobyl and other radiation accidents and disasters.

Important! If you intend to apply for unemployment benefits, you will have to contact the employment service at the place of permanent registration (even if you temporarily lived and worked in another region).

In this case, it will be mandatory the following documents:

  • passport or a document replacing it;
  • work book or its duplicate;
  • documents on education and qualifications, on training, on academic degrees and titles;
  • certificate of average earnings for the last 3 months at the last place of work;
  • for the disabled - an individual rehabilitation program.

How are vacancies selected?

After registration, an employee of the Employment Center will set a date for a visit to select a job. The term should not exceed 11 days from the date of presentation of all documents. The employment service has the right to verify the accuracy of the information provided. In particular, information on other types of employment is checked (individual entrepreneurship, full-time education, work under civil law contracts).

Important! The average earnings for the last three months must be calculated by the employer in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of August 12, 2003 N 62.

Other certificates of average earnings, including a certificate of income in the form of 2-NDFL, cannot replace a certificate submitted to the employment service.

What to do if there is no salary certificate?

Help needed for selection suitable job, and to decide on the amount of unemployment benefits or scholarships (if a citizen is sent to study). In any case, a citizen can apply to the court to establish the fact of the absence (impossibility of providing) required documents and the right to register for suitable employment and as unemployed in their absence.

What kind of work can be offered?

If a citizen registers with the employment service within 12 months after dismissal, workplace is selected taking into account the profession, position, level of education and qualifications. The average salary for the last 3 months is also taken into account. The transport accessibility of the workplace is also taken into account (if it is difficult and long to get to work, then such places should not be offered).

When choosing the right job not allowed:

  • offering the same job option twice;
  • a job offer that will require relocation (without the consent of the citizen);
  • offer of work that does not comply with labor protection standards;
  • a job offer with earnings below the average earnings for the last 3 months by latest work(if the salary was below the subsistence level of the able-bodied population in the region).

If the average salary exceeded the subsistence level, work with earnings below this threshold cannot be offered.

How is employment going?

A citizen is issued a job referral, but no more than two at a time. Candidates of citizens, if they agree to a vacancy, are agreed with employers. The employer within five days returns to the Employment Center a referral indicating the date when the citizen was hired.

If the citizen is refused, the employer makes a note in the referral on the day the citizen appeared and the reason for the refusal, and returns the referral to the citizen.

Important! At the next visit to the Employment Center, you need to return the referral to work (tear-off part) with the employer's mark, certified by the signature of the authorized person and the seal.

What if there is no suitable job?

If the citizen agrees, he can be offered:

  • work in a related profession;
  • participation in public works;
  • participation in job fairs and training jobs, career guidance.

If the employment service was unable to offer a suitable job within 10 days from the date of registration, the citizen is recognized as unemployed from the day he submitted the documents.

Important! Citizens are notified in writing (against signature) by the Employment Center that they are registered to search for a job, the date of the next visit to select a vacancy, the date for making a decision on recognition as unemployed and registration.

In what cases is a citizen not recognized as unemployed?

  • If a citizen has refused 2 options for a suitable job (including temporary work), within 10 days from the date of registration;
  • if a citizen did not appear within 10 days from the date of registration with the Employment Center to select a suitable job; absence for a valid reason must be documented (sick leave, certificate of participation in the trial as a juror, certificate of fire, etc.);
  • if a citizen did not appear within the time period established by the Employment Center to make a decision on recognizing him as unemployed;
  • if the submitted documents contained false information.

Important! Citizens who are denied recognition as unemployed have the right to re-apply to the employment service one month from the date of refusal.

The Employment Center notifies the citizen in writing (against signature) or by mail about the refusal to recognize him as unemployed and register him within 24 hours from the date of such a decision.

Help "RG"

The procedure and conditions for recognizing citizens as unemployed are regulated by Article 3 of the Law Russian Federation dated April 19, 1991 N 1032-1 "On employment in the Russian Federation" and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 7, 2012 N 891 "On the procedure for registering citizens in order to find suitable work, registering unemployed citizens and requirements for the selection of suitable work ".

When you apply for a job, the employer usually enters into an employment contract or contract with you and collects work book, in which he subsequently makes notes on rewards and punishments, promotions and other at least important information. But this is all ideal. As for practice, everyone is well aware that today many employers do not formalize their employees.
In our country, after a few years, this trend has become a kind of norm. Now it is not often possible to meet an employer who registers all employees and pays all these employees the official white salary in full. In our time, employment can be both formal and informal - it all depends on the conditions proposed by the employer and the employee's consent to them. Moreover, many people treat this fact quite calmly, and if there is a proper level wages agree to work informally. How right they are, of course, is not for us to judge, but it is worth considering the consequences of this employment so that each person can choose the option that suits him and not subsequently get into a mess.
Informal employment has both its advantages and disadvantages for the employee. However, everyone should choose the right option for himself, as people can be different and have different preferences. After all, someone can agree to conditions that will be completely unacceptable to another person.
Traditionally, formal employment includes a full social package. This means that the employee will be paid: maternity leave, sick leave, as well as promotions and bonuses. Also, official employment involves deductions to tax service and a pension fund. As for the working schedule of citizens during official registration, in this case it is clearly defined, as, indeed, the amount of wages.
If a person gets a job without official registration, then in this case, the employer can add working hours, and at the same time, not pay them. However, in this case, there will be no one to complain to, since there are no official relations between the employer and the employee. It is in such cases that formal employment is a significant advantage. If you have such problems, then you can safely file a complaint with the appropriate authorities. But, let's talk about everything in order, so as not to miss a single detail. So, what are the pros and cons of informal employment? Below we will consider all the factors, but I would like to immediately note that there are much more disadvantages with this design than advantages. Despite this, many private companies and individual entrepreneurs are in no hurry to formalize all their employees and only recognize informal employment.
However, be that as it may, I would also like to note that informal employment has some positive sides. Here are the most significant of them:
- with informal registration, you do not pay taxes and pension contributions, which in our time often result in quite a round sum. If you do not work officially, then you do not need to pay taxes, since officially you are an unemployed person;
- with informal registration, the employer will not be able to make a negative entry in your work book. Even if you screwed up or simply did not work very conscientiously, the employer will not be able to formalize his dissatisfaction with your dishonest work or regular delays. However, if you are an exemplary worker and are very proactive at work, then, unfortunately, he will not be able to write praise there either. For this reason, this item is a plus only for not very conscientious workers;
- and finally, with informal registration, there is no legal responsibility of employees, as well as employers. So, not only the employer will be able to leave you without a salary or bonus with impunity. But you, if you screw up seriously, will also not bear any legal responsibility to the employer, or to his partners, or to other authorities, regarding the activities at this enterprise. Those were the positives.
Now let's talk about the disadvantages of this type of employment, which, as already mentioned, are predominantly more.
- the first and most significant drawback is, of course, the lack of a social package. If you work unofficially, then you are unlikely to receive paid leave, and no one will pay you for sick leave. All this applies to other social benefits and benefits. Therefore, before signing up for informal employment, think about it. possible consequences;
- also, the consequence of informal employment will be the subsequent absence of documented work experience. Yes, you will say that a person gets skills anyway, which he can later use at another enterprise. However, in our difficult time, few employers take their word for it;
- well, and, of course, if you are not officially registered, then here, the advantage indicated above, which is associated with the legal responsibility of the parties, can become a significant drawback. After all, if you are not formally registered, then in case of violation of your rights by the employer, you will not be able to present him with official claims;
In addition to formal and informal employment, there are also intermediate employment options. Here I mean such cases when the employer formalizes the employees, but at the same time sets its own conditions for the method of payment of wages and social benefits. Yes, you understood me absolutely correctly. It's about about such a thing as wages "in an envelope". Now this method of employment is very common, since a person with this registration seems to have some benefits and guarantees, however, the employer does not pay taxes in full, which saves his budget significantly. Of course, everything is fine when there are no problems, but what is the probability that in the future you will not have them either?
If you nevertheless agree to a salary “in an envelope”, then do not forget to also clarify with the employer the following questions: what part of the salary will be paid in an envelope, and in relation to what salary (official or full) will you be credited with benefits and social benefits? Before agreeing to this vacancy, inquire about all the intricacies of employment and carefully weigh the pros and cons. Then, your choice will be made, if not quite right, then at least consciously.

The economy of the Russian Federation is increasingly taking on a market character, which also has an impact on the social sphere. In the harsh conditions of a planned economy, it was not possible to develop specific forms labor relations. Market reforms corrected this situation, making it possible to single out new forms and types of employment. As a result, the employment market has become more streamlined. The public sector has sufficient popularity among the population. Private, although it occupies a certain niche in the market, but not in such a volume as to suppress the state. This material will describe the concept and types of employment.

What is included in the concept of employment?

Many definitions describe the concept of "rational employment". Species are completely different definitions. But in a broad sense, the essence lies in the complex of certain activities that have a different character. These are activities related to organization, finance and law. All of them are aimed at providing the inhabitants of the state with work.

All types of employment in Russia are only forms of activity permitted by law. This also includes those species that are characterized by individual provision. This is, for example, private enterprise or farming. Also, types of employment are such forms of activity that can be carried out thanks to an existing license from government agencies or private organizations.

What does the concept of employment mean?

Employment is a human activity, the purpose of which is to satisfy personal needs (mainly material), that is, to generate income. These actions must comply with state regulations. According to Russian law, every citizen has the right to dispose of work resources and creative potential at his own discretion. It is the fulfillment of such requirements that is necessary in order to characterize rational employment. Types of employment, regardless of their characteristics, do not imply any coercive measures. The Constitution of the Russian Federation says that the realization of the right to work should be initiated by the person himself and carried out by him in a free form.

Employed segments of the population

The concept of employment and employment (their types) cannot be complete without a description of the circle of persons who are the subjects of such relations. The subjects of labor relations are citizens who get a job, as well as employers.

All types of employment for work are purposeful actions in relation to a subject. An employed person is a person who is a citizen of the Russian Federation and who works due to the conclusion of an agreement that establishes labor relations. The list of such persons is quite extensive and includes the following categories:

  1. People who perform a certain set of actions that have a paid basis. The employee is paid remuneration for the work done, which he performs within the framework of a full or shortened working day. This includes both permanent service and temporary, seasonal types of employment.
  2. Persons having the status of private entrepreneurs and engaged in commercial activities.
  3. Ancillary workers, whose essence of earnings is the sale of goods in accordance with the conclusion of supply contracts.
  4. Persons who have entered into contracts that have a civil law basis. They are drawn up regarding the performance of work or the provision of services. The parties to the agreement may be individual entrepreneurs.
  5. People who have received a position or appointment for which remuneration is due.
  6. Persons involved in law enforcement agencies, such as the fire department, internal affairs bodies, criminal authorities.
  7. People in the military or alternative civilian service.
  8. Students and students of general education institutions, primary, secondary and higher professional institutions.
  9. Persons who, for certain reasons, cannot conduct their usual labor activity. Among such factors, one can list the lack of ability to work, taking refresher courses, vacation, sick leave, reprofiling, temporary shutdown of the institution, preparation for service in the armed forces, and more.
  10. People who are founders of organizations. The exception to this paragraph is religious, social and charity organisations, because there are no property rights in relation to such created structures.

How is employment carried out?

All types of employment in Russia have common sense, which consists in an order consisting of successive steps that should ultimately lead to obtaining a job. In a narrower sense, this definition means the assistance of state bodies to their citizens in the form of providing vacancies. This includes not only assistance in finding an appropriate job, but also retraining, and retraining, and transfer. That is, these are the actions that are aimed at the realization by a person of his right to free labor. But at the same time, the law does not prohibit the implementation of actions to find a job by a person in individually. From this it follows that the types of employment for work on such a classification basis as a method of implementation are as follows:

  • independent;
  • through government agencies.

This process plays important role in public and social life, as it helps a person to exercise his right to get a job. On the part of employers, this is a plus in terms of the selection of qualified workers or the necessary force. Another advantage of employment is a good coefficient of efficiency, that is, a person with maximum benefit realizes his work time without loss to search for vacancies.

How is this process carried out with the help of state bodies?

This process can be carried out with the help of special bodies. These include mainly institutions such as employment services. This way of carrying out this action is called special. His distinctive feature is that, unlike the independent variant, it characterizes only the types of official employment.

Although labor is considered, according to the legislation in the Russian Federation, to be free, tough measures can characterize the implementation of this process with the help of state influence. For example, this can include recruitment, which is carried out in an organized manner, and the direction of persons to objects. It was more popular during the period of active development of the planned economy and is practically absent in given period time. This was used in order to make this area more rational and provide human resources to those regions where they are sorely lacking.

Also, special employment refers to the direction of students who have completed professional educational establishments. This is done through the conclusion of the appropriate kind of contracts with enterprises and institutions, which involve the recruitment of young employees.

Another plus in the implementation of this process with the help of state bodies is that they have the right to subject jobs to quotas. This allows special segments of the population to find jobs.

What categories of citizens are eligible for preferential jobs?

Certain segments of the population are entitled to social protection in the form of assistance for the realization of the right to work. The list of such people includes the following categories:

  • those with disabilities;
  • those who have been in places of deprivation of liberty;
  • those who have not reached the age of eighteen;
  • those who have two years left to complete before retirement;
  • migrants and refugees;
  • single mothers and large families;
  • parents raising a child with a disability;
  • those who are looking for a job for the first time;
  • those who graduated from specialized educational institutions.

How is this process of employment of disabled people carried out?

Types of employment of disabled people are very important in social sphere, since it is these people who make up a special category of the employed. Quotas apply to such vacancies that can allow people with handicapped. These persons cannot be 100% active in society. It is the search for work that helps disabled people regain their place in society, recover morally and become full members of society. Thanks to this process, a person can again feel needed and important, feel that he benefits other people.

Quota is a formal requirement that applies to all private entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs must allocate a certain proportion of vacancies for people with a disability group. However, the statutory percentage in Russia is quite low.

How is this process carried out for minors?

Types of employment of minors occupy their own niche in the employment market. This process is carried out in relation to this category of citizens according to specific rules. In most countries of the world, for persons under the age of eighteen, the possibility of obtaining a job is regulated by legislation separately.

According to Russian regulatory legal acts, the opportunity to enter into an agreement with employers appears upon reaching the age of sixteen. But the exception is fifteen-year-olds who received a secondary school education or are trained in individual program. They are allowed to perform simple tasks that do not negative impact on health and do not interfere with the development and life. A younger age category can be involved in the work process only as a part-time job. Labor should allow the teenager to continue his education. But this action is allowed for this age category only with the consent of the parents or guardians.

That is, persons who have not reached the age of majority can be involved in any type of work, with the exception of gambling establishments, nightclubs. They are forbidden to deal with cigarettes, alcohol and psychotropic substances. They should not be engaged in work that could potentially be harmful to health. That is, the transfer of weights and loads is limited to a certain weight.

All types of employment related to minors are accompanied by the passage of a medical commission, which must issue its opinion.

Teenagers may not be employed at work in holidays and night time. Overtime work is also prohibited for this category. It is not allowed to send them on a business trip.

For such workers, a reduced work week is established. For persons under the age of sixteen, this number is twenty-four hours. For teenagers from sixteen to eighteen years old, this time is thirty-five hours a week.

Underage workers have additional guarantees. That is, an employer cannot voluntarily fire a teenager. This can only be done with the help of the state labor inspectorate.

An employer who employs a minor must understand that he is obliged to provide annual leave. It must be at least one month old. And he was financially compensated.

Compensation for the work done for teenagers is calculated in relation to the hours worked.

How is this process carried out without a work book?

Types of employment without a work book are quite real option In Russian federation. This option is within the law. However, a work book is the document that confirms that a person was involved in the work process. It contains full information about a person, which is necessary for the further implementation of such activities. That is, this is information about education, specialty received, dates of employment and the name of the organization. The document indicates the position and reasons for dismissal.

The work book confirms the fact of employment. But it is quite possible that this document is not required. This is quite realistic, but it requires the execution of another document, which is a civil law contract. The second way is part-time work. That is, one main work is framed according to the work book, and the second - by special agreement.

The last device option without this document is all types of employment. That is, it is labor provided by agreement with individual. If this is done legally, then an agreement must be drawn up between the employer and the employee. At the same time, the one who pays for the provision of the service must also make contributions to organizations such as the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund.

But most often, institutions that do not make entries in the work book, thus trying to hide from the law. This is mainly due to the concealment of the current financial situation, that is, non-payment of contributions.

Those who agree to work on such conditions most often face such problems as the lack of vacation, sick pay and maternity leave. And you can't be 100% sure of the stability of such work.

An important point is that the contract, which is concluded instead of writing in a work book, is of a civil nature, and not of a labor one. The parties in it are the customer and the contractor. Such contracts are of several types:

  • author's;
  • agency;
  • for contract work.

All of the above types have common features. For example, they must be in two copies, fix the details of the parties, deadlines and the amount of remuneration.

What are the types of employment?

Types of employment in the Russian Federation are represented by four main categories. The most common is a job that has a permanent basis. It is she who brings stable income. It is preferred, as this species provides certain social guarantees. A person is protected, both socially and legally. In the event of job loss or unemployment, such a person may qualify for benefits. A certain percentage of the salary goes to the balance pension fund which provides material support in old age. The advantage of this type of employment is also the possibility of obtaining a loan.

The second type is a part-time job. Most often this is a part-time job that brings a small income. Such employment is common among students.

The third type is contract work. The amount written in it is fixed, and no deductions are made from it. Tax fees must be paid in this case by yourself.

Types of employment do not necessarily provide for material remuneration. Volunteering is one such example. Although it does not provide any financial benefit, its advantage is the acquisition of useful skills and connections.

On this moment there are several other types of employment. These include freelancing and remote work via the Internet. Professionals in many industries can provide their services to employers from all over the world.

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